新加坡SINGARPORE :TRANSPEED INTERNATIONAL Pte. Ltd246 Machperson Road, BETIME building, SINGAPORE 348578中国SUZHOU CHINA :TRANSPEED (SUZHOU) TRAFFIC TECHNOLOGY Co., LtdNo.52, Weixi Road, Suzhou Industry Park, CHINATEL :08 FAX :08 . transpeedsg.TOLL FREE PHONE NUMBER:400-666-89目录1 T系列电动栏杆机结构、功能、技术参数 (2)1.1 结构 (2)1.2 功能 (2)1.3 主要技术参数 (3)2 栏杆机的安装 (3)2.1 栏杆机安装前的准备 (3)基础位置的选择及施工要求 (3)2.2 栏杆机的安装 (5)2.2.1 箱体的安装 (5)2.2.2 栏杆臂安装 (5)2.2.3机帽的开启 (6)2.2.4 电气接线 (6)2.3 栏杆机更换 (8)2.3.1 左右手更换 (8)2.4栏杆臂更换 (10)2.5 安全注意事项 (11)3 栏杆机维护 (11)3.1 定期维护 (11)3.2 维护方法 (12)3.2.1缓冲胶垫维护方法 (12)3.2.2 机械传动检查 (12)4 注意事项 (12)感您选用本公司T系列电动栏杆机。
1 T 系列电动栏杆机结构、功能、技术参数1.1 结构T 系列电动栏杆机由机帽、箱体、传动单元、控制系统、栏杆臂五部分组成(Fig.1)。
● 机帽:机帽为防水设计,通过卡锁紧固在箱体上,卡锁由钥匙开启,便于安装维护。
● 传动单元:由高性能力矩电机驱动,配以设计精良的连杆传动机构、平衡弹簧,运行稳定可靠。
用户使用手册User Guide自动栏杆机Intelligent Barriers克立司帝控制系统(上海)股份有限公司Crest Control System(Shanghai)Co.,Ltd.安全说明1、版权通知Granity《用户使用手册》中所刊登之产品图片因摄影及印刷之故可能与实际产品存在一定差异,实际样式请以实样为准,克立司帝保留不作事先通知改变产品规格及终止产品类型的权利。
目录安全说明 (2)1、版权通知 (2)2、安全信息 (2)1、施工准备 (4)1.1.1布线原则 (4)1.1.2线型的选择 (4)1.3.3线缆的敷设工艺 (4)2、设备安装调试 (4)2.1安装调试规则 (4)2.1.1设备定位 (4)2.1.2外设安装 (5)2.1.3线路测试 (5)2.1.4接地标准 (6)2.1.5调试 (7)2.2G-F621系列自动拦杆机 (8)2.2.1技术参数 (8)2.2.2拦杆机箱体上盖帽打开流程 (8)2.2.3安装固定 (9)2.2.5电气调试 (12)2.2.6常见故障与排除 (15)2.2.7维护保养 (15)1、施工准备1.1.1布线原则导线穿于管中,较为隐蔽,一旦出现问题处理十分困难,是设备稳定可靠运行的重要组成部分。
MAGSTOP MIB 2O/3O/40 栏杆机及MAGTRONIC MLC 控制器操作指导@1999年马格内梯克控制系统(上海)有限公司地址:上海浦东新区宁桥路999号二幢底西层邮编:201206电话:(21)58341717 传真:(21)58991233目录1. 系统概述 21.1 停车场系统的布局 21. 2 系统组件概述 22 安全3 2.1一般安全信息32.2 建议用途 3 2.3 本手册中使用的安全标志32.4 操作安全 42.5 技术发展 42.6 质量保证 43. 装配及安装 53.1 构筑安装地基 53.2 安装感应线圈 63.3 安装机箱 83.4 安装栏杆机臂 83.5 基本机械结构 93.6 设置及校准弹簧 93.7 校准栏杆机臂位置 104. 电源连接 105. MLC控制器 115.1 命令发生器:在不同操作模式下的连接及功能 125.2 MLC控制器的操作 145.3 MLC控制器显示信息的解释 145.4 MLC控制器的复位 145.5 栏杆机的操作 155.6 编制及读取操作数据 165.7 校准感应线圈 186. 初始化操作 196.1 委托程序 196.2 在启动过程中显示的信息 197. 技术数据 217.1 栏杆机 217.2 控制器 218. 附录 228.1校准角度传感器及优化栏杆机的动作228.2 校准安全设备的角度 248.3 读取时间计数器 258.4 读取操作循环计数器 258.5 读取制动设置 258.6 复位情况的说明 268.7 测试模式 278.8 校准传感器 289. 技术支持 2810. 备用零部件 29操作指导1.1.11.7 安全检测线圈2.8 Magstop 栏杆机(控制器在控制柱内)3 操作或在位检测线圈5.6 带有插件模块的MEC控制柱(例如用于出入控制)1.2系统组件概述operating panalMEC control pillar Code cardreadercode card readercode keycode card readerkey-operated button/switchcode keyintercomkey-operatedtoken readerbutton/switchticket dispenserticket readertimer switch 1or 3 channelAbb.S0002overview of system component操作指导2.安全2.1 一般安全信息MAGSTOP栏杆机系统的设计、制造及测试都是运用“state—of-the-art”技术并且只有在通过令人满意的严格的安全性及可靠性技术标准后才能够出厂。
电子围栏说明书 v1.1
在准备阶段,您需要:1. 测量范围:确定需要保护的区域的长度和宽度,以便选择正确的电子围栏长度。
2. 清理区域:清除范围内的障碍物,并确保区域表面干净、平整。
3. 安装工具:准备好所需的工具,例如锤子、螺丝刀、电钻等。
二、安装1. 确定电子围栏的位置:根据所购电子围栏的说明书,确定电子围栏的放置位置。
2. 安装线圈:如果您选择了线圈型电子围栏,您需要将线圈张贴在地面上,并按照说明书上的指示将线圈连接到主控制器。
3. 安装栅栏:如果您选择了栅栏型电子围栏,您需要使用工具将栅栏支架等零件固定在地面上,并根据说明书正确地安装栅栏面板。
4. 连接电源:将电子围栏主控制器连接到电源插座,并确保电源线缠绕整齐,不会造成绊倒的危险。
5. 连接报警器:根据说明书的指引,将报警器与电子围栏主控制器相连接。
三、操作和维护1. 启动系统:按照说明书上的指示,打开电子围栏主控制器的电源开关,确保系统正常运行。
2. 设定触发区域:根据需要,可以设置触发区域的范围。
3. 测试和校准:安装完成后,进行系统的测试和校准。
4. 维护保养:定期检查电子围栏系统的工作状态,确保无线电信号正常传输,围栏线圈或栅栏面板没有损坏,报警器音量符合要求。
*公安部获批生产企业*中国平安保险公司承保 *公安部产品质量认证品牌系统安装使用说明书SF-168系列智能脉冲式电子围栏系统上海实发电子科技有限公司前言本系统依照《脉冲电子围栏及其安装和安全运行标准》GB/T7946-2008而制定,根据技防和智能化方面的要求,本着对客户负责的精神,力图达到高水准、高质量、高性价比的产品。
目录一、功能与特点 (1)1.1 系统功能 (1)1.2 系统特点 (2)二、产品说明 (2)2.1 产品设计依据 (2)2.2 产品特性 (3)2.3 产品技术参数 (3)2.4 LED指示灯状态说明 (4)2.5 控制器主机内部及遥控器说明示意图 (4)2.6控制器主机功能端接线说明 (10)三、电子围栏设计要求 (10)3.1安全等级 (10)3.2安全性 (10)四、电子围栏前端安装 (12)4.1前端安装方式 (13)4.2周界围栏安装角度 (15)4.3终端杆及终端杆绝缘子安装 (16)4.4中间杆及中间杆绝缘子安装 (16)4.5收紧器安装 (17)4.6避雷器安装 (17)4.7合金线之间的连接 (18)4.8围栏警示牌的安装 (18)4.9接地 (18)4.10地下布线 (18)4.11常用连线方式 (19)五、电子围栏设计需求分析 (19)5.1电子围拦系统布线示意图 (19)5.2电子围栏系统组成部分 (20)5.3控制端控制方式 (20)5.4电子围栏周界需求分析 (20)六、主机安装与连线 (21)6.1主机安装 (21)6.2安装配件 (21)6.3主机与围栏连接图 (22)七、主机调试与报警试验 (26)7.1通电检查 (26)7.2报警试验 (26)八、计算机直控软件安装 (27)九、施工安装规范及安全注意事项 (28)9.1施工安装规范 (28)9.2施工中应注意的其他问题 (29)十、附录A 脉冲电子围栏案例欣赏 (30)附录B安全注意事项 (32)一、功能与特点智能脉冲式电子围栏系统主要有三大功能:1.威慑功能 2.阻挡功能 3.报警输出。
QUICK Series Automatic BarrierQ系列电动栏杆机Operating Instructions使用说明书Before use,Please read these instructions completely使用前请完整阅读本说明书目录前言 (1)1 Q系列电动栏杆机结构、功能、技术参数 (1)1.1 Q系列电动栏杆机的结构 (1)1.1.1 Q100、Q150、Q200、Q300型电动栏杆机的结构 (1)1.2 Q系列电动栏杆机的功能 (2)1.3 Q系列电动栏杆机的技术参数 (2)2 栏杆机的安装 (3)2.1 栏杆机安装前的准备 (3)2.1.1 基础位置的选择及施工要求 (3)2.1.2 线圈的施工及技术要求 (6)2.1.3 电缆穿线要求 (9)2.2 栏杆机的安装 (9)2.2.1 箱体的安装 (10)2.2.2 栏杆臂安装 (10)2.3 安全注意事项 (13)3 栏杆机的操作 (14)3.1 栏杆机控制单元VBC (14)3.1.1 运行模式设置 (14)3.1.2 力矩时间设置 (19)3.1.3 开放时间设置 (19)3.2 线圈检测单元VLD (21)3.2.1 功能 (21)3.2.2 拨码开关1、2位开关的设置与检车灵敏度的关系图 (21)3.3 UMC-01型手动控制器使用说明 (22)3.3.1 手动控制器的面板 (22)3.3.2 手动控制器操作方法(以Q200型电动栏杆机为例) (22)3.4 车道控制器、计算机控制栏杆机使用介绍 (25)3.5栏杆机接线图 (26)3.5.1 Q系列电动栏杆机接线图 (26)3.5.2 UMC-01型手动控制器栏杆机接线图 (26)3.6 栏杆机的操作 (27)3.6.1模式1状态操作方法 (27)3.6.2 模式2状态操作方法(慎用!) (27)3.6.3 模式3状态操作方法 (28)3.6.4 模式4状态操作方法 (29)3.6.5 模式5状态操作方法(慎用!) (29)3.6.6 模式6状态操作方法(慎用!) (30)3.6.7 模式7状态操作方法 (30)3.6.8 模式8状态操作方法(慎用!) (31)3.6.9 特别注意事项 (31)4 栏杆机维护 (31)4.1 定期维护 (31)4.2 维护方法 (32)4.2.1 缓冲胶垫的更换方法 (32)4.2.2 机械传动检查 (33)5 VBC异常现象及保险管更换方法 (33)6 技术支持 (34)**** ***** 版权所有,未经许可不得复印 ***** ****前言感谢购买本公司出品的Q 系列电动栏杆机。
智能张力式电子围栏 使用说明书
智能张力式电子围栏使用说明书地址:上海市闵行区新骏环路115号3号楼409室邮编:200013电传网址: E-mail:地址:上海市闵行区新骏环路115号3号楼409室邮编:200013电传网址: E-mail:*******************.cn尊敬的用户:非常感谢您购买使用张力围栏系统,使用它将给您的家居带来可靠的安全保障,为了您能充分发挥本机性能及稳定使用,请向客户服务部或代理商咨询。
温馨提示:本产品可以最大限度减少事故的发生,但不能确保万无一失,为了您的安全除了正地址:上海市闵行区新骏环路115号3号楼409室邮编:200013电传网址: E-mail:*******************.cn确使用本产品外,在日常生活中还应提高警惕,加强安全防患意识。
目录1、前言 (3)1.1产品简介 (3)1.2适用范围 (3)1.3产品开发依据 (4)地址:上海市闵行区新骏环路115号3号楼409室邮编:200013电传网址: E-mail:*******************.cn1.4产品的总体功能 (4)1.4.1实体防护功能 (4)1.4.2入侵探测功能 (5)1.4.3入侵报警功能 (5)1.4.4自检及故障报警 (5)1.4.5通讯及系统联动 (6)地址:上海市闵行区新骏环路115号3号楼409室邮编:200013电传网址: E-mail:*******************.cn2、产品组件的功能介绍 (6)2.1产品组成 (6)2.2产品的前端设备 (7)2.2.1前端金属结构组件 (7)2.2.2前端电子部分 (7)2.3产品安装 (7)2.3.1结构安装图 (8)2.3.2安装说明 (9)2.4产品使用 (9)地址:上海市闵行区新骏环路115号3号楼409室邮编:200013电传网址: E-mail:*******************.cn2.4.1产品图片及端口说明 (10)地址:上海市闵行区新骏环路115号3号楼409室邮编:200013电传网址: E-mail:*******************.cn2.4.2主机调试 (13)3、级联模块 (14)3.1接口说明 (15)3.2级联连接图 (17)4、结构组件 (18)4.1结构组件的尺寸 (18)4.2结构组件的强度 (18)5、注意事项 (18)地址:上海市闵行区新骏环路115号3号楼409室邮编:200013电传网址: E-mail:*******************.cn1、前言1.1.产品简介本公司生产的张力式智能电子围栏是一种防止人体逾越的障碍物和感知攀爬、拉压、剪断障碍物企图入侵的机电装置的集合体,是一种新型的周界防入侵报警设施。
技术指标:工作电源:AC220V 150W 升降时间:1.5至6秒可选工作温度:-20℃至+85℃栏杆长度:3至6米可选工作湿度:5%至95%箱体尺寸:360X310X1000mm安装说明铺设地基根据现场实际情况,确定电动栏杆的安装位置(非混凝土基础应做混凝土基础)。
DS-K3B961TXSmart swing barrier⏹Working mode: The device supports flexible configuration of working mode (controlled, normally open, normallyclosed, auto-detect) in both direction.⏹Power-off passage: The equipment is equipped with super capacitors as standard. When the power is cut off, the doorwill automatically open, so that people can pass freely.⏹Working mode: The device supports flexible configuration of working mode (controlled, normally open, normallyclosed, auto-detect) of both direction.⏹People counting: The device supports the configuration of people counting function, which can obtain the totalnumber of people in and out of the device in real time.⏹Remote control: The device integrates a wireless receiver, which can be used with a remote control keyfob to openthe door remotely.⏹Face recognition: using deep learning algorithm, supports photo and video Anti-spoofing, 1:N face recognition speed ≤0.2s, face verification accuracy rate ≥ 99%.⏹Alarm function: the device supports tamper alarm, blacklist alarm, etc.⏹When an unauthorized person follows or enters in the opposite direction and triggers the infrared, the sound andlight alarm will be linked.⏹Anti-passback: The device supports cross-controller anti-passback function, effectively preventing unauthorizedpersonnel from entering.⏹Alarm linkage: When the alarm signal is triggered, the door wings are automatically opened to quickly guide theevacuation of personnel.⏹Lighting display: The brightness and color of the strip lights can be customized and adjusted to meet customerpreferences and environmental fusion.SpecificationSystemMCBF >30 million times Motor Drive-direct servo motor DisplayScreen size 6.95 inchOperation method Non-touchType IPSResolution 600 ×1024ImageSensor 2 MPResolution 1920 x 1080InterfaceNetwork interface 1RS-485 2RS-232 4Exit button 2Lock output 2IO input 2IO output 2CapacityFace capacity 100,000Card capacity 500,000Event capacity 1,000,000 AuthenticationFace recognition distance 2 mFace recognition accuracy rate ≥ 99%Face recognition duration 0.2 sFunctionQR code recognition YesGeneralThroughput 30 to 60 persons per minuteThe actual throughput is affected by the person passing rate and passing methodPower supply method 100 to 240 VAC; 50 to 60 HzIR light detectors 24 pairsWorking temperature -20 °C to 50 °C (4 °F to 122 °F)Lane width 650 mm to 1100 mm (25.59" to 43.31") Barrier material Acrylic glass (10 mm)Working humidity 10% to 95% (no condensing)Built-in access controller YesDimensions With packaging: 1905 mm × 550 mm × 1330 mm (75.0" × 21.7" × 52.4") Without packaging: 1651 mm × 117 mm × 1020 mm (65.0" × 4.6" × 40.2")Pedestal material SUS304 stainless steel with the thickness of 2 mm (0.08") Application environment IndoorWeight(Net) Left: 104 kg (229.3 lbs); Middle: 133 kg (293.2 lbs); Right: 104 kg (229.3 lbs); (Rough) Left: 162 kg (357.2 lbs); Middle: 191 kg (421.1 lbs); Right: 162 kg (357.2 lbs); ApprovalCE/FCC/CB/RoHS/REACH/WEEE Power consumption350 W ConfigurationModule selectionNO Authentication modeCard Card typeEM, M1, Desfire Wall distance20 mm Lane width650, 750, 900 Recommended width650 Pedestal width117 mm Pedestal length1651 mm Barrier materialAcrylic glass BaseYES Base modelDS-K3B961TX-BASE Product typeSwing barrier Remote controller type 433 Mhz,868 Mhz⏹ Dimension⏹ Available ModelDS-K3B961TX-M/EDPiQL-Dp65-90, DS-K3B961TX-R/EDPiQL-Dp90, DS-K3B961TX-L/EDPiQL-Dp65,DS-K3B961TX-R/EDPiQL-Dp65, DS-K3B961TX-R/EPiQL-Dp65, DS-K3B961TX-R/MPiQL-Dp65, DS-K3B961TX-R/DPiQL-Dp65, DS-K3B961TX-R/DPiQL-Dp90, DS-K3B961TX-R/EPiQL-Dp110, DS-K3B961TX-R/DPiQL-Dp110, DS-K3B961TX-M/EPiQL-Dp65, DS-K3B961TX-M/MPiQL-Dp65, DS-K3B961TX-M/DPiQL-Dp65, DS-K3B961TX-M/DPiQL-Dp65-90,DS-K3B961TX-M/DPiQL-Dp90-65, DS-K3B961TX-M/DPiQL-Dp65-110, DS-K3B961TX-M/DPiQL-Dp110-65,DS-K3B961TX-M/EPiQL-Dp110, DS-K3B961TX-M/DPiQL-Dp110, DS-K3B961TX-L/EPiQL-Dp65, DS-K3B961TX-L/MPiQL-Dp65, DS-K3B961TX-L/DPiQL-Dp65, DS-K3B961TX-L/EPiQL-Dp110, DS-K3B961TX-L/DPiQL-Dp110, DS-K3B961TX-L/MPiQL-Dp65/868, DS-K3B961TX-L/EPiQL-Dp65/868。
目录一、功能与特点 (3)二、技术参数 (4)三、脉冲主机的说明及应用 (5)四、前端围栏的选型 (13)五、前端围栏的安装 (14)六、使用与维护 (20)七、简单故障排除方法 (21)八、布线案例 (20)一、功能与特点G5S系列脉冲电子围栏主机属于第四代网络电子围栏产品。
智能床边护栏 Smart-Rail 用户说明书
Smart-Rail™SRS-S(DC103 - RevE)214352687912101131“CLICK”241253564MA X4"/10.2cm671011789“CLICK”M I N : 2" / 50m m M AX : 6" / 150mmFE / LDPE 2.55lbs1.16kgFE 0.65lbs 0.29kgFE / EVA / LDPE1.35lbs0.62kg FE / EVA / LDPE0.95lbs0.43kgFE / EVA 3.05lbs 1.38kgMAX 300lbs 136kg816.25"413mm22"559mm27.25"699mm2-9"51-229mm31"787mmØ1.50" / 38.1mm910OVERVIEWThank you for choosing the Smart-Rail from HealthCraft. Please read and understand the instructions in this manual; keep manual for futurereference. It is your responsibility to see that your Smart-Rail is properly assembled, installed, and cared for. Failure to follow instructions in this manual could result in serious injury or death. If you are not equipped to undertake the outlined work, we would recommend that you have your Smart-Rail installed by a qualified contractor.The Smart-Rail is a bed rail with 2 positions: closed and opened. In the closed position, the rail is latched to the support frame to assist with in-bed positioning. In the opened position, the rail is unlatched from the support frame and pivoted out to the optimal location to assist with sitting and standing. The Smart-Rail is intended ONLY for moderate vertical load bearing to provide bed positioning, sitting and standing support for people with reduced mobility. The Smart-Rail is installed between the mattress and box spring, and is secured in place with a safety strap. In the closedposition, the Smart-Rail is height adjustable to accommodate the thickness of the mattress. In the opened position, the Smart-Rail is height adjustable to accommodate the height of the user. The maximum user weight for this product is 300lbs / 136kgs. Product is not intended to support full body weight. The Smart-Rail is not to be used in any other way than described above.WARNING - PATIENT ENTRAPMENT (see additional guidelines)The potential risk of entrapment (limb, neck, head, torso) between the bed rail and adjacent item (i.e. mattress, headboard, sidetables, etc.) can be reduced or avoided by the following strategies:1. Situate the bed rail at a distance that is considerably smaller or larger than that which could result in entrapment.2. Consider situations that could change with time or usage such as mattress compression, patient movement, bed position changes due to electrically powered beds, etc.3. Realize that this product is not intended as a physical constraint or barrier to exiting the bed.LIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTYProducts are covered by a limited lifetime warranty against defects in materials and workmanship for the original purchaser. Warranty excludes products that have been damaged through misuse, accidental damage, alteration, normal wear and tear, wood material and stain, or the use of corrosive or abrasive cleaning products.Buyer hereby indemnifies, agrees to hold harmless and defend HealthCraft Products Inc. from and against any and all liabilities, claims, (founded and unfounded), losses, damages, costs and expenses (including without limitation consequential damages and reasonable professional fees) resulting from buyers specification, application, or improper use of goods described hereon; buyers omission or neglect. HealthCraft Products Inc. does not assume any liability for damage resulting from services performed by others or faulty installation, misuse or misapplication of goods sold by HealthCraft Products Inc. HealthCraft Products Inc. shall not be liable for prospective profits or special, indirect, or consequential damages, or for the cost of any corrective work done without HealthCraft Products Inc. prior approval. HealthCraft Products Inc. total liability hereunder shall in no event exceed the purchase price of the goods specified hereon. Specifications subject to change without notice.EnglishDELIVERY CONTENTS - SMART-RAIL FIGURE A.1. Pivot Rail (x1)2. Extension Leg (x2)3. Side Frame (x2)4. Back Frame (x1)5. Face Plate Frame(x1)6. Latch Collar (x1)SAFETY CONSIDERATIONSFIGURE B.The Smart-Rail is intended to be used when the bed casters are locked.The Smart-Rail is intended for moderate vertical load bearing ONLY. The Smart-Rail is not intended for sideward (lateral) support.The Smart-Rail is not intended to support the full weight of an individual.The Smart-Rail is not intended for children to play or hang onto.The Smart-Rail is not to be used on electric or hospital style beds.The Smart-Rail is not to be used with light-weight mattresses, and the mattress must fully cover base frame.FRAME ASSEMBLYFIGURE C.1. Insert side frame into back frame and engage spring locks.2. Assemble side frames to face plate with screws & lock washers.INSTALLATION FIGURE D.1. While laying in bed, note position of waistline.2. Slide rail between box spring and mattress, and align pivot tube of face plate frame with waistline.3. Install pivot rail into pivot tube of face plate.4. Slide latch collar onto pivot rail. Ensure logo on latch collar is facing upwards.5. To set height of pivot rail in locked position, tighten set screw in latch collar. NOTE: to minimize bed entrapment, maximum distance between top of mattress and pivot rail is 4" / 10.2cm.6. Slide plastic bushings onto ends of pivot rail.7. Slide extension legs into pivot rail.8. To set height of pivot rail in the opened position, align holes and install locking pins.9. When pivot rail is in locked position, ensure that the pivot legs are between 2-6" / 50-150mm from the floor.10. Loop the strap between the frame and the angle iron of the bed frame.11. Tighten strap to pull rail tight against the side of the bed.TECHNICAL DATASee Figure E.PRODUCT USAGE See Figure F.7. Plastic Bushing (x2)8. Locking Pin (x2)9. Safety Strap (x1)10. 10-32 Screw (x4)11. Lock Washer (x4)12. Hex Key (x1)EC REP。
Doorking 9024-381 电动栅栏门滑门操作器用户手册说明书
1801-00418AH BatteriesIncluded inSolar Kit272DETAIL ASCALE 1 : 4.5OPTIONAL24024123710X1177X125126136 2X 1372X135162156 4X1562X 155160168164128 1661X Spacer Under Board1542X1575XA DWG. NO.SIZEScale: None2262X225DETAIL BSCALE 1 : 1.25 223IPB 9024-881 Rev C (Model and Movex No. 9024-381) Oct 22, 2018Item Part Number Qty Description Revision 1 9024-880 1 EA IPB 9024-081 A 2 9024-065 1 EA Manual Installation Slide Gate 3 9000-066 1 EA Manual Install Quick Start 5 7082-187 1 EA Wire Set10 9350-150 1 EA Base Stand Slider 11 9350-152 1 EA Base Limit Stand 12 2615-153 2 EA Bolt Hex 5-16 x 3/4"13 2620-028 2 EA Washer 5/16"14 2620-411 2 EA 5/16-18 Hex Nut Flange Lock 15 9350-140 1 EA Panel Lock Cover16 2620-409 4 EA Nut Hex Flange Lock 1/4-2020 2601-200 1 EA Motor 24V DC Assy 22 2620-411 4 EA Nut Hex Flange Lock 5/16-1825 2601-222 2 EA Idler Wheel UHMW30 2601-224 2 EA Spacer Idler Model 900031 2620-022 2 EA Washer 5/8" USS32 2615-040 2 EA Bolt Hex Head 5/8-11x3 "33 2620-414 2 EA Nut Hex Flange 5/8-1141 2600-753 2 EA Wire Connector45 2601-235 1 EA Gearbox Clutch 900046 1514-020 1 EA Cap Plastic50 2615-055 4 EA Bolt Hex Head 3/8-16 x 1 1/251 2620-405 4 EA Nut Hex 3/8-1652 2620-047 4 EA Lockwasher 3/8"55 2601-228 1 EA Sprocket 17 Tooth56 2616-094 4 EA Set Screw 5/16-18X1/4”60 2601-233 1 EA Sprocket 32 Tooth 61 2630-011 1 EA Snap Ring 1”65 2601-182 1 EA Pulley 2 1/2 Dia x 3/4 Shaft 70 2601-175 1 EA Bracket Pivot Release 80 2615-576 2 EA Bolt Hex Head 8mmx3081 2620-053 2 EA Lockwasher 5/16"82 2620-019 2 EA Washer 3/8"85 2601-353 1 EA Clevis Pin 90 9000-123 1 EA Lever Release91 9000-125 1 EA Release Lever Block 92 2902-003 5 EA Nut Nylon Lock 6-3295 2601-207 1 EA Spring Release Lever96 2615-163 1 EA Bolt Hex Head 5/16-18 x 7"97 2601-185 1 EA Shaft Threaded Pivot Release 98 2601-187 1 EA Collar Threaded Adjustment 99 3004-051 1 EA Nut Panel 1/4 x 18100 2601-190 1 EA Handle Pull Plastic105 1601-060 1 EA Bearing-Sealed 1/2ID x 1 1/8OD 106 2620-470 1 EA Nut Locking Jam 1/2-13110 2601-110 1 EA Belt 1/2" x 31"115 9350-100 1 EA Enclosure Model 9000DSHEET 5 OF 7REVADWG. NO.SIZE Scale: None9024-881Item Part Number Qty Description 116 2902-008 4 EA Nut Hex Star Lock 1/4-20117 2600-810 15 EA Bushing 7/8 Poke Thru Flaps 120 2600-414 1 EA Terminal Block-2 Position 122 3129-002 1 EA Terminal Block Cover 2 Position 123 2616-019 4 EA Screw Phillips Head 8-32 x 3/4125 2600-439 1 EA Washer Cup - Brass126 2902-010 1 EA Nut Nylon Lock 8-32 Green 128 2599-014 1 EA Decal Copper 129 4001-021 1 EA Key Polarizing 130 4001-020 1 EA Terminal 20 Pin133 2900-905 1 EA Spacer Alum 6-32 Thd 135 4100-018 1 EA PCB Gate Operator136 2616-003 8 EA Screw Phillips Head 6-32x3/4"137 1860-032 2 EA Washer Nylon Retaining #6154 2902-004 2 EA Nut Nylon Lock 8-32155 2601-193 1 EA Cradle Plastic Release156 2616-018 6 EA Screw Phillips Head 8-32 x 1/2157 2600-619 5 EA Wire Clp-5/8" Concord 770-1209158 2902-003 5 EA Nut Nylon Lock 6-32160 9350-106 1 EA Divider Panel Enclosure 161 1506-071 1 EA Tone Generator Loud 162 2600-402 1 EA Switch Rocker Sngl Black 163164 2599-096 1 EA Label Push to Operate 165 9024-005 1 EA Cover Plastic Screened 166 1400-021 1 EA Switch Momentary Black 167168 1400-022 1 EA Switch Momentary Red 170 2601-215 1 EA Box Limit Switch Assy 171 2620-009 2 EA Washer Split Lock 1/4"172 2615-002 2 EA Bolt Hex Head 1/4-20173 2620-002 2 EA Washer 1/4" USS175 2601-130 2 EA Holder Plastic Bearing176 2601-171 2 EA Bearing Sealed 3/8"IDx7/8"OD 178 2616-003 6 EA Screw Phillips Head 6-32 x 3/4180 2902-003 10 EA Nut Nylon Lock 6-32181 2601-209 1 EA Bumper Rubber185 2601-120 1 EA Shaft 1/2-13 UNC Threaded 190 2620-460 2 EA Nut Bronze 1/2-13 Thread 191 2601-125 2 EA Nut Plastic Traveling 195 2601-189 1 EA Collar 3/8" ID 196 2620-070 1 EA Washer Stainless199 2616-088 2 EA Set Screw ¼-20x 5/16”200 2601-226 1 EA Sprocket 9 Tooth 35 ChainSHEET 6 OF 7DREVADWG. NO.SIZEScale: None9024-881DItem Part Number Qty Description 201 2601-115 1 EA Chain #35 x 24 3/4" w link 205 2601-211 1 EA Bracket Limit Nut206 2616-108 2 EA Screw Smooth Shoulder 6-32x3/4207 2600-857 2 EA Spring-Compression Limits 210 1804-024 2 EA Switch Micro211 2900-930 4 EA Standoff Aluminum 1/4" x11/16212 2904-007 4 EA Screw Round Head 4-40 x 1"215 2601-218 1 EA Bracket Mag Limit Switch 216 9310-301 1 EA Bracket Partial Limit Mt. 9310217 1601-256 1 EA Switch Magnetic Sensor 218 2616-032 2 EA Screw Phillips223 2601-191 1 EA Spring Partial Limit Mag Clip 225 2601-213 1 EA Cover Limit Switch Box226 2616-001 2 EA Screw Phillips Head 6-32 x 3/8230 2601-196 1 EA Plate Rec'vr Timer Mount231 2615-002 2 EA Bolt Hex Head 1/4-20x1/2length 232 2620-109 2 EA Washer Split Lock 1/4"233 2620-002 1 EA Washer 1/4" Flat237 2616-002 6 EA Screw Phillips Head 6-32 x ½240 2600-413 1 EA Terminal Block-3 Position 241 2599-038 1 EA Label Radio 9310242 2600-816 7 EA Bushing Knock out 7/8245 9350-179 1 EA Cover Operator 9000246 2599-199 1 EA Label Universal 247 2599-034 1 EA Label Gate Operator 248 2600-732 1 EA Nameplate Plastic DKS 249 2802-040 2 EA Washer Push on Clamp 250 9350-175 1 EA Frame Door Access 251 2902-003 4 EA Nut Nylon Lock 6-32252 2802-002 4 EA Washer #6 SAE253 4001-035 1 EA Lock N16058BDxSFx2K Key 16120254 1702-517 1 EA Cam Keyed Lock w/Bend 255 2599-216 1 EA Label - Model 9000260 2615-262 2 EA Bolt Whiz Lock 3/8-16 x 3/4261 2601-348 1 EA Spacer Left Cover 262 2620-047 2 EA Washer Lock 3/8"263 2615-128 2 EA Bolt Hex 3/8-16 x 3/4"264 2601-349 1 EA Spacer Right Cover 272 9350-110 1 EA Battery Tray 275 2601-297 1 EA Terminal280 2344-037 1 EA Wire Harness 285 2599-100 1 EA Sign Warning290 2600-858 1 EA Accessory Box ChainDSHEET 7 OF 7REVADWG. NO.SIZEScale: None9024-881。
马格内梯克(Magnetic) Access栏杆机说明书
AccessAccess 栏杆机针对经济型的访问控制在一个访问控制的停车场、公司内部、住宅区域以及类似的场所,马格内梯克的Access系列栏杆机是成本优化型的最佳选择。
Access系栏杆机的核心是其创新的MHTM ™电机驱动,它有能源高效性、免维护和使用寿命长等特点——Access栏杆机的开关时间高达1000万次。
*预先的产品只有和关闭速度(2.5S)的设置相匹配低操作成本由于它们的高能源效率,非常长的使用寿命,以及简单的维护,马格内梯克的栏杆机是特别有成本效益的——投资肯定会得到回报!创新型驱动技术MHTM ™驱动单元操作起来免维护、高效节能且无噪音。
开/关时间 2.2s 4.0s 1.3s 4.0s驱动技术MHTM™MHTM™MHTM™MHTM™负载循环100%100%100%100%防护等级IP54IP54IP54IP54重量40kg40kg40kg40kgVarioBoom栏杆臂标准标准标准标准双通道车检标准标准标准标准可变的输入/输出接口––标准标准继电器/数字输出端口6/46/46/46/4可选的开启速度––标准标准300选项Access Access-L Access Pro Access Pro-L特殊色栏杆臂加长设置支撑杆*支撑柱*栏杆臂碰撞检测栏杆臂锁定设置栏杆臂照明,红色灯光条,红色/绿色外壳照明钥匙开关操作无线电模块以太网模块RS485模块CAN 模块(计数)第二检测器模块GSM 模块激光探头后备电池*支撑臂和支撑柱需要一个长度为3.5m的栏杆臂.橘色(RAL 2000)白色铝(类似于RAL 9006)灰色铝(类似于RAL 9007)24597D360标准色尺寸图345925875915315675Vehicle barriers Access barriers Parking barriersToll barriers Special barriers Pedestrian gates TurnstilesSwing gatesTripod gates RetractablegatesWing gatesGermanyMAGNETIC AUTOCONTROL GMBH Grienmatt2079650SchopfheimPhone+497622695-5Fax+497622695-800E-mail************************* AustraliaMAGNETIC AUTOMATION PTY LTD 38Metrolink Circuit Campbellfield,VIC3061Phone+61393392900E-mail********************BrazilMAGNETIC AUTOCONTROL LTDA Av.Salim Antônio Curiati,13604690-050–São PauloPhone+551156608500E-mail********************ChinaMAGNETIC CONTROL SYSTEMS CO.,LTD No.3Building,No.51Lane1159,Kang Qiao(East)Road Kang Qiao Industrial Zone,Shanghai Phone+862168182970E-mail********************FranceFAAC FRANCE377Rue Ferdinand Perrier69808St Priest CedexPhone+33472218689E-mail********************IndiaMAGNETIC AUTOCONTROL PVT LTD.PRS CentrePlot No.373to376,2nd Floor(West Wing)1st Cross Street,Nehru NagarOld Mahabalipuram RoadKottivakkam(Opp Rayala Technopark,Perungudi)Chennai600041Phone+914442123297E-mail***********************Middle EastFAAC MIDDLE EAST FZEDubai Silicon OasisPO Box54886DubaiUnited Arab EmiratesPhone+97143724193E-mail*********************N.and S.America(excl.Brazil)FAAC INTERNATIONAL,INC3160Murell RoadRockledge,FL32955USAPhone+13216358585E-mail*********************ScandinaviaFAAC NORDIC ABBox12528422PerstorpSwedenPhone+46435779503E-mail************************Southeast AsiaMAGNETIC CONTROL SYSTEMS SDN.BHDNo.17,Jalan Anggerik Mokara31/54Taman Perindustrian Kota Kemuning40460Shah AlamSelangor Darul EhsanMalaysiaPhone+60351230033E-mail**************************Access to Progress Magnetic stands for pioneering products–in every way.Our access control systems for vehicles or pedestrians clear the way for thousands of people every day–at car parks,toll gates,stations,airports and in buildings.Our technology is also pioneering,however:with innovative drives,intelligent control systems and well thought-out details it provides maximum safety and longevity.Are you also on the path to Magnetic?TerminalsCarsTrucks586,46EN_12.216。
Learn more about fencing by visiting our websites at: FOR OPTIMAL RESULTS, WE RECOMMEND YOU HAVE THE FOLLOWING:1. Electric Fence Tester 2. Three 6-8’ Ground Rods3. Battery Tester (For DC and Solar)4. Three Ground Rod Clamps5. 2 Two Lengths 20 KV Insulated Hook-up Wire (one long enough to connect to fence energizer to ground system and one long enough to fence energizer to fence line)WARNING: THE FOLLOWING CAN RESULT IN DECREASED FENCE PERFORMANCE1. Brush, weed and plant growth around the base of your fence.2. Improper grounding.3. Snow.4. Cracked or broken insulators.5. Fence wires that are less than 4” apart.6. Dry, rocky or sandy soils.7. Insu ciently charged battery.☐WARNING: Read ALL these instructions. Only use electric fence energizer products for the purpose intended as de ned in this manual.☐This controller must be grounded. If it should malfunction or break down, grounding reduces the risk of electrical shock by providing a path of low resistance for the electric current. Grounding this product is provided by properly installed ground rod electrically connected to the fence controller output ground terminal.☐To reduce the risk of electric shock, an AC line operated fence controller has an polarized plug (one blade wider than the other). This plug will t in a polarized outlet only one way. If the plug does not t fully in the outlet, reverse the plug. If it still does not t, contact a quali ed electrician to installthe proper outlet. Do not change the plug in any way.☐To reduce risk of electrical shock do not remove cover. Refer to service personnel.☐Never electrify barbed wire! The barbs may injure animals if they become tangled in the fence.☐Always disconnect battery-powered fence controllers from the battery before recharging the battery. Failure to do so may damage your fence controller and battery charger, and void your warranty.☐Never run more than on fence controller on the same fence line at one time. The pulses of short shock solid state fence controllers will be too close together and may be hazardous to animals and people. It will also damage your fence controllers.☐Instruct all persons how to disconnect a fence controller in case of emergency. Post signs on electric fences along public roads or near residences.☐Never disconnect wires or approach a fence during lightning storms.☐WARNING: Risk of electric shock! Do not connect an eletric fence to any other device such as a cattle trainer or a poultry trainer. Otherwise lightning striking your fence will be conducted to all other devices.☐Never connect a DC fence to an AC power supply.☐WARNING: Energizers requiring an external ground must be properly grounded.☐WARNING: Many AC energizers are internally grounded and are equipped with polarized 2 prong plugs. These plugs must never be altered and must be inserted into a properly installed, appropriate outlet. Only use a polarized extension cord. Damaged polarized plugs must be replaced with polarizedplugs. failure to follow this warning could create a safety hazard, damage the energizer, and void the warranty.☐Install fence lines powered by seperate fence energizers far enough apart to prevent contact with both fence lines at the same time. Simultaneously touching two fences powered by seperate energizers could be hazardous.☐Install fence lines powered by seperate fence energizers far enough apart to prevent contact with both fence lines at the same time. Simultaneously touching two fences powered by seperate energizers could be hazardous.☐In a double-insulated energizer, two systems of insulation are provided instead of grounding. No means of equipment ground is provided in the supply cord of a double-insulated energizer, nor shoulda means for equipment grounding be added to the energizer. Servicing of a double-insulatedenergizer requires extreme care and knowledge of the system, and should be done only by a serive personnel. Replacement parts for a double-insulated energizer must be identical to the parts they replace.IMPORTANT: Mount inside or in a waterproof enclosure (Required for AC Energizers)AC/DC Inside installationSheltered InstallationInstallationSolar T-Post Installation (applicable for speci c models)Solar Wood Post Installation (applicable for speci c models)Solar Wood Post InstallationSTEP 4: Connect to Fence LinePoly tape connectionAluminum/Steel/Poly wire connectionSTEP 5: Power Fence EnergizerNOTE: Fence energizer will be outputting voltage at this point - to avoid shock do not touch fence terminal orWoodstream gaurantees your satisfaction. You can return product with it receipt to the place of purchase within 30 days for a full refund. Proof of purchase is required for a full refund.LIMITED WARRANTYWoodstream warrants energizers based on their milage rating from the date of purchase (or date of manufacture if proof of purchase is not provided) against defects in materials and workmanship, and from damage caused by lightning. Visit our website at www. to learn more about the warranty that applies to the speci c energizer purchased.For any sized energizer, retain your receipt for proof of purchase or register your energizer online at immediately after purchase. Also, please reference the web page for a list ofCerti ed Repair Centers and instructions on returning fence controllers for service.TERMS APPLICABLE TO BOTH 30-DAY RETURN POLICY AND THE LIMITED WARRANTY. Neither the30-day return policy nor the limited warranty applies to any defect caused by improper installation,misuse, product alterations, tampering, neglect or any similar reason not related to product malfunctionsor defects in the materials or workmanship of the product. The 30-day return policy and the limited warranties are given only to the original purchaser of the product and not to any subsequent owners orto any other user or person when installed and used in accordance with the instructions found in theowner’s manual. No person is authorized to grant any warranty additional to or di erent from thiswritten warranty.To make a warranty claim, you must contact Woodstream Corp. at 800-800-1819 or regarding defective product or parts during the warranty period or contact one of the Certi ed Repair Centers listed on If you have not registered your energizer online immediately after purchase, you may need to provide additional information such as, your name, mailing address, proof of purchase date and a description ofthe problem. If the defect is covered by the limited warranty, Woodstream Corp. or a repair center willrepair or replace (at its option) the defective product or parts.NEITHER THE SELLER NOR THE MANUFACTURE SHALL HAVE LIABILITY FOR ANY ACCIDENTIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM OR CAUSED BY ANY DEFECT, FAILURE OR MALFUNCTION OF ANY PRODUCT.Part # EC-ENGMANUALSERIAL NUMBER INFORMATIONThe serial number for all Woodstream Corp. fence energizers will go to a 12 digit serial number. The format for the 12 digit serial number is as follows:EC XX XX XX XXXXCategory Year Month Day Serial numberIf no sales receipt is provided with the return, we will use the date of manufacture shown in the serial number.Please contact Woodstream Corp. for all warranty claims or returns:Woodstream Corp.69 North Locust Street Lititz, PA 17543855-592-7322LIMITATION OF DAMAGESThe directions for use of this product should be followed carefully. It is impossible to eliminate all risk inherently associated with use of the product. The e ectiveness of Woodstream brands of fence controllers may depend on the e ectiveness of connections, interruption of power source, accidential grounding of wires, weatherconditions or the manner of use or application, all of which are beyond the control of Woodstream or the seller. All such risks shall be assumed by the buyer.Woodstream warrants that this product is reasonbly t for the purposes referred to in the directions for use, subject to the inherent risks referred to above. Woodstream makes no other expressed or implied warranty of tness or merchantability or any other expressed or implied warranty. IN NO CASE SHALL WOODSTREAM AND THE SELLER BE LIABLE FOR CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL OR INDIRECT DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE USE OR HANDLING OF THIS PRODUCT. WOODSTREAM AND THE SELLER OFFER THIS PRODUCT AND THE BUYER AND USER ACCEPT IT, SUBJECT TO THE FOREGOING CONDITIONS OF SALE AND WARRANTY WHICH MAY BE VARIED ONLY BY AGREEMENT IN WRITING SIGNED BY AN OFFICER OF WOODSTREAM.Some states, however, do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This limited warranty gives you speci c legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.。
公安部型式检验·中国平安承保感应式智能电子围栏周界系统Induction type intelligent electronic fence perimeter systems安装使用手册HDK-16 D-Ⅲ目录前言 ..................................................................................................................................... - 3 - 引用标准 ..................................................................................................................................... - 3 -一、功能与特点 ......................................................................................................................... - 4 -1.1系统功能....................................................................................................................... - 4 -1.2系统特点....................................................................................................................... - 4 -二、产品优势 ............................................................................................................................. - 5 -三、系统工作原理 ..................................................................................................................... - 6 -3.1系统示意图................................................................................................................... - 6 -3.2防区探测器面板........................................................................................................... - 6 -3.3单防区探测器接线示意图........................................................................................... - 7 -3.4 各报警类别说明........................................................................................................ - 9 -四、电子围栏的设计要求.......................................................................................................... - 9 -4.1安全等级....................................................................................................................... - 9 -4.2安全性......................................................................................................................... - 10 -五、安装和连接要求 ............................................................................................................... - 11 -5.1系统前端总示意图..................................................................................................... - 11 -5.2围栏安装方式............................................................................................................. - 11 -5.3承力杆及承力杆绝缘子的安装................................................................................. - 13 -5.4挂线杆及自攻绝缘子安装......................................................................................... - 14 -5.4防水帽的安装............................................................................................................. - 15 -5.5馈线与合金线的连接................................................................................................. - 16 -5.6线连接器运用............................................................................................................. - 16 -5.7馈线与探测器的连接................................................................................................. - 17 -5.8雨水传感器的安装..................................................................................................... - 17 -5.9避雷器的安装............................................................................................................. - 18 -5.10地桩的安装............................................................................................................... - 18 -六、使用与维护 ....................................................................................................................... - 20 -6.1检查............................................................................................................................. - 20 -6.2通电............................................................................................................................. - 20 -6.3报警试验..................................................................................................................... - 20 -6.4使用中特别注意事项................................................................................................. - 21 -6.5日常维护..................................................................................................................... - 21 -七、技术性能 ........................................................................................................................... - 21 -7.1 供电电源.................................................................................................................. - 21 -7.2 输出特性.................................................................................................................. - 21 -7.3 使用环境.................................................................................................................. - 21 -7.4 外形尺寸.................................................................................................................. - 22 - 安全注意事项 ........................................................................................................................... - 22 -前言感应智能型脉冲电子围栏系统(以下简称HDK-16D-Ⅲ系统)是我公司于2010年基于国际、国内周界报警领先技术,研发的新型智能周界安防系统。
DTL型铁路道口电动栏木机安装使用说明书目 录第一节 概述第二节 结构原理第三节 电动栏木机的部件特点及技术要求第四节 包装及随机附件第五节 栏木机安装使用注意事项第六节 维修配件第七节 图纸声明:安装前请仔细阅读说明书本公司保留随时更改本说明书的权利,恕不另行通知。
第一节 概述1. 用途道口电动栏木机主要应用在铁路与公路的平交道口上,在列车接近道口时,阻挡公路上的行人和车辆通过,保证行车安全。
2. 主要技术指标·工作环境:环境温度-40℃~+70℃,相对湿度不大于90%(+25℃时)周围环境中无发生爆炸危险、足以腐蚀金属及破坏绝缘的有害气体或导电尘埃。
·技术特性:3. 安装尺寸基础预埋螺栓尺寸:300mm*300mm 4*Φ22mm栏杆中心距底脚基面高 800mm栏木机中心距栏杆顶端≤10米第二节 结构原理1. DTL型电动栏木机由装有电磁摩擦制动器的电动机、装有离合器结构的减速机、回路控制器、栏杆、平衡块、托架、箱体、底座等组成。
(图1)2. 传动原理:1)电动机轴上的齿轮带动减速机齿轮经三级减速使输出轴旋转,带动栏杆升降。
(图3)3. DTL型电动栏木机的回路控制器一般使用两组接点。
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工作电源:AC220V 150W 升降时间:1.5至6秒可选
1 DJ+ 电机正转控制线(输出)
2 DJ- 电机反转控制线(输出)
3 DJCOM 电机公共控制线(输出)
4 AC220V 单相市电(火线) (输入)
5 AC220V 单相市电(零线) (输入)
6 ACGND 单相市电(大地线) (输入)
1 GND 信号地线(输出)
2 COM(+12V) 公共信号线(+12)(输出)
3 COM(+12V) 公共信号线(+12)(输出)
4 LOOP(Aq) 自动落杆信号线(防砸车)(输入)
5 X-DOWN 行程落信号线(输入)
6 X-UP 行程升信号线(输入)
7 COM(+12V) 公共信号线(+12)(输出)
8 COM(+12V) 公共信号线(+12)(输出)
9 S-STOP 控制停信号线(输入)
10 S-DOWN 控制落信号线(输入)
11 S-UP 控制升信号线(输入)
12 COM(+12V) 公共信号线(+12)(输出)
13 RS232-RXD 通讯信号线(输入)
14 RS232-GND 通讯信号地线(输入)。