核能专业英语试题(A卷)考试时间:90分钟姓名:班级:学号:The most elementary concept is that matter is composed of individual particles – atoms – that retain their identity as elements in ordinary physical and chemical interactions. Thus a collection of helium atoms that forms a gas has a total weight that is the sum of the weights of the individual atoms. Also, when two elements combine to form a compound, the total weight of the new substance is the sum of the origin elements.1.公认的物质的概念是:物质是由单个粒子——原子组成,在普通的化学和物理反应中原子保持了元素的特性。
Bohr assumed that the atom consists of a single electron moving at constant speed in a circular orbit about a nucleus --the proton--as sketched in Fig. X.X. Each particle has an electric charge of l.6×l0-l9 coulombs, but the proton has a mass that is 1836 times that of the electron.2.波尔假设(氢)原子由一个单独的电子绕着一个核子——质子,以圆形轨道作恒定速度的移动——见图X.X,每个粒子有l.6×l0-l9库伦的电量,质子的质量是电子质量的1836倍。
The Writing's on the Wall? Is it art or is it just vandalism (野蛮行为)? Well, it's still a crime, but graffiti (涂鸦) has changed since the days of spraying your name on a wall to mark your territory. Street art has become much more sophisticated since a 17-year-old called Demetrius started spraying his "tag" , TAKI 183, all over the New York underground in 1971, and hip - hop culture was born. Hip-hop is a mixture of art, music and dancing, poetry, language and fashion. It came from young inner-city people who fell left out by their richer classmates and who were desperate to express themselves in any way they could. An experiment to control the spread of graffiti in Rochdale, Creater Manchester, has been sosuccessful that plans have been made by local street artists for an international convention in June. "We're planning to get people together from different countries like France and Cermany for a week, " says Liam, one of the organizers. The scheme started in 2000, and has attracted people of all age groups and both sexes. " We all share a commen interest and get on really well with each other. " The first site to be chosen was a subway. " Before we began, people were afraid to use the subway. We had it cleaned up and now, with all the artists hanging out down there, people are using it again. People can relate to graffiti much more now. " By providing places to display their talents legally, there has been a fall in the amount of "tagging" on people's private property. Street artists Temper developed his drawing skills at a young age. In art classes at school he was really frustrated because the Art teacher didn't spend time with him. They thought he was already very good at art and so spend more time with other students. So, at 12 years old, Temper started painting with all these guys he'd hooked up with who were about 22 years old. He looked up to them and loved what they were doing on the streets ofWolvehampicn, England. "The whole hip -hop scene was built up of different things and I did a bit of everything. But it was always the graffiti I was best at. " he says.16.Demetrius was a teenager bom in New York.[1分]ARight BWrong CNot mentioned17.The graffiti scheme in Rochodale was for teenagers only.[1分]ARight BWrong CNot mentioned18.People did not like using the subway before an organized group of graffiti aritists came.[1分]ARight BWrong CNot mentioned19.Since the scheme started, new wall in the town were sprayed with graffiti.[1分]ARight BWrong CNot mentioned20.Most of the other graffiti artists in England were about ten years older than Temper.[1分] ARight BWrong CNot mentioned21.Temper, a street artist, is now head of graffiti club in England.[1分]ARight BWrong CNot mentioned22.Temper is involved in many different aspects of hip-hop culture.[1分]ARight BWrong CNot mentioned第三部分:概括大意与完成句子(第23-30题,每题1分,共8分)下面的短文后有2项测试任务:(1)第23-26题要求从所给的6个选项中为第2-5段每段选择1个最佳标题;(2)第27-30题要求从所给的6个选项中为每个句子确定1个最佳选项。
2 3
中国核 动力研 究设计 院设计 所
水力机械 于玲 电机 028yuling_cd@ 85908194 工业自动化仪表 电气系统及自动化 应用电子 机电一体化 工业设计 工程力学 电气/电器 图书情报/档案
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有机合成/材料 采矿 选矿 核工业 北京化 工冶金 研究院 分析化学 土木工程 外贸英语 财务 建筑环境与设备 自动化 计算机软件 精密仪器 核技术与核物理 电气技术 热能工程 0833- 2708453 测控技术与仪器 电子技术 机械设计与自动化 焊接技术 安全防护 核工程与核技术 放射化学 核物理 辐射防护与环境工程 中核集 团八二 一厂 0839向利国 8212317 xiangliguo821@tom 化学工程与工艺 .com 测控技术与仪器 电气工程及其自动化 计算机及其应用(网络工 程) 土木工程(工程造价方 向) 核工程与核技术 中核四 0937- ○四总 周应龙 6764079 公司 辐射防护及环境保护 zh404hr@ 核化工 化学工程与工艺 工业分析(化学分析) 机械设计及制造 电气工程与自动化
化工机械 电气工程 人力资源管理 工业与民用建筑
核工业 微生物 北京化 010lrjc@.c 汪锡山 化学工程、化学 n 工冶金 51674230 研究院 辐射防护 水文地质 物探/钻探
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学 历 大 本 专 科 及 生 以 下
单位名称 联系人 联系电话
九、考试成绩和认证考试总分为100 分,成绩60分以上(含60 分)为通过。
全国职场英语考试(一级)China Workplace English Test (Level One)试卷册(120分钟)注意事项一、请将自己的姓名、准考证号写在答题卡上。
三、选择题的答案一定要填涂在答题卡上;翻译(TRANSLATE N部分第二节(Section B)和写作(WRITING部分的答案要写在答题卡上,凡是写在试卷册上的一律不给分。
2025年招聘英语翻译岗位笔试题与参考答案(某大型央企)一、单项选择题(本大题有10小题,每小题2分,共20分)1、Which of the following best describes the primary responsibility of an English translator in a state-owned enterprise (SOE)?A) Conducting research on new markets for the company.B) Translating documents and materials from English to Chinese.C) Managing the company’s financial reports.D) Coordinating international partnerships for the company.Answer: B) Translating documents and materials from English to Chinese.解析:在一家央企,英语翻译的主要职责是将英文文件和材料翻译成中文,以确保内部沟通和对外交流的准确性。
2、What software applications are typically used by English translators in an SOE for document translation?A) Photoshop, IllustratorB) Microsoft Excel, PowerPointC) Adobe Acrobat, Google DocsD) Microsoft Word, Translation softwareAnswer: D) Microsoft Word, Translation software.解析:在央企中,英语翻译通常使用Microsoft Word进行文档编辑和校对,并使用专门的翻译软件(如MemoQ, Trados等)来进行翻译任务。
烟台大学2015~2016学年第 2 学期核能专业英语 试卷A考试时间:100分钟一、 共18分 (1.1题8分,1.2题10分)1.1 One promising fusion machine, the tokamak , achieves magnetic confinement in a doughnut-shaped structure. Research is also under way on inertial confinement, in which laser beams or charged particle beams cause the explosion of miniature D-T pellets. Other possible concepts are a hybrid fission-fusion reactor and neutron-free reaction such as that with 2 H and 3He.一个有前途的聚变装置托卡马克实现了圆饼圈形状的磁约束。
1.2 The principal modes by which fission energy is transferred in a reactor are conduction and convection. The radial temperature distribution in a fuel pellet is approximately parabolic. The rate of heat transfer from fuel surface to coolant by convection is directly proportional to the temperature difference. The allowed power level of a reactor is governed by the temperatures at local "hot spots." Coolant flow along channels extracts thermal energy and delivers it to an external circuit consisting of a heat exchanger (PWR), a steam turbine that drives an electrical generator, a steam condenser, and various pumps.反应堆中裂变能传输的主要方式是传导和对流。
核电专业英语试题库Lesson 1 The basic Concepts for Nuclear Physics1. A nucleon is composed of protons and neutrons, and constitutes practically all the mass of the atom. ()key:×type: judgment question2. In the nuclear reactions mass and energy is interchanged. ( )key:√type: judgment questiongamma radiation is a result of fission. ( )key:×type: judgment questionbinding force acts only when the nucleons are ( )A. largeB. close to each otherC. similarD. excitedkey: Btype: single-choice questionhaving the same atomic number Z,but different numbers of neutrons N are called ( ) of the element.A. nucleiB. isotopesC. unitsD. masseskey: Btype: single-choice question6. The excited nuclei become de-excited by emission of ( )γ or particles C. energy D. deuteronskey: Atype: single-choice questionprotons and neutrons are called ( )A. nucleiB. isotopesC. nucleonsD. atoms key: Ctype: single-choice questionin uranium-238 can be caused by neutrons of ( )A. is easyB. can be caused by neutrons ofC. can be caused by neutrons ofD. never realizekey: Ctype: single-choice question9.( ) are emitted during fission and the possibility of a chain reaction is realized.A. ElementsB. FragmentsC.γ-rays D. Neutronskey: D type: single-choice questionare the fissile nuclei among the following isotopes ( )A. 233UB. 235UC. 239PuD. 238Ukey: A,B,Ctype: multiple-choice questionLesson 2 Radiation11. The γ-rays has many charges.()key:×type: judgment questionenergy neutrons usually interact with nucleus more difficult than high energy neutrons. ( )key:×type: judgment questionthe photoelectric effect, the photon is ( ).A. producedB. foundC. eliminatedD. increasedkey: Ctype: single-choice questionparticles presents ( ) shielding problem.A. noB. no seriousC. aD. seriouskey: Btype: single-choice questionradioactive isotopes decay the ( )are formed.A. protonsB. daughter productsC. radioactive isotopesD. neutron and electronkey: Btype: single-choice questionparticles can ( ) the outer layer of skin of the body.A. penetrateB. passC. be acceleratedD. be stopped bykey: Dtype: single-choice questionparticles are capable of producing ( )as they penetrate a substance.A. large amounts of ionizationB. energyC. photonsD. particleskey: Atype: single-choice questionparticles are ( ) in their motion than electrons.A. fasterB. slowerC. heavierD. less readily deflectedkey: Dtype: single-choice question19. The interaction between gamma rays with matter includes ( ).A. photon-electron scatteringB. Slowing by atomsC. photoelectric effectD. electron-positron productionkey: A,C,Dtype: multiple-choice questionLesson 3 Nuclear Reactions20. We let the macroscopic cross section be labeled .()key: √type: judgment questionenergy released in nuclear reaction is about a million times as great as for the chemical reaction. ( )key: √type: judgment questionare several similarities between nuclear and chemical reactions, such as( )A. the same energy releasedB. conservation of chargeC. conservation of particles’ number involvedD. conservation of mass-energykey: B,C,Dtype: multiple-choice questionLesson 4 Nuclear Materialsand deuterium, being gases, are suitable moderators. ()key:×type: judgment questionis the most common materials for controlling reactors. ( )key:√type: judgment questionas fuel cladding ( ) in power reactor.A. is usedB. useC. has been usedD. hasn’t been used key: Dtype: single-choice questionmetals are potentially excellent reactor ( )A. moderatorB. structure materialC. coolantD. materialkey: Ctype: single-choice questiondioxide can ( ) high burnups.A. not to be usedB. be used toC. use toD. be used withkey: Btype: single-choice questioncommon reactor operation zirconium ( )steam.A. reacted withB. cannot react withC. can react withD. cannot be reactedkey: Btype: single-choice questionin ( ) form can be used as fuel material for water cooled reactors.A. pure uraniumB. uranium dioxideC. uranium hexafluorideD. uranium carbidekey: A,B,Dtype: multiple-choice questionchoice of moderator for thermal reactorsis mainly limited to the following materials :( )A. waterB. berylliumC. heavy waterD. graphitekey: A,C,Dtype: multiple-choice question31.对热堆而言,水作为慢化剂显然是一种最显而易见的,同时水还能作为冷却剂。
题目和之前网上说的差不多,基本为行测,并没有性格测试和英语测试部分题目分语言理解(10)、类比推理(10)、图形(10)、数理计算(10) 还有逻辑推理题目(5)五部分共45道题,总时长60分钟。
本人有幸于14日下午参加了中核笔试,现在根据我的记忆简单介绍下笔试的.有关情况:首先是到场(我是 ___民族大学附近的飞宇网吧)签到领取一张裁剪好的小条,上面有你的姓名和编号,这个编号就是你进入中核测评系统的登录账号。
中国广东核电集团核电学院2016-2017学年考试试卷科目:核电专业英语姓名:班级:得分:(考试时间120分钟)Part One: Words and phrases (20 points, 1point each) A.Translate the following words and phrases into Chinese (1 point each)1. coolant temperature coefficient 冷却剂温度系数2. LOCA 失水事故3. radiation protection 辐射防护4.NSSS核蒸汽供应系统5.RCS反应堆冷却剂系统6.control rod drive mechanism 控制棒驱动机构7.abnormal condition 异常工况8.spent fuel 乏燃料9.containment spray system 安全壳喷淋系统10.PWR 压水堆B.Translate the following words and phrases into English (1 point each)1.链式反应chain reaction2.浓缩铀enriched uranium3.慢化剂moderator4.超临界水冷堆SCWR5.稳压器pressurizer6.质量亏损mass defect7.一次侧Primary side 8.非能动安全性passive safety9.蒸汽发生器steam generator 10.中子通量密度neutron fluxPart Two: Choose right ( √) or rong ( ×) according to your knowledge (20points, 1point each)1.A decrease of mass is accompanied by the absorption of energy, and an increase of masscorresponds to the release of energy. ( ×)2.Low energy neutrons usually interact with nucleus more difficult than high energyneutrons. ( ×)3.There are three types of interaction between gamma rays and the matter: photoelectricscattering, photoelectric effect, and electron-positron pair production. ( √ )4.If the multiplication factor is less than one the reactor is supercritical. ( ×)5.The more excess fuel is added, the greater must be the control by rods and soluble poison.( √ )6.The maximum permissible temperature of the fuel is one of the most important factors inthe design of thermal reactor. ( √)7.When the CEA is inserted, the reactivity is removed. ( √ )8.The fission threshold detectors monitor the neutron flux. ( ×)9.During normal operation, the Zircaloy fuel cladding material cannot react with water toproduce hydrogen gas. ( √ )10.The reactor coolant should be chemically non-reactive with other components of thereactor. ( √ )11.The fuel assemblies are put on the lower support structure. ( √ )12.The core support barrel assembly is supported by its upper end. ( √ )13.The fuel rod provides three barriers to the escape of fission products. ( ×)14.To allow plant maintenance, valves are provided around feed heaters. ( ×)15.The long-term control of core reactivity means adjustment of boric acid. ( √ )16.For safety and control consideration, the reactor is usually designed to have a negativereactivity coefficient. ( √)17.The RCS must be pressurized before injection can occur. ( ×)18.Unlike AP1000 which uses passive safety systems , EPR adopts active system. ( √ )19.ACR adopts light water as coolant which is different from the previous CANDU designs.( √ )20.The output of turbine depends on the size of the blades. ( ×)Part Three: Singe choice (20 points, 1point each)1.The protons and neutrons are called C .A. NucleiB. IsotopesC. NucleonsD. atoms2.Hydrogen and deuterium D moderators.A. cannot be used asB. are suitableC. are goodD. are used in the form of oxide as3.In the PWR D is necessary to achieve criticality.A. UraniumB. natural uraniumC. high enriched uraniumD. slightly enriched uranium4.The breeder reactor has the ability to use D .A. all of the uranium isotopesB. uranium-235C. uranium-238D. both 235U and 238U5.Steam turbine can rotate in ( B ).A. one directionB. two directionsC. very low speedD. many directions6.Primary system water enters the reactor vessel through the inlet nozzles, and then travelsdownward in D .A. the tubeB. the annular spaceC. the vesselD. the low plenum7.The in-core neutron monitoring system is used to determine the A .A. neutron f1ux distributionB. neutron velocityC. both A and BD. neither A nor B8.The fission threshold detectors monitor the D .A. neutron irradiationB. neutron f1uxC. temperature changeD. fast neutron f1ux9.In the down comer, the water is ( D ).A. saturatedB. boilingC. very coldD. subcooled10.The hazard of nuclear radiation to human beings is due to the B of radiationsand particles.A. high powerB. ionizing effectC. penetrating powerD. high energy11.Auxiliary feed water pump is driven by C .A. electricityB. main steamC. turbineD. motor12.The closure head is joined to the reactor vessel by A .A. boltingB. weldingC. forgingD. joining13.The thermal efficiency of PWRs is B .A. more than 40%B. about 30%C. less than 10%D. about 70%14.The reactor vessel is B with a ledge on the inside surfaceA. shell sectionB. forged ringC. forged plateD. hemispherical forging15.The space between the core shroud and the core support barrel is filled with D .A. fuelB. heliumC. neutronsD. coolant16.In the Light Water Reactor, water is used as D .A. CoolantB. ModeratorC. Steam generatorD. both A and B17.The pressurizer is connected by C to the hot leg.A. a small pipeB. a valveC. a surge lineD. a U tube18.The reactor vessel is a large C , steel made container.A. safetyB. movableC. cylindricalD. long19.The space between the reactor vessel and the core barrel is the ( C ).A. fuel rodsB. control rodsC. down comerD. plenum20.In the fuel rod the spring is set on the ( B ).A. pellet columnB. spacer discC. end capD. topPart Four: Translation (40 points, 10 points each)A. Translate the following sentences into Chinese (20 points, 5 points each)1.Radiation is harmful because it has ability to ionize atoms within our bodies, and it may alter the cell structure and even cause cell death in large doses.译文:辐射是有害的,因为它能将我们体内的原子电离,并改变细胞结构,更有甚者在遭遇大剂量辐射时会导致细胞死亡。
一、是非题(共25题,每题2分,以“+ ”表示正确,以“-”表示不正确)(+)1.目视检测是一种表面检测方法,其应用范围相当广泛,不但能检测工件的几何尺寸、结构完整性、形状缺陷等,而且还能检测工件表面上的缺陷和其他细节。
招聘英语翻译岗位笔试题与参考答案(某大型央企)一、单项选择题(本大题有10小题,每小题2分,共20分)1、Which of the following sentences is a correct translation of “The company is planning to expand its business internationally.”?A. The company is planning to expand its business at home.B. The company is planning to increase its business within the country.C. The company is planning to grow its business all over the world.D. The company is planning to develop its business inside the country.答案:C解析:正确翻译为“公司计划在国际上拓展业务”,选项C“公司在全世界范围内计划拓展业务”最符合原意。
2、Choose the correct translation for the phrase “turnkey project” in English.A. 成套设备项目B. 一站式服务项目C. 简单项目D. 快速项目答案:A解析:短语“turnkey project”意为“成套设备项目”,指一个项目由承包商负责设计、供应设备、安装调试等全部工作,并提供完整的交付服务。
3、Which of the following sentences is the most appropriate English translation for “我们公司非常重视员工的职业发展。
”?A)Our company attaches great importance to the career development ofemployees.B)We company greatly value the career progression of our staff.C)In our corporation, we give a lot of attention to the professional growthof our personnel.D)The firm we work for places a strong emphasis on the occupationaladvancement of its workforce.Answer: A) Our company attaches great importance to the career development of employees.Explanation:Option A is the most accurate and natural-sounding translation among the choices. It maintains the original meaning while using idiomatic English. Options B, C, and D have slight issues with grammar, word choice, or fluency that make them less suitable. For example, “We company” in option B is not grammatically correct; it should be “Our company.” Option C, while mostly correct, uses “corporation” and “personnel,” which are more formal than necessary and may not fully capture the tone of the original sentence. Lastly, option D introduces an unnecessary shift to third person (“The firm we work for…”) and “occupational advancement” sounds somewhat less common compared to “career development.”4、Select the best English version for the Chinese phrase “这项技术将极大地提高生产效率。
序号核电工程专业英语参考译文0001Abnormal condition异常工况0002Absorbed dose rate吸收剂量率0003Absorber rod吸收率0004Absorption coefficient吸收系数0005Absorption cross section吸收截面0006Absorption ratio吸收比0007Acceleration pressure drop加速度压降0008acceleration pressure loss加速度压力损失0009Acceptable daily intake (ADI)日容许摄入量0010Acceptable limit可接受限值0011Acceptance验收0012Acceptance criterion (pl,criteria)验收准则0013Acceptance report验收报告0014Acceptance standard验收标准0015Acceptance test验收实验0016Access通道,入口;接达0017Accident analysis事故分析0018Accident conditions事故工况0019Accident interlocking module事故连锁组0020Accident management事故处理0021Accident mitigation事故缓解0022Accident prevention事故预防0023Accident source事故源项0024Accidental exposure事故照射0025Accidental shutdown事故停堆0026Accumulated dose累积剂量序号核电工程专业英语参考译文0027Accumulator(压水堆)安注箱,蓄压器0028Acid—proof tile耐酸瓷砖0029Activation活化0030Active carbon filter活性炭过滤器0031Active component能动部件0032Active core height堆芯活性高度0033Active power有功功率0034Activity[放射性]活度0035Activity concentration放射性浓度0036Activity level放射性活度0037Actuate驱动、触发0038Administration building and emergency centre Ventilation system办公楼及应急中心通风系统0039Administration building and emergency centreWater supply and drainagesystem办公楼及应急中心给排水系统0040Adopting (or adoption) by equation等同采用0041Adopting (or adoption) by equivalent等效采用0042Adsorber chiller吸收式冷冻机0043Aerial cable架空电缆0044Aerodynamic behaviour空气动力特性0045Aerosol气溶胶0046After filer,(or post—filter)后置过滤器0047After—heat, residual heat剩余释热0048After—power, residual heat power剩余功率0049Air (circuit) breaker空气断路器0050Air change rate换气率0051Air cooler空气冷却器序号核电工程专业英语参考译文0052Air delivery pipe供气管道0053Air filter and adsorber unit (AFAU)空气过滤吸附机组0054Air filter unit (AFU)空气过滤机组0055Air filter空气过滤器0056Air flow rate空气流量,风流量0057Air handling unit (AHU)空气处理机组0058Air hose空气软管0059Air intake采风口,进风口0060Air pump抽气泵0061Air sampling device空气取样设备0062Air self—cooling type空气自冷式0063Air submersion dose空气浸没剂量0064Airborne particulate sampler (APS)气载粒子取样器0065Airborne radioactivity气载放射性0066Alarm警报(名词)、报警(动词)0067Alarm (output) module报警(输出)组件0068Alarm signal报警信号0069Alarm window报警窗0070Albedo反照率0071Aligning pin定位箱0072All volatile treatment (AVT)全挥发处理0073Alphanumeric keyboard字母数字键盘0074Ambient temperature环境温度0075American Concrete Institute (ACI)美国混凝土学会0076American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC)美国钢结构学会0077American National Standards Institute (ANSI)美国国家标准学会序号核电工程专业英语参考译文0078American Nuclear Society (ANS)美国核学会0079American Society for Testing and Materials美国材料与实验学会0080American Society of Civil Engineers(ASCE)美国土木工程师学会0081American Society of MechnicalEngineers (ASME)美国机械工程学会0082Ammeter电流表0083Ampacity载流量0084Analog channel模拟量通道0085Analog/digital (A/D) converter模拟/数字转换器0086Analog input模拟量输入0087Analog output模拟量输出0088Analog signals模拟信号0089Analogue link模拟接续线0090Anchor bolt地脚螺栓0091Anion bed阴离子床0092Annex附录(参考件)0093Anti—freeze防冻0094Ante—rust agent防锈剂0095Ante—seizer lubricant(螺纹)防咬润滑剂0096Ante—vibration bar(蒸汽发生器)防震条0097Ante—vibration bar抗震杆0098Ante—whip device管道防甩装置0099Anticipated operational occurrences预计运行事件0100Anticipated transient without scram (ATWS)未能紧急停堆的预计瞬态,拒停堆预计瞬态0101Antifoam reagent防沫剂0102Apparent power视在功率0103Appendix附录(补充件)序号核电工程专业英语参考译文0104Application package应用软件包0105Application program应用程序0106Approval批准,认可,审定0107Arc lamp弧光灯0108Area radiation monitoring system区域辐射监测系统0109Armoured cable铠装电缆0110Army《燃料棒或热交换器传热管》排列0111As low as reasonably achievable (ALARA)合理可行尽量低0112As—built drawing竣工图0113Aseismic joint防震缝0114Assembler汇编程序0115Assessment评价0116Assessment of exposure照射评价0117Assessment of radiation protection辐射防护评价0118Assignor委托者,指派者0119Asynchronous motor异步电动机0120Atmospheric corrosion大气腐蚀0121Atmospheric dispersion factor大气弥散因子0122Atmospheric overvoltage大气过电压0123Atmospheric pressure大气压力0124Atmospheric radiation monitoring apparatus大气辐射检测装置0125Atmospheric stability大气稳定度0126Atom absorption spectroscopy (ASS)原子吸收光谱0127ATWS mitigation system ATWS缓解系统0128Audible count rate signal计数率音响信号0129Audible signals音响信号序号核电工程专业英语参考译文0130Audit监查0131Audit follow—up监查后续行动0132Audit plan监查计划0133Audit record监查记录0134Audit report监查报告0135Audit team leader监查组(队)长0136Audit team监查组(队)0137Auditee受监查单位0138Auditor检查员0139Austenitic stainless steel奥氏体不锈钢0140Authority管理机构,官方,当局0141Authorization授权,授以资格0142Authorized limit管理限值0143Automatic analytical balance全自动分析天平0144Automatic connection mode自动接续方式0145Automatic exchange自动交换机0146Automatic scaler自动定标器0147Automatic selective call自动选呼0148Automatic synchronization unit自同步装置0149automatic welding自动焊0150Autotransformer自藕变压器0151Auxiliaries辅助设备0152Auxiliary boller辅助锅炉0153Auxiliary building common facility room Ventilation system辅助厂房公共设施房间通风系统0154Auxiliary building cooler system辅助厂房循环冷风机系统0155Auxiliary building water supply and drainageSystem核辅助厂房给排水系统序号核电工程专业英语参考译文0156Auxiliary component shielding辅助设备屏蔽0157Auxiliary contact辅助触点0158Auxiliary feed—water system辅助给水系统0159Auxiliary feedwater pump building ventilation System辅助给水泵房通风系统0160Auxiliary feedwater pump辅助给水泵0161Auxiliary gutter(辅助)小线槽0162Auxiliary hoist付提升机构0163Auxiliary power supply辅助厂用电源0164Auxiliary steam distribution system辅助蒸汽分配系统0165Auxiliary steam production system辅助蒸汽生产系统0166Auxiliary steam system (conventional island)辅助蒸汽系统(常规岛)0167Auxiliary transformer厂用变压器、辅助变压器0168Avnilability可用性,可用率0169Available head有效压头0170Avalanche雪崩0171Average daily output平均日供水量,日均供水量0172Avogadro’s number阿伏伽德罗常数0173Axial offset (AO)轴向偏移0174Axial peaking factor轴向峰值因子0175Axial peeking hot spot factor轴向峰热点因子0176Axial power deviation轴向功率偏差0177Axial power factor轴向功率峰热点因子0178Axial stiffness轴向刚度0179Azimuthal power tilt象限功率倾斜0180A/M transfer switch自动/手动切换开关0181Back lighted button带灯按扭序号核电工程专业英语参考译文0182Back pressure背压0183Back welding封底焊0184Back draft damper逆止(风)阀0185Backfill soil填土0186Background survey本底调查0187Background后台,背景0188Backing welding打底焊0189Backup (group electrical)heater备用(组电)加热器0190Backup manual operator备用手动操作器0191Backup power supply备用电源0192Backup后备0193Baffle(堆芯燃料组件)围板;挡板,拆流板,缓冲板0194Baffle assembly(堆内构件)围板组件0195Baffle plate隔板0196Balance of plant (BOP)核电厂配套设施0197Balanced beam平衡梁0198Balancing chamber平衡室0199Ballast镇流器0200Bank组0201Bar screen格栅0202Bar棒材0203Barrel base plate吊篮底板0204Barrel outlet nozzle吊篮出口接管0205Base基座、底座0206Base load基本负荷0207Base load operation基本负荷运行序号核电工程专业英语参考译文0208Base material母材0209Base plate底板、垫板0210Basement地下室0211Basic design初步设计0212Basic limit基本限值0213Basic of design (or purchase)设计(或采购)依据0214Batching tank制备箱0215Bearing capacity承载力0216Bearing frame轴承底座0217Bearing housing轴承座(壳)0218Bearing oil pump轴承(润滑)油泵0219Bearing sleeve轴承衬套0220Bearing surface支承面0221Bearing swiveling ring回转支承0222Becquarel (Bq)贝可(勒尔)([放射性]活度计量单位:法定SI单位)0223Beginning of life (BOL)寿期初0224Bellow seal波纹管密封0225Bellows波纹管0226Bent frame排架0227Berth泊位0228Bills of quantities工厂量清单0229Bioaccumulation factor生物积累因子0230Biological half—life生物半排期0231Biological shielding生物屏蔽0232Bistable (module)定值器(组件)、双稳态组件0233Bit位序号核电工程专业英语参考译文0234Bite(control rods)(控制棒)咬量0235Blackout全厂断电0236Blank空格0237Block diagram方块图0238Block sequence welding分段多层焊0239Block闭锁0240Blow down排污0241Blow down喷放,排污0242Blow down phase喷放阶段0243Blow down pump排污泵0244Blow down rate排污率0245Blower, (fan)风机0246Board inward dialing (BID)经话务台接人0247Body—bonnet connection阀体与阀盖的联接0248Boiling heat transfer沸腾传热0249Bolt螺栓0250Bolting material螺栓件材料0251Booster pump增压泵0252Bootstrap引导0253Bootstrap loader引导装入程序0254BOP V AC power system BOPV交流电力系统0255BOP building radiation monitoring system BOP厂房辐射检测系统0256BOP communication system BOP通信系统0257BOP lighting system BOP照明系统0258Borated glass硼玻璃0259Borated water含硼水序号核电工程专业英语参考译文0260Boration硼化0261Boric acid batching tank硼酸制备箱0262Boric acid blender硼酸混合器0263Boric acid concentration硼酸浓度0264Boric acid filter硼酸过滤器0265Boric acid mixing tank硼混合箱0266Boric acid pump硼酸泵0267Boric acid storage tank硼酸贮存箱0268Boric acid surge tank硼酸波动箱0269Boric acid transfer pump硼输送泵0270Boron concentration (or content)硼浓度,硼含量0271Boron concentration monitoring system硼浓度检测系统0272Boron dilution硼稀释0273boron equivalent硼当量0274Boron recycle system硼回收系统0275Boron removal去硼0276Boron—lined counter涂硼计数管0277Boron meter硼浓度计0278Borosilicate glass硼硅酸盐玻璃0279Bottom head insulation底封头保温层0280Bottom head下封头0281Bottom nozzle下管座0282Bottom plate底板0283Box foundation箱形基础0284Bracket牛腿,支承架0285Braid编织物序号核电工程专业英语参考译文0286Brake horsepower制动马力0287Branch connection分支连接0288Branch system枝状管网0289Braze welding钎焊0290Break size破口尺寸0291Breaker(circuit breaker)断路器0292Breaking capacity遮断容量0293Breakpoint断点0294Breather pipe通气管0295Bridge(overhead)crane桥式起重机0296Broadcasting control panel广播控制盘0297Brush电刷,刷子0298Buckling曲率0299Build—up factor积累因子0300Build—up sequence(堆焊或多层焊)熔敷顺序0301Bulk boiling整体沸腾0302Bulk coolant temperature冷却剂整体温度0303Buoyancy浮力0304Buried cable地下电缆0305Burnable poison可燃毒物0306Burnable poison assembly可燃读物组件0307Burnable poison material可燃毒物0308Burnable poison rod可燃毒物棒0309Burnout烧毁0310Burnout correlation烧毁关系式0311Burnout ratio烧毁比序号核电工程专业英语参考译文0312Burn up燃耗0313Bus总线0314Bus bar ,bus母线0315Bushing套管0316Busway母线槽,母线通道0317Butt welding对接焊0318Buttress扶壁,水管支墩0319Buzzer蜂鸣器0320Bypass旁通,旁路0321Bypass flow旁通流量0322Byte字节0323Cab(起重机)驾驶室0324Cabinet(设备)柜0325Cable box电缆箱,电缆盒0326Cable connector接线盒0327Cable end fitting电缆终端配件0328Cable flat电缆层0329Cable gallery电缆廊道0330Cable layer电缆包层0331Cable list电缆清册0332Cable pulling vault电缆井0333Cable spreading电缆敷设0334Cable supply电缆供电0335Cable termination电缆头0336Cable tray电缆拖架、桥架0337Cache memory(高速)缓冲存储器序号核电工程专业英语参考译文0338Calculator module计算器组件0339Call调用0340Calorimeter量热计0341Candling蜡烛状熔化0342Capable fault能动断层0343Capacitor电容器0344Capacity(起重机)起重量,容量0345Capture cross section俘获截面0346Capture gamma ray俘获γ射线0347Carbon dioxide suppression system二氧化碳灭火系统0348Card插件(板)0349Cardinal point基点、坐标点0350Carriage return (CR )回车0351Carry over(汽)带水0352Carry under(水)带汽0353Carrying rail行走轨道0354Carryover带水率0355Carryover moisture夹带水分0356Carry under带汽率0357Cartridge卡盘0358Cartridge (filter)(过滤器)芯子0359Cartridge fuse熔丝管0360cascade串级0361Case箱、柜、盒(仪表)0362Casing adapter(主泵)吸水管0363Cassette tape盒带序号核电工程专业英语参考译文0364Cast—in—site concrete环浇混凝土0365Catchment area汇水面积0366Cathode ray tube (display) (CRT)屏幕显示,阴极射线管(显示)0367Cation bed阳床0368Cation bed阳离子床0369Ceiling light天花板照明0370Cell水池、小室0371Cement solidification水泥固化0372Central processing unit (CPU)中央处理器0373Centralized control集中控制0374Centralized sampling集中取样0375Centrifugal charging pump离心式上充泵0376Centrifugal fan离心式风机0377Certificate of approval鉴定证书0378Certification证(明)书0379Certification of compliance合格证0380Change notice变更通知0381Change request form变更申请表0382Change request变更申请0383Change review board变更审查委员会0384Change out替换、代替0385Change over转向、转换0386Changing fixtures控制束棒与阻力塞抽插机0387Channel通道0388Channel deviation通道偏差0389Channel flow area通道流通面积序号核电工程专业英语参考译文0390Channel head(蒸汽发生器)下封头0391Channel integral model通道积分模型0392Channel spacing信道间隔0393Channel, conduit渠道0394Character字符0395Character printer字符打印机0396Character string字符串0397Characteristic curve特性曲线0398Charcoal adsorber活性炭吸附器0399Charcoal filter活性碳过滤器0400Charge—coupled device (CCD)电荷耦合器件0401Charged ionizing particle带电电离粒子0402Charger充电装置0403Charging path上充通道0404Charging pump上充泵0405Charpy V notch specimen (Cv)夏比V—缺口实验0406Charpy V test夏比V型实验0407Check source校验放射源0408Check valve逆止阀,址回阀0409Check—list校核清单0410Check hole检查口0411Chemical addition tank化学物添加箱0412Chemical additive化学添加物0413Chemical and volume control system(CVCS)化学和容积控制系统0414Chemical cleaning化学清洗0415Chemical reagent injection化学试剂注入序号核电工程专业英语参考译文0416Chemical reagent tank加药器(箱)0417Chemistry laboratory and its drain system化学分析室及其疏水系统0418Chequared plate花纹钢板0419Cheveron plate波纹板0420Chilled water冷冻水0421Chilled water circulation pump冷冻水循环泵0422Chilling unit冷冻机组0423Chloride concentration (content)氯化物浓度(含量)0424Chocked flow拥塞流(量)0425Chopped cosine profile distribution截余弦分布0426Circuit breaker opening (manual)断路器跳闸(手动)0427Circuit diagram电路图0428Circular railway环行轨道0429Circulating cooler循环冷风机0430Circulating cooling water drainage system循环水排水系统0431Circulating cooling water energy dispersion System循环水排放口消能系统0432Circulating cooling water intake system循环水进水系统0433Circulating cooling water pumping station System循环水泵房系统0434Circulating cooling water treatment system循环水处理系统0435Circulating cooling water yard pipe networkSystem循环水厂区管路系统0436Circulating water pump循环水泵0437Circulation ratio循环倍率0438Circumferential ridge周向环脊0439Civil works土建工程0440Clad pellet gap包壳与芯块之间的间隙0441Clad(ding)包壳,包覆序号核电工程专业英语参考译文0442Cladding(覆盖)堆焊层0443Cladding creep包壳蠕变0444Cladding flattening包壳压扁0445Cladding strain包壳应变0446Clarification澄清、净化0447Clarifier澄清槽0448Classification of records记录分类0449Cleaning清洗0450Cleanout清扫口0451Clear—water reservation清水池0452Clevis insert(堆内构件)块0453Climatology气候学0454Clack system时钟系统0455Clockwise顺时针方向0456Closed circuit TV system闭路电视系统0457Closed cycle cooling water system闭式循环冷却水系统0458Closed—circulating cooling water闭式循环冷却水0459Closing (circuit breaker)合闸(断路器)0460Closure head顶盖0461Coagulant凝聚剂0462Coagulation凝聚0463Coarse sand粗砂0464Coast down flow惯性流量0465Coated electrode药皮焊条0466Coaxial cable同轴电缆0467Cobalt—base alloy钻基合金序号核电工程专业英语参考译文0468Code代码0469Code case规范案例0470Code controller编码控制器0471Code of federal regulation (CFR)联邦管理法规(美国)0472Coefficient of thermal expansion热膨胀系数0473Coil线圈0474Coil stack assembly线圈部件0475Cold junction box冷端补偿箱0476Cold leg(管道)冷段0477Cold performance test冷态性能实验0478Cold shutdown冷停堆0479Cole startup冷态启动0480Cold test(ing)冷态实验0481Cold void volume冷空腔0482Cold—wall effect冷壁效应0483Collapse压扁0484Collapsed level坍塌液(水)位0485Collection收集0486Collective dose equivalent集体剂量当量0487Color code色标0488Command命令0489Commissioning调试0490Committed dose equivalent待积剂量当量0491Common base plate公用底板(座)0492Common point公共点0493Common switchboard公用配电盘序号核电工程专业英语参考译文0494Communication link通讯连接(电话机)0495Communication system通信系统0496Company standard企业标准0497Compartment阁间,小室0498Compensated ionization chamber补偿电离室0499Compensation补偿0500Compensation cable补偿电缆0501Compiler编译程序0502Complete logbook全日志0503Completion certificate完工证书0504Completion of erection release安装完工证书0505Compliance with requirements符合要求0506Component cooling water设备冷却水0507Component cooling water heat exchanger设备冷却水热交换器0508Component cooling water pump设备冷却水泵0509Component cooling water surge tank设备冷却水波动箱0510Component cooling water system设备冷却水系统0511Component cooling water (CCW) heat exchanger设备冷却水热交换器0512Component cooling water (CCW) pump设备冷却水泵0513Composite structure混合结构0514Compressed air system压缩空气系统0515Compressible flow可压缩流0516Computer network计算机网络0517Concentrate storage tank浓缩液贮存箱0518Conceptual design方案设计0519Condensate凝结水序号核电工程专业英语参考译文0520Condensate cooler凝结水冷却器0521Condensate polishing system凝结水精处理系统0522Condensate pump凝结水泵0523Condensate system凝结水系统0524Condensate transfer pump凝结水输送泵0525Condenser(汽机)凝汽器,冷凝器0526Condenser vacuum system凝汽器抽真空系统0527Condition adverse to quality不利于质量的条件0528Conducting wire引出线0529Conductivity integral积分热导率0530Conductor导体,导线0531Conduit电缆管、电线管0532Confidence置信度0533Configuration配置0534Confined point约束点0535Conical head锥形封头0536Connection box接线箱(盒)0537Connection diagram接线圈0538Connection point连接点0539Connector连接器0540Conservation of energy能量守恒0541Conservation of mass质量守恒0542Conservation of momentum动量守恒0543Console控制台0544Constant current power supply恒流电源0545Constant voltage power supply恒压电源序号核电工程专业英语参考译文0546Construction manager工程经理0547Construction permit建造许可证0548Construction quality施工质量0549Contact conductance接触热导0550Contactor接触器0551Contained source内在源0552Contained air cleanup system安全壳空气净化系统0553Containment back pressure安全壳背压0554Containment hydrogen mixing system安全壳氢气混合系统0555Containment hydrogen recombiner system安全壳消氢系统0556Containment hydrogen ventilation system安全壳氢气排风系统0557Containment instrumentation system安全壳仪表系统0558Containment isolation signal安全壳隔离信号0559Containment penetration安全壳贯穿件0560Containment purge ventilation system安全壳清洗通风系统0561Containment reactor coolant drain system安全壳疏排水系统0562Containment spray heat exchanger安全壳喷淋热交换器0563Containment spray pump安全壳喷淋泵0564Containment spray signal安全壳喷淋信号0565Containment spray system安全壳喷淋系统0566Containment spray system heat exchanger安全壳喷淋系统热交换器0567Containment sump安全壳地坑0568Content by weight重量含量0569Continuity连续性0570Continuous welding连续焊0571Contraction coefficient收缩系数序号核电工程专业英语参考译文0572Contraction pressure loss收缩压力损失0573Control控制、调节0574Control (rod) assembly控制棒组件0575Control (rod) bank调节棒组0576Control (rod) calibration控制棒刻度(标定)0577Control (rod) cluster控制棒束0578Control (rod) group调节棒组0579Control board控制盘0580Control cable控制电缆0581Control damper控制风阀0582Control level of surface contamination表面污染控制水平0583Control logic cabinet控制逻辑柜0584Control of items物项管理0585Control purchased items已购物项管理0586Control rod控制棒0587Control rod control system控制棒控制系统0588Control rod drive line控制棒驱动线0589Control rod drive line alignment驱动线对中0590Control rod drive mechanism (CRDM)控制棒驱动机构0591Control rod dropping time控制棒落棒时间0592Control rod ejection弹(控制)棒0593Control rod guide thimble控制棒导向管0594Control rod movement speed控制棒移动速度0595Control rod position indication system(控制)棒位指示系统0596Control rod withdrawal控制棒提升0597Control switch控制开关序号核电工程专业英语参考译文0598Control volume控制容积0599Controlled area access personal dose monitoring and management system控制区出入人口剂量监测和管理系统0600Controlled area控制区0601Convection boiling对流沸腾0602Conventional island DC & AC UPS system常规岛直流电源和交流不停电电源系统0603Conventional island (CI)常规岛0604Converter变流装置,变换装置,转换装置0605Conveyer belt运输皮带0606Conveyer car运输小车0607Coolant chemistry冷却剂化学0608Coolant flow rate冷却剂流量0609Coolant mass flow rate冷却剂质量流量0610Coolant mixing冷却剂交混0611Coolant specific enthalpy冷却剂比焓0612Cooler冷却器0613Cooling coil冷却盘管0614Cooling tower冷却塔0615Cooling water冷却水0616Core area堆芯区域0617Core average heat flux (density)堆芯平均热流密度0618Core barrel assembly吊篮筒体组件0619Core barrel cylinder吊篮筒身0620Core barrel flange吊篮筒体法兰0621Core configuration堆芯布置0622Core flow subfactor堆芯流量分因子0623Core integrity堆芯完整性序号核电工程专业英语参考译文0624Core maximum heat flux堆芯最大热流密度0625Core mixing subfactor堆芯交混分因子0626Core physics堆芯物理0627Core reflooding堆芯再淹没0628Core shell(反应堆容器)筒体段,堆芯筒体0629Core support pad堆信纸支承垫(块)0630Core thermal design堆芯热工设计0631Core uncover堆芯裸露0632Core unloading堆芯卸料0633Core void fraction堆芯空泡份额0634Corrective action纠正措施0635Corridor通道、过道0636corrosion腐蚀0637corrosion fatigue腐蚀疲劳0638corrosion inhibitor缓蚀剂0639Corrosion inhibitor addition tank缓蚀剂添加箱0640Corrosion medium腐蚀介质0641Corrosion product腐蚀产物0642Corrosion rate腐蚀速率0643Corrosion resistance耐腐蚀性,抗腐蚀性0644Cosmic radiation宇宙辐射0645Cost benefit analysis代价利益分析,成本效益分析0646Counter area γmonitor计数管区域γ监测仪0647Counter flow反向流0648Coupling breaker耦合开关0649coupon试块序号核电工程专业英语参考译文0650cover盖板0651CRDM power supply system棒电源系统0652CPU (central processing unit)计算机中央处理器0653CRDM edaptor驱动机构管座0654CRDM(cooling system)控制棒驱动机构冷却通风系统0655CRDM ventilation shroud控制棒驱动机构通风罩0656CRDM ventilation system控制棒驱动机构通风系统0657creep蠕变0658Creepage distance表面漏电距离0659Crevice corrosion缝隙腐蚀0660criterion准则0661Critical concentration临界浓度0662Critical experiment临界实验0663Critical exposure pathway关键照射途径0664Critical flow临界流0665Critical group关键人群组0666Critical heat flux (CHF)临界热流密度0667Critical heat flux modified cold-wall factor临界热流密度冷壁修正因子0668Critical heat flux modified shape factor临界热流密度形状修正因子0669Critical heat flux modified spacer factor临界热流密度格架修正因子0670Critical load危险载荷0671Critical mass临界质量0672Critical mass flow临界质量流量0673Critical mass flux临界质量流密度0674Critical nuclide关键核素0675Critical size( core)临界尺寸序号核电工程专业英语参考译文0676Critical transfer pathway关键转移途径0677Critical volume临界体积0678Criticality accident临界事故0679Criticality alarm system临界报警系统0680Criticality approach curve接近临界曲线0681Criticality safety临界安全0682Cross flow横向流0683Cross section横断面,截面0684Crossover leg U型管段(蒸汽发生器至冷却剂泵)0685CRT(cathode-ray tube)屏幕显示装置(阴极射线管),显示屏0686cubicle小室,腔0687culvert涵洞,(地下)暗渠0688Current curve versus time(电流时间曲线)电流波形图0689Current density电流密度0690Current transformer电流互感器0691cursor光标0692curvature平曲线,曲率0693cushion垫层0694Cut-off energy切割能0695Cutoff valve断流阀0696Cylindrical shell筒形壳体0697 D.C hold cabinet直流保持柜0698 D.C stabilized power supply直流稳压电源0699dado护壁板,墙裙0700Daily variation coefficient日变化系数0701Damper风阀序号核电工程专业英语参考译文0702Dashpot action缓冲作用0703Dashpot characteristics缓冲落棒时间0704Dashpot drop time缓冲区0705Dashpot section缓冲段0706Data acquisition and processing system(DAP)数据采集和处理系统0707Data acquisition数据采集0708Data base数据库0709Data bus数据总线0710Data channel数据通道0711Data communication system (DCS)数据传输系统0712Data file数据文件0713Data organization数据结构0714Data processing module数据处理模块0715Date of standard implementation标准实施日期0716Daughter product子体产物0717DC&AC UPS system直流和交流不停电电源系统0718Dead band死区0719Deborating demineralizer除硼床0720debug查错0721Decay衰变0722Decay constant衰变常数0723Decay chain衰变链0724Decay heat衰变热0725Decay tank衰变箱0726decommissioning退役0727Decontamination去污序号核电工程专业英语参考译文0728Decontamination factor(DF)去污因子0729Decontamination system去污环境0730Deformation畸变0731degradation劣化0732Degree of enrichment富集度0733Degree of subcooling过冷度0734Degree of superheat过热度0735Delay circuit module延迟电路组件0736Delay critical缓发临界0737Delayed neutron fraction缓发中子份额0738Delayed neutron缓发中子0739delithium除锂床0740Delta connection三角形连接0741Demineralized water除盐水0742Demineralized water tank除盐水箱0743demineralizer除盐装置(器)0744Demineralizer after-filter床后过滤器0745Demineralizer pre-filter床前过滤器0746demography人口统计学0747densification密实化0748Densimeter密度计0749Density wave密度波0750denting凹陷0751Deoxygenated water除氧水0752Deoxygenated water cooler除氧水冷却器0753Deoxygenated water pump除氧水泵序号核电工程专业英语参考译文0754Deoxygenated water tank除氧水箱0755Departure from film boiling(DFB)偏离膜态沸腾0756Departure from nucleate boilingDNB)偏离泡核沸腾0757Departure from nucleate boiling ratio(DNBR)DNB比0758Depleted fuel乏燃料0759depletion燃耗,烧毁0760Deposit corrosion沉积物腐蚀0761Deposited corrosion product沉积腐蚀产物0762Deposited metal熔敷金属0763Deposition沉积量0764depressurization卸压0765Depth of corrosion腐蚀深度0766Depth of foundation基础埋置深度0767Derived air conentration导出空气浓度0768Derived limit导出限值0769Description for drawing up standard标准编制说明0770Design assumption设计假设0771Design basis设计基准0772Design basis accident(DBA)设计基准事故0773Design basis event设计基准事件0774Design-basis source terms设计基准源项0775Design change设计变更0776Design code设计规范0777Design condition设计工况0778Design control设计管理0779Design for reactor core safety in nuclear power plants核电厂堆芯安全设计序号核电工程专业英语参考译文0780Design objective limit设计目标限值0781Design pressure设计压力0782Design report设计报告0783Design review设计审查0784Design temperature设计规范书0785Design verification设计验证0786Designation名称0787Designation of system系统名称0788Desilting basin沉砂池0789Detail(detailed)design施工设计0790Detection limit探测限0791Detector push-pull device探测器推拉装置0792Detector storage tube探测器存放管0793Detector well探测器孔道0794Diagnostic program诊断程序0795Dialog keyboard对话键盘0796Diaphragm valve隔膜阀0797Dielectric strength绝缘(介电)强度0798Diesel generator柴油发电机0799Diesel generator set柴油发电机组0800Differential pressure压差0801Differential pressure controller差压调节器0802Differential pressure gauge差动计0803Differential pressure transmitter差动变送器0804Differential protection差动保护0805Differential worth微分价值序号核电工程专业英语参考译文0806Differentiator module微分器组件0807diffuser(泵)导叶0808Diffuser plate(堆内构件)流量分配板0809Diffusion coefficient扩散系数0810Diffusion theory扩散理论0811Digital filtering数字滤波0812Digital input数字输入0813Digital misalignment alarm module数字失步报警组件0814Digital voltmeter module数字电压表组件0815Digital/analog(D/A)converter数字/模拟(或数模)转换器0816dilution稀释0817Dilution factor稀释因子0818Dimineralized water pump除盐(软)水泵0819Direct burial直埋0820Direct grounding直接接地0821Direct inward dialing(DID)直接拨入0822Direct outwardialing (DOD)直接外拨0823Direction interlocking circuit方向连锁电路0824Direction of welding焊接方向0825directory目录0826Disadvantage factor不利因子0827Discharge burnup卸料燃耗0828Discharge pump排放泵0829discharge卸料0830disconnect断连,断路0831-Disconnect button拆卸钮序号核电工程专业英语参考译文0832Disconnect plug可拆接头0833Disconnect rod拆卸杆0834Dished head碟形封头0835Dished pellet碟形芯块0836disinfection消毒0837disk磁盘0838Disk file磁盘文件0839Disk operating system磁盘操作系统0840Disk storage磁盘存储器0841Dispersed flow弥散器0842display显示0843Display frame显示帧幅0844Display operating station(显示)操作器0845Distributed computer system分布式计算机系统0846Distributed network分布式网络0847Distribution box配电箱0848Distribution cabinet分配柜0849Distribution list分发清单0850Distribution system配水管网(系统)0851division篇0852DNB heat flux DNB热流密度0853Document approval文件批准0854Document change文件变更0855Document control文件管理0856Document control manager文件管理经理0857Document distribution文件分发序号核电工程专业英语参考译文0858Document preparation文件编制0859Document retention文件保存0860Document review文件审查0861Domestic scwage生活污水0862Domestic water yard pipe network system生活给水厂区管路系统0863Domestic water生活用水0864Doppler coefficient多卜勒系数0865Doppler effect多卜勒效应0866Dose assessment剂量评价0867Dose commitment剂量负担0868Dose equivalent剂量当量0869Dose equivalent commitment剂量当量负担0870Dose equivalent limit剂量当量限值0871Dose rate conversion factor剂量率转换因子0872Dosimeter reader剂量计读出器0873Double ended break(管道)双端断裂0874Double fume chamber and hood双位通风柜0875Double hook双钩0876Double period倍增周期0877Double-pole single-throw (DPST) switch (relay)双级单掷开关(继电器)0878Double-pulse generator双脉冲发生器0879Double-reeling system双卷绕系统0880Downhand welding平焊0881Downstream下游0882Draft standard for approval标准报批稿0883Draft standard for examination标准送审稿。
1、Many scientists have been probing psychological problems(A solvingB exploringC settlingD handling 2、However bad the situation is, the majority is unwilling to risk change.A reluctantB eagerC pleasedD angry3、The curious looks from the strangers around her made her feel uneasy.A differentB proud C.unconscious Duncomfortable4、It is laid down in the regulations that all members must carry their membership cards at alltimes.A suggestedB warnedC statedD confirmed5、Our lives are intimately bound up with theirs.A tenselyB nearlyC closelyD carefully 6、He talks tough but has a tender heart.A heavyB strongC kindD wild7、The economy continued to exhibit signs of decline in September A play B show C send D tell8、He stretched the rubber band till it snapped.A. brokeB. collapsedC. constitutedD. ripped 9、In a 1983 newspaper poll, Ann Landers, an advice columnist, was listed among the twenty-fivemost influential women in the United States.A. surveyB. articleC. headlineD. conclusion 10、My uncle was an electrician.A.person who is electedB.person who fixes bicyclesC.person who fits pipesD.person who repairs lights11、A careless person is apt to make mistakesA. likelyB. readilyC. surelyD. seemingly 12、He dreamed of being a newspaperman, perhaps a foreign correspondent.A. agentB. salesmanC. reporterD. spokesman 13、The truck gained momentum as it rolled down the steep road.A. motiveB. energyC. forceD. dilemma 14、Man is fated to suffer many disappointments in his quest for truth.A. strugglingB. quotingC. enduringD. searching 15、The council are going to merge our school in the big new county school.A. locate B .move C. combine D. build第2部分:阅读判断(第16,22题,每题1分,共7分)下面的短文后,列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子作出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择C。
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中国核工业集团公司英语水平考试大纲一、考试的性质与目的中国核工业集团公司英语水平考试(CNNC EPT)是中核集团公司专为其总部及成员单位公派出国人员设计的一种英语水平测试。
本部分的题目数、分值、计分和参考用时如下:各部分要求如下:第一部分:听力理解(Part I. Listening Comprehension)本部分主要测试考生能否听懂每分钟120-150单词的对话和一般性题材的讲话。
第二部分:语言知识运用(Part II. Use of English)本部分主要测试考生的语言知识运用能力。
所考基本词汇以当年国家公共英语等级考试第五级(PETS 5)考试大纲中的词汇表为准。
第三部分:阅读理解(Part III. Reading Comprehension)本部分主要测试考生通过阅读获取信息的能力。
第四部分:书面表达(Part IV. Writing)本部分主要测试考生是否具有一定的书面表达能力。
本部分考试内容共有三节:A节为自我介绍(Self Introduction, 1分钟):本节主要目的是进行“预热”,适当考查考生理解一般性问题并能恰当地回答这些问题的能力。
B节为话题陈述(Topical Presentation, 5分钟):主要考查考生连续表达的能力。
C节为话题谈论(Topical Discussion, 4分钟):主要考查考生应用英语进行表述与讨论的能力。
2、评分方法在口试过程中, 口试教师依照口试评分标准进行评分, 而不对不同考生的口试情况作任何比照。
口试教师依照口试各节的全部考查内容对考生进行口语评价, 而不依照其中的某一部分独立评分。
附件:中国核工业集团公司英语水平考试样题中国核工业集团公司英语水平考试样题笔试样题中国核工业集团公司英语水平考试English Proficiency Test, China National Nuclear Corporation姓名:________ 考号:________ 单位:______________________考生注意事项1.严格遵守考场纪律,考生得到监考人员指令后方可开始答题。
Part I. Listening Comprehension(30 items, 30 points, 30 minutes)Section ADirections:In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a third voice will ask a question about what was said. You will hear the question ONCE only. When you have heard the question, you will have a period of 15-20 seconds to read the four possible answers marked [A], [B], [C] and [D] and decide which is the best answer. Mark your answer on the answer sheet (1) by drawing with a pencil a short bar across the corresponding letter in the brackets.Example:You will hear:Man: Hello, Mary. This is John Smith at the office.Is Bill feeling any better today?Woman: Oh, yes, John. He’s feeling much better now. But the doctor says he’ll have to stay in bed until Monday.Third voice: Where is Bill now?You will read:[A] At the office. [B] On his way to work.[C] Home in bed. [D] Away on vacation.From the conversation, we know that Bill is sick and will have to remain in bed until Monday. The best answer, then, is [C], “Home in bed.” Therefore, you should choose answer [C].1. [A] A film-maker.[B] A journalist.[C] A salesman.[D] A manager.2. [A] Modern music.[B] Ballet.[C] Modern dance.[D] Ballads.3. [A] A new car.[B] A house.[C] Some pipes.[D] A flat.4. [A] Very much.[B] Just so so.[C] No idea.[D] Not interested.5. [A] In an office.[B] At a party.[C] At a restaurant.[D] At home.6. [A] It was backed.[B] It slipped.[C] It was hit.[D] It was overturned.7. [A] Fiancé and fiancée.[B] Friends.[C] Brother and sister.[D] Acquaintances.8. [A] He likes it.[B] He doesn’t care.[C] He thinks there is no alternative.[D] He feels the government could have done better.9. [A] Friends.[B] Husband and wife.[C] Colleagues.[D] Teacher and student.10. [A] She’s been working in the office.[B] She’s been preparing things for a party.[C] She has had to prepare drinks for the party.[D] She’s been entertaining a lot of guest.Section BDirections:In this section, you will hear several brief talks and/or conversations. After each talk and/or conversation you will hear some questions about what was said. You will hear each question ONCE only. After you hear the question, you will have 15-20 seconds to read the four possible answers marked [A], [B], [C] and [D] and decide which is the best answer. Mark your answer on the answer sheet (1) by drawing with a pencil a short bar across the corresponding letter in the brackets.Questions 11-14 are based on the talk you have just heard.11. [A] A shop assistant.[B] A bank teller.[C] A regular customer.[D] A stock broker.12. [A] That every penny counts.[B] He is important.[C] He is talkative.[D] Those stocks are important.13. [A] It is very important to have money.[B] It i s valueless unless it’s your own.[C] Money may lead to crime.[D] Money makes people snobbish.14. [A] Money and its importance.[B] Money and social status.[C] A personal view of money.[D] How money is handled at bank.Questions 15-17 are based on the conversation you have just heard.15. [A] Just so so.[B] Bad.[C] Good.[D] No impression yet.16. [A] They are cold to them.[B] They try to be friendly to them.[C] They never speak to them.[D] They don’t want t o know them.17. [A] A book store.[B] Supermarkets.[C] A drugstore.[D] A cinema.Questions 18-20 are based on the talk you have just heard.18. [A] Mother.[B] Father.[C] Grandfather.[D] Parents.19. [A] He’s hardworking and conservative.[B] He’s wealthy and respectable.[C] He’s flexible and tolerant.[D] He’s particular and irritable.20. [A] Her father let her leave school and learn art.[B] He saved up to buy beautiful dresses for her.[C] He loved her and never said anything about his work.[D] He supported her while she studied at Cambridge.Section CSample 1Directions:In this section, you will hear an interview. As you listen, you must answer Questions 21-30 by writing NO MORE THAN FIVE words in the space provided on the right. You will hear the interview TWICE. Write the answers on Answer Sheet (1).21.What nationality is Regine?22. Where dose she live?23. Is she married?24. Where does she work?25. What are the other family members she lives with?26. How old is she now?27. How does she get to work every morning?28. How long is her summer holiday?29. What is the secret of her success as she explains?30. Is she happier now?Sample 2Directions:In this section, you will hear a forum. As you listen, you must complete the remarks given by the four participants at the forum according to what you hear on the tape by writing NO MORE THAN FIVE WORDS in the blank. You will hear the forum TWICE.Headmaster:The two full-time jobs that children have already got are ( 21 ) and ( 22 ).Part-time jobs make them ( 23 ) that they ( 24 ) in class.Mrs. Barnes:What children need is ( 25 ).Mr. Barnes:A part-time job can’t ( 26 ) boys.They earn their pocket-money instead of asking their parents for it. And they ( 27 ) of the world (28).Businessman:Boys ( 29 ) from a part-time job.If the pupils didn’t take part-time jobs they couldn’t ( 30 ).Sample 3Directions:In this section, you will hear a conversation. As you listen, you must complete the chart according to what you hear on the tape by writing NO MORE THAN FIVE WORDS in the chart. You will hear the conversation TWICE.Part II. Use of English(40 items, 25 points, 30 minutes)Section ADirections:There are l5 sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked [A], [B], [C], and [D]. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on Answer Sheet (2) by drawing with a pencil a short bar across the corresponding letter in the brackets.31. ____ wooden buildings helps to protect them from damage due to weather.[A] Painting[B] Painted[C] The paint[D] By painting32. Carbohydrates are the most abundant and ____ food sources of energy.[A] least cost[B] least costly[C] less cost[D] fewer costs33. Loganberries can be used in jams ____ their juice.[A] and for[B] while[C] too[D] in which34. Adhesives, such as glue, tape, and gum, vary with the purpose ____ intended.[A] they were for[B] for they were[C] which were they[D] for which they were35. Alaskan forests ____ five or six miles inland from the Pacific coast.[A] penetrate more rarely than[B] more rarely than penetrate[C] more penetrate than rarely[D] rarely penetrate more than36. In 1727 Benjamin Franklin founded one of the first adult-education organizations, ____the Juto.[A] has been called[B] which group called[C] to call[D] a group called37. The wallflower ____ because its weak stems often grow on walls and along stony cliffsfor support.[A] so called is[B] so is called[C] is so called[D] called is so38. ____ all rainwater falling from a cloud reaches the ground; some of it is lost throughevaporation.[A] Nowhere[B] Not[C] No[D] None39. ____ Nat Turner who led a revolt against slavery in Virginia in 1831.[A] Where was[B] It was[C] He was[D] It was him40. The most elaborate of all bird nests _____, domed communal structure built by socialweaverbirds.[A] larger[B] largely is[C] the large[D] is the large41. If I were in movie, then it would be about time that I ____ my head in my hands for acry.[A] bury[B] am burying[C] buried[D] would bury42. There was no sign that Mr. Jospin, who keeps a firm control on the party despite ___from leadership of it, would intervene personality.[A] being resigned[B] having resigned[C] going to resign[D] resign43. So involved with their computers____ that leaders at summer compute camps oftenhave to force them to break for sports and games.[A] became the children[B] become the children[C] had the children become[D] do the children become44. As I’ll be away for at least a year. I’d appreciate___ from you now and then telling mehow everyone is getting along.[A] hearing[B] to hear[C] to be hearing[D] having heard45. Greatly agitated, I rushed to the apartment and tried the door, ___ to find it locked.[A] just[B] only[C] hence[D] thusSection BDirections:There are 15 sentences in this section. Each sentence has a word or phrase underlined. There are four words or phrases beneath each sentence. Choose the one word or phrase which would best keep the meaning of the original sentence if it were substituted for the underlined part. Mark your choice on Answer Sheet (2) by drawing with a pencil a short bar across the corresponding letter in the brackets.46. The temperatures are somewhat lower than the average temperature in May this year.[A] rather[B] very[C] a little[D] less47. He must not allow this unusual barrier to stop him from fighting against the enemy.[A] interior[B] obstacle[C] interruption[D] interference48. Next semester, Susan must take three compulsory courses.[A] formal[B] voluntary[C] practical[D] required49. Should either of these situations occur, wrong control actions might be taken and apotential accident sequence initiated.[A] imported[B] installed[C] started[D] interviewed50. Now about half of the women who work in social welfare are part-time, as compared to38% in the private sector.[A] guarantee[B] farewell[C] well-off[D] well-being51. This is the sort of the case in which judges must exercise the arbitrary power describeda moment ago.[A] avail[B] use[C] have[D] display52. Floods have undermined the foundation of the ancient bridge.[A] weakened[B] reached[C] spoiled[D] covered53. A frequently cited example of the endangered species is the panda.[A] worried[B] neglected[C] reduced[D] mentioned54. Some psychologists argue that the traditional idea “spare the rod and spoil the child” isnot rational.[A] helpful[B] kind[C] sensible[D] effective55. The police are trying to get back the stolen statue.[A] detain[B] retrieve[C] track[D] detect56. As a versatile actor, he can perform, sing, dance and play several kinds of musicalinstruments.[A] competent[B] outstanding[C] all-sided[D] well-known57. There are not many teachers who are strong advocates of traditional methods inlanguage teaching.[A] people who speak in favor of[B] people who are against[C] people who are trained in[D] people who practice58. The poetry of Ezra Pound is sometimes difficult to understand because it contains somany obscure references.[A] noticeable[B] objective[C] subjective[D] vague59. The mayor was asked to condense his speech in order to allow his audience to raisequestions.[A] cancel[B] shorten[C] cut short[D] call off60. I never thought he would let us down like that; I always counted on him.[A] surprise[B] encourage[C] disappoint[D] delightSection CDirections:For each blank in the following passage, choose the best answer from the choices given below to complete the passage. Mark you answer on Answer Sheet (2) by drawing with a pencila short bar across the corresponding letter in the brackets.One of the advantages of taking notes is that it forces you to pay closer attention to the class lecture. If you listen _61 to a professor who is talking on and on for an hour or so, your mind will often 62 and your attention lessen. You are sitting in class and listening, but that 63 you are doing, however, when you listen actively you have to pay more careful and 64 attention to what is being said.This is because you are trying to transform what you hear into an 65 shortened written form. As a foreign student, you may find 66 very difficult to listen and write notes in English at the same time. It is difficult at first, but you will learn how to do so with practice. You may be afraid you will forget what you are listening to 67 you are listening and writing at the same time, but the studies of researchers 68 the value of note taking in understanding lecture material have shown that learners remember information they have reproduced in some note form much better than lecture information they have listened to 69 did not take down in note form. So doing two things at the same time is better than doing one thing 70 . We do not say it is easier; we say it is better.61. [A] passively [B] attentively[C] carefully [D] permanently62. [A] wonder [B] wander[C] widen [D] concentrate63. [A] may [B] must be what[C] may be that [D] may be all64. [A] constant [B] regular[C] temporary [D] continual65. [A] understanding [B] undertook[C] understandable [D] underlined66. [A] some [B] which[C] that [D] it67. [A] even though [B] as if[C] although [D] because68. [A] with [B] around[C] up on [D] out69. [A] but [B] however[C] nevertheless [D] otherwise70. [A] for a time [B] at a time[C] for some time [D] in a timePart III. Reading Comprehension(30 items, 30 points, 45 minutes)Directions:In this part there are several passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers. Choose the one you think is the best answer. Mark your choice on Answer Sheet (2) by drawing with a pencil a short bar across the corresponding letter in the brackets.Passage OneRevenge is one of those things that everyone enjoys. People don’t like to talk about it, though. Just the same, there is nothing more satisfying or more rewarding than revenge. The purpose is not to harm your victims but to let them know that you are upset about something that they are doing to you. Careful plotting can provide you with relief from bothersome coworkers, gossiping friends, or nagging family members.Coworkers who make comments about the fact that you are always fifteen minutes late for work can be taken care of very simply. All you have to do is to get up extra early one day. Before the sun comes up, dri ve to each coworker’s house. Reach under the hood of your coworker’s car and disconnect the center wire that leads to the distributor cap, the car will be unharmed, but it will not start, and your friends at work will all be late for work on the same day. If you’re lucky, your boss might notice that you are the only one there and will give you a raise.Gossiping friends at school are also perfect targets for a simple act of revenge. A way to trap either male or female friends is to leave phony messages on their lockers. If the friend that you want to get is male, leave a message that a certain girl would like him to stop by her house later that day. With any luck, her boyfriends will be there. The girl won’t know what’s going on, and the victim will be so em barrassed that he probably won’t leave his home for a month.When Mum and Dad and your sisters and brothers really begin to annoy you, harmless revenge may be just the way to make them quiet down for a while. The dinner table is a likely place. Just before the meal begins, throw a handful of raisins into the food. Wait about five minutes and, after everyone has begun to eat, cover your mouth with your hand and begin to make odd noises. When they ask you what the matter is , point to a raisin and yell, “Bugs!” They’ll dump their food in the disposal, jump into the car, and head for McDonald’s. That night, you’ll have your first quiet, peaceful meal in a long time.A well-planned revenge does not have to hurt anyone. The object is simply to let other people know that they are beginning to bother you.71. The main topic of the passage is how to ______.[A] avoid nagging family members[B] silence gossiping friends[C] make a harmless revenge[D] deal with bothersome coworkers72. According to the passage, a harmless revenge is ______.[A] to react to those who bother you[B] to amuse the victim[C] to prevent one from disturbing others[D] to hurt nobody emotionally73. As a harmless revenge, you might come first and get a raise by_____.[A] pleasing your boss[B] getting up earlier than your colleagues[C] destroying your colleagues’ cars[D] making your colleagues come late74. Which of the following statements is true according to the second example?[A] The girl received a phony message.[B] The victim was invited by the girl.[C] The girl managed to revenge the victim harmlessly.[D] The girl wasn’t expecting the victim.75. The family members dumped their food in the disposal because______.[A] they wanted to eat out[B] they thought their food had been spoiled[C] they wanted to have a peaceful meal[D] they didn’t like the food with raisinsPassage TwoThe study of social science is more than the study of the individual social sciences. Although it is true that to be a good social scientist you must know each of those components, you must also know how they interrelate. By specializing too early, many social scientists can lose sight of the interrelationships that are so essential to understanding modern problems. That’s why it is necessary to have a course covering all the social sciences. In fact, it would not surprise me if one day a news story such as the one above should appear.The preceding passage placed you in the future. To understand how and when social science broke up, you must go into the past. Imagine for a moment that you’re a student in 1062, in the Italian city of Bologna, site of one of the first major universities in the western world. The university has no buildings. It consists merely of a few professors and students. There is no tuition fee. At the end of a professor’s lecture, if you like it, you pay. And if you don’t like it, the professor finds himself without students and without money. If we go back still earlier, say to Greece in the sixth century B. C., we can see the philosopher Socrates walking around the streets of Athens, arguing with his companions. He asks them questions, and then other questions, leading these people to reason the way he wants them to reason (this became known as the Socratic Method).Times have changed since then; universities sprang up throughout the world and createdcolleges within the universities. Oxford, one of the first universities, now has thirty colleges associated with it, and the development and formalization of educational institutions has changed the roles of both students and faculty. As knowledge accumulated, it became more and more difficult for one person to learn, let alone retain, it all. In the sixteenth century one could still aspire to know all there was to know, and the definition of the Renaissance Man (people were even more sexist then than they are now) was of one who was expected to know about everything.Unfortunately, at least for someone who wants to know everything, the amount of information continues to grow exponentially while the size of the brain has grown only slightly. The way to deal with the problem is not to try to know everything about everything. Today we must specialize.That is why social science separated from the natural sciences and why it, in turn, has been broken down into various sub-fields, such as anthropology and sociology.76. What is the main idea of this passage?[A] Social science is unified.[B] Social science is a newborn science.[C] What is social science?[D] Specialization in social science is not good.77. What can we learn from the second paragraph?[A] Socrates can be regarded as the first social scientist in the western world.[B] The universities in Italy have no buildings.[C] Socrates created the “Socratic methods”.[D] Greece is not as civilized as Italy.78. Why does the author says “people were even more sexist then than they are now”?[A] Because they are so covetous that they want to know all there was to know.[B] Because it is the Renaissance “Man”, not Renaissance “Woman” or “Human”.[C] Because mp woman was formally educated at that time.[D] Because all Renaissance men were men.79. What does the underlined word “exponentially” mean in the first sentence of the lastparagraph?[A] promisingly[B] continuously[C] drastically[D] rapidly80. We can infer from the passage that_____.[A] social science is a united science, and cannot be divided into sub-fields[B] social science may be further divided into smaller parts as the amount ofknowledge and information expanding[C] there may be a Renaissance Man in the future[D] the best way to deal with the expansion of information is to know everythingPassage ThreeIn the past, the concept of marketing emphasized sales. The producer or manufacturer made a product he wanted to sell. Marketing was the task of figuring out how to sell the product. Basically , selling the product would be accomplished by sales promotion, which included advertising and personal selling. In addition to sales promotion, marketing also involved the physical distribution of the product to the places where it was actually sold. Distribution consisted of transportation, storage, and related services such as financing, standardization and grading, and the related risks.The modern marketing concept encompasses all of the activities mentioned, but it is based on a different set of principles. It subscribes to the notion that production can be economically justified only by consumption. In other words, goods should be produced only if they can be sold. Therefore, the producer should consider who is going to buy the product—or what the market for the product is –before production begins. This is very different from making a product and then thinking about how to sell it.81. Marketing used to be mainly concerned with _____ the product.[A] making[B] distributing[C] selling[D] advertising82. The two main aspects of traditional marketing are _____.[A] selling and distributing[B] advertising and selling[C] producing and selling[D] financing and grading83. How many aspects does distribution involve?[A]Three[B] Four[C] Five[D] Six84. While traditional marketing is mainly concerned with sales of a product, modernmarketing _____.[A] caters for selling justified by production.[B] excludes the sales activities involved in traditional marketing.[C] puts more emphasis on economy in production.[D] aims to achieve a balance between production and sales.85. The producer is advised to first consider how to_____.[A] advertise the product[B] distribute the product[C] meet the needs of the consumer[D] make the productPassage FourIt is natural for young people to be critical of their parents at times and to blame them for most of the misunderstanding between them. They have always complained, more or less justly, that their parents are out of touch with modern ways; that they are possessive and dominant that they do not trust their children to deal with crises; that they talk too much about certain problems---and that they have no sense of humor , at least in parent-child relationships, I think it is true that parents often underestimate their teenage children and also forget how they themselves felt when young.Young people often irritate their parents with their choices in clothes and hairstyles, in entertainers and music. This is not their motive. They feel cut off from the adult world into which they have not yet been accepted. So they create a culture and society of their own. Then, if it turns out that their music or entertainers or vocabulary or clothes or hairstyles irritate their parents, this gives them additional enjoyment. They feel they are superior, at least in a small way, and that they are leaders in style and taste.Sometimes you are resistant, and proud because you do not want your parents to approve of what you do . If they did approve, it looks as if you are betraying your own age group. But in that case, you are assuming that you are the underdog: you can’t win but at least you can keep your honor. This is a passive way of looking at things. It is natural enough after long years of childhood, when you were completely under your parents’ control. But it ignores the fact that you are now beginning to be responsible for yourself.If you plan to control your life, co-operation can be part of that plan. You can charm others, especially your parents, into doing things the way you want. You can impress others with your sense of responsibility and initiative, so that they will give you the authority to do what you want to do.86. The author is primarily addressing _____.[A] parents of teenagers[B] newspaper readers[C] those who give advice to teenagers[D] teenagers87. The first paragraph is mainly about _____.[A] the teenagers’ criticism of their parents[B] misunderstandings between teenagers and their parents[C] the dominance of the parents over their children[D] the teenagers’ ability to deal with crises88. Teenagers tend to have strange clothes and hairstyles because they----.[A] want to show their existence by creating a culture of their own[B] have a strong desire to be leaders in style and taste。