金融学教案(马里兰大学) Notes 15 International




由于各国经济发展水平、政治制度和文化传统等方面的差异,导致在 国际金融合作与政策协调过程中存在诸多利益冲突和协调难题。
当前国际金融机构在代表性、治理结构和决策机制等方面存在不足, 难以满足全球金融治理的需求,亟待进行改革和完善。
国际金融市场主要由外汇市场、货币 市场、证券市场、衍生品市场等组成。
提供国际融资和投资渠道,促进国际 资本流动;为跨国企业提供风险管理 工具;帮助国家实现宏观经济调控。
汇率波动幅度受到限制,通常由 中央银行进行干预以维持汇率稳 定。
汇率由市场供求决定,波动幅度 较大,中央银行一般不进行干预。
将本国货币与某一外国货币或一 篮子外国货币挂钩,以维持汇率 稳定。
认为两国货币之间的汇率应该等于两国物价水平 之比,即购买力平价。
研究重点进一步扩展到浮动汇率制 下的国际货币体系,关注国际金融 市场和国际资本流动等问题。
基于一定的价值判断,研究国 际金融活动“应该是什么”的 问题,提出处理国际金融问题 的行为准则。
通过对历史数据和现实状况的 研究,分析国际金融活动的实 际运行状况,回答“是什么” 的问题。





二、教学目标1. 了解国际金融的基本概念和基本制度;2. 掌握国际金融市场的运行机制和主要金融机构;3. 熟悉外汇市场的运作原理和汇率决定理论;4. 理解国际贸易融资的方式和特点;5. 掌握国际金融政策的内容和实施手段。

三、教学内容第一章:国际金融导论1. 国际金融的概念与范围2. 国际金融市场的分类与功能3. 国际金融体系的发展与现状第二章:外汇与汇率1. 外汇的概念与分类2. 汇率的定义与分类3. 汇率的决定理论四、教学方法1. 讲授法:通过教师的讲解,使学生掌握国际金融的基本概念、理论和政策;2. 案例分析法:通过分析实际案例,使学生了解国际金融市场的运作方式和外汇市场的实际操作;3. 小组讨论法:分组讨论,培养学生的合作精神和口头表达能力。

五、教学评价1. 平时成绩:包括课堂表现、作业完成情况等,占总评的40%;2. 期中考试:测试学生对国际金融基本理论和知识的掌握,占总评的30%;3. 期末考试:测试学生对整个课程的理解和运用能力,占总评的30%。

六、第六章:国际金融市场1. 国际金融市场的类型与特征2. 国际货币市场与资本市场3. 国际金融市场的风险与监管七、第七章:国际贸易融资1. 国际贸易融资的概述与类型2. 信用证与汇票3. 国际保理与福费廷八、第八章:汇率决定理论(续)1. 利率平价理论2. 购买力平价理论3. 资产市场模型九、第九章:国际金融政策1. 国际金融政策的目标与工具2. 汇率政策与资本管制3. 国际金融政策的协调与合作十、第十章:国际金融与发展1. 国际金融与发展问题的概述2. 国际金融援助与贷款3. 国际金融与发展政策的启示十一、教学资源1. 教材:推荐使用《国际金融学》教材,出版社:高等教育出版社,作者:张军2. 参考书目:为学生提供相关的参考书目,以拓展学生的知识面3. 网络资源:提供相关的在线课程、论文和新闻,帮助学生及时了解国际金融领域的最新动态十二、教学进度安排1. 每章节安排2-3课时,共计30课时2. 每章节结束后进行一次小测验,以巩固学生的学习成果3. 期中考试安排在第九周,期末考试安排在第十八周十三、教学辅助工具1. 多媒体教学:使用PPT、视频等教学辅助工具,提高课堂效果2. 网络平台:建立课程网站,教学资料,方便学生自学和交流十四、课程总结与反馈1. 在课程结束后,组织一次课程总结会议,总结教学过程中的优点与不足2. 收集学生的反馈意见,对教学内容和方法进行调整和改进3. 定期与学生交流,了解学生的学习需求,提高教学质量十五、课程评价与改进1. 定期对课程进行评价,了解学生的学习效果和满意度2. 根据评价结果,对教学内容、方法和评价体系进行持续改进3. 关注国际金融领域的最新发展,及时更新教学内容和案例。

《金融学》 LN15_Keown33019306_08__LN15

《金融学》 LN15_Keown33019306_08__LN15
• This question is addressed by hedging principle of working-capital management.
Copyright ©2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
What Specific Sources of Short-Term Financing Should the Firm Select?
4. Estimate the cost of short-term credit.
5. Identify the primary sources of short-term credit.
Copyright ©2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
Learning Objectives
1. Describe the risk-return tradeoff involved in managing working capital.
2. Describe the determinants of net working capital.
3. Compute the firm’s cash conversion cycle.
– What specific sources of short-term financing should the firm select?
Copyright ©2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
How Much Short-Term Financing Should a Firm Use?

《金融学》 教案大纲及习题解答(姜法芹 )

《金融学》 教案大纲及习题解答(姜法芹 )

《金融学》教案大纲及习题解答第一章:金融学导论1.1 金融学的定义与意义金融学的概念金融学的研究对象与内容金融学的重要性1.2 金融市场与金融体系金融市场的概念与类型金融体系的组织结构金融市场与金融体系的关系1.3 金融学的应用领域企业金融个人金融宏观金融第二章:金融市场与金融工具2.1 金融市场的概念与类型金融市场的定义金融市场的类型与特点金融市场的作用与功能2.2 金融工具与金融产品金融工具的定义与分类金融产品的特点与功能金融工具与金融产品的选择与运用2.3 金融市场的参与者金融市场的主体与客体金融市场的投资者与融资者金融市场的服务机构第三章:金融市场的基本原理3.1 供求关系与价格机制金融市场的供求关系价格机制的作用与影响市场均衡与市场失灵3.2 金融市场的基本原理与应用金融市场的效率与有效性金融市场的风险与收益金融市场的信息与信号传递3.3 金融市场的微观结构金融市场的交易机制金融市场的信息不对称问题金融市场的交易成本与效率第四章:金融机构与金融体系4.1 金融机构的概念与类型金融机构的定义与特点商业银行与其他金融机构的比较金融机构的职能与作用4.2 金融体系的组织结构金融体系的构成要素金融体系的层次结构金融体系的监管与调控机制4.3 金融体系的功能与目标金融体系的基本功能金融体系的宏观调控目标金融体系的微观审慎监管目标第五章:金融市场与宏观经济5.1 金融市场与经济增长金融市场对经济增长的影响金融市场的规模与经济增长的关系金融市场的结构与经济增长的关系5.2 金融市场与货币政策货币政策的概念与目标金融市场在货币政策传导中的作用货币政策对金融市场的影响5.3 金融市场与金融稳定性金融稳定性的概念与意义金融市场在金融稳定性维护中的作用金融市场风险管理与监管的策略与措施《金融学》教案大纲及习题解答第六章:商业银行与存款货币银行6.1 商业银行的组织结构与运营模式商业银行的定义与特点商业银行的组织结构与管理体系商业银行的运营模式与业务流程6.2 存款货币银行的存款创造与信贷扩张存款创造的概念与机制信贷扩张的过程与影响存款货币银行的风险管理与信贷政策6.3 商业银行的金融服务与产品商业银行的存款与贷款产品商业银行的支付结算服务商业银行的金融服务创新第七章:资本市场与证券交易7.1 资本市场的概念与类型资本市场的定义与特点股票市场与债券市场的比较资本市场的功能与作用7.2 证券交易与投资分析证券交易的基本流程投资分析的方法与工具投资者偏好与投资组合的选择7.3 资本市场的效率与有效性资本市场效率的定义与衡量资本市场的有效性假说资本市场效率与有效性的实证研究第八章:金融衍生品市场8.1 金融衍生品的概念与类型金融衍生品的定义与特点期货、期权和掉期的比较金融衍生品市场的功能与作用8.2 金融衍生品的定价与风险管理金融衍生品的定价原理金融衍生品的风险类型与风险管理策略金融衍生品市场的风险监管与调控8.3 金融衍生品市场的应用与影响金融衍生品在企业金融中的应用金融衍生品在个人理财中的应用金融衍生品市场对金融体系的影响第九章:国际金融与外汇市场9.1 国际金融市场的概念与类型国际金融市场的定义与特点国际资本市场与国际外汇市场的比较国际金融市场的作用与影响9.2 外汇市场的运行机制与交易策略外汇市场的组织结构与交易机制外汇市场的汇率决定与变动外汇市场的交易策略与风险管理9.3 国际金融市场的关系与影响国际金融市场之间的联系与互动国际金融市场对国内经济的影响国际金融市场风险的识别与应对第十章:金融监管与金融政策10.1 金融监管的概念与目标金融监管的定义与意义金融监管的目标与原则金融监管的机构与体系10.2 金融政策的概念与工具金融政策的定义与类型货币政策与财政政策的比较金融政策的工具与传导机制10.3 金融政策的效应与评估金融政策的宏观经济效应金融政策的微观经济效应金融政策的评估方法与指标《金融学》教案大纲及习题解答第十一章:金融创新与金融科技11.1 金融创新的定义与类型金融创新的含义与动力金融创新的产品与服务金融创新的风险与监管11.2 金融科技的发展与应用金融科技的概念与特点数字货币与区块链技术金融科技在金融服务中的应用11.3 金融创新与金融监管的关系金融监管对金融创新的影响金融创新对金融监管的挑战金融监管与金融创新的平衡策略第十二章:金融风险与管理12.1 金融风险的定义与类型金融风险的概念与特征市场风险、信用风险和流动性风险的比较金融风险的管理与控制12.2 金融风险评估与度量金融风险评估的方法与模型金融风险度量的指标与工具金融风险评估的实践应用12.3 金融风险管理的策略与工具金融风险管理的框架与程序金融风险规避、分散与转移金融风险管理的创新与挑战第十三章:企业金融与公司财务13.1 企业金融的概念与功能企业金融的定义与目标企业金融的资本结构与投资决策企业金融的融资与理财策略13.2 公司财务的理论与实践公司财务的基本原则与目标公司财务的财务报表分析与估值公司财务的资本预算与资本结构13.3 企业金融与公司财务的挑战与趋势企业金融与公司财务的国际化企业金融与公司财务的可持续发展企业金融与公司财务的创新与发展第十四章:个人金融与理财规划14.1 个人金融的概念与内容个人金融的定义与意义个人资产与个人负债的管理个人金融产品的选择与运用14.2 理财规划的理论与方法理财规划的基本原则与步骤理财规划的工具与技术理财规划的实际操作与案例分析14.3 个人金融与理财规划的挑战与趋势个人金融市场的变化与趋势理财规划在个人金融中的应用个人金融与理财规划的创新与发展第十五章:金融伦理与职业道德15.1 金融伦理的概念与重要性金融伦理的定义与特点金融伦理在金融行业中的重要性金融伦理的挑战与问题15.2 职业道德的标准与原则职业道德的内涵与要求职业道德的实践与遵守职业道德的监督与教育15.3 金融伦理与职业道德的发展趋势金融伦理与职业道德的改进与完善金融行业职业道德建设的措施与方法金融伦理与职业道德的未来发展重点和难点解析本文档详细地编写了《金融学》教案大纲及习题解答,涵盖了金融学的基本概念、原理和应用。


• The total value of credit items necessarily equals that of debit items.
• 记入贷方项目的有:货物和服务的出口、收益收 入、接受的无偿援助;本国对外国金融负债的增加 和金融资产的减少。
• 记入借方项目的有:货物和服务的进口、收益支 出、对外提供的货物和资金的无偿援助;本国对外 国金融资产的增加和金融负债的减少。
中国国际收支平衡表标准格式 (第五版)
3.1 Current Account
• The current account is the broadest measure of a nation’s real sector trade.
• It includes all debit and credit items of: – Goods – Services – Income Receipts and Payments – Unilateral Transfers/gifts
• 1、在我国居住时间1年以上的外国留学生和旅游 者是否属于我国居民?1年以内呢?
• 2、常驻我国的别国外交人员和外籍军事人员是否 属于我国居民?
• 3、外国公司在我国设立的子公司是否属于我国居 民?
• 4、联合国、世界银行、国际货币基金组织等国际 组织驻我国的分支机构是否属于我国居民?
3.2 The Capital and Financial Account
• The Capital and Financial Account tabulates the flows of financial assets between domestic residents and foreign residents.



《国际金融学》课程教案一、课程简介1.1 课程名称:国际金融学1.2 课程性质:专业核心课程1.3 学时安排:共计64学时,其中理论讲授48学时,实践操作16学时1.4 课程目标:通过本课程的学习,使学生掌握国际金融市场的基本概念、原理和运作机制,了解国际金融体系的发展趋势,培养学生分析和解决国际金融问题的能力。

二、教学内容2.1 导论:国际金融的基本概念、国际金融市场的分类和功能、国际金融体系的演变2.2 国际汇率制度:汇率概述、汇率的决定理论、汇率制度及其类型、汇率制度的选择与影响2.3 国际货币市场:外汇市场、货币市场、债券市场的基本概念和运作机制,国际金融市场的风险与监管2.4 国际资本市场:国际股票市场、国际债券市场、国际直接投资的基本概念和运作机制,国际资本流动的影响因素及管理2.5 国际金融衍生品市场:外汇衍生品市场、利率衍生品市场、信用衍生品市场的基本概念和运作机制,风险管理及其应用三、教学方法3.1 讲授:通过理论讲授,使学生掌握国际金融学的基本概念、原理和运作机制3.2 案例分析:通过分析典型国际金融案例,使学生了解国际金融市场的实际运作情况3.3 模拟操作:通过模拟国际金融市场的操作,培养学生解决实际问题的能力3.4 小组讨论:通过分组讨论,激发学生的思考,培养学生沟通与合作的能力四、教学评价4.1 平时成绩:包括课堂表现、作业完成情况、模拟操作等,占总评的40% 4.2 期中考试:闭卷考试,测试学生对国际金融学基本知识的掌握,占总评的30%4.3 期末考试:闭卷考试,测试学生对国际金融学知识的综合运用能力,占总评的30%五、教学资源5.1 教材:选用权威、实用的国际金融学教材5.2 课件:制作精美的课件,辅助教学5.3 案例库:收集国际金融市场的典型案例,用于教学分析5.4 模拟软件:选用国际金融市场模拟软件,进行实践教学六、教学实践6.1 实践目的:通过实践操作,使学生将理论知识应用于实际问题的解决。

金融学教案(马里兰大学) Notes 7 External Funds Needed

金融学教案(马里兰大学) Notes 7 External Funds Needed

Projected addition to retained earnings Projected growth in sales (%)
Financing and Growth - 9
What happens if the firm cannot (or does not want to) raise money externally? Growth is limited to cash flows produced internally. A big question is why some firms lack Flexibility & cannot, or does not wish to, raise external capital. Q: What is the maximum internal growth rate (IGR) achievable?
Hale Waihona Puke Financing and Growth - 5
Pro Forma Statements
• As in your cash flow preparation, the financial plan will have a forecast balance sheet, a forecast income statement, and a forecast sources-and-uses-of-cash statement. • These are called pro forma statements or pro formas.
Asset Requirements
• The financial plan will describe projected capital spending. • In addition it will the discuss the proposed uses of net working capital (build up inventory, provide financing for customers i.e. accounts receivables.)



针对不同类型的国际收支失衡,可以采取不同的调节措施。 对于长期性失衡,需要调整经济结构、改善投资环境等;对 于短期性失衡,可以通过汇率政策、利率政策等进行调节; 对于周期性失衡,可以采取财政政策和货币政策等宏观经济 政策进行调节。此外,还可以通过国际协调与合作来共同应 对国际收支失衡问题。
汇率决定理论与汇率波动影响因 素
• 课程介绍与教学目标 • 国际货币体系与汇率制度 • 外汇市场与外汇交易实务 • 国际收支理论与政策分析 • 汇率决定理论与汇率波动影响因素 • 国际金融市场与金融创新 • 国际金融机构与国际金融合作
1 2
课程性质 《国际金融》是经济学专业的核心课程,旨在培 养学生掌握国际金融的基本理论和实务知识。
包括贸易差额、经常账户差额、基本 差额、综合差额等。这些指标可以帮 助分析一个国家的国际收支状况、经 济结构以及对外经济关系。
包括经济周期、经济结构、国际分工、国际资本流动、汇率 和利率变化、国际投机与套利活动以及政治和军事因素等。 这些因素可能导致国际收支出现顺差或逆差。
该理论认为两国货币之间的汇率取决于两国物价水平之比,即购买力平价。它分为绝对购买 力平价和相对购买力平价,前者强调汇率与物价水平的绝对关系,后者则关注汇率与物价水 平相对变化的关系。
该理论认为两国货币之间的汇率差异取决于两国利率之间的差异。当两国利率存在差异时, 投资者为追求更高收益会将资金从低利率国家流向高利率国家,从而影响汇率。

金融学教案(马里兰大学) Notes 14 Options

金融学教案(马里兰大学) Notes 14 Options

Financial Management•What are Options?•Options are part of larger group of securities called contingent claims••••Call Option, C(K,Tsecurity or commodity at a fixed price (strike price) K at time T in the future.σ,security (stock).•Put Option, P(K,T):security or commodity at a strike price K at time T in the future.•Strike Price, Kor commodity when you exercise the option.•European Options:exercised before fixed exercise date.•American Options:to exercise before expiration.•Call Option:not to buy in the future at a predetermined exercise price or strike price, K, at a predetermined date, T, -•Buyer pays the call price, Ct, today to the seller -option to buy in the future.•Call Option Payoffs:•Put Option:to sell in the future at a predetermined exercise price or strike price, K, at a predetermined date, T, -•Buyer pays the put price, Pt, today to the seller -option to sell in the future.•Put Option Payoffs:* Remember, an investor writing a call or a put receives the exact opposite payoffs.•The value of a call is contingent on certain characteristics of the underlying security:C=whereS= Stock price (+ related to call price as the payoff increases the stock price)σ2= Variance of stock price (+ related as increased chance of exercise)K= Exercise price (-τ= Time til maturity (+ related as greater chance of exceeding exercise price)r f= Risk free rate (+ related as present value of the delay of payment of exercise price becomes more valuable as interest rates rise)(equals for European options, less than or equal to for American options)•where S = current price of the stock,K is the common exercise price of the optionsτr the riskless rate of interest,C(K), P(K) the current prices of the calls and puts.Ke•NOTE how the final graphs, slide 14 and slide 16, are the same PutKPut + StockKCallKCall + BondK•Put-call parity theorem tells us that as long as you have 3 of the securities (Stock, Call, Put, Bond), you can always create thefourth.Example:•Suppose a European call option with a price of $4 has an exercise price of $90 with 6 months to maturity. The stock price iscurrently $75 and the riskless rate of interest for the six months is 4%.•Assume that there is no put traded in the market. Could you reproduce the same cash flows as the Put Option? How? WhatStrategy?•Part 2: Consider the scenario in which a put with an exercise price of $90 and 6 months maturity sells for $14. Is this an equilibrium price? How could you take advantage of this situation?•Going to continuous time we can derive the famous Black -Scholes option pricing formula:•(for non-dividend paying stocks, for constant proportional dividend paying stocks a variant of this formula applies.):N(x) is the standard normal distribution function. (a standardin spreadsheets).time,•Private Equipment Company (PEC), on October 4, 1994 has an April 49 call option with a closing value of $4. The stock itself is selling at $50. On October 4, the option had 199 days toexpiration. The annual risk free rate is 7%.•We can easily get four of the necessary components:•You would have to calculatestock price. How? Calculate standard deviation of stock’scontinuous return using daily data and annualize -return = ln(S•Dividends are a form of “asset leakage”. If dividend are paid repeatedly we adjust Black Scholes to allow constant proportional dividends:You should understand the following principles from option theory:*It is valuable to wait to exercise an option. Remember you only exercise in good states, you save your exercise money if you wait and the bad (low price) state results.*The longer the time to expiration, the higher the value of the option.*The cost of waiting on a stock option is the lost profits (dividends) that would be yours from owning the stock.*These results hold no matter what the distribution of the asset is (continuous, binomial, jump process). You do have to assume a process that describes how the asset's orinvestment's returns change over time in order to get anexplicit value for this option.。


根据机构性质和业务范围的不同,国际金融机构可分为全球性国际金融机构和区域 性国际金融机构。全球性国际金融机构如国际货币基金组织(IMF)、世界银行等, 区域性国际金融机构如亚洲开发银行、欧洲投资银行等。
世界银行是联合国下属的专门机构之一,也是全球最大的发展援助机构之一。其主要职能是提供长期贷款 和技术援助,帮助发展中国家实现经济发展和减贫目标。
外汇市场的主要功能是提供货币 兑换和支付服务,以及为国际贸 易和投资活动提供资金支持。
外汇市场的参与者包括商业银行、 中央银行、投资银行、企业、个 人等。
美元、欧元、日元、英镑、 澳元、加元等主要货币对。
即期交易、远期交易、掉 期交易、期权交易等。
以欧盟、北美自由贸易区等为例,探讨跨国金融监管合作机制在应对金融危机、打击跨 境金融犯罪等方面的实践效果。
监管科技的应用 随着金融科技的发展,监管科技(RegTech)将在国际金 融监管领域发挥越来越重要的作用,提高监管效率和准确 性。
短期资金借贷市场,具有高流动 性和低风险性。
长期资金借贷市场,包括股票市 场和债券市场。
各国货币兑换市场,是全球最大 和最活跃的金融市场。
基于基础资产如股票、债券、商 品等衍生出来的金融合约交易。








《国际金融教学课件》international fina

《国际金融教学课件》international fina

研究如何评估和管理与借贷相关 的风险。
学习如何识别和应对企业运营过 程中的风险。
了解跨国投资的重要性,以及企 业如何扩大全球市场份额。
《国际金融教学课件》 international fina
国际金融是研究不同国家之间财务和投资活动的学科。本课程旨在深入介绍 国际金融的重要概念和原则,帮助学生理解全球金融市场和货币制度。
全球经济一体化和国际金融的崛 起为国际商务提供了更多机遇和 挑战。
探索不同国家货币的价值和国际 汇率对商业和投资的影响。
了解全球外汇市场的运作机制和 参与者。
研究不同类型的汇率制度和其对 国际贸易的影响。
探索国际资金流动和国际支付系 统。
研究企业如何将资本和资源投 资到不同国家和地区。
了解国际贸易的重要性以及全 球价值链的形成。
探索企业如何扩大全球业务, 应对跨文化挑战。
国际会计准则 财务分析 税务筹划
研究国际税务筹划,确保企业在全球市场上合规 运营。






一、课程目标本课程旨在帮助学生们:1. 理解国际金融的重要性和作用;2. 掌握国际金融市场的基本操作和交易方式;3. 了解国际金融政策和监管,并理解其对经济发展的影响;4. 掌握货币汇率的计算和影响因素;5. 培养分析和解决国际金融问题的能力;6. 培养团队合作和沟通能力。

二、课程大纲1. 国际金融概述A. 国际金融的定义和范围B. 国际金融对于全球经济的重要性C. 国际金融市场的分类和功能2. 货币市场与外汇市场A. 货币市场的基本概念和运作机制B. 外汇市场的参与者和交易方式C. 汇率和汇率制度的基本原理3. 国际金融政策与监管A. 国际金融政策的目标和工具B. 国际金融监管机构和框架C. 国际金融政策对经济发展的影响4. 国际金融风险与管理A. 国际金融风险的分类和特点B. 国际金融风险管理的基本原则和方法C. 国际金融风险管理工具的应用5. 国际金融案例分析A. 实际国际金融问题的案例选取B. 针对案例进行分析和解决方案的讨论C. 团队合作和沟通的培养三、教学方法1. 理论讲解:通过课堂教学向学生们系统地介绍国际金融的基本理论和原则。

2. 实例分析:选取具体的国际金融案例进行分析,培养学生们的分析和解决问题的能力。

3. 团队合作:通过小组讨论和项目实践,培养学生们的团队合作和沟通能力。

4. 案例研究:引入真实的国际金融案例,让学生们运用所学知识解决实际问题。

四、教学资源1. 教材:选择与国际金融教学内容相关的教材,为学生提供参考和辅助学习。

2. 多媒体:使用多媒体技术展示图表、案例和实例,增加学生的学习趣味性和参与感。

3. 电子资源:提供相关学术论文、报告和政策文件的电子资源,供学生们深入研究和扩展阅读。




















《国际金融学》课程教案一、课程简介1. 课程名称:国际金融学2. 课程性质:专业核心课程3. 学时安排:共计32 学时4. 先修课程:宏观经济学、微观经济学、金融学原理5. 课程目标:使学生了解国际金融市场的基本概念、运行机制和主要金融工具,掌握国际汇率决定理论、国际资本流动规律和国际金融市场管理等方面的知识,提高学生分析和解决国际金融问题的能力。

二、教学内容1. 导论:国际金融的基本概念、国际金融市场的构成与功能、国际金融体系的发展历程。

2. 国际汇率决定理论:汇率与外汇市场、汇率决定理论、汇率制度。

3. 国际资本市场:国际债券市场、国际股票市场、国际资本流动的规律与影响。

4. 国际金融市场管理:国际金融机构、国际金融监管、国际金融危机及其应对。

5. 国际金融政策:国际金融政策协调、国际资本流动与宏观经济政策、国际金融市场的稳定与调控。

三、教学方法1. 讲授:通过教师的讲解,使学生掌握国际金融学的基本概念、理论和方法。

2. 案例分析:通过分析典型国际金融案例,使学生了解国际金融市场的实际运作。

3. 小组讨论:组织学生就国际金融学相关的热点问题进行讨论,提高学生的思辨能力和实践能力。

4. 学术研究:鼓励学生参加国际金融学的学术研究,提升学生的学术素养。

四、教学评价1. 平时成绩:包括课堂表现、作业完成情况、案例分析报告等,占总评的30%。

2. 期中考试:考察学生对国际金融学基本理论和知识的掌握,占总评的40%。

3. 期末考试:全面测试学生的学习成果,占总评的30%。

五、教学资源1. 教材:推荐学生阅读《国际金融学》等相关教材。

2. 辅助资料:提供国际金融市场的相关数据、案例和论文,帮助学生更好地理解课程内容。

3. 网络资源:推荐学生浏览国际金融学的相关网站,了解国际金融市场的最新动态。

4. 讲座和研讨会:邀请国际金融学的专家和学者进行讲座和研讨会,为学生提供更多的学习机会。

六、教学实践1. 课堂互动:鼓励学生提问和参与讨论,提高课堂氛围。

金融学教案(马里兰大学) Notes 4 Stocks

金融学教案(马里兰大学) Notes 4 Stocks

1Financial ManagementStock Valuation2Valuing StocksStock valuation is harder and less scientific than bond valuation–much more difficult to estimate cash flows–cash flows go on “forever”–estimating discount rate is challengingValuing equity–Relative Valuation•Uses “multiples” of “comparable” companies–P/E, P/S, etc.–DCF based models•dividend discount model•free cash flow method– A classic way to value stock is to look at the explicit cash flow that shareholders earn: dividends plus a future saleprice–Valuation with a finite or infinite horizon:•••P•Assume that dividends will remain at the same level forever, i.e. D1 = D2 =…=DtSince future cash flows are constant, the value of a zero growth stock is the present value of a perpetuity:It may be reasonable to assume that the dividends of a mature company will grow at a constant rate, g, forever, i. e.,D1D2D t= De.g., if dividend is $2 today (D5%, then D–If the cash flows grow at a constant rate forever, this is simplya growing perpetuity, and the value of a stock can be writtenas:–As long as g < r, the present value at the rate r of dividends growing at the rate g is:Assume that dividends will grow at different rates in the foreseeable future and then will grow at a constant rate thereafter–a mix of "supernormal" growth early on and then a constant, "normal" growth rate later (mature company)To value a Differential Growth Stock, we need to:–estimate future dividends in the foreseeable future–estimate the future stock price when the stock becomes aConstant Growth Stock (case 2)–compute the total present value of the estimated futuredividends and stock price at the appropriate discount rater = 12% (investors’ required return)g1= gD0= $2D1= $2 x 1.08 = $2.16, DUse Case 2 (constant growth) to compute P–imagine that you are at t=3 looking forwardD4= $2.52 x 1.04 = $2.62P3= $2.62 / (.12 -.04) = $32.75Expected future cash flows of this stock:|----------|---------|---------|P0= 2.16/1.12 + 2.33/1.12A slight variation to the previous example–During the next three years there will be very high growth in dividends, but not at an equal rate every year. The next three dividends forbe $0.50, $1.00, and $1.50.–Starting in the fourth year, the dividends are expected to grow at a constant 5% forever (the dividend in the fourth year will be 1.50 * (1 + 5%).–If the required return onTotal Present Value = PV(Dividends) + PV(Pwhere P3= [DStock price = $0.454 + $0.826 + $1.127 + $23.67 = $26.07Let’s assume that the dividends paid on a stock are a constant fraction of the company’s earnings, i.e. that there is a constant payout ratio p (where D = p * E).In the constant growth case, we can rewrite the valuation formula as P0= p*EThe “forward-looking” price-earnings (“PE”) ratio of the company is thus P–P/EThe PE ratio is high if the denominator is small:–if interest rates are low–if the company’s risk is low (r will be smaller)–if the growth rate, g, is highThe P/E ratio is the most frequently used “multiple”–If a firm’s earnings are $1.20 per year, and the average P/E ratio of “comparable” companies is 15, the stock price can be estimated as 1.20 *15 = $18.To value a stock (or company), the following are required:–Some cash flow estimates for the next few (5-10) years(dividends, earnings, free cash flow)–Growth rate in the stable growth (terminal) phase–Discount rate(s) -course (it will depend on the risk of the cash flows)•EIC (Economy-Industry-Company) analysis–conduct in-depth research to estimate future growth rates inrevenues and margins (for example)–this is the critical “non-finance” component of the analysisOne way to grow a company is by issuing new debt or equity to finance acquisition of new “capital” that generates additional earnings. However, note that if the firm issues equity, the earnings per share (EPS) does not necessarily increase. “Sustainable growth” (growth that doesn’t require new financing) occurs if the company reinvests into its operations.••You may occasionally see (e.g. in the textbook), expressions such as P = E/r + NPVGO–NPVGO is the NPV of Growth Opportunities–For many companies, NVPGO accounts for more than half of the company’s valueValuing NPVGO is the major challenge in valuing stocks–New methods (e.g. Real Options Analysis) are beingdeveloped to improve the valuation of NPVGOTo be a successful equity analyst, you need to understand some basic financial valuation principles, as well as some of the subtleties involved in estimating cash flows and discount rates. However, you also have to have a very sound understanding of business in general -marketing, management, and other related functional areas.If you are interested in learning more about equity valuation, you should:–go to (click on Valuation)–We will also add more as the course progresses.。



国际金融教案第一章:国际金融市场概述1.1 教学目标了解国际金融市场的定义、功能和分类掌握国际金融市场的主要参与者及其作用了解国际金融市场的发展趋势1.2 教学内容国际金融市场的定义和功能国际金融市场的分类及其特点国际金融市场的主要参与者:商业银行、投资银行、证券公司、基金管理公司等国际金融市场的发展趋势1.3 教学方法讲授法:介绍国际金融市场的定义、功能、分类和主要参与者案例分析法:分析具体的国际金融市场案例,加深学生对国际金融市场的理解1.4 教学作业要求学生阅读相关教材或资料,了解国际金融市场的定义、功能和分类要求学生分析具体的国际金融市场案例,总结其主要参与者的作用第二章:外汇与汇率2.1 教学目标了解外汇的概念、种类和作用掌握汇率的定义、分类和决定因素了解汇率变动的影响因素及汇率制度2.2 教学内容外汇的概念、种类和作用汇率的定义、分类和决定因素汇率变动的影响因素:供求关系、宏观经济政策、政治因素等汇率制度:固定汇率制、浮动汇率制等2.3 教学方法讲授法:介绍外汇的概念、种类和作用,汇率的定义、分类和决定因素案例分析法:分析具体的外汇和汇率案例,加深学生对汇率变动的理解2.4 教学作业要求学生阅读相关教材或资料,了解外汇的概念、种类和作用要求学生分析具体的外汇和汇率案例,总结汇率变动的影响因素及汇率制度第三章:国际金融市场工具3.1 教学目标了解国际金融市场工具的定义和分类掌握各类国际金融市场工具的特点和应用了解国际金融市场工具的发展趋势3.2 教学内容国际金融市场工具的定义和分类各类国际金融市场工具的特点和应用:外汇期货、期权、远期合约等国际金融市场工具的发展趋势3.3 教学方法讲授法:介绍国际金融市场工具的定义、分类和特点案例分析法:分析具体的金融市场工具案例,加深学生对国际金融市场工具的理解3.4 教学作业要求学生阅读相关教材或资料,了解国际金融市场工具的定义和分类要求学生分析具体的金融市场工具案例,总结各类金融市场工具的特点和应用第四章:国际结算4.1 教学目标了解国际结算的定义、方式和工具掌握国际结算中的主要支付工具:信用证、托收、汇票等了解国际结算的风险与管理4.2 教学内容国际结算的定义、方式和工具国际结算中的主要支付工具:信用证、托收、汇票等国际结算的风险与管理4.3 教学方法讲授法:介绍国际结算的定义、方式和工具,国际结算中的主要支付工具案例分析法:分析具体的国第四章:国际结算4.1 教学目标了解国际结算的定义、方式和工具掌握国际结算中的主要支付工具:信用证、托收、汇票等了解国际结算的风险与管理4.2 教学内容国际结算的定义、方式和工具国际结算中的主要支付工具:信用证、托收、汇票等国际结算的风险与管理4.3 教学方法讲授法:介绍国际结算的定义、方式和工具,国际结算中的主要支付工具案例分析法:分析具体的国际结算案例,加深学生对国际结算的理解4.4 教学作业要求学生阅读相关教材或资料,了解国际结算的定义、方式和工具要求学生分析具体的国际结算案例,总结国际结算的风险与管理第五章:国际金融政策5.1 教学目标理解国际金融政策的概念和重要性分析不同国家的金融政策工具和目标探讨国际金融政策协调与合作的方式和效果5.2 教学内容国际金融政策的概念和重要性金融政策工具:利率、货币供应、汇率政策等金融政策目标:稳定物价、促进就业、平衡国际收支等国际金融政策协调与合作:国际货币基金组织、世界银行等机构的角色5.3 教学方法讲授法:介绍国际金融政策的概念、工具和目标讨论法:引导学生讨论国际金融政策协调的意义和实际案例5.4 教学作业要求学生阅读相关教材或资料,了解国际金融政策的概念和重要性要求学生分析不同国家的金融政策工具和目标,以及它们对经济的影响第六章:国际金融风险管理6.1 教学目标理解国际金融风险的概念和类型掌握国际金融风险管理的基本策略和技术分析国际金融风险管理案例,了解最佳实践6.2 教学内容国际金融风险的概念和类型:市场风险、信用风险、流动性风险等风险管理基本策略:风险分散、风险对冲、风险转移等风险管理技术:衍生品交易、风险评估模型等国际金融风险管理案例分析6.3 教学方法讲授法:介绍国际金融风险的概念、类型和管理策略案例分析法:分析国际金融风险管理的实际案例6.4 教学作业要求学生阅读相关教材或资料,了解国际金融风险的概念和类型要求学生分析国际金融风险管理案例,总结风险管理策略和技术第七章:国际金融市场与全球经济政策7.1 教学目标分析国际金融市场对全球经济的影响探讨全球经济政策协调的必要性及其挑战理解国际金融市场监管的结构和机制7.2 教学内容国际金融市场对全球经济的影响:资本流动、货币政策传递等全球经济政策协调的必要性:汇率波动、经济周期不同步等全球经济政策协调的挑战:国家利益、政策分歧等国际金融市场监管:国际证监会组织、巴塞尔协议等7.3 教学方法讲授法:介绍国际金融市场对全球经济的影响和全球经济政策协调的必要性讨论法:探讨全球经济政策协调的挑战和监管机制7.4 教学作业要求学生阅读相关教材或资料,了解国际金融市场对全球经济的影响要求学生分析全球经济政策协调的挑战和国际金融市场监管的机制第八章:国际金融的未来趋势8.1 教学目标预测国际金融市场的发展趋势分析新兴市场在国际金融中的作用和影响探讨科技革新对国际金融市场的潜在影响8.2 教学内容国际金融市场的发展趋势:全球化的影响、金融创新的推动新兴市场的作用和影响:中国、印度、巴西等国家的金融市场发展科技革新对国际金融市场的影响:区块链、、在线支付等8.3 教学方法讲授法:介绍国际金融市场的发展趋势和新兴市场的作用讨论法:探讨科技革新对国际金融市场的潜在影响8.4 教学作业要求学生阅读相关教材或资料,了解国际金融市场的发展趋势要求学生分析新兴市场的作用和科技革新对国际金融市场的潜在影响重点和难点解析:1. 第一章中,学生需要重点关注国际金融市场的分类及其特点,以及主要参与者的作用。

金融学教案(马里兰大学) Notes 5 Capital Budgeting

金融学教案(马里兰大学) Notes 5 Capital Budgeting

Capital Budgeting -1CAPITAL BUDGETINGOutline1. DECISION MAKING CRITERIA (Present Value again)2. PROJECT CASH FLOWS3. VALUATION: NEW OR EXISTING PROJECT / BUSINESS4. MORE ON INCREMENTAL CASH FLOWS5. THE 4 CENTRAL INPUTS TO CASH FLOW FORECASTS6. SENSITIVITY ANALYSISVarying the Key Parameters: Some Sensitivity Analysis7. Some conclusions / generalizationsCapital Budgeting -21. Decision Making Criteria:Valuation of InvestmentMany methods used in investment appraisal but, in general, these methods may be categorized into 2 areas: Non-discounted cash flow methods (NCF)PaybackAverage return on book value (not to be covered)Discounted cash flow methods (DCF)NPVIRRDCF methods properly focus on opportunity cost of money for firm!Concentrate on cash flows rather than on accounting profitsCapital Budgeting -3Net present value ruleT 1NPV =-C 0+Σ C t [ ]t=1(1+r)t|____| |_____________|Initial Present value investment of cash flows•Where r is the firm’s cost of capital or opportunity cost •Decision rule:•Accept projects with NPV>0•Reject projects with NPV<0Capital Budgeting -4Internal rate of return ruleIRR is return that equates initial investment with PV of cash flowsT10=-C 0+Σ C t [___________ ]t=1(1+IRR)tDecision rule:•Accept projects with IRR>r•Reject projects with IRR<rProblems with IRR: 1. Ignores Value Creation (Scale).2. Assumes cash flows are reinvested at IRR.3. Can have Multiple IRRs if later cash flows are negative.Capital Budgeting -5NPV ProfileGraph of NPV against discount rate. Allows graphical presentation of how value depends on discount rates. Useful when you are not sure about the discount rate.Capital Budgeting -6BEYOND THE BASICSThe key to capital budgeting is not just the mechanics (NPV and IRR are just mechanical!) -but rather varying key parameters into cash flow forecasts-ALONG with different discount rates changes the PRESENT VALUE of the cash flows.It is in how the assumptions are modeled that many mistakes can be made. This note thus does not focus on discount rates, but rather on the formulation of the cash flows.Capital budgeting emphasizes the key role management has in value creation by taking projects and expanding the size of the firm if profitable.Capital Budgeting -72. PROJECT CASH FLOWSGoal is to Identify & Value Cash FlowsOnce we have the cash flows we can value the project or company!A. Relevant Cash Flows:WHAT ARE THESE?Relevant cash flows are those that come into or out of being because a project is undertaken, thus we are interested in incremental cash flows. Incremental cash flows -Any and all changes in the firm's future cashflows that are a direct consequence of taking the project.B. The Stand-Alone PrincipleViewing projects as "mini-firms" withtheir own assets,revenues andcostsAllows us to evaluate the investments separate from the other activities of the firm.Capital Budgeting -8C. ESTIMATING CASH FLOWSPRO FORMA FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND PROJECT CASH FLOWSGetting Started: Pro Forma Financial StatementsTreat the project as a mini-firm:(This section initially ASSUMES that you know you have a good project/ business!)1.PROFORMAS: Start with pro forma (forecasted) income statement and balance sheet (don't include interest for valuation, include to estimate funds needed).The proforma income statement forecasts sales, costs and thus profit for the life of the project.The proforma balance sheet answers 2 primary questions:1. The amount of assets needed to generate forecasted sales.Question: How do we get sales forecasts?2. The amount of external capital needed to finance the assets3. VALUATIONNEW OR EXISTING BUSINESSESGoal is to Identify & Value Cash FlowsFrom the pro forma statements, compute:3 COMPONENTS TO INCREMENTAL CASH FLOWSA.Cash flows from assets (Change for additions)B.INVESTMENTS TERMINAL VALUENote: The above can be used to value an entire firm as well as an incremental project.Capital Budgeting -9A. CASH FLOWS FROM ASSETSFor any period estimate:(1) sales, (based on growth/ market share)(2) costs and thus the profit margin (as a % of sales typically)(3) capital spending (i.e. factory expansion) and also(4) net working capital requirements:Cash flow from assets =+ operating cash flow-incremental capital spending / economic depreciation-change in net working capitalwhere operating cash flow =+ earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT)-taxes+ depreciationCapital Budgeting -10Cash Flows and A Simple Income Statement: SALES-Cost of Goods Sold (CGS)-Selling, General and Admin. Expense-Depreciation-----------------------------------------= EBIT-Taxes+ Depreciation-----------------------------------------= Operating Cash FlowA Proforma income statement is merely the forecast of the income statement (not adding back depreciation, subtracting interest) into the future for the relevant number of years.Capital Budgeting -11B. ESTIMATING INVESTMENT COST:1.Cost of acquiring Investment / Installing It.2.Additions to Net Working Capital:+ Cash+ AR+ Inventory-A/P-TAXES PAYABLE3. NET PROCEEDS from SALE of Existing Assets.4. TAX EFFECTS associated with Sales and Purchases.Tax write-offsCapital gainstax on depreciation recaptureInvestment Tax CreditCapital Budgeting -12Capital Budgeting -13C.ESTIMATING TERMINAL VALUE 2 alternatives:1. Salvage or shut down business2. Sell business as a going concern to a new owner1. SALVAGE VALUE / SHUT DOWNI. SALE AMOUNT FROM ASSETSii.RECAPTURE WORKING CAPITALiii. TAX EFFECTS -GAIN VS BOOK VALUE2. SALE OF BUSINESS AS GOING CONCERNi. PV OF FUTURE BUSINESS (Perhaps a multiple of earnings at that date OR use an Annuity Formula using last periods cash flow.)Capital Budgeting -14Decision-making criteriaNow that you have your sash flows, you can VALUE your project/firm (NPV/IRR)Remember TO QUESTION Cash Flows. Currently we have not made any managerial decisions -purely mechanical so far.Important distinction between estimating funds needed and decision making/valuation:To value project: Ignore financing costs (interest / dividends). The project cash flows do not depend of where you get the money (the financing decision) -financing costs will be reflected in the discount rate in NPV calculation.Capital Budgeting -23B. Transfer Pricing:need market prices.C. Opportunity CostsOpportunity cost -Any cash flows lost or foregone by taking onecourse rather than another. These apply to any asset or resource that has value if sold rather than used.D. Side Effects:CANNIBALIZATION / SALES CREATION With multi-line firms, projects often affect one another -sometimeshelping, sometimes hurting. Erosion -Revenues gained by a new project at the expense of thefirm's other existing products or services. Example: Every time Kellogg's brings out a new oat cereal it probably causes some erosion of existing product sales.Qualification: If another firm would (or could) produce this product any sales erosion should be ignored -"water over the dam."Capital Budgeting -24E. Net Working CapitalNew projects often require incremental investments in cash, inventories, and receivables that need to be included in cash flows (if they are not offset by changes in payables, such as taxes or accounts payable.)Later, as projects end, this investment is often recovered.F. Financing CostsDo not include any interest or principal on debt or any dividends or other financing costs in computing cash flows.The discount rate will take care of that.Financing costs represent the division of cash flows to providers of capital as a result of the financing decision.This is the BIGGEST DIFFERENCE between financial forecastingand project/firm valuation.G. After-Tax vs. Before-Tax Cash FlowsUse after-tax cash flow -not accounting earnings.7. Some conclusions / generalizationsIt is not appropriate to value earnings, per se.You must take into account fixed assets and working capitalrequired to support the sales and generate the earnings.Discounted cash flow analysis is not short term.The Value depends on the discount rate used to value the futurecash flows. It properly takes into account long term cash flows. Consider economic questions which emphasize change in assessing a company's performance.Ask questions such as:Operating strategies: Has the company lowered price to gain afuture payoff (Airlines?)Are there future scale economies as a large portion of cost isfixed?Capital Budgeting -29。






















二、教学目标1. 了解国际金融市场的基本概念和运行机制。

2. 掌握国际汇率制度及其影响因素。

3. 理解国际资本流动的规律和效应。

4. 熟悉国际贸易融资的方式和工具。

5. 掌握国际金融管理的基本策略和手段。

三、教学内容1. 国际金融市场概述:国际金融市场的基本概念、分类、功能和特点。

2. 国际汇率制度:固定汇率制度、浮动汇率制度、汇率决定理论。

3. 国际资本流动:资本流动的类型、原因、效应及管理。

4. 国际贸易融资:贸易融资的方式、工具及风险管理。

5. 国际金融管理:国际储备管理、外汇管制、金融危机管理等。

四、教学方法1. 讲授:讲解基本概念、理论体系和实践案例。

2. 案例分析:分析国际金融市场的实际案例,提高学生的实践能力。

3. 小组讨论:分组讨论问题,培养学生的团队合作精神。

4. 课堂互动:提问、回答问题,激发学生的学习兴趣。

五、教学评估1. 平时成绩:课堂表现、作业完成情况、案例分析报告。

2. 考试成绩:期末考试,包括选择题、简答题、计算题和分析题。


六、教学资源1. 教材:《国际金融学》,作者:约翰·C·马瑟斯等。

2. 辅助教材:《国际金融学案例分析》,作者:大卫·R·海曼等。

3. 学术期刊:国际金融相关的学术期刊,如《国际金融评论》、《金融经济学》等。

4. 网络资源:国际金融市场的实时数据、新闻报道和分析报告。

七、教学安排1. 课时:共计32课时,每课时45分钟。

2. 授课方式:课堂讲授、案例分析、小组讨论、课堂互动。

3. 教学进度:按照教案和教材安排教学内容和进度。

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Financial ManagementIn this lecture we will cover:•Justification for hedging•Different Types of Hedging Instruments.•How to Determine Risk Exposure.Good references include:Tucker, Alan. Financial Futures, Options, and Swaps. West Publishing, NewYork, 1991.Lavent, Judy C. and A. John Kearney, "Identifying, Measuring, and HedgingCurrency Risk at Merck".Maloney, Peter J. "Managing Currency Exposure: The Case of WesternMining."Why Hedge: Reducing Risks•Up to this point in the course, we have taken many types of risks as given.Systematic risks are summarized by a firm's Beta.We have examined how financial risk can increase the risk of the firm's stock by unleveraging and levering the firm's beta.NOW:•We now will examine how certain financial assets can be used to reduce the variance of the firm's cash flows.•Reducing the risks of the firm's cashflows can be done for many different types of risk by buying or selling financial assets.This technique of entering into a transaction to reduce the variance of a firm's cash flows is called hedging.•Price of one country’s currency for another–•Direct terms––•Indirect terms––•Determinants––––Relation of inflation and exchange rates •Example: Suppose that inflation in Brazil during the year is equal to 4% and inflation in the U.S. is 10%. Assume that the 5BC is worth $1 at the beginning of the period.What should happen to the price of the BC relative to the $?A. Question:hedging, will firm value increase?Plots of Some Variables78•Many standardized financial products exist to help firms hedge or reduce their risks. However, hedging can be accomplished using non-standardized specific contracts.•For example, a contract with your dentist paying him an annual fixed fee in return is a hedge against any unforeseen, unknown dental bills. All insurance is a form of hedging.•Risks that can be hedged easily using standard contracts include: currency risk–interest rate risks–input price risk (oil prices, orange juice, hogs, corn and othercommodities),–movements in major stock indices.B. Is the value of the firm affected?–If hedging is a good idea, it should increase the value ofthe firm.–Value of the firm is given by after tax cash flowsdiscounted by the appropriate rate for the firm.–Will firm value increase? Will increase only bychanging the numerator (increasing cash flows) or thedenominator (decreasing systematic risk.)CON:•••PRO:1. Removing unsystematic risk by the firm is2.Convexity of the tax function•Now suppose that tax schedule is convex, marginal tax rate is higher than average, i.e., slope of tax schedule is nonlinear. Supposepositive income is 50% but no credit issued on losses.•Suppose either make 1000 with probability .5 or lose 500 with probability .5.•Thus expected income is $250. Tax on expected income is $125. •But expected taxes will be .5 * t•With hedging, taxable income can be made to equal expected income.Therefore pay 50% taxes on 250 = $125 with certainty.More volatile income is, the bigger the benefit from hedging. More convex the tax schedule is, the bigger the benefit from hedging.Reasons to Hedge (continued)3.Financial distress•Firms in financial distress face both direct costs (bankruptcy costs) and indirect costs (loss of customers, suppliers, and employees).•Hedging can reduce the probability of financial distress and thereby lower the expected costs of distress.•By lowering the probability of the firm getting into trouble, it makes customers, suppliers, etc. more willing to dealwith the firm.This should increase cash flows and raise the value of the firm.Reasons to Hedge (continued) 4.Agency conflicts•Previously discussed bondholder/stockholder conflicts.Firms that are stable with low probability of largevariances in income have no worry about such conflicts.But firms with income that is highly variable are exposed to the costs of such conflicts (harder to monitor or see why cash flows are low).Reducing the variance of income by hedging may help to lower agency costs -“manager” messed up.A.Determine if you have Transaction exposure versusoperating exposure1.Transaction exposure•Fixed contract denominated in fixed interest rates or foreign currency. Value of contract falls as interest rates rise or as price of foreign currency falls.“Easy” to Hedge: Hedge for exact amount.SLIDE 20.2.Operating exposure: Normal business exposure -ongoing.–Even if no fixed fee contracts in foreign currency, value of firm affected by changes in real exchange rates,prices of commodities, etc.–This occurs because relative prices of goods areaffected by changes in commodity prices or realexchange rates.•Spot trades–Agreement on the exchange rate today for settlement in twodays–Rate today is called spot rate•Forward trades–Agreement on an exchange rate today for settlement in thefuture–Maturities for forward contracts are usually 1 to 52 weeks–Rate agreed upon for forward trade is forward rate–Banks write forward contracts–Tailor-made•Futures marketsA.Forward contracts1.Agreement to buy an asset at specified price on a specified date.2.Buyers and sellers obliged to deliver or take delivery. No money isexchanged until settlement. This may introduce default risk forforward contracts.Interbankmarket for currency. Operates through Reuters screens, telex andtelephone. The notional size of this market is estimated to be over $100 trillion dollars. Forward rates are quoted as a discount or premiumrelative to spot contracts. If the spot Yen is quoted as(the first number is the bid, the 90 refers to 124.2290, the ask. The one month forward would be quoted as 30/20. .0030 would be subtracted from the bid and .020 from the ask. You always widen the spreadversus the spot, so if a smaller number is quoted first, you addget the new spread.•Boeing has an order from British Airways for a jet.Delivery in 6 months.•Suppose Boeing lets British Air pay in pounds and the price is £10mm.•Spot currency price is $1.6145/£•Current dollar price is therefore $16.145mm. But delivery is in 6 months.•Boeing can sell a 6 month forward contract for £10mm for $15.667mm right now. They now have zero risk exposure from any currency movements.•Have they lost money by doing this?–Final profit or loss depends on what the spot rate is in 6 months.–The spot rate could be $1.40/£ in 6 months in which case theyhave “gained” or it could be $1.70 in 6 months in which casethey have “lost”.–On average the gains and losses should balance out, makinghedging a zero gain activity.Do not consider a loss on the forward contract evidence of “bad”management.Forwards and Interest Rate Parity (IRP)•IRP is an arbitrage condition that must hold after considering transaction costs and spreads and default risk. It relates theor premium on forward exchange to the term structure of intereston financial assets denominated in the two currencies involved in anexchange rate.•This condition can be stated as the Interest Parity Theorem:where: F(t,T) is the domestic currency price of forward exchange,S(t) is the domestic currency price of spot exchange.i,(i*) interest rate on deposits in domestic (foreign) currenciesfor the period in question –•Interest rate parity theorem implies that theinterest between two countries be equal–Inflation may differ–How does this affect exchange rates?•Example: Suppose you have a choice between two, one month investments of $1m:–Dollars–Favorite Foreign Currency•Which would you choose?•One month rate of interest is 0.50% Time 0Lend $1mFavorite Currency investment1.Agreement to buy an asset at specified price on a specifieddate. Traded on an exchange.2.Standard contractsa.b.c.d.value of contract.3.Special featuresa.Marking to marketFutures contract can be considered a series of one day forwardcontracts. At the end of each day, if the price of the contractrisen, the owner gets the increase deposited in her account; ifprice has fallen, the price decrease is subtracted from her account.b.Performance bond: margin•When buying a contract, buyer must post a performance bond, i.e., deposit money in a margin account. The account will be credited and debited every day depending on the movements of the price of the futures contract.•Notice that this margin account is not the same as a stock margin account in which a buyer is making a down payment and borrowing funds from the broker to complete the sale.c.Clearing houseThe clearing house is the counterpart for alltransactions. This reduces transaction costs anddefault risk and makes the market more liquid.d.Example of futures: Next Slide:Works just like a series of daily forward contracts,so using previous pound example, we get the sameresult. Only difference is that every day we wouldhave a small profit or loss.•Close of April 20, 1995•Spot rate is $1.6095/ £•Use British pounds–Contract is for £62,500–June95 settle is for 1.6106–Total value is $100,662.50•Marking to market–Price change since previous day is -.0106–If you were long one contract, you had $662.5(£62,500*-.0106) debited from your account•The International Monetary Market (IMM) division of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) trades Deutschemarks, Eurodollars, Yen, Swiss Franc, and T-bill futures. The Index and OptionsMarket (IOM) division of the CME trades equity futures including the S&P 500, the most active futures contract, along with the Nikkei 225 and the S&P 100. The Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) trades U.S. T. Bond and Note futures along with commodity futures.Options on these futures contracts are also traded on the CBOT.•However, the maturity of these contracts is generally short. Most contracts are for 1-3 months. Up to 18 month contracts on some commodities (OIL on the NYMEX are offered) but generallyilliquid after 6 months.Differences among forwards & futures1.Cash flow profile the same2.Only difference is credit risk•Forward contracts are riskiest because full payment comes at maturity.•Futures contracts are essentially risk free because of marking to market and the performance margin that mustbe posted when the contract is bought. Also, the exchangestands ready to make good on any defaulted contract.•Swaps (not covered in this course) are intermediate credit risk. They call for payments before maturity, but are notmarked to market and do not have a clearing house.•The Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE), division of the CBOT, trades S&P 100 (OEX) options along with S&P 500, T-Bonds, T-Notes and common stock options.1.Call and put options give rights to buy or sell currencyBritish pound March 195 call allows owner to purchase £31,250 at$1.95 per pound. The option is in the money because the spot price of the pound is $1.9990.2.Futures optionsOption on a futures contract. If call option is exercised at the strike price, then owner gets a long position in the British pound futures contract where the price of the futures contract is the strike price.3.Options useful when exposure is uncertainAn example is bidding on a contract. If payment will be received in one year if you win the contract, then creating a position using forwards orfutures could be costly if you don't win. Alternative is to buyput option that allows you to sell the currency at the strike price.•Hedging can add value if costs of financial distress are significant.•Transaction Hedges are straightforward to put together -same as “market value naive” hedge.•Operational Hedges require determining a company’s risk exposure.•Key insight: take offsetting position so that hedge’s value variesrate) exposure.。
