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Theories of Public Administration SYLLABUS
Tel:272-0411 ext. 32608 上課時間:星期三1410~1700
e-mail:2210ytt@民97/9/ pp. 1-3
1.article study、小考、上課參與(40%)、
2.期中Book Review(25%)、
3.期末Book Review(25%)
4.term paper: 公共行政理論的發展(20%)
1.個人研究報告;30分鐘許【加舉工作實例更佳】須copy 報告本給同學or製作投影片
2. Article summary:
其他每位同學每週上課前(遲交不計分)繳交當日討論文章(任選)一篇1-2頁(等級分ABC /D).
3.◎Book Review交報告(全部)及Presentation(powerpoint or 投影片):
(內容:1. 緒言、2.summary、3評論)
(1)期中:劉毓玲譯(1993),《新政府運動》( Osborne and Gaebler, Reinventing Government.1)
(2)期末:Fukuyama, Francies (2004). State Building: Governance and World order in the 21th
Century. A Next Book. 【法蘭西斯‧福山,《強國論》(2005)(閻紀宇譯):台北:
4. term paper: 公共行政理論的發展簡要(繪圖或表說明
Module 1 傳統公共行政的發展與批評
*Ostrom, V. (1989), “The Crisis of Confidence”in The Intellectual Crisis in American Public Administration. The University of Alabama Press. chapter 1.
*Ostrom (1989),Simon’s Challenge” pp.36-41. (列為同一篇)
˙Starling, 2008, “ Whe n Did public Administration Emerge as a Field of Study?” chapter 1,
pp.28-36;˙p38 Figure1-5 Trends in Governance in the Tw enty-First Century
*Denhardt (2008).“The Political Heritage: From Wilson to Waldo.”chapt. 3
*Beetham, D.(1987).<科層制的諸模式>(鄭樂平譯(1992),《科層制》。
台北:桂冠),chapter 1.
*Denhardt (2008).“The Rational Model of Organization.”chapt. 4
*Denhardt (2008).“Organizational Humanism and New Public Administration.”chapt.5
◎吳瓊恩審閱(2006),<公共行政的傳統模型>,chapter 2.
◎吳瓊恩審閱(2006),<政府的角色>,chapter 4。
Module 2 否定傳統:公共選擇與新公共管理
*Garve y (1993). “Old vs. New Theories of Bureaucracy” in Faceing Bur eaucracy. SF: Jossey-Bass.
*Ostrom (1989). “The Work of Contemporary Political Economist. chapter 3
*Lynn, Jr. (2005). “ Public Management: A Concise History of the Field” in Ferlie E., L. E. Linn. Jr., and C. Pollitt, ed. The Oxford Handbook of Public Management. Oxford University Press.
Chapter 12
*Meier and Hill(2005) “Bureaucracy in the 21 C entury” in Ferlie E., L. E. Linn. Jr., and C. Pollitt, ed.
The Oxford Handbook of Public Management. Oxford University Press. chapter 3, pp52-71
*Denhardt (2008).“The Policy Emphasis and the New Public management.”chapt.6
◎吳瓊恩審閱(2006),<公共管理>,chapter 3.
◎Book Review(Present and turn in paper): 劉毓玲譯(1993),《新政府運動》。
Critics of Reinventing Government
*Bellone and Goerl(1992). “Reconciling Public Entrepreneurship and Democracy.”PAR, March/April (vol.52) No.2, pp134-.
-- And a Response by Terry(1993), PAR, July/August(52)4, pp393-395
*Aberbach, J. D. (2004).“Protecting Liberty and Benefiting Society: Can Market-based Administrative Reforms and Market-based Political Institutions Effectively Co-exist in the US?
In Butcher, T. and A. Massey, ed. Modernizing Civil Services. Northampton, MA: Edward
參Green and Hubbell(1998) “On Governance and Reinventing Government.
參考˙Donaldson, Lex(1990)“The Ethereal Hand: Organizational Economics and Management Theory.” in Shafritz and Ott (1996), Classics of Organization Theory, pp. 340-351
*吳瓊恩審閱(2006),<課責>,chapter 13.
*吳瓊恩審閱(2006),<公共管理新典範>,chapter 14.
*Killian, J. (2008). “The Missing Link in Administrative Reform: Considering Culture.” In J. Killian and Niklas Eklund, ed., Handbook of Administrative Reform: An international Perspective.
London: CRC Press.
*Klijn and Trisman(2007). Managing Public-Private Partnerships: Influencing Pr ocesses and Institutional Context of Public-Private Partnerships. In Mark Bevir, Public Governance. V o. 3.
Thousand Oaks: Sage.
˙New Public Service
*Denhardt (2008). “The New Public Service,” pp.149-157, 174-184(188), chapter 7.
*Elinor Ostrom and T. K. Ahn(2003).”Introduction.” in Foundations of Social Capital. Elinor Ostrom and T. K. Ahn, eds. Northampton: MA.
Module 3公共治理理論的新挑戰:網絡治理
*Sorensen and Torfing (2007), “Theoretical Approaches to Governance Network Dynamics.”in Eva Sorensen and Jacob Torfing, Theories of Democratic Network Governance. ed., Palgrave.
*Fenger, M. and V. Bekkers(2007). The Governance Concept in Public Administration. In V. Bekkers, et al., Governance and the Democratic Deficit. ed. Ashgate.
*Frederickson(2005). “Whatever Happen to Public Administration? Governance, Governance Everywhere.” in Ferlie E., L. E. Linn. Jr., and C. Pollitt, The Oxfor d Handbook of Public Management. Oxford University Press. ed. chapter 3, pp52-71
參考:˙Kettl, D. F. (2002). “Administration and Governance.
˙Frederickson(1997). “Finding the Public in Public Administration.” Chapter 1. in The
Spirit of Public Administration.
˙張其祿: <政府管制變遷與管制理論的整合>,《管制行政: 理論與經驗分析》,台北:商鼎,第三章,頁87-145。
◎Book Review(Present and turn in paper): 法蘭西斯‧福山,《強國論》(2005)
◎Denhardt, R. B. (2008). Theories of Public Organization. 5th ed. Thomson Wadsworth.
◎吳瓊恩審閱(2006),《公共管理與行政》(Hughes, Public management and Administration, 3rd.)。
◎劉毓玲譯(1993),《新政府運動》( Osborne and Gaebler, Reinventing Government.1)
◎Fukuyama, Francies (2004). State Building: Governance and World order in the 21th Century. A Next Book. 【法蘭西斯‧福山,《強國論》(2005)(閻紀宇譯):台北:時報出版。