A Closer Look at Gender and Strategy Use in L2 Reading
民生 people’s wellbeing
团购 group buying
乡长 township head
城管 urban management officers
恶搞 video spoof
房奴 mortgage slave
Financial departments at all levels are required to publicize their budgets, so the public and media can better supervise spending.
minimum earner 处于最低生活保障线上的人
minimum subsistence level 最低生活保障线
natural monopoly 自然垄断
occupational tacit violence 职场暴力
officially bilingual 官方使用双语制
on alternate days (实行)单双号(通行)
gender equality 性别平等
Golden Age 黄金时代;太平盛世
guaranteed annual income 保障年度收
happiness index 幸福指数
house-husband 家庭妇男
indoors man/woman 宅男/宅女
interborough rapid transit (IRT) 城区间快递交通线
3. ReferencesAll sources included in the References section must be cited in the body of the paper (and all sources cited in the paper must be included in the References section).A. Pagination: The References section begins on a new page.B. Heading: References (centered on the first line below the manuscript page header).C. Format: The references (with hanging indent) begin on the line following the References heading. Entries are organized alphabetically by surnames of first authors.D. Authors: Authors are listed in the same order as specified in the source, using surnames and initials. Commas separate all authors. When there are two to six authors, use the ampersand & after a comma and before the last author. When there are seven or more authors, lis t the first six and then use “et al.” for remaining authors. If no author is identified, the title of the document begins the reference. For example,Wolchik, S. A., West, S. G., Sandler, I. N., Tein, J., Coatsworth, D., Lengua, L., et al. (2000). An experimental evaluation . . . .One-author entries precede multiple-author entries beginning with the same surname. For example,Alleyne, R. L. (2001). ….Alleyne, R. L., & Evans, A. J. (1999). ….References with exactly the same author (or authors in the same order) are arranged by year of publication, the earliest first. For example,Hewlett, L. S. (1996). ….Lewlett, L. S. (1999). ….Cabading, J. R., & Wright, K. (2000). ….Cabading, J. R., & Wright, K. (2001). ….References by the same author (or by the same two or more authors in the same order) with the same publication date are arranged alphabetically by the title (excluding A,An or The) that follows the date. However, if the references with the same authors published in the same year are identified as articles in a series (e.g., Part 1 and Part 2), order the references in the series order, not alphabetically by title. Lowercase letters – a, b, c, and so on – are placed immediately after the year, within the parentheses. For example,Baheti, J. R. (2001a). Control . . . .Baheti, J. R. (2001b). Roles of . . . .E. Publication date: Publication date is put in parentheses following authors, with a period following the closing parenthesis. If no publication date is identified, use“n.d.” in parentheses followi ng the authors. For any work accepted for publication but not yet printed, use “in press” in parentheses following the authors.F. Source reference: Include title, journal, volume, pages (for journal article) or title, city of publication, publisher (for book). Italicize titles of books, titles of periodicals, and periodical volume numbers but not titles of articles. Capitalize the major words of periodical names but not the major words of titles of books or articles.G. Publishers’ locations: Give the location (city and state for U.S. publishers, city, state or province if applicable, and country for publishers outside of the U. S.) of the publishers of books, reports, brochures, and other separate, nonperiodical publications. If the publisher is a university and the name of the state (or province) is included in the name of the university, do not repeat the name in the publisher location. The names of U.S. states and territories appear in the official two-letter U.S. Postal Service abbreviations. The following major and well-known locations can be listed without a state abbreviation or country: Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Amsterdam, Jerusalem, London, Milan, Moscow, Paris, Rome, Stockholm, Tokyo, Vienna.H. Examples of sources1. BooksPaloutzian, R. F. (1996). Invitation to the psychology of religion (2nd ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. (1971). Alcohol and health.Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.2. Book with no author or editorMerriam-Webster’s collegiate dictionary (10th ed.). (1993). Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster.3. Book with corporate author and publisher being identicalAmerican Psychiatric Association. (1994). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.4. Article or chapter in an edited bookJames, N. E. (1988). Two sides of paradise: The Eden myth according to Kirk and Spock. In D. Palumbo (Ed.), Spectrum of the fantastic (pp.219-223). Westport, CT: Greenwood.Cicero, T. J. (1979). A critique of animal analogues of alcoholism. In E.Majchrowicz & E. P. Noble (Eds.), Biochemistry and pharmacologyof ethanol (Volume 2, pp. 31-59). New York: Plenum Press.5. Journal articleMurzynski, J., & Degelman, D. (1996). Body language of women and judgments of vulnerability to sexual assault. Journal of AppliedSocial Psychology, 26, 1617-1626.[If, and only if, each issue of a journal begins on page 1, give the issue number in parentheses immediately after the volume number.]Wilcox, R. V. (1991). Shifting roles and synthetic women in Star Trek: The Next Generation. Studies in Popular Culture, 13(2), 53-65.6. Newspaper ArticleDi Rado, A. (1995, March 15). Trekking through college: Classes explore modern society using the world of Star Trek. Los Angeles Times, p. A3.7. Encyclopedia ArticleSturgeon, T. (1995). Science fiction. In The encyclopedia Americana (Vol. 24, pp.390-392). Danbury, CT: Grolier.8. Web document on university program or department Web siteDegelman, D., & Harris, M. L. (2000). APA style essentials. Retrieved October 28, 2010, from Vanguard University, Department ofPsychology Web site:/faculty/ddegelman/index.cfm?doc_id=796 [If information is obtained from a document on the Internet, provide the Internet address for the document at the end of the retrieval statement. Finish the retrieval statement with a period, unless it ends with an Internet address.]9. Data file, available from a Web siteDepartment of Health and Human Services, National Center for Health Statistics. (1991). National Health Provider Inventory Home healthagencies and hospices, 1991[Data file]. Available from NationalTechnical Information Service Web site: [Use “Available from” to indicate that the URL leads to information on how to obtain the cited material, rather than to the material itself. Precede the URL with a colon.]10. Stand-alone Web document (no date)Nielsen, M. E. (n.d.). Notable people in psychology of religion. Retrieved November 3, 2010, from/psyrelig/psyrelpr.htm11. Stand-alone Web document (no author, no date)Gender and society. (n.d.). Retrieved September 23, 2010, from/mkearl/gender.html12. Journal article from databaseHien, D., & Honeyman, T. (2000). A closer look at the drug abuse-maternal aggression link. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 15, 503-522.Retrieved October 20, 2010, from ProQuest database.[If information is retrieved from an aggregated database, providing the name of the database is sufficient and no address is needed.]13. Abstract from secondary databaseGarrity, K., & Degelman, D. (1990). Effect of server introduction on restaurant tipping. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 20, 168-172.Abstract retrieved September 23, 2010, from PsycINFO database.14. Journal article, Internet-only journalBergen, D. (2002, Spring). The role of pretend play in children's cognitive development. Early Childhood Research & Practice, 4(1). RetrievedOctober 15, 2010, from /v4n1/bergen.html15. ERIC DocumentFuss-Reineck, M. (1993). Sibling communication in Star Trek: The Next Generation: Conflicts between brothers. Miami, FL: Annual Meetingof the Speech Communication Association. (ERIC DocumentReproduction Service No. ED 364932)16. Unpublished paper presented at a meetingLanktree, C., & Briere, J. (1991, January). Early data on the Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children (TSC-C). Paper presented at themeeting of the American Professional Society on the Abuse ofChildren, San Diego, CA.Zhou, X., Taft, M., & Shu, H. (1995, December). Morphological, orthographic, and phonological structure in the Chinese mentallexicon. Paper presented at the Seventh International Conference onthe Cognitive Processing of Chinese and Other Asian Languages,Hong Kong, China.17.Unpublished doctoral dissertation and master’s thesisWilfley, D.E. (1989). Interpersonal analyses of bulimia: Normal-weight and obese. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Missouri,Columbia.Almeida, D.M. (1990). Fathers’ participation in family work: Consequences for fathers’ stress and father-child relations.Unpublished master’s thesis, University of Victoria, Victoria, BritishColumbia, Canada.18. Original version of a non-English [and non-Chinese] workIsing, M. (2000). Intensitǎtsabhǎngigkeit evozierter Potenzial im EEG: Sind impulsive Personen Augmenter oder Reducer? [Intensity dependence inevent-related EEG potentials: Are impulsive individuals augmenters orreducers?]. Zeitschrift fǔr Differentielle und Diagnostische Psychologie, 21,208-217.[If the original version of a non-English work is used as the source, cite the original version. Give the original title and, in brackets, the English translation. Usediacritical marks and capital letters for non-English words as done in the original language. And this only applies to a non-Chinese and non-English source.]19. Original version of a Chinese workWhen the original version of a Chinese work is used as the source, cite the original version as follows:顾曰国,(2010a),当代语言学的波形发展主题一:语言、符号与社会,《当代语言学》,3:193-219。
独生子女As we can see in our society , one-child family has accounted for greater proportion .So, it is necessary for us to cast a deep thought of this trend.First of all, it can greatly relieve the increasingly heavy burden of our national population. We can imagine that if every family has one child, then parents can care more about their only child. They can pay enough time to accompany their baby to have a happy time. Also , the child will enjoy better education environment which will has a long-term impactions to their future.Nevertheless, we should clearly understand that single child may become selfish , wayward and weak-minded. Whenever they will think themselves first beyond others, because they were overspoiled for long time. Their parent always give them whatever they want . Without siblings , they tend not to consider others’ feelings. When they ran into difficulties , they prefer to escape other than face up to it .Therefore , I strongly convinced that our society and family should make joint effort to build better growth environment . Single child should learn to inte grate themselves into others’ lives and how to work in a team through community activities. In order to embrace bright future , they must be brave to take responsibility for what they do .From 1980, one-child policy has been a momentous part of the family pl anning policy and played a certain role in controlling the rapid growth of population. But this policy is obviously of great disadvantages.First of all, China is entering the aging society and couples, both of whom are the only child, have to support four old. Supporting the old has beco me a prominent problem of family and society. One couple, both of who m are PhD, wants to make some achievements in their jobs after graduat ion. However, they have to support three aged parents, two of whom are in hospital. They even have no time and energy to bring up their own chi ldren. They are eager to have brothers and sisters, with whom they will b e able to share these responsibilities.Secondly, gender imbalance is serious. Men, five or six in ten, cannot find wives. Because of one-child policy, some couples go to the hospital to ch eck the fetus’s gender and will have an abortion if it is a female fetus. Thi rdly, the only child is prone to having a lot ofproblems. Since they are bor n, many only children have been doted on by numerous people, ending u p with having some bad habits, such as being afraid of hardships and cov eting enjoyment. Furthermore, quite a few only children are eccentric an d arrogant, which is not conducive to the development of interpersonal s kills. In addition, if the only child is ill or injured, his parents will be enor mously worried. Even worse, if the only children died and his parents have passed childbearing age, the parents will spend the rest of their lives in suffering and solitude.Given China’s current status of economy and society, if the one-child poli cy were kept on, the stability of family would be badly shaken and the de velopment of economy and society would be greatly impeded. Therefore , the nation should not continue to adhere to the one-child policy.私立学校Nowadays,more and more private schools have been set up in China.In my opinion,the private school has enough advantages to justify its existence and development in our country.For one thing,private schools can make up for the shortage of schools in our country. As is known to all,our country is a developing one and we have the largest population in the world.The demand for primary,secondary and advanced education is far beyond what the government can provide.With the setting up of private schools,the money of private persons and organizations is invested into education,thus relieving the financial burden of the government.The government can then use the limited amount of money in poorer areas and thus ensure more children’s rights to go to school.For another,private schools offer an objective environment to ensure the quality of education.Private schools are equipped with better living facilities and modern teaching equipment.Moreover,private schools offer higher pay for (their) teachers and they have attracted many highly qualified teachers.If the students can be well guided and disciplined and if they can work hard,they can really receive a better education.Maybe private schools can provide more talents and better constructers for our country.Of course,students in private schools may develop some undesirable traits,such as a sense of superiority.But such side effects can be minimized and even avoided through proper moral teaching.I believe private schools will do good to the Chinese education.深造After staying on campus for many years, some students become bored and can’ t wait to get a job. They are eager to lead a life that is less stressful intellectually and less pressing economically. In their eyes, a job can provide them with opportunities to solve problems that will demand a combination of both academic and practical knowledge.However, some students plan to continue their education in pursuing has her degree. As Far as academic preparation is concerned, the knowledge and skills acquired at an undergraduate level are far from adequate in the job market. It is a fact that an ever-increasing number of graduates are returning to school, motivated by the need to update their knowledge and enhance their skills. The news that graduates with higher degrees are better off is a direct result of the shrinking job market.All this indicates that a bachelor’ s degree can hardly qualify students for a competitive position. If I were able to choose for myself, I would prefer to stay and pursue an M.A. degree. I know my choice would mean a commitment of time and money. Opportunities, however, always take the form of hardships and risks. The days might be rigorous and painstaking, but they would certainly be fulfilling and rewarding, and would surely lead to a prosperous future.GapNowadays, the gap between the city and the countryside becomes more a nd more overt, which arouses colossal concerns. To understand the soluti on, let’s take a closer look at the causes of the gap at first.The main reason of the gap is the unequal investment between city and ru ral area. China is a typical example. While more and more money is bein g invested to the coastal areas and big cities, such as Beijing and Shangha i, the lack of investment barriers greatly the society development of rura l area and western regionsThe low education level partly sharps the gap. There is no doubt that the prime force of productivity is education. However, because of poverty, t housands of people go to work without graduating from primary schoo l. The poorer, the few children go to school. This bad cycle finally leads t o the dream of rich becoming a dream that is hard to realize. Moreover, the rural area is short of people with high quality. A survey pr oved that most of university students, whether they come from city or cou ntryside, choose big cities instead of poor areas to work. The rural area ca n neither adept talent man nor attract talent man. No wonder the gap is in creasing largely.Hence, The government ought to knock itself out to decrease the gap as s oon as possible. First, balance the investment between city and rural are a. In addition, the education level should be improved, especially pay atte ntion on raising high quality people. Besides, let more people realize the latent capacity of rural area in order to attract talent and investment. The s et up of CCTV channel12-western region channel is a good example. Only when the ways mentioned above are realized step by step, can the g ap between the cities and the countryside be bridged.我的研究领域是细胞生物学,主要通过分子手段研究癌症的发病机理。
梦想中的校园含五条规则 英语作文
梦想中的校园含五条规则英语作文Dream Campus with Five RulesIn my dream campus, there are five rules that students must follow to create a harmonious and safe learning environment. These rules are designed to promote respect, responsibility, and positivity among students and staff. Let's take a closer look at each of these rules:Rule 1: Respect for DiversityIn my dream campus, all students and staff are expected to respect and celebrate diversity in all its forms. This includes respecting different backgrounds, cultures, beliefs, and abilities. By embracing diversity, students can learn from one another and develop empathy and understanding for people who are different from themselves.Rule 2: No Bullying or DiscriminationBullying and discrimination have no place in my dream campus. Students who engage in hurtful behavior towards others will face consequences for their actions. This includes verbal, physical, and cyberbullying, as well as discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, or any other factor. Bypromoting a culture of kindness and inclusivity, students can feel safe and accepted in their learning environment.Rule 3: Academic IntegrityMaintaining academic integrity is essential in my dream campus. Students are expected to submit their own work and give credit to others for their ideas and research. Cheating, plagiarism, and any form of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. By upholding high standards of honesty and integrity, students can develop a strong work ethic and a sense of pride in their achievements.Rule 4: Environmental ResponsibilityIn my dream campus, students are encouraged to take care of their environment and promote sustainable practices. This includes recycling, conserving energy, and reducing waste. By being responsible stewards of the environment, students can contribute to a healthier planet and inspire others to do the same.Rule 5: Positive BehaviorIn my dream campus, students are expected to exhibit positive behavior at all times. This includes being respectful, responsible, and courteous to others. By fostering a culture ofpositivity and good citizenship, students can create a supportive and uplifting community where everyone feels valued and appreciated.In conclusion, the five rules in my dream campus promote respect, responsibility, and positivity among students and staff. By following these rules, students can create a welcoming and inclusive learning environment where everyone has the opportunity to thrive and succeed. Let's work together to make this dream a reality.。
由性别差异引起的问题或误解英文作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Girls and boys are different in many ways. Sometimes these differences can cause problems or misunderstandings between the two genders. Let me tell you about some of the things that can happen because of these differences.First of all, girls and boys often have different ways of communicating. Boys might be more direct and to the point, while girls might be more emotional and talkative. This can lead to misunderstandings because boys might think that girls are being too dramatic or chatty, while girls might think that boys are being too blunt or insensitive.Secondly, boys and girls can have different interests and hobbies. For example, boys might enjoy playing sports and roughhousing, while girls might prefer activities like drawing or playing with dolls. This can lead to problems when boys and girls try to play together, as they might not understand each other's preferences or ways of playing.Lastly, boys and girls can sometimes have different expectations for each other. For example, boys might expect girls to be more nurturing and caring, while girls might expect boys to be more protective and strong. This can lead to misunderstandings when one gender doesn't meet the expectations of the other.In conclusion, it's important for boys and girls to understand and respect each other's differences. By communicating openly and honestly, and by being open to trying new things and seeing things from the other person's perspective, boys and girls can overcome the problems and misunderstandings that can arise from their gender differences. Let's all try to be understanding and accepting of each other, no matter what gender we are!篇2Title: Boys vs Girls: The Great DivideHey guys, have you ever noticed how boys and girls are so different from each other? It's like they're from different planets sometimes! But hey, that's what makes life interesting, right? Let me tell you about some of the funny things that happen because of these gender differences.First of all, boys and girls have totally different interests. Boys like to play with trucks and cars, while girls love to play with dolls and dress up. It's like boys are all about action and girls are all about imagination. Sometimes it's hard for us to understand each other's hobbies, but hey, we can always try, right?Secondly, boys and girls communicate in such different ways. Boys are all like, "Yo, bro, what's up?" while girls are all like, "Oh my gosh, did you hear what she said?" It's like boys are straightforward and girls are all about drama and emotions. Sometimes we misunderstand each other because of these differences, but hey, communication is key, right?Lastly, boys and girls have different ways of solving problems. Boys like to tackle things head-on, while girls like to talk things out and find a solution together. It's like boys are all about independence and competition, while girls are all about cooperation and connection. Sometimes we clash because of these different approaches, but hey, we can always learn from each other, right?So guys, let's embrace our gender differences and celebrate the uniqueness of boys and girls. We may not always see eye to eye, but that's what makes life so colorful and fun! Remember, it's all about understanding, communication, and respect. Let'snavigate the great divide between boys and girls with kindness and empathy. Together, we can create a world where everyone feels heard and valued. Boys and girls, unite!篇3Gender differences can sometimes lead to misunderstandings and problems. Boys and girls are different in many ways, such as the way they communicate, play, and think. These differences can sometimes cause conflict and confusion. Let's take a closer look at some common misunderstandings between boys and girls.One big misunderstanding is in the way boys and girls communicate. Boys tend to be more direct and straightforward, while girls often use more indirect and subtle forms of communication. This can lead to boys misinterpreting girls' signals and vice versa. For example, a boy might think a girl is mad at him when she is just trying to be polite. And a girl might think a boy is not interested in her when he is just being shy.Another issue is in the way boys and girls play. Boys often prefer rough and competitive games, while girls tend to enjoy more collaborative and cooperative activities. This can lead to boys and girls not wanting to play together or feeling left out. It'simportant for boys and girls to understand and respect each other's play styles so that everyone can have fun together.There is also a difference in the way boys and girls think and problem solve. Boys tend to be more analytical and logical, while girls are often more intuitive and empathetic. This can lead to boys and girls approaching situations in different ways and sometimes not understanding each other's perspectives. It's important for boys and girls to listen to each other and try to see things from the other person's point of view.Overall, it's important for boys and girls to communicate openly and respectfully with each other. By understanding and appreciating each other's differences, boys and girls can prevent misunderstandings and build stronger friendships. Let's all work together to bridge the gap between boys and girls and create a more inclusive and harmonious world!篇4Gender differences can sometimes cause problems or misunderstandings between boys and girls. It's not that one is better than the other, but sometimes we just see things differently. Let's talk about some of the issues that can come up because of these differences.One big problem is communication. Girls often like to talk about their feelings and emotions, while boys might not be as comfortable doing that. So when a girl wants to talk about how she's feeling, a boy might not know how to respond. This can lead to misunderstandings and hurt feelings.Another issue is the way boys and girls play. Boys might like to play rough and be loud, while girls prefer quieter, more gentle play. This can cause problems when they're playing together, because they might not understand each other's style of play.Sometimes, boys and girls also have different interests. Boys might like sports and cars, while girls prefer dolls and princesses. This can make it hard for them to find common ground and enjoy activities together.But it's important to remember that these differences are just that – differences. They don't mean that one gender is better than the other. Boys and girls can learn to appreciate and respect each other's differences, and even celebrate them.By communicating openly, being understanding of each other's play styles, and finding common interests, boys and girls can overcome the problems and misunderstandings that come from gender differences. Remember, we're all in this together, regardless of whether we're a boy or a girl.篇5Title: Boys and Girls are Different: Common MisunderstandingsHey guys! Have you ever noticed that boys and girls are different? Sometimes, these differences can cause problems or misunderstandings. Let's talk about a few of them!First of all, boys and girls have different interests. Boys might like playing sports or roughhousing, while girls might prefer playing with dolls or doing art projects. This can sometimes lead to misunderstandings, like when a boy wants to play football and a girl wants to paint. It's important to remember that it's okay to like different things and to respect each other's interests.Another common misunderstanding is about emotions. Boys are often told to be tough and not show their feelings, while girls are encouraged to be more emotional. This can lead to boys feeling like they can't express themselves or girls being seen as overly emotional. It's important to remember that it's okay for everyone to express their feelings in their own way, whether they are a boy or a girl.Lastly, there can be misunderstandings about friendships. Boys and girls might have different ways of making friends orinteracting with each other. Boys might tease each other as a way of showing friendship, while girls might be more supportive and communicative. This difference in communication styles can sometimes lead to confusion or hurt feelings. It's important to remember that everyone has their own way of making friends and that it's important to respect each other's boundaries.In conclusion, boys and girls are different in many ways, but that's what makes the world interesting! By understanding and respecting these differences, we can avoid misunderstandings and build stronger relationships with each other. So next time you notice a difference between boys and girls, remember to embrace it and appreciate the unique qualities that each gender brings to the table.篇6Gender differences can sometimes cause misunderstandings and problems between boys and girls. It's like we're from different planets and we just don't understand each other's ways. But hey, that doesn't mean we can't try to bridge the gap and learn from each other, right?One big problem that comes up because of gender differences is communication. Girls are usually more talkativeand like to share their feelings and thoughts with others. Boys, on the other hand, are sometimes not so good at expressing their emotions and may prefer to keep things to themselves. This can lead to misunderstandings because girls might think boys don't care or aren't listening, when really they just find it hard to open up.Another issue is how boys and girls deal with their emotions. Girls tend to be more sensitive and may cry or get upset more easily. Boys, on the other hand, might try to hide their feelings or act tough. This can lead to misunderstandings because girls might think boys are being insensitive, when really they just have a different way of coping.Gender differences can also cause problems when it comes to interests and hobbies. Boys and girls might like different things, like sports for boys and arts and crafts for girls. This can make it hard to find common ground and do things together. But hey, who says we can't try new things and expand our horizons? Maybe boys can try painting or girls can get into playing soccer. It's all about breaking down stereotypes and having fun!So, even though gender differences can sometimes lead to misunderstandings and problems, let's remember that we're allhuman beings with feelings and emotions. Let's try to understand and respect each other's differences, and who knows, we might just learn something new and make some awesome friends along the way!。
关键词:学习策略英语语言水平相关性1. 引言关于学习策略,国外的研究始于70年代,我国则起步于80年代,目前已形成较成熟的系统。
2. 研究方法本研究以河海大学英语专业的80名学生为调查对象,其中,大二、大四学生各40名,分别代表低年级和高年级。
3. 结果与讨论3.1. 英语水平与学习策略的总体使用情况注: *p<0.05,**p<0.01如表1所示,80名受试者学习策略的总体使用情况为”一般”,且英语水平与学习策略的总体使用情况显著正向相关(sig.<0.05),这一结果与green & oxford的研究结果有着明显的相同之处(1995)。
关于灵感英文作文高中作文Paragraph 1: Inspiration can strike at any moment, like a lightning bolt illuminating the dark sky. It can come from the simplest of things, like a conversation with a stranger or a walk in the park. It's that sudden surge of creativity that makes you feel alive, like you're on the verge of discovering something extraordinary.Paragraph 2: Sometimes, inspiration is found in the most unexpected places. It could be in the lyrics of a song that resonates with your soul or in the brushstrokes of a painting that speaks to your emotions. These moments of inspiration are like little sparks that ignite a firewithin you, pushing you to explore new ideas and perspectives.Paragraph 3: The beauty of inspiration lies in its ability to transcend boundaries. It doesn't discriminate based on age, gender, or nationality. It can be found in the young and the old, the rich and the poor. It's auniversal language that connects us all, reminding us of our shared humanity and the power of our imagination.Paragraph 4: Sometimes, inspiration comes in waves, flooding your mind with a torrent of ideas. Other times,it's a gentle breeze that whispers softly, urging you to take a closer look at the world around you. No matter its form, inspiration is a force that propels us forward, urging us to take action and make a difference.Paragraph 5: However, inspiration is not always easy to come by. It can be elusive, hiding in the shadows and playing hide-and-seek with our minds. But when we least expect it, it appears, like a ray of sunshine breaking through the clouds. It's in those moments that we realize the true power of inspiration and its ability to transform our lives.Paragraph 6: In the end, inspiration is a gift that should be cherished and nurtured. It's what drives us to dream big, to push boundaries, and to create something meaningful. So, let's embrace the sparks of inspirationthat come our way and let them guide us on our journey of self-discovery and personal growth.。
这些成就值得关注英语作文Achievements Worth Noting。
In life, there are certain achievements that are truly worth noting. These achievements are not just about personal success, but also about making a positive impact on the world around us. Whether it's in the field of education, science, or social change, these achievements have the power to inspire and motivate others to strive for greatness. Let's take a closer look at some of these noteworthy accomplishments.One of the most significant achievements worth noting is the advancement of education. In today's fast-paced and competitive world, education plays a crucial role in shaping the future of individuals and societies. Over the years, there have been numerous individuals and organizations that have made significant contributions to the field of education. From the establishment of innovative teaching methods to the development ofeducational technologies, these achievements have helped to improve the quality of education and provide equal opportunities for all.Another area of achievement worth noting is theprogress in science and technology. From groundbreaking discoveries in medicine to the development of cutting-edge technologies, these achievements have had a profound impact on our lives. Whether it's the invention of life-saving medications or the creation of sustainable energy solutions, these accomplishments have helped to improve the quality of life for people around the world. They have also paved the way for new possibilities and advancements in various fields.In addition to education and science, achievements in social change are also worth noting. Throughout history, there have been individuals and movements that have worked tirelessly to bring about positive change in society. From the fight for civil rights to the push for gender equality, these achievements have helped to create a more just and equitable world. They have inspired others to stand up fortheir rights and work towards a better future for all.Furthermore, achievements in the arts and culture are also worth celebrating. Whether it's the creation of a timeless piece of literature or the production of a groundbreaking work of art, these achievements have the power to inspire and move us. They have the ability to transcend boundaries and bring people together through the power of creativity and expression.In conclusion, there are numerous achievements worth noting in the world. Whether it's in the field of education, science, social change, or the arts, these accomplishments have the power to inspire and motivate us. They remind usof the incredible potential that lies within each of us and the positive impact that we can have on the world around us. As we continue to strive for greatness, let's not forget to celebrate and acknowledge these remarkable achievements.。
重男轻女介绍英语作文Title: Gender Discrimination: A Closer Look at Favoring Sons Over Daughters。
Gender discrimination, particularly favoring sons over daughters, is a prevalent issue in many societies worldwide. This bias manifests in various aspects of life, fromfamilial roles to societal expectations. In this essay, we delve into the phenomenon of "重男轻女" (Chóng nán qīngnǚ) or favoring sons over daughters, exploring its implications and potential solutions.To begin with, it's essential to acknowledge the historical and cultural roots of this bias. In many traditional societies, including parts of Asia, sons are often seen as heirs who carry on the family name and lineage. They are expected to provide for their parents in old age and inherit property, continuing the family legacy. On the other hand, daughters are often considered aliability, as they are expected to marry and join theirhusband's family, thereby no longer contributing directly to their natal family.This mindset is deeply ingrained and can have profound effects on both individual families and society as a whole. For instance, parents may invest more resources in their sons' education and healthcare, leading to disparities in opportunities and outcomes between sons and daughters. Additionally, the preference for sons can perpetuate harmful stereotypes and reinforce gender inequality, limiting women's autonomy and agency.Furthermore, gender discrimination can have long-term economic consequences. When daughters are systematically undervalued and disadvantaged, it hampers their ability to participate fully in the workforce and contribute to the economy. This not only perpetuates cycles of poverty but also stifles societal progress and innovation.Addressing the issue of favoring sons over daughters requires a multifaceted approach involving changes at both the individual and societal levels. Firstly, raisingawareness about gender equality and challenging traditional gender roles is crucial. Education plays a pivotal role in this regard, as it empowers individuals to questionexisting norms and advocate for change.Secondly, implementing policies and initiatives that promote gender equality and protect women's rights is essential. This includes laws against gender-based discrimination in areas such as education, employment, and inheritance rights. Additionally, providing support services for vulnerable populations, such as single mothers and female-headed households, can help mitigate the effects of gender discrimination.Moreover, fostering a culture of inclusivity and respect for diversity is paramount. This involves promoting positive representations of women in the media, challenging stereotypes, and celebrating the achievements of women in various fields. By promoting gender equality as a societal value, we can create a more equitable and inclusive environment for future generations.In conclusion, the phenomenon of favoring sons over daughters reflects deep-seated gender biases that have persisted for generations. However, by raising awareness, implementing policy changes, and fostering a culture of inclusivity, we can work towards dismantling these barriers and building a more equitable society for all. It's time to recognize the inherent value and potential of every individual, regardless of their gender.。
gender different英语作文
gender different英语作文Gender differences refer to the distinctions and disparities between men and women in terms of biology, behavior, and societal roles. These differences have been a topic of interest and discussion for centuries, as they play a significant role in shaping individuals' experiences and interactions within society.Biologically, men and women have distinct physical characteristics that differentiate them from one another. Men typically have more muscle mass, higher levels of testosterone, and different reproductive organs compared to women. These biological differences can influence various aspects of individuals' lives, such as their athletic abilities, susceptibility to certain health conditions, and even their lifespan.In terms of behavior, gender differences can also be observed in the ways men and women express themselves, communicate, and interact with others. Studies have shown that men tend to be more assertive and competitive, while women are often more nurturing and empathetic. These differences can impact individuals' relationships, career choices, and overall well-being.Furthermore, societal roles and expectations also contribute to gender differences. In many cultures, men are traditionally seen as breadwinners and decision-makers, while women are viewed as caregivers and homemakers. These gender roles can shape individuals' opportunities, rights, and freedoms, leading to disparities in education, employment, and leadership positions.Despite these differences, it is essential to recognize that gender is a social construct and that not all individuals fit neatly into traditional male or female categories. Non-binary, genderqueer, and transgender individuals challenge traditional notions of gender, highlighting the fluidity and diversity of human experiences.In conclusion, gender differences are complex and multifaceted, encompassing biological, behavioral, and societal aspects of individuals' lives. By acknowledging and understanding these differences, we can work towards creating a more inclusive and equitable society for all genders. As we continue to explore and celebrate the diversity of gender identities, we move closer to realizing true equality and respect for all individuals, regardless of their gender.。
Gender Discrimination in Urban Settings: ACloser LookUrban areas, often perceived as hubs of progress and equality, sometimes hide subtle yet significant gender biases. These biases, whether conscious or unconscious, profoundly affect women's daily lives, limiting their opportunities and potential. In today's world, where the urbanization process is accelerating rapidly, it becomes crucial to recognize and address these issues.In many cities, women face challenges ranging from simple inconveniences like inadequate infrastructure for women's safety to more serious issues such as limited access to education and career advancement opportunities. The lack of representation of women in leadership positions within urban governance further underscores this problem. Such disparities not only hinder individual growth but also impede societal progress as a whole.Moreover, cultural norms and traditional beliefs often persist in urban settings, reinforcing outdated ideas about gender roles and responsibilities. This can manifest in subtle forms of discrimination that are difficult toidentify and address. For instance, advertisements and media representations frequently promote male-dominated lifestyles, reinforcing stereotypes about what constitutes "success" or "power."To combat these challenges effectively, it is essential to raise awareness among urban dwellers about the existence and impact of gender biases. Educational programs should be implemented at all levels—from schools to communities—to promote gender equality and inclusivity. Additionally, policies and laws need to be strengthened to ensure equal rights and opportunities for both genders in all aspects of urban life. By taking concerted efforts from multiple stakeholders—including governments, civil society organizations, and individuals—we can create truly inclusive and equitable urban environments where every person can flourish regardless of their gender identity.---**城市中的性别歧视:近距离观察**城市地区通常被视为进步和平等的枢纽,但有时却隐藏着微妙但却重要的性别偏见。
全文分为作者个人简介和正文两个部分:作者个人简介:Hello everyone, I am an author dedicated to creating and sharing high-quality document templates. In this era of information overload, accurate and efficient communication has become especially important. I firmly believe that good communication can build bridges between people, playing an indispensable role in academia, career, and daily life. Therefore, I decided to invest my knowledge and skills into creating valuable documents to help people find inspiration and direction when needed.正文:让偶像精神照亮时代演讲稿英语作文800字全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Let the Spirit of Idols Illuminate the EraMy fellow students, esteemed faculty, and honored guests, I stand before you today filled with passion and conviction. Our generation faces an era of unprecedented challenges, from thelooming threat of climate change to the growing divides within our societies. In times like these, we must seek inspiration and guidance from the beacons that shine brightest – our beloved idols.You may question the relevance of idols in addressing the weighty issues that confront us. However, I argue that the very essence of what idols represent – unwavering dedication, resilience in the face of adversity, and the ability to unite disparate groups through their art – is precisely what we need to navigate these turbulent waters.Think of the countless hours our idols have dedicated to honing their craft, sacrificing countless nights of sleep and moments of leisure. Their determination is unparalleled, their work ethic unmatched. Is this not the level of commitment we must embody to tackle the monumental challenges before us? Whether it is developing sustainable energy solutions or bridging societal divides, we must approach these tasks with the same single-minded focus that our idols bring to their performances.Moreover, our idols have endured immense pressure and scrutiny, their every move dissected and criticized by legions of fans and critics alike. Yet, they have emerged from these trialsstronger, more resilient, and more determined than ever. Their ability to weather storms and persevere in the face of adversity is a testament to the human spirit, and a quality we must cultivate within ourselves.In our quest to create a better world, we will inevitably encounter setbacks, obstacles, and naysayers. But if our idols can withstand the relentless glare of the spotlight and continue to shine, then surely we can muster the fortitude to confront the challenges that lie ahead. Their resilience should serve as a beacon, guiding us through the darkest moments and reminding us that perseverance, no matter how arduous the journey, will ultimately lead to triumph.But perhaps the greatest gift our idols have bestowed upon us is their ability to unite diverse groups through the universal language of music and performance. Transcending boundaries of race, creed, and nationality, their art has brought together millions of individuals, fostering a sense of community and shared purpose.In our increasingly polarized world, where divisions run deep and understanding seems elusive, we would do well to emulate this unifying spirit. For it is only through coming together,embracing our differences, and finding common ground that we can hope to solve the complex issues that plague our societies.Imagine if we could harness the power of our idols' performances, using it not merely for entertainment, but as a catalyst for positive change. What if their concerts became rallying points for environmental activism, their lyrics a clarion call for social justice? By tapping into the universal appeal of their art, we could mobilize millions towards a common cause, amplifying our voices and increasing our chances of effecting meaningful change.But let us not merely idolize these figures from afar. Instead, let us internalize the qualities that have made them beacons of hope and inspiration. Let us cultivate their unwavering dedication, their resilience in the face of adversity, and their ability to unite diverse groups through our own actions and endeavors.For it is not enough to simply admire our idols; we must strive to emulate them, to embody the very principles that have made them icons. Only then can we truly harness the transformative power of their spirit and use it to illuminate the path forward, guiding us towards a brighter, more just, and more sustainable future.My fellow students, the challenges we face are daunting, but they are not insurmountable. By looking to our idols as sources of inspiration and embodying the qualities that have made them legendary, we can summon the strength, determination, and unity necessary to confront these obstacles head-on.So let us raise our voices in unison, joining the chorus of millions who have been uplifted and inspired by the spirit of our idols. Let their unwavering dedication fuel our own pursuits, their resilience fortify our resolve, and their unifying power bridge the divides that separate us.Together, we can harness the transformative power of this spirit, using it as a beacon to illuminate the path towards a better world – a world where sustainability reigns, justice prevails, and unity triumphs over division.The road ahead is long and arduous, but with the spirit of our idols as our guide, we shall emerge victorious, leaving a legacy that will inspire generations to come.Thank you, and may the spirit of our idols forever shine upon us.篇2My Fellow Students and Honored Guests,In this era of rapidly evolving technology and globalization, it's easy to feel lost, disconnected from our roots and true selves. The pressures of modern life can be overwhelming, making us chase superficial goals and lose sight of what really matters. However, I believe there is a guiding light that can help illuminate our path forward – the spirit of idols.Now, I know what some of you might be thinking – "Idols? Really? Aren't those just pretty faces used to sell products?" But I would argue that the true essence of idols goes far beyond mere commercial exploitation. At their core, idols represent something deeper, something that resonates with the hopes, dreams and aspirations of youth across generations.Think about it – what draws us to our favorite idols? Is it just their looks or talents? Or is it the way they carry themselves with poise, passion and an indomitable spirit that seems to defy the constraints of our ordinary lives? Great idols don't just entertain us; they inspire us to be better versions of ourselves.They give us someone to look up to, ideals to strive towards. Their music, dance, fashion and very existence become symbols of the ambitions we harbor in our hearts but sometimes struggle to express. When we see our idols overcome challenges, push boundaries and achieve their wildest dreams through sheer hardwork and dedication, it fills us with belief that we too can make the impossible possible.In that sense, the spirit of idols is really about more than just the individuals themselves. It's about tapping into a greater sense of possibility, potential and personal empowerment that often lies dormant within the human spirit, waiting to be awakened and unleashed upon the world.Just look at the incredible impact idols have had throughout history and across cultures. From The Beatles ushering in a cultural revolution with their innovative sound andanti-establishment attitudes, to Michael Jackson redefining the concept of a modern music icon through his peerless performances and humanitarian endeavors.Closer to home, we've seen idols like Beyonce use their platform to promote gender equality, body positivity and Black empowerment. Or K-pop phenoms like BTS, who have harnessed the spirit of youth to spread uplifting messages of self-love, philosophical introspection and connectedness in our era of loneliness and disconnection.At their best, idols don't just give us bops to dance and sing along to. They give us anthems that stir our souls and spur us to action. Their very existence challenges us to dream bigger, workharder and become the champions of our own lives that we've always wanted to be.Of course, it would be naive to say that the world of idols and entertainment is perfect or devoid of issues. There are problems with exploitation, manufactured images, and the dark side of obsessive fan cultures that we cannot ignore. However, I would argue that the core, uplifting spirit of what idols represent is too valuable to discard entirely.What we need to do is learn to separate the empowering essence of idols from the toxic trappings of the industry. We must celebrate idols as inspirational trailblazers and role models, while still maintaining a healthy grip on reality. Applaud their talents and messages, but don't dehumanize or idolize them to an unhealthy degree. Let their light inspire you, but ensure that you are ultimately illuminating your own path.Because at the end of the day, that's what the spirit of idols should really be about – finding the courage and motivation to actively pursue our own dreams and become the realized,self-actualized versions of ourselves that we know we can be in our heart of hearts.So as we go forth into this rapidly changing world, let us carry the spirit of our idols with us. But let's also vow to becomethe idols that future generations will look up to and emulate. The idols that will inspire others through our passion, creativity, resilience and willingness to lift up those around us.Let's become the living embodiment of the values we admire most in our icons – authenticity, positivity, self-expression, and an unshakeable belief in our ability to shape our own destinies and bend the arc of the universe ever closer towards justice, beauty and truth.Only then can we truly allow the eternal, effervescent spirit of idols to shine its luminous, regenerative light upon this era and all those to come. And in doing so, ensure that our potential – and that of future generations – burns brighter than a million stars.Thank you.篇3My fellow students, teachers, and honored guests, I stand before you today filled with passion and conviction about a topic that resonates deeply within the hearts and minds of our generation – the undeniable influence and power of idols.In our ever-evolving world, where change is the only constant, we often find ourselves grappling with uncertaintiesand complexities that can leave us feeling adrift. It is during these times of uncertainty that we turn to those who inspire us, those who ignite our souls with their talents, their charisma, and their unwavering determination. These beacons of hope, these idols, possess the remarkable ability to transcend boundaries, unite diverse communities, and spark a fire within us that propels us forward.To truly understand the essence of an idol, we must first explore the depths of their journey. They are not merely entertainers or public figures, but rather, they are individuals who have dedicated their lives to honing their craft, pushing past limitations, and embracing the arduous path to greatness. Their relentless pursuit of excellence serves as a testament to the indomitable human spirit, reminding us that with unwavering dedication and an unyielding belief in ourselves, we can achieve the extraordinary.Idols wield an incredible power – the power to inspire. Through their music, their performances, and their very presence, they have the capacity to ignite emotions within us that transcend language, culture, and borders. Their lyrics become anthems that resonate with our deepest hopes and fears, their melodies become the soundtracks to our lives, and their movesbecome the embodiment of raw passion and energy. In their artistry, we find solace, empowerment, and a profound connection that transcends the boundaries of our individual experiences.Moreover, idols have the remarkable ability to unite diverse communities, transcending the divisive forces that so often plague our world. Their universal appeal knows no bounds, as their talent and authenticity resonate across continents, cultures, and generations. In their presence, we are reminded of our shared humanity, our collective dreams, and our inherent desire to belong to something greater than ourselves. They become beacons of unity, rallying us together under the banner of shared admiration and respect.Yet, the true power of idols extends far beyond the realms of entertainment and adoration. They possess the remarkable ability to shape minds, influence perspectives, and ignite societal change. Through their platforms and their voices, they have the opportunity to raise awareness about crucial issues, challenge societal norms, and inspire us to be agents of positive transformation. Their words and actions have the potential to resonate across generations, leaving an indelible mark on the collective consciousness of our era.As we stand at the precipice of a new era, one marked by unprecedented challenges and opportunities, it is imperative that we harness the spirit of idols to guide us forward. Let their resilience, their passion, and their unwavering determination serve as beacons, illuminating the path ahead. Let their artistry and their authenticity remind us of the boundless potential that lies within each and every one of us.To the idols of our time, we owe a debt of gratitude. For it is through your tireless efforts, your unwavering dedication, and your ability to touch our hearts and souls that we find the strength and inspiration to embrace our dreams, confront our fears, and forge a brighter future for ourselves and for generations to come.In this era of unprecedented change and uncertainty, let us rally together, united by the spirit of idols. Let their voices echo through the halls of our institutions, their melodies resonate within the confines of our communities, and their passion ignite a fire within us that burns brighter than ever before. For it is through this collective embrace of the spirit of idols that we shall illuminate the path forward, ushering in a new era of hope, unity, and boundless possibility.Thank you, and may the spirit of idols forever guide us on our journey towards a brighter, more harmonious, and more inspired future.。
SCIENCE &TECHNOLOGY VISION 科技视界0Introduction Since its first premiere in 2004,Desperate Housewives hasreceived marvelous popularity and good reputation at home and abroad.Being a successful American television comedy-dramamystery,it also receives highly praise from former American first lady.The show is set in a fictional street named Wisteria Lane,which locates in the fictitious American town of Fairview in the Eagle State.The plot of the first season starts with the sudden suicide of Mary Alice Young,a neighbor of the four heroines.After her death,she serves as a story teller and by⁃stander to witness her neighbors’lives.Being the representa⁃tives of American bourgeoisie,the four housewives possess abeautiful and seemingly perfect suburban life seeing from the outside,while they should face to many secrets,crimes andmysteries hidden behind their own doors and their neighbors’.The desperate housewives are the absolutely leading char⁃acters in the whole story.They work through domestic struggle and family life.They represent different kinds of values and world views.It would be no exaggeration to say that every wom⁃an can find her own life from it.Maybe that is the most impor⁃tant reason for its great popularity.It is easy for the TV viewersto hold the same feeling,witness their own life being brought to the screen and draw constructive suggestions from the plot.Itreally plays an excellent role in reflecting the real life.Many factors contribute to the success of DesperateHousewives .Among them,the excellent lines are the most obvi⁃ous one.When we take a closer look at the lines,we can easily find out that there are many differences between the male and female in terms of the talking styles and other aspects.This pa⁃per selects some representative lines as the material of discourse analysis to demonstrate the different language style between the male and the female.1Language and genderLanguage and gender is an important research field withinthe domain of sociolinguistics.Because of some biological and social factors,the language spoken by male and female is differ⁃ent in many aspects.For example,the female tend to speak in amore standard way and their pronunciations are more formalthan the males’.The hedges such as “sort of”,“I guess”,“I think”are easily found in the women’s language.These expres⁃sions reflect the uncertainty and powerlessness of women’slanguage.While the language uttered by the male seem to be 《绝望主妇》中女性话语分析艾永芳(中山大学外国语学院广东广州510275)【摘要】语言与性别是社会语言学的一个重大研究领域。
存在的问题和面临的挑战英语As our society advances, we are faced with a variety of problems and challenges that affect our daily lives. These problems and challenges vary from economic issues to political concerns and social ills that all have a negative impact on our lives. In the following paragraphs, we will take a closer look at some of the primary problems and challenges that we face today and explore possible solutions to address these issues.The economic problems we face today are complex and multi-layered. With the recent financial crisis, we have experienced a decline in economic growth, high unemployment rates, and an increase in social inequality. These issues undermine the general welfare of the population and negatively impact the quality of life of all those involved. Some of the possible solutions to these economic problems include promoting innovation and encouraging investment in high-potential sectors. This could be through government funding and investment incentives. Another solution could be to create more job opportunities for the disadvantaged, and this could be through education training programs, mentorship initiatives, and internships.Political issues are another category of problems that we face. From a global perspective, terrorism threats, regional conflicts, and political polarization are some of the majorchallenges we face. These issues have destabilized various parts of the world and have hindered the development of many nations. Although the problems are complex, some of the possible solutions include promoting peaceful dialogue, promotingcross-cultural communication, and increasing support for conflict resolution efforts. In addition, we need to enhance political accountability mechanisms, provide access to justice and strengthen governance institutions, and transparency.Social ills are also a significant problem that requires urgent attention. Social issues such as poverty, inequality and discrimination continue to mar progress. These issues must be addressed because they are detrimental to our society. Possible solutions to these problems include improving education standards, developing better housing facilities, offering skills training and supporting the disadvantaged through various social programs. Furthermore, we need to address discrimination by promoting tolerance and diversity, combating gender-based and sexual violence, and creating dialogue about social issues, and establishing effective support mechanisms.In conclusion, the challenges we face today are multifaceted and complex, each requiring a unique set of solutions and approaches. While it may be not easy, we must work together as a society to address and overcome these issues. We must continue to innovate, collaborate, communicate and uphold the principles of equality and justice. Only then can we enjoy a safer,fairer and more prosperous future. It is our collective responsibility and a challenge we must rise up to.。
英语寓言中的性别差异作文In the realm of English literature, fables have long been a vehicle for imparting moral lessons and societal norms. These short stories, often featuring animals or inanimate objects as characters, serve as a microcosm of human behavior and values. However, a closer examination of these fables reveals a historical tendency to reflect and perpetuate gender differences, which can be both subtle and overt.Traditional Gender RolesOne of the most apparent gender differences in English fables is the portrayal of traditional gender roles. Male characters are frequently depicted as heroes, leaders, or智者 (sages), embodying traits such as courage, strength, and wisdom. In contrast, female characters are often portrayed as nurturing figures, damsels in distress, or even villains, with roles that emphasize beauty, passivity, and emotionality.For example, in "The Lion and the Mouse," the lion, a male figure, represents power and magnanimity, while the mouse, though small and seemingly insignificant, demonstrates gratitude and resourcefulness. The story conveys the moral that even the most powerful can have their vulnerabilities, and those perceived as weak can be surprisingly capable. However, the gendered roles are clear: the lion, as a male,is the epitome of strength, and the mouse, though not explicitly female, does not challenge traditional genderexpectations.Subversion and EvolutionIn more recent times, there has been a shift in the portrayal of gender in fables. Modern storytellers are increasingly subverting traditional gender roles to challenge stereotypes and promote gender equality. Characters are now more likely to display a mix of traits that were once considered gender-specific.For instance, in contemporary retellings of classic fables, we might see female characters taking on roles traditionally held by males, such as leaders or problem solvers. This shift reflects a broader societal move towards gender neutrality and the recognition of diverse gender identities.The Impact on Young ReadersThe gender differences presented in fables can have a profound impact on young readers. Children often look to stories for guidance on how to behave and interact with the world. By presenting a more diverse and equal representation of gender roles, modern fables can help to shape a generation that is less constrained by traditional gender norms.ConclusionEnglish fables, while entertaining and educational, have historically reinforced gender differences. However, as society evolves, so too do these stories, offeringopportunities to challenge and reshape gender norms. By critically examining the gender differences in fables, both traditional and modern, we can foster a more inclusive and equitable understanding of gender roles for future generations.。
衣服广告海报英语作文模板标题,A Closer Look at Clothing Advertisement Posters。
Introduction:Clothing advertisement posters have become ubiquitous in our modern society, adorning billboards, magazines, and online platforms. These posters serve as powerful tools for brands to communicate their message and attract consumers. In this essay, we will delve into the various elements of clothing advertisement posters and analyze their effectiveness.Body:1. Visual Elements:Images: Clothing advertisement posters often feature models showcasing the latest designs. These images are carefully selected to appeal to the target audience andconvey a certain lifestyle associated with the brand.Color Palette: Bright and eye-catching colors are commonly used to grab viewers' attention. The choice of colors reflects the brand's identity and the mood they want to evoke.Typography: Bold and stylish fonts are employed to highlight key messages such as brand names, slogans, and promotional offers. The typography contributes to theoverall aesthetic appeal of the poster.2. Message Conveyance:Brand Identity: Clothing advertisement posters aimto reinforce the brand's identity and distinguish it from competitors. Through consistent visual elements and messaging, brands establish a recognizable identity in the minds of consumers.Product Features: Posters highlight the unique features and benefits of the clothing line, such as comfort,durability, and style. This information helps consumers make informed purchasing decisions.Aspirational Lifestyle: Many clothing advertisements portray an aspirational lifestyle associated with wearing their products. Whether it's luxury, athleticism, or sophistication, brands create a narrative that resonateswith their target audience's desires and aspirations.3. Target Audience:Demographics: Clothing brands tailor their advertisement posters to appeal to specific demographics, such as age, gender, and socio-economic status. For example, posters targeting teenagers may feature youthful models and trendy designs, while those targeting professionals may emphasize professionalism and sophistication.Psychographics: Understanding the values, attitudes, and lifestyles of their target audience allows brands to create more compelling and relevant advertisements. Posters may evoke emotions such as confidence, empowerment, orexclusivity to resonate with consumers on a deeper level.4. Placement and Distribution:Strategic Locations: Clothing advertisement posters are strategically placed in high-traffic areas such as shopping malls, public transportation stations, and social media platforms frequented by the target audience. This maximizes exposure and enhances brand visibility.Multichannel Approach: Brands utilize a variety of channels to distribute their advertisement posters, including print media, digital platforms, and outdoor advertising. This ensures that the message reaches consumers through multiple touchpoints, reinforcing brand awareness and engagement.Conclusion:Clothing advertisement posters are dynamic and multifaceted marketing tools that play a crucial role in shaping consumer perceptions and driving purchasingbehavior. By leveraging visual elements, conveying compelling messages, understanding their target audience, and strategically distributing their posters, clothing brands can effectively engage consumers and achieve their marketing objectives. As we continue to embrace technological advancements and evolving consumer preferences, the landscape of clothing advertisement posters will undoubtedly evolve, yet their significance in the fashion industry will remain steadfast.。
Gua Ailing was born on January 5th, 1996, in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, China. She developed an interest in music at a youngage and started writing her own songs when she was just a teenager. Gua Ailing's passion for music led her to pursue a career in the music industry, and she eventually moved to Beijing to further her aspirations.
动脉粥样硬化英语英语Atherosclerosis: A Closer Look at a Major Vascular Disease.Atherosclerosis, a term derived from Greek roots meaning "porridge-like hardening," is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the arteries. It is characterized by the accumulation of lipids, cholesterol, calcium, and other substances within the artery walls, forming a structure known as a plaque. Over time, this plaque buildup narrows the artery lumen, reducing blood flow and increasing the risk of cardiovascular events such as heart attack and stroke.Causes and Risk Factors.The exact cause of atherosclerosis is multifaceted and not fully understood, but several modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors have been identified. Smoking, unhealthy diet, lack of physical activity, and hypertensionare among the modifiable risk factors that can be addressed through lifestyle changes. On the other hand, age, gender (men are at higher risk), family history, and certain chronic conditions like diabetes and hyperlipidemia arenon-modifiable risk factors.Progression of Atherosclerosis.Atherosclerosis typically begins in childhood or adolescence with the accumulation of fatty streaks within the artery walls. As individuals age, these fatty streaks can progress to form fibrous plaques, which are more stable but can still narrow the artery lumen. Advanced plaques, known as fibroatheromas, are characterized by a large lipid core covered by a thin fibrous cap. These plaques are more vulnerable to rupture, releasing their contents into the bloodstream and triggering a cascade of events that can lead to a heart attack or stroke.Symptoms and Diagnosis.In its early stages, atherosclerosis may not cause anysymptoms. However, as the disease progresses and blood flow is restricted, symptoms such as chest pain (angina), shortness of breath, and leg pain (claudication) may occur. Diagnosis is often made through noninvasive tests like electrocardiograms, echocardiograms, and stress tests. In some cases, more invasive procedures like angiography maybe required to assess the severity of atherosclerosis.Management and Prevention.Management of atherosclerosis typically involveslifestyle modifications such as smoking cessation, ahealthy diet, regular physical activity, and weight control. Medications like statins, which lower cholesterol levels, and blood pressure medications may also be prescribed. In severe cases, surgical procedures like angioplasty andstent placement or bypass surgery may be necessary torestore blood flow.Prevention of atherosclerosis focuses on addressing modifiable risk factors. Quitting smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, engaging in regular physical activity, andeating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are key to preventing this disease. Regular screenings for blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes are also essential in identifying and managing these risk factors early on.Conclusion.Atherosclerosis is a complex disease that affects millions of people worldwide. Understanding its causes, risk factors, and progression is crucial in managing and preventing its devastating consequences. By taking proactive measures to address modifiable risk factors and adhering to healthy lifestyle habits, individuals can significantly reduce their risk of developing atherosclerosis and enjoy a healthier, longer life.。
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This perceived disparity is not without deeper layers of meaning, rooted in cultural values, societal pressures, and individual perspectives.Firstly, the traditional narrative often portrays strength and masculinity as being more about inner character than outer aesthetics. Men are taught to value resilience, confidence, andpetence over physical appearance. The idea that "a man's worth is not measured by his looks" fosters an environment where grooming habits are seen as secondary to other pursuits, such as career advancement or personal growth.Secondly, the relentless pressure to conform to a certain idealized masculine image can lead men to overlook the importance of self-care. In media and advertising, hyper-masculine stereotypes often dictate a rugged, unshaven look, which can inadvertently discourage men from prioritizing their grooming routine. This societal reinforcement reinforces the notion that being too attentive to one's appearance is 'unmanly.'Moreover, the daily hustle and bustle of life can make it challenging for men to find time and space to devote to their grooming habits. Workmitments, family responsibilities, and social obligations often leave them with limited personal time, leading them to prioritize practicality over grooming rituals.However, it is crucial to recognize that this does not mean men are entirely oblivious to their appearance. Many men still care about their hygiene, style, and overall well-being. It is simply a matter of expressing these concerns in a way that aligns with their perceived societal roles and expectations.The shift in perspective begins with acknowledging theplexity of gender roles and the need for inclusivity. Both men and women should have the freedom to prioritize self-care, regardless of societal expectations. Encouraging open discussions about grooming and self-expression can help break down these barriers and foster a healthier understanding of masculinity.In conclusion, while it may appear that men do not pay as much attention to their appearance, a closer examination reveals a nuanced interplay between societal norms, personal priorities, and the multifaceted nature of masculinity. By embracing diversity and promoting self-care for all, we can create a more accepting and balanced society where everyone feelsfortable expressing themselves, regardless of gender or grooming habits.示例作文篇二:Title: The Unseen Reflection: Why Men Often Disregard Their AppearancesIn the realm of societal expectations, it is often perceivedthat men should prioritize their physical appearance as much as women. Yet, a closer look reveals a nuanced reality where men, too, may not give their outward appearance the same level of attention. This phenomenon transcends superficiality and delves into deeper aspects of masculinity, identity, and societal norms.The first reason lies in the deeply ingrained cultural constructs. Traditionally, men have been socialized to embody strength, resilience, andpetence, which are often associated with attributes like muscular build or a lean physique, rather than flawless grooming. The emphasis on inner qualities like confidence, intelligence, and ambition often overshadows the importance of physical appearance in defining masculinity.Moreover, men are often encouraged to lead busy lives,juggling work, family, and personal responsibilities. They might perceive excessive preoccupation with appearance as a sign ofvanity or even a lack of productivity. In this fast-paced world, practicality often triumphs over aesthetics, leading men toallocate their time and energy towards more pressing concerns.Another factor is the societal pressure to conform to specific gender roles. Men are expected to project an image of stability and reliability, which can translate into a focus on maintaining a functional, rather than a fashionable, look. The pursuit of a polished appearance might be seen as a distraction from these responsibilities, especially if it requires significant time and effort.Furthermore, self-acceptance and body positivity are gaining traction in discussions around gender equality. Men, like women, are bing morefortable with their natural bodies and less inclined to conform to unrealistic beauty standards. This shift in mindset encourages them to prioritize mental health and well-being over external appearances.Lastly, it is important to note that individual preferences and priorities vary. Some men genuinely enjoy the process of self-care and grooming, while others simply find other aspects of life more fulfilling. This diversity in perspective further contributes to the wide spectrum of attitudes towards appearance among men.In conclusion, while societal norms and traditional gender roles play a role, the reasons why men may not place as much emphasis on their appearance areplex and multifaceted. It's a reflection of a broader understanding of masculinity that epasses more than just physical appearance. As we continue to challenge and redefine societal expectations, it is crucial to recognize and respect the diverse ways individuals express themselves, regardless of gender.示例作文篇三:Title: The Unseen Reflections: Why Men May Not PrioritizeTheir AppearanceIn the realm of societal expectations, it is often assumedthat men should be the epitome of physical prowess and appearance, with their grooming habits being a constant subject of scrutiny. However, a closer examination reveals a nuanced perspective on why men may not place the same emphasis on their external appearance as women often do.The first layer of this phenomenon lies in the deeplyingrained societal norms. Traditionally, masculinity has been associated with strength, resilience, and capability, rather than physical aesthetics. Men are encouraged to cultivate an inner fortitude, a "toughness" that transcends surface-level beauty standards. This cultural narrative often equates self-worth with achievements, rather than external appearance,pelling them to focus on their careers, fitness, and personal growth.Secondly, the pressure to conform to societal ideals of masculinity can be overwhelming. Men may feel societal pressure to hide their vulnerability or insecurities, which could manifest in a reluctance to invest heavily in their appearance. They fear being perceived as 'girly' or 'too concerned' about their looks, which could undermine their perceived masculinity.Moreover, the role of body image in men's lives is often overlooked. While women's magazines and advertising bombard them with images of idealized beauty, men's media tends to emphasize functionality and performance over aesthetics. This subtle shiftin messaging can lead men to focus more on how their bodies perform rather than how they look.Emotional intelligence also plays a significant role. Men, who are often socialized to suppress their emotions, may not see the value in discussing their appearance concerns openly. Instead, they might channel their energy into other aspects of life, such as relationships or personal development, where they perceive themselves to have more control.Lastly, it's important to recognize that individualdifferences exist. Not all men neglect their appearance; some actively engage in self-care and grooming routines. However, these exceptions do not negate the broader cultural dynamics at play.In conclusion, while men may not prioritize their appearanceto the same extent as women, it is rooted in aplex interplay of societal norms, emotional repression, and functional focus. It is crucial to understand and respect these differences, promoting a more inclusive definition of masculinity that values both inner strength and outer care. As we strive for diversity and acceptance, acknowledging these nuances can foster a healthier conversation around self-image for all genders.示例作文篇四:Title: The Unseen Reflections: Why Men Often Downplay Their GroomingIn the fast-paced world of societal expectations and gender norms, it is amon perception that men are less attentive to their physical appearancepared to women. This stereotype often cloudsour understanding of theplexities that drive their grooming habits. While it is true that men may not engage in the same level ofdetail-oriented grooming as women, the reasons behind thisbehavior run deeper than mere negligence.Firstly, the traditional masculine image often associates strength andpetence with a more rugged exterior. The idea of a "manly man" is often depicted as one who can handle life's challenges without fuss or excessive grooming. This societal construct encourages men to embrace a more practical andfunctional approach to self-care, focusing on hygiene rather than appearance for its own sake.Secondly, the pressure to conform to specific roles and responsibilities can divert men's attention away from grooming. As breadwinners and protectors, they may prioritize tasks like providing for their families, maintaining a professional image, or investing time in hobbies and relationships. These priorities often overshadow the perceived importance of daily grooming routines.Moreover, men are often socialized to value self-reliance and independence. They might view excessive grooming as a sign of weakness or an indulgence, when in reality, it could be a form of self-expression and self-care. The act of taking care of oneself physically is not exclusive to one gender, but societal norms have created a nuanced distinction.Furthermore, the rise of unisex grooming products and the increasing acceptance of diverse beauty standards have blurred the lines between traditional gender roles. Men are now more open to experimenting with skincare routines and personal grooming, reflecting a shift in societal attitudes.However, it is crucial to recognize that these observations do not generalize all men. Each individual has their unique preferences and priorities, and some men actively engage in meticulous grooming practices. The key lies in understanding that the choice to focus on grooming is not inherently tied to gender, but rather shaped by personal values and societal influences.In conclusion, while men may appear less concerned with their appearance, the reasons behind this behavior are multifaceted and rooted in cultural norms, societal pressures, and personal choices. It is time to challenge these stereotypes and celebrate thediversity in how we care for ourselves, regardless of gender.After all, self-grooming is not apetition, but a form of self-expression and self-love, and it is a right enjoyed by all.示例作文篇五:Title: The Unseen Reflections: Why Men Often Downplay Their GroomingIn theplex tapestry of societal norms and gender roles, it is amon perception that men tend to be less concerned about their physical appearancepared to women. This notion, however, is not a simple dichotomy, but rather a nuanced understanding rooted in various factors that shape our self-perception and priorities.Firstly, cultural conditioning plays a significant role. Traditional masculinity often emphasizes strength, resilience, andpetence over superficial attributes like grooming. The idea of "real men" is often associated with being rugged and unpretentious, leaving aesthetics to secondary consideration. This stereotype can lead men to believe that focusing on their looks is a sign of weakness or a deviation from societal expectations.Secondly, practicalityes into play. Men, especially those involved in physically demanding careers, may prioritize functionality over aesthetics when ites to their personal care. They might view grooming as a luxury or a time-consuming indulgence, when their primary concern is meeting the demands of their daily lives.Moreover, the pressure to conform to societal beauty standards can also shift the focus away from men's appearance. While womenare constantly bombarded with images of flawless beauty, men are often portrayed as more stoic and less concerned with physical appearance. This normalization can make it seem less pressing for men to pay close attention to their grooming habits.However, it's important to note that this generalization oversimplifies the individual experiences of men. Many men do care about their appearance, but they express it differently or chooseto invest their efforts elsewhere. They may prioritize health, fitness, or style that aligns with their personal values and goals.In conclusion, the apparent lack of emphasis on grooming among men is a product of aplex interplay of cultural expectations, practical considerations, and societal norms. It does not mean they are indifferent to their image; rather, their approach to self-care is shaped by a broader context that transcends mere aesthetics. As society evolves, so do these perceptions, and it's crucial to recognize that individual choices regarding grooming habits should be celebrated, regardless of gender.Ultimately, the importance we place on appearance, whether for men or women, should be about self-expression and self-care, rather than a rigid adherence to societal constructs.示例作文篇六:Title: The Unseen Reflection: Why Men Often Downplay Their GroomingIn the bustling world of societal expectations and gender norms, it is amon perception that men, by default, are less attentive to their physical appearancepared to women. This notion, while rooted in stereotypes, deserves a deeper exploration into theplexities of masculinity, priorities, and societal influences.Men, often burdened with the weight of societal roles that emphasize strength, independence, andpetence, find themselves caught between the desire for self-care and the pressure to conform to traditional masculine ideals. The notion that a man's worth is intrinsically linked to his aplishments and prowess, rather than his grooming habits, is deeply ingrained in our culture. Thus, the act of spending significant time on personal grooming is often perceived as a sign of weakness or vanity.The hustle and bustle of daily life, coupled with the demandsof work and family, can easily overshadow the importance of self-care for many men. They may feel that focusing on appearance detracts from their ability to provide for their loved ones or pursue their professional goals. Moreover, the fear of beingjudged or ridiculed for deviating from the norm can be a deterrent.However, this does not mean that men are oblivious to their appearance. Many men do engage in grooming practices, albeit in different ways and at varying levels. They may prioritizefunctional and practical aspects like hygiene, health, and fitness, which are seen as integral parts of their self-presentationwithout drawing unnecessary attention.Furthermore, the rise of body positivity movements and the changing landscape of masculinity has started to challenge these long-held beliefs. Men are bing more open about taking care of themselves, embracing diverse expressions of self-grooming, and understanding that personal hygiene and self-care are not solely feminine traits.In conclusion, the apparent lack of attention to grooming among men is aplex issue that stems from societal expectations, practical considerations, and the evolving nature of masculinity. It is crucial to recognize that men's choices regarding their appearance are as varied and nuanced as those of women, and should be celebrated without judgment. Ultimately, the key lies in fostering an environment where all individuals, regardless of gender, feelfortable prioritizing their well-being in all aspects, including self-care and grooming.示例作文篇七:Title: The Unseen Layers of Masculinity: Why Men May Not Prioritize Physical AppearanceIn the realm of societal expectations and cultural norms, itis often perceived that men should be the epitome of strength, power, and prowess, with their physical appearance playing a significant role in this narrative. However, a closer look reveals that the reasons behind men's seemingly lesser focus on their external appearance run deeper than mere superficiality.Firstly, the traditional gender roles have long ingrained an emphasis on masculinity that transcends physical appearance. Men are often encouraged to embody traits such as resilience, confidence, andpetence, which are often equated with inner strength rather than external beauty standards. This societal construct fosters a belief that true worth lies within one's character, skills, and aplishments, rather than just thereflection in a mirror.Secondly, the pressure to conform to rigid ideals ofmasculinity can lead men to downplay the importance of appearance. They may fear being perceived as vain or effeminate if they are seen to be overly concerned with grooming or fashion. This fear of judgment can result in a conscious effort to prioritizefunctionality over aesthetics in their daily choices.Moreover, the real-life challenges that men face, such as work, family, and financial responsibilities, often demand theirattention and energy. The pursuit of physical perfection bes secondary to the need for stability and security. Men are morelikely to invest time and effort into building careers, providing for their loved ones, and contributing to theirmunities, which are deemed more socially valuable.Furthermore, the rise of body positivity movements has also contributed to a shift in perspective. Men are increasingly recognizing that diverse forms of attractiveness exist, and that true self-confidencees from accepting and loving oneself, flaws and all. This shift encourages men to focus on self-improvement beyond physical appearance, fostering a healthier relationship with their bodies.Lastly, it is important to note that individual preferences and priorities vary greatly among men. Some may indeed place great value on their appearance, while others may not. It is not a universal truth that all men neglect their grooming, but rather a nuanced understanding of how societal expectations and personal values shape their approach to self-presentation.In conclusion, while it may seem that men do not pay as much attention to their physical appearance as women, a deeper analysis reveals aplex interplay of societal norms, personal values, and practical considerations. The focus on inner strength and holistic well-being often trumps the emphasis on physical perfection, reflecting a broader shift in the understanding of masculinity in modern times.。
介绍日本穿搭短文英语作文Japanese Fashion。
Japan is known for its unique fashion sense, which is a combination of traditional and modern styles. Japanese fashion is all about experimenting with different styles and creating a unique look that reflects one's personality. In this article, we will take a closer look at Japanese fashion and how it has evolved over the years.Traditional Japanese clothing is known as kimono, which is a long robe with wide sleeves and a sash. Kimonos are still worn on special occasions, such as weddings and festivals, but they are not commonly worn on a daily basis. Instead, Japanese people have adopted a more western style of clothing, which is a mix of casual and formal wear.One of the most popular styles of Japanese fashion is streetwear. Streetwear is all about comfort and style, and it is often characterized by oversized clothing, baggypants, and sneakers. This style is popular among young people, and it is often seen in urban areas.Another popular style of Japanese fashion is Lolita fashion. Lolita fashion is a subculture that is inspired by Victorian and Rococo styles. It is characterized by frilly dresses, petticoats, and bows. This style is popular among young women, and it is often seen at cosplay events and conventions.In recent years, Japanese fashion has become more gender-neutral. Many Japanese designers are creating clothing that can be worn by both men and women. This trend is known as unisex fashion, and it is becoming increasingly popular in Japan and around the world.Japanese fashion is also known for its attention to detail. Japanese designers often focus on the quality of the fabric and the construction of the garment. This attention to detail is reflected in the high price of Japanese clothing, which is often considered a luxury item.In conclusion, Japanese fashion is a unique blend of traditional and modern styles. It is characterized by experimentation, attention to detail, and a focus on quality. Whether you prefer streetwear, Lolita fashion, or unisex clothing, there is something for everyone in Japanese fashion.。
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Language Learning53:4,December2003,pp.649–702A Closer Look at Gender and Strategy Usein L2ReadingAek PhakitiUniversity of MelbourneThis study examines gender differences in cognitive and metacognitive strategy use in the context of anEnglish as a foreign language reading comprehensiontest.Three hundred eighty-four Thai university studentstook a multiple-choice reading comprehension test,thencompleted a questionnaire on their strategy use.Genderdifferences were analyzed using multivariate analysis ofvariance.Males and females did not differ in their readingcomprehension performance and their use of cognitivestrategies.Unexpectedly,males reported significantlyhigher use of metacognitive strategies than females.Within the same achievement groups(highly successful,moderately successful,and unsuccessful),however,therewere no gender differences in either reading performanceor use of cognitive and metacognitive strategies.The articlediscusses the implications for future gender-basedresearch.In the past decades,considerable advances have been made in understanding the nature of second language(L2)reading, and these changes have influenced how L2reading has beenThe following people played a crucial role during the process of completing the present article:Paul Gruba,Brian Lynch,Tim McNamara,Carsten Ro¨ver,Nick Ellis,Kathleen Bardovi-Harlig,Paul Russell,and the anonymous Language Learning reviewers.Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Aek Phakiti,Department of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics,University of Melbourne,Victoria,3010,Australia.Internet:aekmaejo@649650Language Learning Vol.53,No.4taught,learned,and assessed(see Alderson,2000;Grabe,1999). Successful reading comprehension is generally referred to as a complete grasp of meaning in a written text in which a dynamic and growing appreciation of interrelationships in the text is required(Yang,2002).In the current views of L2reading, much of what the readers do is the same as when they read in their first language(L1).However,L2reading could be some-what slower and less successful than L1reading,for example, because of range and size of vocabulary knowledge and cultural or background knowledge of L2and the extent of differences from L1(A.D.Cohen,1994;Grabe,1999).Furthermore,reading success depends on factors such as the levels of readers’profi-ciency,types of text,text difficulty,and task demands(Alderson, 2000).Lower-level reading includes,for example,automatic word recognition and automatic recognition of syntactic structures and parts of speech.Skillful readers can perform certain basic reading procedures,such as decoding and rereading without directed attention,with minimal expenditure of cognitive effort. Some reading processes can be highly automatized,particularly in familiar environments or after extensive practice.By contrast, higher-level reading includes aspects of deliberation,goal-directed attention,and problem solving.For example,L2readers occasionally confront an unfamiliar word,syntactic structure,or topic that requires them to consciously or intentionally evaluate the sound/symbol relationships,examine alternative sources, or use context clues.Higher-level reading includes the use of strategies.Given the notion of interactions between L2learners and cognitive tasks,researchers have attempted to understand the nature of strategies in L2contexts(e.g.,O’Malley&Chamot, 1990;Oxford,1990;Purpura,1999).L2reading strategy research has also revealed how strategic readers interact with a written text and how their strategic behavior is related to effective reading comprehension(e.g.,Anderson,1991;Barnett, 1988;Bernhardt,1986;Block,1986,1992;Carrell,1984,1989,Phakiti6511991;Salataci&Akyel,2002).Cognitive and metacognitive strat-egies are viewed as relevant to L2reading performance.Cogni-tive strategies are directly related to the target language and world knowledge of the learners,which allow them to construct meaning from text and to perform the given tasks.Cognitive strategies include making predictions,translating,summariz-ing,linking with prior knowledge or experience,applying gram-mar rules,and guessing meaning from contexts.Metacognitive strategies are related to self-management or self-regulation in a given reading activity.Metacognitive strategies include plan-ning and monitoring strategies.Planning strategies refer to L2learners’actions of previewing or overviewing tasks to develop directions of what needs to be done,and how and when to do it.Monitoring strategies are learners’actions undertaken to check,monitor,and evaluate their thinking and reading performance.Recently,researchers have aimed to investigate how male and female learners differ in L2reading performance and strat-egy use(e.g.,Bu¨gel&Buunk,1996;Chavez,2001;Young& Oxford,1997).It is hoped that understanding the ways in which the strategic reading behavior of males and females influ-ences L2reading comprehension will result in the rigorous con-struction of a sound L2reading theory.Chavez(2001)points out that the ultimate goals of understanding gender differences in strategy use are,for example:(a)to make us aware of how gender can affect development and achievement in L2reading;(b)to enable L2teachers to use this awareness to help their students of either gender to achieve gains in L2reading compre-hension;(c)to encourage further research into the role of gender in L2reading;and(d)to accommodate individual students’needs,given that males and females deserve an equal chance of learning success.To date,there has not been sufficient research that exam-ines the connection between gender differences in L2reading comprehension performance and those in strategy use(as dis-cussed in the following section).If males and females do indeed652Language Learning Vol.53,No.4differ both in their strategy use and L2reading performance,it is important to understand the correlation between differences in strategy use and differences in reading comprehension per-formance.Furthermore,there is a need for continued research that can add to our understanding of the specific conditions and variables that influence males’and females’cognitive and meta-cognitive strategy use and L2reading comprehension.The pres-ent study looks at cognitive and metacognitive strategy use by gender in an official reading test used to make high-stakes decisions regarding students’achievement at a Thai university. The next section discusses some previous research on gender differences in L2reading comprehension performance and learn-ing strategy use.This review follows Chavez(2001),which pro-vides an extensive discussion of the literature.Review of the LiteraturePrevious Research on Gender Differences in L2Reading ComprehensionThe literature on gender differences in L2reading perfor-mance is relatively scarce,and its findings are not consistent.In some studies,gender differences were not detected.Spurling and Ilyin(1985)found no gender differences in reading test perfor-mance among L2learners.Other studies have found that females outperformed males.Gardner and Lambert(1972) found that females performed better than males in French voca-bulary.Wen and Johnson(1997)found that females demon-strated higher levels of performance than males on a standardized national proficiency test.Chavez(2001)found that regardless of topics and genres,females scored higher than males in a multiple-choice reading test.Yet another set of studies found that males perform better than females.Boyle(1987)found that although female Chinese university students of English as a foreign language(EFL) scored higher overall in a language proficiency test,males scoredPhakiti653higher than females on listening vocabulary,which might be related to reading comprehension.Scarcella and Zimmerman (1998)found that males performed significantly better than females on specific types of vocabulary tests.Bu¨gel and Buunk (1996)found that males also performed significantly better than females in a reading test that was composed of a gender-neutral passage.To sum up,research in this area has not produced conclusive evidence of gender differences in L2reading performance,which suggests the need for further research in the area.Previous Research on Gender Differences in Strategic BehaviorIt should be noted that the nature of research in strategy use may differ from study to study depending on the specific language skills being examined.For example,strategy use research that is conducted in an oral,communicative setting can differ from that conducted in a silent environment of read-ing.Most studies investigating gender differences in strategic behavior are based on the Strategy Inventory of Language Learning(SILL)approach(Oxford,1990).Language learning strategy research focuses on perceived strategy use divorced from a concrete task(i.e.,context-free;Chavez,2001).Few stud-ies,however,look at gender differences in actual strategy use in specific L2settings.In this article,SILL-based and SILL-related research on gender differences will be discussed first,followed by research on actual strategy use in a specific L2use context.SILL-based or SILL-related research.Despite some limita-tions in SILL-based studies on gender(e.g.,their tendency to look at broad patterns of strategy use;see Green&Oxford, 1995),these studies make up the bulk of research on gender differences in learning strategy use.Oxford and Nyikos(1989), Oxford,Park-Oh,Ito,and Sumrall(1993),and Oxford,Lavine, Felkins,Hollaway,and Saleh(1996)found that females reported more use of cognitive strategies than males.A number of studies654Language Learning Vol.53,No.4(e.g.,Bacon,1992a,1992b;Ehrman&Oxford,1989;Green,1991; Green&Oxford,1995;Kaylani,1996;Oxford,1993;Oxford, Nyikos,&Ehrman,1988;Sheorey,1999)found that females reported significantly higher use of metacognitive strategies than males.In brief,a sizable body of SILL-based research has shown that females report more use of learning strategies than males(see Chavez,2001;Young&Oxford,1997,for detailed discussion).Research on actual strategy use in a specific L2use context.In contrast to the comparatively plentiful SILL gender-based research,little research has examined gender differences in actual strategy use in a specific L2task.Vandergrift(1997) employed think-aloud protocols to study gender differences in listening strategy use among21high school learners of French. He found that there were very few differences when reported strategy use in the given listening tasks for all male and all female participants was compared.Females used slightly more metacognitive strategies than males,whereas males used more cognitive strategies than females.However,Vandergrift did not establish a relationship between gender differences in strategy use and differences in listening performance.Young and Oxford(1997)investigated strategy use by23 males and26females in processing text in both their L1 (English)and a foreign language(Spanish).Their reading com-prehension was assessed in open-ended oral recall protocols.The students were also asked to report their comprehension level and the use of background knowledge.Young and Oxford found that males and females did not differ from one another signifi-cantly in comprehension of the three passages.They also found no significant overall differences in strategy use between males and females.However,males reported monitoring their reading pace,reading strategies,and paraphrasing strategies more often than females on one L2passage.Females,by contrast,tried to solve vocabulary problems and acknowledged their lack of back-ground knowledge more often than males.Young and Oxford concluded that gender-based differences in strategic behaviorPhakiti655might not reside in general categories,but rather at the level of specific strategies.They suggested that some strategies might be gender-related.In summary,a review of the literature reveals a void that future research should be designed to fill.Establishment of a relationship between strategic behavior by gender and L2read-ing comprehension performance is what has been missing in gender research.Implications for the Present StudyA number of theoretical and methodological implications can be drawn from the literature.First,despite the number of studies that show how strategy use is related to L2reading comprehension performance,the connection between gender dif-ferences in L2reading performance and those in strategy use has not been investigated sufficiently or with enough respect to quality,quantity,and variety in research methodology and focus (Chavez,2001).If males and females do indeed tend to use strategies differently,future research needs to investigate the relationship of their actual strategy use to their L2reading comprehension performance.Second,considering learners as representative of one or the other of a pair of dichotomous types(male or female)may not be sufficient for the development of a gender-based theory, because aggregation over participants(regardless of achieve-ment levels)may alter the findings on gender differences in performance and strategy use.Conclusions based on such aggregation need to be considered with caution.Hence,the present study also attempts to look at males and females as highly successful,moderately successful,or unsuccessful(as discussed in the Method section).Third,in the area of methodological approaches,most previous research analyzed the differences between males and females in learning strategy use and/or L2performance by656Language Learning Vol.53,No.4means of,for instance,frequency counts,analysis of variance (ANOVA),or t-tests.Applications of multivariate analysis of variance(MANOVA),however,seem to better suit an investiga-tion of gender differences in L2performance and strategy use when several dependent factors(e.g.,reading comprehension performance and cognitive and metacognitive strategies)and independent factors(e.g.,achievement levels and gender)need to be considered simultaneously.The present study aims to employ this type of statistical analysis.Finally,as regards contextual issues,there is a lack of empirical research investigating gender differences in cogni-tive and metacognitive strategy use under high-stakes read-ing test conditions.Although Young and Oxford(1997)found no gender differences in either reading comprehension per-formance or strategy use,their study was situated in a non-test,low-stakes reading context.In a high-stakes test situation,learners’strategy use may be different because the test has a gatekeeping function wherein access to certain achievement grades is restricted(see A. D.Cohen,1998a, 1998b,for discussion of differences between tests as research elicitation tools and tests as decision-making devices;see Shohamy,2001,for discussion of impacts of tests).In add-ition,some strategies are specifically used in test-taking con-texts(e.g.,how test takers proceed through the test to produce answers to questions or test tasks wisely;see A.D.Cohen,1998a,1998b,for discussion of test-taking strat-egy research).Purpura(1997,1999)has shown empirically how cognitive and metacognitive strategies are related to L2 test performance.However,gender differences in strategy use and L2performance were not the focus of his studies. Accordingly,without knowing whether strategy use differs between test conditions and regular reading conditions and whether there are gender differences that interact with read-ing comprehension,the reliability and validity of an L2read-ing test cannot be fully asserted.Since each study adds to our understanding of the specific conditions and variables thatPhakiti657influence males’and females’cognitive and metacognitive strategy use and reading comprehension,continued research in this area is needed.Research QuestionsThe present study aims to answer the following research questions:1.Are there statistically significant gender differences inL2reading comprehension performance assessed by a multiple-choice reading comprehension test?2.Are there statistically significant gender differences inthe use of cognitive and metacognitive strategies for the completion of such a test?3.How do males and females at the same achievementlevels differ in reading comprehension performance and in cognitive and metacognitive strategy use?MethodBackground and ParticipantsThe study was carried out at one of the major government universities in the north of Thailand using a required basic English course(Fundamental English I).The data were gathered during a final examination.The final reading test accounted for 40%of the overall course assessment.Other achievement assessments included a midterm reading test(35%),listening comprehension tests(15%),quizzes(5%),and other take-home assignments(5%).Five hundred twenty students voluntarily agreed to partici-pate in this study.The learners took the university’s final examination in English,immediately followed by a questionnaire (described in the next section)on their strategy use.However,658Language Learning Vol.53,No.4because of incomplete questionnaire data for some test takers and the elimination of misfitting test takers1based on test analy-sis,the number of the participants dropped to384.The384 Thai,non–English major,first-year undergraduates were made up of173males(45%)and211females(55%).For the purposes of this study,students who obtained scores of70%or above on the examination were classified as highly successful,those who scored between45%and69%were classified as moderately successful,and those who scored below45%were classified as unsuccessful.Among the384participants,there were75highly successful(43females and32males),256moderately successful (144females and112males),and53unsuccessful(24females and29males)test takers.The learners were between the ages of 17and21and had been studying English in Thailand for approximately8years.Based on their English test scores from their university entrance examination,their English proficiency levels ranged from advanced beginners to intermediate.Students were given3hr to complete the reading test.Measurement InstrumentsTwo research instruments were used in the study:a multiple-choice reading comprehension test and a cognitive-metacognitive strategy questionnaire.Assessing reading comprehension.According to Alderson (2000),different testing techniques for reading may permit the measurement of different aspects of reading constructs.Based on Alderson(2000),there is no one best format for reading tests, and each format has its own strengths and weaknesses. Although a number of test formats such as cloze tests,gap-filling tests,multiple-choice tests,constructed-response tests,free-recall tests,and summary tests have been developed and used to assess reading comprehension,in the present study,a multiple-choice test format was selected for use.Despite some limitations(see Bennett&Ward,1993;Weir,1993),the multiple-choice format is a popular conventional test format forPhakiti659assessing L2reading comprehension because it is convenient to administer and there are well-established procedures for analyzing multiple-choice test items(Alderson,2000;Wesche& Paribakht,1996).It should be noted that at the university in which the study was conducted,the authorities decided that the multiple-choice format was most suitable for assessment purposes. This test format is thought to have certain advantages over other test formats including efficiency and inexpensive scoring.It also allows broad content coverage and control of the range of possible answers to comprehension questions.To some degree,it controls test takers’thinking processes when they are responding to the test tasks.There are also statistical supports for the analysis of multiple-choice tests and straightforward interpretations of test analysis results.The reading test was composed of two main sections, namely,a gap-filling cloze and a reading comprehension section (see Appendix A for the objectives of the basic English course and information about the test).Prior to the actual test admin-istration,this test was developed and piloted for content by the researcher and the teachers of the course,and reliability analyses were conducted.After the test was implemented in the main study and scored and the scores were double-checked, the test data were entered into a computer and analyzed using the Rasch model of item response theory(IRT;see,e.g.,McNamara, 1996,for discussion of Rasch IRT)using the Quest program (ACER,1996).The following analyses were performed:internal consistency(i.e.,reliability),item difficulty(i.e.,the proportion of candidates getting an item correct),person ability(i.e.,the relative threshold levels of the test taker’s ability),and item discrimination analysis(i.e.,how well the test’s distracters work).The results of the IRT analysis(see Table1)indicated an approximate reliability of0.88(Part1:0.80,Part2:0.78).The correction-for-attenuation correlation(Hatch&Lazaraton,1991, p.444)between parts1and2was0.82,which provided some evidence of construct validity.The relationship found in thisstudy between the scores on the multiple-choice cloze and the multiple-choice reading comprehension test is similar to that found by Chapelle and Abraham (1990).The item difficulty and person ability map of the IRT model indicated a reasonably good match between the test takers’ability levels and the test items.Assessing cognitive and metacognitive strategy use.The preliminary cognitive and metacognitive taxonomy used in the present study is presented in Appendix B.The distinction made in this taxonomy between planning and monitoring strategies is similar to that employed in O’Malley and Chamot’s (1990)tax-onomy.Goal setting is viewed as part of planning,whereas evaluation is considered part of monitoring.From both a meth-odological and an ethical perspective,strategies used by test takers in an official test situation may need to be investigated after test takers have completed the test,rather than during the test itself,for the following reasons:1.Requiring the test takers to perform the secondary task of identifying strategies while taking the test may interfere with the primary task of reading and completing the test.The nature of the high-stakes test-taking situation would thus raise ethical concerns were the participants asked to report on their strategy use during the test.2.Relative-frequency (cumulative)strategy use for the whole test was investigated.Relative-frequency strategyTable 1Summary statistics for the reading comprehension testParts 1and 2Part 1Part 2Number of items 85.0045.0040.00Maximum raw score 77.0041.0036.00Mean logit score 00.6700.6800.66SD (logits)00.7400.8000.80Person separation reliability (equivalent to KR-20)00.8800.8000.78660Language Learning Vol.53,No.4Phakiti661use implies the degree to which test takers used strategies overall,rather than the number of times they used a par-ticular strategy in completing the test.When reflecting on and assigning strategy use after the fact on the question-naires employed in this study,test takers are assumed first to retrieve from memory the degrees of the concurrent strategy frequencies and second to express them on an ordinal scale.This method reflects ecological factors per-taining to the entire test,such as the characteristics of reading passages,test questions,and difficulty.3.Having the test takers assess strategy use after the testallows the researcher to assume that test takers’overall reading comprehension performance is directly influenced by their strategy use in a natural way.Methods typically used to collect data for use in under-standing the nature of strategies include verbal reports(e.g., think-aloud protocols,retrospective interviews;see A. D. Cohen,1996)and self-reported questionnaires(see Oxford, 1996).In the present study,despite some limitations,the choice of questionnaires to elicit strategy use was considered suitable because of:1.the practical and ethical concerns discussed above2.the difficulty or impossibility of tape-recording all infor-mants during the test3.the complexity of verbal-report methodology4.issues of statistical comparability of learners across groupsMany scholars(e.g.,O’Malley&Chamot,1990;Oxford, 1996;Purpura,1999)have supported the use of strategy ques-tionnaires to assess the construct of cognitive and metacognitive strategies.The questionnaire used in this study allowed learners to mark strategy use on a5-point Likert scale:1(Never), 2(Sometimes),3(Often),4(Usually),and5(Always).The length of time needed to complete the questionnaire ranged from5to662Language Learning Vol.53,No.410min.The following steps were taken to reduce the potential for invalidity associated with this method:1.Strategy items used on the questionnaire were drawnfrom the literature on L2reading,learning strategies,and test-taking strategies,and items were embedded in a model of human information processing(Gagne´,Yekovich,& Yekovich,1993).2.Questionnaire items were presented to participants inThai(back translation was incorporated).3.The questionnaire was piloted with the same populationduring their midterm reading test for item-level analysis (see Phakiti,2003).Volunteers from among the students were asked to reflect on how well they understood the strategy items on the questionnaire.4.Two experts in metacognition not involved in the presentstudy were asked to determine to which category each strategy item included on the questionnaire belonged(i.e., cognitive or metacognitive;see Appendix C for the ques-tionnaire used).Their responses were scored as1or0in association with the strategy categories assumed.Experts1 and2had91.4%and85.7%agreement with the strategy categorizations,respectively.5.An exploratory factor analysis(EFA)was employed toextract cognitive and metacognitive strategy factors from the strategy questionnaire data(see Phakiti,2003,for further discussion of the EFA validation procedures used in the present study).Table2presents the composites for cognitive and meta-cognitive strategies with the estimates of the reliability of the questionnaire instrument.The approximate overall reliability estimate for the strategy items was acceptable(0.88)given the number of the items and the underlying constructs.The composites of the metacognitive and cognitive strategiespresented in the table will be used in the MANOVAs and post hoc tests.Data AnalysesA significance level of 0.05(p <0.05)was set.Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS)version 10for personal computers (SPSS Inc.,2001)was used to compute descriptive statistics and perform reliability analyses,EFA,and MANOVA.(For further discussion of MANOVA,see Diekhoff,1992;Stevens,1996).Following Bollen and Lennox (1991),the data in the pres-ent study can be considered an emergent variable system in which the underlying (or emergent)construct (the resultant com-position of the outcome variables)is dependent on the observed variables.MANOVA is well suited for use with emergent variable systems (e.g.,Bollen &Lennox,1991;Cole,Maxwell,Arvey,&Salas,1993).Based on the criteria given by J.Cohen (1992),the sample size in this study is adequate for attaining the desired statistical power in MANOVA.To answer the first and second research questions,learners were categorized as males or females.To answer the third research question,learners were further classified by achievement levels,with the following groups resulting:(a)highly successful females,(b)moderately successful females,(c)unsuccessful females,(d)highly successful males,(e)moderately successful males,and (f)unsuccessful males.Table 2Composites of cognitive and metacognitive strategies with reliability estimatesStrategies Number of items Items usedReliability Cognitive52,6,7,8,90.75Metacognitive 1014,15,19,21,22,24,30,31,32,330.85Total150.88Phakiti 663。