Lesson Plan Clothes 衣服教案)1

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Lesson Plan Clothes

For Children&Young Learners



A.Learning Objectives

Students will learn and apply key words shirt,T-shirt,skirt,dress,socks and shorts and key sentences I like your….Do you like your/her/his…?Yes,I do.By the end of the lesson,they will be able to use these new vocabulary words and the sentences on listening and oral skills,express their appreciations.Continued practice and activity in later lessons

They will need to manage their group by their leaders so that they can help them acquire the language and carry out their drafts or designs of the clothes show.

B.Materials and Sources


The real objects of some colorful shirts,T-shirts,skirts,dresses,some pairs of socks and some pairs of shorts which are borrowed from the clothes shop,some pictures,paper and markers and CAI course-ware.


The real objects of clothes are borrowed from the clothes shop.The clothes will include many colors.Students will prepare some paper and markers.And the pictures are printed and CAI course-ware is finished by teacher from the last fashion show.


Teacher does/says…Students do/say…Approximate

time needed

Review the color words and the sentence structure.

What color do you like?Answer the question.

I like….


Review the color chant with TPR.Black,black,sit down!

Pink,pink,stand up!

Brown,brown,touch the ground!

Orange,orange,touch your head!

White,white,turn around!


Before class,teacher will decorate

the classroom in a clothes shop and

prepare some beautiful clothes

hanging on the shelf.

June1st is Children’s Day.Happy

Children’s Day!On that day,you will

wear beautiful clothes and we will

have a fashion show.Shall we

prepare something for that?Let me

Prepare to participate in the activity.1min.

take you to a special place to choose your beautiful clothes!

Have the students to choose the clothes which they like.While they are choosing,lead them to say the key words and key sentences and try to express their feelings.

I like your….

Do you like your…?

Do you like her/his…?One or two students come up to the blackboard and make the model

with teacher.

Thank you!

Yes,I like your….


It’s beautiful.


Have students to make a role play with teacher.

Teacher plays the customer.Teacher tells the student the clothes she likes; the student should pick it/them up right to teacher.

Teach the new words and touch their wearing clothes.

shirt,T-shirt,skirt,dress,socks and shorts

I like this….

Do you like your…?One or two students make the roles

with teacher.

They play customers or assistant.

When teacher tells the student the

clothes she likes,the student should

pick it/them up right to teacher.

Repeat the new words following

teacher and touch their wearing



and shorts


Do you like his/her…?


Have students interact each role in groups.Teacher walk around the classroom to help groups,organize and facilitate their work.

Choose2-3groups perform their group work.Turn back to make the group work

and practice the dialogue with their partners.

Use the key words and the key structures.

2-3groups play the dialogue.


Then tell them the fashion show theme.

This fashion show’s theme is environmental and creative. Everybody will try to be a creativity designer.We can make the clothes by ourselves.

And show them some pictures of last fashion show.Students wear clothes Students design the drafts and make

the clothes by themselves in groups.

