商务英语翻译 第四章 企业产品翻译.ppt


商务英语翻译 第四章 企业产品翻译.

商务英语翻译 第四章  企业产品翻译.

英文产品说明书的句法特点多祈使句 e.g. Gargle with the product 2-5 minutes after brushing in the morning and evening. (早晚刷牙后含漱2-5分钟)Practice 1 本产品为抽油烟机、排风扇、煤气灶、灶台、锅盖、厨房玻璃、瓷砖专用清洗剂,可去除各类油渍、污垢。

This product is suitable for washing the greasy dirt on the kitchen ventilator, exhaust fan, gas range, natural gas cooking stove, top of a kitchen range, pot cover, kitchen glass, ceramic tile.Practice Revlon Age Defying Light Makeup with BotafirmTM BotafirmTM—Infused formula helps your skin bounce back from fine lines and wrinkles, skin looks firmer. Lightweight moisturizing makeup that’s sweat proof to keep up with your active life style. Light coverage gives skin healthy color and blends away imperfections. Non-pore clogging. Non-irritating. To use: Prepare skin with Age Defying Concealer, if required. Place a touch of Light Makeup on each rounded area of the face: cheekbones, nose, forehead and chin. Then smooth with light movements towards the outside of the face. Finish with Age Defying Skin Smoothing Powder for a shine free finish. Remove with Revlon facial cleanser.Practice 露华浓修复再颜清透粉底液 Botafirm 突破性配方,帮助减少、预防由于脸部肌肉运动产生的细纹及皱纹,令肌肤更紧致,且富有弹性。

chapter four-商务英语英汉翻译教程PPT精品文档53页

chapter four-商务英语英汉翻译教程PPT精品文档53页

CISISU-Business English for the
Part 1. Relationship between the meaning of English and Chinese words
3. no correspondence 词义缺乏对应
形成于“五角大楼文件”泄密事件后白宫设 立的专门特工机构。Plumber原意“铅管 工”,用以指特工,系借用“铅管工”堵漏、 防漏之含义)美国调查政府雇员泄密事件的 特工(《参考消息》将此词翻译为“管子 工”)
Chapter Four A Comparison study between English
and Chinese words and its translation
第四章 英汉词语对比与翻译
By Lily Chang
CISISU-Business English for the
Targets of Chapter Four
CISISU-Business English for the
Part 1. Relationship between the meaning of English and Chinese words
Differences: Chinese-相比英文,汉语词义严谨固定,
词的含义范围较窄,词义上下的依赖性比较 小。
译文:为应对目前的“非洲之角”饥荒,中国政府 决定通过联合国双边渠道向有关国家提供价值 4.432亿元人民币的紧急粮食援助。
CISISU-Business English for the

商务英语课程课件Unit 4 Business

商务英语课程课件Unit 4 Business
Emotional intelligence
Manage your own emotions and identify the other party's emotional state during negotiation
03 Business Practice Cases
Case analysis of successful enterprises
Multinational Corporation Operations
To supervise or influence an audience's opinion or behavior
Business presentation skills
• To communicate a company's values, goals, and vision
Business presentation skills
Make offers and counteroffers to reach a consensus
Close the deal by agreeing on terms and conditions
Business negotiation skills
Key Skills
Listening: Listen actively to understand the other party's position and needs
• SWOT Analysis: A strategic planning tool that assesses the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats affecting a business or organization

商务英语翻译 Unit 4

商务英语翻译 Unit 4
- 殖民主义者的性格既残暴,又狡猾。
对于英语中以实喻虚的形象表现手法,翻译时应想方设法维系原 文的具体性及形象性,一个常用的手段即是从“实”到“实”,将英 语的以实喻虚译成汉语的以实喻虚。 The magic spades of archaeology have given us the whole lost world of Egypt. - 考古学家变魔术似地把古埃及的整个世界都给我们发掘出来了。 - 考古学家用神奇的铁铲把古埃及的整个世界都给我们发掘出来了。
Sam knows he can depend on his family, rain or shine. - 山姆知道不论境遇如何,他都可把家庭作为靠山。
There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the character of the colonialists.
The newspaper claims to be the mirror of public opinions. -该报宣称忠实反映了公众的意见。
What is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave. - 少时所学,到老不忘。 How do we account for this split between the critics and the readers, the head and the heart? - 评论家和读者之间,也就是理智和感情之间的这种分歧如何解释呢?
2.用范畴词使抽象概念具体化。 What they wanted most was an end of uncertainties. - 那时他们最渴望的就是结束这摇摆不定的局面。 We want to learn to laugh in the face of the inevitable, to smile at the looming of the death. - 我们需要学会对不可避免的事情报以大笑,甚至以微笑面对死亡的 威胁。

商务英语翻译 Unit 4

商务英语翻译 Unit 4

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• • • •
(2)拟人 使宣传的产品富于人物的情感和特侦,更人性化。 如:Apple thinks different(苹果电脑,不同凡响)。 (3)仿拟 仿照人们熟知的现成的语言材料,根据表达的需要临时 创造出新的语句,使语言生动活泼。 如:Where there is a way, there is a Toyota (车到山前必有 路,有路必有丰田车),就是模仿耳熟能详的谚语Where there is a will, there is a way(有志者,事竟成)。 (4)双关 为加深语意,利用词的多义和同音,有意使语句具有双 重意义,言在此而意在彼。 如:we lead, others copy(理光打印机广告:我们领先, 他人模仿),copy一语双关,既体现打印机复印的功能, 又表现该品牌的领先地位。
• 参考译文:
• • • • • • • • • •
(1) 没有买卖,就没有杀害 (2) 开车不喝酒,喝酒不开车 (3) 因为绿色属于树木,地球才有了脉搏 (4) 保护环境识每个公民的责任与义务 (5) 使地球充满生机! (6) 胜利是不会向我走来的,我必须自己走向胜利 (7) 授人以鱼,不如授人以渔 (8谨防扒手 (9) 知识是一宝库,而实践就是开启宝库大门的钥匙 (10) 工作时工作, 玩乐是玩乐, 依此方法做, 轻松与欢 乐
• 句法特点(Sentences) • (1)多用简单句 • 广告语言必须简练,能一下子抓住人们的注意 力,引起大家的兴趣。 • 如:Nobody is perfect • Quality first. Customer supreme • (2)常用疑问句、祈使句和省略句 • 广告中采用疑问句和祈使句可激起人们的反应, 使之采取行动。 • Wouldn’t you really rather have a Buick? • to indulge • You decide


从我们的合同样本中,你可以知道,我们要求货款以 保兑的、不可撤销的、允许分装和转船、见票即付的信用 证支付。
建议:句中的专业术语比较多,这些都是商业谈判中的常 用语,所以需要记忆。
E-C Interpretation
You can draw on me just as if there were a letter of credit.
建议:注意按照国际惯例,货物装运后卖方须将 装运情况及时通知买方。
Note-taking (1)
import from other exporters: 从其他出口商进口; an advance payment: 一笔预付款; the interest rate: 利率; make concessions: 做出让步; retract the order: 撤回订单;
certificate of weight; 开始招标的时间:the time of your invitation for bid; 出具保证书:hand in a letter of guarantee;
建议:英语多被动,汉语多主动。如The goods will be inspected by the China Commodity Inspection Bureau. 译为“货物由中国商品检验局进行检验” ,而不是译为“被检验”。
Vocabulary Work
terms of payment: 支付条款;
specimen contract: 合同样本;
draft sight: 见票即付;
pay a margin: 支付保证金;
D/P (document against payment): 付款交单 是跟单托 收方式下的一种交付单据的办法,指出口方的交 单是以进口方的付款为条件,即进口方付款后才 能向代收银行领取单据;


• 3、转换(英语形容词转换为汉语名词) • Radial 放射品 • Fragile 易碎品
• 内包装主要阐述商品的品牌、数量、规格、 成分等
• 翻译原则: • 1、准确性:实事求是,不得随意删减 • 2、等效性:一般商品要接近大众,其他专
• 运输标志(Shipping Mark)
• 指示用语(Indicative Mark)
• 警示性用语(Warning Mark)
• 特点:
• 1、多用单词或短语:
• Inflammable Solid易燃固体
• 2、多用祈使句:
• Handle With Care小心轻放
• 作为INNOVATION的主要发起人和独家公司赞助商,西 门子公司成为公众瞩目的焦点。不仅在国家电台做了播 报,而且以其主要客户为对象,通过广告、国际互联网、 国家发布会、多家社区接洽合作、产品授权以及客户活 动新闻报道的翻译
• 一、商务新闻报道的特点 • 1、标题(Headline) • 言简意赅、风趣幽默、清晰醒目 • 多用小词(midget words)、缩略语 • 多用对偶和押韵 • Fewer Death, Lower Debt 死亡减少,债务减
• 战争结束后,工厂继续运营。可口可乐成为世 界和平的标志。现在可乐世界闻名。
• (注意:名称、地点、人名等音译;循旧例)
• 2、意译法 • TRAVEL 2 LIVE旅行去体验生活 • TRAVEL 2 RESPECT旅行去崇尚尊敬 • TRAVEL 2 EXPLORE旅行去开拓探索 • TRAVEL 4 PEACE旅行为维护和平



今年 1 月,史蒂夫 ?乔布斯 (Steve Jobs)走上旧金山芳草地艺术中心(Yerba Buena Center)的舞台发布iPad,完成了现代商业史上最引人注目的一次复出。






在1 月份的发布会之前,即使是按照乔布斯自己的苛刻标准衡量,外界对苹果的期望程度也是异乎寻常的。

批评者总是用贬抑的口吻谈论乔布斯创造的“现实扭曲场” :他能让观众信服,那些在其他厂商手中似乎尚未成形的技术已经被苹果完美地应用。






对于 F?斯科特 ?菲茨杰拉德 (F. Scott Fitzgerald)广为流传的名言(美国人的生命中没有第二幕)而言,没有比这更坚决的反驳了。

乔布斯首次登上报纸头条时,甚至比现在的马克?扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)还要年轻。

早在书呆子备受追捧之前,由于在普及个人电脑(PC)中发挥的关键作用,以及苹果在华尔街的成功上市(当时乔布斯年仅 25 岁),乔布斯就成为了科技界的第一个摇滚明星。


他的老对手比尔 ?盖茨 (Bill Gates)或许更富有,而且在盖茨的事业巅峰时期,凭借其在 PC 软件领域的垄断,可以说盖茨的影响力比乔布斯更大。

商务英语翻译 第4章 商务说明书的翻译

商务英语翻译  第4章 商务说明书的翻译

第一节 翻译例析
Sample 2
DEVELOP LEESON Vegetable & Fruit Residue Scavenger Product Characteristics Richly contains Nacocoyl special effective ingredient extracted from coconut oil via high-tech method. It can rapidly dissolve the soluble oil component in pesticides so as to quickly separate the pesticides from vegetable and fruit. It contains especially IMAZALIL special effect sterilizing component, fast killing pathogenic bacteria with 99.9% effective rate. Vegetables and fruits keep their freshness and nice taste. The active ingredient in this product is approved by WHO, EU and US-EPA and complies with FAO specifications. With edible standardized component and low foaming. Usage Put several drops of product per liter of water to rinse the fruit or vegetables. Leave the fruit or vegetable in the rinsing water for 5 minutes. Before eating, rinse them with clean water. Caution Do not drink this product; keep away from children. If swallowed by accident, drink lots of water.



Translation of Business Contracts
• Summary: Notes on Contract Translation • Detailed description: A business contract is a legally binding
document, and its translation must be accurate and rigorous. When translating business contracts, translators need to have relevant legal knowledge and terminology to ensure that the terms, responsibilities, and obligations in the contract are accurately conveyed. In addition, attention should be paid to the formality and tone of language to reflect the seriousness of the contract. At the same time, for any possible ambiguities or ambiguities in the contract, the translator needs to provide appropriate clarification and interpretation to ensure that there are no issues with the execution of the contract.
when translating business English. Translators need to understand the meaning and usage of vocabulary in different contexts to ensure accurate communication of the original meaning. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to the accuracy of professional terminology and avoid using overly colloquial or non-standard vocabulary.

商务英语翻译 第四章 企业产品翻译

商务英语翻译 第四章  企业产品翻译

抽象名词 e.g. insulation(绝缘); expansion(膨胀) 运用缩略词 e.g. ADP—Automatic Date Processing FTP—File Transfer Protocol SONAR—Sound Navigation and Ranging
1 产品的成分、构造、性能、特征、规 格、用途等。 2 安装说明、使用说明、基本原理、维 护保养方法、注意事项等。 3 生产厂家、经销单位、产品代号、联 系方式等。
普通词汇专业化 e.g. finish, film, drum 在油漆说明书中: finish—末道漆 film—薄膜 drum—鼓状物,指形状或结构上 像鼓的东西,尤其指桶状金属容器或缠 满电缆、电线或粗绳的金属圆柱。
中文四字短语的翻译: ②汉语的“形容词+形容词结构”转换 成英语的“形容词+形容词结构 e.g. 物美价廉 美观牢固 物美价廉: fine and inexpensive 美观牢固: elegant and sturdy
中文四字短语的翻译: ③汉语的“动词+形容词”转换成英语 的“形容词+不定式”结构 e.g. 维修方便 操作简单 维修方便: easy to repair 操作简单: easy to operate
中文四字短语的翻译: ④许多四字短语可转换成英语的“动宾” 结构 e.g. 历史悠久 誉满全球 历史悠久: to have a long history 誉满全球: to enjoy a high reputation all over the world

商务英语翻译 Unit 4

商务英语翻译 Unit 4

Task Presentation
• From Canton Trade Fair, Lily got some product brochures and promotional color pages from the manufacturers, please help her translate the following phrases and sentences, so the manager can have a better understanding and make a wise choice. Lighting, make life better Sense and simplify NVC, expert in lighting environment Let us light up the world A new era of green lighting Science and technology to light life, saving cast wealth After dusk, true color still Rational lighting the world, LED dedication bright 本公司一直致力于研发、生产、推广高品质的绿色节能照明产品,为客户提 供全方位的照明解决方案和专业服务,是中国极具综合竞争实力的照明品牌 之一。
• Different types of advertisement:
1. Internet advertising 网络广告 2. Press Advertising 报刊广告 3.Television and radio Advertising 电视和无线电广 告 4. Outdoor and Transport Advertising 露天广告和交通广告 5. Window and Point-of-Sale Display 橱窗和销售 点陈列广告 6. Exhibition and Trade Fairs 展览会和商品交易 会 7. Direct Mail Advertising 直接邮件广告 8. Movie ads 电影广告
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。