






1. 引言段落(Introduction)引言段落是整个文章的开端,它应该简洁明了、引人入胜,同时要清晰地表达你要讨论的主题。


2. 主体段落(Body Paragraphs)主体段落是文章的核心部分,它是对主题进行展开和阐述的地方。





3. 综合段落(Conclusion)综合段落是文章的结尾部分,用来总结文章的论点和主题,并给出一些结论或建议。



4. 连贯性和衔接为了使文章结构更加清晰和具有逻辑性,需要使用一些过渡句和连接词来使段落之间和句子之间连接紧密。

比如使用转折词"however"、"but"来引导不同观点的转变;使用顺承词"moreover"、"in addition"来引出新的论据或例子;使用因果关系词"therefore"、"consequently"来说明因果关系等。



雅思写作Task2段落如何使用论证法?朗阁海外考试研究中心雅思写作中常用到列举法,实例法,对比法,因果法,让步法,定义法,类比法等方法进行段落论证,朗阁名师今天分享雅思Task 2 的写作时经常用到的,实例论证法在写作中的应用。


而中国考生在写essay时常见的问题恰恰是考前准备了语言,临场读懂了题目,很快形成了观点,但是却不知该从哪些角度来支持自己的thesis statement。





It is generally accepted that the majority of leaders qualify perseverance. Typical example is Nelson Mandela, who was the south black political leader and former president, was awarded 1993 Nobel Peace for his efforts to antiracism and antiapartheid. In spite of more than a quarter century of imprisonment, he still dedicates his life for the human rights and racial equality. Another case is Mother Teresa, who was the winner of the Nobel Peace, devoted the majority ofher life to helping the poor in India although she was exposed to diverse adversities.在这个雅思大作文主体中,引用了曼德拉和特丽莎的事迹来加以论证。





然后就写……has sparked/arisen/provoked spirited discussion.(就是什么时间引起了讨论)举个例子就上面关于进城的题目,雅思考生就可以写,用一个“whether …… or not”来写,“whether the advantages of the increasing number of individuals come to city to make a living outweigh the disadvantages or not has sparked a spirited discussion.”Some people assert that ………whereas others think that…(有人认为……whereas然而有人认为……)whereas是然而的意思,代替大家都会用的however。


………whereas………..中间不需要逗号!环球雅思提醒,如果题目中只有说一方的观点,那只要some people assert that…….就不用再加然而后面的内容,如果有两方都有谈到,就要加然后后面的东西。

2. 雅思A类大作文第二篇议论作文真题举例原题:some people think children should learn to compete, but others think that children should be taught to cooperate. Express some reasons for both views and give your own opinion.本题目,意思是:一些人认为小孩子必须自己学会合作,然后其他人认为小孩子必须被教会合作。






一、审题难1、There are social, medical and technical problems associated with the use of mobile phones. What forms do they take? Do you agree that the problems outweigh the benefits of mobile phones?这个题目属于优缺点讨论,但很多考生看到第一问就觉得这题目和常规的讨论类分析的题目问题模式有所不同。


再回头看第一问中有个they,指代的是第一句中的social, medical and technical problems,所以我们必须在论证的时候要回答这个问题,即要写三个方面的缺点。



2、The development of technology changes the way people connect with each other. In which way does the development of technology change the types of relationships among people? Does it have positive or negative effects on the relationships?上题第二问也是优缺点讨论,而第一问问科技的进步对人们交往的影响,那我们在论证中也要回答这个问题。





这对于长期只接受国内应试教育的考生来说,是有一定的困难,很多时候只看个题目都会觉得无从下笔,因而很多中国考生的论文空洞,缺乏说服力,那么雅思写作应该如何论证呢?雅思写作如何论证?大作文不是讲道理很多中国考生在应对雅思作文时喜欢通过讲道理来说明问题,但话题中并不是所有题目和内容都可以通过道理来说服他人的,比如关于“anti-social behavior”,属于道德范畴的话题,是很难用道理来讲清楚的。


先来看下小编的一篇关于“anti-social behavior"的范文,大家可以借鉴下他的观点提出和地道的表达Task 2 题目:T oday there is a great increase in anti-social behaviors and lack of respect to others. What are the causes of this? Who should take responsibility for dealing with it? (选自2011 年 01 月 22 日雅思写作机经)Write at least 250 words范文:With the development of modern society, there seems to be an irresistible uprising momentum of anti-social behaviors and lacking in respect between people. Various causes may lead tothis increasingly prevailing phenomenon. From my personal perspectives, I tend to attribute this tendency to the morbid social conduct, the gap between the rich and the poor and the fiasco of school education.开头叁排比提出自己的观点:病态的社会风气、贫富差距、学校教育的失败是原因,定义为五段论的基调,坚持五段论是高分作文最起码的结构The surroundings somewhat influence the behaviors of people due to the conformity mentality among us. A healthy social conduct will guide people, on the contrary, an unhealthy society can destroy the very good nature of people. Take an example of the terrorist attack in Norway 2011, which caused 77 innocent civilians’ lives. If there were a more harmonious social conduct to give more sense of belonging to that pervert killer, the tragedy could be prevented.无比贴切的例子的使用,挪威变态杀手的恐怖袭击,完全西方化的思维。







先来看下的一篇关于“anti-ociabehavior"的范文,大家可以借鉴下他的观点提出和地道的表达Ta2题目:Whohoudtaereegamoneicaitemwithomeawareneofteandcoocation; mamoneicaitem;要注意te和coocation的运用等。

一般说来,对于coocation来说比较常见的是nounandverbmaeanaummon的要求,考生一方面需要积累同义替换词,并且时刻记得避免重复单调的表达同时避免使用常用词汇来防止common,比如moreandmore最好使用anincreaingnumberof;ove则可以使用addre或是overcome来代替;choice应该换成aternative;iminourmodernocietithat具体的社会问题andthequetionof由问题引起的后果或争论arie适用开头段第一句话;套用在:表达某种社会问题以及由此引发争论例句:Oneoftheinourmodernocietithateniorcitienaccountforanincre aingargerarie3Inanattemof…,omeoderntechnoogiehaveaoeertedomenegat iveiment,whichcanbedemontratedinthefoowingaect总而言之,不管是哪种评分要求,考生都应该熟悉不同分数档的评分要求,在备考雅思写作时要有针对性。






























剑桥雅思IELTS第二篇大作文task 2 讲义

剑桥雅思IELTS第二篇大作文task 2 讲义

如何通过有效审题来提高写作速度!关于审题1. 30s 读懂题目生词: 现场—猜在家—通读机经2. 1m 判断题型—回忆结构—预计文章body 段篇幅3. 3m-8m 列出body 段的提纲(points/ideas列出—筛选—对于驳论文决定立场—重新排序Brainstorming: 越多越好筛选: 没有词汇支持、很难讲清楚的、论证力度较弱的选择立场: 论据充分,容易写重新排序: 分段At home VS nursing house优点1. 与家人情感交流 1. friends: topic & interest2. 方便照顾2. pro. Medical care→ Customized emergency3. 尽孝道→责任义务3. colorful life→ 单身4. share house work 4. we won’t be distracted → adult children can 同左focus on career反方缺点5. 右边费用高 5. 子女工作忙,在家孤独服务不好排序1. pro medical care→ healthprobl em → facility+equipment+staff→ care →emergency →quicklyrespond → accident/tragedy2. adult children don’t need to worryabout…→ focus on career3. friends+activity→ peers → share same topic and interest→ psychological problems can beavoided. → children have little time→ job to dobody 段1示范Most obviously and importantly, aged parents can be well tended in nursing houses. As is known to all, old people, usually suffering from the pain of diseases or the potential health hazards, can receive professional care in nursing houses, where first-class medical facilities are equipped andexperienced staff are always available. Furthermore, when emergency happens, nursing houses will definitely responde more promptly than children who are not likely to be with their parents all the time, and for this reason, accidents and tradegy can be avoided. At a deeper level, adults don’t have to be distracted to worry about their parents, so they can better focus on their career, which benefits the society to some extent.Admittedly, staying in home and being taken care of by their own children can give old people a stronger sense of family bound. However, for most people, nursing houses offer more advantages and minimize the possible risks. Therefore, …重申立场Some people think that the use of aircraft is not practical and causes many problems thus should be reduced. Do you agree or disagree?***驳论文段落结构1. 开头段: 话题引入(背景句+考题观点改写+ 本人立场中立--清晰写明2. body段(2-3paras : 支持/反对的原因3. 让步:(反方观点的理由 (yes and no 中立时应该和正面篇幅相当4. 结尾段: 重申立场(yes or no/ A or B 可以和让步合并在一段)Some people think that the use of aircraft is not practical and causes many problems thus should be reduced . Do you agree or disagree?I. 开头段A: 背景句思路—话题引出Tips:1. 逻辑完整2. 可以借助功能句: 内容决定语言Nowadays, …are playing increasingly ***part/role in /when…⏹ In the present days, with the development of(thanks to ***)…, *** is becoming more and more *** …⏹Today the way we do …… is heavily influenced by XXXX.⏹ Recent years has witnessed the great development/changes of XXX.3. 开头句思路从论据联想 (把正文中可能不需要详细拓展的论据,写在开头段4. 名人名言,举例,报道,新闻,故事。

雅思写作 大作文PART2 文章结构

雅思写作 大作文PART2 文章结构

说明本段是在介绍现象的原因 写第一个原因

解释支持上面的原因(用复杂结构和特殊 结构) 写第二个愿意 解释,支持 以此类推。。。。

说明这段是介绍解决方案 写出第一个解决方案

解释支持上面的方案(用复杂结构和特殊 结构) 写出第二个解决方案 解释,支持 以此类推。。。。

重申这个现象的原因很多很复杂 概括写应该通过哪儿些措施来解决(不可 以原字不动抄袭第三段内容,请高度概括) 强调:写作时要保持论证逻辑结构的通顺, 合理,严谨。多使用therefore, this is because, to do this, such, the reasons for, the solution to the problem is, is a result of, once, i分论点

写出不倾向此观点的原因,这个观点的不 妥之处 解释支持上一句话

重申自己支持的观点 提出建议,证明自己对此topic有充分了解

如果是report类的文章 介绍社会背景 交代文章话题(非常重要不可省略) 强调这个问题的重要性,人们引起的关注 说明这个现象的原因和解决方案
大作文文章结构 JOEY

正反两方面都进行论证,但是倾向于其中 一方 四段式的优点:论述更客观 结构更清晰(因为五段式 需要有递进关联)
介绍社会背景 交代话题(必不可少这句话) 可以试着转述原题观点(可有可无) 陈述自己态度

概括本段观点 分论点(理由1) 解释分论点(使用复杂句和特殊句式) 分论点(理由2) 解释分论点(同上) 分论点(如果有理由3,4,5,以此类推)



雅思A类大作文第二篇议论作文写法分析上海环球雅思今天,环球雅思为大家带来了一篇关于的文章,旨在让正在备考雅思的烤鸭们更了解这类文章的写法规律,环球雅思愿与你分享每一篇好文章!The IELTS writing can be divided into two sorts of theme-Report and Argumentation.I will make a structure of article for you.雅思A类大作文第二篇议论作文写法分析—Argumentation:在雅思作文中,有时候可以采用两边倒以及一边倒的形式,要看题目的要求。










比如你一直要支持国民党,一直说国民党的好,之雅思A类大作文第二篇议论作文写法—两边倒:1……Discuss both views and give your own opinion.(这种两边一定都要讨论,不然你会被认为“do not address all parts of the question的悲壮结果,就是5分或者更低)2.Do you think the benefits outweigh the problems?(小技巧,题目中要是有outweigh这个词,一定要两边讨论,才能从逻辑中有效证明某一方超过另一方,否则“超过”就无从谈起。



英语议论文写作之驳论论证结构第一部分:引述别人观点引述部分:1. in this argument/analysis, the arguer concludes/claims that…2. to support/justify the conclusion, the arguer points out/ provides the evidence that…and that…; in addition, the arguer reasons that…3. there is a growing public concern over the issue of…4. the speaker in the title statement advocates that…第二部分:引述别人观点攻击别人观点攻击论点:1. to sum up, the conclusion lacks credibility cause the evidence cited in the analysis does not lend strong support to what the arguer maintains.2. to strengthen the argument, the arguer would have to provide more evidence concerning…3. moreover, it would be necessary for the arguer to rule out all the above-mentioned possibilities before we can better evaluate the argument.4. additionally, the arguer must provide evidence to rule out other possible causes…5. in summary, the conclusion reached in this argument is invalid and misleading. To make the argument more convincing, the arguer would have to prove that…6. the argument suffers from several critic fallacies/ flaws.7. the arguer over simplifies the issue of…8. the arguer unfairly assume that…9. the arguer fails to take into account other factors that…10. the arguer fails to convince us that…contributes to/ leads to/ results in…11. the major problem with this argument is that…12. before I come to my conclusion, it is necessary to point out another flaw.13. several other flaws undermines the arguments.13. many peop le may sincerely believe that…, but one does not have to go very too far to see that…14. some people may take for granted that…, yet careful examination would review that…;15. another misconception many people may hold is that…, but what they fail to notice is that…;攻击论据:1. In the absence of all this information, it is impossible for us to evaluate that…2. However, the arguer fails to provide any information regarding …3. to conclude, this argument is not persuasive as it stands. Before we accept the conclusion, the arguer must present more facts to demonstrate that…4. to solidify the argument, the arguer would have to produce more evidence concerning…5. moreover, I would suspend my judgment about the credibility of the recommendation until the arg uer can provide concrete evidence that…6. the procedure of the survey might be problematic.7. the assumption that…is open to doubt/unreliable/unfounded/groundless/unwarranted.8. the result of the survey lacks credibility and therefore does not lend strong support to the arguer’s assumption.9. the comparison between A and B is incomplete.攻击论证逻辑:1. As it stands, the argument is not well reasoned. To make it logically acceptable, the arguer would have to demonstrate that…2. the arguer commits a fallacy of…3. the arguer fails to establish a causal relationship between A and B.4. another problem that weakens/undermines the logic of this argument is that…第三部分:引述别人观点攻击别人观点表述自己的观点表达观点:1. according t the title statement,…, while I agree that…;2. I insist that…;3. it is natural that…;4. it is natural that people may disagree each other over such a controversial issue due to their different experience and values. On balance, I am inclined to support/ oppose the idea that…5. in the last analysis, I argue that…;6. in my opinion, …;第四部分:引述别人观点攻击别人观点表述自己的观点展开具体论证论证:1. in the first place, in the second place,…, last;2. firstly, secondly,…, lastly;3. to begin with, next, in addition, finally;4. to start with, moreover, additionally, last;5. first of all/ first and foremost, moreover, additionally, last but not least, finally;6. on the one hand,…, on the other hand,…;7. for one thing, for another thing;。






以下是一些建议帮助您在选择观点时更加灵活和准确:1. 理解题目要求:仔细阅读题目,确定要求您表达哪方面的观点。


2. 分析优劣势:在选择观点时,试着考虑每个观点的优势和劣势。


3. 认识自己:选择一个与自己观点相符或比较熟悉的观点,这样您可以更有把握地进行论证,并且更容易展示出自己对该观点的深度理解。


以下是一些常用的论证技巧,可以帮助您在文章中充分展示自己的观点:1. 提供事实和数据:使用可靠的事实和数据来支持您的观点。



2. 引用权威观点:引用权威人士、专家或学者的观点来支持自己的论证。


3. 进行逻辑推理:使用合理的逻辑推理来解释您的观点。


4. 引用实例和案例:通过引用真实的案例、个人经历或历史事件来支持您的论证。


5. 对比和对立论证:通过对比不同观点或提出对立观点来增强您的观点的说服力。


6. 分析利弊和影响:评估您的观点的利弊和影响,并进行合理的分析和解释。


7. 提出解决方案:如果可能的话,提出解决问题的具体方案。




因为学术是严谨的,在形式上它有一套严格的规范(the established academic caliber)。





在《剑桥雅思》的前言中,关于阅读有这样一段话: "The passages are on topics of general interest. At least one text contains detailed logical argument." 据笔者观察,所有雅思文章都可以分为两大类:介绍性的学术说明文和论辩性的学术论文。






具体结构如下:Introduce a phenomenon or a fact.Detailed Description:Timeline/Different Aspects/Logic DevelopmentLook into the future/Summary无论什么文章,起始段总是引出主题,所以多用叙述描写性语言,或介绍现象,或陈述事实,或交代问题。



英语议论文写作之驳论论证结构作者: fanyu_420 发表日期: 2008-10-08 14:29 点击数: 126第一部分:引述别人观点引述部分:1. in this argument/analysis, the arguer c oncludes/claims that…2. to support/justify the conclusion, the arguer points out/ provides the evidence that…and that…; in addition, the arguer reasons that…3. there is a growing public concern over the issue of…4. the speaker in the title statement adv ocates that…第二部分:攻击别人观点攻击论点:1. to sum up, the conclusion lacks credibility cause the evidence cited in the analysis does not lend strong support to what the arguer maintains.2. to strengthen the argument, the arguer would have to provide more evidence concerning…3. moreover, it would be necessary for the arguer to rule out all the above-mentioned possibilities before we can better evaluate the argument.4. additionally, the arguer must provide evidence to rule out other possible causes…5. in summary, the conclusion reached in this argument is invalid and misleading. To make the argument more convincing, the arguer would have to prove that…6. the argument suffers from several critic fallacies/ flaws.7. the arguer over simplifies the issue of…8. the arguer unfairl y assume that…9. the arguer fails to take into account other factors that…10. the arguer fails to convince us that…contributes to/ leads to/ results in…11. the major problem with this argument is that…12. before I come to my conclusion, it is necessary to point out another flaw.13. several other flaws undermines the arguments.13. many people may sincerely believe that…, but one does not have to go very too far to see that…14. some people may take for granted that…, yet careful examination would review that…;15. another misconception many people may hold is that…, but what they fail to notice is that…;攻击论据:1. In the absence of all this information, it is impossible for us to evaluate that…2. However, the arguer fails to provide any information reg arding …3. to conclude, this argument is not persuasive as it stands. Before we accept the conclusion, the arguer must present more facts to demonstrate that…4. to solidify the argument, the arguer would have to produce more evidence concerning…5. moreover, I would suspend my judgment about the credibility of the recommendation until the arguer can provide concrete evidence that…6. the procedure of the survey might be problematic.7. the assumption that…is open to doubt/unreliable/unfounded/groundless/unwarranted.8. the result of the survey lacks credibility and therefore does not lend strong support to the arguer’s assumption.9. the comparison between A and B is incomplete.攻击论证逻辑:1. As it stands, the argument is not well reasoned. To make it logically acceptable, the arguer would have to demonstrate that…2. the arguer commits a fallacy of…3. the arguer fails to establish a causal relationship between A and B.4. another problem that weakens/undermines the logic of this argument is that…第三部分:表述自己的观点表达观点:1. according t the title statement,…, while I agree that…;2. I insist that…;3. it is natural that…;4. it is natural that people may disagree each other over such a controversial issue due to their different experience and values. On balance, I am inclined to support/ oppose the idea that…5. in the last analysis, I argue that…;6. in my opinion, …;第四部分:展开具体论证论证:1. in the first place, in the second place,…, last;2. firstly, secondly,…, lastly;3. to begin with, next, in addition, finally;4. to start with, moreover, additionally, last;5. first of all/ first and foremost, moreover, additionally, last but not least, finally;6. on the one hand,…, on the other hand,…;7. for one thing, for another thing;。



















下面是小编为您收集整理的示例范文,供大家参考!议论文逻辑结构讲解给大家讲解文章逻辑结构的题目选自剑桥系列丛书中最重要的题目之一:In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to do this. (某事件利弊探讨) 此题讨论的问题是著名的“间隔年”,学生中学毕业后是否应该take a year off?参考范文一:侧重支持taking a gap yearIt is quite common these days for young people in many countries to have a break from studying after graduating from high school. The trend is not restricted to rich students (who have the money to travel), but is并列谓语 also evident among poorer students (who choose to work and become economically independent for a period of time).具象思维Generally, I think that this practice could lead to many desirable results.立论段:The reasons for this trend may involve the recognition that 同位语从句a young adult who passes directly from school to university is rather restricted in terms of general knowledge and experience of the world. By contrast, those who have spent some time earning a living or travelling to other places, have a broaderview of life and better personal resources to draw on. They tend to be more independent, which is a very important factor in academic study and research, as well as giving them an advantage in terms of coping with the challenges of students life.Outline:1)general knowledge and experience of the worldhave a broader view of life and better personal resources to draw on2)tend to be more independenta very important factor in academic study and researchgiving them an advantage in terms of coping with the challenges of students lifegive sb. an edge/advantage in sth. 给某人某方面的优势驳论段:However, there are certainly dangers in taking time off at that important age. Young adults may end up never returning to their studies or finding it difficult to readapt to an academic environment. They may think that it is better to continue in a particular job, or to do something completely different from a university course. But overall, I think it is less likely today, when academic qualifications文凭are essential for getting a reasonable career.My view is that young people should be encouraged to broaden their horizons. That is the best way for them to get a clear perspective of what they are hoping to do with their lives and why. Students with such a perspective are usually the most effective and motivated ones and并列句 taking a year off may be the best way to gain this.本文是考官满分范文,建议6-7分学员认真学习。



雅思考官解答如何准备雅思写作2009年11月02日笔者有幸专访到华南区雅思考试雅思考官,就大家尤其关注的雅思写作,与该位雅思考官进行了广泛探讨.囿于各种原因,该考官名字不公开,希望对大家有所帮助.转载请注明.What is IELTS:IELTS (the International English Language Testing System) provides an assessment of whether candidates are ready to study or train through the medium of English. It is recognised by higher and further education institutions as fulfilling English language entrance requirements and by professional bodies such as the General Medical Council. It is readily available in 251 approved test centres in 105 countries around the world who arrange tests according to demand.IELTS writing examination:For the academic module, there are two writing tasks, as I am sure you know. In Task 1 you need to write a minimum of 150 words in about 20 minutes and in Task 2 a minimum of 250 words in about 40 minutes.In Task 1 you are asked to look at a diagram or table or bar chart and then to organise and present the data in your own words in the form of a general report suitable for a university lecturer or tutor. Scripts are assessed on the criteria of:task fulfilmentcoherence and cohesionvocabulary and sentence structure.请注意:这是该考官给出的优先考虑标准.How to prepare for the Task 1:So that you satisfy the task fulfilment requirements, it is a good idea to spend a minute or two at the beginning, making sure that you understand the information given and can represent it accurately in your answer. Remember all that your are doing is transferring tabulated information to a continuous discourse medium. You are not required to comment on it. 请不要评论.And finally, in your reply to this question, try to use an appropriate range of vocabulary and sentence structures, as suggested by the question itself. The focus should be on appropriacy rather than breadth of expression.How to prepare for the Task 2:In Task 2, you are presented with a point of view or argument or problem and you are assessed on your ability to find a solution, justify an opinion and compare and contrast evidence. Thus, you will need to formulate and develop an argument and to show a degree of personal response. Let's look at a sample question which appears in the IELTS Handbook:下面这篇是例文:Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no Specialist knowledge of the following topic:'It is inevitable that as technology develops, traditional cultures must be lost. Technology and tradition are incompatible you cannot have both together.'To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?题目非常熟悉,看人家如何切入.Should you choose to agree with this proposition, your opening paragraph might read as follows:'Technology has developed rapidly over the past fifty years and technological developments are accelerating at an even faster rate now. I think it is the case that with these developments traditional culture has to a large extent disappeared. Take my own country for example.'And how to develop your idea:That is already forty-four words. All you then need to do over perhaps three or four paragraphs is to present, say, three instances of disappearance of traditional culture relating to, e.g. dress, food and customs and then perhaps cite one example of traditional culture that has been maintained to justify your on a large extent claim in the opening paragraph.举例是很重要的.And the conclusion:You are ready then to introduce a final paragraph which summarises your viewpoint:In conclusion, it seems fairly clear that in the culture that I grew up in only those traditions with the strongest roots in people's beliefs and values are likely to survive the unrelenting progress of technological advance.。

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1. As most people spend a major part of their adult life at work, job satisfaction is an important element of individual well-being. What are the factors that contribute to job satisfaction? How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers?
2. The unlimited use of cars may cause many problems. What are those problems? In order to reduce the problems, should we discourage people from using cars?
3. In many places shopping is becoming a free-time activity, replacing the traditional hobbies of the past. Discuss the reasons for this development. Is this development positive or negative?
4. In the past, people used to travel to see the difference from their home country. However, the sceneries in places around the world seem similar nowadays. What are the causes of these similarities? Do you think that the advantages of this similarity outweigh the disadvantages?
上述三个题目都有两问.第一问是要求讨论分析原因和问题, 如factors, problems, reasons.如若是分析解决型,那么很显然第二问就是要求提出解决方法等.可是这三个题目并非如此发展,而是问考生是否同意某个观点或者认为此现象是积极或消极的影响,属于常见的讨论类问题模式.所以我们发现上述三个题目是所谓的分析解决型和讨论类的综合题型.那么这类题目所对应的文章结构和单一的讨论和分析解决都不一样.我们遵守一个原则,问什么答什么.正文一段写原因或问题,一段直接发表自己的观点,然后提出一些理由来支持.可参考下面的结构:
Introduction Background + Topic (Problems)
Body Causes / Problems
Topic Sentence
cause one / problem one + supporting sentences
cause two / problem two + supporting sentences
l cause three / problem three + supporting sentences
My Opinion (Topic Sentence)
reason one + supporting sentences
reason two + supporting sentences
reason three + supporting sentences
Conclusion Restate my opinion
Introduction People spend most of their adult life in their jobs, so job satisfaction is the most essential element for people to be well-being.
Body Several factors are thought to be critical to lead to job satisfaction
well paid
the opportunities to get promoted
suited to the job
However, it is different to ensure everyone to be satisfied with their jobs.
Different people have different definitions about job satisfaction
The employers are in the wild chase of higher and quicker profits.
Conclusion The employees have to stay positive and find a right job.
