


举,有浓妆淡抹的西湖,有波澜壮阔的长河、 黄河,有清奇俊秀的桂林山水……我们每个人 都有旅游的经历,或远或近,或名山大川或 鲜为人知的某处景观,请你选择一次自己的 旅游经历,写一写你的所见所闻。
a选择自己的一次旅游经历讲给家人; b完成《温故小站》对应的内容; c准备自己最喜欢的动物的图片、彩笔、剪刀、 胶水等。
2.明确自己的感受当你处在这幅 Nhomakorabea景中时,你的心情是怎样的? 对着这处风景,你的感受是什么?
看着你手中的照片,回忆当时你的游览经历, 你当时都见到了什么?一路上都有哪些的精彩?
清明 春到清明好,晴天锦绣纹。 年年当此节,底事雨纷纷?
纳凉 风阁黄昏后,开轩纳晚凉。 月华当户白,何处芰(jì)荷香?
1. 抓住风景的特点
特点就是与众不同、只有它才具有的东西; 一处风景的特点,就是这处风景与其他风景不 同的地方。
游记除了能抓取景色特点还需要有一条清 晰的线索。


超级记忆法--故 事法
• 鲁迅本名:周树人
• 主要作品:《阿Q正传》、、 《药 》、
• 《狂人日记》、《呐喊》、《孔 乙己》
• 《故乡》、《社戏》、《祝福》(图片来自网络) 。
超级记忆法-记忆 方法
TIP1:NPC代入,把自己想成其中的人物,会让自己的记忆过程更加有趣 (比如你穿越回去,成为了岳飞的母亲,你会在什么背景下怀着怎样的心情在 背 上刺下“精忠报国”四个字);
• 湖北宜昌 沈洁
八阵图 杜甫
功盖三分国, 名成八阵图。 江流石不转, 遗恨失吞吴。
(1)一只干枯如柴的手伸到我的面前,上面刻满了 岁月的痕迹。我抬眼望去,是一位衣衫褴褛的老人。他 那蓬乱的头发像积满灰的稻草一样堆在头上,一张饱经 风霜的脸上嵌着一双大而无神的眼睛,他那干裂的嘴唇 轻轻地蠕动着,仿佛在诉说着什么。我掏出一元钱放在 他手中, 他那死灰般的眼中突然掠过一丝不易察觉的 惊喜,他一边说着:“谢谢你,好心人”, 一边 转身走向远处。
选择巩固记忆的时间 艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线
超级记忆法-记忆 规律
TIP1:我们可以选择巩固记忆的时间! TIP2:人的记忆周期分为短期记忆和长期记忆两种。 第一个记忆周期是 5分钟 第二个记忆周期是30分钟 第三个记忆周期是12小时 这三个记忆周期属于短期记忆的范畴。
第三步 没有任何参考的情况下,仅靠大脑,复述你所获得的主要内容

小学作文阅读第12课 (2)

小学作文阅读第12课 (2)
TIP4:早晨起床后,由于不受前摄抑制的影响,我们可以记忆一些新的内容或 者 复习一下昨晚的内容,那么会让你记忆犹新。
超级记忆法-记忆 规律
魔力之七:美国心理学家约翰·米勒曾对短时记忆的广 度进行过比较精准的测定:通常情况下一个人的记忆 广度为7±2项内容。
TIP1:我们可以选择巩固记忆的时间! TIP2:人的记忆周期分为短期记忆和长期记忆两种。
第一个记忆周期是 5分钟 第二个记忆周期是30分钟 第三个记忆周期是12小时
超级记忆法-记忆 规律
第四个记忆周期是 1天 第五个记忆周期是 2天 第六个记忆周期是 4 天 第七个记忆周期是 7天 第八个记忆周期是15天
1 律师为什么要让顾客等候一刻钟呢?
2 律师为什么要假装接一通很重要的电话呢?
3 为什么顾客面对律师会觉得非常尴尬?
4 你的现实生活中也有类似的事情发生吗?
1. 律师想通过让客人等候自己来提高自己的地位和身价,他是想先给顾客 一个下马威,让顾客觉得律师身份尊贵。
2. 律师假装接一通很重要的电话,其实是想让在门口等待的顾客听到电 话的内容,想让顾客觉得自己日理万机,所谈的生意都是动辄几千万 的,而且生意繁多业务很忙,从而提高自己的尊贵感。
游山玩水的客人叫(游客) 不经常来的客人叫(稀客) 远道而来的客人叫(远客) 购买东西的客人叫(顾客)
素不相识的客人叫(生客) 专门搞暗杀的人叫(刺客) 去茶馆喝茶的人叫(茶客) 帮别人说情的人叫(说客)



修改后的文段以排比句的形式列举了贝多芬、海 伦·凯勒、霍金三个名人的事例进行了论说,句式整齐有 力,更具说服力。
我追求梦想,就像鸟儿渴望在蓝天自由地翱翔;我追 求梦想,就像鱼儿渴望在水中自由地游荡。(《放飞梦 想》)
——开头用形象的比喻句表达对梦想的不懈追求,奠 定演讲的基调。
梦想,是人生中的启明星,指引正确的方向;梦想,是一 个徽章,是人生中奋斗的目标。因为有梦想,人生更精彩;因 为有梦想,明天更灿烂。(《放飞我们的梦想》)
在生活中,为梦想而克服重重困难的人有很多,如贝多芬、 海伦·凯勒、霍金、爱迪生等人。他们都分别受到命运的不同折 磨,但是他们从不后退,而是为了心中的梦想,不断前进,不断 拼搏,最终有所成就,创造了属于自己的辉煌。
我们要学习贝多芬,他拥有天赋,放飞了梦想,即使 受到命运的折磨,双耳失聪的打击,他也不退缩,终成名 家;我们要学习海伦·凯勒,她拥有毅力,放飞了梦想,即 使受到命运的不公,黑暗的打击,她也不后退,终成名作; 我们要学习霍金,他拥有才华,放飞了梦想,即使受到命 运的偏心,瘫痪的打击,他也不屈服,终成名师。
优秀同龄人的陪伴 让你的青春少走弯路
忙忙叨叨,起早贪黑, 上课认真,笔记认真, 小A 就是成绩不咋地……
好像天天在玩, 上课没事儿还调皮气老师, 笔记有时让人看不懂, 但一考试就挺好…… 小B
目 录/contents
1. 什么是学习力 2. 高效学习模型 3. 超级记忆法 4. 费曼学习法
TIP3:另外,还有研究表明,记忆在我们的睡眠过程中也并未停止,我们的大 脑 会归纳、整理、编码、储存我们刚接收的信息。所以,睡前的这段时间可是 非常 宝贵的,不要全部用来玩手机哦~

读书与作文 学习 第十二课

读书与作文 学习 第十二课












































,将今天所 学知识讲给家人听; 2、做本课教材上的“家庭 练兵场”。
跟着淳朴善良的老乡来 到了他们的乡村,见到了乡 村的种种美景,更见到了种 种可爱的动物,现在请拿起 你的笔,将你喜欢的小动物 按照一定顺序完整地写下来 吧!
今天麻辣老师带来了新任 务:乡村里小动物很多,每名 成员要将自己喜欢的一种动物 “描绘”下来,带给自己的家 人,你准备好了吗?
选择写作对象 同学们,你最喜欢什么动物呢?
生活习性 你喜欢的小动物有什么习性?
特点 你喜欢的小动物有什么特点? 你能举个例子证明一下吗?
名字来历 你喜欢的小动物叫什么名字? 名字有来历吗?
动物来历 你喜欢的小动物是谁家的?
你在乡村可以看见哪些 动物?挑一种你最喜欢的, 跟大家说一说。
如果要跟别人介绍一个小动 物,可以介绍它的哪些方面?
特点 品种 外貌
感情 习性
外貌 同学们,你最喜欢的动物长 什么样子呢?



七年级下册第12课作文200字示例回答如下1:英文回答:The topic of the 12th lesson in the 7th grade textbook is about writing a 200-word essay. In this lesson, students are required to write an essay on a given topic. The topic can vary, but it usually focuses on personal experiences or opinions.Writing a 200-word essay may seem challenging at first, especially for 7th graders who are still developing their writing skills. However, with practice and guidance, it becomes easier to express ideas and thoughts within the word limit.To write a good essay, it is important to have a clear structure. Start with an introduction that grabs the reader's attention and presents the main idea of the essay. Then, develop the main body paragraphs by providing supporting details and examples. Finally, end the essay with a strong conclusion that summarizes the main points and leaves a lasting impression on the reader.In terms of language use, it is essential to use appropriate vocabulary and grammar. Avoid using overly complex words or structures that may confuse the reader. Instead, focus on using clear and concise language to convey your ideas effectively.Overall, writing a 200-word essay is a valuable exercise that helps students improve their writing skills and express their thoughts in a concise manner.中文回答:七年级下册第12课的主题是写一篇200字的作文。


















六年级下册第十二课英语智能作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: My Unforgettable Summer AdventureIt was the first day of summer vacation, and I couldn't wait to embark on an exciting adventure. My parents had promised to take me on a trip, but they kept the destination a secret, adding to the anticipation that bubbled within me.After packing our bags and double-checking that we had everything we needed, we hit the road early in the morning. The sun was just peeking over the horizon, casting a warm golden glow on the world around us. I pressed my face against the car window, watching as the familiar sights of our neighborhood gave way to the open countryside.Hours passed, and my curiosity grew with every mile we traveled. Occasionally, I would ask my parents for clues about our destination, but they simply smiled and told me to be patient. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, we arrived at a quaint little town nestled in the heart of a lush forest."Welcome to Pinecrest," my dad announced with a grin. "We're going camping!"I couldn't contain my excitement as we checked into a cozy cabin surrounded by towering pine trees. The fresh, earthy scent of the forest filled my lungs, and I felt a sense of adventure stirring within me.After settling into our cabin, we decided to explore the nearby hiking trails. Armed with a map, a backpack filled with snacks and water, and a sense of wonder, we set off into the great outdoors.The trail wound its way through a verdant canopy of trees, with sunlight filtering through the leaves, creating a dappled pattern on the ground. Small streams trickled alongside the path, their gentle gurgling music to my ears. I marveled at the vibrant wildflowers that dotted the landscape, their petals dancing in the gentle breeze.As we hiked deeper into the forest, we encountered a variety of fascinating creatures. A family of deer grazed peacefully in a clearing, their ears twitching at the slightest sound. A curious squirrel scampered across our path, chittering away as if welcoming us to its domain. Overhead, birds sang their melodious tunes, creating a natural symphony that filled the air.One of the highlights of our adventure was the breathtaking waterfall we stumbled upon. The thunderous roar of the cascading water echoed through the trees, and a fine mist enveloped us as we approached. We stood in awe, mesmerized by the sheer power and beauty of nature.After our hike, we returned to our cabin, exhausted but exhilarated. As the sun began to set, we gathered around a crackling campfire, roasting marshmallows and swapping stories. The warm glow of the flames danced across our faces, and the night sky twinkled with a million stars.The following days were filled with more adventures. We went fishing in a nearby lake, casting our lines into the serene waters and patiently waiting for a bite. I'll never forget the thrill of reeling in my first catch – a feisty trout that put up a valiant fight before being carefully released back into the lake.We also explored the local town, browsing quaint shops and sampling delicious treats from the bakery. The friendly locals regaled us with tales of the area's rich history, and we left with a newfound appreciation for the simple pleasures of small-town life.As our summer adventure drew to a close, I found myself feeling a bittersweet mixture of sadness and gratitude. Sadnessbecause our time in this magical place had come to an end, but gratitude for the memories we had created and the bonds we had strengthened as a family.On the drive back home, I gazed out the window at the passing scenery, replaying the events of our trip in my mind. I realized that this summer adventure had been more than just a vacation – it was a journey of discovery, a chance to explore the wonders of nature, and a reminder of the importance of quality time with loved ones.As the familiar sights of our hometown came into view, I made a silent promise to myself: to always seek out new adventures, to embrace the beauty of the world around me, and to cherish the moments spent creating lasting memories with my family.篇2My Favorite English LessonEnglish class isn't usually my favorite, but there was one lesson this year that I really enjoyed. It was Lesson 12 in our textbook, and it was all about animals! As soon as I saw the unit, I got excited because I love learning about different creatures.The lesson started by introducing some basic animal vocabulary. We learned words like "mammal," "reptile," "amphibian," and more. I already knew most of those from watching nature shows with my dad, but it was still good to review them. Then we moved on to talking about specific animals.One of the first ones we covered was the giant panda. I think everyone knows what a panda looks like - they're those black and white bears that are famous for being so cute and cuddly. But there was a lot I didn't know about them until this lesson. For example, did you know that pandas mainly eat bamboo? Afull-grown panda can eat up to 20 pounds of bamboo every single day! That's almost as much as I weigh. And despite how lazy and sleepy they often look, pandas are excellent climbers and swimmers too. I had no idea they were such talented athletes.After pandas, we learned about kangaroos. I've seen them before at the zoo, but I never really understood how special and unique they are. Kangaroos are marsupials, which means the mothers carry their babies in a pouch on their belly after they're born. The joey (that's what a baby kangaroo is called!) only weighs about a gram when it's born, which is less than a penny.It's incredible to think they start out so tiny and helpless. We also found out that kangaroos use their huge muscular tails to balance when they're hopping at fast speeds of up to 35 miles per hour. That's probably faster than a car going through a neighborhood! Kangaroos are amazing.My personal favorite animal we studied though was the sea turtle. I've always loved turtles, but I didn't realize how important sea turtles are for the environment. They help keep beaches and oceans clean by eating things like sponges, shrimp, algae, and jellyfish. Without sea turtles, those things could take over the oceans! We also learned about the challenges they face, like getting tangled in fishing nets and being hunted for their shells and eggs. It made me really sad to think about all the threats to their survival. After the lesson, I decided I want to do whatever I can to help protect sea turtles when I grow up.In addition to learning cool facts, we also did some fun activities related to animals. One time, we played a running dictation game where we had to read sentences about animals and then run back to our team to transcribe them. Another day, we did an animal quiz where we had to guess the animal just from its description. There were a lot of interesting adjectives used, like "nocturnal," "solitary," and "endangered." Expandingmy vocabulary while learning about awesome animals was a win-win!We also worked on our writing skills by describing our favorite animals. I decided to write about elephants since they're so intelligent and family-oriented, which I admire. My friend Alex wrote his about sharks, even though most people are scared of them. He found all these fascinating facts about how sharks have been around for over 400 million years and have multiple rows of teeth. Who knew sharks could be so interesting?Overall, I feel like Lesson 12 taught me a ton about the huge diversity of life on our planet. From cuddly pandas to bouncing kangaroos to graceful sea turtles, there are so many unique species to appreciate. I'll never look at animals the same way again. They aren't just "cats and dogs" - they're complex, wonderful creatures that are absolutely deserving of our curiosity and respect. Thanks to this lesson, I plan on being a lot more informed about environmental issues and doing my part to be a good steward of the natural world.So while English isn't at the top of my favorite subjects list, Lesson 12 from this year is definitely up there as one of the highlights. Any time I can spend learning about amazing animals while practicing my reading, writing, and vocabulary is a majorwin in my book. I just wish we could have spent even more time on this unit! But I guess that just means I have more motivation to pick up some books or watch some shows about animals over the summer. This lesson opened my eyes to how endlessly fascinating the animal kingdom truly is. Thanks, Lesson 12 - you were a breath of fresh air!篇3My Favorite HolidayI really love holidays because they give me a break from school and a chance to have fun with my family. Of all the holidays, my favorite is definitely Christmas. Christmas is the most magical and exciting time of the year!First of all, I love the decorations and festive atmosphere of Christmas. In the weeks leading up to the holiday, my family decks out our house with colorful lights, wreaths, a Christmas tree, and all kinds of shiny ornaments and decorations. The neighborhood looks so pretty all lit up with everyone's outdoor lights and displays. Plus, there are Christmas decorations everywhere you go - in the stores, at school, and even on the streets with the lamp posts wrapped in garlands and red bows. It fills me with holiday cheer!Another thing I really enjoy about Christmas is all the fun traditions and activities. One of my favorite traditions is opening up an Advent calendar to count down the days until Christmas. It's always exciting to open up that little door each morning to reveal a tiny treat or toy. In the weeks before the big day, my family loves driving around town to look at all the houses decorated with Christmas lights. We drink hot chocolate, listen to carols on the radio, and play games to guess whose house has the most over-the-top light display.On Christmas Eve, we have a bunch of traditions we do together as a family. We read the Christmas story from the Bible, hang up our stockings, leave out milk and cookies for Santa, and watch classic holiday movies like Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Frosty the Snowman, and Elf. Christmas morning is the best! I wake up so early to see what Santa brought. We all gather in the living room and take turns opening our presents one by one. The living room is a total mess by the end with shredded wrapping paper everywhere!Christmas just wouldn't be the same without giving and receiving presents. I spend weeks making my Christmas list of all the toys, games, books, and other gifts I want from Santa. But even more fun than making the list is picking out presents for myparents, siblings, grandparents, and friends. It makes me really happy to find that perfect gift for someone and see their face light up when they open it. My favorite part is when they say "You know me so well!" or "This is exactly what I wanted!" Giving is even more fun than receiving.The best part of Christmas is the whole family being together to celebrate. Both sets of grandparents come over on Christmas day to eat the big lunch and spend time with us. We play games, watch holiday movies, and just enjoy each other's company without the usual distractions of work and school. It's nice having that dedicated family time. Some of my cousins I only get to see at Christmas since they live far away. We stay up late on Christmas night so we can keep the fun and laughter going. I cherish those Christmas memories so much.When Christmas night rolls around, I'm always so sad for it to be over for another year. I love going back to school after the break to show off my new toys and games to my friends and hear about what cool presents they got. But mostly I can't wait for next Christmas! As soon as New Year's is over, I start the countdown to next December 25th. Christmas is simply the most wonderful time of the year!篇4My Big Summer AdventureThis summer was the best summer of my whole life! I went on a really exciting trip with my family. We went hiking and camping in the mountains for two whole weeks. It was an amazing adventure.The first day, we drove up into the mountains after leaving home bright and early. The drive took forever - we were in the car for almost 5 hours! But when we finally arrived at the campground, it was so beautiful. Tall trees were all around us and there was a pretty stream running right through the middle of the camp area.After we parked and unloaded all our gear, my dad and I went to work setting up the tents. He showed me how to put up the big family tent we'd be sleeping in. It has this funny bendable pole that forms the tent structure. You have to be really careful with it or it can snap! Once we staked the tent down, we inflated the air mattresses and started unpacking our sleeping bags. My little sister kept messing around and jumping on the air mattresses, which was kind of annoying. But I guess that's what little sisters do.When our campsite was all set up, we got to explore the area around us. We hiked down to the stream and I tossed somerocks into the water, trying to skip them across the surface. I'm not very good at skipping rocks yet, but my dad is awesome at it. He can make them jump across the whole width of the stream!That night, we cooked hot dogs and made s'mores over the campfire. Have you ever had a s'more? They're these amazing snacks where you toast a marshmallow over the fire until it's nice and gooey, then you squish it between two graham crackers with a piece of chocolate. So delicious! Sitting around the crackling fire together, gazing up at the bright stars overhead, was really special.The next day, we went on our first real hike. The trail took us way up into the mountains. We had to climb over lots of rocks and downed trees along the way. A few times, the path was really steep and my legs started to feel like jelly. But the views from the top were breathtaking! You could see for miles and miles in every direction. Jagged gray peaks jutted up all around the horizon.While we hiked, I spotted lots of cool plants and animals that you don't see back home. There were these bright red flowers growing out of tiny cracks in the rocks. My mom told me they were called Paintbrush flowers. We also saw a big furry marmot bounding between some boulders. Those chunky little guys arerelated to squirrels but much bigger. And high above us, a hawk was soaring in circles, riding the wind currents. Nature is so amazing!On the third day, we went fishing in a cold mountain lake. We had to hike a few miles just to get to the lake, carrying our fishing gear the whole way. I caught two rainbow trout! When you see the fish shimmering in the water with those vivid rainbow stripes along their bodies, you understand why they're called rainbows. We cooked up the trout for dinner over the campfire that night and they tasted unbelievably fresh and delicious.Some of the other highlights of the trip included dayhiking to a stunning waterfall, having a piping hot bowl of Mom's camping chili after a long day on the trail, and watching the most incredible sunset I've ever seen. The whole sky turned vibrant shades of pink, orange, red and purple. I'll never forget those colorful sunsets stretching across the rugged peaks.But overall, the whole experience of being out in nature for an extended period, away from screens and electronics and all the stresses of normal life, was amazing. I felt more relaxed and refreshed than I had in a long time. Making memories as a family in such a beautiful setting is something I'll cherish forever.I'm already counting down the days until our next big camping and hiking adventure! Maybe next summer we can explore a different mountain range or national park. Wherever we go though, I know it's going to be an epic trip. Lacing up my hiking boots, strapping on my backpack, and losing myself in the grandeur of the great outdoors is what I live for. Getting back to nature is food for my soul. I'm just a kid who loves adventure and the great wide open!篇5Title: My Journey with Lesson 12Hi there! I'm a 6th grader, and I wanted to share my experience with Lesson 12 from our English textbook. It's been quite an adventure, let me tell you!The lesson was all about discussing different hobbies and interests. At first, I wasn't too excited about it because, well, let's be honest – talking about hobbies in English sounded a bit boring. But boy, was I wrong!The first activity we did was to introduce our hobbies to the class. I love playing video games, so I thought that would be an easy one. But then I had to explain why I enjoy gaming so much, and that's when things got interesting. I had to search for theright words to describe the thrill of conquering challenging levels, the joy of exploring virtual worlds, and the excitement of playing with friends online.As I listened to my classmates share their hobbies, I was amazed by the variety – from playing musical instruments to collecting stamps, from painting to hiking. It was like a whole new world opened up before me. I realized that hobbies are more than just pastimes; they're expressions of our personalities, our interests, and our passions.The next part of the lesson was all about discussing our favorite books, movies, and TV shows. I'm a huge fan of fantasy and adventure stories, so I couldn't wait to share my love for the "Lord of the Rings" series. But again, I had to find the right words to describe the epic battles, the captivating characters, and the rich world-building. It was a challenge, but a fun one!As we discussed our favorite stories, I noticed that we all had different tastes and preferences. Some of my classmates loved comedies, while others preferred mysteries or dramas. It was fascinating to hear their perspectives and to learn about the stories that captivated them.The highlight of the lesson, though, was when we had to plan a special event or activity for our class. We split into groups,and my group decided to organize a talent show. We had to plan everything from the stage setup to the event promotion. The best part was that we had to communicate entirely in English –no easy task for a bunch of 6th graders!We had to negotiate roles, delegate tasks, and find ways to express our ideas clearly. It was a crash course in teamwork, communication, and problem-solving. We even had to create posters and flyers in English to promote our talent show. Let me tell you, trying to come up with catchy slogans and persuasive language in a foreign language is no joke!Finally, the day of the talent show arrived, and it was a resounding success! We had classmates singing, dancing, juggling, and even performing magic tricks. The energy in the room was electric, and we were all so proud of what we had accomplished.Looking back, Lesson 12 wasn't just about discussing hobbies and interests; it was about learning to express ourselves, communicate effectively, and appreciate the diversity of human experiences. It was about stepping out of our comfort zones and embracing new challenges.I'll never forget the sense of accomplishment I felt when I could finally articulate my thoughts and ideas in English withoutstumbling over my words. And I'll always cherish the memories of working together with my classmates, learning from each other, and creating something truly special.So, if you're ever feeling like a lesson is going to be boring or uninteresting, remember my experience with Lesson 12. You never know what surprises and adventures await you when you open your mind and embrace the journey of learning.篇6Certainly! Here's an essay in English of around 2,000 words, written from the perspective of a sixth-grader. The topic is "Unit 12: My Life in the Future":My Life in the FutureWow, can you imagine what life will be like when I'm all grown up? It's so hard to picture, but I've been thinking about it a lot lately. I'm already in the sixth grade, which means I'm almost done with elementary school. Pretty soon, I'll be in middle school, then high school, and before you know it, I'll be an adult! It's both exciting and a little bit scary to think about.First of all, I can't wait to see what kind of job I'll have when I'm older. Right now, I'm really into science and math. I lovelearning about planets, stars, and galaxies in our science class. And in math, I find it so satisfying to solve tough equations and word problems. Maybe I'll become an astronaut or a scientist who studies outer space! How cool would that be?Or perhaps I'll become a doctor or a nurse. I've always admired how hard those people work to help others and save lives. Whenever someone in my family gets sick, I try my best to take care of them and make them feel better. I could definitely see myself doing that for a living one day.Then again, I also really enjoy writing stories and poems. Sometimes I'll spend hours working on a short story or a poem, revising it over and over until it's just perfect. If I pursue that passion, I could become an author or a journalist. Imagine seeing my name on the cover of a book or byline in a newspaper! That would be a dream come true.No matter what career path I choose, I know I want to make a positive difference in the world. I've seen how much suffering and injustice there is, even in my own community. When I'm older, I hope to have the means and the platform to fight for important causes like protecting the environment, ending poverty, and promoting equality for all people.Speaking of the environment, I often wonder what the world will be like in 20 or 30 years. Will we have found ways to reverse climate change and preserve our planet's natural resources? Or will things have gotten even worse? I really hope it's the former. I want to live in a world where the air is clean, the oceans are free of plastic, and all kinds of animals and plants can thrive.As for my personal life, I can picture myself living in a cool city like New York, London, or Tokyo. I'd love to experience the hustle and bustle of a big metropolis, at least for a little while. But I could also see myself settling down in a quiet suburb, getting married, and raising a family of my own. Having kids is definitely something I want to do one day.No matter where I end up or what I end up doing, I just hope I'll be happy, healthy, and financially stable. I want to be surrounded by people I love and who love me in return. And I want to feel fulfilled, like I'm making the most of my talents and abilities to live a meaningful life.For now, all I can do is keep working hard in school, nurturing my interests and passions, treating others with kindness, and making good choices. If I stay focused and determined, I know I'll be able to achieve my dreams, whatever they may be. The future is full of endless possibilities, and I can'twait to uncover them one by one. Bring it on, world – I'll be ready!。



















语文七下第十二课两百字读后感悟英文版After reading Lesson 12 in the seventh grade Chinese textbook, I have gained some insights and reflections. This lesson talks about the importance of being honest and trustworthy, using the story of the boy who cried wolf as an example.The story of the boy who cried wolf teaches us that honesty is a virtue that should be valued. It is important to always tell the truth and be trustworthy, as lying can lead to serious consequences. In the story, the boy's lies eventually led to the villagers not believing him when a real wolf appeared, putting the sheep in danger.This lesson reminds me of the importance of integrity and honesty in our daily lives. It is crucial to always be truthful and reliable, as it not only builds trust with others but also reflects our character. Being honest also helps us avoid unnecessary trouble and maintain good relationships with those around us.In conclusion, Lesson 12 serves as a valuable reminder of the significance of honesty and trustworthiness. It is a lesson that we should all take to heart and apply in our lives.中文版阅读完语文七下第十二课后,我有了一些感悟和反思。

















七上第12课读后感300字After reading the 12th lesson in the seventh grade textbook, I was deeply moved by the story.It revolves around the theme of perseverance and determination.The protagonist"s unwavering spirit and tenacity in the face of adversity serve as a great inspiration.The story highlights the importance of never giving up and always striving for improvement.It reminds us that obstacles are a part of life, and it is how we overcome them that defines our character.The lesson has encouraged me to adopt a positive attitude towards challenges, reminding me to be grateful for the opportunities that arise from difficulties.Moreover, the story emphasizes the significance of having a dream and working hard to achieve it.It instills in me the belief that with dedication and effort, nothing is impossible.This lesson has not only motivated me to set goals for myself but also to persevere through tough times to accomplish them.In conclusion, the 12th lesson has left a profound impression on me, reinforcing the values of perseverance, determination, and a strong will.It serves as a gentle reminder that every challenge we face is an opportunity for growth.在阅读了七年级第12课后,我深受故事情节的感动。




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优秀同龄人的陪伴 让你的青春少走弯路
忙忙叨叨,起早贪黑, 上课认真,笔记认真, 小A 就是成绩不咋地……
好像天天在玩, 上课没事儿还调皮气老师, 笔记有时让人看不懂, 但一考试就挺好…… 小B
目 录/contents
1. 什么是学习力 2. 高效学习模型 3. 超级记忆法 4. 费曼学习法
1. 人数在10人左右。 2. 参加者围成一个圆圈坐着。 3. 围成圆圈的时候,自己的名字随即更换成右邻者的名字。 4. 以猜拳的方式决定顺序,然后按顺序提出问题。 5. 当老师问及“张三同学,你今天早上几点起床”时,真正的张三
不可以回答,而必须由更换成张三名字的同学回答:“今天早上 我是七点起床的。” 6. 当自己该回答而不回答,或不是自己回答却回答了时,就被淘汰。
1. 形式创新。小作者用现场调查对话的形式来呈现调 查报告,极富创新精神,用别具一格的形式告诉我们: 网络是把“双刃剑”,它会给你很多帮助,但也可能 会让你沉沦,如何合理利用网络确实是一个值得探讨 的问题。 2. 卒章显志。文章通过一问一答的形式,列举事例对 网络进行正反面的描写,在文章最后指明网络是把 “双刃剑”,并借由提问点明主旨。
我来设计上网问卷调查: 1. 你上网的目的是什么? 2. 你是在家里上网,还是在网吧上网? 3. 你平均每星期上网时间为多少小时?
如果请你写一篇关于小学生参加体育锻炼情况的调查报告, 你会设计怎样的问题去进行抽样调查呢?请写出三个。
1.《请注意保护眼睛》(关于近视眼的研究报告。) 2.《还我们一个清洁的河流》(关于家乡环境保护的研究报 告。) 3.《杜绝马路杀手 》(关于马路噪音的研究报告。) 4.《病从口入 》(关于家乡食品的研究报告。) 5.《 让我们认识台风 》(关于台风的研究报告。) 6.《 读 书 破 万 卷 , 下 笔 如 有 神 》 ( 关 于 课 外 阅 读 的 研 究 报 告。)





























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