七下英语第六单元作文人教版English:In Unit 6 of the seventh grade English textbook, we learned about different types of weather and how they can affect our lives. We studied vocabulary related to weather, such as sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy, and snowy. We also learned how to describe the weather using phrases like "It's sunny today" or "It's raining heavily." Additionally, we discussed the impact of weather on our daily activities, such as going to school, playing outside, or traveling. Through this unit, we gained a better understanding of how weather can influence our daily routines and plans.Chinese:在七年级英语教材的第六单元中,我们学习了不同类型的天气以及它们如何影响我们的生活。
语文教材目录(2014年版) (分学期安排)
七下英语第六单元作文人教版现在进行时English:In Unit 6 of the seventh grade English textbook, the focus is on the present continuous tense. This tense is used to talk about actions that are happening at the current moment or around the current time. For example, "I am writing this essay right now" or "She is studying for her test this evening." It is important to remember that the present continuous tense is formed by using the verb "to be" (am, is, are) and the present participle of the main verb (ending in -ing). This unit helps students understand how to correctly use and form sentences in the present continuous tense, allowing them to accurately describe ongoing actions in real time.中文翻译:在七年级英语教材的第六单元中,重点放在现在进行时上。
” 需要记住的是,现在进行时是由动词“to be”(am, is, are)和主动词的现在分词(以-ing结尾)组成的。
七下英语第六单元作文人教版英文回答:My favorite leisure activity is playing the piano. I have been playing the piano since I was five years old, and I have always enjoyed it. I find playing the piano to be a relaxing and enjoyable way to spend my time.When I play the piano, I feel like I can express myself in a way that I can't with words. I can play anything from classical music to pop songs, and I always find that I am able to connect with the music on a deep level.Playing the piano has also helped me to develop my creativity and discipline. I have learned to be patient and to work hard to achieve my goals. I have also learned to appreciate the beauty of music and to see the world in a new way.In addition to the benefits that I have mentioned,playing the piano has also helped me to make friends and to connect with other people who share my passion for music. I have played in piano recitals and competitions, and I have always enjoyed the opportunity to share my music with others.I believe that playing the piano is a wonderful way to spend my leisure time. It is an activity that I enjoy, and it has also helped me to develop as a person. I would encourage anyone who is interested in learning to play the piano to give it a try.中文回答:我最喜欢的休闲活动是弹钢琴。
1987~1990年初中语文课本目录和2013年人教版重新修订的《义务教育课程实验教科书·语文》七至九年级目录二一 *谈骨气六卓越的科学家竺可桢人民教育出版社出版。
这套双音的合成词七*任弼时同志二三事课本是在1978年版全日制二二鲁提辖拳打镇关西记叙的中心和材料十年制学校初中语文(试用二三 *皇帝的新装八小桔灯本)的基础上修订而成的,二四 *渔夫的故事九社戏算是稳定版,没有“试用本”二五寓言三则十最后一课字样,通称1982年版。
第智子疑邻一一*夜走灵官峡一册第一版出版时间是塞翁失马一二梅岭三章 1981年11月,第六册第一黔之驴一三 *回延安版出版时间是1983年4月。
二六为学词和词组(二)第一册二七伤仲永一四梁生宝买稻种一浣溪沙和柳亚子先生二八故事三则一五分马二 *天上的街市两小儿辩日一六 *求雨形声字乐羊子妻记叙的详略三一件珍贵的衬衫卖油翁一七继续保持艰苦奋斗的四老山界二九狼作风五草地晚餐三〇诗八首一八 *想和做六 *红军鞋敕勒歌一九荔枝蜜记叙的要素鸟鸣涧二〇小麻雀七从百草园到三味书屋 *静夜思二一猫八一面 *蚕妇二二 *挖荠菜九 *同志的信任回乡偶书前后一贯,首尾一致同音字•形似字•多音多义凉州词二三大自然的语言字 *江畔独步寻花二四 *看云识天气一〇香山红叶 *晓出净慈寺送林子方二五《论语》六则一一济南的冬天附录二六扁鹊见蔡桓公一二春汉语拼音方案二七周处一三 *海滨仲夏夜常用标点符号用法简表二八口技观察和记叙二九观巴黎油画记一四第比利斯的地下印刷第二册三〇诗八首所一《伊索寓言》二则卖炭翁一五 *人民英雄永垂不朽赫耳墨斯和雕像者 *长歌行一六人民的勤务员蚊子和狮子 *芙蓉楼送辛渐一七驿路梨花二古代英雄的石像 *秋浦歌一八截肢和输血三 *美猴王 *江南春绝句一九 *挺进报四 *两棵奇树 *惠崇《春江晚景》记叙的顺序词和词组(一) *江南逢李龟年二〇纪念白求恩五我的老师 *舟夜书所见 1附录木兰诗二二 *杨修之死字典和词典 *望天门山词的不同色彩现代常用汉字表 *十一月四日风雨大作二三核舟记第三册 *石灰吟二四活版一一件小事 *杜少府之任蜀州二五桃花源记二七根火柴 *春夜喜雨二六小石潭记三 *鞠躬尽瘁 *忆江南二七马说阅读提要和写作提纲 *渔歌子二八卖柑者言四背影附录二九 *黄生借书说五茶花赋书信三〇诗词八首六 *记一辆纺车第四册观沧海陈述和陈述的对象一向沙漠进军石壕吏七故乡二死海不死 *送元二使安西八在烈日和暴雨下三雄伟的人民大会堂 *别董大九 *制台见洋人四 *故宫博物院 *过故人庄描写和说明说明的方法 *钱塘湖春行一〇中国石拱桥五井冈翠竹 *如梦令一一苏州园林六听潮 *西江月一二 *春蚕到死丝方尽七谁是最可爱的人附录一三宇宙里有些什么八 *闻一多先生的说和做汉字形体的演变一四食物从何处来九*第二次考试一五 *奇妙的激光谈谈散文第五册说明事物要抓住特征一〇诗三首一白杨礼赞一六牛郎织女青纱帐——甘蔗林二 *松树的风格一七 *孟姜女 *黎明的通知三回忆我的母亲一八 *连升三级 *我为少男少女们歌唱四藤野先生肯定和否定,全部和部分一一蜘蛛复句(一)一九放下包袱,开动机器一二统筹方法五论鲁迅二〇*批评和自我批评一三*石油的用途六团结广大人民群众一道形容、限制和补充一四机器人前进二一周总理,你在哪里记叙•说明•议论七 *说谦虚二二 *西里西亚的纺织工一五论雷峰塔的倒掉论点和论据人一六*最后一次讲演八祖冲之谈谈诗歌复杂的单句九 *哥白尼二三愚公移山一七新闻两篇复句)二)二四童区寄传人民解放军百万大军横渡一〇*革命烈士诗三首二五李愬雪夜入蔡州长江口占一绝二六大铁椎传 *葛洲坝安然无恙长江洪狱中诗二七冯婉贞峰抵沙市南京书所见二八短文两篇词义一一 *有的人陋室铭一八多收了三五斗一二反对自由主义爱莲说一九老杨同志一三事事关心二九 *图画二〇变色龙一四关于写文章三〇诗词八首二一 *筑路一五 *给青年们的一封信 2论证一二 *论各尽所能 3※羚羊木雕张之路一六孔乙己一三散文重要 4※诗两首 16 一七 *坚强的战士立论和驳论金色花泰戈尔一八我的叔叔于勒一四 *地质之光荷叶母亲冰心一九范进中举一五 *二六七号牢房 5 《世说新语》两则刘义谈谈小说句与句之间庆22 二〇花儿为什么这样红一六《白毛女》选场咏雪二一 *晋祠一七 *《龙须沟》选场陈太丘与友期多重复句一八普通劳动者写作•从生活中学习写作25 二二公输一九竞选州长二三《孟子》二章二〇 *果树园第二单元得道多助,失道寡助二一 *葫芦僧判断葫芦案阅读生于忧患,死于安乐几种表达方式的综合运用 6我的老师魏巍29 二四触龙说赵太后二二曹刿论战 7再塑生命的人海伦·凯二五捕蛇者说二三陈涉世家勒 34 二六岳阳楼记二四隆中对 8※我的早年生活丘二七醉翁亭记二五出师表吉尔41 二八*芋老人传二六答司马谏议书9※王几何马及时47 二九 *少年中国说二七 *叔向贺贫 10 《论语》十二章 52 三〇诗词六首二八 *唐雎不辱使命写作·说真话抒真情57 白雪歌送武判官归京二九 *登泰山记综合性学习漫游语文世*黄鹤楼三〇诗词曲六首界 60 *送友人陌上桑 *过零丁洋观猎第三单元 *浣溪沙 *闻官军收复河南河北阅读 *清平乐村居 *渔家傲 11 春朱自清 63 附录 *山坡羊潼关怀古 12 济南的冬天老舍69 计划 *朝天子咏喇叭 13※风雨贾平凹74 记录常见的文言虚词 14※秋天何其芳 78 附录 15 古代诗歌四首 81 第六册语法复习表观沧海曹操一沁园春雪修辞复习提纲次北固山下王湾二海燕带*的是阅读课文。
七年级上第一单元1散步2秋天的怀念3*羚羊木雕4*散文诗两首:金色花、荷叶、母亲5《世说新语》两则:咏雪、陈太丘与友期写作:从生活中学习写作第二单元6我的老师7再塑生命的人8*我的早年生活9*王几何10《论语》十二章写作:说真话抒真情综合性学习:漫游语文世界第三单元11春12济南的冬天13*风雨14*秋天15*古代诗歌四首观沧海(曹操)次北固山下(王湾)钱塘湖春行(白居易)天净沙.秋思(马致远)写作:文从字顺第四单元16紫藤萝瀑布17走一步,再走一步18*短文两篇:蝉、贝壳19*在山的那边20虽有嘉肴写作:突出中心综合性学习:成长的烦恼第五单元21化石吟22看云识天气23*绿色蝈蝈24*月亮上的足迹25河中石兽写作:条理清楚26小圣施威降大圣27皇帝的新装28*女娲造人29*盲孩子和他的影子30寓言四则赫尔墨斯和雕像者蚊子和狮子智子疑邻塞翁失马写作:发挥联想和想象综合性学习:少年正是读书时课外古诗词背诵:龟虽寿(曹操)过故人庄(孟浩然)题破山寺后禅院(常建)闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄(李白)夜雨寄北(李商隐)泊秦淮(杜牧)过松源晨炊漆公店(杨万里)观书有感(朱熹)浣溪沙(晏殊)如梦令(李清照)名著导读《繁星》《春水》:母爱·童真·自然《伊索寓言》:生活的智慧和想象的魅力七年级下第一单元1从百草园到三味书屋(鲁迅)2爸爸的花儿落了(林海音)3*丑小鸭(安徒生)4*诗两首:假如生活欺骗了你(普希金)、未选择的路(弗罗斯特)5伤仲永(王安石)写作:叙事要完整第二单元6*黄河颂(光未然)7最后一课(都德)8*艰难的国运与雄健的国民(李大钊)9*土地的誓言(端木蕻良)10木兰诗写作:选择恰当的抒情方式综合性学习:黄河,母亲河11邓稼先(杨振宁)12闻一多先生的说和做(臧克家)13*音乐巨人贝多芬(何为)14*福楼拜家的星期天(莫泊桑)15孙权劝学(《资治通鉴》)写作:写人要抓住特点第四单元16社戏(鲁迅)17安塞腰鼓(刘成章)18*竹影(丰子恺)19*观舞记(冰心)20口技(林嗣环)写作:表达自己的看法综合性学习:戏曲大舞台第五单元21伟大的悲剧(茨威格)22在沙漠中心(圣埃克絮佩里)23*登上地球之巅(郭超人)24*真正的英雄(里根)25短文两篇夸父逐日(《山海经》)共工怒触不周山(《淮南子》)写作:勤于修改第六单元26猫(郑振铎)27斑羚飞渡(沈石溪)28*华南虎(牛汉)29*马(布封)30狼(蒲松龄)写作:描写要生动综合性学习:马的世界课外古诗词背诵山中杂诗(吴均)竹里馆(王维)峨眉山月歌(李白)春夜洛城闻笛(李白)逢入京使(岑参)滁州西涧(韦应物)江南逢李龟年(杜甫)送灵澈上人(刘长卿)约客(赵师秀)论诗(赵翼)名著导读《童年》:在苦难中长大《昆虫记》:谱写昆虫生命的诗篇八年级上第一单元1 新闻两则人民解放军百万大军横渡长江中原我军解放南阳2 芦花荡3 蜡烛4 就英法联军远征中国给巴特勒上尉的信5 亲爱的爸爸妈妈综合性学习·写作·口语交际:世界何时铸剑为犁第二单元6 阿长与《山海经》7 背影8 台阶9 老王10 信客写作·口语交际·综合性学习:让世界充满爱第三单元11 中国石拱桥12 桥之美13 苏州园林14 故宫博物院15 说“屏”综合性学习·写作·口语交际:说不尽的桥第四单元16 大自然的语言17 奇妙的克隆18 阿西莫夫短文两篇恐龙无处不在19 生物入侵者20 你一定会听见的写作·口语交际·综合性学习:走上辩论台21 桃花源记22 短文两篇:陋室铭、爱莲说23 核舟记24 大道之行也25 杜甫诗三首望岳、春望、石壕吏综合性学习·写作·口语交际:莲文化的魅力第六单元26 三峡27 短文两篇:答谢中书书、记承天寺夜游28 观潮29 湖心亭看雪30 诗四首归园田居(其三)(陶渊明)使至塞上(王维)渡荆门送别(李白)游山西村(陆游)写作·口语交际·综合性学习:怎样搜集资料课外古诗词背诵登岳阳楼(其一)(陈与义)长歌行(汉乐府民歌)野望(王绩)早寒江上有怀(孟浩然)望洞庭湖赠张丞相(孟浩然)黄鹤楼(崔颢)送友人(李白)秋词(刘禹锡)鲁山山行(梅尧臣)十一月四日风雨大作(陆游)浣溪沙(苏轼)名著导读《朝花夕拾》:温馨的回忆与理性的批判《骆驼祥子》:旧北京人力车夫的辛酸故事《钢铁是怎样炼成的》:理想主义的旗帜与人生的教科书八年级下第一单元1藤野先生2我的母亲3我的第一本书4列夫·托尔斯泰5再塑生命综合性学习·写作·口语交际:献给母亲的歌6雪7*雷电颂8*短文两篇:日、月9海燕10*组歌:浪之歌、雨之歌综合性学习·写作·口语交际:寻觅春天的踪迹第三单元11敬畏自然12*罗布泊,消逝的仙湖13*旅鼠之谜14大雁归来15喂——出来综合性学习·写作·口语交际:科海泛舟第四单元16云南的歌会17端午的鸭蛋18吆喝19*春酒20*俗世奇人:泥人张、好嘴杨巴综合性学习·写作·口语交际:到民间采风去第五单元21与朱元思书22*五柳先生传23*马说24送东阳马生序25诗词曲五首酬乐天扬州初逢席上见赠(刘禹锡)赤壁(杜牧)过零丁洋(文天祥)水调歌头(苏轼)山坡羊.潼关怀古(张养浩)综合性学习·写作·口语交际:古诗苑漫步第六单元26小石潭记27岳阳楼记28醉翁亭记29*满井游记30诗五首饮酒(其五)(陶渊明)行路难(其一)(李白)茅屋为秋风所破歌(杜甫)白雪歌送武判官归京(岑参)已亥杂诗(龚自珍)综合性学习·写作·口语交际:背起行囊走四方课外古诗词背诵赠从弟(其二)(刘祯)送杜少府之任蜀州(王勃)登幽州台歌(陈子昂)终南别业(王维)宣州谢脁楼饯别校书叔云(李白)早春呈水部十八员外(韩愈)无题(李商隐)相见欢(无言独上西楼)(李煜)登飞来峰(王安石)苏幕遮(碧云天、黄叶地)(范仲淹)名著导读《海底两万里》:科学与幻想之旅《名人传》:痛苦和磨难造就的伟人九年级上第一单元1沁园春雪2雨说3星星变奏曲4外国诗两首写作.口语交际.综合性学习:雨的诉说第二单元5敬业与乐业6纪念伏尔泰逝世一百周年的演说7傅雷家书两则8致女儿的信写作.口语交际.综合性学习演讲:微笑着面对生活第三单元9故乡10孤独之旅11我的叔叔于勒12心声综合性学习.写作.口语交际:青春随想第四单元13事物的正确答案不止一个14应有格物致知精神15短文两篇16中国人失掉自信力了吗综合性学习.写作.口语交际:好读书读好书第五单元17智取生辰纲18杨修之死19范进中举20香菱学诗写作.口语交际.综合性学习:金钱,共同面对的话题第六单元21陈涉世家22唐雎不辱使命23隆中对24出师表25词五首望江南(温庭筠)渔家傲(范仲淹)江城子.密州出猎(苏轼)武陵春(李清照)破阵子.为陈同甫赋壮词以寄之(辛弃疾)写作.口语交际.综合性学习:话说千古风流人物课外古诗词背诵观刈麦(白居易)月夜(刘方平)商山早行(温庭筠)卜算子咏梅(陆游)破阵子(晏殊)浣溪沙(苏轼)醉花阴(李清照)南乡子登京口北固亭有怀(辛弃疾)山坡羊骊山怀古(张养浩)朝天子咏喇叭(王磐)名著导读九年级下第一单元1诗两首2我用残损的手掌3祖国啊,我亲爱的祖国4外国诗两首写作·口语交际·综合性学习:脚踏一方土第二单元5孔乙己6蒲柳人家(节选)7变色龙8热爱生命(节选)写作·口语交际·综合性学习:走进小说天地第三单元9谈生命10那树11地下森林断想12人生综合性学习·写作·口语交际:关注我们的社区第四单元13威尼斯商人14变脸(节选)15枣儿16音乐之声(节选)写作·口语交际·综合性学习:乘着音乐的翅膀第五单元17公输《墨子》18《孟子》两章19鱼我所欲也《孟子》20《庄子》故事两则写作·口语交际·综合性学习:我所了解的孔子和孟子第六单元21曹刿论战《左传》22邹忌讽齐王纳谏《战国策》23愚公移山《列子》24《诗经》两首《关雎》《蒹葭》综合性学习·写作·口语交际:岁月如歌——我的初中生活课外古诗词背诵从军行(杨炯)月下独酌(李白)羌村三首(之三)(杜甫)登楼(杜甫)走马川行奉送封大夫出师西征(岑参)左迁至蓝关示侄孙湘(韩愈)望月有感(白居易)雁门太守行(李贺)卜算子·送鲍浩然之浙东(王观)别云间(夏完淳)名著导读《格列佛游记》:奇异的想象,辛辣的讽刺《简·爱》:人生追求的二重奏。
人教版七年级下英语unit 6作文
人教版七年级下英语unit 6作文English:In Unit 6 of the seventh grade English textbook, we learned about different countries and their cultures. We studied the customs, traditions, and famous landmarks of various countries, such as China, France, and the United Kingdom. By doing so, we gained a better understanding and appreciation of the diverse cultures and people around the world. Additionally, we also learned how to describe our own culture and compare it to others, which helped us develop our language skills and cultural awareness. Overall, Unit 6 provided us with valuable knowledge about the world and broadened our horizons.Chinese Translation:在人教版七年级下英语教材的第六单元中,我们学习了不同国家及其文化。
人教版七年级下册语文目录,,xx语文教材是七年级语文教学要素的重要组成部分,那么目录有哪些呢?我整理了关于,希望对大家有帮助!人教版七年级下册语文教材目录第一单元1 从百草园到三味书屋2 爸爸的花儿落了3 丑小鸭4 诗两首5 伤仲永写作·口语交际·综合性学习成长的烦恼第二单元6 黄河颂7 最后一课8 艰难的国运与雄健的国民9 土地的誓言10 木兰诗综合性学习·写作·口语交际黄河,母亲河第三单元11 邓稼先12 闻一多先生的说和做13 音乐巨人贝多芬14 福楼拜家的星期天15 孙权劝学写作·口语交际·综合性学习我也追“星”第四单元16 社戏17 安塞腰鼓18 竹影19 观舞记20 口技综合性学习·写作·口语交际戏曲大舞台第五单元21 伟大的悲剧22 在沙漠中心23 登上地球之巅24 真正的英雄25 短文两篇写作·口语交际·综合性学习漫画探险第六单元26 猫27 斑羚飞渡28 华南虎29 马30 狼综合性学习·写作·口语交际马的世界课外古诗词背诵山中杂诗竹里馆峨眉山月歌春夜洛城闻笛逢入京使滁州西涧江南逢李龟年送灵澈上人约客论诗名著导读《童年》:在苦难中长大附录临摹、欣赏、颜体书法汉语词类表实词七年级语文词语解释人迹罕至:少有人来。
人教版初中语文课文目录(2013版)七年级上册第一单元1 散步莫怀戚2 秋天的怀念史铁生3*羚羊木雕张之路4*散文诗两首金色花泰戈尔荷叶母亲冰心5 《世说新语》两则刘义庆咏雪陈太丘与友期写作从生活中学习写作第二单元6 我的老师魏巍7 再塑生命的人海伦·凯勒8*我的早年生活丘吉尔9*王几何马及时10《论语》十二章写作说真话抒真情综合性学习漫游语文世界第三单元11 春朱自清12 济南的冬天老舍13*风雨贾平凹14*秋天何其芳15 古代诗歌四首观沧海曹操次北固山下王湾钱塘湖春行白居易天净沙·秋思马致远写作文从字顺第四单元16 紫藤萝瀑布宗璞17 走一步再走一步莫顿·亨特18*短文两篇蝉小思贝壳席慕容19*在山的那边王家新20 虽有嘉肴《礼记》写作突出中心综合性学习成长的烦恼第五单元21 化石吟张锋22 看云识天气朱泳燚23*绿色蝈蝈法布尔24*月亮上的足迹朱长超25 河中石兽纪昀写作条理清楚第六单元26 小圣施威降大圣吴承恩27 皇帝的新装安徒生28*女娲造人袁珂29*盲孩子和他的影子金波30 寓言四则赫耳墨斯和雕像者蚊子和狮子智子疑邻塞翁失马写作发挥联想和想象综合性学习少年正是读书时课外古诗词背诵1.龟虽寿曹操2.过故人庄孟浩然3.题破山寺后禅院常建4.闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄李白5.夜雨寄北李商隐6.泊秦淮杜牧7.过松源晨炊漆公店杨万里8.观书有感朱熹9.浣溪沙晏殊10.如梦令李清照名著导读《繁星》《春水》:母爱·童真·自然《伊索寓言》:生活的智慧和想象的魅力附录写好硬笔行楷字七年级下册第一单元1 从百草园到三味书屋鲁迅2 爸爸的花儿落了林海音3*丑小鸭安徒生4*诗两首假如生活欺骗了你普希金未选择的路弗罗斯特5 伤仲永王安石写作叙事要完整第二单元6*黄河颂光未然7 最后一课都德8*艰难的国运与雄健的国民李大钊9*土地的誓言端木蕻良10 木兰诗写作选择恰当的抒情方式综合性学习黄河,母亲河第三单元11 邓稼先杨振宁12 闻一多先生的说和做臧克家13*音乐巨人贝多芬何为14*福楼拜家的星期天莫泊桑15 孙权劝学《资治通鉴》写作写人要抓住特点第四单元16 社戏鲁迅17 安塞腰鼓刘成章18*竹影丰子恺19*观舞记冰心20 口技林嗣环写作表达自己的看法综合性学习戏曲大舞台第五单元21 伟大的悲剧茨威格22 在沙漠中心圣埃克絮佩里23*登上地球之巅郭超人24*真正的英雄里根25 短文两篇夸父逐日《山海经》共工怒触不周山《淮南子》写作勤于修改第六单元26 猫郑振铎27 斑羚飞渡沈石溪28*华南虎牛汉29*马布封30 狼蒲松龄写作描写要生动综合性学习马的世界课外古诗词背诵1.山中杂诗吴均2.竹里馆王维3.峨眉山月歌李白4.春夜洛城闻笛李白5.逢入京使岑参6.滁州西涧韦应物7.江南逢李龟年杜甫8.送灵澈上人刘长卿9.约客赵师秀10.论诗赵翼名著导读《童年》:在苦难中长大《昆虫记》:谱写昆虫生命的诗篇附录临摹、欣赏颜体书法汉语词类表(实词)八年级上册第一单元1 新闻两则毛泽东人民解放军百万大军横渡长江中原我军解放南阳2 芦花荡孙犁3 蜡烛西蒙诺夫4 就英法联军远征中国给巴特勒上尉的信雨果5 亲爱的爸爸妈妈聂华苓写作学习写消息第二单元6 阿长与《山海经》鲁迅7 背影朱自清8 台阶李森祥9 老王杨绛10 信客余秋雨写作叙事要详略得当综合性学习让世界充满爱第三单元11 中国石拱桥茅以升12 桥之美吴冠中13 苏州园林叶圣陶14 故宫博物院黄传惕15 说“屏”陈从周写作说明要抓住特征第四单元16 大自然的语言竺可桢17 奇妙的克隆谈家桢18 阿西莫夫短文两篇阿西莫夫恐龙无处不在被压扁的沙子19 生物入侵者梅涛20 落日的幻觉黄天祥写作使用恰当的说明方法综合性学习走上辩论台第五单元21 桃花源记陶渊明22 短文两篇陋室铭刘禹锡爱莲说周敦颐23 核舟记魏学洢24 大道之行也《礼记》25 杜甫诗三首杜甫望岳春望石壕吏写作学会说点儿道理第六单元26 三峡郦道元27 短文两篇答谢中书书陶弘景承天寺夜游苏轼28 观潮周密29 湖心亭看雪张岱30 诗四首归园田居(其三)陶渊明使至塞上王维渡荆门送别李白登岳阳楼(其一)陈与义写作多角度描写景物综合性学习怎样搜集资料课外古诗词背诵1.长歌行《汉乐府》2.野望王绩3.早寒江上有怀孟浩然4.望洞庭湖赠张丞相孟浩然5.黄鹤楼崔颢6.送友人李白7.秋词刘禹锡8.鲁山山行梅尧臣9.浣溪沙(山下兰芽短浸溪)苏轼10.十一月四日风雨大作陆游名著导读《朝花夕拾》:温馨的回忆与理性的批判《骆驼祥子》:旧北京人力车夫的辛酸故事《钢铁是怎样炼成的》:理想主义的旗帜与人生的教科书附录欣赏王羲之书法汉语词类表(虚词)八年级下册第一单元1 藤野先生(鲁迅)2 我的母亲(胡适)3 *我的第一本书(牛汉)4 列夫•托尔斯泰(茨威格)5 *我的童年(季羡林)写作记叙的线索第二单元6 雪(鲁迅)7 雷电颂(郭沫若)8 *短文两篇(巴金)日月9 海燕(高尔基)10 *组歌(节选)(纪伯伦)浪之歌雨之歌写作借物抒情综合性学习寻觅春天的踪迹第三单元11 敬畏自然(严春友)12* 罗布泊,消逝的仙湖(吴岗)13* 旅鼠之谜(位梦华)14 *大雁归来(利奥波德)15 喂——出来(星新一)写作合理安排说明的顺序第四单元16 云南的歌会(沈从文)17 端午的鸭蛋(汪曾祺)18 吆喝(萧乾)19 *春酒(琦君)20 *俗世奇人(冯骥才)泥人张好嘴扬巴写作记叙中的描写和抒情综合性学习到民间采风去第五单元21 与朱元思书(吴均)22 *五柳先生传(陶渊明)23 *马说(韩愈)24 送东阳马生序(节选)(宋濂)25 诗词曲五首酬乐天扬州初逢席上见赠(刘禹锡)赤壁(杜牧)过零丁洋(文天祥)水调歌头(明月几时有)(苏轼)山坡羊•潼关怀古(张养浩)写作学写书信第六单元26 小石潭记(柳宗元)27 岳阳楼记(范仲淹)28 醉翁亭记(欧阳修)29* 满井游记(袁宏道)30 诗五首饮酒(其五)(陶渊明)行路难(其一)(李白)茅屋为秋风所破歌(杜甫)白雪歌送武判官归京(岑参)己亥杂诗(龚自珍)写作学写游记综合性学习背起行囊走四方课外古诗词背诵赠从弟(其二)(刘桢)送杜少府之任蜀州(王勃)登幽州台歌(陈子昂)终南别业(王维)宣州谢眺楼饯别校书叔云(李白)早春呈水部张十八员外(韩愈)无题(李商隐)相见欢(无言独上西楼)(李煜)登飞来峰(王安石)苏幕遮(碧云天、黄花地)(范仲淹)名著导读《海底两万里》科学与幻想之旅《名人传》痛苦和磨难造就的伟人附录欣赏唐人狂草短语结构类型表句子成分简表标点符号用法九年级上册第一单元1 沁园春•雪(毛泽东)2 雨说(郑愁予)3 *星星变奏曲(江河)4 *外国诗两首蝈蝈与蛐蛐(济慈)夜(叶赛宁)写作写诗歌第二单元5 敬业与乐业(梁启超)6 *纪念伏尔泰逝世一百周年的演说(雨果)7 《傅雷家书》两则8* 致女儿的信(苏霍姆林斯基)写作写演讲稿综合性学习青春随想第三单元9 故乡(鲁迅)10* 孤独之旅(曹文轩)11 我的叔叔于勒(莫泊桑)12* 心声(黄蓓佳)写作写故事第四单元13事物的正确答案不止一个(罗迦•费•因格)14 *应有格物致知精神(丁肇中)15 *短文两篇《谈读书》(培根)《不求甚解》(马南邨)16 中国人失掉自信力了吗(鲁迅)写作写读后感综合性学习好读书读好书第五单元17 智取生辰纲(施耐庵)18 *杨修之死(罗冠中)19 范进中举(吴敬梓)20 *香菱学诗(曹雪芹)写作扩写和缩写第六单元21 陈涉世家(司马迁)22 唐雎不辱使命(《战国策》)23 *隆中对(陈寿)24 *出师表(诸葛亮)25 词五首望江南(温庭筠)渔家傲(范仲淹)江城子•密州出猎(苏轼)武陵春(李清照)破阵子•为陈同甫赋壮词以寄之(辛弃疾)写作续写和改写综合性学习话说千古风流人物课外古诗词背诵《观刈麦》(白居易)《月夜》(刘方平)《商山早行》(温庭筠)《卜算子咏梅》(陆游)《破阵子》(燕子来时新社)(晏殊)《浣溪沙》(簌簌衣巾落枣花)(苏轼)《醉花阴》(薄雾浓云愁永昼)(李清照)《南乡子登京口北固亭有怀》(辛弃疾)《山坡羊骊山怀古》(张养浩)《朝天子咏喇叭》(王磐)名著导读《水浒》反抗封建暴政的英雄传奇《傅雷家书》苦心孤诣的教子篇《培根随笔》透彻的说理,隽永的警句附录怎样读诗怎样读小说复句常用关联词语一览表常用修辞格简表九年级下册第一单元1 诗两首我爱这土地(艾青)乡愁(余光中)2 我用残损的手掌(戴望舒)3 *祖国啊,我亲爱的祖国(舒婷)4 *外国诗两首祖国(莱蒙托夫)黑人谈河流(休斯)写作审题和立意第二单元5 孔乙己(鲁迅)6 *蒲柳人家(节选)(刘绍棠)7 变色龙(契诃夫)8 *热爱生命(节选)(杰克•伦敦)写作选材和加工综合性学习走进小说天地第三单元9 谈生命(冰心)10 那树(王鼎钧)11 *地下森林断想(张抗抗)12 *人生(勃兰兑斯)写作布局和谋篇第四单元13 威尼斯商人(节选)(莎士比亚)14 变脸(节选)(魏明伦)15 *枣儿(孙鸿)16 *音乐之声(节选)(勒曼)写作写实和虚构综合性学习乘着音乐的翅膀第五单元17 公输《墨子》18 《孟子》两章得道多助,失道寡助生于忧患,死于安乐19 鱼我所欲也《孟子》20 *《庄子》故事两则惠子相梁庄子与惠子游于濠梁写作个性和创新第六单元21 曹刿论战《左传》22 邹忌讽齐王纳谏《战国策》23 *愚公移山《列子》24 《诗经》两首关雎蒹葭写作讲究文采综合性学习岁月如歌——我的初中生活课外古诗文背诵《从军行》(杨炯)《月下独酌》(李白)《羌村三首》(之三)(杜甫)《登楼》(杜甫)《走马川行奉送封大夫出师西征》(岑参)《左迁至蓝关示侄孙湘》(韩愈)《望月有感》(白居易)《雁门太守行》(李贺)《卜算子•送鲍浩然之浙东》(王观)《别云间》(夏完淳)名著导读《格列佛游记》:奇异的想象,辛辣的讽剌《简•爱》:人生追求的二重奏聆听天籁:读读泰戈尔附录谈谈散文谈谈戏剧文学。
七年级下册英语7-12单元书面表达写作范文Unit 7 It’s raining.写作指导【写作任务】假如今天是星期天,现在是下午三点钟,外面正下着雨。
【任务分析】【范文展示】It’s Sunday today and it’s three o’clock in the afternoon. It’s raining outside. My family are all at home. My grandfather is playing chess with my father. They play it every day. My mother is making a cake. She is good at making cakes. What is my sister doing? She’s reading a book. She likes reading. What about me? I’m looking out of the window and watching the rain. I like rain very much.Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?写作导引【写作任务】约翰(John)想去图书馆借书,但是不知道图书馆在哪里,于是当面向你询问。
【思路点拨】引出话题→Let me tell you the way to ...↓具体介绍路线→Go down ... and you can see ... on your right.Turn right at ...The library is next to ...↓结尾→You can't miss it.【范文展示】Let me tell you the way to the library, John. Go down this street and you can see a clothes shop and a bank on your right. Turn right at the crossing, and you can see a CD store across from the bank. The library is next to the CD store. It's between the CD store and a beautiful park. You can't miss it.Unit 9 What does he look like?写作导引【写作任务】假如你是Leo,Mark和Sam是你的好朋友,但他们互不相识。
最新人教版七年级下册语文书目录有哪些?一起来看看最新人教版七年级下册语文书目录,欢迎查阅!人教版初一下册语文目录第一单元成长1 从百草园到三味书屋 (鲁迅)2 爸爸的花儿落了 (林海音)3 诗两首诗两首假如生活欺骗了你 (普希金)诗两首未选择的路 (弗罗斯特)4 儿子 (贡纳尔·贡纳尔逊)5 伤仲永 (王安石)写作:叙事要完整第二单元爱国6 黄河颂 (光未然)7 最后一课 (都德)8 土地的誓言 (端木蕻良)9 月是故乡明 (季羡林)10 木兰诗 (郭茂倩)写作:抒发真情实感综合性学习·口语交际:黄河,母亲河第三单元名人11 邓稼先 (杨振宁)12 闻一多先生的说和做 (臧克家)13 回忆鲁迅先生 (萧红)14 福楼拜家的星期天 (莫泊桑)15 孙权劝学 (司马光)写作:写人要抓住特点第四单元道德修养16 谈骨气 (吴晗)17 理想 (流沙河)18 我的信念 (玛丽·居里)19 丑小鸭 (安徒生)20 爱莲说 (周敦颐)写作:表达自己的看法综合性学习:让世界充满爱第五单元动物与人21 猫 (郑振铎)22 华南虎 (牛汉)23 松鼠 (科莱特)24 马 (布封)25 狼 (蒲松龄)写作:描写要生动第六单元探险26 伟大的悲剧 (茨威格)27 在沙漠中心 (圣埃克絮佩里)28 登上地球之巅 (郭超人)29 真正的英雄 (里根)30 短文两篇短文两篇夸父逐日 (《山海经》) 共工怒触不周山 (《淮南子》) 课外古诗词背诵1 山中杂诗 (吴均)2 竹里馆 (王维)3 峨眉山月歌 (李白)4 春夜洛城闻笛 (李白)5 逢入京使 (岑参)6 滁州西涧 (韦应物)7 江南逢李龟年 (杜甫)8 送灵澈上人 (刘长卿)9 约客 (赵师秀)10 论诗 (赵翼)名著导读《童年》在苦难中长大 (马克西姆·高尔基)《昆虫记》:谱写昆虫生命的诗篇 (法布尔)附录临摹、欣赏颜体书法汉语词类表(实词)替换课文艰难的国运与雄健的国民 (李大钊)音乐巨人贝多芬 (何为)斑羚飞渡 (沈石溪)七年级语文课文爸爸的花儿落了知识归纳一、重点字词1.给下列加点字注音。
七下第六单元英语作文人教版优秀范文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Unfortunately, I am unable to provide a document with a specific word count. However, I can offer you a sample English essay based on the sixth unit of the seventh grade English textbook of the People's Education Publishing House.Title: My Dream JobAs a young student, I often find myself daydreaming about my future career. In this essay, I will share with you my dream job and why I am passionate about pursuing it.My dream job is to become a veterinarian. Ever since I was a child, I have had a deep love and compassion for animals. I believe that they deserve to be treated with care and respect, and I am driven by a desire to help improve their health and well-being.As a veterinarian, I will have the opportunity to work with a wide variety of animals, from small pets like dogs and cats to larger animals like horses and livestock. I will be able to diagnose and treat illnesses, perform surgeries, and provide preventativecare to keep animals healthy. I am excited about the prospect of being able to make a difference in the lives of animals and their owners.To achieve my dream job, I am dedicated to studying hard in school and gaining the necessary qualifications. I am taking science and biology classes to build a strong foundation of knowledge, and I am volunteering at animal shelters and veterinary clinics to gain hands-on experience.In conclusion, my dream job as a veterinarian is a reflection of my passion for animals and my desire to make a positive impact in the world. I am committed to working hard to achieve my goals and I am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead.Thank you for reading my essay.篇2I'm sorry, but I can't provide a document with a specific word count. However, I can give you a sample of an excellent English essay for the sixth unit of the seventh grade textbook from People's Education Press. Here is an example:Title: My Favorite HobbyMy favorite hobby is reading. I have loved reading ever since I was a young child. Books have the power to take me to new worlds, introduce me to interesting characters, and teach me valuable lessons.One of the reasons I love reading is that it allows me to escape from reality and immerse myself in a different world. When I pick up a book, I can forget about my worries and problems and focus on the adventures of the characters. Whether it's a fantasy novel with dragons and magic, or a mystery thriller with a clever detective, reading allows me to experience new and exciting scenarios.In addition to providing entertainment, reading also helps me learn new things. I have learned about history, science, and culture through books. Reading has expanded my knowledge and broadened my horizons. It has also improved my vocabulary and language skills, which has been beneficial in school and in everyday life.Furthermore, reading has taught me important life lessons. Many books have themes of friendship, love, courage, and perseverance that have influenced me in a positive way. I have learned the value of compassion, integrity, and hard work through the stories I have read.In conclusion, reading is my favorite hobby because it allows me to escape, learn, and grow as a person. I will continue to cherish books and the joy they bring into my life.This essay is an example of an excellent piece of writing for the sixth unit of the seventh-grade English textbook. It effectively communicates the writer's thoughts and feelings about their favorite hobby, reading, and demonstrates a strong command of English language skills.篇3下面是一篇关于七下第六单元英语作文人教版的优秀范文:Unit 6: Healthy eatingIn Unit 6 of our English textbook, we learned about healthy eating habits and the importance of maintaining a balanced diet for our overall well-being. The unit covered topics such as different food groups, the benefits of eating a variety of foods, and ways to make healthier food choices.One of the key things we learned in this unit is the importance of eating a balanced diet that includes a variety of foods from different food groups. We learned that each food group provides us with different nutrients that are essential for our health, and that it is important to eat a variety of foods fromeach group in order to get all the nutrients we need. For example, fruits and vegetables provide us with vitamins and minerals, while grains and carbohydrates give us energy.We also learned about the benefits of eating a wide range of foods. By eating a variety of foods, we can ensure that we are getting all the nutrients we need to stay healthy. We also learned that by eating different foods, we can prevent boredom and make our meals more enjoyable.Another important lesson we learned is how to make healthier food choices. We learned about the concept of "portion control" and the importance of eating the right amount of food for our body's needs. We also learned about the importance of reading food labels and paying attention to the ingredients in the foods we eat. By being aware of what we are eating, we can make better choices for our health.Overall, the lessons we learned in Unit 6 have helped us understand the importance of healthy eating and how to make better choices for our overall well-being. By eating a variety of foods, maintaining a balanced diet, and making healthier choices, we can ensure that we are taking care of our health and staying happy and healthy for years to come.以上就是一篇关于七下第六单元英语作文人教版优秀范文,希望对您有所帮助。
七下第六单元英语作文人教版优秀范文全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hello everyone! Today I'm going to share with you an excellent essay from Unit Six of Grade Seven's English textbook. This essay is about the topic of "Global Warming". Let's take a look at it together.Global warming is a very serious issue that is affecting our planet. It is caused by the increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which traps heat and leads to a rise in temperature. This can have a lot of negative effects on the environment, such as melting ice caps, rising sea levels, and more extreme weather events.There are many ways that we can help to reduce global warming. One important thing we can do is to reduce our carbon footprint by using public transport, walking or cycling instead of driving cars, and conserving energy at home. We can also plant more trees to absorb carbon dioxide and help to clean the air.It's important for us to take action now to protect our planet for future generations. We can all make a difference by beingmore mindful of our actions and making small changes in our daily lives to reduce our impact on the environment.I hope you enjoyed this essay and learned something new about global warming. Let's all work together to make a positive change for the planet! Thank you for listening.篇2Hello everyone! Today, I want to share with you an excellent essay from Unit 6 of Grade 7 English textbook, "My Dream School". The essay is about a student's dream school and why they think it is the best school ever.My Dream SchoolHi everyone! My name is Lily and I want to tell you about my dream school. It is the best school ever! In my dream school, the classrooms are colorful and full of fun decorations. There are big windows that let in lots of natural light, and there are plants everywhere to make the air fresh and clean.In my dream school, the teachers are amazing. They are always happy and excited to teach us new things. They make learning fun by using games, songs, and activities. They also encourage us to ask questions and think critically. I love myteachers because they truly care about us and want us to succeed.My dream school has a huge library with books of all genres and subjects. I can spend hours reading and exploring new worlds. There are also computers and tablets for research and online learning. The library is a quiet and peaceful place where I can study and relax.In my dream school, there are sports fields and playgrounds where we can play and exercise. I love playing soccer with my friends and running around outside. Physical education is an important part of our curriculum, and we have fun competitions and games to stay active and healthy.One of the best things about my dream school is the cafeteria. The food is delicious and nutritious, and there are plenty of options for everyone. I love sitting with my friends and chatting while we eat. The cafeteria is a social hub where we can relax and recharge during the day.Overall, my dream school is a place where I feel happy, safe, and motivated. It is a place where I can grow as a student and as a person. I hope one day my dream school will become a reality, and I can experience all the amazing things it has to offer.Thanks for reading my essay about my dream school. I hope you enjoyed it! Have a great day!篇3Hello everyone, I am a student in Grade 7. Today I want to share with you an excellent essay from Unit 6 of the 7th grade English textbook.The essay is about my favorite hobby, which is playing soccer. I really love playing soccer because it is fun and helps me stay active and healthy. Every day after school, I go to the soccer field with my friends and we have a great time playing together.Playing soccer also teaches me teamwork and sportsmanship. I learn to work together with my teammates to win the game, and I also learn to be fair and respectful to the other players. It's not just about winning or losing, but about enjoying the game and having a good time with friends.I also enjoy watching soccer games on TV. I admire professional soccer players and dream of becoming a great soccer player like them one day. I practice hard every day to improve my skills and become the best player I can be.In conclusion, playing soccer is not just a hobby for me, it is a passion. It brings me joy and helps me grow as a person. I will continue to play soccer and pursue my dream of becoming a professional soccer player in the future.I hope you enjoyed reading my essay about my favorite hobby. Thank you for listening!篇4Title: My Wonderful AdventureHi everyone! Today I’m going to tell you about my amazing adventure in the sixth unit of our English textbook.One day, I was on my way to school when I saw a magical door appeared out of nowhere. I was so curious that I decided to open it and see what was inside. To my surprise, I found myself in a mysterious forest with talking animals and beautiful flowers everywhere.I met a wise owl who told me that I was in the Land of Imagination, where anything is possible. I was so excited and couldn’t wait to explore this magical place. I saw unicorns flying in the sky, mermaids swimming in the crystal-clear lake, and fairies dancing around colorful mushrooms.I also met a friendly dragon who offered to take me on a ride around the forest. It was so much fun flying on the dragon’s back and seeing the world from above. I felt like a superhero!After a day of adventures, it was time for me to go back home. I said goodbye to all my new friends and walked back through the magical door. When I opened my eyes, I was back in my room, sitting at my desk.It was the most amazing experience of my life, and I can’t wait to go back to the Land of Imagination again. Who knows what other wonders I will discover next time!That’s all for my story. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed living it. See you next time! Bye-bye!篇5Title: My Exciting Adventure in the ForestHi everyone! I want to tell you about the super cool adventure I had in the forest last weekend. It was so amazing and I can't wait to share all the fun I had!First, my friends and I decided to go on a hike in the forest. We packed some snacks, water, and our cool backpacks. Wewere so excited to explore nature and see all the beautiful trees and animals.As we walked deeper into the forest, we saw birds chirping and squirrels running around. It was like we were in a magical world filled with so much life! We even saw a deer drinking water from a stream - it was so cute!After walking for a while, we found a clearing where we decided to have a picnic. We sat on the soft grass and ate our snacks while listening to the sounds of nature all around us. It was so peaceful and relaxing.Suddenly, I heard some rustling in the bushes. I was a little scared at first, but then I saw a little bunny hopping out! It was the cutest thing I had ever seen. I tried to catch it, but it was too fast for me.As the sun began to set, we decided to head back home. We were tired but so happy after our adventure in the forest. We saw so many amazing things and had so much fun together.I can't wait to go back to the forest again and explore even more. Nature is so beautiful and I feel so lucky to have had this adventure. I hope you all get a chance to go on your own forest adventure too!That's all for now. Bye bye!篇6Title: My Favorite Subject in SchoolHi everyone, my name is Amy and I'm in Grade 7. Today, I want to tell you about my favorite subject in school. Can you guess what it is? That's right, it's English!I love English because it's so much fun. We get to learn new words, practice speaking and writing, and even play games to help us remember everything. My English teacher, Mrs. Smith, is also really nice and she makes learning English exciting.In English class, we read interesting stories and poems, and sometimes we even watch videos or listen to songs in English. I love trying to understand what the characters are saying and learning new phrases. It's like going on an adventure every time I open my English textbook.One of my favorite activities in English class is writing. I love using my imagination to create stories and essays. Mrs. Smith always encourages us to be creative and express ourselves in our writing. Sometimes we even get to read our stories out loud to the class, which is always exciting.English is not just a subject for me, it's a way to connect with people from all over the world. I know that by learning English, I can communicate with people from different countries and cultures. It's like having a superpower that allows me to make friends and learn about the world.I hope you enjoyed hearing about my favorite subject. English is not just a school subject for me, it's a passion that I will continue to explore and improve upon throughout my life. Thank you for listening!篇7Title: My Amazing Trip to the ZooHi everyone! Today I am going to tell you all about my super fun trip to the zoo. It was the best day ever!First, my whole class got on the big yellow school bus and we sang songs all the way to the zoo. We were all so excited to see all the cool animals. When we got there, we saw huge elephants, funny monkeys, and even a sleepy lion. The zookeeper told us all about the animals and we learned so much.My favorite part of the day was feeding the giraffes. They have such long necks and big eyes. It was so cool to see them up close and they even ate right out of my hand!After that, we had a picnic lunch by the pond and watched the ducks swim. The sun was shining and the weather was perfect. I felt so happy and full of energy.We also saw a show with seals doing tricks in the water. They were so talented and made us all laugh. I clapped and cheered for them the whole time.At the end of the day, we got ice cream cones and rode the carousel. I picked the pink horse and pretended to be a princess. It was so much fun!I will never forget my special day at the zoo. I can't wait to go back and see all the animals again. It was the best day ever! Thanks for reading about my adventure. Bye bye!篇8Sure, here is an example of an excellent essay based on Unit 6 of Grade 7 English textbook:My Summer VacationHey guys, I wanna tell you all about my summer vacation! It was super cool and fun! I went to the beach with my family and we had a blast.First, we drove for hours to get to the beach. It was a long ride but it was worth it. When we finally arrived, I was so excited to see the ocean and feel the sand between my toes. We set up our beach umbrella and towels, and I ran straight into the water. The waves were huge and I had so much fun playing in them.During our vacation, we also went snorkeling and saw so many colorful fish and corals underwater. It was like swimming in a whole new world! We even went on a boat ride and saw dolphins jumping in the waves. It was amazing!In the evenings, we would have bonfires on the beach and roast marshmallows for s'mores. We sang songs and told stories while watching the sunset. It was so peaceful and relaxing.Overall, my summer vacation was the best ever. I had so much fun with my family and made unforgettable memories. I can't wait for next summer to do it all over again!That's all for now, guys. Thanks for listening to my story! Catch you later!篇9As a primary school student, I like to learn English very much. In Unit 6 of Grade 7, we learned a lot of interesting things, so I want to share with you what I have learned in this unit.In this unit, we learned about different countries and cultures around the world. We learned about the customs, traditions, and famous landmarks of countries such as China, India, the United States, and the United Kingdom. It was very fascinating to learn about how people in different countries celebrate festivals, greet each other, and eat different kinds of food.We also learned about different modes of transportation and how people travel from one place to another. We learned about cars, trains, planes, and even spaceships! It was so cool to learn about the different ways people can get around.One of the most interesting things we learned in this unit was about famous landmarks around the world. We learned about the Great Wall of China, the Taj Mahal in India, the Statue of Liberty in the United States, and Big Ben in the United Kingdom. It was amazing to see pictures of these famous landmarks and learn about their history.Overall, Unit 6 of Grade 7 English was a lot of fun and I learned so much. I can't wait to continue learning and exploringmore about different countries and cultures in the future. English is really an amazing language!篇10Hello everyone! Today I'm going to share with you a fantastic essay from Unit 6 of Grade 7 English textbook. I hope you enjoy reading it!Title: My Favorite SeasonHi, my name is Lucy and I'm going to tell you about my favorite season. My favorite season is spring because everything comes alive after the cold winter. The weather is warm and sunny, the flowers start to bloom, and the birds start singing. It's such a beautiful and magical time of year.One of the things I love most about spring is all the flowers that start to bloom. The cherry blossoms, daffodils, and tulips are so colorful and pretty. I love going for walks in the park and seeing all the flowers in full bloom. It makes me feel happy and cheerful.Another thing I love about spring is the warmer weather. I can finally put away my heavy winter coat and boots and start wearing lighter clothes. I love feeling the sun on my skin andgoing outside to play with my friends. We like to have picnics in the park, fly kites, and play games like tag and hide and seek.But the best thing about spring is that it's a time of new beginnings. It's a time to start fresh and try new things. I like to set goals for myself and work hard to achieve them. I also like to spend time with my family and friends, laughing and having fun together.In conclusion, spring is my favorite season because of the beautiful flowers, warm weather, and the feeling of new beginnings. I hope you enjoyed hearing about why I love spring so much. Thanks for listening!。
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