心理 因素 有密切 的关 系。
关 键 词 :女 性 意 识 ;自我 ;本 能 ;困 惑
中 图分 类 号 :I561.074
文 献 标 识 码 :A
一 、 传统的烙印——男性社会 中的妇女传统道德教育 男性社会 下传统的家庭教育特别是女孩 的教育是 由女 性来承担 的。思嘉 ,一个典型 的美 国南 方种植园主 的女儿 , 从小受如 “房 中天使 ”般高 尚的母 亲 艾伦 及 忠诚 的黑 嬷嬷 言传身教 的熏 陶 ,熟知作 为女性 行 为规范 的宝典 里一 应俱 全 的各种指导 。黑嬷 嬷 曾对 此有过 总结 :…他们 想要 的就 是胆小得像耗 子一般 、胃口又像小 鸟一样 、一点儿 见识也没 有 的姑娘 。如 果一 位 先生怀 疑 哪位 小 姐 的见 识 比他 多 的 话 ,他是不会想跟她结婚 的。在男权社 会里 ,女性 是被要求 按照男性 的意愿模式来 生活 的 ,她们 必须 是没 有思 想 的完 美女 神的化身 ,时刻 以男性 的需求 为 出发点 。就像 艾伦那 样 ,永远没有个人情绪 ,忍 耐使她们 赢 得 了无数 人的 崇敬 , 这种 传统女性的魅力让 思嘉 十分迷 恋。在 她的 少女 时代 , 甚 至后 来的成 熟时期 ,她都一 直期望 成为母 亲那 样 受人尊 敬 的贵妇 人。总之 ,早期 的传统 教育 在思 嘉 的心理 留下 了 挥之 不去的烙印。除 了受 到母亲 的影 响 ,媚 兰 也在无 形 当 中影 响着 她。媚 兰 ,这个 “对 手 ”,其 实就 是母亲 的化 身 ,她 具有 迎合 男性 需求的优 秀品质 ,温 柔 、顺 从 、体 贴 、勤 劳 、坚 强 、忍耐 、宽容 、克制 ,没有任 何需要 打磨 的棱 角 ,任 何男人 都对 她无 可挑剔。她永远不 会对 丈夫说 不 ,绝 对维 护丈夫 的权威 。面对 战后 颓废 的丈 夫 ,她毫 无怨 言地 接受 他 的无 能并 给以精神支持 ,面对丈夫 与思嘉 的咄 咄逼人 的暖昧关 系 ,她默默承受 。 目睹周 围人对母 亲 与媚 兰传 统言行 的推 崇 与肯定 ,尽管对传统 教育持 反对 态度 ,但 在 内心深处 ,思 嘉却 心向往之 。思 嘉这种矛 盾 的心 态 ,在 心理 学 中可 以找 到合 理的解 释。弗 洛伊 德认 为 ,人是群居 的动物 ,群居是人 的一 种本 能 ,因此人依赖社会而生存 。“……这种依赖 现象 如何 大量地成 为正常人类 社会 的正常组 成部 分 ,以及 在这 种社 会组 织 中所 能发 现 的独创 性 和个 人 的勇 气是 多 么渺 小 。我们记 得一个人又是 多么厉 害地 受到那 些 种族特 征 、 阶级偏 见 、公众舆论等形 式 的集体 心理态 度的支 配。”思嘉 生 活及成 长在男权社会 里 ,她 的言行都 是 由男性 的价 值尺 度来 评判 的。所以她不 可避 免 的受 到男 性 价值 观的影 响 ,
10 年 1 月 8日, 格丽特 ・ 切尔 出生于美 国佐治亚 州 90 1 玛 米
亚特 兰大 市的 一个律 师家 庭 。她的父 亲 曾经是亚 特兰 大市 的历 得知 了一个 天大 的噩耗 ,那 就是母 亲 的亡故 。面对 娇惯 了的妹 史学会 主席 。在南 北战 争期 间, 亚特 兰大 曾于 l6 年 落入北 方 妹 , 84 受到打 击而一蹶 不振 的父 亲 , 以及 满 目疮痍 的庄 园, 她只好令
兰 妮我们 可 以看 成是 一个 比较完 美的 形象 。 善 良, 慈又 不乏 境 中更好 的认清 自己。 她 仁 之后 的她立 志于重 建庄 园, 自己把父 亲 让
勇气 , 郝思嘉 摘棉花 时, 她虽然病 重却不 忘帮忙 , 思嘉杀人 时她 与母 亲 的 I 郝 , i 血重建 起来 。为 了保 住庄 园, 她先 后三次 嫁做人 妇。 也 帮忙 , 了瑞特 , 是斯佳 丽 的另一 个支持者 。并且 一直给 予 前两 次 的婚姻可 以说 是具有 利用 性质 的。她 为 了达 到 自己的 目 除 她 她 帮助 , 也许 她没有 郝思 嘉那种表 面 上的坚硬 , 但她处 处展示着 的不惜 出卖 自己的婚姻幸 福 。 只要 能够保 住庄 园什么 都可 以做。 个性 中的外 柔 内刚和纯真 , 不朽 的执着 。因此 , 作者几 乎把她 描 在这段 期 间使她 更加 认识到 了 自己想要 追求 并且得 到 的幸福 。
与 矛盾更 加体现 了她 对爱 的勇敢 。再次 , 有着一 颗残 忍的心 。 她 这 个词眼 形容谁 都是 贬义 的 。 但是用 在郝 思嘉身 上却并 不如此 。
男人。 在这 个时候 , 她终 于找到 了 自己的幸福 。但是悲 剧似乎 会
跟 随她一 生 。 正当她 希望安稳 地生 活的 时候 , 们唯一 的女儿 在 他
浅析《飘》中斯嘉丽的女性意识毕业论文(设计)题目:On the Feminine Awareness of Scarlettin Gone with the Wind系别:外语系专业班级:学号:学生姓名:指导教师:时间:2012年10月10日至2013年5月17日ContentsAbstract ....................................................................... .................................................. I Key Words .......................................................................... (I)V. Inspirations to Modern Females (20)A. Inspirations to Career (20)B. Inspirations to Family (21)Conclusion (23)Bibliography (25)Acknowledgements (27)On the Feminine Awareness of Scarlettin Gone with the WindAbstractIn the life of the American female writer Margaret Mitchell,the novel Gone with the Wind is the only work that influences the world. According to the love life, war life, marriage life and economic life of a southern planter’s daughter before andafter the American Civil War, the novel deeply shows a complex character that has multiple personalities. Ever since its publication in 1936, Gone with the Wind has received extensive attention from literary world. Literary critics, on the basis of their respective knowledge and understanding, have given different evaluations about this novel. Most of their researches concentrate on the historical background of the American Civil War,the abolitionist thought, Scarlett’s particular characters and the cultural differences between the North and the South. Meanwhile, many readers are only fascinated by its intricate and moving narration but neglecting its intrinsic ideological values. Starting from analyzing related background of Gone with the Wind, this thesis dig into the heroine Scarlett’s characteristic of feminine awareness and its cause with the comparison between other representative females, thereby to make the unique feminine awareness of Scarlett deep-rooted in the hearts of people. Finally, integrating theory with practice, this thesis will have another look at women’s social position on the basis of modern society. Key WordsGone with the Wind, Scarlett, feminine awareness浅析《飘》中斯嘉丽的女性意识IntroductionGone with the Wind, the masterpiece of American female writer Margaret Mitchell is one of the most distinguished representative works of American literature. In1937, the novel won the Pulitzer Prize and was adapted into an Academy Award-winning 1939 film with the same name for her sweeping portrayal of the crumbling of the Old South. Merely on her singular work, the author Margaret gains a world-wide reputation. With breaking the sales records and has been translated into multiple foreign languages, it has been read not only in the United States, but also remains its eternal fame throughout the world. However, quite a number of readers regard Gone with the Wind as a simple love story and just be fascinated by its complicated and moving narrationwithout paying attention to its implicit ideological values.Therefore, Gone with the Wind is not only a famous human romantic masterpiece, but also a demonstration of the great and profound changes in the historical period, and meanwhile it is the declaration of the feminine awareness.This thesis aims to take a through exploration of feminine awareness implicated in the novel. The first part is a general introduction of the Background of Margaret Mitchell and Scarlett O’Hara. Then the following part will be an overview of the meaning of feminine awareness with the next part fully probing into the feminine awareness of Scarlett in this work. The forth part keeps on digging into the heroine Scarlett’ s characteristic of feminine awareness with the comparison between other representative females. In the end, it will come back to the modern society, to discuss about the conditions that arouse modern feminine awareness and the existed problem in today’s social life.I. The Background of Margaret Mitchell and Scarlett O’Hara A. The Background of Margaret MitchellMargaret Mitchell was born in Atlanta. Her mother was a suffragist and father was a prominent lawyer and president of the Atlanta Historical Society. Mitchell grew up with listening to stories about the history of her family and some war stories. Imaging herself lived in the past; she made up a lot of small stories where she was a hero in a war. All of these became materials when she wrote Gone with the Wind many years later. At the age of fifteen, she wrote in her journal that ―If I were a boy, I would try for West Point, if I could make it, or well I'd be a prize fighter , anything for the thrills‖(Margaret Mitchell, 2008: 45). At 18 years old, she met a young handsome officer, Clift Henry, who was the Ashley in her heart. Pretty soon, they fell into love. But he lost his life in the First World War, which brought lifelong sad to Mitchell. Her mother’s death made her father lose the courage and motivation of life, as Scarlett’s father got mad after his wife died.Like Scarlet, Mitchell was born a rebel girl. She got married with a bad-temperedand cold bully. Not surprisingly, this marriage came to an end shortly afterwards. Even though she cheered up again, she often felt the shadow of failed marriage for the rest of her life. In 1944, she got married again. Her husband Marsh was a reporter, who had loved and supported Mitchell for many years. Without Marsh’s encouragement, Mitchell couldn’t finish Gone with the Wind. She spent nearly 10 years on writing the novel. It took her half of a year to check the time and place of historical events in her novel.However, because of the publication of Gone with the Wind, her life became a tragedy. Overnight success changed her life thoroughly. In one of her letters, she said: ―I never imagined a writer’s life would be like this. If I had known before, I would never try to becoming a writer.‖ Only in the first week, hundreds of readers sent hercopies and requested her to sign on the copies and send the copies back to them. She was a woman who loved quiet and simple life, but copyright issues made her involved in a series of legal affairs. So, it is not hard to understand why from finishing Gone with the Wind to dying in 1949 she had never published any work.B. The Background of Scarlett O’HaraScarlett O'Hara is not beautiful in a conventional sense, as indicated by Margaret Mitchell's opening line, but a charming Southern Belle who grows up on the Clayton County, Georgia plantation Tara in the years before the American Civil War. Selfish, shrewd and rebellious, Scarlett inherits the strong will of her Irish father Gerald O'Hara, but also desires to please her well-bred, gentle French American mother Ellen O'Hara, from a good and well respected Savannah, Georgia family.1. The Family Background of ScarlettIn Gone with the Wind, Tara was founded by Irish immigrant Gerald O'Hara after he won 640 acres of land during an all-night poker game. The house is not pretty but large, warm with whitewashed brick and timber. Scarlett is the oldest of three daughters. Her two younger sisters are lazy and whiny Suellen and gentle and kindCaroline. Her mother also gave birth to three younger sons, who were all named Gerald Jr. and died as infants.Sc arlett’s father and mother had a great influence on her characters’ information. Scarlett’s father, Gerald O’Hara, a little, hard-headed and blustering Irish man, is not well educated but like a friend of Scarlett, they talk with each other freely. In order to avoid making her mother worried and angry about what bad things they have done, they prefer to keep secrets for each other rather than tell her mother. Since her father taught her that the black slaves were most honest and industrious, Scarlett was concerned a lot about them. Gerald O’Hara believes that a man who wants to be rich should be strong and unafraid of work. This character seemed to fit for Scarlett and showed up when she saved Melanie, Tara, her family members out of the dangerous situation. It is obviously that her characters were deeply affected by her father. Meanwhile, Scarlett is well disciplined by her mother, who was a well-bred, gentle woman. Scarlett regards her mother as ―something holy and apart from all the rest of humankind‖ and ―the embodiment of justice, truth, loving tenderness and profound wisdom—a great lady.‖ Young Scarlett, or Scarlett before the war, wants very much to emulate her mother Ellen, but in order to avoid missing joys of life, she will follow her mother only on condition that ―some day when she was married to Ashley and old, some day when she had time for it‖(Mitchell, 2008:62). Nevertheless, Ellen does influence Scarlett much.2. The Society at Her TimeThe novel Gone with the wind was written by Margaret Mitchell on the background of The American Civil War. The American Civil War (1861–1865) was a civil war in the United States of America. ―The causes of this war were that the north and the south have different views upon whether the slave policy should be abolished or not‖(Stampp, 1980:102). However, the city of Atlanta, Georgia, which the novel Gone with the wind had happened there, was also involved in the American civil war. It was an important rail and commercial center during the American Civil War. ―The fall ofAtlanta was a critical point in the Civil War, giving the North more confidence, and along with the victories at Mobile Bay and Winchester leading to the re-election of President Abraham Lincoln and the eventual surrender of the Confederacy. After the war was over,the US had been through the reconstruction era. Reconstruction activities started immediately.‖ (Thompson, 2001:99).II. Feminine AwarenessA. Definition of the Feminine AwarenessFeminine awareness is a cross-cultural concept. Female awareness and female subject awareness, the concept originated from the social gender awareness, refers to the female perspective and cognitive gender awareness. The so-called gender awareness refers to the conscious awareness of gender relations, studying the political economy culture and environment from the gender perspective, doing the gender analysis and planning, and the subject awareness of gender category is introduced, its theory basis is the emphasis on human subjectivity (张敏,2010:23) .Therefore, the female awareness is that females, as the subjects in the objective world, be aware of their own position, role and value. Specifically, female awareness is women's unique kind of the women's awareness, is to fulfill their historical mission, social responsibility, obligation, and aware of their own characteristics, to find a unique way to participate in the social life of the reformation from psychological structure, population structure and cultural structure three respects, and certainly achieve their own needs and values.It includes status awareness, value awareness, right awareness, and independent awareness, sense of participation, enterprising awareness and self awareness.B. Features of the Feminine AwarenessIn A Room of One’s Own, Virginia Woolf discusses feminine awareness from the literary sense. She explains why there are so few women writers and why it is difficult for woman to write. There are three important points in this essay as follows. Firstly, women’s previous lack of success as writers proceeds not from any absence of talent,but from social disadvantages. Secondly, she suggests two crucial remedies: financial independence and personal space in order for women to achieve their full potential aswriters. And thirdly, Virginia Woolf argu es that female writers shouldn’t think of their gender when doing some writing.Thus it can be seen, t he feminine awareness contains two features. One is that females know themselves, have a well understand of self nature and some ideas of what life means for them. Besides, ―women need to fulfill their personal and national destinies, but they also need to fulfill the spiritual destiny of humanity‖(Madsen, 2006:79). The other is thinking highly of females’ position and grasping the female life characteristics. Its core is to emphasize females’independent existence, as the famous director Huang Shuqin says, ―Female awareness must be female self, self awareness, self development, the protagonist should be active or is a kind of active behavior‖. III. Feminine Awareness of ScarlettIn Gone with the Wind, Margaret Mitchell has described a series of strong and courageous female images that are always making every effort to pursue their true love and free marriage. What they have done is just for women’s self-awareness and self-realization and for economical equality and personal independence. They are not the ignorant vulnerable group at all, though the southern women are under suppression in the author’s description. Propping up the civilization of the South with their great love and tenacity as well as its plantation economy, they confirm the truth that women completely with the ability to be self-reliant and as great and tough as men. They have a kind of power——―soft power‖. Women reflect soft but powerful spirit with the value. They are like bamboo, can bend, but can never be broken. Therefore, when the southern society is falling, the female awareness becomes firm spiritual force, leading people to advance forward bravely. ―The only reason we lasted as long as we did was because of the ladies behind us who wouldn’t give up‖(Mitchell, 2008:189).A. Analysis of Scarlett’s Feminine AwarenessIn Gone with the Wind, Margaret Michel described the heroine Scarlett as a very clear cut image. Scarlett is so brave that she dares to pursue economic and personal independence and fight against traditional conventions and emphasis on self-awareness. Coming on the stage from sixteen to twenty-eight as an apple of her parents’ eyes, she has married three husbands, twice been a widow, had three children and also did her best to revive the whole family. In order to create this unique female image, the writer puts the heroine under the broad social background of the American Civil War and the background of post-war reconstruction, shows her characteristic in many aspects, life in love, war and family life with a reflection of winding and changing mind journey to brings a female’s rich inner world to readers and presentsimage that is brave enough to face her life and persistent in pursuing self value.1. Fight against Traditional Conventions In patriarchal society, God stands for men. It has been shown in Holy Bible. ―But I want you to understand that Christ is the head of every man, and the man is the head of a woman, and God is the head of Christ‖(Bible, 2008:67). For this reason, women’s rebelling against ―God‖who stands for men or the authority of men is a manifestation of their female awareness. For Scarlett, the heroine in the novel is such a woman who is never afraid of ―God‖ or men.In Disorderly Conduct: Visions of Gender in Victorian America, Carroll Rosenberg have said,―the American society of the 19th century has provided women with only one acceptable role——being a good wife and loving mother‖(Rosenberg, 1975:33). At that time, this role needs women to sacrifice themselves and give their heart and soul to meet men. In pre-war times, as is known to all, women of the south were educated to be ignorant, incapable, and weak, to win the men's compassion and love from an early age. In addition to this, they could not be in charge of her own life and never say what they thought. Such women in the patriarchal society were representativesof moral codes and manners. Under the patriarchal education, women were submissive and they were required to submit themselves to the female ethical criteria and show unquestioning submission to the males in their families, just as Simone de Beauvoir has said in The Second Sex―One is not born a woman, but becomes one‖ (Beauvoir, 1949:188).All these rules are of no use to Scarlett, although she practices it when it will be beneficial for her. However, she has a practical way of looking at southern customs, so it doesn't influence her a great deal when other ladies gossip about her for not acting like a lady. Scarlett is not a traditional woman though she lives in such a culture. Unwilling to surrender under the male world, Scarlett dares to challenge authority of men and fully express her own thoughts. ―Some day I’m going to do and say everything I want to do and say, and if people don’t like it I don’t care‖(Mitchell,2008:100). As long as she wants to achieve her goals, she will attain the end by hook or crook and never be afraid of the public angry which was led by her unacceptable behaviors. This is Scarlett, a woman beyond secular world, having the courage of showing her nature and risked the danger of violating traditional conventions.On the surface Scarlett behaves like a good-mannered lady. ―But for all the modesty of her spreading skirts, the demureness of hair netted smoothly into a chignon and the quietness of small white hands folded in her lap, her true self was poorly concealed.‖ (Beye, 1975: 43).2. Persistency in LoveIn the patriarchal society, men were positioned to play an initiative role and women played a passive role in the traditional marriage. Yet Scarlett initiatively pursued her own marriage which is actually a fight against the male-dominated society. Refusing to passively accept the male selection, Scarlett did not accept her father’s decision of her marriage but initiatively declare her love to Ashley. She fell inlove with As hley since ―that day two years ago when Ashley, newly home from his three years’ Grand Tour in Europe, hand called to pay his respects, she had loved him‖(Genovese 35). While she failed to get the heart of Ashley, Scarlett had some marriages because of some reasons. Though these marriages were her compromise to life, they are also her active and hard choice.The love of Scarlett is actually a self-centered love. Scarlett has loved a person for many years, which is Ashley. For Scarlett, Ashley is always a rejecter. She couldn’t help herself loving Ashley since a man came up to her with dreamy and honorable qualities. In order to get Ashley's heart, Scarlett ingratiated herself with him and tried all her skills to make him notice her. In addition to this, she bravely confesses her love for him.Scarlett: Well...Ashley, I love you.Ashley: Scarlett...Scarlett: I love you, I do.…Scarlett: Don't tease me now! Have I your heart, my darling? I love you. I love you...(Mitchell, 2008:210) Love is blind, In order to revenge him, Scarlett regarded her marriage as play games and would rather give up her most profits just to keep him. For Ashley, He thought he loves her for she i s ―so fine and strong and good, so beautiful, not just her sweet face, but all of her, her body and her mind and her soul‖ (Margaret, 2008:270). However, this love is not real love. In the heart of Ashley, Scarlett is just a longing with fresh and exciting smells. In a word, Ashley only has a thing for Scarlett. As the novel progresses, Scarle tt’s idealization for Ashley was gone with the wind. After the war, because Ashley is depressed and unable to get up from a fall, Scarlett makes every attempt in the material to give him support until one day, she finally found that the Ashley is just a man who is beautified and embellished by her imagination and she found out that her love is notAshley --a lifeless idols.But for Rhett, he wanted Scarlett's mind and heart more than any other things. ―She is a great woman, the greatest woman I have ever seen.‖ He loved her not just for her body that was different from Ashley but for her heart. No matter how passionately Rhett treated to her, Scarlett always didn’t mind at all. When she needed his help, she went to him, and then putted him behind her. For Scarlett, Rhett was so easy to get that she never treasured him and finally resulted in the leave of Rhett. Later, Scarlett determined to do anything to find Rhett again and she still believed that never there was man she could not conquer. As long as she wanted, she would think out a way to get him back. After all, tomorrow is another day! The relationship built between Scarlett and Rhett is closely related to her character and female consciousness. Scarlett can abandon others, but she could not tolerate that others abandoned her, because that will be a great insult to her. She never can recognize failure. She must take the destiny in her own hands. Apparently, in Scarlett’s subconscious, there are strong conquer consciousness to man.From the above, Scarlett’s persistency in love shows on two aspects. One is that she loves Ashley no matter how many troubles around her, no matter how far they are separated by distance, or even Ashley has married Melanie, she has never thought of compromise or giving up this love. Another aspect is shown on Scarlett’s love for Rhett. Even though Rhett finally leaves Scarlett, she still firmly believes that she will think of some way to get him back. In the view of Scarlett, her persistency in love is just like her strong belief for living. Nothing can prevent her from pursuing what she want, even love.3. Pursuit of IndependenceThe famous British female writer Virginia Woolf once said in A Room of One’s Own, ―If a woman wants to write novels, she must have money and also a room of her own‖ (Virginia, 1957:78). In this word, ―money‖ and ―room‖ are connotation which indicates that if a woman wants to be independent; her economic life must beindependent first of all. Only in this way can women achieve personality's independence. Furthermore, women can not please men and ingratiate themselves with others any more. In Gone with the Wind, when the American Civil War broke out, the previous warm and happy life of Scarlett had been taken away and left sufferings to her: the former black slaves had gone, the lands had been ravaged, the cotton had been burned, mother was dead; father was mad; two sisters were falling ill… Tara, the ―cozy nest‖ of Scarlett, once brought her many golden dreams, had been ruined with the wind. However, Scarlett, ―the belle of the County, the sheltered pride of Tara‖(Mitchell, 2008:289), not compromised by cruel reality and even ―to pick up her discarded stockings from the floor or to tie the laces of her slippers‖(Mitchell, 2008:289), bearing the burden of her whole family without hesitation. In order to feed the whole family, Scarlett worked day and night and ignored that her thin and white-skinned hands were becoming more and rougher. All the people including Ashley and Melanie in Tara were living dependent on Scarlett. "Without her help, Melanie and her child would be dead in the war. Without Scarlett to be an evil, Melanie could not be respected as an angel." (Sarris, 1976:75) Her independence is at the expense of being an ―evil‖. To collect money for the sky-high taxes of theplantation, Scarlett even married the fiancé of her sister and received fierce criticism from public voices.During the period of Tara’s reconstruction, Scarlett paid her whole attention to money and the rebuilding of her family, even regardless of the morality. In order to success, Scarlett went out and worked like a man and persevered to try to achieve a particular aim in spite of difficulties. She bought a wood factory and run it by herself. She did the business and competed against males with her strong and confident heart and extraordinary insight which reflects women's self-awareness. While pregnant, she still shuttle back and forth between factories and cities in spite of the family’s prevention.The success of her career helped her get out from depending on men to realize her self-value and make her personality stand up.From one instant, Scarlett transformed from a girl who only treated life as merely playing games into a mature and wise owner of a big family with constructing and managing her life until becoming a tough and power inside woman. Her sweet and beautiful look she used to appear has gone with the wind but a confident and strong expression left on her face. What make people admit that she has completely achieved self-actualization are her courage, resolution, perseverance and action. ―Scarlett’s transformation is the collapse of southern gentlewoman, is the awakening of new female’s self-consciousness, and is the confidence of her ability and the pursuit of self worth and independent personality.‖ (魏旭峥,2008:143-145)4. Courage of LifeWhen The Civil War broke out, and also, the hard life begins. Scarlett’s husband died for suffering of fever after he joined the war. Because she did not love her husband, she would not feel some sad for the death of her husband. At the same time the south army was being gradually withdraw in defeat. But these had not made Scarlett afraid, what brought her great sadness was that Ashley also decided to join the war. What’s worse, in the meantime, both Scarlett and Melanie were pregnant and they fell into a very difficult situation. Since Scarlett is much more strong and healthy than Melanie, she gave birth to the baby smoothly. On the contrary, Melanie was in a very dangerous situation. At this very moment, for she had promised Ashley to look after Melanie when he went to war, Scarlett didn’t give up Melanie and did her best to help her even she knew nothing about delivering a baby. With the help of Rhett, they decided to return to Tara. However, on the way to Tara, Rhett said he must join the war as soon as they will arrive at Tara. Scarlett could not accept this.Rhett disappeared at the end of the road, without his help, Scarlett feel lonely and scared. However, she would not give up ―I will make is, mother will help me…‖Scarlett is very courage and never bows her heads, never retreat to life. Arriving home at Tara, she found the war had taken everything she possessed away. Facing what she had lost, Scarlett even felt desperate, but she was not lost into sadness. Soonshe realized she must support the family, feed more than ten mouths and challenge against difficulties like her ancestors. The War only leaved her the red earth, that’s enough, she thought of her father’s words,―Land is the only thing in the world that amounts to anything,‖ and begins her hard work. Dropping her reserve and pride, she worked like a black slave day and night, but she never thought to give up, she has a persistent pursuit of better life. She never gives up and continues to work to make their life better. Without food, she went out to find it. In order to protect all their scarce food, she even shoots a northern soldier who has the intention of robbing and taking away their horse and money. But before the war, Scarlett was a kind girl. But now, hard life makes Scarlett learn to face the cruel fact and also gives her courage and power to live indomitably.There is a belief in the heart of Scarlett---make life better and better. Like a courageous fighter, she fights for hunger, fights for money and fights for a better life. Life is still hard, but there is hope, Scarlett, like her mother, shouldered all the responsibilities of Tara, her family.B. Factors I nfluencing Scarlett’s Feminine AwarenessThe American Civil War brings Scarlett’s life a great change, and also, some personalities which are slightly visible before is gradually obvious and sharp on her body. These personalities are major factors that influence the feminine awareness of Scarlett. In addition to this, the strong sense of responsibility and love for her land, Tara, give her strength to overcome what difficulties she has met and stimulate her feminine awareness. Therefore, personality, war and land, the three points are factors that influence Scarlett’s feminine awareness.1. PersonalityThe American Civil war is the background of Gone with the Wind. At that time, in the old south, to keep elegant and beautiful surface and to maintain the shadow of knight age, women must like delicate flower, living in the soil of this culture, attached to the man. They suffer double pressures caused by male, female, lowly social。
- 对南方社会有限制和冲击,家庭生活遭到摧毁。
- 女性在此期间承担更多责任并接受更多自由。
### 斯嘉丽的特点 - 倔强自立:斯嘉丽不愿被束缚于常规的女性角色中,她积极寻求改变自己的命运。
- 经商才能:斯嘉丽利用自己的聪明才智和经济头脑,在战后重建南方社会方面起到了重要作用。
- 爱与欲望:斯嘉丽对于男性关系一直有着复杂而矛盾的心理需求。
飘中的南北战争与女性意识觉醒1. 简介《飘》是美国作家玛格丽特·米切尔于1936年出版的一部历史小说,描绘了南北战争时期美国南方的生活和社会变迁。
2. 南北战争背景在19世纪60年代,美国陷入了南北战争,这场战争是由于南方州反对联邦政府废除奴隶制引发的。
3. 女性在南北战争中的地位3.1 女性在军事方面 - 南北战争期间,女性参与到军事支持工作中。
- 女性还以护士的身份参与到战争中,为受伤的士兵提供护理。
3.2 女性在家庭生活中的角色变化 - 由于男性大量参战,女性在家庭中承担起更多的责任,包括负责农田劳作、照顾子女和维持家庭经济等。
- 女性在面对困境时展现了顽强的毅力和自主精神。
4. 斯嘉丽·奥哈拉的意识觉醒4.1 南北战争带来的深刻影响 - 斯嘉丽经历了南北战争期间社会、经济和个人层面的巨大变化。
- 战争导致了南方社会面貌彻底改变,使得斯嘉丽不得不适应新的环境和生活方式。
4.2 偶像崩塌与新认识 - 斯嘉丽追求着传统南方社会所推崇的价值观,在战争过后,她目睹了原有体制和道德规范的瓦解。
- 面临现实的挑战,斯嘉丽逐渐开始反思和质疑传统价值观,并开始拥抱更自主、坚强的女性形象。
4.3 独立和经济独立 - 斯嘉丽学会了在困境中为自己争取生存和利益,在经济上变得独立并展现出商业头脑。
4.4 女性权益意识觉醒 - 通过与他人的相处以及个人经历,斯嘉丽对女性权益产生了新的认识和看法,并逐渐站在了女性解放运动一边。
5. 结论《飘》这部小说通过描述南北战争时期的背景,展示了女性在战争中发生的种种变化。
关键词女性觉醒打破束缚彻底觉醒中图分类号:I106 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-0592(2010)09-246-011900年11月8日,玛格丽特·米切尔出生于美国佐治亚州亚特兰大市的一个律师家庭。
关键词:内战;女性角度;女性主义The awakening of female consciousness of Scarlett's character inGone with the WindAbstractAs the first novel which describe American Civil War from women’s perspective, Margaret focuses on the suffering from the war of those women who stay at home and their difficult journey of reconstruction. Literary critics, on the basis of their respective knowledge and understanding have given different evaluation about this novel. Most of their researcher concentrates on the historical background of American Civil War, the abolitionist though, Scarlett’s particular character and the cultural discrepancy between the North and the South. Many critics question the literary value and outdated racial issue of Gone with the Wind. Some consider the novel superficial while treated it only a simple love story. However, the author thinks that the novel is most valuable if read with an understanding of three historical backgrounds, our own, Mitchell’s, and Scarlett’s. On the base of perspective of feministic, this paper wound analyzes the awakening of female self-consciousness reflected in this novel and its positive effect on the cause of women liberation. The first part of this paper is a general introduction to the work. Then the following chapter is introduction of the female consciousness, Chapter three is feminist analysis of Gone with the Wind and of Scarlet’s characteristic.Key words:Margaret; Scarlett; Civil War.AcknowledgementsFirst of all, I want to express my great gratitude to my supervisor, Mr. Ge Youjin, both for her valuable advice and critical comments during the process of writing this essay. With patience and courage , he guided me this essay and discovered defects in my theorizing. Thought I know that the thesis might still contain some errors, for which I bear the whole responsibility.My thanks also go to all the teachers in the Department of English, whose scholarship has impressed me during my college years.I am also very grateful to my friends, who have given me useful help and courage when I am writing this essay.Finally, I greatly appreciate my parents's support and endless love. My heart swells with gratitude to all the people who helped me.Contents中文摘要 (i)Abstract (ii)1. Gone with the wind1.1 The introduction of the author (3)1.2 The brief introduction of the story (5)2.The Female Consciousness ················································································2.1 The definition of the Female consciousness (5)2.2 The background of the Female consciousness (7)2.3 The development and influence of the Female consciousness (8)3.Specific analysis (8)3.1 The analysis of the characters in the novel character (8)3.2 The specific examples and analysis of the awakening of the consciousnes of the novel (9)3.3 The great significance of the female consciousness of Gone withthe Wind (9)4.Analyzing the novel's theme and its significance and enlightenment for the modern society (14)5.Conclusion (17)6.Notes Bibliography (14)introduction1.1 The introduction of the authorMargaret Mannerly Mitchell, an American author, won the Pulitzer Prize in 1937 for her novel Gone with the Wind. It was the only and best book she wrote in her all life, Margaret Mitchell was born in Atlanta, where she can hear many stories about the war between the northern and southern states in American, and when she was wounded in home, she decided to write a book about the war .This work is one of the most popular books of all time.1.2 The brief Introduction of the storyThe novel Gone with the Wind was set the times of the Civil War in Atlantic. At that time, the South is a new reclaimed land where the industrial civilization has not yet penetrated it. Soon or later, the American Civil War broke out. Ashley and Charles joined the war. Unfortunately, Charles died in the war. Scarlett became a widow, but she has been in love with Ashley.2.The female consciousness2.1 The definition of the female consciousnessFeminism is the belief that women should be allowed the same rights, power and opportunities as men and be treated in the same way, or the set of activities int ended to achieve this state. Hundred years ago, women’s social statue was quite low, women was treated as appendage to men, they only had rights of living, their manner, speaking and behavior were regulated by a series of serious rules and discipline. With the education spreading among women and the awakening of female self-consciousness, they came to realize that they should defend their economic, political and other rights and pursue equal treatment like men. Then there appear feminism. Feminism is a series of movements aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights and equal opportunities for women. Feminism is mainly focused on women's issues.2.2 The background of the female consciousnessHundred years ago, women’s social statue was quite low, women was treated as appendage to men, they only had rights of living, their manner, speaking and behavior were regulated by a series of serious rules and discipline. With the education spreading among women and the awakening of female self-consciousness, they came to realize that they should defend their economic, political and other rights and pursue equal treatment like men.2.3 The development and influence of the Female consciousnessFirst-wave feminism was a series of activities during the nineteenth century and early twentieth century. In the U.K. and U.S., it focused on promoting equal contract, marriage, parenting, and property rights for women. However, by the end of the nineteenth century, activism focused mainly on gaining political power, particularly the right of women's voting, though some feminists were active in campaigning for women's sexual and economic rights at this time.Second-wave feminism is a feminist movement beginning in the early 1960s and continuing to the 20th and it coexists with third-wave feminism. Second wave feminism is largely concerned with issues of equality not only suffrage, but things like ending discrimination. Second-wave feminists treat women's cultural and political inequalities as its main purposes that to be deal with. During this period, feminist encourage women to understand aspects of their personal lives deeply by means of public promoting. The feminist activist and author Carol Hamish came up with the slogan for the first time "The Personal is Political", which became synonymous with the second wave.Third-wave feminism is start from 1900 to the present. It arose as a response toward failures of the second wave and also as a response to the movements created by the second wave. Third- wave feminism often correct the second wave’s ideas and movements that are not good for females. It accommodates contradictions; conflict and changes. The third wave has its origins in the mid-1980.3.Specific analysis3.1 The analysis of the characters in the novel character3.2 The specific examples and analysis of the awakening of the consciousnes of the novelScarlett’s mother Ellen, a typical noble and elegant female character, is a faultless woman with selfless love. Although she abides by the traditional conventions, she is also a girl with flesh and blood, thought and love. When her love is against ethical codes, she also flares resistant sparks, showing her self-consciousness. At the age of fifteen, Ellen irrevocably falls in love with her cousin Philip, a playboy. Her father firmly objects to it and manage to extrude Philip. Later Philip dies of a bar rioting. His death takes away all of Ellen’s hope. She adopts the only way a gir l can take to fight against her father’s autocracy——forcing her father to agree with her own choice of marriage with the threat of being a nun. She buries her desperation down in her heart and exhausts her life in selfless dedication to her family. However on her deathbed, what she calls out are not the names of her daughters or her husband, but her beloved Philip. Although her fight dose not make her live with her lover, it reflects women’s longing and pursuit for free love and self-directed marriage. This obviously oversteps the meaning of love and marriage themselves and extends to the pursuance of human rights and women’s independence.Scarlett O’Hara, the heroine, is an artistic character that has strong, clear-cut, and rebellious individuality. As t he apple of her parents’ eyes, she comes on the stage from the age of 16 to 28, during which she has married three husbands, been a widow twice, given birth to three babies and also has spared no efforts to revive the family business. When creating this female image, the author places her under the wild social background of American Civil War and the background of the reconstruction after the war, demonstrates her disposition and manners in multi-aspects of her life in love, war and family with a full reflection of her winding and changing psychological journey; thus brings about for the readers a female who is brave enough to face life, unwilling to be indifferent, and persistent in the pursuit of self-value.In the patriarchal society, Scarlett opposes to the gender discrimination from the bottom of her heart; she is neither reconciled to the passive position nor to the failure; besides, she keeps being herself, and always directly expresses and immediately takes action for what she wants. All of these are the epitomes of her strong sense of feminism. It can be said that she, form beginning to end, is against sexism and the fetters imposed on her by the gender attribution, and does her utmost to look for women’s rights which are equal to or even more than those of men’s with her own practices. She is the perfect embodiment of Virginia Woolf’s “androgyny” thought governed by two kinds of power at the same time: the feminine power, soft on theoutside while staunch on the inside; and the masculine power, tender inside despite a hard shell. She overthrows the images of “angels” or “lamias” in the patriarchal literature, and becomes a masculine woman——a woman with men’s wisdom, indomitable will and wild ambitions. As an image with the ideal personality of “androgyny” which is the deconstruction of gender binary opposition, Scarlett announces Margaret’s strong protest against male-centered values.French famous sociologist Julia Kristeva once said that “God” in patriarchal religion creates the world: he separates light from darkness, land from ocean, and a variety of animals and human beings from himself, putting over the original chaotic connection. Through similar separation, humans are divided into two categories: men and women. Women are departed from men, turning into wives, daughters, mothers, or being the three at the same time with the function of multiplication (Julia Kristeva, 1974). God seldom talks to women and most of religions in western cultures oppress women’s consciousness. In patriarchal society, Go d stands up for men, the evidences of which can be traced in the Holy Bible “But I want you to understand that Christ is the head of every man, and the man is the head of a woman, and God is the head of Christ” (Bible, 2008). Therefore women’s rebellion against “God” who defends male rights is an exhibition of their self-consciousness. Scarlett, the heroine, is such a woman who is afraid of neither “God” nor men.For Scarlett, religion is just a thing on the lips. When the whole family is praying, her disappointment and sadness have indeed gone with the wind, and she gains a sense of hope; however such comfort is not from God but from her mother’s peaceful face as she is praying. In Scarlett’s eyes, her mother Ellen rather than God is her real spiritual backbone and source of wisdom. Therefore when Scarlett leaves her mother, her religious convention becomes quite weak. “Scarlett’s conscience smote her at this last, for it had been months since she had been to church.”(Margaret Mitchell, 2008). In addition, the misery later brought by the war further stops Scarlett from going to the church, praying or communicating with God, for she feels that asking for God’s blessing dose little good to relieve her sufferings. She even questions God’s power and justice in her heart “For some time she had felt that God was not watching out for her, the Confederates or the South, in spite of the millions of prayers ascending to Him daily” (Margaret Mitchell, 2008). After pushing through the flames of the war and going through thick and thin, Scarlett return home Tara only to find her mother’s death and the devastated house with nobody and nothing to rely on. The death of her mother completely cuts off the contact between God and her, and becomes the symbol of her non-believing. The so-called “Omniscient and omnipotent” God cannot give her strength, nor can he be the one that can be counted on. Hence, she dose what she wants to do, says what she wants to say, and creates her own life with her own hands, regardless of the God’s wil l.From the very beginning she denies accepting the marriage proposed by her father. At the barbeque in the Twelve Oaks, she casts off lady’s style, takes the initiative to reveal her true love to Ashely and even proposes the idea of elopement. She throws off family bondage, steps out of the cave of “home” into society and no longer blindly sacrifices herself to fulfill others. Instead she courageously quests fortrue self and her value. Through her numerous anti-conventional behaviors, Scarlett demonstrates her outstanding judgments and courage. Her behavior outdoes what the patriarchal society has set for women, expressing women’s desire for self-consciousness and independent rights.3.3 The great significance of the female consciousness of Gone with the WindAs for the marriage in the traditional patriarchal society, men occupy the positive role while women are passive. However, Scarlett actively keeps searching for her own marriage and true happiness. She chooses to express her deep love to Ashely instead of accepting the marriage selected by her father. Although her later marriages are resulted from life forces, they are her own decisions. She is the rare master of her love and marriage in that era.For many years, there is only one man in her heart——Ashely. In order to win his love, she simpers, pretends to be innocent and shows her off with every means which she despises so much. For this blind love, she would rather to raise Ashely’s whole family. Furthermore, she is even willing to give up her lumber mill’s half profits just for Ashely’s stay. After Ashely’s return from the war, he has nothing except depression and inability. However Scarlett, who always disdains the weak and the coward, shows her great tolerance and understanding to him, taking every possible measure to support him materially. Lost in her love, Scarlett considers Ashely as a deity. She would give everything even her life to do what he wants. But when she stands a chance to get Ashely, she miserably finds that he is not her “Mr.Right”. “He never really existed at all, except in my imagination” (Margaret Mitchell, 2008). She realizes her real beloved is Rhett, the man who stands behind her but quietly supports and loves her. But unfortunately it is too late to realize it because Rhett, with a deeply broken heart, decides to leave her. Although Scarlett is at her wits’ end for a while, she regains her fighting spirit. She makes up her mind to get him back. She believes that she can make it as long as she has determined to do. She will not and neither can she admit failure. Her fate and her happiness are in her own hands. Therefore in Scarlett’s sub-consciousness, she has strong awareness of male conquest.4.Analyzing the novel's theme and its significance and enlightenment for the modern societyBefore the Civil war, the South is a new reclaimed land where the industrial civilization has not yet penetrated it. The residents rest on the rolling money gained by cotton planting and picking. There, within the shadow of chivalry, keeps the skin-deep grace and splendor. Women living on the red soil are delicate flowers, tightly clinging to men and decorating men’s world. They have no rights to vote. Nor can they control their belongings or children after they get married, let alone draw a will or make a treaty without their husbands’ permission. Their social status is parallel to “that of a minor or a slave” (Deborah L.Madsen, 2006). They endure dualoppression not only from men but also from themselves, lying in the subordinate social position without the privilege to manage their own lives. In this male-dominated world, men stifle women’s development from every aspect.5. ConclusionGone with the Wind, an American novel by Margaret Mitchell is one of the most popular of all time. The author of Gone with the Wind is Margaret Mitchell, an American modern woman writer. She is frequently neglected by critics. Many people neglect the value of feminist learning contained in her work. So in her novel, we can find her idea of women’s equality and independence with men.Gone with the Wind is a very successful commercial novel; however it doesn’t get enough attention from the literary critics accordingly. If we focus on the limited critiques of Gone with the Wind, we can find that the novel was discussed only as a realistic romance. Few scholars analyze the novel from the feminist perspective. Actually, Gone with the Wind turns out turns out to be a valuable target to be studied and analyzed from the feminist perspective. The value of feminist leaning contained in the novel is very obvious.The author of Gone with the Wind is a woman who was deeply influenced with Feminism. The story of Gone with the Wind is set during the American Civil War and Reconstruction period. At that time, in the South, men were the dominance of women. In order to obey the passive femininity, the Southern women needed to appear timid, helpless, and feeble. They didn’t have the fundamental political and civil rights. And their economic and educational opportunities were also very limiter. This paper has analyzed the awakening of female self-consciousness reflected in this novel by analyzing the changes Scarlett gone through before the war, during the war and after the warThere are many lively and vivid characters in Gone with the Wind, and the most important one is Scarlett O’Hara. She is an extraordinarily energetic woman. Scarlett has the courage to survive the horrors and chaos of the war years. Her transformation is closely associated with the changing Southern culture and society. What impress the reader most is her constant feminist leanings which become and more noticeable in the novel. According to the analysis done by the thesis, it is found that Gone with the Wind is a valuable work which contains feminist leanings. We should read it and study it from different perspectives.At last, as the limitation of the thesis, the paper ends here, but it is obvious that researches on Gone with the WindWorks CitedAbraham, M Francis.,and P Subhadra, ed. Women, Development and Change: The Third World Experience. U.S.A: Wyndham Hall Press,1988.Bodin, Jeanne.,and Beth Millstein, ed. We, the American Women. U.S.A: Publisher, 1977.Chatham, New Jersey. Citizen Politics in Western Democracies . U.S.A:House Publisher Inc,1988.Norton, Mary Beth. Major Problem in American Women’s History. Canada:D.C.Heath and Company,1989.Zheng, Daqun[郑大群].女性主义美国学派[J].吉首大学学报,2007(1):51-54 Wang,Huijun,etc[王惠君等].世界文学名著英汉对照全译精选[M].奎屯:伊犁人民出版社,2001.。
1 斯嘉丽人生的三个阶段分析1.1 在内战之前战前,南方女孩斯嘉丽只是一个自私任性的农家女孩,只知道如何利用自己的美貌最大限度地发挥自己的虚荣心,她只是一个普通女人,具有许多女人共有的特质:温暖、开放、纯洁和浪漫。
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关键词:内战;女性角度;女性主义The awakening of female consciousness of Scarlett's character inGone with the WindAbstractAs the first novel which describe American Civil War from women’s perspective, Margaret focuses on the suffering from the war of those women who stay at home and their difficult journey of reconstruction. Literary critics, on the basis of their respective knowledge and understanding have given different evaluation about this novel. Most of their researcher concentrates on the historical background of American Civil War, the abolitionist though, Scarlett’s particular character and the cultural discrepancy between the North and the South. Many critics question the literary value and outdated racial issue of Gone with the Wind. Some consider the novel superficial while treated it only a simple love story. However, the author thinks that the novel is most valuable if read with an understanding of three historical backgrounds, our own, Mitchell’s, and Scarlett’s. On the base of perspective of feministic, this paper wound analyzes the awakening of female self-consciousness reflected in this novel and its positive effect on the cause of women liberation. The first part of this paper is a general introduction to the work. Then the following chapter is introduction of the female consciousness, Chapter three is feminist analysis of Gone with the Wind and of Scarlet’s characteristic.Key words:Margaret; Scarlett; Civil War.AcknowledgementsFirst of all, I want to express my great gratitude to my supervisor, Mr. Ge Youjin, both for her valuable advice and critical comments during the process of writing this essay. With patience and courage , he guided me this essay and discovered defects in my theorizing. Thought I know that the thesis might still contain some errors, for which I bear the whole responsibility.My thanks also go to all the teachers in the Department of English, whose scholarship has impressed me during my college years.I am also very grateful to my friends, who have given me useful help and courage when I am writing this essay.Finally, I greatly appreciate my parents's support and endless love. My heart swells with gratitude to all the people who helped me.Contents中文摘要 (i)Abstract (ii)1. Gone with the wind1.1 The introduction of the author (3)1.2 The brief introduction of the story (5)2.The Female Consciousness ················································································2.1 The definition of the Female consciousness (5)2.2 The background of the Female consciousness (7)2.3 The development and influence of the Female consciousness (8)3.Specific analysis (8)3.1 The analysis of the characters in the novel character (8)3.2 The specific examples and analysis of the awakening of the consciousnes of the novel (9)3.3 The great significance of the female consciousness of Gone withthe Wind (9)4.Analyzing the novel's theme and its significance and enlightenment for the modern society (14)5.Conclusion (17)6.Notes Bibliography (14)introduction1.1 The introduction of the authorMargaret Mannerly Mitchell, an American author, won the Pulitzer Prize in 1937 for her novel Gone with the Wind. It was the only and best book she wrote in her all life, Margaret Mitchell was born in Atlanta, where she can hear many stories about the war between the northern and southern states in American, and when she was wounded in home, she decided to write a book about the war .This work is one of the most popular books of all time.1.2 The brief Introduction of the storyThe novel Gone with the Wind was set the times of the Civil War in Atlantic. At that time, the South is a new reclaimed land where the industrial civilization has not yet penetrated it. Soon or later, the American Civil War broke out. Ashley and Charles joined the war. Unfortunately, Charles died in the war. Scarlett became a widow, but she has been in love with Ashley.2.The female consciousness2.1 The definition of the female consciousnessFeminism is the belief that women should be allowed the same rights, power and opportunities as men and be treated in the same way, or the set of activities int ended to achieve this state. Hundred years ago, women’s social statue was quite low, women was treated as appendage to men, they only had rights of living, their manner, speaking and behavior were regulated by a series of serious rules and discipline. With the education spreading among women and the awakening of female self-consciousness, they came to realize that they should defend their economic, political and other rights and pursue equal treatment like men. Then there appear feminism. Feminism is a series of movements aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights and equal opportunities for women. Feminism is mainly focused on women's issues.2.2 The background of the female consciousnessHundred years ago, women’s social statue was quite low, women was treated as appendage to men, they only had rights of living, their manner, speaking and behavior were regulated by a series of serious rules and discipline. With the education spreading among women and the awakening of female self-consciousness, they came to realize that they should defend their economic, political and other rights and pursue equal treatment like men.2.3 The development and influence of the Female consciousnessFirst-wave feminism was a series of activities during the nineteenth century and early twentieth century. In the U.K. and U.S., it focused on promoting equal contract, marriage, parenting, and property rights for women. However, by the end of the nineteenth century, activism focused mainly on gaining political power, particularly the right of women's voting, though some feminists were active in campaigning for women's sexual and economic rights at this time.Second-wave feminism is a feminist movement beginning in the early 1960s and continuing to the 20th and it coexists with third-wave feminism. Second wave feminism is largely concerned with issues of equality not only suffrage, but things like ending discrimination. Second-wave feminists treat women's cultural and political inequalities as its main purposes that to be deal with. During this period, feminist encourage women to understand aspects of their personal lives deeply by means of public promoting. The feminist activist and author Carol Hamish came up with the slogan for the first time "The Personal is Political", which became synonymous with the second wave.Third-wave feminism is start from 1900 to the present. It arose as a response toward failures of the second wave and also as a response to the movements created by the second wave. Third- wave feminism often correct the second wave’s ideas and movements that are not good for females. It accommodates contradictions; conflict and changes. The third wave has its origins in the mid-1980.3.Specific analysis3.1 The analysis of the characters in the novel character3.2 The specific examples and analysis of the awakening of the consciousnes of the novelScarlett’s mother Ellen, a typical noble and elegant female character, is a faultless woman with selfless love. Although she abides by the traditional conventions, she is also a girl with flesh and blood, thought and love. When her love is against ethical codes, she also flares resistant sparks, showing her self-consciousness. At the age of fifteen, Ellen irrevocably falls in love with her cousin Philip, a playboy. Her father firmly objects to it and manage to extrude Philip. Later Philip dies of a bar rioting. His death takes away all of Ellen’s hope. She adopts the only way a gir l can take to fight against her father’s autocracy——forcing her father to agree with her own choice of marriage with the threat of being a nun. She buries her desperation down in her heart and exhausts her life in selfless dedication to her family. However on her deathbed, what she calls out are not the names of her daughters or her husband, but her beloved Philip. Although her fight dose not make her live with her lover, it reflects women’s longing and pursuit for free love and self-directed marriage. This obviously oversteps the meaning of love and marriage themselves and extends to the pursuance of human rights and women’s independence.Scarlett O’Hara, the heroine, is an artistic character that has strong, clear-cut, and rebellious individuality. As t he apple of her parents’ eyes, she comes on the stage from the age of 16 to 28, during which she has married three husbands, been a widow twice, given birth to three babies and also has spared no efforts to revive the family business. When creating this female image, the author places her under the wild social background of American Civil War and the background of the reconstruction after the war, demonstrates her disposition and manners in multi-aspects of her life in love, war and family with a full reflection of her winding and changing psychological journey; thus brings about for the readers a female who is brave enough to face life, unwilling to be indifferent, and persistent in the pursuit of self-value.In the patriarchal society, Scarlett opposes to the gender discrimination from the bottom of her heart; she is neither reconciled to the passive position nor to the failure; besides, she keeps being herself, and always directly expresses and immediately takes action for what she wants. All of these are the epitomes of her strong sense of feminism. It can be said that she, form beginning to end, is against sexism and the fetters imposed on her by the gender attribution, and does her utmost to look for women’s rights which are equal to or even more than those of men’s with her own practices. She is the perfect embodiment of Virginia Woolf’s “androgyny” thought governed by two kinds of power at the same time: the feminine power, soft on theoutside while staunch on the inside; and the masculine power, tender inside despite a hard shell. She overthrows the images of “angels” or “lamias” in the patriarchal literature, and becomes a masculine woman——a woman with men’s wisdom, indomitable will and wild ambitions. As an image with the ideal personality of “androgyny” which is the deconstruction of gender binary opposition, Scarlett announces Margaret’s strong protest against male-centered values.French famous sociologist Julia Kristeva once said that “God” in patriarchal religion creates the world: he separates light from darkness, land from ocean, and a variety of animals and human beings from himself, putting over the original chaotic connection. Through similar separation, humans are divided into two categories: men and women. Women are departed from men, turning into wives, daughters, mothers, or being the three at the same time with the function of multiplication (Julia Kristeva, 1974). God seldom talks to women and most of religions in western cultures oppress women’s consciousness. In patriarchal society, Go d stands up for men, the evidences of which can be traced in the Holy Bible “But I want you to understand that Christ is the head of every man, and the man is the head of a woman, and God is the head of Christ” (Bible, 2008). Therefore women’s rebellion against “God” who defends male rights is an exhibition of their self-consciousness. Scarlett, the heroine, is such a woman who is afraid of neither “God” nor men.For Scarlett, religion is just a thing on the lips. When the whole family is praying, her disappointment and sadness have indeed gone with the wind, and she gains a sense of hope; however such comfort is not from God but from her mother’s peaceful face as she is praying. In Scarlett’s eyes, her mother Ellen rather than God is her real spiritual backbone and source of wisdom. Therefore when Scarlett leaves her mother, her religious convention becomes quite weak. “Scarlett’s conscience smote her at this last, for it had been months since she had been to church.”(Margaret Mitchell, 2008). In addition, the misery later brought by the war further stops Scarlett from going to the church, praying or communicating with God, for she feels that asking for God’s blessing dose little good to relieve her sufferings. She even questions God’s power and justice in her heart “For some time she had felt that God was not watching out for her, the Confederates or the South, in spite of the millions of prayers ascending to Him daily” (Margaret Mitchell, 2008). After pushing through the flames of the war and going through thick and thin, Scarlett return home Tara only to find her mother’s death and the devastated house with nobody and nothing to rely on. The death of her mother completely cuts off the contact between God and her, and becomes the symbol of her non-believing. The so-called “Omniscient and omnipotent” God cannot give her strength, nor can he be the one that can be counted on. Hence, she dose what she wants to do, says what she wants to say, and creates her own life with her own hands, regardless of the God’s wil l.From the very beginning she denies accepting the marriage proposed by her father. At the barbeque in the Twelve Oaks, she casts off lady’s style, takes the initiative to reveal her true love to Ashely and even proposes the idea of elopement. She throws off family bondage, steps out of the cave of “home” into society and no longer blindly sacrifices herself to fulfill others. Instead she courageously quests fortrue self and her value. Through her numerous anti-conventional behaviors, Scarlett demonstrates her outstanding judgments and courage. Her behavior outdoes what the patriarchal society has set for women, expressing women’s desire for self-consciousness and independent rights.3.3 The great significance of the female consciousness of Gone with the WindAs for the marriage in the traditional patriarchal society, men occupy the positive role while women are passive. However, Scarlett actively keeps searching for her own marriage and true happiness. She chooses to express her deep love to Ashely instead of accepting the marriage selected by her father. Although her later marriages are resulted from life forces, they are her own decisions. She is the rare master of her love and marriage in that era.For many years, there is only one man in her heart——Ashely. In order to win his love, she simpers, pretends to be innocent and shows her off with every means which she despises so much. For this blind love, she would rather to raise Ashely’s whole family. Furthermore, she is even willing to give up her lumber mill’s half profits just for Ashely’s stay. After Ashely’s return from the war, he has nothing except depression and inability. However Scarlett, who always disdains the weak and the coward, shows her great tolerance and understanding to him, taking every possible measure to support him materially. Lost in her love, Scarlett considers Ashely as a deity. She would give everything even her life to do what he wants. But when she stands a chance to get Ashely, she miserably finds that he is not her “Mr.Right”. “He never really existed at all, except in my imagination” (Margaret Mitchell, 2008). She realizes her real beloved is Rhett, the man who stands behind her but quietly supports and loves her. But unfortunately it is too late to realize it because Rhett, with a deeply broken heart, decides to leave her. Although Scarlett is at her wits’ end for a while, she regains her fighting spirit. She makes up her mind to get him back. She believes that she can make it as long as she has determined to do. She will not and neither can she admit failure. Her fate and her happiness are in her own hands. Therefore in Scarlett’s sub-consciousness, she has strong awareness of male conquest.4.Analyzing the novel's theme and its significance and enlightenment for the modern societyBefore the Civil war, the South is a new reclaimed land where the industrial civilization has not yet penetrated it. The residents rest on the rolling money gained by cotton planting and picking. There, within the shadow of chivalry, keeps the skin-deep grace and splendor. Women living on the red soil are delicate flowers, tightly clinging to men and decorating men’s world. They have no rights to vote. Nor can they control their belongings or children after they get married, let alone draw a will or make a treaty without their husbands’ permission. Their social status is parallel to “that of a minor or a slave” (Deborah L.Madsen, 2006). They endure dualoppression not only from men but also from themselves, lying in the subordinate social position without the privilege to manage their own lives. In this male-dominated world, men stifle women’s development from every aspect.5. ConclusionGone with the Wind, an American novel by Margaret Mitchell is one of the most popular of all time. The author of Gone with the Wind is Margaret Mitchell, an American modern woman writer. She is frequently neglected by critics. Many people neglect the value of feminist learning contained in her work. So in her novel, we can find her idea of women’s equality and independence with men.Gone with the Wind is a very successful commercial novel; however it doesn’t get enough attention from the literary critics accordingly. If we focus on the limited critiques of Gone with the Wind, we can find that the novel was discussed only as a realistic romance. Few scholars analyze the novel from the feminist perspective. Actually, Gone with the Wind turns out turns out to be a valuable target to be studied and analyzed from the feminist perspective. The value of feminist leaning contained in the novel is very obvious.The author of Gone with the Wind is a woman who was deeply influenced with Feminism. The story of Gone with the Wind is set during the American Civil War and Reconstruction period. At that time, in the South, men were the dominance of women. In order to obey the passive femininity, the Southern women needed to appear timid, helpless, and feeble. They didn’t have the fundamental political and civil rights. And their economic and educational opportunities were also very limiter. This paper has analyzed the awakening of female self-consciousness reflected in this novel by analyzing the changes Scarlett gone through before the war, during the war and after the warThere are many lively and vivid characters in Gone with the Wind, and the most important one is Scarlett O’Hara. She is an extraordinarily energetic woman. Scarlett has the courage to survive the horrors and chaos of the war years. Her transformation is closely associated with the changing Southern culture and society. What impress the reader most is her constant feminist leanings which become and more noticeable in the novel. According to the analysis done by the thesis, it is found that Gone with the Wind is a valuable work which contains feminist leanings. We should read it and study it from different perspectives.At last, as the limitation of the thesis, the paper ends here, but it is obvious that researches on Gone with the WindWorks CitedAbraham, M Francis.,and P Subhadra, ed. Women, Development and Change: The Third World Experience. U.S.A: Wyndham Hall Press,1988.Bodin, Jeanne.,and Beth Millstein, ed. We, the American Women. U.S.A: Publisher, 1977.Chatham, New Jersey. Citizen Politics in Western Democracies . U.S.A:House Publisher Inc,1988.Norton, Mary Beth. 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