iF设计大奖设计金奖 飞利浦Sonicare Black Diamond Clean
















他的精彩而脱俗的创意一次次地让世人惊叹而又 匪夷所思。
菲利普· 斯塔克是个十足的法国顽 童,他活泼的个性可以使他在任 何场合下跳起舞来,不论是工厂、 街道、还是国宾宴会。他对任何 不习惯他的人报之以笑,并表示 原谅,他的这种个性也表现在他 的设计作品中。1991年设计的铝 质榨汁器《多汁的沙列夫》,十 足像外星人降落地球,三支尖锐 长脚的上面安置了一颗大大的柠 檬造型的头,这个看起来像外星 人的东西其实是个榨汁机。这个 外星人榨汁机全球已卖出超过55 万个。
厨房分类架 不锈钢
1996年 Alessi公司生产
这个系列的厨房用品都有 着或喜或怒的感情,表达 出斯塔克对生活的热情甚 至对家庭妇女的人文关怀
Alessi公司生产 线厨 条房 优的 美造 ,型 形多 象来 生自 动于 自 然 形 态 , “Meumeu先生”
飞利浦· 斯塔克 (Philippe Starck) 享有“设计 鬼才”、“设计天才”、设计界“国王”等等 重量级美誉。他几乎囊括了所有国际性设计奖 项,其中包括 红点设计奖、IF设计奖、哈佛 卓越设计奖等等。 菲利浦· 斯塔克在48岁时设计出《好产品》 (1997年),主要从事立体的产品造型设计. 斯塔克对自己的阐释是:“我平和、我能见所 不见、我好奇、我善待宽容、我明智。” 他的 “能将欲望的冲动视觉化”的非凡能力,使得 他闻名于世。斯塔克的尖锐性在于他从“后现 代”步入,又从其中蜕出。他的目的并不是要 做一个综合一些文化符号的随波逐流者,而是 要成为新符号新象征的创造者,他的“能见所 不见”帮助他站立在潮流的前头。
作为当今世界的一个正直、充 满热情的公民,他认为他有职 责与我们一起分享他将世界改 变得更好的颠覆性的想象力。

面向需求 锐意创新 飞利浦近年产品回顾

面向需求 锐意创新 飞利浦近年产品回顾













为此飞利浦更精心设计酝酿,适时推出了一款喻意吉祥的SA44 2008纪念版MP3,以表达对“08中国”的祝福。




iF product design award 2012:SAX and SAL产品概览Acvatix 阀门执行器─经济高效的HVAC 系统的决定性组成部件以多年的实践经验、广泛的专业知识和先进的技术为依托,西门子推出了AcvatixTM系列阀门和执行器产品,为暖通水力系统提供理想的解决方案。





适用于各种应用的阀门执行器产品只有机组内每个设备都能可靠、精确的运转时,HVAC 和制冷系统才能正常的工作。

来自西门子的Acvatix 产品线根据您的需要、介质类型和应用类型,总能为您提供合适的阀门执行器:- 用于小型、中型和大型HVAC 和制冷系统的阀门执行器- 用于房间、区域等末端控制的阀门执行器- 两通和三通座阀、蝶阀- 法兰、螺纹和焊接连接- 用于高精度、复杂控制系统的电磁调节阀- 带调节功能和3位或开/关控制信号的执行器地板采暖,辐射采暖TEVA 产品线,见第16页利用散热器控制区域温度TEVA 产品线,见第15和16页生活热水混合系统反应迅速的电磁调节阀, 见第5页法兰和螺纹连接的阀, 见第7-10页生活热水存储罐反应迅速的电磁调节阀,见第5页法兰和螺纹连接的阀, 见第7-10页法兰和螺纹连接的阀, 见第7-10页关闭功能蝶阀,见第13页区域供热分站法兰和螺纹连接的阀, 见第7-10页关闭冷却水塔见第13页控制风机盘管装置TEVA 产品线,见第16页冷吊顶TEVA 产品线,见第16页控制终端装置TEVA 产品线,见第16页用于空气调节设备的制冷盘管反应迅速的电磁调节阀,见第5页法兰和螺纹连接的阀,见第7-12页用于空气调节设备的供暖盘管法兰和螺纹连接的阀,见第7-12页冷冻水环路反应迅速的电磁调节阀,见第5页法兰和螺纹连接的阀,见第7-13页冷却水环路反应迅速的电磁调节阀,见第5页法兰和螺纹的阀,见第7-13页■ 实现能源优化■产品种类多样,适合于各种应用■ 便捷选择阀门执行器■高效配送- 工作电压为AC / DC 24 V 或AC 110 / 230 V 的执行器- 大量专利技术应用于各阀门或执行器,优化系统控制便捷选型西门子为您提供了各种阀门执行器的选型工具,阀门选型尺,技术资料和在线工具。

pantone number 潘通色号对照表

pantone number 潘通色号对照表

PANTONE® is Pantone, Inc.'s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.PANTONE colors generated by this printer are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. PANTONE CALIBRATED™, and PANTONE CALIBRATED Design™ are trademarks of Pantone, Inc., 1994. Fiery Driven and the Fiery Driven logo are trademarks of Electronics for Imaging, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.The color names and numbers displayed in this book represent PANTONE names and numbers from its copyrighted PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM©and are printed under license by Pantone, Inc. This chart is not for sale and its reproduction by third parties is prohibited.Color names have been abbreviated to save space. This chart shows PANTONE solid color simulations. For identical results, be sure to specify your colors using the exact PANTONE name within your application.PANTONE Yellow CC:0M:0Y:100K:0PANTONE Yellow 012 CC:0M:0Y:100K:0PANTONE Orange 021 CC:0M:51Y:87K:0PANTONE Warm Red CC:0M:79Y:91K:0PANTONE Red 032 CC:0M:91Y:87K:0PANTONE Rubine Red CC:0M:100Y:15K:0PANTONE Purple CC:43M:91Y:0K:0PANTONE Violet CC:94M:91Y:0K:0PANTONE Blue 072 C C:100M:79Y:0K:0PANTONE Reflex Blue C C:100M:72Y:0K:6PANTONEProcess Blue C C:100M:9Y:0K:6PANTONE Green CC:100M:0Y:65K:0PANTONEProcess Yellow C C:0M:0Y:100K:0PANTONEProcess Magenta C C:0M:100Y:0K:0PANTONEProcess Cyan CC:100M:0Y:0K:0PANTONEProcess Black CC:0M:0Y:0K:100PANTONE 100 CC:0M:0Y:51K:0PANTONE 101 CC:0M:0Y:79K:0PANTONE 102 CC:0M:0Y:100K:0PANTONE Yellow CC:0M:0Y:100K:0PANTONE 103 CC:0M:0Y:100K:18PANTONE 104 CC:0M:0Y:100K:30PANTONE 106 CC:0M:0Y:72K:0PANTONE 107 CC:0M:0Y:79K:0PANTONE 108 CC:0M:0Y:100K:0PANTONE 109 CC:0M:9Y:94K:0PANTONE 110 CC:0M:11Y:94K:6PANTONE 111 CC:0M:11Y:100K:27PANTONE 113 CC:0M:6Y:69K:0PANTONE 114 CC:0M:6Y:72K:0PANTONE 115 CC:0M:9Y:79K:0PANTONE 116 CC:0M:15Y:94K:0PANTONE 117 CC:0M:18Y:100K:15PANTONE 118 CC:0M:18Y:100K:27PANTONE 120 CC:0M:6Y:56K:0PANTONE 121 CC:0M:9Y:69K:0PANTONE 122 CC:0M:18Y:83K:0PANTONE 123 CC:0M:30Y:94K:0PANTONE 124 CC:0M:27Y:100K:6PANTONE 125 CC:0M:23Y:100K:27PANTONE 1205 CC:0M:0Y:27K:0PANTONE 1215 CC:0M:6Y:43K:0PANTONE 1225 CC:0M:15Y:60K:0PANTONE 1235 CC:0M:27Y:76K:0PANTONE 1245 CC:0M:27Y:100K:18PANTONE 1255 CC:0M:27Y:100K:34PANTONE® is Pantone, Inc.'s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.PANTONE colors generated by this printer are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. PANTONE CALIBRATED™, and PANTONE CALIBRATED Design™ are trademarks of Pantone, Inc., 1994. Fiery Driven and the Fiery Driven logo are trademarks of Electronics for Imaging, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.The color names and numbers displayed in this book represent PANTONE names and numbers from its copyrighted PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM©and are printed under license by Pantone, Inc. This chart is not for sale and its reproduction by third parties is prohibited.Color names have been abbreviated to save space. This chart shows PANTONE solid color simulations. For identical results, be sure to specify your colors using the exact PANTONE name within your application.PANTONE 127 CC:0M:6Y:51K:0PANTONE 128 CC:0M:9Y:65K:0PANTONE 129 CC:0M:15Y:76K:0PANTONE 130 CC:0M:27Y:100K:0PANTONE 131 CC:0M:27Y:100K:9PANTONE 132 CC:0M:23Y:100K:30PANTONE 134 CC:0M:9Y:43K:0PANTONE 135 CC:0M:18Y:60K:0PANTONE 136 CC:0M:27Y:79K:0PANTONE 137 CC:0M:34Y:91K:0PANTONE 138 CC:0M:38Y:94K:0PANTONE 139 CC:0M:38Y:100K:23PANTONE 1345 CC:0M:11Y:47K:0PANTONE 1355 CC:0M:18Y:56K:0PANTONE 1365 CC:0M:30Y:79K:0PANTONE 1375 CC:0M:38Y:76K:0PANTONE 1385 CC:0M:47Y:100K:9PANTONE 1395 CC:0M:43Y:100K:38PANTONE 141 CC:0M:11Y:47K:0PANTONE 142 CC:0M:23Y:76K:0PANTONE 143 CC:0M:30Y:83K:0PANTONE 144 CC:0M:47Y:100K:0PANTONE 145 CC:0M:47Y:100K:9PANTONE 146 CC:0M:38Y:100K:34PANTONE 148 CC:0M:11Y:38K:0PANTONE 149 CC:0M:18Y:51K:0PANTONE 150 CC:0M:30Y:69K:0PANTONE 151 CC:0M:43Y:87K:0PANTONE 152 CC:0M:51Y:100K:0PANTONE 153 CC:0M:43Y:100K:18PANTONE 1485 CC:0M:23Y:56K:0PANTONE 1495 CC:0M:30Y:69K:0PANTONE 1505 CC:0M:38Y:76K:0PANTONE Orange 021 CC:0M:51Y:87K:0PANTONE 1525 CC:0M:65Y:100K:11PANTONE 1535 CC:0M:51Y:100K:38PANTONE 155 CC:0M:9Y:27K:0PANTONE 156 CC:0M:18Y:43K:0PANTONE 157 CC:0M:38Y:76K:0PANTONE 158 CC:0M:60Y:94K:0PANTONE 159 CC:0M:65Y:100K:9PANTONE 160 CC:0M:60Y:100K:34PANTONE 1555 CC:0M:18Y:34K:0PANTONE 1565 CC:0M:34Y:51K:0PANTONE 1575 CC:0M:43Y:72K:0PANTONE 1585 CC:0M:56Y:87K:0PANTONE 1595 CC:0M:60Y:100K:6PANTONE 1605 CC:0M:56Y:100K:30PANTONE® is Pantone, Inc.'s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.PANTONE colors generated by this printer are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. PANTONE CALIBRATED™, and PANTONE CALIBRATED Design™ are trademarks of Pantone, Inc., 1994. Fiery Driven and the Fiery Driven logo are trademarks of Electronics for Imaging, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.The color names and numbers displayed in this book represent PANTONE names and numbers from its copyrighted PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM©and are printed under license by Pantone, Inc. This chart is not for sale and its reproduction by third parties is prohibited.Color names have been abbreviated to save space. This chart shows PANTONE solid color simulations. For identical results, be sure to specify your colors using the exact PANTONE name within your application.PANTONE 162 CC:0M:11Y:18K:0PANTONE 163 CC:0M:30Y:47K:0PANTONE 164 CC:0M:47Y:76K:0PANTONE 165 CC:0M:60Y:100K:0PANTONE 166 CC:0M:65Y:100K:0PANTONE 167 CC:0M:60Y:100K:18PANTONE 1625 CC:0M:30Y:38K:0PANTONE 1635 CC:0M:38Y:47K:0PANTONE 1645 CC:0M:47Y:60K:0PANTONE 1655 CC:0M:65Y:87K:0PANTONE 1665 CC:0M:69Y:100K:0PANTONE 1675 CC:0M:69Y:100K:30PANTONE 169 CC:0M:18Y:18K:0PANTONE 170 CC:0M:38Y:47K:0PANTONE 171 CC:0M:51Y:69K:0PANTONE 172 CC:0M:65Y:83K:0PANTONE 173 CC:0M:69Y:100K:6PANTONE 174 CC:0M:69Y:100K:38PANTONE 176 CC:0M:23Y:15K:0PANTONE 177 CC:0M:47Y:43K:0PANTONE 178 CC:0M:60Y:56K:0PANTONE Warm Red CC:0M:79Y:91K:0PANTONE 179 CC:0M:79Y:94K:0PANTONE 180 CC:0M:76Y:83K:11PANTONE 1765 CC:0M:43Y:23K:0PANTONE 1775 CC:0M:51Y:30K:0PANTONE 1785 CC:0M:69Y:51K:0PANTONE 1788 CC:0M:87Y:91K:0PANTONE 1795 CC:0M:94Y:100K:0PANTONE 1805 CC:0M:91Y:100K:23PANTONE 1767 CC:0M:27Y:11K:0PANTONE 1777 CC:0M:60Y:38K:0PANTONE 1787 CC:0M:76Y:60K:0PANTONE Red 032 CC:0M:91Y:87K:0PANTONE 1797 CC:0M:94Y:94K:6PANTONE 1807 CC:0M:91Y:94K:30PANTONE 182 CC:0M:27Y:9K:0PANTONE 183 CC:0M:51Y:23K:0PANTONE 184 CC:0M:72Y:43K:0PANTONE 185 CC:0M:91Y:76K:0PANTONE 186 CC:0M:91Y:76K:6PANTONE 187 CC:0M:91Y:72K:23PANTONE 189 CC:0M:38Y:11K:0PANTONE 190 CC:0M:56Y:23K:0PANTONE 191 CC:0M:76Y:38K:0PANTONE 192 CC:0M:94Y:65K:0PANTONE 193 CC:0M:91Y:65K:11PANTONE 194 CC:0M:91Y:56K:34PANTONE® is Pantone, Inc.'s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.PANTONE colors generated by this printer are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. PANTONE CALIBRATED™, and PANTONE CALIBRATED Design™ are trademarks of Pantone, Inc., 1994. Fiery Driven and the Fiery Driven logo are trademarks of Electronics for Imaging, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.The color names and numbers displayed in this book represent PANTONE names and numbers from its copyrighted PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM©and are printed under license by Pantone, Inc. This chart is not for sale and its reproduction by third parties is prohibited.Color names have been abbreviated to save space. This chart shows PANTONE solid color simulations. For identical results, be sure to specify your colors using the exact PANTONE name within your application.PANTONE 1895 CC:0M:30Y:6K:0PANTONE 1905 CC:0M:43Y:6K:0PANTONE 1915 CC:0M:72Y:15K:0PANTONE 1925 CC:0M:94Y:51K:0PANTONE 1935 CC:0M:100Y:60K:6PANTONE 1945 CC:0M:100Y:56K:18PANTONE 196 CC:0M:27Y:6K:0PANTONE 197 CC:0M:47Y:11K:0PANTONE 198 CC:0M:79Y:34K:0PANTONE 199 CC:0M:100Y:65K:0PANTONE 200 CC:0M:100Y:65K:15PANTONE 201 CC:0M:100Y:65K:34PANTONE 203 CC:0M:34Y:0K:0PANTONE 204 CC:0M:60Y:0K:0PANTONE 205 CC:0M:76Y:6K:0PANTONE 206 CC:0M:100Y:43K:0PANTONE 207 CC:0M:100Y:43K:18PANTONE 208 CC:0M:91Y:34K:38PANTONE 210 CC:0M:43Y:6K:0PANTONE 211 CC:0M:56Y:6K:0PANTONE 212 CC:0M:72Y:6K:0PANTONE 213 CC:0M:100Y:30K:0PANTONE 214 CC:0M:100Y:34K:9PANTONE 215 CC:0M:94Y:34K:27PANTONE 217 CC:0M:30Y:0K:0PANTONE 218 CC:0M:65Y:0K:0PANTONE 219 CC:0M:87Y:0K:0PANTONE Rubine Red CC:0M:100Y:15K:0PANTONE 220 CC:0M:100Y:18K:18PANTONE 221 CC:0M:100Y:18K:34PANTONE 223 CC:0M:51Y:0K:0PANTONE 224 CC:0M:69Y:0K:0PANTONE 225 CC:0M:83Y:0K:0PANTONE 226 CC:0M:100Y:0K:0PANTONE 227 CC:0M:100Y:0K:23PANTONE 228 CC:0M:94Y:0K:43PANTONE 230 CC:0M:34Y:0K:0PANTONE 231 CC:0M:65Y:0K:0PANTONE 232 CC:0M:79Y:0K:0PANTONERhodamine Red C C:6M:100Y:0K:0PANTONE 233 CC:11M:100Y:0K:0PANTONE 234 CC:6M:100Y:0K:30PANTONE 236 CC:6M:38Y:0K:0PANTONE 237 CC:6M:65Y:0K:0PANTONE 238 CC:9M:76Y:0K:0PANTONE 239 CC:18M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 240 CC:27M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 241 CC:27M:94Y:0K:9PANTONE® is Pantone, Inc.'s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.PANTONE colors generated by this printer are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. PANTONE CALIBRATED™, and PANTONE CALIBRATED Design™ are trademarks of Pantone, Inc., 1994. Fiery Driven and the Fiery Driven logo are trademarks of Electronics for Imaging, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.The color names and numbers displayed in this book represent PANTONE names and numbers from its copyrighted PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM©and are printed under license by Pantone, Inc. This chart is not for sale and its reproduction by third parties is prohibited.Color names have been abbreviated to save space. This chart shows PANTONE solid color simulations. For identical results, be sure to specify your colors using the exact PANTONE name within your application.PANTONE 2365 CC:0M:30Y:0K:0PANTONE 2375 CC:11M:60Y:0K:0PANTONE 2385 CC:18M:83Y:0K:0PANTONE 2395 CC:34M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 2405 CC:43M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 2415 CC:51M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 243 CC:6M:30Y:0K:0PANTONE 244 CC:9M:38Y:0K:0PANTONE 245 CC:15M:60Y:0K:0PANTONE 246 CC:30M:91Y:0K:0PANTONE 247 CC:38M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 248 CC:43M:94Y:0K:15PANTONE 250 CC:6M:18Y:0K:0PANTONE 251 CC:15M:43Y:0K:0PANTONE 252 CC:23M:56Y:0K:0PANTONE Purple CC:43M:91Y:0K:0PANTONE 253 CC:47M:91Y:0K:0PANTONE 254 CC:51M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 256 CC:9M:23Y:0K:0PANTONE 257 CC:15M:38Y:0K:0PANTONE 258 CC:43M:76Y:0K:0PANTONE 259 CC:65M:100Y:0K:15PANTONE 260 CC:60M:100Y:0K:34PANTONE 261 CC:51M:100Y:0K:47PANTONE 2562 CC:23M:34Y:0K:0PANTONE 2572 CC:34M:51Y:0K:0PANTONE 2582 CC:47M:65Y:0K:0PANTONE 2592 CC:69M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 2602 CC:72M:100Y:0K:0PANTONE 2612 CC:79M:100Y:0K:9PANTONE 2563 CC:30M:43Y:0K:0PANTONE 2573 CC:47M:65Y:0K:0PANTONE 2583 CC:60M:87Y:0K:0PANTONE 2593 CC:79M:100Y:0K:0PANTONE 2603 CC:79M:100Y:0K:6PANTONE 2613 CC:79M:100Y:0K:11PANTONE 2567 CC:38M:43Y:0K:0PANTONE 2577 CC:56M:60Y:0K:0PANTONE 2587 CC:72M:79Y:0K:0PANTONE 2597 CC:87M:100Y:0K:0PANTONE 2607 CC:87M:100Y:0K:9PANTONE 2617 CC:87M:100Y:0K:15PANTONE 263 CC:11M:15Y:0K:0PANTONE 264 CC:27M:30Y:0K:0PANTONE 265 CC:56M:56Y:0K:0PANTONE 266 CC:94M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 267 CC:94M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 268 CC:91M:94Y:0K:23PANTONE® is Pantone, Inc.'s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.PANTONE colors generated by this printer are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. PANTONE CALIBRATED™, and PANTONE CALIBRATED Design™ are trademarks of Pantone, Inc., 1994. Fiery Driven and the Fiery Driven logo are trademarks of Electronics for Imaging, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.The color names and numbers displayed in this book represent PANTONE names and numbers from its copyrighted PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM©and are printed under license by Pantone, Inc. This chart is not for sale and its reproduction by third parties is prohibited.Color names have been abbreviated to save space. This chart shows PANTONE solid color simulations. For identical results, be sure to specify your colors using the exact PANTONE name within your application.PANTONE 2635 CC:30M:27Y:0K:0PANTONE 2645 CC:43M:38Y:0K:0PANTONE 2655 CC:56M:51Y:0K:0PANTONE 2665 CC:79M:76Y:0K:0PANTONE Violet CC:94M:91Y:0K:0PANTONE 2685 CC:100M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 270 CC:30M:23Y:0K:0PANTONE 271 CC:43M:34Y:0K:0PANTONE 272 CC:60M:47Y:0K:0PANTONE 273 CC:100M:94Y:0K:6PANTONE 274 CC:100M:94Y:0K:27PANTONE 275 CC:100M:94Y:0K:38PANTONE 2705 CC:43M:34Y:0K:0PANTONE 2715 CC:60M:47Y:0K:0PANTONE 2725 CC:79M:69Y:0K:0PANTONE 2735 CC:100M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 2745 CC:100M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 2755 CC:100M:94Y:0K:11PANTONE 2706 CC:18M:11Y:0K:0PANTONE 2716 CC:47M:34Y:0K:0PANTONE 2726 CC:83M:60Y:0K:0PANTONE 2736 CC:94M:83Y:0K:0PANTONE 2746 CC:100M:87Y:0K:0PANTONE 2756 CC:100M:87Y:0K:11PANTONE 2707 CC:27M:11Y:0K:0PANTONE 2717 CC:38M:23Y:0K:0PANTONE 2727 CC:91M:51Y:0K:0PANTONE Blue 072 C C:100M:79Y:0K:0PANTONE 2747 CC:100M:79Y:0K:9PANTONE 2757 CC:100M:79Y:0K:27PANTONE 2708 CC:34M:9Y:0K:0PANTONE 2718 CC:72M:43Y:0K:0PANTONE 2728 CC:100M:69Y:0K:0PANTONE 2738 CC:100M:79Y:0K:0PANTONE 2748 CC:100M:76Y:0K:18PANTONE 2758 CC:100M:76Y:0K:38PANTONE 277 CC:27M:9Y:0K:0PANTONE 278 CC:38M:15Y:0K:0PANTONE 279 CC:69M:34Y:0K:0PANTONE Reflex Blue C C:100M:72Y:0K:6PANTONE 280 CC:100M:72Y:0K:18PANTONE 281 CC:100M:72Y:0K:38PANTONE 283 CC:34M:6Y:0K:0PANTONE 284 CC:56M:18Y:0K:0PANTONE 285 CC:91M:43Y:0K:0PANTONE 286 CC:100M:60Y:0K:6PANTONE 287 CC:100M:69Y:0K:11PANTONE 288 CC:100M:65Y:0K:30PANTONE® is Pantone, Inc.'s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.PANTONE colors generated by this printer are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. PANTONE CALIBRATED™, and PANTONE CALIBRATED Design™ are trademarks of Pantone, Inc., 1994. Fiery Driven and the Fiery Driven logo are trademarks of Electronics for Imaging, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.The color names and numbers displayed in this book represent PANTONE names and numbers from its copyrighted PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM©and are printed under license by Pantone, Inc. This chart is not for sale and its reproduction by third parties is prohibited.Color names have been abbreviated to save space. This chart shows PANTONE solid color simulations. For identical results, be sure to specify your colors using the exact PANTONE name within your application.PANTONE 290 CC:27M:6Y:0K:0PANTONE 291 CC:47M:11Y:0K:0PANTONE 292 CC:72M:27Y:0K:0PANTONE 293 CC:100M:56Y:0K:0PANTONE 294 CC:100M:56Y:0K:18PANTONE 295 CC:100M:56Y:0K:34PANTONE 2905 CC:43M:6Y:0K:0PANTONE 2915 CC:65M:9Y:0K:0PANTONE 2925 CC:87M:23Y:0K:0PANTONE 2935 CC:100M:47Y:0K:0PANTONE 2945 CC:100M:38Y:0K:15PANTONE 2955 CC:100M:43Y:0K:34PANTONE 297 CC:51M:0Y:0K:0PANTONE 298 CC:76M:9Y:0K:0PANTONE 299 CC:87M:18Y:0K:0PANTONE 300 CC:100M:43Y:0K:0PANTONE 301 CC:100M:43Y:0K:18PANTONE 302 CC:100M:18Y:0K:51PANTONE 2975 CC:34M:0Y:0K:0PANTONE 2985 CC:72M:0Y:0K:0PANTONE 2995 CC:100M:9Y:0K:0PANTONE 3005 CC:100M:30Y:0K:6PANTONE 3015 CC:100M:23Y:0K:18PANTONE 3025 CC:100M:0Y:0K:51PANTONE 304 CC:30M:0Y:6K:0PANTONE 305 CC:56M:0Y:6K:0PANTONE 306 CC:76M:0Y:6K:0PANTONEProcess Blue C C:100M:9Y:0K:6PANTONE 307 CC:100M:6Y:0K:34PANTONE 308 CC:100M:0Y:0K:51PANTONE 310 CC:43M:0Y:9K:0PANTONE 311 CC:65M:0Y:11K:0PANTONE 312 CC:100M:0Y:15K:0PANTONE 313 CC:100M:0Y:6K:18PANTONE 314 CC:100M:0Y:9K:34PANTONE 315 CC:100M:0Y:15K:47PANTONE 3105 CC:43M:0Y:11K:0PANTONE 3115 CC:65M:0Y:18K:0PANTONE 3125 CC:83M:0Y:23K:0PANTONE 3135 CC:100M:0Y:15K:6PANTONE 3145 CC:100M:0Y:18K:18PANTONE 3155 CC:100M:0Y:27K:30PANTONE 317 CC:18M:0Y:9K:0PANTONE 318 CC:38M:0Y:15K:0PANTONE 319 CC:51M:0Y:18K:0PANTONE 320 CC:100M:0Y:30K:6PANTONE 321 CC:100M:0Y:30K:23PANTONE 322 CC:100M:0Y:38K:30PANTONE® is Pantone, Inc.'s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.PANTONE colors generated by this printer are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. PANTONE CALIBRATED™, and PANTONE CALIBRATED Design™ are trademarks of Pantone, Inc., 1994. Fiery Driven and the Fiery Driven logo are trademarks of Electronics for Imaging, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.The color names and numbers displayed in this book represent PANTONE names and numbers from its copyrighted PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM©and are printed under license by Pantone, Inc. This chart is not for sale and its reproduction by third parties is prohibited.Color names have been abbreviated to save space. This chart shows PANTONE solid color simulations. For identical results, be sure to specify your colors using the exact PANTONE name within your application.PANTONE 324 CC:27M:0Y:11K:0PANTONE 325 CC:60M:0Y:27K:0PANTONE 326 CC:94M:0Y:43K:0PANTONE 327 CC:100M:0Y:47K:15PANTONE 328 CC:100M:0Y:47K:30PANTONE 329 CC:100M:0Y:47K:47PANTONE 3242 CC:38M:0Y:18K:0PANTONE 3252 CC:51M:0Y:27K:0PANTONE 3262 CC:72M:0Y:38K:0PANTONE 3272 CC:100M:0Y:47K:0PANTONE 3282 CC:100M:0Y:47K:9PANTONE 3292 CC:100M:0Y:51K:43PANTONE 3245 CC:34M:0Y:18K:0PANTONE 3255 CC:47M:0Y:30K:0PANTONE 3265 CC:69M:0Y:43K:0PANTONE 3275 CC:91M:0Y:51K:0PANTONE 3285 CC:100M:0Y:56K:0PANTONE 3295 CC:100M:0Y:56K:18PANTONE 3248 CC:43M:0Y:23K:0PANTONE 3258 CC:60M:0Y:34K:0PANTONE 3268 CC:87M:0Y:51K:0PANTONE 3278 CC:100M:0Y:60K:0PANTONE 3288 CC:100M:0Y:56K:18PANTONE 3298 CC:100M:0Y:60K:38PANTONE 331 CC:18M:0Y:15K:0PANTONE 332 CC:23M:0Y:18K:0PANTONE 333 CC:38M:0Y:27K:0PANTONE Green CC:100M:0Y:65K:0PANTONE 334 CC:100M:0Y:65K:9PANTONE 335 CC:100M:0Y:65K:30PANTONE 337 CC:30M:0Y:18K:0PANTONE 338 CC:51M:0Y:30K:0PANTONE 339 CC:91M:0Y:60K:0PANTONE 340 CC:100M:0Y:69K:15PANTONE 341 CC:100M:0Y:69K:30PANTONE 342 CC:100M:0Y:69K:43PANTONE 3375 CC:34M:0Y:23K:0PANTONE 3385 CC:43M:0Y:30K:0PANTONE 3395 CC:56M:0Y:43K:0PANTONE 3405 CC:83M:0Y:65K:0PANTONE 3415 CC:100M:0Y:76K:15PANTONE 3425 CC:100M:0Y:76K:38PANTONE 344 CC:27M:0Y:23K:0PANTONE 345 CC:38M:0Y:34K:0PANTONE 346 CC:60M:0Y:51K:0PANTONE 347 CC:100M:0Y:79K:9PANTONE 348 CC:100M:0Y:79K:27PANTONE 349 CC:100M:0Y:83K:47PANTONE® is Pantone, Inc.'s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.PANTONE colors generated by this printer are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. PANTONE CALIBRATED™, and PANTONE CALIBRATED Design™ are trademarks of Pantone, Inc., 1994. Fiery Driven and the Fiery Driven logo are trademarks of Electronics for Imaging, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.The color names and numbers displayed in this book represent PANTONE names and numbers from its copyrighted PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM©and are printed under license by Pantone, Inc. This chart is not for sale and its reproduction by third parties is prohibited.Color names have been abbreviated to save space. This chart shows PANTONE solid color simulations. For identical results, be sure to specify your colors using the exact PANTONE name within your application.PANTONE 351 CC:15M:0Y:15K:0PANTONE 352 CC:23M:0Y:23K:0PANTONE 353 CC:38M:0Y:34K:0PANTONE 354 CC:91M:0Y:83K:0PANTONE 355 CC:100M:0Y:91K:6PANTONE 356 CC:100M:0Y:91K:27PANTONE 358 CC:27M:0Y:38K:0PANTONE 359 CC:38M:0Y:51K:0PANTONE 360 CC:60M:0Y:79K:0PANTONE 361 CC:76M:0Y:91K:0PANTONE 362 CC:76M:0Y:100K:11PANTONE 363 CC:76M:0Y:100K:23PANTONE 365 CC:11M:0Y:30K:0PANTONE 366 CC:18M:0Y:47K:0PANTONE 367 CC:30M:0Y:60K:0PANTONE 368 CC:65M:0Y:100K:0PANTONE 369 CC:65M:0Y:100K:9PANTONE 370 CC:60M:0Y:100K:27PANTONE 372 CC:9M:0Y:34K:0PANTONE 373 CC:15M:0Y:47K:0PANTONE 374 CC:23M:0Y:60K:0PANTONE 375 CC:43M:0Y:79K:0PANTONE 376 CC:56M:0Y:100K:0PANTONE 377 CC:43M:0Y:100K:23PANTONE 379 CC:9M:0Y:60K:0PANTONE 380 CC:11M:0Y:72K:0PANTONE 381 CC:18M:0Y:91K:0PANTONE 382 CC:30M:0Y:94K:0PANTONE 383 CC:18M:0Y:100K:18PANTONE 384 CC:15M:0Y:100K:30PANTONE 386 CC:6M:0Y:56K:0PANTONE 387 CC:11M:0Y:76K:0PANTONE 388 CC:11M:0Y:79K:0PANTONE 389 CC:18M:0Y:83K:0PANTONE 390 CC:18M:0Y:100K:6PANTONE 391 CC:11M:0Y:100K:27PANTONE 393 CC:6M:0Y:51K:0PANTONE 394 CC:6M:0Y:76K:0PANTONE 395 CC:9M:0Y:83K:0PANTONE 396 CC:11M:0Y:94K:0PANTONE 397 CC:11M:0Y:100K:11PANTONE 398 CC:6M:0Y:100K:23PANTONE 3935 CC:0M:0Y:69K:0PANTONE 3945 CC:6M:0Y:91K:0PANTONE 3955 CC:6M:0Y:100K:0PANTONE 3965 CC:9M:0Y:100K:0PANTONE 3975 CC:0M:0Y:100K:23PANTONE 3985 CC:0M:0Y:100K:43PANTONE® is Pantone, Inc.'s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.PANTONE colors generated by this printer are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. PANTONE CALIBRATED™, and PANTONE CALIBRATED Design™ are trademarks of Pantone, Inc., 1994. Fiery Driven and the Fiery Driven logo are trademarks of Electronics for Imaging, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.The color names and numbers displayed in this book represent PANTONE names and numbers from its copyrighted PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM©and are printed under license by Pantone, Inc. This chart is not for sale and its reproduction by third parties is prohibited.Color names have been abbreviated to save space. This chart shows PANTONE solid color simulations. For identical results, be sure to specify your colors using the exact PANTONE name within your application.PANTONE 400 CC:0M:6Y:6K:15PANTONE 401 CC:0M:6Y:15K:23PANTONE 402 CC:0M:6Y:15K:34PANTONE 403 CC:0M:6Y:18K:43PANTONE 404 CC:0M:9Y:23K:56PANTONE 405 CC:0M:11Y:38K:76PANTONE 406 CC:0M:6Y:9K:18PANTONE 407 CC:0M:6Y:9K:27PANTONE 408 CC:0M:11Y:11K:34PANTONE 409 CC:0M:15Y:18K:47PANTONE 410 CC:0M:18Y:23K:56PANTONE 411 CC:0M:27Y:43K:79PANTONE 413 CC:0M:0Y:6K:18PANTONE 414 CC:0M:0Y:9K:30PANTONE 415 CC:0M:0Y:11K:43PANTONE 416 CC:0M:0Y:15K:51PANTONE 417 CC:0M:0Y:23K:69PANTONE 418 CC:0M:0Y:30K:79PANTONE 420 CC:0M:0Y:0K:15PANTONE 421 CC:0M:0Y:0K:27PANTONE 422 CC:0M:0Y:0K:34PANTONE 423 CC:0M:0Y:0K:47PANTONE 424 CC:0M:0Y:0K:65PANTONE 425 CC:0M:0Y:0K:79PANTONE 427 CC:0M:0Y:0K:11PANTONE 428 CC:0M:0Y:0K:23PANTONE 429 CC:6M:0Y:0K:34PANTONE 430 CC:6M:0Y:0K:47PANTONE 431 CC:11M:0Y:0K:65PANTONE 432 CC:23M:0Y:0K:79PANTONE 434 CC:6M:9Y:9K:0PANTONE 435 CC:11M:15Y:15K:0PANTONE 436 CC:23M:23Y:27K:0PANTONE 437 CC:38M:38Y:43K:0PANTONE 438 CC:72M:69Y:79K:0PANTONE 439 CC:87M:79Y:94K:0PANTONE 441 CC:6M:0Y:6K:11PANTONE 442 CC:6M:0Y:6K:23PANTONE 443 CC:9M:0Y:6K:34PANTONE 444 CC:9M:0Y:6K:47PANTONE 445 CC:15M:0Y:11K:69PANTONE 446 CC:11M:0Y:15K:79PANTONE Warm Gray 1 C C:0M:0Y:0K:6PANTONE Warm Gray 2 C C:0M:6Y:6K:11PANTONE Warm Gray 3 C C:0M:6Y:6K:18PANTONE Warm Gray 4 C C:0M:6Y:6K:27PANTONE Warm Gray 5 C C:0M:6Y:6K:34PANTONE® is Pantone, Inc.'s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.PANTONE colors generated by this printer are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. PANTONE CALIBRATED™, and PANTONE CALIBRATED Design™ are trademarks of Pantone, Inc., 1994. Fiery Driven and the Fiery Driven logo are trademarks of Electronics for Imaging, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.The color names and numbers displayed in this book represent PANTONE names and numbers from its copyrighted PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM©and are printed under license by Pantone, Inc. This chart is not for sale and its reproduction by third parties is prohibited.Color names have been abbreviated to save space. This chart shows PANTONE solid color simulations. For identical results, be sure to specify your colors using the exact PANTONE name within your application.PANTONE Warm Gray 6 CC:0M:9Y:11K:30PANTONE Warm Gray 7 CC:0M:6Y:11K:38PANTONE Warm Gray 8 CC:0M:9Y:15K:43PANTONE Warm Gray 9 CC:0M:15Y:18K:47PANTONEWarm Gray 10 CC:0M:15Y:27K:56PANTONEWarm Gray 11 CC:0M:15Y:34K:60PANTONE Cool Gray 1 C C:0M:0Y:0K:6PANTONE Cool Gray 2 C C:0M:0Y:0K:11PANTONE Cool Gray 3 C C:0M:0Y:0K:18PANTONE Cool Gray 4 C C:0M:0Y:0K:27PANTONE Cool Gray 5 C C:0M:0Y:0K:34PANTONE Cool Gray 6 C C:0M:0Y:0K:38PANTONE Cool Gray 7 C C:0M:0Y:0K:47PANTONE Cool Gray 8 C C:0M:0Y:0K:56PANTONE Cool Gray 9 C C:0M:0Y:0K:65PANTONE Cool Gray 10 C C:0M:0Y:0K:72PANTONE Cool Gray 11 C C:0M:0Y:0K:79PANTONE 448 CC:87M:72Y:100K:0PANTONE 449 CC:79M:69Y:100K:0PANTONE 450 CC:76M:65Y:94K:0PANTONE 451 CC:34M:27Y:51K:0PANTONE 452 CC:23M:18Y:38K:0PANTONE 453 CC:15M:11Y:23K:0PANTONE 4485 CC:0M:23Y:100K:72PANTONE 4495 CC:0M:18Y:91K:47PANTONE 4505 CC:0M:15Y:76K:38PANTONE 4515 CC:0M:9Y:47K:23PANTONE 4525 CC:0M:6Y:38K:18PANTONE 4535 CC:0M:0Y:27K:11PANTONE 455 CC:0M:18Y:100K:65PANTONE 456 CC:0M:18Y:100K:43PANTONE 457 CC:0M:18Y:100K:30PANTONE 458 CC:11M:11Y:72K:0PANTONE 459 CC:6M:6Y:51K:0PANTONE 460 CC:6M:6Y:38K:0PANTONE 462 CC:79M:72Y:100K:0PANTONE 463 CC:60M:65Y:100K:0PANTONE 464 CC:47M:65Y:100K:0PANTONE 465 CC:18M:30Y:56K:0PANTONE 466 CC:11M:23Y:43K:0PANTONE 467 CC:9M:15Y:34K:0PANTONE 4625 CC:0M:56Y:100K:83PANTONE 4635 CC:0M:47Y:94K:47PANTONE 4645 CC:0M:34Y:72K:30PANTONE 4655 CC:0M:23Y:43K:18PANTONE 4665 CC:0M:18Y:30K:11PANTONE 4675 CC:0M:11Y:18K:6。

飞利浦加热破壁料理机 HR2099 用户手册说明书

飞利浦加热破壁料理机 HR2099 用户手册说明书

User manualSC 用户手册HR2091, HR2092, HR2098, HR2099, HR2199产品: 飞利浦加热破壁料理机型号: HR2099额定电压:220 V ~额定频率: 50 Hz 额定输入功率: 1000 W 生产日期: 请见产品底部 产地:中国广东东莞飞利浦(中国)投资有限公司 中国上海市静安区灵石路718 号A1 幢全国顾客服务热线:4008 800 008 本产品根据国标GB4706.1-2005, GB4706.19-2008, GB4706.30-2008制造9123456512346589107614526783(30 sec. – 3 min.)81243EnglishManual cooking mode (Fig. 5)1 Follow the steps in “Preparing your cooking blender”.2 Turn the rotary knob to the manual mode (step3 in Fig. 5).3Adjust the heating level by pressing -/+ button and then press OK button to confirm.4 Adjust the cooking time by pressing -/+ button.5Press OK button to start cooking.»When cooking is completed, you will hear a fewbeeps.6 Turn the rotary knob to “0” position.• The LED display will turn off if there is no operationin 5 minutes. You can wake up the appliance and continue operating by pressing any function key.7 Unplug the appliance.8 Remove the blender jar from the motor unit(step 11 in Fig. 5).• This allows the heating element to cool down faster. • Be aware that the lid and the blender jar will be hotafter cooking• Be aware of the steam release when you lift the lidand measuring cupWarning : Do not touch the bottom of blender jar and the heating element after cooking. It is very hot!9 Pour out the cooked ingredients/soup from the blenderjar to avoid overcooking.简体中文手动烹饪模式(图 5)1 按照“准备料理机”中的步骤操作。

乐鑫ESP-PSRAM64 和 ESP-PSRAM64H 技术规格书说明书

乐鑫ESP-PSRAM64 和 ESP-PSRAM64H 技术规格书说明书

5.5. 命令终止 ................................................................................................................................................7
7.2. QPI 写操作 ...........................................................................................................................................13
本文档介绍了ESP-PSRAM64 和 ESP-PSRAM64H 的技术规格。
7. QPI 模式操作 ...................................................................................................................................13
7.1. QPI 读操作 ...........................................................................................................................................13



PANTONE® is Pantone, Inc.'s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.PANTONE colors generated by this printer are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. PANTONE CALIBRATED™, and PANTONE CALIBRATED Design™ are trademarks of Pantone, Inc., 1994. Fiery Driven and the Fiery Driven logo are trademarks of Electronics for Imaging, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.The color names and numbers displayed in this book represent PANTONE names and numbers from its copyrighted PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM©and are printed under license by Pantone, Inc. This chart is not for sale and its reproduction by third parties is prohibited.Color names have been abbreviated to save space. This chart shows PANTONE solid color simulations. For identical results, be sure to specify your colors using the exact PANTONE name within your application.PANTONE Yellow CC:0M:0Y:100K:0PANTONE Yellow 012 CC:0M:0Y:100K:0PANTONE Orange 021 CC:0M:51Y:87K:0PANTONE Warm Red CC:0M:79Y:91K:0PANTONE Red 032 CC:0M:91Y:87K:0PANTONE Rubine Red CC:0M:100Y:15K:0PANTONE Purple CC:43M:91Y:0K:0PANTONE Violet CC:94M:91Y:0K:0PANTONE Blue 072 C C:100M:79Y:0K:0PANTONE Reflex Blue C C:100M:72Y:0K:6PANTONEProcess Blue C C:100M:9Y:0K:6PANTONE Green CC:100M:0Y:65K:0PANTONEProcess Yellow C C:0M:0Y:100K:0PANTONEProcess Magenta C C:0M:100Y:0K:0PANTONEProcess Cyan CC:100M:0Y:0K:0PANTONEProcess Black CC:0M:0Y:0K:100PANTONE 100 CC:0M:0Y:51K:0PANTONE 101 CC:0M:0Y:79K:0PANTONE 102 CC:0M:0Y:100K:0PANTONE Yellow CC:0M:0Y:100K:0PANTONE 103 CC:0M:0Y:100K:18PANTONE 104 CC:0M:0Y:100K:30PANTONE 106 CC:0M:0Y:72K:0PANTONE 107 CC:0M:0Y:79K:0PANTONE 108 CC:0M:0Y:100K:0PANTONE 109 CC:0M:9Y:94K:0PANTONE 110 CC:0M:11Y:94K:6PANTONE 111 CC:0M:11Y:100K:27PANTONE 113 CC:0M:6Y:69K:0PANTONE 114 CC:0M:6Y:72K:0PANTONE 115 CC:0M:9Y:79K:0PANTONE 116 CC:0M:15Y:94K:0PANTONE 117 CC:0M:18Y:100K:15PANTONE 118 CC:0M:18Y:100K:27PANTONE 120 CC:0M:6Y:56K:0PANTONE 121 CC:0M:9Y:69K:0PANTONE 122 CC:0M:18Y:83K:0PANTONE 123 CC:0M:30Y:94K:0PANTONE 124 CC:0M:27Y:100K:6PANTONE 125 CC:0M:23Y:100K:27PANTONE 1205 CC:0M:0Y:27K:0PANTONE 1215 CC:0M:6Y:43K:0PANTONE 1225 CC:0M:15Y:60K:0PANTONE 1235 CC:0M:27Y:76K:0PANTONE 1245 CC:0M:27Y:100K:18PANTONE 1255 CC:0M:27Y:100K:34PANTONE® is Pantone, Inc.'s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.PANTONE colors generated by this printer are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. PANTONE CALIBRATED™, and PANTONE CALIBRATED Design™ are trademarks of Pantone, Inc., 1994. Fiery Driven and the Fiery Driven logo are trademarks of Electronics for Imaging, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.The color names and numbers displayed in this book represent PANTONE names and numbers from its copyrighted PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM©and are printed under license by Pantone, Inc. This chart is not for sale and its reproduction by third parties is prohibited.Color names have been abbreviated to save space. This chart shows PANTONE solid color simulations. For identical results, be sure to specify your colors using the exact PANTONE name within your application.PANTONE 127 CC:0M:6Y:51K:0PANTONE 128 CC:0M:9Y:65K:0PANTONE 129 CC:0M:15Y:76K:0PANTONE 130 CC:0M:27Y:100K:0PANTONE 131 CC:0M:27Y:100K:9PANTONE 132 CC:0M:23Y:100K:30PANTONE 134 CC:0M:9Y:43K:0PANTONE 135 CC:0M:18Y:60K:0PANTONE 136 CC:0M:27Y:79K:0PANTONE 137 CC:0M:34Y:91K:0PANTONE 138 CC:0M:38Y:94K:0PANTONE 139 CC:0M:38Y:100K:23PANTONE 1345 CC:0M:11Y:47K:0PANTONE 1355 CC:0M:18Y:56K:0PANTONE 1365 CC:0M:30Y:79K:0PANTONE 1375 CC:0M:38Y:76K:0PANTONE 1385 CC:0M:47Y:100K:9PANTONE 1395 CC:0M:43Y:100K:38PANTONE 141 CC:0M:11Y:47K:0PANTONE 142 CC:0M:23Y:76K:0PANTONE 143 CC:0M:30Y:83K:0PANTONE 144 CC:0M:47Y:100K:0PANTONE 145 CC:0M:47Y:100K:9PANTONE 146 CC:0M:38Y:100K:34PANTONE 148 CC:0M:11Y:38K:0PANTONE 149 CC:0M:18Y:51K:0PANTONE 150 CC:0M:30Y:69K:0PANTONE 151 CC:0M:43Y:87K:0PANTONE 152 CC:0M:51Y:100K:0PANTONE 153 CC:0M:43Y:100K:18PANTONE 1485 CC:0M:23Y:56K:0PANTONE 1495 CC:0M:30Y:69K:0PANTONE 1505 CC:0M:38Y:76K:0PANTONE Orange 021 CC:0M:51Y:87K:0PANTONE 1525 CC:0M:65Y:100K:11PANTONE 1535 CC:0M:51Y:100K:38PANTONE 155 CC:0M:9Y:27K:0PANTONE 156 CC:0M:18Y:43K:0PANTONE 157 CC:0M:38Y:76K:0PANTONE 158 CC:0M:60Y:94K:0PANTONE 159 CC:0M:65Y:100K:9PANTONE 160 CC:0M:60Y:100K:34PANTONE 1555 CC:0M:18Y:34K:0PANTONE 1565 CC:0M:34Y:51K:0PANTONE 1575 CC:0M:43Y:72K:0PANTONE 1585 CC:0M:56Y:87K:0PANTONE 1595 CC:0M:60Y:100K:6PANTONE 1605 CC:0M:56Y:100K:30PANTONE® is Pantone, Inc.'s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.PANTONE colors generated by this printer are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. PANTONE CALIBRATED™, and PANTONE CALIBRATED Design™ are trademarks of Pantone, Inc., 1994. Fiery Driven and the Fiery Driven logo are trademarks of Electronics for Imaging, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.The color names and numbers displayed in this book represent PANTONE names and numbers from its copyrighted PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM©and are printed under license by Pantone, Inc. This chart is not for sale and its reproduction by third parties is prohibited.Color names have been abbreviated to save space. This chart shows PANTONE solid color simulations. For identical results, be sure to specify your colors using the exact PANTONE name within your application.PANTONE 162 CC:0M:11Y:18K:0PANTONE 163 CC:0M:30Y:47K:0PANTONE 164 CC:0M:47Y:76K:0PANTONE 165 CC:0M:60Y:100K:0PANTONE 166 CC:0M:65Y:100K:0PANTONE 167 CC:0M:60Y:100K:18PANTONE 1625 CC:0M:30Y:38K:0PANTONE 1635 CC:0M:38Y:47K:0PANTONE 1645 CC:0M:47Y:60K:0PANTONE 1655 CC:0M:65Y:87K:0PANTONE 1665 CC:0M:69Y:100K:0PANTONE 1675 CC:0M:69Y:100K:30PANTONE 169 CC:0M:18Y:18K:0PANTONE 170 CC:0M:38Y:47K:0PANTONE 171 CC:0M:51Y:69K:0PANTONE 172 CC:0M:65Y:83K:0PANTONE 173 CC:0M:69Y:100K:6PANTONE 174 CC:0M:69Y:100K:38PANTONE 176 CC:0M:23Y:15K:0PANTONE 177 CC:0M:47Y:43K:0PANTONE 178 CC:0M:60Y:56K:0PANTONE Warm Red CC:0M:79Y:91K:0PANTONE 179 CC:0M:79Y:94K:0PANTONE 180 CC:0M:76Y:83K:11PANTONE 1765 CC:0M:43Y:23K:0PANTONE 1775 CC:0M:51Y:30K:0PANTONE 1785 CC:0M:69Y:51K:0PANTONE 1788 CC:0M:87Y:91K:0PANTONE 1795 CC:0M:94Y:100K:0PANTONE 1805 CC:0M:91Y:100K:23PANTONE 1767 CC:0M:27Y:11K:0PANTONE 1777 CC:0M:60Y:38K:0PANTONE 1787 CC:0M:76Y:60K:0PANTONE Red 032 CC:0M:91Y:87K:0PANTONE 1797 CC:0M:94Y:94K:6PANTONE 1807 CC:0M:91Y:94K:30PANTONE 182 CC:0M:27Y:9K:0PANTONE 183 CC:0M:51Y:23K:0PANTONE 184 CC:0M:72Y:43K:0PANTONE 185 CC:0M:91Y:76K:0PANTONE 186 CC:0M:91Y:76K:6PANTONE 187 CC:0M:91Y:72K:23PANTONE 189 CC:0M:38Y:11K:0PANTONE 190 CC:0M:56Y:23K:0PANTONE 191 CC:0M:76Y:38K:0PANTONE 192 CC:0M:94Y:65K:0PANTONE 193 CC:0M:91Y:65K:11PANTONE 194 CC:0M:91Y:56K:34PANTONE® is Pantone, Inc.'s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.PANTONE colors generated by this printer are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. PANTONE CALIBRATED™, and PANTONE CALIBRATED Design™ are trademarks of Pantone, Inc., 1994. Fiery Driven and the Fiery Driven logo are trademarks of Electronics for Imaging, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.The color names and numbers displayed in this book represent PANTONE names and numbers from its copyrighted PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM©and are printed under license by Pantone, Inc. This chart is not for sale and its reproduction by third parties is prohibited.Color names have been abbreviated to save space. This chart shows PANTONE solid color simulations. For identical results, be sure to specify your colors using the exact PANTONE name within your application.PANTONE 1895 CC:0M:30Y:6K:0PANTONE 1905 CC:0M:43Y:6K:0PANTONE 1915 CC:0M:72Y:15K:0PANTONE 1925 CC:0M:94Y:51K:0PANTONE 1935 CC:0M:100Y:60K:6PANTONE 1945 CC:0M:100Y:56K:18PANTONE 196 CC:0M:27Y:6K:0PANTONE 197 CC:0M:47Y:11K:0PANTONE 198 CC:0M:79Y:34K:0PANTONE 199 CC:0M:100Y:65K:0PANTONE 200 CC:0M:100Y:65K:15PANTONE 201 CC:0M:100Y:65K:34PANTONE 203 CC:0M:34Y:0K:0PANTONE 204 CC:0M:60Y:0K:0PANTONE 205 CC:0M:76Y:6K:0PANTONE 206 CC:0M:100Y:43K:0PANTONE 207 CC:0M:100Y:43K:18PANTONE 208 CC:0M:91Y:34K:38PANTONE 210 CC:0M:43Y:6K:0PANTONE 211 CC:0M:56Y:6K:0PANTONE 212 CC:0M:72Y:6K:0PANTONE 213 CC:0M:100Y:30K:0PANTONE 214 CC:0M:100Y:34K:9PANTONE 215 CC:0M:94Y:34K:27PANTONE 217 CC:0M:30Y:0K:0PANTONE 218 CC:0M:65Y:0K:0PANTONE 219 CC:0M:87Y:0K:0PANTONE Rubine Red CC:0M:100Y:15K:0PANTONE 220 CC:0M:100Y:18K:18PANTONE 221 CC:0M:100Y:18K:34PANTONE 223 CC:0M:51Y:0K:0PANTONE 224 CC:0M:69Y:0K:0PANTONE 225 CC:0M:83Y:0K:0PANTONE 226 CC:0M:100Y:0K:0PANTONE 227 CC:0M:100Y:0K:23PANTONE 228 CC:0M:94Y:0K:43PANTONE 230 CC:0M:34Y:0K:0PANTONE 231 CC:0M:65Y:0K:0PANTONE 232 CC:0M:79Y:0K:0PANTONERhodamine Red C C:6M:100Y:0K:0PANTONE 233 CC:11M:100Y:0K:0PANTONE 234 CC:6M:100Y:0K:30PANTONE 236 CC:6M:38Y:0K:0PANTONE 237 CC:6M:65Y:0K:0PANTONE 238 CC:9M:76Y:0K:0PANTONE 239 CC:18M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 240 CC:27M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 241 CC:27M:94Y:0K:9PANTONE® is Pantone, Inc.'s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.PANTONE colors generated by this printer are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. PANTONE CALIBRATED™, and PANTONE CALIBRATED Design™ are trademarks of Pantone, Inc., 1994. Fiery Driven and the Fiery Driven logo are trademarks of Electronics for Imaging, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.The color names and numbers displayed in this book represent PANTONE names and numbers from its copyrighted PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM©and are printed under license by Pantone, Inc. This chart is not for sale and its reproduction by third parties is prohibited.Color names have been abbreviated to save space. This chart shows PANTONE solid color simulations. For identical results, be sure to specify your colors using the exact PANTONE name within your application.PANTONE 2365 CC:0M:30Y:0K:0PANTONE 2375 CC:11M:60Y:0K:0PANTONE 2385 CC:18M:83Y:0K:0PANTONE 2395 CC:34M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 2405 CC:43M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 2415 CC:51M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 243 CC:6M:30Y:0K:0PANTONE 244 CC:9M:38Y:0K:0PANTONE 245 CC:15M:60Y:0K:0PANTONE 246 CC:30M:91Y:0K:0PANTONE 247 CC:38M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 248 CC:43M:94Y:0K:15PANTONE 250 CC:6M:18Y:0K:0PANTONE 251 CC:15M:43Y:0K:0PANTONE 252 CC:23M:56Y:0K:0PANTONE Purple CC:43M:91Y:0K:0PANTONE 253 CC:47M:91Y:0K:0PANTONE 254 CC:51M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 256 CC:9M:23Y:0K:0PANTONE 257 CC:15M:38Y:0K:0PANTONE 258 CC:43M:76Y:0K:0PANTONE 259 CC:65M:100Y:0K:15PANTONE 260 CC:60M:100Y:0K:34PANTONE 261 CC:51M:100Y:0K:47PANTONE 2562 CC:23M:34Y:0K:0PANTONE 2572 CC:34M:51Y:0K:0PANTONE 2582 CC:47M:65Y:0K:0PANTONE 2592 CC:69M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 2602 CC:72M:100Y:0K:0PANTONE 2612 CC:79M:100Y:0K:9PANTONE 2563 CC:30M:43Y:0K:0PANTONE 2573 CC:47M:65Y:0K:0PANTONE 2583 CC:60M:87Y:0K:0PANTONE 2593 CC:79M:100Y:0K:0PANTONE 2603 CC:79M:100Y:0K:6PANTONE 2613 CC:79M:100Y:0K:11PANTONE 2567 CC:38M:43Y:0K:0PANTONE 2577 CC:56M:60Y:0K:0PANTONE 2587 CC:72M:79Y:0K:0PANTONE 2597 CC:87M:100Y:0K:0PANTONE 2607 CC:87M:100Y:0K:9PANTONE 2617 CC:87M:100Y:0K:15PANTONE 263 CC:11M:15Y:0K:0PANTONE 264 CC:27M:30Y:0K:0PANTONE 265 CC:56M:56Y:0K:0PANTONE 266 CC:94M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 267 CC:94M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 268 CC:91M:94Y:0K:23PANTONE® is Pantone, Inc.'s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.PANTONE colors generated by this printer are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. PANTONE CALIBRATED™, and PANTONE CALIBRATED Design™ are trademarks of Pantone, Inc., 1994. Fiery Driven and the Fiery Driven logo are trademarks of Electronics for Imaging, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.The color names and numbers displayed in this book represent PANTONE names and numbers from its copyrighted PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM©and are printed under license by Pantone, Inc. This chart is not for sale and its reproduction by third parties is prohibited.Color names have been abbreviated to save space. This chart shows PANTONE solid color simulations. For identical results, be sure to specify your colors using the exact PANTONE name within your application.PANTONE 2635 CC:30M:27Y:0K:0PANTONE 2645 CC:43M:38Y:0K:0PANTONE 2655 CC:56M:51Y:0K:0PANTONE 2665 CC:79M:76Y:0K:0PANTONE Violet CC:94M:91Y:0K:0PANTONE 2685 CC:100M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 270 CC:30M:23Y:0K:0PANTONE 271 CC:43M:34Y:0K:0PANTONE 272 CC:60M:47Y:0K:0PANTONE 273 CC:100M:94Y:0K:6PANTONE 274 CC:100M:94Y:0K:27PANTONE 275 CC:100M:94Y:0K:38PANTONE 2705 CC:43M:34Y:0K:0PANTONE 2715 CC:60M:47Y:0K:0PANTONE 2725 CC:79M:69Y:0K:0PANTONE 2735 CC:100M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 2745 CC:100M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 2755 CC:100M:94Y:0K:11PANTONE 2706 CC:18M:11Y:0K:0PANTONE 2716 CC:47M:34Y:0K:0PANTONE 2726 CC:83M:60Y:0K:0PANTONE 2736 CC:94M:83Y:0K:0PANTONE 2746 CC:100M:87Y:0K:0PANTONE 2756 CC:100M:87Y:0K:11PANTONE 2707 CC:27M:11Y:0K:0PANTONE 2717 CC:38M:23Y:0K:0PANTONE 2727 CC:91M:51Y:0K:0PANTONE Blue 072 C C:100M:79Y:0K:0PANTONE 2747 CC:100M:79Y:0K:9PANTONE 2757 CC:100M:79Y:0K:27PANTONE 2708 CC:34M:9Y:0K:0PANTONE 2718 CC:72M:43Y:0K:0PANTONE 2728 CC:100M:69Y:0K:0PANTONE 2738 CC:100M:79Y:0K:0PANTONE 2748 CC:100M:76Y:0K:18PANTONE 2758 CC:100M:76Y:0K:38PANTONE 277 CC:27M:9Y:0K:0PANTONE 278 CC:38M:15Y:0K:0PANTONE 279 CC:69M:34Y:0K:0PANTONE Reflex Blue C C:100M:72Y:0K:6PANTONE 280 CC:100M:72Y:0K:18PANTONE 281 CC:100M:72Y:0K:38PANTONE 283 CC:34M:6Y:0K:0PANTONE 284 CC:56M:18Y:0K:0PANTONE 285 CC:91M:43Y:0K:0PANTONE 286 CC:100M:60Y:0K:6PANTONE 287 CC:100M:69Y:0K:11PANTONE 288 CC:100M:65Y:0K:30PANTONE® is Pantone, Inc.'s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.PANTONE colors generated by this printer are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. PANTONE CALIBRATED™, and PANTONE CALIBRATED Design™ are trademarks of Pantone, Inc., 1994. Fiery Driven and the Fiery Driven logo are trademarks of Electronics for Imaging, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.The color names and numbers displayed in this book represent PANTONE names and numbers from its copyrighted PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM©and are printed under license by Pantone, Inc. This chart is not for sale and its reproduction by third parties is prohibited.Color names have been abbreviated to save space. This chart shows PANTONE solid color simulations. For identical results, be sure to specify your colors using the exact PANTONE name within your application.PANTONE 290 CC:27M:6Y:0K:0PANTONE 291 CC:47M:11Y:0K:0PANTONE 292 CC:72M:27Y:0K:0PANTONE 293 CC:100M:56Y:0K:0PANTONE 294 CC:100M:56Y:0K:18PANTONE 295 CC:100M:56Y:0K:34PANTONE 2905 CC:43M:6Y:0K:0PANTONE 2915 CC:65M:9Y:0K:0PANTONE 2925 CC:87M:23Y:0K:0PANTONE 2935 CC:100M:47Y:0K:0PANTONE 2945 CC:100M:38Y:0K:15PANTONE 2955 CC:100M:43Y:0K:34PANTONE 297 CC:51M:0Y:0K:0PANTONE 298 CC:76M:9Y:0K:0PANTONE 299 CC:87M:18Y:0K:0PANTONE 300 CC:100M:43Y:0K:0PANTONE 301 CC:100M:43Y:0K:18PANTONE 302 CC:100M:18Y:0K:51PANTONE 2975 CC:34M:0Y:0K:0PANTONE 2985 CC:72M:0Y:0K:0PANTONE 2995 CC:100M:9Y:0K:0PANTONE 3005 CC:100M:30Y:0K:6PANTONE 3015 CC:100M:23Y:0K:18PANTONE 3025 CC:100M:0Y:0K:51PANTONE 304 CC:30M:0Y:6K:0PANTONE 305 CC:56M:0Y:6K:0PANTONE 306 CC:76M:0Y:6K:0PANTONEProcess Blue C C:100M:9Y:0K:6PANTONE 307 CC:100M:6Y:0K:34PANTONE 308 CC:100M:0Y:0K:51PANTONE 310 CC:43M:0Y:9K:0PANTONE 311 CC:65M:0Y:11K:0PANTONE 312 CC:100M:0Y:15K:0PANTONE 313 CC:100M:0Y:6K:18PANTONE 314 CC:100M:0Y:9K:34PANTONE 315 CC:100M:0Y:15K:47PANTONE 3105 CC:43M:0Y:11K:0PANTONE 3115 CC:65M:0Y:18K:0PANTONE 3125 CC:83M:0Y:23K:0PANTONE 3135 CC:100M:0Y:15K:6PANTONE 3145 CC:100M:0Y:18K:18PANTONE 3155 CC:100M:0Y:27K:30PANTONE 317 CC:18M:0Y:9K:0PANTONE 318 CC:38M:0Y:15K:0PANTONE 319 CC:51M:0Y:18K:0PANTONE 320 CC:100M:0Y:30K:6PANTONE 321 CC:100M:0Y:30K:23PANTONE 322 CC:100M:0Y:38K:30PANTONE® is Pantone, Inc.'s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.PANTONE colors generated by this printer are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. PANTONE CALIBRATED™, and PANTONE CALIBRATED Design™ are trademarks of Pantone, Inc., 1994. Fiery Driven and the Fiery Driven logo are trademarks of Electronics for Imaging, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.The color names and numbers displayed in this book represent PANTONE names and numbers from its copyrighted PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM©and are printed under license by Pantone, Inc. This chart is not for sale and its reproduction by third parties is prohibited.Color names have been abbreviated to save space. This chart shows PANTONE solid color simulations. For identical results, be sure to specify your colors using the exact PANTONE name within your application.PANTONE 324 CC:27M:0Y:11K:0PANTONE 325 CC:60M:0Y:27K:0PANTONE 326 CC:94M:0Y:43K:0PANTONE 327 CC:100M:0Y:47K:15PANTONE 328 CC:100M:0Y:47K:30PANTONE 329 CC:100M:0Y:47K:47PANTONE 3242 CC:38M:0Y:18K:0PANTONE 3252 CC:51M:0Y:27K:0PANTONE 3262 CC:72M:0Y:38K:0PANTONE 3272 CC:100M:0Y:47K:0PANTONE 3282 CC:100M:0Y:47K:9PANTONE 3292 CC:100M:0Y:51K:43PANTONE 3245 CC:34M:0Y:18K:0PANTONE 3255 CC:47M:0Y:30K:0PANTONE 3265 CC:69M:0Y:43K:0PANTONE 3275 CC:91M:0Y:51K:0PANTONE 3285 CC:100M:0Y:56K:0PANTONE 3295 CC:100M:0Y:56K:18PANTONE 3248 CC:43M:0Y:23K:0PANTONE 3258 CC:60M:0Y:34K:0PANTONE 3268 CC:87M:0Y:51K:0PANTONE 3278 CC:100M:0Y:60K:0PANTONE 3288 CC:100M:0Y:56K:18PANTONE 3298 CC:100M:0Y:60K:38PANTONE 331 CC:18M:0Y:15K:0PANTONE 332 CC:23M:0Y:18K:0PANTONE 333 CC:38M:0Y:27K:0PANTONE Green CC:100M:0Y:65K:0PANTONE 334 CC:100M:0Y:65K:9PANTONE 335 CC:100M:0Y:65K:30PANTONE 337 CC:30M:0Y:18K:0PANTONE 338 CC:51M:0Y:30K:0PANTONE 339 CC:91M:0Y:60K:0PANTONE 340 CC:100M:0Y:69K:15PANTONE 341 CC:100M:0Y:69K:30PANTONE 342 CC:100M:0Y:69K:43PANTONE 3375 CC:34M:0Y:23K:0PANTONE 3385 CC:43M:0Y:30K:0PANTONE 3395 CC:56M:0Y:43K:0PANTONE 3405 CC:83M:0Y:65K:0PANTONE 3415 CC:100M:0Y:76K:15PANTONE 3425 CC:100M:0Y:76K:38PANTONE 344 CC:27M:0Y:23K:0PANTONE 345 CC:38M:0Y:34K:0PANTONE 346 CC:60M:0Y:51K:0PANTONE 347 CC:100M:0Y:79K:9PANTONE 348 CC:100M:0Y:79K:27PANTONE 349 CC:100M:0Y:83K:47PANTONE® is Pantone, Inc.'s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.PANTONE colors generated by this printer are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. PANTONE CALIBRATED™, and PANTONE CALIBRATED Design™ are trademarks of Pantone, Inc., 1994. Fiery Driven and the Fiery Driven logo are trademarks of Electronics for Imaging, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.The color names and numbers displayed in this book represent PANTONE names and numbers from its copyrighted PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM©and are printed under license by Pantone, Inc. This chart is not for sale and its reproduction by third parties is prohibited.Color names have been abbreviated to save space. This chart shows PANTONE solid color simulations. For identical results, be sure to specify your colors using the exact PANTONE name within your application.PANTONE 351 CC:15M:0Y:15K:0PANTONE 352 CC:23M:0Y:23K:0PANTONE 353 CC:38M:0Y:34K:0PANTONE 354 CC:91M:0Y:83K:0PANTONE 355 CC:100M:0Y:91K:6PANTONE 356 CC:100M:0Y:91K:27PANTONE 358 CC:27M:0Y:38K:0PANTONE 359 CC:38M:0Y:51K:0PANTONE 360 CC:60M:0Y:79K:0PANTONE 361 CC:76M:0Y:91K:0PANTONE 362 CC:76M:0Y:100K:11PANTONE 363 CC:76M:0Y:100K:23PANTONE 365 CC:11M:0Y:30K:0PANTONE 366 CC:18M:0Y:47K:0PANTONE 367 CC:30M:0Y:60K:0PANTONE 368 CC:65M:0Y:100K:0PANTONE 369 CC:65M:0Y:100K:9PANTONE 370 CC:60M:0Y:100K:27PANTONE 372 CC:9M:0Y:34K:0PANTONE 373 CC:15M:0Y:47K:0PANTONE 374 CC:23M:0Y:60K:0PANTONE 375 CC:43M:0Y:79K:0PANTONE 376 CC:56M:0Y:100K:0PANTONE 377 CC:43M:0Y:100K:23PANTONE 379 CC:9M:0Y:60K:0PANTONE 380 CC:11M:0Y:72K:0PANTONE 381 CC:18M:0Y:91K:0PANTONE 382 CC:30M:0Y:94K:0PANTONE 383 CC:18M:0Y:100K:18PANTONE 384 CC:15M:0Y:100K:30PANTONE 386 CC:6M:0Y:56K:0PANTONE 387 CC:11M:0Y:76K:0PANTONE 388 CC:11M:0Y:79K:0PANTONE 389 CC:18M:0Y:83K:0PANTONE 390 CC:18M:0Y:100K:6PANTONE 391 CC:11M:0Y:100K:27PANTONE 393 CC:6M:0Y:51K:0PANTONE 394 CC:6M:0Y:76K:0PANTONE 395 CC:9M:0Y:83K:0PANTONE 396 CC:11M:0Y:94K:0PANTONE 397 CC:11M:0Y:100K:11PANTONE 398 CC:6M:0Y:100K:23PANTONE 3935 CC:0M:0Y:69K:0PANTONE 3945 CC:6M:0Y:91K:0PANTONE 3955 CC:6M:0Y:100K:0PANTONE 3965 CC:9M:0Y:100K:0PANTONE 3975 CC:0M:0Y:100K:23PANTONE 3985 CC:0M:0Y:100K:43PANTONE® is Pantone, Inc.'s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.PANTONE colors generated by this printer are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. PANTONE CALIBRATED™, and PANTONE CALIBRATED Design™ are trademarks of Pantone, Inc., 1994. Fiery Driven and the Fiery Driven logo are trademarks of Electronics for Imaging, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.The color names and numbers displayed in this book represent PANTONE names and numbers from its copyrighted PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM©and are printed under license by Pantone, Inc. This chart is not for sale and its reproduction by third parties is prohibited.Color names have been abbreviated to save space. This chart shows PANTONE solid color simulations. For identical results, be sure to specify your colors using the exact PANTONE name within your application.PANTONE 400 CC:0M:6Y:6K:15PANTONE 401 CC:0M:6Y:15K:23PANTONE 402 CC:0M:6Y:15K:34PANTONE 403 CC:0M:6Y:18K:43PANTONE 404 CC:0M:9Y:23K:56PANTONE 405 CC:0M:11Y:38K:76PANTONE 406 CC:0M:6Y:9K:18PANTONE 407 CC:0M:6Y:9K:27PANTONE 408 CC:0M:11Y:11K:34PANTONE 409 CC:0M:15Y:18K:47PANTONE 410 CC:0M:18Y:23K:56PANTONE 411 CC:0M:27Y:43K:79PANTONE 413 CC:0M:0Y:6K:18PANTONE 414 CC:0M:0Y:9K:30PANTONE 415 CC:0M:0Y:11K:43PANTONE 416 CC:0M:0Y:15K:51PANTONE 417 CC:0M:0Y:23K:69PANTONE 418 CC:0M:0Y:30K:79PANTONE 420 CC:0M:0Y:0K:15PANTONE 421 CC:0M:0Y:0K:27PANTONE 422 CC:0M:0Y:0K:34PANTONE 423 CC:0M:0Y:0K:47PANTONE 424 CC:0M:0Y:0K:65PANTONE 425 CC:0M:0Y:0K:79PANTONE 427 CC:0M:0Y:0K:11PANTONE 428 CC:0M:0Y:0K:23PANTONE 429 CC:6M:0Y:0K:34PANTONE 430 CC:6M:0Y:0K:47PANTONE 431 CC:11M:0Y:0K:65PANTONE 432 CC:23M:0Y:0K:79PANTONE 434 CC:6M:9Y:9K:0PANTONE 435 CC:11M:15Y:15K:0PANTONE 436 CC:23M:23Y:27K:0PANTONE 437 CC:38M:38Y:43K:0PANTONE 438 CC:72M:69Y:79K:0PANTONE 439 CC:87M:79Y:94K:0PANTONE 441 CC:6M:0Y:6K:11PANTONE 442 CC:6M:0Y:6K:23PANTONE 443 CC:9M:0Y:6K:34PANTONE 444 CC:9M:0Y:6K:47PANTONE 445 CC:15M:0Y:11K:69PANTONE 446 CC:11M:0Y:15K:79PANTONE Warm Gray 1 C C:0M:0Y:0K:6PANTONE Warm Gray 2 C C:0M:6Y:6K:11PANTONE Warm Gray 3 C C:0M:6Y:6K:18PANTONE Warm Gray 4 C C:0M:6Y:6K:27PANTONE Warm Gray 5 C C:0M:6Y:6K:34PANTONE® is Pantone, Inc.'s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.PANTONE colors generated by this printer are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. PANTONE CALIBRATED™, and PANTONE CALIBRATED Design™ are trademarks of Pantone, Inc., 1994. Fiery Driven and the Fiery Driven logo are trademarks of Electronics for Imaging, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.The color names and numbers displayed in this book represent PANTONE names and numbers from its copyrighted PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM©and are printed under license by Pantone, Inc. This chart is not for sale and its reproduction by third parties is prohibited.Color names have been abbreviated to save space. This chart shows PANTONE solid color simulations. For identical results, be sure to specify your colors using the exact PANTONE name within your application.PANTONE Warm Gray 6 CC:0M:9Y:11K:30PANTONE Warm Gray 7 CC:0M:6Y:11K:38PANTONE Warm Gray 8 CC:0M:9Y:15K:43PANTONE Warm Gray 9 CC:0M:15Y:18K:47PANTONEWarm Gray 10 CC:0M:15Y:27K:56PANTONEWarm Gray 11 CC:0M:15Y:34K:60PANTONE Cool Gray 1 C C:0M:0Y:0K:6PANTONE Cool Gray 2 C C:0M:0Y:0K:11PANTONE Cool Gray 3 C C:0M:0Y:0K:18PANTONE Cool Gray 4 C C:0M:0Y:0K:27PANTONE Cool Gray 5 C C:0M:0Y:0K:34PANTONE Cool Gray 6 C C:0M:0Y:0K:38PANTONE Cool Gray 7 C C:0M:0Y:0K:47PANTONE Cool Gray 8 C C:0M:0Y:0K:56PANTONE Cool Gray 9 C C:0M:0Y:0K:65PANTONE Cool Gray 10 C C:0M:0Y:0K:72PANTONE Cool Gray 11 C C:0M:0Y:0K:79PANTONE 448 CC:87M:72Y:100K:0PANTONE 449 CC:79M:69Y:100K:0PANTONE 450 CC:76M:65Y:94K:0PANTONE 451 CC:34M:27Y:51K:0PANTONE 452 CC:23M:18Y:38K:0PANTONE 453 CC:15M:11Y:23K:0PANTONE 4485 CC:0M:23Y:100K:72PANTONE 4495 CC:0M:18Y:91K:47PANTONE 4505 CC:0M:15Y:76K:38PANTONE 4515 CC:0M:9Y:47K:23PANTONE 4525 CC:0M:6Y:38K:18PANTONE 4535 CC:0M:0Y:27K:11PANTONE 455 CC:0M:18Y:100K:65PANTONE 456 CC:0M:18Y:100K:43PANTONE 457 CC:0M:18Y:100K:30PANTONE 458 CC:11M:11Y:72K:0PANTONE 459 CC:6M:6Y:51K:0PANTONE 460 CC:6M:6Y:38K:0PANTONE 462 CC:79M:72Y:100K:0PANTONE 463 CC:60M:65Y:100K:0PANTONE 464 CC:47M:65Y:100K:0PANTONE 465 CC:18M:30Y:56K:0PANTONE 466 CC:11M:23Y:43K:0PANTONE 467 CC:9M:15Y:34K:0PANTONE 4625 CC:0M:56Y:100K:83PANTONE 4635 CC:0M:47Y:94K:47PANTONE 4645 CC:0M:34Y:72K:30PANTONE 4655 CC:0M:23Y:43K:18PANTONE 4665 CC:0M:18Y:30K:11PANTONE 4675 CC:0M:11Y:18K:6。

演绎臻美艺术 共享尚品生活——奥克斯“尚品”系列空调隆重发布

演绎臻美艺术 共享尚品生活——奥克斯“尚品”系列空调隆重发布

作为嘉宾亲临现场 , 为新 美花纹 ”另外再加上华贵液晶屏 , , 使得整个空调显得极
品揭 幕 。
为大气 、 时尚、 尊贵。消费者得到了视觉、 感觉、 触觉等多
此次会议上, 奥克 斯 方位 的艺 术享 受 。
向与会者展 示了 2 0 年 08
第二, 将健康功能再次升级。奥克斯 尚品空调还具
第一 , 给空调注入 了“ 时尚” 的内涵。奥克斯专 门聘
’ 克 斯 2 0 年度 的精 彩新 品 。同 时 , 克斯 还特 别 请 韩 国著 名 设 计 师对 产 品外 观进 行 创 作 设 计 , 色 的钢 奥 08 奥 红 邀 请 台 湾 美 女 影 星 张 庭 化 面 板 配 以家 居“ 帧 之 父 ” 廉 ・ 里 斯 的“ 里 斯臻 装 威 莫 莫
达 到 了和 谐统 一 。 发布会结 束时,
在 发布 会 上 ,郑宏 伟 接 受 媒 体 记 者 采访 时 强 调 , 以 尚 ” 品赠 送 给 奥 克 产
此次尚品空调 的推 出为标志 ,奥克斯空调 20 年度 的 斯 对 消 费者 的人 文 关 08
奥克斯 南 昌空调制
暨二期工程 开工奠
斯 已经 形 成 了对 高 中f 按 照 奥 克斯 一 贯 的高 十
第三 ,
在 空 调 的 产 品, 价 格 上 也会 与 在
核 心 功 能
奥 克斯 空 调这 次 予
上 , 尚品 ” 明 了奥 克 斯空 调 在 发 “
郑宏伟向奥克斯忠诚用户赠送 尚品” “ 空调试用
奥克斯空调营销总经理郑宏伟 、 策划总监李晓龙 、 韩 极 为 关键 的要 素 。奥克 斯 的 尚 品系列 空 调产 品 已经融 艺
计师 以及 来 自华 东一 区 、 东二 区 的经 销 商 代 表 参 术与实用 的元素为一体: 华 此 次会 议 。来 自全 国 的 6 0多家 媒 体 在 第 一 时 间 目



EJ-440 ....................................................................... 36 EJ-442 ....................................................................... 37 EJ-444 ....................................................................... 38
EJ-254 ....................................................................... 30 EJ-256 ....................................................................... 32 EJ-331 & EJ-335....................................................... 33 EJ-339 & EJ-339A.................................................... 34 EJ-351 ....................................................................... 35
EJ-301....................................................................... 16 EJ-305....................................................................... 17 EJ-309....................................................................... 18 EJ-313....................................................................... 19 EJ-315....................................................................... 20 EJ-321....................................................................... 21 EJ-399-04 ................................................................. 22 EJ-399-08 ................................................................. 23 EJ-399-05D1............................................................. 24 EJ-399-05D2............................................................. 25



PANTONE® is Pantone, Inc.'s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.PANTONE colors generated by this printer are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. PANTONE CALIBRATED™, and PANTONE CALIBRATED Design™ are trademarks of Pantone, Inc., 1994. Fiery Driven and the Fiery Driven logo are trademarks of Electronics for Imaging, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.The color names and numbers displayed in this book represent PANTONE names and numbers from its copyrighted PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM©and are printed under license by Pantone, Inc. This chart is not for sale and its reproduction by third parties is prohibited.Color names have been abbreviated to save space. This chart shows PANTONE solid color simulations. For identical results, be sure to specify your colors using the exact PANTONE name within your application.PANTONE Yellow CC:0M:0Y:100K:0PANTONE Yellow 012 CC:0M:0Y:100K:0PANTONE Orange 021 CC:0M:51Y:87K:0PANTONE Warm Red CC:0M:79Y:91K:0PANTONE Red 032 CC:0M:91Y:87K:0PANTONE Rubine Red CC:0M:100Y:15K:0PANTONE Purple CC:43M:91Y:0K:0PANTONE Violet CC:94M:91Y:0K:0PANTONE Blue 072 C C:100M:79Y:0K:0PANTONE Reflex Blue C C:100M:72Y:0K:6PANTONEProcess Blue C C:100M:9Y:0K:6PANTONE Green CC:100M:0Y:65K:0PANTONEProcess Yellow C C:0M:0Y:100K:0PANTONEProcess Magenta C C:0M:100Y:0K:0PANTONEProcess Cyan CC:100M:0Y:0K:0PANTONEProcess Black CC:0M:0Y:0K:100PANTONE 100 CC:0M:0Y:51K:0PANTONE 101 CC:0M:0Y:79K:0PANTONE 102 CC:0M:0Y:100K:0PANTONE Yellow CC:0M:0Y:100K:0PANTONE 103 CC:0M:0Y:100K:18PANTONE 104 CC:0M:0Y:100K:30PANTONE 106 CC:0M:0Y:72K:0PANTONE 107 CC:0M:0Y:79K:0PANTONE 108 CC:0M:0Y:100K:0PANTONE 109 CC:0M:9Y:94K:0PANTONE 110 CC:0M:11Y:94K:6PANTONE 111 CC:0M:11Y:100K:27PANTONE 113 CC:0M:6Y:69K:0PANTONE 114 CC:0M:6Y:72K:0PANTONE 115 CC:0M:9Y:79K:0PANTONE 116 CC:0M:15Y:94K:0PANTONE 117 CC:0M:18Y:100K:15PANTONE 118 CC:0M:18Y:100K:27PANTONE 120 CC:0M:6Y:56K:0PANTONE 121 CC:0M:9Y:69K:0PANTONE 122 CC:0M:18Y:83K:0PANTONE 123 CC:0M:30Y:94K:0PANTONE 124 CC:0M:27Y:100K:6PANTONE 125 CC:0M:23Y:100K:27PANTONE 1205 CC:0M:0Y:27K:0PANTONE 1215 CC:0M:6Y:43K:0PANTONE 1225 CC:0M:15Y:60K:0PANTONE 1235 CC:0M:27Y:76K:0PANTONE 1245 CC:0M:27Y:100K:18PANTONE 1255 CC:0M:27Y:100K:34PANTONE® is Pantone, Inc.'s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.PANTONE colors generated by this printer are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. PANTONE CALIBRATED™, and PANTONE CALIBRATED Design™ are trademarks of Pantone, Inc., 1994. Fiery Driven and the Fiery Driven logo are trademarks of Electronics for Imaging, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.The color names and numbers displayed in this book represent PANTONE names and numbers from its copyrighted PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM©and are printed under license by Pantone, Inc. This chart is not for sale and its reproduction by third parties is prohibited.Color names have been abbreviated to save space. This chart shows PANTONE solid color simulations. For identical results, be sure to specify your colors using the exact PANTONE name within your application.PANTONE 127 CC:0M:6Y:51K:0PANTONE 128 CC:0M:9Y:65K:0PANTONE 129 CC:0M:15Y:76K:0PANTONE 130 CC:0M:27Y:100K:0PANTONE 131 CC:0M:27Y:100K:9PANTONE 132 CC:0M:23Y:100K:30PANTONE 134 CC:0M:9Y:43K:0PANTONE 135 CC:0M:18Y:60K:0PANTONE 136 CC:0M:27Y:79K:0PANTONE 137 CC:0M:34Y:91K:0PANTONE 138 CC:0M:38Y:94K:0PANTONE 139 CC:0M:38Y:100K:23PANTONE 1345 CC:0M:11Y:47K:0PANTONE 1355 CC:0M:18Y:56K:0PANTONE 1365 CC:0M:30Y:79K:0PANTONE 1375 CC:0M:38Y:76K:0PANTONE 1385 CC:0M:47Y:100K:9PANTONE 1395 CC:0M:43Y:100K:38PANTONE 141 CC:0M:11Y:47K:0PANTONE 142 CC:0M:23Y:76K:0PANTONE 143 CC:0M:30Y:83K:0PANTONE 144 CC:0M:47Y:100K:0PANTONE 145 CC:0M:47Y:100K:9PANTONE 146 CC:0M:38Y:100K:34PANTONE 148 CC:0M:11Y:38K:0PANTONE 149 CC:0M:18Y:51K:0PANTONE 150 CC:0M:30Y:69K:0PANTONE 151 CC:0M:43Y:87K:0PANTONE 152 CC:0M:51Y:100K:0PANTONE 153 CC:0M:43Y:100K:18PANTONE 1485 CC:0M:23Y:56K:0PANTONE 1495 CC:0M:30Y:69K:0PANTONE 1505 CC:0M:38Y:76K:0PANTONE Orange 021 CC:0M:51Y:87K:0PANTONE 1525 CC:0M:65Y:100K:11PANTONE 1535 CC:0M:51Y:100K:38PANTONE 155 CC:0M:9Y:27K:0PANTONE 156 CC:0M:18Y:43K:0PANTONE 157 CC:0M:38Y:76K:0PANTONE 158 CC:0M:60Y:94K:0PANTONE 159 CC:0M:65Y:100K:9PANTONE 160 CC:0M:60Y:100K:34PANTONE 1555 CC:0M:18Y:34K:0PANTONE 1565 CC:0M:34Y:51K:0PANTONE 1575 CC:0M:43Y:72K:0PANTONE 1585 CC:0M:56Y:87K:0PANTONE 1595 CC:0M:60Y:100K:6PANTONE 1605 CC:0M:56Y:100K:30PANTONE® is Pantone, Inc.'s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.PANTONE colors generated by this printer are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. PANTONE CALIBRATED™, and PANTONE CALIBRATED Design™ are trademarks of Pantone, Inc., 1994. Fiery Driven and the Fiery Driven logo are trademarks of Electronics for Imaging, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.The color names and numbers displayed in this book represent PANTONE names and numbers from its copyrighted PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM©and are printed under license by Pantone, Inc. This chart is not for sale and its reproduction by third parties is prohibited.Color names have been abbreviated to save space. This chart shows PANTONE solid color simulations. For identical results, be sure to specify your colors using the exact PANTONE name within your application.PANTONE 162 CC:0M:11Y:18K:0PANTONE 163 CC:0M:30Y:47K:0PANTONE 164 CC:0M:47Y:76K:0PANTONE 165 CC:0M:60Y:100K:0PANTONE 166 CC:0M:65Y:100K:0PANTONE 167 CC:0M:60Y:100K:18PANTONE 1625 CC:0M:30Y:38K:0PANTONE 1635 CC:0M:38Y:47K:0PANTONE 1645 CC:0M:47Y:60K:0PANTONE 1655 CC:0M:65Y:87K:0PANTONE 1665 CC:0M:69Y:100K:0PANTONE 1675 CC:0M:69Y:100K:30PANTONE 169 CC:0M:18Y:18K:0PANTONE 170 CC:0M:38Y:47K:0PANTONE 171 CC:0M:51Y:69K:0PANTONE 172 CC:0M:65Y:83K:0PANTONE 173 CC:0M:69Y:100K:6PANTONE 174 CC:0M:69Y:100K:38PANTONE 176 CC:0M:23Y:15K:0PANTONE 177 CC:0M:47Y:43K:0PANTONE 178 CC:0M:60Y:56K:0PANTONE Warm Red CC:0M:79Y:91K:0PANTONE 179 CC:0M:79Y:94K:0PANTONE 180 CC:0M:76Y:83K:11PANTONE 1765 CC:0M:43Y:23K:0PANTONE 1775 CC:0M:51Y:30K:0PANTONE 1785 CC:0M:69Y:51K:0PANTONE 1788 CC:0M:87Y:91K:0PANTONE 1795 CC:0M:94Y:100K:0PANTONE 1805 CC:0M:91Y:100K:23PANTONE 1767 CC:0M:27Y:11K:0PANTONE 1777 CC:0M:60Y:38K:0PANTONE 1787 CC:0M:76Y:60K:0PANTONE Red 032 CC:0M:91Y:87K:0PANTONE 1797 CC:0M:94Y:94K:6PANTONE 1807 CC:0M:91Y:94K:30PANTONE 182 CC:0M:27Y:9K:0PANTONE 183 CC:0M:51Y:23K:0PANTONE 184 CC:0M:72Y:43K:0PANTONE 185 CC:0M:91Y:76K:0PANTONE 186 CC:0M:91Y:76K:6PANTONE 187 CC:0M:91Y:72K:23PANTONE 189 CC:0M:38Y:11K:0PANTONE 190 CC:0M:56Y:23K:0PANTONE 191 CC:0M:76Y:38K:0PANTONE 192 CC:0M:94Y:65K:0PANTONE 193 CC:0M:91Y:65K:11PANTONE 194 CC:0M:91Y:56K:34PANTONE® is Pantone, Inc.'s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.PANTONE colors generated by this printer are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. PANTONE CALIBRATED™, and PANTONE CALIBRATED Design™ are trademarks of Pantone, Inc., 1994. Fiery Driven and the Fiery Driven logo are trademarks of Electronics for Imaging, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.The color names and numbers displayed in this book represent PANTONE names and numbers from its copyrighted PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM©and are printed under license by Pantone, Inc. This chart is not for sale and its reproduction by third parties is prohibited.Color names have been abbreviated to save space. This chart shows PANTONE solid color simulations. For identical results, be sure to specify your colors using the exact PANTONE name within your application.PANTONE 1895 CC:0M:30Y:6K:0PANTONE 1905 CC:0M:43Y:6K:0PANTONE 1915 CC:0M:72Y:15K:0PANTONE 1925 CC:0M:94Y:51K:0PANTONE 1935 CC:0M:100Y:60K:6PANTONE 1945 CC:0M:100Y:56K:18PANTONE 196 CC:0M:27Y:6K:0PANTONE 197 CC:0M:47Y:11K:0PANTONE 198 CC:0M:79Y:34K:0PANTONE 199 CC:0M:100Y:65K:0PANTONE 200 CC:0M:100Y:65K:15PANTONE 201 CC:0M:100Y:65K:34PANTONE 203 CC:0M:34Y:0K:0PANTONE 204 CC:0M:60Y:0K:0PANTONE 205 CC:0M:76Y:6K:0PANTONE 206 CC:0M:100Y:43K:0PANTONE 207 CC:0M:100Y:43K:18PANTONE 208 CC:0M:91Y:34K:38PANTONE 210 CC:0M:43Y:6K:0PANTONE 211 CC:0M:56Y:6K:0PANTONE 212 CC:0M:72Y:6K:0PANTONE 213 CC:0M:100Y:30K:0PANTONE 214 CC:0M:100Y:34K:9PANTONE 215 CC:0M:94Y:34K:27PANTONE 217 CC:0M:30Y:0K:0PANTONE 218 CC:0M:65Y:0K:0PANTONE 219 CC:0M:87Y:0K:0PANTONE Rubine Red CC:0M:100Y:15K:0PANTONE 220 CC:0M:100Y:18K:18PANTONE 221 CC:0M:100Y:18K:34PANTONE 223 CC:0M:51Y:0K:0PANTONE 224 CC:0M:69Y:0K:0PANTONE 225 CC:0M:83Y:0K:0PANTONE 226 CC:0M:100Y:0K:0PANTONE 227 CC:0M:100Y:0K:23PANTONE 228 CC:0M:94Y:0K:43PANTONE 230 CC:0M:34Y:0K:0PANTONE 231 CC:0M:65Y:0K:0PANTONE 232 CC:0M:79Y:0K:0PANTONERhodamine Red C C:6M:100Y:0K:0PANTONE 233 CC:11M:100Y:0K:0PANTONE 234 CC:6M:100Y:0K:30PANTONE 236 CC:6M:38Y:0K:0PANTONE 237 CC:6M:65Y:0K:0PANTONE 238 CC:9M:76Y:0K:0PANTONE 239 CC:18M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 240 CC:27M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 241 CC:27M:94Y:0K:9PANTONE® is Pantone, Inc.'s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.PANTONE colors generated by this printer are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. PANTONE CALIBRATED™, and PANTONE CALIBRATED Design™ are trademarks of Pantone, Inc., 1994. Fiery Driven and the Fiery Driven logo are trademarks of Electronics for Imaging, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.The color names and numbers displayed in this book represent PANTONE names and numbers from its copyrighted PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM©and are printed under license by Pantone, Inc. This chart is not for sale and its reproduction by third parties is prohibited.Color names have been abbreviated to save space. This chart shows PANTONE solid color simulations. For identical results, be sure to specify your colors using the exact PANTONE name within your application.PANTONE 2365 CC:0M:30Y:0K:0PANTONE 2375 CC:11M:60Y:0K:0PANTONE 2385 CC:18M:83Y:0K:0PANTONE 2395 CC:34M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 2405 CC:43M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 2415 CC:51M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 243 CC:6M:30Y:0K:0PANTONE 244 CC:9M:38Y:0K:0PANTONE 245 CC:15M:60Y:0K:0PANTONE 246 CC:30M:91Y:0K:0PANTONE 247 CC:38M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 248 CC:43M:94Y:0K:15PANTONE 250 CC:6M:18Y:0K:0PANTONE 251 CC:15M:43Y:0K:0PANTONE 252 CC:23M:56Y:0K:0PANTONE Purple CC:43M:91Y:0K:0PANTONE 253 CC:47M:91Y:0K:0PANTONE 254 CC:51M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 256 CC:9M:23Y:0K:0PANTONE 257 CC:15M:38Y:0K:0PANTONE 258 CC:43M:76Y:0K:0PANTONE 259 CC:65M:100Y:0K:15PANTONE 260 CC:60M:100Y:0K:34PANTONE 261 CC:51M:100Y:0K:47PANTONE 2562 CC:23M:34Y:0K:0PANTONE 2572 CC:34M:51Y:0K:0PANTONE 2582 CC:47M:65Y:0K:0PANTONE 2592 CC:69M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 2602 CC:72M:100Y:0K:0PANTONE 2612 CC:79M:100Y:0K:9PANTONE 2563 CC:30M:43Y:0K:0PANTONE 2573 CC:47M:65Y:0K:0PANTONE 2583 CC:60M:87Y:0K:0PANTONE 2593 CC:79M:100Y:0K:0PANTONE 2603 CC:79M:100Y:0K:6PANTONE 2613 CC:79M:100Y:0K:11PANTONE 2567 CC:38M:43Y:0K:0PANTONE 2577 CC:56M:60Y:0K:0PANTONE 2587 CC:72M:79Y:0K:0PANTONE 2597 CC:87M:100Y:0K:0PANTONE 2607 CC:87M:100Y:0K:9PANTONE 2617 CC:87M:100Y:0K:15PANTONE 263 CC:11M:15Y:0K:0PANTONE 264 CC:27M:30Y:0K:0PANTONE 265 CC:56M:56Y:0K:0PANTONE 266 CC:94M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 267 CC:94M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 268 CC:91M:94Y:0K:23PANTONE® is Pantone, Inc.'s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.PANTONE colors generated by this printer are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. PANTONE CALIBRATED™, and PANTONE CALIBRATED Design™ are trademarks of Pantone, Inc., 1994. Fiery Driven and the Fiery Driven logo are trademarks of Electronics for Imaging, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.The color names and numbers displayed in this book represent PANTONE names and numbers from its copyrighted PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM©and are printed under license by Pantone, Inc. This chart is not for sale and its reproduction by third parties is prohibited.Color names have been abbreviated to save space. This chart shows PANTONE solid color simulations. For identical results, be sure to specify your colors using the exact PANTONE name within your application.PANTONE 2635 CC:30M:27Y:0K:0PANTONE 2645 CC:43M:38Y:0K:0PANTONE 2655 CC:56M:51Y:0K:0PANTONE 2665 CC:79M:76Y:0K:0PANTONE Violet CC:94M:91Y:0K:0PANTONE 2685 CC:100M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 270 CC:30M:23Y:0K:0PANTONE 271 CC:43M:34Y:0K:0PANTONE 272 CC:60M:47Y:0K:0PANTONE 273 CC:100M:94Y:0K:6PANTONE 274 CC:100M:94Y:0K:27PANTONE 275 CC:100M:94Y:0K:38PANTONE 2705 CC:43M:34Y:0K:0PANTONE 2715 CC:60M:47Y:0K:0PANTONE 2725 CC:79M:69Y:0K:0PANTONE 2735 CC:100M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 2745 CC:100M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 2755 CC:100M:94Y:0K:11PANTONE 2706 CC:18M:11Y:0K:0PANTONE 2716 CC:47M:34Y:0K:0PANTONE 2726 CC:83M:60Y:0K:0PANTONE 2736 CC:94M:83Y:0K:0PANTONE 2746 CC:100M:87Y:0K:0PANTONE 2756 CC:100M:87Y:0K:11PANTONE 2707 CC:27M:11Y:0K:0PANTONE 2717 CC:38M:23Y:0K:0PANTONE 2727 CC:91M:51Y:0K:0PANTONE Blue 072 C C:100M:79Y:0K:0PANTONE 2747 CC:100M:79Y:0K:9PANTONE 2757 CC:100M:79Y:0K:27PANTONE 2708 CC:34M:9Y:0K:0PANTONE 2718 CC:72M:43Y:0K:0PANTONE 2728 CC:100M:69Y:0K:0PANTONE 2738 CC:100M:79Y:0K:0PANTONE 2748 CC:100M:76Y:0K:18PANTONE 2758 CC:100M:76Y:0K:38PANTONE 277 CC:27M:9Y:0K:0PANTONE 278 CC:38M:15Y:0K:0PANTONE 279 CC:69M:34Y:0K:0PANTONE Reflex Blue C C:100M:72Y:0K:6PANTONE 280 CC:100M:72Y:0K:18PANTONE 281 CC:100M:72Y:0K:38PANTONE 283 CC:34M:6Y:0K:0PANTONE 284 CC:56M:18Y:0K:0PANTONE 285 CC:91M:43Y:0K:0PANTONE 286 CC:100M:60Y:0K:6PANTONE 287 CC:100M:69Y:0K:11PANTONE 288 CC:100M:65Y:0K:30PANTONE® is Pantone, Inc.'s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.PANTONE colors generated by this printer are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. PANTONE CALIBRATED™, and PANTONE CALIBRATED Design™ are trademarks of Pantone, Inc., 1994. Fiery Driven and the Fiery Driven logo are trademarks of Electronics for Imaging, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.The color names and numbers displayed in this book represent PANTONE names and numbers from its copyrighted PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM©and are printed under license by Pantone, Inc. This chart is not for sale and its reproduction by third parties is prohibited.Color names have been abbreviated to save space. This chart shows PANTONE solid color simulations. For identical results, be sure to specify your colors using the exact PANTONE name within your application.PANTONE 290 CC:27M:6Y:0K:0PANTONE 291 CC:47M:11Y:0K:0PANTONE 292 CC:72M:27Y:0K:0PANTONE 293 CC:100M:56Y:0K:0PANTONE 294 CC:100M:56Y:0K:18PANTONE 295 CC:100M:56Y:0K:34PANTONE 2905 CC:43M:6Y:0K:0PANTONE 2915 CC:65M:9Y:0K:0PANTONE 2925 CC:87M:23Y:0K:0PANTONE 2935 CC:100M:47Y:0K:0PANTONE 2945 CC:100M:38Y:0K:15PANTONE 2955 CC:100M:43Y:0K:34PANTONE 297 CC:51M:0Y:0K:0PANTONE 298 CC:76M:9Y:0K:0PANTONE 299 CC:87M:18Y:0K:0PANTONE 300 CC:100M:43Y:0K:0PANTONE 301 CC:100M:43Y:0K:18PANTONE 302 CC:100M:18Y:0K:51PANTONE 2975 CC:34M:0Y:0K:0PANTONE 2985 CC:72M:0Y:0K:0PANTONE 2995 CC:100M:9Y:0K:0PANTONE 3005 CC:100M:30Y:0K:6PANTONE 3015 CC:100M:23Y:0K:18PANTONE 3025 CC:100M:0Y:0K:51PANTONE 304 CC:30M:0Y:6K:0PANTONE 305 CC:56M:0Y:6K:0PANTONE 306 CC:76M:0Y:6K:0PANTONEProcess Blue C C:100M:9Y:0K:6PANTONE 307 CC:100M:6Y:0K:34PANTONE 308 CC:100M:0Y:0K:51PANTONE 310 CC:43M:0Y:9K:0PANTONE 311 CC:65M:0Y:11K:0PANTONE 312 CC:100M:0Y:15K:0PANTONE 313 CC:100M:0Y:6K:18PANTONE 314 CC:100M:0Y:9K:34PANTONE 315 CC:100M:0Y:15K:47PANTONE 3105 CC:43M:0Y:11K:0PANTONE 3115 CC:65M:0Y:18K:0PANTONE 3125 CC:83M:0Y:23K:0PANTONE 3135 CC:100M:0Y:15K:6PANTONE 3145 CC:100M:0Y:18K:18PANTONE 3155 CC:100M:0Y:27K:30PANTONE 317 CC:18M:0Y:9K:0PANTONE 318 CC:38M:0Y:15K:0PANTONE 319 CC:51M:0Y:18K:0PANTONE 320 CC:100M:0Y:30K:6PANTONE 321 CC:100M:0Y:30K:23PANTONE 322 CC:100M:0Y:38K:30PANTONE® is Pantone, Inc.'s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.PANTONE colors generated by this printer are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. PANTONE CALIBRATED™, and PANTONE CALIBRATED Design™ are trademarks of Pantone, Inc., 1994. Fiery Driven and the Fiery Driven logo are trademarks of Electronics for Imaging, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.The color names and numbers displayed in this book represent PANTONE names and numbers from its copyrighted PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM©and are printed under license by Pantone, Inc. This chart is not for sale and its reproduction by third parties is prohibited.Color names have been abbreviated to save space. This chart shows PANTONE solid color simulations. For identical results, be sure to specify your colors using the exact PANTONE name within your application.PANTONE 324 CC:27M:0Y:11K:0PANTONE 325 CC:60M:0Y:27K:0PANTONE 326 CC:94M:0Y:43K:0PANTONE 327 CC:100M:0Y:47K:15PANTONE 328 CC:100M:0Y:47K:30PANTONE 329 CC:100M:0Y:47K:47PANTONE 3242 CC:38M:0Y:18K:0PANTONE 3252 CC:51M:0Y:27K:0PANTONE 3262 CC:72M:0Y:38K:0PANTONE 3272 CC:100M:0Y:47K:0PANTONE 3282 CC:100M:0Y:47K:9PANTONE 3292 CC:100M:0Y:51K:43PANTONE 3245 CC:34M:0Y:18K:0PANTONE 3255 CC:47M:0Y:30K:0PANTONE 3265 CC:69M:0Y:43K:0PANTONE 3275 CC:91M:0Y:51K:0PANTONE 3285 CC:100M:0Y:56K:0PANTONE 3295 CC:100M:0Y:56K:18PANTONE 3248 CC:43M:0Y:23K:0PANTONE 3258 CC:60M:0Y:34K:0PANTONE 3268 CC:87M:0Y:51K:0PANTONE 3278 CC:100M:0Y:60K:0PANTONE 3288 CC:100M:0Y:56K:18PANTONE 3298 CC:100M:0Y:60K:38PANTONE 331 CC:18M:0Y:15K:0PANTONE 332 CC:23M:0Y:18K:0PANTONE 333 CC:38M:0Y:27K:0PANTONE Green CC:100M:0Y:65K:0PANTONE 334 CC:100M:0Y:65K:9PANTONE 335 CC:100M:0Y:65K:30PANTONE 337 CC:30M:0Y:18K:0PANTONE 338 CC:51M:0Y:30K:0PANTONE 339 CC:91M:0Y:60K:0PANTONE 340 CC:100M:0Y:69K:15PANTONE 341 CC:100M:0Y:69K:30PANTONE 342 CC:100M:0Y:69K:43PANTONE 3375 CC:34M:0Y:23K:0PANTONE 3385 CC:43M:0Y:30K:0PANTONE 3395 CC:56M:0Y:43K:0PANTONE 3405 CC:83M:0Y:65K:0PANTONE 3415 CC:100M:0Y:76K:15PANTONE 3425 CC:100M:0Y:76K:38PANTONE 344 CC:27M:0Y:23K:0PANTONE 345 CC:38M:0Y:34K:0PANTONE 346 CC:60M:0Y:51K:0PANTONE 347 CC:100M:0Y:79K:9PANTONE 348 CC:100M:0Y:79K:27PANTONE 349 CC:100M:0Y:83K:47PANTONE® is Pantone, Inc.'s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.PANTONE colors generated by this printer are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. PANTONE CALIBRATED™, and PANTONE CALIBRATED Design™ are trademarks of Pantone, Inc., 1994. Fiery Driven and the Fiery Driven logo are trademarks of Electronics for Imaging, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.The color names and numbers displayed in this book represent PANTONE names and numbers from its copyrighted PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM©and are printed under license by Pantone, Inc. This chart is not for sale and its reproduction by third parties is prohibited.Color names have been abbreviated to save space. This chart shows PANTONE solid color simulations. For identical results, be sure to specify your colors using the exact PANTONE name within your application.PANTONE 351 CC:15M:0Y:15K:0PANTONE 352 CC:23M:0Y:23K:0PANTONE 353 CC:38M:0Y:34K:0PANTONE 354 CC:91M:0Y:83K:0PANTONE 355 CC:100M:0Y:91K:6PANTONE 356 CC:100M:0Y:91K:27PANTONE 358 CC:27M:0Y:38K:0PANTONE 359 CC:38M:0Y:51K:0PANTONE 360 CC:60M:0Y:79K:0PANTONE 361 CC:76M:0Y:91K:0PANTONE 362 CC:76M:0Y:100K:11PANTONE 363 CC:76M:0Y:100K:23PANTONE 365 CC:11M:0Y:30K:0PANTONE 366 CC:18M:0Y:47K:0PANTONE 367 CC:30M:0Y:60K:0PANTONE 368 CC:65M:0Y:100K:0PANTONE 369 CC:65M:0Y:100K:9PANTONE 370 CC:60M:0Y:100K:27PANTONE 372 CC:9M:0Y:34K:0PANTONE 373 CC:15M:0Y:47K:0PANTONE 374 CC:23M:0Y:60K:0PANTONE 375 CC:43M:0Y:79K:0PANTONE 376 CC:56M:0Y:100K:0PANTONE 377 CC:43M:0Y:100K:23PANTONE 379 CC:9M:0Y:60K:0PANTONE 380 CC:11M:0Y:72K:0PANTONE 381 CC:18M:0Y:91K:0PANTONE 382 CC:30M:0Y:94K:0PANTONE 383 CC:18M:0Y:100K:18PANTONE 384 CC:15M:0Y:100K:30PANTONE 386 CC:6M:0Y:56K:0PANTONE 387 CC:11M:0Y:76K:0PANTONE 388 CC:11M:0Y:79K:0PANTONE 389 CC:18M:0Y:83K:0PANTONE 390 CC:18M:0Y:100K:6PANTONE 391 CC:11M:0Y:100K:27PANTONE 393 CC:6M:0Y:51K:0PANTONE 394 CC:6M:0Y:76K:0PANTONE 395 CC:9M:0Y:83K:0PANTONE 396 CC:11M:0Y:94K:0PANTONE 397 CC:11M:0Y:100K:11PANTONE 398 CC:6M:0Y:100K:23PANTONE 3935 CC:0M:0Y:69K:0PANTONE 3945 CC:6M:0Y:91K:0PANTONE 3955 CC:6M:0Y:100K:0PANTONE 3965 CC:9M:0Y:100K:0PANTONE 3975 CC:0M:0Y:100K:23PANTONE 3985 CC:0M:0Y:100K:43PANTONE® is Pantone, Inc.'s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.PANTONE colors generated by this printer are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. PANTONE CALIBRATED™, and PANTONE CALIBRATED Design™ are trademarks of Pantone, Inc., 1994. Fiery Driven and the Fiery Driven logo are trademarks of Electronics for Imaging, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.The color names and numbers displayed in this book represent PANTONE names and numbers from its copyrighted PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM©and are printed under license by Pantone, Inc. This chart is not for sale and its reproduction by third parties is prohibited.Color names have been abbreviated to save space. This chart shows PANTONE solid color simulations. For identical results, be sure to specify your colors using the exact PANTONE name within your application.PANTONE 400 CC:0M:6Y:6K:15PANTONE 401 CC:0M:6Y:15K:23PANTONE 402 CC:0M:6Y:15K:34PANTONE 403 CC:0M:6Y:18K:43PANTONE 404 CC:0M:9Y:23K:56PANTONE 405 CC:0M:11Y:38K:76PANTONE 406 CC:0M:6Y:9K:18PANTONE 407 CC:0M:6Y:9K:27PANTONE 408 CC:0M:11Y:11K:34PANTONE 409 CC:0M:15Y:18K:47PANTONE 410 CC:0M:18Y:23K:56PANTONE 411 CC:0M:27Y:43K:79PANTONE 413 CC:0M:0Y:6K:18PANTONE 414 CC:0M:0Y:9K:30PANTONE 415 CC:0M:0Y:11K:43PANTONE 416 CC:0M:0Y:15K:51PANTONE 417 CC:0M:0Y:23K:69PANTONE 418 CC:0M:0Y:30K:79PANTONE 420 CC:0M:0Y:0K:15PANTONE 421 CC:0M:0Y:0K:27PANTONE 422 CC:0M:0Y:0K:34PANTONE 423 CC:0M:0Y:0K:47PANTONE 424 CC:0M:0Y:0K:65PANTONE 425 CC:0M:0Y:0K:79PANTONE 427 CC:0M:0Y:0K:11PANTONE 428 CC:0M:0Y:0K:23PANTONE 429 CC:6M:0Y:0K:34PANTONE 430 CC:6M:0Y:0K:47PANTONE 431 CC:11M:0Y:0K:65PANTONE 432 CC:23M:0Y:0K:79PANTONE 434 CC:6M:9Y:9K:0PANTONE 435 CC:11M:15Y:15K:0PANTONE 436 CC:23M:23Y:27K:0PANTONE 437 CC:38M:38Y:43K:0PANTONE 438 CC:72M:69Y:79K:0PANTONE 439 CC:87M:79Y:94K:0PANTONE 441 CC:6M:0Y:6K:11PANTONE 442 CC:6M:0Y:6K:23PANTONE 443 CC:9M:0Y:6K:34PANTONE 444 CC:9M:0Y:6K:47PANTONE 445 CC:15M:0Y:11K:69PANTONE 446 CC:11M:0Y:15K:79PANTONE Warm Gray 1 C C:0M:0Y:0K:6PANTONE Warm Gray 2 C C:0M:6Y:6K:11PANTONE Warm Gray 3 C C:0M:6Y:6K:18PANTONE Warm Gray 4 C C:0M:6Y:6K:27PANTONE Warm Gray 5 C C:0M:6Y:6K:34PANTONE® is Pantone, Inc.'s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.PANTONE colors generated by this printer are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. PANTONE CALIBRATED™, and PANTONE CALIBRATED Design™ are trademarks of Pantone, Inc., 1994. Fiery Driven and the Fiery Driven logo are trademarks of Electronics for Imaging, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.The color names and numbers displayed in this book represent PANTONE names and numbers from its copyrighted PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM©and are printed under license by Pantone, Inc. This chart is not for sale and its reproduction by third parties is prohibited.Color names have been abbreviated to save space. This chart shows PANTONE solid color simulations. For identical results, be sure to specify your colors using the exact PANTONE name within your application.PANTONE Warm Gray 6 CC:0M:9Y:11K:30PANTONE Warm Gray 7 CC:0M:6Y:11K:38PANTONE Warm Gray 8 CC:0M:9Y:15K:43PANTONE Warm Gray 9 CC:0M:15Y:18K:47PANTONEWarm Gray 10 CC:0M:15Y:27K:56PANTONEWarm Gray 11 CC:0M:15Y:34K:60PANTONE Cool Gray 1 C C:0M:0Y:0K:6PANTONE Cool Gray 2 C C:0M:0Y:0K:11PANTONE Cool Gray 3 C C:0M:0Y:0K:18PANTONE Cool Gray 4 C C:0M:0Y:0K:27PANTONE Cool Gray 5 C C:0M:0Y:0K:34PANTONE Cool Gray 6 C C:0M:0Y:0K:38PANTONE Cool Gray 7 C C:0M:0Y:0K:47PANTONE Cool Gray 8 C C:0M:0Y:0K:56PANTONE Cool Gray 9 C C:0M:0Y:0K:65PANTONE Cool Gray 10 C C:0M:0Y:0K:72PANTONE Cool Gray 11 C C:0M:0Y:0K:79PANTONE 448 CC:87M:72Y:100K:0PANTONE 449 CC:79M:69Y:100K:0PANTONE 450 CC:76M:65Y:94K:0PANTONE 451 CC:34M:27Y:51K:0PANTONE 452 CC:23M:18Y:38K:0PANTONE 453 CC:15M:11Y:23K:0PANTONE 4485 CC:0M:23Y:100K:72PANTONE 4495 CC:0M:18Y:91K:47PANTONE 4505 CC:0M:15Y:76K:38PANTONE 4515 CC:0M:9Y:47K:23PANTONE 4525 CC:0M:6Y:38K:18PANTONE 4535 CC:0M:0Y:27K:11PANTONE 455 CC:0M:18Y:100K:65PANTONE 456 CC:0M:18Y:100K:43PANTONE 457 CC:0M:18Y:100K:30PANTONE 458 CC:11M:11Y:72K:0PANTONE 459 CC:6M:6Y:51K:0PANTONE 460 CC:6M:6Y:38K:0PANTONE 462 CC:79M:72Y:100K:0PANTONE 463 CC:60M:65Y:100K:0PANTONE 464 CC:47M:65Y:100K:0PANTONE 465 CC:18M:30Y:56K:0PANTONE 466 CC:11M:23Y:43K:0PANTONE 467 CC:9M:15Y:34K:0PANTONE 4625 CC:0M:56Y:100K:83PANTONE 4635 CC:0M:47Y:94K:47PANTONE 4645 CC:0M:34Y:72K:30PANTONE 4655 CC:0M:23Y:43K:18PANTONE 4665 CC:0M:18Y:30K:11PANTONE 4675 CC:0M:11Y:18K:6。



• 1985年进入中国
• 总部:上海
• 作为在中国的跨国公司中的佼佼者,总投资额 超过40亿美元,业务遍及600多个城市,拥有 15,000多名员工(2008年1季度)。 • 建立了13个研发中心,飞利浦亚洲研究院被评 为06及07年度最佳20家外商投资研发中心之 一,每年投入研发的总额超过4000万欧元。 • 2005年到2007年,连续三次获得“光明公益 奖”
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• 全球“健康舒适、优质生活”的领导品牌
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这一品牌承诺概括了我们的决心, 即提供创新先进、轻松体验和为使用者需求而设计的解决方案
我们的业务以人和人们的生活质量 为中心
“精于心 简于形”
我们在生活方式的4个方面满足消 费者的需求:即环境、外表、身体 和情绪……
基于Reputation Institute的调查, 飞利浦在全球最受尊敬的50家公司中排名第29 位
Prof. Cees van Riel, Director of the Reputation Institute:

Minolta 相机产品价格清单说明书

Minolta 相机产品价格清单说明书

Step down adaptor ring (55mm to 52mm)
Flashgun (Deluxe II) with/capacitor, case
Lens adaptor mount (Leica)
Lens adaptor mount (Exakta)
1104 1503 1211/1212 122111222
SR-T 101 w / MC Rokkor 58mm fl1.4, case SR-T 101 w / MC Rokkor 55mn-i fl1.7 , case SR-T 101, body only SR-ls w / MC Rokkor 55mm ~/ 1.7, accessory
MC Macro 50mm f/3.5, intermediate tube,
reversing ring, case
Short Mount 135mm f/4 (for use with
extension bellows only), w/case
1720 1741 1742 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 1722 1770 1772 1774 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1711 1771 1773 1775 1731 1732 1751 1752 1761 1762 1780
Eyepiece correction lens #7V (-2.0 diopter)
Eyepiece correction lens #8V (-3.0 diopter)

Philips Sonicare W2 Optimal White 3-pack 标准尺寸 Clic

Philips Sonicare W2 Optimal White 3-pack 标准尺寸 Clic

Standard sonictoothbrush headsW2 Optimal White3-packStandard sizeClick-onBrushSync mode pairingHX6063/67Up to 100% whiter teeth in just one week*Advanced cleaning for stain removal & whiter teethThe W2 Optimal White brush head is perfect for those who want to go beyonddeep cleaning to remove surface stains for a white, radiant smile. This brush headis also great for maintaining brightness between professional whiteningtreatmentsFor exceptionally whiter teethDiamond-shaped bristles give you 100% whiter teeth in 1 weekFor exceptional care of teeth and gumsUp to 7x more plaque removal than a manual toothbrushInnovative technologyAutomatically selects optimal mode for ultimate results**Philips Sonicare's advanced sonic technologyDesigned to optimize performanceAlways know when to replace. Always get an effective clean.Tested to meet your oral health needsClick-on design for simple brush head placementHighlightsSay goodbye to plaqueDensely-packed, high-quality bristles remove up to 7x more plaque than a manual toothbrush.Whiter teeth, fastThe W2 Optimal White's stain-removal pad,made from densely-packed diamond-shaped bristles, removes surface stains caused by food and drinks. You'll notice a whiter smile, up to 100%*, in just 7 days.BrushSync™ mode-pairingYou’ll always get the best possible clean with our BrushSync™ mode-pairing feature**. The Philips Sonicare W2 Optimal White brush headsyncs with your BrushSync™ enabled Philips Sonicare toothbrush handle**, selecting the optimal brushing mode and intensity level for exceptional whitening. All you need to do is start brushing.Brush head replacementsBrush heads become less effective after 3months of use, but with BrushSync™ you'll be reminded before this happens. Your smart toothbrush will track how often and how hard you brush, and will notify you when it’s time for a replacement. Don’t have a smart Philips Sonicare toothbrush? Just monitor your blue replacement bristles, and when they turn white you’ll know it’s time for a fresh brush head.Brushing with peace of mindAll Philips Sonicare brush heads are safe and gentle on teeth and gums. During tests, each brush head is put through its paces to ensure durability and an exceptional performance every time you brush.Philips Sonicare technologyPhilips Sonicare's advanced sonic technology pulses water between teeth, and its brushstrokes break up plaque and sweep it away for an exceptional daily clean.Easy to click-onYour W2 Optimal White brush head fitsperfectly with any Philips Sonicare toothbrush handle, except Philips One and Essence.Simply click on and off for easy replacement and cleaning.SpecificationsCompatibilityBrush head system: Click-onBrushSync mode-pairingSuitable for these models: 2 Series plaque control, 2 Series plaque defense, 3 Series gum health, DiamondClean, DiamondClean Smart, EasyClean, Essence+, FlexCare, FlexCare Platinum, FlexCare Platinum Connected, FlexCare+, for Kids, HealthyWhite, HealthyWhite+, PowerUp, ProtectiveClean Design and finishingBristle stiffness feel: MediumColor: WhiteReminder bristles: Blue bristle color fade awaySize: StandardItems includedBrush heads: 3 W2 Optimal White standardQuality and performanceReplacement: Every 3 monthsTested: for optimal usageHealth benefitsGum health: Helps improve gum healthPlaque removal: Removes up to 7x moreplaque*Whitening: Whiter teeth in just one week* Removes up to 7x more plaque vs. a manual toothbrush* *BrushSync™ mode-pairing is only compatible withPhilips Sonicare BrushSync™ enabled toothbrushhandles© 2021 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.Issue date 2021‑05‑09 Version: 3.0.1EAN: 08 71010 38482 26 。

Philips Sonicare DiamondClean 5模式电动牙刷说明书

Philips Sonicare DiamondClean 5模式电动牙刷说明书

Pack cepillos de dientes eléctricos DiamondClean5 modos de limpiezaIncluye 2 cabezales de cepillado (W2)HX9392/39Dientes más blancos y saludables de por vidaEl mejor cepillo sónico de blanqueamiento Philips SonicareEl mejor blanqueamiento en nuestro cepillo sónico Philips Sonicare más elegante. Cámbiate a Philips Sonicare.Probado, mejora la higiene bucalBlanquea los dientes en solo una semanaEliminación de la placa hasta 7 veces superior a un cepillo dental manualMejora la salud de las encías en solo 2 semanas*Elige entre cinco modos, que incluyen Pulido y SensibilidadSeguro y suave para tus necesidades de salud bucalProporciona una limpieza superiorDiseño en ángulo para alcanzar y limpiar las zonas difícilesAvanzada tecnología sónica de Philips SonicareDiseñado para tiEstuche de viaje con carga USB y vaso de cargaLos temporizadores fomentan el cepillado durante dos minutosEl programa EasyStart fomenta tu rutina con Philips SonicareDestacadosDientes más blancos de forma naturalColoca el cabezal de cepilladoBlanqueamiento Optimal W2 para eliminar las manchas superficiales y conseguir una sonrisa más blanca. Sus cerdas centrales de alta densidad para eliminar manchas handemostrado que blanquean los dientes en tan solo una semana.Di adiós a la placaLas cerdas de alta calidad y densidad eliminan hasta 7 veces más placa que un cepillo dental manual.Cuida tus encíasGracias a la limpieza óptima de tuDiamondClean, tendrás unas encías mássanas en dos semanas*. Con una eliminación de la placa hasta siete veces superior a lo largo de la línea de las encías que un cepillo dental manual*, disfrutarás de una sonrisa sana e inigualable.5 modos de limpiezaCon DiamondClean, disfrutarás de unalimpieza refrescante a diario. Nuestros cinco modos cubren todas las necesidades decepillado: modo Limpieza para una limpieza excepcional a diario, Cuidado de las encías para masajear las encías suavemente, Pulido para dar brillo a tu sonrisa, Sensibilidad para una limpieza tan suave como eficaz de las encías sensibles y Blanqueamiento, el modo ideal para eliminar las manchas superficiales.Diseñado pensando en el almacenamientoEl estuche de viaje USB de lujo sirve también de cargador para poder recargar en cualquier parte. Coloca el cepillo dental en el estuche y conéctalo a tu portátil o enchúfalo a una toma de corriente. También incluye soporte para cabezales de cepillado, para una mayorhigiene mientras viajas. Para recargar en casa,nuestro elegante vaso de recarga queda genial en el baño y también sirve como vaso para enjuagarte después del cepillado. Solo tienes que colocar el cepillo en el vaso. Disfruta de dos semanas de uso regular con una sola carga completa.QuadPacer y SmarTimerLos dientes se cepillan en profundidad en solo dos minutos. Nuestro temporizador QuadPacer te permite saber cuándo has llegado al tiempo óptimo en cada sección de la boca, mientras que el SmarTimer señala el final del tiempo de cepillado. Juntos, ayudan a emplear el tiempo de cepillado recomendado en todo momento.Llega a las zonas difícilesLa forma exclusiva del mango del cepillo dental DiamondClean se combina connuestros cabezales de cepillado para disfrutar de una limpieza profunda incluso en las zonasdifíciles como la parte posterior de los dientes.Distintivo verde de PhilipsLos productos de bajo consumo de Philips pueden reducir los costes, el consumoenergético y las emisiones de CO2. ¿Cómo?Ofrecen una mejora medioambiental significativa en una o varias de las áreas ecológicas centrales de Philips: consumo eficiente, embalaje, sustancias peligrosas,peso, reciclaje y deshecho y durabilidad.EspecificacionesModosLimpieza: Para una limpieza diaria excepcionalBlanco: Elimina las manchas superficiales Sensibilidad: Limpieza suave de dientes y encíasCuidado de las encías: Masajea suavemente las encíasPolaco: Abrillanta y pule tus dientes Piezas incluidasMango: 2 DiamondCleanCabezales: 2 Blanqueamiento Optimal W2 estándarVaso de carga: 1Estuche de viaje: 2, Cargador de viaje USB Diseño y acabadoColor: Negro, Oro rosaRendimiento de limpiezaVelocidad: Hasta 62 000 movimientos decepillado/minutoRendimiento: Elimina hasta 10 veces másplaca*Beneficios para la salud: Mejora la salud delas encías en solo dos semanasBeneficios del blanqueamiento: Dientes hastados veces más blancos*Temporizador: QuadPacer y SmarTimerFácil de usarIndicador de batería: El icono iluminadoindica la vida útil de la bateríaMango: Diseño compacto y ergonómicoPantalla: Pantalla iluminadaSistema de cabezal de cepillado: Cabezalesde cepillado fáciles de montarEspecificaciones técnicasBatería: RecargableTipo de batería: Iones de litioTiempo de funcionamiento (duración de labatería): Hasta 3 semanas*PotenciaVoltaje: 110-220 VServicioGarantía: Garantía limitada de dos años* basado en dos períodos de cepillado de dos minutos aldía, en modo estándar© 2021 Koninklijke Philips N.V. Todos los derechos reservados.Las especificaciones están sujetas a cambios sin previo aviso. Las marcas registradas son propiedad de Koninklijke Philips N.V. o de sus propietarios respectivos.Fecha de emisión2021‑08‑30Versión: 7.0.1EAN: 08 71010 38258 90 。



简约主义的特点是: 简约主义的特点是: 最简单的结构; 最俭省的材料; 最洗练的造型; 最纯净的表面。
Representative works
iF国际设计大奖 ( IF Design Award )(德国,2002年) 国际设计大奖
Samsonite by Starck Its minimalist design, combined with a highly user-friendly wheeling system, ergonomic T-bar and large soft wheels, make all travelling light. GAOMI's organisation is state-of-the-art, with two zippered pockets accessible from the top:
纽约的Royalton Hotel是欢度假期的理 想圣地。 该饭店拥有205间装潢设备舒 适优雅超水平的客房。 Royalton酒店
He believes that modern designer's task is to use the material at least create the most happy.
shoe for puma,
‘miss dorn’ prototypes / limited editions V.I.A.,
hudson rocker’ for emeco
Contracted creed features are: The most simple structure; The most frugal materials; The modelling of the most washs practice; The most pure surface.




不同型号的剃须刀对应不同型号的刀头HQ2刀头:正面刻有“ROTA ACTION”英文字样(代表电须刀:HQ26已停产)HQ3刀头:正面刻有“LIFT AND CUT”和“DOUBLE ACTION”英文字样(代表电须刀:HQ130)HQ4刀头:正面刻有“LIFT AND CUT”和“MICRO+”英文字样(代表电须刀:HS190)HQ5刀头:正面刻有“LIFT AND CUT”和“REFLEX ACTION”英文字样(代表电须刀:HQ560已停产)HQ54刀头:正面刻有“LIFT AND CUT”英文字样(代表电须刀:HQ5705、HQ5710)HQ64刀头:正面刻有“6-SERIES”和“SUPER LIFT AND CUT”英文字样(代表电须刀:HQ6070、HQ6073)HQ8刀头:正面刻有“8-S ERIES”英文字样(代表电须刀:HQ6090、HQ7310)HQ9刀头:无英文字样,三圈刀网,增加 50% 的剃须面积(代表电须刀:HQ8240、HQ8260)RQ10刀头:无英文字样,三圈独立切剃装置,剃须面积增加 50%(代表电须刀:RQ1095、RQ1050)第二、从生产日期辨认型号为:HQ30、HQ40、HQ46、HQ460、HQ5705、HQ5710、HQ5715、HQ6070、HQ6073、HQ6075、HQ6090、HQ6095等等这些须刀,打开刀头,查看胡须储藏室内,会看到一串数字,是6位数的,也就是这款须刀的出厂日期,比如:080812就是2008年8月12日出厂的产品了。



Philips Sonicare DiamondClean 5模式电动牙刷.pdf_17016571

Philips Sonicare DiamondClean 5模式电动牙刷.pdf_17016571

Sonic electric toothbrush DiamondClean 5 modes1 brush headUSB travel chargerHX9391/92Whiter, healthier teeth for life Best Philips Sonicare whitening sonic toothbrush Philips Sonicare's best whitening in our most elegant sonic electric toothbrush. Switch to Philips Sonicare.Proven to improve oral healthA whiter smile in 1 week with our DiamondClean brush head*Remove up to 10x more plaque with AdaptiveClean*Improves gum health in just 2 weeks*Choose from 5 modes including Deep Clean and SensitiveSafe and gentle for your oral health needsProvides a superior cleanDeep Clean mode tackles your trouble spotsAdaptiveClean brush head flexes along your gum lineDesigned around youTimers encourage thorough 2 minutes of brushingOptimize your brushingOur unique technology brings you a powerful yet gentle cleanHighlightsUp to 2x whiter teethClick on our DiamondClean brush head to gently yet effectively remove surface stains.Densely packed central stain removal bristles work hard to make your smile 2x whiter in just 7 days.*Remove up to 10x more plaqueClick on the AdaptiveClean brush head toexperience our deepest ever clean. You get 4x more surface contact** to remove up to 10x more plaque in hard-to-reach areas,* and a truly deep clean along the gum line and between teeth.Look after those gumsWith optimal cleaning from yourDiamondClean, gums will become healthier in 2 weeks*. Removing up to 7x more plaquealong the gum line than a manual toothbrush*,you’ll get your healthiest smile.5 modes to clean your wayWith DiamondClean, you get a truly refreshing clean every day. Our 5 modes cover all your brushing needs; Clean mode – for exceptional daily cleaning, Gum Care – to gently massage gums, Deep Clean – for an invigorating deep clean, Sensitive – for gentle yet effective cleaning of sensitive gums, and White – the ideal mode to remove surface stains.Extra deep cleaningOur Deep Clean mode means you can really focus on specific areas, paying them extra attention. We’ve combined our unique brush head motion with an extended 3 minutes of brushing time so your teeth get a truly deep clean.Up to 2x healthier teethClick on our AdaptiveClean brush head for a deep, gentle clean that leaves gums up to 2x healthier than a manual toothbrush. Soft rubber sides flex along every contour of your teeth and gums to absorb any excess pressure.Bristles can then reach deep between teeth giving you a comfortable, effective deep clean.QuadPacer and SmartimerIt takes just 2 minutes to thoroughly brush your teeth. Our QuadPacer lets you know when you've spent the optimal amount of time on each section of your mouth while ourSmarTimer signals when your total time is up.Together they help you reach your recommended brushing time, every time.Philips Sonicare technologyPowerful sonic vibrations whip up yourtoothpaste into plaque fighting bubbles, and drive them deep between your teeth and along your gum line. At the same time your teeth will experience 62,000 gentle but effective brush movements. You'll get a month's worth ofmanual brushing in just 2 minutes.Philips Green LogoPhilips Green Products can reduce costs,energy consumption and CO2 emissions. How?They offer a significant environmentalimprovement in one or more of the Philips Green Focal Areas – Energy efficiency,Packaging, Hazardous substances, Weight,Recycling and disposal and Lifetime reliability.SpecificationsModesClean: For exceptional everyday clean White: Removes surface stains Sensitive: Gentle teeth and gum cleaning Gum Care: Gently massages gumsDeep Clean: For an invigorating deep clean Items includedHandle: 1 DiamondCleanBrush heads: 1 AdaptiveCleanCharger base: 1Travel case: USB travel charger Design and finishingColor: Rose goldCleaning performanceSpeed: Up to 62000 brush movement/minPerformance: Removes up to 10x moreplaque*Health benefits: Improves gum health in onlytwo weeksWhitening benefits: Whitens teeth 2X better*Timer: Quadpacer and SmarTimerEase of useBrush head system: Easy click-on brush headsBattery indicator: Illuminated icon indicatesbattery lifeHandle: Slim ergonomic designDisplay: Illuminated displayT echnical specificationsBattery: RechargeableBattery type: Lithium IONOperating time (full to empty): Up to 3 weeks*PowerVoltage: 110-220 VServiceWarranty: 2-year limited warranty* based on two periods of two-minute brushings per day,on standard mode© 2021 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.Issue date 2021‑05‑14 Version: 11.1.1。

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