第二阶段:发力(7 月 1 日-10 月 1 日)
发力原因: 育明教育()咨询师认为,这个阶段时间比较充裕, 没有学校里的繁杂事情影响,可以安心的投入复习。抓住这个阶段,就 成功了一半。 重点任务: 以英语、数学这些需要长期练习的科目为主。尤其是英语,在不放松单 词等基本知识积累的同时,“以真题为纲”进行复习,把每一套真题彻 彻底底的分析明白,真真正正把握住出题人每一道题的出题意图。 专业课复习要有计划的进行,这一阶段要开始有计划的进行知识点的记 忆。争取完成第一轮的复习。达到的效果是,对每个知识点做到能够基 本记住。
Techniques from cognitive behavioral therapy can be helpful in changing patterns of thought that have become painful. There are many patients, such as doctors, lawyers—who believed that if they didn’t flog themselves, they wouldn’t be successful. And part of psychologists’ work is to break through that belief by telling the patients that they usually succeed in spite of their Inner Critics, not because of them. (360 words)
重点任务: 1.收集考研信息,包括所报考专业的未来发展趋势、就业难易程度、所 报考专业的难易程度、所报考学校的录取率、资料。毕竟考研所需关注
百科写作部分经济全球化(Economic Globalization) 是指世界经济活动超越国界,通过对外贸易、资本流动、技术转移、提供服务、相互依存、相互联系而形成的全球范围的有机经济整体。
进口税(import duty / import tax) 亦称进口关税。
保税区(Bonded Area ;the low-tax; tariff-free zone ;tax-protected zone)亦称保税仓库区。
自由贸易协定Free Trade Agreement是两国或多国间具有法律约束力的契约,目的在于促进经济一体化,其目标之一是消除贸易壁垒,允许产品与服务在国家间自由流动.这里所指的贸易壁垒可能是关税,也可能是繁杂的规则等等.海峡两岸经济合作框架协议(英文为Economic Cooperation FrameworkAgreement,简称ECFA)是属于两岸特殊性质的经济合作协议,不违背世界贸易组织(WTO)精神;只规范两岸经济合作事项,如同两岸已签署的海空运等九项协议,不涉及主权或政治问题。
百科知识部分【中国文学】一、填空1.国别史2.建安七子3.西洲曲4.南朝的宋初5.岑参6.温州杂剧7.酸甜乐府8.金瓶梅9.竟陵派10.阅微草堂笔记11,新青年12 故事新编13 戴望舒14 自叙传抒情小说15 倪焕之二、选择填空1、战国策2、九歌3、《文选》4、左思5、刘长卿6、苏轼7、_白朴8、施惠9、童心说10、黄遵宪11 星空12 郁达夫13 《幻灭》14 艾青15 青春之歌三、名词解释1.元曲——元代特有的文学艺术形式,包括元杂剧和散曲。
[考研类试卷]2015年北京第二外国语学院翻译硕士(MTI)汉语写作与百科知识真题试卷一、单项选择题1 哲学的基本问题是( )。
(A)思维与存在的关系问题(B)运动与静止的关系问题(C)对立与统一的关系问题(D)一般与个别的关系问题2 法律为人们的行为提供模式,标准,样式和方向,这是体现了法律的( )。
(A)约束性特征(B)严谨性特征(C)规范性特征(D)普遍性特征3 2014年11月1日第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十一次会议通过设立国家宪法日。
“国家宪法日”的时间是( )。
(A)11月1日(B)12月4日(C)10月1日(D)12月5日4 一种行为的机会成本是指( )。
(A)为这种行为所花费的钱(B)为这种行为所花费的时间的价值(C)当你不必为这种行为付钱时就等于零(D)投入这种行为的全部资源的其它可能的用途5 人类社会关系中最基本的关系是( )。
(A)家庭关系(B)生产关系(C)宗教关系(D)政治关系6 太阳系的九大行星中,离太阳最近的是( )星,离太阳最远的是冥王星。
(A)水星(B)火星(C)木星(D)金星7 “东风不与周郎便,铜雀春深锁二乔”。
这首诗的作者生活的年代与诗中所描述的历史事件发生的年代大约相隔了( )。
(A)400年(B)500年(D)700年8 在古希腊古罗马神话中的诸神中,被称为“爱神”的是( )。
(A)丘比特(B)维纳斯(C)雅典娜(D)阿波罗9 拉丁美洲作家马尔克斯的《百年孤独》是一部( )作品。
(A)魔幻现实主义(B)批判现实主义(C)浪漫主义(D)现代主义10 “自由是做法律所许可的一切事情的权利;如果一个公民能够做法律所禁止的事情,他就不再有自由了,因为其他的人也同样会有这个权利。
”这段话出自( )。
(A)伏尔泰(B)列宁(C)孟德斯鸠(D)赫胥黎11 一个人全身的骨骼由( )块骨组成,分成躯干骨,颅骨和四肢骨三部分。
(B)205(C)206(D)20712 我国长江上建的第一座大桥是( )。
11 呐喊和彷徨12 胡适《尝试集》13 爱情三部曲14 老舍15 高晓声二、选择1司马相如2曹丕3《诗品》。
4永明体5《使至塞上》6刘禹锡7柳宗元8红娘9金瓶梅10贾王史薛11 蘩漪12 沈从文13 上海屋檐下14 柳青15 平凡的世界三、名词解释1.江西诗派——以江西人黄庭坚为代表而得名。
2015年北京第二外国语学院翻译硕士英语翻译基础考研真题英语翻译基础一、汉译英15分1、《中庸》Doctrine of the Mean2、音译transliteration3、颐和园the Summer Palace4、目的语target language5、不可再生资源non-renewable resource6、中国科学院Chinese Academy of Sciences7、地方人民检察院Local People's Procuratorates8、领土完整territorial integrity9、货到付款cash on delivery(COD)10、对外贸易经济合作部the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation11、洋务运动Westernization Movement12、中国国际广播电台China Radio International(CRI)13、改革重点the key points of the reform15、宪法修正案amendments to the Constitution英译汉15分1、(EMS)express mail service特快专递2、(GNP)gross national product国民生产总值3、(OPEC)Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries石油输出国家组织4、mission commander指挥官5、The third party involvement第三方介入6、(IFF)International Football Federation国际足球联合会7、Non Aligned Movement不结盟运动8、House of Representatives众议院9、(IAEA)International Atomic Energy Agency国际原子能组织10、Direct dial to phone直拨电话11、(IQ)intelligence quotient智商12、computer assisted design计算机辅助设计13、Federal Bureau of Investigation联邦调查局二、段落英译汉60分人物传记类,讲述一个部落放牛郎成长为二十世纪最后一位伟大的解放者。
2011年二外真题:英语翻译基础真题第一段China's bubblesA lot of things in China carry a whiff of excess./The cost of garlic is among them:wholesale prices have almost quadrupled since March.A halving of the planting area last year,and belief in the bulb's powers to ward off swine flu,provide some justification for the surge.But anecdotes of unbridled trading activity in Jinxiang county,home to China's largest garlic plant,suggest that the most likely cause is the most obvious–the abundant liquidity swilling through the system.//New loans in China may top Rmb10,000bn this year,double the run-rate of the preceding years;2010should bring anotherRmb7-8,000bn.第二段:In the week that Dominique Strauss-Kahn,head of the International Monetary Fund,said asset bubbles were a cost worth paying for reviving growth through loose monetary policy,China needs to distinguish between good ones and bad ones./A bubble in garlic is small,financed by private speculators,and relatively harmless when it bursts.//Bubbles in productive assets–roads,bridges,telecom lines–are also tolerable; capital has been put in place that can be exploited by somebody.解析第一段China's bubblesA lot of things in China carry a whiff of excess.中国泡沫在中国,很多东西都有着过度膨胀的趋势。
翻译硕士英语第一题是30个选择题,25个词汇题,词汇不难,有conspicious, patent, ,是专四水平,后5个是时态的一个题有三四个空吧,什么was, were, had, has 等等,反正当时看着特别混乱,大家还是打好基础吧第二题是阅读,前两个是选择,后两个是回答问题的,感觉后两个阅读有点难具体内容:有一个选allegiance 的意思,只记得其中一个是说 voilence, 最后一个是说美国的药品价格很高,民众抗议第三题是作文要求400字 human spend a major part of their adult life at work , how to get job satisfaction. What are the factors of job satisfaction. 大概是这个意思翻译基础第一题词汇翻译其实不难,还有去年原题教育部知识产权全球定位系统宪法修正案反倾销措施全国人民代表大会north american free trade zone 、IMF 、 non-proforming loan 、 Grant Contract of Land Ues Rights 、 forest coverage 、英译汉弹性休假制度世界文化遗产(13年原题)中国科学院(13年原题)新闻发布会(12年原题)扩大内需(12年原题)General Agreement on Tarriffs and Trade(12年原题)amendement to the constitution(12年原题,今年考的是汉译英“宪法修正案”)anti-dumping measures(12年原题,今年考汉译英“反倾销措施”)government procurement(12年原题,今年考汉译英“ZF采购”)Intellectual Property Right (12年原题,今年考汉译英“知识产权”)enjoy present hardships to revive 卧薪尝胆第二题英译汉关键词 UK media outlets,the royal baby(考完试找到了出处)Media outlets in the UK went berserk over the arrival of the royal baby. Reporters camped for days outside the hospital where the Duchess of Cambridge stayed; TV presenters spent prime time slots speculating on the baby’s name or when it would ascend the throne; tabloid newspaper The Sun even changed its masthead to “The Son”on the day the royal birth was announced.不久前,英国各大媒体为王室宝宝的到来而狂热不已。
北京第二外国语学院《翻译硕士英语》考研样题I.Vocabulary and grammar(30’)Multiple choiceDirections:Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C and D.Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.Mark your answers on your answer sheet.1.Thousands of people turned out into the streets to_________against the local authorities’decision to build a highway across the field.A.contradictB.reformC.counterD.protest2.The majority of nurses are women,but in the higher ranks of the medical profession women are in a _________.A.minorityB.scarcityC.rarityD.minimum3.Professor Johnson’s retirement________from next January.A.carries into effectB.takes effectC.has effectD.puts into effect4.The president explained that the purpose of taxation was to________government spending.A.financeB.expandC.enlargeD.budget5.The heat in summer is no less_________here in this mountain region.A.concentratedB.extensiveC.intenseD.intensive6.Taking photographs is strictly________here,as it may damage the precious cave paintings.A.forbiddenB.rejectedC.excludedD.denied7.Mr.Brown’s condition looks very serious and it is doubtful if he will_________.A.pull backB.pull upC.pull throughD.pull out8.Since the early nineties,the trend in most businesses has been toward on-demand,always-available products and services that suit the customer’s_________rather than the company’s.A.benefitB.availabilityC.suitabilityD.convenience9.The priest made the________of the cross when he entered the church.A.markB.signalC.signD.gesture10.This spacious room is________furnished with just a few articles in it.A.lightlyB.sparselyC.hardlyD.rarely11.If you explained the situation to your solicitor,he________able to advise you much better than I can.A.would beB.will have beenC.wasD.were12.With some men dressing down and some other men flaunting their looks,it is really hard to tell they are gay or_________.A.straightB.homosexualC.beautifulD.sad13.His remarks were________annoy everybody at the meeting.A.so as toB.such as toC.such toD.as much as to14.James has just arrived,but I didn’t know he_________until yesterday.A.will comeB.was comingC.had been comingD.came15._________conscious of my moral obligations as a citizen.A.I was and always will beB.I have to be and always will beC.I had been and always will beD.I have been and always will be16.Because fuel supplies are finite and many people are wasteful,we will have to install_________solar heating device in our home.A.some type ofB.some types of aC.some type of aD.some types of17.I went there in1984,and that was the only occasion when I________the journey in exactly two days.A.must takeB.must have madeC.was able to makeD.could make18.I know he failed his last test,but really he’s_________stupid.A.something butB.anything butC.nothing butD.not but19.Do you know Tim’s brother?He is_________than Tim.A.much more sportsmanB.more of a sportsmanC.more of sportsmanD.more a sportsman20.That was not the first time he________us.I think it’s high time we________strong actions against him.A.betrayed…takeB.had betrayed…tookC.has betrayed…tookD.has betrayed…takeII.Reading comprehension(40’)Section1Multiple choice(20’)Directions:In this section there are reading passages followed by multiple-choice questions.Read thepassages and then mark your answers on your answer sheet.Passage AThe Welsh language has always been the ultimate marker of Welsh identity,but a generation ago it looked as if Welsh would go the way of Manx,once widely spoken on the Isle of Man but now extinct. Government financing and central planning,however,have helped reverse the decline of Welsh.Road signs and official public documents are written in both Welsh and English,and schoolchildren are required to learn both languages.Welsh is now one of the most successful of Europe’s regional languages,spoken by more than a half-million of the country’s three million people.The revival of the language,particularly among young people,is part of a resurgence of national identity sweeping through this small,proud st month Wales marked the second anniversary of the opening of the National Assembly,the first parliament to be convened here since1404.The idea behind devolution was to restore the balance within the union of nations making up the United Kingdom.With most of the people and wealth,England has always had bragging rights.The partial transfer of legislative powers from Westminster,implemented by Tony Blair,was designed to give the other members of the club—Scotland,Northern Ireland,and Wales—a bigger say and to counter centrifugal forces that seemed to threaten the very idea of the union.The Welsh showed little enthusiasm for devolution.Whereas the Scots voted overwhelmingly for a parliament,the vote for a Welsh assembly scraped through by less than one percent on a turnout of less than25percent.Its powers were proportionately limited.The Assembly can decide how money from Westminster or the European Union is spent.It cannot,unlike its counterpart in Edinburgh,enact laws.But now that it is here,the Welsh are growing to like their Assembly.Many people would like it to have more powers.Its importance as figurehead will grow with the opening in2003,of a new debating chamber,one of many new buildings that are transforming Cardiff from a decaying seaport into a Baltimore-style waterfront city.Meanwhile a grant of nearly two million dollars from the European Union will tackle poverty.Wales is one of the poorest regions in Western Europe—only Spain,Portugal,and Greece have a lower standard of living.Newspapers and magazines are filled with stories about great Welsh men and women,boosting self-esteem. To familiar faces such as Dylan Thomas and Richard Burton have been added new icons such as Catherine Zeta-Jones,the movie star,and Bryn Terfel,the opera singer.Indigenous foods like salt marsh lamb are in vogue.And Wales now boasts a national airline,Awyr Cymru.Cymru,which means“land of compatriots”, is the Welsh name for Wales.The red dragon,the nation’s symbol since the time of King Arthur,is everywhere—on T-shirts,rugby jerseys and even cell phone covers.“Until very recent times most Welsh people had this feeling of being second-class citizens,”said Dyfan Jones,an18-year-old student.It was a warm summer night,and I was sitting on the grass with a group of young people in Llanelli,an industrial town in the south,outside the rock music venue of the National Eisteddfod,Wales’s annual cultural festival.The disused factory in front of us echoed to the sounds of new Welsh bands.“There was almost a genetic tendency for lack of confidence,”Dyfan continued.Equally comfortable in his Welshness as in his membership in the English-speaking,global youth culture and the new federal Europe,Dyfan,like the rest of his generation,is growing up with a sense of possibility unimaginable ten years ago.“We used to think.We can’t do anything,we’re only Welsh.Now I think that’s changing.”1.According to the passage,devolution was mainly meant toA.maintain the present status among the nations.B.reduce legislative powers of England.C.create a better state of equality among the nations.D.grant more say to all the nations in the union.2.The word“centrifugal”in the second paragraph meansA.separatist.B.conventional.C.feudal.D.political3.Wales is different from Scotland in all the following aspects EXCEPTA.people’s desire for devolution.B.locals’turnout for the voting.C.powers of the legislative body.D.status of the national language.4.Which of the following is NOT cited as an example of the resurgence of Welsh national identity?A.Welsh has witnessed a revival as a national language.B.Poverty-relief funds have come from the European Union.C.A Welsh national airline is currently in operation.D.The national symbol has become a familiar sight.5.According to Dyfan Jones what has changed isA.people’s mentality.B.pop culture.C.town’s appearance.D.possibilities for the people.Passage BThe miserable fate of Enron’s employees will be a landmark in business history,one of those awful events that everyone agrees must never be allowed to happen again.This urge is understandable and noble: thousands have lost virtually all their retirement savings with the demise of Enron stock.But making sure it never happens again may not be possible,because the sudden impoverishment of those Enron workers represents something even larger than it seems.It’s the latest turn in the unwinding of one of the most audacious promises of the20th century.The promise was assured economic security—even comfort—for essentially everyone in the developed world.With the explosion of wealth,that began in the19th century it became possible to think about a possibility no one had dared to dream before.The fear at the center of daily living since caveman days—lack of food,warmth,shelter—would at last lose its power to terrify.That remarkable promise became reality in many ernments created welfare systems for anyone in need and separate programs for the elderly(Social Security in the U.S.).Labour unions promised not only better pay for workers but also pensions for retirees.Giant corporations came into being and offered the possibility—insome cases the promise—of lifetime employment plus guaranteed pensions?The cumulative effect was a fundamental change in how millions of people approached life itself,a reversal of attitude that most rank as one of the largest in human history.For millennia the average person’s stance toward providing for himself had been.Ultimately I’m on my own.Now it became,ultimately I’ll be taken care of.The early hints that this promise might be broken on a large scale came in the1980s.U.S.business had become uncompetitive globally and began restructuring massively,with huge Layoffs.The trend accelerated in the1990s as the bastions of corporate welfare faced reality.IBM ended its no-layoff policy. AT&T fired thousands,many of whom found such a thing simply incomprehensible,and a few of whom killed themselves.The other supposed guarantors of our economic security were also in decline. Labour-union membership and power fell to their lowest levels in decades.President Clinton signed a historic bill scaling back welfare.Americans realized that Social Security won’t provide social security for any of us.A less visible but equally significant trend affected pensions.To make costs easier to control,companies moved away from defined benefit pension plans,which obligate them to pay out specified amounts years in the future,to defined contribution plans,which specify only how much goes into the play today.The most common type of defined-contribution plan is the401(k).the significance of the401(k)is that it puts most of the responsibility for a person’s economic fate back on the employee.Within limits the employee must decide how much goes into the plan each year and how it gets invested—the two factors that will determine how much it’s worth when the employee retires.Which brings us back to Enron?Those billions of dollars in vaporized retirement savings went in employees’401(k)accounts.That is,the employees chose how much money to put into those accounts and then chose how to invest it.Enron matched a certain proportion of each employee’s401(k)contribution with company stock,so everyone was going to end up with some Enron in his or her portfolio;but that could be regarded as a freebie,since nothing compels a company to match employee contributions at all. At least two special features complicate the Enron case.First,some shareholders charge top management with illegally covering up the company’s problems,prompting investors to hang on when they should have sold.Second,Enron’s401(k)accounts were locked while the company changed plan administrators in October,when the stock was falling,so employees could not have closed their accounts if they wanted to. But by far the largest cause of this human tragedy is that thousands of employees were heavily overweighed in Enron stock.Many had placed100%of their401(k)assets in the stock rather than in the 18other investment options they were offered.Of course that wasn’t prudent,but it’s what some of them did.The Enron employees’retirement disaster is part of the larger trend away from guaranteed economic security.That’s why preventing such a thing from ever happening again may be impossible.The huge attitudinal shift to I’ll-be-taken-care-of took at least a generation.The shift back may take just as long.It won’t be complete until a new generation of employees see assured economic comfort as a20th-century quirk,and understand not just intellectually but in their bones that,like most people in most times and places,they’re on their own.6.Why does the author say at the beginning“The miserable fate of Enron’s employees will be a landmark in business history…”?A.Because the company has gone bankrupt.B.Because such events would never happen again.C.Because many Enron workers lost their retirement savings.D.Because it signifies a turning point in economic security.7.According to the passage,the combined efforts by governments,layout unions and big corporations to guarantee economic comfort have led to a significant change inA.people’s outlook on life.B.people’s life styles.C.people’s living standard.D.people’s social values.8.Changes in pension schemes were also part ofA.the corporate lay-offs.B.the government cuts in welfare spending.C.the economic restructuring.D.the warning power of labors unions.9.Thousands of employees chose Enron as their sole investment option mainly becauseA.the401(k)made them responsible for their own future.B.Enron offered to add company stock to their investment.C.their employers intended to cut back on pension spending.D.Enron’s offer was similar to a defined-benefit plan.10.Which is NOT seen as a lesson drawn from the Enron disaster?A.The401(k)assets should be placed in more than one investment option.B.Employees have to take up responsibilities for themselves.C.Such events could happen again as it is not easy to change people’s mind.D.Economic security won’t be taken for granted by future young workers.Section2Answering questions(20’)Directions:Read the following passages and then answer IN COMPLETE SENTENCES the questions which follow each e only information from the passage you have just read and write your answer in the corresponding space in your answer sheet.Questions1~3For40years the sight of thousands of youngsters striding across the open moorland has been as much an annual fixture as spring itself.But the2,400school pupils who join the grueling Dartmoor Ten Tors Challenge next Saturday may be among the last to take part in the May tradition.The trek faces growing criticism from environmentalists who fear that the presence of so many walkers on one weekend threatens the survival of some of Dartmoor’s internationally rare bird species.The Ten Tors Challenge takes place in the middle of the breeding season,when the slightest disturbance can jeopardize birds’chances of reproducing successfully.Experts at the RSPB and the Dartmoor National Park Authority fear that the walkers could frighten birds and even crush eggs.They are now calling for the event to be moved to the autumn,when the breeding season is over and chicks should be well anisers of the event,which is led by about400Territorial Army volunteers,saymoving it would be impractical for several reasons and would mean pupils could not train properly for the 55-mile trek.Dartmoor is home to10rare species of ground-nesting birds,including golden plovers, dunlins and lapwings.In some cases,species are either down to their last two pairs on the moor or are facing a nationwide decline.Emma Parkin,South-west spokeswoman for the PASPB,took part in the challenge as a schoolgirl. She said the society had no objections to the event itself but simply wanted it moved to another time of year.“It is a wonderful activity for the children who take part but,having thousands of people walking past in one weekend when birds are breeding is hardly ideal,”she said.“We would prefer it to take place after the breeding and nesting season is over.There is a risk of destruction and disturbance.If the walkers put a foot in the wrong place they can crush the eggs and if there is sufficient disturbance the birds might abandon the nest.”Helen Booker,an RSPB upland conservation officer,said there was no research into the scale of the damage but there was little doubt the walk was detrimental.“If people are tramping past continually it can harm the chances of successful nesting.There is also the fear of direct trampling of eggs.”A spokesman for the Dartmoor National Park Authority said the breeding season on the moor lasted from early March to mid-July,and the Ten Tors Challenge created the potential for disturbance for March, when participants start training.To move the event to the autumn was difficult because children would be on holiday during the training period.There was a possibility that some schools in the Southwest move to a four-term year in 2004,“but until then any change was unlikely.The authority last surveyed bird life on Dartmoor two year ago and if the next survey showed any further decline,it would increase pressure to move the Challenge,”he said.Major Mike Pether,secretary of the army committee that organises the Challenge,said the event could be moved if there was the popular will.“The Ten Tors has been running for42years and it has always been at this time of the year.It is almost in tablets of stone but that’s not to say we won’t consider moving if there is a consensus in favour.However,although the RSPB would like it moved,75per cent of the people who take part want it to stay as it is,”he said.Major Pether said the trek could not be moved to earlier in the year because it would conflict with the lambing season,most of the children were on holiday in the summer,and the winter weather was too harsh.Datmoor National Park occupies some54sq km of hills topped by granite outcrops known as“Tors”with the highest Tor-capped hill reaching621m.The valleys and dips between the hills are often sites of bogs to snare the unwary hiker.The moor has long been used by the British Army as a training and firing range.The origin of the event stretches back to1959when three Army officers exercising on the moor thought it would provide a challenge for civilians as well as soldiers.In the first year203youngsters took up the challenges.Since then teams,depending on age and ability,face hikes of35,45or55miles between 10nominated Tors over two days.They are expected to carry everything they need to survive.1.What is the Ten Tors Challenge?Give a brief introduction of its location and history.2.Why is it suggested that the event be moved to the autumn or other seasons?3.What are the difficulties if the event is moved to the autumn or other seasons?Questions4~5Mike and Adam Hurewitz grew up together on Long Island,in the suburbs of New York City.They were very close,even for brothers.So when Adam’s liver started failing,Mike offered to give him half of his.The operation saved Adam’s life.But Mike,who went into the hospital in seemingly excellent health,developed a complication—perhaps a blood colt—and died last week.He was57.Mike Hurewitz’s death has prompted a lot of soul searching in the transplant community.Was it a tragic fluke or a sign that transplant surgery has reached some kind of ethical limit?The Mount Sinai Medical Center,the New York City hospital where the complex double operation was performed,has put on hold its adult living donor liver transplant program,pending a review of Hurewitz’s death.Mount Sinai has performed about100such operations in the past three years.A1-in-100risk of dying may not seem like bad odds,but there’s more to this ethical dilemma than a simple ratio.The first and most sacred rule of medicine is to do no harm.“For a normal healthy person a mortality rate1%is hard to justify,”says Dr.John Fung,chief of transplantation at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.“If the rate stays at1%,it’s just not going to be accepted.”On the other hand, there’s an acute shortage of traditional donor organs from people who have died in accidents or suffered fatal heart attacks.If family members fully understand the risks and are willing to proceed,is there any reason to stand in their way?Indeed,a recent survey showed that most people will accept a mortality rate for living organ donors as high as20%.The odds,thankfully,aren’t nearly that bad.For kidney donors,for example,the risk ranges from1in2,500to1in4,000for a healthy volunteer.That helps explain why nearly40%of kidney transplants in the e from living donors.The operation to transplant a liver,however,is a lot trickier than one to transplant a kidney.Not only is the liver packed with blood vessels,but it also makes lots of proteins that need to be produced in the right ratios for the body to survive.When organs from the recently deceased are used,the surgeon gets to pick which part of the donated liver looks the best and to take as much of it as needed.Assuming all goes well,a healthy liver can grow back whatever portion of the organ is missing,sometimes within a month.A living-donor transplant works particularly well when an adult donates a modest portion of the liver to a ually only the left lobe of the organ is required,leading to a mortality rate for living-donors in the neighborhood of1in500to1in1,000.But when the recipient is another adult,as much as60%of the donor’s liver has to be removed.“There really is very little margin for error,”says Dr.Fung.By way of analogy,he suggests,think of a tree.“An adult-to-child living-donor transplant is like cutting off a limb. With an adult-to-adult transplant,you’re splitting the trunk in half and trying to keep both halves alive.”Even if a potential donor understand and accepts these risks,that doesn’t necessarily mean the operation should proceed.All sorts of subtle pressures can be brought to bear on such a decision,says Dr. Mark Siegler,director of the MacLean for Clinical Medical Ethics at the University of Chicago.“Sometimes the sicker the patient,the greater the pressure and the more willing the donor will be to accept risks.”If you feel you can’t say no,is your decision truly voluntary?And if not,is it the medical community’s responsibility to save you from your own best intentions?Transplant centers have developed screening programs to ensure that living donors fully understand the nature of their decision.But unexamined,for the most part,is the larger issue of just how much a volunteer should be allowed to sacrifice to save another human being.So far,we seem to be saying some risk is acceptable,although we’re still vaguer about where the cutoff should be.There will always be family members like Mike Hurewitz who are heroically prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice for a loved one.What the medical profession and society must decide is if it’s appropriate to let them do so.4.Describe in your own words the liver transplant between the two brothers Mike and Adam.5.What is the major issue raised in the article?III.Writing(30’)Some people see education simply as going to school or college,or as a means to secure good jobs; other people view education as a lifelong process.In your opinion,how important is education to people in the modern society?Write a composition of about400words on your view of the topic.1.坚定的决心请随时随地问自己:我到底想要什么?是想要,还是一定要?如果是想要,我们可能什么都得不到;如果是一定要,我们一定能够有方法得到。
妙应寺白塔在我国,自古就有“天府之国”美誉的地区是:四川盆地"干冰"的成分是:CO2以下行星中不用天文望远镜不能看到的是:天王星我国最先出现的纸币是:宋代的“交子”发明了电话的科学家是:贝尔才思教育网址: 泼水节是我国哪一民族一年中最盛大的节日?傣族我国第一大湖是:鄱阳湖素有“沙漠之舟”之称的内蒙古双峰驼生长在:荒漠地区复活节岛地处:南太平洋牛郎星是哪一个星座的第一亮星?天鹰座月亮自转一周大约是地球上的多少天?27天东北大平原由松嫩平原、三江平原与哪个平原组成?辽河平原UFO的具体涵义是:不明飞行物我国第一座地热发电站是:羊八井中亚气候的最大特征是:干旱素有“煤铁之乡”之称的省份是哪一省?山西省夏季又名:昊天现存最著名的三大金字塔不包括:艾菲尔金字塔年考研失败后,工作了四五个月,顶着家人反对的压力,毅然偷偷选择了辞职考研。
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(20分)文章不长也不难,答案都很容易找到完型:盲填(10分)关于地震的,10个空,不难名词解释:1 、10个,每个2分(20分)囧、《红楼梦》、《毛泽东语录》、奥巴马、奥斯卡奖、APEC2、给出一个句子,然后给出翻译,中间空几个空让填。
不难,但是不能直译,比如有个是说一个人是the king of kings,有个是说一个软件的名字,好像是叫“绿坝”吧(30分)翻译:英译汉我没看完,大致是公司什么的汉译英:H1N1,很官腔的文章(20分)作文:话题二选一200字左右。
第二个好像是一段诗,没仔细看give your comments on the following paragraph2)英语翻译基础词语翻译,缩略语要写出全称汉译英(15个,15分)论语、颐和园、《钦定圣经》、天坛、音译、对等翻译、英译汉(15个,15分)SARS、SOHO、文章英译汉1、一段记叙文一名外教要学生就校园生活写作文,一个要留校的看似老实巴交的学生把原本很垃圾的学校餐厅夸了个天花烂醉,但是外教不明就里,还认为这是好文章,其他同学都很气愤2、一段说明文对温哥华的大致简介,主要说其中的居民大都是移民,而中国移民更是占很大比重,为温哥华的经济发展做出很大贡献文章汉译英:1、怀疑是十七大报告之类的一篇政治发言稿,用词很政治,没有实际含义..比如坚定不移地走中国特色社会主义道路;坚持三个代表邓小平理论;坚持科学发展观;走创新道路;坚持实事求是的原则;高举什么什么旗帜.....(只有四五行吧,很短)2、朱自清《荷塘月色》“这几天心里颇不宁静”那一段3)汉语写作与百科知识百科知识25个选择题,每题俩空1、在人类进入21世纪前,BBC于1990年秋天选出了千年最伟大、最有影响的思想家,第一名是(马克思),第二名是(爱因斯坦)2、中国古代一些文学家按时间顺序排序3、唐朝的一些文学家排序4、世界三大男高音之二,给出名字,选国籍5、中国军衔制度开始于(1955)年?第一次是谁授予的6、中国的农业制度的起止时间7、惰性元素8、卤族元素9、楷体是正式还是规范字体10、京剧由哪两个剧种演变而来11、故宫的那些门排序12、科学发展观13、某个哲学原理14、画的分类15、24史中哪两个有新旧之分其他的一时想不起了·应用文:自我介绍450字左右·命题作文:我看"大学生就业难"不少于800字翻译硕士高校排名第一批:1.北大招生30名,其中推免202.北外英语笔译60名(学制两年)(好像除了翻译基础和汉语百科,会考俄日法德其中一门二外)3.南开英语口笔译非在职和在职生各招收30名4.复旦英语笔译30名5.同济英语笔译德语笔译未列招生人数6.上海交大英语笔译未列招生人数7.上外英语笔译35人(下设法律翻译,公/商务笔译,专业编译三个方向)英语口译15人(下设会议口译方向,公/商务口译方向和陪同口译方向)法语口译5人8.南大英语笔译35人9.厦大英语口笔译各15人10.中南大学英语口笔译未列招生人数11.湖南师范英语口笔译未列招生人数12.中山英语笔译20人英语口译10人13.西南大学英语笔译未列招生人数14.广外英语笔译60人英语口译40人日语笔译20人日语口译10人法语口译10人其中英语翻译硕士复试参考书目991|翻译实务(笔译):1、《实用翻译教程(修订版)》,刘季春主编,中山大学出版社,2007年。
5、有关英语八级考试的书籍,以及英美政治、经济、文化等方面百科知识的书籍15.解放军外国语学院第二批1. 北京第二外国语学院英语笔译50人日语口译20人2. 首都师范大学英语笔译16人3. 福建师范大学英语口译20人英语笔译30人4. 北京航空航天大学英语笔译40人5. 河南大学英语笔译未列招生人数6. 黑龙江大学英语口笔译20人俄语笔译28人俄语口译23人7. 南京师范大学英语口译10人英语笔译20人8. 苏州大学英语口笔译未列招生人数9. 华东师范大学英语翻译硕士30人(不知是否区分了口笔译)10.中国海洋大学英语笔译35人11.湖南大学英语口笔译共35人12.北京语言大学英语笔译10人法语口译10人13.对外经贸大学英语口笔译招生人数待定14.山东大学英语笔译20人英语口译10人(另,威海分校,英语笔译10人)15.东北师范大学英语口笔译未列招生人数16.武汉大学英语口笔译未列招生人数17.北京师范大学英语笔译考试参考书单(最新更新书单):(1)庄绎传,《英汉翻译简明教程》。
18. 吉林大学英语口译20人日语笔译10人英汉口译参考书目:《高级英语》(修订本)第1、2册,张汉熙,外语教学与研究出版社,1995年版;《现代大学英语基础写作》(上、下),徐克荣,外语教学与研究出版社,2004年版;《英汉新闻翻译》,刘其中,清华大学出版社,2009年版;《实用翻译教程(修订版)》,刘季春,中山大学出版社,2007年版;《中国文化读本》,叶朗,外语教学与研究出版社,2008年版;《实用文体写作教程》,罗时代,科学出版社,2009年版。
19. 四川大学英语口笔译各20人20. 大连外国语学院英语笔译10人日语口译10人(包括推免各一人)21. 西安外国语学院英语口笔译未列招生人数22. 天津外国语学院英语笔译34人日语口译20人23. 四川外语学院英语笔译40人英语口译50人(奇怪这个为什么口译比笔译录用人要多,不知是不是研招网输入有误)24. 延边大学朝鲜语口笔译各10人25. 华中师范大学英语口笔译未列招生人数以下是英语语言文学里相关翻译的参考书或许专硕也可以参考下《新编汉英翻译教程》陈宏薇李亚丹,上海外语教育出版社,2004年4月《新编大学英译汉教程》华先发邵毅,上海外语教育出版社,2004年6月第三批1. 浙江大学英语笔译未列招生人数2.. 华中科技大学只提到招收翻译硕士不明确可以去校园网查看3. 中国地质大学(武汉)英语口笔译未列招生人数4. 中南财经政法大学英语口笔译未列招生人数5. 湖北大学英语口笔译未列招生人数6.. 中国石油大学(华东)英语口笔译各10人其中笔译设科技英语翻译口译设国际合作与商务俄语口笔译各5人其中俄语笔译设科技俄语翻译俄语口译设石油科技口译7. 中南民族大学英语口笔译各10人8. 福州大学英语口笔译各5人9. 浙江师范大学英语笔译10人10. 浙江工商大学英语口笔译各5人日语笔译5人11. 宁波大学英语笔译未列招生人数12. 山东科技大学英语口笔译日语口笔译均未列招生人数13. 青岛科技大学英语口笔译各10人14. 山东师范大学英语口笔译各5人15. 曲阜师范大学英语口笔译各15人16. 聊城大学英语口笔译各15人17. 鲁东大学英语口笔译各15人18. 青岛大学英语笔译12人英语口译8人19. 烟台大学英语口笔译各10人朝鲜语口笔译各10人20. 山东财政学院英语口笔译各25人21. 郑州大学英语笔译未列招生人数22. 河南科技大学翻译硕士方向不明可查校园网23. 河南师范大学英语口译10人英语笔译20人24. 信阳师范学院英语口笔译20人25. 三峡大学英语口笔译各20人26. 广西大学英语口笔译未列招生人数27. 广西师范大学英语口笔译各20人日语笔译15人朝鲜语笔译10人28. 广西民族大学英语口笔译各5人29. 新疆大学英语笔译10人30. 新疆师范大学英语口笔译各3人/people/123756541/notes/blog/caisijiaoyuxiaowei?act=dashboardclick_20130514_04 /f?ie=utf-8&kw=%E6%89%8D%E6%80%9D%E6%95%99%E 8%82%B2/s/articlelist_2964380531_0_1.html。