
















部编统编四上语文8 蝴蝶的家公开课教案课件课时作业课时训练

部编统编四上语文8 蝴蝶的家公开课教案课件课时作业课时训练

8 蝴蝶的家一、在加粗字的正确读音后面画“√”。

震撼 gǎn()hàn()玷污 wū()kuī()家雀 qiǎo()què()二、比一比,再组词。





8 蝴蝶的家答案一、hàn wū què二、躲避偏僻遗憾震撼喧闹宣告三、逃避确定激烈娇弱四、略活动目的:教育学生懂得“水”这一宝贵资源对于我们来说是极为珍贵的,每个人都要保护它,做到节约每一滴水,造福子孙万代。













1.计算C28+C38+C29等于()A.120B.240C.60 D.480解析:选A.原式=C39+C29=C310=120.2.若C7n+1-C7n=C8n,则n等于()A.12 B.13C.14 D.15解析:选C.C7n+1-C7n=C8n,即C7n+1=C8n+C7n=C8n+1,所以n+1=7+8,即n=14.3.某校一年级有5个班,二年级有8个班,三年级有3个班,分年级举行班与班之间的篮球单循环赛,总共需进行比赛的场数是()A.C25+C28+C23B.C25C28C23C.A25+A28+A23D.C216解析:选A.分三类:一年级比赛的场数是C25,二年级比赛的场数是C28,三年级比赛的场数是C23,再由分类加法计数原理可求.4.把8名同学分成两组,一组5人学习电脑,一组3人做生物实验,则不同的安排方法有________种.解析:C38=56.答案:56一、选择题1.下面几个问题中属于组合问题的是()①由1,2,3,4构成的双元素集合;②5个队进行单循环足球比赛的分组情况;③由1,2,3构成两位数的方法;④由1,2,3组成无重复数字的两位数的方法.A.①③B.②④C.①②D.①②④答案:C2.已知平面内A、B、C、D这4个点中任何3点均不共线,则由其中任意3个点为顶点的所有三角形的个数为()A.3 B.4C.12 D.24解析:选B.C34=4.3.C03+C14+C25+C36+…+C1720的值为()A.C321B.C320C.C420D.C421解析:选D.原式=()C04+C14+C25+C36+…+C1720=()C15+C25+C36+…+C1720=(C26+C36)+…+C1720=C1721=C21-1721=C421.4.若A3n=12C2n,则n等于()A.8 B.5或6C.3或4 D.4解析:选A.A3n=n(n-1)(n-2),C2n=12n(n-1),∴n(n-1)(n-2)=6n(n-1),又n∈N*,且n≥3.解得n=8.5.从6位同学中选出4位参加一个座谈会,要求张、王两人中至多有一个人参加,则不同选法的种数为()A.9 B.14C.12 D.15解析:选A.法一:直接法:分两类,第一类张、王两人都不参加,有C44=1种选法;第二类张、王两人只有1人参加,有C 12C 34=8种选法.故共有C 44+C 12×C 34=9种选法.法二:间接法:C 46-C 24=9(种).6.把三张游园票分给10个人中的3人,分法有( )A .A 310种B .C 310种C .C 310A 310种D .30种解析:选B.三张票没区别,从10人中选3人即可,即C 310.二、填空题7.若C 13n =C 7n ,则C 18n =________.解析:∵C 13n =C 7n ,∴13=n -7,∴n =20,∴C 1820=C 220=190.答案:1908.C 22+C 23+C 24+…+C 210=________.解析:原式=C 33+C 23+C 24+…+C 210=C 34+C 24+…+C 210=C 35+C 25+…+C 210=C 311=165.答案:1659.从4名男生和3名女生中选出4人担任奥运志愿者,若选出的4人中既有男生又有女生,则不同的选法共有________________________________________________________________________种.解析:(间接法)共有C 47-C 44=34种不同的选法.答案:34三、解答题10.若C 4n >C 6n ,求n 的取值集合.解:∵C 4n >C 6n ,∴⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧ C 4n >C 6n n ≥6⇒⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧ n !4!(n -4)!>n !6!(n -6)!n ≥6⇒⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧ n 2-9n -10<0n ≥6⇒⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧-1<n <10,n ≥6. ∵n ∈N *,∴n =6、7、8、9,∴n 的集合为{6,7,8,9}.11.要从6男4女中选出5人参加一项活动,按下列要求,各有多少种不同的选法?(1)甲当选且乙不当选;(2)至少有1女且至多有3男当选.解:(1)甲当选且乙不当选,∴只需从余下的8人中任选4人,有C 48=70种选法.(2)至少有1女且至多有3男时,应分三类:第一类是3男2女,有C 36C 24种选法;第二类是2男3女,有C 26C 34种选法;第三类是1男4女,有C 16C 44种选法.由分类计数原理知,共有C 36C 24+C 26C 34+C 16C 44=186种选法.12.现有10件产品,其中有2件次品,任意抽出3件检查.(1)正品A 被抽到有多少种不同的抽法?(2)恰有一件是次品的抽法有多少种?(3)至少一件是次品的抽法有多少种?解:(1)C 29=9×82=36(种). (2)从2件次品中任取1件有C 12种方法,从8件正品中取2件有C 28种方法,由分步乘法计数原理,不同的抽法共有C 12×C 28=2×8×72=56(种). (3)法一:含1件次品的抽法有C 12C 28种,含2件次品的抽法有C 22×C 18种,由分类加法计数原理,不同的抽法共有C12×C28+C22×C18=56+8=64(种).法二:从10件产品中任取3件的抽法为C310种,不含次品的抽法有C38种,所以至少1件次品的抽法为C310-C38=64(种).高∴考≧试∠题]库。

《知识与能力训练 化学 九年级(AB)》参考答案(2020秋)

《知识与能力训练 化学 九年级(AB)》参考答案(2020秋)

《知识与能力训练•化学•九年级》参考答案(2020)第一单元走进化学世界第1课时课题1 物质的变化和性质【课堂练习】1. C2. C3. A4. B5. C6. B7. D8. A【课后练习】9. 性质物质颜色白醋、水状态氧气、水气味铜片、铝片熔点铁丝、保险丝10. D 11. C第2课时课题2 化学是一门以实验为基础的科学(1)【课堂练习】1. B2. C3. D4. D5. B6.(1)④①②⑥⑤③(2)探究步骤对实验的观察和描述实验结论点燃前石蜡块放入水中观察到的现象:浮在水面用指甲在蜡烛表面划过,会划出痕迹石蜡的密度比水小石蜡的硬度较小燃着时①点燃蜡烛,把一根火柴梗放在蜡烛的火焰中,如图所示,约1s后取出可以看到火柴梗的a(选填图中字母)处最先炭化,说明此处温度最高②干冷的烧杯内壁出现水雾现象,澄清的石灰水变浑浊a.蜡烛火焰的外焰温度最高b.蜡烛燃烧后的生成物中一定含有水、二氧化碳熄灭后吹灭蜡烛,观察到一缕白烟白烟是石蜡蒸气遇冷凝结而成的白色固体小颗粒【课后练习】7.(1)小强(2)水蒸气(3)小明;水蒸气和二氧化碳;水蒸气和二氧化碳都不能燃烧(4)物理第3课时课题2 化学是一门以实验为基础的科学(2)【课堂练习】1. C2. D3. C4. B5. B【课后练习】6. B7. 吹气,吸气;甲第4课时课题3走进化学实验室(1)【课堂练习】1.D2.A:铁架台B:酒精灯C:量筒D:胶头滴管E:烧杯F:集气瓶G:滴瓶3.(1)量筒(2)集气瓶(3)铁架台(4)药匙(5)胶头滴管(6)试管(7)玻璃棒(8)试管夹或带铁夹的铁架台(9)烧杯【课后练习】4.B5.C6.A7.C8.D9.④⑤;③;①②第5课时课题3走进化学实验室(2)【课堂练习】1.①d;②c;③a;④b;⑤e;⑥f2.B3.B4.C5.C【课后练习】6.D7.D8.C9. C 10. D 11.B 12.D 13.D第6课时课题3走进化学实验室(3)【课堂练习】1.A2.C3.A4.B5.B6.A7.C【课后练习】8.C 9.A 10.B11.D12.B第二单元 我们周围的空气第7课时 课题1 空气(1)【课堂练习】 1.C 2.A3.(1)产生大量白烟,放出大量热;红磷+氧气 五氧化二磷 (2)1/5(3)氮气;不易溶于水;不支持燃烧(或不可燃) 4.C【课后练习】 5.B 6.A 7.C8.(1)21%;氮气;0.03% (2)空气的主要成分是氮气和氧气(或空气属于混合物) (3)氧气;二氧化碳;水蒸气 9.(1)2;甲中气球先变小后变大(2)2;①环保,五氧化二磷不会逸出,不会污染空气,②方案2的实验始终在密闭装置中进行,能避免瓶内气体因与外界气体交换而影响实验结果(或方案1在实验过程中打开了瓶塞,瓶中的气体成分在反应前发生了改变);装置漏气,未降温至室温就将止水夹打开,红磷(白磷)过少(三点任写一条即可)第8课时 课题1 空气(2)【课堂练习】1.(1)④;(2)②;(3)③;(4)①;(5)④2.A3.D4.B 【课后练习】5.C6.B7.C8.D9.D 10.B 11.A 12. D第9课时 课题2 氧气【课堂练习】1.D2.D3.A4.C5.D6.B7.D8.D 【课后练习】9.D 10.D 11.C12.(1)铁+氧气 四氧化三铁 (2)硫+氧气 二氧化硫 (3)红磷+氧气 五氧化二磷(4)碳+氧气 二氧化碳13.(1)二氧化碳的猜想更合理,因为氧气会使食品中某些成分氧化,氧气有利于某些微生物生长,二氧化碳则相反,可防止食品氧化,抑制微生物生长。

2021年外研版中考英语总复习课时训练 外研版九年级下册 Modules 5—8

2021年外研版中考英语总复习课时训练 外研版九年级下册  Modules 5—8

课时训练(二十)Modules 5—8 (九下)Ⅰ.单项选择1.I believe we will our China Dream earlier if all of us pull together.A.requireB.achieveC.serveD.win2.Mr Wang together with his wife and children in the countryside.A.enjoys livingB.enjoy livingC.enjoys to liveD.enjoy to live3.The words “racecar”, “kayak” and “level” are the same they are read left to right or right to left.A.sinceB.thoughC.unlessD.whether4.I will never forget the day we spent in the old town with small houses.A.whoB.whomC.thatD.what5.[2020·达州]—Clara, you have Journey to the West for two weeks.—Sorry, I wanted to give it back but was made Dazhou on business last week.A.borrowed; to leaveB.kept; to leaveC.kept; leaveD.borrowed; leave6.[2020·淮安]My brother often his spare time to help me with my spoken English.A.puts upB.gives upC.opens upD.tidies up7.[2020·包头] the project as planned, they need to work two more hours a day.A.To finishB.FinishingC.FinishD.To be finished8.—We’re not supposed to those who failed.—No one can be a winner all the time.A.turn outugh atC.spread outD.share with9.—Next Friday is my mother’s birthday. I’m thinking about .—Good boy! And please give my best wishes to her.A.what present I gave herB.how I can give her a surpriseC.if I planned a party for herD.where will my family have a big meal10.[2020·天水] —I got a job with Chinese Space Agency.—.A.Have a nice tripB.Good luckC.Thank goodnessD.CongratulationsⅡ.[2020·南京]完形填空According to several recent surveys, some people fear public speaking more than anything else.11 , this fear can be overcome(克服) with two simple methods: practice and using positive(正面的) energy from the audience. Practicing for a speech is essential. 12 the task of writing the speech is completed, speakers must practice, practice, practice. The more times they practice the speech, the more 13 they are when discussing the topic. Using 14 such as mirrors or video recordings as they practice can show speakers what they look and sound like to the audience. Video is particularly helpful as it can be 15 many times, with the presenters focusing(集中) on one part at a time. Another 16 of dealing with public speaking fears is using the audience’s positive energy. Speakers need to remember that the audience wants them to 17 . Something as basic as a small nod or a smile from a member of the audience should give 18 to the presenters behind the podium. While it is easy for nervous speakers to focus only on getting through the presentation, using the audience’s19 will(意愿) helps much in making a speech better.All in all, these two strategies are sure to help with fear of public speaking. With proper practice and audience empathy(共鸣), it is 20 to overcome the fear of public speaking and deliver a successful speech. So there is no need to fear public speaking any more.11.A.Luckily B.Suddenly C.Sadly D.Terribly12.A.Unless B.After C.Until D.Before13.A.nervous B.scared fortable D.difficult14.A.objects B.activities C.signs D.instructions15.A.found B.sold C.cleared D.watched16.A.cause B.problem C.way D.purpose17.A.surprise B.scream C.suppose D.succeed18.A.confidence B.challenge C.humour D.service19.A.poor B.good C.weak D.free20.A.necessary B.important C.interesting D.possibleⅢ.阅读理解The 14th Chinese Language Competition attracted about 1,100 children from kindergarten kids to high school students. The children from different language and cultural backgrounds met in San Francisco and competed in events like Chinese calligraphy(书法), drawing and Chinese poetry recital(朗诵会).Thomson, an 11th-grade boy from Justin-Siena High School in Napa city of California, has studied Chinese language for three years. It was hard for him to learn Chinese at the beginning, because it was one of the most difficult languages in the world. However, the writing of Chinese characters is a form of art, which made him feel different. “It’s amazing to see how attractive Chinese culture is,” he said.Julie, a 12th-grade girl shared her similar experience of learning Chinese for four years. When recalling her trip in Beijing and Shanghai, she expressed huge interest in shared bikes. “The shared bike is known as one of the new ‘Great Inventions’ of China, along with China’s Express Railway and Alipay online payment system. They amaze the whole world as part of China’s rapid rise.”According to the hosting organization, the Confucius Institute at San Francisco State University, the competition was mainly for American and overseas Chinese kids. It aimed to set a platform to present(展示) their Chinese language and culture talents. It also helped to deepen the understanding of young Americans about the Chinese culture and history.21.Where was the 14th Chinese Language Competition held?A.In Beijing.B.In Shanghai.C.In Napa city.D.In San Francisco.22.What is among the new “Great Inventions” of China according to the passage?A.Railway.B.Paper making.C.The shared bike.D.Chinese calligraphy.23.Which statement is TRUE about the competition?A.All college students took part in it.B.It was not only for overseas Chinese kids.C.It was hosted by Justin-Siena High School.D.Students competed in different languages.24.What is the best title for the passage?A.Chinese Culture Talent Show PresentedB.New “Great Inventions” Made in ChinaC.Chinese Language Competition Held AgainD.Ways to Learn the Chinese Language SharedⅣ.短文填空阅读下面的短文,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词。

2020年北师大版八年级下册课时训练:1.3 《线段的垂直平分线 》 含答案

2020年北师大版八年级下册课时训练:1.3 《线段的垂直平分线 》  含答案

2020年北师大版八年级下册课时训练:1.3 《线段的垂直平分线》一.选择题1.如图,∠B=35°,CD为AB的垂直平分线,则∠ACE=()A.55°B.60°C.70°D.80°2.如图,在△ABC中,PM、QN分别是线段AB、AC的垂直平分线,若∠P AQ=40°,则∠BAC的度数是()A.110°B.100°C.120°D.70°3.如图,在△ABC中,AC=5,BC=4,BC的垂直平分线DE交AB于点D,交BC于点E.连接CD,若CD⊥AB,则△ABC的面积为()A.12B.14C.24D.284.如图,DE是△ABC中AC边的垂直平分线,若BC=4cm,AB=5cm,则△EBC的周长为()A.8cm B.9cm C.10cm D.11cm5.在国家精准扶贫政策的指导下,湖南龙山县有两个村庄P、Q种植了大量猕猴桃,现在正是丰收的季节.为了让猕猴桃通过互联网迅速销往各地,当地准备在两个村庄的公路m旁建立公用移动通信基站,要使基站到两个村庄的距离相等,基站应该建立在()A.A处B.B处C.C处D.D处6.如图,在△ABC中,∠ACD=20°,∠B=45°,BC的垂直平分线分别交AB、BC于点D、E,则∠A的度数是()A.60°B.65°C.70°D.75°7.如图,在△ABC中,AB=AC,AB的中垂线交AB于点D,交BC的延长线于点E,交AC于点F,若AB+BC=6,则△BCF的周长为()A.4.5B.5C.5.5D.68.如图,在△ABC中,BD平分∠ABC,E是BC的中点,过点E作BC的垂线交BD于点F,连结CF.若∠A=50°,∠ACF=40°,则∠CFD的度数为()A.30°B.45°C.55°D.60°二.填空题9.如图,DF垂直平分AB,EG垂直平分AC,若∠BAC=130°,则∠DAE=°.10.如图,在△ABC中,AC的垂直平分线DE分别交AC、AB于点D、E,若AB=7,BC =5,则△BCE的周长等于.11.如图,在△ABC中,点D在BC边上,DE垂直平分AC边,垂足为E,若∠B=70°,且AB+BD=BC,则∠BAC的度数为.12.如图,在△ABC中,BC=12,AB的垂直平分线EF交BC于点F,AC的垂直平分线MN交BC于点N,则△AFN的周长.13.如图,AD垂直平分BC于点D,EF垂直平分AB于点F,点E在AC上,BE+CE=20cm,则AB=.14.如图,在△ABC中,DE垂直平分AC,垂足为E,交BC于点D,AE=3cm,△ABD的周长为13cm,则△ABC的周长为cm.三.解答题15.如图,△ABC中,∠C=90°,DE垂直平分AB,若∠B=25°,求∠CAE的度数.16.如图,在钝角△ABC中,已知∠A=135°,边AB、AC的垂直平分线分别交BC于点D、E,交AB、AC于点F、G.若BD=12,CE=9.求DE的长度.17.如图,△ABC中AB、AC的垂直平分线分别交BC于E、N,若∠EAN=34°,求∠BAC 的度数.18.如图所示,在△ABC中,AB,AC的垂直平分线分别交BC于D,E,垂足分别是M,N.(1)若△ADE的周长为6,求BC的长;(2)若∠BAC=100°,求∠DAE的度数.19.如图,在△ABC中,∠C=90°,DE是AB的垂直平分线.(1)若AC=5,BC=7,求△ACD的周长;(2)若∠BAD:∠CAD=2:1,求∠B的度数.20.如图,△ABC中,∠ABC=30°,∠ACB=50°,DE、FG分别为AB、AC的垂直平分线,E、G分别为垂足.(1)直接写出∠BAC的度数;(2)求∠DAF的度数,并注明推导依据;(3)若△DAF的周长为20,求BC的长.参考答案一.选择题1.解:∵CD为AB的垂直平分线,∴AC=BC,∴∠B=∠A=35°∴∠ACE=∠B+∠A=70°.故选:C.2.解:∵PM、QN分别是线段AB、AC的垂直平分线,∴P A=PB,QA=QC,∴∠P AB=∠B,∠QAC=∠C,∴∠P AB+∠QAC=∠B+∠C,∵∠P AB+∠B+∠P AQ+∠QAC+∠C=180°,∴∠P AB+∠QAC=70°,∴∠BAC=∠P AB+∠QAC+∠P AQ=110°,故选:A.3.解:∵CD⊥AB,∴∠CDB=∠CDA=90°,∵DE垂直平分BC,∴DB=DC,∴△BCD为等腰直角三角形,∴BD=CD=BC=×4=4,在Rt△ADC中,AD==3,∴AB=4+3=7,∴S△ABC=×CD×AB=×4×7=14.故选:B.4.解:∵DE是△ABC中AC边的垂直平分线,∴AE=CE,∴AE+BE=CE+BE=AB=5cm,∴△EBC的周长=BC+BE+CE=5+4=9(cm).5.解:基站应该建立在B处,故选:B.6.解:∵BC的垂直平分线分别交AB、BC于点D、E,∴BD=DC,∵∠B=45°,∴∠BCD=∠B=45°,∵∠ACD=20°,∴∠ACB=∠BCD+∠ACD=45°+25°=70°,∴∠A=180°﹣∠B﹣∠ACB=180°﹣70°﹣45°=65°,故选:B.7.解:∵DF为AB的垂直平分线,∴AF=BF,∴△BCF的周长=CF+BF+BC=CF+AF+BC=AC+BC,∵AB=AC,AB+BC=6,∴AC+BC=6,∴△BCF的周长为6.故选:D.8.解:∵BD平分∠ABC,∴∠ABD=∠CBD,设∠ABD=∠CBD=x°,则∠CFD=2x°,∵EF是BC的垂直平分线,∴BF=CF,∴∠FCB=∠CBD=x°,∵∠A=50°,∠ACF=40°,∴50°+40°+x°+2x°=180°,解得:x=30,∴∠CFD=2x°=60°,故选:D.9.解:∵∠BAC=130°,∴∠B+∠C=180°﹣130°=50°,∵DF垂直平分AB,EG垂直平分AC,∴DA=DB,EA=EC,∴∠DAB=∠B,∠EAC=∠C,∴∠DAB+∠EAC=∠B+∠C=50°,∴∠DAE=∠BAC﹣(∠B+∠C)=80°,故答案为:80.10.解:∵DE是AC的垂直平分线,∴EA=EC,∴△BCE的周长=BC+BE+EC=BC+BE+EA=BC+AB=12,故答案为:12.11.解:连接AD,∵DE垂直平分AC,∴AD=CD,∵AB+BD=BC=BD+CD,∴AB=CD,∴AB=AD,∴∠ADB=∠B=70°,∴∠C=∠ADB=35°,∴∠BAC=180°﹣∠B﹣∠C=75°,故答案为:75°.12.解:∵FE、NM分别为AB、AC的垂直平分线,∴F A=FB,NA=NC,∴△AFN的周长=AF+FN+NA=FB+FN+NC=BC=12,故答案为:12.13.解:∵EF垂直平分AB于点F,∴AE=BE,∵BE+CE=20cm,∴AE+CE=20cm,即AC=20cm,∵AD垂直平分BC于点D,∴AB=AC=20cm,故答案为:20cm.14.解:∵DE是边AC的垂直平分线,∴AD=CD,AE=EC,∵AE=3cm,△ABD的周长为13cm,∴AC=AE+EC=3+3=6(cm),△ABD的周长=AB+AD+BD=AB+CD+BD=AB+BC=13(cm),所以,△ABC的周长=AB+BC+AC=13+6=19(cm).故答案为:19.三.解答题15.解:∵DE垂直平分AB,∴EA=EB,∵∠B=25°,∴∠EAB=∠B=25°,∵∠C=90°,∴∠CAB=65°,∴∠CAE=65°﹣25°=40°.16.解:连接AD、AE,∵∠BAC=135°,∴∠B+∠C=45°,∵边AB、AC的垂直平分线分别交BC于点D、E,∴DA=DB=12,EA=EC=9,∴∠DAB=∠B,∠EAC=∠C,∴∠DAE=∠BAC﹣(∠DAB+∠EAC)=90°,由勾股定理得,DE==15.17.解:∵AB、AC的垂直平分线分别交BC于点E、N,∴AE=BE,AN=CN,∴∠BAE=∠B,∠CAN=∠C,∵∠AEN=∠BAE+∠B=2∠BAE,∠ANE=∠CAN+∠C=2∠CAN,∵∠EAN=34°,∴∠AEN+∠ANE=180°﹣∠EAN=146°,∴2∠BAE+2∠CAN=146°,∴∠BAE+∠CAN=73°,∴∠BAC=∠BAE+∠CAN+∠EAN=107°.18.解:(1)∵DM和EN分别垂直平分AB和AC,∴AD=BD,EA=EC,∵△ADE的周长为6,∴AD+DE+EA=6.∴BD+DE+EC=6,即BC=6;(2)∵DM和EN分别垂直平分AB和AC,∴AD=BD,EA=EC,∴∠B=∠BAD=∠ADE,∠C=∠EAC=∠AED.∵∠BAC=∠BAD+∠DAE+∠EAC=∠B+∠DAE+∠C=100°,∴∠B+∠C=100°﹣∠DAE,在△ADE中,∠DAE=180°﹣(∠ADE+∠AED)=180°﹣(2∠B+2∠C)∴∠DAE=180°﹣2(100°﹣∠DAE)∴∠DAE=20°.19.解:(1)∵DE是AB的垂直平分线,∴DA=DB,∴△ACD的周长=AC+CD+DA=AC+CD+DB+AC+CB=5+7=12;(2)∵DA=DB,∴∠BAD=∠B,设∠CAD=x,则∠BAD=∠B=2x,∵∠C=90°,∴∠CAB+∠B=90°,即x+2x+2x=90°,解得,x=18°,∴∠B=2x=36°.20.解:(1)∵∠ABC+∠ACB+∠BAC=180°,∴∠BAC=180°﹣30°﹣50°=100°;(2)∵DE是线段AB的垂直平分线,∴DA=DB,∴∠DAB=∠ABC=30°,同理可得,∠F AC=∠ACB=50°,∴∠DAF=∠BAC﹣∠DAB﹣∠F AC=100°﹣30°﹣50°=20°;(3)∵△DAF的周长为20,∴DA+DF+F A=20,由(2)可知,DA=DB,F A=FC,∴BC=DB+DF+FC=DA+DF+F A=20.11 / 11。



课时跟踪训练(八) 简谐运动的描述A 级—双基达标1.[多选]下列关于简谐运动的振幅、周期和频率的说法正确的是( )A .振幅是矢量,方向从平衡位置指向最大位移处B .周期和频率的乘积是一个常数C .振幅增加,周期必然增加,而频率减小D .做简谐运动的物体,其频率固定,与振幅无关解析:选BD 振幅是标量,选项A 错误;周期与频率互为倒数,即Tf =1,选项B 正确;简谐运动的周期与振幅没有关系,周期的长短由系统本身决定,这就是固有周期,所以选项C 错误,D 正确。

2.[多选]关于简谐运动的频率,下列说法正确的是( )A .频率越高,振动质点运动的速度越大B .频率越高,单位时间内速度方向变化的次数越多C .频率是50 Hz 时,1 s 内振动物体速度方向改变100次D .弹簧振子的频率与物体通过平衡位置时的速度大小有关解析:选BC 质点做简谐运动,频率是单位时间内完成全振动的次数,与质点运动的速度无关,A 选项错误,频率与周期成反比,频率越高,单位时间内速度方向变化的次数越多,B 选项正确;每一个周期内物体改变方向两次,频率为50 Hz 时,1 s 内振动的速度方向改变100次,C 选项正确;弹簧振子的频率与物体通过平衡位置时的速度大小无关,D 选项错误。

3.一个做简谐运动的物体,频率为25 Hz ,那么它从一侧最大位移的中点D ,振动到另一侧最大位移的中点C 所用的最短时间,下面说法中正确的是( )A .等于0.01 sB .小于0.01 sC .大于0.01 sD .小于0.02 s 大于0.01 s解析:选B 由f =25 Hz ,可知周期T =1f =0.04 s ,物体从一侧最大位移的中点D ,振动到另一侧最大位移的中点C 所用的最短时间,可以知道小于14T ,即小于0.01 s ,故选项B 正确。

4.[多选]如图,弹簧振子在B 、C 间做简谐运动,O 为平衡位置,B 、C 间距离是10 cm ,振子从B →C 运动时间是1 s ,则( )A .振动周期是1 s ,振幅是10 cmB .从B →O →C 振子做了一次全振动C .经过两次全振动,振子通过的路程是40 cmD .从B 开始运动经过3 s ,振子通过的路程是30 cm解析:选CD 由弹簧振子运动特征结合题意可知,振幅A =5 cm ,周期T =2 s ,A 错误;从B →O →C 振子振动了半个周期,B 错误;经过两次全振动,振子通过的路程为8A=40 cm ,C 正确;经过3 s =32T ,振子经过的路程为32×4A =30 cm ,D 正确。






(5分)⑴他每趟赶马回来,一心盼家,最大的盼头就是享受tiān lún zhī lè()。

⑵这个小村大人小孩有个头疼脑热,都来找她miào shǒu huí chūn()。

⑶他本是个整天跑野马的孩子,从早到晚关在家里,难受得屁股下rú zuò zhēn zhān(),身上像mán g cì zài bèi()。

⑷但是,何满子wàn g yǎn yù chuān(),这颗救命星却迟迟不从东边闪现出来。





( )4.指出下列各句分别运用了什么描写方法。


()⑵有个年轻不知好歹的纤夫,白瞪了一丈青大娘一眼,没好气地说:“一大把岁数儿,什么没见过;不爱看合上眼,掉过脸去!”()⑶一丈青大娘火了起来,挽了挽袖口,手腕子上露出两只叮叮当当的黄铜镯子,一阵风冲下河坡,阻挡在这几个纤夫的面前,手戳着他们的鼻子说:“不能叫你们腌臜了我们大姑娘小媳妇的眼睛!”( )5.下列说法有误的一项是(2分)【】A.本文语言非常富有特色,采用灵活生动的民间口语和俗语,不精心雕琢和提炼,不追求押韵和对偶,充满乡土气息。



人教版 七年级下册数学 第8章 二元一次方程组 课时训练(含答案)

人教版 七年级下册数学 第8章 二元一次方程组 课时训练(含答案)

人教版七年级下册第8章二元一次方程组课时训练一、选择题1. 二元一次方程组的解是()A.3,xy=⎧⎨=⎩B.1,2xy=⎧⎨=⎩C.5,2xy=⎧⎨=-⎩D.2,1xy=⎧⎨=⎩2. (2020·嘉兴)用加减消元法解二元一次方程组3421x yx y+=⎧⎨-=⎩,①,②时,下列方法中无法消元....的是()A.①×2–②B.②×(﹣3)–①C.①×(﹣2)+②D.①–②×33. 数学文化中国清代算书《御制数理精蕴》中有这样一题:“马四匹、牛六头,共价四十八两(我国古代货币单位);马三匹、牛五头,共价三十八两.问马、牛各价几何?”设马每匹x两,牛每头y两,根据题意可列方程组为()A.B.C.D.4. 已知关于x,y的方程x2m-n-2+4y m+n+1=6是二元一次方程,则m,n的值为()A. m=1,n=-1B. m=-1,n=1C. m=13,n=-43 D. m=-13,n=435. (2020·绥化)“十·一”国庆期间,学校组织466名八年级学生参加社会实践活动,现已准备了49座和37座两种客车共10辆,刚好坐满,设49座客车x辆,37A.10,4937466.x yx y=⎧⎨+=⎩+B.10,3749466.x yx y=⎧⎨+=⎩+C.466,493710.x yx y=⎧⎨+=⎩+D.466, 374910. x yx y=⎧⎨+=⎩+6. 滴滴快车是一种便捷的出行工具,计价规则如下表:计算项目里程费时长费远途费两人所付车费相同,那么这两辆滴滴快车的行车时间相差()A.10分钟B.13分钟C.15分钟D.19分钟7. (2020·随州)我国古代数学著作《孙子算经》中有“鸡兔同笼”问题:“今有鸡兔同笼,上有三十五头,下有九十四足,问鸡兔各几何”.设鸡有x只,兔有y只,8. (2020·恩施)我国古代数学著作《九章算术》“盈不足”一章中记载:“今有大器五小器一容三斛,大器一小器五容二斛,问大小器各容几何”.意思是:有大小两种盛酒的桶,已知5个大桶加上1个小桶可以盛酒3斛,1个大桶加上5个小桶可以盛酒2斛.问1个大桶、1个小桶分别可以盛酒多少斛?设1个大桶盛1).A. B. C. D.二、填空题9. (2020·_________.10. (2020·绍兴)若关于x,y式A可以是(写出一个即可).11. (2020·岳阳)我国古代数学名著《九章算术》上有这样一个问题:“今有醇酒一斗,直钱五十;行酒一斗,直钱一十.今将钱三十,得酒二斗.问醇、行酒各几何?”其大意是:今有醇酒(优质酒)1斗,价值50钱;行酒(劣质酒)1斗,价值10钱.现用30钱,买得2斗酒.问醇酒、斗,根据题意,可列方程组为.12. 某宾馆有单人间和双人间两种房间,入住3个单人间和6个双人间共需1 020元,入住1个单人间和5个双人间共需700元,则入住单人间和双人间各5个共需____________元.13.2m -n 的算术平方根为( )A .± 2 B.2 C .2 D .414. (2020·杭州).15. 已知⎩⎨⎧x =3y =-2是方程组⎩⎨⎧ax +by =3bx +ay =-7的解,则代数式(a +b )(a -b )的值为________.三、解答题16. 解方程组:⎩⎨⎧x -y =2x -y =y +1.17. (12分)某校计划为教师购买甲、乙两种词典.已知购买1本甲种词典和2本乙种词典共需170元,购买2本甲种词典和3本乙种词典共需290元. (1)求每本甲种词典和每本乙种词典的价格分别为多少元?(2)学校计划购买甲种词典和乙种词典共30本,总费用不超过1600元,那么最多可购买甲种词典多少本?18. (2020·扬州)阅读感悟:有些关于方程组的问题,欲求的结果不是每一个未知数的值,而是关于未知数的代数式的值,如以下问题:已知实数x 、y 满足3x -y =5①,2x +3y =7②,求x -4y 和7x +5y 的值. 本题常规思路是将①②两式联立组成方程组,解得工y 的值再代入欲求值的代数式得到答案,常规思路运算量比较大.其实,仔细观察两个方程未知数的系数之间的关系,本题还可以通过适当变形整体求得代数式的值,如由①-②可得x -4y =-2,由①+②X 2可得7x +5y =19.这样的解題思想就是通常所说的“整体思想”。

苏教版南京二年级数学上册4.6《练习八 (第1课时)》教案

苏教版南京二年级数学上册4.6《练习八 (第1课时)》教案

苏教版南京二年级数学上册4.6《练习八(第1课时)》教案一. 教材分析苏教版南京二年级数学上册4.6《练习八(第1课时)》主要讲述了简单的加减法运算。



二. 学情分析二年级的学生已经初步掌握了加减法的基本运算方法,但是部分学生可能对加减法之间的关系理解不够深入,运算速度和准确性还有待提高。


三. 教学目标1.让学生通过实际的例题和练习,掌握加减法的基本运算方法,能够正确地进行计算。



四. 教学重难点1.加减法的基本运算方法。


五. 教学方法采用情境教学法、互动教学法和分组合作法。




六. 教学准备1.准备相关的教学图片和实际例子。


七. 教学过程1.导入(5分钟)教师通过图片和实际例子,引入本节课的主题——简单的加减法运算。








2023年中考英语一轮复习课时训练 八年级上册 Units 7— 8(人教版、含答案)

2023年中考英语一轮复习课时训练 八年级上册 Units 7— 8(人教版、含答案)

八年级上册 Units 7—8Ⅰ.单项填空1.[2022·抚顺]Cathy always makes good use of her time to study, evenher lunch break.A.aroundB.duringC.fromD.between2.—I’d like to buy a new oven.—The ones over there sell well.You can one by one to have a try.A. turn on itB.turn it onC.turn on themD.turn them on3.After months of looking he found a job. That made him quite happy.A.hardlyB.quicklyC.finallyD.sadly4.[2022·绥化]Mum, could you help me my toy car? I can’t it anywhere!A.look for; findB.find; look forC.look; find out5.—Did you do anything special on Father’s Day?—Yes. I made my father a card in the of a heart to express my love.A. heightB.shapeC.designD.model6.—Have you finished the work?—No, not . We are working hard at it.A. already; still; yetB.already; yet; stillC.yet; always; stillD.yet; still; already7.Mike doesn’t have enough money, so he can only afford .A.a breadB.too much breadC.a piece of bread8.[2022·武汉]The official newspaper the news of Tiangong-1, for it took a big step forward into space.A.heardB.checkedC.believedD.celebrated9.Eating dumplings at the Spring Festival is in China.A. patientB.luckyC.possibleD.traditional10.[2022·新疆]There an English show this weekend. Shall we go and watch it?A.are going to beB.wasC.will beD.wereⅡ.[2022·广东]完形填空Many kids are crazy about space. Last month, a space agency(机构) told the public that they were 11 “a planet protection officer”. Some people laughed at the funny job title, but a 9-year-old boy took the information 12 . He wrote a letter to the agency, saying that he wanted the job.“Dear sirs, my name is Sam Lee. I think I am the 13 person for the job,” he wrote.What are Sam’s 14 ? For one, he wrote, “My sister says I act like an alien(外星人).” Sam also said he had watched almost all the 15 movies he could find. His last sentence may touch people’s hearts: “I am young, so I can learn to think like an alien.”Sam soon got a 16 from Bill Black, the director of the agency. “We have received your letter. It is great that you are interested in the job. This job is to 17 the earth from germs(细菌) on things brought back from other planets.” Bill ended the letter with some warm words, 18 Sam to study hard and do well in school. “We hope to 19 you at the agency one day,” he wrote.“Among kids, th ere are 20 space scientists,” Bill told a newspaper. “We think of this letter as a chance that may forever change a kid’s life.”( )11.A.waking up B.looking forC.dealing withD.talking about( )12.A.simply B.lightlyC.seriouslyD.clearly( )13.A.right B.kindC.importantD.favorite( )14.A.dreams B.problemsC.discoveriesD.advantages( )15.A.war B.roadC.spaceD.sports( )16.A.job B.testC.replyD.ticket( )17.A.move B.protectC.pullD.collect( )18.A.warning B.helpingC.orderingD.encouraging( )19.A.see B.tellC.thankD.search( )20.A.past B.futureC.recentD.presentⅢ.任务型阅读Trees are one of the oldest “citizens” of our earth. They keep our air clean, reduce noise pollution, improve water quality and provide food and building materials.Just like us, trees change a lot as they grow. At 1 to 3 years old, young trees learn how to grow up safely. For example, many trees grow thorns to warn animals not to go near. Most young trees have large, deep green leaves so that they can catch enough sunlight and change it into their food and energy.When trees are 4 years old, they begin to grow very rapidly and become strong enough to face challenges later in life. At the age of 15, trees become young adults. They grow more slowly and begin to produce flowers and fruit.It is not until the tree is 20 to 25 years old that it becomes a real adult. The tree reaches its largest size. The adult tree gives us shade, oxygen and natural beauty. It is also a great place for a tree house, or a place for us to read a book, listen to music and so on. If we give the adult tree proper care, it will go on to live healthily for many years.Gradually, trees begin to grow older and older and even die. At this time, they still have their important place in nature. When a tree becomes hollow or part of it becomes dead, it provides a home for small animals and is a source of food for many other animals.In many ways, the life of a tree is similar to our own life experience. When we are looking at the life of a tree, we learn that each period of life brings its own form of joy and challenge. Enjoy every minute of the life of the trees and look after the trees!The 21. of a TreeSomething useful Improve the environment and offer 22. and materials for building.Changes as they 23. 1—3years oldLearn waysto grow up24. .Grow thorns to warn animals.Catch enough sunlight with large greenleaves.4 yearsoldGrow quickly and become25. .26.yearsoldGrow slowly and produce flowers and fruit.20—25years oldBecome real27. .Give people a lot such as oxygen and goodplaces to relax.Live longer if people take 28. ofthem properly. Growolder ordieBe still 29. in nature.Conclusio n A tree’s life is the 30. as our life experience in many ways.Ⅳ.词汇运用(A)根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。

新教材人教高中物理必修第一册课时跟踪训练八 匀变速直线运动的位移与时间的关系 含解析

新教材人教高中物理必修第一册课时跟踪训练八 匀变速直线运动的位移与时间的关系 含解析

课时跟踪训练(八) 匀变速直线运动的位移与时间的关系A 级—学考达标1.一物体的位移与时间的关系式为x =4t -2t 2+5(m),那么它的初速度和加速度分别是( )A .2 m/s,0.4 m/s 2B .4 m/s,2 m/s 2C .4 m/s ,-4 m/s 2D .4 m/s,1 m/s 2解析:选C 将公式x =4t -2t 2+5(m)和位移公式x =v 0t +12at 2进行类比可知物体的初速度v 0=4 m/s ,加速度a =-4 m/s 2,故A 、B 、D 错误,C 正确。

2.某高速列车在某段距离中做匀加速直线运动,速度由5 m/s 增加到10 m/s 时位移为x 。

则当速度由10 m/s 增加到15 m/s 时,它的位移是( )A.52x B .53xC .2xD .3x解析:选B 由v 2-v 02=2ax 得(102-52)m =2ax ,(152-102)m =2ax ′;两式联立可得x ′=53x ,故B 正确。

3.一个物体由静止开始做匀加速直线运动,第1 s 内的位移是1 m ,第3 s 内的位移是( ) A .2 m B .3 m C .5 mD .8 m解析:选C 根据x 1=12at 12得物体的加速度为a =2x 1t 12=2×112 m/s 2=2 m/s 2,则物体在第3s 内的位移为:x ′=12at 32-12at 22=12×2×(9-4)m =5 m ,故C 正确。

4.物体在水平面上做直线运动,其速度—时间图像如图所示,下列说法正确的是( ) A .物体在前2 s 内做匀加速直线运动,加速度为2 m/s 2 B .物体在6~12 s 内速度一直减小 C .物体在第12 s 内的位移为0.75 m D .物体在前12 s 内的路程为15 m解析:选D v -t 图像的斜率表示加速度,所以物体在前2 s 内做匀加速直线运动,加速度为a =22 m/s 2=1 m/s 2,故A 错误;物体在6~12 s 内速度先减小后增大,故B 错误;物体在6~12 s 内的加速度大小为a =24 m/s 2=12 m/s 2,10~12 s 的位移大小为x 1=12at 2=12×12×22 m=1 m,10~11 s 的位移大小为x 2=12×12×12 m =0.25 m ,所以物体在第12 s 内的位移大小为x=x 1-x 2=0.75 m ,方向与正方向相反,即位移为-0.75 m ,故C 错误;物体在前10 s 内的路程为s 1=4+102×2 m =14 m ,在10~12 s 内的路程为s 2=x 1=1 m ,所以物体在前12 s 内的路程为s =s 1+s 2=15 m ,故D 正确。









答案:AC3.某行星绕太阳运行的椭圆轨道如图所示,F1和F2是椭圆轨道的两个焦点,行星在A点的速率比在B点的大,则太阳位于()** B.A C.F1 D.B解析:根据开普勒第一定律可知太阳处在椭圆的一个焦点上,根据开普勒第二定律:太阳和行星的连线在相等时间内扫过相等的面积,又因为行星在A点的速率比在B点大,所以太阳位于F2点。





三一文库()/初中二年级〔八年级上册历史知识与能力训练答案[1]〕第一单元史前时代第一课人猿相揖别第1课时站立起来的祖先基础训练1. C2. D3. B4. A5. B6. A7. B8. 问题一:云(或滇);昆明;云贵高原;二;长江问题二:炭屑表明元谋人在当时已学会用火,元谋人是我国目前所知最早的用火人。







第2课时“北京人”的足迹基础训练1. C2. A3. B4. A5. D6. B7. D8. 问题一:北京人;山顶洞人问题二:北京;山顶洞;山顶洞问题三:北京人保留猿类的一些体质特征,山顶洞人外貌和体质特征与现代人基本上一样问题四:打制石器(或旧石器);骨针问题五:打制(或砸击、敲打、碰撞);钻孔9. 问题一:北京人。








知识与能力训练参考答案参考答案第一单元史前时代第一课人猿相揖别第1课时站立起来的祖先基础训练1. C2. D3. B4. A5. B6. A7. B8. 问题一:云(或滇);昆明;云贵高原;二;长江问题二:炭屑表明元谋人在当时已学会用火,元谋人是我国目前所知最早的用火人。







第2课时“北京人”的足迹基础训练1. C2. A3. B4. A5. D6. B7. D8. 问题一:北京人;山顶洞人问题二:北京;山顶洞;山顶洞问题三:北京人保留猿类的一些体质特征,山顶洞人外貌和体质特征与现代人基本上一样问题四:打制石器(或旧石器);骨针问题五:打制(或砸击、敲打、碰撞);钻孔9. 问题一:北京人。









课时训练(八) Units 7-8(八上)(限时:30分钟)Ⅰ.单项选择1.[2024·武威]—Hello, may I speak to Daisy?—Hi!A.This is Daisy speaking.B.She is Daisy.C.What is Daisy?D.That is Daisy.2.[2024·铁岭]His grandfather did his best to keep the tree but it died in the end.A.aliveB.asleepC.absentD.awake3.[2024·辽阳]Although our plane met with a storm, it landed .A.safelyB.suddenlyC.secretlyD.heavily4.What is the sentence pattern(句型) of the sentence “Linda bought a book yesterday”?A.S+VB.S+V+OC.S+V+IO+DOD.S+V+O+OC5.Winter comes. It is snow everywhere, and the roads are deep white snow now.A.full with; covered withB.fill with; covered inC.full of; covered withD.fill to; covered in6.[2024·凉山州]— did the rainstorm come?—While we a physics lesson yesterday.A.When; have hadB.While; are havingC.When; were havingD.While; have7.[2024·日照]—Didn’t you hear Dad call you?—No, I didn’t. I with Jack on the phone.A.am talkingB.would talkC.have talkedD.was talking8.—I do feel a little about making a speech.—Take it easy. The more you prepare, the better you will feel.A.angryB.disappointedC.nervousD.bored9.It’s not the right time to argue about who to blame. We’d better and find a way out as soon as possible.A.stay upB.give upC.calm downD.look down10.—Why are you worried?—The movie will start in 20 minutes, but the bus hasn’t come.A.stillB.alreadyC.alwaysD.alsoⅡ.[2024·通辽]完形填空My friends and I joined a two-day survival training course in the mountains. The first day was really 11 —there was so much to do! Arriving at the campsite, we were divided into groups and given a tent, some food, a 12 and a compass. Standing next to a small river, Fanny 13 camping in the grassy area nearby. However, our instructor, Mr. Lee, pointed out that it might flood if it rained. In the end, we found a higher area. Putting up the tent was very hard. Luckily Mr. Lee helped us a lot.By the t ime we had put up the tent, everyone was really hungry. “We wouldn’t have got this hungry if we had brought some snacks,” Peter said. We all told him to 14 complaining and help us start a fire to cook our food 15 . Realizing we were having trouble making the fire, he finally 16 .The next day stared early. Woken by a strange noise, Peter went to see what was happening. “Some cows have eaten our breakfast!” he shouted. “That’s all because you didn’t 17 the food properly last night.” said Mr. Lee.Worried that Mr. Lee was angry with us, we tried very hard on our next task—using the map and compass to find a secret location. We made it to the location 18 the other groups did. We allfelt very proud of 19 .The survival training course was a great 20 . Now I feel I could survive anywhere. ( )11.A.different B.boringC.disappointingD.difficult( )12.A.book B.mapC.lightD.knife( )13.A.imagined B.enjoyedC.finishedD.suggested( )14.A.continue B.startC.stopD.mind( )15.A.instead B.againC.zooD.yet( )16.A.started out B.worked outC.gave outD.helped out( )17.A.eat up B.put awayC.sell outD.throw off( )18.A.after B.whenC.beforeD.till( )19.A.him B.themC.youD.ourselves( )20.A.activity B petitionC.experienceD.exampleⅢ.[2024·天水]补全对话依据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。

一年级上册数学教案-第八单元练习八 苏教版

一年级上册数学教案-第八单元练习八   苏教版

教学内容教材74、75页课时 1



3+2+5= 10-5-3= 5+1+1=
8-3-5= 8-4-2= 8-0-6=












课时训练(八) Units 7-8(八上)(限时:30分钟)Ⅰ.语法填空1.I'd like some and .A.banana; tomatoB.bananas; tomatoC.bananas; tomatoes2.—Ms. Wang, I'm afraid I can't finish the work in two days.—Don't worry. I'll give you days.A.two anotherB.two moreC.more two3.[2019·兰州改编]In the near future, there self-driving cars in our city.A.isB.areC.will be4.[2019·贵港改编]—I heard that Paul hurt himself badly in the earthquake.—Yes. The doctor had to his right leg to save him.A.cut upB.cut outC.cut off5.—I wonder you can finish the task.—In two weeks.A.how soonB.how longC.how often6.John, please your dictionary from the schoolbag and look up the new word.A.take awayB.take upC.take out7.[2019·重庆A改编]Next week, each student in the class a small gift from their teachers.A.receivesB.receivedC.will receive8.—How soon will we get the offer from a new high school?— about two months.A.InB.AfterC.During9.—Is dinner ready?—Not .A.alreadyB.justC.yet10.[2019·师大附中] a deep breath especially when you feel nervous. It can help a lot.A.To takeB.TakingC.TakeⅡ.[2019·河北改编]词语填空I have invented robots which improve the work of cars. My love of making things began 11 I was a kid. I really became excited about inventing after I learned about Thomas Edison.One day in fourth grade, our 12 gave us a project in class. We had to write to a company and learn about the products. I thought and thought. 13 I chose the Thomas A.Edison Company. Soon after, the company sent me a book about the life of Thomas Edison. How I enjoyed reading and re-reading about his 14 ! I like the recorded sound and the electric light most. The inventions were clearly printed on my brain.My dad noticed my interest in inventing and 15 me. He showed me how to turn my ideas into plans and then into new things. Once, I surprised my dad 16 a model plane I made. Later, we found a 17 model plane in a store. I learned that different inventors often invent similar things. It is not unusual for this to happen. I also learned that not all great ideas 18 . Failure is a common part of the inventing.As my father and I worked together, I began to realize that my dad was quite an inventor himself. He was always 19 a better way to do a simple job. His guiding hands, together with my 20 in inventing, led me to become an engineer and an inventor. Of course, I also thank Thomas Edison. He is my hero.( )11.A.before B.after C.when( )12.A.parent B.teacher C.inventor( )13.A.Easily B.Finally C.Safely( )14.A.lights B.projects C.inventions( )15.A.mistook B.refused C.encouraged( )16.A.with B.about C.into( )17.A.different B.similar rge( )18.A.work B.fail e( )19.A.looking at B.looking for C.looking after( )20.A.habit B.story C.interestⅢ.[2019·广州改编]短文理解While the start of a new school year is always exciting, this year was even more so for somestudents at White Cloud Primary School. They became the world's first kids to be “taught” by an electronic teacher. This electronic teacher is not a human-like robot walking around the classroom.Instead, he is a computer-created head that appears, when needed, on students' computer or phone screens. His name is Bill.Created by technology company Smart Machines, Bill is able to show human-like behavior. He is designed to teach a special program about environmental-friendly power created by the sun and wind. This program, started in 2005, used to be taught by human teachers.Just like human teachers, Bill is able to immediately respond to the students' questions and opinions about the topic. Thanks to computer cameras, he is also able to see and react to students' physical actions.For example, if a student smiles at Bill,he responds by smiling back. This two-way exchange helps get the students' attention. More importantly, it allows the program developers to improve Bill's behavior and knowledge base when needed.The program has been a great success, according to Smart Machines spokesman Robert Frost.Frost says, “What is interesting to me is the children's reaction to Bill. H e really captures their attention.” Frost thinks kids don't find the experience of being taught by smart machines as strange as older people because they have grown up in a time of computers and smartphones.It is doubtful, however, that human educators will lose their jobs to Bill any time soon. For one, this talking head's knowledge base is not large. More importantly, even the smartest computer programs can't guess and react to all the unexpected situations that educators face daily. Bill's future might be as a “personal tutor”, providing kids with one-on-one help for different subjects and topics.21.What is Bill? ( )A. A human-like robot.B.A kind of computer game.C.A computer-created talking head.22.How does the two-way exchange help the program developers? ( )A. It lets them correct students' mistakes.B.It allows Bill to respond more quickly.C.It helps them know how to improve Bill.23.The underlined word “they” in Paragraph 4 refers to. ( )A. kidsB.older peopleC.smart machines24.What is Bill NOT good at doing?( )A. Attracting students' attention.B.Understanding body language.C.Dealing with unexpected situations.25.How might Bill be used in the future according to the last paragraph? ( )A. To work as human classroom teachers.B.To encourage students' interest in computers.C.To give students personal help with different subjects.Ⅳ.[2018·长沙模拟]阅读表达Many of us like to travel by train or plane. Before we get on board, we all have to go through a security check(安检).Some people think it's unnecessary and try to escape it, but they don't know that is threatening(威胁) our national security, as the things they take may easily burn or explode.April 15 makes China's National Security Education Day, which aims to raise public awareness on national security, economic security and social security, according to the National Security Law, which was passed in 2015.The law also wrote that each citizen has the duty to protect national security. In fact, the need to protect national security is never far from us and we can make our own efforts in daily life to do so.For example, reported about a case of Qin Xiao (not her real name). Qin is a taxi driver.One day, two foreign men took her taxi to many places of interest.But along the way, the men always took photos of the military facilities(军事设施).Qin then reported their strange behavior to the government.It turned out that the two men were spies(间谍) sent from another country.Moreover, cyber security has also become increasingly important today.When we surf the Internet, there is a chance that we will see some rumors(谣言) about our country and society.Instead of spreading them, we need to report the links to our government as soon as possible.26.What day is China's National Security Education Day?27.Do you have to go through a security check before getting on board?28.Is the need to protect national security far from us?29.Why did Qin Xiao think the foreign men's behavior was strange?30.What should we do after seeing some rumors about our country and society on the Internet?Ⅴ.书面表达学校将举办英语写作比赛。

高中语文选择性必修上册 高考训练 课时作业 习题 基础过关训练8

高中语文选择性必修上册 高考训练 课时作业 习题 基础过关训练8
















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课时知能训练(八)Ⅰ.单词拼写1.________(就个人而言),this is not a universal truth at all.2.As an ________(电子的) product,mobile phones are widely used now.3.The two brothers looks the same in ________(外貌),but they are different in character.4.Actually,it's easy to ________(下载) some information about rockets.5.His niece was injured in the earthquake and she has an ________(人造的) left leg.Ⅱ.完成句子1.我们必须尽力使计划变成现实。

We must try our best to ________ the plan ____________.2.我竭尽全力,但无论如何打不开门。

I have made every effort,but I couldn't open the door_______.3.我不认为她是一个很难对付的女士。

I don't think she is a woman who is hard to___________________.4.我总共在监狱里呆了1 000天。

__________,I have spent more than 1,000 days in prison.5.儿女们轮流看护他们的妈妈。

The sons and daughters took turns to ________________ their mother.Ⅲ.单项填空1.As you know,China has joined in other countries in______________the mysterious Antarctica.A.exploring B.inspectingC.discovering D.possessing2.—I have been worried about the danger of driving in such bad weather.—No need.God will ________ us.A.turn over B.watch overC.go over D.think over3.—I think he is taking an active part in social work.—I agree with you ________.A.in a way B.on the wayC.by the way D.in the way4.Once new difficulties ________ in your new work,it's always important to use your brains.A.rise B.causeC.raise D.arise5.So severe the landslide was ________ the central government had to start the first degree emergency plan.A.and B.thereforeC.that D.as6.Unlike watching TV,reading is a highly active process,________ it requires attention as well as memory and imagination.A.until B.butC.unless D.for7.Last summer I took a course on ________ poisonous gases.A.how to deal with B.what to deal withC.how to handle with D.what to cope with8.We didn't expect a heavy sandstorm on the way to Xin Jiang,________ we had to change the travel plan.A.from then on B.as a resultC.as a result of D.instead of9.Despite the fact that her father did not like the young businessman,she married him ________.A.somewhat B.anyhowC.anywhere D.instead10.Roses need special care ________ they can live through winter.A.because B.so thatC.even if D.asⅣ.阅读理解A(2010·重庆高考)It is hardly surprising that clothing manufacturers(生产商) follow certain uniform standards for various features(特征)of clothes.What seems strange,however,is that the standard adopted for women is the opposite of the one for men.Take a look at the way your clothes button.Men's clothes tend to button from the right,and women's from the left.Considering most of the world's population—men and women—are right-handed,the men's standard would appear to make more sense for women.So why do women's clothes button from the left?History really seems to matter here.Buttons first appeared only on the clothes of the rich in the 17th century,when rich women were dressed by servants.For the mostly right-handed servants,having women's shirts button from the left would be easier.On the other hand,having men's shirts button from the right made sense,too.Most men dressed themselves,and a sword drawn from the left with the right hand would be less likely to get caught in the shirt.Today women are seldom dressed by servants,but buttoning from the left is still the standard for them.Is it interesting? Actually,a standard,once set,resists change.At a time when all women's shirts buttoned from the left,it would have been risky for any single manufacturer to offer women's shirts that buttoned from the right.After all,women had grown so used to shirts which buttoned from the left and would have to develop new habits and skills to switch.Besides,some women might have found it socially awkward to appear in public wearing shirts that buttoned from the right,since anyone who noticed that would believe they were wearing men's shirts.1.What is surprising about the standard of the clothing industry?A.It has been followed by the industry for over 400 years.B.It is different for men's clothing and women's.C.It works better with men than with women.D.It fails to consider right-handed people.2.What do we know about the rich men in the 17th century? A.They tended to wear clothes without buttons.B.They were interested in the historical matters.C.They were mostly dressed by servants.D.They drew their swords from the left.3.Women's clothes still button from the left today because________. A.adopting men's style is improper for women B.manufacturers should follow standardsC.modern women dress themselvesD.customs are hard to change4.The passage is mainly developed by ________.A.analyzing causes B.making comparisonsC.examining differences D.following the time orderB(2010·湖南高考)LIPITOR5.What is a major function of Lipitor? A.To help quit smoking.B.To control blood pressure.C.To improve unhealthy diet.D.To lower “bad” cholesterol.6.Taking Lipitor is helpful for________.A.breast-feeding womenB.women who are pregnantC.adults having heart diseaseD.teenagers with liver problems7.If it has been over 12 hours since you missed a dose,you should ________. A.change the amount of your next doseB.eat more when taking your next doseC.have a dose as soon as you rememberD.take the next dose at your regular time8.Which of the following is a common side effect of taking Lipitor? A.Face swelling. B.Upset stomach.C.Kidney failure. D.Muscle weakness.9.What is the main purpose of the passage?A.To teach patients ways for quick recovery.B.To present a report on a scientific research.C.To show the importance of a good lifestyle.D.To give information about a kind of medicine.参考答案及解析Ⅰ.单词拼写【答案】 1.Personally 2.electronic 3.appearance 4.download 5.artificial Ⅱ.完成句子【答案】 1.turn;into reality 2.anyhow 3.deal with 4.In total 5.watch overⅢ.单项填空1.【解析】此处表示“和其他国家一起探索南极”,因而使用动词explore(探索;勘探);inspect视察,检查;discover发现;possess拥有。
