Morphology of Films of SEBS Triblock Copolymers




艺术设计研究2022 06期⊙ 书评阿尔弗雷德·盖尔的艺术人类学研究李修建当代西方最具原创性和影响力的艺术人类学家,当属英国学者阿尔弗雷德·盖尔(Alfred Gell )(下文简称“盖尔”)。




大学期间,喜欢参加席明纳(Seminar ,即一种专题讨论式的教学方式),他的许多文章都是在这种氛围中写摘要:英国学者阿尔弗雷德·盖尔是当代西方最具原创性的艺术人类学家,《艺术与能动性》是其代表作。






关键词:阿尔弗雷德·盖尔;《艺术与能动性》;艺术关系网;指示符中图分类号:J05 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-7518 (2022) 06-0118-05Alfred Gell’s Study of Anthropology of ArtLi XiujianAbstract : Alfred Gell, a British scholar, was one of the most original anthropologists in the contemporary western academic world. Art and Agency was his representative work. He inherited the tradition of British anthropology and opposed the study of art from the perspectives of aesthetics, semiotics, and linguistics. He believed that the anthropology of art was the study of the social context of art production, circulation, and acceptance. He regarded art as a technical system and an action system and advocated a biographical study of art. Inspired by Pierce, he put forward the theory of art nexus and thought that the task of anthropol-ogy was to describe and explain the art nexus. Gell's theory not only greatly impacts the field of anthropology of art, but also has a profound impact on the study of art history, which provides a new methodology for art study. Key words : Alfred Gell; Art and Agency ; art nexus; index成的。



Lonely and depressed
Brooks has no family or friends on the outside, and he struggles with loneliness and depression He found it difficult to connect with others and form meaningful relationships
Cynical and jaded
Red has been in principle for so long that he has lost hope of everyone being free He believes that he is institutionalized and unable to function in the outside world
The characters' trust in each other and their willingness to help one another in different times is a test to the power of friendship
The film highlights how friendships can provide support, comfort, and resource in times of hard ship
Heywood is a friendly and helpful principal who is friends Andy and Red. He provides comfortable relief and adds a human touch to the story



二叠纪-三叠纪灭绝事件二叠纪-三叠纪灭绝事件(Permian–Triassic extinction event)是一个大规模物种灭绝事件,发生于古生代二叠纪与中生代三叠纪之间,距今大约2亿5140万年[1][2]。




此次灭绝事件是地质年代的五次大型灭绝事件中,规模最庞大的一次,因此又非正式称为大灭绝(Great Dying)[6],或是大规模灭绝之母(Mother of all mass extinctions)[7]。




目录? 1 年代测定? 2 灭绝模式o 2.1 海中生物o 2.2 陆地无脊椎动物o 2.3 陆地植物? 2.3.1 植物生态系统? 2.3.2 煤层缺口o 2.4 陆地脊椎动物o 2.5 灭绝模式的可能解释? 3 生态系统的复原o 3.1 海洋生态系统的改变o 3.2 陆地脊椎动物? 4 灭绝原因o 4.1 撞击事件o 4.2 火山爆发o 4.3 甲烷水合物的气化o 4.4 海平面改变o 4.5 海洋缺氧o 4.6 硫化氢o 4.7 盘古大陆的形成o 4.8 多重原因? 5 注释? 6 延伸阅读? 7 外部链接年代测定在西元二十世纪之前,二叠纪与三叠纪交界的地层很少被发现,因此科学家们很难准确地估算灭绝事件的年代与经历时间,以及影响的地理范围[12]。

Controlled Growth of Monodisperse Silica Spheres

Controlled Growth of Monodisperse Silica Spheres

Electron microscopes Zeiss E M 9 and Philips E M 100 B and partiee size analyzer Zeiss TGZ 3 were used.
Throughout the investigation, ammonia was used as the catalyst causing the formation of spherical particles. In many cases, it was applied by adding saturated alcoholic solutions of ammonia to the reaction vessel. In other cases, particularly when high ammonia concentrations were desired, saturated ammonium hydroxide solution was used and the water content was taken into account.
CONTROLLED GROWTH OF MONODISPERSE SILICA SPHERES particles. In an attempt to duplicate these findings, many of our experiments resulted in gel formation and only in a few cases did the electron mierographs show particles of ellipsoidal shape and a size range near 0.08 t~. Then, a systematic study of the reaction parameters was made and after some drastic changes of the experimental conditions, quasi-monodisperse suspensions of silica spheres of sizes up to 2 ~ were finally obtained within less than an hour and the reaction no longer required extremely pure reactants. EXPERIMENTAL



第49卷第9期2021年5月广州化工Guangzhou Chemical IndustryVol.49No.9May.2021红外光谱法研究再生丝素蛋白薄膜的构象转变吴永琼,程佳琪,唐雨冉,黄川,郭鸣明(西南大学化学化工学院,重庆400715)摘要:通过流延法制备的再生丝素蛋白薄膜具有高透光率和可控的降解速率,是制造柔性透明电子器件的理想基底材料。




关键词:丝素蛋白;薄膜;构象转变;红外光谱中图分类号:0657文献标志码:A文章编号:1001-9677(2021)09-0095-05 Study on Conformational Transition of Regenerated Silk FibroinFilms by Infrared SpectroscopyWU Yong-qiong,CHENG Jia-qi,TANG Yu-ran,HUANG Chuan,GUO Ming-ming(School of Chemistry and Engineering,Southwest University,Chongqing400715,China)Abstract:The regenerated silk fibroin film prepared by casting method has high light transmittance and controllable degradation rate,which is an ideal substrate material for manufacturing flexible and transparent electronic devices. However,the structure and properties of regenerated silk fibroin films are usually affected by properties of solution.Here, silk fibroin was extracted from silkworm cocoons by the high temperature and high-pressure method,and the regenerated silk fibroin and its composite film were prepared by casting method.The effects of alkaline substances and carbohydrate compounds on the secondary structure of regenerated silk fibroin films were analyzed by infrared spectroscopy.Key words:silk fibroin;film;conformational transition;infrared spectroscopy再生丝素蛋白薄膜具有良好的机械性能、可弯曲性、低表面粗糙度和高透明度,可用于柔性透明器件,其机械性能和降解速率取决于丝素蛋白的分子量和稳定构象的含量。


• Social Commentary: Science fiction films often serve as a platform for social commentary, examination issues such as the impact of technology on privacy, the ethics of scientific experience, and the potential danger of unchecked scientific progress
• Modern Era: In recent decks, science fiction films have continued to evolve and expand in scope, tapping more complex themes and ideas Films such as "Blade Runner" (1982), "The Matrix" (1999), and "Interstellar" (2014) have pushed the gene forward with their innovative visual effects and thought-provoking narratives
• "Frankenstein" (1931): Based on Mary Shelley's novel, this film by James Whale tells the story of a scientific who created a monster in his laboratory, only to have it turn on him and write havoc It explores themes of scientific responsibility and the nature of monostability


2 巨噬细胞在肺纤维化中的作用
巨 噬 细 胞 在 原 有 的 吞 噬 细 菌 能 力 的 基 础 外 ,还参 与 伤 口修复的过程,其 中 ,M l型巨噬细胞主要以促使 炎症 反 应 为 主 ,M2 型巨噬细胞具有较强的抗炎活性,
M2 型 巨 噬 细 胞 在 伤 口 愈 合 和 纤 维 化 中 起 到 重 要 作 用' 同 时 M2 型 巨 噬 细 胞 还 可 以 拮 抗 M l巨噬细胞的 活 性 ,这对于激活伤口愈合反应和恢复组织稳态有着 至 关 重 要 。同 时 也 有 研 究 表 明 ,M l型巨噬细胞在组 织 修 复 中 可 以 转 化 成 具 有 抗 炎 活 性 的 M2 型巨噬 细胞丨10丨。
关键词 :巨 噬 细 胞 巨 噬 细 胞 极 化 肺 纤 维 化 doi: 10.11842/wst.20201111012 中 图 分 类 号 :R563 文 献 标 识 码 :A
肺 纤 维 化 ( pulmonary fibrosis,PF)是 一■种广泛的 异致性终末期的慢性间充质性肺疾病,其特征是细胞 外 基 质 过 度 沉 积 和 肺 实 质 破 坏 。 由于遗传易感性和 各 种 环 境 风 险 因 素 包 括 病 毒 ,细 菌 ,香 烟 烟 雾 ,木 屑 , 石 屑 等 引 起 的 刺 激 而 引 起 肺 泡 上 皮 细 胞 损 伤 、成纤维 细 胞 增 殖 、成纤维细胞向肌成纤维细胞转化和胶原的 形成并引起病理性的细胞外基质沉积,降低肺的顺应 性 ,导致气体交换受阻、肺 功 能 急 剧 下 降 、呼吸困难等 器 官 功 能 障 碍 ,最 终 发 展 成 为 呼 吸 衰 竭 而 危 及 生 命 的 纤维化间充质疾病m。近 些 年 对 PF治疗的研究有了深 人 的 发 展 ,但 是 对 于 PF 发 病 机 制 的 认 识 仍 不 十 分 清楚。




为了使这些组织能够更清晰更直接的显示出来,技术人员研究发现了一种可以采集短横向弛豫时间(T2)信号的磁共振成像技术——零回波时间(zero echo time,ZTE)成像技术。



【关键词】零回波时间;磁共振成像;横向弛豫时间[Abstract] there are many tissue structures in human body whose T2 relaxation time is shorter than that of conventional sequence echo time (TE). After receiving radio frequency pulse excitation, the transverse magnetization vector attenuates rapidly to zero, so that the conventional sequence can not collect the tissue signal, so it shows low signal on the image. In order to show these tissues more clearly and directly, technicians have discovered a magnetic resonance imaging technique-zero echo time (ZTE) imaging, which can collect short T2 signals. With the continuous development of clinical application, ZTE technology has been widely used in all multi-system examinations, such as nervous system, skeletal muscle system, teeth, lung diseases and so on. This paper mainly summarizes the principle ofZTE technology and the latest progress of its application in whole-body multi-system.[Keywords] Zero echo time; magnetic resonance imaging; T2 relaxation time1.ZTE序列原理1.1.ZTE序列分为常规ZTE序列与非常规ZTE序列;ZTE序列之所以可以采集到短T2组织的信号,是通过缩短线圈发射/接收模式切换时间及滤波时间,从而缩短了数据采集接收的延迟时间,在一定程度上实现了回波时间为零的可能[1]。

LECTURE 13new-polymer solution-simplified version

LECTURE 13new-polymer solution-simplified version

One phase Stable region
Critical point
jA or jB
PPO/SEBS-g-MAH Alloy—Spinodal
Bicontinuous Phase
PPO/SEBS-g-MAH (85/15) with Impact strength at 1000J/M , much higher than 70J/M for pure PPO

What is polymer solution Phase equilibrium of polymer solution Polymer blend phase separation and application Block copolymer microphase separation
Strong hydrogen bond Crystallinity
Traditional Polymer Solution
This may be all happens if, for example, the polymer-polymer intermolecular forces are high because of crosslinking, crystallinity, or strong hydrogen bonding. Solubility relations in polymer systems are more complex than those among low molecular-weight compounds, because of the size differences between polymer and solvent, the viscosity of the system, and the effects of the texture and molecular weight of the polymer. Conformation: The arrangements of the polymer chain differing by reason of rotations about single bonds are termed conformations.



科幻电影英文参考文献Title: Exploring the Depths of Science Fiction Cinema: A Reference Guide.Science fiction cinema has always fascinated audiences with its ability to take us to worlds beyond imagination. The genre explores themes and concepts that push the boundaries of reality, challenging our understanding of the universe and our place within it. This reference guide aims to delve into the depths of science fiction cinema, providing an overview of its history, key films, and significant contributions to the genre.1. History of Science Fiction Cinema.Science fiction cinema has a rich history that spans across multiple decades. The genre can be traced back to the early days of cinema, with films like "Metropolis" (1927) and "Things to Come" (1936) setting the tone for what would become a popular and influential genre. Theseearly science fiction films were often futuristic in nature, exploring themes of technology, robots, andutopian/dystopian societies.As the genre evolved, it began to embrace a wider range of themes and concepts. The 1950s saw the emergence of monster movies and alien invasion films, such as "The Creature from the Black Lagoon" (1954) and "The War of the Worlds" (1953). These films tapped into the Cold War paranoia and fear of the unknown, creating a sense of excitement and intrigue that would become synonymous with science fiction cinema.The 1960s and 1970s saw a further evolution of the genre, with films like "2001: A Space Odyssey" (1968) and "Star Wars" (1977) revolutionizing science fiction cinema. These films embraced a more optimistic and hopeful visionof the future, focusing on space exploration and the potential of humanity.2. Key Films in Science Fiction Cinema.Science fiction cinema hasproduced numerous iconicfilms that have left a lasting impact on the genre. Some of the most influential science fiction films include:"Blade Runner" (1982): Directed by Ridley Scott, this film explores themes of artificial intelligence, humanity, and the moral implications of creating life. Its visual style and complex narrative have made it a benchmark for science fiction cinema."Star Wars" (1977): George Lucas's space epic revolutionized science fiction cinema, introducing a new generation to the wonders of space exploration and the power of imagination. The film's iconic characters and storylines have become staples of popular culture."The Matrix" (1999): Directed by the Wachowski siblings, this film presents a dystopian vision of a future where humanity is trapped within a simulated reality. It explores themes of free will, reality, and the nature of truth, making it a thought-provoking and visually stunning science fiction masterpiece.3. Significant Contributions of Science Fiction Cinema.Science fiction cinema has made significantcontributions to the film industry and society at large. It has pushed the boundaries of technology and special effects, creating stunning visuals that have captivated audiencesfor generations. The genre has also been a platform for exploring important social and philosophical issues, suchas the impact of technology on society, the nature of humanity, and the search for meaning in a vast and often confusing universe.Moreover, science fiction cinema has inspired countless scientists, inventors, and visionaries to pursue their dreams and create amazing things. The genre has fostered a culture of curiosity and exploration that has led to advancements in science, technology, and even social progress.In conclusion, science fiction cinema is a genre that has captivated audiences for generations with its abilityto take us to worlds beyond imagination. It has pushed the boundaries of technology and special effects, explored important social and philosophical issues, and inspired countless individuals to pursue their dreams and create amazing things. As we continue to explore the depths of science fiction cinema, we are reminded of the power of imagination and the potential of humanity to create a better future.。



电影美学与哲学思辨英文回答:Film aesthetics is the study of the formal andstylistic elements of film that contribute to its overall artistic impact. These elements include cinematography, editing, sound design, and mise-en-scène. Film aesthetics is closely linked to film philosophy, which explores the ontological and epistemological questions raised by the medium of film.One of the key questions in film philosophy is the nature of the film image. Is it a representation of reality or a construction of the filmmaker's mind? This question has been debated by philosophers and film theorists for decades, and there is no easy answer. However, the way that a film is shot and edited can have a significant impact on the way that the audience perceives the film's reality.Another important question in film philosophy is therole of the spectator. In traditional aesthetics, the artwork is seen as a passive object that is contemplated by the viewer. However, in film, the viewer is actively involved in the creation of meaning. The way that a film is edited, for example, can influence the way that the audience interprets the film's events.Film aesthetics and philosophy are two closely related fields of study that offer a rich and nuanced understanding of the medium of film. By studying the formal and stylistic elements of film, we can gain a deeper appreciation of the art form and its ability to explore the human condition.中文回答:电影美学是研究电影中形式和风格元素的学科,这些元素共同构成了电影的整体艺术效果。



感光胶片技术的书籍英文回答:Photographic film technology has a rich history and has been widely used in the field of photography for many years. There are several books that provide comprehensive information about this technology, covering various aspects such as the history, development, and techniques of using photographic films.1. "The Film Photography Handbook" by Chris Marquardt and Monika Andrae is a great resource for beginners as well as experienced photographers. The book covers everything from choosing the right film to understanding exposure and developing techniques. It also includes practical tips and tricks for getting the best results with film.2. "The Darkroom Handbook" by Michael Langford is another excellent book that focuses on the darkroom techniques used in film photography. It provides detailedinstructions on developing and printing film, as well as information on different types of chemicals and equipment needed for the process.3. "Film is Not Dead: A Digital Photographer's Guide to Shooting Film" by Jonathan Canlas and Kristen Kalp is a unique book that caters to photographers who are transitioning from digital to film. It offers insights into the advantages of shooting film and provides practical advice on how to achieve great results with this medium.中文回答:感光胶片技术在摄影领域有着丰富的历史,并且多年来一直被广泛应用。


Markin et al. [10] were the first researchers who reported the effect of melt mixing on rheological, mechanical and morphological properties of PP/ABS blends. Theoretically, blending of ABS terpolymer with PP enhances the physical properties, due to the presence of three components in ABS; butadiene and butadiene-styrene co-polymers improve the impact resistance while acrylonitrile can be responsible for chemical bonding with PP. Gupta et al. [11] observed the minimal size of the dispersed droplets of ABS in PP matrix with the addition of LDPE as ternary material and also they reported the improvement in mechanical properties with the addition of ternary material [12]. Frounchi et al. [13] stated that the incompatibility of PP and ABS matrices arises due to huge difference in their polarity and thermal coefficients. They introduced a styrenic triblock copolymer as compatibilizer and reported the variation in melt viscosity, interfacial tension, morphology and mechanical properties. PP-g-MAH has been widely used as a compatibilizer in most polymer blends. Studies focusing on PP-g-MAH as compatibilizer for PP/ ABS system have been extensively reported by various authors [14–16]. Lee et al. [17] used maleic anhydride grafted styrene ethylene butylene styrene copolymer (SEBS-g-MAH) to improve the compatibility in a PP/ABS blend system. Kum et al. [18] observed the effect of PP-gSAN on PP/ABS system and they reported that droplet size reduction at an optimized compatibilizer ratio enhanced the interaction between both phases. Mechanical and morphological studies were conducted on a lab scale of binary blend of PP and ABS employing compatibilizers like PP-g2-HEMA [19] and PP-g-AA [20], respectively. Although incidental success stories have been published, a systematic approach on the comparison of compatibilizer effects on properties of PP and ABS systems needs to be undertaken.



·收稿日期:2010—04—05 基金项目:西华大学人才引进项目(0421127);西华大学特种材料及制备技术省高校重点实验室开放研究基金(SZJJ2009-0 17)。 作者简介:彭娅(1975一),女,副教授,工学博士。从事高分子材料合成、聚合物共混填克改性、聚合物合金和聚合物基纳米复合材料等方面的 研究和开发。E—mail:pengyar@163.corn。
SEBS弹性体对聚丙烯形貌、力学性能和 结晶性能的影响’
伍增勇。彭娅,童荣柏。王柯。李峥,李婕 (西华大学材料科学与工程学院,四川,成都610039) 摘要:采用SEBS(氢化SBS)弹性体增韧PP。利用SEM、DSC、熔体指数、力学性能测试等研究不同SEBS舍量的 PP/SEBS共混物的力学性能、微观形态结构以及结晶性能。结果表明:SEBS可均匀分布在基体中,改善PP的加工流 动性;SEBS的加入使得PP的球晶尺寸减小,结晶度降低;随着SEBS含量增加,共混物的冲击韧性有较大幅度的提 高,而屈服强度略有下降:当加入25%的SEBS时。PP/SEBS共混物的冲击强度比纯PP提高近26倍,拉伸强度则仅仅 降低23%。 关键词:PP;SEBS;增韧;力学性能;结晶 中图分类号:TQ325.14文献标识码:A文章编号:1001—9456(2010103—0037一04
其宽度的SEBS粒子而生长,不至于发展成具有破坏性的裂 纹…,使体系的韧性增加。另外,DSC结果也表明:随着SEBS



Interfacial Interactions in PP/MMT/SEBSNanocompositesABSTRACT: The intercalation capability of poly(styrene-b-ethylene butylene-b-styrene) (SEBS) in nanocomposites of isotactic polypropylene (PP) with 5 wt % of organically modified montmorillonite (C20A), prepared by melt blending, has been investigated. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies have shown the presence of intercalated structures in the nanocomposite. In a previous research, we studied the intercalation capability of a commercial compatibilizer. Those results, with the study we present in this work, allow us a better understanding of the mechanism of compatibilizationand a deeper characterization of the structure and morphology of the nanocomposite. Scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM) has been used. Because of the excellent chemical sensitivity and the high spatial resolution (∼40 nm) of this technique, we have proved that C20A is not in direct contact with the PP phase because the clay is always located inside the elastomer domains. The elastomer is surrounding the nanoclay, hindering the clay exfoliation and preventing its dispersion in the PP matrix. On the other hand, we have observed that the presence of the clay caused the SEBS particles to become elongated in shape and retarded the coalescence of the elastomer particles.IntroductionPhenomena and processes at the nanometric scale have opened revolutionary possibilities in the development of new nanostructured materials. In polymer systems, the addition of layered silicates leads to a great improvement in the properties of the matrix such as thermal stability and mechanical performancewith very low filler contents. This is because the high surface area of these particles with nanometric dimensions increases the interfacial interactions between matrix and clay. Therefore, the key factor for the enhancement in performance of the polymer/clay nanocomposites is the dispersion of the filler in the matrix since the final properties depend on the structure and morphology generated during the processing. Consequently, a significant research effort is dedicated to characterize the nanostructure in polymer nanocomposites.In this study, we have prepared isotactic polypropylene/ montmorillonite/poly(styrene-b-ethylenebutylene-b-styrene) elastomercomposites from the melt considering that this processing method is the most attractive for industrial application. The addition of SEBS as a third component in the composite is intended to provide a better dispersion and intercalation of the silicate and also to provide a toughness improvement. Montmorillonite is the most commonly used layered silicate for the preparation of nanocomposites because of its high aspect ratio, large surface area, and surface reactivity. Its structure consists on the stacking of aluminosilicate layers∼1 nmthick,with a regular spacing between them of∼1.5 nm. Its high cation exchange capacity offers a way of modifying the interlayer spacing to make it larger and more compatible with polymers. However, unlike polymers with polar groups like polyamides,in nonpolar polymers like polypropylene (PP) the organic modification of the clay is not enough to achieve a good level of dispersion and hardly leads to mixed structures. Therefore, compatibilizers like polypropylene graft- maleic anhydride (PP-g-MA) are commonly used to improve interactions between the organic polymer and the inorganic filler.In this work, we have studied the intercalation capability ofa styrene-ethylene butylene-styrene triblock copolymer, SEBS, as an alternative to the use of common compatibilizers, such as the PP-g-MA mentioned above, in PP/montmorillonite nanocomposites. In PP nanocomposites, an elastomer phase is normally used to compensate for the reduction of toughness caused by adding inorganic fillers. In principle, SEBS can aid the polypropylene chains to get into the nanoclay layers. Therefore, it can be expected that SEBS favors the intercalation and/or exfoliation. On the other hand, it has been reported that in these kinds of blends of immiscible polymers, e.g., PS/PP or PBT/PE, the nanoclay acts modifying the interphase properties and so improving the compatibility between the different polymeric phases. SEBS presents a phase-separated morphology, and consequently, its interactions with the montmorillonite and its intercalation capability will be very different from the ones of common compatibilizers. The aim of this work is to investigate the structure, morphology, and interfaces of isotactic polypropylene- clay-elastomer nanocomposites prepared by melt mixing. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) are used to characterize the intercalationcapability of the polymers. TEM microscopy alone cannot provide conclusive information about the compatibilization role of SEBS in the PP-clay system, since although the lack of chemical contrast between the SEBS and PP polymeric phases could be overcome by OsO4 staining, the different TEM magnificationsneeded to observe the rubber phase (in the range of micrometers) and the clays (in the range of nanometers) would make difficult to observe the three components simultaneously. Besides, no compositional chemical information is provided by this technique.Experimental SectionMaterials. The polypropylene (PP) used as matrix was an isotactic homopolymer, with a polydispersity of 4.77, provided by REPSOL. It is characterized by an isotacticity of 95%, determined by solution NMR,and a viscosity average molecular weight of 179 000 g/mol, obtained by intrinsic viscosity measurements. The organically modified montmorillonite (MMT) clay used in this study was Cloisite 20A (C20A) obtained from Southern Clay Products. The individual platelets are typically 1 nm in thickness, with an aspect ratio larger than 50. The interlayer spacing, determined by XRD, is d001 = 2.52 nm. The elastomer used was a triblock copolymer SEBS (Calprene H-6110) provided by DYNASOL, with 30 wt % of styrene content, a molecular weight value of Mw = 85 000 g/mol, and Mw/Mn=1.45, as determined by gel permeation chromatography(GPC).Preparation of PP-MMT Composites.Polymer blends and composites were prepared by melt blending in a Haake Rheomix 600 internal mixer attached to a Haake Rheocord 90 corotating twin-screw mixing chamber. A temperature of 190 _C, mixing time of 5 min, and a rotor speed of 100 rpm were determined to be the optimum processing conditions. In the composite, PP/C20A/SEBS (80/5/15), clay loading was 5 wt % as it is demonstrated to be the optimum content for mechanical performance. In order to compare the compatibilizer activity of SEBS with commercial compatibilizers, the elastomer content was 15 wt % because as seen in the literature weight ratios of clay/commercial compatibilizers of 1/3 give better results of clay dispersion. Binary composites PP/C20A(95/5) and binary PP/SEBS blends (90/10) and (80/20), with10 and 20 wt % elastomer content, respectively, were used for comparison. Films of the nanocomposite material were compression- molded at 100 Mbar by heating the pellets at 190 _C for 5 min withsubsequent quenching of the formed film between water-cooled metal plates.Characterization.XRD. X-ray diffraction (XRD) was used to measure the interlayer spacing of the clay.XRD patterns were obtained at room temperature using a Philips PW 1050/70 diffractometer, at 1_/min in a 2θ range between 2_ and 35_ usingNi-filtered Cu KR radiation.TEM. The dispersion of the nanoclays and composite morphology on a microscopic scale were examined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Images were obtained with a Philips Tecnai 20 microscope. Ultrathin sections, 50-100 nm in thickness, were cryogenically microtomed with a diamond knife at∼-60 _C. Sections were collected on copper TEM grids.STXM. To identify the chemical composition of the composites and to observe simultaneously all the components in the nanostructure, scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM) measurements were conducted using the STXM at BL5.3.2 of the Advanced Light Source at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. STXM allows a detailed chemical and compositional analysis with excellent chemical sensitivity and a high spatial resolution. The BL 5.3.2 STXM can provide images with ∼30 nm spatial resolution for X-ray photons of 250-600 eV, with an energy resolution of about 0.1 eV. The energy range includes the most important absorption edges in polymer chemistry: C(1s) at 280 eV,N(1s) at 400 eV, and O(1s) at 520 eV.We have used NEXAFS microscopy to obtain images with nanometric resolution and absorption contrast between the two polymer components, making use of the different X-ray absorption of the different components. The spectra shown are normalized to the maximum height for comparison purposes. Image sequences, used to provide detailed chemical mapping,were converted to chemical component maps using pixel-by-pixel curve fitting with suitable XANES spectra from reference components. Details about this instrument and experiment can be found elsewhere. To obtain the map shown below, a complete sequence of images at photon energies encompassing the C(1s) region was recorded corresponding to a typical XANES energy scan. In this way, each pixel, representing a morphological and spatial dimension, contains a full XANES spectrum.ConclusionsAn investigation of the structure and morphology of PP/C20A/SEBS nanocomposite prepared by melt processing has been carried out with special emphasis on the structure of the interface. STXM has been used to provide images and spatially resolved compositional information simultaneously of the threecomponents and has allowed determining the role of SEBS in the nanocomposite structure.From the XRD experiments, an intercalated structure was determined for the nanocomposite. TEM observations showed a mixed morphology in which stacks coexisted with intercalated regions and some individual exfoliated layers. However, the nanoclay was not well dispersed in the matrix, and it was not possible to distinguish which polymer was interacting with it. The stacks did not appear lined up but bent and twisted, and the clay exfoliation seemed to be hindered.The NEXAFS microscopy experiments clearly showed that the elastomer is surrounding the nanoclay, and although inside the rubbery phase there is intercalation, SEBS does not act as a compatibilizer agent since C20A is not in contact with PP. The dispersion of the montmorillonite in the PP matrix is dominated by the compatibility between the polymeric components and thenanoclay.On the other hand, the presence of the nanoclay causes a decrease in the coalescence of the rubbery phase. There is a reduction of the size of SEBS domains in comparison with binary PP/SEBS systems, and these domains are better distributed in the PP matrix.PP / MMT / SEBS纳米复合材料的界面相互作用摘要:插层能力的聚(苯乙烯 - 嵌段 - 乙烯 - 丁烯 - 嵌段 - 苯乙烯)(SEBS)的纳米复合材料由等规聚丙烯(PP)与5 %(重量)的有机改性的蒙脱土(C20A )通过熔融共混制备,已经被研究。



arthurcclarke英文介绍Arthur C. Clarke was a British science fiction writer, science writerArthur C. Clarke was a British science fiction writer, science writer, futurist, and author of popular science books. He is best known for his 1948 short story "The Sentinel", which is widely considered to be the first example of hard science fiction, as well as for his collaboration with Stanley Kubrick on the screenplays for the films "2001: A Space Odyssey" (1968) and "A Clockwork Orange" (1971).Clarke's writing spanned a wide range of topics, including space exploration, geopolitics, and artificial intelligence. He was a prolific writer, producing over 100 books during his lifetime, many of which have become classics of science fiction and science fact.In addition to his writing, Clarke was also a passionate advocate for space exploration and the search for extraterrestrial life. He was a strong supporter of NASA's Project Mercury and played a key role in the development of the geostationary satellite concept, which has become an essential part of modern telecommunications.Throughout his career, Clarke received numerous awards and honors for his contributions to science fiction and science fact. In 2000,he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Bill Clinton, and in 2008, he was posthumously awarded the Congressional Gold Medal.Despite his passing in 2018, Arthur C. Clarke's legacy continues to inspire generations of readers and writers alike. His visionary ideas and groundbreaking work have helped shape our understanding of the universe and our place within it, making him one of the most influential figures in science fiction and science fact history.。





磁控溅射法制备铁氧体薄膜的界面结合强度研究徐小玉,黄之德(常州轻工职业技术学院,江苏常州213164)摘要:利用磁控溅射法在单硅晶基底和玻璃基底上沉积铁氧体薄膜,采用AFM 观察薄膜的微观形貌,采用划痕法测试薄膜的界面结合强度,测试结果表明:由于两种不同材质上沉积的薄膜粗糙度缘故,硅晶/铁氧体薄膜的临界载荷为19.7N ,其划痕形貌为裂纹状扩展,玻璃/铁氧体薄膜的临界载荷为5.3N ,其划痕形貌为剥落状。

关键词:铁氧体薄膜;界面结合强度;划痕法中图分类号:TB43;O484文献标识码:A文章编号:1002-0322(2010)01-0043-03Study on interfacial adhesion strength of ferrite film deposited by magnetron sputteringXU Xiao-yu ,HUANG Zhi-de(Changzhou Institute of Light Industry Technology,Changzhou 213164,China)Abstract:The ferrite thin films were deposited on monocrystalline silicon and glass substrates by magnetron sputtering.Theirmorphologies were observed by AFM with the interfacial adhesion strength between film and substrate tested by scratch test.The results showed that because of the different surface roughnesses of the two types of substrates,the scratched crack propagates on ferrite film deposited on silicon substrate when the critical load is 19.7N,but the film deposited on glass substrate is spalled from the substrate during the scratch test when the critical load is 5.3N.Key words:ferrite film;interfacial adhesion strength;scratch test由于电子器件的微型化、小型化发展趋势,薄膜器件的应用范围也不断扩大。



内部的方块具有同样的亮度。但当它们周围环绕物体的亮度不 同时,它们看起来具有不同的亮度。
我们所感觉到的 (我们认为我们所看到的)并非总是 真实的存在;或 不是真实的存在。
2.1 马奈--现代美术之父
违反透视画法 无明确的“灭点” 无中景区
违反光与影的原理 无逻辑自洽性 无传奇故事 无别致景象
无明确解释 挑战欧几里德空间 和亚里士多德时间
《草地上的午餐》, 马奈 1863 (Édouard Manet, 1831-1883)
William Henry Fox Talbot (1800-1877) Window at Lacock Abbey, 1835
《巴黎大道》 (Louis Daguerre, 1839)
多少年来,艺术家借助暗箱以精 确的透视关系和明暗对比关系画 出想要表现的景物。 维米尔(荷兰画家)就是光与色 彩的大师,擅长用暗箱画内景。 他的画具有一种静默感和真实感 。
正曲率 内角和 >180°
零曲率 内角和 =180° 平行线不会相交
负曲率 内角和 <180° 平行线可能发散
艺术家或许早就意识到,平坦的欧氏几何不是构筑空间的唯一 方式
扬· 艾克(1385-1441),1434年 凡·
二、印象派—现代美术革命 看待自然的方式并非是唯一的;组织空间的方式也并非是唯一的 。为了理解和描绘自然,人们没有直观可依,必须想象和思考。



---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------《故事形态学》读书笔记《故事形态学》读书笔记 The magic tale formula of the wolf -- story morphology reading notes Text / Zhang three or four I. brief introduction The famous Russian folk art expert Vladimir Propp’s story? Ya? morphology (1928) is a milestone in the field of the type of narrative works. His ideas and theories had a direct and far-reaching influence on the later structuralist scholars, such as Grey Maas, Todorov, Bremond and others. The original intention of the story morphology is to investigate the form and determine the regularity of its structure in the field of folk tales. According to the story of Afanasyev by the 100 Russian magical story form of comparative analysis, found from the structure factors of the magic of the story, namely the 31 function, and the relationship between the function of the combination of law, they and their relationship with the overall. Jia put translation of Chinese publishing house in 2006 version of the story is the magic morphological income story derived magical story structure research and historical research in the spring of 1965 to commemorate the speech three articles. The evolution of magical stories prompts Propp’s next research work: from the1 / 10structural study of magical stories to historical studies. The result is a book on the historical roots of magic tales. The study on the structure of history and magic of the story is responded to Strauss’s criticism of Levi?. This article can be read directly on the strong dissatisfaction of being misunderstood. Two, P ropp’s magical story formula In the preface, Propp pointed out that the morphology is on the form of the doctrine, in Botany, morphology refers to all about plant parts, concerning the relationship between these components and the theory of the relationship between them and the overall. He believes that the term story morphology can be created by drawing on the research methods of botany. Plant morphology will classify thousands of plants in the world, and story morphology will do the same: classify colorful stories and present them with wonderful consistency. In the first chapter problem in history, Propp said: the correct classification is one of the first scientific description. The correctness of the next study depends on the correctness of the classification. However, the existing classification of stories often undermines the simplest rules of classification. For example, the story is divided into magical content stories, daily life stories, animal stories. But there are fantastic stories and---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ animal stories. Another example wendte division, the story is divided into seven categories: myth fable, pure magic story, life stories and fables, pure animal fables, origin stories, funny stories and fables, moral fable. In addition, there are ways to plot according to the plot. For example, Volkov put fantasy story into 15 episodes. Propp analyzed the 15 plots, saying that it could not be regarded as a scientific classification in the exact sense. The story classification is not satisfactory because of the problems of previous research methods. The research methods are stated in the second chapter loplop materials and methods. First, Suppose there is a special sub class story, that is, the magic story. The research object is locked in a magical story on propp. What exactly is a magic tale? It is defined at the end of this book. Secondly, Propp narrows down the research scope to the stories of Afanasyev in the 100 Russian fairy tales. The exact way to describe the story, Propp says, is to see the constant and variable factors. In these 100 magical stories, the names of the characters and their objects are changed, and their actions and functions are unchanged. The story often assigns the same action to different characters, which makes it possible for us3 / 10to study the story according to the function of the characters. Here’s the question, what is the function?. Propp defined said function refers to the role behavior definition from its course of action for sense. He gives four observations: first, the function of the characters serves as a stabilizing factor for the story; they do not depend on who will do it and how it will be done. They form the basic elements of the story. Two, the magical stories are known to be limited in terms of function. Three, the order of function items is always the same. Four all magical stories are made up of the same type. In the third chapter, according to the description of the story itself proppo magical order lists the 31 functions of the role of the 31 functions is so important, we often see in various citations, so it is necessary to refer to below: 1. a family member leaves home (out) 2. a prohibition (Prohibition) against the protagonist 3. break the ban 4. enemies tried to spy on the news 5. enemies informed of their victims 6. enemies try to deceive their victims to control his or his property 7. the victim was duped and unwittingly helped the enemy 8. enemies bring harm or damage to a member of the family One of the 8a. family members is missing something. He wants something (missing) 9. a disaster or defect is told to request or issue---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------an order to the hero, send him or allow him to proceed (mediation)10. the seeker agrees or decides to revolt (the original revolt)11. the protagonist leaves home (departure) 12. the hero has been tested, subjected to interrogation, attacked, and so on,to pave the way for him to gain magic or help (the first function of the giver) 13. the protagonist responds to the actions of the giver in the future (the protagonist’s response) 14. treasures fall into the master’s possession (the provision and acquisition of treasure) 15. the transfer of a hero, where he is sent or directed to the place of his search (moving between the two countries, leading the way) 16., the hero and head confrontation (confrontation) 17. mark the hero (print) The 18. enemy is defeated (defeated) 19. the initial disaster or deletion is eliminated (a disaster or deletion is eliminated) 20. return of the hero (return) 21. the hero is hunted (pursued) Twenty-two The hero was rescued from the chase 23. the protagonist returns home at an otherwise unknown position or arrives in another country (unaware of arrival) 24. fake hero put demands (demands) 25. to master gongchu problem (problem) 26. the puzzle is answered 27. the hero is recognized (recognized) 28. expose or expose a false hero or foe 29.,5 / 10the hero changed his face 30. the enemy is punished (punished) 31., the hero married and crowned king (wedding) In the fifth chapter, Propp analyzes several other parts of the story, namely, auxiliary elements (connecting elements) used in the relations between functional items and auxiliary elements accompanied by three elements. The linking component makes the story move from one function to the next. It is a set of information transfer systems. Three repetition is a repetitive or progressive component of a story. Reason is the cause of such or such behavior. For the protagonist, the cause of his behavior is often threatened or missing. In the sixth chapter, according to the role will be divided into functional prop head action ring, ring, help the donor action action ring, Princess (to find characters) and father’s action ring, the dispatch of the action hero action ring, ring, fake hero action circle. In the ninth chapter, to the amazing stories Propp made a definition: from the perspective of morphology, any one in tort or deletion, after the middle of some function after at the end of the wedding or other end function items, can be called a magical story. Another important concept in this chapter is the turn, and Propp does not give it a definite definition, but it can be summed up in the text: a round is two pairs of function---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ items. Typical rounds, such as: 21. the hero is hunted (pursued) 22. the hero was rescued from the chase (rescued) As well as: 25. to master gongchu problem (problem) 26. the puzzle is answered Propp gave them a Russian alphabet, each listing the 31 items of the magic story. In the ninth chapter, he arranged the letters into a horizontal axis in accordance with the narrative of the story. Defined in terms of Saussure’s structuralist linguistics, this horizontal axis can be viewed as a combination of successful energy terms. Each letter on the cross axis can be replaced by a finite number, and the functional item used for replacement can form an aggregation relationship. In this way, the 100 Russian magic stories in the Afanasyev tales are abstracted into a magic story formula. Three, the misunderstanding of Propp The research object of Propp lock in the Afanasyev tales in 100 Russian magical story, but people seem to ignore this point naturally or half unconsciously, Levi? Strauss said that Propp’s conclusion is not suitable for literary creation. Propp very bluntly said: Professor Strauss Levi quoted me as saying?, My conclusion is not applicable or hunaud Wallis Goethe’s story and generally doe s not apply to the writer’s art story, he cited these words7 / 10against me, I think that in this case the conclusion is wrong. But there is nothing wrong with these conclusions; they simply do not have the kind of overarching significance that my respected critics want to give them. (the story morphology P182) are the 31 function students mechanically, for the analysis of Hollywood movies, it is very far fetched. Some readers even think that reading this book can be used directly formula to guide creation, it is more funny. Study on the Propp important than his conclusions, but his method. It’s a widely used method of analyzing thousands of stories, and perhaps hundreds of formulas. We can feel that most Hollywood movies come from the same pattern, in this way, to find the Hollywood formula hidden behind these movie stories. So, does this mean that the story will lose its meaning? In this regard, Propp in the magic tale of historical roots, said: the story is not rich in the structure, but in a variety of ways to achieve the same structural factors. (the historical roots of the magic tales.) P49 Four, starting from Two problems of loplop: First, he does not specify what criteria are used to distinguish one function from another. For example, Levi? Strauss believed that the paired function is a function that they be made one. In this way, the Puzzle and solution should be regarded as a function---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ item, not two. Propp explained that the feature pairs is performed by different people, it should be regarded as the two function rather than a. But I think that Levi? Strauss’s question is justified. Not only to distinguish function Propp action as the standard, and take the actor as the standard, it is inevitable to bring difficulties in later studies. The standard problem of functional differentiation is actually the question of what is the smallest unit of meaning. In order to solve this problem, the later narratology did not take much effort. For example, Thompson’s motif, Levi? Strauss’s structure, Carl Jung’s protot ype. However, what is the smallest unit of meaning in a story that has not been solved today?. Second, his conclusion is not general enough. Although Propp used some Russian letters, the story is abstracted a magic formula story, like mathematics and science, but his research content and form are mixed together, the Russian letters and formula is actually like decoration, but to show the author to science near the desire. In the book, the historical roots of the magic tales, the alphabet system was completely abandoned. The result of the mix of content and form is far from generality. Based on the study on the character of9 / 10Grey Maas Propp, according to the abstract action element model, namely six functions, divided into three components complement each other: subject / object, Messenger / trustee, Assistant / rival. We have seen the action mode in Greimas Propp’s seven action clues in the circle. And let me conclude this article with the evaluation of Propp’s narrative in the Baidu encyclopedia: Although the study is Propp narrative -- a special form of fairy tales, but he used a method of analysis of story units and the relationship between the analysis of the other narrative style has an important reference value. Its major breakthrough was in the fact that he established the most important basic factor in the story - function, which provided the possibility to study the narrative according to the function of the characters and their connections. As a result, a new path has been explored for narrative structure and factor analysis. At the same time, he simplified the movements in the story into a sequence of combinations, beyond the surface of the empirical description, so that narrative research more scientific. Its contribution is enormous, although he out is the first step, but the first step is the creation of the world.。

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Chinese J. Chem. Eng., 13 (4) 498 - 503 (2005)Morphology of Films of SEBS Triblock Copolymers*HAN Xia LIU Honglai DONG Yarning and HU YingDepartment of Chemistry, State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, ChinaAbstract Surface morphologies of the films of poly [styrene-6-(ethylene-cp-butene)-b-styrene] (SEBS) have been studied by using tapping-mode atomic force microscopy (TM-A FM). The films of block copolymer were prepared both by spin-coating on mica and by solvent-casting on different solution surfaces. For spin-coating samples, the effect of solution concentration, solvent, and annealing temperature are investigated. It is shown that changing the concentration of the solution makes no difference on the morphology of the film of the block copolymer. The microstructures are quite stable during thermal annealing; only the size of the domains changes toward the equilib-rium configuration. However, solvent annealing can notably change the microstructures. When different selective solvents are used for film spin-coating, different morphologies can be obtained and explained by the different solu-bility parameters of the solvents. A s expected, significant different morphologies in the top and the bottom surfaces of the casting films were observed. The images of the top surfaces reveal cylinder microdomains, while those of the bottom surfaces were spherical morphologies.Keywords atomic force microscopy (A FM), morphology, block copolymer, spin-coating, solvent-casting1 INTRODUCTIONBlock copolymers are an interesting class of materials for their rich and varied regularly or-dered microdomain structures at equilibrium and non-equilibrium state[1-3]. In understanding the mechanism of phase separation, miscibility, adhe-sion, and interfacial phenomena of block copoly-mers, morphologies in bulk and at interfaces have re-ceived considerable attention both theoretically[2] and experimentally[4,5] in recent years. A tomic force mi-croscopy (A FM) is a rather new technique and has been widely used since its invention in 1986. Due to its simplicity of preparing the specimens and its abil-ity to obtain intuitive topographical images, it has become an important tool of imaging the surface of materials to an atomic level resolution. Operation of the AFM in tapping mode enables one to minimize lat-eral forces and to investigate soft surfaces, especially for the soft elastomers without plastic deformation. It has been successfully used for typical thermoplas-tic elastomers such as polystyrene-b-polybutadiene-b-polystyrene (SBS)[6-8] and Poly [styrene-b-(ethylene-co-butene)-b-styrene] (SEBS)[9-11].SEBS is a thermoplastic triblock copolymer com-posed of a hard segment, polystyrene (PS), and a soft rubbery segment, poly(ethylene-co-butene) (PEB). An exclusive concern was focused on this kind of block copolymers in recent years. Van der Berg et al.[6] have revealed the chemical nature of the dif-ferent, phases of SBS triblock copolymer films by im-age analysis. They determined the domain structures quantitatively and compared them with theoretical re-sults. Konrad and coworkers[12] established volume morphologies of a thin SBS triblock copolymer film by using surface morphologies obtained by tapping mode AFM measurements. Jeong et al.[13] studied the kinetics and mechanism of morphological transition from non-equilibrium lamella to cylinder microdomain in a SEBS triblock copolymer by using time-resolved synchrotron small-angle X-ray scattering, transmis-sion electron microscopy, and rheology. Recently, Mo-tomatsu et al.[14] and Wang et al.[10] have successfully studied surface morphologies using A FM.In this work, TM-A FM is used to image the surface morphologies of the SEBS thin films prepared not only by spin-coating on freshly cleaved mica substrate, but also by solvent-casting onto different solution surfaces. In contrast to conventional casting techniques on solid substrate, use of water or aqueous solution substrates will minimize the deformation of the resulted soft film upon removal of the film from the casting vessel. For the unconfined free surface of the block copolymer, there are long-range and short-range interactions oc-curred at the air-polymer and substrate-polymer in-terfaces, respectively, competition of them controls the morphology formed. Interactions between sub-strate and polymer influence the regularity of the mor-phology of the block copolymer. Besides, when block copolymers are cast from solution with a selective sol-vent, non-equilibrium morphology can be formed.2 EXPERIMENTAL SECTION2.1 MaterialsSEBS triblock copolymer (Kraton G-1650) wasReceived 2004-06-30, accepted 2005-05-17.* Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 20476025, No. 20236010, No. 20490200) and Shanghai Municipal Education Commission of China.** To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: hlliu@Morphology of Films of SEBS Triblock Copolymers 499supplied by Shell Development Co. without fur-ther treatment, the number-average molecular weight,M n , the polydispersity index, M w /M n , and the mass fraction of polystyrene (PS), were determined to be 8.78 × 104, 1.27, and 0.29, respectively. They are measured by gel permeation chromatography with polystyrene standards and 1H nuclear magnetic res-onance spectroscopy.2.2 Sample preparation SEBS was dissolved in toluene to prepare 0.005,0.06 and 0.09 g·ml -1 solutions respectively. The film samples subject to AFM measurements were prepared by solution-casting or spin-coating at room temper-ature and then dried in vacuum for several days to eliminate the last trace of solvent.2.3 Atomic force microscopy The AFM topography images were obtained in the constant repulsive force mode by an AFM (AJ- Ai-jian nanotechnology Inc., China) with a triangular micro fabricated cantilever (Mikro Masch Co., Rus-sia) with a length of 100μm and a spring constant of48N·m -1. The measurements were carried out in airunder normal conditions. All images presented in thepaper are height images.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION3.1 Effect of ConcentrationTo study the effect of the initial SEBS/toluene so-lution concentration on the film morphology formed inthe spin-coating, six concentrations between 0.003 and0.09g·ml -1 were used. Fig. 1 only gives the AFM im-ages of the spin-coated films from (a) 0.005 g·ml -1 and(b) 0.06 g·ml -1 solutions of SEBS in toluene, whileothers are not shown here.Figure 1 AFM ima ges (500 × 500 nm 2) of films spin-coated from (a) 0.005 and (b) 0.06 g·ml -1SEBS/toluene solutions (the height scale is 2 nm)From Fig. 1 we can see that no essential difference has been observed between the morphologies of spin-coated films from these two concentrations. They have both spherical and cylindrical domains representing rubbery microphase, while the black background is plastic microphase. In fact, the image from dilute solution has more spherical domains than that from higher concentrated solution; while the image from the latter has more cylindrical domains. This proba-bly because there are more solvent molecules disperse the polymer chains in dilute solution. When the solu-tion was spin-coated, solvents evaporated rapidly and more dispersed morphology was formed by phase sep-aration. Obviously, that from the more dense solu-tion favors the longer agglomerates. The results ob-tained here are consistent to the conclusions by Inoue et al.[15] based on transmission electron microscope (TEM) data of poly(styrene-b-isoprene) (SI) diblock copolymer films.3.2 Effect of thermal annealing Figure 2 is the AFM surface images of spin-coated films measured after annealing at different tempera-tures where Fig. 2 (a) represents the sample without annealing, while Figs. 2(b)—2(d) are those annealed at 353.15 K, 413.15 K and 453.15 K, respectively, un-der vacuum for 24 h. It is demonstrated that the film without annealing treatment shows an ambiguous phase-separation morphology, which can be elucidated by solvent effect, i.e., toluene, not a good solvent to PEB block, hinders the thorough phase-separation.Figure 2 AFM images (1.00×1.00 μm 2) of the spin-coated films from 0.06 g·ml -1 toluene solutions.(a) una nnea led, a nd a nnea led a t (b) 353.15 K, (c)413.15 K a nd (d) 453.15K for 24 hours [the height scale is 4nm for (a )-(c) a nd 10nm for (d)]Annealing at low temperature can improve the phase-separation and then gives a vivid PS/PEB interface.The dia meter of discrete microdoma ins, 13 nm, a l-most has no changes before and after annealing under this tempera ture. When the a nnea ling tempera ture is higher than their glass transition temperatures, the domains begin to grow and fuse together. La rger ag-glomerates with dia meters a bout 30 nm a re formed.We can see that the higher annealing temperature fa-vors the formation of larger domains both for rubberyphase a nd plastic phase corresponding to lower freeChinese J. Ch. E. 13 (4) 498 (2005)500Chinese J. Ch. E. (Vol. 13, No. 4)energy and closer to equilibrium. The diameters of microdomains increase from 12 nm to 48 nm when an-nealing temperature increases from room temperature to 453.15 K, as shown in Table 1.Table 1 Average diameter of the discrete microdomains obtained from AFM height imagesAnnealing temperature, K Average diameter, nm 303.15 12353.15 13413.15 30453.15 483.3 Effect of solventThe morphology of the block copolymer film varies from solvent to solvent as reported in literatures [15-17]. To investigate the effect of casting solvent on the domain structure, five solvents with dif-ferent affinity to the PS and PEB blocks were chosen to dissolve SEBS for preparing the spin-coating solu-tions. Solvent affinity and the solubility parameters of solvents are shown in Table 2. Topographical images and their section analysis graphs are shown in Fig. 3.Among those solvents, we can see from Table 2that cyclohexane is the best one for the rubbery PEB.Its solubility parameter is 8.2, while that of PEB is es-timated as 7.9—8.1. The corresponding image of the film is shown in Fig. 3(b) exhibiting mostly spherical domains indicating the excellent dispersing properties of the solvent for PEB. Although solubility parameter of n-heptane, 7.4, is lower than that of PEB, it is more affinitive to PEB. PEB segments are stretched, while PS segments are collapsed coiled. The microphase separation is confined at a certain extent. The cor-responding image shown in Fig. 3(a), demonstrates a morphology with PEB cylinders parallel to the film surface. CCl 4, neutral solvent with solubility param-eter of 8.6, is in the middle of the PS and PEB,which may be good solvent for both segments. PS and PEB segments are in free stretched state. When solution is spin-coated, they are microphase separated due to their inherent thermodynamic incompatibility.A co-continuous morphology is induced by the dras-tic phase-separation as shown in Fig. 3(c). Solubility parameters of toluene, 8.9 and 1,2-dichloroethane, 9.8,Figure 3 AFM images (1.00 × 1.00 μm 2) and their section analysis graphs of the spin-coated films from 0.06 g·ml -1 solutions of SEBS in (a) n-heptane, (b) cyclohexane, (c) CCl 4, (d) toluene and (e) 1,2-dichloroethane (The height scales are 4.5 nm)August, 2005Morphology of Films of SEBS Triblock Copolymers501 Table 2 Solubility parameters, solvent affinity, morphology and average diameter of the discrete microdomainsSpin-coating solvent Solubility parameter(cal/cm3)1/2Solvent affinity Morphology Averagediameter, nmn-heptane,cyclohexane, carbon tetrachloridetoluene1,2-dichloroethaneMEKPSPEB7.—9.1affinitive to PEBaffinitive to PEBmiddleaffinitive to PSaffinitive to PSdissolve PS onlyPEB cylinders parallel tosurfacePEB spheres in PS matrixPS-PEB bicontinuousmicrodomainsPEB cylinders in PS matrixPEB cylinders in PS matrix9.711.812.313.517.7Solubility parameter of PEB is estimated to be 7.9—8.1.are far beyond of the range of 7.9—8.1. The two sol-vents act as a precipitator to PEB segments and cause phase-separation. The corresponding images shown in Figs. 3(d) and 3(e), exhibit cylindrical domains, the larger the difference between solubility parameter of the solvent and that of PEB, generally, the larger the average diameter of the domains will be. This can be clearly seen both from Table 2 and from their section graphs in Fig. 3. The surface morphologies of SEBS films cast from toluene and cyclohexane shown in this work are the same as those by Wang et al.[10] Those from other solvents in this work have not been found previously. In principle, the film should have unique morphology in equilibrium state. The different mor-phologies observed when use different solvents indi-cate that the films are mostly in non-equilibrium state. Hasegawa and Hashimoto[16] considered the phenom-ena a memory effect, i.e., the domain structure which existed in solution is frozen-in during the process of solvent evaporation.3.4 Effect of solvent annealingWe used films cast from 0.09 g·ml-1 solutions of SEBS in toluene; the surface image of them has been shown in Fig. 4(a). The film thickness is 1mm. Two pieces of these films about 2 × 2 cm2 each were im-mersed in n-heptane and methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) for 30min, respectively, then dried immediately under vacuum at room temperature for a week to remove the residual solvent. Corresponding images of these two samples are shown in Figs. 4(b) and (c). Com-paring Fig. 4(c) with Fig. 4(a), which has similar mor-phology to the latter, we find that the former has finer microstructure. Morphology of PEB cylinders in a PS matrix keeps stable to MEK, which is proba-bly because the solubility parameter of MEK, 9.3, is near to the solubility parameter range of PS, 8.7—9.1. However, MEK cannot dissolve any of PS and PEB blocks due to its higher polarity fraction. It affects the surface morphology not so much but a little more smooth. What is interesting is Fig. 4(b) for the case of n-haptane, the image shows fine PS spheres dis-persed in a PEB matrix. On the one hand, n-haptanecan dissolve SEBS, the top surface layer with cylindri-cal structure may be dissolved and the underlayer be-neath the surface layer appeared shows spherical mor-phology. On the other hand, n-haptane is a better sol-vent to PEB than to PS. The dissolved PEB domains flow to joint together at the new polymer-air inter-face in order to decrease the whole surface free energy. The mesh-like morphology with PS spheres in PEB matrix then comes into being. A lthough the same solvent is used in solvent treatment and spin-coating, the film morphologies are not the same in Fig. 4(b) and Fig. 3(a). From another point of view, this phenom-ena testifies Hasegawa and Hashimoto's[16] hypothe-sis which is about a solvent memory effect discussed above.Solvent rinsing the film can change the original morphology. Similar to thermal annealing, it is some-times named as "solvent annealing" [18]. In section 3.2, we have mentioned that thermal annealing does not destroy the morphology structure but change the do-main size. However, solvent annealing can change the film morphology.3.5 Effect of casting substrateFilms of SEBS were prepared by casting a solu-tion of 0.06 g·ml-1 in toluene onto a solution sur-face. Three different solutions as casting substrate were used, deionized water, sulfuric acid and sodium hydroxide aqueous solutions. Evaporating the solvent from SEBS/toluene solution, the films were formed on the aqueous solution surfaces because the density of SEBS/toluene solution is lower than that of aqueous solutions. Films prepared in this way can effectively minimize the deformation after removal of the film from the substrate.Figure 5 shows the AFM images of the films cast upon sulfuric acid solution, 5(a1) and 5(a2), deionized water, 5(b1) and 5(b2), and sodium hydroxide solu-tion, 5(c1) and 5(c2). The top images denote mem-brane's top surfaces, while the bottom images denote their bottom surfaces. We can see from the figures that different solutions do not change the morpholo-gies notably. The images of the top surfaces exhibitChinese J. Ch. E. 13 (4) 498 (2005)502Chinese J. Ch. E. (Vol. 13, No. 4)cylindrical structures as shown in Figs. 5(a1), 5(b1) and 5(c1). The images of the bottom surfaces demon-strate close packed hexagonal nearly spherical aggre-gates as shown in Figs. 5(a2), 5(b2) and 5(c2). Be-cause the top surfaces contact with air during the evaporation, the solvent escapes faster than that on bottom surfaces where the polymer solution spreads on the aqueous solution. Similar to the explanation of Fig. 3, the bottom surfaces have relatively more sol-vent during the preparation favoring the dispersion of PEB. While the top surfaces have less solvent, PEB thus grows to form longer cylinders.In addition, the average diameters of the mi-crodomains are obtained by images analysis listed in Table 3. Generally, the domain size of the top surfaces is smaller than that of the bottom surfaces. On the other hand, the size decreases from sulfuric acid solu-tion, then pure deionized water, to sodium hydroxideFigure 4 AFM images (2.00 × 2.00 μm2) of the films cast from 0.09g·m l-1 solutions of SEBS in toluene,(a) as-cast, and then immersed in (b) n-heptane, (c) MEK for about 0.5 h(the height scales are 20 nm)Figure 5 AFM images (1.00 × 1.00 μm2) of films cast on solutions substrates from 1.0% SEBS in toluene (the top images are for membrane's top surface, while the bottom ones for their bottom surface. The height scales are 10 nm)Table 3 Average diameter of the discrete microdomains obtained from AFM height imagesSample membrane H2SO4-top H2SO4-bottom H2O-top H2O-bottom NaOH-top NaOH-bottomAverage diameter15 data points were on average in each image to obtain data presented. August, 2005Morphology of Films of SEBS Triblock Copolymers503solution either for the top surfaces or the bottom sur-faces. Khulbe and coworkers[19] studied surface mor-phology of membranes prepared from poly(phenylene oxide) (PPO) by TM-AFM. They found that the nod-ules on the bottom surface were twice as large as those on the top surface. The substrate effect on morphol-ogy of the solvent-casting film was well studied by many research groups, but comparison between the morphologies of the top and bottom surfaces is rare, especially for the films cast on liquid substrates.4 CONCLUSIONSThe tapping mode A FM is especially suitable for samples that are soft or liable to mechanical dam-age. The surface morphologies of the SEBS thin films prepared by spin-coating or solvent-casting onto dif-ferent substrates were examined by TM-A FM. High-resolution images of morphologies and microstructures of surfaces were obtained by changing solution con-centration, altering selective solvent and thermal or solvent annealing. From the measurements, we found that the microstructures are quite stable during ther-mal annealing; only the size of the domains changes toward the equilibrium configuration. However, sol-vent annealing can notably change the microstruc-tures. For films casting on soft substrates, the top sur-faces have a significant different morphology from that on the bottom surfaces. The differences are caused by the different degrees of solvent evaporation. 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