锤击桩施工工艺 (全面)
有棱角的桩,棱角碰损深度应在5mm 以内,且每10m长的边棱角上只有一处破损,在一根桩上边棱破损总长度不得大于500mm。
1) 桩锤桩锤是打桩的主要机具,其作用是对桩施加冲击力,将桩打入土中。
但打桩速度慢(6~20 次/min),效率低,适于在黏土和含砾石较多的土中打桩。
单动式汽锤的冲击体在上升时耗用动力,下降靠自重,打桩速度较落锤快(60~80 次/min),锤重1.5~15t,适于各类桩在各类土层中施工。
双动式汽锤的冲击体升降均耗用动力,冲击力更大、频率更快(100~120 次/min),锤重0.6~6t,还可用于打钢板桩、水下桩、斜桩和拔桩。
2) 桩架桩架是吊桩就位,悬吊桩锤,要求其具有较好的稳定性、机动性和灵活性,保证锤击落点准确,并可调整垂直度。
1—立柱;2—斜撑;3—回转平台;1—桩;2—斜撑;3—桩帽;4—桩锤;4—卷扬机;5—司机室;6—平衡重5—履带式起重机;6—立柱3) 动力装置打桩机构的动力装置及辅助设备主要根据选定的桩锤种类而定。
2016年⼆建《市政公⽤⼯程实务》考点辅导(29) 你了解⼆级建造师考试市政⼯程实务的沉⼊桩施⼯技术要求吗?沉⼊桩的常⽤的施⼯⽅法主要有:锤击沉桩、静⼒压桩。
2016年⼆级建造师《市政⼯程实务》考点:沉⼊桩施⼯技术要求 沉⼊桩施⼯技术要求 沉⼊桩的常⽤的施⼯⽅法主要有:锤击沉桩、静⼒压桩。
⼀、锤击沉桩法 (⼀)锤击沉桩的特点 1、桩周围的⼟被挤密 2、在⼈⼝稠密的地⽅⼀般不宜采⽤。
(⼆)锤击沉桩设备选择 沉桩设备选择的⼀般思路为,选择锤型-----选择锤重-----选择桩架。
1.选择锤型序号锤型适⽤范围优缺点1坠锤1、适⽤于沉⽊桩和断⾯较⼩混凝⼟桩;2、重型及特重型龙门锤适⽤于沉钢筋混凝⼟桩;3.在⼀般粘性⼟、砂⼟、含有少量砾⽯⼟均可使⽤设备简单,使⽤⽅便,冲击⼒⼤,能随意调整落距,但锤击速度慢(每分钟约6—20次),效率低2柴油锤 1、杆式锤适宜沉⼩型桩、钢板桩;2、筒式锤适宜沉混凝⼟桩、钢管桩等;3、不适宜在过软或过硬⼟中沉桩;4、⽤于浮船中沉桩较为有利附有桩架动⼒等设备,机架轻,移动⽅便、沉桩快.燃料消耗少,也可以打钧桩,是使⽤最⼴的⼀种.但振动⼤,噪声⼤3液压锤 1.适⽤于沉重型的混凝⼟桩、钢桩;2.适⽤于粘性⼟,砂⼟含少量砾⽯等锤质量⼤,冲击次数多,⼯作效率⾼,在⼀定条件下,可保证锤对桩的锤击⼒控制,噪声⼩,且不会污染空⽓ 2.选择锤重(按锤质量与桩质量的⽐值选择,见表1K412021-2) 3. 选择桩架 桩架为沉桩的主要设备,可以⽤、⽊结构组拼⽽成,其主要作⽤是装吊锤和桩并控击锤的运动⽅向。
表1 桩基设计参数 层号 土层名称
⑤ 全风化泥岩
⑥ 强风化泥岩
⑦ 中风化泥岩 根据设计要求,本工程选用第⑥层为桩基持力层。
本工程选用导杆式柴油锤,锤重63kN,根据四平当地的施 工经验,第④层砂质致密,需先用长螺旋钻机引孔至第⑥层, 再进行锤击沉桩。下面简述实施流程:
根据四平地区管桩施工积累的经验数据,第⑥层回弹 量多在1~1.5cm之间,按保守的原则取K=1.5cm时,解得 s=2.05cm,计算结果与03SG409图集中数值基本吻合。
按照上述贯入度施工完试桩后进行静载试验,当堆载加 载到3460.6kN时,沉降量均在规范之内,满足设计要求。
1、设计概况 四平东站位于吉林省四平市铁东经济开发区,站房建筑 面积为5258.94平方米,平面尺寸大致为140.4×47.9m(屋 面投影),地上两层(设备及办公用房),局部一层(候车 大厅),层高5.3m,建筑总高18.9m。主站房采用全现浇框 架结构,基础为高强预应力管桩基础。桩型采用PHC-AB500 (100)-8a,单桩承载力为1537kN,极限承载力为3381kN。 2、工程地质简述 四平市位于松辽凹陷的东部边缘,是中朝地台的一部分, 四平市的地貌形态属于波状台地和一级阶地。白垩纪泥岩和砂 岩构成基底,台地的覆盖层为10~30m左右厚的粘性土层,底 部为厚度不等的砂层。车站底层构造情况如下: 第①层素填土 :黑、褐色,主要成分为粘性土,层厚 0.40~2.50 m。 第②层粉质粘土:褐黄色,稍湿,硬塑。层厚 0.30~4.90m。 第③层粉土:褐黄色,局部为褐灰色,含粗砂、砾砂及岩 石碎片,层厚0.30~2.40m。 第④层细砂:褐黄色~灰白色,层厚0.50~3.30m。
▪3、吊桩 ▪按照确定打桩顺序移动桩架至桩位处。 ▪先栓好吊桩的钢丝绳和锁具,然后应用锁具捆住桩上端吊环附近处一
般不宜超过30cm,再启动机器起吊预制桩,使桩尖对准桩位中心,缓缓 放下插入土中,位置要准确,再在桩顶扣好桩帽,即可出去锁具。
▪6、停锤 ▪停锤标准(沈桩的质量控制) ▪(1)摩擦桩位于一般土层时,一般控制桩端设计标高为主,贯入度
可做参考。(2)端承桩的入土深度以最后贯入度控制为主,桩端标高 做参考。(3)当贯入度已达到,而桩顶标高没有达到时,应继续锤击 三阵,按每阵10击的贯入度不大于设计规定的数量加以确定。
桩基础是深基础应用最多的一种基 础形式,它由若干个沉入土中的桩 和连接桩顶的承台或承台梁组成。 桩的作用是将上部建筑物的荷载高地基土 的承载能力和密实度。
▪ 桩按施工方法分为预制桩和灌注桩
控制桩应设置在距最外桩5-10m处,以控制桩基轴线和标高。测量好 的桩位用钢钎打孔深度不大于200mm,用白灰灌入孔内,并在其上插入 钢筋棍。桩位放样允许偏差:群桩20mm,单桩10mm。
▪2、桩机就位 ▪根据图纸与现场要求(试桩)租赁打桩机械(桩锤、桩架、动力装置) ▪桩锤选择主要根据现场情况以及极具设备条件确定,锤重按照做功和
锤击沉入桩施工工艺标准1. 工艺概述锤击沉桩是通过桩锤撞击桩头将桩打入地下土层中,使上部结构的荷载穿过软弱土层传递到更坚硬的土层或基岩上的沉桩方法。
2. 适用范围施工区域的土层宜以淤泥质粘土、粘土、粉土和N<30的土层为主,对于以N>30的土层或碎石土为主的土层,则会给沉桩带来一定的困难。
3. 作业内容本工艺主要作业内容有:施工准备,打桩机安装,桩位放线,打桩机就位,吊桩、插桩、沉桩,接桩,送桩、截桩。
4. 质量标准及检验方法《建筑地基工程施工质量验收标准》GB50202-2018《建筑桩基技术规范》JGJ94-2008《建筑基桩检测技术规范》JGJ106-2014《预应力混凝土管桩技术规程》DB29-110-2010《铁路桥涵工程施工质量验收标准》TB10415-2018《铁路混凝土施工质量验收标准》TB10424-2018《高速铁路桥涵施工质量验收标准》TB10752-2018《铁路工程基桩检测技术规程》TB10218-20195. 工艺流程图图 5-1 锤击沉入桩工艺流程图6.工艺步骤及质量控制6.1 施工准备6.1.1 施工场地1)清除妨碍施工的地上和地下的障碍物。
在桩位以外 4~6m 范围内的整个区域或桩机进出场地及移动路线上,应作适当平整压实,并做适当坡度,保证场地具有良好的排水。
2.1.3质量标准及检验方法《铁路桥涵工程施工质量验收标准》TB10415-2003《铁路混凝土工程施工质量验收标准》TB10424-2010《高速铁路桥涵工程施工质量验收标准》TB10753—2010《铁路工程基桩检测技术规程》(TB10218-2008)2.1.4工艺流程图图 2.2.4-1 锤击沉桩施工工艺流程图2.1.5工艺步骤及质量控制一、施工准备1.施工场地(1)清除妨碍施工的地上和地下的障碍物。
在桩位以外 4~6m 范围内的整个区域或桩机进出场地及移动路线上,应作适当平整压实,并做适当坡度,保证场地具有良好的排水。
(3)正式沉桩前应作数量不少于2 根桩的打桩工艺试验,用以了解桩的贯入度、持力层强度、桩的承载力,以及施工过程中遇到的各种问题和反常情况等。
2K312020 城市桥梁工程基础施工技术
2K312021 掌握沉入桩施工技术要求
所有基础桩打完的标准基础桩打完的标准包括以下几个方面:1. 质量要求:成品桩外观无蜂窝、露筋、裂缝、色感均匀、桩顶处无孔隙。
2. 锤击沉桩:锤桩顺序对于密集桩群,自中间向两个方向或四周对称施打;当一侧毗邻建筑物时,由毗邻建筑物处向另一方向施打;根据基础的设计标高,宜先深后浅;根据桩的规格,宜先大后小,先长后短。
3. 焊接接桩:钢钣宜采用低碳钢,焊条宜采用E43,产品合格证检查。
4. 送桩:送桩深度不宜大于;当桩顶打至接近地面需要送桩时,应测出桩的垂直度并检查桩顶质量,合格后应及时送桩;送桩的最后贯入度应参考相同条件下不送桩时的最后贯入度并修正;送桩后遗留的桩孔应立即回填或覆盖。
5. 终止:当桩端位于一般土层时,应以控制桩端设计标高为主,贯入度为辅;当桩端达到坚硬、硬塑的黏性土、中密以上粉土、砂土、碎石类土及风化岩时,应以贯入度控制为主,桩端标高为辅。
落锤一般由生铁铸成,重0.5~1.5t ,构造简单,使用方便,提升高效率低,适于在黏土和含砾石较多的土中打桩。
单动式汽锤的冲击体在上升时耗用动力,下降靠自重,打桩速度较落锤快(60-80次/min),锤重1.5-15t ,适于各类桩在各类土层中施工。
双动式汽锤的冲击体升降均耗用动力,冲击力更大、频率更快(100-120次/min),锤重0.6~6t ,还可用于打钢板桩、水下桩、斜桩和拔桩。
液压锤是一种新型打桩设备,它的冲击缸体通过液压油提升与降落, 每一击能获得更大的贯入度。
1 一立柱;2—斜撑;3—回转平台; 1 一桩;2—斜撑;3亠桩帽;4—桩锤;4—卷扬机;5—司机室;6-平衡重 5 一履带式起重机;6—立柱3)动力装置打桩机构的动力装置及辅助设备主要根据选定的桩锤种类而定。
锤击沉桩技术要点第一小节锤击桩主要施工技术措施[ 1 ]打桩前的施工准备1、在打桩现场或附近需设置水准点,数量为两个以上,用以抄平场地和检查桩的入土深度。
[ 2 ]沉桩施工要点:1、由吊车先两点起吊、后单点起吊,单点吊吊点位置,用钢丝绳绑在桩上部约0.295L(L为桩长)处。
[ 3 ]桩停止锤击的控制原则:1、桩端位于一般土层时,以控制桩端设计标高为主,贯入度可作参考;2、桩端到坚硬、硬塑的粘性土、粉土、中密以上砂土时,以贯入度控制为主,桩端标高作参考;3、贯入度已达到而桩端标高未达到时,应继续锤击3阵,按每阵10击的贯入度不大于设计规定的数值加以确认,必要时贯入度应通过试验或与有关单位确定。
[ 4 ]方桩焊接桩的连接采用角钢帮焊连接。
锤击桩打桩顺序及控制要点 Microsoft Word 文档
2017一级建造师建筑工程考点:桩基础施工技术2017一级建造师复习2017年一建建筑工程的考生们,一定不要错过本文“2017一级建造师建筑工程考点:桩基础施工技术”由一级建造师考试网整理而出的重点哦,祝您顺利通过一级建造师考试!1A413030建筑工程地基处理与基础工程施工技术1A413032 桩基础施工技术1.预制桩按沉桩方法分:锤击沉桩、静力压桩、振动法。
2. 锤击施工程序:确定桩位和沉桩顺序一桩机就位一吊桩喂桩一校正一锤击沉桩一接桩一再锤击沉桩一送桩一收锤一切割桩头31.打桩顺序:从中间向(两端对称)四周;先长后短、先大后小、先深后浅32.打桩宜“重锤低击”、“低锤重打”桩身的垂直度偏差不得大于0.5%。
除钻孔压浆灌注桩外,其他三种均为泥浆护壁钻孔灌注桩52.锤击沉管灌注桩:适于黏性土、淤泥、淤泥质土、稍密的砂石及杂填土层中使用;但不能在密实的中粗砂、砂砾石、漂石层中使用53.振动沉管灌注桩根据承载力的不同要求,拔管方法分单打法、复打法、反插法61.进行强度检验时,对承重(支护)水泥土搅拌桩取90(28)天后的试件;62.灌注桩的桩顶标高至少要比设计标高高出0.5m P41763.对特殊灌注桩的承载力检验,应采用静载荷试验的方法进行检验,检验桩数不应少于总数的1%,且不应少于3根,当总数少于50根,不应少于2根。
在桩锤和桩帽之间应加弹性衬垫,桩帽和桩顶周围四边应有5~10mm 的间隙,以防损伤桩顶。
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1Hammer ’s Impact Force on Pile and Pile ’s PenetrationJi-Cheng WangInstitute of Architectural Engineering, Ningbo University of Technology, Ningbo, Zhejiang,China Jianlin YuCollege of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, ChinaMa ShiguoNingbo Urban Construction Investment Holding Company Limited, Ningbo, Zhejiang, ChinaXiaonan GongCollege of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China Address correspondence to Ji-Cheng Wang, No. 201, Fenghua Road, Jiangbei District, Ningbo, Zhejiang 315211, China. E-mail: wjc1818@Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at /wifa.AbstractMethods of energy and momentum conservation, vibration theories, and model tests are employed to research into impact force of hammer on pile and pile ’s penetration Analytical formula of impact force of hammer on pile is obtained. Comparison of results from the three methods finds that the analytical formula proposed by this paper conforms well to practical situations. Research resultsD o w n l o a d e d b y [J i c h e n g W A N G ] a t 21:22 29 M a y 2015Marine Georesources & Geotechnology To cite this article:Ji-Cheng Wang, Jianlin Yu, Shiguo Ma & Xiaonan Gong (2015): Hammer's Impact Force on Pile and Pile'sPenetration, Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, DOI: 10.1080/1064119X.2015.1016637To link to this article: /10.1080/1064119X.2015.1016637 Accepted author version posted online: 28 May 2015.2show that, If hammer ’s impact energy remains unchanged, Penetration increases with the increase of hammer weight and cushion stiffness; Impact force the pile head receives degrades with the increase of hammer weight but increases with the increase of cushion stiffness; Impact time decreases with the increase of cushion stiffness but increases with the increase of hammer weight. Model test shows that, compared with cotton cloth cushion, elastic cushion ’s advantages lie in that relatively small pile head impact force can achieve big pile penetration, and cotton cloth is gradually compacted with the increase of blow counts, hence impact force the pile head receives tends to increase gradually.KeywordsINTRODUCTIONHammer piling is simple and economical, and has a great penetrability, hence is widely used. However, hammer ’s impact force on pile is usually very big, thus causing damage to pile head. Besides, hammer weight selection is generally empirical. Hammer ’s impact force on pile is usually calculated through pile driving formula, which are deduced from laws of energy and momentum conservation together with empirical parameters as energy utilization efficiency, coefficient of restitution, etc., such as the widely used Hiley (1925) Formula. Smith ’s (1960) model used lumped mass as hammer, and used weightless spring as anvil cushion. Helmet and cap cushion were all regarded as part of the pile. Wave equation analysis was used to simulate dynamic response of pile driving (Smith 1960). Rausche, Goble, and Likins (1985) proposed a pile driving dynamic model which was more complex than Smith ’s (Rausche, Goble, and Likins 1985). Deeks and Randolph (1990, 1991, 1993) built a model comprising piling hammer, anvil cushion, and helmet which was directly attached to pile top and proposed analytical solutions to this modelD o w n l o a d e d b y [J i c h e n g W A N G ] a t 21:22 29 M a y 20153considering anvil cushion ’s elasticity and viscoelasticity (Randolph, Banerjee, and Buttefield 1991; Deeks and Randolph 1993, 1995). Koten (1991) researched into a simple hammering model comprising piling hammer and anvil cushion (Koten 1991). Take, Valsangkar, and Randolph (1999) analyzed interaction of piling hammer, anvil cushion, helmet, and cap cushion. The paper used lumped masses for the ram and anvil, a spring for the anvil cushion, and another spring for the cap cushion on the top of a pile. Pile and soil interaction was not considered. Take analyzed blow stress wave on pile top by using mass-spring-dashpot model and numerical computation method (Take, Valsangkar, and Randolph 1999). Runfu and Qing (2000) simplified pile to onedimensional rod and analyzed it by using stress wave solution and proposed a stress solution of pile (Runfu and Qing 2000). Based on one dimensional stress wave theory, Shifang et al. (2003) researched into impact force and penetration by building an interaction model of hammer, pile, and soil and obtained analytical solutions of pile end displacement and velocity (Shifang, Renpeng, and Yunmin 2004). Hehua, Yongjian, and Huaizhong (2004) used different lumped mass for piling hammer and helmet, and parallel spring and dashpot for anvil cushion, and spring for cap cushion, and dashpot for pile, and established an equilibrium equation, and then used the Laplace Transform to deduce analytical solutions of hammering force (Hehua, Yongjian, and Huaizhong 2004; Yongjian et al. 2005). Liyun and Pu'an (1994) carried out a simulation piling test of small diameter steel pipe pile and concluded that disc spring could improve piling efficiency (Liyun and Pu'an 1994). Renpeng et al.(2001) monitored pile body stress in piling and obtained relationships among blow count, pile length, and pile body ’s maximal stress (Renpeng et al. 2001). Peng-kong and Subrahmanyam (2003) researched into pile driving formula considering pile length factor by using one dimensional wave equation (Peng-kong and Subrahmanyam 2003). Based on Hiley Formula, So and Ng (2010) researched into impact compression behaviors of high-capacity long piles (SoD o w n l o a d e d b y [J i c h e n g W A N G ] a t 21:22 29 M a y 20154and Ng 2010). With examples, Middendorp and van Weel (1986) attested that under most conditions, simple models could provide force and velocity response curve which was accurate enough (Middendorp and van Weel 1986; Middendorp 2004). This article simplifies the systemm S viz. hammer and pile stick together to move downward after collision. Here H P v v v c . Upon receiving kinetic energy, pile overcomes soil ’s frictional resistance and sinks, then:D o w n l o a d e d b y [J i c h e n g W A N G ] a t 21:22 29 M a y 201552H P 1()2W m m v c (2)According to momentum conservation, we have:0H P ()H m v m m v c (3)H P(7)In which S Plastic is penetration when complete plastic impact occurs between pile and hammer. From Eq. (7) we have:D o w n l o a d e d b y [J i c h e n g W A N G ] a t 21:22 29 M a y 20156H0P PlasticHP1m E m S m f m(8)It can be seen from Eq. (8) that if hammer ’s kinetic energy 20H 012E m v remainsp Then energy utilization efficiency is:D o w n l o a d e d b y [J i c h e n g W A N G ] a t 21:22 29 M a y 20157H 2P PP 220HH 0P 142112m m v m W E m m v m K§· ¨¸©¹ (11)Relationship between energy utilization efficiency K and m H /m p is illustrated in Figure 2.s Relationship between penetration S Elastic and m H /m p is illustrated in Figure 2. It can be seen that just as energy utilization efficiency K , if hammer ’s initial kinetic energy remains unchanged, when m H <m p , penetration S Elastic increases significantly with the increase of m H . When m H =m p ,D o w n l o a d e d b y [J i c h e n g W A N G ] a t 21:22 29 M a y 20158penetration is the biggest, and 0Elastic E S f. When m H >m p , penetration S Elastic degrades gradually with the increase of m H . It can also be seen that when m H =3m p , penetration is 034E f, be it usingAssume elastic cushion stiffness coefficient is k H . Pile will not sink if anvil cushion ’s thrust for pile is smaller than soil ’s frictional resistance to pile f . This part of hammer ’s energy is transferred to cushion ’s compression energy, hence:D o w n l o a d e d b y [J i c h e n g W A N G ] a t 21:22 29 M a y 201592LossH 122f E fx k (17)In which x is compressed length of cushion under the effect of energy loss E Loss . Energy utilization efficiencyS s 2H 2H 0f k m v (22)Viz. when cushion stiffness 2H 2H 0f k m v , hammer ’s all kinetic energy is transferred to cushion ’s compression potential energy and will not cause pile to sink.D o w n l o a d e d b y [J i c h e n g W A N G ] a t 21:22 29 M a y 201510When Soil's Resistance to Pile Is Very BigWhen pile receives very big resistance during sinking process and penetration is very small and is negligible, foundation soil ’s stiffness can be seen as P k f , then the system comprising hammer,sinking. When hammer ’s velocity v H equals to pile ’s velocity v P (assume H P v v v c ), cushion is compressed to the thinnest, hence cushion receives the biggest pressure. ThenH 0H P ()m v m m v c (26)D o w n l o a d e d b y [J i c h e n g W A N G ] a t 21:22 29 M a y 201511We can obtain:H 0H P m v v m m c(27)The whole system ’s kinetic energyFrom Eqs. (25) and (32), we have:D o w n l o a d e d b y [J i c h e n g W A N G ] a t 21:22 29 M a y 201512max,P max,P 01k k F F f ! (33)It can be seen from Eq. (33) that max,P max,P 0k k F F f!, and the bigger m H /m p is, the bigger thedifference between max,P k F f and max,P 0k F will be.Actually, foundation soil ’s stiffness k P falls between 0 and f , and the maximal impact force F max the pile head receives satisfies the following Eq.:max,P 0max max,P k k F F F f(34)ANALYSES BASED ON VIBRATION THEORIESTheoretical Analysis of Impact Force Pile Head ReceivesLiteratures (Deeks and Randolph 1993; Take, Valsangkar, and Randolph 1999; So and Ng 2010) reveal that, compared with impact force, gravity of hammer and pile is very small and can be negligible. Compared with anvil cushion and foundation soil, hammer and pile have relatively great stiffness and can be approximately seen as rigid bodies. These literatures (Deeks and Randolph 1993; Take, Valsangkar, and Randolph 1999; So and Ng 2010) also show that hammer exerts the biggest impact force on pile at initial stage of hammering. At this stage, pile and its surrounding soil take relatively small sinking and no relative displacement occurs. Hence vertical downward sinking deformation is mainly elastic deformation. This is illustrated in Figures1(c) and 1(d). Then it can be assumed that soil ’s resistance and pile ’s sinkage display a direct ratio. Select the equilibrium position of hammer and pile as origin of coordinates, and select the displacements x H and x P of hammer and pile which deviate from the equilibrium position as coordinates, just as illustrated in Figure 4(c). When vibration occurs with the system, the forcesD o w n l o a d e d b y [J i c h e n g W A N G ] a t 21:22 29 M a y 201513the hammer and the pile receive are illustrated in Figure 4(d). Establish force equations of the system:P P P P H H P H H H H P ()()m x k x k x x m x x x ®¯k P P H H P x k x k (x Eqs. (36) is a second-order linear homogeneous differential equation set. To make it®¯x P P bx x P x H dx 22()0()0b A cB dA d B Z Z °® °¯ (41)D o w n l o a d e d b y [J i c h e n g W A N G ] a t 21:22 29 M a y 201514Eqs. (41) are a linear equation set of vibration amplitudes A and B . When vibration occurswith the system, the equation set has non-zero solutions, and determinant of coefficient of the equation set must be 0, viz.:b d §¨¸©¹2 1Z 22212b b d c c Z J ª° «°«°¬¯(46)Kinematic equations of vibration (first principal vibration) corresponding to first natural frequency 1Z is:D o w n l o a d e d b y [J i c h e n g W A N G ] a t 21:22 29 M a y 201515(1)P 111(1)H 111sin()sin()x A t x B t Z T Z T °® °¯ (47)Kinematic equations of vibration (second principal vibration) corresponding to second natural frequency 2Z is:(2)P 222(2)H 222sin()sin()x A t x B t Z T Z T °® °¯ (48)With theories of differential equations, general solution of free vibration differential Eq. (38) can be obtained from Eqs. (47) and (48):P 111222H 11112222sin()sin()sin()sin()x A t A t x A t A t Z T Z T J Z T J Z T ®¯ (49)Eqs. (49) include four undetermined constants A 1, A 2, T 1, and T 2.When t = 0, the distances of hammer and pile from equilibrium position are all 0, viz. x P = 0, x H = 0. Substitute them into Eqs. (49), we have:1122111222sin sin 0sin sin 0A A A A T T J T J T ®¯ (50)Take the derivative of Eq. (49) with t , we have:11222211122222cos()cos()cos()cos()t A t t A t Z Z T Z Z T Z J Z T Z J Z T ®¯11xP A c11x H A (51)When t = 0, hammer ’s velocity x v H 0, pile ’s velocity x 0P . Substitute them into Eqs. (51), we have:111222*********cos cos 0cos cos A A A A v Z T Z T Z J T Z J T ®¯ (52)From Eqs. (50) and (52), we can obtain:0012121122120,,()()v v A A T T Z J J Z J J(53)Substitute Eqs. (53) into Eqs. (49), we have motion equations of hammer and pile:D o w n l o a d e d b y [J i c h e n g W A N G ] a t 21:22 29 M a y 20151600P 121122121020H 12112212sin sin ()()sin sin ()()v v x t t v v x t t Z Z Z J J Z J J J J Z Z Z J J Z J J ° °®° ° ¯ (54)It can be noted that if soil ’s frictional resistance to pile is very small and is negligible, thenP k x 11Jx H J H H x m H H H § ¨©x m 1 and Z 2. Again, substitute it into Eqs. (46), we have J 1 and J 2. Substitute Z 1, Z 2, J 1, and J 2 into second equation of Eqs. (54), we have:D o w n l o a d e d b y [J i c h e n g W A N G ] a t 21:22 29 M a y 2015171020H 1201112212sin sin sin ()()v v x t t tJ J Z Z Z Z J J Z J J(58)Take the second derivative of Eq. (58), we have:H m kx H k mx H H k Hmax x n1t P P 02sin F tZ (63)The maximal value of Eq. (63) is:D o w n l o a d e d b y [J i c h e n g W A N G ] a t 21:22 29 M a y 201518max 0max,P 0k F F (64)The conclusion is the same as the conclusion drawn from Eq. (32). When 222t n SZ S(nis nonnegative integer), Eq. (64) is true. Hammer separates from pile after collision, hence 2t ZD o w n l o a d e d b y [J i c h e n g W A N G ] a t 21:22 29 M a y 201519Assume m P = 1.56 kg, k H = k P = 3.6×105 N/m. Hammer ’s initial energy 08N mE remains unchanged, Change hammer weight and fall height. Hammer ’s impact force on pile can be calculated with Eq. (57), as illustrated in Figure 7.As mentioned above, negative impact force means hammer separates from cushion. It can be seen from Figure 7 that, for identical hammer impact energy, the bigger the hammer weight is, the smaller the hammer ’s impact force on pile will be, and the longer the impact time will last. When m H >m P (1.56 kg), viz. hammer weight is bigger than pile weight, hammer ’s impact force onpile remains bigger than 0.ANALYSES BASED ON MODEL TESTEquipment parts of the model test are shown in Figure 8(a), and assembly drawing is illustrated in Figure 8(b). Loose uniform sand, void ratio is 0.8㸪relative density D r = 45%㸪dry unit weight is 14.5 kN/m 3, pile ’s lower end just touches soil surface. Lift hammer to a certain height, and let it fall down freely and hit spring, then the pile will sink.Elastic Cushion TestHammer ’s initial energy is 08N m E , and m H = 1.04 kg, and m P = 1.56 kg, and spring stiffness k H = 3.6×105 N/m. An accelerometer attached to hammer is used to measure hammer ’s acceleration when hitting spring. Hammer ’s actual impact force on spring is indirectly measured, as illustrated in Figure 9. Because soil ’s stiffness coefficient k P is unknown, here let k P = 0, 180, 360, 540, 720, 900, 1260, 1440, 2000, 4000 kN/m and infinitely great. Substitute these values into Eq. (57), hammer ’s impact force on pile can be achieved, as illustrated in Figure 9. It can be seen that measured impact force is approximate to theoretical value. Especially when k P = 360 kN/m,D o w n l o a d e d b y [J i c h e n g W A N G ] a t 21:22 29 M a y 201520the maximal impact force measured is nearly identical with theoretical value. From Eqs. (62) and (63), it can be calculated that the times when maximal impact forces occur is 0.00204 s and 0.00262 s respectively, as illustrated in Figure 9. It can be seen that the bigger the foundation soil ’s stiffness coefficient k P is, the later the maximal impact force will come, and the bigger the impact force will be.Keep hammer ’s impact energy unchanged, but change hammer weight. Measure the values of hammer ’s maximal impact force on pile, pile ’s penetration, and maximal acceleration of soilsurface ’s vertical vibration at 0.2 m horizontally from pile, as illustrated in Figure 10. Let k P = 360 kN/m, Hammer ’s maximal impact force on pile calculated with Eq. (57) is also illustrated in Figure 10. It can be seen that maximal impact force measured is approximate to theoretical value, and the force degrades with the increase of hammer weight, which shows that “heavy hammer and low drop ” can reduce impact force on pile head and lower probability of pile head damages. It can also be seen that with the increase of hammer weight, pile ’s penetration also increases, especially when hammer weight is very small. Increasing hammer weight can significantly increase pile ’s penetration, which conforms to the conclusions drawn by using energy and momentum conservation method, as illustrated in Figure 2. However, it can be seen from Figure 2 that, when m H /m p > 1, penetration will degrade with the increase of hammer weight, which is different from the conclusions drawn by using methods of vibration theories and model test. This is because energy and momentum conservation method assumes that hammer separates from pile after collision. However, the actual case is not the same as assumed, as can be seen from Figure 7. When hammer weight is bigger than pile weight, the two do not separate after collision, and impact force is bigger than 0 all along, which means that, when hammer weight is bigger than pile weight, assumption of energy and momentum conservation method is unreasonable. It canD o w n l o a d e d b y [J i c h e n g W A N G ] a t 21:22 29 M a y 201521also be seen from Figure 10 that vibration of soil surface from 0.2 m of pile starts to weaken with the increase of hammer weight, which means that the lost energy causing soil surface ’s vibration degrades, and energy utilization efficiency is improved. Penetration of “heavy hammer and low drop” is bigger than that of “light hammer and high drop”.Hammer ’s initial energy 08N m E , and m H = 1.04kg, and m P = 1.56kg. Change spring ’s stiffness. Hammer ’s maximal impact force on pile, pile ’s penetration, and spring ’s maximal compression are measured, as illustrated in Figure 11. Let k P =3.6×105 N/m. The maximal impactforce calculated with Eq. (57) is illustrated in Figure 11. It can be seen that with the increase of spring stiffness, hammer ’s impact force on spring and pile ’s penetration also increase, but spring ’s maximal compression degrades. This is even more evident especially when spring has a relatively small stiffness. The conclusion conforms to the conclusion drawn from Eq. (17). It can also be seen that when spring has a relatively big stiffness, theoretical value of hammer ’s maximal impact force on pile is bigger than measured value, and the bigger the spring stiffness is, the bigger the differences between these two values will be. For example, if H k o f , from Eq. (57) we know that F o f , viz. if there is no cushion, impact force will be infinitely great, which does not conform to reality. This is because Eq. (57) assumes that hammer and pile are all rigid bodies while actuallythey are not. When spring stiffness is very big, impact force will be very big. In this case, elastic deformation of hammer and pile cannot be neglected.Plastic Cushion TestAbsolute plastic materials do not exist. Moreover, materials with strong plastic properties present great difficulty in practical engineering use, hence elastic cushion or elastic-plastic cushion (such as plank) is widely used in engineering. Cotton cloth is used as cushion in this model test.D o w n l o a d e d b y [J i c h e n g W A N G ] a t 21:22 29 M a y 201522The cotton cloth has a thickness of 50 mm and is fastened to the tray of pile. Hammer ’s initial energy is 08N m E . Hammer ’s maximal impact force on pile and pile ’s penetration, when given different hammer weights, are illustrated in Figure 10. It can be seen that, with the increase of hammer weight, the maximal impact force the pile head receives will degrade, but penetration will increase. The conclusion conforms to the conclusion when using elastic cushion. It can also be seen that the maximal impact force when using plastic cushion is bigger than that of when using elastic cushion, but penetration is smaller all along. It shows that relatively small impact force canachieve relatively great penetration when using elastic cushion, hence energy utilization efficiency is higher. Hammer weight is 1.04 kg, other factors are the same as the factors mentioned above. Repeat hammering test. Relationship between the maximal impact force and blow counts is illustrated in Figure 12. It can be seen that, compared with using spring as cushion, pile receives a greater maximal impact force when using cotton cloth as cushion. With the increase of blow counts, the maximal impact force increases with cotton cloth being gradually compacted. The increase of impact force is especially significant at the beginning of hammering when cotton cloth is significantly compacted. However, spring takes no significant changes, and impact forceremains almost unchanged. In practical engineering, with the increase of blow counts, plank as cushion is gradually compacted and becomes hardened, and its color turns black. The plank may even get scorched due to hammering, thus losing its protecting function for pile head. In this case, the plank needs to be changed or replaced with elastic cushion.CONCLUSIONSThe following conclusions can be drawn from this study.D o w n l o a d e d b y [J i c h e n g W A N G ] a t 21:22 29 M a y 201523 (1) If hammer ’s impact energy remains unchanged, penetration increases with the increaseof hammer weight and cushion stiffness; the impact force the pile head receivesdegrades with the increase of hammer weight, but increases with the increase ofcushion stiffness.(2) The time the pile head receives impact force degrades with the increase of elasticcushion stiffness, but increases with the increase of hammer weight. When hammerweight increases to a certain weight, hammer will not rebound and depart from pilehead.(3) Hammer ’s impact force on pile increases with the increase of foundation soil ’s stiffness.(4) Compared with elastic-plastic cushions such as planks, elastic cushion can achievegreater penetration with relatively small pile head impact force, hence protectinghead from being damaged. Cotton cloth cushion gradually gets compacted with theincrease of blow counts, and impact force the pile head receives increasesgradually.(5) When foundation soil ’s stiffness is 0 or infinitely great, the analytic formula of maximalimpact force the pile head receives obtained by using energy and momentumconservation method is the same as that of using method of vibration theories. Themaximal impact force and impact force changes over time obtained from methodof vibration theories coincides well with those of using model test method.(6) Energy and momentum conservation method assumes that hammer separates from pileafter collision when using elastic cushion, but the actual conditions as proved byusing methods of vibration theories and model test are not the case. When hammerD o w n l o a d e d b y [J i c h e n g W A N G ] a t 21:22 29 M a y 201524weight is bigger than pile weight, hammer does not separate from pile aftercollision. Penetration achieved by using energy and momentum conservationmethod is inaccurate.(7) When cushion stiffness is relatively small, theoretical value obtained by using methodof vibration theories coincides well with the value measured by using model testmethod. 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