第1條 範圍 1. 本指令適用於下列產品: (a) 機器; (b) 可互換的設備; (c) 安全零組件; (d) 升降配件; (e) 鏈條、繩索及帶子; (f) 可拆卸之機械傳動裝置; (g) 部分完成之機器。
- 歐洲議會指令 2002/24/EC 及 2002 年 3 月 18 日理事會指令(有關雙輪或三輪機動車 輛(2)之類型核准)規定之車輛,但不包括安 裝在車輛上的機器;
如其他歐盟指令對附錄 I 之全部或部分機器危險訂有 更詳盡之規定,自該其他指令實施之日起,本指令就 相關危險部分即不得再適用於該機器,或應停止適用。
其後方可將機器上市銷售及/或投入服務。 2. 2. 會員國應採取所有措施,確保僅在符合本
指令之相關規定時,才能將部分完成之機器上市 銷售。 3. 會員國應成立或指定主管機關,對機器及部分完 成之機器進行監督,以確保符合第 1 及第 2 項之 規定。 4. 會員國應明定第 3 項主管機關之任務、組織與權 責,並將其規定及後續修訂內容通知歐盟執委會 和其他會員國。
4. 會員國應採取相關措施,在國家層級上賦予社會 夥伴之影響力,使其能影響調合標準之研擬與監 督流程。
L 157/30
第 10 條
1. 歐盟執委會得依第 22(3)條之程序,採取相關措 施,執行與下列項目有關之各項規定:
(e) 「鏈條、繩索及帶子」係指在設計和結構上用於 舉升目的、屬於升降機或升降配件之一部分的鏈 條、繩索及帶子;
(f) 「可拆卸之機械傳動裝置」係指將自驅動機器或 掛車與另一機器連接於第一固定軸承、藉此在連 接之兩機器間進行動力傳輸的可拆式組件。 若 此裝置連同護蓋上市銷售,則應視為一種產品;
TüV NORD功能安全工程师(机器方向)培训课程介绍
模块 2: CE 符合性流程以及要求的技术文档
培训模块 2,对机械指令的附件 V 和附件 VI 要求的技 术文件的内容进行说明。
一个详细而明确的陈述,包括从一台机器或子系统引发 的危害的风险降低和风险降低方式有关要求的必要性。 此外,实例被用以说明,循序渐进,合格评定程序, CE 标志(附件三),完整机器的(附件 II)和被投放市 场的各种安全组件的 EC 符合性声明。部分完成的机械 和机器安全组件的制造商声明(附件 IIB),也包括标准 要求的文件。该模块还包括改造和转换旧机械和设备应 遵循的正确的流程的信息。
那些参加本课程的学员在第一天还会收到 TÜV NORD 开发的为了根据 ISO 12100 进行风险评价的基 于 EXCEL 的 HARA ISO 12100 工作工具。出席的学 员人数限制为 20 人。在本课程满员前都可以进行登记 报名。您可以联系页脚处的联系方式进行登记报名。
本课程为期四天,前三天为技术培训及演练部分,最后 一天为能力测试部分。
本课程包含四天宫四个模块的内容。当前的优惠价格为 每位学员收费人民币 20000.00 元。您需要在参加该课 程前支付全部的费用。
欢迎您联系我们: 电 话: +86 021 58355353 x 110 电子邮件: jgeng@ 电 话: +86 0571 85386989 x 217 电子邮件: jacai@
人员能力认证 ISO 13849, IEC 62061, MD 2006/42/EC
4.4 编制操作手册
机械搬运、使用与储存的相关信息。 • 机械安装的相关信息。 • 机械本身的相关信息。 • 机械使用的相关信息。 • 机械维护的相关信息。 • 紧急情况的相关信息。 • 其他与安全有关之注意事项说明。 • 附加之图表。 • 制造商之资料。 • 操作手册之章节目录与页码。
机械指令 (2006/42/EC)
依欧盟标准可大致分为三类: Type A standards (A 类标准)
又称 “基本安全标准“ (Fundamental Safety Standards)。主要是解说基 本概念,设计原则及名词解释,应用方法等大原则、大方向的标准,可适用于 所有机械的伊班情形。
续上页: 8. 木工用手提式链锯。 9. 采用人工上下料金属冷作加工用冲压床,包括折床,其移动之工作的行程超 过6mm ,速度每秒超过30mm 。 10. 人工上下料式之塑料射出或压缩成型机。 11. 人工上下料式之橡胶射出或压缩成型机。 12.下列地下工程用机器设备 : - 轨道上之机械:动力车头及制动车。 - 液压式鐩道顶支撑设备。 - 地下工程用机械所采用之内燃机。 13. 安装有压缩机械,及采用人工收集装载家庭垃圾之卡车。 14. 附件一之3.4.7节中所提万向接头之防护装与可分离式传动轴。 15. 维护车辆用顶高机。 16. 包括可能从三公尺以上垂直高度掉落之危险之人员举升装置。 17. 制造烟火的机械。
•机械规格表。 •电路图。 •电气元件表。 •外观尺寸图。 •机械组立图。 •机械零组件清单。 •油、气压回路图及其元件清单。 •安全相关元件 (如:断电开关、即停装置等)的指示与说明。 •警告标志的说明。
CE认证包括哪些指令?CE认证包括哪些指令?说到CE认证的指令,很多客户都不太了解,甚至我们遇到过一些客户,一张口就是指令,什么洗衣机CE认证指令,冰箱CE 认证指令,其实,这些都是客户通俗的叫法,实际上洗衣机和冰箱都可以说成是一个指令,因为这2两种产品实际上用的就是同一种CE认证指令,都是用LVD低电压指令和EMC电磁兼容指令,只是这2种产品所用的产品标准有点不同而已。
都可以用LVD 低电压指令和EMC电磁兼容指令来申请CE认证。
下面什么大概的讲一下CE 认证有哪些指令。
1、低电压指令,英文名称叫Low Voltage Directive,俗称:LVD,指令代号为:2014/35/EU。
2、电磁兼容指令,英文名称叫Electromagnetic Compatibility,俗称:EMC,指令代号为:2014/30/EU这个是最新代号,前面的旧代号已经不适用了,我就不写在这里了,免得大家搞糊涂了。
3、玩具安全指令,英文名称:Toys safety,指令代号:2009/48/EC,这个是最新代号,前面的旧代号已经不适用了,我就不写在这里了,免得大家搞糊涂了。
4、机械指令,英文名称:Machinery directive,俗称:MD,指令代号:2006/42/EC,这个是最新代号,前面的旧代号已经不适用了,我就不写在这里了,免得大家搞糊涂了。
5、医疗器械指令,英文名称:Medical Device Directive,俗称:MDD,指令代号:2007/47/EC,这个是最新代号,前面的旧代号已经不适用了,我就不写在这里了,免得大家搞糊涂了。
6、个人防护指令,英文名称:Personal protective equipment,俗称:PPE,指令代号:89/686/EEC,这个是最新代号,前面的旧代号已经不适用了,我就不写在这里了,免得大家搞糊涂了。
1 前言Introduction欧洲议会和欧洲理事会于2006年5月17日正式通过了,产品申请CE认证(CE-Marking即CE标志)的最新版机械指导法令(2006/42/EC),此法令是欧盟按照新方法(New approach)制定的有关健康、安全的基本法令之一。
European Parliament and European Council have adopted the latest version of the Machinery Directive (2006/42/CE) on 17 May, 2006. This new directive is made according to a new approach; its one of the basic directives on health and safety concern. Compared with the present Machinery Directive 98/37/EC there are some new requirements and noticeable changes to the new one on its application, boundary with other directives, market supervision, safe components, conformity assessment procedure, the requirement for the basic health and safety, etc.面对新的技术壁垒,相关部门和广大企业应提前做好研究,有关欧盟对CE认证(CE-Marking)的新规定,及早从实际应用和技术角度出发加以积极应对。
第1页:机械培训第2页:概要1、机械指令 2006/42/EC2、定义3、说明书手册4、技术文件的建立5、CE标记6、EC相容性声明7、风险评估8、关键事项9、协调性标准第3页:说明书第4页:编写说明书的一般原则1、说明书应当用官方语言2、附机械设备的说明书应当是原始版本,或者原始版本+原始版本的翻译版3、由制造商或者授权代理商授权的特定人员专门使用的维护说明书可以使用这类人员的专门语言第5页a、说明书应当用一种或多种官方语言编写;制造商和授权代表确认的语言版本应当有“原始版本说明书”字样。
D、如果机械设备准备给非专业使用者使用,说明书的文字和结构应当考虑这些操作者的水平和能力第7页:说明书的内容A、制造商和授权代理的名称和详细地址B、设备上应有“设备设计”字样,不需要序列号C、EC相容性声明;或者一个罗列EC相容性声明的内容,表明这个设备的特殊性,不需要序列号和签名D、设备的概况E、设备使用、维护和维修、以及功能测试所需的图、图表、描述、说明,第8页F、工作平台描述G、设备使用功能描述H、设备使用注意事项I、组装、安装和连接说明,包括图、图表,连接方式,以及底座设计等J、为降低震动和噪音的安装或组装说明第9页K、设备使用说明,有必要的话,还有员工培训说明L、其他可能的危险,尽管设备已有安全考虑M、使用保护措施说明,包括那些地方应提供员工保护设备等N、适合该设备的工具关键要求第10页P、确保运输、处理、储存操作安全的说明Q、设备故障或崩溃情况下操作方法第11页R、调整和维护操作说明,已经预防性的维护说明S、调整和维护操作安全性说明T、当备件影响操作人员健康和安全时的说明第12页U、空气噪音信息A级C级V、当设备产生非离子化的辐射,或者植入的医疗器件,应当有涉及到辐射信息第13页:说明书常见缺失部分1、语言2、EC相容性声明的复印件3、线路图(气动、液压)4、设备的设计用途5、警告,涉及设备安全使用方面;说明书不仅仅包括设备设计用途,还应考虑其他合理预见的不当操作6、设备使用说明第14页7、其他危险信息8、确保运输、处理、储存安全的说明9、设备故障时的操作说明;如果有疑问出现,应当有解决的操作方法10、调整和维护操作说明,以及预防性维护说明第15页11、备件说明12、空气噪音信息13、爆炸性气氛中使用注意事项第16页14、、对部装零件的正确组装说明15、组装说明应当使用组装厂家或者授权代理可接受的语言第17页重要条款附录 I1.1.2 安全整合原则1.1.3 材料和产品1.1.4 照明1.1.5 为方便操作的设计1.1.6 人工学1.1.7 操作位置1.1.8 座位第18页1.2 控制系统1.2.1 控制系统的安全和可靠性1.2.2 控制设备1.2.3 开始1.2.4 结束1.2.5 控制和操作模式的选择1.2.1 控制系统的安全和可靠性A、控制系统要求能够防止危险情况出现;首先,他们必须按照下列方式设计和安装-------- 能够容忍设计的操作压力和外部的影响------- 硬件或软件的错误不会导致危险情况------- 控制系统中的逻辑错误不会导致危险情况出现------- 合理的可预见的人为错误不会导致危险情况第20页下面几点必须特别注意:------- 设备只能按预期启动------ 当参数改变有危险时,设备参数要求受控才能进行改变------- 停止命令后设备必须停止------- 运动部件或零件不会落下或抛出-------- 运动部件的自动或手动停止能不被阻止------- 保护设备必须保持有效或者能给停止命令------- 控制系统安全相关的部件应当应用于设备或部分整体第21页1.2.2 控制设备应当:--------- 可见、可辨认,可行的话用图形化语言--------- 位置操作应保证没有犹豫、时间损失、模糊------- 控制装置的运动同效果一致--------- 应在危险区域以外,除了急停或教学用-------- 位置操作时不会引起额外危险--------- 设计和保护应注意危险应由有意的行为引起------- 注意能够承受可预见的力,特别是急停装置需要承受明显的力第22页1、控制系统设计几个不同的不相关动作时,执行的动作应清楚的展示,必要时增加确认2、控制装布置时应考虑它们的布局、运行和对操作的阻碍应同人执行动作相协调,需要考虑人机学3、设备应有安全操作指示;操作人员应能从操作位置可以读到4、从每一个控制位置,操作着能确保无人再危险区域;控制系统能保证无人在危险区域第23页1、如果这几个可能都不能用,就需要声音或者视频警告;危险区人员应有时间离开危险区域或者防止设备启动2、如果必要,可以采取措施保证设备仅仅能被一个或多个预先设置的控制点或区域控制3、如果有一个以上的控制位置,控制系统必须设计成其中一个控制点能排除其他控制点;除了停止和急停控制4、当设备有两个以上的控制点时,每个控制位置应提供所有需要的控制装置,以防操作着妨碍或置相互于危险情况第24页1.2.3 开始A、控制装置动作后设备才启动B、同样的要求:---------- 无论什么原因,停机后重新启动1.2.4 停止1.2.4.1 正常停止A、设备应带控制设备保证设备安全完全停止B、每一个工作站应有控制装置,根据危险区域的不同,停止部分或全部的设备功能,以确保设备安全C、设备的停止控制优先于开始控制D、设备或者危险功能一停止,相关的执行机构应切断电源第26页同25页第27页1.2.4.2 操作停止对于操作原因停止,停止控制不会切断执行机构电源,而且停止状态必须被监控和维持第28页1.2.4.3 急停A、设备必须有急停装置下列情况除外:急停装置不会降低危险,或者是因为急停不会减少停止时间,或特殊措施不能防止危险发生;手持或手动设备第29页B、该装置需:-----好识别、好辨认、易接近----- 能迅速停止危险动作,不会产生附加风险------- 可能的话,触发或允许触发安全动作C、不解除该装置,就不能重新开动设备;但是仅仅允许重启D、急停装置是其他安全措施的支持,而不是替代第30页1.2.6 电源供给失败A、电源的中断、中断后重启,以及无论哪种电源波动,都不会导致危险情况B、特备注意如下:------设备不会不期望的启动------- 设备参数改变会导致危险时,参数不会以不受控制的方式改变----------如果给停止命令,设备必须停止----- 部件不会被抛出或落下第31页1.3 机械危险的保护1.3.1 失去稳定性的危险1.3.2 操作时开裂危险1.3.3 部件下落或抛出危险1.3.4 表面、边、角的危险1.3.5 组合机械的危险1.3.6 操作时震动造成的危险1.3.7 移动部件的危险1.3.8 移动部件防护措施1.3.8.1 移动传输部件1.3.8.2 生产过程中的移动部件1.4 保护和防护设备的需要特征1.4.1 一般要求1.4.2 保护的特殊要求1.4.3 防护装置的特殊要求第33页1.4.2.1 固定防护A、固定保护固定后要求仅能够用工具打开或移去B、固定系统应当连接到保护上或者当保护去除后装在设备上C、如果可能,保护装置没有安装装置不能安装在原位置1.4.2.2 互锁移动保护1.4.2.3 限制途径的可调保护第34页1.5 其他危险造成的风险1.5.1 电力供应1.5.2 静态电力1.5.3 电力之外的能源供应1.5.4 安装错误1.5.5 极端温度1.5.6 火1.5.7 爆炸1.5.8 噪音1.5.9 震动1.5.10 辐射1.5.11 外部辐射1.5.12 激光辐射1.5.13 危险材料和物质的排放1.5.14 困在设备中的危险1.5.15 滑落、跌倒、跌落的危险1.5.16 光照第35页1.6 维护1.6.1 设备维护1.6.2 接近操作位置和服务点的途径1.6.3 能量单元的隔离1.6.4 操作者影响1.6.5 内部零件的清理第36页1.6.1 机械维护调整和维护点位于危险区外,机器停止时,应可以调整、维护、修理、清理和保养操作第37页1.6.3 能量单位的隔离A、设备应当同各种能量单元隔离,这样的隔离单元应当清晰可辨;如果重新连接可能对人员造成伤害,隔离单元应当能被锁;如果操作者从他能到达的点不能检查能源是否被关闭,隔离单元也要求能够被锁。
国际研究欧盟电梯安全技术法规与标准发展趋势分析■ 陈 菁(福建省标准化研究院)摘 要:特种设备安全是公共安全的基本防线,电梯作为人民群众使用最为广泛的特种设备之一,其安全平稳运行是社会的强烈需求。
关键词:电梯安全,欧盟,技术法规与标准,历史变化,发展趋势DOI编码:10.3969/j.issn.1002-5944.2023.21.041Analysis on Development Trend of Safety Technical Regulations andStandards for Lifts in EUCHEN Jing(Fujian Institute of Standardization)Abstract:The safety of special equipment is the basic defense line of public safety. As one of the most widely used special equipment by people, the safe and stable operation of lift is a strong demand of society. Based on EU regulations, this paper sorts out the technical regulations and standards related to lift safety, delineates its historical development in the form of a timeline and a Gantt chart, and analyzes the development trend, in order to provide reference for standardization work of the domestic lift industry.Keywords: lift safety, EU, technical regulation and standard, historical change, development trend0 引 言电梯安全运行关乎国民安全的基本保障、公共安全的基础防线,是各国总体安全体系的重要组成部分。
CE 认证指令是指欧盟委员会发布的一系列指令,用于规范和管理
CE 认证标准是指符合欧盟指令要求的产品标准。
欧洲标准化组织(CEN、CENELEC、ETSI 等)制定,并在欧盟范围内
在进行 CE 认证时,需要根据产品所属的指令和标准进行评估和测试。
得 CE 认证标志。
以下是一些常见的 CE 认证指令
1.低电压指令(LVD):适用于电压在 50-1000V AC 或 75-
1500V DC 之间的电气设备。
因此,在进行 CE 认证之前,需要仔细了解产品所属的指令和标准,并选择合适的认证机构进行评估和测试。
机械指令MD一、机械和设备(MD)机械指令(官方参考编号2006/42 / EC)涵盖了机械的安全方面,还包括安全部件,绳索,链条等:机械设计,电气设计,控制,安全性以及潜在的制造危险的机器。
一、机械指令涵盖哪些产品机械指令(2006/42 / EC)涵盖了与指令中提供的定义相符的机器:1.装配或装配有驱动系统的组件,不包括直接施加的人力或动物力,由连接的部件或组件组成,其中至少一个移动,并且为了特定的应用而连接在一起。
二、属于机械指令范围的其他类型的设备有:1.可互换的设备2.安全部件(例如防护装置,安全装置,紧急停止装置等)3.提升配件(例如吊耳,吊梁等)4.链,长袍和织带5.可重新启动的机械传动装置6.部分完成机械三、哪些产品不属于机械指令?从机械指令中排除的是:安全部件旨在用作备件,以替换相同的部件,并由原始机器的制造商提供用于露天游乐场和游乐园的设备某些陆地和海上运输方式(主要由其他指令或国际海事法涵盖)某些电气设备,如家用家用电器,视听设备,IT设备,普通办公机械和电动机(取代低压指令)四、其他指令涵盖的其他机器也被排除在外,例如:升降机符合升降机指令95/16 / EC(经2006/42 / EC PDF链接到外部网站修改)索道符合指令2000/9 / EC,和机器也是医疗设备,因此符合医疗器械指令93/42 / EC(修订版),尽管那些相关的机械EHSR被医疗器械指令“召集”。
新指令引入的对制造商质量保证体系的要求 非常详细,制造商采取此程序进行机械合规性评估 时,必须在机械设计、制造、最终检验和测试过程运 行符合相关要求的质量管理体系并接受指定机构 的监督。 制造商或其授权代表必须向指定认证机构提 出对其质量体系进行评定的申请。 质量体系的实施必须确保机械设备符合本指 令的相关要求。制造商对其质量体系通过的所有要 素、要求和条款必须以措施、程序、书面说明的形式 形成系统化和有序化的质量文件。质量体系文件对 其程序和质量措施作统一阐述,诸如:质量方案、质 量计划、质量手册和质量记录等。质量体系文件特 别应该描述质量目标,组织结构,技术设计规范,对 机械设计的检查和验证程序,制造阶段的检验和质
。张海强路东琪黄碧锋(顺德出入境检验检疫局528303) 沈海滨(中国计量学院310018)
机械合规性评估程序、机械半成品部分完成机械装 置规程、指定认证机构、cE标志、指令95,16,EC的 修订说明等29个条款。附件主要包括:有关机械设 计与制造的基本健康与安全要求、机械合格声明的 要求、cE标志、执行合格性评定的机械类别目录、 安全性元件明细清单、机械半成品部分完成机械装 置的组装说明要求、技术文档要求、机械制造过程 内部审核的合格性评估、Ec型式试验、完善的质量 保证规程、各成员指定认证机构时应考虑的最低标
10其他规定(投放市场要求、CE标志、协 调标准等)
本指令所涉及的机械设备或机械半成品只有 在适当的安装、装配、维修,按预定用途使用且不危 及人类、家畜及财产健康与安全的前提下才可投放
3.引用文件与术语3.1 Q/GF R002 产品名称及型号编制规范。
3.2欧盟机械指令MD 2006/42/EC 、低电压指令LVD 2014/35/EU 、防爆指令ATEX2014/34/EU 及对应OJ4. 产品CE 认证技术要求4.1产品CE 认证设计流程4.2产品CE认证具体要求4.2.1机械指令MD 要求1)设计时应根据标准EN ISO 12100(GB/T 15706)对产品进行风险评估,并输出风险评估报告2)电气设计要求a)电路图:图例,图形、画法等符合IEC 60617和IEC 61082-1b)电气控制:安全控制回路(急停/互锁/双手控制)的设计应基于风险评估结果并符合ENISO 13849-1(可参考GB/T 16855.1)的要求c)按钮: 按钮的位置、颜色,选型应当基于风评评估并符合EN 60204-1以及其他相关标准要求,比如双手按钮EN ISO 13851,急停按钮EN ISO 13850d)电柜IP 等级、柜内、柜外电气布局及走线:符合EN 60204-1 (可参考GB/T 5226.1) e)元器件要有CE 证书(对于电压在AC 50-1000V 和DC 50-1000V 的部件需满足CE-LVD和EMC 要求,其他电压满足CE-EMC 要求)f)安全回路相关元器件符合EN ISO 13849-1的的要求3)机械设计a)机械结构:i.危险区域防护:参考EN ISO 13857/EN ISO 13854ii.防护罩要求:互锁式防护罩EN ISO 14119和固定式防护罩EN ISO 14120,光栅EN ISO 13855iii.考虑人接近方式比如如果平台离地面高于500mm,需要考虑加围栏,具体要求参考EN ISO 14122-1/2/3/4;iv.结构强度计算(手动操作机械比如手动叉车和提升机械按1.5倍,其他按1.25倍)v.需要考虑操作和维护的便捷性vi.需要考虑人体工效学,参考标准EN 894-1/2/3/4等vii.其他:温度(冷热表面限值参考EN ISO 13732-1/-2)、噪音限值参考法规2003/10/EC(一般按不超过80分贝考虑),照明(EN 1837)、防火(EN 13478),卫生(EN 14159)、防爆(EN 1127-1等)b)气路i.气路图符合ISO 1219-1/-2:2012(参考GB/T 786.1/786.2)ii.气路设计符合ISO 4414比如带气源切断装置,必要时跟急停连上iii.安全相关气路控制其设计和选型需要符合EN ISO 13849-1c)液压i.液压图符合ISO 1219-1/-2(参考GB/T 786.1/786.2)ii.液压设计符合ISO 4413d)元器件证书:电机、泵、液压、气动部件等部件需要CE证书4)警告标识:应符合ISO 3864/ISO 7010等标准要求,见TC“国外使用安全标识”5)准备认证相关资料,具体见TC“机械指令MD认证资料目录及模板”。
ESE 系列光幕图
3、性能特点 ◆符合 IEC61496 国际标准,通过 CE 安全 4 级认证; ◆完善自检功能: 能够进行内部系统自检与输出信号自检功能; ◆保护长度:最长可达 25000mm; ◆保护高度:100mm 到 2880mm,其他高度可定做; ◆光轴间距:10mm,20mm,40mm; ◆分辨率:20mm,30mm,50mm; ◆具有反向脉冲的双路 PNP/NPN 输出; ◆抗干扰能力强:对电磁信号、频闪灯光、焊接弧光及周围光源具有良好的抗干扰能力; ◆良好的抗震性:采用 SMD 技术,并有多项抗震措施; ◆防撞击能力强:采用金属堵头防护,有效防止外力对传感器的撞击。
光束数量 (n) 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72
保护高度 (mm) 110 150 190 230 270 310 350 390 430 470 510 550 590 630 670 710
10mm 光轴间距
NPN 输出型号
10ESE110-12N 10ESE150-16N 10ESE190-20N 10ESE230-24N 10ESE270-28N 10ESE310-32N 10ESE350-36N 10ESE390-40N 10ESE430-44N 10ESE470-48N 10ESE510-52N 10ESE550-56N 10ESE590-60N 10ESE630-64N 10ESE670-68N 10ESE710-72N
◆光电保护装置的使用关系人身安全,使用前请详细阅读本操作手册! ◆操作手册是指导用户正确安装、使用及维护光电保护装置的重要资料,
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欧盟MD认证机械指令申请介绍MD机械指令(Machinery Directive)(2006/42/EC)适用于机械、移动机械、机械装置、用来提升运输及运输人的机器及安全配件。
认证模式:1.普通机械——A模式(内部生产控制,EC符合声明,Annex VIII)2.危险机械(按照协调标准生产)- A模式(内部生产控制, Annex VIII )- B模式(EC型式检验+内部生产控制评估, Annex IX+ Annex VIII,point 3)- H模式 ( 全面质量保证体系, Annex X)3.危险机械(未按照或部分按照协调标准生产,或无协调标准)- B模式(EC型式检验+内部生产控制评估, Annex IX+ Annex VIII,point 3)- H模式 ( 全面质量保证体系, Annex X)。
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Machinery Safety Directive 2006/42/ECDirective 2006/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 17 May 2006on machinery, and amending Directive 95/16/EC (recast)(Text with EEA relevance)THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 95 thereof,Having regard to the proposal from the Commission [1],Having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee [2],Acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 251 of the Treaty [3],Whereas:(1) Directive 98/37/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 June 1998 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to machinery [4] codified Directive 89/392/EEC [5]. Now that new substantial amendments are being made to Directive 98/37/EC, it is desirable, in order to clarify matters, that that Directive should be recast.(2) The machinery sector is an important part of the engineering industry and is one of the industrial mainstays of the Community economy. The social cost of the large number of accidents caused directly by the use of machinery can be reduced by inherently safe design and construction of machinery and by proper installation and maintenance.(3) Member States are responsible for ensuring the health and safety on their territory of persons, in particular of workers and consumers and, where appropriate, of domestic animals and goods, notably in relation to the risks arising out of the use of machinery.(4) In order to ensure legal certainty for users, the scope of this Directive and the concepts relating to its application should be defined as precisely as possible.(5) The Member States' mandatory provisions governing construction site hoists intended for lifting persons or persons and goods, which are often supplemented by de facto compulsory technical specifications and/or by voluntary standards, do not necessarily lead to different levels of health and safety but, because of their disparities, do nevertheless constitutebarriers to trade within the Community. Moreover, the national systems for the conformity assessment and certification of these machines diverge considerably. It is therefore desirable not to exclude from the scope of this Directive construction site hoists intended for lifting persons or persons and goods.(6) It is appropriate to exclude from the scope of this Directive weapons, including firearms, that are subject to Council Directive 91/477/EEC of 18 June 1991 on control of the acquisition and possession of weapons [6]; the exclusion of firearms should not apply to portable cartridge-operated fixing and other impact machinery designed for industrial or technical purposes only. It is necessary to provide for transitional arrangements enabling Member States to authorise the placing on the market and putting into service of such machinery manufactured in accordance with national provisions in force upon adoption of this Directive, including those implementing the Convention of 1 July 1969 on the Reciprocal Recognition of Proofmarks on Small Arms. Such transitional arrangements will also enable the European standardisation organisations to draft standards ensuring the safety level based on the state of the art.(7) This Directive does not apply to the lifting of persons by means of machines not designed for the lifting of persons. However, this does not affect the right of Member States to take national measures, in accordance with the Treaty, with respect to such machines, with a view to implementing Council Directive 89/655/EEC of 30 November 1989 concerning the minimum safety and health requirements for the use of work equipment by workers at work (second individual Directive within the meaning of Article 16(1) of Directive 89/391/EEC) [7].(8) In relation to agricultural and forestry tractors, the provisions of this Directive concerning the risks currently not covered by Directive 2003/37/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 May 2003 on type-approval of agricultural or forestry tractors, their trailers and interchangeable towed machinery, together with their systems, components and separate technical units [8] should no longer apply when such risks are covered by Directive 2003/37/EC.(9) Market surveillance is an essential instrument inasmuch as it ensures the proper and uniform application of Directives. It is therefore appropriate to put in place the legal framework within which market surveillance can proceed harmoniously.(10) Member States are responsible for ensuring that this Directive is effectively enforced on their territory and that the safety of the machinery concerned is, as far as possible, improved in accordance with its provisions. Member States should ensure their capacity to carry out effective market surveillance, taking account of guidelines developed by the Commission, in order to achieve the proper and uniform application of this Directive.(11) In the context of market surveillance, a clear distinction should be established between the disputing of a harmonised standard conferring a presumption of conformity onmachinery and the safeguard clause relating to machinery.(12) The putting into service of machinery within the meaning of this Directive can relate only to the use of the machinery itself for its intended purpose or for a purpose which can reasonably be foreseen. This does not preclude the laying down of conditions of use external to the machinery, provided that it is not thereby modified in a way not specified in this Directive.(13) It is also necessary to provide for an adequate mechanism allowing for the adoption of specific measures at Community level requiring Member States to prohibit or restrict the placing on the market of certain types of machinery presenting the same risks to the health and safety of persons either due to shortcomings in the relevant harmonised standard(s) or by virtue of their technical characteristics, or to make such machinery subject to special conditions. In order to ensure the appropriate assessment of the need for such measures, they should be taken by the Commission, assisted by a committee, in the light of consultations with the Member States and other interested parties. Since such measures are not directly applicable to economic operators, Member States should take all necessary measures for their implementation.(14) The essential health and safety requirements should be satisfied in order to ensure that machinery is safe; these requirements should be applied with discernment to take account of the state of the art at the time of construction and of technical and economic requirements.(15) Where the machinery may be used by a consumer, that is to say, a non-professional operator, the manufacturer should take account of this in the design and construction. The same applies where a machine is normally used to provide a service to a consumer.(16) Although the requirements of this Directive do not apply to partly completed machinery in their entirety, it is nevertheless important that the free movement of such machinery be guaranteed by means of a specific procedure.(17) For trade fairs, exhibitions and such like, it should be possible to exhibit machinery which does not satisfy the requirements of this Directive. However, interested parties should be properly informed that the machinery does not conform and cannot be purchased in that condition.(18) This Directive defines only the essential health and safety requirements of general application, supplemented by a number of more specific requirements for certain categories of machinery. In order to help manufacturers to prove conformity to these essential requirements, and to allow inspection of conformity to the essential requirements, it is desirable to have standards that are harmonised at Community level for the prevention of risks arising out of the design and construction of machinery. These standards are drawn up by private-law bodies and should retain their non-binding status.(19) In view of the nature of the risks involved in the use of machinery covered by this Directive, procedures for assessing conformity to the essential health and safety requirements should be established. These procedures should be devised in the light of the extent of the danger inherent in such machinery. Consequently, each category of machinery should have its appropriate procedure in conformity with Council Decision 93/465/EEC of 22 July 1993 concerning the modules for the various phases of the conformity assessment procedures and the rules for the affixing and use of the CE conformity marking, which are intended to be used in the technical harmonisation directives [9], taking account of the nature of the verification required for such machinery.(20) Manufacturers should retain full responsibility for certifying the conformity of their machinery to the provisions of this Directive. Nevertheless, for certain types of machinery having a higher risk factor, a stricter certification procedure is desirable.(21) The CE marking should be fully recognised as being the only marking which guarantees that machinery conforms to the requirements of this Directive. All other markings which are likely to mislead third parties as to the meaning or the form of the CE marking, or both, should be prohibited.(22) In order to ensure the same quality for the CE marking and the manufacturer's mark, it is important that they be affixed according to the same techniques. In order to avoid confusion between any CE markings which might appear on certain components and the CE marking corresponding to the machinery, it is important that the latter marking be affixed alongside the name of the person who has taken responsibility for it, namely the manufacturer or his authorised representative.(23) The manufacturer or his authorised representative should also ensure that a risk assessment is carried out for the machinery which he wishes to place on the market. For this purpose, he should determine which are the essential health and safety requirements applicable to his machinery and in respect of which he must take measures.(24) It is essential that, before drawing up the EC declaration of conformity, the manufacturer or his authorised representative established in the Community should prepare a technical construction file. However, it is not essential that all documentation should be permanently available in material form, but it must be possible to make it available on request. It need not include detailed plans of subassemblies used for the manufacture of machinery, unless knowledge of such plans is essential in order to ascertain conformity with the essential health and safety requirements.(25) The addressees of any decision taken under this Directive should be informed of the reasons for such a decision and of the legal remedies open to them.(26) Member States should provide for penalties applicable to infringements of the provisions of this Directive. Those penalties should be effective, proportionate anddissuasive.(27) The application of this Directive to a number of machines intended for lifting persons requires a better delimitation of the products covered by this Directive with respect to those covered by Directive 95/16/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 June 1995 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to lifts [10]. A redefinition of the scope of the latter Directive is thus deemed necessary. Directive 95/16/EC should therefore be amended accordingly.(28) Since the objective of this Directive, namely, to lay down the essential health and safety requirements in relation to design and manufacture in order to improve the safety of machinery placed on the market, cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States and can be better achieved at Community level, the Community may adopt measures, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty. In accordance with the principle of proportionality, as set out in that Article, this Directive does not go beyond what is necessary in order to achieve that objective.(29) In accordance with point 34 of the Interinstitutional Agreement on better law-making [11], Member States are encouraged to draw up, for themselves and in the interests of the Community, their own tables illustrating, as far as possible, the correlation between this Directive and the transposition measures, and to make them public.(30) The measures necessary for the implementation of this Directive should be adopted in accordance with Council Decision 1999/468/EC of 28 June 1999 laying down the procedures for the exercise of implementing powers conferred on the Commission [12],HAS ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE:Article 1Scope1. This Directive applies to the following products:(a) machinery;(b) interchangeable equipment;(c) safety components;(d) lifting accessories;(e) chains, ropes and webbing;(f) removable mechanical transmission devices;(g) partly completed machinery.2. The following are excluded from the scope of this Directive:(a) safety components intended to be used as spare parts to replace identical components and supplied by the manufacturer of the original machinery;(b) specific equipment for use in fairgrounds and/or amusement parks;(c) machinery specially designed or put into service for nuclear purposes which, in the event of failure, may result in an emission of radioactivity;(d) weapons, including firearms;(e) the following means of transport:- agricultural and forestry tractors for the risks covered by Directive 2003/37/EC, with the exclusion of machinery mounted on these vehicles,- motor vehicles and their trailers covered by Council Directive 70/156/EEC of 6 February 1970 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the type-approval of motor vehicles and their trailers [13], with the exclusion of machinery mounted on these vehicles,- vehicles covered by Directive 2002/24/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 March 2002 relating to the type-approval of two or three-wheel motor vehicles [14], with the exclusion of machinery mounted on these vehicles,- motor vehicles exclusively intended for competition, and- means of transport by air, on water and on rail networks with the exclusion of machinery mounted on these means of transport;(f) seagoing vessels and mobile offshore units and machinery installed on board such vessels and/or units;(g) machinery specially designed and constructed for military or police purposes;(h) machinery specially designed and constructed for research purposes for temporary use in laboratories;(i) mine winding gear;(j) machinery intended to move performers during artistic performances;(k) electrical and electronic products falling within the following areas, insofar as they are covered by Council Directive 73/23/EEC of 19 February 1973 on the harmonisation of the laws of Member States relating to electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits [15]:- household appliances intended for domestic use,- audio and video equipment,- information technology equipment,- ordinary office machinery,- low-voltage switchgear and control gear,- electric motors;(l) the following types of high-voltage electrical equipment:- switch gear and control gear,- transformers.Article 2DefinitionsFor the purposes of this Directive, "machinery" designates the products listed in Article 1(1)(a) to (f).The following definitions shall apply:(a) "machinery" means:- an assembly, fitted with or intended to be fitted with a drive system other than directly applied human or animal effort, consisting of linked parts or components, at least one of which moves, and which are joined together for a specific application,- an assembly referred to in the first indent, missing only the components to connect it on site or to sources of energy and motion,- an assembly referred to in the first and second indents, ready to be installed and able to function as it stands only if mounted on a means of transport, or installed in a building or a structure,- assemblies of machinery referred to in the first, second and third indents or partly completed machinery referred to in point (g) which, in order to achieve the same end, are arranged and controlled so that they function as an integral whole,- an assembly of linked parts or components, at least one of which moves and which are joined together, intended for lifting loads and whose only power source is directly applied human effort;(b) "interchangeable equipment" means a device which, after the putting into service of machinery or of a tractor, is assembled with that machinery or tractor by the operator himself in order to change its function or attribute a new function, in so far as this equipment is not a tool;(c) "safety component" means a component:- which serves to fulfil a safety function,- which is independently placed on the market,- the failure and/or malfunction of which endangers the safety of persons, and- which is not necessary in order for the machinery to function, or for which normal components may be substituted in order for the machinery to function.An indicative list of safety components is set out in Annex V, which may be updated in accordance with Article 8(1)(a);(d) "lifting accessory" means a component or equipment not attached to the lifting machinery, allowing the load to be held, which is placed between the machinery and the load or on the load itself, or which is intended to constitute an integral part of the load and which is independently placed on the market; slings and their components are also regarded as lifting accessories;(e) "chains, ropes and webbing" means chains, ropes and webbing designed and constructed for lifting purposes as part of lifting machinery or lifting accessories;(f) "removable mechanical transmission device" means a removable component for transmitting power between self-propelled machinery or a tractor and another machine by joining them at the first fixed bearing. When it is placed on the market with the guard it shall be regarded as one product;(g) "partly completed machinery" means an assembly which is almost machinery but which cannot in itself perform a specific application. A drive system is partly completed machinery. Partly completed machinery is only intended to be incorporated into or assembled with other machinery or other partly completed machinery or equipment, thereby forming machinery to which this Directive applies;(h) "placing on the market" means making available for the first time in the Community machinery or partly completed machinery with a view to distribution or use, whether for reward or free of charge;(i) "manufacturer" means any natural or legal person who designs and/or manufactures machinery or partly completed machinery covered by this Directive and is responsible for the conformity of the machinery or the partly completed machinery with this Directive with a view to its being placed on the market, under his own name or trademark or for his own use. In the absence of a manufacturer as defined above, any natural or legal person who places on the market or puts into service machinery or partly completed machinery covered by this Directive shall be considered a manufacturer;(j) "authorised representative" means any natural or legal person established in the Community who has received a written mandate from the manufacturer to perform on his behalf all or part of the obligations and formalities connected with this Directive;(k) "putting into service" means the first use, for its intended purpose, in the Community, of machinery covered by this Directive;(l) "harmonised standard" means a non-binding technical specification adopted by a standardisation body, namely the European Committee for Standardisation (CEN), the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation (CENELEC) or the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), on the basis of a remit issued by the Commission in accordance with the procedures laid down in Directive 98/34/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 June 1998 laying down a procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical standards and regulations and of rules on Information Society services [16].Article 3Specific DirectivesWhere, for machinery, the hazards referred to in Annex I are wholly or partly covered more specifically by other Community Directives, this Directive shall not apply, or shall cease to apply, to that machinery in respect of such hazards from the date of implementation of those other Directives.Article 4Market surveillance1. Member States shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that machinery may be placed on the market and/or put into service only if it satisfies the relevant provisions of this Directive and does not endanger the health and safety of persons and, where appropriate, domestic animals or property, when properly installed and maintained and used for its intended purpose or under conditions which can reasonably be foreseen.2. Member States shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that partly completed machinery can be placed on the market only if it satisfies the relevant provisions of this Directive.3. Member States shall institute or appoint the competent authorities to monitor the conformity of machinery and partly completed machinery with the provisions set out in paragraphs 1 and 2.4. Member States shall define the tasks, organisation and powers of the competent authorities referred to in paragraph 3 and shall notify the Commission and other Member States thereof and also of any subsequent amendment.Article 5Placing on the market and putting into service1. Before placing machinery on the market and/or putting it into service, the manufacturer or his authorised representative shall:(a) ensure that it satisfies the relevant essential health and safety requirements set out in Annex I;(b) ensure that the technical file referred to in Annex VII, part A is available;(c) provide, in particular, the necessary information, such as instructions;(d) carry out the appropriate procedures for assessing conformity in accordance with Article 12;(e) draw up the EC declaration of conformity in accordance with Annex II, part 1, Section A and ensure that it accompanies the machinery;(f) affix the CE marking in accordance with Article 16.2. Before placing partly completed machinery on the market, the manufacturer or hisauthorised representative shall ensure that the procedure referred to in Article 13 has been completed.3. For the purposes of the procedures referred to in Article 12, the manufacturer or his authorised representative shall have, or shall have access to, the necessary means of ensuring that the machinery satisfies the essential health and safety requirements set out in Annex I.4. Where machinery is also the subject of other Directives relating to other aspects and providing for the affixing of the CE marking, the marking shall indicate that the machinery also conforms to the provisions of those other Directives.However, where one or more of those Directives allow the manufacturer or his authorised representative to choose, during a transitional period, the system to be applied, the CE marking shall indicate conformity only to the provisions of those Directives applied by the manufacturer or his authorised representative. Particulars of the Directives applied, as published in the Official Journal of the European Union, shall be given on the EC declaration of conformity.Article 6Freedom of movement1. Member States shall not prohibit, restrict or impede the placing on the market and/or putting into service in their territory of machinery which complies with this Directive.2. Member States shall not prohibit, restrict or impede the placing on the market of partly completed machinery where the manufacturer or his authorised representative makes a declaration of incorporation, referred to in Annex II, part 1, Section B, stating that it is to be incorporated into machinery or assembled with other partly completed machinery to form machinery.3. At trade fairs, exhibitions, demonstrations, and such like, Member States shall not prevent the showing of machinery or partly completed machinery which does not conform to this Directive, provided that a visible sign clearly indicates that it does not conform and that it will not be made available until it has been brought into conformity. Furthermore, during demonstrations of such non-conforming machinery or partly completed machinery, adequate safety measures shall be taken to ensure the protection of persons.Article 7Presumption of conformity and harmonised standards1. Member States shall regard machinery bearing the CE marking and accompanied by theEC declaration of conformity, the content of which is set out in Annex II, part 1, Section A, as complying with the provisions of this Directive.2. Machinery manufactured in conformity with a harmonised standard, the references to which have been published in the Official Journal of the European Union, shall be presumed to comply with the essential health and safety requirements covered by such a harmonised standard.3. The Commission shall publish in the Official Journal of the European Union the references of the harmonised standards.4. Member States shall take the appropriate measures to enable the social partners to have an influence at national level on the process of preparing and monitoring the harmonised standards.Article 8Specific measures1. The Commission, acting in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 22(3), may take any appropriate measure to implement the provisions relating to the following points:(a) updating of the indicative list of safety components in Annex V referred to in point (c) in Article 2;(b) restriction of the placing on the market of machinery referred to in Article 9.2. The Commission, acting in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 22(2), may take any appropriate measure connected with the implementation and practical application of this Directive, including measures necessary to ensure cooperation of Member States with each other and with the Commission, as provided for in Article 19(1).Article 9Specific measures to deal with potentially hazardous machinery1. When, in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 10, the Commission considers that a harmonised standard does not entirely satisfy the essential health and safety requirements which it covers and which are set out in Annex I, the Commission may, in accordance with paragraph 3 of this Article, take measures requiring Member States to prohibit or restrict the placing on the market of machinery with technical characteristics presenting risks due to the shortcomings in the standard or to make such machinery subject to special conditions.When, in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 11, the Commission considers that a measure taken by a Member State is justified, the Commission may, in accordance with paragraph 3 of this Article, take measures requiring Member States to prohibit or restrict the placing on the market of machinery presenting the same risk by virtue of its technical characteristics or to make such machinery subject to special conditions.2. Any Member State may request the Commission to examine the need for the adoption of the measures referred to in paragraph 1.3. In the cases referred to in paragraph 1, the Commission shall consult the Member States and other interested parties indicating the measures it intends to take, in order to ensure, at Community level, a high level of protection of the health and safety of persons.Taking due account of the results of this consultation, it shall adopt the necessary measures in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 22(3).Article 10Procedure for disputing a harmonised standardWhere a Member State or the Commission considers that a harmonised standard does not entirely satisfy the essential health and safety requirements which it covers and which are set out in Annex I, the Commission or the Member State shall bring the matter before the committee set up by Directive 98/34/EC, setting out the reasons therefor. The committee shall deliver an opinion without delay. In the light of the committee's opinion, the Commission shall decide to publish, not to publish, to publish with restriction, to maintain, to maintain with restriction or to withdraw the references to the harmonised standard concerned in the Official Journal of the European Union.Article 11Safeguard clause1. Where a Member State ascertains that machinery covered by this Directive, bearing the CE marking, accompanied by the EC declaration of conformity and used in accordance with its intended purpose or under conditions which can reasonably be foreseen, is liable to compromise the health and safety of persons and, where appropriate, domestic animals or property, it shall take all appropriate measures to withdraw such machinery from the market, to prohibit the placing on the market and/or putting into service of such machinery or to restrict free movement thereof.2. The Member State shall immediately inform the Commission and the other Member States of any such measure, indicating the reasons for its decision and, in particular, whether the non-conformity is due to:。