



人教版《英语选修6》(普通高中课程标准实验教科书) 单元词汇、音标、词义。

Unit1realistic/riə'listik/ a.现实主义的;逼真的;现实的abstract/'æbstrækt/ a.抽象的;深奥的n.摘要sculpture/'skʌlptʃə/n.雕塑sculptor/'skʌlptə/n.雕刻家;雕塑家gallery/'gæləri/n.美术陈列室;画廊faith/feiθ/n.信任;信心;信念faithfully/'feiθfuli/ad.忠实地consequently/'kɔnsikwəntli/ad.所以;因而aim/eim/n.目标;目的vi.vi.瞄准;(向某方向)努力conventional/kən'venʃənl/ a.常规的;传统的;因循守旧的typical/'tipikəl/ a.典型的;有代表性的evident/'evidənt/ a.明显的;明白的Giotto di Bondone乔托renaissance/rə'neisəns/n.新生;复兴;复活the Renaissance文艺复兴(时期)adopt/ə'dɔpt/vt.采用;采纳;收养humanistic/hju:mə'nistik/ a.人道主义的possess/'pə'zes/vt.拥有;具有;支配possession/pə'zeʃən/n.所有;财产superb/sju:'pə:b/ a.卓越的;杰出的;极好的perspective/pə:'spektiv/n.透视画法;透视图;观点technique/tek'ni:k/n.技术;方法;技能Masaccio/mɑ:'zɑ:ttʃou/马萨乔coincidence/'kəuin'sidəns/n.巧合(的事);相合by coincidence巧合地masterpiece/'mɑ:stəpi:s/n.杰作;名著impressionism/im'prɛʃən'izəm/n.印象主义;印象派impressionist/im'preʃənist/ a.印象派的n.印象派艺术家post-impressionist a.后印象派的n.后印象派艺术家a great deal n.大量shadow/'ʃædəu/n.阴影;影子ridiculous/ri'dikjuləs/ a.荒谬的;可笑的controversial/'kɔntrə'və:ʃəl/ a.争论的;争议的attempt/ə'tempt/n.努力;尝试;企图vt.尝试;企图on the other hand adv.(可是)另一方面predict/pri'dikt/vt.预言;预告;预测landscape/'lændskeip/n.风景;景色specific/spi'sifik/ a.确切的;特定的figure/'figə/n.画像;身材;数字clay/klei/n.黏土critic/'kritik/n.评论家;批评者bronze/brɔnz/n.青铜;青铜色;青铜制艺术品marble/'mɑ:bl/n.大理石Mona Lisa n.蒙娜.丽莎(达芬奇所画之著名人像画) Leonardo da Vinci列奥纳多.达.芬奇carve/kɑ:v/vt.雕刻;刻记delicate/'delikit/ a.脆弱的;容易生病的;精致的Michelangelo/maikl'ændʒəlou/n.米开朗基罗canvas/'kænvəs/n.帆布;画布Picasso n.毕加索cafe/'kæfei, kə'fei/n.咖啡馆;小餐馆allergic/ə'lə:dʒik/adj.过敏性的,对…过敏的effectively/i'fektivli/adv.有效地exhibition/'eksi'biʃən/n.展览;陈列;展览会aggressive/ə'gresiv/ a.敢做敢为的;侵略的;好斗的scholar/'skɔlə/n.学者flesh/fleʃ/n.肉;肌肉;肉体in the flesh adv.活着的;本人Matisse马蒂斯geometry/dʒi'ɔmitri/n.几何学bunch/bʌntʃ/n.束;串Manhattan/mæn'hætn/n.曼哈顿岛;曼哈顿区avenue/'ævinju:/n.林荫道;道路;大街preference/'prefərəns/n.喜爱;偏爱Guggenheim Museum古根海姆博物馆display/dis'plei/vt.展览;陈列;显露appeal/ə'pi:l/vi.有感染力;呼吁;求助vt.将...上诉n.呼吁;appeal to(对某人)有吸引力;(使某人)感兴趣fragile/'frædʒail/ a.精细的;易碎的;脆弱的circular/'sə:kjulə/ a.圆形的;环形的;循环的metropolitan/'metrə'pɔlitən/ a.主要都市的;大城市的reputation/'repju(:)'teiʃən/n.名声;名誉civilization/'sivilai'zeiʃən/n.文明;文化;文明社会Egypt/'i:dʒipt/n.埃及Egyptian/i'dʒipʃən/ a.埃及的,埃及人的visual/'vizjuəl/ a.视觉的;看得见的fragrant/'freigrənt/adj.香的;令人愉快的Monet n.莫奈Whitney/'witni, 'hw-/惠特尼Madison/'mædisn/麦迪逊contemporary/kən'tempərəri/ a.当代的;同时代的permanent/'pə:mənənt/ a.永久的;持久的district/'distrikt/n.区;区域;行政区committee/kə'miti/n.委员会signature/'signitʃə/n.署名;签字Unit2poetry/'pəuitri/n.诗;诗意tick/tik/vt.给...标记号rhyme/raim/n.韵;押韵;押韵的词vi.vt.(使)押韵convey/kən'vei/vt.传达;运送emotion/i'məuʃən/n.情感;情绪;感情nursery/'nə:səri/n.托儿所nursery rhyme童谣concrete/'kɔnkri:t/ a.具体的repetition/'repi'tiʃən/n.重复;反复;循环contradictory/kɔntrə'diktəri/ a.引起矛盾的;好反驳的hush/hʌʃ/v.(使某人)安静下来mockingbird/'mɔkiŋbə:d/n.嘲鸫(一种鸟)diamond/'daiəmənd/n.钻石;菱形brass/brɑ:s/n.黄铜;黄铜器billy-goat n.公山羊flexible/'fleksəbl/ a.灵活的;可弯曲的;柔顺的pattern/'pætən/n.模式;式样;图案squire/'skwaiə/n.乡绅cottage/'kɔtidʒ/n.村舍;小屋coffin/'kɔfin/n.棺材sparrow/'spærəu/n.麻雀kitten/'kitn/n.小猫take it easy轻松;不紧张;从容run out of用完cinquain/siŋ'kein, 'siŋkein/n.五行诗be made up of由...构成tease/ti:z/vt.vi.取笑;招惹;戏弄salty/'sɔ:lti/ a.含盐的;咸的droop/dru:p/v.低垂;凋萎;萎靡dread/dred/vi.vt.害怕;畏惧endless/'endlis/ a.无穷的;无止境的haiku/'haiku:/n.俳句syllable/'siləbl/n.音节minimum/'miniməm/n.最低限度;最少量;最小数translation/træns'leiʃən/n.翻译;译文branch/brɑ:ntʃ/n.枝条;支流;部门melt/melt/vi.融化;溶化;软化brimful/'brim'ful/adj.盈满的;满到边际的in particular尤其;特别eventually/i'ventjuəli/ad.最后;终于await/ə'weit/vt.等候;期待transform/træns'fɔ:m/vt.vi.转化;转换;改造;变换revolve/ri'vɔlv/vi.vt.(使)旋转utter/'ʌtə/vt.说;讲;发出(声音)sorrow/'sɔrəu/n.悲伤;悲痛;懊悔bare/bɛə/ a.赤裸的;光秃的;稀少的n.最基本的要素librarian/lai'brɛəriən/n.图书馆馆长;图书馆管理员forever/fə'revə/ad.永远stem/stem/n.茎;干cement/si'ment/n.水泥section/'sekʃən/n.部门;节;切下的块appropriate/ə'prəupriit/ a.适当的;正当的exchange/iks'tʃeindʒ/n.交换;交流;互换vt.vi.调换;交换diploma/di'pləumə/n.毕业文凭;学位证书sponsor/'spɔnsə/n.赞助人;主办者;倡议者vt.发起;举办;倡blank/blæŋk/n.空白a.空白的;茫然的compass/'kʌmpəs/n.指南针;罗盘;圆规bride/braid/n.新娘bridegroom/'braidgrum/n.新郎championship/'tʃæmpjənʃip/n.冠军称号rhythmic/'riðmik/adj.有节奏的;有规律的darkness/'dɑ:knis/n.黑暗;漆黑warmth/wɔ:mθ/n.暖和;温暖try out测试;试验scholarship/'skɔləʃip/n.奖学金;学问;学术成就pianist/'pjænist/n.钢琴家,钢琴演奏者violinist/vaiə'linist/n.小提琴演奏者let out发出;放走load/ləud/n.负担;负荷物Unit3cigarette n.香烟;纸烟alcohol/'ælkəhɔl/n.酒;酒精alcoholic/'ælkə'hɔlik/adj.酒精的abuse/ə'bju:z, ə'bju:s/n.vt.滥用;虐待fitness n.健康sexual/'seksjuəl/ a.性的;性别的stress/stres/n.压力;重音vt.加压力于;使紧张stressful/'stresfəl/ a.产生压力的;紧张的obesity/ou'bi:siti/n.肥胖;肥胖症adolescent/ædə'lesənt/n.青少年a.青春期的adolescence/'ædəu'lesns/n.青春期ban/bæn/vt.禁止;取缔n.禁令;谴责due/dju:/ a.欠款的;预定的;到期的due to由于...tough/tʌf/ a.困难的;强硬的addicted a.入了迷的,上了瘾的addicted to对...有瘾nicotine/'nikəti:n/n.尼古丁accustom/ə'kʌstəm/vt.使习惯于accustomed/ə'kʌstəmd/ a.惯常的;习惯了的accustomed to习惯于...withdrawal/wið'drɔ:l/n.收回;撤退;戒毒过程bad-tempered a.脾气暴躁的;易怒的automatic/'ɔ:tə'mætik/ a.无意识的;自动的automatically/'ɔ:tə'mætikəli/ad.无意识地;自动地mental/'mentl/ a.精神的;智力的mentally/'mentli/ad.精神上;智力上quit/kwit/vt.停止;离开effect/i'fekt/n.结果;效力lung/lʌŋ/n.肺pregnant/'pregnənt/ a.怀孕的abnormal/æb'nɔ:məl/ a.畸形的;异常的breathless/'breθlis/ a.气喘吁吁的;屏息的unfit/'ʌn'fit/ a.不健康的;不合适的;不合格的strengthen/'streŋθən/vt.加强;巩固;使坚强vi.变强resolve/ri'zɔlv/n.决心;决定decide on对...作出决定packet/'pækit/n.小包;小盒feel like(doing)想要(做)...relaxation/ri:læk'seiʃən/n.放松;松驰desperate/'despərit/ a.绝望的;拼命的chemist/'kemist/n.药剂师;化学家gum/gʌm/n.树胶chewing gum口香糖disappointed/'disə'pɔintid/adj.失望的;沮丧的weaken/'wi:kən/vi.动摇;减弱vt.变弱ashamed/ə'ʃeimd/ a.感到惭愧或羞耻的comprehension/'kɔmpri'henʃən/n.理解(力)in spite of不管;不顾take risks冒险take a risk冒险get into陷入;染上(坏习惯)etc ad.诸如此类的事物;等等appendix/ə'pendiks/n.附录;附件illegal/i'li:gəl/ a.不合法的;违法的pill/pil/n.药丸;药片robbery/'rɔbəri/n.抢劫;盗窃slippery/'slipəri/ a.滑的HIV人体免疫缺损病毒AIDS n.艾滋病at risk处境危险;遭受危险SARS非典型性肺炎immune/i'mjun/ a.有免疫力的survival/sə'vaivəl/n.幸存;幸存者sex/seks/n.性;性别fluid/'flu(:)id/n.流体;液体inject/in'dʒekt/vt.注射injection/in'dʒekʃən/n.注射;注射剂needle/'ni:dl/n.针;针头spill/spil/vi.溢出;洒落vt.使溢出;使洒落male/meil/ a.男性的;雄性的n.男人;雄性动(植)物female/'fi:meil/n.a.女性的;雌性的n.雌性的动(植)物;女人condom/'kɔndəm/n.避孕套homosexual/'houmə'sekʃuəl/n.同性恋a.同性恋的prejudice/'predʒudis/n.偏见;成见judgement/'dʒʌdʒmənt/n.看法;判决;判断disco/'diskou/n.迪斯科舞会;迪斯科舞厅abortion/ə'bɔ:ʃən/n.流产;中途失败cigar/si'gɑ:/n.雪茄烟embarrassed a.尴尬的;陷入困境的awkward/'ɔ:kwəd/ a.局促不安的;笨拙的Unit4consume/kən'sju:m/vt.消耗;消费;耗尽;吃完renewable/ri'njuəbl/adj.能再生的;可更新的greenhouse Fahrenheit/'færənhait/ a.华氏的n.华氏温度计come about发生;造成Sophie/'soufi/n.索菲(女名)Armstrong/'ɑ:mstrɔŋ/阿姆斯特朗graph/græf/n.图表;坐标图;曲线图random/'rændəm/ a.胡乱的;任意的phenomenon/fi'nɔminən/n.现象subscribe/səb'skraib/vi.同意;捐赠;订阅vt.(签署)文件;捐助subscribe to v.同意;赞成;订购fossil/'fɔsl/n.化石;从地下采掘出来的(矿物)fuel/fjuəl/n.燃料byproduct n.副产品Janice/'dʒænes/贾尼丝(女子名)Foster/'fɔstə/福斯特methane/'meθein/n.甲烷;沼气Celsius a.(温度)摄氏的quantity/'kwɔntiti/n.量;数量quantities of大量的tend/tend/vi.趋向;易于;照顾vt.照顾;护理go up上升;增长;升起Charles Keeling查尔斯.基林measurement/'meʒəmənt/n.衡量;测量;尺寸per/pə:/prep.每;每一data/'deitə/n.资料;数据result in导致trend/trend/n.趋势;倾向;走向catastrophe/kə'tæstrəfi/n.大灾难;浩劫flood/flʌd/n.洪水;水灾drought/draut/n.旱灾;干旱famine/'fæmin/n.饥荒George Hambley乔治.汉布利oppose/ə'pəuz/vt.反对;反抗;与(某人)较量opposed/ə'pəuzd/ a.反对的;对立的be opposed to反对...mild/maild/ a.温和的;温柔的;淡的environmental/in'vaiərən'mentl/ a.环境的environmentalist/invairən'mentlist/n.环境保护论者consequence/'kɔnsikwəns/n.结果;后果;影响state/steit/vt.陈述;说明range/reindʒ/n.种类;范围even if即使keep on继续glance/glɑ:ns/vi.看一下;扫视n.一瞥steady/'stedi/ a.平稳的;持续的;稳固的steadily/'stedili/ad.平稳地;持续地tendency/'tendənsi/n.倾向;趋势widespread/'waidspred/ a.分布广的;普遍的on the whole大体上;基本上economical/'i:kə'nɔmikəl/ a.节约的;经济的hectare/'hektɑ:/n.公顷average/'ævəridʒ/ a.平均的existence/ig'zistəns/n.生存;存在outer/'autə/ a.外部的;外面的on behalf of代表…一方;作为…的代言人individual/'indi'vidjuəl/n.个人;个体a.单独的;个别的advocate/'ædvəkit/vt.拥护;提倡;主张commitment/kə'mitmənt/n.承诺;交托;信奉put up with忍受;容忍pollution/pə'lu:ʃən/n.污染;弄脏growth/grəuθ/n.增长;生长electrical/i'lektrikəl/ a.电的;与电有关的appliance/ə'plaiəns/n.用具;工具;器具so long as只要casual/'kæʒjuəl/ a.随便的;漫不经心的;偶然的and so on等等motor/'məutə/n.发动机can/kæn/n.容器;罐头circumstance/'sə:kəmstəns/n.环境;情况microwave/'maikrəweiv/n.微波炉;微波refresh/ri'freʃ/vt.使恢复;使振作educator/'edʒukeitə/n.教育工作者;教育家contribution/'kɔntri'bju:ʃən/n.贡献imperative/im'perətiv/ a.祈使语气;命令heading/'hediŋ/n.标题slogan/'sləugən/n.标语;口号presentation/'prezen'teiʃən/n.显示;演出nuclear/'nju:kliə/ a.核的;核能的;原子核的disagreement/'disə'gri:mənt/n.分歧;不一致Unit5diagram/'daiəgræm/n.图解;图表;示意图volcano/vɔl'keinəu/n.火山volcanic/vɔl'kænik/ a.火山的volcanology/vɔlkə'nɔlədʒi/n.火山学volcanologist/-dʒist/n.火山学家erupt/i'rʌpt/vi.(指火山)爆发;突然发生eruption/i'rʌpʃən/n.火山爆发;(战争等)爆发ash/æʃ/n.灰;灰末crater/'kreitə/n.火山口;弹坑lava/'lɑ:və/n.熔岩;火山岩hurricane/'hʌrikən/n.飓风;风暴questionnaire/kwestʃə'nɛə/n.问卷;调查表alongside/ə'lɔŋ'said/adv.在旁边;沿着边prep.在…旁边;沿着…的equipment/i'kwipmənt/n.设备;装备appoint/ə'pɔint/vt.任命;委派observatory/əb'zə:vətəti/n.观象台;天文台;气象台database n.数据库;资料库Mount Kilauea基拉韦厄火山evaluate/i'væljueit/vt.评估;评价;估计burn to the ground全部焚毁wave/weiv/n.波浪;波涛vi.波动;起伏;挥手molten/'məultən/ a.熔化的;熔融的fountain/'fauntin/vt.vt.泉水般地喷出或涌出n.喷泉;源泉absolute/'æbsəlu:t/ a.绝对的;完全的absolutely/'æbsəlu:tli/ad.绝对地;完全地spaceman/'speismæn/n.宇航员;航天专家suit/sju:t/n.一套外衣;套装vt.适合;使适宜helmet/'helmit/n.头盔boot/bu:t/n.靴子make one's way前往potential/pə'tenʃəl/n.潜在性;可能性;潜能a.可能的;潜在的actual/'æktjuəl/ a.实在的;实际的geology/dʒi'ɔlədʒi/n.地质学Mount Etna埃特纳火山Sicily/'sisili/n.西西里岛(意大利南部)sample/'sɑ:mpl/n.样品;样本candidate/'kændidit/n.候选人;候补者Mount Vesuvius维苏威火山threat/θret/n.恐吓;威胁bungalow/'bʌŋgələu/n.平房;小屋Pompeii/pɔm'peii:/n.庞培(意大利古都)tornado/tɔ:'neidəu/n.龙卷风;旋风typhoon/tai'fu:n/n.台风thunderstorm n.雷暴precious/'preʃəs/ a.贵重的;珍贵的novelist/'nɔvəlist/n.小说家fog/fɔg/n.雾document/'dɔkjumənt/n.文件;证件rainbow/'reinbəu/n.彩虹uncomfortable/ʌn'kʌmfətəbl/ a.不舒服的;不舒适的balcony/'bælkəni/n.阳台unconscious/ʌn'kɔʃəs/ a.失去知觉的;未察觉的shoot/ʃu:t/vt.射中;射伤shot/ʃɔt/n.射击;枪炮声tremble/'trembl/vi.摇晃;摇动;颤抖sweat/swet/n.汗vi.出汗anxious/'æŋkʃəs/ a.忧虑的;不安的anxiety/æŋg'zaiəti/n.担心;焦虑;渴望panic/'pænik/vi.vt.惊慌n.恐慌;惊慌tsunami/tsu'nɑ:mi/n.海啸;地震海啸glance through v.匆匆看一遍Manchu/mæn'tʃu:/ a.满族的n.满人vary from...to...由...到...不等diverse/dai'və:s/ a.多种多样的;不同的diversity/dai'və:siti/n.多种多样;多样性crane/krein/n.鹤;吊车;起重机leopard/'lepəd/n.豹spectacular/spek'tækjulə/ a.引人入胜的;壮观的bathe/beið/vi.洗澡;游泳arouse/ə'rauz/vt.激发;唤醒某人appreciation/ə'pri:ʃi'eiʃən/n.欣赏;感激;感谢peak/pi:k/n.山顶;顶峰persuasion/pə:'sweiʒən/n.信服;说服guarantee/'gærən'ti:/n.保证;担保。

2018-2019学年度高中英语(人教版)选修六Unit 3 A healthy life language points课时作业(9)

2018-2019学年度高中英语(人教版)选修六Unit 3 A healthy life language points课时作业(9)

Unit 3 A healthy life language points课时作业第一节(共10小题;每小题2. 5分,满分25分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

AWelcome to Adventureland!Everyone loves Adventureland!The parks and exhibitions were built for you to explore,enjoy,and admire their wonders. Every visit will be an unforgettable experience. You will go away enriched,longing to come back. What are you going to do this time?The Travel PavilionExplore places you have never been to before,and experience different ways of life. Visit the Amazon jungle village,the Turkish market,the Tai floating market,the Berber mountain house and others. Talk to the people there who will tell you about their lives,and things they make. You can try making a carpet,making nets,fishing. . . The Future TowerThis exhibition shows how progress will touch our lives. It allows us to look into the future and explore the cities of the next century and the way we'll be living then. Spend some time in our space station and climb into our simulator(模拟装置)for the journey to Mars!The Nature ParkThis is not really one park but several. In the Safari Park you can drive among African animals in one of our Range Cruisers: see lions,giraffes,elephants in the wild. Move on to the Ocean Park to watch the dolphins and whales. And then there is still the Aviary to see. . .The PyramidThis is the center of Adventureland. Run out of films,need some postcards and stamps?For all these things and many more,visit our underground shopping center. Come here for information and ideas too.21.The Travel Pavilion is built to help visitors________.A.realize the importance of travelingB.become familiar with mountain countriesC.learn something about different places in the worldD.learn how to make things such as fishing nets答案C[细节理解题。

人教版高中英语选修六:课时分层作业unit3课时分层作业9 Section Ⅲ、Ⅳ【含答案】

人教版高中英语选修六:课时分层作业unit3课时分层作业9 Section  Ⅲ、Ⅳ【含答案】

课时分层作业(九)Section Ⅲ、Ⅳ(建议用时:30分钟)[语言知识练习固基础]单句语法填空1.Don't take it for granted,and even an experienced climber can get into trouble.2.Hunting tigers in China is an illegal (legal) activity which should be forbidden.3.What I tell my students is to ask more questions rather than be satisfied with a quick judgement (judge).4.It is the time and energy we spent on the present that makes it valuable rather than the price we paid.5.The disease is spreading,and all children under five are at risk.6.What's it like to live at the North Pole in winter,can you imagine?7.I'd appreciate it if you would like to teach me how to use the computer.8.How does the woman feel when asked(ask)about the offer price of her flat?9.I bet he was even more embarrassed(embarrass)than I was.10.While people may refer to television for up-to-date news,it is unlikely (likely) that television will replace the newspaper completely.[高考题型练习提能力]阅读理解AIt's tough to connect with nature at this time of year.Your days are spent under artificial lights in a room,while the last of autumn's flowers are hidden beneath piles of fallen leaves.NDD,or nature deficit(不足) disorder,has become hot lately.Although it's not a recognized medical condition,concerns about its effects on health are attracting widespread attention.“I guess it's a symptom of the current lifestyle,”says Dr Ross Cameron of Sheffield University.“We're so absorbed in modern technology and things that we're less observant of the world around us and we're more likely to learn about wildlife from the media than from a walk in the woods.”Richard Louv coined the phrase “nature deficit disorder”in his book Last Child in the Woods.He argues that all of us,especially children,are spending more time indoors,which makes us separate from nature.Dr Cameron gave his views on the subject in a lecture this month.“The phrase has been used to describe the thing where we used to have natural processes and natural experience in our life,and that seems to be becoming less common,”he said.“Any green environment—from pot plants to weeds—can provide green space that attracts wildlife and exposes people to the benefits of the natural world.And if we don't experience natural places,this can be bad for our mental health.”“As biological beings we are adapted to be in a certain green environment—to run,to play,to hunt and to be active basically,”said Dr Cameron,“The reality is we tend to sit for most of the day.”【语篇解读】本文主要介绍了自然缺失症对人身心健康的危害及应对措施。



课时作业(四)Using Language Ⅰ.单词拼写1.He sold his cow in ________(交换)for the money for his son's education.2.Unless he can find a ________(赞助人),he will be forced to retire from the athletics.3.The clouds moved across the moon,leaving us in total ________(黑暗).4.Jeans are not ________(合适的)for the formal party.5.Don't go against the rules of nature ________(永远).6.The horse had a heavy ________(负担)of goods.7.They've held the ________(冠军)for the past two years.8.Fill in the ________(空白)in the following sentences.9.Do you know who invented the ________(指南针)?10.Be good to each other and you will feel the ________(温暖)of mankind.Ⅱ.单项填空1.(2013·徐州高二检测)The workers are loading the goods________a car,that is,they're loading the car________goods.A.with;with B..into;intoC.into;with D.with;into2.The inventor is excited,and he is going to ________ his new machine.His idea sounds fine,but we need to see how it works in practice.A.make out B.hand outC.try out D.take out3.He accidentally ________ he had quarreled with his wife and that he hadn't been home for a couple of weeks.A.let out B.found ofC.gave out D.made out4.Knowing that they had arrived safely,I felt a heavy load ________ off my mind.A.to take B.takingC.taken D.take5.(2013·大同高二检测)If he had money now,he would________his old computer for a new one.A.exchange B.replaceC.substitute D.abandon6.(2011·重庆高考)To show our respect,we usually have to take our gloves off________we are to shake hands with.A.whichever B.wheneverC.whoever D.wherever7.—Is David a man with good manners?—I don't think so.As a matter of fact,he is________but polite.A.something B.everythingC.nothing D.anything8.________I have already had breakfast,that cake still looks attractive to me.A.Since B.UntilC.Because D.Although9.But for your help of explaining how to use the machine,we are still ________.A.in the dark B.at the darknessC.in dark D.at darkness10.We thought of selling this old furniture,but we've decided to ________ it.It might be valuable.A.hold on to B.keep up withC.turn to D.look afterⅢ.阅读理解AThe Poetry Foundation, recently named American poet Jack Prelutsky as the nation's first children's poet laureate (桂冠诗人).The group created the award as a way to increase children's love of poetry.As children's poet laureate,Jack Prelutsky will give two public readings in thenext two years.He will also advise the Poetry Foundation about children's literature and take part in projects concerning children and poetry.Jack Prelutsky has been writing poetry for children for almost forty years.He has written more than thirty five books of poems.His first book was called A Gopher in the Garden.It was published in 1967.His latest is called Behold the Bold Umbrellaphant and Other Poems.Jack Prelutsky is well known for creating new words by combining two words to create a new kind of creature.For example,he combined “radish”with “shark” to get “radishark”.“Lion”and “broccoli”became “broccolion”.He also created “umbrellaphant”,a mixture of the words “umbrella” and “elephant”.Jack Prelutsky says that children like his poems because he writes about things they care about.Poetry researchers say that Jack Prelutsky's poems recognize children's feelings.An example of this is the poem My Sister Is a Were w olf which is about how it feels to be different.Jack Prelutsky also writes poems about American holidays.His poem It's Hallo w een is a very famous one about the holiday celebrated at the end of October.1.Which of the following can be the BEST title of the passage?A.Poems with New Words Grow PopularB.First Children's Poet Laureate NamedC.Children's Love for Poetry IncreasedD.Jack Prelutsky Awarded Nationwide2.What is Jack Prelutsky famous for?A.Creating new words in his poems.B.His productivity.C.His long time of writing.D.His poems about American holidays.3.What can we infer from the passage?A.It was A Gopher in the Garden that brought him fame.B.The poet will be kept busy over a lot of activities.C.Jack Prelutsky will no longer write about American holidays.D.The poem It's Hallo w een must have been written for adults.4.Put the following items in RIGHT order according to the passage.a.two public readingsb.A Gopher in the Gardenc.Behold the Bold Umbrellaphant and Other Poemsd.My Sister Is a Were w olfA.b—c—d—a B.d—a—c—bC.b—d—c—a D.a—b—c—d5.Which of the following is NOT correct about Jack Prelutsky?A.His first book was published in 1967.B.His poems are also about American holidays.C.He has been writing poetry for children for forty years.D.He is famous for creating new words.BA few extra pounds might help you live longer if you're past your prime but otherwise healthy,a new study finds.Doctors routinely follow guidelines issued by the World Health Organization(WHO).Because weight depends on height,they use a standard measure called body mass index(BMI),which is calculated as the weight in kilograms divided by the height in meters squared.Healthy weight is described as a BMI anywhere between 18.5 and 24.9 in adults,whereas 25 to 29.9 is overweight and 30+is obese(肥胖的).The new study suggests that in the elderly,these boundaries may be too narrow.While no one is questioning that extra fat increases health risks in young and middle-aged adults,it may reduce the effect on old age,said Dr. Thomas Yoshikawa.So far,nobody knows exactly how BMI affects lifespan(寿命)in older people.Some researchers think that it acts as an energy reserve that can help the elderly cope with illness.For the study,Australian researchers followed more than 9,000 men and women who were between 70 and 75 years old at the outset.The participants reported their height and weight as well as various factors related to health and lifestyle.About 33 percent of the women and 44 percent of the men were overweight.Over 10 years,more than 2,000 of the participants died.Women who had an active life and didn't smoke were the most likely to be alive at the end of the study.But neither health nor lifestyle could fully explain why overweight people of both sexes survived longer than the normal-weight people,who fared no better than obese people.In terms of survival,the best BMI was between 26 and 27,well within the overweight range.The new results agree with earlier research showing that fat may be beneficial in old age.6.What does the underlined word“prime”in Paragraph 1 mean?A.The time before retirement.B.The strongest or most successful time.C.The later years in life.D.The years suitable to study and work.7.If a person is 2 meters in height and 100 kg in weight,his BMI is ________.A.30 B.28C.25 D.208.We can infer from the passage that ________.A.WHO should change the standard of BMIB.we shouldn't lose weight when we are oldC.we needn't worry about our weight throughout our lifeD.extra fat does more harm to the young than the elderly9.What do we know about the study from the passage?A.It was done by WHO.B.It lasted for more than 10 years.C.Most of its participants were men.D.It found women live longer than men.10.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A.Fat has little to do with people's lifespan.B.People in their 30s should pay more attention to their health.C.If you're 70 and slightly overweight,you may have a long lifespan.D.People shouldn't care about their weight too much.Ⅳ.完成句子1.过去英国的羊毛可用来换酒。

人教版高中英语选修六Unit 1 Art using language名师精编课时作业(9)

人教版高中英语选修六Unit 1 Art using language名师精编课时作业(9)

Unit 1 art using language课时作业Ⅰ.语法填空1.(2017·全国卷Ⅲ)What can __________ (tour) do on Back to the Fifties Tour?[答案]tourists2.The author let his son repair the car because he believed that it wouldn't cause him any more __________ (lose).[答案]loss3.Therefore, it's a good idea to keep a notebook or voice __________ (record) nearby when you're in the daydream zone.[答案]recorder4.The late __________ (music) Dennis Brain is said to have asked a fellow train passenger to turn off his radio.[答案]musician5.When he retired three years ago, he persuaded his church music __________ (direct) to take him as a student.[答案]director6.I listened to his excuse with a __________ (mix) of amusement and disbelief.[答案]mixture7.After graduation, he worked as a __________ (lecture) in a university.[答案]lecturer8.Gu Jianfen is one of China's greatest __________ (compose).[答案]composersⅡ.选词填空1.lost,missing,gone①The __________ child has not been found.②Hardly had I set foot in the street when I realized I was __________.③After he got off the bus, he found that his mobile phone was __________.[答案]①missing②lost③gone2.take note of,take notes of,take notes①Please ____________ what I'll say, and if you have any questions, exchange ideas with your classmates.②He is used to ____________ in class.③She began to ____________ the way these things are described in the sort of pre-computer database.[答案]①take notes of②taking notes③take note ofⅢ.单句改错1.Losing in thought, he didn't notice he had already passed by his home.____________[答案]Losing→Lost2.The audience were so large that no seat was left in the grand hall.____________[答案]were→was3.Chinese citizens are to have their fingerprints recording when applying for or changing their identity cards.____________[答案]recording→recorded4.By the time he gets here, we have finished thework.____________[答案]have前加will5.It was on the beach where the man was lying.____________[答案]where→thatⅣ.单句写作1.By the time you arrive tomorrow morning,______________________________ (我已经离开这个国家了).[答案]I will have left the country2.__________________________________ (直到他得了严重的病) that he realized the importance of health.[答案]It was not until he got seriously ill3.________________________________ (是因为杰克来晚了) for school that Mr. Smith got angry?[答案]Was it because Jack came late4.By the end of this month, ________________________ (我们已经学了) three units.[答案]we'll have learned5.Please ________________________ (记下) when and where the meeting will be held.[答案]make a note of/make notes ofV.完形填空(2017·河南郑州二模)I had just started my second year studying at Cambridge University when I was faced with the news I had never expected. A lump in my neck ____1____ out to be cancer. I would ____2____ six months of chemotherapy (化疗).After the shock, laws struck by this thought: my ____3____ didn't have any room for cancer. I had so much I wanted to ____4____ and somany goals I wanted to chase.I was faced with the ____5____ job of telling my friends and family. Then, I had to decide whether to ____6____ in Cambridge and take five exams at the end of the year. My doctor ____7____ against it, and so did my parents and teachers.My doctors and teachers convinced me that taking some time off to ____8____ and relax would be the best thing for me. I could not think of anything ____9____. I did not want to ____10____ a year of my life, receiving pity from those around me.Together with my parents, I tried to persuade the university to ____11____ me to stay at Cambridge and study only half the course. At the end of the year I would take two exams. It was really a ____12____ to persuade them to agree.Treatment began and I was up and down from Cambridge to London every other week. It made me feel ____13____,but to a much lesser degree than I had expected. I was ____14____ to read, eat and socialize exactly as I used to. I slept a lot and rested a lot, but I also worked hard at my studies. It gave me focus, and it also gave me purpose. Completing my ____15____ at the end of term felt like a great personal victory.I took a ____16____ to continue studying while undergoing treatment, and it ____17____. I was successful in my exams and more ____18____,I made a full recovery.Every person facing a disease like cancer must make the ____19____ that are right for them. I am ____20____ that I made the decision that was right for me.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。

人教版高中英语选修六Unit 2 Poems reading名师精编课时作业(9)

人教版高中英语选修六Unit 2 Poems reading名师精编课时作业(9)

Unit 2 Poems reading课时作业Ⅰ.单词拼写/用所给词的正确形式填空1.The front door is locked and all the windows are __________ (紧紧地) shut.[答案]firmly2.Each piece of __________ (家具) in their home suited the style of the house.[答案]furniture3.—Jack, what do you think of the event which not only promoted the __________ (意识) of the world hunger, but raised a lot of money to help those poor children?—That's great![答案]awareness4.My father is a farmer and the skin of his back peeled off with too much __________ (暴露) to the sun.[答案]exposure5.Do you know how life on the earth came into __________ (存在)?[答案]existence6.They set up a reserve to protect those __________ (danger) animals.[答案]endangered7.The committee put forward a __________ (propose) to reduce the time limit.[答案]proposal8.The teacher suggested to us that every minute __________ (make)use of to improve our spoken English.[答案](should) be made9.I'd like to thank all of you who contributed to __________ (build) the hospital.[答案]building10.We have made an __________ (adjust) to our price and give you a special discount of 3 percent.[答案]adjustmentⅡ.完成句子1.这台机器很容易操作。



高中英语选修6全册课时作业及单元检测目录Unit 1 Period One Warming Up & Reading课时作业Unit 1 Period Two Language Points课时作业Unit 1 Period 3 Using Language课时作业Unit 1 Period Four Grammar & Writing课时作业Unit 1 Art单元检测Unit 2 Period One Warming Up & Reading课时作业Unit 2 Period Two Language Points课时作业Unit 2 Period 3 Using Language课时作业Unit 2 Period Four Grammar & Writing课时作业Unit 2 Poems单元检测Unit 3 Period One Warming Up & Reading课时作业Unit 3 Period Two Language Points课时作业Unit 3 Period 3 Using Language课时作业Unit 3 Period Four Grammar & Writing课时作业Unit 3 A healthy life单元检测Unit 4 Period One Warming Up & Reading课时作业Unit 4 Period Two Language Points课时作业Unit 4 Period 3 Using Language课时作业Unit 4 Period Four Grammar & Writing课时作业Unit 4 Global warming单元检测Unit 5 Period One Warming Up & Reading课时作业Unit 5 Period Two Language Points课时作业Unit 5 Period 3 Using Language课时作业Unit 5 Period Four Grammar & Writing课时作业Unit 5 The power of nature单元检测Period One Warming Up & Reading Ⅰ.用适当的介、副词填空1.A typical picture at this time was full ________ religious symbols,which created a feeling ________ respect and love ________ God.2.But it was evident that ideas were changing ________ the 13th century when painters ________ Giotto di Bondone began to paint religious scenes ________ a more realistic way.3.People began to concentrate less ________ religious themes and adopt a more humanistic attitude ________ life.4.________ the same time painters returned ________ classical Roman and Greek ideas about art.5.When people first saw his paintings,they were convinced that they were looking through a hole ________ a wall ________ a real scene.6.Naturally,these changes also led ________ new painting styles.7.Among the painters who broke away ________ the traditional style ________ painting were the Impressionists,who lived and worked ________ Paris.8.They were eager to show how light and shadow fell ________ objects ________ different times ________ day.9.There are scores ________ modern art styles,but ________ the Impressionists,many of these painting styles might not exist.10.________ the other hand,some paintings ________ modern art are so realistic that they look ________ photographs.Ⅱ.佳句翻译与仿写1.Would you rather have Chinese or Western­style paintings in your home?翻译:________________________________________________________________________ 仿写:(1)你更愿意做什么,是去看电影还是呆在家里?________________________________,go to the cinema or stay at home?(2)你愿意步行还是坐公共汽车?________________________________________________________________________ 2.But it was evident that ideas were changing in the 13th century when painters like Giotto di Bondone began to paint religious scenes in a more realistic way.翻译:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 仿写:(1)显然已经出了差错。



高中英语学习材料(灿若寒星*制作整理)Unit 5The power of nature课时作业(九)Warming Up & ReadingⅠ.单词拼写1.The government has an interest in importing scientific ____________(设备).2.The parks of this city are famous for their ______________(喷泉).3.Your answer is ____________(完全地)wrong.4.Their boats pulled up________(沿着……边)the dock.5.Mr.Li was ____________(任命)as headmaster at the beginning of the school.6.He ____________(挥手)happily to his companions and went away.7.We should encourage the students to develop their ____________(潜在的)abilities.8.She gave me a ____________(图表)of railway network.9.Enough lava had ____________(爆发)from the volcano to bury the entire village.10.We need to __________ (评估)how well the policy is working.Ⅱ.完形填空(2013·中山高二测评)One day, a train was approaching the small town of Cheekyville. On the train was a __1__ man with a big suitcase. He was called William Warbler and he looked very__2__indeed. But what made him most unusual was the fact that whenever he needed to __3__,he did so by singing opera. Even if someone said “good day”to him, he would clear his throat and __4__,“Goood dayyy to youuuuuu...toooooo!”Almost everyone considered William unusual, since no one could get a normal __5__ word out of him. As no one knew how he made his living,he lived quite __6__,always wearing the same old second-hand suit,they often had no respect for him and sometimes even __7__ him.William had been in Cheekyville for some years, when one day a rumor (谣言) spread that William had received a role in a very important __8__ in the nation's capital, that there had been posters everywhere advertising the event, and that it had been a great __9__. And to everyone's surprise, when William was being interviewed by reporters, he answered their questions by speaking with good __10__,and with a clear and pleasant voice.From that day on, William gave up __11__ at all hours. Now he sang only during his stage appearances. People wouldn't have thought him __12__ if they had seen what William kept in his big suitcase. It was a large __13__,with a hand-carved message on it.The message said,“Practice every second, for you never know when your __14__ will come.”Little did people realize that he only got the role in the opera because the __15__ had heard William singing while out buying a newspaper.1.A.tall B.sensitiveC.handsome D.strange2.mon B.concernedC.wealthy D.confident3.A.appear B.practiceC.communicate D.debate4.A.whisper B.respondC.repeat D.tease5.A.advised B.printedC.written D.spoken6.A.simply B.naturallyC.calmly D.fortunately7.A.had mercy on B.made fun ofC.ran after D.were angry with8.A.concert B.documentaryC.opera D.film9.A.experience B.benefitC.discovery D.success10.A.movements B.mannersC.efforts D.signs11.A.pretending B.recordingC.singing D.wandering12.A.mad B.skillfulC.artificial D.desperate13.A.knife B.stoneC.medal D.diamond14.A.solution B.inspirationC.performance D.chance15.A.neighbor B.visitorC.director D.teacherⅢ.阅读理解V olcanoesThe ground we walk on seems firm,but deep under the earth and under the sea the rocks change and move.In some parts of the world there are“fire mountains”,which we call volcanoes.From time to time they burst open and throw out fire and burning ashes.These volcanoes are very dangerous.There are many volcanoes in Indonesia and Philippines.There is also a famous mountain near Tokyo,Japan,which is a volcano too.Its name is Mount Fuji.For much of the year,it is covered with snow.One of the most famous volcanoes which erupted in recent time is Krakatoa,on an island in Indonesia.The first explosion took place on 20th May,1883,but the biggest eruption did not come until the 26th and 27th August of that year.The people on the island were used to the explosions by that time,and so they were completely unprepared for this terrible happening.Almost all the people on the island died and the explosion also made huge waves in the sea,which drowned(淹死)many people on the other island nearby.After the eruption was over,people saw that the whole northern part of the island had completely disappeared.Scientists say that 15 cubic(立方)kilometers of rocks and ash were thrown up in the explosion.The noise of theexplosion was heard nearly 5000 kilometers away in the middle of the Indian Ocean,and the city of Jakarta was completely dark for about two and a half hours.1.There are many volcanoes ________.A.everywhere in the worldB.under the earth and the seaC.in Hong KongD.in Indonesia2.The people near Krakatoa were unprepared when it had its biggest eruption because people there ________.A.had never met any explosions beforeB.were used to the explosions by that timeC.didn't want to leave their islandD.could do nothing but wait3.People who were 5000 kilometers away from Krakatoa could ________.A.see that the 15 cubic kilometers of rocks and ash were thrown upB.hear the noise of the explosionC.see the huge wavesD.see that Krakatoa was dark4.The biggest explosion made ________.A.all the people on the island dieB.the whole island disappearC.the city of Jakarta completely dark for about two and a half hoursD.huge waves in the middle of the Indian OceanⅣ.翻译句子1.我刚要上床睡觉,这时有人敲门。



Unit 1Art课时作业(一)Warming Up & Reading Ⅰ.单词拼写1.Unemployment is ________ (预料)to increase to 700,000 by the end of the year.2.The weather at the moment is not ________(典型的)for July.3.It is the theme of all her books that people should have ________ (信仰)and a purpose in life.4.It is ________(荒唐的)that we have to wait six weeks.5.The growing popularity of the subject is ________(明显的)in the numbers of students wanting to study it.6.His theory is so________(抽象的)that only a few students like it.7.He made an________(试图)to escape from being punished.8.She has never been to Tibet,and________(所以)she knows very little about it.9.He is not the woman's own son;she ________ (收养)him twenty years ago.10.Who ________ (拥有)the house?In another word,who is the owner of the house?Ⅱ.单项填空1.To enjoy the beauty of nature,I ________ spend long hours on the train rather than travel by air.A.would like B..prefer toC.feel like D.would rather2.It is ________ that solar energy will become the major energy in the future,though it is not quite sure.A.informed B.countedC.proved D.predicted3.(2013·保定高二检测)You must keep the news a secret and don't put it________anybody else.A.in possession of B.in the possession ofC.in charge of D.in the charge of4.(2013·咸宁高二月考)Jack is late again,it is________of him to keep others waiting.A.typical B.ordinaryC.common D.normal5.Have faith________yourself,be faithful________your work and make every effort you can and then you are not far away from success.A.of;of B.in;inC.to;in D.in;to6.(2013·商州高二检测)The project________helping young unemployed people.A.aims at B.is aimed atC.aims to D.for the purpose of7.I know my job isn't well paid,but________I don't have to work long hours.A.on the one hand B.on the other handC.in the other hand D.on another hand8.The boss stood before the mirror,________his tie and then went out of the office to meet the important visitor.A.adapted B.admiredC.adjusted D.adopted9.It can't be a(n)________that four jewelry stores were robbed in one night.A.coincidence B.accidentC.incident D.chance10.It's the most________thing I have ever heard in my life.I can't help laughing.A.ridiculous B.dangerousC.important D.poisonous11.Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it at her first ________.A.intention B.attemptC.purpose D.desire12.Do you know that smoking and drinking has become a ________ problem among teenagers,which worries many parents and teachers?A.popular B.traditionalC.daily D.typical13.—The man said he was single.—It's ________ that he was telling a lie—he is the father of a two-year-old child.A.natural B.evidentC.curious D.representative14.The Internet,as well as newspapers and magazines,________a more and more important part in our daily life.A.have played B.are playingC.is playing D.has been played15.Among the workers who built the stadium ________,who used to live in the countryside.A.are the peasants B.the peasants areC.were the peasants D.the peasants wereⅢ.完形填空An artist who had painted many pictures of great beauty found that he had not yet painted one “real” picture.In his__1__along a dusty road, he met an aged priest (牧师)who asked him where he was going.“I do not know,”said the artist, “I want to paint the most beautiful thing in the world.Perhaps you can__2__me to it.”“How simple,”replied the priest, “in any church, you will find it—‘Faith’is the most beautiful thing in the world.”The artist traveled on.__3__,he met a young bride who told him that the most beautiful thing in the world is “Love”.“Love”__4__the world go round.It__5__poverty into riches,sweetens tears and makes much of little.__6__love there is no beauty.Still the artist__7__his search and met a weary soldier.The artist asked him the__8__question and the soldier answered,“‘Peace’is the most beautiful thing inthe world.‘War’is ugly and__9__you find Peace you'll find Beauty,Faith and Love.”“How can I__10__them—Faith, Love and Peace?” thought the artist.As he resumed (继续) his walk, his mind__11__the “real” picture he hoped to paint.He was__12__that without thinking where he was going,he had reached his__13__surroundings.As he entered the doorway,light glistened (闪光)in his eyes and he__14__that his search was over.In the__15__of his wife and children,he saw Love and Faith, “Not a minute passed by that our children and I had not__16__you.We prayed that you would return to us__17__,”his wife said as they embraced him.He sat on his__18__old chair and his heart was at__19__.Finally,the artist painted the most beautiful thing in the world and called it “__20__”.1.A.path B.tripC.imagination D.search2.A.adjust B.applyC.direct D.force3.A.Earlier B.LaterC.Nowadays D.Finally4.A.makes B.expectsC.appreciates D.demands5.A.builds B.advisesC.charges D.results6.A.Except B.WithoutC.Including D.Besides7.A.broke B.insistedC.continued D.stopped8.A.opposite B.importantC.boring D.same9.A.wherever B.wheneverC.however D.whatever10.A.accept B.paintC.practise D.require11.A.agreed B.rememberedC.wondered D.looked12.A.excited B.interestedC.frightened D.surprised13.A.strange B.specialC.familiar D.suitable14.A.realized B.suggestedC.followed D.repeated15.A.memories B.facesC.hopes D.praises16.A.thought of B.put up withC.hunted for D.watched out for17.A.anxiously B.eagerlyC.safely D.happily18.A.wide B.singleC.present D.favourite19.A.loss B.peaceC.time D.moment20.A.Children B.FaithC.Friendship D.HomeⅣ.阅读理解(2013·新课标全国卷Ⅰ)The National GalleryDescription:The National Gallery is the British national art museum built on the north side of Trafalgar Square in London.It houses a diverse collection of more than 2,300 examples of European art ranging from 13th-century religious paintings to moremodern ones by Renoir and Van Gogh.The older collections of the gallery are reached through the main entrance while the more modern works in the East Wing are most easily reached from Trafalgar Square by a ground floor entrance.Layout:The modern Sainsbury Wing on the western side of the building houses 13th-to 15th-century paintings,and artists include Duccio,Uccello,Van Eyck,Lippi,Mantegna,Botticelli and Memling.The main West Wing houses 16th-century paintings,and artists include Leonardo da Vinci,Cranach,Michelangelo,Raphael,Bruegel,Bronzino,Titian and Veronese.The North Wing houses 17th-century paintings,and artists include Caravaggio,Rubens,Poussin,Van Dyck,Vel zquez,Claude and Vermeer.The East Wing houses 18th-to early 20th-century paintings,and artists include Canaletto,Goya,Turner,Constable,Renoir and Van Gogh.Opening Hours:The Gallery is open every day from 10am to 6pm (Fridays 10am to 9pm) and is free,but charges apply to some special exhibitions.Getting There:Nearest underground stations: Charing Cross (2-minute walk),Leicester Square (3-minute walk),Embankment (7-minute walk),and Piccadilly Circus (8-minute walk).1.In which century's collection can you see religious paintings?A.The 13th. B.The 17th.C.The 18th. D.The 20th.2.Where are Leonardo da Vinci's works shown?A.In the East Wing.B.In the main West Wing.C.In the Sainsbury Wing.D.In the North Wing.3.Which underground station is closest to the National Gallery?A.Embankment. B.Leicester Square.C.Piccadilly Circus. D.Charing Cross.Ⅴ.翻译句子1.我对那个男孩失去了信心,不再相信他了。



高中英语学习材料(灿若寒星*制作整理)Unit 3 A healthy life课时作业(五)Warming Up & Reading Ⅰ.单词拼写1.More and more people cannot bear the ________(压力)of modern life.2.After the accident,he was ________(禁止)from driving alone.3.He ________(停止)smoking,and talked something to the person next to him.4.This heating system has an ________(自动的)temperature control.5.I am ________(使习惯于)to taking a walk after supper.6.He has been brought in to ________(加强)the defence.7.At one time,she is fine,but at another,she is ________(异常的).8.As for you,you ought to be ________(惭愧的)of yourself.9.They think this is an ________(滥用)of power.10.In the long run,working regularly has a good ________(效力)on our health.Ⅱ.单项填空1.(2013·芜湖高二月考)Children at the beginning of last century were________to the life without television.A.disappointed B..accustomedC.puzzled D.harmful2.(2013·烟台高二月考)I found her nice and honest________I saw her.A.for the first time B.the first timeC.on the first time D.at first3.________ I explained on the phone,your request will be considered at the next meeting.A.When B.AfterC.As D.Since4.Compared with his sister,Jerry is even more ________ to,and more easilytroubled by emotional and relationship problems.A.skeptical B.addictedC.available D.sensitive5.In my opinion,we should put more ________ on the quality of our products,not just the cost.A.stress B.effectC.notice D.support6.—This is the second time I________pictures with my own camera.—It's time that you________a picture of me.A.had taken;took B.have taken;tookC.will take;will take D.took;have taken7.(2013·德州高二检测)I have been accustomed to________to work________foot.A.going;on B.go;onC.go;in D.going;at8.It is reported that the president has put off the trip________the storm on the sea.A.in spite of B.lead toC.due to D.as a result9.From the ________ look on his face,we know that the result must be ________.A.disappointed;disappointingB.disappointed;disappointedC.disappointing;disappointingD.disappointing;disappointed10.It has been revealed that some government leaders ________ their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves.A.misuse B.abandonC.abuse D.accustom11.—Has he decided________the complex decision which troubled him for along time?—Not yet.A.for B.onC.against D.between12.(2013·荆州高二月考)I know I'd never been any good at school,so I just________trying.A.risk B.banC.attempt D.quit13.(2013·洛阳高二检测)What you have done will not have________your fame.A.a good effect in B.a good affectC.affect D.a good effect on14.You should be ________ of your ________ behavior.A.shameful;ashamed B.ashamed;shamefulC.shame;shameful D.ashamed;shame15.The leader________his basketball team by bringing in several young players.A.weakened B.strengthenedC.quitted D.bannedⅢ.完形填空One day,Mr Arnold was explaining the story of mankind to his pupils.He told them that,in the beginning,men were nomads(游牧民):they never __1__ in the same place for very long.Instead,they would travel about __2__ food.He taught them about the __3__ of farming and keeping animals.This was a(n)__4__ discovery,because by learning to grow crops,and __5__ animals,mankind would always have food __6__ available.It also meant that people could remain living in one place,and this made it easier to set about __7__ that would take a long time to complete,like building cities.All the children were listening,attracted __8__ by this story,until Lucy jumped up,asking,“Why are we nomads again,Mr Arnold?”Mr Arnold didn't know what to say.Lucy was a very __9__ girl.He knew that she lived with her parents in a __10__,so she must know that her family were not nomads;so what did she __11__?“We have all become nomads again,”__12__ Lucy.“The other day,outside the city,they were cutting the forest down.A while ago a fisherman told me __13__ they fish.It's the same with everyone:when there's no more forest left the foresters go elsewhere,and when the fish __14__ the fishermen move on.That's what the nomads did,isn't it?”The teacher __15__,thoughtfully.Really mankind had turned into nomads.__16__ looking after the land in a way that we could be sure it would keep __17__ our needs,we kept abusing it until the land was __18__.And then off we would go to the next place!The class spent the rest of the afternoon talking about what they could __19__.The next day everyone attended class wearing a green T-shirt,with a __20__ on it that said“I am not a nomad!”1.A.played B.stayedC.studied D.worked2.A.in favor of B.in exchange forC.in search of D.in preparation for3.A.invention B.advantageC.plan D.trick4.A.different B.convenientC.difficult D.important5.A.look for B.vote forC.care for D.hunt for6.A.readily B.actuallyC.suddenly D.hardly7.A.lives B.tasksC.lessons D.promises8.A.eagerly B.easilyC.routinely D.deeply9.A.funny B.cleverC.humorous D.lucky10.A.house B.gardenC.cave D.forest11.A.emphasize B.hearC.mean D.want12.A.claimed B.continuedC.insisted D.cried13.A.that B.whichC.what D.how14.A.give away B.run outC.turn down D.give up15.A.nodded B.explainedC.doubted D.addressed16.A.Because of B.Instead ofC.In spite of D.As a result of17.A.realizing B.expectingC.showing D.supplying18.A.harmful B.vastC.bare D.clear19.A.do B.loveC.organize D.accept20.A.book B.tableC.pen D.messageⅣ.阅读理解Sleep StruggleOne in every five young people has a sleep problem,so you're not alone.Getting enough sleep has become as important as eating vegetables and exercising regularly.It's very important for your body.Most young people only get seven hours of sleep each night,when they actually need nine hours.And making up for lost sleep during the week by sleeping on weekends doesn't really work.In fact,sleeping late on weekends may actually do youmore harm than good,if you have sleep problems.What happens if you don't get enough sleep?If your sleep problem continues for a few nights,you could suffer serious ck of sleep can affect learning and memory.Worse,if your sleep difficulties last a long time,that could lead to anxiety or depression(抑郁).Therefore,you've got to have some healthy sleep habits.Below are some suggestions:●GO TO BED AT THE SAME TIME—including weekends,if possible.●WAKE UP AROUND THE SAME TIME EVERY MORNING.When you sleep late just one morning during the week,it may disturb your body clock.This will make it hard for you to sleep that night.●DO SOMETHING RELAXING before going to bed.●EXERCISE DURING THE DAY.Don't exercise right before going to bed.●A VOID DRINKING ALCOHOL.Alcohol makes you excited.This prevents you from falling asleep or wakes you up during the night.●DON'T SMOKE.Smoking is always bad for the body.Smoking before bedtime keeps you awake.If trying these tips over a couple of weeks does not help you,speak to your doctor.Do not take any sleeping pills without first asking your doctor.Many of them have strong side effects.1.According to the passage,if you have sleep problems for a few nights,you could be________.A.lonely B.seriousC.forgetful D.happy2.The passage suggests that people with sleep problems should________.A.eat vegetables and exercise regularlyB.make up for lost sleep on weekendsC.follow a fixed timetable for sleepD.sleep seven hours every day3.We can learn from the suggestions that________.A.getting up earlier one morning makes it easier to fall asleep that nightB.listening to soft music before going to bed may help you fall asleepC.smokers and those who drink alcohol usually have sleep problemsD.exercising in the evening will help you get to sleep4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.Sleep problems are serious among young people.B.Sleeping late on weekends can make up for lost sleep.C. Your eating habits will be broken due to lack of sleep.D. You'll no longer have your sleep problem if you try the tips.5.What's the main idea of this passage?A.Many young people have sleep problems.B.Don't smoke before sleeping.C.How to keep healthy sleep habits.D.Smoking can make you awake.Ⅴ.翻译句子1.你父母非常看重诚实的品质。

2016-2017学年高中英语选修6课时作业9 含解析 精品

2016-2017学年高中英语选修6课时作业9 含解析 精品

课时作业(九)Unit 3 A healthy lifeSection ⅣGrammar & WritingⅠ.用it作形式主语的用法改写下列各个句子1.To learn something about the use of “it” is necessary.________________________________________________________________________ 答案:It is necessary to learn something about the use of “it”.2.Crying over spilt milk is no use.________________________________________________________________________ 答案:It is no use crying over spilt milk.3.That the boss was behaving pretty strangely struck me.________________________________________________________________________ 答案:It struck me that the boss was behaving pretty strangely.4.Whether you come or not doesn’t interest me.________________________________________________________________________ 答案:It doesn’t interest me wheth er you come or not.5.Tom is believed to win the race.________________________________________________________________________ 答案:It is believed that Tom will win the race.6.That a picture is worth a thousand words is not always true.________________________________________________________________________ 答案:It is not always true that a picture is worth a thousand words.Ⅱ.句型转换1.To my surprise,he thought that it was impossible for him to learn English well.→To my surprise,he thought________________for him to learn English well.答案:it impossible2.I became stronger and stronger,which made my parents glad.→I became stronger and stronger,and____________________________________.答案:it made my parents glad3.He felt it was his duty to serve the people heart and soul.→He felt________________to serve the people heart and soul.答案:it his duty4.In the west,people send Christmas presents to their relatives and friends,making it a rule.→In the west,people____________________to send Christmas presents to their relatives and friends.答案:make it a rule5.When and where to hold the match hasn’t been decided.→______________________when and where to hold the match.答案:It hasn’t been decidedⅢ.翻译句子1.我毕业已有三年了。

2018-2019学年高中英语(人教版)选修六Unit 3 A healthy life reading课时作业(9)

2018-2019学年高中英语(人教版)选修六Unit 3 A healthy life reading课时作业(9)

Unit 3 A healthy life reading课时作业Ⅰ.阅读理解A(2016·广东普宁华侨中学高二质检)Have you ever run out of coffee or tea?Found no eggs in the fridge?No bread for the sandwich and the nearest shop is too far away?Well,all that can change in the future.If all goes well,the intelligent future kitchen will soon help solve all your problems.In the future,all kitchen units will be connected to the Internet.The intelligent future kitchen will give wise advice on planning your menu for the day.Worried about your weight?It will tell you the right diet and what is good for your health.It will even keep in mind your likes and dislikes!Designed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,this smart kitchen promises to pay attention to all your needs.The computer's system will help keep an “eye” on the fridge.If the fridge is empty,the kitchen will automatically call and place an order at the local supermarket.So you don't have to worry about it at all.You get home late,and don't know what to make from the collection of ingredients (原料) in your fridge.A while back you might have ordered a take-out but now,instead of worrying about eating a collection of this and that,you're excited.You can pull out each vegetable,and pass each one in front of a web camera next to your fridge.A few moments later,a screen on your fridge would display a tasty recipe.After dinner,you take your plates to a box next to the sink.You don't have to clean them,your machine does.It produces new plates every time you need to ter in the evening,you phone your other half,who is on a business trip half-way around the world.As you drink your cup of hot coffee,it makes your other half's cup change color on the other side of the world,another special way to keep in touch. 1.The problem mentioned in the first paragraph will be solved ________.A.by the intelligent kitchen itselfB.by finding a good housekeeperC.after you call the supermarketD.after you buy great amounts of food答案A[细节理解题。

2018-2019学年高中英语(人教版)选修六Unit 3 A healthy life grammar课时作业(9)

2018-2019学年高中英语(人教版)选修六Unit 3 A healthy life grammar课时作业(9)

Unit 3 A healthy life grammar课时作业第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

This morning during my walk I had my luck. I met someone I had been wanting to cross __1__ with for some time. I had seen this elderly gentleman before.A few months ago he was __2__cans and bottles from the recycle bins behind my house. I was __3__ by the fact that he had to do this to __4__. I thought about putting bottles in a bag for him with a note __5__ saying that the bag was for him to take,but then thought it may not be the best __6__from a safety standpoint. So I let it go.One __7__day in the spring I saw him again riding his bike with wet bags of bottles. I had felt __8__ thinking I could never connect with him. My heart __9__.So you can imagine my __10__ when I saw him again. I walked over to him and managed to say __11__,“Hi. ” I was a little __12__. I had never approached anyone like this before. His back was turned to me and he didn't __13__.I decided it was because he didn't want to be __14__. So I kept walking. And then I __15__ the big bag of cans and bottles we had all got from our west coast trip. “He must be in __16__ of them!” I thought. I walked back over to him. I told him if he waited there I could get him some more bottles. He said,“That would be very much __17__. ” I came back in 5 minutes and there he was in the shade,waiting.I handed the bag to him and apologized that it wasn't __18__. And then with a large bright smile he said,“Every little bit helps. Thanks so much. And,have a great __19__. ”I resumed my walk,feeling a little __20__ in my step.【语篇解读】作者非常同情一个拾荒老人,以前想帮助他但没有去做,后来作者如愿以偿,献上了自己的爱心。

2018-2019学年高中英语(人教版)选修六Unit 3 A healthy life using language课时作业(9)

2018-2019学年高中英语(人教版)选修六Unit 3 A healthy life using language课时作业(9)

Unit 3 A healthy life using language课时作业一. 完形填空I tend to accept any idea put forward by experts on TV. One day,a sociologist proposed that the __1__ society has been consuming modern humans little by little. For fear that I would become a victim of the consumer society,I __2__ hurried to a bicycle shop in my neighborhood. __3__ the shopkeeper Mr. Johnson was selling me the bicycle,he said,“This is the best thing you __4__ have done. Life has become hopelessly __5__. A bicycle is simple,and it brings to you __6__ things:fresh air,sunshine and exercise. ”I agreed. Happy as a child,I got on the bicycle and headed out onto the streets. After some time,I __7__ at the other end of the town. I was __8__ that this simple vehicle could let me __9__ long distances in a fairly short time. But how __10__ did I really go?Since I hated to be __11__,I went back to Mr. Johnson and asked him to __12__ an odometer(里程表)on my bicycle. He agreed,but __13__,“An odometer without a speedometer(速度计)is like a __14__ without a knife. ”I admitted he was right and in a few minutes,the two devices(装置)were __15__ to the handlebars of my bicycle. “What about a horn?”he then asked. “Look,this horn is no larger than a matchbox and has many __16__. ”Attracted by these functions,I bought the horn.“You can't leave the back part __17__,”noted Mr. Johnson. Hefixed a metal box with buttons __18__ the seat,and said,“Is there anything better than this oven when you feel __19__ on your way?I can give you a special discount. ”I was not strong enough to __20__ the offer.“I congratulate you once more;this is the best thing you could have done,”said Mr. Johnson in the end.1. A. adult B. human C. consumer D bachelor答案 C解析考查名词辨析。



Unit 5The power of nature课时作业(九)Warming Up & ReadingⅠ.单词拼写1.The government has an interest in importing scientific ____________(设备).2.The parks of this city are famous for their ______________(喷泉).3.Your answer is ____________(完全地)wrong.4.Their boats pulled up________(沿着……边)the dock.5.Mr.Li was ____________(任命)as headmaster at the beginning of the school.6.He ____________(挥手)happily to his companions and went away.7.We should encourage the students to develop their ____________(潜在的)abilities.8.She gave me a ____________(图表)of railway network.9.Enough lava had ____________(爆发)from the volcano to bury the entire village.10.We need to __________(评估) how well the policy is working.Ⅱ.单项填空1.(2013·太原高二检测)—This coat doesn't ________me.Do you have a larger size?—Yes, but the colour is different.Does it______you?A.suit;suit B.suit;fitC.fit;fit D.fit;suit2.Although it rained heavily outside, he________to the factory as usual.A.made his way B.took his wayC.made the way D.took the way3.Although this area is very poor,its ________ wealth is great.A.modern B.potentialC.previous D.present4.An American may feel angry when he has made a(n) ________ with someone and then finds a lot of other things happening at the same time.A.decision B.conclusionC.appointment D.date5.Once all possible courses of action have been ________,we can decide what to do.A.evaluated B.emptiedC.existed D.exchanged6.In order to improve the children's health,the school has bought some new ________ for sports specially.A.entertainment B.enjoymentC.amusement D.equipment7.(2012·黄山高二检测)Mr.Black is a careful and experienced engineer,so he is often________to finish some challenging tasks.A.appreciated B.approachedC.appointed D.agreed8.A child has________trust in his mother.A.complete B.perfectC.absolute D.thorough9.(2013·定远高二检测)________,the sun was rising in the east.A.Arriving there B.We arriving thereC.Having arrived there D.We arrived10.The region which had been relatively calm erupted ________ violence again last week.A.to B.withC.at D.into11.Don't leave the gas on—you might ________ the house.A.cut down B.fall downC.put down D.burn down12.The________reason for his absence was that he didn't enjoy the company of you but not that he was ill.A.imaginary B.actualC.effective D.present13.The little boys were________tricks on the girl when their teacher came into the classroom.A.to play with B.about to playC.going to play for D.playing to14.At the railway station,the mother ________ to her daughter until the train was out of sight.A.waved B.shookC.trembled D.nodded15.________ the youth ________ the rising sun at 8 or 9 o'clock a.m.,Mao Zedong expressed his great hope for the young men.A.Comparing;with B.Compared;toC.Compared;with D.Comparing;toⅢ.完形填空After I left the United States Air Force,I began college classes in the summer of 1983.I pursued my nursing degree with effort and __1__ it in grand style in May 1986 along with a lot of friends and fellow students.Of all my __2__ professors,Dr Joan Cook had the most profound effect on me.She provided me with the stimulus to pursue my __3__ beyond what the College of St.Mary could give me.In spite of __4__ the same classes year in and year out,she put __5__ into each class she was responsible for,and never __6__ grew tired of her subject matter.One day after class she pulled me __7__ and said that she considered me one of her most“unusual”students who were able to walk a __8__ road towards success.In my younger years I didn't __9__ that being“unusual”would be such a tribute(称赞).As I __10__ and gained a wider variety of life's __11__,I found that being “unusual”takes on an array of meanings.After getting my nursing degree I __12__ to Texas where I decided to __13__ an additional degree in anthropology(the study of the human race)to my resume(履历)as that particular and interesting field __14__ me far more than nursing ever did.I am exceedingly __15__ to Dr Joan Cook for instilling(灌输)in me the ability tosee myself far beyond what other people __16__ me.What she said motivated me to follow my dreams __17__ gave me endless strength.Thank Dr Joan Cook,for I __18__ her a great deal in establishing the solid __19__ of whom I am and for the person whom I am trying to become.Without her it would have been __20__ for me to become a professor in Harvard University.1.pleted B.consideredC.practiced D.received2.pany B.instituteC.hospital D.university3.A.business B.careerC.education D.profession4.A.attending B.teachingC.showing D.passing5.A.stories B.powerC.life D.measures6.A.seemingly B.suddenlyC.clearly D.wisely7.A.over B.upC.in D.aside8.A.different B.longC.common D.wide9.A.hope B.realizeC.mind D.mean10.A.worked B.engagedC.exercised D.aged11.A.talent B.viewsC.experiences D.friendship12.A.stepped B.movedC.walked D.drove13.A.connect B.introduceC.add D.direct14.A.attracted B.savedC.protected D.touched15.A.equal B.necessaryC.important D.thankful16.A.dealt with B.depended onC.thought of D.got along with17.A.and B.orC.but D.so18.A.remind B.oweC.offer D.lend19.A.system B.opinionC.foundation D.faith20.A.inevitable B.impossibleC.believable D.changeableⅣ.阅读理解VolcanoesThe ground we walk on seems firm,but deep under the earth and under the sea the rocks change and move.In some parts of the world there are“fire mountains”.which we call volcanoes.From time to time they burst open and throw out fire and burning ashes.These volcanoes are very dangerous.There are many volcanoes in Indonesia and Philippines.There is also a famous mountain near Tokyo,Japan,which is a volcano too.Its name is Mount Fuji.For much of the year,it is covered with snow.One of the most famous volcanoes which erupted in recent time is Krakatoa,on an island in Indonesia.The first explosion took place on 20th May,1883,but the biggest eruption did not come until the 26th and 27th August of that year.The people on the island were used to the explosions by that time,and so they were completely unprepared for this terrible happening.Almost all the people on the island died and the explosion also made huge waves in the sea,which drowned(淹死)many people on theother island nearby.After the eruption was over,people saw that the whole northern part of the island had completely disappeared.Scientists say that 15 cubic(立方)kilometers of rocks and ash were thrown up in the explosion.The noise of the explosion was heard nearly 5000 kilometers away in the middle of the Indian Ocean,and the city of Jakarta was completely dark for about two and a half hours.1.There are many volcanoes ________.A.everywhere in the worldB.under the earth and the seaC.in Hong KongD.in Indonesia2.The people near Krakatoa were unprepared when it had its biggest eruption because people there ________.A.had never met any explosions beforeB.were used to the explosions by that timeC.didn't want to leave their islandD.could do nothing but wait3.People who were 5000 kilometers away from Krakatoa could ________.A.see that the 15 cubic kilometers of rocks and ash were thrown upB.hear the noise of the explosionC.see the huge wavesD.see that Krakatoa was dark4.The biggest explosion made ________.A.all the people on the island dieB.the whole island disappearC.the city of Jakarta completely dark for about two and a half hoursD.huge waves in the middle of the Indian OceanⅤ.翻译句子1.我刚要上床睡觉,这时有人敲门。



课时作业(八)Using Language Ⅰ.单词拼写1.The drug is effective but has a ________(倾向)to cause headaches.2.There was________(普遍的)support for the war.3.Many experts________(提倡)rewarding your child for good behaviour.4.The________(平均的)cost of making a movie has risen by 15%.5.On________of(代表……一方)everyone here,may I wish you a very happy retirement.6.Prisoners can only leave their cells under certain________(情况).7.He________(使振作)himself with a glass of iced tea.8.The fire was caused by an________(与电有关的)fault.9.Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for his________(贡献)to Quantum Theory.10.We've had a few________(分歧),but we're still good friends.Ⅱ.单项填空1.We can see monuments here and there.Those who have made great________to human beings and society will never be forgotten.A.advance B..progressC.contributions D.achievement2.(2010·江西高考)—Our holiday cost a lot of money.—Did it? Well, that doesn't matter________you enjoyed yourselves.A.as long as B.unlessC.as soon as D.though3.________you eat the correct foods________be able to keep fit and stay healthy.A.Only if;will you B.Only if;you willC.Unless;will you D.Unless;you will4.This play,________,is very wonderful for there are many interesting characters in it.A.out of the question B.on the wholeC.in doubt D.on condition that5.The ________ runner can run two miles in fifteen minutes.A.common B.averageC.usual D.general6.He often beat his wife.At last,she couldn't________him and left home.A.put up B.put up withC.catch up with D.come up with7.(2013·长春高二检测)I am________the government as well as to the general public for just treatment________peasant workers, who have made great contribution to the improvement of city life.A.asking;on behalf ofB.applying;in the name ofC.demanding;in the name ofD.appealing to;on behalf of8.We can't judge what he really meant by doing so until we know all the________.A.circumstances B.guessC.memory D.judgment9.It is still in question________a can of coke could stop thirst but________no doubt that it can make one________.A.if;there is;refreshedB.whether;it is;refreshC.that;there is;refreshD.whether;there is;refreshed10.There is an increasing________for people to go to work by bike instead of by car.A.consequence B.tendencyC.circumstance D.existenceⅢ.阅读理解AAlthough our reliance on fossil fuels(化石燃料) has created global warming, we now have the opportunity to begin a_transformation towards a clean energy economy —one that is supported by highly efficient industries, fueled by clean, renewable resources, like wind, solar and geothermal (地热的) energy, and based on modern smart transportation planning.A clean energy economy is a win for American jobs. Studies by leading research institutions have shown that if we invest in clean energy over fossil fuels, we will create more American jobs. A report released by the United Steelworkers and the Sierra Club, for example, found that thanks to the growth of wind energy, about 5,200 manufacturing jobs could be created in Iowa alone over the next decade. Additional studies have found that thousands more jobs could be created in other states that have suffered industry job losses and that welcome the opportunity to train workers for the new energy economy.But, in order to fully transit to a clean energy economy,we need our elected officials to take action. Without policies from the government, the private field may continue to invest in old-fashioned, polluting technologies. More than 70 coal plants without technology to capture carbon pollution are now being considered. If these projects go ahead, this will be billions of dollars invested in technology that is outdated and not “clean coal”. We need effective policies to push growing clean energy industries forward.Each of us can play a role in bringing about this much-needed transition. Tell your business and elected leaders that the next generation deserves to grow up in a world powered by clean energy. Tell your mayor that you want city planning that encourages more efficient new buildings and sidewalks and bike paths that make it easy to walk or ride a bike. Tell your state and national officials to invest in energy grids (电力网) that can deliver renewable energy to everyone. Tell your company that instead of old-style coal power you want to buy solar, wind, or geothermal energy. Tell your elected officials that you want national policies that encourage investors to make long-term commitments to clean energy.1.The underlined part “a transformation” in Paragraph 1 refers to “________”.A.a change from fossil fuels to clean energyB.a choice for fossil fuelsC.a chance of developing modern industriesD.a choice for global warming2.According to Paragraph 2, a clean energy economy________.A.has helped develop more wind energyB.is quite beneficial to ordinary peopleC.has developed fast in most states of the USD.is valued by the governments around the world3.Which of the following is a major concern to the government according to the passage?A.Investments in clean energy.B.Coal plants without advanced technology.C.Technology for capturing carbon pollution.D.Policies on the good use of clean energy.4.What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?A.Everyone can contribute to the clean energy.B.Citizens have the right to talk to the mayor.C.Elected leaders should be responsible for the next generation.D.More investments should be put into energy grids.5.If this passage is taken from a newspaper, in which part would you most probably find it?A.Culture. B.Society.C.Economy. D.Nature.BBeijing had its biggest snowfall since 1951.Britain is suffering through its longest cold snap(寒潮)since 1981.And freezing weather is hitting the Deep South,including Florida's orange groves and beaches.Whatever happened to global warming?Such weather doesn't seem to fit with warnings from scientists that the Earth is warming because of greenhouse gases.But experts say the cold snap doesn't contradict global warming at all—it's just a temporary phenomenon in the long-term heating trend.“It's part of natural variability,”said Gerald Meehl,a senior scientist.Withglobal warming,he said,“we'll still have record cold temperatures.We'll just have fewer of them.”Scientists say man-made climate change does have the potential to cause more frequent and more severe weather extremes.But experts did not connect the current cold snap to climate change.So what is going on?“We basically have seen just a big outbreak of Arctic air over populated areas of the Northern Hemisphere”,Arndt said.In the atmosphere,large rivers of air travel roughly west to east around the globe between the Arctic and the tropics.This air flow acts like a fence to keep Arctic air restricted.But recently,this air flow has become bent into a zigzag(之字形)pattern,wandering north and south.If you live in a place where it brings air up from the south,you get warm weather.In fact,record highs were reported this week in Washington state and Alaska.But in the eastern United States,like some other unlucky parts of the globe,Arctic air is coming from the north.And that's how you get a temperature of 3 degrees in Beijing,a reading of minus-42 in mainland Norway,and 18 inches of snow in parts of Britain.The zigzag pattern arises naturally from time to time,but it is not clear why it's so strong right now.6.What is the BEST title of the text?A.Freezing weather is hitting the Deep SouthB.We'll still have record cold temperaturesC.The air flow has become a zigzag patternD.Cold snap doesn't contradict global warming7.With global warming,we will________.A.also meet with severe cold snapB.have more hot temperatures foreverC.never experience cold temperaturesD.have more cold temperatures8.According to experts,the current cold snap ________.A.suggests that the climate has changed greatlyB.is not related to the climate changeC.shows that the climate will turn coldD.is affected by global warming9.Beijing had its biggest snowfall since 1951 because of ________.A.a fence from the ArcticB.a cooling trend in climateC.a big outbreak of Arctic airD.its large population10.We can conclude that________.A.not all the parts of the Northern Hemisphere are cold in face of the cold snap B.the zigzag pattern arises naturally accidentallyC.Beijing will get cold weather next yearD.Washington state and Alaska will not face cold weather next yearⅣ.翻译句子1.我想火车是正午开,你最好坐出租车去,否则可能会误车的。



高中英语学习材料***鼎尚图文理制作***课时作业(十)Using Language Ⅰ.单词拼写1.Clean water is a kind of ____________(珍贵的)resource.2.Police __________(射中)the murderer and he died.3.I couldn't express my ____________(感激)with my words.4.He fell down and became ____________(失去知觉)for hours.5.A bomb exploded in the village,causing __________(恐慌)among people.6.Basic human rights are now ____________(保障)in our country.7.He was a bit __________(担心)about the safety of his daughter.8.The thief __________(颤抖)with terror when questioned about the case.9.There is a ______________(多种多样)of flowers in the garden.10.She wiped the __________(汗水)from her face.Ⅱ.单项填空1.(2013·四平高二检测)—How much will I pay for a night?—Prices________from room to room.A.vary B..increaseC.divide D.range2.—I wish to express my ________ for your kindness.—You're welcome.It's my pleasure to be at your service.A.emotion B.appreciationC.cooperation D.consideration3.Health education is the most important way to resist illness and ________ people's health.A.attempt B.guaranteeC.impress D.predict4.The bank is reported in the local newspaper________in broad daylightyesterday.A.being robbed B.having been robbedC.to have been robbed D.robbed5.She just________the headlines because she was too busy to read the whole newspaper.A.stared at B.glanced throughC.glared at D.looked around6.(2013·义乌高二检测)—He is said________in the United States for three years.—No wonder he speaks English so well.A.to have stayed B.to stayC.having stayed D.staying7.I'd appreciate________if you would like to teach me how to use the computer.A.that B.it C.this D.you8.Hearing the news that he won the first in the competition,his voice trembled________excitement.A.for B.in C.with D.at9.More and more people choose to shop in a supermarket as it offers a great ________ of goods.A.expression B.mixtureC.variety D.combination10.O'Neal works hard.He is often seen________heavily before his teammates have even arrived at practice.A.sweated B.to be sweatedC.sweating D.being sweatedⅢ.阅读理解AHalf the world's population is affected by Asian monsoons(季风),but monsoons are difficult to predict.American researchers have put together a 700-year record of the rainy seasons,which is expected to provide guidance for experts making weather predictions.Every year,moist(潮湿的)air masses,known as monsoons,produce large amounts of rainfall in India,East Asia,Northern Australia and East Africa.All this wet air is pulled in by a high pressure area over the Indian Ocean and a low pressure area to the south.According to Edward Cook,a weather expert at Columbia University in New York,the complex nature of the climate systems across Asia makes monsoons hard to predict.In addition,climate records for the area are too recent and not detailed enough to be of much use.Therefore,he and other researchers spent more than 15 years traveling across Asia,looking for trees old enough to provide long-term records.They measured the rings inside thousands of ancient trees in more than 300 places.Rainfall has a direct link to the growth and Width of rings on some kinds of trees.The researchers put together a Monsoon Asia Drought Atlas(地图集)documenting monsoons over seven centuries,beginning in the 1,300s.“If the monsoon fails or is a very weak one,the trees affected by monsoons at that location might have a very narrow ring,”said Professor Cook.“But if the monsoon is very strong,the trees affected by that monsoon might have a wide ring for that year.”With all the information,researchers say they can begin to improve computer climate models for predicting the behavior of monsoons.“There has been widespread starvation and loss of human life in the past during large droughts while a particularly heavy monsoon can cause serious flooding,”said Eugene Wahl,a scientist with America's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.“So,the regional moisture models,dryness and wetness over such along period of time in great detail mean a kind of victory for climate science.”1.What's the passage mainly about?A.The effects of Asian monsoons.B.The necessity of weather forecast.C.The achievements of Edward Cook.D.A breakthrough in monsoon predictions.2.It is difficult for experts to predict Asian monsoons because ________.A.it is hard to keep long-term climate recordsB.they are formed under complex climate systemsC.they influence many nationsD.there is heavy rainfall in Asia3.What can be inferred from the passage?A.Long and detailed climate records can offer useful information for monsoon research.B.The Monsoon Asia Drought Atlas has a monsoon record for about 1,300 years.C.The trees affected by monsoons grow fast if the monsoon is weak.D.The rainfall might be low although the monsoon is strong in monsoon-affected areas.4.According to Professor Cook,the rings of the trees ________.A.determine the regional climateB.have a great influence on the regional climateC.offer people information about the regional rainfallD.reflect all kinds of regional climate information5.What do we know about the research according to Eugene Wahl?A.It is a great achievement in climate science.B.It should include information about human life in the past.C.It has analyzed moisture models worldwide.D.It will help people prevent droughts and floods.B(2013·重庆高考)It is widely known that any English conversation begins with The Weather. Such a fixation with the weather finds expression in Dr. Johnson's famous comment that “When two English meet, their first talk is of weather.” Though Johnson's observation is as accurate now as it was over two hundred years ago, most commentators fail to come up with a convincing explanation for this English weather -speak.Bill Bryson, for example, concludes that, as the English weather is not at all exciting, the obsession with it can hardly be understood. He argues that “To anoutsider, the most striking thing about the English weather is that there is not very much of it.”Simply, the reason is that the unusual and unpredictable weather is almost unknown in the British Isles.Jeremy Paxman, however, disagrees with Bryson, arguing that the English weather is by nature attractive. Bryson is wrong, he says, because the English preference for the weather has nothing to do wit h the natural phenomena. “The interest is less in the phenomena themselves, but in uncertainty.”According to him, the weather in England is very changeable and uncertain and it attracts the English as well as the outsider.Bryson and Paxman stand for common misconceptions about the weather-speak among the English. Both commentators, somehow, are missing the point. The English weather conversation is not really about the weather at all. English weather-speak is a system of signs, which is developed to help the speakers overcome the natural reserve and actually talk to each other. Everyone knows conversations starting with weather-speak are not requests for weather data. Rather, they are routine greetings, conversation starters or the blank “fillers”. In other words, English weather -speak is a means of social bonding.6.The author mentions Dr. Johnson's comment to show that________.A.most commentators agree with Dr. JohnsonB.Dr. Johnson is famous for his weather observationC.the comment was accurate two hundred years agoD.English conversations usually start with theweather7.What does the underlined word “obsession” most probably refer to?A.A social trend.B.An emotional state.C.A historical concept.D.An unknown phenomenon.8.According to the passage,Jeremy Paxman believes that________.A.Bill Bryson has little knowledge of the weatherB.there is nothing special about the English weatherC.the English weather attracts people to the British IslesD.English people talk about the weather for its uncertainty9.What is the author's main purpose of writing the passage?A.To explain what English weather-speak is about.B.To analyse misconceptions about the English weather.C.To find fault with both Bill Bryson and Jeremy Paxman.D.To convince people that the English weather is changeable.Ⅳ.翻译句子1.据说,这个小女孩在英语考试中得了第一。

2018-2019学年度高中英语(人教版)选修六Unit 4 Global warming reading课时作业(9)

2018-2019学年度高中英语(人教版)选修六Unit 4 Global warming reading课时作业(9)

Unit 4 Global warming reading课时作业第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

1.Billy is good,kind,hardworking and intelligent. ________,I can't speak too highly of him.A.In a word B.By the wayC.On the whole D.As a result答案 A解析in a word总之,表示对上文的总结。

2.One Friday,we were packing to leave for a weekend away ________ my daughter heard cries for help.A.after B.while C.since D.when答案 D解析when引导时间状语从句。


3.It is clear that in modern society high ________ and demands are placed on teachers.A.motivations B.expectationsC.standards D.opportunities答案 B解析demands与expectations对应。

motivation动机;standard 标准;opportunity机会。


4.I didn't ________ him to become a successful writer.A.wish B.expect C.hope D.like答案 B解析expect sb to do sth期待某人做某事。


人教课标版高二英语选修6课时精练:Unit1 using language课时作业(含答案解析)

人教课标版高二英语选修6课时精练:Unit1 using language课时作业(含答案解析)

课时精练:Unit1 using language课时作业Ⅰ.单词拼写1.The trouble with Bill was that he never had a ________(明确的)aim in life. 2.They are ________(呼吁)to the public for donation for the earthquake-hit areas. 3.Experts put the real ________(数字)at closer to 75%.4.If you see somebody in the ________(亲自,本人)it means you actually see them rather than just seeing a picture of them.5.It's a matter of personal ________(偏爱,喜好).6.She soon earned her good ________(声誉)by working hard.7.The building makes a beautiful ________(视觉的)impact.8.My studies were devoted almost entirely to ________(当代的)literature. 9.Most people hope to get ________(永久的)employment.10.The Chinese ________(文明)is one of the oldest in the world.Ⅱ.多项选择1.The advertisement of the product doesn't ________ to the customers. As a result,the product does not sell well.A.appeal B..adapt C.attach D.apply2.A polar bear has a preference ________ cold weather.A.to B.for C.over D.of3.Everyone has his own ________,and Helen would rather take the red skirt. A.performance B.preference C.hobby D.custom4.Nowadays,a young man,who attempts to be successful,has to be ________ to go far in his career.A.aggressive B.controversial C.ridiculous D.religious5.The girl is careful to choose her food because she wants very much to keep her ________.A.figure B.body C.appearance D.look6.—What do you want to do next?We have half an hour before the supper time. —________.Whatever you want to do is fine with me.A.It just depends B.It's up to youC.All right D.Glad to hear that7.He hated wandering around and expected to find a ________ position in the civil service of government.A.free B.permanent C.proper D.significant8.Wang Meng devoted herself entirely to her career,which earned her a good________ in her field.A.pressure B.reputation C.standard D.permission9.The police wanted to see the witness of the accident________.A.in the flesh B.in the way C.in flesh D.in power10.If you are a distance learner,it is a good idea to set yourself a ________ learning goal for each day or each week.A.delicate B.specific C.visual D.fairⅢ.阅读理解AShe is widely seen as proof that good looks can last forever. But, at over 500 years of age, time is catching up with the Mona Lisa.The health of the famous picture, painted by Leonardo Da Vinci (莱昂纳多·达·芬奇)in 1505, is getting worse by the year, according to the Louvre Museum (卢浮宫博物馆)where it is housed.“The thin, wooden panel on which the Mona Lisa is painted in oil has changed shape since experts checked it two years ago,”the museum said. Visitors have noticed the changes but repairing the world's most famous painting is not easy. Experts are not sure about the materials the Italian artist used and their current(现在的) chemical state.Nearly 6 million people go to see the Mona Lisa every year,and many are attracted by the mystery of her smile.“It is very interesting that when you're not looking at her, she seems to be smiling, and then you look at her and she stops,”said Professor Margaret Livingstone of Harvard University.“It's because direct vision(视觉) is excellent at picking up details, but less suited to look at shadows. Da Vinci painted the smile in shadows.”However,the actual history of the Mona Lisa is just as mysterious as the smile. Da Vinci himself loved it so much that he always carried it with him, until it was eventually sold to France's King Francis Ⅰin 1169.In 1911,the painting was stolen from the Louvre by a former employee, who took it out of the museum hidden under his coat. He said he planned to return it to Italy. The painting was sent back to France two years later.During World War Ⅱ,French hid the painting in small towns to keep it out of the hands of German forces.Like many old ladies, the Mona Lisa has some interesting stories to tell.1. The underlined sentence in the first paragraph means the Mona Lisa________.A.is losing its valueB.is being damaged after so many yearsC.is getting more valuable with years passingD.will rot away2.The smile of the Mona Lisa can only be seen________.A.by indirect vision B.at a distanceC.by direct vision D.in shadows3.Which of the following is TRUE about Mona Lisa?A.It was once taken away and hidden up by German forces.B.Its painter himself loved it greatly and always kept it in a shade.C.Mona Lisa stops smiling when you look at her wanting to see her smiles. D.King Francis Ⅰbought it and then returned it to Italy.4.From the last paragraph,we can infer that________.A.many interesting stories have been written about the Mona LisaB.people are interested in the stories about the Mona LisaC.some mysteries still remain to be solved about the Mona LisaD.many more stories will be told about the Mona LisaBThe State of Colorado has four of the best parks out of the 58 national parks in the United States. The parks have some of the best scenery of all the national parks. Black Canyon(峡谷)of Gunnison National parkThis park offers the most breathtaking views from up in the mountains into the canyons below. While exploring the canyons,you will find that the walls drop nearly straight down into the narrow valleys of the snake-like rivers below. Visitors are offered more than 100 camping sites,and a lot of bird species and many animals are native to the area.Rocky Mountain National ParkIt is the only national park in the north central region in the state of Colorado. Elevations in this park are anywhere from 8,000 feet to 14,259 feet at the top of Longs Peak. While traveling throughout this park you will notice two very different climates because of the difference the upper peaks of the Rocky Mountains make.You can enjoy 359 miles of hiking trails,a lot of places for camping,horseback riding and beautiful scenery.Mesa Verde National ParkThis is probably the most interesting national park,offering a fascinating trip back in time to 600 AD up to 1300 AD. This park was declared a protected national park in 1906 because of the cliff dwellings(住所)that were found throughout the area,which were once home to American Indians. Many of these dwellings can be walked through,while you imagine what each room may have been used for so many years ago.Great Sand Dunes(沙丘)National ParkThe Great Sand Dunes National Park lies in south central Colorado,about 127 miles from Pueblo. This park has the tallest sand dunes in all of North America and has trails for hiking. The natural sandy beaches around the small rivers and lakes are good for swimmers.5.What's the most breathtaking thing in the Black Canyon of Gunnison National Park?A.The animals. B.The walls.C.The rivers. D.The camping sites.6.The underlined word “elevations”in Paragraph 3 probably means“________”.A.the changes of weatherB.the high and large mountainsC.the heights above sea levelD.the tourist areas7.In the Rocky Mountain National Park,tourists may NOT be able to ________.A.go sightseeing B.boatC.ride a horse D.camp8.What's the author's purpose in writing this passage?A.Persuading people to visit Colorado while inAmerica.B.Telling people which park is the best of the four in Colorado.C.Introducing the best four parks in Colorado to people.D.Telling people some traveling information in Colorado.Ⅳ.翻译句子1.政府呼吁每一位公民节约用水。

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Unit 5The power of nature课时作业(九)Warming Up & ReadingⅠ.单词拼写1.The government has an interest in importing scientific ____________(设备).2.The parks of this city are famous for their ______________(喷泉).3.Your answer is ____________(完全地)wrong.4.Their boats pulled up________(沿着……边)the dock.5.Mr.Li was ____________(任命)as headmaster at the beginning of the school.6.He ____________(挥手)happily to his companions and went away.7.We should encourage the students to develop their ____________(潜在的)abilities.8.She gave me a ____________(图表)of railway network.9.Enough lava had ____________(爆发)from the volcano to bury the entire village.10.We need to __________(评估) how well the policy is working.Ⅱ.单项填空1.(2013·太原高二检测)—This coat doesn't ________me.Do you have a larger size?—Yes, but the colour is different.Does it______you?A.suit;suit B..suit;fitC.fit;fit D.fit;suit2.Although it rained heavily outside, he________to the factory as usual.A.made his way B.took his wayC.made the way D.took the way3.Although this area is very poor,its ________ wealth is great.A.modern B.potentialC.previous D.present4.An American may feel angry when he has made a(n) ________ with someone and then finds a lot of other things happening at the same time.A.decision B.conclusionC.appointment D.date5.Once all possible courses of action have been ________,we can decide what to do.A.evaluated B.emptiedC.existed D.exchanged6.In order to improve the children's health,the school has bought some new ________ for sports specially.A.entertainment B.enjoymentC.amusement D.equipment7.(2012·天门高二检测)Mr.Black is a careful and experienced engineer,so he is often________to finish some challenging tasks.A.appreciated B.approachedC.appointed D.agreed8.A child has________trust in his mother.A.complete B.perfectC.absolute D.thorough9.(2013·定远高二检测)________,the sun was rising in the east.A.Arriving there B.We arriving thereC.Having arrived there D.We arrived10.The region which had been relatively calm erupted ________ violence again last week.A.to B.withC.at D.into11.Don't leave the gas on—you might ________ the house.A.cut down B.fall downC.put down D.burn down12.The________reason for his absence was that he didn't enjoy the company of you but not that he was ill.A.imaginary B.actualC.effective D.present13.The little boys were________tricks on the girl when their teacher came into the classroom.A.to play with B.about to playC.going to play for D.playing to14.At the railway station,the mother ________ to her daughter until the train was out of sight.A.waved B.shookC.trembled D.nodded15.________ the youth ________ the rising sun at 8 or 9 o'clock a.m.,Mao Zedong expressed his great hope for the young men.A.Comparing;with B.Compared;toC.Compared;with D.Comparing;toⅢ.完形填空After I left the United States Air Force,I began college classes in the summer of 1983.I pursued my nursing degree with effort and __1__ it in grand style in May 1986 along with a lot of friends and fellow students.Of all my __2__ professors,Dr Joan Cook had the most profound effect on me.She provided me with the stimulus to pursue my __3__ beyond what the College of St.Mary could give me.In spite of __4__ the same classes year in and year out,she put __5__ into each class she was responsible for,and never __6__ grew tired of her subject matter.One day after class she pulled me __7__ and said that she considered me one of her most“unusual”students who were able to walk a __8__ road towards success.In my younger years I didn't __9__ that being“unusual”would be such a tribute(称赞).As I __10__ and gained a wider variety of life's __11__,I found that being “unusual”takes on an array of meanings.After getting my nursing degree I __12__ to Texas where I decided to __13__ an additional degree in anthropology(the study of the human race)to my resume(履历)as that particular and interesting field __14__ me far more than nursing ever did.I am exceedingly __15__ to Dr Joan Cook for instilling(灌输)in me the ability tosee myself far beyond what other people __16__ me.What she said motivated me to follow my dreams __17__ gave me endless strength.Thank Dr Joan Cook,for I __18__ her a great deal in establishing the solid __19__ of whom I am and for the person whom I am trying to become.Without her it would have been __20__ for me to become a professor in Harvard University.1.pleted B.consideredC.practiced D.received2.pany B.instituteC.hospital D.university3.A.business B.careerC.education D.profession4.A.attending B.teachingC.showing D.passing5.A.stories B.powerC.life D.measures6.A.seemingly B.suddenlyC.clearly D.wisely7.A.over B.upC.in D.aside8.A.different B.longC.common D.wide9.A.hope B.realizeC.mind D.mean10.A.worked B.engagedC.exercised D.aged11.A.talent B.viewsC.experiences D.friendship12.A.stepped B.movedC.walked D.drove13.A.connect B.introduceC.add D.direct14.A.attracted B.savedC.protected D.touched15.A.equal B.necessaryC.important D.thankful16.A.dealt with B.depended onC.thought of D.got along with17.A.and B.orC.but D.so18.A.remind B.oweC.offer D.lend19.A.system B.opinionC.foundation D.faith20.A.inevitable B.impossibleC.believable D.changeableⅣ.阅读理解VolcanoesThe ground we walk on seems firm,but deep under the earth and under the sea the rocks change and move.In some parts of the world there are“fire mountains”,which we call volcanoes.From time to time they burst open and throw out fire and burning ashes.These volcanoes are very dangerous.There are many volcanoes in Indonesia and Philippines.There is also a famous mountain near Tokyo,Japan,which is a volcano too.Its name is Mount Fuji.For much of the year,it is covered with snow.One of the most famous volcanoes which erupted in recent time is Krakatoa,on an island in Indonesia.The first explosion took place on 20th May,1883,but the biggest eruption did not come until the 26th and 27th August of that year.The people on the island were used to the explosions by that time,and so they were completely unprepared for this terrible happening.Almost all the people on the island died and the explosion also made huge waves in the sea,which drowned(淹死)many people on theother island nearby.After the eruption was over,people saw that the whole northern part of the island had completely disappeared.Scientists say that 15 cubic(立方)kilometers of rocks and ash were thrown up in the explosion.The noise of the explosion was heard nearly 5000 kilometers away in the middle of the Indian Ocean,and the city of Jakarta was completely dark for about two and a half hours.1.There are many volcanoes ________.A.everywhere in the worldB.under the earth and the seaC.in Hong KongD.in Indonesia2.The people near Krakatoa were unprepared when it had its biggest eruption because people there ________.A.had never met any explosions beforeB.were used to the explosions by that timeC.didn't want to leave their islandD.could do nothing but wait3.People who were 5000 kilometers away from Krakatoa could ________.A.see that the 15 cubic kilometers of rocks and ash were thrown upB.hear the noise of the explosionC.see the huge wavesD.see that Krakatoa was dark4.The biggest explosion made ________.A.all the people on the island dieB.the whole island disappearC.the city of Jakarta completely dark for about two and a half hoursD.huge waves in the middle of the Indian OceanⅤ.翻译句子1.我刚要上床睡觉,这时有人敲门。
