



机载电子设备维修测试及故障分析方法编 写: 贺 军中信海直通用航空维修工程有限公司第一章:机载电子设备维修检测基本方法:第一节:检修程序:1、了解情况:1.1、维修人员接收到送检故障件后首先要通过送检故障单,阅读送检设备部件的历史资料等,了解故障现象和分析故障原因,作出初步故障判断。















西门子 CPU226CN型可编程控制器成套设备实训指导手册(A)亚龙科技集团有限公司前言可编程序控制器(programmable controller)简称PLC,它是美国60年代来在传统的顺序控制器基础上引入微电子技术和计算机技术而研制出的新型工业自动控制装置。











实训主机选用西门子公司生产的S7-200 CPU226CN型PLC,这种PLC结构紧凑、可靠性高、组成灵活、操作方便。





目录第一部分 STEP7-MICRO/WIN32编程软件 (1)一、STEP7-M ICRO/WIN32软件的使用 (1)二、STEP7-M ICRO/WIN32简介 (5)三、程序编制及运行 (9)四、实验步骤 (12)五、实验注意事项 (12)第二部分可编程控制器基本指令及实训设备 (13)一、亚龙PLC实训成套设备 (13)二、SIEMENS S7-200可编程控制器简介 (13)三、可编程控制器基本指令训练 (14)第三部分 PLC应用实训 (17)实训一、全自动洗衣机的控制 (17)实训二、三相电动机的顺序控制 (20)实训三、步进电机控制 (23)实训四、交通灯控制 (27)实训五、四层电梯控制 (30)实训六、电镀生产线控制 (34)实训七、水塔水位自动控制 (38)实训八、自控成型机 (41)实训九、自动送料装车系统 (44)实训十、多种液体自动混合 (47)实训十一、自控轧钢机 (50)实训十二、邮件分拣机 (54)实训十三、铁塔之光 (58)第一部分 STEP7-Micro/WIN32编程软件一、STEP7-Micro/WIN32软件的使用1、概述编程软件STEP7-Micro/WIN32 Version 3.1适用于S7-200系列PLC的系统设置(CPU组态)、用于程序开发和实时监控运行;升级版Microwin3.1 SPL扩充了V3.1的功能;Toolbox(工具箱)提供用户指令和触摸屏TP070的组态软件;汉化软件是针对SP1和Toolbox的软件,但不能汉化V3.1及早期版本的软件。

Prosonic M FMU40 HART 超声波物位变送器 操作手册说明书

Prosonic M FMU40 HART 超声波物位变送器 操作手册说明书

Products Solutions Services操作手册Prosonic M FMU40HART超声波物位变送器BA01961F/28/ZH/01.22-00715775022022-04-04Prosonic M FMU40 HART2Endress+HauserProsonic M FMU40 HART 目录Endress+Hauser3目录1文档信息 (4)1.1文档功能.............................41.2信息图标.............................41.3补充文档资料.........................51.4注册商标.............................52基本安全指南 (5)2.1人员要求.............................52.2指定用途.............................52.3工作场所安全.........................62.4操作安全.............................62.5产品安全.............................62.6IT 安全..............................63产品描述 (7)3.1产品设计 (7)4到货验收和产品标识 (8)4.1到货验收.............................84.2产品标识.............................84.3制造商地址...........................84.4储存和运输...........................85安装 (9)5.1安装要求.............................95.2测量范围............................135.3安装后检查 (15)6电气连接 (15)6.1接线要求............................156.2连接测量设备........................166.3接线端子分配........................176.4供电电压............................186.5等电势连接..........................186.6连接后检查..........................197操作方式 (19)7.1操作方式概述........................197.2操作菜单的结构和功能.................197.3通过现场显示单元访问操作菜单..........207.4通过调试软件访问操作菜单..............227.5锁定或解锁参数设置...................228系统集成 (23)8.14...20mA HART 通信输出 (23)9调试 (24)9.1功能检查............................259.2启动测量设备........................259.3通过FieldCare 连接 (25)9.4设置测量设备........................269.5显示包络线.. (31)10诊断和故障排除 (33)10.1当前故障............................3310.2历史错误............................3310.3错误类型............................3310.4诊断信息列表........................3410.5应用错误............................3510.6复位测量设备........................3710.7固件更新历史........................3811维护 (38)11.1维护计划 ...........................3811.2维护任务. (39)12维修 (39)12.1概述...............................3912.2Endress+Hauser 服务产品...............3912.3处置. (40)13附件 (40)13.1设备专用附件........................4013.2通信专用附件 (46)14技术参数 (47)14.1输入...............................4714.2输出信号............................4814.3电源...............................4814.4性能参数............................4914.5环境条件............................5014.6过程条件............................5115附录 (51)15.1操作菜单概览 (51)索引 (54)文档信息Prosonic M FMU40 HART4Endress+Hauser1文档信息1.1文档功能文档包含设备生命周期内各个阶段所需的所有信息。



FM2147CMOS漏电保护器电路技术手册2011. 4本资料是为了让用户根据用途选择合适的上海复旦微电子集团股份有限公司(以下简称复旦微电子)的产品而提供的参考资料,不转让属于复旦微电子或者第三者所有的知识产权以及其他权利的许可。










1 产品简介FM2147是高性能漏电保护器专用电路。



1.1 产品特点l交流供电l直接驱动SCR,当有漏电信号时,OS输出脉宽大于30msl适用于检测A型和AC型漏电信号l各种类型的漏电信号的跳闸精度一致性好l良好的电磁干扰(EMC)防护能力l适用于110V~220V(50 ~ 60HZ)电压l宽的温度范围(Ta=-20~+80℃)1.2 引脚描述引线管脚名说明1 NC 无连接2 In1 放大器输入端13 In2 放大器输入端24 VSS 地线5 OS 跳闸信号输出6 Dly 延迟调整,外接电容7 OA 内部放大器输出,外接滤波电容8 VDD 电源线1.3 极限参数参数值参数名称单位最小值最大值工作温度-20 +85 °C存储温度-55 +150 °C 任何引脚的对地电压-1.0 +7.0 V工作电压8.5 V工作电流8 mA2 功能描述FM2147漏电保护器专用电路用于检测火线和零线上的漏电信号。


氟和强 氟化剂
TSM 部分
640 版本 E
页码 3 、 4
问题 盖子很难转动
可能原因 1)系统带压 2)O形圈发胀 3)液体内部粘稠或呈固态
粗滤器顶部周围泄 漏液体
4)O形圈发胀 5)O形圈发没有润滑 6)粗滤器体内没有太多液体 7)O形圈被割断 8)O形圈下有异物
如果不遵守上述预防措施、可能导致严重的人身伤害 或死亡。
2. 粗滤的颗粒直径小于 70 微米(通过 4 英寸可获得 50Х250 网)。
3. 温度低于 -40ºC (-40ºF) 或高于 +204ºC (+400ºF)。 4. 高系统压力应用(见第 2 页表 A)。 5. 高篮差压(见表 A)。 6. 铝质粗滤器处理 1,1,1 - 三氯乙烷、二氯甲烷或卤
将粗滤器设置在一个排液塞可以容易拆下的位置(如果要经 常维护、可以用排放阀替代排放塞)。 根据表 A 的要求、粗 滤器上方要有足够的空间用于拆除滤篮。盖式粗滤器上铸有 指示液流方向的箭头。这些粗滤器没有设计任何类型的反洗 操作。
注:不推荐将粗滤器的开口直立安装、因为这样会增加维护 的难度。
如果不遵守上述预防措施、可能导致严重的人身伤害 或死亡。
维修技术手册 部分
盖式® Simplex
页码 版本
TSM 640
1/4 页 E
介绍................................................................................1 目录................................................................................1 特别须知........................................................................1 安装...............................................................................2 分解...............................................................................2 组装...............................................................................2

burster8526 力传感器 技术手册

burster8526 力传感器 技术手册
+ 0,2 *H 1 -0,4
Dim. tolerances acc. ISO 2768-f
Dimensions [mm] H2 øT N 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 øA 7 7 øB 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 øC 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 K 11 11 L 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 45 45
Electrical values
Bridge resistance (full bridge): foil-model strain gauge 350 Ω, nominal** Excitation: measuring range ≤ 0 ... 1 kN max. 5 V DC measuring range ≥ 0 ... 2 kN max. 10 V DC Output: 1 mV/V ± 0.25 % for ranges to 0 ... 1 kN 1 mV/V ± 0.5 % for ranges from 0 ... 2 kN Calibration resistor: 100 kΩ ± 0.1 %, model 1148-6080 The bridge output voltage resulting from a shunt of this value is stated in the calibration certificate. ** Deviations from the stated value are possible. Resistance between supply lines max. 500 Ω for standardization. Dimensional drawing Model 8526

icom if8101 短波车载电台中文说明书

icom if8101 短波车载电台中文说明书
D 功能
❍ ALE (自适应)/选呼功能 ❍ 数字信号处理器(DSP)可以灵活选择滤波
器。 ❍ 点阵 LCD 显示器可以显示各种信息。
FCC 信息
• 对于A类通用辐射器:
本设备经测试证明符合FCC规则第15部分中关于A类 数字设备的限制。这些限制是为了在商业环境中操作 设备提供合理的保护,以防止有害干扰。本设备会产 生,使用并辐射射频能量,如果未按照说明手册进行 安装和使用,可能会对无线电通讯产生有害干扰。 在居民区使用此设备可能会造成有害干扰,在这种情 况下,将要求用户自行纠正干扰。
■ CFU-F8100 (选件风扇) ............... 9
■ RMK-6 (可分离组件) ..................... 80 ■HM-192 (可遥控麦克风版本)......................... 2
■ 模式选择........................................................9
■ VFO操作........................................................10 3 接收和发射.......................... -1
您的Icom无线电设备在发射模式下回产 生RF电磁能量。本电台为“陆地专用短波 电台”,是专业设备。这意味着它只能在 了解危害的人员,以及了解这种危害的人

ROA 117 2261 音频 ALc 模块维护手册说明书

ROA 117 2261 音频 ALc 模块维护手册说明书

MAINTENANCE MANUAL AUDIO ALC MODULEROA 117 2261ContinuedSPECIFICATIONSInput V oltages +12 Vdc ± 10%Current Drain 23 mA (typical)Temperature -30°C to +60°CDimensions 8.0 inches Long x 4.0 inches Wide Circuits 6Input Impedance 600 Ohms Gain+12.5 dB Nominal Output Level245 mVeEricsson Inc.Private Radio System Mountain View RoadLynchburg, Virginia 24502AE/LZB 119 1878 R1A1-800-528-7711 (Outside USA, 804-528-7711)Printed in U.S.A.DESCRIPTIONAudio Automatic Level Control (ALC) module ROA 117 2261 provides clear voice audio processing for six inde-pendent audio channels in GPS Simulcast Systems (Figure 1). The ALC Module is designed for “transparent” (0 dB gain, 0 dB loss) operation at the normal system level of -10dBm, and to maintain this -10 dBm output level with in-put fluctuations of ±10 dB or more (gain is limited to 12.5dB). The response to input fluctuations has a time constant of 10 mSec.Each input is transformer coupled (T1-T6) and expects a 600 ohm balanced line. The output is single ended, low im-pedance, intended to drive several audio distribution module inputs in parallel.ALC modules plug into Control Point Sync Shelf slots 15 - 18 (Refer to Maintenance Manual AE/LZB 119 1903).The module in slot 15 performs ALC for Simulcast channels 1, 5, 9, 13, 17 & 21. The module in slot 16 performs ALC for Simulcast channels 2, 6, 10, 14, 18 & 22. The module in slot 17 performs ALC for Simulcast channels 3, 7, 11, 15,19 & 23. The module in slot 18 performs ALC for Simulcast channels 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 & 24.CIRCUIT ANALYSISLEVEL CONTROLThe circuitry is based on dual gain control circuit SA571and is a standard application of that part. Resistors R1 - R6are chosen to provide a maximum gain of 12.5 dB. Resistors R7 - R12 set the output level to -10dBm. Each IC package contains two functional units, so that three IC’s (U1-U3) are sufficient for 6 voice paths. The module operates from a standard +5 Vdc supply, with on-board automatic thermister fuse F1 to prevent collapsing the supply in the event of a failure.INPUTSInputs for each of the six (6) channels come from voters in the voting self. The balanced pair input for each of 6channels is on connectors:AUDIO IN 1 is on:J1 - A3 (T ip)J1 - C3 (R ing)AUDIO IN 2 is on:J1 - A5 (Tip)J1 - C5 (Ring)AUDIO IN 3 is on:J1 - A7 (Tip)J1 C7 (Ring)AUDIO IN 4 is on:J1 - A9 (Tip)J1 - C9 (Ring)AUDIO IN 5 is on:J1 - A11 (Tip)J1 - C11 (Ring)AUDIO IN 6 is on:J1 - A13 (Tip)J1 - C13(Ring)OUTPUTSAudio outputs from the ALC Module are sent to an Audio Distribution Module located in the Audio Distribu-tion Shelf for further processing.Rows A, B & C of the ALC Module are connected in parallel to maintain low impedance and improve circuit in-tegrity as follows:AUDIO OUT 1 is on:J1 - A19, B19, C19AUDIO OUT 2 is on:J1 - A21, B21, C21AUDIO OUT 3 is on:J1 - A23, B23, C23AUDIO OUT 4 is on:J1 - A25, B25, C25, AUDIO OUT 5 is on:J1 - A27, B27, C27AUDIO OUT 6 is output on: J1 - A29, B29, C29Copyright© September 1996, Ericsson IncContinuedThis manual is published by Ericsson Inc., without any warranty. Improvements and changes to this manual necessitated by typographical errors, inaccuracies of current information, or improvements to programs and/or equipment, may be made by Ericsson Inc., at any time and without notice. Such changes will be incorporated into new editions of this manual. No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, for any purpose, without the express written permis-AE/LZB 119 1878 R1A1Figure 1 - Front PanelAUDIO ALC TEST PROCEDURE Equipment Required:• + 12 Vdc Power Supply• Multimeter (V olt/Ohmmeter)• Function Generator (Sin Wave)Continuity Test:Using the multimeter, check for a short circuit between Power (+12 Vdc and ground)Procedure:1. Apply +12 Vdc Power to the power pin C31 andground Pin A1, B1 and C12. Check all ground and power pin connectors:Power: C31Ground: A1, B1, C1, A32, B32, C323. Using a 1000 Hz test tone, vary the voltages onthe inputs and check and record the output voltage.The corresponding output voltage should be 245 mV±50 mV.AE/LZB 119 1878 R1A 2PARTS LIST & IC DATA*COMPONENTS ADDED, DELETED OR CHANGED BY PRODUCTION CHANGESAUDIO ALC MODULEROA 117 226118916101112131415234567U1-U3Dual Gain Control CircuitRYT 101 6005/C (SA 571)AE/LZB 119 1878 R1A3AE/LZB 119 1878 R1AOUTLINE DIAGRAMAudio ALC Module(1078 ROA 117 2261, Rev. A)4AE/LZB 119 1878 R1A SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMAudio ALC Module(1911 ROA 117 2261/1, Rev. A)5。



这就意味着用户不再需要备用电池以减轻用户出行重量。 语音加密功能
为了其他安全方面的考虑,2110 对传送信息及位置信息也是加密的。可确保语音信息传输安全。 抗震、抗毁性能符合 MIL-STD-810F 指
标 可以在恶劣的坏坏境中工作。 防水性能好
2110 提供的防水连接头,包括手咪话筒,扬声器,按键以及扩展的数据端口等等。可浸没在 1 米深
MIL-STD-810F,Method 508.5
MIL-STD-810F,Method 509.4,Procedure 1
MIL-STD-810F,Method 510.4,Procedure 1
MIL-STD-188-141B(要求 ALE)
串口 RS-232,红外线(IrDA)
MIL-STD-810F,Method 507.4
振动(3 小时/每个轴向): MIL-STD-810F,Method 514.5
MIL-STD-810F,Method 516.5,Procedure 1
MIL-STD-810F,Method 512.4,Procedure 1
发射 1.6 到 30 MHz;接收 250 kHz 到 30 MHz
400 个信道,10 个网络组
600 个信道,20 个网络组(符合军标 MIL-STD-188-141B ALE)
±1.5ppm 或±0.5ppm(-30 到+60℃)
的水中而不损坏。 重量轻
2.5 公斤,电台和电池外壳采用超轻合金及超性能工程塑料制成。是当今世界上最轻,经过认证的

FM166 快速调节模块使用说明书

FM166  快速调节模块使用说明书

1 2
汽轮机数字电液调节系统,是英文 Digital Electro-Hydraulic Control System 的简称。 线性可变差动传感器,一种直线行程传感器,是英文 Linear Variable Differential Transducer 的简称。 HollySys
1.2 组成
FM166 模块主要由快速调节模板和外壳结构 件 组 成 。 使 用 时 , FM166 模 块 需 要 与 端 子 底 座 FM131A 相连,构成完整的快速调节模块。其外观 如图 1-1 所示: FM166 模块正面标签夹中可以插入纸卡,纸卡 上可以写上输入输出通道的测点名称或标识,便于 工程使用及维护。纸卡的插入方式见图 1-2 所示: FM166 模块采用模块化结构,模块的工作电源 为 24VDC。
FM166 快速调节模块
1 基本说明
1.1 简介
FM166 模块是 FM 系列硬件产品中的 DEH 快速调节模块, 与底座 FM131A 配合使用接收 3 路压 力反馈信号经过三取中电路后,与 1 路给定信号比较,偏差值经过比例调节或比例微分调节等运算 处理后,输出并控制调节阀等执行机构,实现转速微分调节和快速压力调节等功能。
图 1-1 FM166 模件外观图示
图 1-2 FM166 模件纸卡插入图示
2 原理说明
FM166 快速调节模块可以与 FM163E 测速保护模块配合使用,实现转速微分调节功能。 将 3 块 FM163E 模块的微分输出信号(0~5VDC)作为反馈信号输入到 FM166 模块,系统稳 定运行时,当机组转速微分信号(即加速度)为零,3 路微分信号输入经过三取中电路后,其中间 值与输入偏差电压相减后的偏差电压为零。当机组转速微分信号(即加速度)为正时,输出控制信 号使调节阀在原有开度的基础上关小一定幅度,反之在原有开度的基础上开大一定幅度。比例调节 放大倍数的大小可在现场根据需要调整。 当与 FM146 系列 DEH1伺服模块配合时,FM166 模块的输出控制信号通过 FM146 系列模块的 1 路的 LVDT2直流电压通道输入,用于调节阀门开度。 当系统未配置伺服模块时,需要由主控单元计算出的总阀位信号,并通过模拟量输出模块将总 阀位信号转换为 4~20mA 标准电流信号,输入到 FM166 模块的位置信号通道,再与转速微分调节 信号相加,之后将输出控制信号直接输出到各种电液转换器控制油动机行程。 输出控制电路可根据需要选择采用恒压输出方式,并且可以根据需要调整输出偏置。



PROFIBUS-DP 总线及设备 ................................................................................................. 31
Profibus-DP 总线简介 ......................................................................................................................... 31
1993-2004 Copyright Hollysys
和利时、HollySys、HOLLiAS 及
Microsoft、Windows 和 WindowsNT 是微软公司在美国和/或其他国家分支机构的商标或注册商 标。
供电系统及接地要求.......................................................................................................................... 20
供电系统说明........................................................................................................................................................... 20 接地要求................................................................................................................................................................... 21




欧文诊断文件:欧文移动通信设备 M-RK 896-941MHz 个人双向无线电综合设备维修手册说明书

欧文诊断文件:欧文移动通信设备 M-RK 896-941MHz 个人双向无线电综合设备维修手册说明书

Mobile CommunicationsM-RK896 - 941 MHzPERSONAL TWO-WAY FM RADIO COMBINATIONTABLE OF CONTENTSService Assemblies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LBI-38746 Service Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LBI-38739 Disassembly and Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LBI-38741LBI-38837Copyright © December 1992, Ericsson GE Mobile Communications Inc. iiSPECIFICATIONSSYSTEMFCC Identification Number AXATR-204-AFrequency RangeTransmit :Receive :896 - 902 MHz 935 - 941 MHz 935 - 941 MHz Frequency Stability 1.5 ppm Input V oltage 7.5 Vdc (nominal)Battery LifeHigh Capacity6.5 hours at 5-5-90 duty cycleLBI-38837iiiLBI-38837SPECIFICATIONS(Continued)176.8x68x40.6 mm (7x2.7x1.6 inches)Dimensions (HxWxD)(M-RKII)(with high capacity battery)20.3 ouncesWeight (M-RKII)(with high capacity battery)Operable Temperature Range-30º to +60ºC (-22º to +140ºF)TRANSMITRF Power Output0.5 to 3 wattsSpurious Emissions-55dBcMaximum Deviation±2.5ΚΗzFM Hum & Noise-45 dBAudio Distortion3% (60% Modulation)Frequency Stability 1.5 ppm (-30ºC to +60ºC)RF Load Impedance50 ohmsMicrophone Sensitivity Less than 90 dB SPL (EIA 60% M0D)Maximum Attack Time25 milliseconds (PTT Pushed)Audio Frequency Response Within +1 and -3 dB of a 6 dB/octave pre-emphasis from 300Hz to 3000 Hz.RECEIVESensitivity (12 dB SINAD)-116 dBmSpurious Emissions-57 dBmSpurious Response72 dB (minimum)Selectivity70 dB (25 KHz)Squelch Sensitivity 6 dB SINADDistortion (EIA 0.5 watt)5%Audio Frequency Response Within +1 and -3 dB of a 6 dB/octave de-emphasis from 300Hz to 3000 Hz.ivDESCRIPTIONThe ERICSSON GE M-RK Personal Radio is a high-quality, high-performance FM radio. The radio is synthe-sized and operates in both trunked and conventional communication systems. The trunked mode allows selection of either a communications group or an individual radio within a system. Both the selected group and the individual radio are secured through digital signaling.In the conventional mode, the user selects a channel and directly communicates on that channel. A channel is a trans-mit/receive radio frequency pair.A group consists of several users with a common group identification (ID). A radio may have several groups, but the selected group determines who the unit can call at any spe-cific time. In the trunked mode, a set of groups which com-municate on a set of channels is called a system. In the con-ventional mode, a system is a set of channels. A system may consist of all trunking groups and channels, all conventional channels, or a mixture of both.The M-RK Personal Radio is designed to operate in a M-RK Digital Trunking System or as a conventional radio providing the following features.In trunked mode :•Programmable Multiple System Capability -- Theradio can operate on different trunked sites or ondifferent systems at the same site.•Multiple Group Capability -- The radio cancommunicate on several Groups within one trunkedsystem.•Group Call -- The M-RK has the capability ofsimultaneously calling all units within a group.•Programmable Carrier Control Timer -- Personalityinformation includes an optional period of transmittime from 15 to 120 seconds. After the timer expires,the unit will automatically unkey and provide an alerttone. This feature is re-initiated on every PTT and thealert tone is removed upon release of the PTT.•Minimum V olume Level -- Personality informationincludes a minimum volume level.•Programmable Squelch -- The noise squelch openingthreshold can be programmed for each channel.•Receive Mode Lock Out -- In normal trunkedoperation, the radio will not transmit while in thereceive mode.•Automatic Power Levels -- The desired power levelon each channel can be programmed into the radiopersonality. Power level is automatically selected dependent on the channel.•Emergency Feature -- An emergency group can be programmed into the radio. This group is selected by pressing the EMR button. This allows a user to quickly reach this group and initiate the M-RK emergency signalling.•Simple Remote Control Capability -- A speaker/microphone (which can also control PTT and the volume level) can be connected through the UDC (Universal Device Connector).•Surveillance Feature -- The display backlighting may be programmed on or off per group. The side-tone beep, related to the operation of the radio controls, is also capable of being disabled on a group-by-group basis.•Programmable through UDC -- The entire person-ality of the radio is programmed through four con-nections of the UDC.•16 Character Dot Matrix Alphanumeric Crystal Display -- This display is used to exhibit the condition of the radio. It shows channel designation, Channel Guard or Digital Channel Guard on/off, transmit mode, volume level, battery condition, channel busy, and high/low power output.In conventional mode :•16/128-Channel Capability -- Channel designation can be a mixture of numerics (0-128) and alphanumerics displayed through the LCD. Channel control can come from the channel rotary switch, the emergency channel feature, or the front keypad.•Programmable Multi-Tone Channel Guard (CTCSS) Encode/Decode --Channel Guard tone frequencies within the range of 67 Hz to 210.7 Hz, including all of the standard EIA frequencies, may be program-med. Different encode/decode, encode only, and with/without Channel Guard frequencies are also pro-grammable into the radio.•Programmable Multi-Code Digital Channel Guard (CDCSS) Encode/Decode -- Similar capability as with Tone Channel Guard is provided.•Programmable Talkaround Capability -- The ability to switch the transmit frequency from a repeater frequency to a direct communications frequency.•Channel-Busy Lock Out -- Personality information includes the capability to prevent the transmitter from operating on a channel where carrier activity is present. The channel busy indicator (BSY) is active during this time.LBI-388371LBI-38837Figure 1 - M-RK I Controls and Accessories 2LBI-38837Figure 2 - M-RK II Controls and Accessories3Physically an M-RK radio consists of three main printed wire board assemblies and a battery pack as follows :a. A printed wire board specially shielded with zincalloy on which the radio assembly (transmit/re-ceive/synthesizer) is assembled.b. A Control board containing the microprocessor.c. A LCD/KB Flex wire board with displayprocessor,rotary switch, AF volume with switch.d. A battery pack that fits the M-RK main unit.e.Lightweight plastic front and back housing.RADIO ASSEMBLY TRANSMIT CIRCUITThe transmit circuit consists of four major circuits as follows :a.Wide Band Multiplier -- Multiplies the signal fromthe frequency synthesizer.b.Wide Band Power Amplifier -- Amplifies the out-put signal of the multiplier to the desired outputlevel for transmission (a gain of 36.5 dB).c.Wide Band Power Control Circuits -- Can reducethe transmitter output level by 10 dB.d.LPF, DC, Switch Hybrid Module -- Consists ofLPF and directional coupler and Tx/Rx switch.The transmitter completely covers the band within the split. No adjustments are needed except for the RF power control voltage from the controller.RECEIVE CIRCUITThe receiver consists of three major circuits as follows :a.Front-End Circuit -- Consists of a one stage pre-amplifier (with band-pass filters).b.First Mixer and IF circuit -- A special double bal-anced mixer is used to convert the incoming signalto 55.025 MHz first IF. This is put through a band-pass filter (BPF) and an IF amplifier to get the de-sired first IF signal.c.Second IF (455 KHz) -- Consists of one IC andthree BPF containing the second mixer, the secondIF amplifier, and the FM detector. The second IFoutput provides the Logic section with audio out-put.FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZERThe frequency synthesizer is made up of three major modules as follows :a.VCO Module -- The 900 MHz band frequencysynthesizer has one common VCO (450 MHZ) forboth transmitting and receiving. The transmitter ismodulated at both the VCO and the VCTCXO.b.VCTCXO Module -- The VCTCXO is a voltagecontrolled, temperature compensated crystal oscil-lator providing 13.2 MHz as a reference frequencywith modulation capability.c.Phase-Lock Loop -- Consists of a frequency di-vider and a low current drain CMOS IC for phasecomparison.LOGIC CIRCUITThe logic circuit consists of a control board assembly with an audio processor and a LCD/KB Flex assembly as follows :a.Control Board Assembly -- Carries two microproc-essors, RAM, Flash E2PROM, audio proces-sor,digital processor and I/O interconnections withthe frequency synthesizer. This board commandsall the functions and operation of the M-RK radio.b.Audio Signal Processor (ASP) -- Includes trans-mitter and receiver audio circuits.c.Digital Signal Processor (DSP) -- Includes a mo-dem, address decoder, and clock control circuit.d.LCD/KB Flex Assembly -- Includes LCD driverand processor for the display and rotary switch andAF volume with ON/OFF switch.LBI-38837 4SYSTEM ANALYSISRefer to Figures 3, 4 and 5. The M-RK radio consists of three printed wire boards as follows :•Radio Board Assembly -- carries the transmit,receive, and frequency synthesizer circuits.•Control Board Assembly -- supports logic controlcircuits.•LED Flex Assembly carries LEDs (M-RK I).•LCD/KB Flex Assembly -- carries LCD ( M-RK II ).Interconnection of the control board with other boards and control circuits is made with flexible circuit boards and connectors.Circuit illustrations shown are simplified representatives of actual circuits.They are intended only to illustrate basic circuit func-tions.RADIO BOARD ASSEMBLYTransmit CircuitsThe M-RK transmit circuit, as shown in Figures 6 and 7, consists of the following integrated circuit, modules.•Power Amplifier (PA)•LPF/DC/TR SWFigure 3 - Radio Block DiagramLBI-388375LBI-38837Figure 4 - Logic Block Diagram (M-RK I) 6Figure 5 - Logic Block Diagram (M-RK II)Power Amplifier Module (U7)Power Amplifier (PA) U7 is a five-stage, wideband am-plifier module with an input and an output impedance of 50ohms (Figure 6). The first stage of the PA module has the dc power supplied by power set transistor Q203. The RF power output from multiplier is connected through a HPF to pin 1 of the PA module where it is applied to the input of the RF power amplifier stages. The RF power amplifier stages amplify the input from the Tx-Amp module to a typi-cal power output level of 4.5 watts at pin 5. The output at pin 5 is connected through the HPF and LPF/DC/SW mod-ule. A minimum power level of three watts is on the output of the LPF/DC/SW module.LPF/DC/TR SW Module (U8)The output of the PA module is connected LPF/DC/SW through HPF. The FN network is a passive LC low-pass fil-ter with an insertion loss of less than 1.4 dB in the pass-band. It also has a rejection greater than 35 dB in the stop band. The output of the FN connected to the system antennaor to the UDC connector.Receive CircuitThe M-RK receive circuit, as shown in Figures 8, 9 and 10, consists of the following circuits :•RF Amplifier/Mixer•First IF Amplifier•Second IF Amplifier/Discriminator RF Amplifier/MixerThe RF Amplifier/Mixer circuit (Figure 8) contains two third-order band-pass filters (FL301 and FL302), and RF amplifier circuit (Q301) and a double-balanced diode mixer circuit (Z2). RF from the antenna or UDC connector is cou-pled through LPF/DC/TR SW module to the input of the RF amplifier circuit. The RF signal on the input of the RF am-plifier is first coupled through band-pass filter FL301 to the input of grounded emitter broad-band RF amplifier transis-tor Q301. This amplifier provides 13 dB of power gain to reduce thermal noise. The output of the RF amplifier is cou-pled through band-pass filter FL302 to drive double bal-anced mixer circuit Z2.The RF signal from the RF amplifier and the injection frequency from the synthesizer circuit, provide a 55.025MHZ IF on the output of the mixer. The double-balanced Mixer has a typical conversion loss of 7.5 dB between the RF input and IF output. All inputs and the output of the RF Amplifier/Mixer have 50 ohms matching impedance. The +7 dBm injection frequency level, provided by the synthe-sizer and amplifier circuit transistor Q103, is connected to the injection frequency input. The output of the Mixer cir-cuit is connected to the input of the first IF Amplifier.Figure 6 - Power Amplifier (PA)Figure 7 - LPF DC T/R SW. Module (U8)Figure 8 - RF Amplifier/MixerFirst IF AmplifierThe first IF amplifier contains a amplifier circuit and two crystal filters of two poles, respectively (refer to Figure 9). The first IF signal (55.025 MHz) connects to the input of preamplifier transistor Q302 through pre-crystal filter FL303 with an impedance of approximately 3 Kohms. Pre-amplifier Q302 provides a 23 dB power gain. The output is connected to the input of IF amplifier IC U11 through crys-tal filter FL304.Second IF Amplifier/Discriminator (U11)The Second IF Amplifier/Discriminator circuit (Figure 10) contains FM IF IC U11 (TA31132F) and 455 KHZ ce-ramic filter FL305, FL306, FL307. The FM IF IC contains a local oscillator, mixer, IF amplifier, FM detector, and an audio amplifier. The 55.025 MHz IF output from the first IF amplifier is connected to the input of second IF amplifier U11 pin 21 of TA31132F and converted to the second IF frequency (455 KHz). The second IF output is connected to pin 7 input of TA31132F through the 455 KHz ceramic fil-ter to the IF amplifier and FM detector circuits. The recov-ered audio from the FM IF IC is connected to J1-3B.Synthesizer CircuitThe Synthesizer circuit (Figure 11) contains Phase-Lock-Loop (PLL) module U2, VCTCXO Reference Oscil-lator module Z1, TX/RX V oltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) module U5, and a Low-Pass-Filter (LPF) amplifier.The VCO used to generate the receive and transmit frequen-cies is locked to a stable VCTCXO reference oscillator through a PLL. This feed-back loop divides the VCO fre-quency down to a signal in the range of 3.5 MHz. This sig-nal is divided with a programmable divider to 6.25 KHz,and generates a VCO control signal by comparing the 6.25KHz feedback with a 6.25 KHz signal derived by dividing a 13.2 MHz VCTCXO by 2112 As the least-significant bit in the programming is changed, the VCO is forced to change by 6.25 KHz.The synthesizer circuitry is contained on two modules,the VCO module U5 and the VCTCXO reference oscillator module Z1.Phase-Lock-Loop Module (U2)The PLL module U2 contains a reference frequency, di-vider, phase detector, and a programmable divider. The phase detector dc voltage output signal is filtered with a passive low-pass filter followed by a 6.25 KHz filter to re-duce the level of reference modulation on the VCO. This dc output represents the error between the VCO frequency (phase) and the reference (VCTCXO) and is applied to the VCO on frequency. A lock-detect output is developed from pin 9 of U2. The output is "AND"ed with the TX-PTT out-put from the microcomputer to prevent transmisssion beforethe VCO is on frequency.Figure 9 - First IF AmplifierFigure 10 - Second IF Amplifier/DiscriminatorFigure 11 - SynthesizerSerial data from the microcomputer is shifted into the PLL to set the division parameter which establishes the fre-quency. A clock signal is provided on another input and the data is latched with the enable input.Voltage-Controlled Oscillator (U5)The VCO uses a low-noise, high-gain transistor as the basic oscillator. The resonant circuit, which determines the frequency of oscillation, is formed by a high-Q SAW which is used to set the center frequency at the factory. The output of the VCO is coupled into a cascade amplifier which pro-duces 0 dBm. The output of the RX-VCO amplifier is cou-pled into the receive first double-balanced mixer circuit Z2 through multiplier Q103. The VCO amplifier output is also connected to the input of TX-multiplier transistor Q104. VCTCXO Reference Oscillator (Z1)The Z1 oscillator module is self contained, fully tem-perature compensated and operates at a frequency of 13.2 MHz. The oscillator also has modulation capability. Fre-quency is adjusted by a trimmer while monitoring the trans-mit circuit output at the antenna jack.LOGIC CIRCUITThe logic circuit consists of control circuits and audio circuits (Figures 4 and 5 ).Physically, this circuit consists of two circuit board as follows :•Control Board Assembly•LED Flex Assembly (M-RK I)•LCD/KB Flex Assembly ( M-RK II)Control Board AssemblyThe Control board consists of the following circuits (re-fer to Figures 4 and 5 ) :•CMOS Microprocessor (U1, U2)•E2PROM (U6)•Flash E2PROM (U4)•Custom CMOS DSP Chip (U3)•Custom CMOS ASP Chip (U7)•CMOS Inverters (U12)•CMOS OR gates (U15)•CMOS SRAM (U5)•Audio Amplifier (U11)• 5 volt Regulator (U9,10)MicrocomputerThe main microcomputer circuit in this radio consists of microprocessor, HD6475328FI10 (U2), 2 Kx8E2PROM (U6), 128 K x 8 Flash EPROM (U4), 8 K x 8 RAM (U5), and custom DSP (U3). This circuitry runs at a 9.8304 MHz rate determined by crystal Y1 and controls the radio through a second microprocessor HD6473308FI6 (U1). This micro-processor (U1) runs at an 4.9152 MHz rate. The 4.9152 MHz rate is determined by DSP (U3).•Controlling the DSP, Flash E2PROM and RAM•Loading data to the frequency sysnthesizer•Fetching and processing the PTT, monitor, channelselection, and volume control.•Controlling the LED display (M-RK I).•Loading data to the LCD display processor (M-RKII).•Controlling the audio circuit (processor)•Decoding the squelch•Encoding/Decoding the Channel Guard and DigitalChannel Guard•Controlling the loading interface for the radio data(channel number andsignaling)Flash E2PROM (U4)IC U4 contains the software to control the microproces-sor.RAM (U5)This RAM has a storage capacity of 8 Kbits x 8.E2PROM (U6)This E2PROM has a storage capacity of 2 Kbit x 8. This personality controls various functions of the radio. The per-sonality data is entered from outside the radio through the UDC connector to the microprocessor and then to the E2PROM. The data mainly consists of the following :•Channel Frequency Data•CG/DCG data•TX Power, TX Modulation Data•Squelch Data•Display Data, etc.Digital Signal Processor (DSP)(U3)The primary purpose of this DSP is to off-load the host microprocessor so that the host can spend as much time as possible in a low power state. This chip has the functions as follows :•MODEM•FIFO•Watch Dog Timer•Clock Control•Control Register Bank•Interrupt Control•Address DecodeVoltage Regulator (U9, U10)V oltage regulator U9, U10, Q1 generate 5 VDC for Con-trol Board and LCD/KB Flex Board.Audio Amplifier (U11)The audio amplifier is located between the audio proces-sor and the speaker. Amplifier U11 amplifies the output sig-nal of the ASP (U7) to the level adequate for driving the speaker and UDC audio output.Audio Signal Processor (ASP)(U7)The Audio processor consists of a one-chip IC accom-modating almost all the audio functions. The audio func-tions are under control of the microcomputer in compliance with the function of the radio unit. The functions of the audio processor are as follows :•Rx Audio process with Tone Reject Filter, De-Emphasis and Programable Attenuater.•Data limitting•CG/DCG filtering and limitting•Noise Squelch filtering and detecting•8 bits D/A Converter with sample and hold•Tx audio process with Mic Amplifier, Pre-Emphasis,Deviation Limiter, Summing Amplifier, Post LimiterFilter and Programable Attenuater.•Data signal filtering•Two 6 bits Programable Divider for clock and alerttone.All these functions are made up of switched capacitor filters, amplifiers, and timing logic. The timing for this logic is derived from the 4.9152 MHz clock generator (DSP).LED Flex Assembly ( M-RK I )The LED Flex board composed of the following items:•LED (DS1, DS2, DS3)•V olume Control with ON/OFF Switch (R8)•Channel Select Switch (S1)•Microphone (MK1)•Speaker (LS1)LCD/KB Flex Assembly ( M-RK II )The LCD/KB Flex board composed of the following items :•Display Processor (U1)•LCD Drive IC (U2)•LCD (DS6)•Backlighting Circuit (Q1 and DS1 - DS5)•V olume Control with ON/OFF Switch (R8)•Channel Select Switch (S1)•Microphone (MK1)•Speaker (LS1)The LCD driver converts data from the Display proces-sor into a signal which can drive the LCD display. The LCD display is equipped with 16 character dot matrix and 15 ICONs. Microprocessor signals drive LCD driver which turns the LCD on. Also, this board has a backlighting cir-cuit.Keypad ( M-RK II )There are 15 buttons of key switches (keypads) on the System model M-RK II. The keypads consist of flexible cable and rubber contacts, and each connect through cable to the microcompurter.UDCThe UDC (located on the side of the radio housing) al-lows various kinds of external equipment connections to be made. External equipment connecting signals are as fol-lows:•EXT MIC IN•12V IN•AUDIO OUT•SW A + OUT•UDC SENS IN•T/R OUT•EXT EMR IN•MUTE OUT•EXT PTT IN•GND•TX DATA IN•RX DATA OUTThe radio control microprocessor senses the value of voltage at the UDC sens line and switched the appropriate audio circuits to provide proper radio/accessory operation. The UDC voltage is set by the resistor within the UDC.MAINTENANCEThis Maintenance section provides information on ad-justment of the radio (transmit, receive, and synthesizer), preventive maintenance and a disassembly procedure. Infor-mation is also provided for removing and replacing chip component and module replacement. The Service Section, listed in the table of contents, provides a more complete set of alignment procedures for the radio plus a detailed trou-bleshooting procedure.INITIAL ADJUSTMENTThe M-RK radio personality is programmed using an IBM compatible personal computer and programming soft-ware. The procedure is described in the applicable program-ming manual.After the radio personality has been programmed, the following adjustments should be made by a qualified elec-tronics technician.Transmit Circuit AlignmentThe transmit circuit is factory turned and should not re-quire any readjustment. The frequency and modulation should be measured and recorded for future reference. Receive CircuitNo initial adjustments to the receive circuit are required. Synthesizer CircuitNo initial adjustments to the synthesizer are required. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCETo ensure a high operating efficiency and to prevent me-chanical and electrical failures, routine checks should be performed on all mechanical and electrical parts at regular intervals. Preventive maintenance should include the fol-lowing checks.AntennaThe antenna and antenna contact should be kept clean and free from dirt or corrosion. If the antenna or contact should become dirty or corroded, loss of radiation and a weak signal will result.Mechanical InspectionSince portable radio units are subject to shock and vi-bration, check, for loose plugs, nuts, screws and other parts to make sure that nothing is working loose.AlignmentThe transmit and receive circuit meter readings should be checked periodically and the alignment "touched up" when necessary. Refer to the applicable alignment proce-dure and troubleshooting sheet (found in the Service Sec-tion) for typical voltage readings.Frequency CheckCheck transmit frequency and deviation. Normally, these checks are made when the unit is first put into opera-tion. They should be repeated after the first month of opera-tion, then again one time each year.DISASSEMBLYProcedures to access the Radio Board Assembly (trans-mit, receive, and synthesizer circuits) or Control Board As-sembly for servicing are explained in the following paragraphs.•TORX screwdriver (T-8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1•Screwdriver (M2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1•Pencil type soldering iron (25-40 watts) with a finetip. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 REPLACEMENTThe major components of the M-RK Personal Radio are the PA, LPF/DC./T/R SW, VCO (V oltage-Controlled Oscil-lator), and the VCTCXO (Reference Oscillator). These are very reliable devices and wi11 not normally need to be re-placed. Before replacing any of these modules, always check out the associated circuitry carefully.To remove any of these major components, refer to the applicated replacement procedure found in the Service Sec-tion.TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURE Maintenance of the M-RK Personal Radio is facilitated by using the Troubleshooting Procedures and service tech-niques unique to this radio. The Troubleshooting procedures are designed to quickly locate the defective component or circuit. These procedures are found in the Service Section.WEATHERPROOF INTEGRITYThe M-RK radio is designed to meet MIL-810-D speci-fication for blowing rain. All accesses to the M-RK radio are protected from water entry by suitable gaskets and seals. However, degradation due to use or disassembly during re-pairs, may affect the integrity of the seals as provided by factory assembly. A maintenance procedure is provided in the Service Section to assure that the radio housing will continue to meet the weatherproof features as designed.Printed in U.S.A.。



按计划JTIDS 系统有四种终端: Ⅰ类终端为指挥和控制终端,用于大型的空中,地面和水面
指挥平台,如E-3A空中预警机、地面对空战术控制中心和海 军指挥舰战术数据系统等; Ⅱ类终端为战术终端,用于各种战术飞机、小型舰艇、地面 部队司令部及PJH(PLRS和JTIDS混合系统)的综合通信、 导航、识别终端。 Ⅲ类终端为小型终端,用于导航、遥控飞机、地面车辆及单 兵背负及小型船只等; Ⅳ类终端为自适应地面和海上接口终端,用于地面和海上中 心和指挥所,这种终端将JTIDS的信息转化为指挥和控制中 心使用的通信信息格式,I类终端是这种终端的组成部分 。
JTIDS系统采用了时分多址、差错控制编码、 软扩频、高速跳频、跳时和单、双脉冲传输 结构等多种先进技术,因此不仅具有很强的 抗干扰能力,而且可以将系统构成一个无节 点、多联系路径的多网组织结构。系统工作 方式如下图所示。
整个通信网就像一个巨大的环状信息池,所有的用户都将 自己的信息投放到信息池中,也可以从信息池中提取自己所 关心的信息。
机载式 符合MIL-E-5400类1A 体积:8.5cm*23.7cm*37cm(高*宽*深)(不含COMSEC模块) 质量:8.3kg(不含COMSEC模块)
接收机特性:噪声系数 10dB 镜像抑制 80dBm(最小) 中频抑制 100dBm(最小) 音频输出 50mW/600Ω
1天24h被分成112.5个时元(一个时元是指整个网络循 环发射信息的周期)。
1个时元被分成A、B、C 3个时隙组,每组包括32768 个时隙,每组时隙交错排列A-0,B-0,C-0,A-1,B1,C-1,...,A-32767, B-32767,C-32767。



广播子系统维修手册天津市渤海欧立电子有限公司2005年10月目录1.定义 (3)2. 系统描述 (3)2.1 系统构成 (3)2.2 系统功能 (3)2.2.1 中心广播操作台功能 (3)2.2.2 车站广播操作台功能 (3)2.2.3 车站应急广播功能 (3)2.2.4 列车到发自动广播功能 (3)2.2.5 广播优先分级功能 (4)2.2.6 语音合成广播功能(播放预录广播内容功能) (4)2.2.7 自动录音功能 (4)2.2.8 广播区域的划分(车站) (4)2.2.9 广播输出电平自动限制功能 (4)2.2.10 电源检测及延时加电及抗电磁干扰 (4)2.2.11 声光报警功能 (5)2.2.12 系统不停机检修功能 (5)2.2.13 预示音功能 (5)2.2.14 中心维护终端功能(网管终端) (5)2.2.15 车站网管功能 (7)2.3 系统主要性能指标 (7)3. 系统设备 (7)3.1 中心级广播设备 (7)3.1.1 中心广播音频话筒盒 (7)3.1.2 音频控制单元YP-Z-1 (12)3.2 车站级广播设备 (15)3.2.1 数字汇接模块SZ4-2G (15)3.2.2 语音合成模块YH10-2 (19)3.2.3 音频汇模块YP-5G (21)3.2.4 音量频响调整模块YT-8 (24)3.2.5 噪声检测模块ZJ4-3 (25)3.2.6 功放检测模块GJ6-5 (27)3.2.7 功放切换模块QH10-3 (30)3.2.8 采样及监听模块CY2-8 (31)3.2.9 电源时序控制器DSK-10 (33)3.2.10 车站广播控制盒 (35)3.2.11 应急广播控制盒KY-T (44)3.2.12 DF-J列车到发数字控制接口 (50)1.定义本手册使用人员需具备中级职称以上电子技术专业水平。




WHP 系列FM 内置天线规格书⏹ FM 内置天线介绍:FM 内置天线采用最新的磁性电介质材料生产,大幅度缩短了FM 接收和发射天线的长度,实现了FM 天线内置化,由于产品采用了优化设计,使得本系列天线在有限的外形的基础上获得最大的天线增益和频率带宽,相比其他陶瓷LTCC 工艺、PCB(含FPC )工艺FM 天线带宽宽、性价比高,产品具备良好的一致性,可以在手机、收音机、数码音响、掌上电脑、MP3、MP4、插卡音箱等产品上作为内置FM 接收和发射天线使用,微航公司开发了系列的内置FM 天线产品,适应不同的使用要求。

⏹ 主要技术参数 ·频率范围: 87.5~108Mhz·阻抗 : 50欧姆 ·中心频率:98Mhz ·驻波比: <2 ·极化方式: 线性极化 ·方向性: 全向 ·匹配方式: T 型或π型⏹ 应用✓ 手机 ✓ 数码音响 ✓ 掌上电脑&PDA ✓ 数码相框 ✓ MP4✓ 插卡音箱⏹ 产品外形⏹ 匹配电路:⏹ 阻抗⏹ 驻波比⏹ 回损产品系列表注:1,微航内置天线由于使用了磁性材料,减弱了金属对天线信号接收的影响,所以,相对于其他的内置天线来说,和外壳金属部分的距离可以更近一点,天线靠近金属,会使得带宽和频率发生变化,可以调整磁性强弱和线圈圈数来抵消影响。







20 mA 100 %
– 4...20 mA
z 0.0
0…100 %

㔯(gn) 0.5 s
4.0 mA
10 s ‫؍‬ᆈ
0. 0
0…100 %

㔯(gn) 4s
4.0 mA
Endress + Hauser

– 4...20 mA
A661 电子插件温度过高
电流输出的影响 优先级
22 mA

22 mA
22 mA
22 mA
3.8 mA 20.5 mA
故障 无测量值
红色 LED 指示灯闪烁
原因 无供电电压 信号线故障
电子插件故障 - FEI20 直接连接至 L1 和 N 标定错误 安装的杆式传感器损坏 液体电导率过低 报警 (A) / 警告 (W)
63 % 0.15 s
输出阻尼时间 延迟输出信号时间
t 25
技术参数 环境温度 Ta 过程温度 Tp
Ta Tp
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10
–40 –30 –20 –10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Tp
–10 –20 –30 –40




本电缆的工作电源取自USB端口,不再由PLC的编程口供电,转换盒上的发光二极管指示数据的收发状态,USB-CS1W-CN226电缆适用于OMRON CS1/CJ1M/CJ1H/CJ1/系列PLCUSB-CS1W-CN226电缆外观:技术指标:●操作系统:Windows2000/Windows XP●支持编程软件版本:STEP7 Micro/WIN V3.2及以上版本●支持UART数据格式:数据位:8,停止位:1、2,校验位:odd/even/no parity●每台PC只支持一根USB编程电缆使用方法:1. USB-CS1W-CN226编程电缆需要安装USB驱动程序才能使用,驱动程序包含在所附光盘上。

2. 驱动程序安装完成后,在Windows的设备管理器中将出现USB-CS1W-CN226编程电缆对应的COM口号,只需在编程软件中选择该COM口号即可,其使用与串口编程电缆CS1W-CN226完全相同。

3.平时使用时先把电缆插入电脑USB口,再把10针口插入PLC4.打开\资源管理器\查看COM口号, 方法为用鼠标单击\我的电脑\控制面板\管理工具\计算机管理\设备管理器\端口(COM和LPT) \ Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm(COMx)\ 这个COMx就是USB 编程电缆使用的COM口号5.打开编程软件设置好COM口就可通信注意:1.不可在关闭编程软件前插拔USB-CS1W-CN226电缆,否则会不能通信。






KFR-26GW/21MBp健康分体式房间空调器培训教材编制:课题组长:电控人员:王欣结构人员:韩香丽系统人员:康月审核:电控人员:结构人员:系统人员:批准:青岛海信空调器有限公司二0 0五年拾月目录一.型号商标---------------------------------------------------------------------31.1产品型号1.2一句话卖点二.产品外观图---------------------------------------------------------------- 3三.主要特点--------------------------------------------------------------------43.1主要功能3.2 技术特点四.衍生关系及通用性-------------------------------------------------------15五.技术参数-------------------------------------------------------------------15六.电控功能介绍-------------------------------------------------------------16七.线路图、电气原理--------------------------------------------------------297.1线路图7.2电气原理图7.3制冷系统图7.4 PCB 板图八.售后服务-------------------------------------------------------------------408.1故障显示一览表8.2产品爆炸图及明细8.3 零部件技术规格参数8.4 故障分析及检修流程图一、 型号商标1.1产品型号 : KFR-26GW/21MBp1.2一句话卖点 :二.产品外观图2.1 室内机2.2遥控器 2.3室外机三.主要特点:1、 空调器采用单转子式交流变频压缩机,频率变化范围30-120Hz。

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载波频率:19.6KHz ~ 312KHz,共计16个频点可选择。




3.管脚与封装3.1 封装芯片采用QFP64封装3.2 管脚管脚名称编号类型说明RA0 1 输入/输出正常模式:输出0RA1 2 输入/输出正常模式:输出0RA2 3 输入/输出正常模式:输出0AGND 4 电源模拟电源A V DD 5 电源模拟电源,3.3VV IN+ 6 模拟输入接收电路模拟信号输入(差分输入正端)V IN- 7 模拟输入接收电路模拟信号输入(差分输入负端)V REF 8 模拟 1.7V基准电压,外接滤波电容V RB 9 模拟 1.2V基准电压,外接滤波电容V RT 10 模拟 2.2V基准电压,外接滤波电容V OUT 11 模拟输出发送电路模拟信号输出V COM 12 模拟输出内部上下电复位和掉电监测电路参考电压测试输出V PF 13 模拟输入掉电报警比较器输入,该模拟信号小于Vref时给出掉电报警信号,大于Vref时撤销掉电报警信号LPRST_N 14 输出上电复位输出RA3 15 输入/输出正常模式:输出0RA4 16 输入/输出正常模式:输出0RA5 17 输入/输出正常模式:输出0RA6 18 输入/输出正常模式:输出0RA7 19 输入/输出正常模式:输出0SEND 20 输入/输出正常模式:以方波为载频的调制输出CLKIN 21 模拟输入外接4MHz晶振输入CLKOUT 22 模拟输出外接4MHz晶振输出DGND 23 电源数字地DV DD 24 电源数字电源,3.3VRESET_N 25 上拉施密特输入正常模式:复位输入,低有效SCAN 26下拉施密特输入工作模式选择输入脚SCANP4.0 /RD0 27 上拉输入/输出正常模式:通用I/OP4.1 /RD1 28 上拉输入/输出正常模式:通用I/OP4.2 /RD2 29 上拉输入/输出正常模式:通用I/OP4.3 /RD3 30 上拉输入/输出正常模式:通用I/OBIST 31下拉施密特输入工作模式选择输入脚BIST RA8 32 输入/输出正常模式:输出0RA9 33 输入/输出正常模式:输出0RA10 34 输入/输出正常模式:输出0RA11 35 输入/输出正常模式:输出0P4. 4/RD4 36 上拉输入/输出正常模式:通用I/OP4.5 /RD5 37 上拉输入/输出正常模式:通用I/O管脚名称编号类型说明P4.6 /RD6 38 上拉输入/输出正常模式:通用I/OP4.7 /RD7 39 上拉输入/输出正常模式:通用I/OP1.0 / T2 40 上拉输入/输出正常模式:通用I/O / TIMER2计数输入P1.1/T2EX 41 上拉输入/输出正常模式:通用I/O / TIMER2控制位P1.2/RXD1 42 上拉输入/输出正常模式:通用I/O / 异步串行输入1P1.3/TXD1 43 上拉输入/输出正常模式:通用I/O / 异步串行输出1P1.4/INT2 44 上拉输入/输出正常模式:通用I/O / 外部中断2P1.5/INT3_N 45 上拉输入/输出正常模式:通用I/O / 外部中断3P1.6/INT4 46 上拉输入/输出正常模式:通用I/O / 外部中断4 / PWM信号输出P1.7/INT5_N 47 上拉输入/输出正常模式:通用I/O / 外部中断5RA12 48 输入/输出正常模式:输出0RA13 49 输入/输出正常模式:输出0DGND 50 电源数字地DV DD 51 电源数字电源,3.3VVPP 52 电源编程高压引脚。

正常模式接数字电源3.3VRA14 53 输出正常模式:输出0RA15 54 输出正常模式:输出0P3.0/RXD0 55 上拉输入/输出正常模式:通用I/O / 异步串行输入0P3.1/TXD0 56 上拉输入/输出正常模式:通用I/O / 异步串行输出0,可选38kHz方波调制P3.4/T0 57 上拉输入/输出正常模式:通用I/O / TIMER0计数输入P3.5/T1 58 上拉输入/输出正常模式:通用I/O / TIMER1计数输入P3.6 59上拉输入/输出正常模式:通用I/OP3.7 60上拉输入/输出正常模式:通用I/OPROGMODE 61 下拉施密特输入工作模式选择输入脚PROGMODEMCLK 62 输出正常模式:输出高阻ZCHK 63 输出正常模式:输出高阻EXROM 64 下拉施密特输入工作模式选择输入脚EXROM4.电气参数4.1 极限参数参数说明符号数值单位电源电压V DD-0.3~3.6 V管脚电压V PIN-0.3~V DD+0.3 V工作温度T A-40~85 ℃储存温度T STG-60~150 ℃4.2 直流参数测试条件:VDD=3.3V,fosc=4MHz,TA=25℃参数值单位参数名符号测试条件最小值典型值最大值电源(POWER SUPPLY)工作电压V DD 3 3.3 3.6 VV DD=3.3V,IDLE 2 mA模拟电源工作电流A IDDV DD=3.3V,发送 10 mAV DD=3.3V,接收 20 mAV DD=3.3V,10 uA低功耗V DD=3.3V,IDLE 20 mA数字电源工作电流D IDDV DD=3.3V,发送 40 mAV DD=3.3V,接收 40 mAV DD=3.3V,100 uA低功耗复位控制(RESET CONTROL)模拟输入(ANALOG INPUTS)输入电压范围V IN10m~0.7V输入共模电平V I,COM V DD/2±1 V 输入电阻R IN0.5 K 输入电容C IN7 Pf模拟输出(ANALOG OUTPUTS)输出电压范围V out 0~2 V 输出共模电平V O,COM V 输出电阻R OUT 2 K 输出载波频率f OUT78156 312 K参考电压源(REFERENCE)V ref V DD=3.3V 1.7 V 基准电压V rt V DD=3.3V 2.2 VV rb V DD=3.3V 1.2 V 基准电压抑制比-30 db参数值参数名符号测试条件单位最小值典型值最大值基准电压温度系数200 ppm/℃数字输入(DIGITAL INPUTS)输入高电平V IH0.7 V DD- V DD V输入低电平V IL0 -0.3V DD V施密特输入高电平V TH V施密特输入低电平V TL V输入高漏电流I IH V IL=V DD100 uA输入低漏电流I IL V IL=GND 100 uA数字输出(DIGITAL OUTPUTS)输出高电平V OH I SOURCE=1.0mA V DD-0.3 V 输出低电平V OL I SINK=1.0mA 0.3 V表 3 FM2261直流参数4.3 交流参数测试条件:VDD=3.3V,TA=25℃参数值单位参数名符号最小值典型值最大值MHz晶体振荡器频率F osc 4MHzPLL输出频率F clk12 40 64上电复位延迟时间T POR 1024 Tosc表 4 FM2261交流参数5. 原理与框图FM2261内部电路分四部分:模拟信号处理模块(ASP )、数字信号处理模块(DSP )、标准异步串行通信口(UART0)和其它辅助电路。


包含DAC 、ADC 、PGA 三个功能模块。

芯片发送数据时, DAC 将DSP 送来的数字信号转变为模拟信号,经过外部电路放大耦合至电力线;芯片接收数据时,从电力线耦合的信号经过外部带通滤波、预放大至PGA 模块,将输入信号幅度调整到ADC 的最大输入幅度变化范围, ADC 将其转换成数字信号,送DSP 模块。

数字信号处理模块(DSP ):包含调制解调模块、低通滤波器、扩频解扩模块、编码解码模块、用户数据处理模块、系统控制状态指示模块等。

芯片发送数据时,对用户数据进行预处理,拆分成内部数据包,编码后, PN 码对其进行扩频处理,本振信号对扩频后的数据进行二进制相位调制,在信号调制的同时,对输出载波的频谱进行边带抑制,最后送至DAC转换成模拟信号输出。

接收时从ADC 获取数字化的载波信号,与本振信号混频、低通滤波取出基带信号,与PN 码做相关运算解扩,相关解扩后数据进行解码后还原成内部数据包,用户数据处理模块收集内部数据包,并将其还原成用户数据,UART0返回给用户。



辅助电路包含OSC 、WDT 、POR 、 Power Moniter 、RESET 、红外调制电路等等。

OSC 晶体振荡电路,为了保证芯片在正常状态下工作,外部必须使用4M 晶体,精度优于150PPM 。

WDT 、POR 、 Power Moniter 、RESET 这些复位监视电路 保证芯片正常工作。


5.1 应用框图如下面框图,一个典型的FM2261通信结点通常包含部分:VinVin图4:FM2261通信结点框图第一部分是用户MCU,负责与FM2261通信,发送、接收数据、命令。





