学术英语(理工)_Unit 2
5 人工智能是一种新的自动化技术吗?是一种削弱了曾经是 20世纪末就业标志的脑力工作的技术吗?是一种只会消除 更好的工作机会的技术吗?
Unit 2 Searching for Information
3 Identifying topic sentences for information
Two parts of a topic sentence Task 1
Unit 3 Listening to Lectures
1 Preparing for listening to a lecture
3 How many factors affect global temperature? What are they?
Many factors affect the Earth’s temperature on a global scale. The main factors are solar output, orbital variation volcanic eruptions, and polluting effect of human activities.
Computer Ethics
Content: The proper ethical behavior of computer users 2 Topic: Dyslexia---Learning Problems Content: The analysis of the causes of dyslexia and doctor’s explanation of it
1 What are the definitions of the following terms?
3) greenhouse: is a structure with different types of covering materials, such as a glass or plastic roof and frequently glass or plastic walls; it heats up because incoming visible solar radiation from the sun is absorbed by plants, soil, and other things inside the building. 4) methane: is the simplest alkane, the main component of natural gas, and probably the most abundant organic compound on earth. The relative abundance of methane makes it an attractive fuel.
理工英语单词理工英语英英释义1.shroud – hide information or keep it secret and mysterious2.exaggerate – overstate3.doomsday – end of the world4.destine – direct toward a given destination5.prevalent – existing very commonly or happening frequently6.perception – insight7.pragmatic – solving problems in realistic way8.disposal – the act of getting rid of sth. useless or used upypeople – nonprofessional10.interaction – mutual effect11.external – coming from the outside12.prior – before a particular time or event13.respondent sb. who answers questions, esp. in a survey14.administer – manage; organize15.accessible – easy to obtain or use16.assume - suppose17.indicative – showing or suggesting sth18.bias - non-objective consideration of an issue or a situation19.render - cause to become20.coverage - the reporting of news21.refer – mention22.constitute – form; establish23.foodstuff – groceries; food product24.spice – seasoning25.bacteria – microscopic single-celled organisms26.submarine – a ship which can travel under water27.explicitly – clearly and exactly28.assign – allocate29.appoint – give; designate30.maximum – the largest amount allowed or possible31.hazard – danger32.countermeasure – counteraction33.irradiation – exposure to a large amount of radioactivity34.betray – unveil35.disintegration – the state of losing unity as if by breaking into parts36.affirmative –the word “yes” or a sign that you agree with37.agent – substance that produces an effect or a change38.initiate – start; lead off39.proportion – a part of the whole40.antagonist – opponent41.protagonist – supporter42.alternative – choice; option43.standpoint – viewpoint; stance44.leakage – gas, water etc. escaping form a hole or crack45.rank – be good, bad, important, unimportant etc. compared with other similar things46.catastrophic – extremely harmful; destructive47.involuntary – not done by choice; unconscious48.aura – atmosphere49.exemplify – illustrate50.localize – limit sth. to a particular area51.cautiousness – carefulness52.prerequisite – requirement for sth. to happen or exist53.realm – domain54.ring – a sound like a bell55.deplete – use up resources or materials56.gloomy – without much hope of success57.rational – having reason or understanding58.impasse – a difficult situation of which there is no way out59.integration – the act of combining things to work together。
ContentsUnit 1 – Astronomy (2)Part I: Pre-listening (2)Part II: While Listening (2)Text A: Fun Facts about Astronomy (2)Text B: Shenzhou-10 Mission (3)Part III: After Listening (3)Part IV: Homework (3)Unit 2 – Biology (4)Part I: Pre-listening (4)Part II: While Listening (4)Text A: Secret of Life (4)Text B: Animal Intelligence (5)Part III: After Listening (5)Part IV: Homework (5)Unit 3 – Psychology (6)Part I: Pre-listening (6)Part II: While Listening (6)Text A: Discovering Psychology (6)Text B: Liespotting (7)Part III: After Listening (7)Part IV: Homework (7)Unit 4 – Geography (8)Part I: Pre-listening (8)Part II: While Listening (8)Text A: What Is Geography? (8)Text B: Mount Kailash – Axis of the World (9)Part III: After Listening (9)Part IV: Homework (9)Unit 5 – Economy (sic) (10)Part I: Pre-listening (10)Part II: While Listening (10)Text A: The Blue Economy (10)Text B: A Monkey Economy as Irrational asOurs (11)Part III: After Listening (11)Part IV: Homework (11)Unit 6 – Physics (12)Part I: Pre-listening (12)Part II: While Listening (12)Text A: What Is Physics? (12)Text B: Science of Figure Skating (13)Part III: After Listening (13)Part IV: Homework (13)Unit 7 – Computer Science (14)Part I: Pre-listening (14)Part II: While Listening (14)Text A: Computer Software (14)Text B: Computer Science Advice forStudents (15)Part III: After Listening (15)Part IV: Homework (15)Unit 8 – Chemistry (16)Part I: Pre-listening (16)Part II: While Listening (16)Text A: The History of DiscoveringElements (16)Text B: The Periodic Table of Elements (17)Part III: After Listening (17)Part IV: Homework (17)Unit 1 – AstronomyPart I: Pre-listeningC: Listening Exercise1. D – Mars.2. C – For finding their way across hugeareas of ocean.3. C – Almost every ancient culture knewof these five mysteries.4. A – Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury andMars.5. C – The study of stars.Part II: While ListeningText A: Fun Facts about Astronomy Exercise 1 – Global Understanding1.Two branches: (1) observationalastronomy and (2) theoreticalastronomy.2.Aspects: fun facts about (3) the sun(4) the moon(5) the stars(6) the planetsExercise 2 – Listening and Note-takingThe better notes are _A_, because:1.Good notes should consist of keywordsor very short sentences, not every word.e abbreviations and symbols thatmake sense to you can help you writedown notes quickly.3.Leave space between topics or ideas soyou can scan the page more easily later. Exercise 3 – In-depth Listening1.Mercury is the (1) second smallestplanet in the solar system and has (2)no moon. It can get as hot as (3) 800 °Cand cold as (4) 300 °C below zero. Oneyear on Mercury is equal to (5) 88 dayson Earth.2.Venus is the only planet that rotatesfrom (6) east to west. A year on thisplanet is equal to (7) 225 days on Earth.3.Earth is nearly (8) 93 million miles awayfrom the sun. It takes about (9) 16million horsepower to break the Earth’sgravitational pull.4.According to scientists, in around (10) 5billion years, a day on Earth will be (11)48 hours long and somewhere duringthat time the sun will explode.5.The planet Neptune was discoveredmore than (12) 150 years ago in 1846,and since then it still has to complete anorbit around the sun, as one Neptuneyear equals to (13) 165 Earth years.6.Pluto’s size is very small which madescientists demote it to a (14) dwarfplanet status.Text B: Shenzhou-10 MissionExercise 1 – Global Understanding1.June 24th.2.China hasn’t set up a permanent spacestation.Exercise 2 – Listening for Details1.False2.True3.Not GivenExercise 3 – Compound Dictation1.blasted off2.docked3.conduct experiments4.June 20th5.gave a lecture6. a manual docking procedure7.spoke8.two-way video link9.flew around10.the modulePart III: After ListeningPart IV: HomeworkA – Listening Task1.supremacy2.gesture3.vowed4.hostile5.decade6.mission7.spotted8.It was five kilometers from base andthey were running dangerously short oftime9.The orange soil looked like evidence ofrecent volcanic activity 10.In just half an hour, Schmitt and Cernangathered all the orange soil they couldlay hands onUnit 2 – BiologyPart I: Pre-listeningA: Talk about the Topic1.Hummingbird (c); Marmoset (a); Ostrich(d); Sloth (b); Venus flytrap (g); Cheetah(f); Bamboo (h); Rafflesia (e)2.as sly as a fox; as timid as a hare; ascheerful as a lark; as silly as a goose; asgreedy as a wolf; as proud as a peacock;as strong as a horse; as brave as a lion;as gentle as a lamb; as stubborn as amule; as busy as a bee; as blind as a bat C: Listening Exercise1. D – Hostess and guest.2. B – Genetically modified organism.3. A – Corns with a 4-digit PLU code.4. C – Because there is no proof that GMfoods are safe.5. C – From PLU code on the produce. Part II: While ListeningText A: Secret of LifeExercise 1 – Global Understanding1.nucleus2.mush3.membranes4.protein5.energy6.chromosomesExercise 2 – Listening and Note-taking1.frogspawn2.divide and divide3.replicating4.specialize5.body parts6.true of us7. a single cell8.two fundamental rules of life9.made of cells10.other cells11.what life wasExercise 3 – In-depth Listening1.17th2.Robert Hooke3.microscope4.snowflakes5.natural fibers6.mid-19th7.resurfaced8.well-engineered9.exposeText B: Animal IntelligenceExercise 1 – Global Understanding1. B – To prove that dolphins are thinkingspecies.2. C – Self-awareness.Exercise 2 – Listening for Details1.True2.Not Given3.False4.True5.FalseExercise 3 – Compound Dictation1.reacting2.another dolphin3.back and forward4.testing to see5.the same things6.neck stretches7.marked part8. a mirror9. a toolPart III: After ListeningPart IV: HomeworkA – Listening Task1.filtered sunlight2.fade3.sensitive4.evaporate5.pebbles6.moist7.snippers8.start up9.indestructible10.raise alarm11.a shadier location 12.polluted water13.reddish14.decaying or mushy15.indoor environmentsUnit 3 – PsychologyPart I: Pre-listeningA: Talk about the Topic2.1-d, 2-a, 3-f, 4-g, 5-c, 6-e, 7-h, 8-b C: Listening Exercise1. B – He has just moved to a new place.2. A – He should take Fido to the vet.3. D – He will put his dog on medication.4. A – Dog emotions are quite similar tothe emotions of humans.5. C – Harry is an expert on brain scienceof humans and dogs.Part II: While ListeningText A: Discovering Psychology Exercise 1 – Global Understanding1.behavior of individuals2.mental processes3.dispositional factors4.situational factors5.experimental psychology laboratory6.Principles of PsychologyExercise 2 – Listening and Note-taking1.sci entific study2.res earch3.pred ict & (ctrl) control behav ior4.gene tic5.att itudes, ment al6.sens ory stimul ation7.rew ards, act ionsExercise 3 – In-depth Listening1.18792.Germany3.first experimental psychologylaboratory4.18836.first American psychological laboratory7.18909.psychological text10.Principles of PsychologyText B: LiespottingExercise 1 – Global Understanding1. D – He peppered his account with alittle too much detail.2. B – A fake smile will betray a liar. Exercise 2 – Listening for Details1.Not Given2.False3.False4.True5.FalseExercise 3 – Compound Dictation1.lower2.pause3.pepper4.detail5.chronological6.backwards7.words8.gesturesPart III: After ListeningPart IV: HomeworkA – Listening Task1.signs of the condition2.low levels of light3.severe form4.thoughts of death or suicide5.designed6.sleep7.active8.sugary water9.more depressed10.least11.blue and white light12.dim red 13.signals14.natural sleep-wake cycle15.recommendation16.exposure17.bluish18.reddishUnit 4 – GeographyPart I: Pre-listeningA: Talk about the Topic1.a. 4.5 to 4.6 billion yearsb.149,597,870 kmc.384,403.1 kmd.Mt. Everest, Asia: 8844.43 me.Dead Sea: -422 mf.Mariana Trench, Western PacificOcean: 11,034 mg.56.7°C (Greenland Ranch in DeathValley, California, July 10, 1913)h.-89.2°C (Vostok, Antarctica, July 21,1983)2.1-a; 2-c; 3-f; 4-b; 5-e; 6-d; 7-gC: Listening Exercise1. D – New Zealand.2. C – The south of the country can bewarm in summer.3. C – A map showing geographicalfeatures.4. B – The coverage of oceans.5. C – She wants to know more aboutgeography.Part II: While ListeningText A: What Is Geography?Exercise 1 – Global Understanding1.Cultural geography focusing on peopleand cultures.2.Physical geography focusing on planetEarth. Exercise 2 – Listening and Note-takingFive these of geographyA. LocationB. PlaceC. Human-environment Interaction1. Humans depend on the environment2. Humans modify the environment3. Humans adapt to the environmentD. MovementE. Region1. Formal regions2. Functional regions3. Vernacular regionsExercise 3 – In-depth Listening1.earth2.to write3.climates4.plant and animal distributionputerized mapping6.data analysisText B: Mount Kailash – Axis of the World Exercise 1 – Global Understanding1. A – Because it matches the legend ofthe axis of the world.2. D – Because it is the most importantpilgrimage site in Tibet.Exercise 2 – Listening for Details1.False2.True3.Not Given4.False5.FalseExercise 3 – Compound Dictation1.pilgrimage site2.Buddha’s e nlightenment3.newly dressed altar4.prayer flags5.end up straight6.wind horsesPart III: After ListeningPart IV: HomeworkA – Listening Task1.233 countries2. a bit ambiguous3.semi-presidential republic4.6,592,800 square miles5.northern part of Asia6.11 different time zones7.climate conditions8.energy and minerals9.greatest forest reserves10.unfrozen freshwater11.ninth most populous12.lungs of Europe13.by volume 14.780 species of birds15.third largest economy16.fastest aging country17.Three Gorges Dam18.at a country’s disposalUnit 5 – Economy (sic)Part I: Pre-listeningA: Talk about the Topicpete with one another; positive; aninvisible hand2. a long time; stall along the wayC: Listening Exercise1. B – He is interested in making modelboats.2. C – She is considerate and thoughtful.3. A – It will help children learn the valueof money.4. D – He will give Jacky a regularallowance soon.5. D – Saving money for larger costs willhelp children learn how to budget. Part II: While ListeningText A: The Blue EconomyExercise 1 – Global Understanding1.expensive2.not smart3.creative4.healthy and happy5.what we did not know we have Exercise 2 – Listening and Note-taking1.healthy and naturalanic3.solar energy4.biodegradable5.palm oil6.destroy the rain forest7.subsidies8.tax moneypete with food10.damaging the climate11.expensive12.not smartExercise 3 – In-depth Listening1.Not Given2.True3.False4.TrueText B: A Monkey Economy as Irrational as OursExercise 1 – Global Understanding1. D – When they are facing a loss.2. A – People are irrational because theywant to make more money.Exercise 2 – Listening for Details1.10002.10003.04.5005.Play it safe6.20007.10008.09.50010.Take a riskExercise 3 – Compound Dictation1.different directions2.good or not3.switch4.loss mindset5.risky6.worrying7.losing stocks longer8.sell their housePart III: After ListeningPart IV: HomeworkA – Listening Task1.economic prosperity2.support strengthening3.premier forum4.lowering tariffs5.non-discriminatory6.greater participation7.integrated economic community8.critical energy sector9.interconnectivity10.renewablepletion of negotiations12.far-reaching trade agreement13.rules-based and high-standard14.mere short term15.multilaterial and bilateral partnershipsUnit 6 – PhysicsPart I: Pre-listeningA: Talk about the Topic1.1-f; 2-b; 3-e; 4-d; 5-g; 6-a; 7-h; 8-c C: Listening Exercise1. B – They are doing a physicalexperiment.2. C – Six.3. D – Judy helped to pinch the balloontight.4. B – Mike is very smart.5. A – They pumped some gas into theballoon.Part II: While ListeningText A: What Is Physics?Exercise 1 – Global UnderstandingTwo categories of physics:(1) Classical physics(2) Modern physicsMain purposes of learning physics:(1) To understand the world around people(2) To explain the universe at large Exercise 2 – Listening and Note-taking1.Definition2.motion of matter3.space and time4.energy5.force6.effects7.philosophy8.world9.classical10.modern11.Applications12.electromagnetism13.mechanics14.quantum physics Exercise 3 – In-depth Listening1.matter moves2.object attraction3.heat and energy4.mass-energy5.space-time6.electric chargesText B: Science of Figure Skating Exercise 1 – Global Understanding1. C – The science of figure skating.2. D – All of the above.Exercise 2 – Listening for Details1.False2.False3.True4.Not Given5.FalseExercise 3 – Compound Dictation1.action and reaction2.vertical velocity3.velocity4.higher5.spin6.extended7.slowly8.closer9.faster10.following11.Conservation of Angular Momentum Part III: After ListeningPart IV: HomeworkA – Listening Task1.powered by sun light2.20153.63 meters across4.200 square meters5.cells6.140 kilometers7.8,500 meters8.stops9.20 to 2510.autopilot 11.goal12.appliancesUnit 7 – Computer SciencePart I: Pre-listeningA: Talk about the Topic1.1-Wechat; 2-MSN; 3-Tencent QQ; 4-Sina Microblog; 5-Renren Network; 6-Instagram2.MSN, Tencent QQ, Renren Network,Sina MNicroblog, Instagram, Wechat C: Listening Exercise1. D – A research on the applications ofcomputers and Internet.2. C – Playing computer games.3. B – Computers can help edit jobapplication documents.4. C – Online shopping has become anessential part of our life.5. A – People may be cheated by someoneonline.Part II: While ListeningText A: Computer SoftwareExercise 1 – Global Understanding1. D – Software programs and theoperating system.2. B – A set of instructions that tells thecomputer what to do.Exercise 2 – Listening and Note-taking1.most of us don’t speak the ir language2.is like a translator3.the computer what to do4.personalized5.Mac6.Linux7.Operating system8.Software programs9. a computer store10.download from the InternetExercise 3 – In-depth Listening1.True2.FalseAn operating system can cover thebasics from saving files to fixingproblems.3.FalseYou can get computer software from acomputer store or download them fromthe Internet without the help ofcomputer engineers4.FalseSoftware programs can makecomputers personalized5.TrueText B: Computer Science Advice for StudentsExercise 1 – Global Understanding1. C – Advice for students on computerscience.2. A – Computer science is highlyinteractive.Exercise 2 – Listening for Details1.False2.True3.True4.Not GivenExercise 3 – Compound Dictation1.fallacies/misconceptions2.programming3.people4.business analysts5.discuss6.solve7.logical thinking8.capture things9.articulate10.connectingPart III: After ListeningPart IV: HomeworkA – Listening Task1.index of the web2.software programs3.webpages4.follow all the links5.chunk of the web6.hit return7.possible8.contain your keywords9.directly adjacent 10.spamming11.outside links point to itmitment13.impartial search results14.a snippet of the text15.related searches16.advertising business17.strive to18.cheetah’s top running speedUnit 8 – ChemistryPart I: Pre-listeningA: Talk about the Topic1.A, C, and E are chemical reactionsC: Listening Exercise1. A – In 1828.2. D – He created them from twoinorganic substances.3. C – People isolated it from living things.4. C – It proved that organic substancescan be created from inorganicsubstances.5. D – Atoms.Part II: While ListeningText A: The History of Discovering ElementsExercise 1 – Global Understanding1.diversity of natureplexity of man3.92 elements4.the most important codes5.making of the modern world Exercise 2 – Listening and Note-taking1.what an element is2.lead, copper, gold, silver, iron, mercury,tin3.metals4.earth, air, fire, and water5.16th6.metals into goldExercise 3 – In-depth Listening1.attempted2.electricity3.natural4.ultimately5.insight6.physics7.mysteries8.detective9.centuries10.struggled11.fascination12.destructionText B: The Periodic Table of Elements Exercise 1 – Global Understanding1. B – How the periodic table of elementswas discovered and its significance.2. B – It changes the way that everyonewould learn and understand theelements.Exercise 2 – Listening for Details1.True2.False3.Not Given4.True5.FalseExercise 3 – Compound Dictation1.18692.explain3.properties4.similarities5.patterns6.vertical7.resembled8.existence and properties9.rightPart III: After ListeningPart IV: HomeworkA – Listening Task1.green leaves2.grows underground3.for their taste4.traditionally for health reasons5.seeking to lose weight6.desire to eat7.reduce hunger8.Over six weeks9.each group 10.three-tenths of a gram11.normally eat12.especially true13.may be lost14.extend the effectiveness15.a tropical plant16.its medical possibilities17.earlier evidence18.brains of patients19.sixty to ninety-three years old20.rarely or never。
第8单元1 We love the valley in all its aspects (方面).2 Please replicate (折叠) the paper.3 The two accidents took place simultaneously (同时地).4 There was an air of expectancy (期望) among the waiting crowd.5 Article in The Wall Street Journal (日报) leans heavily on fashion.6 What does it require to be a successful mechanic (技工), to do all the mechanics problems?7 Thousands of wounded were brought to the next town of Castiliogne where he arrived and there was practically (几乎) no medical assistance.8 A text message confirming the policy number and sale is then sent automatically (自动的)9 He says the troops will have to launch quick, sharp and precise (精确的) attacks in the area if they hope to prevail.10 The trouble with Bill was that he never had a(n) specific(明确的) aim in life.11 Kevin drove erratically (不规律地), knocked down several cones, and ran over atleast one of the inflatable dolls.12 This is a(n) exclusive (纯粹的) white residential area.13 “Good morning” is a(n) conventional (传统的) greeting.14 Honesty, industry and kindness are elements (基础) of a good life.15 I needed a place to fire ceramic semiconductor (半导体) substrates for homemade integrated circuits.16 The findings appeared just days after another team reported its findings in the journal Nature Structural and molecular (分子的) Biology. 17 It is a(n) vast(广阔的) desert.18 The appearance (外貌) of the old house completely changed.19 The dispute has scared away potential (潜在的) investors.20 This small house is my only property (资产).21 Do you know how to manipulate (操作) a computer?22 You are not allowed to fabricate (伪造) a certificate.23 It is hard to foresee(预见) what will happen.24 The substance (主旨) of his speech was that he was better than the other candidates.25 Exceptions cannot be made for individual (个体).26 She then looked at the reverse(反面) side of the coin.27 The government and central bank were in theoretical(理论上的) harmony.第9单元1 the magnitude (巨大) of loss2 increase significantly (显著地) overnight3 atmosphere (大气) pressure4 work with greater intensity (紧张)5 give evidence (证据) in support of a theory6 birds migrating (迁徙) in winter7 speak more specifically (明确地)8 amplify(增强) the electric current9 a disease of frequent occurrence (发生)10 be in control of your own destiny (命运)11 strong motivation (动机) to succeed12 annual (年度的) bonus13 be released (释放) from prison14 a(n) vicious(恶毒的) enemy to defeat15 create a(n) environmentally (有关环境方面) safe society16 alternate (交替) between rain and sunshine17 the most prominent (突出的) feature of the book18 his reaction (反应) to the news19 drastically (大幅度地) cutting staff20 traffic regulation (规则)21 a(n) minimal (最小的) charge for the service22 exposure (暴露) of the body to strong sunlight23 retain (保持) youthful vigor24 compound (混合) the ingredients25 They are free eventually (最后).26 decline(谢绝) an invitation27 Man is a reasoning creature (生物).第10单元1 undergo (经历) a smooth transition2 be offered massive (大量的) sums to leave3 unprecedented (史无前例的) reforms in any socialist countries4 runaway (失控的) inflation5 achieve a wide variety of consensus (共识) on many issues6 such a motion will largely hinder(阻碍) any move by the new Governor7 total farm output(产量) for this year8 a child’s concentration span (注意力集中的时间)9 paint a(n) bleak(无望的) picture for the future of the U.S. labor market10 make a dent (有点进展) in the work11 constantly(经常地) changing population12 complete the project with a satisfactory outcome(结果)13 play down (淡化) the significance of the meeting14 temperature variation (变化) due to solar radiation15 skills that are absolutely (绝对地) vital to these performers16 denigrate (诋毁) his rivals17 Don’t mess with (干预) things you don’t know.18 windows which admit light but totally herald(隔离) from cold or heat19 resist the overwhelming (无法抗拒的) temptation to eat chocolate20 witness the results of savage(野蛮的) attacks on the public21 take actions to help resolve(解决) housing problems22 create a(n) gigantic(巨大的) bubble in shares and house prices23 the innovative system which reduced pollution output(输出) to zero24 conditions that vary dramatically (戏剧化地) day to day25 ban the use of sex-selective (性别选择性的) abortion第11单元1 a small breach(缺口) in the dam2 shallow(浅的) foundation3 implement (履行) a promise4 the survivor(s) (幸存者) of the earthquake5 hypothetical (假设的) situation6 initiate(发起) a reform7 have potential (潜力) as an artist8 despite(不顾) their strong disagreement9 neutralize (中和) acids10 be in contact(了解) with each other11 transport (运输) goods by lorry12 the volume(大量) of exports13 penetrate (穿透) the fog14 confirm(证实) my suspicious15 strategy(战略) of sustainable development16 a rough estimate(估计) of your income17 noticeable(显著的) change18 power generation (产生)19 avert(转移) one’s glance from an ugly sight20 medical (医学的) apparatus and instruments21 disperse(传播) knowledge22 territorial integrity(完整)23 compensate(赔偿) for the loss第14单元1 the symptoms (症状) of depression2 the core(核心) curriculum3 speak in a menacing (威胁的) tone4 a study on the male sterility(不育)5 compromise (危害) human health6 the cumulative (日积月累的) effect of human activity on the environment7 a harmful dose(剂量) of radiation8 ingest(摄入) radioactive particles through exposed food9 penetrate (穿透) the skin10 his premature (过早的) death at the age of 3711 the temperature hovering (徘徊) around 38 degrees12 disrupt(打乱) the process of repairing damaged tissue13 a rise in premarital conception(s) (受孕)14 an earthquake of 9.0 magnitude (震级)15 spark(激发) interest in art16 a(n) acute(剧烈的) pain in the chest17 special facilities (设施) for the disabled18 energy transmitted (传送) in the form of Particles[文档可能无法思考全面,请浏览后下载,另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意!]。
Reading: Text 11.Match the words with their definitions.1g 2a 3e 4b 5c 6d 7j 8f 9h 10i2. Complete the following expressions or sentences by using the target words listed below with the help of the Chinese in brackets. Change the form if necessary.1 symbolic 2distributed 3site 4complex 5identify6fairly 7straightforward 8capability 9target 10attempt11process 12parameter 13interpretation 14technical15range 16exploit 17networking 18involve19 instance 20specification 21accompany 22predictable 23profile3. Read the sentences in the box. Pay attention to the parts in bold.Now complete the paragraph by translating the Chinese in brackets. You may refer to the expressions and the sentence patterns listed above.ranging from(从……到)arise from some misunderstandings(来自于对……误解)leaves a lot of problems unsolved(留下很多问题没有得到解决)opens a path for(打开了通道)requires a different frame of mind(需要有新的思想)4.Translate the following sentences from Text 1 into Chinese.1) 有些人声称黑客是那些超越知识疆界而不造成危害的好人(或即使造成危害,但并非故意而为),而“骇客”才是真正的坏人。
大学学术英语教材词汇IntroductionIn this article, we will explore the vocabulary commonly found in academic English textbooks for university students. This is crucial for students who aim to excel in their academic pursuits and effectively communicate their ideas in an academic setting. By familiarizing ourselves with these essential words, we can enhance our reading and writing skills, as well as our overall understanding of academic texts.Part 1: General Academic Vocabulary1. CiteTo "cite" refers to the act of referencing or quoting a source to support an argument or provide evidence in academic writing and research.2. AbstractAn "abstract" is a brief summary of a research paper, typically found at the beginning, which provides an overview of the study's objectives, methodology, and key findings.3. HypothesisA "hypothesis" is a proposed explanation for a phenomenon, which serves as the basis for further investigation and analysis.4. Methodology"Methodology" refers to the systematic approach or set of methods used in research or a study to collect data, conduct analysis, and draw conclusions.5. Validity"Validity" refers to the degree to which a test or research study measures what it intends to measure, ensuring accuracy and reliability.Part 2: Reading and Writing Vocabulary1. AnalyzeTo "analyze" means to examine or break down a text or data into its constituent parts to understand its structure, components, and underlying meaning.2. SynthesizeTo "synthesize" involves combining information from various sources to create a cohesive and original understanding or argument.3. ParaphraseTo "paraphrase" is to rephrase or reword a text or passage using different words while retaining the original meaning, often used to demonstrate understanding and avoid plagiarism.4. CritiqueA "critique" involves a critical evaluation or assessment of a text, article, or research paper, focusing on its strengths, weaknesses, and overall effectiveness.5. Coherence"Coherence" refers to the logical and clear connection between ideas and sentences in a text, enabling readers to follow and comprehend the author's message effectively.Part 3: Academic Discourse Vocabulary1. ThesisA "thesis" is the main argument or central claim of an academic paper or essay, which provides a clear focus and direction for the entire piece of writing.2. Evidence"Evidence" refers to facts, data, or information that supports and substantiates an argument or claim made in an academic paper.3. CounterargumentA "counterargument" presents an opposing viewpoint or perspective to the main argument, challenging its validity and providing additional analysis or evidence.4. Literature ReviewA "literature review" involves a systematic examination and summary of existing scholarly publications and studies related to a specific topic, identifying gaps and research trends.5. ConcludeTo "conclude" means to arrive at a final judgment, decision, or outcome based on the analysis and evidence presented in an academic paper.ConclusionMastering the vocabulary found in university academic English textbooks is essential for students who aspire to excel in their studies. By familiarizing ourselves with these words, we can enhance our reading and writing skills, as well as effectively communicate our ideas in an academic setting. Remember to practice using these words in context to fully grasp their meanings and applications.。
Learning Method
Inquiry-based learning
Students will engage in hands-on activities and experiments to
explore the topic and develop their understanding.
Grammar and Sentence Patterns
非谓语动词在本单元中频繁出现,包括不定式、现在分词 和过去分词等。学生需要了解这些非谓语动词的用法和区 别,以便在写作中更加灵活地运用。
Reading and Writing
阅读材料难度大 写作要求高
本单元的阅读材料涉及大量专业知识和理论,语 言难度较高。学生需要具备较好的阅读能力和技 巧,如快速阅读、归纳总结等,才能有效理解文 章内容。
Vocabulary and expression
本单元涉及许多抽象的概念和理论,如量子力学、电路分析等。学生需要具备较好的逻辑思维和推理能力,才能理解这些概 念和理论的含义。
Vocabulary and expression
为了更好地理解和应用科学和工程知识,学生需要掌握多种表达方式,如公式、图表、示意图等。此 外,学生还需要了解如何将这些表达方式与英语语言结合起来,以清晰地传达信息。
Students will work in groups to complete projects and tasks,
enhancing their teamwork and协作精神.
Learning Resources
The official textbook for this unit is "Science and Technology in Society: An Introduction to the Principles and Applications".
1. Academic Vocabulary学术词汇是大学学术英语的核心内容,它包含了各个学科领域特定的词汇和表达方式。
2. Discipline-specific Vocabulary不同学科领域有着其独特的词汇和术语。
比如,在工程学领域,学生需要掌握诸如"mechanical engineering"(机械工程)、"civil engineering"(土木工程)等一系列相关词汇。
3. General Academic Vocabulary除了专业术语外,学生还需要掌握一些通用的学术词汇。
4. Vocabulary Building Strategies学生在学习大学学术英语词汇时,可以采用一些有效的策略。
5. Online Resources网络资源提供了大量的学术英语学习资料,学生可以通过使用在线词典、语料库和学术文献数据库来拓展学术词汇量。
学术英语(理工)课后词汇Match the words with their definitions.
第1单元1 a(n) symbolic (象征的) gesture of love2 The publisher distributed (分发) the book in Asia.3 A “site”(地点) is a place, and so a website.4 a(n) complex (复杂的) network of systems5 be used to identify (识别) potential terrorists6 deal the matter with him fairly (完全地)7 start with a pretty straightforward (直截了当) question8 beyond the capability (功能) of the computers9 hit the target (目标) at a distance10 the person never attempt (尝试) to do anything more11 a highly sophisticated process (过程)12 work within the parameter (限定因素) of time and budget13 thanks for your kind interpretation (解释)14 use many technical (专业的) terms15 Prices range (变化范围) from 340 U.S. Dollars to 390 U.S. Dollars.16 exploit (开拓) a new market in the city17 be absorbed in the social networking (社交网络)18 involve (涉及) unnecessary extra charges19 only one instance (实例) out of many20 get to know more about the specification (具体的细节) of the wedding21 accompany (陪伴) with her to watch movies22 the only thing predictable (可预言的) about life23learn the profile (概要) of the project第2单元1 throw away a(n) compromised (损坏的) computer2 earn somebody considerable notoriety (恶名)3 be used interchangeably (可互换地)4 A computer has malfunctioned (发生故障).5 squeeze (挤) milk into the bottle6 a(n) ingenious (有独创性的) solution to the problem7 China’s emergence (出现) as a great power8 of humble (卑微的) birth9 Cunning (狡猾的) men often pass for wise.10 exploit their vulnerability (弱点) to fight them11 a suspected criminal (罪犯)12 a jacket with leather patches (补丁) on the elbows.13 the sinister(阴险的) looks on his face14 This is a(n) daunting (艰巨的) challenge.15 the virus that can replicate (复制) itself16 His malicious (恶毒的) gossip caused much mischief.17 The path spirals(盘旋) up the mountain.18 a(n) secure(安全的) operating system19 blur(使模糊) my vision20 stem(阻止) the spread of an epidemic21 fall into disrepute (坏名声)22 solve sophisticated (复杂的) electrical problems23 harness (利用) natural resources24 write a personal note to each recipient (收件人)25 convert (转换) holdings into shares第3单元1 irrespective (不管) of their age and education2 The program must be tailored (迎合) to the needs of your customers.3 prone(易于) to develop lung cancer4 opt(选择) for one style or the other5 He supplies the maximum (最大的) amount of information.6 These product orders should be coded(编号).7 the provision (提供) of facilities for children 8 a restaurant catered (合适于) for families9 the need for a tighter check(检查) on arms sales10 ready-made (现成的) excuse11 The aircraft has been modified (改进) and improved.12 provide treatment on-demand (所要求的)13 the whereabouts (去向) of the missing documents14 Hazardous (有害的) waste must be appropriately dealt with.15 The terrible damage has been incurred (遭受到了).16 Few of the rules are applicable (适合于) to the country.17 an industrial developer (开发商)18 a whole range of services on offer (所提供的)19host (主持) a talk show20 It is free or for a nominal(极小的,象征性的) charge.21 get these accounts certified (核证)22 a highly automated (自动化) factory23 a power outage (断供期)24 Demand and supply are out of sync(同步一致).25 The evidence can back up (证实) his story.26 a great victory with minimal (最小的) price27 a highly mobile(流动的) society第4单元1 A(n) analogy (类比) is drawn between the two things.2 Cats and birds are seldom compatible (协调的).3 Distribute (分发) the prizes among the winners.4 implement (执行) a new policy to help the unemployed5 The function can be activated (激活) anytime.6 a(n) static(静止的) view of the world7 The audiences aggregated (总计达到) a million people.8 a(n) clone(一模一样的复制品) of a real panda9 look for a(n) innovative (革新的) way10 try to find the replacement (替代品) of a damaged desk11 Their business crashed (突然垮了).12 Their equality is compromised (受到损害).13 mine(挖掘有价值的) for detailed information14 a bridge substantial (坚固的) enough to last a hundred years15 He is a national asset(宝贵的人).16 centralize (使集中) power in him17 airport facilities (设施)18 He has to loose(松开) his hold.19 monitor (监听) his conversation20 help individuals integrate (使适应,融合于) into the community21 From his father he derived(获得) his enthusiasm for sports.22 update (修订,更新) a textbook23 download (下载) the material to your computer24 upgrade (提高) the pay and status of the teacher25 They are only licensed (批准) for beer.26 pay differential (级差的) rents according to their income27 install(安装) a new computer in the office28 practice each day for a(n) minimum (最少的) of 30 minutes29 a lot of company will do in-house (内部的) training30 a(n) crucial(重要的) decision第5单元1 electric power automation (自动化) equipment2 occupational (职业的) disease3 illegal immigrant (移民)4 Music can uplift(振奋) your spirits.5 result in substantial population displacement (转移)6 the hand-crafted (手工制作的) furniture7 He has ranched (在牧场工作) in the north for 20 years.8 eat nutritious (有营养的) food9 be involved (卷入) in the trouble10 a new assembly (装配) line11yield (屈服) to the enemy12 make incredible (难以置信的) progress13 unrealistic optimism (乐观)14 in recent mob(暴徒) violence15 get professional (专业的) help16 the luggage should be labeled (加上标签)17 financial analyst(分析员)18 trade surplus(盈余)19 attack on pearl harbor(海港)20 a professional columnist (专栏作家)21 the virtual(事实上的) manager of the business22 underestimate the strength of the revolutionary (革命的) forces23 untie the lace(鞋带) and take off your shoes24 trying to undercut (削弱) his authority25 barter(交换) furs for guns26 a(n) litigable (可诉讼的) case27 raise the specter (恐惧) of oil crisis28sift (仔细翻看) through her purse29 He has got a(n) pot(大量的) of money.第6单元1 Some places are problematic (有问题的) for women traveling alone.2 I have to make some presumptions (推测).3 go through what he calls a period of political brinkmanship (边缘政策)4 She reminds us of the famous dictum(格言).5 enjoy the monopoly (垄断) of cigarette business6 try to conceal (隐藏) his envy7 If you want a(n) share(份额) of the pay, you’ll have to do your fair share of the work.8 They threatened him with a(n) lawsuit(诉讼).9 No difficulty can deter(阻止) us from trying it again.10 joint together for mutual(相互的) benefits11 If you are serious about our relationship, you should make commitment (保证).12 promise never to reveal(泄露) his secret13 a(n) purposive (有目的的) decision and action14 fare(过得) badly during those days15 the interdependence (相互依赖) between humans and nature16 The troops were thoroughly demoralized (士气低落) by this setback.17 The children helped the old man collectively (共同地).18 He stipulated (规定) payment in advance.19 The car is sold with a 12-month warranty (担保).20 The benefits have outweighed (超过) the risk.21 Too much food will induce(引起) sleepiness.22 force applied uniformly (一致地) over a surface23 the optimal(最佳的) method for improving speaking practice24 refuse to confess (承认) to his crime25 Even the best quality rubber will perish(毁坏) with age.26 Unless the employers move(采取行动) quickly, there will be a strike. 27 be faced with a(n) dilemma (两难境地)28 remain neutral(中立的) in the war29 intolerable (无法忍受的) temper and attitude30 The right hand is dominant (占优势的) in most people.31 His statement doesn’t square(符合) with the facts.32 the outcome (结果) of the election33 bluff (吓退) the man offexpand34 It is a(n) linear (直线的) diagram.第7单元1 amateur astronomer (天文学家)2 sign a(n) contract (合同) with the landlord3 professional dedication (奉献)4 theory of evolution (进化)5 a(n) trace(踪迹) of evidence for the claim6 have no conception (概念) of the law7 diffuse(散发) light and heat8 correct erroneous (错误的) data9 be embedded (插入) in the soil10 climate prediction (预报)11 quantitative (数量的) information on both costs and benefits12 (扩大) domestic demand13 be precisely (精确地) the same14 No one can degrade (贬低) us except ourselves.15 a(n) repulsive (排斥的) force16 goods in transit(运送)17 give us a(n) insight(洞察力) into the problems of education18 capture (俘获) an escaped convict19 sufficient (充分的) and necessary condition20 a huge gulf(分歧) between them21 have a productive capacity (能力) of 200 cars a week22 cling to a somewhat static(静态的) view of society23 The flames licked(舔着) against the building.24 slowly fall into decay(衰落)25 primitive (原始的) accumulation of capital26 Success entails(使承担) hard work.27 refined(精炼的) oil28 the most spectacular(引人注目的) global event29 unbreakable(不易破碎的) glass30 theoretical(理论上的) foundation31 a(n) barrier(障碍) to understanding32 cancel(取消) the dinner party33 broaden our horizon(眼界)34 a pair of mismatched(配错的) shoes35 blatantly(公然地) break promises36 witness(目击) the robbery37 literally(照字面地) translated38 be of vital(至关重要的) importance第8单元1 We love the valley in all its aspects (方面).2 Please replicate (折叠) the paper.3 The two accidents took place simultaneously (同时地).4 There was an air of expectancy (期望) among the waiting crowd.5 Article in The Wall Street Journal (日报) leans heavily on fashion.6 What does it require to be a successful mechanic (技工), to do all the mechanics problems?7 Thousands of wounded were brought to the next town of Castiliogne where he arrived and there was practically (几乎) no medical assistance.8 A text message confirming the policy number and sale is then sent automatically (自动的)9 He says the troops will have to launch quick, sharp and precise (精确的) attacks in the area if they hope to prevail.10 The trouble with Bill was that he never had a(n) specific(明确的) aim in life.11 Kevin drove erratically (不规律地), knocked down several cones, and ran over atleast one of the inflatable dolls.12 This is a(n) exclusive (纯粹的) white residential area.13 “Good morning”is a(n) conventional (传统的) greeting.14 Honesty, industry and kindness are elements (基础) ofa good life.15 I needed a place to fire ceramic semiconductor (半导体) substrates for homemade integrated circuits.16 The findings appeared just days after another team reported its findings in the journal Nature Structural and molecular (分子的) Biology.17 It is a(n) vast(广阔的) desert.18 The appearance (外貌) of the old house completely changed.19 The dispute has scared away potential (潜在的) investors.20 This small house is my only property (资产).21 Do you know how to manipulate (操作) a computer?22 You are not allowed to fabricate (伪造) a certificate.23 It is hard to foresee(预见) what will happen.24 The substance (主旨) of his speech was that he was better than the other candidates.25 Exceptions cannot be made for individual (个体).26 She then looked at the reverse(反面) side of the coin.27 The government and central bank were in theoretical(理论上的) harmony.第9单元1 the magnitude (巨大) of loss2 increase significantly (显著地) overnight3 atmosphere (大气) pressure4 work with greater intensity (紧张)5 give evidence (证据) in support of a theory6 birds migrating (迁徙) in winter7 speak more specifically (明确地)8 amplify(增强) the electric current9 a disease of frequent occurrence (发生)10 be in control of your own destiny (命运)11 strong motivation (动机) to succeed12annual (年度的) bonus13 be released (释放) from prison14 a(n) vicious(恶毒的) enemy to defeat15 create a(n) environmentally (有关环境方面) safe society16 alternate (交替) between rain and sunshine17 the most prominent (突出的) feature of the book18 his reaction (反应) to the news19 drastically (大幅度地) cutting staff20 traffic regulation (规则)21 a(n) minimal (最小的) charge for the service22 exposure (暴露) of the body to strong sunlight23retain (保持) youthful vigor24 compound (混合) the ingredients25 They are free eventually (最后).26 decline(谢绝) an invitation 27 Man is a reasoning creature (生物).第10单元1 undergo (经历) a smooth transition2 be offered massive (大量的) sums to leave3 unprecedented (史无前例的) reforms in any socialist countries4 runaway (失控的) inflation5 achieve a wide variety of consensus (共识) on many issues6 such a motion will largely hinder(阻碍) any move by the new Governor7 total farm output(产量) for this year8 a child’s concentration span (注意力集中的时间)9 paint a(n) bleak(无望的) picture for the future of the U.S. labor market10 make a dent (有点进展) in the work11 constantly(经常地) changing population12 complete the project with a satisfactory outcome(结果)13 play down (淡化) the significance of the meeting14 temperature variation (变化) due to solar radiation15 skills that are absolutely (绝对地) vital to these performers16 denigrate (诋毁) his rivals17 Don’t mess with (干预) things you don’t know.18 windows which admit light but totally herald(隔离) from cold or heat19 resist the overwhelming (无法抗拒的) temptation to eat chocolate20 witness the results of savage(野蛮的) attacks on the public21 take actions to help resolve(解决) housing problems22 create a(n) gigantic(巨大的) bubble in shares and house prices23 the innovative system which reduced pollution output(输出) to zero24 conditions that vary dramatically (戏剧化地) day to day25 ban the use of sex-selective (性别选择性的) abortion 第11单元1 a small breach(缺口) in the dam2 shallow(浅的) foundation3implement (履行) a promise4 the survivor(s) (幸存者) of the earthquake5 hypothetical (假设的) situation6 initiate(发起) a reform7 have potential (潜力) as an artist8 despite(不顾) their strong disagreement9 neutralize (中和) acids10 be in contact(联系) with each other11 transport (运输) goods by lorry12 the volume(大量) of exports13 penetrate (穿透) the fog14 confirm(证实) my suspicious15 strategy(战略) of sustainable development16 a rough estimate(估计) of your income17 noticeable(显著的) change18 power generation (产生)19 avert(转移) one’s glance from an ugly sight20 medical (医学的) apparatus and instruments21 disperse(传播) knowledge22 territorial integrity(完整)23 compensate(赔偿) for the loss第12单元1 The match won’t collide with(发生冲突) the general election.2 brave (勇敢面对) difficulties3 Some drugs have a deleterious (有毒的) effect on the body.4 The fuel gauge (测量仪器) dropped swiftly.5 Its aftermath(后果) will never be fully known.6 the duration(持续时间) of the movie7 a box of tissues(纸巾)8 Accounting and banking have changeddramatically (戏剧地).9 suggest a possible scenario (情况)10 Physics is governed by cosmic(宇宙的) laws.11 Everything is absolutely normal(正常的).12 Water power can be used to generate (形成) electricity.13 The children were evacuated (疏散) to the country.14 This city underwent (经历) great changes.15 sustain (承受) the severe fuel shortage16 Energy is released by the fission(裂变) of atomic nuclei.17 reposition (调整) a number of its strategies18 Everyone must abide(遵守) by the law.19 keep calm in an emergency (突发事件)20 a famine in the wake of(随之而来的) the war21 The project could stoke(刺激) imports.22 The house was a wreck (残骸).23 be used for tracking virus prevalence (传播)24 make great profit in the long-term (长期的) growing25 To err(犯错误) is human.26 I would caution(警告) you against undue optimism.第13单元1 make the masses panic (恐慌)2 feed the malnutritioned (营养不良的)3 the poultry(禽类) market4 monitor(监控) the radiation in food5 synthetic (合成的) drugs6 floor(难倒) by his question7 smaller concentrations (浓度) of radiation in the environment8 lie blatantly(明目张胆地)9 a dire(极端的) situation10 ensure(确保) safety11 a less-informed populace (老百姓)12 local livestock (家禽) farmers13 be perplexed (困惑不解) by increases in disease14 represent (代表) manufacturing companies15 deem(认为) the radioactive elements harmless16 in a state of bliss(极乐)17 a(n) detectable (检测得到的) increase of radiation in the milk18 a(n) devoure (吞食) their prey19 distract(分心) me from my work20 pose(造成) no health concern21 a milk sample(样品)22 have an adverse(不利的) impact23 new glass cases hermetically (密不透风地) sealed24 elevated(偏高的) levels of radioactive material in water25 the forthcoming (即将到来的) talks第14单元1 the symptoms (症状) of depression2 the core(核心) curriculum3 speak in a menacing (威胁的) tone4 a study on the male sterility(不育)5 compromise (危害) human health6 the cumulative (日积月累的) effect of human activity on the environment7 a harmful dose(剂量) of radiation8 ingest(摄入) radioactive particles throughexposed food9 penetrate (穿透) the skin10 his premature (过早的) death at the age of 3711 the temperature hovering (徘徊) around 38 degrees12 disrupt(打乱) the process of repairing damaged tissue13 a rise in premarital conception(s) (受孕)14 an earthquake of 9.0 magnitude (震级)15 spark(激发) interest in art16 a(n) acute(剧烈的) pain in the chest17 special facilities (设施) for the disabled18 energy transmitted (传送) in the form ofParticles。
学术英语(理工)课后词汇Match the words with their definitions.
第1单元1 a(n) symbolic (象征的) gesture of love2 The publisher distributed (分发) the book in Asia.3 A “site”(地点) is a place, and so a website.4 a(n) complex (复杂的) network of systems5 be used to identify (识别) potential terrorists6 deal the matter with him fairly (完全地)7 start with a pretty straightforward (直截了当) question8 beyond the capability (功能) of the computers9 hit the target (目标) at a distance10 the person never attempt (尝试) to do anything more11 a highly sophisticated process (过程)12 work within the parameter (限定因素) of time and budget13 thanks for your kind interpretation (解释)14 use many technical (专业的) terms15 Prices range (变化范围) from 340 U.S. Dollars to 390 U.S. Dollars.16 exploit (开拓) a new market in the city17 be absorbed in the social networking (社交网络)18 involve (涉及) unnecessary extra charges19 only one instance (实例) out of many20 get to know more about the specification (具体的细节) of the wedding21 accompany (陪伴) with her to watch movies22 the only thing predictable (可预言的) about life23learn the profile (概要) of the project第2单元1 throw away a(n) compromised (损坏的) computer2 earn somebody considerable notoriety (恶名)3 be used interchangeably (可互换地)4 A computer has malfunctioned (发生故障).5 squeeze (挤) milk into the bottle6 a(n) ingenious (有独创性的) solution to the problem7 China’s emergence (出现) as a great power8 of humble (卑微的) birth9 Cunning (狡猾的) men often pass for wise.10 exploit their vulnerability (弱点) to fight them11 a suspected criminal (罪犯)12 a jacket with leather patches (补丁) on the elbows.13 the sinister(阴险的) looks on his face14 This is a(n) daunting (艰巨的) challenge.15 the virus that can replicate (复制) itself16 His malicious (恶毒的) gossip caused much mischief.17 The path spirals(盘旋) up the mountain.18 a(n) secure(安全的) operating system19 blur(使模糊) my vision20 stem(阻止) the spread of an epidemic21 fall into disrepute (坏名声)22 solve sophisticated (复杂的) electrical problems23 harness (利用) natural resources24 write a personal note to each recipient (收件人)25 convert (转换) holdings into shares第3单元1 irrespective (不管) of their age and education2 The program must be tailored (迎合) to the needs of your customers.3 prone(易于) to develop lung cancer4 opt(选择) for one style or the other5 He supplies the maximum (最大的) amount of information.6 These product orders should be coded(编号).7 the provision (提供) of facilities for children 8 a restaurant catered (合适于) for families9 the need for a tighter check(检查) on arms sales10 ready-made (现成的) excuse11 The aircraft has been modified (改进) and improved.12 provide treatment on-demand (所要求的)13 the whereabouts (去向) of the missing documents14 Hazardous (有害的) waste must be appropriately dealt with.15 The terrible damage has been incurred (遭受到了).16 Few of the rules are applicable (适合于) to the country.17 an industrial developer (开发商)18 a whole range of services on offer (所提供的)19host (主持) a talk show20 It is free or for a nominal(极小的,象征性的) charge.21 get these accounts certified (核证)22 a highly automated (自动化) factory23 a power outage (断供期)24 Demand and supply are out of sync(同步一致).25 The evidence can back up (证实) his story.26 a great victory with minimal (最小的) price27 a highly mobile(流动的) society第4单元1 A(n) analogy (类比) is drawn between the two things.2 Cats and birds are seldom compatible (协调的).3 Distribute (分发) the prizes among the winners.4 implement (执行) a new policy to help the unemployed5 The function can be activated (激活) anytime.6 a(n) static(静止的) view of the world7 The audiences aggregated (总计达到) a million people.8 a(n) clone(一模一样的复制品) of a real panda9 look for a(n) innovative (革新的) way10 try to find the replacement (替代品) of a damaged desk11 Their business crashed (突然垮了).12 Their equality is compromised (受到损害).13 mine(挖掘有价值的) for detailed information14 a bridge substantial (坚固的) enough to last a hundred years15 He is a national asset(宝贵的人).16 centralize (使集中) power in him17 airport facilities (设施)18 He has to loose(松开) his hold.19 monitor (监听) his conversation20 help individuals integrate (使适应,融合于) into the community21 From his father he derived(获得) his enthusiasm for sports.22 update (修订,更新) a textbook23 download (下载) the material to your computer24 upgrade (提高) the pay and status of the teacher25 They are only licensed (批准) for beer.26 pay differential (级差的) rents according to their income27 install(安装) a new computer in the office28 practice each day for a(n) minimum (最少的) of 30 minutes29 a lot of company will do in-house (内部的) training30 a(n) crucial(重要的) decision第5单元1 electric power automation (自动化) equipment2 occupational (职业的) disease3 illegal immigrant (移民)4 Music can uplift(振奋) your spirits.5 result in substantial population displacement (转移)6 the hand-crafted (手工制作的) furniture7 He has ranched (在牧场工作) in the north for 20 years.8 eat nutritious (有营养的) food9 be involved (卷入) in the trouble10 a new assembly (装配) line11yield (屈服) to the enemy12 make incredible (难以置信的) progress13 unrealistic optimism (乐观)14 in recent mob(暴徒) violence15 get professional (专业的) help16 the luggage should be labeled (加上标签)17 financial analyst(分析员)18 trade surplus(盈余)19 attack on pearl harbor(海港)20 a professional columnist (专栏作家)21 the virtual(事实上的) manager of the business22 underestimate the strength of the revolutionary (革命的) forces23 untie the lace(鞋带) and take off your shoes24 trying to undercut (削弱) his authority25 barter(交换) furs for guns26 a(n) litigable (可诉讼的) case27 raise the specter (恐惧) of oil crisis28sift (仔细翻看) through her purse29 He has got a(n) pot(大量的) of money.第6单元1 Some places are problematic (有问题的) for women traveling alone.2 I have to make some presumptions (推测).3 go through what he calls a period of political brinkmanship (边缘政策)4 She reminds us of the famous dictum(格言).5 enjoy the monopoly (垄断) of cigarette business6 try to conceal (隐藏) his envy7 If you want a(n) share(份额) of the pay, you’ll have to do your fair share of the work.8 They threatened him with a(n) lawsuit(诉讼).9 No difficulty can deter(阻止) us from trying it again.10 joint together for mutual(相互的) benefits11 If you are serious about our relationship, you should make commitment (保证).12 promise never to reveal(泄露) his secret13 a(n) purposive (有目的的) decision and action14 fare(过得) badly during those days15 the interdependence (相互依赖) between humans and nature16 The troops were thoroughly demoralized (士气低落) by this setback.17 The children helped the old man collectively (共同地).18 He stipulated (规定) payment in advance.19 The car is sold with a 12-month warranty (担保).20 The benefits have outweighed (超过) the risk.21 Too much food will induce(引起) sleepiness.22 force applied uniformly (一致地) over a surface23 the optimal(最佳的) method for improving speaking practice24 refuse to confess (承认) to his crime25 Even the best quality rubber will perish(毁坏) with age.26 Unless the employers move(采取行动) quickly, there will be a strike. 27 be faced with a(n) dilemma (两难境地)28 remain neutral(中立的) in the war29 intolerable (无法忍受的) temper and attitude30 The right hand is dominant (占优势的) in most people.31 His statement doesn’t square(符合) with the facts.32 the outcome (结果) of the election33 bluff (吓退) the man offexpand34 It is a(n) linear (直线的) diagram.第7单元1 amateur astronomer (天文学家)2 sign a(n) contract (合同) with the landlord3 professional dedication (奉献)4 theory of evolution (进化)5 a(n) trace(踪迹) of evidence for the claim6 have no conception (概念) of the law7 diffuse(散发) light and heat8 correct erroneous (错误的) data9 be embedded (插入) in the soil10 climate prediction (预报)11 quantitative (数量的) information on both costs and benefits12 (扩大) domestic demand13 be precisely (精确地) the same14 No one can degrade (贬低) us except ourselves.15 a(n) repulsive (排斥的) force16 goods in transit(运送)17 give us a(n) insight(洞察力) into the problems of education18 capture (俘获) an escaped convict19 sufficient (充分的) and necessary condition20 a huge gulf(分歧) between them21 have a productive capacity (能力) of 200 cars a week22 cling to a somewhat static(静态的) view of society23 The flames licked(舔着) against the building.24 slowly fall into decay(衰落)25 primitive (原始的) accumulation of capital26 Success entails(使承担) hard work.27 refined(精炼的) oil28 the most spectacular(引人注目的) global event29 unbreakable(不易破碎的) glass30 theoretical(理论上的) foundation31 a(n) barrier(障碍) to understanding32 cancel(取消) the dinner party33 broaden our horizon(眼界)34 a pair of mismatched(配错的) shoes35 blatantly(公然地) break promises36 witness(目击) the robbery37 literally(照字面地) translated38 be of vital(至关重要的) importance第8单元1 We love the valley in all its aspects (方面).2 Please replicate (折叠) the paper.3 The two accidents took place simultaneously (同时地).4 There was an air of expectancy (期望) among the waiting crowd.5 Article in The Wall Street Journal (日报) leans heavily on fashion.6 What does it require to be a successful mechanic (技工), to do all the mechanics problems?7 Thousands of wounded were brought to the next town of Castiliogne where he arrived and there was practically (几乎) no medical assistance.8 A text message confirming the policy number and sale is then sent automatically (自动的)9 He says the troops will have to launch quick, sharp and precise (精确的) attacks in the area if they hope to prevail.10 The trouble with Bill was that he never had a(n) specific(明确的) aim in life.11 Kevin drove erratically (不规律地), knocked down several cones, and ran over atleast one of the inflatable dolls.12 This is a(n) exclusive (纯粹的) white residential area.13 “Good morning”is a(n) conventional (传统的) greeting.14 Honesty, industry and kindness are elements (基础) ofa good life.15 I needed a place to fire ceramic semiconductor (半导体) substrates for homemade integrated circuits.16 The findings appeared just days after another team reported its findings in the journal Nature Structural and molecular (分子的) Biology.17 It is a(n) vast(广阔的) desert.18 The appearance (外貌) of the old house completely changed.19 The dispute has scared away potential (潜在的) investors.20 This small house is my only property (资产).21 Do you know how to manipulate (操作) a computer?22 You are not allowed to fabricate (伪造) a certificate.23 It is hard to foresee(预见) what will happen.24 The substance (主旨) of his speech was that he was better than the other candidates.25 Exceptions cannot be made for individual (个体).26 She then looked at the reverse(反面) side of the coin.27 The government and central bank were in theoretical(理论上的) harmony.第9单元1 the magnitude (巨大) of loss2 increase significantly (显著地) overnight3 atmosphere (大气) pressure4 work with greater intensity (紧张)5 give evidence (证据) in support of a theory6 birds migrating (迁徙) in winter7 speak more specifically (明确地)8 amplify(增强) the electric current9 a disease of frequent occurrence (发生)10 be in control of your own destiny (命运)11 strong motivation (动机) to succeed12annual (年度的) bonus13 be released (释放) from prison14 a(n) vicious(恶毒的) enemy to defeat15 create a(n) environmentally (有关环境方面) safe society16 alternate (交替) between rain and sunshine17 the most prominent (突出的) feature of the book18 his reaction (反应) to the news19 drastically (大幅度地) cutting staff20 traffic regulation (规则)21 a(n) minimal (最小的) charge for the service22 exposure (暴露) of the body to strong sunlight23retain (保持) youthful vigor24 compound (混合) the ingredients25 They are free eventually (最后).26 decline(谢绝) an invitation 27 Man is a reasoning creature (生物).第10单元1 undergo (经历) a smooth transition2 be offered massive (大量的) sums to leave3 unprecedented (史无前例的) reforms in any socialist countries4 runaway (失控的) inflation5 achieve a wide variety of consensus (共识) on many issues6 such a motion will largely hinder(阻碍) any move by the new Governor7 total farm output(产量) for this year8 a child’s concentration span (注意力集中的时间)9 paint a(n) bleak(无望的) picture for the future of the U.S. labor market10 make a dent (有点进展) in the work11 constantly(经常地) changing population12 complete the project with a satisfactory outcome(结果)13 play down (淡化) the significance of the meeting14 temperature variation (变化) due to solar radiation15 skills that are absolutely (绝对地) vital to these performers16 denigrate (诋毁) his rivals17 Don’t mess with (干预) things you don’t know.18 windows which admit light but totally herald(隔离) from cold or heat19 resist the overwhelming (无法抗拒的) temptation to eat chocolate20 witness the results of savage(野蛮的) attacks on the public21 take actions to help resolve(解决) housing problems22 create a(n) gigantic(巨大的) bubble in shares and house prices23 the innovative system which reduced pollution output(输出) to zero24 conditions that vary dramatically (戏剧化地) day to day25 ban the use of sex-selective (性别选择性的) abortion 第11单元1 a small breach(缺口) in the dam2 shallow(浅的) foundation3implement (履行) a promise4 the survivor(s) (幸存者) of the earthquake5 hypothetical (假设的) situation6 initiate(发起) a reform7 have potential (潜力) as an artist8 despite(不顾) their strong disagreement9 neutralize (中和) acids10 be in contact(联系) with each other11 transport (运输) goods by lorry12 the volume(大量) of exports13 penetrate (穿透) the fog14 confirm(证实) my suspicious15 strategy(战略) of sustainable development16 a rough estimate(估计) of your income17 noticeable(显著的) change18 power generation (产生)19 avert(转移) one’s glance from an ugly sight20 medical (医学的) apparatus and instruments21 disperse(传播) knowledge22 territorial integrity(完整)23 compensate(赔偿) for the loss第12单元1 The match won’t collide with(发生冲突) the general election.2 brave (勇敢面对) difficulties3 Some drugs have a deleterious (有毒的) effect on the body.4 The fuel gauge (测量仪器) dropped swiftly.5 Its aftermath(后果) will never be fully known.6 the duration(持续时间) of the movie7 a box of tissues(纸巾)8 Accounting and banking have changeddramatically (戏剧地).9 suggest a possible scenario (情况)10 Physics is governed by cosmic(宇宙的) laws.11 Everything is absolutely normal(正常的).12 Water power can be used to generate (形成) electricity.13 The children were evacuated (疏散) to the country.14 This city underwent (经历) great changes.15 sustain (承受) the severe fuel shortage16 Energy is released by the fission(裂变) of atomic nuclei.17 reposition (调整) a number of its strategies18 Everyone must abide(遵守) by the law.19 keep calm in an emergency (突发事件)20 a famine in the wake of(随之而来的) the war21 The project could stoke(刺激) imports.22 The house was a wreck (残骸).23 be used for tracking virus prevalence (传播)24 make great profit in the long-term (长期的) growing25 To err(犯错误) is human.26 I would caution(警告) you against undue optimism.第13单元1 make the masses panic (恐慌)2 feed the malnutritioned (营养不良的)3 the poultry(禽类) market4 monitor(监控) the radiation in food5 synthetic (合成的) drugs6 floor(难倒) by his question7 smaller concentrations (浓度) of radiation in the environment8 lie blatantly(明目张胆地)9 a dire(极端的) situation10 ensure(确保) safety11 a less-informed populace (老百姓)12 local livestock (家禽) farmers13 be perplexed (困惑不解) by increases in disease14 represent (代表) manufacturing companies15 deem(认为) the radioactive elements harmless16 in a state of bliss(极乐)17 a(n) detectable (检测得到的) increase of radiation in the milk18 a(n) devoure (吞食) their prey19 distract(分心) me from my work20 pose(造成) no health concern21 a milk sample(样品)22 have an adverse(不利的) impact23 new glass cases hermetically (密不透风地) sealed24 elevated(偏高的) levels of radioactive material in water25 the forthcoming (即将到来的) talks第14单元1 the symptoms (症状) of depression2 the core(核心) curriculum3 speak in a menacing (威胁的) tone4 a study on the male sterility(不育)5 compromise (危害) human health6 the cumulative (日积月累的) effect of human activity on the environment7 a harmful dose(剂量) of radiation8 ingest(摄入) radioactive particles throughexposed food9 penetrate (穿透) the skin10 his premature (过早的) death at the age of 3711 the temperature hovering (徘徊) around 38 degrees12 disrupt(打乱) the process of repairing damaged tissue13 a rise in premarital conception(s) (受孕)14 an earthquake of 9.0 magnitude (震级)15 spark(激发) interest in art16 a(n) acute(剧烈的) pain in the chest17 special facilities (设施) for the disabled18 energy transmitted (传送) in the form ofParticles。
通用学术英语unit2词汇表Unit 2 Petroleum IndustrySection 1 VocabularyText AWordsmulti-faceted ['m?lti,f?sitid] adj.多方面的;多才多艺的encompass[?n'k?mp?s; en-] vt.包含refinement [r?'fa?nm?nt] n.[油气] 提纯subdivision [s?bd?'v??n] n.细分;再分成的部分upstream [?p'strim] n.上游部门chronological [kr?n?'l?d??k(?)l] adj.按年代顺序排列的stabilized [s'te?b?la?zd] adj. 稳定的condensate [k?n'd?nset] n.冷凝物;浓缩物sniffer [sn?f?] n.嗅探器(捕捉局域网数据信息,分析统计,数据自由导进导出, 动态分析,对查找敏感数据、恶意攻击等有很好的帮助作用。
)thumper trucks n. 桑普卡车hydrophone['ha?dr??fo?n] n. 水中听音器(用于接收水声信号的水声传感器。
)warrant [?w?:r?nt] vt.保证,担保seismic [?sa?zm?k] adj. 地震的yield 英[ji:ld] 美[jild] vt. 产生blurred bl?d] adj.模糊不清的feature 英['fi?t??] 美['fit??] vt.以…为特色vertically ['v?t?kli] adv.纵向地,垂直地integrated ['?nt?ɡret?d] adj. 综合的;完整的segment ['s?ɡm?nt] n.部分adversely [?d'v?sli] adv.不利地refinery [r?'fa?n?ri] n.精炼厂;提炼厂;冶炼厂impurity [?m'pj?r?ti] n.杂质;不纯convert [k?n'v?t] vt. 使转变;转换…;imperative [?m'p?r?t?v] adj.必要的,势在必行的pollutant [p?'lut?nt] n.污染物asset ['?s?t] n.资产,财产customized['k?st?ma?zd] adj.定制的;用户化的prowess ['pra??s] n.英勇;超凡技术niche [ni?] adj.有利可图的innovative ['?n?vet?v] adj. 革新的,创新的opportunistic [,ɑp?tu'n?st?k] adj.机会主义的;投机取巧的renaissance ['r?n?sɑns] n.新生;再生asphalt ['?sf?lt] n.沥青;柏油lubricant ['lubr?k?nt] n.润滑剂;润滑油pharmaceutical [,fɑrm?'sut?kl] n.药物antifreeze ['?nt?friz] n. [助剂] 防冻剂propane ['pro'pen] n. [有化] 丙烷synthesize ['s?nθ?sa?z] vt.合成;综合regimented ['r?d??m?nt?d] adj.统一的,受管制的naphtha ['n?fθ?] n.石脑油kerosene ['k?r?sin] n.煤油derivative 英[d?'r?v?t?v] 美[d?'r?v?t?v] n. [化学] 衍生物,派生物seasonality [,siz?'n?l?ti] n.季节性optimal ['ɑpt?ml] adj.最佳的;最理想的revenue ['r?v?nu] n.税收hemisphere ['h?m?sf?r] n.半球Phrases and Expressionsexploratory well探井,探勘井(para.6)core sample矿样,岩心样品(para.7)plug up 堵塞,塞紧(para.7)generic term 通用术语(para.9)takeaway message 结论(para.10)water vapor水汽;水蒸气(para.12)hydrogen sulfide[无化] 硫化氢(para.12)production site 生产现场(para.13)growth boom 发展与繁荣(para.15)crude blend 混合原油(para.16)value chain 增值连锁图表(para.17)shale plays 页岩油气藏(para.17)retail outlet 零售商店(para.18)process hazard analyst 过程风险分析师(para.21)tax accountant 税务会计师(para.21)plant operator 装置操作工,设备操作员(para.21)maintenance supervisor 维修主管(para.21)contracts manager 合同经理(para.21)instrument engineer 仪表工程师(para.21)residual fuel oil 渣油(para.22)Text BWordsConcawe欧洲石油化工协会Solvent ['sɑlv?nt] n.溶剂panoply ['p?n?pli] n.全副甲胄,全副装备(常作比喻)Babylonians [,b?bi'l?unj?nz] n. 巴比伦人(Babylonian的复数形式)Byzantine [ba?'z?nta?n; 'ba?z?nta?n] n.拜占庭人,拜占庭派的建筑师Incendiary[?n's?nd??ri] adj.放火的,纵火的Barbados [bɑ:'beid?uz] n.巴巴多斯(拉丁美洲国家)Seneca ['s?n?k?] n. 塞内卡族(位于纽约西部)ointment ['??ntm?nt] n.药膏;[药] 油膏propel [pr?'p?l] vt. 推进;驱使;激励[过去式、过去分词propelled 现在分词propelling ] potpourri [,pop?'ri] n.混合物bond [bɑnd] n.[化]键methane ['m?θen] n. [有化] 甲烷;[能源] 沼气ethane ['?θen] n.乙烷propane ['pro'pen] n.丙烷butane ['bj?ten] n. 丁烷heptanes ['h?pten] n.庚烷octane ['ɑkten] n.辛烷catalyst ['k?t?l?st] n. [物化] 催化剂olefin ['??l?f?n] n.烯烃aromatic [,?r?'m?t?k] n.芳香族环烃polymer ['pɑl?m?] n. [高分子] 聚合物ethylene ['?θ?lin] n.乙烯propylene ['prop?lin] n. [有化] 丙烯(等于propene)vinyl ['va?nl] n.乙烯基polypropylene ['pɑl?'prop?'lin] n. [高分子] 聚丙烯isopropyl [,a?s??'pr??pa?l; -p?l] n. [有化] 异丙基benzene ['b?nzin] n. [有化] 苯toluene ['tɑlj?,in] n. [有化] 甲苯xylene ['za?lin] n. [有化] 二甲苯polystyrene [,p?l?'sta?ri?n] n. [高分子] 聚苯乙烯utensil [j?'t?nsl] n.用具,器皿styrofoam ['sta?r?,fom] n.泡沫聚苯乙烯polyurethane [,pɑl?'j?r?θen] n.聚氨酯polyester [,pɑl?'?st?] n. 聚酯destabilizing [di:'steibilaiz??] adj.不稳定的ethanol ['?θ?n?l] n. [有化] 乙醇,[有化] 酒精biodiesel ['ba?odizl] n.生物柴油Phrases and ExpressionsSt. Quirinus 圣奎里纳斯(para. 5)Petroleum jelly 凡士林(vaseline)(para. 6) unsaturated carbon bond 不饱和碳键(para. 16) rubbing alcohol 外用酒精(para.17)furniture foam 海绵(家具用)(para. 18)Text CWordsperipherally [p?'r?f?r?li] adv.周边地,外围地divest [da?'v?st] vt.剥夺,迫使放弃embattled [?m'b?tld] adj.心烦意乱的equity ['?kw?ti] n.公平,公正redeploy ['rid?'pl?i] vt.重新部署vacate [v?'ket] vi.空出,腾出incumbent [?n'k?mb?nt] n.在职者;现任者infrastructure ['?nfr?'str?kt??] n.基础设施;公共建设rosy ['rozi] adj.乐观的turbo ['t?bo] n.涡轮增压机premium ['prim??m] n. 额外费用;奖金forefront ['f?rfr?nt] n.最前线,最前部intermediate [,?nt?'mid??t] adj.中级的rejuvenating [r?'d?uv?net??]adj.更新的,复原的fractionators ['fr?k??n,et?] n.分馏器retool [,ri'tul] v.更换机械设备augment [?ɡ'm?nt] vi. 增加;增大aggregate ['?ɡr?ɡ?t] adj.总计的,合计的Phrases and ExpressionsKanata energy group卡纳达能源集团(title)equity stake 股权(para.4)spin off 甩掉(para.4)equity capital 权益资本(para. 7)gas plant 煤气厂,[油气] 天然气加工厂(para.10) even out使(表面等)平坦(或平滑),使平整(para.14) scale up 按比例放大;按比例增加(para.16)take over control 接管(para.18)cubic feet [计量] 立方英尺(para.18)shale gas页岩气(para.19)at full capacity 以全部力量;满功率,满负载(para.21)。
Unit 1 Choosing a Topic
1 Deciding on a topic
City Development
Sustainable Development of Cities
Sustainable Development of Big Cities
Sustainable Development of Chinese Big Cities Sustainable Development of Chinese Big Cities from the Biological Perspective
Unit 1 Choosing a Topic
1 Deciding on a topic
Your narrower subtopics
Questions – Is the topic appropriate for a 1500-word essay? Why or why not?
Text 1 How Do Computer Hackers “Get Inside” a Computer?
Text 2 Electronic Threats of a Computer
Task 4 Listen to Lecture 1, 2 and 3 and answer questions
Unit 1 Choosing a Topic
1 Deciding on a topic
Additional questions for your understanding of Text 1
1 What does ―unauthorized user‖ refer to? This term covers the entire range of folks, from those involved in organized criminal activities to insiders who are pushing the limits of what they are authorized to do on a system.
研究常见的词汇误用和学术词汇 选择的技巧。
III. 学术英语的语法和词汇
1 学术语法规范
学习正确使用学术英语中 的语法结构,以提高写作 和表达能力。
2 学术词汇
扩展词汇量,学习领域特 定的词汇和他们的应用方 法。
3 学术短语
介绍常用的学术短语,并 讨论它们在科技写作中的 正确使用。
IV. 研究论文的技术写作技巧
学术英语(理工)讲义课后 习题解答
本课程致力于帮助学习理工科的学术英语学生提升写作和演讲技能。我们将 探讨各种科技写作和研究报告的策略,并提供实践练习和案例分析,以助于 学生的个人进步。
I. 引言:科技英语么学术写作在科技领域中是至关重要的,并探索标准科技英语的基本要 素。
3 文献管理工具
VII. 编辑和校对策略
指导如何全面检查和修改你的学术文稿 以确保其清晰且准确无误。
讲解常见的学术格式和排版要求,以及 如何遵循它们。
讨论如何有序地描述所采用的 研究方法以及清晰准确地呈现 结果。
教授结构化并有始有终地评述 研究成果,并得出相关结论。
VI. 文献综述与引用
1 文献综述的目的
2 引用的正确方法
学术英语(理工)_Unit 5
6 —— h 7 —— g 8 —— a
9 —— j 10 —— d
Unit 5 Writing an Academic Essay
1 Definition
Enhancing your academic language
Complete the following expressions or sentences. 1 genetically (基因上地) engineering 2 advantages outweigh (比……重要) disadvantages greatly 3 infrastructure (基础设施) construction 4 statistics (统计) analysis 5 will soon resolve (解决) all the difficulties 6 financial (金融的) institution 7 rigorous (严格的) discipline 8 spark (点燃) the flames of revolution 9 be in collaboration (合作) with your partner 10 a(n) desperate (绝望的) cry for help 11 alter (改变) the bad habit
5 尤其在运输基础设施落后的国家,地理条件对食物供给的 限制正如遗传学为食物供给带来的希望一样大。
Unit 5 Writing an Academic Essay
1 Definition
Additional questions for your understanding of Text 16
1 特别是在有悠久的农业生产传统和主张环保的游说集团的 国家里,转基因食品的主意似乎有悖自然。 2 在富裕的国家里,由于有大量丰富的食品可供选择,而且 供应远远超过需求,所以关于生物技术的争论相对缓和一 些。 3 生物技术专家已经培育出了含有β-胡萝卜素——身体可将 之转化为维生素A——和更多铁元素的转基因水稻,目前 正在研究培育其他一些增进营养成分的农作物。
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第8单元1 We love the valley in all its aspects (方面).2 Please replicate (折叠) the paper.3 The two accidents took place simultaneously (同时地).4 There was an air of expectancy (期望) among the waiting crowd.5 Article in The Wall Street Journal (日报) leans heavily on fashion.6 What does it require to be a successful mechanic (技工), to do all the mechanics problems?7 Thousands of wounded were brought to the next town of Castiliogne where he arrived and there was practically (几乎) no medical assistance.8 A text message confirming the policy number and sale is then sent automatically (自动的)9 He says the troops will have to launch quick, sharp and precise (精确的) attacks in the area if they hope to prevail.10 The trouble with Bill was that he never had a(n) specific(明确的) aim in life.11 Kevin drove erratically (不规律地), knocked down several cones, and ran over atleast one of the inflatable dolls.12 This is a(n) exclusive (纯粹的) white residential area.13 “Good morning” is a(n) conventional (传统的) greeting.14 Honesty, industry and kindness are elements (基础) of a good life.15 I needed a place to fire ceramic semiconductor (半导体) substrates for homemade integrated circuits.16 The findings appeared just days after another team reported its findings in the journal Nature Structural and molecular (分子的) Biology. 17 It is a(n) vast(广阔的) desert.18 The appearance (外貌) of the old house completely changed.19 The dispute has scared away potential (潜在的) investors.20 This small house is my only property (资产).21 Do you know how to manipulate (操作) a computer?22 You are not allowed to fabricate (伪造) a certificate.23 It is hard to foresee(预见) what will happen.24 The substance (主旨) of his speech was that he was better than the other candidates.25 Exceptions cannot be made for individual (个体).26 She then looked at the reverse(反面) side of the coin.27 The government and central bank were in theoretical(理论上的) harmony.第9单元1 the magnitude (巨大) of loss2 increase significantly (显著地) overnight3 atmosphere (大气) pressure4 work with greater intensity (紧张)5 give evidence (证据) in support of a theory6 birds migrating (迁徙) in winter7 speak more specifically (明确地)8 amplify(增强) the electric current9 a disease of frequent occurrence (发生)10 be in control of your own destiny (命运)11 strong motivation (动机) to succeed12 annual (年度的) bonus13 be released (释放) from prison14 a(n) vicious(恶毒的) enemy to defeat15 create a(n) environmentally (有关环境方面) safe society16 alternate (交替) between rain and sunshine17 the most prominent (突出的) feature of the book18 his reaction (反应) to the news19 drastically (大幅度地) cutting staff20 traffic regulation (规则)21 a(n) minimal (最小的) charge for the service22 exposure (暴露) of the body to strong sunlight23retain (保持) youthful vigor24 compound (混合) the ingredients25 They are free eventually (最后).26 decline(谢绝) an invitation27 Man is a reasoning creature (生物).第10单元1 undergo (经历) a smooth transition2 be offered massive (大量的) sums to leave3 unprecedented (史无前例的) reforms in any socialist countries4 runaway (失控的) inflation5 achieve a wide variety of consensus (共识) on many issues6 such a motion will largely hinder(阻碍) any move by the new Governor7 total farm output(产量) for this year8 a child’s concentration span (注意力集中的时间)9 paint a(n) bleak(无望的) picture for the future of the U.S. labor market10 make a dent (有点进展) in the work11 constantly(经常地) changing population12 complete the project with a satisfactory outcome(结果)13 play down (淡化) the significance of the meeting14 temperature variation (变化) due to solar radiation15 skills that are absolutely (绝对地) vital to these performers16 denigrate (诋毁) his rivals17 Don’t mess with (干预) things you don’t know.18 windows which admit light but totally herald(隔离) from cold or heat19 resist the overwhelming (无法抗拒的) temptation to eat chocolate20 witness the results of savage(野蛮的) attacks on the public21 take actions to help resolve(解决) housing problems22 create a(n) gigantic(巨大的) bubble in shares and house prices23 the innovative system which reduced pollution output(输出) to zero24 conditions that vary dramatically (戏剧化地) day to day25 ban the use of sex-selective (性别选择性的) abortion第11单元1 a small breach(缺口) in the dam2 shallow(浅的) foundation3 implement (履行) a promise4 the survivor(s) (幸存者) of the earthquake5 hypothetical (假设的) situation6 initiate(发起) a reform7 have potential (潜力) as an artist8 despite(不顾) their strong disagreement9 neutralize (中和) acids10 be in contact(联系) with each other11 transport (运输) goods by lorry12 the volume(大量) of exports13 penetrate (穿透) the fog14 confirm(证实) my suspicious15 strategy(战略) of sustainable development16 a rough estimate(估计) of your income17 noticeable(显著的) change18 power generation (产生)19 avert(转移) one’s glance from an ugly sight20 medical (医学的) apparatus and instruments21 disperse(传播) knowledge22 territorial integrity(完整)23 compensate(赔偿) for the loss第14单元1 the symptoms (症状) of depression2 the core(核心) curriculum3 speak in a menacing (威胁的) tone4 a study on the male sterility(不育)5 compromise (危害) human health6 the cumulative (日积月累的) effect of human activity on the environment7 a harmful dose(剂量) of radiation8 ingest(摄入) radioactive particles through exposed food9 penetrate (穿透) the skin10 his premature (过早的) death at the age of 3711 the temperature hovering (徘徊) around 38 degrees12 disrupt(打乱) the process of repairing damaged tissue13 a rise in premarital conception(s) (受孕)14 an earthquake of 9.0 magnitude (震级)15 spark(激发) interest in art16 a(n) acute(剧烈的) pain in the chest17 special facilities (设施) for the disabled18 energy transmitted (传送) in the form of Particles。