国际商务环境 International Business Environment Ex-Im & Countertrade Ch. 13
国际商务环境与运作英文版第十三版课程设计) (2)
本课程的主要教材为国际商务环境与运作英文版第十三版,作者为Daniel P. Sullivan和Salvatore T. March。
强调制度、奖惩和知识的权威; 社会问题的根源在社会制度, 改革的关键是重新分配权力 掌权者和无权者之间根本上是和 谐的
强调权威的重要性、认同性; 社会问题的根源在于不法分子和愚民, 改革社会的关键是撤换掌权人 掌权者和无权者之间潜伏着根本 冲突
个人主义和集体主义: 个人主义将每个人都视为独一无二的,人们对自己的评价主要依 据自己的成就、地位以及其他特征。 集体主义则主要依据人们所属的群体加以评价。
这样特殊的经济形式意味着莫斯科市政 当局作为政府代表成为麦当劳合伙人。
一直到1988年,才 签订正式协议。
苏联入侵阿富汗,引起西方拒绝参加莫 斯科奥运会,冷战加剧使麦当劳与市政当局 的协议签订延迟。
麦当劳与莫斯科市政当局的合资企业遭遇: 企业被迫遭受各部门的监管。
需求1:“我们需要更多建筑石料”。 ——回答:“很抱歉,你们不在我们五年计划之中。”
案例分析2 在一家著名美国公司——辉瑞制药的瑞典分公司中, 美国式领导风格就很不受欢迎。因为美国人是进攻性的、 强势的和直截了当的,而北欧的文化是很柔和的、委婉 的,重视家庭的关怀、员工的关怀、社会的责任感等等。 结果瑞典员工感到很不愉快,工作也受到影响。于是辉 瑞不得不改变领导方式,更换了一些经理,甚至派了一 些女性的经理到瑞典来帮助改善管理。
一切都是相对的 相信通才、常识 权威是为公民服务的 渴求成功,愿冒风险 离经叛道也不可怕,可以容忍 民族主义色彩较浓 容忍不同意见 冲突竞争有益,只要规则公平
男性化是指在社会中占统治地位的价值是成功、金钱和事业。 女性化是指在社会中占统治地位的价值是关心他人和生活质量。
国际商务环境 International Business Environment Political Economies Ch. 2
goals Emphasis: “good of society”, “common good” Plato,427-347 BC, to Socialists, Marx, 1818 - 83 Communists-revolution, Social Democrats-democratic outlook
Totalitarianism: One person/party exercises absolute control over all spheres of human life
– Communist totalitarianism (PRC, Vietnam, Laos, N.
Korea,Cuba) – Theocratic totalitarianism (Iran, S. Arabia) – Tribal totalitarianism (Zimbabwe, Tanzania) – Right wing totalitarianism
Legal Systems and International Business
Property rights
use of a resource use made of income from resource enforcement issues Public vs private action violations
High corruption levels
Public Action and Corruption
US foreign corrupt practices act:
– illegal for US managers to bribe government
国际商务环境 International Business Environment Production, Outsourcing & Logistics Ch. 14
Quality and Cost Management
TQM: technique to improve products and services quality Six Sigma: Statistically based cost cutting system
– Reduces defects, boosts productivity, eliminates
– controls physical transmission of materials
through the value chain
Production and logistics decisions
– Lower costs of value creation – Add value through better attention to customer
Other Issues
Strategic alliances with suppliers Just-in-time inventory system management The role of information technology The role of the internet
through the supply chain suppliers –> customers
Relationship Between Quality and Costs
Quality …
Increases Productivity Improves Performance Reliability Lowers Rework and Scrap Costs Lowers Warranty Costs Lowers Manufacturing Costs Lowers Service Costs Increases Profits
3.Economic and political issues may conflict
Early Experience of the Euro (€)
➢ Volatile trading history
Remove all frontier controls Principle of mutual recognition to product standards Open public procurement to non-national suppliers Lift barriers of competition to banks and insurance Remove restrictions on foreign exchange transactions Abolish restriction on cabotage (trucking)
➢ 1973 1st enlargement: Britain, Ireland, Denmark
European Union
➢ 1981 2nd enlargement: Greece ➢ 1983 3rd enlargement: Portugal, Spain ➢ 1992 single European act
➢ Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation – USA, Japan, China + 15 Pacific nations
➢ USA, Canada, Mexico (FTA-1988)
– USA-Canada is world’s largest trading relationship
国际商务环境 International Business Environment HRM Ch.16
Expatriate Success Predictors
– Strengthen self-esteem, self-confidence, mental well-being – Adapt to food, music, sport, outside interests – Superior technical competency
Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management
Different approaches to staffing policy Foreign postings
– Why do managers fail? – How can they increase their chances of
Japanese MNCs
1. Manager cannot cope with broader responsibility 2. 3. 4. 5.
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
overseas Manager cannot adjust culturally Manager’s lack of personal or emotional maturity Lack of technical competence Spouse cannot adjust culturally
Polycentric Multidomestic • key overseas positions staffed by local managers Geocentric Global and Transnational • best for job gets it
Expatriate Managers Failure Rates
《国际商务环境》课程简介课程名称:国际商务环境英文名称:International Business Environment总学时(含授课学时和实验学时):18先修课程:《国际贸易理论与实务》、《外贸函电》、《商务英语谈判》、……。
考核方式:考试选用教材:窦卫霖《国际商务环境(英文版)》为对外经济贸易大学出版社,2009参考书目:1.齐绍洲,刘威,亢梅玲,《国际商务环境》,武汉大学出版社,20082.约翰D. 丹尼尔斯,《国际商务环境与运作》,机械工业出版社,20083.杨言洪,《国际商务环境研究》,对外经济贸易大学出版社。
International Business SummaryI. Definition of International BusinessInternational business refers to commercial activities carried out on the international level, including cross-border trade, international investment, and multinational cooperation. International business is becoming increasingly important in the context of globalization, posing new challenges for the operation and management of international enterprises. Through international business, companies can expand their markets, acquire resources, increase revenue, and enhance competitiveness, promoting economic development.二、国际商务环境与市场1. 国际商务环境国际商务环境包括政治、经济、文化、法律等因素。
2. 国际商务市场各国市场的规模、结构、需求以及消费习惯存在差异,了解不同国家的市场特点对于开展国际商务至关重要。
国际商务的环境Introduction to the course共16页
Course description Course Objectives Textbooks Course Methodology Instructor’s expectation for class Performance Evaluation
presentation (20%) final paper (70%) Total: 100%
Reference websites
The Edge: the E-Journal of Intercultural Relations website: hart-li
Chinese Communication Association Forum website:
This course aims to provide some basic concepts of business environment. Topics will include political, economic, cultural and social, legal and ethical, and technological environment facing and affecting international business.
To point out that international business firms face different types of problems and opportunities in each of those economic groups and to show how such firms have reached to those problems and opportunities.
国际商务环境 International Business Environment Ethics Ch4
– Friedman doctrine – Righteous moralist – Naïve immoralist
Utilitarian and Kantian Ethics Rights theories Justice theories
Ethical Decision Making
Hiring and promotion Organization culture and leadership Decision-making processes
– Stakeholder perspectives
Ethics officers
– Codes of ethics
Ethics in International Business
Ethics in Internatioe of ethical challenges in IB – Effect of ethical challenges on decisions in IB – Causes of poor ethical decisions in IB – Different conceptual underpinnings for
Human Rights
A manager can assume as universal her/his views on freedom of:
– – – – –
Association Speech Assembly Movement Political repression
What is the responsibility of an MNC to uphold different standards of human rights?
国际商务环境 International Business Environment Political Economy of Trade Ch. 6
Taxes levied on imports (also sometimes on exports)
– Specific tariff: fixed charge for each good imported – Ad valorem tariff: a % of imported goods value
Instruments of Trade Policy
Tariffs Subsidies Import quotas Voluntary export restraints Local content requirements Administrative policies Anti-dumping policies
– – – –
125 countries by 1994 small staff in Geneva tariffs fm 40% in ‘47 to 3% in ‘95 trade 15x to $6.75 trillion in ‘92
WTO superceded GATT in 1995
Services given prominence: developed set of principles Intellectual Property Rights protected further: patents, copyrights, trademarks, brand names WTO created: to implement Uruguay round, controversial
Administrative policies
– Bureaucratic rules that make it difficult
Expanding sales
Acquiring resources
Minimizing risks
BHP Billiton (必和必拓) expanded its business to the food & agriculture industry. What's the purpose?
Expanding sales
Acquiring resources
Minimizing risks
However, globalization is less pervasive than you might think in most parts of the world.
In rural Africa, Asia and Latin America, many people still don't have enough resources to connect to the global market.
Least globalized Iran, India
Mainland China 51/72
United States 1/72 in technology, 71/72 in economics
What drives globalization?
Increase in and expansion of technology Liberalization of cross-border trade and resource movements
Paul Krugman 2008 Nobel prize winner
国际商务环境 International Business Environment Culture Ch 3
Cultural Appreciation
Values Customs Aspects of culture Symbols
Languபைடு நூலகம்ge
What is Culture?
Culture: a society’s (group’s) system of shared, learned values and norms; these are the society’s (group’s) design for living
Folkways: norms of little moral significance
dress code; table manners; timeliness
Mores: norms central to functioning of social life
– bring serious retribution: thievery, adultery, alcohol
National Culture
“Nation” is a useful:
– Definition of society
similarity among people a cause -- and effect -- of national boundaries
– Way to bound and measure culture for conduct of
Cultural Diversity
Customs are norms and expectations about the way people do things in a specific country. Why were 3M executives perplexed concerning lukewarm sales of ScotchBrite floor cleaner in the Philippines?
国际商务环境 International Business Environment Forex Ch. 9
Competitive markets No transportation costs; no trade barriers
Purchasing Power Parity (PPP):
– If the law of one price holds for all goods / services, the
Prices and Exchange Rates
The law of one price:
– Identical products sold in different countries must sell
for one price if their price is expressed in one currency
The Foreign Exchange Market
Minimizes foreign exchange risk (unpredictable rate swings) To do so there are different ways to trade currencies
– Spot exchange rates: the day’s rate offered by a
– Barter agreements by which goods and services can
be traded for other goods and services – Used to get around the non-convertibility of currencies
Currency conversion in the foreign exchange market
通货膨胀率是指物价平均水平的上升幅度;表了货币购买力的下 降程度; 可以体现国家经济发展的稳定性。对于国际企业来说, 一国的通货膨胀率影响了在该国进行商业活动的成本,中国曾 在改革开放初期有过较高的通货膨胀率,随着经济发展的逐渐 稳定,中国的通货膨胀率逐渐下降且趋于平缓。最新的数据显 示,中国的通货膨胀率的世界排名为第126位,属于较低通胀率 国家
根据中国美国商会与贝恩公司联合发布 的2018中国商务环境调查报告显示;有 52%的受访企业任然认为,相比世界其 他地区,在知识产权泄露及信息技术和 数据安全方面,企业在中国面临更大的 风险
同时该报告还指出;中国知识产权最大的 问题是中国知识产权保护法律法规不够 完善以及企业难以想法院或行政机关诉 讼知识产权侵权行为
在中国的周边国家中;并没有经济特别发达的 国家,但在中国的主导下,从东欧到东亚共 66个国家及独联体共建了一带一路经济带, 为中国的经济发展提供了源源不断的动力;
中国常规能源的资源品种齐全且矿产 种类多 分布广、 储量大;是大部分矿 产资源能够自给的少数国家之一
International Business Environment
中国的知识产权意识一直以来都是较为薄 弱的;但中国政府正在尝试做出改变; 2008年 中国政府颁布了 国家知识产权战略纲要的 通知,随后又陆续出台了《商标法》 《专 利法》、《技术合同法》、《著作权法》 和《反不正当竞争法》等法律法规文件。 从宏观层面上讲,中国已经在法律制度层 面为企业知识产权权益的保护提供了较强 的法律依据,为企业在制定知识产权保护 制度及具体实施方法指明了方向,但是目 前还缺乏侵权案件的单独法律法规详细文 件。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
– Ad-hoc effort on an opportunistic and often naï basis ve
Exports require volumes of specialized paperwork
US Export Support
Exporting Opportunities and Risks
Perception: Exports
– Offer huge revenue / profit opportunities overseas – Are “there for the pickings”
Large firms are more successful
Export Performance Improvement Factors
Government information sources – US: various parts of the Dept. of Commerce – Other countries: similar entity – Embassies and consulates: commercial sections Export management companies – Act as the export department of firms – Experienced specialists – Not exclusive Focused export strategy
Steps in the Export Process
Determine ene trade terms (INCOTERMS: ex works, FOB, CIF, etc.) determine tasks to be performed in the foreign market
Some Successful Export Strategies
Enter Add
on a small scale to reduce risks
product lines after export locals to promote the firm’s
operations begin to be successful
Export/Import Financing
of Credit (LOC)
– Bank guarantee on behalf of importer to exporter
assuring payment when exporter presents specified documents
Steps in the Export Process
Evaluate export potential
Do country analysis (more later) country receptiveness to imports and investment trade barriers/requirements infrastructure
© McGraw Hill Companies, Inc., 2000
Export Process
Evaluate export potential
financial resources management capability/experience competitive advantages abroad
Drafts (Bill
of Exchange)
– Written order by exporter, telling an importer to pay a
specified amount of money at a specified time.
of Lading
– Issued to exporter, by carrier. Serves as receipt,
Documents required by L/C cannot be obtained.
Importer deliberately fills out L/C application incorrectly (to stall or force a discount). Product description too detailed (exporter compliance difficult).
Preference of the US Exporter
1. Importer Pays for Goods
French Importer
American Exporter
2. Exporter Ships Goods After Being Paid
Preference of the French Importer 1. Exporter Ships the Goods
– Proactive about exporting to realize promise – Systematic effort backed by knowledge of overseas markets
Smaller firms are reactive
– Overseas markets are an afterthought
French Importer American Exporter
2. Importer pays after the Goods are Received
The Use of a Third Party
1. Importer Obtains Bank’s Promise to Pay on Importers Behalf 2. Bank Promises Exporter to Pay on Behalf of Importer
Exporting Strategy
It helps to hire an EMC or, at least, someone with experience. Focus on one or a few markets. Enter markets on a fairly small scale until you ‘learn the ropes’. Add new lines after initial success. Need to recognize the time and managerial commitment. Build strong and lasting relationships. Hire locals to help firm establish itself. Keep the option of local production in mind.
Steps in the Export Process
Evaluate export potential
Do market analysis market size/product potential distribution channels needs for re-engineering etc. = localization
French Importer
6. Importer Pays Bank
American Exporter
4. Bank Pays Exporter
5. Bank Gives Merchandise to Importer
3. Exporter Ships “to the Bank.” Trusting Bank’s Promise to Pay
7. Exporter Presents Draft to Bank
French Importer
6. Goods Shipped to France 13. Importer Pays Bank
Bank of New York
5. B of NY Informs Exporter of LOC
12. Bank Tells Importer Documents 14. B of NY Presents Matured Arrive Draft and Gets Payment
exporter “bought” by the corresponding importer
– Draft or bill of exchange: instructions to bank to pay
at a certain time based on certain documentation
Steps in the Export Process
Determine entry method
goal of entry select distribution “partner” determine channel length assess risks determine costs
Export/Import Financing
– Exporter of payment
– Importer of product
offer financing intermediary service
– Letters of credit: bank guarantee of payment to
A Typical International Transaction
1. Importer Orders Goods
2. Exporter Agrees to Fill Order
3. Importer Arranges for LOC