Intermediate Accounting I 中级会计Ch 10-3 HW Solutions
Negative bank account balance reported as a current liability.
Compensating balance
Minimum balance that must be maintained in a company’s account as support for funds borrowed from the bank.
Travel Expenses Customer Business Lunches Express Mail Postage Miscellaneous Office Supplies
$79.30 93.42 55.00 32.48
Prepare the journal entry to record replenishing fund if the balance on July 31 was $137.80.
Cash and Receivables
Intermediate Accounting 12th Edition
Kieso, Weygandt, and Warfield
Chapter 4-2
Prepared by Coby Harmon, University of California, Santa Barbara
balances. Permit reconciliation of ledger and bank cash
account balances. Result in the physical control of cash.
中级财务会计(英文)课件Chapter 10 Current Liabilities And Contingencies
Liquidity refers to how quickly a liability can be paid, or its nearness to ounting 10 Current Liabilities And Contingencies
Ways of Reporting Liquidity
1. Classify current liabilities and assets (mixture of operating-cycle and maturity-date approach). 2. Classify current liabilities and assets using the ―pure‖ operating-cycle approach. 3. Classify current liabilities and assets under the maturity-date approach only. 4. Adopt a different classification scheme, possibly using more classes. 5. Leave the balance sheet unclassified but arranging items in order of liquidity.
Intermediate Accounting 10 Current Liabilities And Contingencies
Operating Cycle
Intermediate Accounting 10 Current Liabilities And Contingencies
案,但最终未获成功。4月13日,山东钢铁第三个版本的重组方案 出炉。与前两个方案比,这个方案做了较大改进:包括给予莱钢股份 股东更高的换股风险溢价。同时,向山东钢铁集团及关联企业以外的 全体股东提供现金选择权,而不是上次方案所说的“异议股东”。 • 根据此前两公司公布的重组方案,济南钢铁拟以换股方式吸收合并莱 钢股份,莱钢股份与济南钢铁的换股比例为1:2.43,即每股莱钢股 份的股份换取2.43股济南钢铁的股份。同时济南钢铁拟向济钢集团、 莱钢集团非公开发行股份的定价基准日为济南钢铁审议本次重大资产 重组的董事会决议公告日。发行价格为定价基准日前20个交易日的A 股交易均价,即每股3.44元。
中 级会计学 Intermediate Accounting
教学重点与难点 重点
中 级会计学 Intermediate Accounting
• 本章所指长期股权投资,包括:
– ①企业持有的能够对被投资单位实施控制的权益性投 资,即对于子公司投资;
153 000 000
12 000 000
96 000 000
27 000 000
42 000 000
中 级会计学 Intermediate Accounting
96 000 000 96 000 000
广东商学院各院课程(中英文翻译)一.管理学院The College of Management1. 管理学Management2. 生产与作业管理Production and Operation Management3. 业务流程管理Business Process Management4. 战略管理Strategic Management5. 质量管理Quality Management6. 分销渠道管理Distr i bu t io n Management7. 服务市场营销Service Marketing8. 零售学Retail Management9. 市场调研Marketing Research10. 消费者行为学Consumer Behavior11. 整合营销传播Integrated Marketing Communications12. 市场营销学M a r keting'13. 工作分析Job A n alysis14. 绩效管理Performance Manag em ent15. 劳动关系Labor R el at ions16. 劳动经济学Lab or Econo mics17. 人力资源管理H uman Resou r ce M a n ag em ent18. 薪酬管理P ay m e nt Management19. 员工素质测评Employee Assessment and Selection20. 组织行为学Organizational Behavior21. 仓储管理Warehouse and Storage Management22. 供应链管理Supply Chain Management23. 物流系统分析与设计Analysis and Design of Logistic System24. 物流学Logistics二.会计学院The College of Accounting1. 财务管理学Financial Management2. 成本与管理会计学Cost a n d Management Accoun t ing3. 初级财务管理Fundamentals o f Financial Management4. 初级财务会计学Primary Financial Accounting5. 高级财务管理学Advanced Financial Management6. 高级财务会计学Advanced Financial Accounting7. 会计信息系统A c counting Information System8. 会计学Accounting9. 审计学Auditing10. 中级财务管理I ntermediate Financial Manage ment11. 中级财务会计学(上) Intermedia te Financia l Ac c ounting (I)12. 中级财务会计学(下) Intermedia te Financia l Ac c ounting (I I)13. 资本市场运作Ca pit al Ma rk et Opera t io n三.财税与公共管理学院The Co ll ege o f T ax a t i on a nd P ub lic F i n a nce Admi n i strat i on1. 财政学Publi c Fin a nce2. 税收概论 A Survey of R even u e3. 税收管理Tax A d m ini s trati on4. 西方财政学W est Pu blic Fi n a nce .5. 财政预算F i scal B udg e t6. 中国税制C h in e se Tax Sy s t e m7. 国际税收Inte rn ati o nal R e v e n ue8. 当代中国政府与政治Contempo r ary Chin ese Government and Politics9. 管理学原理Principle of Man a g ement Science10. 领导科学The Science of L e a dership11. 行政管理学Administrati on12. 行政学说史 A H is tory o f Publi c Adm i nistration Theory13. 政治学Politics14. 组织行为学Or g aniz a tional Behavior15. 电子政务Electronic Governmen t16. 公共管理学Pu bl i c Manag ement17. 公共事业管理P ublic Affai r M a na ge men t18. 管理文秘Se c retary M a nag e men t19. 文化管理理论与实践Theory a nd Prac ti ce o f Cultur e Managemen t20. 文化学导论Introduction t o C u l tu r e21. 中国文化简史 A History o f Chines e Cultu re22. 公共部门公共关系学Public Sec t ion Public Relat i ons23. 公共人力资源管理Public Human Resour c e Management24. 公共政策Public Decision25. 文化产业概论Culture Industry Mana g ement四.金融学院The College of Finance1. 国际金融Int e rnational Finance2. 金融风险管理Financi a l Risk Management .3. 金融工程学Financial En g ineering4. 金融计量学Fin a n ci al E conometri c s5. 金融经济学Financi a l E c onom ics6. 金融市场学Financial M arke t7. 金融市场营销F i n anci a l M ar ke t in g8. 投资银行理论与务实Th e ory and Practice of Investment Bank9. 证券投资学Secu r it i es I n ves tment10. 保险精算Insurance Actuary11. 保险学Insurance12. 保险市场营销Insurance Marketing13. 财产保险Property Insurance14. 风险管理Risk Management15. 公司金融Corporate Finance16. 人身保险Life Insurance17. 货币银行学Money Banking18. 金融学Finance19. 金融英语English on Finance20. 金融理论前沿专题Current Issues in Financial Theories21. 商业银行业务管理Business Management o f Commercial Bank22. 数理金融Mathematica l Finance23. 投资决策经济分析Economic Analysis for Investment Decision24. 投资学Investment25. 衍生金融工具概论Introduction to Derivativ e Financial Instruments26. 中央银行业务Operations o f Central B a nk s五.经济贸易与统计学院T h e Co lle g e of Econo mics and Statistics1. 初级宏观经济学(及双语“宏观经济学”)Principl es o f Mac ro economics (or Macroeconomics)2. 初级微观经济学(含双语“微观经济学”)P rinciple s o f M ic roe c on o m ics (o r M icr o ec o n omi cs)3. 发展经济学Developme n t Economics4. 中级宏观经济学I nt er mediate Macroeconomics5. 中级微观经济学I nte r mediate Microeconomics6. 宏观经济学M ac roe c o nomics7. 经济学概论P r i ncip le of Economics8. 外国经济思想史F or e i g n E conomic Thought9. 微观经济学Microeconomics10. 西方经济学流派Schools of Western Economics11. 社会主义政治经济学Socialist Political Economics12. 国际贸易Interna t iona l Tra d e13. 国际贸易务实Practice of Inte rn ational Trade14. 国际企业管理Inte rnational Corporation Management15. 国际商务概论G eneral Theories of International Business .16. 国际市场营销学International Marketing17. 跨国公司经营与管理Oper ation and M a n agem e n t of Transnational Corporation18. 世界经济World Economy19. 外经贸英语函电B u siness English Correspondence20. 中国对外贸易概论An Introduction to Foreign Trade of China21. 国民经济统计学National Economic Statistics22. 多元统计分析Multivariate Statist i c Analysis23. 计量经济学Econom e tric s24. 时间序列分析Time Series Analys i s25. 数理统计Mathem a tical Stati s tics26. 统计学S t a t ist i cs27. 社会统计学Social S t a t ist i cs六.法学院The Coll e ge of Law1. 法理学Jurisprudence2. 犯罪心理学Crimine Psychology3. 犯罪学Criminology4. 国际法学International Law5. 国际商法International Commercial Law6. 国际私法学Private I nternational Law7. 合同法学Contract Law8. 经济法学Economic Law9. 民法学Civil L aw10. 民事诉讼法学Code of Civil Law11. 商法学Commercial Law12. 宪法学The Science of Constitution13. 刑法学Criminal Law14. 刑事诉讼法学Criminal Procedure Law15. 行政法与行政诉讼法Adm in istrat i ve Law and Administrative Procedure Law16. 证据法学Evidence Law17. 知识产权法Intellectual Property Law18. 中国法制史The History of Chinese Law System19. 安全防范技术Policing Alarming Technique for Security20. 保卫学Security Science21. 道路交通管理学Road Traffic Administration22. 法医学Forensic Medicine23. 公安管理学Police Administrat i on Science24. 公安学基础理论Basic Theory of Police Science25. 公安应用文写作Practical Writing for Public Security26. 户政管理学Household Registration Administration27. 警务技能Police Vocation Skills .28. 司法鉴定学Forensic Science29. 侦查学Criminal Investigation30. 治安处罚Public Order Punishment31. 治安管理学Public Order Administration32. 治安学The Public Security Science七.旅游与环境学院The College of Tourism and Environmen t1. 服务管理Service Man a gement2. 旅游管理信息系统Tourism Management Information Systems3. 旅游市场营销学Tou ris m Marketing4. 酒店经营管理Hotel Management5. 旅游人力资源管理Human Resources Management in Tou r i s m6. 旅行社经营管理Operation and Management of Tr a vel Servi c e7. 旅游公共关系学To u rism Public Relations8. 旅游心理学Tourism P s ychology9. 旅游学An Introduction to Tourism Studie s10. 日语(第二外语) Japanese (Second Foreign Language)11. 旅游英语Tourism English12. 经济地理学Economic Geography13. 地图与遥感应用Cartography and Remote Sense14. 区域规划Regional Planning15. 人文地理学Human Geography16. 自然地理学Physical Geography ·17. 自然资源学Science of Natural Resour c es18. 城市地理学U r ban Geography19. 城市规划原理Urban P lannin g20. 地理信息系统Geographic In f o r mation Systems21. 地质学基础Basics of Geology22. 环境科学概论En v i r onmental Science23. 土地评价与管理Land Evaluation and Management24. 资源与环境经济学Economics of Environment and Resources25. 旅游环境学Tourism Environment26. 旅游经济学Tourism Economics27. 旅游资源开辟与管理E xplo i tation and Management of Tourism Resources八.外国语学院The College of Foreign la nguages1. 大学英语I College English I2. 大学英语II College English II3. 大学英语III College English III4. 大学英语IV College English IV5. 大学英语V College English V6. 大学英语VI College EnglishVI7. 国际商务英语综合课Compreh ensive English Course of International Business8. 当代商学概论An Introduction to Contemporary Business9. 翻译理论研究Translat i on Theo ry10. 高级英语Advanced E n glis h11. 管理学概论Managemen t12. 国际贸易务实I mport & Ex p ort P r ac ti c e s13. 国际商法I n t e rnationa l Busi n ess L aw…14. 国际市场营销Marketi n g15. 汉英笔译Chinese-Eng l ish T r ansla tion16. 基础英语B asic English17. 经济学概论 A Survey of Eco n o m ics18. 论文写作T h esis Writing19. 美国文学史及选读American L e r ature: A Survey20. 商务函电Bu s i ness English Correspondence21. 商务洽谈Bu siness Neg o tiation22. 译文研究The Appreciation of Target Language23. 英国文学史及选读English Literature: A Survey24. 英汉笔译Eng l ish-Chinese T r ansla tion25. 英汉口译Eng l ish-Chinese Interpretation26. 英语(二外) Eng l ish as a Second Foreign Language27. 英语泛读Extensive Reading28. 英语国家概况Eng l ish-Speaking Countries: A Survey29. 英语口语Oral English30. 英语写作Eng l ish Writing31. 英语语言学概论An Introduction to English Linguistics32. 英语语音Eng l ish Pronunciation and Intonation33. 汉英口译Chinese-Eng l ish Inte r p re tati on34. 日语二外Japanese ( Second Foreign Language)九.人文与传播学院The College of Humanities and Communication1. 外国文学史History of Foreign Literature2. 文体写作Style of Writing3. 中国古代文学史The Ancient Chinese Literature4. 中国古典文献学Knowledge about the Literature of Classical Chinese Culture5. 中国现代文学史History of Modern Chinese Literature6. 语言学史学 A Historical Approach to Chinese Linguistics7. 汉语史History of Chinese Language8. 比较文学Comparative Literature9. 民间文学Folklore10. 基础写作Ba s ic Writing11. 马克思主义文论Marxist Theories on Art and Literature12. 文学概论A Survey of Literature13. 中国当代文学史History of Contemp o rary Chinese Literature14. 古代汉语Ancient Chinese15. 语言学概论An Introduc t ion to Ling u ist i cs16. 现代汉语Modern Chinese Langu a ge17. 大众传播学 A General Introduction to M a ss Communication18. 广播电视学An Introduction to TV and Broadcasting19. 广告学Advertising20. 马列新闻论著选读The Selective Readin g s of Marx an d Lenin on News21. 新闻编辑News Editing22. 新闻采访与写作News Interviewing and Writing23. 新闻摄影Photojournalism24. 新闻事业管理Journalism Admin i stration25. 中国历代文学作品选Selected Readi n gs of the Masterp i eces of Chinese Classical Literature26. 中国新闻事业史The History of Chinese Journal i sm27. 外国新闻事业史The Hi story of Foreign News Enterprise28. 新闻法规与职业道德News Regu l ations and Professional Morality29. 新闻评论New C r it icism30. 新闻学概论An Introduction to Journalism31. 版权与图书外贸Copyright and Boo k s Fo re i g n Trade32. 报刊编辑学The Edit o r i al S t udies of Prin ti ng Med i a33. 出版社管理Management of Publishing House34. 出版现代技术Modern Publishing Techno l ogy35. 书籍编辑学Studies on Books Edition36. 书业法律基础An I ntroduction to L aws in Publishing Industry37. 图书学Studies on Books38. 外国编辑出版史A H istory of Foreign Ed i ting & Publi c ation39. 中国编辑出版史 A Hi sto r y o f Chinese Editing & Publica t ion40. 出版发行学基础Publi c ation Basis41. 出版美学与装帧设计Publi c ation Aesthetics and Binding Design42. 音响电子出版物Video and Electronic Publi c ation43. 计算机辅助设计Computer Aided Designing44. 图形设计Graphics Design45. 构成研究Fundaments of Designing46. 广告摄影与摄像(摄影基础) Basics of Photography47. 编辑学概论A n Introdu c tion to Edit i on48. 创意思维Creative Thinkinig49. 编排设计L a yout De s i g ning50. 品牌研究Research o n Brand51. 设计素描De s i g n Draw i ng52. 广告心理学A dve r ti sement Psychology53. 传播学概论An Introduction to Communication Theory54. 广告效果研究方法Studies of Eff e ctiv e A dv e rt i s e ment55. 设计色采The R ese arch on Color Designing56. 广告媒体研究Analysis of Advertis i n g Media57. 广告策划与创意Advertisement Plan ni n g a nd C r eating58. 广告经营与管理学Advertisement Op e rat i on & Management59. 平面广告设计Print Advertisement Design60. 中外广告法规与广告职业道德Laws & Foreign and Do m estic Regulation s of Advertising A cti vi tie s61. 广告摄影与摄像(视频摄录与编辑) Advertising Photo & V i deo (Video Shooting & Editing)62. 广告创意与案例Advertisement C r eat i on and Cases Stadies63. 艺术概论An In tr oduction to Art64. 广告文案写作A dvertisement Document Writing65. 电视广告创作The Creation of Commercials66. 广告史The H i story of Advertising67. 广告学概论An Introduction to Advertisin g68. 社会学概论So ci olog y69. 社会政策概论An Introduction to Social Policy70. 当代社会问题Contemporary Social Problems71. 国外社会学理论Foreign Sociological Theories72. 社区工作Community Work73. 心理学概论An Introduction to Psychology74. 人类行为学与社会环境Human Behavior and Social Environment75. 社会调查研究方法Methods of Social Survey and Research76. 社会保障概论 A General Introduction to Social Security77. 现代社会福利思想Theories for Modern Social Welfare78. 社会心理学Social Psychology79. 社会保障法Social Security Law80. 社会行政Social Administration81. 社会工作概论An Introduction to Social Work82. 西方社会工作理论与实践Foreign Social Work Theory and Practice83. 小组工作Group Work84. 个案工作Social Case Work85. 中国社会思想史The History of Social Thought in China十.信息学院The College of Information1. 组织战略与行为学Organizing Strategy and Behavior2. 电子商务Electronic Commerce3. 电子商务安全Secure E-commerce Technology4. 电子商务管理E-Commerce Management5. 电子商务物流E-Commerce Logistics6. 电子商务系统开辟与管理Electronic Business System Development and Management7. 电子商务信息系统Electronic Bnsiness Information System8. 电子商务英语English for Electronic Commerce9. 电子支付与电子银行E-payment and E-bank10. 计算机组成原理Computer Organization Principles11. 离散数学Discrete Mathematics12. 面向对象程序设计Object-Oriented Programming13. 软件测试技术Software Testing Technology14. 软件构件与中间件技术Software Component and Middleware Technology15. 数值分析Analysis of Numerical Value16. 数字逻辑与数字电路Digital Logic and Digital Circuit17. 网络金融学Network Finance18. 网络经济学Internet economics19. 网络营销Network Marketing20. 系统分析与设计System Analysis & Design21. 信息管理学Information Management22. 编译原理Principles of Compiler23. 操作系统Operating System24. 程序设计Programming Languages and Programming ..25. 电路与摹拟电子技术Circuit and Analog Electronics Technique26. 电子商务概论(双语) Electronic Commerce27. 管理信息系统Management Information System28. 汇编语言程序设计Programming by Assemble Language29. 计算机科学导论An Introduction to Computer Science30. 计算机网络Computer Network ·31. 专业英语(计算机) English for Computer Science and Technology32. 人工智能基础An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence33. 软件工程Software Engineering34. 数据结构Data Structure35. 数据库理论Database Principles36. 统一建模语言及建模工具Unified Modeling Language and Modeling Tools37. 微机接口技术Interface Technology of Micro Computer38. 系统分析设计与UML 语言System Analysis & Design and UML39. 计算机应用信息系统Computer Application Information System40. 计算机应用基础Fundamentals of Computer and Application41. 信息系统分析与设计Information System Analysis and Design42. 专业英语(信息管理与信息系统) Professional English for Information Management &System43. 信息组织与检索Information Organizing and Retrieval44. 专业英语(软件工程) English for Software Engineering十一. 数学与计算科学系The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science1. 常微分方程Ordinary Differential Equations2. 概率论与数理统计Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics3. 数学分析Mathematics Analysis4. 高等代数Higher Algebra5. 高等数学概论 A Survey of Advanced Mathematics6. 高级语言程序设计Advanced Language Program7. 高等数学Advanced Mathematics8. 计算方法Computational Methods9. 计算机图形学Computer Graphics10. 计算智能Computing Intelligence11. 空间解析几何Space Analytic Geometry12. 数学模型Mathematical Model13. 数字信号处理Digital Signal Processing14. 微积分Calculus15. 线性代数Linear Algebra16. 信息科学概论An Introduction to Information Science17. 信息与编码Information Theory and Coding18. 运筹学Operations Research。
简历中各奖项的英文对照名称一、国家及校级奖项、称号国家奖学金National Scholarship国家励志奖学金National Encouragement scholarship三好学生标兵Pacemaker to Merit Student三好学生Merit Student学习优秀生Model Student of Academic Records突出才能奖Model Student of Outstanding Capacity先进个人Advanced Individual/Outstanding Student优秀工作者Excellent staff优秀学生干部Excellent Student Cadre优秀共青团员Excellent League Member优秀毕业生Outstanding Graduates优秀志愿者Outstanding Volunteer先进班集体Advanced Class优秀团干Outstanding League Cadres学生协会优秀干部Outstanding cadres of Student Association学生协会工作优秀个人Outstanding Individual of Student Association 精神文明先进个人Spiritual Advanced Individual社会工作先进个人Advanced Individual of Social Work三、证书大学英语四级CET4 (College English Test Band 4 Certificate)大学英语六级CET6 (College English Test Band 6 Certificate)英语专业四级TEM4 (Test for English Major Grade 4 Certificate)英语专业八级TEM8 (Test for English Major Grade 8 Certificate)普通话等级考试National Mandarin Test (Level 1, 2, 3; Grade A,B,C)日语能力考试Japanese Language Proficiency Test (Level 1, 2, 3, 4) 商务日语能力考试Business Japanese Proficiency Test商务英语证书Business English Certificate)雅思IELTS (International English Language Testing System)托福TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)BEC初级(BEC Preliminary Level,缩略为BEC Pre.)BEC中级(BEC Vantage Level,缩略为BEC Van.)BEC高级(BEC Higher Level,缩略为BEC Hi.)全国计算机等级考试National Computer Rank Examination (NCRE)Rank I: DOS、WINDOWSRankⅡ: VISUAL BASIC,VISUAL FOXPRO,QBASIC,FORTRAN,C,FOXBASERankⅢ: PC technology、Information management、Internet technology、Data base RankⅣ: Ability to systems analysis and systems project全国计算机一级证书First-level Certificate for National Computer全国计算机二级证书Second-level Certificate for National Computer全国计算机三级证书Third-level Certificate for National Computer全国计算机四级证书Fourth-level Certificate for National Computer会计证Accounting Certificate会计从业资格证书: Certificate of Accounting Professional初级职务(助理会计)证书Sub-accountant Certificate Preliminary Level中级职称Intermediate Certificate管理会计师证书: Certificate in Management Accounting注册会计师证书: (CPA Certificate)Certificate of Certified Public Accountant 注册金融分析师(CFA)Chartered Financial Analyst特许公认会计师(ACCA)The Association of Chartered Accountants会计从业资格证Certificate of Accounting Professional初级会计职称Junior Level Accountant中级会计职称Medium Level Accountant高级职称Advanced Level Accountant注册会计师Certified Public Accountant (CPC)注册税务师Certified Tax Agents(CTA )经济师Economist精算师Actuary审计师Auditor统计师Actuary优秀团员Excellent League Member班长Monitor/ Class President副班长Vice-monitor文体委员Recreation & Sports Secretary学习委员Study Secretary生活委员Life Secretary宣传委员Publicity Secretary生活委员Organization Secretary勤工俭学Work-study Program综合测评Comprehensive Evaluation of Students’Performance 预备党员Probationary Party Member入党积极分子Applicant for Party Membership综合素质优秀学生Excellent Student of Comprehensive Quality优秀青年志愿者Outstanding Young Volunteer品学兼优的学生Student of Good Character and Scholarship社会活动social/ public activities课外活动extracurricular activities社会实践social practice学术活动academic activities籍贯native place婚姻状况marital status家庭状况family status可到职时间date of availability教育程度educational background 课程curriculum职业目标career objective主修major工作目标employment objective副修minor希望职位position wanted优良学风班Class of Good Style Study 团结合作Solidarity and Cooperation 创新能力Creative Ability沟通能力Communicational Ability实习Internship各类奖学金一、校内奖学金国家奖学金: National Scholarship国家励志奖学金:National Scholarship for Encouragement校一等奖:The First Prize Scholarship校二等奖:The Second Prize Scholarship校三等奖:The Third Prize Scholarship单项奖学金:Individual Scholarship二、捐赠奖学金1 千金药业奖学金The Qianjin Pharmaceutical Scholarship2 奇瑞21世纪东方之子奖学金The 21st Century Chery Oriental Son Scholarship3 台骅奖学金The TaiHua Scholarship4 澳洲校友会奖学金The Australian Alumni Association Scholarship5 松下电器育英基金奖学金The Panasonic Electronics YUYING Fund Scholarship6 陈翠娥优秀贫困医学本科生奖学金The ChenCuie Scholarship for excellent medical undergraduates under poverty7 姚志斌、谭笑夫妇优秀贫困医学生本科生奖学金The Scholarship of YaoZhibin and his wife TanXiao for excellent medical undergraduates under poverty8 黄金城、朱嘉梨夫妇医学奖学金The Medical Scholarship of Huang Jincheng and his wife Zhu Jiali9 中国宋庆龄基金会宝马优秀大学生奖学金The BMW China Song Ching Ling Foundation Scholarship for Outstanding University Students (The BMW Scholarship)10 许崇清奖学金The Xu Chongqing Scholarship11 商承祚奖学金The Shang Chengzuo Scholarship12 汇丰银行The HSBC Bank Scholarship13 珠海可口可乐优秀学生奖学金The Zhuhai Coca-Cola Scholarship for Outstanding Students14 香港加拿大同学会奖学金The Scholarship of Canadian Alumni Association in Hong Kong15 南方都市报新闻奖学金The Southern Metropolis Daily News Scholarship16 住友商事奖学金The Sumitomo Corporation Scholarship17 三星奖学金The Samsung Scholarship18 丰田奖学金The Toyota Scholarship19 宝钢教育基金优秀学生奖学金The Baogang Scholarship20 花旗金融信息科技优秀奖学金The Citi Bank’s Financial Information Technology Scholarship.21 中国惠普优秀学生奖学金The HP Chinese Excellent Student Scholarship22 IBM中国优秀学生奖学金The IBM Chinese Excellent Student Scholarship23 恒生银行奖学金The Hang Seng Bank Scholarship24 LG化学奖学金The LG Chemical Scholarship25 时代地产奖学金The Times Real Estate Scholarship26 邹鲁奖学金The Zou Lu Scholarship27 李龙镳奖学金The Lee Yong-Biao Scholarship28 杜邦奖学金The Dupont Scholarship29 爱普生基金奖学金The EPSON Foundation Scholarship30 广东柯麟医学教育基金优秀学生奖学金The Guangdong KeLin Medical Education Fund Scholarship for Outstanding Students31 光华教育奖学金The GuangHua Educational Scholarship32 卫生部国际交流与合作中心.第一三共医药学奖学金The Medical Scholarship by Daiichi-Sankyo Corporation33 广州赛莱拉生物基因工程优秀学生奖学金Guangzhou Celera Biology Genetic Engineering Sc holarship for Outstanding Students34 中山医美东校友会优秀本科生奖学金The Scholarship of Zhongshan Medical Alumni Association of the United States and East for Outstanding Undergraduate35 文鹏凌夫妇医学奖学金The Wen Pengling Couple Medical Scholarship36 刘焯霖神经病学奖学金The Liu Zhuolin Neurology Scholarship37 许天禄夫妇奖学金The Xu Tianlu Couple Scholarship38 周肇平骨科奖学金The Zhou Zhaoping Orthopedic Scholarship39 平安励志奖学金Ping An Endeavourers Scholarship40 雷诺丽特奖学金The Renolit Scholarship41 大新银行The Dah Sing Bank Scholarship42 三井住友银行奖学金The Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC) Scholarship;43 亚洲教育慈善基金奖学金The Asia Education Charitable Fund Scholarship44 钱剑辉神经病学奖学金The Qian Jianhui Neurology Scholarship45 佐丹奴奖学金The Giordano Scholarship46 卫材(中国)药业奖学金The Eisai (China) Pharmaceutical Scholarship47 卫材(中国)药业优秀学生奖学金The Eisai (China) Pharmaceutical Scholarship for outstanding students48 卫材(中国)药业社会活动单项奖学金The Eisai (China) Pharmaceutical Individual Scholarship for social activities49 南富士杉山播种奖学金The South Fujitsu Sugiyama Planting Scholarship三、港澳侨台奖学金The First/Second/Third Prize of Hong Kong, Macau and Overseas Chinese Scholarship四、优秀毕业生Outstanding Graduates Awards。
Chapter 1 Environment and Theoretical Structure of Financial AccountingQUESTIONS FOR REVIEW OF KEY TOPICSQuestion 1-5The primary objective of financial accounting is to provide investors and creditors with information that will help them make investment and credit decisions.Question 1-7GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles) are a dynamic set of both broad and specific guidelines that a company should follow in measuring and reporting the information in their financial statements and related notes. It is important that all companies follow GAAP so that investors can compare financial information across companies to make their resource allocation decisions.Question 1-9Auditors are independent, professional accountants who examine financial statements to express an opinion. The opinion reflects the auditors’ assessment of the statements' fairness, which is determined by the extent to which they are prepared in compliance with GAAP. The auditor adds credibility to the financial statements, which increases the confidence of capital market participants relying on that information. Question 1-11New accounting standards, or changes in standards, can have significant differential effects on companies, investors and creditors, and other interest groups by causing redistribution of wealth. There also is the possibility that standards could harm the economy as a whole by causing companies to change their behavior.Question 1-13The purpose of the conceptual framework is to guide the Board in developing accounting standards by providing an underlying foundation and basic reasoning on which to consider merits of alternatives. The framework does not prescribe GAAP.Question 1-14Relevance and faithful representation are the primary qualitative characteristics that make information decision-useful. Relevant information will possess predictive and/or confirmatory value. Faithful representation is the extent to which there is agreement between a measure or description and the phenomenon it purports to represent.The benefit from providing accounting information is increased decision usefulness. If the information is relevant and possesses faithful representation, it will improve the decisions made by investors and creditors. However, there are costs to providing information that include costs to gather, process, and disseminate that information. There also are costs to users in interpreting the information as well as possible adverse economic consequences that could result from disclosing information. Information should not be provided unless the benefits exceed the costs.Question 1-17Information is material if it is deemed to have an effect on a decision made by a user. The threshold for materiality will depend principally on the relative dollar amount of the transaction being considered. One consequence of materiality is that GAAP need not be followed in measuring and reporting a transaction if that transaction is not material. The threshold for materiality has been left to subjective judgment. Question 1-19The four basic assumptions underlying GAAP are (1) the economic entity assumption, (2) the going concern assumption, (3) the periodicity assumption, and (4) the monetary unit assumption.Question 1-22The four key broad accounting principles that guide accounting practice are (1) the historical cost or original transaction value principle, (2) the realization or revenue recognition principle, (3) the matching principle, and (4) the full disclosure principle.Question 1-23Two important reasons to base valuation on historical cost are (1) historical cost provides important cash flow information since it represents the cash or cash equivalent paid for an asset or received in exchange for the assumption of a liability, and (2) historical cost valuation is the result of an exchange transaction between two independent parties and the agreed upon exchange value is, therefore, objective and possesses a high degree of verifiability.Question 1-25The four different approaches to implementing the matching principle are:1. Recognizing an expense based on an exact cause-and-effect relationship between a revenue andexpense event. Cost of goods sold is an example of an expense recognized by this approach.2. Recognizing an expense by identifying the expense with the revenues recognized in a specific timeperiod. Office salaries is an example of an expense recognized by this approach.3. Recognizing an expense by a systematic and rational allocation to specific time periods.Depreciation is an example of an expense recognized by this approach.4. Recognizing expenses in the period incurred, without regard to related revenues. Advertising is anexample of an expense recognized by this approach.GAAP prioritizes the inputs companies should use when determining fair value. The highest and most desirable inputs, Level 1, are quoted market prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities. Level 2 inputs are other than quoted prices that are observable including quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities in active or inactive markets and inputs that are derived principally from observable related market data. Level 3 inputs, the least desirable, are inputs that reflect the entity’s own assumptions about the assumptions market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability developed based on the best information available in the circumstances.EXERCISESExercise 1-2Requirement 1Requirement 2Amount owed at the end of year one $ 5,000Advertising costs incurred in year two 25,00030,000Amount paid in year two (15,000)Liability at the end of year two 15,000Less cash paid in year three (35,000)Advertising expense in year three $20,000*Exercise 1-7List A List Bo 1. Predictive value a. Decreases in equity resulting from transfers toowners.h 2. Relevance b. Requires consideration of the costs and value ofinformation.g 3. Timeliness c. Important for making interfirm comparisons.a 4. Distribution to owners d. Applying the same accounting practices over time.j 5. Confirmatory value e. Users understand the information in the context of thedecision being made.e 6. Understandability f. Agreement between a measure and the phenomenonit purports to represent.n 7. Gain g. Information is available prior to the decision.f 8. Faithful representation h. Pertinent to the decision at hand.k 9. Comprehensive income i. Implies consensus among different measurers.p 10. Materiality j. Information confirms expectations.c 11. Comparability k. The change in equity from nonowner transactions.m 12. Neutrality l. The process of admitting information into financial statements.l 13. Recognition m. The absence of bias.d 14. Consistency n. Results if an asset is sold for more than its bookvalue.b 15. Cost effectiveness o. Information is useful in predicting the future.i 16. Verifiability p. Concerns the relative size of an item and its effect ondecisions.Exercise 1-121. Disagree —Monetary unit assumption2. Disagree —Full disclosure principle3. Agree —The matching principle4. Disagree —Historical cost (original transaction value) principle5. Agree —Realization (revenue recognition) principle6. Agree —Materiality7. Disagree —Periodicity assumption。
Intermediate Accounting IFRS Edition Kieso, Weygandt, and Warfield
Slide 1-1
Learning Objectives
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Identify the major financial statements and other means of financial reporting. Explain how accounting assists in the efficient use of scarce resources. Explain the need for high-quality standards. Identify the objective of financial reporting. Identify the major policy-setting bodies and their role in the standard-setting process.
7. Common delivery systems (e.g., eXtensible Business Reporting Language—XBRL). 8. Common approach to corporate governance and legal frameworks around the world
Entity Perspective
Companies viewed as separate and distinct from their owners.
intermediate accounting 中级会计(wiley)ch02
First level
LO 2 Describe efforts to construct a conceptual framework.
First Level: Basic Objective
“To provide financial information about the reporting entity that is useful to present and potential equity investors, lenders, and other creditors in making decisions in their capacity as capital providers.”
ELEMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Assets Liabilities Equity Income Expenses
Second level
Chapter 2-8
OBJECTIVE Provide information about the reporting entity that is useful to present and potential equity investors, lenders, and other creditors in their capacity as capital Providers.
Chapter 2-6
LO 2 Describe efforts to construct a conceptual framework.
Conceptual Framework
Overview of the Conceptual Framework
Three levels:
First Level = Basic objective Second Level = Qualitative characteristics and elements of financial statements Third Level = Recognition, measurement, and disclosure concepts
中级会计学 intermediate accounting 赖红宁 chapter 17课后答案
Consignor. Preparation of journal entries.
Revenue Recognition Alternatives. Indication of when revenue should be recognized under various situations.
The company advances and defers expenses for which there is a direct "association of cause and effect" so that they are matched against the revenue. It usually recognizes other expenses in the normal manner.
(AICPA adapted).Percentage-of-Completion. Total contract income and amount of cash in first year determined from balance sheet and income statement accounts.
Long-Term Construction Contracts. Percentage-of-completion, completed contract. Journal entries to record transactions.
Proportional Performance. Preparation of income statements. Theoretical question.
Chapter 4The Income Statement and Statement of Cash FlowsQUESTIONS FOR REVIEW OF KEY TOPICSQuestion 4-5The term earnings quality refers to the ability of reported earnings (income) to predict a company’s future earnings. After all, an income statement simply reports on events that already have occurred. The relevance of any historical-based financial statement hinges on its predictive value.Question 4-7The process of intraperiod tax allocation matches tax expense or tax benefit with each major component of income, specifically continuing operations and any item reported below continuing operations. The process is necessary to achieve the desired result of separating the total income effects of continuing operations from the two separately reported items - discontinued operations and extraordinary items, and also to show the after-tax effect of each of those two components.Question 4-9Extraordinary items are material gains and losses that are both unusual in nature and infrequent in occurrence, taking into account the environment in which the entity operates.Question 4-11GAAP permit alternative treatments for similar transactions. Common examples are the choice among FIFO, LIFO, and average cost for the measurement of inventory and the choice among alternative revenue recognition methods. A change in accounting principle occurs when a company changes from one generally accepted treatment to another.In general, we report voluntary changes in accounting principles retrospectively. This means revising all previous periods’ financial statements as if the new method were used in those periods. In other words, for each year in the comparative statements reported, we revise the balance of each account affected. Specifically, we make those statements appear as if the newly adopted accounting method had been applied all along. Also, if retained earnings is one of the accounts whose balance requires adjustment (and it usually is), we revise the beginning balance of retained earnings for the earliest period reported in the comparative statements of shareholders’ equity (or statements of retained earnings if they’re presented instead).Then we create a journal entry to adjust all account balances affected as of the date of the change. In the first set of financial statements after the change, a disclosure note would describe the change and justify the new method as preferable. It also would describe the effects of the change on all items affected, including the fact that the retained earnings balance was revised in the statement of shareholders’ equity along with the cumulative effect of the change in retained earnings.An exception is a change in depreciation, amortization, or depletion method. These changes are accounted for as a change in estimate, rather than as a change in accounting principle. Changes in estimates are accounted for prospectively. The remaining book value is depreciated, amortized, or depleted, using the new method, over the remaining useful life.Question 4-15Comprehensive income is the total change in equity for a reporting period other than from transactions with owners. Reporting comprehensive income can be accomplished with a separate statement or by including the information in either the income statement or the statement of changes in shareholders’ equity.Question 4-22U.S. GAAP designates cash outflows for interest payments and cash inflows from interest and dividends received as operating cash flows. Dividends paid to shareholders are classified as financing cash flows. IFRS allows more flexibility. Companies can report interest and dividends paid as either operating or financing cash flows and interest and dividends received as either operating or investing cash flows. Interest and dividend payments usually are reported as financing activities. Interest and dividends received normally are classified as investing activitiesBRIEF EXERCISESBrief Exercise 4-6*$850,000 x 40%Note: Restructuring costs, interest revenue, and loss on sale of investments are included in income before income taxes and extraordinary item.Brief Exercise 4-9*$5,800,000 x 30%** Loss from operations of discontinued component:Impairment loss ($8 million book value less$7 million net fair value) $(1,000,000) Operating loss (3,600,000) Total before-tax loss $(4,600,000)EXERCISES Exercise 4-3* 30% x $440,000Pretax income from continuing operations $14,000,000Income tax expense (5,600,000) Income from continuing operations 8,400,000 Less: Net income 7,200,000 Loss from discontinued operations $1,200,000 $1,200,000 60%* = $2,000,000 = before tax loss from discontinued operations.*1-tax rate of 40% = 60%Pretax income of division $4,000,000 Add: Loss from discontinued operations 2,000,000 Impairment loss $6,000,000 Fair value of division’s assets$11,000,000 Add: Impairment loss 6,000,000 Book value of division’s assets$17,000,000Requirement 1This is a change in accounting estimate.Requirement 2$2,400,000 Cost$240,000 Previous annual amortization ($2,400,000 ÷ 10 years) x 21/2 yrs. 600,000 Amortization to date (2009-2011)1,800,000 Book value÷ 5 yrs. Estimated remaining life(given)$ 360,000 New annual amortizationTiger EnterprisesStatement of Cash FlowsFor the Year Ended December 31, 2011($ in thousands)Cash flows from operating activities:Net income $ 900Adjustments for noncash effects:Depreciation expense 240Changes in operating assets and liabilities:Decrease in accounts receivable 80Increase in inventory (40)Increase in prepaid insurance (30)Decrease in accounts payable (60)Decrease in administrative and other payables (100)Increase in income taxes payable 50Net cash flows from operating activities $1,040 Cash flows from investing activities:Purchase of plant and equipment (300) Cash flows from financing activities:Proceeds from issuance of common stock 100Proceeds from note payable 200Payment of dividends (1) (940)Net cash flows from financing activities(640)Net increase in cash 100 Cash, January 1 200 Cash, December 31 $ 300(1)Retained earnings, beginning $540+ Net income 900- Dividends x x = $940Retained earnings, ending $500The T-account analysis of the transactions related to operating cash flows is shown below. To derive the cash flows, the beginning and ending balances in the related assets and liabilities are inserted, together with the revenue and expense amounts from the income statements. In each balance sheet account, the remaining (plug) figure is the other half of the cash increases or decreases.Based on the information in the T-accounts above, the operating activities section of the SCF for Tiger Enterprises would be as shown next.Exercise 4-23 (concluded)Tiger EnterprisesStatement of Cash FlowsFor the Year Ended December 31, 2011($ in thousands)Cash flows from operating activities:Collections from customers $ 7,080Prepayment of insurance (130)Payment to inventory suppliers (3,460)Payment for administrative & other exp. (1,900)Payment of income taxes (550)Net cash flows from operating activities $ 1,040CPA / CMA REVIEW QUESTIONSCPA Exam Questions1. c. U.S. GAAP requires that discontinued operations be disclosed separatelybelow income from continuing operations.2. d.Other than sales, COGS, and administrative expenses, only the gain or lossfrom disposal of equipment is considered part of income from continuingoperations. Income from continuing operations was ($5,000,000 - 3,000,000- 1,000,000 + 200,000) = $1,200,000.3. a. In a single-step income statement, revenues include sales as well as otherrevenues and gains.Sales revenue $187,000Interest revenue 10,200Gain on sale of equipment 4,700Total $201,900The discontinued operations and the extraordinary gain are reported belowincome from continuing operations.4.a.The $400,000 impairment loss and the $1,000,000 loss from operationsshould be combined for a total loss of $1,400,000.5.d. The change in the estimate for warranty costs is based on new informationobtained from experience and qualifies as a change in accounting estimate. Achange in accounting estimate affects current and future periods and is notaccounted for by restating prior periods. The accounting change is a part ofcontinuing operations.6. a. Dividends paid to shareholders is considered a financing cash flow, not anoperating cash flow.7. c. Issuing common stock for cash is considered a financing cash flow, not aninvesting cash flow.CMA Exam Questions1.d. Discontinued operations and extraordinary gains and losses are shownseparately in the income statement, below income from continuing operations.The cumulative effect of most voluntary changes in accounting principle isaccounted for by retrospectively revising prior years’ financial statements.2.c.The operating section of a retailer’s income statement includes all revenuesand costs necessary for the operation of the retail establishment, e.g., sales,cost of goods sold, administrative expenses, and selling expenses.3 a. Extraordinary items should be presented net of tax after income fromoperations.PROBLEMSProblem 4-9Requirement 1Diversified Portfolio CorporationStatement of Cash FlowsFor the Year Ended December 31, 2011Cash flows from operating activities:Collections from customers (1)$880,000Payment of operating expenses (2)(660,000)Payment of income taxes (3)(85,000)Net cash flows from operating activities $135,000Cash flows from investing activities:Sale of investments 50,000Net cash flows from investing activities 50,000Cash flows from financing activities:Proceeds from issue of common stock 100,000Payment of dividends (80,000)Net cash flows from financing activities 20,000Increase in cash 205,000Cash and cash equivalents, January 1 70,000Cash and cash equivalents, December 31 $275,000(1)$900,000 in service revenue less $20,000 increase in accounts receivable.(2) $700,000 in operating expenses less $30,000 in depreciation less $10,000 increase in accounts payable.(3)$80,000 in income tax expense plus $5,000 decrease in income taxes payable.Problem 4-9 (concluded)Requirement 2Diversified Portfolio CorporationStatement of Cash FlowsFor the Year Ended December 31, 2011Cash flows from operating activities:Net income $120,000Adjustments for noncash effects:Depreciation expense 30,000Changes in operating assets and liabilities:Increase in accounts receivable (20,000)Increase in accounts payable 10,000Decrease in income taxes payable (5,000)Net cash flows from operating activities $135,000。
附件8Intermediate Financial Reporting 2课程编号:041184A课程类型:□通识教育必修课□通识教育选修课■专业必修课□专业选修课□学科基础课总学时:64讲课学时:64实验(上机)学时:学分:4适用对象:Undergraduate students先修课程:Intermediate Financial Reporting 1 or equivalent post-secondary courses in intermediate financial accounting, introductory management accounting, statistics and economics一、教学目标(黑体,小四号字)Intermediate Financial Reporting 2 is the third in a sequence of four courses in the financial accounting stream in the CPA Canada prerequisite education program (PREP). It is an intermediate financial accounting course that builds on the basic understanding of financial accounting that you have acquired in previous financial accounting courses. The primary aim of this course is to assist you in:➢Developing professional competence and skills that will enable you to prepare financial statements, focusing mostly on the liabilities and owners’equity elements of the statement of financial position➢Choosing appropriate financial accounting and reporting policies in bothspecific and general circumstances determine the substance of a businesstransaction➢Critically assessing the ability of the IFRS framework to reflect its substance ➢Analyzing a financial accounting situation, identify issues and alternatives ➢Formulating recommendations using ethical, professional judgment. This course integrates the use of computer software to solve accounting problems.二、教学内容及其与毕业要求的对应关系(黑体,小四号字)The objective of the Intermediate Financial Reporting 2 is to provide candidates with a complete understanding of the most fundamental concepts in financial accounting and reporting, focusing on the liabilities and equities side of the statement of financial position. Technically complex accounting issues are introduced. The module provides many opportunities for candidates to consider the audit, tax, finance, and performance management implications of financial accounting and reporting issues. Candidates gain an appreciation of how financial accounting integrates with decision-making and strategies through case scenarios that provide a rich professionalcontext.与毕业要求的对应关系:1.本课程涵盖了负债、所有者权益、所得税会计、租赁、养老金会计、每股盈余、会计政策、会计估计变更和前期差错更正、现金流量表等相关内容,通过本课程的学习,学生能够掌握相关较为复杂的经济业务的核算方法2.涵盖相关的会计理论的内容,提高毕业生理论水平;培养学生独立思考的能力,扩大就业半径。
Chapter 3 The Balance Sheet and Financial DisclosuresQUESTIONS FOR REVIEW OF KEY TOPICSQuestion 3-2The balance sheet does not portray the market value of the entity (number of common stock shares outstanding multiplied by price per share) for a number of reasons. Most assets are not reported at fair value, but instead are measured according to historical cost・ Also, there are certain resources, such as trained employees, an experienced management team, and a good reputation, that are not recorded as assets at all. Therefore, the assets of a company minus its liabilities, as shown in the balanee sheet, will not be representative of the company's market value.Question 3-6Investments in equity securities are classified as current if the company's management (1) intends to liquidate the investment in the next year or operating cycle, whichever is longer, and (2) has the ability to do so, ie,the investment is marketable. If either of these criteria does not hold, the investment is classified as noncurrent.Question 3-9A note payable of $100,000 due in five years would be classified as a long-term liability. A $100,000 note due in five annual installments of $20,000 each would be classified as a $20,000 current liability — current maturities of long-term debt — and an $80,000 long-term liability.Question 3-11Disclosure notes provide additional detail concerning specific financial statement items. Included are such data as the fair values of financial instruments and off-balance-sheet risk associated with financial instruments and details of pension plans, leases, debt, and assets. Common to all companies9 disclosures are certain specific notes such as a summary of significant accounting policies, descriptions of subsequent events, and related third-party transactions. However, many notes are designed to fit the disclosure needs of the particular reporting company. In fact, any explanation that helps investors and creditors make decisions should be included・Question 3-14The discussion provides management^ views on significant events, trends and uncertainties pertaining to the company(a) operations, (b) liquidity, and (c) capital resources. Certainly the Management Discussion and Analysis section may be slanted to management's biased perspective and therefore can lack objectivity. However, management can offer an informed insight that might not be available elsewhere, so if the reader maintains awareness of the information^ source, it can offer a unique view of the situation.Question 3-20Differences in balance sheet presentation between U.S. GAAP and IFRS include:1.International standards specify a minimum list of items to be presented in the balance sheet. U.S.GAAP has no minimum requirements.2.IAS No. /, revised, changed the title of the balance sheet to statement of financial position, althoughcompanies are not required to use that title. Some U.S. companies use the statement of financial position title as well.3.Under U.S. GAAP, we present current assets and liabilities before noncurrent assets and liabilities.IAS No. 1 doesn^t prescribe the format of the balance sheet, but balance sheets prepared using IFRS often report noncurrent items first.Question 3-23U.S. GAAP requires companies to report information about reported segment profit or loss, including certain revenues and expenses included in reported segment profit or loss, segment assets, and the basis of measurement. The international standard on segment reporting, IFRS No. & requires that companies also disclose the total liabilities of its reportable segments- EXERCISESExercise 3-21. c Equipment 10. a Inventories2. f Accounts payable 11. d Patent3. -a Allowance for uncollectible accounts 12. c Land, in use4. b Land, held for investment 13. f Accrued liabilities5. 2 Note payable, due in 5 years 14. a Prepaid rent6. f Unearned rent revenue 15. h Common stock7. f Note payable, due in 6 months 16. c Building, in use& ■1 Income less dividends, accumulated 17. a Cash9. b Investment in XYZ Corp., long-term 1& f Taxes payableExercise 3・9See calculations below the balance sheet.Korver Supply CompanyBalance SheetAt December 31, 2011AssetsCurrent assets:Cash .............................................................................................. $168,000 Accounts receivable ........................................................................ 320,000 Inventories ..................................................................................... 250,000 Total current assets ................................................................... 738,000 Property, plant, and equipment:Furniture and fixtures ........................................ $300,000Less: Accumulated depreciation ......................... (170,000)Net property, plant, and equipment .............. 13(),()00Total assets ............................................................................ $868.000Liabilities and Shareholders1 Equity Current liabilities:Accounts payable .......................................................................... $180,000 Interest payable ................................................................................... 6,000 Note payable ................................................................................... 200Q00 Total current liabilities ............................................................. 386,000 Shareholders' equity:Common stock .................................................... $100,000Retained earnings ................................................... 382,00()Total shareholders9 equity ........................................................ 482,000Total liabilities and shareholders9 equity $86&000Chapter 03 - The Balance Sheet and Financial Disclosures Exercise 3-9 (concluded)Beginning balance in cash+ Cash collected from customers -Cash paid to suppliers-Cash paid for operating expenses -Cash paid for interestEnding cash balance $ 120,000 780,000 (560,000) (160,000) (12,000) $168,000Beginning balance in accounts receivable + Credit sales-Cash collected from customersEnding balance in accounts receivable $300,000 800,000 (780,000) $320,000Beginning balance in inventories + Purchases -Cost of merchandise soldEnding balance in inventories $200,000 550,000 (500,000) $250,000Beginning balance in furniture and fixtures, net -Depreciation for the yearEnding balance in furniture and fixtures, net $ 150,000 (20,000) $130,000Beginning balance in accounts payable + Purchases on account-Cash paid to suppliersEnding balance in accounts payable $190,000 550,000 (560,000) $180,000Beginning balance in retained earnings + Sales revenue-Cost of goods sold-Operating expenses-Depreciation expense-Interest expenseEnding balance in retained earnings $274,000 800,000 (500,000) (160,000) (20,000) (12,000) $382,000Accrued interest on note ($200,000、i 6% x 6/12) $6,000Exercise 3・15List A List Bd 1. Balance sheet a. Will be satisfied through the use of currentassets.h 2. Liquidity b. Items expected to be converted to cash orconsumed within one year or the operatingcycle, whichever is longer・b 3. Current assets c. The statements are presented fairly inconformity with GAAP.• 4. Operating cycle d. An organized array of assets, liabilities, andequit y.a 5. Current liabilities e. Important to a user in comparing financialinformation across companies.k 6. Cash equivalent f. Scope limitation or a departure from GAAP.m 7. Intangible asset g. Recorded when an expense is incurred but notyet paid ・1 & Working capital h. Relates to the amount of time before an assetis converted to cash or a liability is paid.g 9. Accrued liabilities i. Occurs after the fiscal year-end but before thestatements are issued・e10. Summary of significantaccounting policiesj. Cash to cash.■1 11. Subsequent events k. One-month U.S. treasury bill.c 12. Unqualified opinion 1. Current assets minus current liabilities.f 13. Qualified opinion m. Lacks physical substance.$& 192 ^$8,435 = .97 [$498 + 11 + 1,868] m $8,435 = .28 [$8,435 + 2,748] m $4,643 = 2.4 [$ 1,003 + 94 + 674] m $94 = 19 times Requirement 2Best Buy's current and acid-test ratios both are lower than the industry averages, indicating questionable liquidity ・ The debt to equity ratio is significantly higher than the industry average, indicating that the company's assets are primarily financed with liabilities rather than equity. However, the company's times interest earned ratio is significantly higher than the industry average ・ Even with high leverage, Best Buy seems quite capable of meeting its debt interest obligations ・Exercise 3-17Requirement 1 a. Current ratio b. Acid-test ratio c. Debt to equity ratio d ・ Times interest earned ratioExercise 3-181 ・ Acid-test ratio 二Quick assets m Current liabilities = 1.20Quick assets = Current assets - InventoriesQuick assets 二Current assets ・ $840,000Curi'ent assets 4- Current liabilities = 2.25Cun*ent assets - $840,000 m Cun*ent liabilities 二 1.20$840,000 m Current liabilities = 1.05Current liabilities = $800,000Current assets 4- $800,000 二2.25Current assets = $1,800,0002.Debt to equity ratio = Total liabilities Shareholders, equity = 1.8Total liabilities + Shareholders1 equity = Total assetsTotal liabilities + Shareholders* equity = $2,800,000Let x equal shareholders* equity1.8 x + x = $2,800,000x = $1,000,000 = Shareholders1 equity3.Noncurrent assets 二Total assets - Current assetsNoncurrent assets = $2,800,000 一1,800,000 = $1,000,0004.Long-term liabilities = Total assets ・ Current liabilities ・ Shareholders' equityLong-term liabilities 二$2,800,000 - 800,000 - 1,000,000 二$1,000,000CPA / CMA REVIEW QUESTIONSCPA Exam Questions1. b. The principal would have to be due after April 3(), 2012 to be considered as anoncurrent asset at April 30, 2011. The accrued interest for eight months (since August 31, 2010) is a current asset at April 30, 2011. Since the principal is due August 31,2012, additional interest would have to be recorded for the period September 1, 2011 to August 31, 2012.2. a> Current liabilities are obligations that are expected to be paid within one yearor the operating cycle whichever is longer.Accounts payable Bonds payable Dividends payableTotal current liabilitiesThe notes payable are not classified as current liabilities because they are not due until 2013-3. a. Inventory pricing is a significant accounting policy which should be disclosed according to generally accepted accounting principles, but the composition of plant assets is not a policy disclosure.$15,000 22,000 &000 $45,000CPA Exam Questions (concluded)4.c・The auditors5 standard report includes a statement that the financialstatements are the responsibility of the Company's management and that the auditors, responsibility is to express an opinion on the financial statements.5.b・ Current ratio — increased; Quick ratio decreased.Current ratio = Current assets m Current liabilities・When the current ratio is greater than 1 to 1, an equal decrease in currentassets and current liabilities will result in an increase in the current ratio. The decrease in current liabilities (the smaller number) is proportionately greater than the decrease in current assets, resulting in an increase in the ratio.Quick ratio 二(Cash + Marketable Securities + Accounts receivable) — Current liabilities When the quick ratio is less than 1:1, an equal decrease in quick assets andcurrent liabilities will result in a decrease in the ratio. The decrease in current liabilities (the larger number) is proportionately smaller than the decrease in quick assets, resulting in a decrease in the ratio.6.a・ Since inventory is not included in the quick ratio, the write-off of obsoleteinventory would have no effect on the quick ratio; however, it would decrease the current ratio as the write・off would reduce current assets.Problem 3-4WEISMULLER PUBLISHING COMPANYBalance SheetAt December 31,2011AssetsCurrent assets:Cash and cash equivalents (1) ................................................. $ 95,000 Short-term investments ............................................................. 110,000 Accounts receivable, net of allowance for uncollectibleaccounts of $16,000 .............................................................. 144,000 Inventories ............................................................................... 285,000 Prepaid expenses (2) ................................................................. 88,000 Total cuirent assets ............................................................ 722,000 Property, plant, and equipment:Machinery and equipment ....................................................... $320,000Less: Accumulated depreciation ............................................... (110,000) Net property, plant, and equipment ................................... 210,000 Other assets:Prepaid expenses 60,000 Total assets ..................................................................... $992.000Liabilities and Shareholders1 2 EquityCurrent liabilities:Accounts payable .................................................................... $ 60,000 Interest payable......................................................................... 20,000 Unearned revenues .................................................................. 80,000 Taxes payable ........................................................................... 30,000 Note payable ............................................................................. 40,000 Current maturities of long-term debt ....................................... 20,000 Total current liabilities ...................................................... 250,000 Longterm liabilities:Notes payable .......................................................................... 140,000 Shareholders' equity:Common stock, no par value; 800,000 sharesauthorized; 400.000 shares issued and outstanding ............... 400,000Retained earnings .................................................................... 202,000 Total shareholders,equity ................................................ 602,000 Total liabilities and shareholders9 equity........................ $992,0001 Includes $30,000 in U.S. treasury bills.2 Excludes $60,000 in prepaid rent for the second year on the building lease.CASESJudgment Case 3-11Comparative income for the first year of operations resulting from the two alternative financing choices is illustrated below.DEBT Versus EQUITYComparative Income for Two Financing AlternativesIncome before interest and taxes Less: InterestIncome before taxes Less: Income taxes Net Income* 8%x $20,000,000.50% x Income before taxes ・ Return on investment (Net income = investment)We can see that Alternative 1 generated a higher net income. However, the return on shareholders ,investment is actually higher for Alternative 2.Alternative 2 generated a higher return for each dollar invested by shareholders. This was made possible because the corporation was able to generate income on borrowed funds at a higher rate than the cost of the debt. This represents financial leverage ・ However, alternative 2 also results in a riskier capital structure. The debt in Alternative 2 requires fixed payments of interest and principal to be made. TheAlternative 1 Alternative 2 $5,000,000$5,000,000(1,600,000)* 5,000,000 3,400,000 (2,500,000)** (1,700,000)** $2,500,000$1,700,000$2,500,000-50/ $1,700,000 =5.67%J /o$50,000,000$30,000,000company's income before interest and income taxes could drop to zero under Alternative 1 and the company would still be solvent (i.e., able to pay its debts). Under Alternative 2, however, if income before interest and taxes drops below the required interest payments of $ 1,600,000, the company could become insolvent and eventually go bankrupt.。
精神文明先进个人 Spiritual Advanced Individual
社会工作先进个人 Advanced Individual of Social Work
三、 证书
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商务英语证书 Business English Certificate)
雅思 IELTS (International English Language Testing System)
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国家奖学金: National Scholarship
国家励志奖学金:National Scholarship for Encouragement
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一、 国家及校级奖项、称号
国家奖学金 National Scholarship
国家励志奖学金 National Encouragement scholarship
三好学生标兵 Pacemaker to Merit Student
先进班集体 Advanced Class
优秀团干 Outstanding League Cadres
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学习优秀生 Model Student of Academic Records
突出才能奖 Model Student of Outstanding Capacity
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勤工俭学 Work-study Program
综合测评 Comprehensive Evaluation of Students’ Performance
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商务日语能力考试 Business Japanese Proficiency Test
一、 国家及校级奖项、称号
国家奖学金 National Scholarship
国家励志奖学金 National EncouragemenБайду номын сангаас scholarship
三好学生标兵 Pacemaker to Merit Student
中级会计课后习题Chapter3CHAPTER 3 The Balance Sheet and Financial Disclosures 139 flows. The balance sheet also provides important information about liquidity and long-term solvency.2. T he usefulness of the balance sheet is enhanced by classifying assets and liabili-t ies according t o common charact erist ics. What are t he classificat ions used inElectronic Arts’ balance sheets and what elements do those categories include?(p. 116) Elec tronic Arts’ balance sheets contain the following classifications:A ssets:C urrent assets include cash and several other assets that are reasonably expected to beconverted to cash or consumed within the coming year, or within the normal operatingcycle of the business if that’s longer than one year.P roperty and equipment are the tangible long-lived assets used in the operations of thebusiness. This category includes land, buildings, equipment, machinery, and furniture,as well as natural resources.G oodwill is a unique intangible asset in that its cost can’t be directly associated withany specifically identifiable right and is not separable from the company as a whole. Itrepresents the unique value of the company as a whole overand above all identifiabletangible and intangible assets.A cquisition-related intangibles are assets that represent exclusive rights to somethingsuch as a product, a process, or a name. Patents, copyrights, and franchises are ex-amples. These intangible assets were acquired by purchasing other companies.D eferred income taxes result from temporary differences between taxable income andaccounting income.O ther assets is a “catch-all” classification of noncurrent assets and could include long-term prepaid expenses and any noncurrent asset not included in one of the other cat-egories.L iabilities:C urrent liabilities are those obligations that are expected to be satisfied through the useof current assets or the creation of other current liabilities. Usually, this means liabili-ties that are expected to be paid within one year, or the operating cycle if that’s longerthan one year.L ong-term liabilities are payable further in the future and inc lude bonds, deferredincome taxes, and pension obligations. Electronic Arts lists i ncome tax obligations,d eferred income taxes,and o ther liabilities as its long-term liabilities.S hareholders’ equity:C ommon stock and p aid-in capital collectively equal the amounts invested by share-holders in the corporation.R etained earnings (accumulated deficit)represents the accumulated net income earnedor net loss incurred since inception of the corporation less dividends paid out to share-holders. If this amount is negative, as it is on March 31, 2011, it is called a ccumulateddeficit.A ccumulated other comprehensive income is the cumulative amount of other compre-hensive income items. This topic is addressed in subsequent chapters. ●holders’ equity at a particular point in time. The statement does not portray the market value of the entity.However, the information in the statement can be useful in assessing market value, as well as in providingimportant information about liquidity and long-term solvency. (p. 115)●L O3–2 Current assets include cash and other assets that are reasonably expected to be converted to cash or con- sumed during one year or within the normal operating cycle of the business if the operating cycle is longerthan one year. All other assets are classified as various types of noncurrent assets. In addition to cash and140 SECTION 1 The Role of Accounting as an Information Systemcash equivalents, current assets include short-terminvestments, accounts receivable, inventories, and pre-paid expenses. Other asset classifications include investments; property, plant, and equipment; intangible assets; and other assets. (p. 117) ● L O3–3Current liabilities are those obligations that are expected to be satisfied through the use of current assets or the creation of other current liabilities. All other liabilities are classified as long term. Current liabilities include notes and accounts payable, unearned revenues, accrued liabilities, and the current maturities of long-term debt. Long-term liabilities include long-term notes, loans, mortgages, bonds, pension and lease obligations, as well as deferred income taxes. (p. 120) ● L O3–4Financial statement disclosures are used to convey additional information about the account balances in the basic financial statements as well as to provide supplemental information. This information is dis-closed, often parenthetically in the basic financial statements, or in disclosure notes that often include supporting schedules. (p. 124) ● L O3–5Annual reports of public companies will include management’s discussion and analysis of key aspects of the company’s business. The purpose of this disclosure is to provide external parties with management’s insight into certain transactions, events, and circumstances that affect the enterprise, including their finan-cial impac t. (p. 128) ● L O3–6The purpose of an audit is to provide a professional, independent opinion as to whether or not the finan-cial statements are prepared in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. The standard audit report of a public company contains four paragraphs; the first two deal with the scope of the audit and the third paragraph states the auditors’opinion regarding the financial statements. The fourth para-graph provides the auditors’ opinion on the effectiveness of the company’s internal control. (p. 130) ● L O3–7Financial analysts use various techniques to transform financial information into forms more useful for analysis. Horizontal analysis and vertical analysis provide a useful way of analyzing year-to-year changes. Ratio analysis allows analysts to control for size differences over time and among firms while investigat-ing important relationships among financial variables. (p. 132) ● L O3–8The balance sheet provides information that can be useful in assessing risk. A key element of risk analy-sis is investigating a company’s ability to pay its obligations when they come due. Liquidity ratios and financing ratios provide information about a company’s ability to pay its obligations. (p. 134) ● L O3–9 There are more similarities than differences in balance sheets and financial disclosures prepared accord-ing to U.S. GAAP and those prepared applying IFRS. Balance sheet presentation is one important differ-ence. Under U.S. GAAP, we present current assets and liabilities before noncurrent assets and liabilities. IFRS doesn’t prescribe the format of the balance sheet, but balance sheets prepared using IFRS often report noncurrent items first. Reportable segment disclosures also are similar. However, IFRS requires an additional disclosure, the amount of segment liabilities (Appendix 3). (pp. 122 and 141) ●company that operates in several distinct business segments including computer peripher-als, home health care systems, textiles, and consumer food products. The results of these distinctly different activities will be aggregated into a single setof financial statements, making diffic ult an informed projec tion of future performanc e. It may well be that the five-year outlook differs greatly among the areas of the economy represented by the dif-ferent segments. T o make matters worse for an analyst, the integrated financial statementsdo not reveal the relative investments in eac h of the business segments nor the suc c essthe company has had within each area. Given the fact that so many companies these dayshave chosen to balance their operating risks through diversification, aggregated financialstatements pose a widespread problem for analysts, lending and credit officers, and otherfinancial forecasters.R eporting by Operating Segment T o address the problem, the ac c ounting profession requires c ompanies engaged in more than one signific ant business to provide supplemental information c onc erning individualM any companies operate in several businesssegments as a strategyto achieve growth andto reduce operating riskthrough diversification. Segment reportingfacilitates the financialstatement analysis ofdiversified companies.APPENDIX 3。
Intermediate Accounting (3)
Cumulative preference shares: Unpaid dividends must be issued in full before any distributions to ordinary shareholders. Dividends in arrears are not liabilities, but the per share and aggregate amounts must be disclosed.
Toys Ltd issued 5,000 ordinary shares, $10 par value and 3,000 preference share, $5 par value for $450,000. The market values of the ordinary shares and preference shares were $55 and $75, respectively. Calculate the additional issued capital for each class of shares.
Cash ............................................................................ Ordinary share, $10 par ..................................... Ordinary share premium (remainder)……..…….. Preference share, $5 par Preference share premium (remainder)………….
To record issue of ordinary share.
英文简历必备各类学生职位、竞赛、奖学金超全翻译2010-9-10 15:04:18 网友访问:24849 我要评论找名企实习、求职都需要一个英文的简历和求职信,在英文简历中,一些有中国特色的词汇该怎么翻译好呢?比如三好学生、学生会干部、共青团员;又比如一些竞赛的奖项,诗朗诵比赛、摄影大赛、创业大赛等。
征文比赛Essay Competition计算机科学系(Computer Science Department):网页设计大赛Web Page Design Competition辩论赛Debate Competition软件设计大赛Software Design Competition多媒体课件设计大赛Multimedia Courseware Design Competition 网站设计竞赛Web Design Competition电子科学系(Electronic Science Department):演讲比赛Speech Contest电子设计大赛Electronic Design Contest服装系(Textile and Fashion Department):服装创意设计大赛Garment Design Competition毕业设计大赛Graduation Design Competition发表论文Publications专利证书Patent服装设计大赛Garment Design Contest泳衣大赛Swimming Suit Design Competition手提包设计大赛Handbag Design Competition服装创意设计大赛Creative Garment Design Competition生命科学系(Department of Life Science):实验技能操作大赛Experiment Skill and Operation Contest广东大学生生物化学实验技能大赛The Biochemical Experiments Contest for College Student in Guangdong 建筑与土木工程系(Department of Architecture & Civil Engineering):建筑文化节Architectural Culture Festival建筑设计竞赛Architectural Design Competition钢笔画比赛Ink Drawing Contest节徽设计大赛Festival Logo Design Contest“五佳”歌手活动“Best Five” Singer Activiti es友谊篮球赛Friendship Cup Basketball Match工程测量比赛Engineering Survey Competition班际足球赛Inter-class Football Match省大学生科技竞赛Science and Technology Contest for Province College Students十佳学生活动组织Top Ten Student Activities Organization十大学生修身楷模Ten Model Students of Self-cultivation学生科研创新奖Student Award for Research and Innovation棋王大赛Chess Competition电子社飞思杯电脑建筑效果图设计大赛E-Society Feisi Cup Architectural Renderings Computer Design Contest化学工程系(Department of Chemical Engineering & Technology):“飞狐杯”八系辩论赛Flying Fox Cup 8 departments Invitational Debate Competition女子篮球赛Women's Basketball Match广东省高校化学化工实验技能大赛Chemistry and Chemical Experiment Skills Competition for Colleges in Guangdong旅游管理系(Tourism and Management Department):导游技能大赛Tourist Skills Contest导游路线设计大赛Tourist Route Design Competition党团知识竞赛Knowledge Contests about the CPC and the CYLC礼仪风采大赛Manner and Etiquette Contest体育系(Department of Sports):体育文化节Physical Culture Festival音乐系(Music Department)相声小品大赛Crosstalk and Sketch Contest班际篮球赛Inter-class Basketball Match三、证书大学英语四级CET4 (College English Test Band 4 Certificate)大学英语六级CET6 (College English Test Band 6 Certificate) 英语专业四级TEM4 (Test for English Major Grade 4 Certificate)英语专业八级TEM8 (Test for English Major Grade 8 Certificate)普通话等级考试National Mandarin Test (Level 1, 2, 3; Grade A,B,C)日语能力考试Japanese Language Proficiency Test (Level 1, 2, 3, 4)商务日语能力考试Business Japanese Proficiency Test商务英语证书Business English Certificate)雅思IELTS (International English Language Testing System)托福TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) BEC初级(BEC Preliminary Level,缩略为BEC Pre.)BEC中级(BEC Vantage Level,缩略为BEC Van.)BEC高级(BEC Higher Level,缩略为BEC Hi.)全国计算机等级考试National Computer Rank Examination (NCRE)Rank I: DOS、WINDOWSRankⅡ: VISUAL BASIC,VISUAL FOXPRO,QBASIC,FORTRAN,C,FOXBASERankⅢ : PC technology、Information management、Internet technology、Data baseRankⅣ: Ability to systems analysis and systems project一、国家及校级奖项、称号国家奖学金National Scholarship国家励志奖学金National Encouragement scholarship三好学生标兵Pacemaker to Merit Student三好学生Merit Student学习优秀生Model Student of Academic Records突出才能奖Model Student of Outstanding Capacity先进个人Advanced Individual/Outstanding Student优秀工作者Excellent staff优秀学生干部Excellent Student Cadre优秀毕业生Outstanding Graduates优秀志愿者Outstanding Volunteer先进班集体Advanced Class优秀团干Outstanding League Cadres学生协会优秀干部Outstanding cadres of Student Association学生协会工作优秀个人Outstanding Individual of Student Association 精神文明先进个人Spiritual Advanced Individual社会工作先进个人Advanced Individual of Social Work文体活动先进个人Advanced Individual of Cultural and sports activities道德风尚奖Ethic Award精神文明奖High Morality Prize最佳组织奖Prize for The Best Organization突出贡献奖Prize for The Outstanding Contribution工作创新奖Prize for The Creative Working团队建设奖Prize for The Team Contribution二、各系比赛与奖项外语系(Foreign Language Department):话剧比赛Drama competition英语演讲比赛English Speech Contest八系辩论赛Eight Departments Invitational Debate Competition 黑板报设计大赛Blackboard Poster Design ContestPPT设计大赛Courseware Design Competition文明宿舍Outstanding DormitoryOK杯篮球比赛OK Cup for Basketball Game我心飞扬歌唱比赛“My Heart Flies” Singing Competition中文系( Department of Chinese Language and Literature):诗歌朗诵比赛Poetry Recitation Contest诗歌创作比赛Poetry Creation Contest摄影大赛Photography Competition金话筒比赛“Golden Microphone” Competition兴我中华演讲比赛Speech Competition on Revitalizing China课件比赛Courseware Design Contest报刊比赛Press Writing Contest足球比赛Football Match三笔比赛Essay Contest冬日环保针织比赛Knitting Contest on Winter Environmental Protection数学系(Department of Mathematics ):登山比赛Mountain-climbing Competition网络工程师Network Engineer Certification全国建模比赛National Mathematical Modeling Contest知识风采比赛Knowledge CompetitionPPT 课件制作大赛Courseware Design Competition经济管理系(The Department of Economics & Management):辩论赛Debate Competition创业大赛Venture Contest政法系(Politics and Law Department):党团知识竞赛Knowledge Contest on the Party and the League政法论坛Political and Legal Forum金秋系列活动Series of Activities in “Golden Season模拟法庭Moot Court演讲比赛Speech Competition全国计算机一级证书First-level Certificate for National Computer全国计算机二级证书Second-level Certificate for National Computer全国计算机三级证书Third-level Certificate for National Computer全国计算机四级证书Fourth-level Certificate for National Computer导游证Guide ID Card (Guide Identity of Identification Card) 导游资格证书Guide Certificate秘书证Secretary Card中级涉外秘书证Intermediate Foreign Secretary Card会计证Accounting Certificate会计从业资格证书: Certificate of Accounting Professional初级职务(助理会计)证书Sub-accountant Certificate Preliminary Level中级职称Intermediate Certificate管理会计师证书: Certificate in Management Accounting注册会计师证书: (CPA Certificate)Certificate of Certified PublicAccountant注册金融分析师(CFA)Chartered Financial Analyst特许公认会计师(ACCA)The Association of Chartered AccountantsCAD工程师认证证书CAD Engineer Certification电工证Electrician certificate技工证书Technician Certificate教师资格证Teacher Certification心理辅导教师资格证书Psychological Counseling Teacher Certificate报关员资格证书Clerk for the Customs Declaration报关员证书Customs Declaration Certificate人力资源从业资格证书Qualification of Human Resources Practitioners驾驶证Driver’s License国家司法考试证书National Judicial Examination certificate (lawyer's qualification certificate)律师资格证书Attorney’s certificate企业法律顾问执业资格证书Enterprise Counsel Qualification Certificate法律顾问Legal Adviser律师助理证Assistant Lawyer Certificate会计从业资格证Certificate of Accounting Professional初级会计职称Junior Level Accountant中级会计职称Medium Level Accountant高级职称Advanced Level Accountant注册会计师Certified Public Accountant (CPC)注册税务师Certified Tax Agents(CTA )经济师Economist精算师Actuary审计师Auditor统计师Actuary物流师职业资格证书Certificate of International Logistics Specialist国际物流师Certified International Logistics Specialist (CILS)国际电子商务师职业资格认证Certification of International E-Commerce Specialist国际电子商务师Certified International E-Commerce Specialist (CIECS)市场营销师Marketing Manager特许市场营销师Certified Marketing Manager (CMM)初级营销职业证书Introductory Certificate in Marketing市场营销职业证书Certificate in Marketing国际商务谈判师Certificated International Professional Negotiator ( CIPN)投资咨询师Investment Counselor人力资源管理Human Resource Management ( HRM )中国职业经理人资格认证Certificate of Chinese Professional Manager中国职业经理人Chinese Professional Manager ( CPM )注册国际投资分析师Certified International Investment Analyst( CIIA )注册金融分析师Chartered Financial Analyst ( CFA )注册金融策划师Certified Financial Planner(CFP)认证金融理财师Associate Financial Planner (AFP)金融风险管理师Financial Risk Manager (FRM)证券从业资格证书Certificate of Securities国际贸易单证员证书Certificate of International Commercial Documents报关员资格证书Certificate of Customs Specialist报检员资格证书Certificate of Inspection公务员考试Civil Servants Exam计算机技术与软件专业技术(水平)资格考试Computer Technology and Software Expertise (level) Qualification Examination网络工程师Network Engineer软件设计师Software Architect数据库分析师Database Analyst网络管理员Webmaster信息系统项目管理师Information Systems Project Management Division网络规划设计师Network Planning Designer多媒体应用设计师Multimedia designer电力工程证书Certificate in Electrical Engineering国际电子商务师Certified International E-Commerce Specialist (CIECS)一、二级建造师Grade1/2 Constructor造价工程师Cost Engineer注册房地产估价师Certified Real Estate Appraiser质量工程师Quality Assurance Engineer城市规划师Urban Planner公路造价师Highway Cost Estimator工程造价师Budgeting Specialist化学检验员Chemistry Testing Laboratory Technician化学技能证书Chemical Skills Certificate药品检验员Drug Inspector四、校运会第一名The First Prize第二名The Second Prize第三名The Third Prize惠州学院健美操比赛Competition of Body-building Exercises校运会篮球比赛Basketball Matches in Sports-meeting of Huizhou University校运会男子100米Men’s 100-metre Race in the Sports-meeting of Huizhou University校运会女子100米Women’s 100-metre Race in the Sports-meeting of Huizhou University校运会男子200米Men’s 200-metre Race in the Sports-meeting ofHuizhou University校运会女子200米Women’s 200-metre Race in the Sports-meeting of Huizhou University校运会男子1500米Men’s 1500-metre Race in the Sports-meeting of Huizhou University校运会女子800米Women’s 800-metre Race in the Sports-meeting of Huizhou University校运会男女跳高比赛Men/Women’s High Jump Matches校运会男女三级跳比赛Men/Women’s Triple Jump Matches校运会男子110米栏Men’s 110-metre Hurdle Race校运会男女铅球Men/Women’s Shot Put校运会男女标枪Men/Women’s javelin throwing博客大赛Blog Contest“金话筒·”主持人大赛Golden Microphone Host Competition惠州学院十大歌手Top Ten Singers of Huizhou University创意T台服装设计大赛Creative Fashion Design Competition惠州学院丰湖之星Fenghu Stars of Huizhou University激浪黑板报大赛Wave Blackboard Poster Competition“激浪个性我创”涂鸦比赛Wave Creative Graffiti Competition“墨迹杯”书画大赛Chinese Ink Cup Calligraphy and Painting Competition军训优秀通讯员Excellent Correspondent in Military Training军训先进个人Advanced Individual in Military Training十佳社团Top Ten Outstanding Associations体育道德风尚奖PE Morality Award优秀指导教师奖Excellent Guide Teacher Award突出贡献奖Outstanding Contribution Award工作创新奖Innovation Award团队建设奖Teamwork Award最佳台风奖Best Stage Style Award最佳人气奖Best Popularity Award优秀组织奖Outstanding Organization Award最佳创意奖Best Creativity Award优秀团体奖Excellent Group Award优秀节目奖Best Program Award十佳新秀奖Top Ten Outstanding Rising Stars Award最具潜质奖Most Potentiality Award最佳才艺奖Outstanding Talent Award最佳气质奖Outstanding Quality Award最佳口才奖Best Eloquence Award最佳演员奖Best Actor Award最佳剧本奖Best Script Award优秀会员Excellent Member最佳辩手Best Debater优秀辩手Excellent Debater六、协会法律促进协会Law Promotion Association模拟法庭竞赛Moot Court Competition英语口语协会Oral English Institute交流会Exchange Meeting —— Make Our Voice Heard书法协会Calligraphy Association“亲近中国文化,了解汉字”Get Close to the Chinese culture, Get to Learn Chinese CharactersX-GAME协会X-GAME AssociationX-GAME创新表演大赛X-GAME Innovation contests心理健康促进协会Association of Advancement of Mental Health “心灵之交”Meeting Soul-mates峥嵘乒乓球协会Association of Zhengrong Table Tennis“我最有才”峥嵘乒乓球比赛Zhengrong Cup Table Tennis Contest足球协会Football Association“新生杯”足球争霸赛之各系荣耀大战Freshmen Cup Football Match of all Departments—Glory War毽球协会Shuttlecock Association毽球新风采”毽球大比拼New Style Shuttlecock Competition篮球协会Basketball Association“三人篮球赛”Three-player Basketball Match旅游爱好者协会Travel Enthusiasts Association创意风筝节Creative Kite Festival演讲与口才协会Speech and Eloquence Association“环境保护,重在行动”演讲比赛Take Action to Protect Environment Speech Contest奕林棋协Yi-lin Chinese Chess Association“奕林棋协棋王争霸赛”Yi-lin Chinese Chess Conpetition企业与市场调研协会Business and Marketing Research Association职业经理人挑战赛Professional managers Challenge Match飞翔舞协Flying Dance Association假面舞会Masque Ball新春柳话剧社Reborn Drama Association“我心飞扬”剧本创作大赛及公演Flying Heart Script-writing Contest摄影协会Photography Association“生活”摄影展Life Photo Exhibition七、其他学生会Student Union团委会Youth League Committee学生社团Students’ Association体育部Sports Department文艺部Arts Department学习部Learning Department女生部Girls Department心理发展部Psychological Development Department外联部Public Relations Department宣传部Propaganda Department生活部Life Department纪检部Discipline Inspection Department秘书部Secretary Department组织部Organization Department编辑部Editorial Department学生会主席President of the Student Union团委会书记Secretary of the Youth League Committee团支书League Branch Secretary团支书Secretary of the Youth League Branch Committee 副书记Vice Secretary秘书长Secretary-general学术部干事 a member of the Academic Department宿舍长Head of the dormitory优秀团员Excellent League Member班长Monitor/ Class President副班长Vice-monitor文体委员Recreation & Sports Secretary学习委员Study Secretary生活委员Life Secretary宣传委员Publicity Secretary生活委员Organization Secretary勤工俭学Work-study Program青年志愿者协会Youth Volunteers Association政治辅导员Political Tutors晚会主持人Host on the entertainment / evening party礼仪队Reception Team/ Protocol Team三下乡Volunteer Activities for the Country People综合测评Comprehensive Evaluation of Students’ Performance预备党员Probationary Party Member入党积极分子Applicant for Party Membership综合素质优秀学生Excellent Student of Comprehensive Quality 优秀青年志愿者Outstanding Young Volunteer校园十杰Ten Prominent Youth on Campus / Top Ten Youth on Campus品学兼优的学生Student of Good Character and Scholarship模拟招聘会Mock Interviews军训Military Training艺术团Art Troupe义教Voluntary Teaching迎新晚会Welcome Party for the Freshmen招聘会Job Fair广播站Broadcasting Station学生处Students Affairs Department舍管houseparent社会活动social/ public activities课外活动extracurricular activities社会实践social practice学术活动academic activities籍贯native place婚姻状况marital status家庭状况family status英文简历必备各类学生职位、竞赛、奖学金超全翻译2010-9-10 15:04:18 网友访问:24856 我要评论找名企实习、求职都需要一个英文的简历和求职信,在英文简历中,一些有中国特色的词汇该怎么翻译好呢?比如三好学生、学生会干部、共青团员;又比如一些竞赛的奖项,诗朗诵比赛、摄影大赛、创业大赛等。
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Intermediate A ccounting IChapter 10-2 HW SolutionsEXERCISE 10-21 (20–25 minutes)(a) Any addition to plant assets is capitalized because a new asset has been created. This additionincreases the service potential of the plant.(b) Expenditures that do not increase the service benefits of the asset are expensed. Painting costs areconsidered ordinary repairs because they maintain the existing condition of the asset or restore it to normal operating efficiency.(c) The approach to follow is to remove the book value of the old roof and substitute the cost of the newroof. It is assumed that the expenditure increases the future service potential of the asset.(d) Conceptually, the book value of the old electrical system should be removed. However, practically it isoften difficult if not impossible to determine this amount. In this case, one of two approaches is followed.One approach is to capitalize the replacement on the theory that sufficient depreciation was taken on the old system to reduce the carrying amount to almost zero. A second approach is to debit Accumulated Depreciation on the theory that the replacement extends the useful life of the asset and thereby recaptures some or all of the past depreciation. In our present situation, the problem specifically states that the useful life is not extended and therefore debiting Accumulated Depreciation is inappropriate. Thus, this expenditure should be added to the cost of the plant facility.(e) See discussion in (d) above. In this case, because the useful life of the asset has increased, a debit toAccumulated Depreciation would appear to be the most appropriate.EXERCISE 10-24 (20–25 minutes)(a) Depreciation Expense (8/12 X $72,000)..........................................48,000Accumulated Depreciation—Machine..................................48,000 Loss on Disposal of Machine($1,300,000 – $408,000) – $630,000 ...........................................262,000Cash .................................................................................................630,000Accumulated Depreciation—Machine($360,000 + $48,000)....................................................................408,000Machine ................................................................................1,300,000(b) Depreciation Expense (3/12 X $72,000)..........................................18,000Accumulated Depreciation—Machine..................................18,000 Cash ..............................................................................................1,040,000Accumulated Depreciation—Machine($360,000 + $18,000)....................................................................378,000Machine ................................................................................1,300,000Gain on Disposal of Machine[$1,040,000 – ($1,300,000 – $378,000)] .............................118,000(c) Depreciation Expense (7/12 X $72,000)..........................................42,000Accumulated Depreciation—Machine..................................42,000 Contribution Expense .......................................................................1,100,000Accumulated Depreciation—Machine($360,000 + $42,000)....................................................................402,000Machine ................................................................................1,300,000Gain on Disposal of Machine ...............................................202,000* *$1,100,000 – $1,300,000 + $402,000(a) Exchange has commercial substance:Hyde, Inc.’s BooksAsset B ................................................................................................75,000Accumulated Depreciation—Asset A .................................................40,000Asset A ....................................................................................96,000Gain on Disposal of Plant Assets($60,000 – [$96,000 – $40,000]) .........................................4,000Cash ........................................................................................15,000Wiggins, Inc.’s BooksCash ....................................................................................................15,000Asset A ................................................................................................60,000Accumulated Depreciation—Asset B .................................................47,000Asset B ....................................................................................110,000Gain on Disposal of Plant Assets($75,000 – [$110,000 – $47,000]) .......................................12,000 (b) Exchange lacks commercial substance:Hyde, Inc.’s BooksAsset B ($75,000 – $4,000) ................................................................71,000*Accumulated Depreciation—Asset A .................................................40,000Asset A ....................................................................................96,000Cash ........................................................................................15,000 *Computation of gain deferred:Fair value $60,000Book value (56,000)Gain deferred $ 4,000Wiggins, Inc.’s BooksCash 15,000Asset A .............................................................................................. 50,400**Accumulated Depreciation—Asset B................................................ 47,000Asset B .................................................................................... 110,000Gain on Disposal of Plant Assets ........................................... 2,400* Computation of total gain:Fair value of Asset B $75,000Book value of Asset B (63,000)Total gain $12,000*Gain recognized = $15,000X $12,000 = $2,400**Fair value of asset acquired $60,000 Less: Gain deferred ($12,000 – $2,400) 9,600 Basis of Asset A $50,400ORBook value of Asset B $63,000 Portion of book value sold (12,600)$50,400。