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Self-reflection essay

Through one semester studying on managing communication in organisation, I gradually have a clear understanding ofmy communication style and skills. According to mysurvey result, in cooperation aspect, I cooperatedwell with my teammate. We divided whole project into four part and took charge for each part separately. I do actively participate in team meetings and was a good listener when we have brainstorming. However, I failed to come up with some innovative ideas sometimes. In research and idea generation aspect, I read case and searched for information carefully. But It was quite difficult for me tocombined theory with case study at the initial stage of group project which lead to a poor idea generation. For example, I was confused when we analysed the leadership and conflict management style of director in case study. Then after several team meetings, we shared our own views about challenges in group project and had a mutual understanding of methods to overcome difficulties. In preparation aspect, I prepared a lot for my own part. However, we failed to practice more as a whole team which result in some deficiencies in presentation. As for attitude aspect, I highly respect my teammates and team project. I wasa positive and supportive team worker in our group. I rated myself with 4.1 (out of 5), which was below than class average 4.6. I think I still have some defects in communication styles. Besides, the comments from my tutor was that I was anactivelistener but need to express more.

Through analysis before, I consider my communication style as submissive communication style. Submissive communication style refers to that others’ interests and concerns are more important than mine (Anderson & Martin, 1995). In team project, I usually played a role as a listener rather than an innovator. I generally compliance with other team members ideas or suggestions. Sometimes I was afraid to state my own point of view and not honest enough when there existed some dissensions.This communication style hindered a better outcome of group project. The reason why I have this communication style is that I still lack trust to our team members. I was afraid that they may have some prejudice when I directly raised questions. According to five dysfunctions of a team, absence of trust was a fundamental problem in a team (Lencioni, 2002). If trust is low, then task conflict transfers to relationship conflict which result in low team performance (Simons & Peterson, 2000). Therefore, in my opinion, my engagement in team project greatly reduced by low trust and submissive communication style.
