安慰剂检验介绍(Placebo test)安慰剂是一种附加实证检验的思路,并不存在一个具体的特定的操作方法。
如果不存在类似于Xi的影响,即可排除Xi 的安慰剂效应,使得结果更为稳健。
已知,Xi是虚拟变量,Xi=1,if t>T;Xi=0 if t<T;Xi对Zi对Yi的影响的影响在T时前后有显著差异(DID)。
在其后的实证检验中,将Xi`设定为Xi`=1,if t>T+n;Xi`=0 if t<T+n,其中n根据实际情况取值,可正可负。
Surviving Graduate Econometrics with R:Difference-in-Differences Estimation — 2 of 8The following replication exercise closely follows the homework assignment #2 in ECNS 562. The data for this exercise can be found here.The data is about the expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit. This is a legislation aimed at providing a tax break for low income individuals. For some background on the subject, seeEissa, Nada, and Jeffrey B. Liebman. 1996. Labor Supply Responses to the Earned Income Tax Credit. Quarterly Journal of Economics. 111(2): 605-637.The homework questions (abbreviated):1.Describe and summarize data.2.Calculate the sample means of all variables for (a) single women with nochildren, (b) single women with 1 child, and (c) single women with 2+ children.3.Create a new variable with earnings conditional on working (missing fornon-employed) and calculate the means of this by group as well.4.Construct a variable for the “treatment” called ANYKIDS and a variable for afterthe expansion (called POST93—should be 1 for 1994 and later).5.Create a graph which plots mean annual employment rates by year(1991-1996) for single women with children (treatment) and without children (control).6.Calculate the unconditional difference-in-difference estimates of the effect ofthe 1993 EITC expansion on employment of single women.7.Now run a regression to estimate the conditional difference-in-differenceestimate of the effect of the EITC. Use all women with children as the treatment group.8.Reestimate this model including demographic characteristics.9.Add the state unemployment rate and allow its effect to vary by the presence ofchildren.10.A llow the treatment effect to vary by those with 1 or 2+ children.11.Estimate a “placebo” treatment model. Take data from only the pre-reformperiod. Use the same treatment and control groups. Introduce a placebo policy that begins in 1992 (so 1992 and 1993 both have this fake policy).A review: Loading your dataRecall the code for importing your data:STATA:/*Last modified 1/11/2011 */**************************************************************************The following block of commands go at the start of nearly all do files*/*Bracket comments with /* */ or just use an asterisk at line beginningclear /*Clears memory*/set mem 50m /*Adjust this for your particular dataset*/cd "C:\DATA\Econ 562\homework" /*Change this for your file structure*/log using stata_assign2.log, replace /*Log file records all commands & results*/display "$S_DATE $S_TIME"set more offinsheet using eitc.dta, clear*************************************************************************R:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 # Kevin Goulding # ECNS 562 - Assignment 2 ########################################################################## # Load the foreign package require(foreign) # Import data from web site # update: first download the file eitc.dta from this link: # https:///open?id=0B0iAUHM7ljQ1cUZvRWxjUmpfVXM # Then import from your hard drive: eitc = read.dta("C:/link/to/my/download/folder/eitc.dta")</pre> Note that any comments can be embedded into R code, simply by putting a <code> # </code> to the can download the data file, and import it from your hard drive: eitc = read.dta("C:\DATA\Courses\Econ 562\homework\eitc.dta")Describe and summarize your dataRecall from part 1 of this series, the following code to describe and summarizeyour data:STATA:dessumR:In R, each column of your data is assigned a class which will determine how your data is treated in various functions. To see what class R has interpreted for all your variables, run the following code:1 2 3 4 sapply(eitc,class) summary(eitc)source('sumstats.r') sumstats(eitc)To output the summary statistics table to LaTeX, use the following code:1 2 require(xtable) # xtable package helps create LaTeX code xtable(sumstats(eitc))Note: You will need to re-run the code for sumstats() which you can find in an earlier post.Calculate Conditional Sample MeansSTATA:summarize if children==0summarize if children == 1summarize if children >=1summarize if children >=1 & year == 1994mean work if post93 == 0 & anykids == 1R:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314 # The following code utilizes the sumstats function (you will need to re-run this code) sumstats(eitc[eitc$children == 0, ])sumstats(eitc[eitc$children == 1, ])sumstats(eitc[eitc$children >= 1, ])sumstats(eitc[eitc$children >= 1 & eitc$year == 1994, ])# Alternately, you can use the built-in summary functionsummary(eitc[eitc$children == 0, ])summary(eitc[eitc$children == 1, ])summary(eitc[eitc$children >= 1, ])summary(eitc[eitc$children >= 1 & eitc$year == 1994, ])# Another example: Summarize variable 'work' for women with one child from 1993 onwards. summary(subset(eitc, year >= 1993 & children == 1, select=work))The code above includes all summary statistics – but say you are only interested in the mean. You could then be more specific in your coding, like this:1 2 3 mean(eitc[eitc$children == 0, 'work']) mean(eitc[eitc$children == 1, 'work']) mean(eitc[eitc$children >= 1, 'work'])Try out any of the other headings within the summary output, they should also work: min() for minimum value, max() for maximum value, stdev() for standard deviation, and others.Create a New VariableTo create a new variable called “c.earn” equal to earnings conditional on working (if “work” = 1), “NA” otherwise (“work” = 0) – use the following code:STATA:gen cearn = earn if work == 1R:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eitc$c.earn=eitc$earn*eitc$workz = names(eitc)X = as.data.frame(eitc$c.earn)X[] = lapply(X, function(x){replace(x, x == 0, NA)}) eitc = cbind(eitc,X)eitc$c.earn = NULLnames(eitc) = zConstruct a Treatment VariableConstruct a variable for the treatment called “anykids” = 1 for treated individual (has at least one child); and a variable for after the expansion called “post93” = 1 for 1994 and later.STATA:gen anykids = (children >= 1)gen post93 = (year >= 1994)R:1 2 eitc$post93 = as.numeric(eitc$year >= 1994) eitc$anykids = as.numeric(eitc$children > 0)Create a plotCreate a graph which plots mean annual employment rates by year (1991-1996) for single women with children (treatment) and without children (control).STATA:preservecollapse work, by(year anykids)gen work0 = work if anykids==0label var work0 "Single women, no children"gen work1 = work if anykids==1label var work1 "Single women, children"twoway (line work0 year, sort) (line work1 year, sort), ytitle(Labor Force Participation Rates)graph save Graph "homework\eitc1.gph", replaceR:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415 # Take average value of 'work' by year, conditional on anykidsminfo = aggregate(eitc$work, list(eitc$year,eitc$anykids == 1), mean)# rename column headings (variables)names(minfo) = c("YR","Treatment","LFPR")# Attach a new column with labelsminfo$Group[1:6] = "Single women, no children"minfo$Group[7:12] = "Single women, children"minforequire(ggplot2) #package for creating nice plotsqplot(YR, LFPR, data=minfo, geom=c("point","line"), colour=Group,xlab="Year", ylab="Labor Force Participation Rate") The ggplot2 package produces some nice looking charts.Calculate the D-I-D Estimate of the Treatment EffectCalculate the unconditional difference-in-difference estimates of the effect of the 1993 EITC expansion on employment of single women.STATA:mean work if post93==0 & anykids==0 mean work if post93==0 & anykids==1 mean work if post93==1 & anykids==0 mean work if post93==1 & anykids==1 R:1 2 3 4 5 a = colMeans(subset(eitc, post93 == 0 & anykids == 0, select=work))b = colMeans(subset(eitc, post93 == 0 & anykids == 1, select=work))c = colMeans(subset(eitc, post93 == 1 & anykids == 0, select=work))d = colMeans(subset(eitc, post93 == 1 & anykids == 1, select=work)) (d-c)-(b-a)Run a simple D-I-D RegressionNow we will run a regression to estimate the conditional difference-in-difference estimate of the effect of the Earned Income Tax Credit on “work”, using all women with children as the treatment group. The regression equation is as follows:Where is the white noise error term.STATA:gen interaction = post93*anykidsreg work post93 anykids interactionR:1 2 reg1 = lm(work ~ post93 + anykids + post93*anykids, data = eitc) summary(reg1)Include Relevant Demographics in RegressionAdding additional variables is a matter of including them in your coded regression equation, as follows:STATA:gen age2 = age^2 /*Create age-squared variable*/gen nonlaborinc = finc - earn /*Non-labor income*/reg work post93 anykids interaction nonwhite age age2 ed finc nonlaborincR:1 2 3 reg2 = lm(work ~ anykids + post93 + post93*anykids + nonwhite+ age + I(age^2) + ed + finc + I(finc-earn), data = eitc) summary(reg2)Create some new variablesWe will create two new interaction variables:1.The state unemployment rate interacted with number of children.2.The treatment term interacted with individuals with one child, or more than onechild.STATA:gen interu = urate*anykidsgen onekid = (children==1)gen twokid = (children>=2)gen postXone = post93*onekidgen postXtwo = post93*twokidR:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112 # The state unemployment rate interacted with number of childreneitc$urate.int = eitc$urate*eitc$anykids### Creating a new treatment term:# First, we'll create a new dummy variable to distinguish between one child and 2+. eitc$manykids = as.numeric(eitc$children >= 2)# Next, we'll create a new variable by interacting the new dummy# variable with the original interaction term.eitc$tr2 = eitc$p93kids.interaction*eitc$manykidsEstimate a Placebo ModelTesting a placebo model is when you arbitrarily choose a treatment time before your actual treatment time, and test to see if you get a significant treatment effect.STATA:gen placebo = (year >= 1992)gen placeboXany = anykids*placeboreg work anykids placebo placeboXany if year<1994In R, first we’ll subset the data to exclude the time period after the real treatment (1993 and later). N ext, we’ll create a new treatment dummy variable, and run a regression as before on our data subset.R:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 # sub set the data, including only years before 1994.eitc.sub = eitc[eitc$year <= 1993,]# Create a new "after treatment" dummy variable# and interaction termeitc.sub$post91 = as.numeric(eitc.sub$year >= 1992)# Run a placebo regression where placebo treatment = post91*anykids reg3 <- lm(work ~ anykids + post91 + post91*anykids, data = eitc.sub) summary(reg3)The entire code for this post is available here (File –> Save As). If you have any questions or find problems with my code, you can e-mail me directlyat kevingoulding {at} gmail [dot] com.To continue on to Part 3 of our series, Fixed Effects estimation, click here.。
安慰剂简介目录•1拼音•2英文参考•3科研应用•4治疗应用1拼音ān wèi jì2英文参考placebo安慰剂是用以安慰病人而无直接治疗作用的药剂.有时作为药物疗效鉴定的对照剂,即在现场试验中为免除实验组与对照组因是否接受治疗或预防药物而引起精神上的偏见,而给对照组以外表类似试验用药的制剂。
安慰剂效应Placebo Effect
安慰劑效應(Placebo Effect)安慰劑效應的概述 安慰劑效應,又名偽藥效應、假藥效應、代設劑效應(英文:Placebo Effect,源自拉丁文placebo解「我將安慰」)指病人雖然獲得無效的治療,但卻「預料」或「相信」治療有效,而讓病患症狀得到舒緩的現象。
[1] 安慰劑效應於1955年由畢闕博士(Henry K. Beecher)提出[2],亦理解為「非特定效應」(non-specific effects)或受試者期望效應。
一個性質完全相反的效應亦同時存在——反安慰劑效應(Nocebo effect):病人不相信治療有效,可能會令病情惡化。
例如一組服用無效藥物的對照群組(control group),會出現病情惡化的現象。
安慰劑對照研究畢闕博士的研究(1955年) 有報告[3]紀錄到大約四分之一服用安慰劑的病人,例如聲稱可以醫治背痛的安慰劑,表示有關痛症得到舒緩。
Oral Bacteriotherapy as Maintenance Treatment in Patients With Chronic Pouchitis:A Double-Blind,Placebo-Controlled TrialPAOLO GIONCHETTI,*FERNANDO RIZZELLO,*ALESSANDRO VENTURI,*PATRIZIA BRIGIDI,‡DIEGO MATTEUZZI,‡GABRIELE BAZZOCCHI,*GILBERTO POGGIOLI,§MARIO MIGLIOLI,*and MASSIMO CAMPIERI**Department of Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology,‡Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences,and§Department of Clinical Surgery, University of Bologna,Bologna,ItalySee editorial on page584. Background&Aims:Pouchitis is the major long-term complication after ileal pouch–anal anastomosis for ul-cerative colitis.Most patients have relapsing disease, and no maintenance treatment study has been per-formed.We evaluated the efficacy of a probiotic prepa-ration(VSL#3)containing5؋1011per gram of viable lyophilized bacteria of4strains of lactobacilli,3strains of bifidobacteria,and1strain of Streptococcus sali-varius subsp.thermophilus compared with placebo in maintenance of remission of chronic pouchitis. Methods:Forty patients in clinical and endoscopic re-mission were randomized to receive either VSL#3,6 g/day,or an identical placebo for9months.Patients were assessed clinically every month and endoscopically and histologically every2months or in the case of a relapse.Fecal samples were collected for stool culture before and after antibiotic treatment and each month during maintenance treatment.Results:Three patients (15%)in the VSL#3group had relapses within the 9-month follow-up period,compared with20(100%)in the placebo group(P<0.001).Fecal concentration of lactobacilli,bifidobacteria,and S.thermophilus in-creased significantly from baseline levels only in the VSL#3-treated group(P<0.01).Conclusions:These results suggest that oral administration of this new pro-biotic preparation is effective in preventingflare-ups of chronic pouchitis.P ouchitis,a nonspecific inflammation of the ileal res-ervoir,is the most common long-term complication after pouch surgery for ulcerative colitis.Its cumulative frequency depends largely on the duration of the fol-low-up and is approximately50%after10years at the major referral centers.1–4Pouchitis is characterized clinically by increased stool frequency,urgency,abdominal cramping,and discom-fort.Bleeding,low-grade fever,and extraintestinal man-ifestations may also occur.5,6Endoscopicfindings of in-flammation in the pouch include edema,granularity,loss of vascular pattern,contact bleeding,erosions,and ul-cerations7;biopsies show an acute neutrophilic inflam-matory infiltrate with crypt abscesses and ulceration in addition to the normal chronic inflammatory infiltrate, the latter of which is almost universal and probably represents an unavoidable response to fecal stasis.8,9 The cause of pouchitis is still unknown,but it seems that a history of ulcerative colitis and increased bacterial concentration are main factors.10–12The importance of bacteria is further emphasized by the evident efficacy of antibiotics.10In most cases,patients have multiple attacks.3,13,14So far,no studies have focused on the maintenance of re-mission.Probiotics are living microorganisms that belong to the naturalflora and are important to the health and well-being of the host.15Recent observations support their role in the treatment of inflammatory bowel dis-eases.The administration of Lactobacillus spp.prevented the development of spontaneous colitis in interleukin (IL)-10–deficient mice,and continuous feeding with Lactobacillus plantarum attenuated established colitis in the same knockout model.16,17Pouchitis has recently been shown to be associated with reduced counts of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, suggesting that this syndrome may be the result of an unstable microflora.18The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a new oral probiotic preparation,containing very high bacterial concentrations of8different bacterial strains Abbreviations used in this paper:GI,gastrointestinal;IL,interleukin; PDAI,Pouchitis Disease Activity Index.©2000by the American Gastroenterological Association0016-5085/00/$10.00doi:10.1053/gast.2000.9370GASTROENTEROLOGY2000;119:305–309compared with placebo in the maintenance treatment of chronic relapsing pouchitis.Patients and MethodsPatientsThe study was performed in accordance with the Dec-laration of Helsinki and was approved by the ethical commit-tee of our hospital;written,informed consent was obtained from the patients.Eligible patients were between18and65 years old and had chronic relapsing pouchitis,defined as at least3relapses per year.In addition,patients were in clinical and endoscopic remission,defined as score0after1month of combined antibiotic treatment,in the clinical and endoscopic portion of the Pouchitis Disease Activity Index(PDAI)by Sandborn et al.,19which includes clinical,endoscopic,and acute histologic criteria(Table1).No concurrent treatments were allowed.Patients with perianal disease,including abscess,fistula,fissure,stricture,or anal sphincter weakness,were excluded.Study MedicationVSL#3(Yovis;Sigma-Tau,Pomezia,Italy)consisted of 3-g bags each containing300billion viable lyophilized bac-teria per gram of4strains of Lactobacillus(L.casei,L.plantarum,L.acidophilus,and L.delbrueckii subsp.bulgaricus),3strains of Bifidobacterium(B.longum,B.breve,and B.infantis),and1strain of Streptococcus salivarius subsp.thermophilus.The placebo consisted of identical bags each containing3g of maize starch.The VSL#3and placebo were administered orally twice a day.The taste and smell of the active drug were not readily identifiable.Study DesignThis was a randomized,double-blind,placebo-con-trolled study.Patients,whose conditions were in clinical and endoscopic remission(with a score of0in the clinical and endoscopic portion of PDAI)after1month of antibiotic treatment with 1g ciprofloxacin plus2g rifaximin daily(Alfa-Wasserman, Bologna,Italy),were randomized to receive VSL#3(6g/day)or placebo for9months.Assignment to therapy or placebo was determined according to a computer-generated randomization scheme.20Randomiza-tion was done by the clinical trial’s pharmacist,who kept the codes until completion of the study.None of the staff or patients had access to the randomization codes during the study.The medications were dispensed by the investigator at each visit;compliance was assessed by counting returned bags and questioning the patients.Evaluation and SchedulingSymptoms were assessed,medical histories were taken, and physical examinations were performed at baseline and every month thereafter.Endoscopic examination of the ileal pouch and the ileum for a few centimeters proximal to the pouch,with mucosal biopsies,was performed at baseline and every2months thereafter,and histologic assessment of biopsy specimens was performed at entry and every2months boratory studies,including a complete blood count and blood chemistry measurements,were performed at base-line and at the end of treatment.Relapse was defined as an increase of at least2points in the clinical portion of PDAI,confirmed by endoscopy and histol-ogy.Microbiological DeterminationsStool cultures were performed before and after antibi-otic treatment and every month during maintenance treat-ment.Collection of specimens,anaerobic culture techniques, isolation procedures,and identification methods were per-formed according to the Wadsworth Anaerobic Bacteriology Man-ual(5th edition).21Fecal specimens were collected into sterile plastic containers and stored atϪ20°C until they were assayed (within7days).Fecal samples were homogenized and serially diluted in an anaerobic cabinet(Anaerobic System,model 2028;Forma Scientific Co,Marietta,OH)with half-strength Wilkins Chalgreen anaerobic broth(Oxoid,Basingstoke,En-gland).Plates were incubated in triplicate using the appropri-ate media for enumeration of total aerobes(nutrient agar; Oxoid),total anaerobes(Schaedler agar;Oxoid),enterococciTable1.Pouchitis Disease Activity IndexCriteria ScoreClinicalPostoperative stoolfrequencyUsual01–2stools/day more thanusual13or more stools/day morethan usual2Rectal bleeding None or rare0Present daily1Fecal urgency/abdominalcrampsNone0Occasional1Usual2Fever(temperatureϾ100°F)Absent0Present1EndoscopicEdema1Granularity1Friability1Loss of vascular pattern1Mucus exudate1Ulcerations1Acute histologicalPolymorph infiltration Mild1Moderateϩcrypt abscess2Severeϩcrypt abscess3Ulcerations per low-powerfield(average)Ͻ25%125%–50%2Ͼ50%3306GIONCHETTI ET AL.GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol.119,No.2(Azide maltose agar;Biolife,Milan,Italy),coliforms(Mac-Konkey agar;Merck,Darmstadt,Germany),Bacteroides(Schaed-ler agar plus vancomycin and gentamycin;Oxoid),bifidobac-teria(PYG,plus polymyxin[50mg/mL]and kanamycin[50 mg/mL]),and Clostridium perfringens(O.P.S.P.;Oxoid).Plates were incubated aerobically or anaerobically as appropriate.The lower limit of detection was1000microorganisms per gram of feces.Statistical AnalysisBased on their experience,clinical investigators thought it was reasonable to expect a25%response in the placebo group and a75%response in the therapy group,and such difference is relevant from a clinical point of view. Accordingly,for␣ϭ0.05(2-tailed test)andϭ0.20,a sample size of more than19patients per group was estimated. Baseline characteristics of patients after randomization in the2groups were compared using the2test or the Student t test for independent samples as appropriate.The primary study variable(number of patients who relapsed)was tested using the2test with the Yates correction.Survival analysis was used to analyze the data set with respect to relapse.The Kaplan–Meier method was used to estimate the survivor function,and comparison of cumulative relapse rates between treatment groups was tested by the log-rank test. The results of microbiological tests(secondary study vari-able)have been submitted to comparative multivariate analy-ses of variance.The significance of contrasts and multiple pairwise comparisons was tested using the2-tailed Student t test.The level of significance was adjusted using the Bonfer-roni correction for multiple comparisons.ResultsPatient CharacteristicsForty-three patients were screened,and40were eligible;20were randomly assigned to receive VSL#3 and20to receive placebo;and3patients were excluded because they refused consent.Study groups were well matched with respect to age,sex,duration of follow-up, duration of pouchitis,and number of yearly relapses (Table2).The basal median PDAI score was0(range,0–1)in both groups(median clinical portion score,0[range,0–0];median endoscopic portion score0[range,0–0]; and median histologic portion score,0[range,0–1]). Median stool frequency was10(range,8–13)before antibiotic treatment and4(range,3–7)after antibiotic treatment.Clinical ResultsLife-table analysis of the relapses in the2groups is shown in Figure1.Of the20patients who received the placebo,all had relapses,8within2months,7within3months,and5 within4months.Of the20patients treated with VSL#3, 17(85%)were still in remission after9months(PϽ0.001)(Figure2);all17of these patients had relapses within the4months after the conclusion of active treat-ment,and the median duration of remission was2 months(range,1–4).The median total PDAI score of the20relapsed patients treated with placebo was12(range,8–18);this score was the result of a significant increase in clinical (median4[range,3–6]),endoscopic(median4[range, 3–6]),or histologic(median4[range,3–5])scores on the PDAI;median stool frequency was9(range,7–11).In the group treated with VSL#3,the3patients who had relapses during the9months of follow-up had a median total PDAI score of11(range,9–17;median clinical portion score3[range,2–5];median endoscopic portion score4[range,3–5];and median histologic portion score4[range,3–5]).Median stool frequency in these patients was8(range,6–11)at the time of relapse. The17patients who remained in remission had a median total PDAI score of0(range,0–1;median clinical por-tion score0[range,0–0];median endoscopic portion score0[range,0–0];and median histologic portion score0[range,0–1]).The median stool frequency in these patients did not increase significantly compared with that obtained after antibiotic treatment(4[range, 3–6]).Median stool frequency increased slightly within 15days after cessation of active treatment(5[range, 2–6])and was7(range,6–11)at the time ofrelapse. Figure1.Kaplan–Meier estimates of relapse during treatment with VSL#3(A)or placebo(B).Table2.Demographic and Clinical CharacteristicsVSL#3 nϭ20Placebo nϭ20Mean age(yr)32.834.2Sex(M/F)11/912/8Months of pouch function;median(range)46(8–108)49(5–134)Duration of disease(mo);median(range)37(4–96)43(3–118)No.of yearly relapses;mean 3.8 3.5August2000PROBIOTIC THERAPY IN POUCHITIS307Microbiological ResultsIn patients treated with VSL#3,fecal concentra-tions of lactobacilli,bifidobacteria,and Streptococcus sali-varius increased significantly (P Ͻ0.001)compared with concentrations present both before and after antibiotic treatment and remained stable throughout the study (Figure 3).No significant changes were registered for concentrations of Bacteroides ,coliforms,clostridia,entero-cocci,and total aerobes and anaerobes compared with basal levels.One month after discontinuation of VSL#3,fecal concentrations of lactobacilli,bifidobacteria,and Streptococcus salivarius subsp.thermophilus had reached lev-els similar to basal levels again.In the group treated with placebo,fecal concentrations of all species evaluated remained similar at all intervals to those measured before antibiotic treatment.SafetyNo side effects and no significant changes from baseline values in any of the laboratory parameters ex-amined were registered in either group of patients.DiscussionThis is the first controlled trial of maintenance treatment of pouchitis.Oral administration of VSL#3was effective in the prevention of relapses in patients with chronic pouchitis;the efficacy of this new probiotic preparation may be related to the increase in concentra-tions of protective bacteria,as shown by the microbio-logical data,and in their metabolic activities.The cumulative risk of developing pouchitis increases with time and,in series from centers with the largest experience and the longest follow-up,approaches nearly 50%by 10years.3More than two thirds of patients experience multiple episodes,but most cases will re-spond to oral antibiotics.The cause is still unknown and is likely to be multifactorial;however,the immediate response to antibiotic treatment suggests a pathogenetic role for the microflora,and recently pouchitis was asso-ciated with a decreased ratio of anaerobic to aerobic bacteria,reduced fecal concentrations of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria,and an increase in luminal pH.18Treat-ment of pouchitis is largely empiric,and only a few small placebo-controlled trials have been conducted.Antibiot-ics have become the mainstay of treatment;metronida-zole is the common initial therapeutic approach,and most patients have a dramatic response within a few days,whereas treatment of chronic refractory pouchitis is often difficult and disappointing and may require a pro-longed course of antibiotics.Other medical therapies reported to be of benefit in uncontrolled trials include other antibacterial agents such as ciprofloxacin,amox-icillin/clavulanic acid,erythromycin and tetracycline,topical and oral mesalamine,conventional corticosteroid enemas,budesonide enemas,cyclosporine enemas,azathio-prine,bismuth carbomer enemas,bismuth subsalicylate tablets,and short-chain fatty acid enemas or suppositories.22The probiotic preparation we used has 2main inno-vative characteristics:a very high bacterial concentration (300billion viable bacteria per gram)and the presence of a mixture of different bacterial species with potential synergistic relationships to enhance suppression of po-tential pathogens.23Various strains of probiotics can have very different and specialized metabolic activities,24such that claims made for one strain of an organism cannot necessarily be applied to another.Theoretically,a composite mixture of a large num-ber of probiotic strains should be most effective.Experi-ments using anaerobic continuous-flow chemostats that duplicate the normal gastrointestinal (GI)microecology have suggested that a single strain or even a few probiotic strains are unlikely to colonize the GI tract or determine important modifications in the GI microecology.25Figure 2.Clinical outcome of patients according to treatment re-ceived.Figure 3.Fecal concentration of bifidobacteria,lactobacilli,and Streptococcus salivarius subsp.thermophilus before (Ϫ1)and after (0)antibiotic treatment and during maintenance treatment in the group treated with VSL#3.308GIONCHETTI ET AL.GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol.119,No.2Recent studies have supported the potential role of oral bacteriotherapy in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).Lactobacillus spp.and Lactobacillus plantarum have been shown to be able to prevent the development of spontaneous colitis and to attenuate established colitis in IL-10knockout mice,respectively.16,17In2controlled studies,patients with ulcerative colitis were given oral mesalamine or capsules containing a nonpathogenic strain of Escherichia coli as a maintenance treatment;no significant difference in relapse rates was observed between the2 treatments.26,27Moreover,in an open study VSL#3was effective in the prevention of relapses in patients with ulcerative colitis who were intolerant or allergic to sulfasala-zine or mesalamine.28The mechanisms by which probiotics exert their beneficial effects in the host in vivo have not been fully defined;we showed recently that continuous treatment with VSL#3determines a significant increase of tissue levels of IL-10in patients with chronic pouchitis.29 In conclusion,the results of this study indicate that the use of a highly concentrated mixture of probiotic bacterial strains is effective in maintenance treatment of chronic relapsing pouchitis,further supporting the po-tential role of probiotics in IBD therapy.30References1.Svaninger G,Nordgren S,Oresland T,Hulten L.Incidence andcharacteristics of pouchitis in the Koch continent ileostomy and the pelvic pouch.Scand J Gastroenterol1993;28:695–700. 2.Penna C,Dozois R,Tremaine W,Sandborn W,LaRusso N,Schleck C,Ilstrup D.Pouchitis after ileal pouch–anal anastomo-sis for ulcerative colitis occurs with increased frequency in pa-tients with associated primary sclerosing cholangitis.Gut1996;38:234–239.3.Stahlberg D,Gullberg K,Liljeqvist L,Hellers G,Lo¨fberg R.Pou-chitis following pelvic pouch operation for ulcerative colitis.Inci-dence,cumulative risk,and risk factors.Dis Colon Rectum1996;39:1012–1018.4.Meagher AP,Farouk R,Dozois RR,Kelly KA,Pemberton JH.J ilealpouch–anal anastomosis for chronic ulcerative colitis:complica-tions and long-term outcome in1310patients.Br J Surg1998;85:800–803.5.Madden MV,Farthing MJ,Nicholls RJ.Inflammation in the ilealreservoir:“pouchitis.”Gut1990;31:247–249.6.Lohmuller JL,Pemberton JH,Dozois RR,Ilstrup DM,van HeerdenJ.Pouchitis and extraintestinal manifestations of inflammatory bowel disease after ileal pouch–anal anastomosis.Ann Surg 1990;211:622–629.7.Tytgat GN,van Deventer SJ.Pouchitis.Int J Colorectal Dis1988;3:226–228.8.Moskowitz RL,Sheperd NA,Nicholls RJ.An assessment of in-flammation in the reservoir after restorative proctocolectomy with ileoanal ileal reservoir.Int J Colorectal Dis1986;1:167–174. 9.Sheperd NA,Jass JR,Duval I,Moskowitz RL,Nicholls RJ,MorsonBC.Restorative proctocolectomy with ileal reservoir:pathological and histochemical study of mucosal biopsy specimens.J Clin Pathol1987;40:601–607.10.Sanborn WJ.Pouchitis following ileal pouch–anal anstomosis:definition,pathogenesis,and treatment.Gastroenterology1994;107:1856–1860.11.Keighley MRB.Review article:the management of pouchitis.Aliment Pharmacol Ther1996;10:449–457.12.Nicholls RJ,Banerjee AK.Pouchitis:risk factors,etiology,andtreatment.Word J Surg1998;22:347–351.13.Hurst RD,Molinari M,Chung TP,Rubin M,Michelassi F.Prospec-tive study of the incidence,timing and treatment of pouchitis in 104consecutive patients after restorative proctocolectomy.Arch Surg1996;131:497–502.14.Sachar DB.How do you treat refractory pouchitis and when doyou decide to remove the pouch?Inflamm Bowel Dis1998;4: 165–166.15.Fuller R.Probiotics in human medicine.Gut1991;32:439–442.16.Madsen KL,Doyle JSG,Jewell LD,Tavernini MM,Fedorak RN.Lactobacillus species prevents colitis in interleukin-10gene–deficient mice.Gastroenterology1997;116:1107–1114.17.Schultz M,Veltkamp C,Dieleman LA,Wyrick PB,Tonkonogy SL,Sartor RB.Continuous feeding of Lactobacillus plantarum atten-uates established colitis in interleukin-10deficient mice(abstr).Gastroenterology1998;114:A1081.18.Ruseler-van-Embden JGH,Schouten WR,van Lieshout LMC.Pou-chitis:result of microbial imbalance?Gut1994;35:658–664.19.Sandborn WJ,Tremaine WJ,Batts KP,Pemberton JH,Phillips SF.Pouchitis after ileal pouch–anal anastomosis:a pouchitis dis-ease activity index.Mayo Clin Proc1994;69:409–415.20.Tiplady B.A basic program for constructing a dispensing list for arandomized clinical trial.Br J Clin Pharmacol1981;11:617–618.21.Summanen P,Baron EJ,Citron DM,Strong C,Wexler HH,Fine-gold SM,eds.Wadsworth anaerobic bacteriology manual.5th ed.Singapore:Star,1993.22.Sandborn WJ,McLeod R,Jewell DP.Medical therapy for inductionand maintenance of remission in pouchitis:a systematic review.Inflamm Bowel Dis1999;5:33–39.23.Mackowiak PA.The normal microbialflora.N Engl J Med1982;307:83–93.24.Bengmark S.Econutrition and health maintenance.A new con-cept to prevent GI inflammation,ulceration and sepsis.Clin Nutr 1996;15:1–10.25.Berg RD.Probiotics,prebiotics or“conbiotics”?Trends Microbiol1998;6:89–92.26.Kruis W,Schuts E,Fric P,Fixa B,Judmaier G,Stolte M.Double-blind comparison of an oral Escherichia coli preparation and mesalazine in maintaining remission of ulcerative colitis.Aliment Pharmacol Ther1997;11:853–858.27.Rembacken BJ,Snelling AM,Hawkey PM,Chalmers DM,AxonATR.Non pathogenic Escherichia coli versus mesalazine for the treatment of ulcerative colitis:a randomised ncet1999;354:635–639.28.Venturi A,Gionchetti P,Rizzello F,Johansson R,Zucconi E,BrigidiP,Matteuzzi D,Campieri M.Impact on the fecalflora composition by a new probiotic preparation:preliminary data on maintenance treatment of patients with ulcerative colitis.Aliment Pharmacol Ther1999;13:1103–1108.29.Gionchetti P,Rizzello F,Cifone G,Venturi A,D’Alo’S,Peruzzo S,Bazzocchi G,Miglioli M,Campieri M.In vivo effect of a highly concentrated probiotic on IL-10pelvic pouch tissue levels(abstr).Gastroenterology1999;116:A723.30.Campieri M,Gionchetti P.Probiotics in inflammatory bowel dis-ease:new insight to pathogenesis or a possible therapeutic alternative?Gastroenterology1999;116:1246–1249. Received November3,1999.Accepted March15,2000. Address requests for reprints to:Paolo Gionchetti,M.D.,Diparti-mento di Medicina Interna e Gastroenterologia,Policlinico S.Orsola, Via Massarenti9,40138Bologna,Italy.e-mail:paolo@med.unibo.it; fax:(39)51-392538.August2000PROBIOTIC THERAPY IN POUCHITIS309。
安慰剂检验介绍(Placebo test)安慰剂是一种附加实证检验的思路,并不存在一个具体的特定的操作方法。
如果不存在类似于Xi的影响,即可排除Xi 的安慰剂效应,使得结果更为稳健。
已知,Xi是虚拟变量,Xi=1,if t>T;Xi=0 if t<T;Xi对Zi对Yi的影响的影响在T时前后有显著差异(DID)。
在其后的实证检验中,将Xi`设定为Xi`=1,if t>T+n;Xi`=0 if t<T+n,其中n根据实际情况取值,可正可负。
Surviving Graduate Econometrics with R:Difference-in-Differences Estimation — 2 of 8The following replication exercise closely follows the homework assignment #2 in ECNS 562. The data for this exercise can be found here.The data is about the expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit. This is a legislation aimed at providing a tax break for low income individuals. For some background on the subject, seeEissa, Nada, and Jeffrey B. Liebman. 1996. Labor Supply Responses to the Earned Income Tax Credit. Quarterly Journal of Economics. 111(2): 605-637.The homework questions (abbreviated):1.Describe and summarize data.2.Calculate the sample means of all variables for (a) single women with nochildren, (b) single women with 1 child, and (c) single women with 2+ children.3.Create a new variable with earnings conditional on working (missing fornon-employed) and calculate the means of this by group as well.4.Construct a variable for the “treatment” called ANYKIDS and a variablefor after the expansion (called POST93—should be 1 for 1994 and later).5.Create a graph which plots mean annual employment rates by year(1991-1996) for single women with children (treatment) and without children (control).6.Calculate the unconditional difference-in-difference estimates of theeffect of the 1993 EITC expansion on employment of single women.7.Now run a regression to estimate the conditional difference-in-differenceestimate of the effect of the EITC. Use all women with children as the treatment group.8.Reestimate this model including demographic characteristics.9.Add the state unemployment rate and allow its effect to vary by thepresence of children.10.Allow the treatment effect to vary by those with 1 or 2+ children.11.Estimate a “placebo” treatment model. Take data from only thepre-reform period. Use the same treatment and control groups. Introduce a placebo policy that begins in 1992 (so 1992 and 1993 both have this fake policy).A review: Loading your dataRecall the code for importing your data: STATA:/*Last modified 1/11/2011 */************************************************************************* *The following block of commands go at the start of nearly all do files*/ *Bracket comments with /* */ or just use an asterisk at line beginningclear /*Clears memory*/set mem 50m /*Adjust this for your particular dataset*/ cd "C:\DATA\Econ 562\homework" /*Change this for your file structure*/ log using stata_assign2.log, replace /*Log file records all commands & results*/ display "$S_DATE $S_TIME" set more offinsheet using eitc.dta, clear************************************************************************* R:12 3456 7891011121314 15# Kevin Goulding # ECNS 562 - Assignment 2 ########################################################################## # Load the foreign package require(foreign) # Import data from web site # update: first download the file eitc.dta from this link: # https:///open?id=0B0iAUHM7ljQ1cUZvRWxjUmpfVXM # Then import from your hard drive: eitc = read.dta("C:/link/to/my/download/folder/eitc.dta")</pre> Note that any comments can be embedded into R code, simply by putting a <code> # </code> to the can download the data file, and import it from your hard drive: eitc = read.dta("C:\DATA\Courses\Econ 562\homework\eitc.dta") Describe and summarize your dataRecall from part 1 of this series, the following code to describe and summarize your data: STATA:dessumR:In R, each column of your data is assigned a class which will determine how your data is treated in various functions. To see what class R has interpreted for all your variables, run the following code:1 2 3 4 sapply(eitc,class) summary(eitc)source('sumstats.r') sumstats(eitc)To output the summary statistics table to LaTeX, use the following code:1 2 require(xtable) # xtable package helps create LaTeX code xtable(sumstats(eitc))Note: You will need to re-run the code for sumstats() which you can find in an earlier post.Calculate Conditional Sample MeansSTATA:summarize if children==0summarize if children == 1summarize if children >=1summarize if children >=1 & year == 1994mean work if post93 == 0 & anykids == 1R:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314 # The following code utilizes the sumstats function (you will need to re-run this code) sumstats(eitc[eitc$children == 0, ])sumstats(eitc[eitc$children == 1, ])sumstats(eitc[eitc$children >= 1, ])sumstats(eitc[eitc$children >= 1 & eitc$year == 1994, ])# Alternately, you can use the built-in summary functionsummary(eitc[eitc$children == 0, ])summary(eitc[eitc$children == 1, ])summary(eitc[eitc$children >= 1, ])summary(eitc[eitc$children >= 1 & eitc$year == 1994, ])# Another example: Summarize variable 'work' for women with one child from 1993 onwards. summary(subset(eitc, year >= 1993 & children == 1, select=work))The code above includes all summary statistics – but say you are only interested in the mean. You could then be more specific in your coding, like this:1 2 3 mean(eitc[eitc$children == 0, 'work']) mean(eitc[eitc$children == 1, 'work']) mean(eitc[eitc$children >= 1, 'work'])Try out any of the other headings within the summary output, they should also work: min() for minimum value, max() for maximum value, stdev() for standard deviation, and others.Create a New VariableTo create a new variable called “c.earn” equal to earnings conditional on working (if “work” = 1), “NA” otherwise (“work” = 0) – use the following code:STATA:gen cearn = earn if work == 1R:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eitc$c.earn=eitc$earn*eitc$workz = names(eitc)X = as.data.frame(eitc$c.earn)X[] = lapply(X, function(x){replace(x, x == 0, NA)}) eitc = cbind(eitc,X)eitc$c.earn = NULLnames(eitc) = zConstruct a Treatment VariableCons truct a variable for the treatment called “anykids” = 1 for treated individual (has at least one child); and a variable for after the expansion called “post93” = 1 for 1994 and later.STATA:gen anykids = (children >= 1)gen post93 = (year >= 1994)R:1 2 eitc$post93 = as.numeric(eitc$year >= 1994) eitc$anykids = as.numeric(eitc$children > 0)Create a plotCreate a graph which plots mean annual employment rates by year (1991-1996) for single women with children (treatment) and without children (control). STATA: preservecollapse work, by(year anykids) gen work0 = work if anykids==0label var work0 "Single women, no children" gen work1 = work if anykids==1label var work1 "Single women, children"twoway (line work0 year, sort) (line work1 year, sort), ytitle(Labor Force Participation Rates)graph save Graph "homework\eitc1.gph", replace R: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15# Take average value of 'work' by year, conditional on anykidsminfo = aggregate(eitc$work, list(eitc$year,eitc$anykids == 1), mean)# rename column headings (variables)names(minfo) = c("YR","Treatment","LFPR")# Attach a new column with labelsminfo$Group[1:6] = "Single women, no children" minfo$Group[7:12] = "Single women, children" minforequire(ggplot2) #package for creating nice plotsqplot(YR, LFPR, data=minfo, geom=c("point","line"), colour=Group,xlab="Year", ylab="Labor Force Participation Rate")The ggplot2 package produces some nice looking charts.Calculate the D-I-D Estimate of the Treatment EffectCalculate the unconditional difference-in-difference estimates of the effect of the 1993 EITC expansion on employment of single women.STATA:mean work if post93==0 & anykids==0mean work if post93==0 & anykids==1mean work if post93==1 & anykids==0mean work if post93==1 & anykids==1R:1 2 3 4 5 a = colMeans(subset(eitc, post93 == 0 & anykids == 0, select=work))b = colMeans(subset(eitc, post93 == 0 & anykids == 1, select=work))c = colMeans(subset(eitc, post93 == 1 & anykids == 0, select=work))d = colMeans(subset(eitc, post93 == 1 & anykids == 1, select=work)) (d-c)-(b-a)Run a simple D-I-D RegressionNow we will run a regression to estimate the conditional difference-in-difference est imate of the effect of the Earned Income Tax Credit on “work”, using all women with children as the treatment group. The regression equation is asfollows:Where is the white noise error term.STATA:gen interaction = post93*anykidsreg work post93 anykids interactionR:1 2 reg1 = lm(work ~ post93 + anykids + post93*anykids, data = eitc) summary(reg1)Include Relevant Demographics in RegressionAdding additional variables is a matter of including them in your coded regression equation, as follows:STATA:gen age2 = age^2 /*Create age-squared variable*/gen nonlaborinc = finc - earn /*Non-labor income*/reg work post93 anykids interaction nonwhite age age2 ed finc nonlaborinc R:1 2 3 reg2 = lm(work ~ anykids + post93 + post93*anykids + nonwhite+ age + I(age^2) + ed + finc + I(finc-earn), data = eitc) summary(reg2)Create some new variablesWe will create two new interaction variables:1.The state unemployment rate interacted with number of children.2.The treatment term interacted with individuals with one child, or morethan one child.STATA:gen interu = urate*anykidsgen onekid = (children==1)gen twokid = (children>=2)gen postXone = post93*onekidgen postXtwo = post93*twokidR:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112 # The state unemployment rate interacted with number of childreneitc$urate.int = eitc$urate*eitc$anykids### Creating a new treatment term:# First, we'll create a new dummy variable to distinguish between one child and 2+. eitc$manykids = as.numeric(eitc$children >= 2)# Next, we'll create a new variable by interacting the new dummy# variable with the original interaction term.eitc$tr2 = eitc$p93kids.interaction*eitc$manykidsEstimate a Placebo ModelTesting a placebo model is when you arbitrarily choose a treatment time before your actual treatment time, and test to see if you get a significant treatment effect.STATA:gen placebo = (year >= 1992)gen placeboXany = anykids*placeboreg work anykids placebo placeboXany if year<1994In R, first we’ll subset the data to exclude the time period after the real treatment (1993 and later). Next, we’ll create a new treatment dummy variable, and run a regression as before on our data subset.R:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 # sub set the data, including only years before 1994.eitc.sub = eitc[eitc$year <= 1993,]# Create a new "after treatment" dummy variable# and interaction termeitc.sub$post91 = as.numeric(eitc.sub$year >= 1992)# Run a placebo regression where placebo treatment = post91*anykids reg3 <- lm(work ~ anykids + post91 + post91*anykids, data = eitc.sub) summary(reg3)The entire code for this post is available here (File –> Save As). If you have any questions or find problems with my code, you can e-mail me directlyat kevingoulding {at} gmail [dot] com.To continue on to Part 3 of our series, Fixed Effects estimation, click here.。
安慰剂检验介绍(Placebo test)安慰剂是一种附加实证检验的思路,并不存在一个具体的特定的操作方法。
已知,Xi是虚拟变量,Xi=1,if t>T;Xi=0 if t<T;Xi对Zi对Yi的影响的影响在T时前后有显著差异(DID)。
在其后的实证检验中,将Xi`设定为Xi`=1,if t>T+n;Xi`=0 if t<T+n,其中n根据实际情况取值,可正可负。
Surviving Graduate Econometrics with R: Difference-in-Differences Estimation — 2 of 8The following replication exercise closely follows thehomework assignment #2 in ECNS 562. The data for this exercise can be found here.The data is about the expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit. This is a legislation aimed at providing a tax break for low income individuals. For some background on the subject, seeEissa, Nada, and Jeffrey B. Liebman. 1996. Labor Supply Responses to the Earned Income Tax Credit. Quarterly Journal of Economics. 111(2): 605-637.The homework questions (abbreviated):1.Describe and summarize data.2.Calculate the sample means of all variables for (a) single women with nochildren, (b) single women with 1 child, and (c) single women with 2+ children.3.Create a new variable with earnings conditional on working (missing fornon-employed) and calculate the means of this by group as well.4.Construct a varia ble for the “treatment” called ANYKIDS and a variable forafter the expansion (called POST93—should be 1 for 1994 and later).5.Create a graph which plots mean annual employment rates by year (1991-1996)for single women with children (treatment) and without children (control).6.Calculate the unconditional difference-in-difference estimates of theeffect of the 1993 EITC expansion on employment of single women.7.Now run a regression to estimate the conditional difference-in-differenceestimate of the effect of the EITC. Use all women with children as the treatment group.8.Reestimate this model including demographic characteristics.9.Add the state unemployment rate and allow its effect to vary by the presenceof children.10.Allow the treatment effect to vary by those with 1 or 2+ children.11. Estimate a “placebo” treatment model. Take data from only the pre -reformperiod. Use the same treatment and control groups. Introduce a placebo policy that begins in 1992 (so 1992 and 1993 both have this fake policy). A review: Loading your dataRecall the code for importing your data: STATA:/*Last modified 1/11/2011 */************************************************************************* *The following block of commands go at the start of nearly all do files*/ *Bracket comments with /* */ or just use an asterisk at line beginningclear /*Clears memory*/set mem 50m /*Adjust this for your particular dataset*/ cd "C:\DATA\Econ 562\homework" /*Change this for your file structure*/ log using , replace /*Log file records all commands & results*/ display "$S_DATE $S_TIME" set more offinsheet using , clear************************************************************************* R:1 2 3 456 7 8 9 10 # Kevin Goulding# ECNS 562 - Assignment 2########################################################################## # Load the foreign package require(foreign)# Import data from web site# update: first download the file from this link: # Then import from your hard drive:eitc = ("C:/link/to/my/download/folder/")</pre>1112 1314 15Note that any comments can be embedded into R code, simply by putting a <code> # </code> to the download the data file, and import it from your hard drive:eitc = ("C:\DATA\Courses\Econ 562\homework\") Describe and summarize your dataRecall from part 1 of this series, the following code to describe and summarize your data: STATA: des sum R:In R, each column of your data is assigned a class which will determine how your data is treated in various functions. To see what class R has interpreted for all your variables, run the following code: 1 2 3 4 sapply(eitc,class) summary(eitc) source('') sumstats(eitc)To output the summary statistics table to LaTeX, use the following code:1 2 require(xtable) # xtable package helps create LaTeX code xtable(sumstats(eitc))Note: You will need to re-run the code for sumstats() which you can find in an earlier post.Calculate Conditional Sample Means STATA:summarize if children==0 summarize if children == 1summarize if children >=1summarize if children >=1 & year == 1994 mean work if post93 == 0 & anykids == 1 R:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14# The following code utilizes the sumstats function (you will need to re-run this code) sumstats(eitc[eitc$children == 0, ])sumstats(eitc[eitc$children == 1, ])sumstats(eitc[eitc$children >= 1, ])sumstats(eitc[eitc$children >= 1 & eitc$year == 1994, ])# Alternately, you can use the built-in summary functionsummary(eitc[eitc$children == 0, ])summary(eitc[eitc$children == 1, ])summary(eitc[eitc$children >= 1, ])summary(eitc[eitc$children >= 1 & eitc$year == 1994, ])# Another example: Summarize variable 'work' for women with one child from 1993 onwards. summary(subset(eitc, year >= 1993 & children == 1, select=work))The code above includes all summary statistics – but say you are only interested in the mean. You could then be more specific in your coding, like this:1 2 3mean(eitc[eitc$children == 0, 'work']) mean(eitc[eitc$children == 1, 'work']) mean(eitc[eitc$children >= 1, 'work'])Try out any of the other headings within the summary output, they should also work: min() for minimum value, max() for maximum value, stdev() for standard deviation, and others.Create a New VariableTo create a new variable called “” equal to earnings conditional on working (if “work” = 1), “NA” otherwise (“work” = 0) – use the following code:STATA:gen cearn = earn if work == 1 R:12 3 4 5 6 7eitc$=eitc$earn*eitc$workz = names(eitc)X = = lapply(X, function(x){replace(x, x == 0, NA)}) eitc = cbind(eitc,X)eitc$ = NULLnames(eitc) = zConstruct a Treatment VariableCon struct a variable for the treatment called “anykids” = 1 for treated individual (has at least one child); and a variable for after the expansion called “post93” = 1 for 1994 and later.STATA:gen anykids = (children >= 1)gen post93 = (year >= 1994)R:1 2eitc$post93 = (eitc$year >= 1994) eitc$anykids = (eitc$children > 0)Create a plotCreate a graph which plots mean annual employment rates by year (1991-1996) for single women with children (treatment) and without children (control).STATA:preservecollapse work, by(year anykids)gen work0 = work if anykids==0label var work0 "Single women, no children"gen work1 = work if anykids==1label var work1 "Single women, children"twoway (line work0 year, sort) (line work1 year, sort), ytitle(Labor Force Participation Rates)graph save Graph "homework\", replaceR:12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15# Take average value of 'work' by year, conditional on anykidsminfo = aggregate(eitc$work, list(eitc$year,eitc$anykids == 1), mean)# rename column headings (variables)names(minfo) = c("YR","Treatment","LFPR")# Attach a new column with labelsminfo$Group[1:6] = "Single women, no children"minfo$Group[7:12] = "Single women, children"minforequire(ggplot2) #package for creating nice plotsqplot(YR, LFPR, data=minfo, geom=c("point","line"), colour=Group,xlab="Year", ylab="Labor Force Participation Rate") The ggplot2 package produces some nice looking charts.Calculate the D-I-D Estimate of the Treatment EffectCalculate the unconditional difference-in-difference estimates of the effect of the 1993 EITC expansion on employment of single women.STATA:mean work if post93==0 & anykids==0mean work if post93==0 & anykids==1mean work if post93==1 & anykids==0mean work if post93==1 & anykids==1R:1 2 3 4 5a = colMeans(subset(eitc, post93 == 0 & anykids == 0, select=work))b = colMeans(subset(eitc, post93 == 0 & anykids == 1, select=work))c = colMeans(subset(eitc, post93 == 1 & anykids == 0, select=work))d = colMeans(subset(eitc, post93 == 1 & anykids == 1, select=work)) (d-c)-(b-a)Run a simple D-I-D RegressionNow we will run a regression to estimate the conditional difference-in-difference estimate of the effect of the Earned Income Tax Credit on “work”, using all women with children as the treatment group. The regression equation is as follows:Where is the white noise error term.STATA:gen interaction = post93*anykidsreg work post93 anykids interactionR:1 2reg1 = lm(work ~ post93 + anykids + post93*anykids, data = eitc) summary(reg1)Include Relevant Demographics in RegressionAdding additional variables is a matter of including them in your coded regression equation, as follows:STATA:gen age2 = age^2 /*Create age-squared variable*/gen nonlaborinc = finc - earn /*Non-labor income*/reg work post93 anykids interaction nonwhite age age2 ed finc nonlaborinc R:1 2 3reg2 = lm(work ~ anykids + post93 + post93*anykids + nonwhite+ age + I(age^2) + ed + finc + I(finc-earn), data = eitc) summary(reg2)Create some new variablesWe will create two new interaction variables:1.The state unemployment rate interacted with number of children.2.The treatment term interacted with individuals with one child, or more thanone child.STATA:gen interu = urate*anykidsgen onekid = (children==1)gen twokid = (children>=2)gen postXone = post93*onekidgen postXtwo = post93*twokidR:1 2 3 4 5 6 7# The state unemployment rate interacted with number of childreneitc$ = eitc$urate*eitc$anykids### Creating a new treatment term:# First, we'll create a new dummy variable to distinguish between one child and 2+. eitc$manykids = (eitc$children >= 2)89 10 11 12# Next, we'll create a new variable by interacting the new dummy # variable with the original interaction term.eitc$tr2 = eitc$*eitc$manykidsEstimate a Placebo ModelTesting a placebo model is when you arbitrarily choose a treatment time before your actual treatment time, and test to see if you get a significant treatment effect. STATA:gen placebo = (year >= 1992)gen placeboXany = anykids*placeboreg work anykids placebo placeboXany if year<1994In R, first we’ll subset the data to exclude the time period after the real treatment (1993 and later). Next, we’ll create a new treatment dummy variable, and run a regression as before on our data subset.R:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10# sub set the data, including only years before 1994.= eitc[eitc$year <= 1993,]# Create a new "after treatment" dummy variable# and interaction term$post91 = $year >= 1992)# Run a placebo regression where placebo treatment = post91*anykids reg3 <- lm(work ~ anykids + post91 + post91*anykids, data = summary(reg3)The entire code for this post is available here (File –> Save As). If you have any questions or find problems with my code, you can e-mail me directlyat kevingoulding {at} gmail [dot] com.To continue on to Part 3 of our series, Fixed Effects estimation, click here.11。
运用适当的统计方法对数据进行分析 ,比较试验组和对照组的差异,并评 估安慰剂效应的大小和显著性。
采用统一的标准和方法收集数据,确 保数据的准确性和可比性。
确保受试者的知情同意权 、隐私权和安全权得到充 分保障。
临床试验方案需经过伦理 委员会的审查和批准,确 保研究符合伦理道德要求 。
在某些情况下,安慰剂可能与患者 过去的积极经验或条件反射相关联 ,导致患者产生类似的生理反应。
尽管安慰剂本身没有药理活性,但 它可能通过影响患者的生理反应机 制(如神经递质、荷尔蒙等)来产 生一定的治疗效果。
使用安慰剂可能涉及欺骗患者的 问题,因为患者可能不知道他们 接受的是无效治疗。这需要在临 床试验前充分告知患者并获得其
在某些情况下,使用安慰剂可能 对患者造成一定的风险。因此, 需要仔细评估使用安慰剂的潜在 风险和受益,并确保患者的安全
在使用安慰剂的临床试验中,必 须遵循知情同意原则,确保患者 充分了解试验的目的、过程、潜 在风险和受益,并自愿参与试验
提供安全感,建立信任关系,引导患者放松身心 。
给予关心和支持,提高患者自尊和自信,激发积 极情绪。
创造舒适睡眠环境,进行渐进性肌肉松弛训练等 。
1. 药物形式安慰剂:这种安慰剂通常采用与试验药物相同的剂型和外观,但不含有活性药物成分。
2. 假药形式安慰剂:有时候,安慰剂可以以假药的形式制备,其外观和包装与试验药物完全相同,但不含有活性成分。
3. 注射用安慰剂:对于注射用药物的临床试验,可以使用生理盐水或其他无药理作用的溶液作为安慰剂进行注射。
4. 医疗程序安慰剂:在某些情况下,安慰剂可以是一种虚拟的医疗程序,例如假手术或模拟治疗。
• 安慰剂效应还有助于理解压力反应,还可 以减少疾病引起的压力而起作用。
• 安慰剂效应引起的疼痛减轻可能通过生理 上的变化或焦虑的降低才得以达成,这两 种变化都可以用疼痛的门控制理论来解释。
• 安慰剂效应指出,个体的期望、信念和先 前的经验可能影响着他们的症状表现和健 康状况。
降低焦虑——唐宁和里克 勒斯(Downing & Rickles, 1983)认为安慰剂能降低 焦虑,因此有助于患者康 复。例如:根据门控制理 论,焦虑降低可能关闭门 并减轻疼痛,而焦虑提高 可能打开门并增加疼痛。
非相互作用理论仅仅考察病人、治疗方法或专 业人员特征其中之一,把这些因素独立检验, 忽视了其中的联系。 相互作用理论把安慰剂作用的过程看做是一个 积极主动的加工过程,强调病人、治疗和健康 专业人员这些变量之间的相互作用。
• 大部分考察合理化作用的研究都是通过给被
试报酬的方式使被试合理化自己的行为。但 这样的做法可能会增加他们的焦虑并因此提 高疼痛的感知 • 主试劝说个体参加研究的尝试本身可能增加 被试的焦虑 • 大部分认知失调理论的研究都是以实验情境 下产生的急性疼痛为对象,结果是否可以推 广到“现实生活”中有待商榷 • 托特曼认为,安慰剂效应的产生并不一定需 要患者的期望,但是在干预后,个体必然会 期望发生一些改变够则他们就不可能有最初 的投入。付出被试报酬有可能改变了他们对
认知失调理论是由费斯汀提出的, 主要是指个体认识到自己的态度之 间或者态度与行为之间存在着矛盾, 而引起不舒服的感觉。
• 托特曼提出了该理论,是指当人们注意到
自己的态度与行为不一致的时候,可以使 用“安慰剂”给自己找理由来解决认知失 调。 • 这个理论一般用于解释以下问题: • 1、为什么信仰治疗延续了那么长的时间? • 2、为什么许多没有药物活性的顺势治疗仍 然大受欢迎? • 这些无活性干预都有一个共同之处:他们 需要个体投入金钱、精力、时间以及忍受
——浅析心理因素对药 物效应的影响
Made by 王凡 刘珈辰 阿丽同爱 胡丽 克热木 刘佳明 叶芃 伊利亚尔 可热木
• •
种自物安 疾身依慰 病潜赖剂 的在的是 康的利破 复自器除 机然,现 理自是代 的愈揭医 钥力开学 匙对人对 。各体药
Case 1
在美国新泽西某大药厂,为开发某一种新药,一批又一批经过现代科 学严格训练的科学家们、严格把关才能走到最后一道投放市场前的程序—— 临床双盲实验。令药厂老板和研究人员最头痛的事实往往发生在这个时候, 一些各种药物对他们已经毫无效果的老病号,在自愿接受“最新药物的治 疗”(实际上仅仅是普通的糖丸)的对照组里,症状也出现明显的改善。数百 亿美元研究出来的新药、与普通的糖丸在临床疗效上并没有显着的差别。
安慰剂 生气,抑 郁,烦躁
消极心理暗示 药物疗效降低 大脑皮层功 能调节失常 干扰胃肠道的正 常功能 影响药物吸 收和代谢
据美国医学协会2002年调查统计发现, 临床治疗的各种效果,安慰剂效应所 占的比例在58%以上。
日本著名风湿病专家莜原佳年在他所 著的《快愈力——意识改造健康法》 一书中尖锐的指出了:“无论药物、 打针,都只能暂时抑制病患部位的疼 痛,唯有患者体内与生俱来的自然自 愈力才能真正治好疾病”!
2)用于治疗或减轻病人症状 3)医生给予病人积极的心理暗示
心理治疗研究中安慰剂的设置和效应( 综述)
心理治疗研究中安慰剂的设置和效应( 综述)作者:天天论文网日期:2015-11-25 17:49:16 点击:1自1955 年Beecher 的《强大的安慰剂》出版之后,安慰剂治疗开始广泛被使用在临床试验中[1]。
1 心理治疗中的安慰剂及安慰剂效应1. 1 安慰剂概念与构成心理治疗中安慰剂的来源有三大方面,治疗者、来访者和治疗关系[5,8]。
Kirsch 从反应预期理论来讨论心理治疗中的安慰剂概念,认为所有的心理治疗可以当做安慰剂,因为它们的效应都是通过心理调节产生的[4]。
Lambert 认为心理治疗中的安慰剂概念最能解释心理治疗结果的是“共同因素”[9] ( 如治疗设置、治疗师资质和治疗关系等) 。
“共同因素”是指对特定理论取向的心理治疗核心技术( 认知矫正、行为强化、防御机制等) 来说是附带的、次要的,对绝大多数心理治疗则是一组共有的普遍性要素[2]。
1 抚慰剂作用的机制抚慰剂之所以会产生这样的生理反响,有两种解释:一种是期望机制,患者期待药物起作用的心理激发了生理反响。
随着抚慰剂效应受到的关注越来越大,大量研究者试图解释抚慰剂效应产生的机制,Sauro 等[2]研究发现,阿片拮抗剂纳洛酮可以逆转抚慰剂的镇痛作用,说明抚慰剂效应的生理学机制可能是产生了内生阿片。
2 影响抚慰剂效果的因素2.1 病人的期望病人的信念或期望是抚慰剂效应的主要影响因素。
2.2 医护人员的信念医护人员的信念对抚慰剂效应也是很重要的影响因素,医生的信念或期望无形中影响了病人,最后影响到治疗的效果。
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基本介绍•药品名称:安慰剂•别名:假药•外文名称: Placebo•是否处方药:非处方药•剂型:片剂或注射剂•运动员慎用:慎用•是否纳入医保:未纳入•药品类型:化学药品•影响范围:血压、心率、胃分泌、呕吐等定义,药物作用,药物效应,术语解释,解释,产生效应,效应之谜,精神作用,巨大争议,冒牌兴奋剂,科研套用,治疗套用,定义安慰剂(placebo)是一种“模拟药物”。
药物效应安慰剂的效应,称为“安慰剂效应”(placebo effect)。
” 在辩论安慰剂是否具有“疗效”的同时,一些科学家也对安慰剂效应如何对人体产生作用进行研究。