



1.The knowledge and skills the trainees have learned can help them make a clear _____ between what is right and wrong.

A.distance B.distinction C.donation D.defense




考查名词。A. distance距离;B. distinction 区别,差别;C. donation 捐款;D. defense防卫,防护。句意:受训者所学到的知识和技能可以帮助他们区分对错。故选B。

2.The girl received no approval of his family as her marriage with an African boy was regarded as a ____ from tradition.

A.violation B.departure

C.withdrawal D.separation




考查名词的词义辨析。A. violation违反,妨碍;B. departure离开,出发;C. withdrawal撤退,收回;D. separation分离,分开。句意:这个女孩没有得到家人的认可因为她与非洲人的婚姻被认为是背离传统的。结合句意可知答案为B。

3.As an American living in-Tianjin for about 10 years, Chris says that it has been a ________ be a witness to China’s great progre ss.

A.privilege B.preference C.priority D.principle




考查名词辨析。句意:作为一个在天津生活了大约10年的美国人,克里斯说,能够见证中国的巨大进步是一种荣幸。A. privilege 荣幸;B. preference偏爱;C. priority 优先;D. principle原则。privilege“荣幸”符合句意。故A选项正确。

4.How amazing it is that Zuckberg can speak Chinese! After all, it is a big_____ for any westerner to learn such a totally different language.

A.adventure B.achievement

C.trend D.challenge




考查名词词义辨析。A. adventure冒险;B. achievement成就;C. trend趋势;D. challenge 挑战。句意:扎克伯格会说中文是多么令人吃惊啊!毕竟,对任何西方人来说,学习一门完全不同的语言是一个巨大的挑战。根据句意可知此处表示“挑战”,故D项正确。

5.It can’t be a(n) _______that four jewelry stores were robbed in one night. A.coincidence B.accident

C.incident D.chance



词义辨析。 A.巧合;一致 B. 事故;意外 C.事件;事变 D. 机会。句意:四家珠宝商店在一夜之间被抢劫不会是一起事故。含有意外的意思,故选B。

6.—You’ve taken the lead in the test again. Can you share your ______ for success with us?— Remember, the early bird catches the worm.

A.bonus B.recipe

C.glory D.fancy




考查名词辨析。句意:——你又在考试中领先了。你能和我们分享一下你成功的秘诀吗?——记住,早起的鸟儿有虫吃。A. bonus奖金;红利;B. recipe食谱;秘诀;C. glory光荣;荣誉;D. fancy幻想;想象力。根据句意故选B。

7.Please read the ______ on the bottle and take the right amount of medicine. A.explanations B.instructions C.descriptions D.introductions




考查名词辨析。句意:请阅读瓶子上的说明,并服用适量的药物。A. explanations解释;B. instructions说明;C. descriptions描述;D. introductions介绍。由“take the right amount of medicine.”可知,应该按照瓶子上的说明服用适量的药物。所以instructions“说明”符合句意。故B选项正确。

8.---Did you see the new movie directed by that famous director? It’s said to be ______gr eat success.

---No, I have been busy preparing all the office______ these days.

A./; equipments B.the; equipment C./; equipment D.a; equipment




考查冠词和名词复数。句意:---你看过那位著名导演,导演的新电影了吗?据说非常成功。---没有,这些天我一直在忙着准备所有的办公设备。success为不可数名词,但a success强调是“一件〔个〕成功的事或人。这是抽象名词的具体化的用法。 equipment为不可数名词,没有复数形式,不要不定冠词来修饰。故D选项正确。




He has a great interest in English.他对英语显得很感兴趣。




in surprise惊讶地 a surprise一件令人惊讶的事

win success获得成功 a success一个(件)成功的人(事)

分析句子可知,success为不可数名词,但a success强调是“一件〔个〕成功的事或人。这是抽象名词的具体化的用法。 equipment为不可数名词,没有复数形式,不要不定冠词来修饰。故D选项正确。

9.The organization was founded for the ________ of poor children.

A.benefit B.interest C.advantage D.value




考查名词词义辨析。句意:这个组织是为了贫困儿童的利益而建立的。A. benefit好处;利益;B. interest兴趣;爱好;C. advantage优势;D. value价值。根据句意故选A。

10.Somehow Pavel’s words made sense to Bruno and he resisted the ________ to say “Ow” any more, and when Pavel finished applying the green liquid he took a bandage from the first-aid box and taped it to the cut.

A.convenience B.trick C.impression D.urge





说“噢”的冲动。当帕维尔涂完这种绿色液体后,他从急救箱里拿出一条绷带,把它绑在伤口上。A. convenience方便;B. trick诡计,窍门;C. impression印象;D. urge强烈的欲望。根据句意故选D。

11.Seeing the happy ________ of children playing in the park, I’m overjoyed and sure of the future of our country.

A.sight B.view C.scene D.sign




考查名词词义辨析。句意:看到孩子们在公园里玩耍的快乐场面,我欣喜若狂,对我们国家的未来充满信心。A. sight视力;眼界;见解;B. view视野;意见;风景;C. scene场面;情景;D. sign标志;符号。根据语境,此处表达“看到孩子们在公园嬉戏的快乐情景(scene)”之意,scene常指包含人的活动的场景,其他三项均不符合语境,故选C。

12.I have absolutely no ________ the students who get caught cheating in exams even though they were seriously punished.

A.impact on B.sympathy for

C.concern about D.complaint about




考查短语辨析。句意:我绝对不同情那些考试作弊被抓的学生,即使他们受到了严厉的惩罚。A. impact on影响;B. sympathy for同情;C. concern about担心;关心;D. complaint about投诉;对……抱怨。根据句意可知选B。

13.I can’t say which one is best——it’s________personal taste.

A.a lack of B.a means of C.a manner of D.a matter of




考查名词短语辨析。句意:我无法说哪一个最好---这是个人品味问题。A. a lack of 缺乏;

B. a means of方式,方法;

C. a manner of方式;

D. a matter of…的问题。根据句意可得知D 选项符合题意。故选D。

14.His conflicted with that of the other witnesses and yet his story had, for me, the ring of truth.

A.expectation B.instruction

C.response D.account




考查名词辨析。句意:他的叙述与其他目击者讲的有矛盾。然而在我看来,他所说的有可能是真的。A. expectation期望;B. instruction指示;C. response 回应 ;D. account陈述。由“yet his story”可知,account符合句意。故D选项正确。

15.Deliberately push yourself out of your ________. Try things that you do not normally try. A.origin B.budget C.routine D.identity




考查名词词义辨析。A. origin起源;B. budget预算;C. routine常规,惯例;D. identity身份。句意:故意让自己脱离常规。尝试一些你通常不会尝试的事情。结合句意可知答案为C。

16.﹣Did you see the new movie directed by that famous director? It's said to be ________ great fun.

﹣No. I have been busy repairing all the broken office ________ these days.()A.a; equipment B.the; equipments

C./; equipment D./;equipments





17.People are very frightened when they think of the in which someone is eaten by a tiger. A.sight B.scene C.view D.sign




考查名词辨析。句意:人们一想到有人被老虎吃掉的情景就非常害怕。A. sight视野B. scene场景C. view视线D. sign标志。根据句意及常识,人脑海中浮现的一般是一个场景。只有B项符合。故选B。

18.After the earthquake, the first thing the government did was to provide ______for the homeless families.

A.accommodation B.resources C.furniture D.recreation




考查名词辨析。句意:地震后,政府做的第一件事就是为无家可归的家庭提供住处。A. accommodation住处;B. resources资源;物力;C. furniture家具;D. recreation反应。根据句意故选A。

19.Charles Darwin explained the ________ of species on earth in his book that came out in1859. A.ancestor B.origin C.belief D.custom




考查名词。句意:查尔斯·达尔文在他1859年出版的书中解释了地球上物种的起源。A. ancestor祖先;B. origin起源;C. belief信仰;D. custom习惯,风俗。结合句意可知答案为B。

20.This new phone is aimed at young people in the 18- 25 age ______ and in the eye of them, the product can ______ a message to other people that they are well-off.

A.range; deliver B.dimension; convey C.range; convey D.dimension; deliver 【答案】C



考查名词和动词辨析。句意:这款新手机针对的是18- 25岁的年轻人,在他们眼中,这款产品可以向其他人传达一个信息,他们很富裕。短语in ...age range“在……年龄范围内”,故第一空应用range,dimension表示“尺寸;体积”;第二空中deliver表示“交付;递送”,convey表示“传达;传输”,结合句意故选C。

21.More than half of the participants said that getting married was not an

important___________ for becoming an adult.

A.tension B.restriction C.circulation D.criterion




考查名词。句意:超过一半的受访者表示,结婚并不是成为成年人的重要标准。A. tension 紧张;B. restriction限制,约束;C. circulation流通,传播;D. criterion标准,准则。根据getting married和becoming an adult可知,结婚是成为一个成年人的“准则”。故选D。

22.During the Song Dynasty, people played a game called cuju, which is regarded as the ______

of ancient football.

A.resource B.cause C.origin D.reason




考查名词词义辨析。句意:在宋朝,人们玩一种被称为蹴鞠的游戏,它被认为是古代足球的起源。A. resource 资源;B. cause原因;事业;C. origin起源;D. reason原因;足球是由古代的蹴鞠演变而来,也就是说蹴鞠是足球的起源。根据句意可知C项正确。

23.I would like to thank all of you who made the effort. It is a relief that employees so clearly show their _______ to their job. Thank you.

A.devotion B.application C.connection D.invitation




考查名词词义辨析。句意:我要感谢所有付出努力的人。员工们如此热爱自己的工作让人感到欣慰。谢谢。A. devotion奉献,专心;B. application申请;C. connection联系;D. invitation邀请。devotion to 意为“献身于,热爱”,因此使用devotion符合句意,故选A。

24.The self-driving smart bus is already operating in 10 cities across China, with the

latest_______ in Shanghai in August.

A.exploration B.exclusion C.expansion D.explosion




考查名词词义辨析。句意:自动驾驶智能巴士已经在中国10个城市投入运营,最新的一次扩展是今年8月在上海。A. exploration探索,勘探;B. exclusion排外;C. expansion扩大,扩展;D. explosion爆炸。根据句意及选项,此处是说自动驾驶智能巴士最新一次投入使用是在上海。故选C。

25.As all the readers can see, the painting presents the children’s mood before the trip and after the trip in a sharp ____.

A.opposite B.contrast C.comparison D.contrary




考查名词词义辨析。句意:正如读者们所看到的,这幅画呈现了孩子们出游前后的心情,二者是截然相反的。A. opposite对立面;B. contrast对照;C. comparison比较;D. contrary 相反。此处对比孩子们出游前后的心情,in a sharp contrary表示“恰恰相反”,故D项正


26.Anyone who is in ________ of weapons without permission is considered law-breaking. A.command B.control C.charge D.possession




考查名词词义和短语辨析。句意:没有许可证而拥有武器的人被认为违法。A. command命令;B. control 控制;C. charge负责;D. possession拥有。根据句意可知,此处固定短语in possession of“拥有”符合语境。故选D。

27.Those who suffer from headache will find they get ____ from this medicine.

A.relief B.security C.mercy D.protection丹3【答案】A




本题考查名词词义辨析。解题步骤:1.确定各项意思:A. relief缓解;B. security安全;C. mercy仁慈;D. protection保护;2.确定答案:结合后文from this medicine可知是表示“这种药会使他们的头痛得到缓解”。句意:头痛的人会发现这种药会使他们得到缓解。故选A。

28.The system has been designed to give its users quickly and easy ___to the required information.

A.way B.approach

C.manner D.access




考查名词词义辨析。句意:这套系统设计的目的是为了让学生快捷方便地获得信息。A. way方式;方法;B. approach方法;C. manner方式;D. access接近(的机会);使用之权。access to接近,有权使用;进入,通向……的路口。access to“有权使用;查阅(或使用)的机会(或权利)”,根据句意,故选D。

29.The principal's opening _____ at the new year's party threw the students into excitement. A.ethic B.remarks

C.attention D.possessions




考查名词辨析。句意:校长在新年晚会上的开场白使学生们兴奋不已。A. ethic伦理; B. remarks评论;C. attention注意力;D. possessions财产,根据题意,故选B。

30.I have a deep ________ for the city where I spent my childhood.

A.admission B.addition C.affection D.adaptation




考查名词词义辨析。句意:我对我度过童年的城市有着深厚的感情。A. admission承认;B. addition添加;C. affection感情;D. adaptation适应。have a(n)…affection for表示“对某人/物有着……样的感情”,故C项正确。


2013高考语文试题汇编之——成语(词语) 1.(广东卷)下面语段中画线的词语,使用不恰当的一项是 在许多人眼里,美术馆一直是阳春白雪的代名词,是少数有艺术造诣的人出入的地方,里面陈列的通常是看不太懂的作品。但如果你到台湾的美术馆去转转,你一定不会失望。台湾的美术馆数量众多,有大有小,风格迥异。其中规模最大的两处是新北市的朱铭美术馆和台中市的“台湾美术馆”。置身其中,你会发现那里艺术不再是高高在上的物品,而是像站立在你身边懂你的知心朋友。 A.阳春白雪 B.通常 C.迥异 D.高高在上 【答案】D 【解析】本题考查考生对词语的正确理解和运用的能力;能力层级E。 今年的命题思路与2012年大致相同,继续采用一个语段集中考查四个词语(成语)的使用的形式,考查的词语为两个成语、两个词语,符合高中学生现阶段的语言运用实际。 A项“阳春白雪”原指战国时代楚国的一种较高级的歌曲,后用来比喻高深的不通俗的文学艺术。B项“通常”意为一般,惯常。C项“迥异”,指迥然不同,完全不同。以上三项均合乎语境。D项“高高在上”,谓所处极高,泛指地位高;后常用来形容领导者脱离群众,不深入实际 。句中用来指“艺术作品”,使用对象不恰当。 2.(江西卷)依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是() (1)家庭的使他从小对美就有敏锐的感悟,乡村丰富的色彩和生动的线条使他陶醉不已。 (2)那个时候的中国,社会动荡,经济秩序极为混乱,物价,人民苦不堪言。 (3)沈阳飞机制造公司全体职工都总经理罗阳献身国防事业的崇高精神打动。 A.熏陶青云直上为……而 B.熏染青云直上为……而 C.熏陶扶摇直上为……所 D.熏染扶摇直上为……所 【答案】C。 【解析】熏陶——人的思想行为因长期接触某些事物而受到好的影响。熏染—— 人的思想和生活习惯逐渐受到影响(多指不良的)。扶摇直上—— 扶摇:急剧盘旋而上的暴风。形容地位、名声、价值等迅速往上升。青云直上—— 青云:指青天;直上:直线上升。指迅速升到很高的地位。 3.(辽宁卷)下列各句中,加点的成语使用不恰当的一项是 A.爸爸工资不高,妈妈没有稳定的工作,生活拮据,但他们兄弟二人都很懂事,让枣推 ...梨.,关系融洽,很受邻居们喜爱。


考点一名词 名 词 一、可数名词单数变复数的规则 1.规则变化 规则例词 一般情况下,在词尾直接加-s book—books cap—caps tree—trees 以-s,-x,-ch,-sh结尾的名词,在词尾加-es glass—glasses box—boxes watch—watches brush—brushes


注意:1.fish的“数” ?

2.penny的复数形式 ? 2 pennies ? 2 pence 3.hair的“数” ? ?

4.people指“人”时是person的一种复数形式,指“民族”时其复数形 式为peoples。 one person一个人two people两个人 a people一个民族two peoples两个民族 二、名词所有格 1. 加-'s词尾的规则 2.用法 (1)用于表来人或其他有生命的名词。表示所有关系类别用途、目的或起源。Is this Mr. Black's ofie? 这是布莱克先生的办公室吗? I took over my father's company last year.我是去年接管我父亲的公司的。children's bookstore儿童书店 (2)用于表示时间距离、价格等的名词。 Have you read today's newspaper?你读今天的报纸了吗? We're going to have a six weeks' summer vacation.我们将有一-个为期六个星期的暑假。

It's only half an hour's drive from here to the nearesthospital. 从这里到最近的医院开车仅有半小时的路程。 I bought 100 dollars' worth of books.我买了100美元的书。 (3)表示国家、城市、天体等的名词常用- 's结构。 China's industry 中国的工业 the ciy' enironment这座城市的环境the earth's suface地球的表面 (4)用以构成不同的节日。 April Fo's Day愚人节Children'sDay儿童节 Mothe's Day母亲节Teaches Day教师节 (5)用来表示店铺、医院、学校、住宅及公共建筑时,名词所有格后常常不出现它所修饰的名词。 at the barber's (shop)在理发店at Dick's (home)在迪克家 at the Whites' ( home )在怀特家里at the doctor's ( ffice)在医院at the tailor's ( shop)在裁缝店 (6)-'s用于学位中。 a Bachelor's degree学土学位 a master's degree硕士学位 a doctor's degree博士学位 (7)有时为了避免重复,可以单独使用-'s所有格,在句中相当于名词My views are quite different from my father's.我的观点与我父亲的非常不同。 My camera is the same as Ron's.我的照相机和罗恩的一样。 (8)由and连接的两个或多个名词,表示共同拥有时,只将最后一个名词变为所有格形式;如果是各自所有,则每个名词都要变成所有格 Jonh and Mary’s school Jonh’s and Mary’s schools (9)不定代词后加else,在else后加“-'s” somebody else's possessions 3.of所有格


名词 2004 1.The faces of four famous American presidents on Mount Rushmore can be seen from a ______ of 60 miles.【全国I28】 A. length B. distance C. way D. space 2.I keep medicines on the top shelf, out of the children’s ______.【天津26】 A. reach B. hand C. hold D. place 3.Don’t leave matches or cigarettes on the table within ______ of little children.【湖北21】 A. hand B. reach C. space D. distance 2005 4.Bill was doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his ______.【天津10】 A. ability B. force C. strength D. mind 5.He proved himself a true gentleman and the beauty of his ______ was seen at its best when he worked with others.【上海43】 A. temper B. appearance C. talent D. character 6.I am sure David will be able to find the library—he has a pretty good ______ of direction.【浙江16】 A. idea B. feeling C. experience D. sense 7.The head office of the bank is in Beijing, but it has ______ all over the country.【辽宁27】 A. companies B. branches C. organizations D. businesses 8.My ______ of this weekend’s activity is going out with some good friends.【安徽28】 A. idea B. opinion C. mind D. thought 2006 9.It is no ______ arguing with Bill because he will never change his mind.【全国II11】 A. use B. help C. time D. way 10.Finding information in today’s world is easy. The ______ is how you can tell if the information you get is useful or not.【天津15】 A. ability B. competition C. challenge D. knowledge 11.When Jane began to take swimming lessons, her main ______ was the fear of water.【上海42】 A. evidence B. crisis C. obstacle D. danger 12.You have been sitting on my hat and now it is badly out of ______.【广东34】 A. date B. shape C. order D. balance 13.—If you like I can do some shopping for you. —That’s a very kind ______.【浙江17】 A. offer B. service C. point D. suggestion 14.School children must be taught how to deal with dangerous ______.【辽宁32】 A. states B. conditions C. situations D. positions 15.To make members of a team perform better, the trainer first of all has to know their ______ and weaknesses.【湖北21】 A. strengths B. benefits C. techniques D. values 16.The ______ on his face told me that he was angry.【湖北23】 A. impression B. sight C. appearance D. expression 17.At the meeting they discussed three different ______ to the study of mathematics.【湖北24】 A. approaches B. means C. methods D. ways 18.Always read the ______ on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine.【福建35】 A. explanations B. instructions C. descriptions D. introductions 19.It is said that dogs will keep you ______ for as long as you want when you are feelinglonely.【江西 28】 A. safety B. company C. house D. friend 20.My sister was against my suggestion while my brother was ______ it.【陕西10】 A. in honour of B. in memory of C. in favour of D. in search of 2007


2019年高考语文试题分类汇编 词语 新课标卷1 13.下列各句中,加点的成语使用恰当的一项是(3分) A.他性格比较内向,平时沉默寡言,但是一到课堂上就变得振振有词 ....,滔滔不绝,所以他的课很受学生欢迎。 B.泰山几千年来都是文人墨客们向往的圣地,在浩如烟海 ....的中华典籍中,留下了众多颂扬泰山的诗词文章。 C.张经理语重心长的一席话,如电光火石 ....,让小余心头郁积的阴霾顿时消散,再次燃气争创销售佳绩的激情。 D.迅速崛起的快递行业,经过几年的激烈竞争,大部分企业都已经转行或倒闭了,市场上只剩 他们几家平分秋色 ....。 参考答案: 13.B(3分) 新课标卷2 13.下列各句中,加点的成语使用恰当的一项是(3分) A.荆山之巅的大禹雕像头戴栉风沐雨 ....的斗笠,手握开山挖河的神锸,脚踏兴风作浪的蛟龙,再现了他与洪水搏斗的雄姿。 B.京剧大师梅兰芳先生不仅在舞台上风姿绰约 ....,在日常生活中也气度不凡,无论何时何地,他总能让人为之倾倒。 C.最近几年,由于市场竞争加剧,小家电生产企业加速整合,目前只剩下五六家分庭抗礼 ....,占据了全省60%的市场份额。 D.家庭条件的优越和父母的溺爱,养成了他傲慢狂妄的个性,不管对谁都侧目而视 ....,一副天不怕地不怕的小霸王样子。 参考答案: 13.B (3分) 全国大纲卷 2.下列各句中,加点的成语使用恰当的一项是(3分) A.客厅墙上挂着我们全家在桂林的合影,尽管照片有些褪色,但温馨和美的亲情依然历历在目 ....。 B.为了完成在全国的市场布局,我们三年前就行动了,特别是在营销策略的制订上可谓处心积 ...虑.。 C.沉迷网络使小明学习成绩急剧下降,幸亏父母及时发现,并不断求全责备 ....,他才戒掉了网瘾。 D.他在晚会上出神入化 ....的近景魔术表演,不仅令无数观众惊叹不已,还引发了魔术道具的热销。参考答案: 2.D(3分)


高考英语词汇量测试题 1.Many species of animals are becoming every year due to pollution caused by man. A.idle B.solar C.extinct D.temporary 2.The large river turned into a small due to lack of rain A.steam B.stream C.scream D.dream 3.Do you mean to that I am a bad person? A.apply B.reply C.supply D.imply 4.It is a good idea to one’s money in a safe stock. A.recite B.purchase C. invest D.account 5.The in the bookstore is only available to students. A.discount B.recreation https://www.360docs.net/doc/0313515863.html,edy D.blank 6.The standard of the people have dropped by a great degree in recent times. A.oral B.moral C.significant D.charming 7.One must conduct a great deal of before writing an article. A.search B.source C. resource D.research 8.Please us with a song or dance A. define B.cheat C.entertain D.bless 9.It is difficult to to a new culture and language. A.enter B.adjust C.generate D.disclose 10.The of the criminal act was two years in jail A.consequence B.stress C.basis D.affects 11.George can explain to you whatever information you need in about our program. A .fancy B.detail C.tone D.promotion 12.Ben is a friend of mine;Ican trust him with all of my secrets. A.loyal B.royal C.pleasant D.awful 13.It really me to see how much food we waste every day. https://www.360docs.net/doc/0313515863.html,mands B.depresses C arises D.recommends 14.There was not enough to prove him guilty of crime


.高考英语短文改错及语法填空考点分析及训练·名词考点规律分析:短文改错的名词考点主要涉及名词的单复数问题,即在该用复数的地方误用其单数,或在该用单数的地方误用其复数。此外,还常考名词的所有格、名词与其他词类之间的转换等。语法填空主要考查名词的单复数以及名词与其他词类之间的转换。 名词单句改错之真题训练: 1. We stopped to rest for a while and to drink some waters from a stream. 2.We climb everywhere, not only in America. We have been to Europe many time. 3.There are branch library in many villages. 4.I hope that you two could come and visit us some times soon. 5.Today I visited the Smiths — my first time visit to an American family. 6. They were eager to know everything about China and asked me lots of question. 7. We study quite a few subject, such as maths, Chinese, English and physics. 8. …and often watch football match on TV together. 9.Happy birthday, Peter, and many happy return of the day! 10. She said that she and my schoolmate all wished me success. 11. I used to love science class — all of them— biology, chemistry, geography, physics. 12. They did not want me to do any work at family. 13. …so that I’ll get good mar ks in all my subject. 14.On the way up I was busy taking picture since the scenery was so beautiful. 15. No one worries much about the radio program young people listen to. 16. Their word were a great encouragement to me. 17. You know, that was a dinner we had waited for several month.” 18. …but after class we become stranger at once. 19. You can find all kinds of information in just a few minute on the Internet. 20. Nowadays millions of people of all age take pleasure in a hobby… 21. She was doing her homeworks one Sunday morning when… 22. Without enough knowledges, you can never teach well. 23..The airs we breathe is getting dirtier and dirtier. 名词单句改错之模拟训练: 1. Women live longer than men in most country. 2. The film is very interesting. I have seen it many time. 3. It’s said that all the ticket have been sold out. 4. The children spend a lot of times watching TV. 5. I met a lot of interesting peoples on holiday. 6. The flower in the park were all pleasing. 7. As the day went by, she became less anxious. 8. Computer are becoming more and more popular in the country. 9. It’s one of the most interesting book that I’ve ever read. 10. He made his first time visit to China when he was 18. 11.Hearing the news, the woman burst into tear. 12. He hasn’t lived here long, but he has a great many friend here. 13. I was afraid she would have left for family when I got there. 14. He’s getting marr ied next month and decides to buy some furnitures. 15. There’s a paper’s factory near our school. 名词单句改错之提升训练: A级 1. From then on, we became good friend and often played together. 2. Both Marx and Engels were Germen. 3.Did you take their advices yesterday? 4. Most of them are woman doctors. 5.We can have funs at the seaside this weekend. 6. There are four baskets of apple in that room. 7. This computer cost me eight thousands yuan. 8. Tom looks happy today. He’s got many good news from here. 9. This hat of my father is rather old. 10.He made many mistake in the exam because of carelessness.


高考英语最新名词知识点专项训练及答案 一、选择题 1.This book gives a brief _______ of the history of the castle and details of the art collection in the main hall. A.outline B.output C.operation D.organ 2.Lao Gan Ma is the best chilli sauce in China. The company built up its________by constantly providing high-quality products at a relatively low price. A.reputation B.campaign C.appetite D.occupation 3.Space exploration provides a ______ of national pride. A.reason B.portrait C.statue D.symbol 4.The practice of hanging flags is a common _______ in many parts of the country on National Day. A.sight B.scenery C.sign D.signal 5.This unjust _______ of people on the basis of skin color was challenged. A.determination B.adaptation C.separation D.submission 6.The two neighbouring countries reached a(an) ______ on their boundary problem eventually. A.Accumulation.B.compensation C.accommodation D.ambition 7.Charles Darwin explained the ________ of species on earth in his book that came out in1859. A.ancestor B.origin C.belief D.custom 8.The report at the conference analyses in detail why a new legal is needed to better protect the environment. A.currency B.framework C.allowance D.occupation 9.He has been spreading false stories in a(n)____________to smear(诽谤)us. A.attempt B.programme C.intention D.dream 10.With the COVID-19 ______ quickly around the globe, the whole world are in a(n) ______ of shock. A.gathering, condition B.spreading, state C.to spread, approach D.to gather, style 11.China is a racially mixed country, in which various ethnic(民族) groups bring their own unique flavors to each corner of the country, which adds ________ people's table. A.to great variety of B.great variety to C.to a great variety of D.the great variety to 12.It's difficult to guess what his ______ to the news would be. A.reaction B.opinion C.comment D.impression 13.Letting virtual assistants, such as Amazon's Alexa, take care of your home is a(n) _________ for disaster to some, because AI-infused systems may demonstrate unpredictable behaviors that can be disruptive, confusing, offensive, and even dangerous. A.topic B.shortcut C.cure D.recipe 14.People’s____of life has greatly improved since the reform and opening-up policy(政策)was carried out in China.


17.[2014·安徽卷] 下列各句中,加点的词语使用恰当的一句是(3分)() A.2013年,广州恒大足球队问鼎亚冠联赛,结束了中国俱乐部足球队二十余年无缘亚洲冠军的局面,这对处于低谷之中的中国足球来说弥足珍贵。 B.随着4G时代的到来,国产智能手机纷纷登堂入室,截至今年第一季度,联想、华为、中兴和小米等品牌手机在全球市场已占有三分之一的份额。 C.近两年,我国发明专利申请和授权的数量快速增长,专利申请质量蒸蒸日上,这表明我国专利申请结构进一步优化,自主创新能力进一步增强。 D.去年我国电子商务交易总额高达10万亿元,其中网络商品零售额超过了1.8万亿元,凭此成绩,我国当仁不让地跃居全球网络商品零售榜首。 17.A[解析] 本题考查正确使用词语(包括熟语)。解答本题时应将筛选法与排除法相结合。A.“弥足珍贵”指更加值得珍爱、重视。B. 登堂入室:堂、室,古代宫室,前面是堂,后面是室。比喻学问或技能由浅入深,循序渐进,达到更高的水平。望文生义。C. 蒸蒸日上:蒸蒸,上升、兴盛的样子。形容事业天天向上发展,十分兴旺。对象用错。D. 当仁不让:泛指遇到应该做的事,积极主动去做,不退让。不合语境。 [2014·北京卷] 阅读下面的文字,完成1~4题。 “千门万户曈曈日,总把新桃换旧符。”贴春联是中国人过年时的一项传统民俗活动。人们通常在除夕这天,将写好的春联贴于门上。春联的字数可多可少,但上下联必须构成对仗,如四言联“春安夏泰,秋稔(rěn)冬祥”,六言联“冬尽梅花点点,□□□□□□”。春联寓意吉祥,言简意赅(ɡāi),深受人们喜爱。 春联是仅在春节这一特定时节张贴的对联,而对联还有其他种类,如婚联、寿联、挽联,以及为园林建筑__甲__(题写/题签)的楹(yínɡ)联等。对联的撰写,往往注重其__乙__(蕴涵/内涵)与品味。尤其是名联佳对,文辞讲究,意蕴丰富,__丙__(吟咏/涵泳)起来锒锒上口,齿颊留香。对联或镌(jùn)刻或书写,楷行隶篆,其中不乏艺术精品。 1.文中加点字的注音和字形都不正确的一项是(2分)() A.秋稔(rěn)冬祥意蕴 B.楹(yínɡ)联齿颊留香 C.言简意赅(ɡāi) 撰写 D.镌(jùn)刻锒锒上口 1.D[解析] 本题考查字音、字形的辨析。镌(juān)刻;“锒锒上口”应为“朗朗上口”。 2.在文中方格处填入下列语句,恰当的一项是(2分)() A.万户杨柳依依B.千家喜气洋洋 C.春回爆竹声声D.春来微风缕缕 2.C[解析] 本题考查考生对仿写及文学和文化常识的了解及应用。对联要求上下句字数相等、结构相同、词性相同、词义相对或相近、平仄协调(仄起平收)。“万户”“千家”与“冬尽”词性、构词方式都不同,排除A、B两项;“缕”属于“仄”声字,用于下联收尾,不符合“仄起平收”的原则,排除D项。C项“春回爆竹声声”体现“过年”的特点,内容与文意吻合,词性、结构、平仄也合适。 3.在文中甲乙丙处依次填入词语,恰当的一项是(2分)() A.题写内涵吟咏 B.题签内涵涵泳 C.题写蕴涵涵泳 D.题签蕴涵吟咏 3.A[解析] 本题考查词语的理解和运用。其中,“题写”即书写(标题、匾额等),“题签”原指题写书签,现也指题写书名;“内涵”是名词,指语言、作品等包含的内容,或人的内在涵养,而“蕴涵”是动词,意为“包含”,此处应指“对联的内容”,用“内涵”合适;“吟咏”指有节奏有韵调地诵读,“涵泳”指深入领会,属于思考过程,此处后面有“朗朗上口”,所以用“吟咏”。 4.下列关于“对联”的表述,正确的一项是(2分)() A.字数限于四言和六言


高考名词专项练习题题库 一、单项选择名词 1.The knowledge and skills the trainees have learned can help them make a clear _____ between what is right and wrong. A.distance B.distinction C.donation D.defense 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 考查名词。A. distance距离;B. distinction 区别,差别;C. donation 捐款;D. defense防卫,防护。句意:受训者所学到的知识和技能可以帮助他们区分对错。故选B。 2.The girl received no approval of his family as her marriage with an African boy was regarded as a ____ from tradition. A.violation B.departure C.withdrawal D.separation 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 考查名词的词义辨析。A. violation违反,妨碍;B. departure离开,出发;C. withdrawal撤退,收回;D. separation分离,分开。句意:这个女孩没有得到家人的认可因为她与非洲人的婚姻被认为是背离传统的。结合句意可知答案为B。 3.As an American living in-Tianjin for about 10 years, Chris says that it has been a ________ be a witness to China’s great progre ss. A.privilege B.preference C.priority D.principle 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 考查名词辨析。句意:作为一个在天津生活了大约10年的美国人,克里斯说,能够见证中国的巨大进步是一种荣幸。A. privilege 荣幸;B. preference偏爱;C. priority 优先;D. principle原则。privilege“荣幸”符合句意。故A选项正确。 4.How amazing it is that Zuckberg can speak Chinese! After all, it is a big_____ for any westerner to learn such a totally different language. A.adventure B.achievement C.trend D.challenge 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】


2019年高考语文试题分类汇编:成语(附解析) 注意事项:认真阅读理解,结合历年的真题,总结经验,查找不足!重在审题,多思考,多理解! 无论是单选、多选还是论述题,最重要的就是看清题意。在论述题中,问题大多具有委婉性,尤其是历年真题部分,在给考生较大发挥空间的同时也大大增加了考试难度。考生要认真阅读题目中提供的有限材料,明确考察要点,最大限度的挖掘材料中的有效信息,建议考生答题时用笔将重点勾画出来,方便反复细读。只有经过仔细推敲,揣摩命题老师的意图,积极联想知识点,分析答题角度,才能够将考点锁定,明确题意。 〔山东卷〕4.以下各句中,加点的成语使用恰当的一项为哪一项〔〕 A.在这次演讲比赛中,来自基层单位的选手个个表现出色,他们口假设悬河,巧舌如簧 ....,给大家留下了深刻印象。 B.陶渊明早年曾经几度出仕,后来因为不满当时黑暗腐败的政治而走上归隐之路,过起了瓜. 田李下 ...的田园生活。 C.抗洪救灾形势严峻,各级领导都坚守岗位,没有擅离职守,久假不归 ....现象,确保了人民群众生命财产的安全。 D.五四时期,革命青年为救亡图存、振兴中华而奔走呼号 ....,奋不顾身,表现出高尚的爱国情操和不屈的斗争精神。 【答案】D 【分析】此题意在考查考生掌握成语的数量和对成语准确理解的能力,考查考生分析语境并据此确定成语的使用正确与否的能力。此题选用了常见常用的成语,提供的语言环境比较通俗浅显,为答题提供了足够的信息依据。 A项,巧舌如簧指舌头灵巧,象簧片一样能发出动听的乐音。形容花言巧语,能说会道。出自《诗经?小雅?巧言》:“巧言如簧,颜之厚矣。”如:这个商人~,把次品说成是优等品,欺骗消费者。含贬义,形容演讲选手,不合语境。 B项,瓜田李下比喻容易引起嫌疑的场合。出自古乐府《君子行》:“君子防未然,不处嫌疑间,瓜田不纳履,李下不整冠。”如:但~,嫌疑难辩,万一已拘者畏法混供,也甚怕堂讯之下,玉石不分。〔◎清?李绿园《歧路灯》第五十一回〕 C项,久假不归原指假借仁义的名义而不真正实行,后指长期借用而不归还。出自《孟子?尽心上》:“久假而不归,恶知其非有也?”如:谢山《鲒埼亭集》本欲仿此,然谢山殁后,其遗稿为杭世骏借去,~,后之编刻者,多未能如原恉也。含贬义,指长期借用而不归还。望文生义。 D项,奔走呼号指一面奔跑,一面呼唤。形容处于困境而求援。奔走:奔跑。呼号:叫喊。出自明?王守仁《王文成公全书?南镇祷雨文》卷二十五:“守土官帅其吏民奔走呼号,维是祈祷告请,亦无不至矣,而犹雨泽未应,旱烈益张。”如:勇敢的国民,一经览到二十一条件,群以为亡国惨兆,就在目前,于是~,力图挽救。连动式;作谓语;指引起人们的注意。符合题意,使用恰当。 16.以下各句中,加点的词语使用恰当的一句是〔3分〕 A.今年一季度我国旅游接待总人数同比增长12.7%,总收入同比增长19.9%,增长数据令人 侧目,显示出我国旅游业良好的发展势头。 B.4月以来的多轮强降水使鄱阳湖水体面积由668平方公里扩至2370平方公里,以致极大


高考英语语法专题复习 一、名词Nouns 一、名词的种类: 1、专有名词 1)China, Japan, Beijing, London, Tom, Jack(不加冠词) 2)the Great Wall, the Yellow River, the People’s Republic of China, the United States等。 (由普通名词构成的专有名词,要加定冠词。) 2、普通名词 物质名词:water,rice, oil, paper...... 1)不可数名词 抽象名词:health, trouble, work, pleasure, honor...... 注: ①不可数名词前一般不加冠词,尤不加不定冠词:若加a(an)则使之具体化了。 如:have a wonderful time. make a great progress. ②不可数名词作主语,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。 ③不可数名词一般无复数形式。部分物质名词在表不同类别时,可用复数形式。 如:fishes, newspapers, waters, snows ...... | | | | 各种各样的鱼各种报纸河湖、海水大片水域积雪 ④有些抽象名词也常用复数,变为可数的具体的事物。如:times时代,works著作,difficulties ⑤在表数量时,常用“of”词组来表示。如: a glass of milk, a cup of tea, two pieces of paper...... 2)可数名词: ①可数名词除用复数形式表一类之外,一般都要加冠词:A bird can fly. The frog is a kind of hibernating animal. Vegetables sold at this shop are usually fresh. ②有复数形式: a)规则变化——加“s”或“es”(略) b)不规则变化——child (children), foot (feet), tooth (teeth), man (men), woman (women), mouse (mice), goose (geese), Englishman (Englishmen),phenomenon(pheno mena); 注:c)单、复数同形:sheep, deer, Chinese, Japanese, fish(同一种鱼)......。如, a sheep, two sheep d)只用复数形式: thanks, trousers, goods, clothes, socks, shoes...... e)形复实单:physics, politics, maths, news, plastics(塑料),means. f)形单实复:people (人民,人们;表民族时复数+s),the police, cattle等 g)集合名词:family, public, group, class等。作为整体时,为单数;作为整体中的各个成员时, 为复数。如:My family is a big one. My family are music lovers. h)合成名词变复数时: a.只把复合名词中的主体名词变为复数形式。如:


高考英语复习名词改错专题训练 I. A级单项单句改错 1. What a lot of works I have to finish today! 2. Both Marx and Engels were Germen. 3. What a beautiful weather we are having recently! 4. Most of them are woman doctors. 5. He wrote a three-hundred-words report. 6. There are four baskets of apple in that room. 7. This computer cost me eight thousands yuan. 8. Mr. Zhang looks very happy today. He has got many good news from here. 9. This hat of my father's are rather old. made many mistakes in his composition because of careless. B级单项单句改错 1. Will you please make a room for the lady outside 2. The number of the students in our school are increasing. 3. She has made some progresses in English. 4. His work is better than anyone else. 5. We've missed the last bus. I'm afraid we have no way but to take a taxi. 6. He dropped the coffee's cup and broke it. 7. He gained his wealths by printing works of famous writers. 8. I spent last weekend with the Smith 9. My brother has had one of his tooth taken out. 'll find this map of great valuable in helping you to get round London. II. A级单项短文改错 Good manner are important in all countries, but way of expressing good manners are different in the world. Americans cut with knife and forks; Japanese eat with chopstick. Americans say "Hi" when they meet; Japanese bow. Much American men open doors for women; Japanese man do not. On the surface, it appears that good manners in American are not good in Japan, and in a way this are true. But in any country, the only manners are important are those involving one person behavior towards another person. B级单项短文改错 A detective is a policemen, but he doesn't wear a uniform. He works in his ordinary cloth. If he wears an uniform, robbers will know that he is policeman, then they will avoid him. To "detect" meaning "to find out". A detective finds out who does bad thing. He can sit in a coffee's shop with other customer. He can listen to people talking. Some thief may want to rob a shop. If they talk, a detective may hear him. Then policeman will hide in the shop. When the thieves come, the policemen will catch them. III. A级综合单句改错 1. I saw a lot of peoples in the meeting-room. 2. My younger sister always wears beautiful cloth. 3. I went to my uncle's on Sunday and had good time there. 4. The boy's face is like his father. 5. My mother is a good cooker. 6. He had a little white hairs.
