FUJI ROD guide 2013 3




A -5H 4FEDERATION INTERNATIONALEF IS A Homologation NoDU SPORT AUTOMOBILEJAPAN AUTOMOBILE FEOERATIONGroupj7II— r iJ A F g ^l S #^-J AFÆ?lg r ;u --a-^ 4 9 C r ^-)C3l TU L iqgl )1982S P i n ^S l BHOMOLOGATION FORM IN ACCORDANCE WITHAPPENDIX J OF THE IN TE R N A TIO N A L SPORTING CODEHomologation valid as from F l S A %t l ^(i B ____________Photo A1. D EFIN ITIO N S /101) M anufacturer- 1 MARS 1983in group.F I S A &s S -^i i ^-rPhoto BFUJI HEAVY I M D U S T R i e S L T D102) Commercial nam e(s) — Type and model103) Cylinder capacity'A i p .___________SUBARU %-1 (1-8) AJ AH AW1780.7____________________________104) Type of car c o n stru ctio n□separate, m aterial o f chassis—h, -y -V ___________y y X K.—I u n ita ry c o n s tru ctio nS t e e 1O i^105) Number o f volumes3 > — h y > F <n iA106. Number o f places________________YUTAKA KATAYAMA%L'AUTO^WMakeF U JModel W -ÂA 7. A M A WS /\A /-/ C |.B) N o H o m n I A -5l 2Q s 78<?2. D IM E N S IO N S , W E IG H T /mm202) Overall lengthT - 2884 I *7 ^203) Overall width±1%1630, W here m easured ,mtnZ 1 % B o d y 0^ t he f y q nt X l:e _C g n t e y204)W idth o f b o d y w o rk :206) W heelbase:a) R ig h t,t.>f — 7,4, ____a) A t fr o n t axleH ij.1-. c 7) iji £7) r) 1 __b )A t re a r axle1630f 6 202455,b )L e ft:m tn Z 1%t _____2455209) O ve rh a n g :a) F r o n t:t —', b )R e a r:_mmZ 1 %ft _____^08210)D is ta n c e (G )(s te e r in g w heel — re a r bulkhea d)l-ii(G>{ 7,t t IJ, 7,-r, - ||7-^ y K ) _______(4 55m m ±\%mm±1%mmi 1 %mm±1%m m i t 1 %3. E N G IN E / x >i>>(jn case of rotative engine, see A rticle 335 on complementary form)301)L o c a tio n and p o s itio n o f th e engine:F r o n t F I At303) Cycle 7J --f4304)Supercharging yes/no;typeX X X X(In case o f s u p e rc h a rg in g , se e a lso A r tic le 334 on c o m p le m e n ta ry fo rm )305)Num ber and la y o u t o f th e c y lin d e rs u ' *y'ly r-ir)h!.n > S l ________________________^ f n 0 r I 2 o >11 d 11 y306) Cooling system307) Cylinder capacity : a)U nitaryb)Total'ÀW ëH '144 5.2cm 36-‘I _____________________(7 B 0 • 7________________________c »3c) Maximum total allowed * : ,* (This indication is not to be considered in Gr.N)Àûtô5o ^MakeF U J Model___AT .A M.A WS/\N-1(l.S)No Homo!.A-51 2 0^7g fT-288312)C y lln d e r block m a te ria lV________A\j.y A\ y\\x yv\313)S leeves:X 7"314)B o re^r-_____a) iC¥X/no^2.0c)T ype:X X Xm m315)M axlm um bore allow ed ^o tfâ>:.-nT{ï____________T C»«>(T h is in d ic a tio n is not to be considered in Gr N) __m m( Z«7)K-^!± r;u-r N C 1±#«? nîfi->)31 6)S tro k eX h o —7_67m m318)Connecting ro d: a) M a te ria l « , i7 t- 2 T ^> 7 D/ K R_______O X I b)Bigend typeh- -/50.0c) In te rio r diam eter o f th e bigend (w ith o u t bearings)t'-'/ r x>{'i r ') > )______________________d)L e n g th between th e axes: . e)Minimum w eight:3>o /K X)i4?_____^_____I I 7 m m(i0.1m m) ________350jnm±0.1% _______g319)C ra n k s h a ft: a)T yp e o f m a n u fa ctu re t..^>;7Xr7h Kis<o)f5it___________________1n t e ^i r q Ib)M a te ria lttïï-S t t e Ic) I—I moulded stampede)T yp e o f bearingsij > ______d)Num ber o f bearings'<r n> r<r>iS L__________ P I 3 i r>f) D iam eter o f bearings'^-r ij > rcoil-tî____________4>) . 0.m m+ 0.2%g) Bearing caps m a te ria l•CT I J> XA -r V 7(T)HÏÎ _S t c e (& ^ I u. wi h u t w xh)M inim um w eight o f th e bare c ra n k s h a ft7> 7i-T7 h___________________y o o-g320)F ly w h e e l : a)M a te ria l7 7 -7. ^ -;u MR______CàS i- \y o ab)M inim um w eight o f th e flyw heel w ith s t a r t e r rin g'I >- r A>ft7 7 7 -/u c o ftft*»_______________________________M p Q P________g321 )C ylinderhead: a)Number o f cylinderheads ^ ') y 9'—'^K> ') >9—.7 Kcoft b)M a te ria lM R________i41u w’l w u V Y\ d l l o yI323)Fuel feed by ca rb u re to r(s): a)Number o f c a rb u re to rs9-:h-^A-77-i^ ______________________b ) T y pe rv / , / . c) Make and model ,i,.r A r L j i/t\ r r n L \ffjA .Dp tv ih « d tèttR t "y'jt_________H I T A C H I(D C(t30d^INT£/?;j^AUTO^OA J.A M.A W^ ^ r>AT/_F M J__S/w-U l.8)No H=m o,._A l l A l l^j L81J A P' £r a#^T~288________d) Number o f nixture passages per c a rb u re tto r1 A’-vT'u tbnco/<k;K7)g[_________________Ce) Maximum diam eter of the flange hole o f the c a rb u re tto r e xit p o rt ^.a r + rw ^'-{ÜP c o ft:*:F*9îî___________________________________________2 D. 0^30.0f) Diam eter of the venturi at the narrow e st point_________________________________________________20.027.Q324)Fuel feed by in je ctio n: a)M anufacturer.■SiiiS«_________________X X X X_______b)Model of in jection system:_______________X X X X____________________________m m m mc) Kind of fuel measurement: i—imechanical i—i electronical i—i hydraulicalLJ ?èœ^ ,c l)P is to n pump XXX/XV c2)M eassurem ent of air volumefx h m'ÂU M mc3)M e asurem entofa irm ass XW/X X4)Measurem ent of air sppeedc5) M easurement of air pressure )(Jfsr/)^y Which pressure is ta ke n f or measurement ? y y w bars $5iŒïilW ^d) E ffe c tiv e dimensions of measure position in the th ro ttle a re a X )( )( X_______e)Number o f e ffe c tiv e fuel o u tle ts/X)U!n<!S i__________________________________________________X X X X________________________f)P o sitio n of in jection valves: i—i Inlet manifold i—i Cylinderhead/X';USO(ifc '---1K'---'g)S tatem e nt of fuel measuring p a rts of injection systemm^m i:cnm-m m ASh<r)m is.____________________________________>r y x_x______m m325)C am shaft: a) Number b) Location* ^ > r 7 h ft________( (Î K_________CjrdJiJ^^__c d^e C O H l/)c) Driving system d) Number o f bearings fo r each s h a ft ^A____________Q* e q V________________V h ij >y<7)ft________________o _f)T y p e of valve operation^_______Pu. S h y o_d_____________________________________326)T im in g: e)Maximum valve lift Inlet * Exhaust .lA ii'O i'riiy Y,a * 0m inÛ, O____w ith clearance^'i rÿ>x__________0.30 m m0. 40327)ln le t: a)M aterial o f the manifold a i, .i-'coiftn________________________________q l l o y_____________________b) Number of manifold elements . c) Number o f valves per cylinder .Kiu y > h c7)ft_________I1 X'J > r-â')c o^'V i.-r<o ft t m m m md)M axim um diam eter o f the valves / ,-e) Diameter o f the valve stem q/<;i.7'£0ü-Ag_________________________7'»5_ m m^<;u7x t A iO g____________________________5 f) Length of the valve g)T yp e of valve springs______________// 0 . 7________m mÇ011^utok S^Make FUJ ModelA7.A M.A W K i o ns/w -1(1.8)No Homo!. ÏT L S l328)E x h a u s t: a) M aterial of the manifoldKcoMR________b) Number o f manifold elements ..t> —K x u->>^ (T>tk________________________1J A F£52#^_S t e e l_T - 288d) Number o f valves per cylinder , \i^n>r-û’o j_e) Maximum diam eter o f the valves _ f) Diam eter o f the valve stem g) L en gth o f the valve1(1.28h)T ype o f valve springs ^_m m''-(u r x r ij > C 0 Im m 330)Ignition system: a)T ypeb) Number of plugs per cylinder1 X '(> r-à •) ^rÿ rt7)ît_________B a t t e r yI c) Number o f d is trib u to rsT'.( X I- 'I________333)L u b ric a tio n system: a)T ype b)Num ber o f oil pumps irar&iiiK V Y y S u w p^^r c o»_________4. F U E L CIRCUIT /401)F u e l ta n k: a)Number> 7»_____________Ic) M aterial -, i , ,S t e e l plate b) Loca tion »i i ,a s l/y\j eir ttie ygàKTtooir p g h in d t h e Sedts o________________Ld) Maximum capacity5. E L E C T R IC A L E Q U IP E M E N T / 501 )B a tte ry(ie s) : a) Number .I6. D R IVE /e»*601)D riv in g wheels:ViiKi fv l ^'■ont^S ijrear602)C lu tc h: b)D rive system^'7v+__c) Number o f plates .Mechâ h’l cd IMake F U I603)G e a r*b o x: a)L o ca tio n ModelA l .A M . A WS/w ~ l(1 •B )fsjo Homo!..tesA" 5 12j A F T - 2 8 9____ Att^cl^gd to &ngi»\e tn enqthe comp^yt “r ngt^tb)(M anual)m akeFUJI c) (A utom atlc)m ake X Y X Xd) Loca tion of the gearlever^ 7 i- w£7)(îî:_____________FI00 i re) RatiosA'-V lti--------Manuratioital /number ofteeth ofeft i^(0r......Automratioita tic /i*!inumber ofteetho u.J Zuc>>I/)AdditionalG.Eratiof Jtnumber ofteethâïëco k.Xuc>.(A11 3. 3103!*1!3.t3(>^V (X)1121.q s o l^V z o i^i(.450X3(.344-^/4'î'X\!1M l. 344^^24X1l'33/'i4i O.H Z17^35X|^^35X 5«•725R3.563Cons­tant.I111 0000f)G e a r change gate ✓ 7>0000©0® ô604)0v e rd riv e: a) Typeb) Ratio(.4É>DudI jrdng (cou-v^ter t^p e)c)Number o f teeth 22_…J A l Ad)Usuable w ith the follow ing gears A I I v ct-'<-__________________/i l l g g q r oMake£]UModel^ J . /i H . A W605)Final d rive :7 T K 7 >f rJ A FT " 2 8 8F ro n t / fiîjRear / ^ka) Type o f final driveHypo'id aedfHypo id (\e à Yb)R atio3.70■/I......V ........ ■■3.7 0c)T e e th number'K od)Type o f d iffe re n tia l lim itation (if provided)f'7o X y X X XF KÎ c -t i 0 h.e) R atio o f the tra n s fe r boxh 7> x yX X X X606)Type o f the transm ission s h a ft _ ,, •i-ÿ> x i ^ 3pi'opellet' Sn^lt w itirt u.v\iyey s4l jo»7. SUSPENSION / >701) Type of suspension: a) Front/ I nglfi pg/Mcpif>ftt^SO>^ W ith COi l S p k i »^^b)rear / lM<lg p e ia d c h t / S e m 'i - Tvà\ li ng Avm w îtt>\ t o ir S ia n W l-f X 'O x 3702)H e lic o id a ls p rin g s : F ront:, yes/f^^3 'f ;u %. r i; > r*tjRear: XJïJ^/nom703)L e a f springs:F ro n t:'J-7X7-I)ffj704)T o rs io n bar:F ro n t: yffffit/noh ->3>'<-x -r>)>7'Rear: y e s /^'I k705)O ther type o f suspension:S ee photo or drawing on page 15X )( K X-------------[-T F.I.S .A . J'C)MakeFüJ707)S h o c k A bsorbers:a) Number per wheel1')!/)&b)Typec)W orking principle<1^*1; ® aModelA J A h . A wNo HomoiA - 51 2 0T - 288J A1F ro n t / B uRear /11Telc 5C 0 pic.Te le S C O pic H y d d u 1 i cHyd K d u 1 i c8. RUNNING GEAR: /801)W h e e ls : a)D iam eter F ro n tB 'j I 3 V 3S0m mm m803)B ra k e s : a )Braking system-r u -^ ____Double Hyclv4u.licb)Number of m aster c y lin d e rs ^* b l)B o r e____________T A N D E M 4C T 20. (, 20. Gc)P ow er assisted brakes , ^ c1)M ake and typey e s /x !^ ^_____JlPoSHAKIKj ,VdcuuYnd 1)L o ca tio na i ____________X V y yd)B raking a djuster — âf'j. k y w /n o i —F ro n t / B u 1 ■ - ■ , - I I —.Rear / ?âe) Number of cylinders per wheel : i1 ,t.-f — ;i,ÿi') iOi-ij > ^^-50îi 111e l)B o r e !.-K'T-54.01 ^ ^f)D rum brakes:K V/.7U -J ff1)ln te rio r diameterX V y X mmC±^.Smm)1 ^ ^ 1.5mni}f2)N um ber of shoes per wheel '1 .t. i —1) i7)^ jL —C O t!(X A' X X 2f3)B ra k in g surfaceX X K y r^Z 16156 »2f4)W id th of the shoes> i —s o rtj X V 30g )D is c brakes:r A . 7- J'TU —irg 1)N u m b e ro f pads per wheelI r f ~—/I -J -, 1) (7)'. K <7)fi 2X If X Xg2)N um ber of calipers per wheel1 .t. ^ —/Uÿ)') 7)J f -.'-£7)Î41X X X XMakeê_F l /T lModelA J .A M .y 4w c < o nS/W - 1(1?) N o H o m o l^ ^ ^ 5T8<J A F 2;I 2#^_,T - 288C aliper m aterialJf y r ')F ro n t /Rear / ikC d S t -i r o nX»XXMaximum disc thickness*i À T' ■( X y i '/ pI S m mm mE x te rio r diam eter o f the disc•f' < X ? C 0(1-t¥:2 Z ^mm( — 1 mm)Xy XXm m (±1m m )E x te rio r diam eter of theshoe’s rubbing su rfa ce 2 2 (>X X X yIn te rio r diam eter of the shoe’s rubbing surfa ce13 6 m mX X V X m m O verall length o f the shoesT 7m mXVXXm mV e ntila ted disc'< J -f U — -fK T' < X Xyes/noyes/noy^^cm2) B raking surfa ce per wheel1 ,t> -f - 'I511.51e.2iIh) P arking brake:Vr -T v — i ;h 2) L o ca tio n of the leverI. n t f d I __T u€804) S te e rin g :a) TypeX T T ')>rKA ___________________h i ) Command systemC âM e ,h 3) On which wheels F ro n tRearffj'IkF r o n td) Ratioi t ______R a c U » P ;w o y i\S.5 : \c) Power assistedxifJf/no'<'7-X f T ') > 79. B O D Y W O R K /*f ^901 ) In te rio r:'4(1^902) E x te rio r:41 na) V e ntila tion yes/^i^r b) Heating\i-9 —f) Sun ro o f optional X **/n o f l ) Type173 + > IV —-7 ________f2) Command system________________________X V y <yes/K kX X X yg) Opening system for the side windows : F ro n t :/ffiM d *A u d |7^ h-'y-iyR ea r:/fâ__t4d _H U d -La) Number o f doorsK T -<7)f t ______________4l -c) Door m aterial:KT-i7)HHb) Rear tailgateyes/XXF ro n t : /ffJ _____’S t. €€ 1R e a r:/« S t CClMakef U J l. A M . A WModelJ A F ^52#^^T ' 2 8?d) F ro n t bonnet material70 >s t e e le) Rear bonnet / tailgate material')/ h /T -;u r -h t n M KS t e e l f e Safety GUSS f) Bodywork material Stee 1g) W indscreen material70> h 9.f > y c o tt'aG UsS ( L d vninaied )h) Rear window material> V <r>m iSd-fety Glass 1) Rear qua rter lights material')^9 t -9-'^> y <r>itïîSa-fety Glassk) Side window materialK 7.f > Kcrit^K1) M aterial of the fro n t bumper7 o > h '<>F ront/mS d -f e t y G lA S S R e a r/aS d 4f i t y G l d S SPlastic f e Steel m) M a te ra i of the rear bumper1)Plastic&s te e lC O M P L E M E N T A R Y INFO RM ATIO N«ÆiSg(i) 3 21 <e) A y »3le between the dx»S of the mlet v4|i/e ând of the outletV'dlve : 0 Ae^Yee CS)12\ m sh d s three wodel^Aàruh A. É4c ir» wodej \s olUsSittel intofive tyP5 fo >. exd-w ple A \ , A 2 , A ^ t A A- A n d A.Al l s e -typeScdn be r e j d r d c d a s t h e S d w e w o d c j dnd c j d S S i t i o n '»S d p p l '^c ld l j /model s .C^) b ) 3.8^4.13c )Ü-H33,8F. I.S. A.Model 5'^___A l .A M .A v JV w-1(1-B)No Homol.A"5120J APHOTOS /Engine /^C) R ight hand view o f dismounted engine D) L e ft hand view of dismounted engineE) Engine in its com partm ent F) .Bare cylinderheadiHwiiiiiiiiiiiiiim nMake _ ,FUJ 1A7.A M.A W^_____^/W\C1 •B )No Homol^*"51^0 Model#yT-28^G ) Combustion chamber\) Inlet manifold-f >T—^'•7—.t-—y u KTransm ission/3 >S) Gearbox casing and clu tch bellhousing H)C a rb u re to r(s) or in je ctio n systemJ) Exhaust manifold•/—X h—K4^L'T O WModel Sî':A J. AM .AWV w~ \__^ ) No Homo!. * 5 1578*?S u s p e n s io n/T)C om plete dismounted fro n t running gearR unning g e a r /V) F ro n t brakes-7D>^ T u —i fB o d y w o rk /♦<*X) Dashboardf ■/K"IIIJ AU) Complete dismounted rear running gearW)R ear brakes1}—Y ) S unroof■*r > /u— 7lN T E R,V/l;yMakel i J l iModelA M . A WV w - 1 C ^ • B ) No Homol.A "51 20 S7 8*^DRAWINGS / iS]«E ngine /I Cyiinderhead inlet ports, m anifold side (tolerances on dim ensions:—2%, +4-%)■>') > >T—9 ^ —K fiJ~2%+i %)(^j£■ — 94%)III Cyiinderhead exhaust ports, manifold side(tolerances on dimensions:-2%, +4%)■>') > r' ■/ K x '/-X h ;-K — h ,—K ill-2%+4%)IV Exhaust manifold p o rts, cyiinderheadside (tolerances on dimensions: -2%, +4%)X |-^x ,t --;u K .-K — h , > ij^ y K(-tîÈfig : -2%-* 4%)II Inlet manifold ports, cyiinderhead side(tolerances on dim ensions:—2%, +4%)■(> T - 7 -^x ,t ,-K h . > 'J > r —' ■/ KtJFEDERATION INTERNATIONALE F I S A Homologation No DU SPORT AUTOMOBILEJAPAN AUTOMOBILE FEOERATION8^T-28^^hx‘FUJI HEAVr INDUSTRIES LTD S/>y - | ( |.8) A7. A H.AW Inte rior dimensions as defined by the Homologation Regulations.//B (H eight above fro n t seats)Î55C (W idth a t fro n t seats)(SïæW t^r t J;1,210D (H eight above rear seats)(îâæ*±8B s o S5?)qazE (Width a t rear seats){'làm M m ttJ)i.aooF(S te e rin g wheel — brake pedal){x f r ') > -ii' -656m mm m m mG (S te e rin g wheel — rear bulkhead)(x t r i)>r,t.^-;u-y K)____H F+G =2.\( I. m m14-5?FEDERATION INTERNATIONALEDU SPORT AUTOMOBILEHomologationA 5:120Extension N °01/ 0 1 E RFICHE D'EXTENSIO N A L'HOMOLOGATION OFFICIELLE FISA FORM OF EXTENSIO N TO THE OFFICIAL FISA HOMOLOGATION□ET Evolution normale du type: dès le numéro de châssisNormal evolution of the type: as from chassis num ber.□VF Variante de fourniture / Supply variantI I VOVariante option / Option variant□ER Errata / Erratum-1 J A N . 19811Homologation valable dès le Homologation valid as from .en groupe in group _Constructeur ManufacturerFUJI HEAVY INDUSTRIES LTD.M o d èle e tty p eS /w ij .8_______MnriQl ariH-J U Q n i \.U/ VV J.-•Model and typePage ou ext.Page or ext.Art.Art.Description Descriptionread •. wet 6ump ^ instead333F.I.S.A.Page 1 /。



Optional accessories• A ll accessories can be used with BM3R (45 mm wide) and BM3V (55 mm wide) frames• Accessories are easily mounted• I nternally-mountable auxiliary contact blocks and alarm contact blocks can be front mounted• S ide-mountable auxiliary contact blocks can be mounted on the left side• S hunt trip and undervoltage trip devic-es are available in a wide operating coil voltage range and mount on the right side• S tandard and emergency external handles are available• I P20 terminal cover helps prevent accidental contact with electrically charged parts• O ptional front mounted contact and alarm blocks eliminate horizontal space needed with the DIN railLeft side-mount optional auxiliary, alarm or short-circuit contact blockInstallation of optional contact blocks and trip devicesRight side-mount optional shunt orundervoltage trip deviceAuxiliary Contact BlocksDescription Starter Type Contact Arrangement Weight (g/lb)These contact blocks do not discriminate between OFF, overload, phase-loss, or short circuit. The blocks arelinked to the ON/OFF operation of the MMS, and also operate in the event of an overload, phase-loss, orshort circuit. Up to two contact blocks can be mounted to the right/left front, and up to two contact blocks can be mounted to the left sides.BM3RHB-XXX BM3VHB-XXX BZ0WIABZ0WUAALMounts to left side of MMSMounts to right or left front ofMMSorExternal operating handlesBZ0WKUAACombination Auxiliary/Alarm Contact BlocksStarter Type his contact block combines an auxiliary contact and an alarm contact that operates in the event of an overload, phase loss, orshort-circuit. Alarm contact is not linked to the ON/OFF operation of the MMS.n alarm is displayed in the contact block’s indicator when the alarm contactNote: Operation can be checked with the test trip function.BM3RHB-XXX BM3VHB-XXXBZ0KIAShort-Circuit Alarm Contact BlockStarter Type• The contacts operate only when the MMS has tripped due to a short-circuit (cannot be • When these contacts operate, the blue reset button extends out, and a trip indication is • The power to the MMS can be turned ON after pressing the reset button.Note: Be sure to press the reset button before mounting to the MMS.BM3RHB-XXXBM3VHB-XXXMounts to left Alarm Contact BlocksStarter TypeThis block operates when the MMS trips due to overload, phase-loss, or short-circuit. It is not linked to the ON/OFF operation ofthe MMS.Note: Operation can be checked with the test trip function.BM3RHB-XXXBM3VHB-XXXContact StatusOFFBZ0FAZUMounts to right side of MMSShunt Trip DevicesStarter Type This device is used to remotely trip the MMS.BM3RHB-XXX BM3VHB-XXXUndervoltage trip devicesBZ0RDZUMounts to right side of MMSUndervoltage Trip DevicesStarter Type This device automatically trips the MMS when the controlcircuit voltage drops below the specified value.his device cannot be used together with aundervoltage trip device, press the reset but-BM3RHB-XXX BM3VHB-XXXPush-in lugBZ0SETT erminal CoverAccessories (continued)External Operating HandlesStarter Type sed to operate an MMS installed inside a panel, from the outside of the quipped with an interlock mechanism that prevents someone from mistakenly opening the panel door when the MMS is in the ON state.he shaft can be cut to match the distance between the MMS and the BM3RHB-XXX BZ0VBBL BZ0VYRLAccessory specificationsExternal operating handlesNOTE: Premade MMS enclosures are currently not available.Accessory specifications (continued)Dimensions (mm)Manual motor startersDimensions (continued - mm)AccessoriesMMS with accessoriesMMSL11L23L3T1T2T35264Dimensions (continued - mm)AccessoriesWiring diagrams (continued )Busbar System Components and RatingsSpecificationsWeight (g)2-BM3R, modular space: 45mm BZ0BR02A BZ0BCVABZ0BCRABZ0BFVABZ0BFRABZ0BR03ABZ0BR04A BZ0BR05ABZ0BR12ABZ0BR13ABZ0BR14A BZ0BR15A BZ0BV02ABZ0BV03ANote: Busbar photos continued on next page.BusbarBusbar systemFeatures• T he busbar system reduces wiring time and saves floor space.• T he busbar makes it easy to power from 2 to 5 manual motor starters, with no wir-ing needed.• T he 3-phase feed-in terminals are used to connect the wire for the power supply circuit.• T he busbar cover guards against accidental touching of nonconnected busbar terminals (charged parts).• If using BZ0TCRE terminal cover with BM3R series MMS, the busbar system can not be used.BZ0BV04ABZ0BV12ABZ0BV13A BZ0BV14A。

Unique PMO Plus Mixproof Sanitary Valve 零件清单说明书

Unique PMO Plus Mixproof Sanitary Valve 零件清单说明书

TD 449-360 Reg.: 2009-01Intro.: 2009-012900-547PMO 2”PMO 2½”PMO 3”PMO 4”Pos.Qty.Denomination Seat ø81.3Seat ø115.3Seat ø143.9381O-ring, EPDM....................................................................................9611-99-35559611-99-35729611-99-3572 471O-ring, NBR (Standard).....................................................................9611-99-36379611-99-36419611-99-3645 1O-ring, EPDM....................................................................................9611-99-36369611-99-36409611-99-3644 1O-ring, HNBR....................................................................................9611-99-36399611-99-36439611-99-3647 1O-ring, FPM......................................................................................9611-99-36389611-99-36429611-99-3646 491Lip seal, NBR (Standard)....................................................................9613-0085-469613-0085-479613-0085-37 1Lip seal, EPDM.................................................................................9613-0085-269613-0085-319613-0085-36 1Lip seal, HNBR.................................................................................9613-0085-299613-0085-349613-0085-39 1Lip seal, FPM....................................................................................9613-0085-289613-0085-339613-0085-38 561Seal ring, NBR (Standard)..................................................................9613-0951-159613-0951-169613-0951-24 1Seal ring, EPDM................................................................................9613-0953-099613-0953-129613-0953-19 1Seal ring, HNBR................................................................................9613-0953-089613-0953-119613-0953-18 1Seal ring, FPM...................................................................................9613-0951-089613-0951-119613-0951-22 571Lip seal, NBR (Standard)...................................................................9613-0087-189613-0087-189613-0087-18 1Lip seal, EPDM.................................................................................9613-0087-119613-0087-119613-0087-11 1Lip seal, HNBR.................................................................................9613-0087-149613-0087-149613-0087-14 1Lip seal, FPM....................................................................................9613-0087-139613-0087-139613-0087-13 741Seal ring, NBR (Standard)..................................................................9613-0952-159613-0952-169613-0952-24 1Seal ring, EPDM................................................................................9613-0089-099613-0089-129613-0089-18 1Seal ring, HNBR................................................................................9613-0089-089613-0089-119613-0089-17 1Seal ring, FPM...................................................................................9613-0952-089613-0952-119613-0952-22 761O-ring, NBR (Standard)......................................................................9611-99-36379611-99-36419611-99-3645 1O-ring, EPDM....................................................................................9611-99-36369611-99-36409611-99-3644 1O-ring, HNBR....................................................................................9611-99-36399611-99-36439611-99-3647 1O-ring, FPM......................................................................................9611-99-36389611-99-36429611-99-3646 771Lip seal, NBR (Standard)...................................................................9613-0085-469613-0085-479613-0085-37 1Lip seal, EPDM.................................................................................9613-0085-269613-0085-319613-0085-36 1Lip seal, HNBR.................................................................................9613-0085-299613-0085-349613-0085-39 1Lip seal, FPM....................................................................................9613-0085-289613-0085-339613-0085-38Wear Parts3PartsReg.: 2009-01Intro.: 2009-014900-547PMO 2”PMO 2½”PMO 3”PMO 4”Pos.Qty.Denomination Seat ø81.3Seat ø115.3Seat ø115.3Seat ø143.9 1Complete actuator...............................................9613-0554-689613-0995-099613-0995-099613-0837-69 11Upper stem.........................................................9613-0101-029613-0074-019613-0074-019613-0074-02 24Screw..................................................................9611-99-33429611-99-33429611-99-3342 31Air fitting yellow....................................................9611-99-41719611-99-41719611-99-41719611-99-4171 1Air fitting blue......................................................9611-99-37809611-99-37809611-99-37809611-99-3780 1Air fitting red........................................................9611-99-41729611-99-41729611-99-41729611-99-4172 41Stop for upper piston..........................................9613-0053-019613-0053-019613-0053-02 51O-ring, NBR........................................................9611-99-34999611-99-34999611-99-34999611-99-3499 61Guide ring, Turcite...............................................9613-0084-089613-0084-089613-0084-089613-0084-08 71O-ring, NBR........................................................9611-99-35149611-99-35149611-99-3514 81Upper piston.......................................................9613-0056-019613-0056-019613-0056-02 91O-ring, NBR........................................................9611-99-35129611-99-35129611-99-3513 101Spring assembly..................................................9613-0125-019613-0075-019613-0075-019613-0256-03 111Distance spacer..................................................9613-0102-02121Pin......................................................................9611-99-41979611-99-41989611-99-41989611-99-4199 131Washer................................................................9611-99-35949611-99-35959611-99-35959611-99-3596 141Spring assembly..................................................9613-0131-029613-0095-029613-0095-029613-0095-02 151Plug....................................................................9613-4141-019613-4141-019613-4141-019613-4141-01 161Cylinder (3A marking)..........................................9613-0126-069613-0051-069613-0051-069613-0150-11 171Main piston.........................................................9613-0132-019613-0057-019613-0057-019613-0159-01 181Guide ring, Turcite...............................................9613-0084-099613-0084-109613-0084-109613-0084-11 191O-ring, NBR........................................................9611-99-35059611-99-35079611-99-35079611-99-3509 201O-ring, NBR........................................................9611-99-35039611-99-36079611-99-36079611-99-3607 211Bottom...............................................................9613-0140-019613-0054-019613-0054-019613-0168-01 221Guide ring, Turcite...............................................9613-0084-039613-0084-049613-0084-049613-0084-04 231O-ring, NBR........................................................9611-99-22289611-99-14899611-99-148922340675241Retaining ring......................................................9613-0248-029613-0248-039613-0248-039613-0248-04 251Cover disk...........................................................9613-0058-029613-0058-039613-0058-039613-0058-04 261O-ring, NBR........................................................9611-99-35289611-99-34959611-99-34959611-99-3530 271Inner stem...........................................................9613-0106-039613-0073-039613-0073-039613-0073-02 281O-ring.................................................................9611-99-34959611-99-00309611-99-00309611-99-0030 291Piston rod...........................................................9613-0134-029613-0060-029613-0060-029613-0060-02 301Lower piston.......................................................9613-0138-019613-0055-019613-0055-019613-0166-01 311O-ring, NBR.. (42153421534215342153)321Guide ring, Turcite................................................9613-0084-059613-0084-069613-0084-069613-0084-07 331O-ring, NBR........................................................223412759611-99-35089611-99-35089611-99-3510 343Bolt.....................................................................9611-99-36189611-99-36189611-99-36189611-99-3618 353Washer................................................................9611-99-35949611-99-35949611-99-35949611-99-3594 363Nut......................................................................9611-99-03609611-99-03609611-99-03609611-99-0360 421Spindle liner.........................................................9613-0335-019613-0090-019613-0090-019613-0090-01 432Clamp.................................................................9613-0336-019613-0092-019613-0092-019613-0092-01 441Lock....................................................................9613-0091-029613-0091-019613-0091-019613-0091-01 451Guide ring, PTFE.................................................9613-0084-149613-0084-159613-0084-159613-0084-21 481Upper sealing element.........................................9613-0064-049613-0188-049613-0188-049613-0713-01 541Guide ring, PTFE.................................................9613-0084-029613-0084-029613-0084-029613-0084-02 551Upper plug..........................................................9613-4586-019613-4587-019613-4587-039613-4588-01 612Wingnut...............................................................9612-5580-019612-5580-019612-5580-019612-5580-01 642Clamp without nut...............................................9613-0216-019613-0217-019613-0217-019613-0218-01 751Lower plug..........................................................9613-0705-019613-0706-019613-0707-019613-0708-01 791Lower sealing element.........................................9613-0241-049613-0243-049613-0243-049613-0715-01 801Guide ring, PTFE.................................................9613-0084-149613-0084-159613-0084-159613-0084-21 811Cover...................................................................9613-0490-069613-0490-079613-0490-079613-0490-16 821Bolt for indication.................................................9613-0926-029613-0926-019613-0926-019613-0926-01 831Sensor for indication............................................9611-99-45419611-99-45419611-99-45419611-99-4541 841Plate for sensor for indication...............................9613-0957-019613-0957-019613-0957-019613-0957-01Parts5Unique PMO Plus® Sanitary Mixproof ValveParts List/DrawingPartsPMO 2”PMO 2½”PMO 3”PMO 4”Pos.Qty.Denomination Seat ø81.3Seat ø115.3Seat ø115.3Seat ø143.9 371Intermediate piece......................................................9613-0191-219613-0192-159613-0192-139613-0193-17 501Valve body 11-00........................................................9613-0709-019613-0710-019613-0711-019613-0712-01 1Valve body 12-00........................................................9613-0709-059613-0710-059613-0711-059613-0712-05 1Valve body 21-00........................................................9613-0709-079613-0710-079613-0711-079613-0712-07 1Valve body 22-00........................................................9613-0709-099613-0710-099613-0711-099613-0712-09 1Valve body 11-90........................................................9613-0709-029613-0710-029613-0711-029613-0712-02 1Valve body 12-90........................................................9613-0709-069613-0710-069613-0711-069613-0712-06 1Valve body 21-90.......................................................9613-0709-089613-0710-089613-0711-089613-0712-08 1Valve body 22-90.......................................................9613-0709-109613-0710-109613-0711-109613-0712-10 1Valve body 11-180.....................................................9613-0709-039613-0710-039613-0711-039613-0712-03 1Valve body 11-270.....................................................9613-0709-049613-0710-049613-0711-049613-0712-04 900-547Intro.: 2009-0167Parts List/DrawingUnique PMO Plus ® Sanitary Mixproof ValveDenomination PMO 2”Service kit, NBR........................................................9611-92-6016Service kit, EPDM.....................................................9611-92-6013Service kit, HNBR.....................................................9611-92-6022Service kit, FPM........................................................9611-92-6019PMO 2.5”+3”Service kit, NBR........................................................9611-92-6017Service kit, EPDM.....................................................9611-92-6014Service kit, HNBR.....................................................9611-92-6023Service kit, FPM........................................................9611-92-6020PMO 4”Service kit, NBR........................................................9611-92-6018Service kit, EPDM.....................................................9611-92-6015Service kit, HNBR.....................................................9611-92-6024Service kit, FPM........................................................9611-92-6021(Plug set-up 12)TD 449-13955487579Service kits for Product Wetted Parts900-547Rebuilding Set PMO Plus® to PMO Plus® CPTD 449-362Reg.: 2009-01Intro.: 2009-0189PMO 2”PMO 2½”PMO 3”PMO 4”Seat ø81.3Seat ø115.3Seat ø115.3Seat ø143.9Lower plug, cpl., NBR..........................................................9613-4662-179613-4662-189613-4662-199613-4662-20Lower plug, cpl., EPDM.......................................................9613-4662-219613-4662-229613-4662-239613-4662-24Lower plug, cpl., HNBR.......................................................9613-4662-259613-4662-269613-4662-279613-4662-28Lower plug, cpl., FPM..........................................................9613-4662-299613-4662-309613-4662-319613-4662-32Rebuilding Set PMO Plus ® to PMO Plus ® CPPos.Qty.Denomination 381O-ring 741Seal ring 751Lower plug 761O-ring 951Special lip seal961Lower sealing element, upper part 971Lower sealing element, lower part 981Guide ringAxial Installation ToolReg.: 2008-01Intro.: 2008-011011Seat ø81.3Seat ø115.3Seat ø143.9Pos.Qty.Denomination 9613-0505-029613-0505-039613-0505-0711Lower part.........................................................21Piston................................................................31Upper part.........................................................41O-ring, NBR.......................................................9611-99-37039611-99-33499611-99-411351Clamp................................................................61Wingnut..............................................................71Air fitting.............................................................TD900198Axial Installation ToolRadial Installation ToolReg.: 2008-01Intro.: 2008-011213Seat ø81.3Seat ø115.3Seat ø143.9Pos.Qty.Denomination 9613-4260-029613-4260-049613-4260-0911Piston..........................................................21Lower part...................................................31Upper part...................................................41Bushing.......................................................51Guide..........................................................62Guide ring....................................................9613-0084-229613-0084-229613-0084-2371O-ring, NBR.................................................9611-99-33499611-99-33499611-99-411381O-ring, NBR.................................................9611-99-37059611-99-37059611-99-370591Clamp.........................................................101Wingnut.......................................................111Air fitting.......................................................TD900507Radial Installation Tool。

RF Coaxial Connectors 产品目录说明书

RF Coaxial Connectors 产品目录说明书

AEROspaceAUTOMOTIVEDEFENSEINDUSTRIALINSTRUMENTATIONSPACETELECOMMEDICAL101, Rue Ph. Hoffmann93116 ROSNY sous BOIS (Paris)Tel.: +33 1 49 35 35 35 - Fax: +33 1 48 54 63 63 E-Mail: info @P.O. Box 202 - 90101 OULU Tel.: +358 407 522 412 E-Mail: infofi @Carl-Zeiss Str. 10 Postfach 200143 D63307 - RÖDERMARK (Frankfurt)Tel.: +49 60 74 91 07 0 - Fax: +49 60 74 91 07 70 E-Mail: infode @Via Concordia, 5 - 20090 ASSAGO MILANO Tel.: +39 02 48 85 121 - Fax: +39 02 48 84 30 18 E-Mail: infoit @ Regional office: RomaHogebrinkerweg 15b - 3871 KM HOEVELAKEN Tel.: +31 33 253 40 09 - Fax: +31 33 253 45 12 E-Mail: infonl @Sjöängsvägen 2 - SE-192 72 SOLLENTUNA (Stockholm) Tel.: +46 844 434 10 - Fax: +46 875 449 16 E-Mail: infose @Ground Floor, 6 The Grand Union Office Park, Packet Boat LaneUXBRIDGE Middlesex UB8 2GH (London)Tel.: +44 1895 425 000 - Fax: +44 1895 425 010 E-Mail: infouk @6825 West Galveston Street CHANDLER, Arizona 85226Tel.: +1 480 682 9400 - Fax: +1 480 682 9403 E-Mail: infousa @N° 390 Yong He Road 200072 - SHANGHAITel.: +86 21 66 52 37 88 - Fax: +86 21 66 52 11 77 E-Mail: infosh @Shibuya-ku Ebisu 1-5-2, Kougetsu Bldg 405 TOKYO 150-0013Tel.: +81 3 3440 6241 - Fax: +81 3 3440 6242 E-Mail: infojp @Flat D, 6/F Ford Glory Plaza, 37-39 Wing Hong Street Cheung Sha WanKOWLOON HONG KONGTel: +852-2959-3833 - Fax:+852-2959-2636 E-Mail: infohk @25 D, II Phase, Peenya Industrial Area BANGALORE 560058Tel.: +91 80 83 95 271 - Fax: +91 80 83 97 228 E-Mail: infoin @For the above countries, please contact the local agent or RADIALL at info @ALSO REPRESENTED INRadiall Navigator ™ is a tool designed to assist our partners and customers that provides instant access to the right information at the right moment. This tool is intended to make sharing information about Radiall products as easy as possible in one single document.With this in mind, we have created Radiall Navigator as a supplemental guide toinformation available in our catalogs and on our website (). We recognize that time is a very limited and valuable asset. We are confident that Radiall Navigator will help users understand our products, terminologies, and references better.FerruleAttACHmENtBuLkHEAD FEEDTHROugH (Panel jack and receptacle)FLANgE MOuNT(Square, rectangular, round; panel jack and receptacle)THROugH-HOLE PINS (Also available: Surface Mount = SMT and Press-fit; PCB receptacle)FASTENINgAND MOuNTINgATTACHMENT METHODCLAMP TyPE ON FLExIBLE CABLE The center contact is solderedCRIMP TyPE ON FLExIBLE CABLEThe center contact can be either soldered or crimpedSOLDER TyPE ON SEMI-RIgID AND CONFORMABLE CABLEThe center contact is solderedSOLDER TyPE ON PCBThrough-hole pins or surface mount (SMT)COuPLINgPlugJackSCREW-ON INTERFACESMA, SMC, TNC, N, UHF, DIN 7/16, etc.) excellent performance, • long termination time, needs space SNAP-ON INTERFACEUMP, MMS, MMT, MC-Card, SMB, MCX, average performance,• very fast termination time, space saving, perfect for miniaturization SLIDE-ON INTERFACEBMA, SMP "smooth bore," excellent performance, very fast • termination time, space saving, outer latching mechanism BAyONET INTERFACEBNC, C, average performance, fast termination time and needs space • AuTOMATIC LATCHINg INTERFACEQMA, QN, SMB "Fakra and USCar,"SMZ type 43, average performance, • very fast termination time, spacesaving, secured matingFemaleRight AngleStraightORIENTATIONRF Coaxial Connectors3 digits correspond to series(SMA, BNC, SMB, etc; refer to finder guide for series)3 digits correspond to function(Interface, geometry, panel mounting, etc.)3 digits correspond to variant(Dimension, finish, packaging, etc.)4 digits correspond to series(SMA, BNC, SMB, etc; refer to finder guide for series)4 digits correspond to(Plating, captivation, attachment and materials)3 digits correspond to variant(Variation)Radiall Part Number System Radiall AEP Part Number SystemPCB Mount?right angle?PlugJackpanel, box or PCB。

CKD EBS-M G系列滑块EBR-M G系列杆带内置导轨INDEX ECR系列ECG系列控制器控

CKD EBS-M G系列滑块EBR-M G系列杆带内置导轨INDEX ECR系列ECG系列控制器控

EBS Series Conventional
Conventional product
Body width
64 mm
MP 25.7 N·m
allowable MY 25.7 N·m
58 N·m
EBS-05 54 mm 103 N·m 103 N·m
144 N·m
For press fitting and hoisting
to return to origin when the power is
turned ON, and there is no need to install an origin sensor. This allows quick recovery from an emergency stop
EBR-M/G Series
Series variation ......................................................... 48 EBR-04M/G............................................................... 52 EBR-05M/G............................................................... 62 EBR-08M/G............................................................... 72 Technical data .......................................................... 82



(二)、工具使用之注意事項﹔ 1. 拆卸放鬆或組裝鎖緊時,禁止使用圓頭六角板手。 2. 圓頭六角板手可使用於不同角度上,但使用時要小心圓頭易斷裂。 3. 工具之正確使用方法及使用場合皆須注意。 4. 工具之多寡視個人需要與實用性添購。 5. 工作完畢時,應注意個人工具是否收拾齊全,勿遺忘於機器上而 造成危險。 6. 工作完成時,應注意機器之零件是否全數裝上,有無多餘零件。


(圖一) (圖二)
註:CLUTCH與SHAFT結合 組裝時,CLUTCH須先以 手鎖到緊,避免與其他 機構發生碰撞。
UNIVERSAL JOINT 注意拆裝施力方向 裝回時:1.使用#242螺絲固定膠。 2.使用45kgf/cm扭力板手制定鎖固力量,滑 座及滾子由後方加油孔 注入AFC GREASE 直 到油滿為止。
電源 AIR
CP-642E CP-643ME CP-643E CP-65E
0.3-4mm 0.3-4mm 0.3-4mm 0.8-4mm
140 100 140 140
200-480V 200-480V 200-480V 200-480V
5kg 5kg 5kg 5kg
二、10st~13st搖臂/連桿組保養方式 1.將堡型墊片固定片扳正,拆除堡型螺帽。 2.將軸芯固定機螺釘拆鬆,將軸芯抽出。 3.清潔擦拭搖臂,並以氣槍將二處滾針軸承內之髒油清出。 4.將氣缸側肘節固定螺絲拆除,更換新肘節後重新鎖回。 ※1.肘節上之油嘴方向須與原來同側,否則日後無法加油。 2.肘節螺絲/螺帽方向須與原來同側,否則會有干涉問題。 5.使用卡簧鉗(C型扣環鉗),將C型扣環拆除,更換新滾子後重新扣回,確認C型 扣環有卡入溝槽內,檢查滾子活動是否順暢後,在儲油槽內塗滿AFCGREASE。 6.在軸芯滾針軸承上塗上AFC GREASE。 7.利用注射器在調整連桿側肘節滾針軸承,注入AFC GREASE,直到油滲出。 8.11ST調整連桿轉輒接頭,將外蓋拆除後取出接頭部份,更換肘節塗上AFC GREASE後裝回備用。



有关路亚竿身标识的解释很多新手对路亚竿身的标识不是很清楚其中的含义,现在就为大家做个简单的注解吧Lenght:长度1PCS:独节竿2PCS:2节竿以此类推3PCS:3节竿Line:适用线磅数LUA:适用路亚重量guide: 也就是导眼材質大致分氧化鋁黑礦石sic 钛等金属...本版有专帖说明导环的相关知识L M H:是竿子的软硬细分还可以分XUL UL L ML MH H XH等等由左至右是竿子的软到硬XUL 最软ML MH 为中硬度...以此类推S R F:是调性SS=SUPER SLOW(通常出现在尊鱼竿上)S=SLOW R=REGULAR F=FAST 也就是通常所说的55调46调37调28调shimano的鱸鱼竿来说...FF约28调,R,F约37调,S...约46调,SS (55)一般路亚在20g内...使用1号以内pe线就行了~~~20g以上...最好是加大号数....不然....有时候是很伤线的...不过..也是看人使用啦!!也是有人钓铁板...60克以上还是用1~1.5号pe线或是火线....只是...线很容易就变白就是了~~轮的选择....以用线容量可以容纳150米来选择...以shimano的捲线器来说..1号就选择1000型,2号就选2000~2500型~~3号就选3000型!!!不过这只是....大概参考....最后还是要以鱼种,钓点的远近...来进一步选择合适的轮~~~习惯用2000~2500型的,搭配深,浅线杯不超过5斤的鱼种的用线方式是...浅线杯1号约120米~~深线杯..1.5号180米,2号150米....这样很够用了~~有关导环呢.....比较差的导眼用pe线或是火线时钓力值调越大导环就越比较容易被割伤用材质较好的导眼相对就越不会发生这种情况好的材质当钓线快速出线时可以将摩擦所发出的热能平均到整个导环上而不是集中在一点集中在一点上导环就比较容易磨坏而导环框的材质也有分差一点的材质钓完海水没清洗会氧化生锈导环也就容易脱落最好的是钛框重量轻不易氧化导环也就不易脱落目前最好的选择就是fuji的sic导环强度够硬度够散热快出问题的机会也比较少其他的黑矿石氧化铝台製sic 就不用谈了只要是用在top 建议换成fuji sic的导环你所说的钓力值的影响我想大概就是跟导环耐不耐有关越耐相对的钓力值调大就越没影响不过整体配合上钓力值不是看导环而是看线你用什麼多粗的线钓力值就该调整到多少当然多大的捲线器就用适合的钓竿用多粗的线这都是整体的搭配而不是光看导环的材质而已韧性:我想应该跟纤维套的比例有关也就是指钓竿型录后面都会有一行CARBON (碳)%越轻越挺的竿子CARBON(碳)含有率就越高不过相对的所谓韧性就比较差简单说就是越脆但是只要不超磅使用到是没有断竿疑虑通常海水竿要应付的鱼都比较大所以CARBON(碳)含有率比一般钓BASS的竿子来的低也就是纤维套的比较多讲求所谓的韧性至於韧性高有没有好操竿看你玩的是什麼LUA 以及习惯性你所说的TOPWATER的LUA 不妨翻翻大厂的型录看他们所出的TOPWATER专用竿的CARBON含有率多少能看出端倪製作钓竿的素材学问很大工法也很多同样的碳纤布用不同的方法製作出来的结果也不一样这里我们说说淡水鲈鱼竿(bass rod),这是曰本风格的:这是美国风格的:此类钓竿不管是曰式的还是美式的,竿子的从软到硬的表示方法都是(Power):UL——Ultra light 超软L——Light 软ML——Medium light 中软M——Medium 中等MH——Medium heavy 中硬H——Heavy 硬XH——Extra heavy 超硬XXH——Extra extra heavy 超超硬根据竿子的曲线变化(Action)又有:S——Slow; M——Medium; MF——Medium fast; F——Fast; XF——Extra fast。


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• 効果確認の指標として習熟度と達成度を用いることにした。 • 習熟度とは、育成項目詳細の水準値合計に対する 各保有スキルレベルの合計の割合、と定義する。 • 「その育成項目の全体的な保有状態」を把握できる。
オール富士ゼロックス*の商品開発機能を富士 ゼロックスと領域を分担し、モジュール開発、 カスタマイズ開発、バリアント開発(商品開発)、 専門開発の4領域の開発を進めています。
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专利名称:CONNECTING ROD FOR INTERNALCOMBUSTION ENGINE发明人:IIDA ZENJI,飯田 善次,SATO YASUNORI,佐藤 泰紀,SUZUKI SHIGERU,鈴木 茂,MIDORIKAWATERUAKI,緑川 輝明申请号:JP特願2000-235599(P2000-235599)申请日:20000803公开号:JP特開2002-48124(P2002-48124A)A公开日:20020215专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a connecting rod for an internalcombustion engine in which the rotation or relative slip of a sliding metal can be prevented even in the condition that a jaw of the sliding is not engaged. SOLUTION: In the connecting rod for the internal combustion engine wherein an aperture is provided at the end portion of the connecting rod main body, the end portion is split into a plurality of sections in the circumferential direction of the aperture, and the sliding metal 10 is mounted at the inner peripheral part of the aperture; work streaks L, L' extending one direction with 13-90 deg. inclination as against the circumferential direction are provided on the inner peripheral surface of the aperture.申请人:HONDA MOTOR CO LTD,本田技研工業株式会社地址:東京都港区南青山二丁目1番1号国籍:JP代理人:末成 幹生更多信息请下载全文后查看。

Fishing rod with a pre-inserted fishing line guide

Fishing rod with a pre-inserted fishing line guide

专利名称:Fishing rod with a pre-inserted fishing line guide member发明人:Akiba, Masaru,Tsurufuji, Tomoyoshi申请号:EP94111732.7申请日:19940727公开号:EP0643913B1公开日:19971029专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:The invention provides a fishing rod with a pre-inserted fishing line guide member which can reduce the resistance of a fishing line during casting and reeling operations. Thereby an operator is able to play out and draw in the fishing line smoothly. In the fishing rod, the whole periphery of the inner surface of a fishing line guide cylinder is mounted on the leading end portion of a fishing rod pipe. The line guide is enlarged in diameter more greatly than the inner periphery contour of the leading end portion of the fishing rod pipe when the latter is extended in the direction of the axis of the rod pipe. The lower inner surface of the fishing line guide cylinder is downwardly shifted with respect to the fishing rod end pipe and enlarged in diameter more greatly than the oppositely located and upwardly enlarged diameter of the upper inner surface with respect to the axis of the fishing rod. A wear resisting guide member including an inner peripheral surface formed as a curved surface may also be mounted on the leading end portion of the enlarged lower inner surface of the fishing line guide cylinder. In addition, a second wear resisting fishing line guide member can be mounted near or to the terminal end of the fishing rod pipe to further reduce wear and contact between the fishing line and the end portion of the rod pipe. A selected one of several of the fishingline guides can be chosen for a given fishing condition by virtue of the removable attachment of the fishing line guide to the fishing rod end pipe.申请人:DAIWA SEIKO INC地址:JP国籍:JP代理机构:Grünecker, Kinkeldey, Stockmair & Schwanhäusser Anwaltssozietät 更多信息请下载全文后查看。

Line guide for fishing rod

Line guide for fishing rod

专利名称:Line guide for fishing rod 发明人:Ryuichi Ohmura申请号:US08/806547申请日:19970224公开号:US06067742A公开日:20000530专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:A line guide ring enhancing casting controllability of a fishing rod wherein the dimension between the inner circumferential surface of an annular holder frame for holding a guide ring and the bottom surface of the mounting leg being kept at a minimum and substantially the same as the plate thickness of a metal plate; the annular holder frame 3 for holding the guide ring 7 through which the fishing line being caused to pass and the mounting leg 4 for mounting the holder frame 3 onto the fishing rod being integrally formed from a single metal plate; the part on the outer circumferential side of the holder frame 3 being bent from a position close to its inner circumferential surface 5 in the axial direction so that the holder frame 3 may be formed into a shallow concave shape; the outer circumferential surface being formed into a rear surface 6 facing substantially in the same direction as the axial direction, and the mounting leg 4 extending from the rear surface 6.申请人:FUJI KOGYO CO., LTD.代理机构:Evenson, McKeown, Edwards & Lenahan, PLLC更多信息请下载全文后查看。

Top guide for fishing rod

Top guide for fishing rod

专利名称:Top guide for fishing rod 发明人:RYUICHI OHMURA申请号:AU5268298申请日:19980121公开号:AU5268298A公开日:19980730专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:In a top guide having a bridge, if a length of the bridge is increased and the slant of the bridge is made gentle in order to enhance the entangled fishing line release effect, the weight is increased, and it is necessary to increase the thickness of a plate to compensate for the decreased bend-resistant mechanical strength. An annular frame 7 for retaining a guide ring 5, a support leg piece 9 and bridge pieces 25 are formed integrally with each other by a metal plate, a portion other than an inner circumferential portion of the frame 7 is drawn toward the rear portion to thereby form a cylindrical portion 19 surrounding the guide ring 5, the bridge pieces 25 extend gently obliquely rearwardly from an edge 21 of the cylindrical portion 19 facing rearwardly, rear ends of the bridge pieces 25 are continuous at a position separate rearwardly from a rod insertion pipe 17, and the bridge pieces 25 are bent so that their cross-sections perpendicular to a longitudinal direction form L-shapes.申请人:FUJI KOGYO CO., LTD更多信息请下载全文后查看。



小学上册英语第二单元真题英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The __________ (历史的轨迹) outlines paths.2.Cats like to chase ______ (老鼠) around the house.3.The phase change from solid to liquid is called ______.4.The ancient Romans built impressive ________ (竞技场).5.He is a _____ (工程师) who designs software.6. A chemical reaction can produce _____ and heat.7.What is the main ingredient in pizza?A. FlourB. SugarC. RiceD. SaltA8.What do you call a small, round fruit that is usually red or green?A. OrangeB. AppleC. BananaD. PearB9.What is the name of the famous Roman amphitheater?A. ColosseumB. ParthenonC. AcropolisD. ForumA10.The flowers are _____ (美丽的).11. Fire of ________ occurred in 1666. The Grea12.What is the capital of Finland?A. HelsinkiB. EspooC. TampereD. OuluA13.Certain plants are prized for their ______ and use in landscape design. (某些植物因其美丽和在景观设计中的应用而受到赞赏。

JET PBF-1650D双面16ga盒胶囊钢筋弯曲机操作说明书和零部件手册

JET PBF-1650D双面16ga盒胶囊钢筋弯曲机操作说明书和零部件手册

Operating Instructions and Parts ManualDual-Sided 16ga. Box and Pan BrakeModel PBF-1650DJET427 New Sanford RoadLaVergne, Tennessee 37086 Part No. M-752130 Ph.: 800-274-6848 Edition 1 09/2016 Copyright © 2016 JETThis .pdf document is bookmarked1.0 IMPORTANT SAFETYINSTRUCTIONSREAD ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USING THIS MACHINE.WARNING – To reduce the risk of injury:1. Read and understand the entire owner'smanual before attempting assembly or operation.2. Read and understand the warnings posted onthe machine and in this manual. Failure tocomply with all of these warnings may causeserious injury.3. Replace the warning labels if they becomeobscured or removed.4. This box and pan brake is designed andintended for use by properly trained and experienced personnel only. If you are notfamiliar with the proper and safe operation of abrake, do not use until proper training andknowledge have been obtained.5. Do not use this brake for other than its intendeduse. If used for other purposes, JET disclaimsany real or implied warranty and holds itselfharmless from any injury that may result fromthat use.6. Always wear ANSI Z87.1 approved safetyglasses or face shield while using this brake.(Everyday eyeglasses only have impact resistant lenses; they are not safety glasses.) 7. Before operating this machine, remove tie,rings, watches and other jewelry, and rollsleeves up past the elbows. Do not wear looseclothing. Confine long hair. Non-slip footwear oranti-skid floor strips are recommended.8. Wear ear protectors (plugs or muffs) if noisereaches unsafe levels.9. CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 WARNING:This product contains chemicals known to theState of California to cause cancer, or birthdefects or other reproductive harm.10. This product, when used for welding, cutting, orworking with metal, produces fumes, gases, ordusts which contain chemicals known to theState of California to cause birth defects and, insome cases, cancer. (California Health andSafety Code Section 25249.5 et seq.) 11. Do not operate this machine while tired or underthe influence of drugs, alcohol or any medication.12. Remove adjusting keys and wrenches. Form ahabit of checking to see that keys and adjustingwrenches are removed from the machine before turning it on.13. Keep safety guards in place at all times whenthe machine is in use. If removed for maintenance purposes, use extreme cautionand replace the guards immediately after completion of maintenance.14. Check damaged parts. Before further use of themachine, a guard or other part that is damagedshould be carefully checked to determine that itwill operate properly and perform its intendedfunction. Check for alignment of moving parts,binding of moving parts, breakage of parts, mounting and any other conditions that mayaffect its operation. A guard or other part that isdamaged should be properly repaired or replaced.15. Provide for adequate space surrounding workarea and non-glare, overhead lighting.16. Keep the floor around the machine clean andfree of scrap material, oil and grease.17. Keep visitors a safe distance from the workarea. Keep children away.18. Make your workshop child proof with padlocks,master switches or by removing starter keys. 19. Give your work undivided attention. Lookingaround, carrying on a conversation and “horse-play” are careless acts that can result in seriousinjury.20. Maintain a balanced stance at all times so thatyou do not fall into the blade or other movingparts. Do not overreach or use excessive forceto perform any machine operation.21. Use recommended accessories; improperaccessories may be hazardous.22. Maintain tools with care. Keep blades sharp andclean for the best and safest performance.Follow instructions for lubricating and changingaccessories.23. Do not stand on the machine. Serious injurycould occur if the machine tips over.24. Remove loose items and unnecessary workpieces from the area before operating the machine.25. Do not use in dangerous environment. Do notuse machine in damp or wet location, or exposeto rain. Keep work area well lighted.26. Sheet metal stock has sharp edges; use cautionwhen handling to prevent cuts.27. Keep hands clear of bending area whileoperating. 28. Do not exceed rated capacity of brake.29. The brake should be secured to floor withappropriate fasteners.Familiarize yourself with the following safety notices used in this manual:This means that if precautions are not heeded, it may result in minor injury and/or possible machine damage.This means that if precautions are not heeded, it may result in serious, or possibly even fatal, injury.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS2.0 About this manualThis manual is provided by JET, covering the safe operation and maintenance procedures for a JET Model BPF-1650D Dual-Sided Box and Pan Brake. This manual contains instructions on installation, safety precautions, general operating procedures, maintenance instructions and parts breakdown. Your machine has been designed and constructed to provide consistent, long-term operation if used in accordance with the instructions as set forth in this document.This manual is not intended to be a guide to sheet metal bending, bend allowances, material choice, etc. Consult a machinery’s handbook and/or experienced users for such information. Whatever accepted methods or materials are used, always make personal safety a priority.If there are questions or comments, please contact your local supplier or JET. JET can also be reached at our web site: .Retain this manual for future reference. If the machine transfers ownership, the manual should accompany it.Read and understand the entire contents of this manual before attempting assembly or operation! Failure to comply may cause serious injury!Register your product online -/us/en/service-and-support/warranty/registration/3.0 Table of contentsSection Page1.0 IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS (2)2.0 About this manual (3)3.0 Table of contents (4)4.0 Specifications for 16x50 Box and Pan Brake (5)4.1 Floor Diagram (5)5.0 Features and terminology (6)6.0 Setup and assembly (7)6.1 Unpacking and cleanup (7)6.2 Contents of shipping container (7)6.3 Tools required for assembly (7)6.4 Assembly (7)7.0 Operation (7)7.1 Finger spacing (7)7.2 Adjusting setback (7)7.3 Adjusting clamping pressure (8)7.4 Repeat bends (8)7.5 General procedure (8)8.0 User-maintenance (8)8.1 Lubrication (8)8.2 Additional servicing (8)9.0 Troubleshooting PBF-1650D Box and Pan Brake (8)10.0 Replacement Parts (8)10.1.1 BPF-1650D Box and Pan Brake – Exploded View (9)10.1.2 PBF-1650D Box and Pan Brake – Parts List (10)11.0 Warranty and service (12)4.0 Specifications for 16x50 Box and Pan BrakeModel Number ...................................................................................................................................... PBF-1650D Stock Number (752130)Materials:Frame .......................................................................................................................... welded steel plate/tubing Clamping fingers .............................................................................................................................. ground steel Clamping block ................................................................................................................. p recision ground steel Capacities:Bending length .......................................................................................................................... 50 in. (1270 mm) Maximum thickness, mild steel ................................................................................................... 16 ga. (1.5 mm) Bending angle .................................................................................................................................. 0 – 135 deg. Maximum beam lift ................................................................................................................ 1-13/16 in. (46 mm) Maximum box depth ................................................................................................................. 2.5 in. (63.5 mm) Minimum flange in capacity material ............................................................................................. 0.4 in. (10mm) Nose angle (upper fingers) ...................................................................................................................... 42 deg. Nose radius ............................................................................................................................. 1/32 in. (0.79 mm) Number of fingers ............................................................................................................ ......12 upper, 12 lower Finger widths ........................................................... 1, 1-1/8, 1-3/8, 1-1/2, 1-3/4, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7-3/4, 10, 10-5/8 in. Weights:Net ............................................................................................................................................... 772 lb (350 kg) Shipping ....................................................................................................................................... 849 lb (385 kg) Dimensions:Height, floor to working surface ............................................................................................ 35-1/2 in. (902 mm) Shipping (LxWxH) .......................................................................... 67-3/8 x 28 x 51-1/2 in. (171 x 71 x 131 cm) Assembled (LxWxH) ................................................................................... 63 x 38 x 45 in. (160 x 97 x 114 cm) The specifications in this manual were current at time of publication, but because of our policy of continuous improvement, JET reserves the right to change specifications at any time and without prior notice, without incurring obligations.L=length, W=width, H=height4.1 Floor DiagramFigure 15.0 Features and terminologyFigure 21. Clamping leaf2. Clamping fingers3. Clamping adjustment nut (x2)4. Stop bolt5. Setback locking screw (x2)6. Setback knob (x2)7. Bending leaf fingers8. Bending leaf9. Foot pedal for clamping 10. Foot pedal lock11. Leg extension (x2)12. Crown adjustment rod13. Air spring14. Grease fitting (x2)15. Stop collar16. Stop collar screw17. Eccentric disc6.0 Setup and assemblyRead and understand all assembly instructions before attempting assembly. Failure to comply may cause serious injury.6.1 Unpacking and cleanupInspect contents of shipping container for shipping damage. Report any damage to your distributor. Remove all contents from carton, and compare to the contents list in this manual. Report any part shortages to your distributor.Do not discard carton or packing material until machine is assembled and working properly. Exposed metal areas may have a rust protectant applied. Remove this with a soft rag and solvent such as kerosene. (Do not use gasoline, paint thinner, acetone, etc., as these will damage painted surfaces.)6.2 Contents of shipping container1 Box and Pan Brake2 Support legs with screws1 Instructions and Parts Manual (not shown)1 Warranty Card (not shown)6.3 Tools required for assembly8mm hex key6.4 AssemblyNumbers in parentheses refer to items in Figure 2. 1. Remove any straps or screws securing thebrake, and raise machine using properly ratedlifting equipment. See Figure 3 for lifting strapplacement.Figure 3Continue to stabilize machine while installing support legs. 2. Attach the two leg extensions (11) with theprovided socket head screws and flat washers. 3. Secure brake to floor using lag screws or similarsystem. See diagram, Figure 1. Also level thebrake; use shims if needed.4. The stop collar screw (16) has been tightenedfor shipping purposes. This screw must beloosened to allow clamping machine adjustments.7.0 OperationNumbers in parentheses refer to items in Figure 2. 7.1 Finger spacingUpper (2) and lower (7) fingers are mounted on T-nuts that slide within the underlying channel. Remove fingers by removing the screw(s); or reposition fingers at any place along the beam by loosening screw and sliding the T-nuts. Firmly tighten screws on fingers before operating.7.2 Adjusting setbackThe bending leaf lower fingers (7) must be adjusted for proper clearance or “setback” (A, Figure 3) based on material thickness (B, Figure 3). Generally, setback for material within four gauges of capacity should be twice the thickness of material. For lighter gauges, use 1-1/2 times the material thickness. Consult a machinery handbook for bend allowances.Figure 31. Loosen setback locking screws (5).2. Rotate setback knobs (6) in equal amounts(clockwise decreases distance). Refer to adjoining scale, marked with 0.002-inch graduations.Note: When increasing distance (counter-clockwise), you may have to pull back slightlyon the bending leaf to take up any backlash.3. Bring clamping leaf into position and checksetback.4. Repeat above steps until proper distance isachieved.5. Tighten locking screws (5).If a crown develops in the material, this can be adjusted out by loosening or tightening the hex nuts on the crown adjustment rod (12). Note: This rod has been correctly set by the manufacturer and should only be adjusted when needed.7.3 Adjusting clamping pressure Clamping pressure may vary depending upon material gauge. Pressure should be great enough to hold material securely, but not so much that it becomes difficult to clamp.Rotate clamping adjustment nuts (3) equally to set clamping pressure. Proper adjustment will allow foot pedal (9) to be locked (10).7.4 Repeat bendsLoosen stop collar screw (16) and adjust stop bolt (4) to limit swing of bending leaf. Retighten screw (16).7.5 General procedure1. Adjust upper and/or lower fingers for width ofmaterial and type of bend.2. Adjust for setback and clamping pressure.3. Position stop bolt if needed.4. Align material in machine and press foot pedaluntil it locks.5. Raise bending leaf to desired angle.6. Lower bending leaf and press foot pedal lock torelease material.8.0 User-maintenance Periodically wipe down machine with a soft rag. Keep upper and lower fingers clean and clear of debris. Apply light coat of SAE30 oil to upper and lower fingers.Periodically check tightness of fasteners.8.1 LubricationDaily insert a multi-purpose grease into the two fittings (14).Lightly apply grease to pivot points around machine, such as setback rods and eccentric disc.Apply light coat of SAE30 oil to all machined (unpainted) parts when not in use, to inhibit rust. 8.2 Additional servicingAny additional servicing should be performed by an authorized service technician.9.0 Troubleshooting PBF-1650D Box and Pan Brake Symptom PossibleCause CorrectionBends created with great difficulty.Machine capacity exceeded. Use material within capacity. Incorrect setback. Increase setback.Clamping leaf will not clamp properly.Improper adjustment.Decrease distance between fingers andbeam.Clamping not even across width. Rotate adjustment nuts equal amount.Bend radius not consistent across material.Machine capacity exceeded. Use material within capacity.Bending leaf edge not parallel to fingers. Adjust bending leaf equally on both ends. Bending leaf has crown. Correct with crown adjustment rod.10.0 Replacement PartsReplacement parts are listed on the following pages. To order parts or reach our service department, call 1-800-274-6848 Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CST. Having the Model Number and Serial Number of your machine available when you call will allow us to serve you quickly and accurately.Non-proprietary parts, such as fasteners, can be found at local hardware stores, or may be ordered from JET. Some parts are shown for reference only, and may not be available individually.10.1.1 BPF-1650D Box and Pan Brake – Exploded View10.1.2 PBF-1650D Box and Pan Brake – Parts ListIndex No Part No Description Size Qty1 ................ H40-210 .................... Adjusting Nut ........................................................... .. (2)2 ................ PBF1650D-02 ........... Clamping Leaf. ........................................................ .. (1)3 ................ PBF1650D-03 ........... T-Nut ........................................................................ (48)4-1 ............. PBF1650D-04-1 ........ Upper Finger ............................................................ 1” .. (1)4-2 ............. PBF1650D-04-2 ........ Upper Finger ............................................................ 1-1/8” . (1)4-3 ............. PBF1650D-04-3 ........ Upper Finger ............................................................ 1-3/8” . (1)4-4 ............. PBF1650D-04-4 ........ Upper Finger ............................................................ 1-1/2” . (1)4-5 ............. PBF1650D-04-5 ........ Upper Finger ............................................................ 1-3/4” . (1)4-6 ............. PBF1650D-04-6 ........ Upper Finger ............................................................ 2” .. (1)4-7 ............. PBF1650D-04-7 ........ Upper Finger ............................................................ 3” .. (1)4-8 ............. PBF1650D-04-8 ........ Upper Finger ............................................................ 4” .. (1)4-9 ............. PBF1650D-04-9 ........ Upper Finger ............................................................ 6” .. (1)4-10 ........... PBF1650D-04-10 ...... Upper Finger ............................................................ 7-3/4” . (1)4-11 ........... PBF1650D-04-11 ...... Upper Finger ............................................................ 10” (1)4-12 ........... PBF1650D-04-12 ...... Upper Finger ............................................................ 10-5/8” .. (1)5 ................ TS-1505021 .............. Socket Head Cap Screw ......................................... M10x20 .. (66)6 ................ PBF1650D-06 ........... Clamping Block ........................................................ .. (1)7 ................ PBF1650D-07 ........... Adjusting Nut Spring ................................................ .. (2)8 ................ TS-155011 ................ Flat Washer ............................................................. 20mm . (6)9 ................ PBF1650D-09 ........... Grease Fitting .......................................................... M8x1 .. (2)10 .............. H40-227 .................... Bushing .................................................................... .. (2)11 .............. H40-226 .................... Flat Washer ............................................................. 30 . (2)12 .............. H40-209 .................... Bending Leaf Pin ..................................................... .. (1)13 .............. TS-1505051 .............. Socket Head Cap Screw ......................................... M10x35 . (1)14 .............. H40-204 .................... Stop Collar ............................................................... .. (1)15 .............. TS-1540071 .............. Hex Nut .................................................................... M10 . (1)16 .............. TS-1505061 .............. Socket Head Cap Screw ......................................... M10x40 . (1)17 .............. PBF1650D-17 ........... Leg ........................................................................... .. (2)18 .............. BPF1240-18 .............. Ext. Retaining Ring .................................................. 25mm .. (13)19 .............. H40-208 .................... Leg Pin .................................................................... .. (3)20 .............. TS-1505041 .............. Socket Head Cap Screw ......................................... M10x30 . (4)21 .............. H40-217-3G .............. Extension Bracket .................................................... .. (2)22 .............. PBF1650D-22 ........... Disc Spring .............................................................. Ø40xø20x1mm . (4)23 .............. H40-205 .................... Rod .......................................................................... .. (2)24 .............. H40-206 .................... Foot Pedal Lever ..................................................... .. (4)25 .............. H40-207.................... Lever Pin .................................................................. .. (4)26 .............. PBF1650D-26 ........... Foot Pedal ............................................................... .. (1)27 .............. H40-402 .................... Tread Plate Rubber ................................................. .. (1)28 .............. H40-211 .................... Roll Pin .................................................................... .. (1)29 .............. BPF1240-29 .............. Ext. Retaining Ring .................................................. 10mm . (2)30 .............. H40-213.................... Foot Pedal Lock ....................................................... .. (1)31 .............. BPF1240-31 .............. Spring Pin ................................................................ 8x50mm (1)32 .............. TS-1550061 .............. Flat Washer ............................................................. 8mm (1)33 .............. H40-212 .................... Pedal Lock Spring ................................................... .. (1)34-1 ........... PBF1650D-34-1 ........ Lower Finger ............................................................ 1” .. (1)34-2 ........... PBF1650D-34-2 ........ Lower Finger ............................................................ 1-1/8” . (1)34-3 ........... PBF1650D-34-3 ........ Lower Finger ............................................................ 1-3/8” . (1)34-4 ........... PBF1650D-34-4 ........ Lower Finger ............................................................ 1-1/2” . (1)34-5 ........... PBF1650D-34-5 ........ Lower Finger ............................................................ 1-3/4” . (1)34-6 ........... PBF1650D-34-6 ........ Lower Finger ............................................................ 2” .. (1)34-7 ........... PBF1650D-34-7 ........ Lower Finger ............................................................ 3” .. (1)34-8 ........... PBF1650D-34-8 ........ Lower Finger ............................................................ 4” .. (1)34-9 ........... PBF1650D-34-9 ........ Lower Finger ............................................................ 6” .. (1)34-10 ......... PBF1650D-34-10 ...... Lower Finger ............................................................ 7-3/4” . (1)34-11 ......... PBF1650D-34-11 ...... Lower Finger ............................................................ 10” (1)34-12 ......... PBF1650D-34-12 ...... Lower Finger ............................................................ 10-5/8” .. (1)35 .............. BPF1240-31 .............. Spring Pin ................................................................ 8x50mm (2)37 .............. PBF1650D-37 ........... O-Ring ..................................................................... 25x3.55mm . (2)38 .............. PBF1650D-38 ........... Setback Rod ............................................................ .. (2)Index No Part No Description Size Qty39 .............. PBF1650D-39 ........... Setback Knob .......................................................... .. (2)40 .............. PBF1650D-40 ........... Operating Handle .................................................... .. (2)41 .............. PBF1650D-41 ........... Adjusting Rod .......................................................... .. (1)42 .............. PBF1650D-42 ........... Bending Leaf ........................................................... .. (1)43 .............. TS-1550111 .............. Flat Washer ............................................................. 20 . (2)44 .............. TS-2310201 .............. Hex Nut .................................................................... M20 . (2)45 .............. TS-2228161 .............. Hex Cap Screw ........................................................ M8x16 (2)46 .............. PBF1650D-46 ........... Fixing Plate .............................................................. .. (1)47 .............. PBF1650D-47 ........... Air Spring ................................................................. .. (1)48 .............. TS-2211451 .............. Hex Cap Screw ........................................................ M12x45 . (2)49 .............. TS-2311121 .............. Hex Nut .................................................................... M12 . (2)50 .............. PBF1650D-50 ........... Eccentric Holder ...................................................... .. (1)51 .............. TS-155011 ................ Flat Washer ............................................................. M20 . (2)52 .............. TS-1502021 .............. Socket Head Cap Screw ......................................... M5x10 (2)53 .............. PBF1650D-53 ........... Rubber Pad ............................................................. .. (2)54 .............. PBF1650D-54 ........... Bushing .................................................................... .. (4)55 .............. TS-1521031 .............. Socket Set Screw .................................................... M4x8 .. (2)56 .............. PBF1650D-56 ........... Scale ........................................................................ .. (2).................. LM000240 ................. ID/Warning Label, PBF-1650D (not shown) ............ .. (1).................. JET-165 ..................... JET Logo (not shown) ............................................. 165x68mm .. (1)11.0 Warranty and serviceJET warrants every product it sells against manufacturers’ defects. If one of our tools needs service or repair, please contact Technical Service by calling 1-800-274-6846, 8AM to 5PM CST, Monday through Friday.Warranty PeriodThe general warranty lasts for the time period specified in the literature included with your product or on the official JET branded website.•JET products carry a limited warranty which varies in duration based upon the product. (See chart below) •Accessories carry a limited warranty of one year from the date of receipt.•Consumable items are defined as expendable parts or accessories expected to become inoperable within a reasonable amount of use and are covered by a 90 day limited warranty against manufacturer’s defects. Who is CoveredThis warranty covers only the initial purchaser of the product from the date of delivery.What is CoveredThis warranty covers any defects in workmanship or materials subject to the limitations stated below. This warranty does not cover failures due directly or indirectly to misuse, abuse, negligence or accidents, normal wear-and-tear, improper repair, alterations or lack of maintenance. JET woodworking machinery is designed to be used with Wood. Use of these machines in the processing of metal, plastics, or other materials outside recommended guidelines may void the warranty. The exceptions are acrylics and other natural items that are made specifically for wood turning. Warranty LimitationsWoodworking products with a Five Year Warranty that are used for commercial or industrial purposes default to a Two Year Warranty. Please contact Technical Service at 1-800-274-6846 for further clarification.How to Get Technical SupportPlease contact Technical Service by calling 1-800-274-6846. Please note that you will be asked to provide proof of initial purchase when calling. If a product requires further inspection, the Technical Service representative will explain and assist with any additional action needed.JET has Authorized Service Centers located throughout the United States. For the name of an Authorized Service Center in your area call 1-800-274-6846 or use the Service Center Locator on the JET website.More InformationJET is constantly adding new products. For complete, up-to-date product information, check with your local distributor or visit the JET website.How State Law AppliesThis warranty gives you specific legal rights, subject to applicable state law.Limitations on This WarrantyJET LIMITS ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES TO THE PERIOD OF THE LIMITED WARRANTY FOR EACH PRODUCT. EXCEPT AS STATED HEREIN, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE EXCLUDED. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.JET SHALL IN NO EVENT BE LIABLE FOR DEATH, INJURIES TO PERSONS OR PROPERTY, OR FOR INCIDENTAL, CONTINGENT, SPECIAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING FROM THE USE OF OUR PRODUCTS. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.JET sells through distributors only. The specifications listed in JET printed materials and on official JET website are given as general information and are not binding. JET reserves the right to effect at any time, without prior notice, those alterations to parts, fittings, and accessory equipment which they may deem necessary for any reason whatsoever. JET® branded products are not sold in Canada by JPW Industries, Inc.Product Listing with Warranty Period90 Days – Parts; Consumable items1 Year – Motors; Machine Accessories2 Year – Metalworking Machinery; Electric Hoists, Electric Hoist Accessories; Woodworking Machinery usedfor industrial or commercial purposes5 Year – Woodworking MachineryLimited Lifetime – JET Parallel clamps; VOLT Series Electric Hoists; Manual Hoists; Manual HoistAccessories; Shop Tools; Warehouse & Dock products; Hand Tools; Air ToolsNOTE: JET is a division of JPW Industries, Inc. References in this document to JET also apply to JPW Industries, Inc., or any of its successors in interest to the JET brand.。

2013 Honda Civic Hybrid with Navigation 技术参考指南说明书

2013 Honda Civic Hybrid with Navigation 技术参考指南说明书

T E C H N O L O G YR E F E R E N C EG U I D E2013 Civic Hybrid o w n e r s.h o n d a.c o mwith NavigationiPod ®or USB Flash Drive.....................................................................................17Bluetooth ®Audio......................................................................................................18Pandora ®...................................................................................................................19Voice Recognition...................................................................................................20Navigation.................................................................................................................24Bluetooth ®HandsFreeLink ®(HFL)........................................................................28SMS T ext Messaging................................................................................................32Owner Link..............................................................................................................34Safety Reminder......................................................................................................34Auto Door Locks.....................................................................................................2Instrument Panel Indicators...................................................................................4Intelligent Multi-Information Display (i-MID).....................................................6Eco Assist TM ................................................................................................................8Tire Pre s sure Monitoring System (TPMS)........................................................12One-T ouch T urn Signal...........................................................................................13Auto Headlights with Wiper Integration...........................................................13Forward Collision Warning (FCW)....................................................................14Lane Departure Warning (LDW)........................................................................15BLUETOOTH ®HANDSFREELINK ®p.28INSTRUMENT PANEL p.4NAVIGATION p.24AUTO DOOR LOCKSPress MENU. Select Customize Settings. Select Door Setup.Select Auto Door Unlock. Select All Doors with Shift to P Press MENU to exit.a u l t L o c k S e t t i n g The doors are preset to lock when your vehicle reaches about 10 mph. D e f a u l t U n l o c k S e t t i n gOnly the driver’s door is preset tounlock when you shift into Park (P).Programmable Auto Door Lock/Unlock SettingsAUTO DOOR UNLOCKWhen you turnthe ignition OFF When you shiftout of ParkWhen you turnthe ignition OFF When you shiftout of ParkOperate manuallyAUTO DOOR LOCKWhen youreach 10 mph When you shiftout of ParkOperate manuallyMalfunction IndicatorsIf an indicator remains on, there may be a problem; see your dealerCharging systemLow brake fluid, Brake system ABS (anti-lock brake system)EPS (electric power steering)Low fuel:RefillLow tire pressure:Add airImmobilizer (blinks):Use other vehicle keyMessage indicator:See i-MIDDoor/T runk open:Close door(s) / trunkHigh temperature:Drive slowly or pull overINTELLIGENT MULTI-INFORMATION DISPLAY (i-MID)Display/Information Button:Press the SEL/RESET button to change sub-displays.Press the INFO button to change main displays.3. Check the i-MID for the system status.Press ECON again to turn the Ambient MetermphmphmphHigh fuel efficiencyModerate fuel efficiencyLow fuel efficiencyNote: When turned on, the vehicle’s engine performance, transmission, cruise control, and air conditioning system are adjusted to maximize fuel efficiency.Real-time Fuel Efficiency CoachDriving Style Eco Drive Bar (on the i-MID)EfficientDisplay to view your Eco Assist score in real time.As you drive, you earn leaves if you drive in a fuel-efficient manner, or lose displayed on the i-MID.Eco Score Each time you reach a new stage, a Stage Up Recognition icon briefly appears on the i-MID. When you reach the highest ranking, a T rophy icon briefly appears.Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3First Stage Up Recognition Second Stage Up Recognition Last Stage Up RecognitionWhen you take your Battery IMA motor is inEngine is inTIRE PRESSURE MONITORING SYSTEM (TPMS)collision is likely, the system warns you with visual and audible alerts.ShortNormalLongIf you do not brake in time or take preventive action:•BRAKE flashes in the i-MID Warning timing depends on Long , Normal,or Short settings.FCW may not activate under certain conditions. See your Owner’s Manual for LDW may not activate under certain conditions. See your Owner’s Manual for If you cross a detected lane line without using your turn signal, aWide (default) NormalT op down3. From your phone,Notes:Press(u) or (:) to change tracks.settings on your phone for2021Key Functions by Voice CommandA U D I Op . 23C L I M A T E C O N T R O Lp. 23N A V I G A T I O Np . 24B L U E T O O T H ®H A N D S F R E E L I N K ®p. 28Voice Command Tips• Press and release the T alk button, wait for a beep, then say a command.•All available voice commands are highlighted in blue when you press the T alk button.•For a list of available commands, press and release the T alk button and say “Help” at any time.• Speak in a clear, natural voice.• Reduce all background noise.• Adjust the dashboard and side vents away from the microphone in the ceiling.• Close the windows.•The system also uses a touchscreen display. Y ou can select options or icons by touching them on the screen. This is limited while the vehicle is moving.Control four different systems with the steering wheel buttons and the ceiling microphone.T o reduce the potential for driver distraction, certain manual and touch screen functions may be inoperable or grayed out while the vehicle is moving. Voice commands are always available.Pick-Up button: Answer an incoming call,or go directly to the Phone screen.Hang-Up/Back button: End a call, decline an incoming call, or cancel a selection.T alk button: Give navigation, HFL, audio,or climate control commands.NAVIGATIONShows a more detailed view of the next maneuvers during route guidance on the multi-information display. See your Owner’s Manual for instructions on how to 2. Say “Street,”then say the street A list of street names appears.Say the number next to the 5. If the street address is in more The system displays theDistance to nextSay“Display traffic”to view highway flow data.Heavy traffic Moderate trafficT rafficFlow dataIncidenticon raffic Icons:route.Say the number of the incident you want to avoid. When the incident appears, say“Traffic Say“Reroute”to set the new route.nearest ATM.”2. A list of the nearest ATMs in your area is displayed by shortest distance to destination.destination you want to select.4. The system displays theBLUETOOTH HANDSFREELINK(HFL)prompt appears. Say2. Make sure your phone is in discovery mode, andConnect to HFL.4. HFL gives you a four-digit code. Enter it on your phone when prompted. The phone is now paired.3. HFL searches for your phone.the number next to the phonewhen it appears on the list.6. HFL searches for your phone.Say“Phonebook.”Pick-Up button to call.The call is connected and heardthrough the vehicle speakers.go to the Phone screen.message.2. Say the correspondingnumber of one of the sixSay“Text Message.”The 20most recent text messagesfrom your phone are displayed.SAFETY REMINDERour vehicle is equipped with airbags. Airbags do not replace seat belts; they add to the protection offered by seat belts. Airbags can help protect you in some types of collisions, but they do not provide protection in all collisions.Always make sure you and your passengers wear seat belts, and that young children are properly secured in a child seat or booster in the rear seat. Never place an。



Hale Waihona Puke Robust Observation and Checking of External Data
System Performances and Tests Results ....................................................................... I-11
I.4.6 Conclusion on PHINS Technology .................................................................................. I-13
I.5 Certification ......................................................................................................................... I-14 I.6 Export Regulation ............................................................................................................... I-14 I.7 Warranty............................................................................................................................... I-15 I.8 Customer Support .............................................................................................................. I-16 I.9 Contact................................................................................................................................. I-17
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