
科技英语翻译联系200句1.To transmit electromagnetic waves takes energy. 传送电磁波需要能量2.Chemical control will do most of things in pest control.化学防治能在病虫害防治中起主要作用。
3.It is not until wires are connected that the path is completed.直到导线接上以后,此电路才接通。
4.The odds are heavily against any man being able to do the work in the field of abstract theory that Einstein is doing.对任何能从事爱因斯坦正在进行的抽象理论研究的人来说,条件都是极为不利的。
5.Oscillator design is of an art rather than an exact science.与其说振荡器的设计是一门严谨的科学,不如说它是一门艺术。
6.A rapid decrease by a factor of 7 was observed.发现迅速减少到(了)1/7。
7.Birds and animals which hunt at night have eyes which contain few or no cones at all,so they cannot see colors.凡是夜间觅食的飞禽走兽,因为眼睛中的视维细胞数量极少或根本没有,所以不能辨别颜色。
8.Tsunami is sometimes powerful enough to destroy a coastwise building it strikes.海啸有时威力很打,足可摧毁它所冲击的沿岸的建筑物。
9.Not everybody is convinced the Leaning Tower of Pisa really can be saved.并非每个人都相信比萨斜塔真的能免于坍塌。

Unit 1大规模研究发现:地球的“健康”每况愈下有史以来对地球进行的最大规模的科学分析结果表明,地球上的许多生态系统都达不到标准。
科技英句子整理 英语专业 农大

科技英语翻译Week11.In computing work done, it is important always to keep in mind that the force and distance that are multiplied must be in the same direction.在计算所做的功时,用以相乘的力和距离必须沿同一方向,始终记住这一点是很重要的。
2.The motion of ions is the motion of such atoms as have gained, or lost electrons, which in most cases takes place in chemical solutions.离子的运动,也就是已经得到或失去电子的原子的运动,这种运动大多发生在化学溶液中。
3.Every body continues in its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line, unless acted upon by an external force.物体如不受外力作用,将继续保持其静止状态或做匀速直线运动。
4.Matter is anything having weight and occupying space.凡是物质,都具有重量和占有空间。
5.What is large and what is small is relative.。
6.The report noted that being overweight has been linked to sickness and death from such diseases as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and gallbladder.报告指出,肥胖容易引起疾病,容易导致由高血压、糖尿病、心脏病和胆囊疾病等引起的死亡。
科技英语视听说 北林

1.dock(植)羊蹄2.hazel榛子3.foxglove毛地黄4.bramble悬钩子5.earth-star地星6.bird-cageplant角叶月7.woodanemone银莲花8.spore孢子9.puffball马勃菌10.dandelion蒲公英2.Whywehumanbeingsareseldomawareofthedramashappeningtoplants? Weandplantsliveonadifferenttimescale.3.Whenwecondense3monthsinto20seconds,whatdramaticchangesofplantscanwesee? Thedesolationofwinterquicklywarmsintotheriotofspring.4.Whydobird-cageplantstraveltofindanewplace? Thedesertdunesarealwaysmovingandashelteredsitecansuddenlybecomeint olerablyexposed.7.Howdotheseedsofdandelionsfly? Aspecialapparatusisneededbytheseedsofdandelionstofly.Eachseedoftheda ndelionisfittedwithitsownindividualparachute.Lecture21.canopy:['kænəpi]顶篷2.fern:[fə:n]蕨类植物,羊齿植物3.pore:[pɔ:]毛孔;气孔4.sapling:['sæpliŋ]幼树,树苗5.chestnut['tʃɛs,nʌt]板栗6.sycamore:['sikə,mɔ:]美国梧桐rch:[lɑ:tʃ]落叶松8.begonia:[bi'gəuniə]秋海棠9.chlorophyll:['klɔrəfil]叶绿素10.photosynthesis:[,fəutəu'sinθəsis]光合作用11.mimicry:['mimikri]拟态12.shrivel:['ʃrivl]使枯萎13.pebble:['pebl]小卵石14.gravel:['grævəl]砂砾,碎石15.nectar:['nektə]花蜜16.caterpillar:['kætə,pilə]毛毛虫17.bogus:['bəugəs]假的18.passionflower西番莲19.mimosa:[mi'məusə]含羞草20.carnivorousplants:[kɑ:'nivərəs]食肉植物4.Whatwillhappentoleavesifwaterliesontheirsurface?Itclogsupthepores.(blocksthepores)theexamplesgiveninthisepisodetoexplainhowplantsusemimicrytodefendthemse lves?Pebbleplants,Passionflowers.7.Whatisthedramaticsolutionasensitivemimosapossessestodefenditself? Onetouchmakesitfolditsleaflets;anothertap,anditflopstotheground.thecarnivorousplantsgiveninthisepisode?FlytrapPitcherplants1.walrus海象2.skinnyverythin瘦的皮包骨3.jeopardize处于危险中4.fatreserves脂肪的储存5.protocol条约2.Whypolarbears’survivalisbeingthreatened?Bytheendofthesummer,theyareskinnybearsandtheirreproductivesuccessisi ndanger.3.WhatistheKyotoProtocol? Allnationsarerequiredtoreducetheircarbonemissionsothatthenegativeimpa ctsofclimatechangecanbehalted.1.infraredradiation远红外线2.culprit罪犯3.vulnerable易受伤的4.varnish清漆5.lukewarm微温的6.pixel像素7.smallpox天花8.polio小儿麻痹9.devastate:todestroycompletely10.apartheid种族隔离1.Whatarethethreefactorscausingthecollisionbetweenourcivilizationandtheearth?①Population②Thescientificandtechnologicalrevolution③Ourwayofthinking2.Howtobalancetheeconomyandtheenvironment?Lecture5arre奇异的2.predator食肉动物3.gillslits鳃裂4.amnioticfluid羊水5.embryo胚胎6.mayhem破坏7.cauldron大锅8.haven避风港9.lethal致命的10.jellyfish水母1.Alllivingthingshavetofighttosurvive.Whocansurvivethen? Onlythebestsuitedindividualscansurvive.3.WhatwastheplanetEarthlike3.8billionyearsago? Theatmospherewasthin;therewasnooxygen,noprotectiveozonelayers.Butth ereweremassivevolcaniceruptionsandmeteorimpacts.5.Thereisanenormousvarietyoflifeontheplanet.Howdiditcomeabout?①3billionyearsago—single-celllivingthings②670millionyearsago—cellspullingtogether③around570millionyearsago—animals’softbodiesturnedhard.1.alien不同的2.dinosaur恐龙3.buoyancy浮力4.kelp海带5.arthropod节肢动物6.armor盔甲7.burrow挖洞8.louse虱子9.vertebrate脊椎动物10.fin鳍1.WhatwastheplanetEarthlike500millionyearsago?Noshade,noozonelayertoshieldusfromthesolarradiation.Youcouldfryorfree zeinthesameday.2.Wheredidalllifebegin?Andwhy?Inthesea.Becauseintheseawheretemperaturehardlychangesandwherewater protectsagainstthepullofgravityandtheburningsun.Lecture61.sprout开始,发芽2.flap扇动翅膀3.bask晒太阳4.tendon腱,筋rva幼虫6.jackpot意外的成功7.swamp沼泽8.swat拍9.munch用力咀嚼10.gorge狼吞虎咽3.Whatarethegoodreasonsforlifetogetintotheair? Wingsprovideanimalswithextrastrikepower,flyingisthefastest,mostefficien twaytotravel.Itallowsyoutofindfood,explorenewterritoryorescapefromdan ger.4.Whatarethetwoexplanationsastohowinsectssproutwings? Oneexplanationisthatinsectslovetosunbathe.Theotheristhatitmayhavestarte dinwater.1.huddle蜷缩2.pinnacle尖峰,顶点3.spawn卵4.engulf大口吞食5.unleash摆脱束缚6.cricket蟋蟀7.mantis螳螂8.orchid兰花9.assassin刺客10.fang尖牙11.raven捕食12.fieldfare田鸫13.lurk潜伏14.foil阻碍15.bluff虚张声势1.Whatistherelationshipbetweenpenguinsandleopardseals? Predatorsandprey.3.Whydowesaythatthepredatorsandpreyarelockedinanintenserelationship? Becausewhenpredatorsfindbetterwaystocatchandkill,theirpreyhastoimpro vetheirself-defense.Thatistosay,neithercanaffordtobeleftbehind.5.Howdofieldfaresdriveahungryravenawayfromtheirchicks? Bydroppingbombs.Lecture71.phobia恐惧症2.toddler刚刚学走路的小孩3.buggy手推婴儿车4.petrify极度恐惧5.python蟒蛇6.footage影片的一段7.captivity监禁8.crumble:tobreakintosmallpieces9.canine犬的vish过度大方的11.trauma创伤12.slack松的13.leash拴狗的链条14.adrenaline肾上腺素15.berate责备16.tax:toneedalotofeffort17.tenniselbow肘关节炎18.bursitis滑囊炎brador拉布拉多犬20.steeple:churchtower1.Whatisphobia?Whenfeargetsoutofcontrol,wecallitphobia.2.Whatisthepercentageofpeoplewithphobias?10%3.Doweinheritspecificphobiasfromourparents?No.Lecture91.oilslick水面上的浮油2.biomass生物量3.feast宴会4.shoal鱼群5.frenzy狂热crazy6.gully海水沟,小峡谷7.trek长途跋涉8.perilous危险的9.phosphate磷酸盐10.carnage大屠杀11.pouch育儿袋12.Auroraaustralis南极光13.recede撤退14.sleek光滑的15.rookery群栖地16.rollercoaster过山车17.droplet一小滴18.bide等待时机19.Ingenious:clever20.clearing(一块)空地1.Whatconsistsofthecaravanofhuntingsardines?Capegannets,sharks,dolphinsandwhales.2.Whydoredcrabsheadfortheshoretospawn? Becausetheyareunabletoraisetheiryoungonland.5.HowdoestheAuroraaustralisoccur? TheAuroraaustralisoccurswhensubatomicparticlestravelingthroughspacee nte rtheearth’smagneticfield.Lecture101.saliva唾液2.masculine男性的3.bloke家伙4.rig:install在…装…5.dashboard仪表盘6.pathetic差劲的7.petty琐碎的unimportant8.daft:silly9.congregation天主教10.leisurecomplex休闲娱乐中心11.trivia小事,琐事12.toplacesb.onapedestal仰慕13.flounder挣扎14.infidelity不忠15.rove心飘忽不定1.Whatarethedifferencesbetweenmenandwomen?Menaremorethingsorientedwhilewomenaremorepeopleoriented.4.Whypeoplesay“lovemakespeopleblind”? Therewardsystemfloodswithfeelinggoodchemicals,andanotherpartofthebr ainusedforcriticalthinkingswitchesoff.Lecture111.tantrum生气,发怒2.wreak造成…后果3.galaxy星系4.goldilocksplanet适合生物居住的星球5.solstice至点6.porridge粥7.apparatus一套仪器8.strata地层9.prism棱镜10.helium氦气1.WhyalllifeonEarthowesitsexistencetothesun? Thesunpowerseverynaturalsystemandsustainseveryplantandanimal.Witho utthesun,theearthwouldbeabarren,lifelessballorrock.2.Describetheactualfaceofthesun Theactualfaceofthesunisturbulentandboiling.1.fathom完全明白2.plod慢慢走3.waxvi.逐渐变大4.wanevi.逐渐变小5.enigma神秘2.Whatistheimpactofthefullmoononseacreaturesandonhumanbeings?Inth eoceanthefullmoon’sbrightlightisamatingcallforseacreatures.Mostwo mengettheirmenstrualperiodatthedayoffullmoon.。
大学科技英语课文翻译Unit 1-7

Unit1 Text A 石油1油,和煤一样,存在于沉积岩中,而且可能由死去很长时间的生物有机体形成。
2 石油,并不是来自于逐渐积聚的木质物质,而可能是来自于逐渐积聚的海洋生物的脂肪物质。
3 有机物的脂肪物质主要由碳氢原子组成,因此并不需要太多的化学变化就可以形成石油。
4 油比水轻,呈液态,会经由上方覆盖的孔隙性岩石向上渗透,在地球上有些地区到达表层,古人将这些表层石油称为沥青、柏油或异庚烷。
5 当然,表层的油苗数量很少。
6 如果可以发现一个合适的地点(勘探人员已经识别出地下可能圈闭有石油的地层结构),那么就很容易抽取这一液体燃料,这要比派人到地下把大块的固体煤炭砍成小块要容易得多。
7 石油便于抽取,易于运输,促进了石油的应用。
8 到19世纪下半叶,最重要的石油馏分是由中等大小的分子构成的煤油,它不易蒸发,被用于照明。
9 然而,到19世纪末人们研制出了内燃机。

科技英语翻译1.1 翻译的标准第1节翻译练习1The power plant is the heart of a ship.The power unit for driving the machines is a 50-hp induction motor.动力装置是船舶的心脏。
第1节翻译练习2Semiconductor devices, called transistors, are replacing tubes in many applications.Cramped conditions means that passengers’ legs cannot move around freely.All bodies are known to possess weight and occupy space.半导体装置也称为晶体管,在许多场合替代电子管。
第1节翻译练习3The removal of minerals from water is called softening.A typical foliage leaf of a plant belonging to the dicotyledons is composed of two principal parts: blade and petiole.去除水中的矿物质叫做软化。
1.2 对译者的要求第4节翻译练习1Einstein’s relativity theory is the only one which can explain such phenomena. All four (outer planets) probably have cores of metals, silicates, and water. 爱因斯坦的相对论是能解释这种现象的唯一理论。

饥肠 辘辘 的从 事农 业 的劳 动者 , 家带 口 , 迫 流人 携 被 城市 ; 们要找 活 儿 干 , 管 什 么 活儿 , 讲 什 么 条 他 不 不
分 析 : 句 由一 个推 测 句 和一 个 假设 的并 不 存 本
件, 只要不使他们饿死就行。
3 2 逆序 译 法 .
在 的事实构成主要思路 , 由一个定语从句说 明达 并
因此汉 英转换 时 , 要做好 句子 的重新 构建 组合 。
l 科技英语 的句法特征
科 技语 言属 于专 门用途 语 言 , 述事 物 发 展规 描 律 、 点 和 过程 。其 表 达客 观 准确 , 特 逻辑 严 密 , 机构
3 科 技英语长句 的翻译策略
因此在 翻译 英 语 长句 时 , 我们 要 运 用合 适 的 策
例 lT u ap ndta w e en wfc r s h s t p e e t h nt e t i ih h h aoe
t a r p ig n p r q ie a r tnso o s n s h twe e s rn i g u e u r d lbo ,e ft u a d h o o ls n u g y a rc l r lwo k r , t te r fh me e sa d h n r g i u t a r e s wih h i u
量 性质 的阶段 ( 这些 测 量 对于 可 靠 的 天气 预 报 是 必 不 可少 的) 如果 不 是 这样 , 么 这些 新 的观 察 能 力 , 那 就 只会 造成 繁琐 材料 的堆 积
4 结 语
长 句 的处理 是 科 技英 语 翻 译 中 的一 个 难 点 , 科
技 英语 汉译 时 , 了解 两种 语言 句法 特征 上 的差异 , 要 坚 持忠 实 , 通顺 这 一原 则 , 活 运 用 各 种 技 巧 , 求 灵 力
北京林业大学 科技英语视听说 试题汇总

目录科技英语视听说L1 (2)科技英语视听说L2 (5)科技英语视听说L3 (7)科技英语视听说L4 (10)科技英语视听说L5 (12)科技英语视听说L6 (15)科技英语视听说L7 (17)科技英语视听说L8 (20)科技英语视听说L11.What problems do plants have to face throughout their lives so as to survive?1)Fight one another互相争斗2)Compete for mates竞争配偶3)Invade new territories入侵新界2.Why we human beings are seldom aware of the dramas happening to plants? We and plants live on a different time scale.3.When we condense three months into 20 seconds, what dramatic changes of plants can we see?The desolation荒凉of winter quickly warms into the riot of spring.4.Why do bird-cage plants travel to find a new place?The desert dunes沙漠沙丘are always moving and a sheltered site can suddenly become intolerably exposed.5.How do the seeds of dandelions fly?A special apparatus装置is needed by the seeds of dandelions to fly. Each seed.6.What is the begonia's secret of surviving on the dim forest floor昏暗的森林地表?The secret of its success lies in its leaves, which have red undersides.7.How do leaves reduce the problem of water lying on their surface树叶是如何减少表面积水的?·to be tough to withstand承受the pounding重击·to have gutters排水沟to carry away the water·to have pointed tips at the end末梢有尖锐的尖端so as to drain water排水rapidly and completely away·to use dense hairs浓密的茸毛to keep their pores free8.Please name two examples given in this episode to explain how plants use mimicry to defend themselves.1)Pebble plants卵石植物2)Passion flowers9.What is the dramatic solution a sensitive mimosa possesses to defend itself? One touch makes it fold its leaflets; another tap再敲一下, and it flops to the ground扑倒在地.10.Please name two carnivorous plants given in this episode.1)Flytrap捕蝇草2)Pitcher plants猪笼草科技英语视听说L2Key to Q11.What are the four probable endings of the world?1)Mega-tsunami大海啸2)Meteor strike陨石撞击3)Killer virus致命病毒4)Science gone wrong科学差错Key to Q22.How many people took part in the protests outside the world's largest particle accelerator粒子加速器? What were the fears of some environmental groups? More than 200 peopleSome environmental groups were afraid that energies created could cause the destruction of the earth.Key to Q33.What might be the cause of mega-tsunami on the volcanic island of La Palma 拉帕尔马火山岛? What is the height of the tsunami?It was thought that the mega-tsunami was created by a massive landslide山崩on the volcanic island of La Palma.About 500 feet highKey to Q44.Will the 100 meter wide Near Earth Object hit the Earth? If so, when will it happen?There is a 90%chance the object will hit the Earth. It will happen in around 5 hours.Key to Q55.Why are transport authorities trying to recall some passengers who were on board the flight UK009? What are the symptoms you are following that you should stay indoors or call the emergency helpline?They may be contaminated污染with a deadly virus that has already claimed one life in the UK.When you are following the symptoms such as high chills高寒, shivering颤抖or severe headaches, you should stay indoors or call the emergency helpline.科技英语视听说L3Key to Q11. All living things have to fight to survive. Who can survive then?Only the best suited individuals can survive---it's known as "Survival ofthe fittest”.Key to Q22. What is the natural selection?Any trait特征that increases the possibility of a youngster surviving will be passed on in its genes.Key to Q33. There is an enormous variety of life on the planet. How did life begin?1)3 billion years ago---single-cell living things (e.g. ancient microbes)2)670 million years ago---cells pulling together多细胞生物(e.g. jellyfish)3)around 570 million years ago---animals' soft bodies turned hard (e.g. snails)Key to Q44. What was the planet Earth like 500 million years ago?No shade, no ozone臭氧layer to shield us from the solar radiation. You could fry or freeze in the same day.Key to Q55. What are the five vertebrates mentioned in the video?They are fish, amphibians两栖动物, reptiles爬行动物, birds and mammals哺乳动物.Key to Q66. What are the good reasons for life to get into the air?1st Wings provide animals with extra strike power;2nd flying is the fastest;3rd most efficient way to travel;4th It allows you to find food;5th explore new territory;6th or escape from danger.Key to Q77. Why do we say caterpillars are munching “machines”?Their only purpose is to eat and grow.Key to Q88. What is the relationship between leopard seals豹海豹and penguins? predators and preyKey to Q99. Why do we say that the predators and prey are locked in an intense relationship?Because when predators find better ways to catch and kill, their prey has to improve its self-defense. That is to say, neither can afford to be left behind.Key to Q1010. Please name two examples given in this episode to explain the natural selection driven some creatures to extremes?1)mantis2)snapping turtle响尾龟3)jumping spider-Portia跳蛛4)passionflower vine科技英语视听说L4Key to Q11. How old is our planet Earth?Our planet earth is over four and a half billion45亿years old.Key to Q22. What is the earth's crust?The crust地壳is not just the land above the oceans; it's the entire outer layer of the planet.Key to Q33. What is the force that forms gigantic巨大的mountain ranges山脉?When two tectonic plates构造板块collide, solid坚硬的land can buckle弯曲upwards.Key to Q44. What is the next layer beneath the crust?Beneath the crust is next layer known as mantle地幔. It is over 1800 miles deep, and it can get as hot as 2200 degrees Celsius.Key to Q55. How does a sea turtle know its location and navigate its way around the Earth?The sea turtle has a global positioning system which is based on the Earth's magnetic field.科技英语视听说L5Key to Q11.What consists of the caravan车队of hunting sardines狩猎沙丁鱼? cape gannets角塘鹅sharksdolphinswhalesKey to Q22.Why do red crabs head for the shore to spawn去海边产卵?Because they are unable to raise their young on land, they must trek跋涉several kilometers each year to their ancestral home, the sea.Key to Q33.How many red crabs are crushed压碎by trains or trucks, every year? One millionKey to Q44.For emperor penguins, who are responsible for hatching eggs?Male penguins are responsible for hatching eggs.Key to Q55.How does the Aurora australis occur?The Aurora australis occurs when subatomic particles原子粒子traveling through space enter the Earth's magnetic field.Key to Q66.What is phobia恐惧症?Fear plays a vital part in our survival. When fear gets out of control, we call it phobia.Key to Q77.What is the percentage of people with phobias?10%Key to Q88.Do we inherit specific phobias from our parents?No. But we can inherit our parents' tendency to be fearful. We do learn very quickly to fear the things that have threatened our survival as a species. We learn by watching those around us.Key to Q99.Please name three treatments of phobias mentioned in this DVD.1)Behavioral therapy行为疗法2)Flooding therapy泛滥疗法3)EMDRKey to Q1010.Why is Danny afraid of dogs?Because when Danny was 18 months old, a dog jumped up at him. He thought that the dog would bite him, hurt him or attack him.科技英语视听说L6Key to Q66.Who was the man explaining the astonishing diversity惊人的多样性of life 200 years ago?Charles DarwinKey to Q77.Where are all domestic dogs descended from?All domestic dogs are descended from a single ancestral species, the wolf.key to Q88.What is the difference between Owen's theory and Darwin's theory? Owen said each species was separate.Key to Q99. What is the unprecedented空前的fossil stored in the Natural History Museum?Archaeopteryx始祖鸟Key to Q1010.Who built the models of a complex molecule DNA?Francis Crick and James Watson.科技英语视听说L7Key to Q11.What are the differences between men and women?Men are more things oriented while women are more people oriented.Key to Q22. What did we do in order to measure one's empathy共鸣?We hired an eight-year-old actress, fitted her with a secret camera, and abandoned her on a London street in order to measure one's empathy.Key to Q33.What is the difference between a male brain and a female one?The only difference between a male brain and a female one is in their size. In general, female brains are a little bit smaller. The biggest areas of difference appear to be in language processing语言加工.Key to Q44.What is the relationship between Hayley and Jay?Six years after their wedding day, Hayley and Jay have separated because Jay had an affair.Key to Q55.What is Millie's opinion on young people today looking for utter完全的perfection of love?The utter perfection of love does not exist on Earth; it might exist in heaven. But everybody has got the possibility of creating their own heaven on Earth.Key to Q66.What are the two reasons for the marriage to end in divorce?The first reason is unfaithful不忠的;通奸的to your spouse.The second reason is constant arguing.Key to Q77.Why people say" love makes people blind”?The reward system floods with feeling good chemicals, and another part of the brain used for critical thinking switches off.Key to Q88.How many years can the chemical reaction between men and women last? The chemical reaction between men and women can last two to three years.Key to Q99.What is Keltner's explanation of" being forewarned事先告诫is forearmed有备无患”?If you can anticipate where you are going to be reactive or experience a lot of anger, and have a little insight into that, that actually helps a lot.Key to Q1010.What are the four danger signs of a relationship?1)withdrawal 撤回2)escalation 升级3)negative interpretation 解释4) invalidation 无效科技英语视听说L8Key to Q11.Why all life on Earth owes its existence to the Sun?The Sun powers every natural system and sustains every plant and animal. Without the Sun, the Earth would be a barren贫瘠的, lifeless ball of rock.Key to Q22.What is the actual face of the Sun?The actual face of the Sun is turbulent动荡的and boiling.Key to Q33.Who did one of the earliest experiments to measure the actual power of the Sun in the 19th century? And how?William HerschelYou just watched a piece of ice melt to see how long it would take and therefore from the properties of the ice worked out how much sunlight was coming to the ground.Key to Q44.If we could harness 利用the Sun's power output for one second, how many years' energy demands on Earth would be satisfied?If we could harness the Sun's power output for one second, a million years' energy demands on Earth would be satisfied.Key to Q55.What is the sun made of?Over 90% of the Sun is made of hydrogen氢气.Key to Q66.What happened in 1972?1972 was the year a great love affair ended. The human race fell out of love with the moon. There had been six moon landings, and we had grown bored.Key to Q77.What is the story of our love affair with the moon?Our love affair with the moon is an ancient one. It is earth's constant companion 永恒的伴侣in the dark emptiness空虚of space. The moon has looked down on the whole of human history. And throughout history, we have to look up at it. It has inspired great myths and legends. We've feared it and we've worshipped it.Key to Q88.How are the phases of the moon formed?As it orbits our planet, the portion of sunlit surface that we see changes, thus forming the phases of the moon. A 29.5 days cycle that waxes to full and then wanes back to new.Key to Q99.What is the impact of the full moon on sea creatures and on human beings? In the ocean the full moon's bright light is a mating call for sea creatures. Most women get their menstrual月经period at the day of full moon.Key to Q1010.What is the importance of launching Apollo 11 on July 16,1969?The experience bonded the human race in a way which had never happened before. And it brought the whole nation and, in a sense, the whole world together in a shared experience.。

Lesson 11. What is the begonia’s secret of surviving on the dim forest floor?The secret of begonia surviving on the dim forest floor lie in its leaves which undersides is red.2. How do leaves reduce the problem of water lying on their surface?There are four ways. The first one is that the leaves are tough enough to withstand the pounding of water. The second one is that the leaves have gutters to carry away the water. The third one is leaves have pointed tips at the end so as to drain water rapidly. The last one is that leaves have the dense hairs to keep their pores free.3. What is the dramatic solution a sensitive mimosa possesses to defend itself?One touch can make the leaves fold,another tap can make the leaves flop to the ground.1. How many oceans are there in the world?Four, the Pacific Ocean/Indian Ocean/Arctic Ocean/Atlantic Ocean.2. Why polar bears’survival is being threatened?Global warming.Lesson 21. What are the three factors causing the collision between our civilization and the earth?The first factor is that the population is increasing. The second factor is the way of our thinking. The last factor is the scientific and technological revolution.2. How to balance the economy and the environment?3. What should we do to solve the climate crisis to secure our future or to save our planet Earth?Lesson 31. What might be the major cause of the Big Freeze?The major causes of the big freeze are Volcanic eruptions, Global warming and changes of the ocean currents.2. Please name the five ways mentioned in the state of the planet that we care affecting lifes diversity on Earth.The five ways are over-harvesting, the introduction of alien species, the destruction of habitats, islandisation and pollution.Lesson 41. What is national selection?Any trait that increases the possibility ofyoungster surviving will be passed on in its genes.2. There is an enormous variety of life on the planet, how did life begin?The single-cell living things began at 3 billion years ago. The cells pulling together like jelly fish began at 670 million years ago. The animals’ soft bodies turned hard like snails began at around 570 million years ago.3. Where did all life begin, and why?All the life begins in the sea .Because in the sea, the temperature hardly changes and the water can protect against the pull of gravity and the burning sun.Lesson 51. What are the good reasons for life to get into the air?There are three reasons. The first is thatwings provide animals with extra strike power. The second is that flying is fastest and most efficient way to travel. The last one is that it allows animals to find food, explore territory or escape from danger.2. Why do we say caterpillars are munching machines?Because their only purpose is to eat grow, they can balloon to incredible 2000 times its starting weight.3. Why do we say that the predators and prey are locked in an intense relationship?When predators find better ways to catch and kill, and preys have to improve their self-defense. That is to say, neither predators nor preys can afford to be left behind.Lesson 61. What is phobia?Fear plays a vital part in our survival, when fear gets out of control, we call it phobias.2. What is the percentage of people with phobias?Ten percent people with phobias.3. Do we inherit specific phobias from our parents?No, we don’t.Lesson 71. How does a sea turtle know its location and navigate its way around the earth?It’s based on the earth’s magnetic field.2. What was found at the bottom of the ocean in 1985 by some scientists?Shrimps which can live in boiling hot water and live without sun’s energy were found in1985.Lesson 81. What are the differences between men and women?Men are more things oriented while women are more people oriented.2. What are the two reasons for the marriage to end in divorce?The first reason is you are unfaithful to your spouse, the second reason is constant argue.3. Why people say “love makes people blind”?The reward system floods with feeling good chemicals, while another part of the brain which is used for critical thinking switches off.Lesson 91. Why do red crabs head for the shore to spawn?Because they are unable to raise their young on land, so they have to trek several kilometers to their ancestral home, sea.2. How does the Aurora australis occur?The Aurora australis occurs when subatomic particles traveling through space enter the Earth’s magnetic field..3. How can an eagle eat a tortoise?It flies to find a favorite site, then gain its height, let the tortoise go.。

• 译为:
• 计算机工程师们最初预言:如果词典词条 够多,编得又够好,那么这种程序就可产生出 高质量的译文来,(不过)与此相反的是, 我 们所说所写的语言中包含着多少的例外和 模棱两可、以及微妙之处和各种特点啊, 因 此远比上述说法复杂,也因此远非计算机 技术所能解决。
• (2)while the burning of tropical forests emits roughly 1.8 billion metric tons of CO2-(3) both contributing to a buildup of carbon dioxide
• (4)that will soon trigger the greenhouse effect.
• 译文:
• 围绕着原子核运动的是一些极其微小的粒 子,称为电子,这些电子围绕着原子核旋转,正 像九大行星围绕着太阳旋转一样。
• 二。调整顺序法 • 叙述层次与汉语逻辑相反时,必须按照汉语的习惯
和表达方式,对原语序进行调整, 甚至重新组合译 文, 以达到突出主题,译文顺畅的目的。例:
• (1)Rocket research has confirmed a strange fact(2)which had already been suspected,(3)there is a “high-temperature belt ”in the atmosphere, with its center roughly thirty miles above the ground.
• 译文:
• 这些形式的污染像所有其他形式的污染一 样,其破坏性的因果关系链可归根于一个主 要的原因:太多的汽车,太多的工厂,太多的洗 涤剂,太多的杀虫剂,越来越多的喷气式飞机 留下的尾气,不足的污水消毒处理方法,太少 的水源,太多的一氧化碳。
科技英语翻译 est translation2 agriculture

1:Bringing more water to the land, improving the soil, providing plant nutrients, teaching the farmer better cultural practices, giving him more efficient tools, etc cannot yield maximum results unless the plants under cultivation are able to respond fully to the improved environment and practices.只有栽培的植物能够完全对改善的环境和实际情况作出反应时,才能收获最大的效益,其他的诸如:为土地浇灌更多的水、改善土质、为植物提供养分,还是教给农民更好的栽培技术,提供他们一些更高效的工具都不能达到目的。
2:A student of mathematics must become familiar with all the signs and symbols commonly used in mathematics and bear them in mind firmly, and be well versed in the definitions, formulas as well as the technical terms in the field of mathematics, in order that he may be able to build up the foundation of the mathematical subject and master it well for pursuing advanced study.为了能够建立自己数学的基础和以后的进修,数学专业的学生必须对所有常用的数学符号非常熟悉并能牢牢记住,而且对数学公式、定义和一些专业术语都能熟悉掌握。

1、Urban forestry involves(refers to / is concerned with) forestry activities introduced from wildness and countryside to populous cities where economy, culture, industry and business (commerce) are aggregated (clustered). Most metropolitan cities are currently prosperous but noisy (clamorous) with deteriorating ecological environment. People living in such a crowded and narrow space suffer from a worsening physical quality. To develop urban forestry can beautify living places, purify air, reduce noise and adjust local climate (microclimate), so that the living quality of urban people can be improved. Generally, urban forestry has provided a new approach to the urban environmental problems.2、With the development of both economy and civilization in human society, people have greatly improved their knowledge and understanding about forests. They therefore have also dramatically changed their social demands for forestry. As a result, more world attention has been widely paid to the function that forests play to maintain and improve environment. In 1992, UN Conference on Environment and Development bestowed priority on forestry and it became a political promise of the highest rank. In addition, it was particularly emphasized in the meeting that nothing has been more important than forestry among the problems that the world summit conferences will deal with. It is a distinct milestone in world civilization history to place forestry issues at such a high position.3、China is one of the countries boasting the richest biodiversity and also one of the earliest adopting the Convention on Biological Diversity. The Chinese Government has highly valued the work of biodiversity conservation by formulating and enforcing a series of related laws and regulations,so that a legal system on the conservation and biodiversity has fundamentally formed. In addition, it has established and consolidated the coordination mechanism on the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity as well as the scheme of Inter-ministerial Joint Meeting on biological species resources, laid down and issued the National Action Plan on the Conservation of Biodiversity of China and other related plans in this regard, based on which various relevant sectors have mapped out and executed their own action plans.5、Agriculture still has the responsibility to feed the world in spite of the serious challenge of climate change. Agriculture needs to produce more food, waste less, and make it easier for farmers to get their produce to consumers. Besides, agriculture has to find ways/approaches/methods to reduce negative impacts resulted from environmental change—including lowering greenhouse gas emissions,planning/managing food security and rural development as a whole, etc. Only through the development of agricultural high technology can the above be realized/All these are only possible through the development of agricultural high technology.6、Chinese agriculture has to undergo a low-carbon development with characteristics of being resources-saving, production-clean, environment-friendly and quality-efficiency-oriented. Therefore, in terms of technology, great efforts must be made to develop a series of key technologies and promote/polarize/generalize/spread their practical application. For example, resources-saving technology including energy-saving, soil-saving, water-saving, fertilizer-saving, insecticides-saving, seeds-saving, materials-saving and labor-saving techniques, and so on, technology of reducing the use of agricultural chemicals and developing their substitutes, technology of cultivating new plant species with a high light absorption and carbon sequestration, technology of sequestratrating soil carbon, technology of developing clean energies, clean environment-friendly production technology, technology of nuisance-free proposal and reclamation of wastes, and so on.7、The enactment of the 1989 City Planning Act is a major milestone that tries to re-establish and formalize the urban planning system in China. But, there are still many deficiencies of the urban planning system in dealing with the rapidly changing socio-economic environment. Some of these deficiencies can be traced to the legacies of past planning practice and some are deficiencies of the City Planning Act. Experiments are taking place in Chinese cities which aim to provide better guidance to urban planning and development control from a planned to transitional economy.8、Currently, we could hardly live a single day without seeing a celebrity spokesperson promoting a product or a social campaign on TV, net or other media. This is an intensely popular trend that we cannot fail to notice. There is no doubt that the celebrity spokespeople could boost the sale of a product. A host of celebrity spokespersons, however, have emerged as the marketing tool of some companies, even companies producing and selling fake and inferior items. This kind of behavior has produced negative impacts on consumers and whole society, which should be severely criticized and penalized. Of course, as is known to all, everything has both bright and dark sides. Some stars’ endorsement of social activities and public campaigns raises public awareness, giving rise to changes in public behavior. In this case, they serve as positive role models of the general public. To name only one case: Pu CX, a household figure, acting as the celebrity spokesman of the China AIDS Foundation, contributes greatly to the cause of AIDS prevention and cure in China.9、Famed for Oriental Venice, Suzhou tops all others cities in both the number and the artistry of gardens. Tracing back to the Spring and Autumn period, the earliest gardens in Suzhou belongs to the king of Wu. Recorded as the earliest private garden, Pijiang house dates from the 4th century Eastern Jin Dynasties.Following that, Suzhou's art of gardening has undergone a history of 1, 500 years. Originated from the desire to feel the charm of mountains, forest and springs without going out of the noisy surrounding of the town, Suzhou gardens are the harmonious combination of nature and constructions. During the prosperous Ming and Qing Dynasties, the number of gardens in the city increases a great deal, mounting to 200 odd. Dozens of them have survived to the present and are in a good state of preservation. Among them, the most famous ones are the Surging Waves Pavilion, the Lion Grove Garden, the Humble Administrator Garden and the Lingering Garden, representing the different styles of Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties respectively.10、In the Northern Ocean there is a fish, the name of which is Kun - I do not know how many li in size. It changes into a bird with the name of Peng, the back of which is (also) - I do not know how many li in extent. When this bird rouses itself and flies, its wings are like clouds all round the sky. When the sea is moved (so as to bear it along), it prepares to remove to the Southern Ocean. The Southern Ocean is the Pool of Heaven.There is the (book called) Qi Xie, a record of marvels. We have in it these words: ‘When the phang is removing to the Southern Ocean it flaps (its wings) on the water for 3000 li. Then it ascends on a whirlwind 90,000 li, and it rests only at the end of six months.’ (But similar to this is the movement of the breezes which we call) the horses of the fields, of the dust (which quivers in the sunbeams), and of living things as they are blown against one another by the air. Is its azure the proper colour of the sky? Or is it occasioned by its distance and illimitable extent? If one were looking down (from above), the very same appearance would just meet his view.And moreover, (to speak of) the accumulation of water; if it be not great, it will not have strength to support a large boat. Upset a cup of water in a cavity, and a straw will float on it as if it were a boat. Place a cup in it, and it will stick fast; the water is shallow and the boat is large. (So it is with) the accumulation of wind; if it be not great, it will not have strength to support great wings. Therefore (the peng ascended to) the height of 90,000 li, and there was such a mass of wind beneath it; thenceforth the accumulation of wind was sufficient. As it seemed to bear the blue sky on its back, and there was nothing to obstruct or arrest its course, it could pursue its way to the South.。

第一题:填空1 科技英语的翻译标准是:准确规范,通顺易懂,简洁明晰2 科技英语的文体的特点:无人称句多,被动语态多,专业名词术语多,非谓语动词多,长句子多。
3 科英翻译的方法:直译与意译,合译与分译,增译与省译,顺译与倒译。
第二题:根据上下文选择词义翻译句子(develop)1 Packaged software is developed to serve the specific needs of one user.软件包的开发只是为某一用户的特定需要服务2 Noises may develop in a worn engine.磨损了的引擎里可能会产生各种噪音。
3 Shorts frequently develop when insulation is worn.绝缘被磨坏时往往会发生短路。
4 Sure enough,80 percent of the plants developed the disease.果然,80%的庄稼都染上了这种病。
5 Other isolation methods are being developed.目前正在研究其他隔离方法。
6 In developing the design, we must consider the feasibility of processing.在进行设计时,必须考虑加工的可能性。
7 After the war much of this knowledge was poured into the developing of the computers..战后,这项知识大量地应用于研制计算机。
8 They cited cases of identical twins reared in different homes who developed very different characteristics despite identical heredity.他们列举了一些这样的事例:在不同的家庭抚养的一对双胞胎尽管遗传特征完全相同,但会显示出完全不同的个性。


Journey of Life (1)Program One: Life in the SeaI. Words1. bizarre 奇异的2. predator 食肉动物3. gill slits 鳃裂4. embryo 胚胎5. mayhem重伤罪6. haven 避风港7. lethal 致命的8. jellyfish 水母,海蜇II. Questions1. All living things have to fight to survive. Who can survive then?Only the best suited individuals can survive ——it’s known as “Survival of the fittest”.2. What is the natural selection?Any trait that increases the possibility of a younger surviving will be passed on in its genes.5. There is an enormous variety of life on the planet. How did it come about?①3 billion years ago—single-cell living things;②670 million years ago—cells pulling together;③around 570 million years ago —animals’ soft bodies turned hard.Program Two: Life on LandI. Words1. buoyancy 浮力2. kelp 海带3. arthropod 节肢动物4. burrow 挖洞,洞穴5. louse 虱子6. vertebrate 脊椎动物7. fin 鳍II. Questions1. What was the planet Earth like 500 million years ago?No shade, no ozone layer to shield us from the solar radiation. You could fry or freeze in the same day.2. Where did all life begin? And why?In the sea. Because in the sea where temperature hardly changes and where water protects against the pull of gravity and the burning sun.Journey of Life (2)Program Three: Life in the SkyI. Words1. sprout 开始,发芽2. bask 晒太阳3. tendon 腱,筋4. larva 幼虫5. jackpot 意外的成功6. swat 拍7. munch 用力咀嚼II. Questions3. What are the good reasons for life to get into the air?Wings provide animals with extra strike power, flying is the fastest ,most efficient way to travel .It allows you to find food ,explore new territory or escape from danger.4. What are the two explanations as to how insects sprout wings?One explanation is that insects love to sunbathe. The other is that it may have started in water.Program Four: Living TogetherI. Words1. huddle 蜷缩2. spawn 卵3. engulf 大口吞食4. cricket 蟋蟀5. mantis 螳螂6. orchid 兰花7. raven 捕食8. bluff 虚张声势II. Questions1. What is the relationship between leopard seals and penguins?Predators and prey.3. Why do we say that the predators and prey are locked in an intense relationship? Because when predators find better ways to catch and kill, their prey has to improve their self-defense .That is to say, neither can afford to be left behind.5. How do fieldfares drive a hungry raven away from their chicks?By dropping “bombs”.The SunI. Words1. tantrum 生气,发怒2. wreak 造成…后果3. galaxy 星系4. goldilocks planet 适合生物居住的星球5. solstice 至点6. porridge 粥7. apparatus 一套仪器8. strata 地层9. prism 棱镜10. helium 氦气II. Questions1. Why all life on Earth owes its existence to the sun?The sun powers every natural system and sustains every plant and animal. Without the sun, the Earth would be a barren, lifeless ball of rock.The MoonI. Words1. fathom 完全明白2. plod 慢慢走3. wax vi.逐渐变大4. wane vi. 逐渐变小5. enigma 神秘II. Questions1. How are the phases of the moon formed?As the moon orbits our planet,the portion of sunlit surface that we see changes,thus forming the phases of the moon.2. What is the impact of the full moon on sea creatures and on human beings?In the ocean,the full moon’s bright light is a mating call for sea creatures. Most women get their menstrual period at the day of full moon. Lecture 8 Discussion(2)Journey to the Center of the PlanetHow does a sea turtle know its location and navigate its way around the Earth?The AbyssAccording to the video Abyss,what was found at the bottom of the ocean in 1985 by some scientists?Secrets of the SexesI. Words1. saliva 唾液2. bloke 家伙3. pathetic 可怜的,差劲的4. petty 琐碎的,不重要的5. daft 愚笨的6. leisure complex 休闲娱乐中心7. trivia 琐事8. to place sb. on a pedestal 崇拜,仰慕9. flounder 挣扎10. infidelity 不忠实II. Questions1. What are the differences between men and women?Men are more things oriented while women are more people oriented.3. What are the two reasons for the marriage to end in divorce?The first reason is unfaithful to your spouse.The second reason is constant arguing.4. Why people say “love makes people blind”?The reward system floods with feeling good chemicals, and another part of the brain used for critical thinking switches off.Lecture 12 Discussion(3)The Human MindHow can you tell a person’s smile a fake one?Alien ContactIf one day alien species come to Earth,what’s the narrator’s hope?。

【科技英语翻译】长句翻译例1. Also, most engines have a spill return system, by which any excess fuel from the injector pump and injectors is returned to the fuel tank.译文:另外,大多数发动机都有一个溢出回油系统,通过该系统,从噴油泵和喷油嘴喷出的过多的油会回流到油箱。
照应译法——过渡词一般采用直译法例2. Around the world, there were about 806 million cars and light trucks on the road in 2007; they burn over a billion cubic meters of petrol/gasoline and diesel fuel yearly.译文:2007年,全世界范围内道路上行驶的小汽车和轻型卡车大约有8.06亿辆。
换序法-2007应该在后面但是放在了前面例3. Information technology, together with industrial machinery and processes, can assist design, implementation, and monitoring of control systems. One example of industrial control system is a programmable logic controller (PLC). PLCs are specialized hardened computers which are frequently used to synchronize the flow of inputs from physical sensors and events with the flow of outputs to actuators and events.译文:信息技术与工业机械和工业生产过程一道,可以帮助控制系统的设计、执行和监控。

科技英语课词句子翻译Unit110适用标准文档Sentence TranslationUnit 1Text A1.However, the volume of business done on the Internet is growing rapidly, as people orderbooks and other products to make money transactions.可是,因特网上的交易数目急速增添,人们从网上购书和其余的产品,进行资本交易。
2.They use them to prowl the Internet, looking for ways to break into computers systems runby banks, telephone companies and even government departments.他们用电脑上网,找寻能够进入银行电脑系统、电话公司的电脑系统、甚至是政府的电脑系统的方式。
3.The first indication of a security breach may be when a customer discovers a fraudulent moneytransaction on a credit card account.当顾客发现信誉卡的帐号上出现了来历不明的花费时,这可能就是安全遇到了损坏的第一个标记。
4.The use of credit cards to buy things on the Internet converts the issue of Internetsecurity into one of general security.用信誉卡在网上购物使网络安全变为了大众所广泛关注的安全的一种5.Few people think twice about giving a credit card number over the phone and many are equallycareless about what happens to the carbon copy when completing a transaction overthe counter.好多人会在电话里任意报出自己的信誉卡号码,相同地,也有好多人不留神交易达成后放在银行柜台上的副本。

必考词汇:dandelion 蒲公英begonia 秋海棠mimosa 含羞草arthropod 节肢动物jackpot 意外的成功adrenalina 肾上腺素phosphate 磷酸盐、磷肥saliva 唾液enigma 神秘prism 棱镜可能考的:1.dock 羊蹄 2.hazel 榛树 3.foxglove 毛地黄4.bramble 悬钩子 5.earth-star 地星 6.bird-cage plant 角叶月7 .spore 孢子8.wood anemone 银莲花9.puffball 马勃菌10.canopy 天蓬11.fern 羊齿12.pore 毛孔、气孔13.sapling 小树苗14.chestnut 板栗15.sycamore 枫树rch 落叶松17.chlorophyll 叶绿素18.photosynthesis 光合作用19.mimicry 拟态20.shrivel 使。
变干枯21.pebble 鹅卵石22.gravel 小石头23.nectar 花蜜24.caterpillar 毛毛虫25.bogus 假的26.passionflower 西番莲27.carnivorous plants 食肉植物28.infrared radiation 红外线照射29.culprit 罪犯30.vulnerable 易受伤的31.varnish 清漆32.lukewarm 微温的33.pixel 像素34.smallpox 天花35.polio 小儿麻痹36.devastate 毁灭37.apartheid 种族隔离arre 奇异的39.predator 捕食者40.gill slits 鳃裂41.amniotic fluid 羊水42.embryo 胚胎43.mayhem 破坏44.cauldron 大锅45.haven 避风港46.lethal 致命的47.jellyfish 海蜇、水母48.alien 性质不同的、不相容的49.buoyancy 浮力50.burrow 打洞51.vertebrate 脊椎动物52.dinosaur恐龙53.kelp 海带54.armor 盔甲55.louse 虱子56.fin 鳍、鱼翅57.sprout 开始发芽58.flap 煽动翅膀59.bask 晒太阳60.tendon筋、腱rva 幼虫62.swamp 沼泽63.swat 猛打64.munch 用力咀嚼65.gorge 狼吞虎咽66.huddle 挤在一起67.pinnacle 尖峰、顶点68.spawn 卵69.engulf 狼吞虎咽70.unleash 解除束缚71.cricket 蟋蟀72.orchid 兰科植物73.assassin 刺客74.fang 毒牙75.raven 乌鸦76.fieldfare 田鸫77.lurk 潜伏78.foil 阻碍79.bluff 虚张声势80.phobia 恐惧症81.toddler 刚会走路的小孩82.buggy 婴儿车83.petrify 害怕84.python 蟒蛇85.footage 连续镜头86.captivity 监禁87.crumble 崩溃88.tennis elbow 肘关节炎89.bursitis 滑囊炎90.canine 犬齿的vish 奢侈的92.trauma 创伤93.slack 松弛的94.leash 链条95.berate 严责、申斥96.tax 付出很大努力brador 拉布拉多犬98.steeple 尖堂99.oil slick 水面上的浮油100.feast 宴会101.frenzy 狂热的102.trek 翻山越岭103.pouch 育儿袋104.recede 撤退105.rookerv 群栖地106.droplet 飞沫107.ingenious 聪明的108.biomass 生物量109.shoal 群110.gully 排水沟111.perilous 冒险的112.carnage 大屠杀113.Aurora australis 南极光114.sleek 光滑的115.roller coaster 过山车116.bide 等待。

Unit 1大规模研究发现:地球的“健康”每况愈下有史以来对地球进行的最大规模的科学分析结果表明,地球上的许多生态系统都达不到标准。
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【科技英语翻译】长句翻译例1. Also, most engines have a spill return system, by which any excess fuel from the injector pump and injectors is returned to the fuel tank.译文:另外,大多数发动机都有一个溢出回油系统,通过该系统,从噴油泵和喷油嘴喷出的过多的油会回流到油箱。
照应译法——过渡词一般采用直译法例2. Around the world, there were about 806 million cars and light trucks on the road in 2007; they burn over a billion cubic meters of petrol/gasoline and diesel fuel yearly.译文:2007年,全世界范围内道路上行驶的小汽车和轻型卡车大约有8.06亿辆。
换序法-2007应该在后面但是放在了前面例3. Information technology, together with industrial machinery and processes, can assist design, implementation, and monitoring of control systems. One example of industrial control system is a programmable logic controller (PLC). PLCs are specialized hardened computers which are frequently used to synchronize the flow of inputs from physical sensors and events with the flow of outputs to actuators and events.译文:信息技术与工业机械和工业生产过程一道,可以帮助控制系统的设计、执行和监控。
Synchronize同步还原法——把PLC还原成可编程逻辑控制器例4. Machines are usually powered by mechanical, chemical thermal, or electrical means, and are often motorized. Historically, a power tool also required moving parts to classify as a machine. However, the advent of electronics technology has led to the development of power tools without moving parts that are considered machines.译文:机器通常是通过机械能、化学能、热能或电能方式获得动力。
句中的machine和tool属于近义词分译法——第一句翻译成了两句(也可以用合译法什么的)例5. Many mechanical engineering companies especially those in industrialized nations, have begun to incorporate computer-aided engineering (CAE) programs into their existing design and analysis processes, including 2D and 3D solid modeling computer aided design (CAD). 译文:许多机械工程公司,尤其是工业化国家的机械工程公司,已经开始将计算机辅助工程(CAE)程序运用到他们现有的设计与分析过程中包括二维和三维的实体模型计算机辅助设计(CAD)。
Those指的mechanical engineering companies,机械工程公司例6. An electric motor converts electric energy into mechanical energy. Most electric motors operate through interacting magnetic fields and current-carrying conductors to generate force, although a few use electrostatic forces. The reverse process, producing electrical energy from mechanical energy, is done by generators such as an alternator or a dynamo. Many types of electric motors can be run as generators, and vice versa. For example, a starter/ generator for a gas turbine, often perform both tasks. Electric motors and generators are commonly referred to as electric machines.译文2:电动机将电能转化为机械能。
换序法——反过来那一句例7. All power systems have one or more sources power. For some power systems, the source of power is external to the system, but for others it is part of the system itself. Direct current power can be supplied by batteries fuel cells or photovoltaic cell. Alternating current power is typically supplied by a rotor that spins in a magnetic field in a device known as a turbo generator in a power station. There have been a wide range of techniques used to spin a turbine's rotor, from superheated steam heated using fossil fuel (including coal, gas and oil to water itself (hydroelectric power) and wind (wind power). Even nuclear power typically depends on water heated to steam using a nuclear reaction.AC交流电——DC直流电译文:所有的电力系统都有一个或多个电源。
例8. An unfinished workpiece requiring machining will need have some material cut away to create a finished product. A finished product would be a workpiece that meets the specifications set out for that workpiece by engineering drawings or blueprints. For example, a workpiece may be required to have a specific outside diameter. A lathe is a machine tool that can be used to create that diameter by rotating a metal workpiece, so that a cutting tool can cut metal away, creating a smooth, round surface matching the required diameter and surface finish. A drill can be used to remove metal in the shape of a cylindrical hole. Other tools that may be used for various types of metal removal are milling machines, saws, and grinding machines.译文:一个需要加工的半成品工件需要切割一些材料来制造出一个成品件。