3 严谨性
4 文档结构
学术写作需要遵循严谨的逻辑和结构,确 保论点的一致性和可信度。
学术论文应具有明确的引言、方法、结果 和讨论等部分,以便读者能够快速理解内 容。
1 语法和拼写错误
2 无论证的观点
细心检查语法和拼写,使用拼写检查工具 和语法指南。
确保论点有充分的证据支持,避免主观臆 断。
学术写作能够通过深入 研究和分析解决复杂问 题。
1 假设
2 方法论
3 变量
学术研究中提出的研究 思路和推测。
3 参考文献不完整
4 表达不清晰
在学术写作中正确引用和参考来源是关键, 避免遗漏引用。
使用清晰明确的语言,避免冗长和模糊的 句子。
1 批判性思维
2 逻辑推理
3 问题解决
学术写作需要思考问题 的不同角度,评估证据 的有效性。
学术写作需要清晰的逻 辑思维,展示论点的合 理性和连贯性。
学术研究中使用的特定 方法和方法论。
研究中用来衡量和分析 的不同因素。
1 明确目标读者
2 使用简明清晰的语言
3 结构化组织
学术英语 Unit 1 知识点:Step by Step Thinking学术英语是大多数学术研究和交流的主要语言。
本文将从逐步思考的角度介绍学术英语 Unit 1 的知识点。
学术英语复习参考(一般)Part1 Academic Voice ■知识点: Nominalization(名词化)Allow →allowanceNegligent →negligence 疏忽、大意Propose →proposalRemove →RemovalRefuse →RefusalIndicate →indication象征、指示Assume →assumptionIntend →intentionExtensive →extension 伸展、延期Liable →liability 责任、债务Legal →legality 合法性Proficient →proficiency 熟练、娴熟Study →StudyCareless →carelessnessDiscover →discoveringImpair →impairment 损害■词语配对Try to find out DiscoverLook at carefully ExamineMake sure XXX is true VerifyShow DemonstrateGet rid of EliminateGet through it Survive, penetrateMean IntendLook into InvestigateA lot of Numerous, myriadEnd Conclusion■Passive Voice & Avoid first and second personal pronouns Doctors should be required to complete communication skill courses.Clear foreshadowing of events to transpire should be noticed in Hamlet.This method was chosen because of its simplicity.According to the literature reviewed, there are several reasons why plants are dispersed by ants.There is the consensus that ant nests are nutrient enriched sites and therefore it may be advantageous for seeds to germinate from within ant nests.The result of this study concurred with Berg’s hypothesis that seeds are prot ected from fire through their burial in ants’ nests.■Academic Voice(P4)Poignant 深刻的、尖锐的Provocative 刺激的、挑衅的Compelling 强制的Striking 显著的、惊人的Proposal 提议、建议Objection 反对Insight 洞察、Discourse 论述、讨论Investigate 调查、研究Disapprove 不赞成Part2 Introduction 知识点: 组织架构1.Background(背景)In the recent years, there has been a dramatic increase tendency in …2.Literature Review(文献综述)There is a general consensus that …It is generally accepted that …It was explicitly stated that …明确指出…Following similar lines …与此类似的There has been a rising trend in …3.Gap(已有研究局限性)There is a pressing need …However, few studies focus on …This brings to the purpose of this study. 4.Your Paper(论文简述)The primary objective of the paper is to …Our model of the … is general enough to …For this paper, our analysis is limited to …■知识点: “说”的同义词Accepts 接受Admits 承认Advocates 提倡、坚持Agrees 同意Analyze 分析Argues 辩称Asserts 断言Assumes 猜想Believes 相信Claims 声明、断言Comments 评论Concludes 总结Confirms 确认Considers 考虑Denies 拒绝Doubts 怀疑Emphasizes 强调Establishes 确立Explains 解释Hypothesizes 假设、猜测Illustrates 说明Indicates 表明Investigate 调查Maintains 坚持Notes 写到、记下Points out 指出Proposes 提议Remarks 评论Shows 显示States 声明Suggests 建议、暗示Thinks 认为知识点: 语法1. Prominent(强调)Information: The …… (Smith, 2000).Author: Smith (2000) argued that …Weak Author: As Smith (2000) pointed that …2.Tense(时态)陈述当前境况,按具体内容使用时态(现在时、过去时、过去完成时…)文献综述,多使用一般过去时(因为文章已经发表)本文概述,多使用一般现在时(因为文章正被阅读)Part3 Describing Methodology知识点: 组织架构1. Research objective (研究目的)The experiment was initiated to …The study aims to examine …2. Element (要素:时间、地点、对象、人物等)(Subject): The subjects/participants were [num] [noun] from …A group of … were recruited as participants for the investigation(Location): The investigation was performed in …(Materials): Questionnaires were developed for the survey.The data used for the analysis consists of … taken from …3. ProcedureCopies of the questionnaire were given to …Emails containing the survey materials were sent to …4. Data treatmentThe result of … were subjected to statistical testThe data were computer-analyzed using SPSS.■知识点: 步骤叙述1. Sequential MarkersTo begin with // First of allFirstly // Secondly // Finally // LastlyNext // Then // After that // Afterward //Following thisBefore this // Previously // At this time/point // Now // Hence // ThusIn addition // It is also // Later / Untilsubsequently // consequently // simultaneously // concurrently2. VerbsSubjects:Choose // include // recruit // volunteered // paid to participateMaterials:Obtain // Supply Be piloted and modified // Be gatheredBe composed of // Be located // Be installed // Be equipped withResearch design:Apply // employ // develop // resort to(采取、使用) // use // conduct Procedure:Be developed // Be sent to // Be given to // Carry out // follow // perform // propose知识点: 时态,:注意使用过去时■例子A group of MBA students from a major metropolitan state university were recruited as participants for the investigation. The questionnaire was administered after the topic of BSC had been discussed in the course. 136 students enrolled in a managerialaccounting course completed the questionnaire. Background information about these participants is presented in Table 2. As is shown, the majority of participants are male. The mean age of the participants was approximately 29 years old, the years of working experience was six on the average.Part4 Results & Discussion知识点: 组织架构1. Generally Summarization(整体概述)One key issue in this study was …2. Result Reporting(结果展示分析)The preliminary analysis discovered that …初步分析发现Descriptive statistics demonstrated that those who …描述性统计显示Result of ANOV A further displayed that …XXX test was adopted3. Result Discussion(结果讨论)Consistent with previous studies, we observed ...This result supports the notion that …该结果支持了XXX的观点This study has several implications for teaching idioms.4. Conclusion(结论)Unexpectedly, we found ……Comparison shows that XXX is comparable to other …知识点: 词汇、短语■1. 结果展示Bar chart 条形图Pie chart 饼图Line graph 折线图Area chart 面积图Scatter plot 散点图Radar chart 雷达图Percentage 百分比Vertical axis 纵轴Horizontal axis 横轴Fluctuation 波动Convex 凸的Concave 凹的Top/ Peak 最高点、尖峰Slope 斜坡Plateau 停滞(n.) Upward 向上的Downward 下降的Table X recordsAs Table X shows // As shown in Graph X According to T able XAs the graph above/belowAs/It can be seen …It appears that …It can be concludedWe found that …To sum up // In conclusionDecrease/ decline/ reduction/ fall/ drop/ dip 下降Minimal/ slight/ slow/ gradual/ steady 平缓的、微弱的Marked/ large/ dramatic/ steep/ sharp/ abrupt 剧烈的、显著的It is apparent that …Quite revealing in several waysThere is a clear trend that …■2. 因果分析强调原因:The death rate from cancer is increasing because/ owing to the fact that people are smoking more.The fact that the death rate from cancer is increasing is due to/ may be due to people smoking more.The reason for/ cause of the death rate from cancer increasing is that/ could be that …An increase in the death rate from cancer people smoking more.one effect ofone result ofone consequence ofis/ may be + caused bydue tobecause ofresults fromarise from强调结果:People are smoking more. the death rate from cancer is increasing.So,Thus, Hence, Therefore, Consequently, As a result, As a result of whichWith the result thatAs a consequence,As a consequence of which For this reason, Because of this, Owing to XXX, YYYXXX YYYResults in/ Leads toProduces/ CausesIs the cause ofGives rise toBrings about3. 语气强弱强化: Crucial(关键性的、极其重要的) Principal(最重要的、主要的) Essential Significant FundamentalQuite Clearly Obviously Undoubtedly CertainlyIndeed Inevitably(不可避免地、必然地)Invariably(总是、不变的) Literally(确实地、真正地)弱化: Likely Maybe Perhaps Possible Possibly Probable Probably RelativelyAppear Seem Suggest4. 比较与对比Comparison (Similarities):Similar to Similarity Both LikewiseIn the same way Have … in common As well as Contrast (Differences):Whereas While However But UnlikeInstead Differ Although ConverselyBe different from Contrary toOn the contrary Even though On the other hand 知识点: 时态(我也说不清,好自为之吧)侧重研究过程使用一般过去时: The preliminary analysis discovered that …指代图表内容使用一般现在时: The line graph below shows…其他事实依据内容确定时态: People are smoking more, as a result …Part5 Conclusion■知识点: 组织架构1. Summary of Argument(论点总结)Our experiment indicated that …, conforming to XXX’s study result.2. Answer to the Research Questions(回答研究问题)XXX played a n important role in …3. Implications(意义)This study has several implications for ...4. Limitation & Further Research(局限性与进一步的研究)However, there was an obvious limitation in this study …We expect more studies to be carried out in ...知识点: 方法1. Summarizing(总结)用尽可能简短的话明确声明论点,去除不重要的部分2. Paraphrasing(改写)从以下方面着手:Use synonyms 使用同义词Change word forms 使用词语的不同形式Make necessary structural adjustments 对结构进行必要的调整Change between affirmative & negative 肯定、否定的转换Include reference to the original source 引用前文来源处示例The Steiner minimal tree problem has been studied in the above discussion. A node-splitting algorithm that finds a good heuristic solution to the problem has been developed. In some cases, it is better, f or instance, th an Korhonen’s algorithm. Comparison shows that the node-splitting method is comparable to other heuristic methods.An advantage of this algorithm is that the computations of the bead’s movement can be done in parallel, provided that there is a synchronization barrier to update their new positions. This can take advantage of some parallel computers, for example, mapping each bead to a (virtual) processor.The Steiner tree has been shown to be an optimization problem. Neural network has been successfully applied to solve many optimization problems, for example, TSP. Some of these techniques have been discussed. This could be an interesting area for research in the future. It is possible that these techniques can also be applied to solve the SMT if a good mapping of the problem to an appropriate network architecture is found.Part6 Abstract■知识点: 组织架构1. Motivation & Problem Statement (Gap)The industry is already well known for its efforts to improve the eco-efficiency of its processes.The focu s of this research is in the area of …The study focused on 2 main areas.2. Approach (Methodology)We carried out a series of field tests …This paper develops a theoretical framework to …The framework for life cycle analysis has been developed.The research approach adopted in this dissertation includes …3. ResultsFrom these data, it can be concluded that …The findings from this research provide evidence that …Results indicated that the problem is even more serious …4. ConclusionsIt appears tha t …There might be a need for …It has been found/proved that …This dissertation recommends that …This indicates that there are several factors ….The main conclusions drawn from this study are …示例:(总述)This dissertation examines the impacts of social movements through a multi-layered study of the Mississippi Civil Rights Movements from its peak in the early 1960s through the early 1980s.(内容)By examining this historically important case, the writer clarifies the process by which movements transform social structures and the constraints when they try to do so.(对象)The time period studied includes the expansion of voting rights and gains in black political power, the desegregation of public schools and the emergency of white-flight academies, and the rise and fall of federal anti-povertyprograms.(方法)Two major research strategies were used: (1) a quantitative analysis of county-level data and (2) three case studies. Data have been collected from archives, interviews, newspapers, and published reports.(结论)This dissertation challenges the argument that movements are inconsequential. Some view federal agencies, courts, political parties, or economic elites as the agents driving institutional change, but typically these groups acted in response to the leverage brought to bear by the civil rights movement.(意义)The Mississippi movement attempted to forge independent structures for sustaining challenges to local inequities and injustices. By propelling change in an array of local institutions, movement infrastructures had an enduring legacy in Mississippi.Part7 References■知识点: Science Reference StyleJournals:1. Y. Shen, Y. P. Jiao, May I pass the exam. Automation. 14, 819-834 (1980).Books:1. Y. P. Jiao, May I pass the exam (SEU Press, Nanjing, 1956).2. Y. P. Jiao, May I pass the exam (SEU Press, Nanjing, ed. 3, 1956), pp. 7-11.Theses:1. Y. P. Jiao, May I pass the exam, SEU (1973).示例:1. S. Allen, PhD thesis, University College Dublin(2009).2. M. Wang,& K. Koda, Commonalities and differences in word identification skills amongEnglish second language learners. Language Learning. 55(1), 73-100 (2005).3. R. Zeelenberg, D. Pecher, Evidence for long-term language repetition priming in conceptualimplicit memory tasks. Journal of Memory and Language. 49, 80–94 (2003).4. R. E. von Studnitz, D. Green, Interlingual homograph interference in German-English bilinguals:Its modulation and locus of control. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. 51, 1–23 (2002).■知识点:Modern Language Association (MLA) StyleJournals:1. Yu Shen, Yiping Jiao. “May I pass the exam.” Journal of Jiecao. 59. 1(2000): 835-62Books:1. Yu Shen, Yiping Jiao. May I pass the exam. NanJing: SEU Press, 2014.Theses:1. Yu Shen, “May I pass the exam.” PhD thesis, SEU, 2009. Print.示例:1. Booth, David. Ed. Rethinking Social Development: Theory, Research and Practice. Essex:Longman, 1994.2. Mann, Susan. "Myths of Asian Womanhood." Journal of Asian Studies. 59.1 (2000): 835-62.3. McDonagh, Sean. Why are we Deaf to the Cry of the Earth .Dublin:Veritas,2001.4. O’Connor, John. "Towards a Greener Ireland.” Discovering Our Natural Sustainable Resources:Future Proofing, University College Dublin, 15–16 March 2009. Dublin: Irish Environmental Institute, 2009. 65 – 69. Print Part8 Submitting Paper■知识点: A submission cover letter(投稿)Dear Dr. Jiao,This is a manuscript entitled“MAY I PASS THE EXAM” by Yue Lisha and Wei Jinjin from Laboratory of NOJIECAO, School of Communication and Control Engineering, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China. It is submitted to be considered for publication as an “Original Article” in your journal.No conflict of interest exits in the submission of this manuscript, and manuscript is approved by all authors for publication. I would like to declare on behalf of my co-authors that the work described was original research that has not been published previously, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere, in whole or in part.In this work, we developed XXXXXX. I hope this paper is suitable for “XXX JOURNAL”.The Following is a list of possible reviewers for your consideration:1) Professor Gu E-mail: Guyajie@/doc/5a6456658.html,2) Professor Qian E-mail: Qianmengxiong@/doc/5a6456658.html, We deeply appreciate your consideration of our manuscript, and we look forward to receiving comments from the reviewers. If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me at the address below.Enclosed please find the paper.Thank you and best regards.Yours sincerely,Yue LishaCorresponding author:Prof. Dr. Wei JinjinXX LabXX SchoolXX UniversityNanjing 210096P.R. ChinaTel: (+8625) 87654321E-mail: Weijinjin@/doc/5a6456658.html,知识点: Response to revision letter(回复要求修正的信)Dear Dr. Jiao,On behalf of my co-authors, we thank you very much for giving us an opportunity to revise our manuscript, we appreciate editor and reviewers very much for their positive and constructive comments and suggestions on our manuscript entitled “May I Pass the Exam”. (ID: IEJ-12-00123).We h ave studied revie wer’s comments carefully and have made revision which marked in red in the paper. We have tried our best to revise our manuscript according to the comments.Attached please find the revised version, which we would like to submit for your kind consideration.We would like to express our great appreciation to you and reviewers for comments on our paper. Looking forward to hearing from you.Thank you and best regards.<其余同前>知识点: Response to the reviewer’s comments(回复修正意见) Polite ExpressionsWe are very sorry for our negligence of …We are very sorry for our incorrect writing …It is really true as Reviewer suggested that …As Reviewer suggested that …We have made correction according to the Reviewer’s comments.We have re-writte n this part according to the R eviewer’s suggestion.Considering the Reviewer’s suggestion, we have …Special thanks to you for your good comments.知识点: 查询信(你丫敢催…找死呢…)Polite ExpressionsSorry for disturbing you. I am not sure if it is the right time to contact you to inquire about the status of my submitted manuscript titled “XXX”. (ID: XX), although the status of “With Editor” has been lasting for more than two months, since submitted to journal three months ago. I am just wondering that my manuscript has been sent to reviewers or not?I would be greatly appreciated if you could spend some of your time check the status for us. I am very pleased to hear from you on the reviewer’s comments.Thank you very much for your consideration.<其余同前>。
Aresearch question is a statement that identifies the focus of your topic. It is the question that your study or your paper wants to answer. For example, you may develop it into the following research questions if your topic is "Electronic Threats of a Computer". 1) What kind of electronic threats may our computer face? 2) What are the major characteristics of those threats? 3) How can we cope with those threats? A research question, therefore, serves two purposes: 1) It identifies the specific objectives your research or your paper will address. You can check whether you answer it completely when you finish your study or your paper. 2) It determines the size of your research or the length of your paper. Obviously your paper will be shorter if you answer the third question only (How can we cope with those threats?).
学术英语(一)unit 1 重点词汇-PPT精品文档
![学术英语(一)unit 1 重点词汇-PPT精品文档](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9b5046a871fe910ef12df866.png)
prevalent adj.
Smoking is becoming increasingly prevalent among younger women. (抽烟在年轻女性中变得越来越常见。)
Discuss the words’ meaning 5.
hand over formally submit: ____________________________________ They submitted their reports to the Chancellor yesterday but got no reply yet.
If you address a problem or task or if you address yourself to it, you try to understand it or deal with it.
e.g. You should seek to address those fears when you speak at the meeting. (在会上讲话时你应该尽量消除恐惧。) Throughout the book we have addressed ourselves to the problem of ethics. (整本书中我们都在探讨伦理观的问题。)
The next meeting will address the problem of truancy.
Discuss the words’ meaning 4.
the quality of existing very commonly or happening prevalence:_______________________________________ frequently ________________________________________________ The prevalence of drugs in the city is alaoverty. 流行; 盛行; 普遍; (疾病等的)流行程度 e.g. They were very surprised by the prevalence of asthma in Britain and western Europe. (他们对英国和西欧哮喘的流行感到很吃惊。)
学术英语(一)unit 3 重点词汇
![学术英语(一)unit 3 重点词汇](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6b49e1e36f1aff00bed51e96.png)
Discuss the words’ meaning
Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3
Discuss the words’ meaning
1. Read the sentences below and use context to write the definitions of the underlined words. One word has been done for you.
Discuss the words’ meaning
1.景色宜人的名胜古迹,令外国旅游者流连忘返。 The dying man groaned in agony as the rescuers tried to move him.
Discuss the words’ meaning
10. The industrial injuries scheme takes into account the actual disability and whether it handicaps a person in working.
Discuss the words’ meaning
and historic sites make foreign tourists linger on and forget to return.
agony: a very sad, difficult, or unpleasant experience
一、词汇与短语1. 解释下列词汇或短语的含义:a) hypothesisb) methodologyc) literature reviewd) abstracte) conclusion2. 选择合适的词汇或短语填空:a) The research __________ focuses on the research questions and objectives.b) The __________ section describes the research design and data collection methods.c) The __________ summarizes the existing research on the topic.d) The __________ provides a brief summary of the research paper.e) The __________ presents the findings and implications of the study.二、语法与句子结构1. 将下列句子改为被动语态:a) The researcher conducted the experiment.b) The committee approved the proposal.c) The professor assigned the readings.d) The team completed the project.2. 根据所给的提示,完成下列句子:a) In order to analyze the data, researchers often use __________.b) The __________, which was conducted in 2019, revealed interesting findings.c) The participants were asked to complete a __________ questionnaire.d) The research team is currently __________ the data.三、阅读理解阅读下面的短文,然后回答问题:The Importance of Citations in Academic WritingCitations play a crucial role in academic writing. They not only give credit to the original authors but also provide evidence to support the arguments made in a research paper. By citing reliable sources, researchers can enhance the credibility and validity of their work.When writing an academic paper, it is important to use a consistent citation style, such as APA or MLA. This ensures that the sources are properly acknowledged and allows readers to easily locate the cited works. Additionally, citations also help readers to further explore the topic by providing a list of references for further reading.Proper citation also helps to avoid plagiarism, which is a serious offense in academic writing. Plagiarism involves using someone else's work or ideaswithout giving them proper credit. By citing the original sources, researchers can demonstrate their integrity and respect for intellectual property rights.1. What is the role of citations in academic writing?2. Why is it important to use a consistent citation style?3. How do citations help to avoid plagiarism?四、写作练习请根据以下提示,写一段关于你最近进行的学术研究的简要摘要:- 研究领域和主题- 研究目的和问题- 研究方法和数据收集- 主要发现和结论以上是一些学术英语的复习题,希望能帮助大家巩固学术英语的知识。
学术综合英语参考答案unit1学术综合英语参考答案Unit 1一、词汇与语法1. 词汇题- (1) 正确答案:A. 显著的- (2) 正确答案:C. 影响- (3) 正确答案:B. 观点- (4) 正确答案:D. 概念- (5) 正确答案:E. 假设2. 语法题- (1) 正确答案:Whoever has the ability can apply for the position.- (2) 正确答案:Despite the heavy rain, they continued their journey.- (3) 正确答案:Not only did he finish his homework but he also helped his sister.- (4) 正确答案:It is the first time that she has visited the museum.- (5) 正确答案:Such is the power of nature that no one can resist it.二、阅读理解1. 阅读A- 问题1:正确答案:The author argues that the importanceof the English language in the global context.- 问题2:正确答案:The spread of English is attributed to the British Empire's colonial expansion and the role of the United States in international affairs.- 问题3:正确答案:English is considered a global language because it is widely used in business, science, technology, and diplomacy.2. 阅读B- 问题1:正确答案:The article discusses the challengesand opportunities of learning a second language.- 问题2:正确答案:Cognitive benefits, improved job prospects, and cultural understanding are mentioned as advantages of bilingualism.- 问题3:正确答案:Language learning can be hindered by factors such as age, motivation, and the learning environment.三、完形填空1. 正确答案:- (1) B. 影响- (2) A. 显著的- (3) D. 观点- (4) C. 概念- (5) E. 假设- (6) F. 假设- (7) G. 观点- (8) H. 影响- (9) I. 显著的- (10) J. 概念四、翻译1. 中译英- 正确答案:The rapid development of technology has brought about significant changes to our daily lives.2. 英译中- 正确答案:全球化不仅促进了国际贸易,也增进了不同文化之间的理解和尊重。
A篇重点句子Unit 1 textA1、Although there are probably a few doctors who truly are tone-deaf, most are reasonably empathic human beings, and I wonder why even these doctors seem prey to this criticism.虽然可能会有那么几个医生确实充耳不闻,但是大多数医生通情达理,还是能够感同身受的人。
2、Sometimes it feels as though my brain is juggling so many competing details, that one stray request from a patient—even one that is quite relevant—might send the delicately balanced three-ring circus tumbling down.如果病人冷不丁提个要求,即使所提要求十分中肯,也会让我那小心翼翼维系平衡的大脑乱作一团,就像井然有序同时演出三台节目的大马戏场突然崩塌一样。
3、From her prospective, this is probably the most important item in our visit, but the fact is that she’s caught one of my neurons in mid-fire.从她的角度来看,这可能是她此次就诊最要紧的事。
4、My instinct is to put one hand up and keep all interruptions at bay.我的本能反应是举起一只手,阻止她打断我的思路。
学术英语(理工)课后单词复习(20页)Good is good, but better carries it.精益求精,善益求善。
ACADEMICENGLISH 2TEXT 11.debate>>a discussion in which reasons are advanced for and against some proposition or proposal2.somewhat>>to a small degree or extent3.eliminate>>completely get rid of something that is unnecessary or unwanted4.valid>>(computing) that is accepted by the system5.access>>the right to obtain or make use of take advantage of something6.temporary>>not permanent; not3lasting7.inherent>>existing as an essential constituent or characteristic8.application>>a piece of computer software that is designed to do a particular job9.available>>obtainable or accessible and ready for use or service10.utilize>>put into serviceTEXT 21.s natch>>grab or seize quickly2.t rinity>>group of three things or4people3.c ommodity>>a product that is bought and sold4.d evious>>roundabout ; not straightforward5.t rick>>something done in order to deceive somebody6.s tandstill>>stop or halt7.m enace>>someone or something that is dangerous8.s pecimen>>something taken as an example of its group9.c ontaminate>>pollute10.multiply>>increase in number or5quantity6TEXT 31.category>>a group of people or things that all have the same particular qualities2.premises>>the building and land that a shop, company, etc. uses3.generic>>a product that does not have a trademark4.infrastructure>>basic facilities which function as communication and power supplies and so on5.telecommute>>woke for a company at home using a computer connected to the main office6.database>>a large amount of date stored in a computer system so that you can find and use it easily7.configure>>arrange something ,especially computer equipment ,so that it works with other equipment8.back up>>make a copy of information on your computer79.abstraction >>a general idea about a type of athing or a person10.allocation >>the amount or share ofsomething that is given to someone or used for a particular purposeTEXT 41.interactivity>>the state of having an effect on each other2.subscription>>an amount of money paid regularly to obtain service3.offline>>not connected to the Internet4.downtime>>time when a computer is not working5.architecture>>the structure of a computer system and the way it works6.virtualization>>the creation of a virtual (rather than actual) version of something ,such as an operating system ,a server , a storage device or network resources87.executable>>can be carried out8.diagram>>a simple drawing which consists mainly of lines and used to explain how a machine works9.equation>>a mathematical statement saying that two amounts or values are the same 10.paradigm>>a model for something that explains it or shows how it can beTEXT 51.b iomedical>>relating to the activities and applications of science to clinical medicine2.s hrinkage>>process or result of becoming less or smaller93.s uperfluous>>more than isneeded ,desired ,or required4.u nemploy >>lay off5.craftsman>>a creator of great skill in the manual arts6.m oan>> a groan or an utterance expressing pain or disapproval7.e ntertainer>>a person who tries to please or amuse8.m anufacture>>the act of making something (a product) from raw materials9.d ispossessed>> physically or spiritually homeless or deprived of security1010.deskill>>remove or reduce the need for skill in a job , usually by changing to machinery11TEXT 61.s trategy>> an elaborate and systematic plan of action2.f law>> an imperfection in an object or weakness in a person’s character3.d iversify>> put money into several different types of investment instead of only one or two4.i nitial>> occurring at the beginning5.u ltimate>> happening at the end of a process or activity6.a lter >> cause to change127.e quilibrium >> a balance between several different influences8.e nhance>>make something better or more attractive9.r enege >> fail to fulfill a promise or obligation10.appropriate >> suitable for a particular person or place or condition13TEXT 71.m odify>> cause to change ;make different2.i mmutable>> never changing3.e xotic>> from another place or part of the world4.a rena>> the people and activities involved with a particular5.e mpirical>> derived from experiment and observation rather than theory6.r emnant>> a small part or portion that remains after the main part no longer exists147.a nticipate>>make a prediction about ; expect8.e nvision >> imagine ; conceive of ; see in one’s mind9.p revailing>> prevalent , popular10.prophetic>>foretelling events as if by supernatural intervention15TEXT 81.d edicate>> give all your attention and effort to one particular thing2.d evour>> eat up greedily3.a ssemble>>bring or call together into a group or whole4.a pplication>> a specific use to which something is put5.e ventually>> at the very end ; finally6.c omplementary>> forming a satisfactory or balanced whole7.s peculation >> a supposition ,theory , or opinion arrived at through speculating168.d iminish>> decrease in size ,extent ,or range9.i mmediate>> of the near the present time10.atomic>> of or relating to an atom or atoms17TEXT 91.d evastation>> damage or destruction affecting a large area or a lot of people2.a bundant>>present in great quantity3.s imulate>> make or produce something that is not real but has the appearance of feeling of being real4.b rutality >> the trait of extreme cruelty5.d ramatically>> greatly and suddenly6.f ossil >>the remain (or an impression) ofa plant or animal that existed in a past geological age and that has been excavated from the soil187.c oncurrently >> existing or happening at the same time8.d epletion >> the act of decreasing something markedly9.v oluntary>> acting ,done or given willingly ;not forced of compelled10.predestination >>previous determination as if by destiny or fate19TEXT 101.p ronounced >>marked ,prominent ,obvi ous2.r atify >>approve and sanction formally3.e levated >> higher than normal4.e pisode >>an event or set of events that forms part of a longer series but is considered separately5.i nevitable >>certain ti happen and unable to be avoided or prevented6.i nvoluntarily >>done contrary to or without choice7.g rind >>wear down ,polish ,or sharpen by friction208.i rrefutable >>impossible to refute9.i nertia >>the force that keeps an object in the same position ,or keeps it moving until it is moved or stopped by another force10.herald >>make known the presence or arrival of21TEXT 111.h abitat >>the type of environment in which an organism or group normally lives or occurs2.p rincipal >>the most important ;main3.e quivalent >>equal in amount or value4.t hereby >>consequently ; as a result of5.c ompound >>make a difficult situation worse by adding more problems6.v elocity >>the speed of something that is moving in a particular direction7.e laborate >>very detailed and complicated228.c onfinement >>the state of being forced to stay in a closed space9.e xceeding >>to an extreme degree or extent10.incidence>> the relative frequency of occurrence of something23TEXT 121.i rrelevant >>having no bearing on or connection with the subject at issue2.l eak >>an escape of gas or liquid through a hole in something3.a nnually >> yearly4.s eizure >>a sudden condition in which someone cannot control the movements of their body ,which continues for a short time5.p enetrate >>pass into or through6.c onservatively >>deliberately lower than what the real amount probably is247.p recaution >>something that is done in advance in order to prevent problems or to avoid danger8.a lbeit >>even though ; although9.f atal >> bringing death10.inhale >>draw deep into the lungs in by breathingTEXT 131.d ownplay >>understate the quality of something252.d airy >>connected with the production of milk3.e rratic >>irregular or uneven in movement , quality or behavior ; unreliable4.o besity >>a condition in which someone is too fat in a way that is dangerous for their health5.p ortion >> one part of something6.s eal >>secure against leakage7.m itigate >>make less unpleasant , serious or painful8.o blivious >> not aware of what is happening around269.c ontamination >>the state of being polluted10.minuscule >>extremely small27TEXT 141.d evastating >>badly damaging or destroying something2.s usceptible >>weak and easily hurt physically or emotionally3.v icinity >>the area near or surrounding a particular place4.n ausea >> a stomach distress with distaste for food and an urge to vomit5.t oxic >> poisonous6.i nhibit >>prevent something from growing or developing well7.d ecay>> become less powerful and lose influence288.c hronic >> lasting for a long time9.a pproximately >> roughly ,not accurate10.emit >>produce and discharge something especially gas29TEXT 151.d isturbing >>making you feel worried or upset2.i ncentive>> something that encourage somebody to do something ;stimulus3.a ilment >>illness ,especially a slight one4.e thical >>of morals or moral questions5.v ocal>>expressing strong opinions publicly ,especially about thing that you disagree6.a ttribution >>assigning some quality or character to a person or thing7.n eutralize >>prevent something from having any effect308.s ubject >>force something to experience something very unpleasant ,especially over a long time9.u nderfed>> not getting adequate food10.exceed>> go beyond ; overcome31TEXT 161.r espectively >>considered individually2.i nvestigation >>a detailed inquiry or systematic examination3.a cknowledge >>admit the existence , reality , or truth of something4.h azard >>a chance of being injured or harmed ;danger5.a ssessment >>a process in which you make a judgment about a person or situation6.i nherent >>existing as an essential constituent or characteristic327.i nternal >>inside something rather than outside8.o ffspring>> an animal’s baby or babies9.i ngest >>take food or other substances into your body10.consume >>eat33TEXT 171.m erit >>the quality of being good and deserving praise2.s tandpoint >>a way of thinking about people ,situations ,idea , etc.3.n otably >> noticeably4.e quivocal >>of a doubtful or uncertain nature5.c onversely >>in an opposite6.c omprise >> be composed of7.d etect >>discover8.a ddress >> deal with9.s tepwise >> marked by a gradual progression as if step by step3410.immune >>be able to resist infection ,disease35TEXT 181.l iterature >> all the books , articles , etc . on a particular subject2.p ublication >> a copy of a printed work offered for distribution3.e xhaustion >> extreme tiredness4.d educe >>conclude by reasoning5.p ropose >> offer or put forward something for consideration6.b ias >> opinion or feeling that strongly favors one side7.c onsistent >> never change ; lasting8.i ntensity >>the quality of having a strong effect369.c ontradictory >> unable to be both true at the same time10.impairment >>damage that results in a reduction of strength or quality37TEXT 191.h ypothesis >>a suggested explanation that has not yet been proved to be true2.v alidity >>the state of being real , true , or based on facts3.p retentious >>trying to appear to be important when it is not in order to be impressive4.j argon >>words used by experts to discuss their subject5.f ramework >> a set of ideas from which more complicated ideas are developed6.r elevance >>connected with the subject being discussed387.a nthropology >>the scientific study of people and their societies8.f ederal >>concerned with the central government of a country9.v erbal >> connected with words or using wordsprose >>written language in its usual form , as opposed to poetry39。
Language Exchanges
• 掌握学术英语的关键词汇对于学术交流和写作至关重要。 • 通过拓展词汇量和运用策略可以提升学术表达的准确性和可读性。 • 持续学习和实践是提高学术英语水平的关键。
Algebraic notation, Mercantilism, Magnitude, Hypothesis, Embryonic stem cell, Kinetic energy, Plato's philosophy, Punnett square, Oxytocin, Keynesian economics.
Academic Vocabulary
Conceptualize, Paradigm, Disseminate, Perceive, Elucidate, Empirical, Categorical, Generalizable, Methodology, Theoretical.
Disciplinary Vocabulary
学术英语(一)unit4重点词 汇
学术英语(一)的Unit 4介绍了关键词汇的重要性,本次演示将详细讨论学术词 汇、学科词汇以及学术写作词汇,并提供词汇扩展的策略。
Introduction to Academic English
Unit 4: Key Vocabulary
Vocabulary for Academic Writing
Synthesize, Cite, Revise, Elaborate, Analyze, Evaluate, Inference, Conclusion, Precision, Coherent.
Big D ata
这些词汇是当前最流行的科技趋势。要深入了解这些词汇,可以尝试从相关书籍、文章和研究中获取更 多信息。
Investm ent
S to c k s
以上词汇对于理解金融市场和投资非常重要。要针对这些词汇的学习,可以关注一些重要的金融新 闻并试着去理解合适的用法。
A cadem ic
以上词汇是在教育和学术领域中经常使用的。要学习这些词汇,可以试着将它们用在自己的研究或学习 中,以此获得更多的实践经验。
A rtificial Intellig ence
M achine Learning
学术英语(一)unit5重点词 汇
在学术英语中,掌握这些关键词是非常重要的。在本次演讲中,我们将讨论 这些词汇的分类、定义、实例和学习方法,并提供练习建议和小结。
T ransm it
传播;传递、传输Байду номын сангаас
C om municate
这些词汇都与通过不同的媒介传递信息有关,例如语音、电视或互联网。要记忆这些词汇,我们 建议多看、多听和多进行实践练习。
Inp atient
如果您正在医学或保健领域工作,那么这些词汇肯定不能错过。为更好记忆这些词汇,可以使用医学词 汇练习软件或类似工具提高学习效率。
山东科技大学《学术英语(1)》研究生期末复习题库2021.12Until 1The answer betrays a lack of understanding that disintegration of a radioactive atom involves the creation of a new nucleus.The answer reveals that the respondents fail to understand that a new nucleus will be produced when a radioactive atom is broken.答案暴露了对放射性原子的解体涉及新核的产生的缺乏了解。
In the constructivist approach to learning, the learner’s ideas and conceptions prior to instruction are seen as important prerequisites for learning.According to the view of constructivists, a person's ideas will survive school education and form an important basis for new learning.在建构主义学习方法中,学习者在教学之前的想法和概念被视为学习的重要先决条件。
The way out of this impasse may lie in taking the lay conceptions into account and increasing the integration between factual information and practical / political considerationThe solution is to consider lay ideas and combine factual knowledge with practical or political factors.摆脱这种僵局的出路可能在于考虑世俗的概念并增加事实信息与实际/政治考虑之间的整合解决方案是考虑世俗的想法,将事实知识与实际或政治因素结合起来。
学术英语(一)unit 4 重点词汇
![学术英语(一)unit 4 重点词汇](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b3cdcee09ec3d5bbfd0a74eb.png)
“Perpetrate” is the verb form.
Discuss the words’ meaning
connected with marriage or with the relationship 3. marital:____________________________________ between a husband and wife _________________________
The couple has decided to get a divorce. Now they are considering about hiring a lawyer to help them divide their marital assets.
Intense drinking by the perpetrator or the victim (spouse) often leads to increased marital conflict….(Text A) Collocations: marital problem
of people about each other’s behavior
Discuss the words’ meaning
to cause to lose control of one’s behavior intoxicate:_______________________________
“Outrage” can also be used as an noun. e.g. widespread outrage 广泛的愤慨 国际义愤 international outrage 公愤 public outrage moral outrage 义愤 in outrage 愤怒地
学位英语知识点复习资料【优秀4篇】一、词汇与语法篇1. 常用词汇积累(1)学术相关词汇:thesis(论文)、research(研究)、analysis(分析)、conclusion(结论)等。
(3)动词短语:account for(解释)、contribute to(贡献)、cope with(应对)等。
2. 关键语法点巩固(1)时态:熟练运用一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时、现在进行时等。
二、阅读理解篇1. 提高阅读速度(1)跳读:快速浏览文章,抓住主题和关键信息。
2. 策略性解题(1)事实细节题:直接在文章中寻找答案。
三、完形填空篇1. 培养语感2. 注意上下文联系在解题过程中,关注上下文之间的联系,尤其是代词、转折词等。
四、写作篇1. 提高写作能力(1)积累素材:多阅读优秀文章,学习写作技巧。
2. 熟悉写作模板学位英语知识点复习资料【优秀4篇】三、听力理解篇1. 提升听力技巧(1)预测能力:在听前根据题目和选项预测对话或短文的内容。
2. 培养日常听力习惯(1)多听英语广播、新闻、电影等,提高对不同口音和语速的适应能力。
四、翻译篇1. 掌握翻译技巧(1)直译与意译相结合:根据语境灵活运用直译和意译。
学术英语知识点总结I. IntroductionAcademic English refers to the language used in academic settings, such as universities, colleges, and academic writing. It is characterized by its clarity, precision, and formality, and is used to convey complex ideas and arguments. This paper will summarize key knowledge points in academic English, including grammar, vocabulary, writing, and speaking skills.II. Grammar1. Tenses: In academic writing, it is important to use the appropriate tense to convey the correct timing of actions and events. For example, present simple is used for general truths and facts, present perfect is used for past actions with relevance to the present, and past simple is used for completed actions in the past.2. Articles: The use of articles (a, an, the) can be challenging for non-native speakers of English. It is important to understand when to use definite and indefinite articles, and when to omit articles altogether.3. Subject-Verb Agreement: Ensuring that subjects and verbs agree in number and person is essential for clear communication in academic writing. This includes understanding singular and plural subjects, as well as the use of auxiliary verbs.4. Sentence Structure: Academic English often requires complex and varied sentence structures to convey ideas effectively. This includes understanding the use of subordinating and coordinating conjunctions, relative clauses, and parallel structures.5. Modals: Modals such as can, could, may, might, must, should, and would are used to express possibility, necessity, and probability. Understanding how to use modals correctly is important in academic English.III. Vocabulary1. Register: Academic English requires the use of formal and precise language. This means using academic vocabulary, avoiding colloquial language, and being mindful of word choice and tone.2. Academic Word List: Familiarity with the Academic Word List, which includes words frequently used in academic settings, is important for developing a strong academic vocabulary. This includes words related to specific academic disciplines as well as general academic language.3. Word Formation: Understanding how to form and use prefixes, suffixes, and roots to create and understand academic vocabulary is important in academic English. This includes understanding word families and derivational relationships.4. Collocations: Learning common collocations, or word combinations, that are frequently used in academic English can enhance fluency and precision in writing and speaking.5. Academic Jargon: Each academic discipline has its own specialized vocabulary and jargon. Understanding and using discipline-specific terminology is important for communicating effectively within a particular field of study.IV. Writing Skills1. Organization: Academic writing often follows a specific organizational structure, such as introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Understanding how to organize ideas and arguments coherently is essential in academic writing.2. Citations and Referencing: Academic writing requires the use of citations and referencing to acknowledge sources and avoid plagiarism. Understanding different citation styles, such as APA, MLA, and Chicago, is important in academic writing.3. Critical Thinking: Academic writing often requires critical thinking and analysis. This includes evaluating and synthesizing sources, developing a strong thesis, and constructing well-supported arguments.4. Cohesion and Coherence: Academic writing should be cohesive and coherent, with clear connections between ideas and paragraphs. This includes using transition words, pronouns, and parallel structures to create flow and unity.5. Style and Tone: Academic writing often requires a formal and objective style, with a focus on clarity and precision. This includes avoiding subjective language, slang, and contractions, and using a consistent tone throughout the writing.V. Speaking Skills1. Pronunciation: Clear pronunciation is important for effective communication in academic settings. This includes understanding stress, intonation, and rhythm in English speech.2. Fluency: Developing fluency in speaking, including the ability to speak at a natural pace, without hesitation, repetition, or grammatical errors, is important in academic English.3. Academic Presentations: Giving effective academic presentations requires skills in organizing content, engaging the audience, using visual aids, and speaking clearly and confidently.4. Discussion and Debate: Participating in academic discussions and debates requires the ability to express opinions, support arguments, and engage in dialogue with others in a respectful and persuasive manner.5. Listening Skills: Developing strong listening skills, including the ability to understand complex lectures, presentations, and discussions, is important for academic success.VI. ConclusionAcademic English encompasses a wide range of language skills and knowledge points, including grammar, vocabulary, writing, and speaking skills. Developing strong academic English skills is essential for success in academic settings, as well as for effective communication in professional and scholarly contexts. By understanding and mastering these key knowledge points, students and scholars can enhance their proficiency in academic English and improve their academic performance.。
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学术英语理工类Abstract及课文翻译Text1、3、5、6、8、9、11、15、18Text 1Computer vulnerabilities are often utilized by hackers or crackers. The security of each computer is challenging. This paper firstly redefines the term “hacker”, “cracker”and “getting inside”the computers and describes the procedure in detail. The term “unauthorized user”(UU) will be a better choice for defining the insider group. The known and unknown vulnerabilities will be taken advantage of by UUs ranging from poor password protection to leaving a computer turned on and physically accessible to visitors in the office. The first step of employing technical exploits will be the determination of the specifications of the target system. There are two ways of attacking including being through capabilities inherent in hypertext transfer protocol (http) and being preprogrammed against specific vulnerabilities and launched without any specific target. The variability of hacking action including the weak system and the strong system warns the users to choose the right way to protect the computer and do not authorize the computer to others easily. Lastly, the solution of avoiding vulnerabilities has been given, including updating patches, making complex passwords, getting information only from the reliable websites or services, updating anti-virus software and backing up the data to protect the computer not being hacked.Text 3The article attempts to point out the advantages of cloud computing, a pay-per use model for enabl ing on-demand access to reliable and configurable resources. Comparisons between clouds compu ting services and traditional models have been conducted and the conclusion has been arrived as f ollows: Software, platform and infrastructure prove that cloud computing have the qualitytobe con trolled accessibly,costs less and re-provision quickly; the advantages of cloud computingincludest hefollowing:the business cloud be controlled accessibly from anywhere and be expanded easily;Cl ouds tend to be more secure and environmentally friendly than the traditional business models.Text 5With the development of social and technology, Artificial intelligence may replace human jobs in the future. There are a lot of news that reported artificial intelligence has play a important role in our life. For decades. People wrote about how machines replace humans. It will be better or ill. But all expected did not come. Around the time of the Revolution. Most of Americans worked in the farm. They farmed to keep themselves alive. With the development of traffic. Farming increasingly became a cash business. But as the agricultural industry grew, there are fewer and fewer workers who worked at farming and ranching. Today agricultural provides fewer than two million jobs. Because of automation happened. It bring better plows, planting and sowing machines. Agricultural become more and more scientific. The farmers’children found new kinds of jobs in the city, they do not like stay on the farm. The early water-and-steam-powered factories also displace millions of craftsmen, because machine-handing factory workers made the goods better than the goods made by craftsmen. So that the number of factory jobs growing rapidly at that time. The automation of farming, craft work and manufacturing made products. Among them, food become cheaper and cheaper, so people can save money from food, then spend money on other expensive goods. Will A.I. machines take over the best occupations? The author is optimist and may not agree that machines will replace human jobs.Text 6Game theory was first put forward by a mathematician ofPrinceton University called John von neumann.Game theory is a science of strategy, it came fromtheperspective of mathematics and logic, deciding players should take to get the best results of the best course of action.It studied the fields of games that are interdependent.And this kind of game is different from the decision in neutral environment, whose nature lies in the slightly interdependence of participants' strategy. In principle, after a series of steps limited, the end of any sequence of games can be completely resolved. Each player has a best choice, but more is dominated by bad strategy. Tit for tat, confuse opponents, with strategic action and mutual argy bargy, hide the truth is objective, exposed flaws is the basic principles of game theory. The Game theory has made great success, but the Game theory is far from perfect.Text 8At the begin of this article,it states that there are unprecedented multidisciplinary convergence scientists dedicated to the study of a world so small that we can’t see it—even with a light microscope and tells us the important of nanotechnology.Then in order to understand the unusual world of nanotechnology ,we need to get an idea of the units of measure involved.The long of one nanometer is so small.When we measure the atomic scale,we can find that it’s still small compare to the nannmeter.But in a lecture called “Small Wonders:The World of Nanoscience”,Nobel Prize winner Dr.Horst Stormer said that the nanoscale is more interstesting than the atomic scale because the nanoscale is the first point where we can assemble something—it’s not until we startputting atoms together that we can make anything useful.Then the article states that some predictions of nanotechnology such as the use of the rule of quantum mechanics,nanorobot.It states that there great value in nanotechnology in future.Text 9Global warming has been a global issue for many years now. However, the most prominent effect of global warming exists in the climate change over the past years. It causes the oceans warmer, the intensity of hurricanes amplifies in power and devastation. Another area affected by global warming is the animal kingdom and nature.The number of animals has been decreasing and the various disease has spread to new regions across the globe. A third type of evidence of global warming can be found in plants. The leading cause of global warming is the ongoing burning of fossil fuels, which releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Although carbon dioxide largely harms the environment, the other greenhouse gases have a large impact in the atmosphere. Throughout the world, various nations have been joining to help prevent or slow the process of global warming. The issue of global warming affects nature, people, and the economy. Scientists directly link disease to global warming. When people are trying to get others involved in the cause, a common problem that arises is the lack of motivation. In conclusion, the world needs to put forth a stronger effort to prevent global warming. And the mitigation of global warming, we should do from ourselves, from the little things around.Text 11The principal risks associated with nuclear power arise from health effects of radiation.The radiation mainly comes form the radioactive material.They can penetrate deep inside the human body where they can damage biological cells and thereby initiate a cancer. If they strike sex cells, they can cause genetic diseases in progeny.But the rate of the latter is far less than the former. Reactor accidents is also one of the risk of nuclear power.But the nuclear power plant design strategy for preventing accidents ,back-up system and mitigating their potential effects is “defence in depth”, so they happen probability is exceedingly small. If they all fails,very high radiation doses can destroy body functions and lead to death within 60 days.The radioactive waste products from the nuclear industry must be isolated from contact with people for very long time periods. The bulk of the radioactivity is contained in the spent fuel, which is quite small in volume and therefore easily handled with great care. At other radiation problems,for example, exploitation of materials and transport of radioactive materials also produce radiation.The effects of routine releases of radioactivity from nuclear plants depend somewhat on how the spent fuel is handled.Text 15In fact, genetically modified foods are already very much a part of our lives. Although there are clearly some very real issues that need to be resolved. However, in developing countries which desperate to feed fast-growing and underfed populations, the issue is simpler: do the benefits of biotech outweigh the risks? There are nearly 800 million people around the world are undernourished. Biotech can also improve farming productivity in food shortages places. Many scientists believe biotech could raise overall crop productivity in developing countries as much as 25%.But in developing countries, poverty plays the largest role. Nor can biotech overcome thechallenge of distributing food in developing countries. big companies are reluctant to share technology, people may not afford to buy the food too. More and more biotech research is being carried out in developing countries, and delivers biotech solutions for farmers in developing countries. Biotech is not a panacea, but it does promise to transform agriculture in many developing countries. If that promise is not fulfilled, the real losers will be their people.Text 18Marijuana is a drug of controversy in medical history. Whether its ultimate effects are harmful, harmless or beneficial to human functioning remains to be investigated. This paper focuses on the study of the physical effects of Marijuana uses. Based on previous research, the study divided the physical effects of marijuana use into the short-term effects and long-term ones, according to its frequency, duration and intensity of physical symptoms. The studies indicated that an increase of pulse rate and changes in blood sugar pressures are two remarkable signs of short-term effects together with the symptoms of nausea, vomiting, headache and so on. It was also found that the chronic use of marijuana may weaken one’s immune system and interfere with DNA production in terms of long-term effects翻译:Text 1 电脑黑客如何进入电脑这好像是一个直接的问题,但是内涵很复杂,答案绝不简单,如果随便地回答,那么黑客通过利用弱点进入目标电脑系统。