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本设计基于生态式艺术教育理念,选择了《麦田上的群鸦》这一很少作为幼儿园美术欣赏对象的作品,尝试通过对作品形式要素分析的逐步深入,引导幼儿对作品内隐的恐惧情感进行感受。整幅画面色彩昏暗、线条流动,能够让幼儿感受到他们很少在美术欣赏过程中接触到的恐惧情感,并进行恰当的引导。通过本次设计,设计者就活动中教师专业发展的实现、活动应满足幼儿发展需要、整合各领域内容以及对话法的运用四个方面提出了一些建议。Eco-style Aesthetic education is education philosophy that based on experience of children`s daily-life and interest-oriented,that emphasizes equal dialogue,that could drive children convey their feeling and idea,that could inspire young children`s propulsion of probing.And the philosophy also emphasizes both emancipating their senses and removing self-enclosed.As the curriculum implementing,setting program objective&course content&course system is harmonious and balanced.We must devise a course as a munication of teacher and children is equal and friendly.All of this is in order to build a harmonious ecosystem.And in this course,we have to improve children`s inner feeling by all measures including aesthetic act, artistic creation and so on.

This curriculum design is base on Eco-style aesthetic education,and select(by.Vincent Willem van Gogh) that rarely used in pre-school of China to be the aesthetic object.We guide children to experience the deep sense of the picture by factor analysis from strength to strength.The picture with rayless hue and dynamic line could bring a sense of fear that children touch seldom in must of aesthetic course to students.After a number of experiments,author covey some suggestion concerning teacher`s professional development,the connection between course and children`s development,string different subjects and the application of dialogue.
