






1. 莎士比亚戏剧莎士比亚是英国文学史上最伟大的戏剧家之一,他的作品对世界文学产生了深远的影响。



2. 简·奥斯汀的小说简·奥斯汀是英国文学史上最著名的女作家之一,她的小说以描写社会风俗和爱情婚姻为主题,作品充满了幽默和讽刺。


3. 罗伯特·勃朗宁和伊丽莎白·勃朗宁的诗歌罗伯特·勃朗宁和伊丽莎白·勃朗宁是19世纪英国浪漫主义诗歌的代表人物。



4. 查尔斯·狄更斯的小说查尔斯·狄更斯是19世纪英国最重要的小说家之一,他的作品揭示了当时社会的阶级分化和人性的复杂性。


5. 威廉·莎士比亚的诗歌除了戏剧作品,莎士比亚还有许多优秀的诗歌作品。



6. 珍·奥斯汀的小说珍·奥斯汀是19世纪英国最重要的女作家之一,她的小说以描写女性生活和婚姻为主题,作品充满了幽默和洞察力。



英国文学简史复习资料(整理版)第一篇:英国文学简史复习资料(整理版)I.Old English Literature & the Late Medieval Ages 贝奥武夫:the national epic of the Anglo-SaxonsGeoffrey Chaucer 杰弗里•乔叟1340(?)~1400 The father of English poetry.① 坎特伯雷故事集:first time to use …heroic couplet‟(双韵体)by middle English ②特罗伊拉斯和克莱希德③ 声誉之宫II The Renaissance Period A period of drama and poetry.The Elizabethan drama is the real mainstream of the English Renaissance.Renaissance: the activity, spirit, or time of the great revival of art, literature, and learning in Europe beginning in the 14th century and extending to the 17th century, marking the transition from the medieval to the modern world.Three historical events of the Renaissance – rebirth or revival: 1.new discoveries in geography and astrology 2.the religious reformation and economic expansion 3.rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek culture The most famous dramatists:Christopher Marlowe William Shakespeare Ben Johnson.William Shakespeare威廉•莎士比亚1564~1616① Historical plays: Henry VI 亨利六世;Henry IV : Richard III 查理三世;Henry V ;Richard II;Henry VIII ②Four Comedies: 皆大欢喜;第十二夜;< A Midsummer Night‟S Dream>仲夏夜之梦;威尼斯商人③Four Tragedies: 哈姆莱特;奥赛罗;李尔王;麦克白④Shakespeare Sonnet :154Three quatrain and one couplet, ababcdcdefefggA sonnet is a lyric consisting of 14 lines, usually iniambic pentameter restricted to a definition rhyme scheme.⑤the comedy of errors 错中错,Titus Andronicus泰特斯·安特洛尼克斯,The Taming of the shrew 驯悍记Love's labour's lost(爱的徒劳)Romeo and Juliet 罗密欧与朱丽叶Much ado about nothing(无事生非)The merry wives of Windsor.温莎的风流娘们King John 约翰王All's well that ends well 终成眷属Measure for measure(一报还一报)Bacon: Of Studies;Of Beauty;Of Marriage and Single Life English Bourgeois Revolution,学术的推进 III:the period of the English bourgeois ton:1608~1674Paradise Lost;Samson Agonistes(力士参孙);On the morning of Christ’s Nativity,复乐园我的失明论出版自由为英国人民声辩Bunyan: 1628~1688 ①Religionary Allegory:天路历程Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinner;the Holy War John Don: the Metaphysical poet(玄学派诗人).Metaphysical Poetry(玄学诗):(用语)the diction is simple, the imagery is from the actual,(形式)the form is frequently an argument with the poet’s beloved, with god, or with himself.(主题:love, religious, thought)The Flea;跳蚤Forbbiding Mourning,Songs And Sonnets歌与十四行诗,emergent occasions 突变引起的诚念Hely sonnets IV The 18th Century:EnlightenmentA revival of interest in the old classical works, order, logic, restrained emotion(抑制情感)and accuracy The Age ofEnlightenment/Reason: the movement was a furtherance of the Renaissance of the 15th and 16th centries, a progressive intellectual movement, reason(rationality), equality&science(the 18th century)小说崛起:In the mid-century, the newly literary form, modern English novel rised(realistic novel现实主义小说)Gothic novel(哥特式小说):mystery, horror, castles(from middle part to the end of century)Jonathan Swift乔纳森•斯威夫特1667~1745(十八世纪杰出的政论家和讽刺小说家 a master satirist。



[标签:标题]篇一:英国文学史复习资料整理(1)? historical background: the making of BritainA. Briton (Celtic tribes)B. the Roman Conquest---Roman Briton1th Julius CaesarA.D.43 ClaudiusC. mid-5th Anglo-Saxons (Angles, Saxons, Jutes)Anglo-Saxon periodD. Danish invasionlate 8th, Daneslate 9th, Alfred the Greatthe literaturethe literature of this period falls naturally isto two divisions—pagan and Christianpagan represents the poetry which the Anglo-Saxons probably brought with them in the form of oral sagasChristian represents the writings developed under teaching of the monks..All of the earliest poetry of England was copied by the monks, and seems to have been more or less altered to give it a religious coloring.The angles, an important Teutonis tribe, furnished the name for the new home, which was called Angle-land afterward shortened into England. The language spoken by these tribes is generally called Anglo-Saxon or Saxon.Literary term★Epic: a long narrative poem telling about the deeds of a great hero and reflecting the values of the society from which it originated. Many epics were drawn from an oral tradition and were transmitted by song and recitation before they were written down.(examples: Iliad, Odyssey, Chanson de Roland)2. Beowulf–national epic★the longest and most monument of A-S poems★the oldest surviving epic in British literature.? oral form (6th), earliest written record (7th or 8th)? set in Denmark and SwedenBeowulf1. 3183 lines2. contents:Beowulf centers on the narration of the exploits of the heroic figure beowulf.3 adventuresMonster---GrendelGrendel’s motherfiery dragonTheme: primitive people’s struggle against hostile forces of the natural world under a wise andmighty leader.Beowulf is not simply a man of great military prowess but he is forever eager to help others in distress and in his last adventure with the dragon he shows himself a worthy leader ready to sacrifice his own life for the welfare of his people.Features:*part-historical and part legendary*heathen tribal society, feudal elements, Christian coloring *A-S or old English; alliteration metaphorIn the year 1066, at the battle of Hastings, the Normans headed by William, Duke of Normandy, defeated the Anglo-Saxons.Brought to England is remarkable for its bright, romantic tales of love and adventure.England literature is also a combination of French and Saxon elements.The three chief effects of the conquest were1. the bringing of Roman civilization to England2. the growth of nationality a strong centralized government, instead of the loose union of Saxon tribes3. the new language and literature were proclaimed in Chaucer1 the Norman conquest accelerated the development of feudalism. ? on land: the ruling class possessed large tracts of land? on society: distinct class division, miseries of peasants? on language: scholar wrote in French and Latin; eiched English.The development of romance and knights’legends★Romance: A long composition, sometimes in verse, sometimes in prose, describing the life and adventures of a noble man. The central character is the Knight, who has a noble birth, is skillful in the use of weapon and devotes to the church or King. The rules governing the manners and morals of a knight are known as chivalry.? Themes of romance:the matter of Britain—king Arthur and his knights of the Round Table (Arthurian romances) the matter of France—Charlemagne and his knights (Chanson deRoland)the matter of Rome—from the Trojan War to Alexander the GreatKing Arthur:*historical figure of Celts; mythological figure in Welsh literature; *legendary hero in? Geoffery of Monmouth: “History of the Kings of Britain”? Layamon: “Brut”? Sir Tomas Malory: “Le Morte D?Arthur”? Anglo-Saxon? Later legends about a hero named Arthur were placed in this period of violence. The invaders were variously Angles, Saxons, Frisians, Jutes, but were similar in culture and eventually identified themselves indifferently as Angles or Saxons.The most outstanding single romance on the Arthurian legend—―Sir Gawain and the Green Knight‖(four sections)a.The fight between Sir Gawain and the Green Knight at King Arthur?s Christmas feast.b. Gawain?s adventures on the way to find the Green Knight of the Green Chapel篇二:英国文学史及选读__复习要点总结《英国文学史及选读》第一册复习要点1. Beowulf: national epic of the English people; Denmark story; alliteration, metaphors and understatements (此处可能会有填空,选择等小题)2. Romance (名词解释)3. “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”: a famous roman about King Arthur’s story4. Ballad(名词解释)5. Character of Robin Hood6. Geoffrey Chaucer: founder of English poetry; The Canterbury Tales (main contents; 124 stories planned, only 24 finished; written in Middle English; significance; form: heroic couplet)7. Heroic couplet (名词解释)8. Renaissance(名词解释)9.Thomas More——Utopia10. Sonnet(名词解释)11. Blank verse(名词解释)12. Edmund Spenser“The Faerie Queene”13. Francis Bacon “essays”esp. “Of Studies”(推荐阅读,学习写正式语体的英文文章的好参照,本文用词正式优雅,多排比句和长句,语言造诣非常高,里面很多话都可以引用做格言警句,非常值得一读)14. William Shakespeare四大悲剧比较重要,此外就是罗密欧与朱立叶了,这些剧的主题,背景,情节,人物形象都要熟悉,当然他最重要的是Hamlet这是肯定的。



英国⽂学复习资料The Anglo-saxon period(450-1066)⼀,historical background1, History: The earliest settlers of British Isles were the Celts.2, Old English poetry.⼆,Northumbrian school and Wessex literature.1, Two Highlight in the development of Anglo-saxon literature:(1). Northumbrian school (2), Wessex literature.2,The first Anglo-Saxon poet: Caedmon —“paraphrase”3.Bede: —“the father of English History.”The Ecclesiastical History of English people. 4.King Alfred —the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle三.Epic1. Definition: A long narrative poem celebrating the great deeds of one or more legendary heroes, in a grand, ceremonious style.2. Anglo-Saxon Poetry—Beowulf (heroic epic)3.The earliest one is Widsith and last is Maldon .4.The plot: (1)fight with Grendel, Grendel’s mother, Firedrake.(2)the death and funeral5.the significance:6.National epic: Homer’s epic poetry(Greek);V irgil(Roman)7.Alliteration: Repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words.8.Kenning: A kind of metaphor usually used a phrase instead of a concrete noun.The Norman Period(1066-1350) ⼀.History background1. Norman conquest ended the Anglo-Saxon period2.the influence of Norman Conquest:(1)accelerated the development of feudalism in England.(2)the Anglo-Saxon, low position; English, despised thing.(3)three languages co-existed in England(French ,Latin, Old-English)⼆.Middle English1.the development of English Language2.the unique situation of language using during this time:French ,Latin, Old-English三.R omance1.Norman Conquest’s influence on English languageRomance——Frence——nobbles;lordsNo writtern——English——English subjet(⾂民)Chronicles,religious poem——Latin——scholar2.Definition: the Romance was the most prevailing kind of literature in feudal England which described the life andadventures of knights and reflects the spirit of chivalry in the form of verse. It’s usually about love, chivalry and religion.3.Rhyme:4.Bob: a line of two syllables.5.Wheel: a poem of four lines(a.b.a.b.)6.Three categories of Romans(1),The matter of France—Chanson de roland.(2), the matter of Rome—Alexander(3), The matter of Britain—Arthurian7. Sir Gawain and Green KnightAge of Chaucer⼀,History background1.The hundred years war between England and France(two kings for France throne)2, The peasant uprising of 1381,during the reign of king Richard 2⼆,John wycliff—The father of English prose.1,Contribution:(1),dedicated to religious reform(clergymen had no right to hold property and the civil authority had the right to deprive the church of property, if it proved unworthy of the people’s trust.),(2),Great contribution to English language (translated Bible into standard English)2,William Langland—the vision of Piers Plowman ; Allegory3, Allegory: A story or description in which the characters and events symbolize some deeper meaning.(primary meaning and secondary meaning)三,Chaucer—the father of English poetry(why?)1, Contribution to English literature:(1), Chaucer proved that the English language is a beautiful language and can be easily handled to express different moods.(2),Chaucer greatly increased the prestige of the English language.(3) Chaucer’s works gave a comprehensive picture of his time.(4), the dramatic structure of his work has been highlycommended by critics.(5)Chaucer made a big improvement of English literature.2,Heroic couplet(英雄双韵体)(1),couplet (两⾏诗⼀押韵)(2),iambic pentameter(五步抑扬格)3,Canterbury Tales(1) Structure:24 tales connect by “links”(2)His plan; Chaucer met a group of 29 pilgrims at Canterbury on his way. To kill the time on their journey, they play a game that each pilgrim should tell two stories on the outward trip and another two on the way back. Chaucer and their host joined them, the host will be a judge and give a reward to the one who give the best tale.4,The significance of the Canterbury tales(1), it gives a comprehensive picture of Chaucer’s time.(2).the dramatic structure of his work has been highly commended by critics.(3),It reflects the Chaucer’s humor.(4),It’s a great contribution that Chaucer gave to the English language.The 15th century⼀,Historical background1. The Hundred Years War:(in1415,at the battle of Agincourt ,King Henry 5 defeated French Army)2,The War of the Rose s—Thirty Y ears War:(break out between two families ,at last King Henry 7 defeated Richard 3 ,and then married Elizabeth)3,The discovery of America and the new sea routes —Columbus4,Reformation of the church(the church Henry 8 founded is Anglican church新教)⼆,Popular Ballads(民谣)(belongs to folk literature)1.Definition:a narrative poem that tells a story2. the characters of ballad:(1), the beginning is abrupt (2),strong dramatic elements(3),using dialogue and action (4), the theme is often tragic(5),using ballad meter3, Ballad Meter(1), four-line stanzas(2), the odd numbered(奇数) lines have 4 feet each(3), the even numbered (偶数)lines have 3 feet each(4),rhymes fall on the even numbered lines4,the popular ballad:Sir Patrick Spens帕特⾥克斯本⼠爵⼠Robin Hood and the three squires罗宾汉和三个乡绅三,Sir Thomas Malory——The Death of King Arthur 四,Early English palys1,The first comedy—Ralph Roister Doister(作者:Nicholas Vdall)2, History: In ancient Greece and Rome , drama was one of the popular forms of entertainment. And then used as part of religious services. By the 14th century, it developed into mystery plays (神秘剧)and miracle plays.(神话剧)3,Dramatic Terms.(1),script剧本(2)stage directions舞台说明(3),monologue 独⽩(4),aside旁⽩(5),soliloque独⽩(6)act 幕(7)scene场(8)set布景4. Drama’s Definition: Drama is “a composition in prose or verse, adapted to be acted upon a stage, in which a story is related by means of dialogue and action, and is represented with accompanying gesture, costume, and scenery, as in real life.”The English Renaissance英国启蒙运动⼀,history backgroundEnglish navy defeated the Spanish Armada in 1588.⼆,the enclosure movement(圈地运动)Definition: with development of wool trade, some of the nobles and burghers turned vast arable land into their pastures and many peasants became landless.三,H umanism1, renaissance(⽂艺复兴):the rebirth of literary movement that begin in the 14th century in Italy and later to France ,Spanish ,the Netherlands and English and its idea was humanism.2,Humanism: support the idea that man should be given the full freedom to enrich their emotional life,and in praise of man and pursuit of happiness in their life.四,William Shakespeare—playwright, poet, dramatist,actor.1.works: (1)sonnets(2)Mid-summer Nights Dream(3)Romeo and Juliet(4),The Merchant of V enice(5)As Y ou LikeIt(6),Hamlet(7),Othello(8),KingLear(9)Macbeth(10)The winters tale2, Sonnet Definition: is a short poem of 14 lines ,uauslly in iambic pentameter(五步抑扬格) with various rhyming schemes(韵脚)。



英国文学期末复习一、选择1、浪漫主义时期开始的标志:the publication of the Lyrical Ballads(1798) Wordsworth.结束:the death of Sir Walter Scott.18322、湖畔派诗人(Lake Poets):Wordsworth, Coleridge, Southey.3、Charles Lamb(查尔斯兰姆):He is important in English literature for his contribution to the Familiar Essay(随笔/小品文)4、Walter Scott(沃尔特司各特):the founder and great master of the historical novels(历史小说之父)。

5、Browning(布朗宁):the contribution to the English literature is dramatic monologue(戏剧独白)。

6、Emily Bronte(艾米丽勃朗特)的小说特点:Gothic novel eg.Wuthering Heights7、George Bernard Shaw(肖伯纳):Shaw's main contribution to English literature is his drama.8、Thomas Stearns Eliot(艾略特):代表作 The Waste Land(荒原)9、Steam of consciousness(意识流)的2位代表作家:JamesJoyce,Virginia WoolfAngry Young Man(愤怒的青年)出自John Osborne's 10、play Look Back in Angry(愤怒的回顾)。

11、只有1部代表作的作家及作品:William Makepeace Thackeray(萨克雷):Vanity Fair(名利场)Emily Bronte(艾米丽勃朗特):Wuthering Heights(呼啸山庄)Joseph Conrad:Heart of Darkness(黑暗心脏)George Bernard Shaw:Major Barbara(芭芭拉少女)12、Wordsworth defines poetry as ?the spontaneous overflow of feelings?(一切好诗都是强烈情感的自然流露)。



1、The Romans built roads, walls, garrisons and villas, and it was during the Roman occupation that London was founded. The Roman occupation also brought Christianity to Britain.2、People in the Kingdom were called English. The Anglo-Saxon dialect is what we now called Old English.3、The greatest literary achievement during this period is Beowulf (the national epic of English people), a 3183-line alliterative verse.4、Beowulf is the most important poem in Old English and it is the first major poem in European vernacular language. (Beowulf battle with Grendel, battle with Grendel’s mother, battle with a fire dragon.)5、The Norman Conquest accelerated the development of feudalism in England.6、For almost two hundred years after 1066, three languages ---native English, Norman-French, and Latin. (during Norman Conquest)7、The language in this transitional stage from Old English to Modern English is generally known as Middle English.8、Most of the English romances deal with three majorthemes: the Matter of Britain, the Matter of France, the Matter of Rome.9、The most important literary contribution of this period is Geoffrey Chaucer‟s The Canterbury Tales, which is a collection of twenty-four stories.10、Geoffrey Chaucer was the first great poet to write in the English language and exerted great influence on making the dialect of London the standard for modern English speech. Because of all this, Chaucer is considered as the “father of English poetry”.11、During the reign of Queen Elizabeth, there arose an intellectual movement known as the Renaissance, or the rebirth of letters. Renaissance first started in Italy in the 14th century and flourished in France, Germany, Spain and Britain in the 15th and 16th centuries. It saw the revival of art and sciences. People became interested in classical literature and many Greek and Latin works were translated into English. The most important characteristics of this movement are the exaltation of man and an absorption in earthly life.12、They believed that man could mould the worldaccording to his will and attain happiness by removing the external checks.13、Among the giants of the Renaissance :Thomas Moore wrote Utopia.Francis Bacon is best known for his essays. (Of Study)Edmund Spenser was considered as the “poet‟s poet”. His The Faerie Queene has been generally regarded as his masterpiece. The Faerie Queene represents Queene Elizabeth, and the poem thus sings praises to the greatest glorious queen.William Shakespeare wrote four tragedies: Macbeth, Hamlet(To be, or not to be, that is the question), Othello and King Lear. He is associated with the term soliloquy(内心独白).Christopher Marlowe(文学改革第一人) was the most gifted of the “university wits”, and the greatest pioneer of English drama. His works include Tamburlaine, The Jew of Malta and Doctor Faustus (the confinement to time 时间的局限性). Some of Doctor Faustus‟s utterances are great poetry expressed inforceful and beautiful blank verse(马洛是第一个提出)which became known as “Marlowe‟s mighty line”.14、John Milton was a great poet of the time. His masterpiece, Paradise Lost(in blank verse; 取材于the Old Testament 圣经旧约), is an epic.15、John Bunyan wrote The Pilgrim’s Progress. Its heroes, Christian(spiritual experience,Celestial City 圣城) and Faithful, came to Vanity Fair(名利场).16、The Pilgrim‟s Progress was written in the old-fashioned, medieval form of allegory and dream. The allegory depicts the Puritan struggle for freedom of worship, the eternal struggle of man to find unity with God. The purpose is to urge people to seek salvation through constant struggle with their weaknesses and social evils.17、The most noticeable are the Metaphysical Poets and the Cavalier Poets.18、The Metaphysical Poets: John Donne wrote The Flea.19、The Cavalier Poets: Robert Herrick wrote Gather Ye Rose Buds while Ye May (体现了要珍惜当下).20、The Enlighteners considered “enlightenment”or “education” of the people to be their chief mission. The eighteenth century is thus known as “the Age of Reason”.21、Neo-classicism in the early 18th century emphasis on reason rather than emotion; preference for elegance, correctness, symmetry, clearness and appropriateness; focus on “town”and “society”instead of nature or country things.22、The representatives of Sentimentalism were discontent with the social reality and the so-called reason which the Neo-classicists appealed to.23、Daniel Defoe (father of modern English novel) wrote Robinson Crusoe(鲁滨逊漂流记)which was sometimes regarded as the first English novel. Its hero stayed with Friday and is the prototype of a true empire-builder, a coloniser as well as a foreign trader.24、Jonathan Swift(以satire/irony 见长) wrote Gulliver’s Travels: a voyage to Lilliput; a voyage to Brobdingnag; a voyage to a Flying Island ---Laputa; a voyage to the country of Houyhnhnm that saved Gulliver from the human-like creatures, Yahoos.25、The most famous writers of the Pre-romanticism are William Blake and Robert Burns.26、William Blake wrote Songs of Innocence(from children‟s view) and Songs of Experience (from adults‟view). London and The Chimney Sweeper came from Songs of Experience.27、Robert Burns(苏格兰民族主义诗人)that are divided into 4 groups. The first is about love and friendship, like A Red, Red Rose and Auld Lang Syne (友谊地久天长,苏格兰方言). The second has to do with the Scottish life. The third deals with the theme of patriotism, like My Heart’s in the Highland(repetition and parallelism)attitude towards liberty, equality and fraternity(受美国独立战争和法国大革命影响)28. The influenced of the French Revolution soon spread its watchwords “Liberty, Equality and Fraternity”to almost every corner of the world.29. Romanticism in England began with the publication of William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge‟s Lyrical Ballads. And the essence of Romanticism is to reflect all that is spontaneous and unaffected in nature and man.30. Lake Poets(passive romanticists): Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey. 31 .Active romanticists: Byron, Shelley and Keats.32 .William Wordsworth gives his famous definition of poetry:“poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings; it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility: the emotion is contemplated till, by a species of reaction, the tranquility gradually disappears, and an emotion, kindred to that which was before the subject of contemplation, is gradually produced, and does itself actually exist in the mind.”代表作:I Wondered Lonely as a Cloud33.George Gordon Byron (拜伦): In these works, the so-called Byronic hero, an idealized but flawed character, made its appearance.代表作:Don Juan(瑭瑝) Don Juan, the hero, has adventures to all the major European countries and takes part in various social, political and historical events. 34. Percy Bysshe Shelley(雪莱):Ozymandias、Ode to the West Wind(西风颂,if winter comes, can spring be far behind?功能:that both destroys and preserves the revival in the spring.)、To a Sky-Lark(致云雀)35.John Keats: Ode to a Nightingale(夜莺颂)、To Autumn(秋颂). Autumn, as it always is, represents growth, maturation, and ultimately an approaching death.36. Jane Austen:Pride and Prejudice(傲慢与偏见,中上层阶级)37. The mid-and-late 19th century is generally known as the Victorian age.38. William Makepeace Thackeray (萨克雷),代表作:《Vanity Fair》名利场》主人公:Amelia Sedley and Rebecca Sharp. It‟s name from the seat of corruption in Bunyan‟s allegory, Pilgrim‟s Progress.(选自班羊的《天路历程》。



1,Old English Literature (A.D.600-about A.D.1100)Poetry:Beowulf 《贝尔伍夫》: the author is unknown (Secular literature世俗文学)1, Hrothgar胡鲁斯加王, King of the Danes, and Beowulf, a brave young man,2, the first great English literary work, the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons passed from mouth to mouth for hundreds years, was written down in the 10th century, Features:1, Each half line has two main beats.2,There is no rhyme. Instead, each half line is joined to the other by alliteration头韵. 3,Things are described indirectly and in combinations of words.4, As is known, the Anglo-Saxons were Christianized by the end of the 7th century. Major themes:1.This epic presents a vivid picture of how the primitive people wage heroic struggles against the hostile forces of the natural world represented by Grendel, his mother and the fire-breathing dragon under the wise and mighty leader.2.The poem conveys a hope that the righteous will triumph over the evil. Beowulf stands for all that is good, brave and proper, while the monsters stand for evil. Prose:Anglo-Saxon Chronicle盎格鲁-撒克逊编年史1,written under the encouragement and supervision of King Alfred the Great (849-899)阿尔弗雷德大帝2,an early history of the country which begins with Caesar’s conquest凯撒征服and is a monument不朽的作品of Old English Prose.Aelfric埃尔弗里克(mostly religious):His prose style is the best in Old English. And he uses alliteration头韵to join his sentences together.2,Middle English Literature (from about 1100 to about 1500) Norman Conquest(1066): the English VS the Norman armies place:near Hastings黑斯廷斯Result: the leader of English, Harold, was killed, English lost decisive battle William, the Conqueror, became the King of England1. Politically, a feudalist system封建制度was established in England.(feudalism)2. Religiously, the Roman Catholic Church had a much stronger control over the country.3. Great changes took place in the English language.4. The conquest opened up England to the whole European continent, so that with the introduction of the culture and literature of France, Italy and other European countries a fresh wave of Mediterranean civilization came into England.Three languages co-existed in England during this period.:French (the official language): King, Norman lordsLatin (the principal tongue of church affairs): clergymen and scholarsEnglish: common peopleGreat events in this period:The Hundred Years’ War(1337-1453)英法百年战争The Black Death(1348-1350) 黑死病Literature:strongly reflects the principles of the medieval中世纪Christian doctrines基督教教义, which are primarily concerned with the issue of personal salvation自我拯救.The romance传奇文学;Geoffrey of Monmouth蒙茅斯的杰弗里:英国历史学家History of the Kings of Britain (in Latin Prose)(不列颠诸王记)Layamon莱亚门:英国诗人Brut《布鲁特》Thomas Malory马洛礼:Mort D’Arthur(in English prose)《亚瑟王之死》Sir Gawain and the Green Knight(anonymous匿名的,无名的, in English verse)《高文爵士和绿衣骑士》Major themes of 《高文。



Pre-Renaissance periodBeowulf : the first English national epicI. The position of the Beowulf:the first English national epicII.The story: (to simply narrate it )Beowulf←→ Grendel and his motherBeowulf←→ Fire dragonIII. Its artistic features1. I t’s a 3183-line verse written in true epic style and in Old English;2. the most evident feature: the use of alliteration; (refer to the history of literature By Liu Bingshan,)3. to use compound-words to serve as metaphors;4. the use of understatements: the impression and a color of humor.△5. the mixing of pagan elements with Christian colouring.Geoffrey ChaucerI. life :1. He was born in a wine merchant family in 1340;2. His early life as a page and his marriage acquainted him with knowledge about upper class;3.he was buried in Westminster Abbey, thus founding the “Poets Corner” . II. His Work: The Canterbury TalesThe Canterbury TalesThe General Prologue...The PrioressThere was also a Nun, a Prioress,Whose name was gentle and full of guilelessness. “By St. Loy!” was the worst oath she would say. She sang mass well, in a becoming way,Intoning through her nose the words divine,And she was known as Madam Eglantine.She spoke good French, as taught at Stratford-Bow For the Parisian French she did not know.She was schooled to eat so primly and so well That from her lips no morsel ever fell.She wet her fingers lightly in the dishOf sauce, for courtesy was her first wish.With every bite she did her skillful bestTo see that no drop fell upon her breast.She always wiped her upper lip so cleanThat in her cup was never to be seenA hint of grease when she had drunk her share, She reached out for her meat with comely air. She was a great delight, and always triedTo imitate court ways, and had her pride,Both amiable and gracious in her dealings.As for her charity and tender feelings,She melted at whatever was piteous.She would weep if she but came upon a mouse Caught in a trap, if it were dead of bleeding. Some little dogs that took pleasure feedingOn roasted meat or milk or good wheat breadShe had, but how she wept to find one deadOr yelping from a blow that made it smart,And all was sympathy and loving heart.Neat was her wimple in its every plait,Her nose well formed, her eyes as gray as slate.Her mouth was very small and soft and red.She had so wide a brow I think her headWas nearly a span broad, for certainlyShe was not undergrown, as all could see.She wore her cloak with dignity and charm,And had her rosary about her arm,The small beads coral and the larger green,And from them hung a brooch of golden sheen,On it a large A and a crown above;Beneath, “all things are subject unto love.”I. Questions for discussion:1.What is the tone of the setting? How did the author achieve such settingof the tales?2.Summarize the character of the Prioress in this Prologue.3.To analyze Chaucer’s ways of characterization in this Prologue andthe language style of the selected part.II. To illustrate the terms.Heroic couplet: A two-line section of a poem, which rhymes and has five feet each in iambic meter(also termed as iambic pentameter ), and which has a meaning complete within itself.Example: The veins are bathed in li quor of such powerAs brings about the engen dering of the flower,(抑抑扬)ATT: For the convenience of the interpretation for the foot, some words are detached.Foot: A group of syllables forming a unit of verse, usually one foot contains at least one stressed word, or contains one stressed word and one or more than one unstressed words.III. Social significance of The Canterbury Tales (also function as a simple analysis)1.The Canterbury is not only a collection of stories strung by loosethread.(1) To affirm men and women’s right to pursue their happiness;(2) To oppose the dogma of asceticism;(3) To praise man’s energy, intellect and love of life.2.This work exposed the evil of time(1) the degeneration of the noble;(2) the heartless of judge;(3) the corruption of churchIV. Chaucer’s achievements in and contribution to English literature1.He is one of the earliest literary talents who embody humanism.2.Father of English poetry(1)the first great poet who wrote in English language;(2)introduced rhymed five accents in iambic meter to English poetry(heroic couplet)3.Founder of English realismThe prologue supplies a miniature of then English society (ways of narrating the stories and different social status of these pilgrims).4.His excellent works contribute a lot to establish English as theliterary language of the country. (set an example for the poets of later generation )5.He made London dialect as the standard for the modern English speech.Renaissance PeriodWilliam ShakespeareI. Life1. born of trader family in Stratford-on-Avon in 1564, and his family got into financial troubles;2. Fail to finish formal schooling for the reason of financial difficulties, he left for London.II. Shakespeare the dramatistHis plays are poetical dramas, most of which are written in blank verse which was created one of the famous university wits, Christopher Marlow. His career as a dramatist may be divided into three (or four) periods: (to be lectured later)Hamlet●The Monologue:To be: to exist, to live, to passively accept, to suffer;Not to be: to die, to take action to fight against fate.That is the question: this shows Hamlet confronted with both body and moral dilemma: whether to suffer passively or to take action to fight.◆three reasons for his dilemma:1.He receives Stoic philosophy: Forbearance is the noblest(顺从是最高的美德).Ciceronian philosophy: Duty is most important.These two views of philosophy are quite contradictory for Hamlet. (to interpret in depth )2.Religious reason: fear of after-life. (as obviously shown in this monologue: to die, to sleep)3. Odepus complex (commonly called mother complex): this view was put forward by some critic, which conducted a psychological analysis based on the Freudian philosophy. (to simply narrate the origin of this complex.)Points worthy of notice and interpretation in the monologuethe slings and arrows (a metaphor, ): attackTo die, to sleep (analogy)no more: to exist no moreheartache: spiritual painnatural shocks: physical pain and sufferingconsummation: final settlementdevoutly to be wished : to be passionately wishedperchance: perhapsay: yesrub: difficultyshuffled off: get rid ofmortal coil: trouble of mortal life, coil: bodypause: hinderrespect: consideration, thinkingwhips and scorns of time: the beat and sneer in the word we live in. wrong: ill treatmentContumely: despisingPangs: sharp painspurns that patient merit of th’ unworthy takes: kicks that a personof merit takes from the unworthy.Fardels: (archaic word) burdensA weary life: a burdensome lifeBut that : unlessConscience: reflection, consciousnessIs sicklied over :is covered withPale cast: sickly cover, sickly colorThought: anxious thought or melancholy thoughtEnterprise: the great causePith and moment: importanceWith this regard: on this account, for this reasonTheir current turn awry: change the directionAction: here refers to “take arms against the fate”Questions for discussion:Give thorough consideration to the whole play and the monologue we have covered, and answer these questions:1.What is the use of the spirit of Hamlet’s father in the developmentof dramatic plot ?2.What is the use of his father’s spirit in the development of Hamlet’s character?3.To analyze Hamlet’s character?4.To analyze the change of Hamlet’s attitude for Ophellia, what arethe reasons for the change?◆ Any other question concerning this play you want to put forward and explain. Welcome to speak your mind!III. Shakespeare the poet1. His sonnet (a general introduction about all 154 sonnets):Sonnet XVIIIPre-reading task:1. To contrast the tone of the 1st and 2nd stanza with the one of the 3rd, try to find the difference.2. What are denotation of such images as “summer’s day”, “buds of May” and “rough wind”?Notes:•thee: you•Summer’s day: warmth and beauty (best season for Shakespeare) •Thou art: you are•Temperate: mild•Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May: beauty is short-lived.•And every fair from fair sometimes decline (a inverted line): And every fair sometimes decline from fair.•By chance, or nature’s changing course untrimm’d (a inverted line): untrimm’d By chance, or nature’s changing course. Trim: dress Questions and task for sonnet 181. Consider the relationship among four stanzas to identify the special poetic pattern of Shakespearian sonnet.2. what is the theme of this sonnet?Edmund SpenserI.Spenser the man1. born of a poor merchant’s family;2. Educated at Merchant Tailor’s schoolIn this school, a teacher with humanism conveyed the idea of education as follows: “It’s not a mind, nor a body, that we have to educate, buta man, we can not divide him”.3. Studying in Cambridge University, he was under the influence of Platonism (one aspect: the inner beauty is more important than the beauty of appearance.) This may be found in his poetry; and he also got much influence from Phillip Sidney, this influence is of importance for his creation of sonnet.II. Spenser the poet (mainly his poem)1. Amoretti (爱情小唱):a sequence of 88 poems, in which sonnet 54 and sonnet 75 are most famous.Pre-reading Questions for sonnet 54:1.What is the tone of this poem?2.Who is the speaker?3. Could you describe the changes of the speaker’s inner world, esp.his emotional changes?Sonnet 54Of this worlds theatre in which we stay,My love like the spectator ydly sitsBeholding me that all the pageants play,Disguysing diversly my troubled wits.Sometimes I joy when glad occasion fitsAnd mask in myrth lyke to a comedy:Sonne after when my joy to sorrow flits,I wane and make my woes a tragedy.Yet she, beholding me with constant eye,Delights not in my mirth nor rues my smart:But when I laugh she mocks, and when I cryShe laughs and hardens evermore her heart.What then can move her? If nor merth nor mone,She is no woman, but a sencelesse stone.Question for discussion: What is the theme of this sonnet?Sonnet 75One day I wrote her name upon the strand,But came the waves and washed it away:Agayne I wrote it with a second hand,But came the tyde, and made my payne his pray.“Vayne man,” sayd she, “that doest in vaine assay,A mortall thing so to immortalize,For I my selve shall lyke to this decay,And eek my name bee wyped out lykewize.”“Not so,”quod I, “ let baser things devize,To dy in dust, but you shall live by fame:My verse your vertues rare shall eternize,And in the heavens wryte your glorious name,Where whenas death shall all the world subdew,Our love shall live, and later life renew.”Questions for sonnet 751. What are the connotations of such images in this sonnet as “wave”,“name” and “heaven”?Could you find some instances of comparison the poet used in this poem?2. In this sonnet, Spenser conveyed the idea of “our love shall live,and later life renew.” But, how can “our love live, and later life renew”?3. What is the theme of this sonnet?Connotation of some images in this sonnet:Term:Alliteration: Alliteration is a kind of rhyme with the initial sounds identical, identical sounds closely connects two or more words both insounds and in meaning.2. The Shepherds’ Calendar(牧童的月历)(1) A pastoral poem(田园诗,牧歌体诗) consisting 12 eclogues,one for each month, these eclogues are written in different meters;(2)The shepherd represents the poet and his friend;Most part of this poem are written in dialogue form, esp. the dialogue between the shepherd and his friend;(3)The dominant theme is love, and the theme of religion is also discussed.3. The Faire Queen(1) Spenser’s masterpiece;an epic written in a special verse form (Spenserian Stanza);(2) Planned in 12 books, but only 6 books and two cantos(诗章) of the 7th were finished;(3) hero and heroin: king Arthur and Gloriana;(4) the story: (adventures of 12 knights). It’s a vivid narrative of knightly adventures, it also involved moral, religion and political allegories, and all sorts of supernatural beings;(5) Each knight stands for a virtue: Holiness, Temperance, Chastity, Friendship, Justice and Courtesy, these virtues were acquired in the course of adventures.(6) thought of this poem: nationalism, humanism and puritanism.Spenserian Stanza(斯宾塞体): A special verse form consists of eight iambic pentameter lines followed by a ninth line of six iambic feet (an alexandrine).Remark: 斯宾塞体即五音步一行的八行加上六音步一行而形成的九行体。



I.Choose the relevant match from Column B for each item in Column A. (30 points inall, 1.5 point for each)1. ( ) Edmund Spenser A. Women In Love2. ( ) Oliver Goldsmith B. Sense and Sensibility;3. ( ) Laurence Sterne C. Queen Mab4. ( ) Daniel Defoe D. Young Goodman Brown5. ( ) Henry Fielding E. The Portrait of A Lady6. ( ) George Gordon Byron F. The Sound and the Fury7. ( ) Percy Bysshe Shelley G. The Great Gatsby8. ( ) Jane Austen H. For Whom the Bell Tolls9. ( ) Sir Walter Scott I. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage10. ( ) Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell J. The Faerie Queene11. ( ) George Eliot K. Ivanhoe12. ( ) John Galsworthy L. Mary Barton13. ( ) William Shakespeare M. The Forsyte Saga14. ( ) Nathaniel Hawthorne N. Robinson Crusoe15. ( ) Henry James O. Tom Jones16. ( ) Theodore Dreiser P. The Vicar of Wakefield17. ( ) Scott Fitzgerald Q. A Sentimental Journey18. ( ) Ernest Hemingway R. American Tragedy19. ( ) William Faulkner S. Middlemarch20. ( ) David Herbert Lawrence T. Othello1-10 JPQNO ICBKL 11-20 SMTDE RGHFAplete each of the following statements with a proper word or a phrase according to the textbook. (20 points in all, 2 points for each)1.The earliest settlers of the British Isles were the ______, who migrated to the British Islesabout 600 B.C. .2.The Anglo-Saxons were heathen people before they accepted ______.3.After the Norman conquest, Latin and ______ were the languages of the upper class,spoken at courts and used in churches and schools.4.______ in the 14th century claimed the lives of one third of the whole population in Europe.5.The House of Lancaster and the House of York fought the Thirty Years’ War from 1455 to1485, the House of York using ______ as its emblem.6.The Elizabethan spectators paid a penny to stand throughout the performance in the pitwere called ______.7.Sonnets was first written by the Italian poet ______ who wrote them to a lady named Laura.8.As a philosopher Bacon is praised by Marx as “______” because he stressed the importanceof experience, or experiment.9.Pope translated the entire “______”and half of the “Odyssey”, the other half beingtranslated by two Cambridge scholars.10.The Rape of the Lock is a brilliant satire written in the form of a ______ poem.1. the Celts2. Christianity3. French4. Black Death5. a white rose6. groundlings7. Petrarch8. the progenitor of English materialism9. Iliad10. mock-heroicIII.Each of the following statements below is followed by four alternative answers.Choose the one that would best complete the statement. (20 points in all, 2 points for each)1.The Renaissance is actually a movement stimulated by a series of historical events,whichone of the following is NOT such an event?A. The rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek culture .B. England’s domestic rest.C. New discovery in geography and astrology.D. The religious reformation and the economic expansion.2._________ is the successful religious allegory in the English language.A. The Pilgrim’s ProgressB. Grace Abounding to the Chief of SinnersC. The Life and Death of Mr. BadmanD. The Holy War3.Generally,the Renaissance refers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th centuries,its essence is _________A. scienceB. philosophyC. artsD. humanism4.Among the representatives of the Enlightenment,who was the first to introduce rationalismto England?A. John BunyanB. Daniel DefoeC. Alexander PopeD. Jonathan Swift5.It is _________ alone who,for the first time in English literature,presented to us acomprehensive realistic picture of the English society of his time and created a whole gallery of vivid characters from ail walks of life.A. Geoffrey ChaucerB. Martin LutherC. William LanglandD. John Gower6.In A Tale of Two Cities, the "two cities" refer to London and _________.A. DublinB. ParisC. New YorkD. Vienna7.The Lyrical Ballads written by Wordsworth and Coleridge was published in ________.A. 1789B. 1798C. 1829D. 19038._______ is the representative of Aestheticism and Decadence in English literature.A. R. L. StevensonB. Oscar WildeC. Samuel ButlerD. Charles Dickens9.Which of the following novels does not belong to the "stream of consciousness" school ofnovel writing?A. UlyssesB. Mrs. DallowayC. The RainbowD. To the Lighthouse10.The unquenchable spirit of Robinson Crusoe struggling to maintain a substantial existenceon a lonely island reflects _________A. man’s desire to return to natureB. the author’s criticism of the colonizationC. the ideal of the rising bourgeoisieD. the aristocrat s’disillusionment of the harsh social reality1-5 BADCA 6-10 DABCCIV.Explain the following literary terms. (12 points in all, 4 points for each)1.Renaissance2.The War of Roses3.Morality PlayV.Chose the relevant match from Column B for each item in Column A. (15 points in all,1.5 points for each)A. Find out the author and his work.1.( ) Thomas More a. Gorge Green2.( ) Edmund Spencer b. Eupheus3.( ) John Lyly c. The Fairy Queene4.( ) Christopher Marlowe d. Utopia5.( ) Robert Greene e. The Jew of MaltaB. Find out the work from column on the left and its content from column on theright.6.( ) Il Penseroso a. attack on the censorship7.( ) Lycidas b. defense of the Revolution8.( ) Defense for the English People c. about dear friend9.( ) Areopagitica d. Satan against God10.( ) Paradise Lost e. meditationA. Find out the author and his work.1-5 d c b e aB. Find out the work from column on the left and its content from column on theright.6-10 e c b a dVI.Decide whether the following statements are true or false and write T or F in the brackets. (15 points in all, 1.5 points for each)1.( ) The author of The Song of Beowulf is Cynwulf.2.( ) The setting of The Song of Beowulf is in Scotland.3.( ) Alfred the Great compiles The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles.4.( ) Venerable Bede wrote The Ecclesiastic History of the English people.5.( ) The author of Paraphrase is Caedmon.6.( ) Chaucer’s poetry traces out a path to the literature of English renaissance.7.( ) Being specially fond of the great writer Boccaccio, Chaucer composes a longnarrative poem Filostrato based upon Boccaccio’s poem Troilus and Cressie.8.( ) The 32 pilgrims, according to Chaucer’s plan, was to exceed that ofBo ccaccio’s Decameron.9.( ) The Prologue is a splendid masterpiece of Romantic portrayal, the first of itskind in the history of English literature.10.( ) The Canterbury Tales is a vivid and brilliant reflection of 15th century ofEngland.1-10 F F T T T T F T F Fplete each of the following statements with a proper word or a phrase according to the textbook. (20 points in all, 2 points for each)11.The earliest settlers of the British Isles were the ______, who migrated to the BritishIsles about 600 B.C. .12.Geoffrey Chaucer, the “______”and one of the greatest narrative poets of England,was born in London in about the year 1340.13.The ______ provides a framework for the tales in The Canterbury Tales, and itcomprises a group of vivid pictures of various medieval figures.14.In contradiction to the _______ verse of Anglo-Saxon poetry, Chaucer chose themetrical form which laid the foundation of the English tonico-syllabic verse.15.The House of Lancaster and the House of York fought the Thirty Years’War from1455 to 1485, the House of York using ______ as its emblem.16.The 16th century in England was a period of the breaking up of ______ relations andthe establishing of the foundations of capitalism.17.Sonnets was first written by the Italian poet ______ who wrote them to a lady namedLaura.18.As a philosopher Bacon is praised by Marx as “______”because he stressed theimportance of experience, or experiment.19.______ is often referred to as “the poets’ poet”.20.The Rape of the Lock is a brilliant satire written in the form of a ______ poem.21.Celts 2. Father of English Poetry 3. Prologue 4. Alliterative 5. a white rose 6.feudal7.Petrarch8.the progenitor of English materialism9.Edmund Spencer10. mock-heroicVIII.Each of the following statements below is followed by four alternative answers.Choose the one that would best complete the statement. (20 points in all, 2 points for each)1.About Edmund Spencer which of the following statements is not true?A. He was educated in Cambridge.B. His father was the Keeper of the Privy Seal to Queen Elizabeth.C. He interacted with Philip Sidney.D. He wrote “Epithalamion” to his love affair with Elizabeth Boyle2.About the Renaissance humanists which of the following statements is true?A. They thought money and social status was the measure of all things.B. They emphasized the dignity of human beings and the importance of the presentlife.C. They couldn't see the human values in their works.D. They thought people were largely subordinated to the ruling class without anyfreedom and independence.3.In his tragedy Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare eulogizes _____.A. the faithfulness of loveB. the spirit of pursuing happinessC. the heroine's great beauty, wit and loyaltyD. both a and b4.One of the distinct features of the Elizabethan time is _____.A. the flourishing of the dramaB. the popularity of the realistic novelC. the domination of the classical poetryD. the close-down of all the theatres5.Which of the following is not John Milton's works?A. Paradise LostB. Paradise RegainedC. Samson AgonistesD. Othello6.Tempest is a typical example of Shakespeare______ view of life towards human lifeand society in his late years.A. pessimisticB. optimisticC. satiricalD. none of the above7.______ introduced the Petrarchan sonnet into England, while ______ brought in blankverse, ie. The unrhymed iambic pentameter line.A. Wyatt…SurreyB. Wyatt…SidneyC. Surrey…SidneyD. Sidney…Spencer8.Christopher Marlowe’s greatest achievement lies in that he perfected the ______ andmade it the principal medium of English drama.A. blank verseB. free verseC. sonnetD. alliteration9.Christian is the character in ______.A. The Life and Death of Mr. BadmanB. The Pilgrim’s ProgressC. Grace Abounding to the Chief of SinnersD. None of the above10.The significance of The Canterbury Tales excludes:A. A comprehensive picture of Chaucer’s time.B. The dramatic structure of the poem.C. Chaucer’s humour.D. “Round” characters.11.The ceremony of May Day comes from the tradition of _______.A. The CeltsB. The SaxonsC. The NormansD. The Angles1-5 BBBAD 6-10 AABDAII. Definitions of literary terms (1’×10=10’):1. A group of dramatists active in the 1950s, who believed that human life was meaningless andabsurd and that the world was irrational _____________.[A] the angry young men [B] the beat generation[C] the theatre of the absurd [D] dramatist of black humour2.A long narrative poem about the deeds of some national hero(es) ____________.[A] a lyric [B] an epic[C] a sonnet [D] a satirical poem3. A poem describing the life and love of shepherds and shepherdesses__________.[A] an eclogue [B] a pastoral poem[C] a lyric poem [D] a narrative poem4. The unconscious tendency of a son to be attached to his mother and hostile toward his father_______[A] psychoanalysis [B] Oedipus complex[C] inferiority complex [D] interpretation of dreams5. Works in prose or poetry meant to ridicule and correct the follies and vices of the society and of the individuals ___________.[A] sentimentalism [B] Neo-classicism[C] allegory [D] satire6. Traditionally a song that tells a story which became a form of poetry later __________[A] a folk song [B] a sonnet[C] a ballad [D] romance7. A long piece of poetry or prose describing the adventures and love of a medieval knight _________.[A] romance [B] epic[C] ballad [D] narrative poem or prose8.Two lines of poetry in iambic pentameter rhymed aa ____________.[A] sonnet [B] ballad[C] ode [D] heroic couplet9. Unrhymed poetry in iambic pentameter ____________.[A] free verse [B] blank verse[C] sonnet [D] heroic couplet10. A story in verse or prose with a double meaning, a surface meaning and an under-the-surface meaning ________[A] allegory [B] romance[C] satire [D] ballad1 C2 B 3.B 4.B 5.D 6.C 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.A1. The technique to describe various thoughts and feelings that pass through the mind _____________.[A] the angry young men [B] stream of consciousness[C] the theatre of the absurd [D] black humour2. Poetry or prose describing the adventures and love of a medieval knight ____________.[A] a romance [B] an epic[C] a sonnet [D] a satirical poem3. A poem describing the life and love of shepherds and shepherdesses__________.[A] a pastoral [B] an eclogue[C] a lyric poem [D] a narrative poem4. The unconscious tendency of a son to be attached to his mother and hostile toward his father_______[A] psychoanalysis [B] Oedipus complex[C] inferiority complex [D] interpretation of dreams5. Works in prose or poetry meant to ridicule and correct the follies and vices of the society and of the individuals ___________.[A] sentimentalism [B] Neo-classicism[C] allegory [D] satire6. Traditionally a song that tells a story which became a form of poetry later __________[A] a ballad [B] a sonnet[C] a folk song [D] romance7. A long piece of poetry or prose describing the adventures and love of a medieval knight _________.[A] romance [B] epic[C] ballad [D] narrative poem or prose8.Two lines of poetry in iambic pentameter rhymed aa ____________.[A] sonnet [B] ballad[C] ode [D] heroic couplet9. Unrhymed poetry in iambic pentameter ____________.[A] free verse [B] blank verse[C] sonnet [D] heroic couplet10. A story in verse or prose with a double meaning, a surface meaning and an under-the-surface meaning ________[A] ballad [B] romance[C] satire [D] allegory1 B2 .A 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.DIII. Matching authors with corresponding works(1’×20=20’)1.Thomas More a. Sons and Lovers2.Geoffrey Chaucer b. Mrs. Dalloway3. Edmund Spenser c. Tess of the D’Urbervilles4. Christopher Marlowe d. Pride and Prejudice5.George Bernard Shaw e. The Pickwick Papers6.Ben Jonson f. Ivanhoe7. John Milton g.Vanity Fair8. Jonathan Swift h.Don Juan9. James Joyce i.Ode to the West Wind10. Richard B. Sheridan j. V olpone11.William Wordsworth k.Samson Agonistes12.George Gordon Byron l.Finnegans Wake13.Percy Bysshe Shelley m.The School for Scandal14.Walter Scott n. Lyrical Ballads15.Charles Dickens o.Widowers’ Houses16. W. M. Thackeray p.The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus17.Jane Austen q.Faerie Queene18.Thomas Hardy r.The Canterbury Tales19.D. H. Lawrence s. Utopia20. Virginia Woolf t.Gulliver’s Travels1.s2.r3.q4.p5.o6.j7.k8.t9.l 10.m11.n 12.h 13.i 14.f 15.e 16.g 17.d 18.c 19.a 20.b1.William Shakepeare2.Samuel Johnson3. John Keats4. Christopher Marlowe5.George Bernard Shaw6.Ben Jonson7. John Milton 8.Daniel Defoe9. James Joyce 10. Richard B. Sheridan11.Geofrey Chaucer 12.George Gordon Byron13.Percy Bysshe Shelley 14.Walter Scott15.George Bernard Shaw 16. William Makepeace Thackeray17.Jane Austen 18.Thomas Hardy19.D. H. Lawrence 20. Virginia Woolfa. Tamburlaine the Greatb.A Dictionary of the English Languagec. King Leard. Major Barbarae. Pride and Prejudicef. Ivanhoeg.Vanity Fair h.Don Juani.Promethus Unbound j. V olponek.Samson Agonistes l.Finnegans Wakem.The School for Scandal n. Robinson Crusoeo..Widowers’ Houses p.Sons and Loversq.To the Lighthouse r.Tess of the D’Urbervilless.Ode to the Nightingale t.The Canterbury Tales1.c2.b3.s4.a5.o6.j7.k8.n9.l 10.m 11.t 12.h 13.i 14.f 15.d 16.g 17.e 18.r 19.p 20.qIV Each of the following statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement. (2’×10=20’)12.About Edmund Spencer which of the following statements is not true?A. He was educated in Cambridge.B. His father was the Keeper of the Privy Seal to Queen Elizabeth.C. He interacted with Philip Sidney.D. He wrote “Epithalamion” to his love affair with Elizabeth Boyle13.About the Renaissance humanists which of the following statements is true?A. They thought money and social status was the measure of all things.B. They emphasized the dignity of human beings and the importance of the presentlife.C. They couldn't see the human values in their works.D. They thought people were largely subordinated to the ruling class without anyfreedom and independence.14.In his tragedy Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare eulogizes _____.A. the faithfulness of loveB. the spirit of pursuing happinessC. the heroine's great beauty, wit and loyaltyD. both a and b15.One of the distinct features of the Elizabethan time is _____.A. the flourishing of the dramaB. the popularity of the realistic novelC. the domination of the classical poetryD. the close-down of all the theatres16.Which of the following is not John Milton's works?A. Paradise LostB. Paradise RegainedC. Samson AgonistesD. Othello1-5 BBBAD6.In A Tale of Two Cities, the "two cities" refer to London and _________.A. DublinB. ParisC. New YorkD. Vienna7.The Lyrical Ballads written by Wordsworth and Coleridge was published in ________.A. 1789B. 1798C. 1829D. 19038._______ is the representative of Aestheticism and Decadence in English literature.A. R. L. StevensonB. Oscar WildeC. Samuel ButlerD. Charles Dickens9.Which of the following novels does not belong to the "stream of consciousness" school of novel writing?A. UlyssesB. Mrs. DallowayC. The RainbowD. To the Lighthouse10.The unquenchable spirit of Robinson Crusoe struggling to maintain a substantial existence on a lonely island reflects _________A. man’s desire to return to natureB. the author’s criticism of the colonizationC. the ideal of the rising bourgeoisieD. the aristocrats’disillusionment of the harsh social reality6-10 DABCCV. Essay Questions (30%; choose only ONE of the following five topics and write a short essay of at least 200 words.)1. How much do you know about the English literature in the Victorian period?pare any two periods in the history of English literature with reference to ideological tendencies and literary trends (Find out their similarities and differences by using major writers as examples).3.Describe how your knowledge of English literature is improved after taking this course.4.Analyze why in English literature Shakespeare is considered to be the greatest playwright or why Dickens is regarded as the greatest novelist.5. Why is Thomas Hardy often regarded as a transitional writer?6.How much do you know about Romanticism?7. How much do you know about the Enlightenment Movement and Neoclassicism?8. Analyze the characteristics of the Renaissance period and the Victorian age.9. Discuss why Dickens is regarded as the greatest novelist in English Literature10.Through Hamlet in Hamlet, please analyze the theme of this novel.11. What is Utopia about?12.What is the social significance of The Canterbury TalExplain the following literary terms. (18 points in all, 6 points for each)4.The Rising of 13815.John Locke6.Humanism。



名词解释1.Philosophy:The word “” is Greek for “love of wisdom” and has come to mean a systematic search for answerto life’s great questions.(哲学定义)2.Rationalism:Ancient Greeks believe that some universal truth has always existed and that reason is theprimary source of knowledge.(理性主义定义)3.Idealism:Human senses provide inexact concepts of things; only human reason can give us true knowledgeabout the world.(柏拉图Plato)(理念论/唯心主义定义)4.The Renaissance:The French word “renaissance” means “rebirth” in English. It refers to the rebirth ofknowledge in Europe, particularly the rediscovery of the Greco-Roman texts.(持续300年)(文艺复兴定义) 5.Magna Carta: The barons wrote the famous document called the Magna Carta, which they forced John toaccept on June 15, 1215 at Runnymede. This Magna Carta, also called the Great Charter, was designed to obtain public liberties and to control the king’s power.(大宪章定义)6.Puritan:The term “Puritan” comes from the desires of these English Christians to “purify” the AnglicanChurch by removing all traces of Roman Catholicism.(清教徒定义)7.Industrial Revolution(简称I.R): During the latter half of 18th century, a rapid series of changes began,especially in the field of manufacturing. There were so many new inventions the whole process is often described as ~~(工业革命定义)8.The factory of the world:British was once called~~~~~, because the Industrial Revolution promoted itsdevelopment of production.(世界工厂定义)9.The Enclosure Movement: In the end of 15th century, the cloth industry increased the value of wool. Raisingsheep became more profitable. Large areas of lands were often fenced by landlords without any warning to the peasants. This process is called~~~(圈地运动定义)10.Boston Massacre: On Mach 5, 1770, angry Boston citizens died and eight were wounded. Dubbed the“Boston Massacre”, the incident was regarded as proof of British tyranny.(波士顿惨案内容)(美国革命序曲) 11.1the Declaration of Independence: On July 4, 1776 the Second Continental Congress officially declaredindependence and formed the United States of America by adopting the Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson of Virginia. The document declared that “all men are created equal” and are “ endowed by their creator” with certain “ inalienable rights” including “life ,liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”.(独立宣言定义)12.checks-and-balances: The US Constitution also provided for checks-and-balances between the three branchesof government. Executive Branch—the president行政权—总统Legislative Branch—the Congress立法权—国会Judicial Branch—the U.S. Supreme Court司法权—最高法院Each branch was given powers and duties that ensured that the other branches would not have too much power.(三权分立,分权制衡定义)13.the New Deal: Roosevelt’s program of “Relief, Recovery and Reform” was popularly known as “the NewDeal”, a program that significantly and dramatically increased the national government’s intervention in the economy.(罗斯福新政定义)14.Prohibition: The 18th Amendment to the Constitution(1919) is known as “Prohibition”, because it prohibitedthe sale of alcoholic beverages in the United States.(禁酒法令定义)15.Cold War:The “Cold War”, a term popularized by Winston Churchill in 1946, means alternative forms ofwarfare that rely on limited violence and ideological, economic and political methods.(美苏冷战定义)16.Mayflower: In 1620, a group of 132 Separatists (Puritans who had “separated” or left the Church of England)boarded the Mayflower and sailed for Virginia. The Mayflower was blown off course and landed in what is now Massachusetts, far to the north of Virginia.(五月花)简答、填空、选择1.What role did Winston Churchill play in World War II? (丘吉尔在二战中起到什么作用?)⑴He played the important role in World War II.⑵In 1941, he led the country through the miracle of Dunkirk, that was 338000 allied solders’ evacuation to Britain.⑶In 1943, he met Stalin and Roosevelt at Teheran Conference and decided to open the Second Battlefield West Europe.⑷In 1945, he proposed to fight against the Japanese Army till the end of the war.2.Why did I.R firstly take place in Britain?(工业革命首先在英国爆发的原因?)There are four prerequisites.4个先决条件Firstly, the accumulation of original capital.资本的原始积累Second, the development of capitalistic farming.资本主义农业取得发展Third, the appearance of free labor reserve.自由劳动力的出现Fourth, the expansion of markets, domestic and foreign.国内外市场的扩张3.New York为什么叫Big Apple?New York’s nickname is “the Big Apple”, a phrase used by jazz musicians to explain the ultimate in achievement, size and excitement.4.The first major Greek philosopher was Thales. Thales claimed that Nature is rational. He asked, “From whatdo all things come and to what do all things return?”(泰勒斯)5.Furthermore,this was the origin of metaphysics, the philosophical study which probes the nature of realityitself.形而上学6.数学家Pythagoras explained the entire natural world with numbers.(提出数字3)3=1(unity)+2(diversity)Three elements of Universe------earth, ocean, heavenThree elements of World ------animals, plants, mineralsThree elements of Gods ------Jupiter, Neptune, PlutoThree elements of Goddess ------Fate, Revenge, Beauty早期基督教教义Trinity (三位一体)人类3个indispensables------body, soul, spirit7.赫拉克利特Heraclitus is remembered because he introduced the concept of change as the onlyunchanging reality in the universe.He compared life to a flowing river:A person cannot step into the same river twice.8.德谟克利特Democritus. He argued that everything in the universe obeys the laws of necessity(必然性法则).9.观点:机械论His mechanistic view of the world was accepted by western thinkers as early as the 16thcentury.10.“Atom” means “uncuttable”(原子→不可分割)11.At the time when Chinese scholars, Confucians and Taoists, were concerned with social relationships andhuman harmony with the natural world, Greek philosophers were arguing about what Nature itself was.12.Athens was famous for its writers, architects, sculptors, thinkers and sports contests, including the originsof the modern-day Olympic Games.(雅典,奥林匹克发源地)13.Socrates→Lived in Athens.(苏格拉底,雅典人)One thing only I know, and that is that I know nothing.He distinguished between two types of knowledge: inner knowledge and empirical knowledge.Inner指each person has Virtue which is not learned through the physical sense.Another major contribution was his question-and-answer technique.14.Aristotle亚里士多德If Plato’s motto was “Mind over Matter”, then Aristotle’s motto was “Matter over Mind”.Aristotle founded the science of logic. His method is called a syllogism which argues from a general principle to a specific examples:General Principle: All men are mortal.Connection: I am a man.Deductive Conclusion: I am mortal.15.牛顿运动定律Newton’s laws of motion explained all visible motions,from those of stars to those of tinypebbles.16.培根Bacon, a British statesman and writer, wrote the first description of the modern scientific method.“Of studies”, “Essays”17.笛卡尔Descartes has also been called the father of modern Rationalism and the father of modern westernphilosophy.(近代理性主义之父,近代西方哲学之父)I think; therefore, I am.我思故我在。



(完整word版)英国文学选读复习资料Part I The Middle AgeChapter 1 the Anglo-Saxon period (449-1066)1. Beowulf(贝奥武甫): England’s national epic.(第一部民族史诗)2. artistic feature: ① using alliteration② using metaphor and understatementChapter 3 Geoffrey Chaucer (ca1343-1400)1.Geoffrey Chaucer is the father of English poetry and one of the most greatest narrative(叙事)poets of England.2.首创双韵体. tonico-syllabic verse. 运用London dialect.3. writing style: wisdom, humor, humanity.4.代表作:The Canterbury Tales-----In this book, Chaucer created a strikingly brilliant and picturesque panorama of his time and his country. In this poem Chaucer’s realism, trenchant irony and freedom of views reached such a high level of power that it had no equal in all the English literature up to the 16th century. But Chaucer was not entirely devoid of medieval prejudices. [乔叟为他那个时代和国家勾勒出一幅生机勃勃而又充满诗情画意的社会百态图。

英国文学 复习资料

英国文学 复习资料

1. oral literatureepicBeowulf口述文学作品史诗第一部贝尔武甫Alliteration, the Middle Ages, the Middle English, Romance头韵中世纪Geoffrey ChaucerFather of English Poetry杰弗雷·乔叟英国诗歌之父The Canterbury Tales, pilgrim, the heroic couplet, iambic pentameter坎特伯雷故事集朝圣者英雄双韵体抑扬格五音步双行押韵诗2. William Shakespeare Bard of Avon威廉莎士比亚艾芬河的吟游诗人Tragedies: Hamlet, King Lear, Othello, Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet(or Tragicomedy/Romance); 悲剧:哈姆雷特李尔王奥赛罗麦克白罗密欧与朱丽叶Comedies: Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Merchant of Venice, As You Like It, Twelfth Night; 喜剧:仲夏夜之梦威尼斯商人皆大欢喜第十二夜Dramatic Romance: The Tempest戏剧性的浪漫:暴风雨;blank versesoliloquy, (Shakespearean) sonnet, rhyme scheme无韵诗独白(莎士比亚)十四行诗,韵律ababMelancholy,conflict, climax忧郁冲突高潮3. Francis Bacon, essay, prose, Essays, Utopia, plain style, parallelism, balance and opposition. 弗朗西斯·培根论文,散文,随笔乌托邦风格质朴,排比、平衡和反对Knowledge is power知识就是力量4. the Age of Prose, Enlightenment, reason, Neo-Classicism散文时代,启蒙,推理,新古典主义John Donne, Metaphysical School, conceit约翰·邓恩,玄学派别出心裁的比喻John Milton, Puritanism, epic, grand style, Paradise Lost约翰·弥尔顿,清教,史诗般的宏大风格,失乐园Daniel Defoe, Father of English Novel, adventure fiction, Robinson Crusoe丹尼尔·笛福,英国小说、冒险小说之父,鲁滨孙漂流记Jonathan Swift, satire, irony, A Modest Proposal, Gulliver's Travels, human nature, Yahoos乔纳森·斯威夫特,讽刺文学,反语,一个小小的建议,格列佛游记,人性,各种野蛮5. Romanticism, individualism, symbolism, image, ballad, Lake Poets, Poet Laureate浪漫主义,个人主义,象征主义,意象,民谣,湖畔派诗人,桂冠诗人William Blake, Songs of Innocence, Songs of Experience威廉·布莱克,天真之歌,经验之歌William Wordsworth, Samuel T aylor Coleridge, Robert Southey威廉·华兹华斯,柯勒律治,罗伯特·骚塞nature, Lyrical Ballads, "emotion recollected in tranquility"自然,抒情歌谣,“平静中回忆起来的情感”6. George Gordon Byron (Lord Byron) , Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, Don Juan, Byronic Hero拜伦(Lord Byron),Childe Harold's的圣朝,唐璜,拜伦式英雄Percy Bysshe Shelley, "To a Skylark", "Ode to the West Wind", prophecy雪莱的《致云雀》,《西风颂》,预言John Keats, "Ode on a Grecian Urn", "Ode to a Nightingale". "Beauty is truth, truth beauty."约翰济慈的《希腊古瓮颂》,《夜莺颂》。



——英国文学ⅠOldEnglish Literature& TheLateMedievalAges1.Beowulf贝奥武夫 HisArtisticfeatures①Usingalliteration头韵②Using metaphor暗喻and understatement含蓄陈述2.GeofferyChaucer 杰弗里•乔叟The founder of Englishpoetry.三个阶段:①TheRomauntof the Rose>玫瑰传奇②Troilus and Criseyde>特罗伊拉斯和克莱希德longest complete poem③The Canterbury Tales>坎特伯雷故事集:Significance:first time to use ‘heroic couplet’(英雄双韵体) by middle EnglishIIThe Renaissance PeriodA periodofdrama and poetry. The Elizabethandrama is the real mainstreamof the English Renaissance.Renaissance:the activity,spirit, ortime of the great revival ofart, literature,and learning in Europebeginning i nthe 14thcentury and extending to the17th century,marking thetransitionfrom the medievaltothe modernworld. Humanismisthe key-note of the Renaissance.1. EdmundSpenser埃德蒙•斯宾塞1552~1599(后人称之为“诗人的诗人”。



英国文学史复习资料英国文学史复习资料第一章:中世纪文学1.1 安格鲁-撒克逊时期(5世纪-1066年)- 口头传统和史诗:《贝奥武夫》- 基督教文学:《凡尔登战役》1.2 后征服时期(1066年-1485年)- 基督教文学:《格尔罗与黛斯蒙德》- 骑士文学:《亚瑟王传说》、《罗宾汉传》第二章:文艺复兴时期(1485年-1603年)2.1 草原学派- 约翰·斯克利- 托马斯·莫尔2.2 伊丽莎白时代- 威廉·莎士比亚:《哈姆雷特》、《罗密欧与朱丽叶》 - 克里斯托弗·马洛:《第一部十诫》第三章:17世纪文学3.1 评剧派- 本·琼生:《伊丽莎白时代断头台上的十一个人》- 约翰·福特:《佩里克尔斯·普林》3.2 枪炮派- 约翰·洛克:《论人类理解》- 托马斯·霍布斯:《利维坦》第四章:启蒙时代(18世纪)4.1 洛克主义- 亚当·斯密:《国富论》- 大卫·休谟:《人性的研究》4.2 唯理主义- 亚历山大·波佩:《怪异小说》- 理查德·斯蒂文森:《金银岛》第五章:浪漫主义(19世纪)5.1 威廉·华兹华斯:《抒情诗》5.2 柯勒律治:《唐吉诃德》第六章:维多利亚时代6.1 珍奥斯汀:《傲慢与偏见》6.2 狄更斯:《雾都孤儿》6.3 奥斯卡·王尔德:《道林·格雷的画像》第七章:现代主义(20世纪)7.1 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫:《至灵宴》7.2 乔治·奥威尔:《1984》7.3 约瑟夫·康拉德:《黑暗之心》第八章:后现代主义(20世纪末至今)8.1 萨尔曼·鲁西迪:《午夜的孩子》8.2 伊恩·麦克尤恩:《第二个苏格拉底》8.3 泽拉尔·纳西莫夫:《洛丽塔》总结:英国文学史涵盖了从中世纪到现代的丰富多样的文学作品。



英国文学简史复习资料General introduction of English literature1. 1 Old English Literature 449-1066 古英语时期文学——The Song of Beowulf 贝奥武甫2 Medieval English Literature 1066-15th century 中世纪英语时期文学——Geoffrey Chaucer 1340_1400 杰弗里·乔叟2. Renaissance English literature late 15th century ~ early 17th century 文艺复兴——Francis Bacon 弗朗西斯·培根——William Shakespeare 威廉·莎士比亚——Ben Jonson 本·琼生——Christopher Marlowe 克里斯托弗·马洛3. English Literature of the Revolution and Restoration Period 1640-1688 资产阶级革命与王朝复辟时期的文学——John Milton约翰·弥尔顿——John Bunyan 约翰·班扬4. 18th century English literature-the age of Enlightenment 启蒙运动时期——Daniel Defoe丹尼尔·笛福——Jonathan Swift乔纳森·斯威夫特——Henry Fielding亨利·菲尔丁——William Blake威廉·布莱克——Robert Burns罗伯特·彭斯5. Romantic English Literature 1798-1832 浪漫主义时期——William Wordsworth; 威廉·华兹华斯——Samuel Taylor Coleridge; 塞缪·泰勒·柯勒律治——George Gordon Byron; 乔治·戈登·拜伦——Percy Bysshe Shelley 佩西·比舍·雪莱——John Keats; 约翰·济慈——Walter Scott 沃尔特·司各特——Jane Austen简·奥斯汀6. Critical Realistic Literature in the 19th Century 维多利亚时期批判现实主义——W.M. Thackeray; 萨克雷——C harles Dickens; 查尔斯·狄更斯——Robert Browning 罗伯特·布朗宁——Bronte sisters:Charlotte Bronte; Emily Bronte; Ann Bronte——George Eliot乔治·艾略特——Matthew Arnold 马修·阿诺德——Thomas Hardy 托马斯·哈代——Oscar Wilde 奥斯卡·王尔德7. 20th Century English Literature——George Bernard Shaw乔治·萧伯纳——Joseph Conrad 约瑟夫·康拉德——William Butler Yeats 威廉·巴特勒·叶芝——Virginia Woolf弗吉尼亚·沃尔夫——James Joyce詹姆斯·乔伊斯——D. H. Lawrence劳伦斯——T. S. Eliot 爱略特一、The Anglo-Saxon period 449-10661、这个时期的文学作品分类: pagan异教徒 ;Christian基督徒2、代表作: The Song of Beowulf贝奥武甫 national epic 民族史诗采用了隐喻metaphor 手法3、Alliteration 头韵写作手法例子: of m an was the m ildest and m ost beloved;To his k in the k indest; k eenest for praise.二、The Anglo-Norman period 1066-1350 盎格鲁—诺曼时期1、romance 传奇文学2、代表作: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 高文爵士和绿衣骑士是一首押头韵的长诗三、Geoffrey Chaucer 1340-1400 杰弗里·乔叟时期1、the father of English poetry 英国诗歌之父2、heroic couplet 英雄双韵体:a verse unit consisting of two rhymed押韵 lines in iambic pentameter五步抑扬格3、代表作:The Canterbury Tales 坎特伯雷的故事集英国文学史的开端大致内容:the pilgrims are people from various parts of England; representatives of various walks of life and social groups. 朝圣者都是来自英国的各地的人;代表着社会的各个不同阶层和社会团体小说特点:each of the narrators tells his tale in a peculiar manner; thus revealing his own views and character. 这些叙述者以自己特色的方式讲述自己的故事;无形中表明了各自的观点;展示了各自的性格..小说观点:he believes in the right of man to earthly happiness. He is anxious to see man freed from superstitions迷信 and a blind belief in fate 他希望人们能从迷信和对命运的盲从中解脱出来..4、Popular Ballads 大众民谣:a story hold in 4-line stanzas with second and fourth line rhymedBallads are anonymous narrative songs that have been preserved by oral transmission 歌谣是匿名叙事歌曲;一直保存着口头传播的方式代表人物:Bishop Thomas Percy 托马斯·珀西主教代表作:Robin Hood and Allin-a-Dale 侠盗罗宾汉和阿林代尔四、The Renaissance 16世纪文艺复兴时期Greek and Roman 戏剧 dramaThe term Renaissance originally indicated a revival of classical Greek and Roman arts and sciences.文艺复兴最初是指经典艺术和科学在英国的复兴..The epoch of Renaissance witnessed a particular development of English drama文艺复兴时期的英国戏剧也得到了迅速的发展..1、key word: humanism 人文主义: admire human beauty and human achievement2、代表人物:1、Thomas More 托马斯·莫尔 Utopia 乌托邦2、Francis Bacon 弗朗西斯.培根第一个散文家essayist3、Thomas Wyatt 托马斯.怀亚特引入十四行诗的第一人sonnet十四行诗: form of poetry intricately rhymed间隔押韵 in 14 lines iambic pentameter4、Edmund Spenser 埃德蒙·斯宾塞poet’s poet诗人中的诗人 The Fairy Queen仙后epic poem 史诗5、Christopher Marlowe 克里斯托弗·马洛blank verse无韵体:不押韵的五步抑扬格是十六世纪英国戏剧的主要表现形式..6、William Shakespeare 威廉·莎士比亚戏剧 drama四大悲剧:Hamlet哈姆雷特;Othello奥赛罗;King Lear李尔王;The Tragedy of Macbeth麦克白五、The period of Revolution and Restoration 17世纪资产阶级革命与王权复辟1、文学特点:the Puritans清教徒 believed in simplicity of life、disapproved of the sonnets and the love poetry、breaking up of old ideals.清教徒崇尚俭朴的生活、拒绝十四行诗和爱情诗、与旧思想脱离..2、代表人物:1、John Donne 约翰·多恩“metaphysical”poets 玄学派诗人的代表人物sonnet 十四行诗“ Death be not proud”代表作品:The Flea跳蚤2、John Milton 约翰·弥尔顿 a great poet 诗人 poem 诗歌 blank verseDefense for the English People为英国人民辩护Paradise Lost失乐园“Satan is not a villain”撒旦不是坏人Paradise Regained复乐园3、John Bunyan 约翰·拜扬 a great prose writer “give us the only great allegory 寓言”The Pilgrim’s Progress天路历程该书采用的写作手法“written in the old-fashioned旧体形式; medieval form of allegory 寓言and dream”六、The Age of Enlightenment 18世纪启蒙运动 also known as “the Age of Reason”1、Emphasized formality or correctness of style; to write prose like Addison; or verse like Pope.强调正确的格式和写作规范;像艾迪生一样创作散文;和蒲柏一样创作诗歌..The Enlightenment was an expression of struggle of the then progressive class of bourgeoisie against feudalism. 启蒙运动实际上是当时先进的资产阶级同落后的封建主义斗争的一种形式..The enlighteners repudiate the false religious doctrines about the viciousness of human nature; and prove that man is born kind and honest; and if he becomes depraved; it is only due to the influence of corrupted social environment.启蒙主义者颠覆了宗教所宣扬的人类本恶的观点;论证了人生诚实而友善;而腐化堕落则是后天腐败的社会环境所致..Contrary to all reasoning; social injustice still held strong; found the power of reason to be insufficient; and therefore appealed to sentiment as a means of achieving happiness and social justice.无论怎样讲究理性;社会不平等现象仍然普遍存在;理性的力量明显不足..因此呼吁把情感的诉求作为一种谋求幸福和社会公平的手段..2、18th century 文学的三个方面:Neo-Classicism新古典主义、Sentimentalism伤感主义、Pre-romanticism 前浪漫主义诗歌、beginning of the modern novel刚启萌的现代派小说、drama戏剧3、代表人物:1、Daniel Defoe 丹尼尔·笛福 realistic novel 现实主义小说Novel:” Robinson Crusoe”鲁宾逊漂流记” The History of Tom Jones; a F oundling”弃婴汤姆.琼斯的故事 the best novel of him 2、Jonathan Swift 乔纳森·斯威夫特” Gulliver’s Travels”格列佛游记novel反讽作品特点:no visible sign of anger; nor raising the voice; the tone is cold; restrained; ironic; varied only by some flashes of fooling when Swift’s sense of the ridiculous gets the better of him.努不动颜;骂不扬声;语调冷酷;锋芒暗藏;讽刺辛辣;仅在讽喻之情难以抑制时才偶露揶揄之态..” A Modest Proposal”一个温和的建议猛烈地抨击了压迫爱尔兰人民的统治4、Samuel Richardson 塞缪尔·理查森” Pamela”帕美勒 The method of psychological analysis 心理分析的方法In the form of letters 书信体小说5、Richard B. Sheridan 理查德·B.谢里丹” School for Scandal”造谣学校;喜剧 comedy6、Oliver Goldsmith’s 奥利佛·.哥尔德斯密斯散文作家 essayist” The Vicar of Wakefield”威克菲尔德的牧师;小说 novel” She Stoops to Conquer”委曲求全;欢乐喜剧 rollicking comedy” The Deserted Village”荒村;诗歌 poems4、Sentimentalism 感伤主义 no belief 没有信仰The representatives of sentimentalism continued to struggle against feudalism but they vaguely sensed at the same time the contradictions of bourgeois progress that brought with it enslavement and ruin to the people. 感伤主义的代表人物在继续反对封建主义的同时又模糊的感觉到资本主义进程中出现的种种矛盾;感觉到资本主义制度对人性的奴役和破坏..代表人物:Thomas Gray 托马斯.格雷“ Elegy; Written in a Country Churchyard”墓园挽歌七、The Romantic Period 1798-1832浪漫主义1、前浪漫主义代表人物:1 William Blake 威廉·布莱克诗人 poet代表作品:诗集天真之歌Songs of Innocence: The Lamb; The Chimney Sweeper1789诗集经验之歌Songs of Experience: The Tiger; London; The Chimney Sweeper17942 Robert Burns 罗伯特·.彭斯苏格兰诗人 poet代表作品:A Red; Red Rose 一朵红红的玫瑰、My Heart’s on the Highland我的心在高原、天长Auld Lang Syne..Pre-Romanticism was greatly influenced by the Industrial Revolution and the French Revolution前浪漫主义极大地影响了工业革命和法国大革命..2、教育意义Educational:liberty; equality and fraternity 自由;平等;博爱3、开始的标志:beginning with the publication of William Wordsworth and S. T. Coleridge’s “Lyrical Ballads” 从威廉.华兹华斯和柯勒律治一起发表的抒情歌谣集开始4、lake poets湖畔诗人:Wordsworth; Coleridge; Southey 骚塞5、代表人物:1、William Wordsworth 威廉·华兹华斯 poet-laureate 桂冠诗人“The Prelude”序曲自传性诗歌Autobiographical poetry作品特点:simplicity and purity of the language; fighting against the conventional forms of the 18th century poetry 简单而纯洁的语言;反传统形式的18世纪诗歌2、S. T. Coleridge 柯勒律治Demonic poems魔幻诗The Rime of the Ancient Mariner 古舟子咏、Kubla Khan忽必烈汗Christabel克里斯塔贝尔作品特点:unusual and supernatural things不寻常和超自然的事物3、Lord Byron 拜伦“ Childe Harold Pilgrimage”恰尔德·哈罗德游记成名作“ Don Juan”唐璜 satiric masterpiece 讽刺的杰作4、Percy Bysshe Shelley 雪莱“ Prometheus Unbound” 解放了的普罗米修斯 drama 戏剧“ Ode to the West Wind”西风颂 poem 诗5、John Keats 济慈 poet 诗人“ The Eve of St. Agnes”圣阿格尼斯之夜poem “ On a Grecian Urn”希腊古瓮颂poem “ To a Nightingale”夜莺颂poem “Beauty i s truth; truth beauty”美学原则6、Walter Scott沃尔特·司各特 He is the creator and a great master of the historical novel. 他是历史小说的创造者和大师作品:Ivanhoe艾凡赫、The Lady of The Lake湖上夫人7、Jane Austen 简·奥斯丁女“ Pride and Prejudice”傲慢与偏见“ Sense and Sensibility”理智与情感“ Emma”爱玛写作特点:the love-making of her young people; though serious and sympathetic; is subdued by humor to the ordinary plane of emotion on which most of us live. She was the founder of the novel which deals with unimportant middleclass people. 她是中产阶级小说的发起人..6、十九世纪散文的特点:In the first of these two periods Addison and Steele socialized the essay; so to speak; they brought it into everyday life and made it familiar and delightful to the multitude. 在这两个时期的开始;艾迪生和斯蒂尔的社会散文把散文带入日常生活;并使其熟悉和并令人愉快.. Early in the nineteenth century it became more definitely a means of intimate self-expression.在十九世纪前期;散文变得对自我的表达越来越肯定。



一.作家作品连线1.Geoffrey Chaucer乔叟——The Canterbury Tales(坎特伯雷故事),The Book of The Duchess(公爵夫人之书)、The Parliament of Fowls(百鸟会议)The House of Fame(声誉之堂)、Troilus and Criseyde(特罗勒斯与克丽西德)2.William Shakespeare莎士比亚——Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, SonnetThe Merchant of Venice,Henry IV,Twelfth Night,King Lear,Macbeth 3.Francis Bacon培根——(Essays)Of Marriage and Single Life(轮婚姻和单身), Of Studies4.John Donne邓恩(Metaphysical poems玄学派诗人)-— Song and Sonnets (歌与十四行诗), Holy Sonnets(圣十四行诗)5.John Milton 弥尔顿—— Paradise Lost(失乐园)、Paradise Regained(复乐园)Samson Agonistes(力士参孙)6.Daniel Defoe笛福——The Life and strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe(鲁滨孙漂流记)、Captain Singleton(辛格顿船长)、Moll Flanders(摩尔·弗兰德斯)A Journal of the Plague Year(大疫年日记)、Roxana (罗克萨娜)7.Jonathan Swift斯威夫特——Gulliver’s Travel s(格列佛游记)A Tale of a Tub (一只桶的故事),A Modest Proposal(一个温和的建议)8.William Blake布莱克——Song of Innocence(天真之歌),Song of experience(经验之歌), Poetical Sketches(诗的素描), The Book of Thel(塞尔书)9.Robert Burns彭斯——Auld Lang Syne, A Red Red Rose,10.William Wordsworth华兹华斯——I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud11.Samuel Taylor Coleridge柯勒律治——Kubla Khan(忽必烈汗),BiographiaLiteria (文学传记)、Lyrical Ballads (抒情歌谣集)12.Jane Austen简·奥斯丁—- Pride and Prejudice二、术语解释1、Epic(史诗): A long narrative poem telling about the deeds of a great hero and reflecting the values of the society from which it originated. It started in the 5th century, Beowulf was an important epic。





























专八考试英国文学复习资料(按时间顺序)整理一The Anglo-Saxon period(449-1066)1代表作:The Song of Beowulf贝奥武夫(民族史诗national epic)采用了隐喻手法2写作手法:押头韵例子:to his kin the kindest ,kennest for praise二The Anglo-Norman period(1066-1350)1 Canto 诗章romance传奇文学(romance was a prevaliling form of literature in the medieval period)2代表作:Sir Gawain and the Green Knight高文爵士和绿衣骑士,是一首押头韵的长诗三Geffrey Chaucer(1340-1400)杰弗里.乔叟时期1 he is the father of English poetry 他是英国诗歌之父2 heroic couplet 英雄体对句Pentameter 五步抑扬格3代表作:the Canterbury tales 坎特伯雷故事集(英国文学史的开端)、小说特点:each of the narrators tells his tale in a peculiar manner ,thus revealing his own views and charactors.小说观点:he believes in the right of man to earthly happiness.he is anxious to see man freed from superstitons and a blind belief in fate.4大众民谣popular ballads:a story hold in 4-lines stanzas with second and foruth line rhymed.ballads are anonymous narrative songs that have been preserved by oral transmission.代表人物:Bishot Thomas Percy 托马斯.帕西主教Robin Hood and Allin-a-Dale 罗宾汉和阿林戴尔四Renaissance(16世纪)文艺复兴时期DramaCanto1 key words:humanism人文主义:admire the bueaty and huamn achievement2 代表人物:1)Thomas More 托马斯.莫尔Utopia 乌托邦2)Francis Bacon 佛朗西斯.培根,他是第一个散文家,“the trumpeter of a new age”(his essaies invlve bueaty,love and studies)3)Thomas Wyatt 托马斯.怀亚特,他是引入十四行诗的第一人(另外写十四行诗的还有Henry Howard ,Sidney,Spenser)4)John Lyly 约翰.黎里Eupheus夸饰文体5)Edmund Spenser 埃蒙德.斯宾塞被称作诗人中的诗人poet’s poet,代表作有the fairy queen仙后,The Shepherd’s Calendar牧羊人日志。


P47 Daniel Defore :(作品)《robinson crusoe》代表人物Friday
P48 Jonathan Swift:(satirist)讽刺家《a tale of a tub》《the battle of the Books》《gulliver's travels》《modest proposal》P54
P38 John Milton (弥尔顿)《paradise lost》(失乐园)从旧约《old testament》而来one of the greatest epics (史诗)《paradise regained》(复乐园)《samson agonistes》(力士参孙)
P46古典主义的三个特征:order ,good taste , restrained emotion
5、Humanism(人文主义):Humanism is the key-note of the Renaissance. It reflected the new outlook of the rising bourgeois class,which saw the world opening before it. According to the humanists,both man and world are hindering only by external checks from infinite improvement. Man could mould the world according to his desires and attain checks by the exercise of reason.
1、Critical Realism(批判现实主义):Since most of the writers during this period realistically showed the society as it was,their works came to the be called realistic writings. They realistically depicted life around them,identified their characters with their surroundings,and sometimes achieved psychological penetration. Familiar aspects of contemporary life and everyday scenes were represented in a straightforward or matter-of-fact manner. Realism focus on commonness of the lives of the common people who are customarily ignored by the arts . Realists wrote about individual characters confronted by hardships and moral dilemmas;about human nature:cruelty,greed,and stupidity.



1TheAnglo -SaxonPeriod(450 -1066)一、不列颠岛上的Settler换了一波又一波Celts (600B.C.)-Romans (55B.C.)-Anglo-Saxons (450A.D.)-Normans (1066A.D.) 二、两个流派三、Beowulf体裁:Epic来源:based on partly historical and partly legendary materials, brought over by the Anglo -Saxons from their original homes.特点:1. Alliteration 头韵 2. Kenning 比喻的复合辞 3.Repetition2TheNormanPeriod(1066 -1350)一、1066 年The Norman Conquest 诺曼征服Significance: 1. Feudal system was established in England.2.English social life greatly changed.3.Connection of English & French.4.Dividing line of Old English and Middle English二、Romance1.Popular form of literature of the upper class in feudal England in the Medieval Ages;2.Knights are major characters;3.Emphasis of chivalry spirit and loyalty to King;posed by the noble, for the noble and of the noble;课本P12 In subject matters, romance naturally falls under three categories: -1400)一、Who is Chaucer?英国摆脱中古时期浪漫主义的第一位现实主义诗人二、两个事件1.The Hundred Years War 百年战争(英VS 法)2.The Peasant Uprising of 1381 (打仗没钱了管peasant 要,于是peasant 揭竿而起)三、John Wycliff1.He was the major person who translated Bible into Middle English, which is important to English Literature and English Language2.He fixed a national standard for English prose to replace various dialects. His works earned him the title of Father of English prose.普通话第一人四、Geoffery Chaucer 乔叟1.The works of Chaucer are roughly divided into 3 periods 课本P182.The significance of The Canterbury Tales is as follows 课本P194TheFifteenthCentury(1400 -1550)一、两个战争和两个事件1.The Hundred Years, War 百年战争1337 -14532.The War of the Roses 玫瑰战争1455-14853.The discovery of America and the new sea routes4.Reformation of the Church二、Popular ballads民谣是这一时期主要体裁1. five basic characteristics 课本P362.重要作品Robin Hood Ballads侠盗罗宾汉5TheEnglishRenaissance(1550 -1642)一、英国文艺复兴时期在位的女王是Queen Elizabeth (1558-1603)伊丽莎白一世二、思想:Humanism (Man is the measure of all things)1.It was against human nature to sacrifice the happiness of this life for an after life; the pursuit of this life.2.Man should be given full freedom to enrich their intellectual and emotional life.三、Edmund Spenser是英国文艺复兴时期的伟大诗人四、英国文艺复兴时期的主流文学形式是Drama6TheSeventeenthCentury(1603 -1688)一、Key words of period of Revolution and RestorationBourgeois资产阶级Anglican Church英国国教Puritans清教徒Charles I查理一世1641 年Grand Remonstrance 大抗议书Commonwealth 英联邦Cromwell in 1653 the Lord Protector 护国公克伦威尔The Bill of Rights 权利法案二、King James Version of the Bible (钦定版圣经),是《圣经》的诸多英文版本之一,于1611 年出版。

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1 The Anglo-Saxon Period (450-1066)一、不列颠岛上的Settler换了一波又一波Celts(600B.C.)→Romans(55B.C.)→Anglo-Saxons(450A.D.)→Normans(1066A.D.)二、两个流派体裁:Epic来源:based on partly historical and partly legendary materials, brought over by the Anglo-Saxons from their original homes.特点:1. Alliteration 头韵 2. Kenning比喻的复合辞3.Repetition2 The Norman Period (1066-1350)一、1066年The Norman Conquest 诺曼征服Significance: 1. Feudal system was established in England.2. English social life greatly changed.3. Connection of English & French.4. Dividing line of Old English and Middle English二、Romance1. Popular form of literature of the upper class in feudal England in the Medieval Ages;2. Knights are major characters;3. Emphasis of chivalry spirit and loyalty to King;4. Composed by the noble, for the noble and of the noble;课本P12 In subject matters, romance naturally falls under three categories: The Age of Chaucer (1350-1400)一、Who is Chaucer?英国摆脱中古时期浪漫主义的第一位现实主义诗人二、两个事件1. The Hundred Years War 百年战争(英VS法)2. The Peasant Uprising of 1381 (打仗没钱了管peasant要,于是peasant揭竿而起)三、John Wycliff1. He was the major person who translated Bible into Middle English, which is important to English Literature and English Language2. He fixed a national standard for English prose to replace various dialects. His works earned him the title of Father of English prose. 普通话第一人四、Geoffery Chaucer 乔叟1. The works of Chaucer are roughly divided into 3 periods 课本P182. The significance of The Canterbury Tales is as follows 课本P194 The Fifteenth Century (1400-1550)一、两个战争和两个事件1. The Hundred Years’ War 百年战争1337 - 14532. The War of the Roses 玫瑰战争1455-14853. The discovery of America and the new sea routes4. Reformation of the Church二、Popular ballads民谣是这一时期主要体裁1. five basic characteristics 课本P362. 重要作品Robin Hood Ballads 侠盗罗宾汉5 The English Renaissance (1550-1642)一、英国文艺复兴时期在位的女王是Queen Elizabeth (1558-1603) 伊丽莎白一世二、思想:Humanism (Man is the measure of all things)1. It was against human nature to sacrifice the happiness of this life for an after life; the pursuit of this life.2. Man should be given full freedom to enrich their intellectual and emotional life.三、Edmund Spenser是英国文艺复兴时期的伟大诗人四、英国文艺复兴时期的主流文学形式是Drama6 The Seventeenth Century (1603-1688)一、Key words of period of Revolution and RestorationBourgeois 资产阶级Anglican Church 英国国教Puritans 清教徒Charles I 查理一世1641年Grand Remonstrance 大抗议书Commonwealth 英联邦Cromwell in 1653 the Lord Protector 护国公克伦威尔The Bill of Rights 权利法案二、King James Version of the Bible(钦定版圣经),是《圣经》的诸多英文版本之一,于1611年出版。

此前翻译过Bible的人有1. Caedmon, Bede, King Alfred 见Chapter22. Wycliff 见Chapter3三、Francis Bacon (1561-1626 )与莎士比亚同时期的散文家、哲学家。

He is generally regarded as the chief figure in English prose in the first half of the 17th century and his essays began the long tradition of the English essay in the history of English literature.四、两个主要诗歌派别五、清教徒文学Paradise Lost:1. Satan, defeated, voices his hatred for God who is a tyrannical in th e eyes of the rebellious angel. The rebellious speech by Satan was an outpouring of the poet’s hatred for thr restoredmonarch at that time.2. Through the love between Adam and Eve, Milton expresses the humanist pursuit for happiness, that is, the spirit of Renaissance.The Pilgrim's Progress:1. Written in the old fashioned medieval form of allegory and drama.2. It tells how Christian starts his pilgrimage from his home to the Kingdom of Heaven, and of his experiences and adventures on his journey.六、John DrydenAn Essay of Dramatic Poesy论戏剧诗7 The Eighteenth Century (The Age of Reason)(1688-1798)一、Historical Background6 features of cultural life 课本P175-1775 characteristics of neo-classicism 课本P178二、Daniel Defoe—Moll Flanders—for the first time, a lowly woman as the subject of literature.三、Jonathan Swift—he viewed human society with contempt and has been called a cynic and evena misanthrope.A modest Proposal《一个谦卑的建议》--英国文学史上最著名的讽刺作品--作者建议爱尔兰人多生孩子,把baby给有钱人吃,用这样令人发指的提议来讽刺当局者的虚伪和残酷。

四、Alexander Pope 亚力山大·蒲柏1. 18世纪英国最伟大的诗人,古典主义代表2. 主要成就是用英雄双韵体写讽刺诗。

五、Samuel Johnson主要成就: A dictionary of the English Language《英语大辞典》六、Henry Fielding18世纪最杰出的英国小说家,被称为英国小说之父。

七、William Blake主要作品:From songs of Innocence《纯真之歌》,From Songs of Experience《经验之歌》8 The Age of Romanticism(1798-1832)一、Historical Background1. 开始标志the publication of Lyrical Ballads(抒情歌谣集)by Wordsworth and Coleridge in 17982. 结束标志the death of Sir Walter Scott in 18323. 推动因素American and French RevolutionsIndustrial Revolution二、Intellectual background1. 文学重心转移reason→instinct and emotion2. 重要人物1) Rousseau, the French philosopher, is generally regarded as the father of romanticism.卢梭2) Edmund Burke埃德蒙·伯克3) Thomas Paine 潘恩The Rights of Man《人权论》三、Characteristic features of the romantic movement课本P3-41)Subjectivism 主观性2) Spontaneity 自发性3) Singularity 独特性4)Worship of nature 崇尚自然5) Simplicity 简单6) Melancholy 忧郁7) it was an age of poetry 主流文学体裁是诗歌四、Lake Poets 湖畔派诗人1. William Wordsworth—强调nature2. Samuel Taylor Coleridge—强调imagination3. Robert Southey五、Satanic Poets 撒旦派诗人1. Gorge Gordon Byron—Byronic hero 拜伦式英雄—Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage《查尔德·哈罗德游记》—Don Juan《唐璜》2. Percy Bysshe Shelley 雪莱--Ode to the West Wind《西风颂》“冬天来了,春天还会远吗?”3. John Keats 济慈--Ode to a Nightingale《夜莺颂》--济慈身体不好病怏怏,没事就探索美。
