Simba is collapsing in the wasteland
Timon and Pumbaa finds him
Pumbaa(彭彭) and Timon(丁满)
Hakuna Matata (无忧无虑)
Simba was saved, but he felt very guilty.
Nala (娜娜)—Simba’s friend and future wife Little Simba is very naughty and he always looks for trouble…One day, he was cheated by his uncle and walked into hyenas’land…
Simba came back home and killed Scar, and then he had grown up as a true king.
The story comes to an end, so what we have learned from it?
Even a child should not be so naughty.
“Listen, you think you can just show up and tell me how to live my life? You don’t even know what I’ve been through.”
Simba refuses to return
Rafiki(拉飞奇) With the help of Rafiki, Simba had a talk with the spirit of his father and found himself. “Remember who you are, you are my son and the one true king.”
? 有一头狮子来了 ? ? Nants ingonyama ? ? 父亲 ? ? Bagithi baba ? ? 是的是一头狮子 ? ? Sithi uhhmm ingonyama ? ? 狮子 ? ? Ingonyama ? ? 有一头狮子来了 ? ? Nants ingonyama ? ? 父亲 ? ? Bagithi baba ? ? 是的是一头狮子 ? ? Sithi uhhmm ingonyama ? ? 狮子 ? ? Ingonyama ? ? 我们会征服 ? ? Siyo nqoba ? ? 狮子 ? ? Ingonyama ? ? 狮子和猎豹来到这片辽阔大地 ? ? Ingonyama inengw" enamabala ? ? 狮子和猎豹来到这片辽阔大地 ? ? Ingonyama inengw" enamabala ? ? 狮子和猎豹来到这片辽阔大地 ? ? Ingonyama inengw" enamabala ? ? 狮子和猎豹来到这片辽阔大地 ? ? Ingonyama inengw" enamabala ? ? 狮子和猎豹来到这片辽阔大地 ? ? Ingonyama inengw" enamabala ? ? 狮子和猎豹来到这片辽阔大地 ? ? Ingonyama inengw" enamabala ? ? 狮子和猎豹来到这片辽阔大地 ? ? Ingonyama inengw" enamabala ? ? 狮子和猎豹来到这片辽阔大地 ? ? Ingonyama inengw" enamabala ? ? 自我们降生于 ? ? From the day we arrive ? ? 这个星球 ? ? On the planet ? ? 眨眨眼睛步入阳光 ? ? And blinking step into the sun ? ? 大千世界包罗万象 ? ? There"s more to see than can ever be seen ? ? 广阔天地任我闯荡 ? ? More to do than can ever be done ? ? 洋洋大观取之不尽 ? ? There"s far too much to take in here ? ? 日新月异百看不厌 ? ? More to find than can ever be found ? ? 但当旭日东升 ? ? But the sun rolling high ? ? 划过天际 ? ? Through the sapphire sky ? ? 周而复始世事无常 ? ? Keeps great and small on the endless round ? ? 生生不息 ? ? It"s the circle of life ? ? 众生皆往 ? ? And it moves us all ? ? 遍尝痛苦希望 ? ? Through despair and hope ? ? 心怀爱与信仰 ? ? Through faith and love ? ? 在这生命轮回 ? ? Till we find our place ? ? 无尽之路 ? ? On the path unwinding ? ? 寻得 ? ? In the circle ? ? 安居之所 ? ? The circle of life ? ? 生生不息 ? ? It"s the circle of life ? ? 众生皆往 ? ? And it moves us all ? ? 遍尝痛苦希望 ? ? Through despair and hope ? ? 心怀爱与信仰 ? ? Through faith and love ? ? 在这生命轮回 ? ? Till we find our place ? ? 无尽之路 ? ? On the path unwinding ? ? 寻得 ? ? In the circle ? ? 安居之所 ? ? The circle of life ? 狮子王生命并不公平 Life"s not fair... 是不是我的小朋友 is it, my little friend? 有的是天生的猎食者 While some are born to feast... 有的却一辈子活在黑暗中 others spend their lives in the dark, 乞求残羹剩饭begging for scraps. 要我说 The way I see it... 你我没有什么差别 you and I are exactly the same. 我们都在寻找出路 We both want to find a way out. 国王驾到 The king approaches! 这不是演习 This is not a drill. 陛下要求接见 His Majesty has requested an audience. 当他驾到时你要起身跪拜 Upon his entrance, you will rise and genuflect. 沙祖 Zazu... 你害得我丢掉了午餐 you"ve made me lose my lunch. 你错过了早上的仪式 You will answer to Mufasa 要向木法沙回话 for missing the ceremony this morning. 我不会向任何人回话 I answer to no one. 疤面疤面疤面 Scar? Scar. Scar. 别别这么看着我 No, no. Don"t look at me like that. 你饿吗沙祖 Are you hungry, Zazu? 要不要和我一起吃个饭 Perhaps we could have a bite together! 你不能吃我 You can"t eat me! 禁止捕食王宫成员 It is forbidden to eat a member of the king"s court! 不求你了住手 No, please! Stop it! 疤面 Scar! 看看是谁屈尊降驾来探访平民了 Well, look who"s come down to mingle with the commoners. 沙拉碧和我在辛巴的洗礼仪式上没看到你 Sarabi and I didn"t see you at the presentation of Simba. 是今天吗Was that today? 我不小心忘记了 Must"ve slipped my mind. 我当然无意对陛下或沙拉碧失礼 Of course I meant no disrespect towards His Majesty or Sarabi. 你也知道我对王后极其尊重 As you know, I have tremendous respect for the queen. 作为国王的弟弟 As the king"s brother, 你应该站在前列 you should"ve been first in line. 我本来在继承前列 I was first in line. 难道你忘了吗 Or don"t you remember? 直到尊贵的王子诞生 That is, until the precious prince arrived. 不要背对着我疤面 Don"t turn your back on me, Scar. 不木法沙 Oh, no, Mufasa, 你才不应该背弃我 perhaps you shouldn"t turn your back on me. 你在挑战我吗 Is that a challenge? 我做梦都不敢再次挑战你 I wouldn"t dream of challenging you again. 明智的选择 A wise decision. 你根本敌不过国王陛下 You are no match for His Royalness. 就智力来说我占上风 Well, as far as brains go, I got the lion"s share. 但要比蛮力 But when it comes to brute strength, 恐怕我哥哥 I"m afraid my big brother... 会永远称王 will always rule. 不是永远疤面 Not always, Scar. 有一天我的儿子会掌权 One day, it"ll be my son who rules. 辛巴会成为你的王 Simba will be your king. 那就祝国王万岁 Then long live the king. -我该拿他怎么办-拜托 - What am I gonna do with him? - Oh, come on. 你我都清楚早就该把他 We both know he should"ve been 流放到荣耀大地之外了expelled from the Pride Lands long ago. 他是我弟弟沙祖 He"s my brother, Zazu. 这里是他的家 This is his home. 只要我还身居王位就绝不会赶他走 As long as I am king, that will never change. 家家都有个难缠得主陛下 Well, there"s one in every family, sire. 我有个表哥以为自己是啄木鸟 I had a cousin who thought he was a woodpecker. 脑袋对着树猛啄 He slammed his head into trees, 但我们的喙可经不住这么折腾 and our beaks aren"t built for it. 他经常得脑震荡你要走了 He was concussed regularly. Oh, you"ve gone. 陛下回宫 Sire, coming back! 辛巴 Simba. 爸爸你醒了吗 Dad, you awake? 爸爸醒醒 Dad, wake up! 爸爸 Dad! 爸爸爸爸爸爸 Dad, Dad, Dad! 你儿子醒了 Your son"s awake. 日出之前他是你儿子 Before sunrise, he"s your son. 快点爸爸我们走 Come on, Dad, let"s go. 你说我今天可以和你一起巡视 You said I could patrol with you today. 今天开始了 And today has started. 你保证过起来了吗 You promised! You up? 我们出发 Let"s do this! 我们出发 Let"s do this. 先干什么 So, what"s first? 下令狩猎驱逐邪恶入侵者 Give orders for the hunt? Chase away evil intruders? 爸爸走错方向了 Dad! You"re going the wrong way! 爸爸 Dad? 妈妈不允许我上来I"m not supposed to go up here. 看辛巴 Look, Simba. 阳光照耀下的一切都是我们的王国 Everything the light touches is our kingdom. 这全都由你统治吗 You rule all of that? 是的 Yes. 但国王的统治时间 But a king"s time as ruler... 像太阳一样有起有落 rises and falls like the sun. 有一天辛巴 One day, Simba... 我的太阳会落下 the sun will set on my time here... 而你则会作为新王冉冉升起 and will rise with you as the new king. 这一切都会属于我吗 All of this will belong to me? 王国不属于任何人 It belongs to no one, 但你会肩负保护它的使命 but will be yours to protect. 责任重大 A great responsibility. 阳光照耀下的一切吗 Everything the light touches? 那些树还有那个饮水坑 Those trees? And the watering hole? 还有那座山 And that mountain? 还有那片暗影地带的尽头 And beyond those shadows? 你绝不能到那里去辛巴 You must not go there, Simba. 可我以为国王想去哪儿就去哪儿 But I thought a king could do whatever he wants. 征服任意一片领土 Take any territory. 虽然有的王只懂得索取 While others search for what they can take... 但真正的王致力于奉献 a true king searches for what he can give. 你所见到的一切事物Everything you see exists together 都保持着微妙的平衡 in a delicate balance. 作为国王你要理解这种平衡 As king, you need to understand that balance... 尊重所有生物 and respect all the creatures... 不论是爬行的蝼蚁还是跳跃的羚羊 from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope. 可是爸爸我们不是会吃羚羊吗 But, Dad, don"t we eat the antelope? 是的辛巴先听我解释 Yes, Simba. But let me explain. 我们死后尸体会化为青草 When we die, our bodies become the grass... 而羚羊以草为食and the antelope eat the grass... 因此所有生物都在生命轮回中紧密相连 and so we are all connected in the great circle of life. -陛下-早上好沙祖 - Sire! - Morning, Zazu. 晨间报告准备好了吗 Do you have the morning report? 是的陛下 Yes, sire. 十只火烈鸟正在站立[表态]Ten flamingos are taking a stand. 两头长颈鹿正在交颈[打架]Two giraffe were caught necking. 据蜜蜂提供的消息[嗡嗡]The buzz from the bees... 花豹遇到了一点麻烦[斑点]is that the leopards are in a bit of a spot. 想不想来点乐子 Ready for some fun? 早上四点小鸟鸣叫[发信]The birds are tweeting at 4:00 in the morning. 我就说"小鸟我们知道了" I"m like, "Birds, we get it." 身体伏地 Stay low to the ground. 看我的吧 I got this. 注意风向阴影 Check the wind, the shadows... 等待突袭的最佳时机 and wait for the perfect moment to pounce. 猎豹偷走了狒狒的晚餐 The cheetahs stole the baboons" dinner, 结果狒狒发狂[猩猩]and now the baboons are going ape. 当然要我说猎豹[谐音"骗子永远发不了家 Of course, as I say, cheetahs never prosper. 我就是这么想的 That"s what I say. 听懂了吗我再说一次 Do you get... I"ll say it again. 猎豹永远... Cheetahs never... 拜托我在报新闻 Come on! It"s the news! 好样的 That"s very good! 陛下 Sire! 陛下鬣狗进入了荣耀大地 Sire! Hyenas in the Pride Lands. 他们在狩猎 They"re on the hunt! 沙拉碧在哪 Where"s Sarabi? 她正带头应敌 She"s leading the charge. 沙祖带辛巴回家 Zazu, take Simba home. 爸爸让我去我能帮上忙 Dad, let me come! I can help. 不儿子你和其他小狮子待在一起 No, son. You stay with the other cubs. 我不是小狮子 I am not a cub. 好了 Come on. 我们回家 Let"s go home. 我们到了 Here we are. 你去和其他小狮子一起玩吧 Now you go along and play with the other cubs. 真棒Great. 如果你想猎杀成功 If you wish to kill something... 也许应该待在下风处 you might want to stay downwind. 我知道怎么狩猎疤面叔叔 I know how to hunt, Uncle Scar. 那但愿我们永远不会被一只甲虫袭击 Well, let"s hope we"re never attacked by a beetle. 回你的窝里去吧辛巴我可不当保姆 Go back to your den, Simba. I don"t babysit. 当保姆我将会成为荣耀石的国王 Babysit? I"m gonna be the king of Pride Rock. 我爸爸带我巡视了整个王国 My dad showed me the whole kingdom. 说我将会统治一切Said I"m going to rule it all. 是吗 Is that so? 想想看 Think about it. 等我成为国王我必须得向你发号♥施令 When I"m king, I"ll have to give you orders. 告诉你该做什么 Tell you what to do. 这多奇怪啊 How weird is that? 你根本想象不到 You"ve no idea. 你♥爸♥爸带你巡视了整个王国 So, your dad showed you the whole kingdom? 他带你去了北部边境外的暗影地带吗 Did he show you the shadows beyond the northern borders? 没有他说我不能去那里永远不能 No. He said I can"t go there. Ever. 他说得完全没错 And he"s absolutely right. 大象坟墓可不是一位年轻王子该去的地方 An elephant graveyard is no place for a young prince. 大象坟墓 An elephant graveyard? 天呐我说得太多了 Oh, dear. I"ve said too much. 不过我想你迟早都会发现那里的Though I suppose you"d have found out sooner or later... 等你成为国王统治一切you being king and all. 你去过那里吗 You"ve been there? 我们都去过那里可不是小狮子该去的地方 We"ve all been there. And it"s no place for a cub. 那些腐烂的尸骨 All those rotting bones... 还有渗出的滚烫泥浆 and burning pools of oozing mud. 腐烂的尸骨渗出的泥浆 Rotting bones? Oozing mud? 向我保证你会远离那里辛巴 Promise me you"ll stay away, Simba. 你可以走了 Now, you run along. 要记住 And remember... 这是我们的小秘密 it"s our little secret... 陛下 Your Majesty. 娜娜快点我们得走了 Nala! Come on. We have to go. -去哪儿-饮水坑 - Where? - Watering hole. 辛巴她正在清洁身体 Simba, she"s having her bath. 你也该做清洁了 And it"s time for yours. 但是妈妈... But, Mom... 我可以自己来 I can do it myself. 别动 Hold still. 你把我的鬣毛都弄乱了 You"re messing up my mane! 来吧耳朵后面舔一舔 Come on. Behind the ears. 别这样妈妈 Come on, Mom! 看见了吧全干净了我们能走了吗 See? All clean. Can we go? 现在没有鬣狗了 There"s no hyenas. 你刚刚把他们都赶跑了 You just chased them all off. 只能去饮水坑不能跑远了 Just to the watering hole and no further. 还有要待在下风处 And stay downwind. 还有一件小事 And one more little thing. 沙祖要跟你们一起去Zazu will be going with you. -沙祖-沙祖 - Zazu? - Zazu? 沙祖要跟着否则你们不许去 Zazu goes... or you don"t. 来吧跟上我们结成小组一起行动 Come along. Keep up. Let"s move in a unit. 好了结伴制 Okay, buddy system. 我们到底要去哪儿 So, where are we really going? 你怎么知道 How did you know? 你讨厌水 You hate the water. 我听说了这个地方娜娜 I heard about this place, Nala. 世上最不可思议最难以置信的... The most incredible, amazing... 直接告诉我是哪吧 Just tell me where. 一处大象坟墓 An elephant graveyard. 那里有多远 How far is it? 不远只要走到暗影地带就好 Not far. Just to the shadows. 但别担心大家都去过那里 But don"t worry, everyone"s been there. 我们以前从来没去过那么远 We"ve never been that far before. 如果我们迷路了怎么办 What if we get lost? 放轻松娜娜 Relax, Nala. 我今天早上跟着爸爸巡视了整个王国 I patrolled the entire kingdom this morning with my dad. 没什么好担心的 There"s nothing to worry about. 还有一件事要担心 Well, there is one thing. 有危险逼近有东西在向我们靠近 We have an imminent threat. Something is approaching. 等等当我没说那是我自己的影子 Wait, scratch that. That"s my own shadow. 我们要怎么摆脱这只笨鸟 How we getting rid of the dodo? 相信我我可以的 Trust me, I got this. 跟随我奔向自♥由♥吧 Follow me to freedom. 太感动了 How lovely it is... 看着未来的国王和他未来的王后 to see the future king with his future queen. 我感动得都要换毛了 I could just molt. 你说"未来的王后"是什么意思 What do you mean, "future queen"? 总有一天你们俩会永结同心 Well, one day the two of you will be betrothed. 喜结连理白头偕老 Intended. Affianced. 辛巴你懂鸟语吗 Simba, you speak bird? 结婚 Married! 拜托总有一天你们会结婚 Come on. One day you will be married. 同彼此结为夫妻To each other. -这不可能沙祖-绝对不可能 - That"s not gonna happen, Zazu. - Never ever. 娜娜和我是朋友Nala and I are friends. 而且她害怕犀牛 And besides, she"s afraid of rhinos! -他从来没吃过黑斑羚-我试过一次 - And he"s never eaten an impala. - I"ve tried it once. 我们永远不会结婚的沙祖 We are never getting married, Zazu. 一位忽视传统的君王 A monarch who ignores tradition? 如果怀着这样的态度 With an attitude like that, 恐怕你会成为一位非常可悲的国王 I"m afraid you"ll be a pretty pathetic king. 别想指挥我该去哪里 Well, I"m not letting anyone tell me where to go, 该做什么 what to do... 甚至该和谁结婚 and even who to marry. 永远不会有像我这样的国王 There will never be a king like me. 辛巴你逃脱不了自己的宿命 Simba, you can"t escape your destiny. 等着瞧吧 Just watch. ? 我要成为一位威武的国王 ? ? I"m gonna be a mighty king ? ? 敌人都小心点 ? ? So enemies beware ? ? 我从没见过哪位百兽之王 ? ? Well, I"ve never seen a king of beasts ? ? 身上连毛都没长全 ? ? With quite so little hair ? ? 我要成为前所未有的伟大国王 ? ? I"m gonna be the main event like no king was before ? ? 我正在学习震慑俯视 ? ? I"m brushing up on looking down ? ? 练习我的咆哮狮吼 ? ? Working on my roar ? ? 目前为止还无法令我刮目相看 ? ? Thus far a rather uninspiring thing ? ? 我等不及要成为国王了 ? ? Oh, I just can"t wait to be king ? 你还有很长的路要走小主人 You have rather a long way to go, young master. 如果你以为... If you think... ? 别想指挥我"该这样做" ? ? No one saying "do this" ? 我这样说的时候... Now, when I said that... ? 别想指挥我"该去那里" ? ? No one saying "be there" ? 我的意思是... What I meant was... ? 别想指挥我"别那样做" ? ? No one saying "stop that" ? ? 别想指挥我"快看这里" ? ? No one saying "see here" ? 快看这里 Now see here! ? 整天自♥由♥自在地奔跑 ? ? Free to run around all day ? 这绝对不可以 Well, that"s definitely out. ? 完全按照自己的想法来 ? ? Free to do it all my way ? ? 我想你和我应该 ? ? I think it"s time that you and I ? ? 来一场坦诚的谈心 ? ? Arranged a heart-to-heart ? ? 首先国王无需听取 ? ? Kings don"t need advice ? ? 来自小犀鸟的建议 ? ? From little hornbills for a start ? ? 如果这就是君主制的未来 ? ? If this is where the monarchy is headed ? ? 请别把我算在内 ? ? Count me out ? ? 让我卸下职责离开非洲 ? ? Out of service, out of Africa ? ? 我不愿浪费时间 ? ? I wouldn"t hang about ? ? 这个孩子翅膀硬了完全失控 ? ? This child is getting wildly out of wing ? 辛巴 Simba! ? 我等不及要成为国王了 ? ? Oh, I just can"t wait to be king ? 辛巴 Simba! 我看不见你了辛巴 I can"t see you, Simba. 你必须时刻在我的视线之内 You must be in my sight at all times. 我把他跟丢了 I"ve lost him! 我知道你想干什么 I know what you"re doing! 你要去哪辛巴 Where are you going, Simba? 拜托 Come on! 你躲不过我的辛巴 You can"t hide from me, Simba. 护你周全是我宣誓的职责 It is my sworn duty to keep you safe. 你好好听我说 You listen to me right now. 很抱歉在你们面前飞来飞去 I"m sorry to flutter about in your face, 你们有没有见到...他是头小狮子have you seen... He"s a little lion. 他体型很小但很可爱 He"s small, but he"s cute. ? 大家一起向左看 ? ? Everybody lookleft ? ? 大家一起向右看 ? ? Everybody look right ? ? 不管你看向哪里 ? ? Everywhere you look I"m ? ? 我都是目光的焦点 ? ? Standing in the spotlight ? 还不行 Not yet. ? 让所有动物全力以赴放声高歌♥ ? ? Let every creature go for broke and sing ? ? 不论走兽还是飞禽都唱得响亮 ? ? Let"s hear it in the herd and on the wing ? 我看见你在下面我看见你在下面 I see you down there! I see you down there! ? 这会是辛巴国王最骄傲的放纵 ? ? It"s gonna be King Simba"s finest fling ? ? 我等不及要成为国王了 ? ? Oh, I just can"t wait to be king ? 辛巴 Simba! ? 他等不及要成为国王了 ? ? He just can"t wait to be king ? ? 我等不及 ? ? Oh, I just can"t wait ? ? 等不及 ? ? Just can"t wait ? ? 要成为国王了 ? ? To be king ? 我把他跟丢了 I"ve lost him! 木法沙不会轻饶我的 Mufasa"s gonna have my feathers. 这可大事不妙 This is not good!辛巴我们真的甩掉他了 Simba, we really lost him. 我知道你在想什么 I know what you"re thinking. "未来的国王是一位天才" "The future king is a genius." 你是在开玩笑吧 You can"t be serious. 没有你的王后你绝对跑不出来 You would"ve never gotten away without your queen. 你是不是忘记了一件事 Aren"t you forgetting something? 根本没有王后 There is no queen. 这话我没意见 You could say that again. 我宁愿和土豚结婚 I"d rather marry an aardvark. 祝你好运找到愿意的那位 Good luck finding one that will say yes. 祝你好运毫发无伤地离开这里 Good luck getting out of here without a bruising. 你尽管试试 Give it your best shot. 打倒你了 Pinned ya! 你欠我一个道歉 You owe me an apology. 绝不 Never! 打倒你了又一次 Pinned ya. Again. 娜娜住手 Nala, stop! 那是什么 What is that? 你可耍不了我辛巴 You"re not gonna trick me, Simba. 我知道什么也没有... I know that there"s nothing... 肯定就是这里了 This must be it. 快点 Come on! 辛巴我们已经离荣耀大地太远了 Simba, we"re way beyond the Pride Lands. 我们找到这里了娜娜 We found it, Nala. 你知道这意味着什么吗 You know what this means?意味着我们可以回家了 It means we can go home. 这意味着他们不会再把我们当小狮子了 It means they won"t treat us like cubs anymore. 辛巴快下来可能有危险 Simba, get down! It could be dangerous. 危险 Danger? 我对危险嗤之以鼻 I laugh in the face of danger. 酷 Cool! 听到了吗娜娜 You hear that, Nala? 辛巴拜托 Simba, come on! 你已经证明了你有多勇敢 You"ve proved how brave you are. 太阳要下山了 Now the sun is going down, 我可不打算待在这里 I"m not just gonna sit here and... 快看呀 Well, look at this. 没想到今天会有访客 We weren"t expecting guests today. 你们两头小狮子 Would you two cubs... 想留下来吃晚餐吗 like to stay for dinner? 对啊留下来吃晚餐 Yeah, stay for dinner. 因为你们俩看着很像夜宵 "Cause you look like a midnight snack! 你就不能给我点空间吗 Can you just give me a little bitof space? 我在帮你呢 I"m helping. 我们事先都讨论好了 We have talked about this before. 我独自过来 I come in alone. 我来牵制注意力让大家包围 I"m the lead distraction so everyone can circle. 好吧好吧抱歉 Okay, okay. Sorry. 别抱歉照做就是了 Don"t be sorry. Just do it. 这顿大餐 Now, this is a meal 我可是等了一辈子了 I"ve waited my whole life for. 拿国王的儿子当点心真是意外之喜 What an unexpected treat, to eat the son of a king. 等等国王就是那个谁吗 Wait a second, the king? As in you-know-who? 统治百兽的那位Who rules you-know-where? 木法沙可不能统治我 Mufasa does not rule me! 你不能把我怎么样 You can"t do anything to me! 因为我是未来的国王 "Cause I"m the future king! 他在对我发号♥施令呢 He"s telling me what to do. 他父亲的力量在他内心闪烁 His father"s strength flickering inside. 我在想 I wonder... 那种勇敢到底是什么味道 how all that bravery will taste. 放他们走桑琪 Let them go, Shenzi! 他们犯了一个错误可怕的错误 They made a mistake, a horrible mistake! 但若你这样做就会挑起跟木法沙的战争 But if you do this, you will start a war with Mufasa! 鬣狗和狮子有史以来 Hyenas and lions have been at war 就没有停止过交战 since the beginning of time. 但是木法沙的血脉将在这里结束 But Mufasa"s bloodline will end here! 快跑 Run! 别让他们跑了 Don"t let them get away! 快点 Come on! 你们听到了吗 Did you hear that? 未来的国王 The future king! 不要伤害我 Don"t hurt me! 再来一次 Do it again! 如果你再敢靠近我儿子半步 If you ever come near my son again... 不会木法沙绝不 No, Mufasa. Never. 绝不会了 Never again. 桑琪我警告过你了 You"ve been warned, Shenzi. 我以为你很勇敢呢 I thought you were very brave. 沙祖 Zazu? 带娜娜回荣耀石去 Take Nala back to Pride Rock. 遵命陛下 Yes, sire. 别太难为他了陛下 Don"t be too hard on him, sire. 我记得曾经有一头任性的小狮子 I remember a cub, a certain headstrong cub... 经常陷入困境 who was always getting into scrapes. 但他取得了突出的成就 And he achieved some prominence, 对不对陛下 did he not, sire? 我必须给我的儿子上一课 I have to teach my son a lesson. 娜娜走吧 Nala, come along. 辛巴 Simba? 你故意违抗我的命令 You deliberately disobeyed me. 我知道 I know. 你可能会被杀死的 You could have been killed. 更糟糕的是你把娜娜也置于险境了 And what"s worse, you put Nala in danger. 你知道这之间的利害关系吗 Do you understand what"s at stake? 你危及到了我们狮群的未来 You jeopardized the future of our pride. 我只是想让你知道我可以做到 I just wanted to show you I could do it. 我可以像你一样勇敢 That I could be brave like you. 我只在需要勇敢的时候勇敢 I"m only brave when I have to be, 别无选择的时候 when there"s no other choice. 但是你什么都不怕 But you"re not scared of anything. 今天我怕了 I was today. 真的吗 You were? 是的我以为自己会失去你 Yes. I thought I might lose you. 就连国王也会害怕对吧 I guess even kings get scared, huh? 比你想象的还要害怕 More than you could ever know. -但你知道吗-什么 - But guess what? - What? 我想那些鬣狗更害怕 I think those hyenas were even scareder. 那是因为没人敢跟你♥爸♥爸嚣张 That"s "cause nobody messes with your dad. 过来 Come here. -爸爸-怎么 - Dad? - Uh-huh? 我们是朋友对吗 We"re pals, right? 对 Right. 而且我们永远会在一起 And we"ll always be together... 对吗 right? 辛巴我要教你一件我父亲告诉我的事 Simba, let me tell you something my father told me. 你看那片星空 Look at the stars. 历史上所有伟大的国王 The great kings of the past... 都在浩瀚星空中俯视着我们 look down on us from those stars. -真的吗-是的 - Really? - Yes. 不论何时你觉得孤独 So whenever you feel alone... 就想想那些国王 just remember that those kings... 会一直在你身边引导你 will always be up there to guide you. 我也是 And so will I. 但我看不到他们爸爸 But I can"t see them, Dad. 继续寻找儿子 Keep looking, son. 继续寻找 Keep looking. 木法沙好强 Mufasa is strong. 比我们强得多 Like, way stronger than us. -请给我点空间-什么 - Please give me some space. - What? 这么大个洞穴你躺在哪儿不行You could lay anywhere in this cave. -你想让我躺在哪儿...-我需要个人空间 - Where do you want me to... - I need some personal space. -好吗-好的 - Okay? - Okay. 并不是要贬低你你很厉害 Not to take anything away from you. You were great. 但是他... But he is... 好吧现在我知道你是故意的了 See, now I know you"re doing this on purpose. 你也非常勇敢强势能量充沛 You"re brave, too. Tough, good energy. 你这纯粹是恶意中伤了Now you"re just being spiteful. 姿势不错 Good posture. 下次让我看见木法沙 Next time I see Mufasa... 我要给他一个永远忘不掉的教训 I"m gonna teach him a lesson he will never forget. 你走运了他就在你背后 Well, you"re in luck! He"s right behind ya. 木法沙 Mufasa? 那不是国王 That"s not the king. 你们这些蠢货掠尽了自己领地的全部活物 You fools have stripped your land of every living thing. 然而我把两头小狮子送到你们手上 And yet I send two little cubs your way... 你们却让他们活着回去了 and they come back alive. 看来我们只能吃了你将就了 I guess we"ll have to eat you instead. 为什么只看到一顿饭 Why eat one meal... 却放弃后半辈子都能大快朵颐的机会when you can be feasting the rest of your lives? 你能给我们提供什么 What could you possibly offer us? 一个让你们填饱肚子的地方 A place where you can fill your bellies. 阳光照耀下的一切 Where everything the light touches 都归你们尽情杀戮 is yours for the kill. 荣耀大地可不是你说了算的 The Pride Lands are not yours to give. 国王控制着所有猎场 The king controls those hunting grounds. 所以我们要杀了他That"s why we"re going to kill him. 在狩猎一事上 Mufasa has always shown too much restraint... 木法沙总是过于克制 when it comes to hunting. 等我成为国王When I am king... 强者就可以予取予求 the mighty will be free to take whatever they want. 因为鬣狗的肚子永远填不饱 Because a hyena"s belly is never full. 木法沙太强大了难以挑战 Mufasa"s far too powerful to challenge. ? 木法沙已是明日黄花 ? ? Mufasa is yesterday"s message ? ? 一个腐朽。
影视英语口语:身体倍儿棒影视来源:《歌舞青春2》小噱头:老爸的华丽登场剧情引导:Troy和Chad跑到高尔夫球场的时候,发觉他们居然要给Sharpay他们全家当球童,不但如此,Sharpay的老爸居然还是坐着直升机华丽登场,完全被雷到了……【台词片段】Sharpay: Hi, Daddy!Mr. Evens: Where's the first tee and what's the course record? I'm just kidding. I built the course myself and I hold the record, but who's counting? Princess.Son, you've been working out.Ryan: Yoga.Mr. Evens: Bring that around, there you go. Quite a season you boys had.【台词翻译】Sharpay:老爸好!Mr. Evens:第一杆在哪儿?这个场子的最高纪录是多少?开玩笑啦,我的球场我做主,当然是我最高纪录咯,不过谁会去计分咧你说是吧?我的公主。
Mr. Evens:帽子转过来点儿,好了。
...【口语解说】work outwork out也是词义比较多的一个口语词组,影片前面一段就有一首歌叫做Work This Out,意思是达成目的、获得成功;而这段里面则是进行一系列高强度且卓有成效的体育锻炼,通常言下之意就是“你身材棒了好多啊”,比方说本来豆芽菜一样的男生练出了8块豆腐干状(囧)腹肌,或者原先女孩子身上松垮垮的肉肉都练得紧绷起来看着苗条精神很多,就能说:You've been working out。
Mufasa: look, Simba, everything the light touches is our kingdom.木法沙:辛巴,你看,阳光照耀的一切就是我们的国王。
Simba: Wow!辛巴:哇!Mufasa: a king’s time as ruler rises and falls like the sun. one day, Simba, the sun will set on my time here and will rise with youas the new king.木法沙:一个国王的通知期就如同太阳的起落一样。
Simba: and this will all be mine?辛巴:这一切都是我的吗?Mufasa: everything!木法沙:所有的一切!Simba: everything the light touches! What about that shadowy place?辛巴:阳光所照到的所有东西!那有阴影的地方呢?Mufasa: that’s beyond our borders, you must never go there, simba. 木法沙:那在我们的过度之外,你永远不要去那个地方,辛巴。
Simba: but I thought a king can do whatever he wants.辛巴:我以为国王可以随心所欲啊。
Mufasa: oh, there’s more to being king than getting your way all the time.木法沙:哦,国王也不能随心所欲。
Simba: there’s more?辛巴:不能吗?Mufasa: simba, everything you see exists together in a delicate[微妙的]balance. As king, you need to understand that balance andrespect all the creatures from the crawling[匍匐的,爬的]antto the leaping antelope[羚羊]木法沙:辛巴,世界上所有的生命都有微妙的平衡。
Lion King 狮子王From the day we arrive on the planet从我们出生的那一刻And,blinking,step into the sun睁开眼睛走入阳光There's more to see than can ever be seen 那儿有你看不完的东西More to do than can ever be done有你做不完的事There's far too much to take in here有数不尽你无法体会经验的事More to find than can ever be found有找不完的宝藏But the sun rolling high可是太阳高挂在天空Through the sapphire sky在那宝蓝色的天空中Keeps great and small on the endless round 不论伟大与渺小都保存下来It's the circle of life那是生生不息And it moves us all 那感动了你我Through despair and hope历经绝望与希望Through faith and love 历经信心与爱Till we find our place直到我们找到归属之地On the path unwinding在我们已知的种种之中In the circle 在那生生不息之中The circle of life 生生不息…It's the circle of life 生生不息And it moves us all 而那令我们感动Through despair and hope历经绝望与希望Through faith and love 历经信心与爱Till we find our place直到我们找到归属之地On the path unwinding在我们已知的种种之中In the circle 在那生生不息之中The circle of life 生生不息…Life's not fair,is it? 生命真不公平啊!You see,I... Well,I shall never be king.你看我呢,永远都当不上王And you shall never see the light of another day.而你永远也见不到明天了Adieu. 再见Didn't your mother tell you not to play with your food?你妈妈没有教你不要玩弄你的食物What do you want? 你想干什么?I'm here to announce that King Mufasa's on his way. 我是来这里宣布大王木法沙要来了So you'd better have a good excuse... for missing the ceremony this morning.所以对你今天早上没有出席那个仪式最好找个借口Oh,now,look,Zazu. You've made me lose my lunch. 你害我的午餐都没了Ha! You'll lose more than that when the king gets through with you.等大王跟你算帐之后你不见的东西还会更多He's as mad as a hippo with a hernia.他就像只拉肚子的河马一样愤怒Ooh. I quiver with fear!我怕得全身发抖Now,Scar,don't look at me that way.好了,刀疤,不要那样看我Help! 救命啊!Drop him. 刀疤,吐出来Impeccable timing,Your Majesty.你来得可真是时候,大王陛下Why,if it isn't my big brother...这不是我大哥吗?descending from on high to mingle with the commoners.屈尊降贵的来跟我这普通人厮混Sarabi and I didn't see you at the presentation of Simba.我跟沙拉碧在辛巴的介绍仪式中没有看到你That was today? 那是今天吗?Oh,I feel simply awful!我觉得好害怕呀!Must've slipped my mind.我八成是给忘了Yes,well,as slippery as your mind is...是呀,你忘的不只如此as the king's brother... you should've been first in line!身为大王的弟弟你应该站在第一位Well,I was first in line until the little hairball was born.我原本是第一位直到这个小毛球出生That hairball is my son and your future king. 这个小毛球是我儿子他也是你未来的国王Oh,I shall practice my curtsy.我该学学我的礼节啦Don't turn your back on me,Scar.千万不要背对着我,刀疤Oh,no,Mufasa.不,木法沙Perhaps you shouldn't turn your back on me.或许是你不该背对着我Is that a challenge?这是一个挑战吗?T emper,temper.冷静!冷静!I wouldn't dream of challenging you.我哪敢向大王你挑战呢?Pity. Why not?可惜,为什么呢?As far as brains go,I got the lion's share.要说脑袋的话我是有狮子的智慧But when it comes to brute strength...说到蛮力嘛…I'm afraid I'm at the shallow end of the gene pool.恐怕我就是基因遗传比较不明显的例子了There's one in every family,sire.每个家庭都会有这个问题陛下T wo in mine,actually...事实上我家有两个and they always manage to ruin special occasions.而且他们总会想尽办法破坏特别的场合What am I going to do with him?我该拿他怎么办?He'd make a very handsome throw rug.拿他做地毯会非常好看Zazu! 沙祖And just think, 而且想一想whenever he gets dirty... you could take him out and beat him.每次弄脏的时候你可以拿出去打一打Dad! Dad! 爸,爸Come on,Dad,we gotta go! Wake up!快起来,我们要走了啦!Sorry. 对不起Dad. Dad. 爸…爸…Your son is awake. 你儿子已经醒了Before sunrise,he's your son.在天亮前,他是你儿子Dad! Come on,Dad. 爸…拜托啦!You promised. 你答应过我的呀!- OK,OK. 好吧,好吧I'm up,I'm up. 我醒了,我醒了Look,Simba. 辛巴,你看Everything the light touches is our kingdom.阳光所照到的一切都是我们的国土A king's time as ruler rises and falls like the sun.一个国王的统治就跟太阳的起落是相同的One day,Simba,the sun will set on my time here...总有一天,太阳将会跟我一样慢慢下沉and will rise with you as the new king.并且在你当国王的时候一同上升- And this'll all be mine? - Everything.这一切都是我的吗?所有的一切Everything the light touches.阳光能照到的所有东西…What about that shadowy place? 那有阴影的地方呢?That's beyond our borders.那在我们的国度之外You must never go there,Simba.你绝不可以去那个地方But I thought a king can do whatever he wants. 我以为国王可以随心所欲呀!There's more to being king... 你错了than getting your way all the time.国王也不能凡事随心所欲- There's more? - Simba...不能吗?辛巴Everything you see exists together... in a delicate balance.世界上所有的生命都有他存在的价值As king,you need to understand that balance... 身为国王,你不但要了解and respect all the creatures...还要去尊重所有的生活from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope. 包括爬行的蚂蚁和跳跃的羚羊But,Dad,don't we eat the antelope?但是,爸… 我们不是吃羚羊吗?Yes,Simba,but let me explain.是呀,我来跟你解释一下When we die,our bodies become the grass... 我们死后呢,尸体会成为草and the antelope eat the grass.而羚羊是吃草的And so 所以…we are all connected在这个生命圈里面in the great circle of life.都是互相有关联的- Good morning,sire! 早安,陛下- Good morning,Zazu. 沙祖,你早Checking in with the morning report. Fire away.我来做早上的例行报告Chimps are going ape,giraffes remain above it all你说吧黑猩猩激动而长颈鹿高高在上Elephants remember,though just what,I can't recall大象非常清楚我所忘记的事情Crocodiles are snapping up fresh offers from the banks鳄鱼爬到岸上咬住新鲜的猎物Shown interest in my nest egg,他向我展示巢里的蛋but I quickly said,no,thanks我说不客气We haven't paid the hornbills,and the vultures have a hunch我们没去看犀鸟而秃鹰有第六感Not everyone invited will be coming back from lunch不是每个受邀的人都会来吃午餐This is the morning report哈哈,这就是晨间报告Gives you the long and the short大事小事不漏掉Every grunt,roar,and snort每个呼吸微笑Not a tale I distort每个轻声吼叫On the morning report都在晨间报告- What are you doing,son? - Pouncing.儿子,你在干什么?Let an old pro show you how it's done.扑东西让个老手示范给你看看Oh,the buffalo今年草地肥美have got a beef about...水牛个个吃得强又壮尽量的压低身子Stay low to the ground.豪猪受到阻挠趴在地上Yeah,OK. Stay low to the ground. Right.意图节省他毒气趴在地上,好,我知道了Not a sound. …不停追逐文书鸟别出声The season's colors seen in all the herds...番红花是本季色彩随处都可见T ake it slow. One more step...动一动行列纵队进行慢慢往下慢慢来,向前一步- then... ...in the dung…聚集在水肥处然后… 噗…This is the morning report这就是晨间报告Gives you the long and the short大事小事不漏掉Every grunt,roar,and snort每个呼吸微笑Not a tale I distort 每个轻声吼叫On the morning report都在晨间报告哈…非常好- Zazu! - Yes! 沙祖什么事呀?Sir! News from the underground.地下传来的消息Now,this time... Sire! 好,这一次呢… Hyenas in the pride lands!陛下土狼到了荣耀石啦!Zazu,take Simba home.沙祖,带辛巴回家- Dad,can't I come? 我不能去吗?- No,son. 不行,儿子I never get to go anywhere.哼!什么地方都不准我去Oh,young master,one day,you will be king. 哦,小主人将来你也会当国王的Then you can chase those slobbering,mangy... 然后你就可以随心所欲地去追逐那些流着口水stupid poachers from dawn until dusk.卑贱愚蠢的非法入侵者Hey,Uncle Scar! Guess what?嘿!刀疤叔叔,你猜怎样?I despise guessing games.我最痛恨猜谜游戏了I'm gonna be king of Pride Rock.我将成为这里的国王耶Oh,goody.哦!真好啊My dad just showed me the whole kingdom... 我爸刚刚带我看了整个国度and I'm gonna rule it all.而我将会统治一切Yes,well 是啊forgive me for not leaping for joy.哦!请原谅我没有高兴地跳起来Bad back,you know.我的背不好你知道的Hey,Uncle Scar, 嘿,刀疤叔叔when I'm king,what'll that make you?如果我是国王那你是什么?A monkey's uncle. 你这猴子You're so weird. 你好奇怪哦!You have no idea. 还有更怪的呢!So,your father showed you the whole kingdom,did he?哦!原来你爸爸带你看过整个王国了,是吗?Everything.看过啦He didn't show you what's beyond that rise... at the northern border?他没有带你到北方边界太阳升起的地方吗?Well,no. 没有He said I can't go there.他说我不能去那里And he's absolutely right.他说的完全正确It's far too dangerous.那里太危险了Only the bravest lions go there.只有勇敢的狮子才会去呀Well,I'm brave. What's out there?我很勇敢啊I'm sorry,Simba,I just can't tell you.那有什么?对不起,辛巴我就是不能告诉你Why not? 为什么?Simba,Simba, 辛巴,辛巴I'm only looking out... for the well-being of my favorite nephew.我只是在为我最喜欢的侄子着想Yeah,right. I'm your only nephew.没错,我是你唯一的侄子All the more reason for me to be protective. 所以罗,我才更要保护你An elephant graveyard is no place for a young prince. oh一个年轻的王子不适合到大象墓园去的An elephant what? 哦!大象的什么?Whoa. 哇…Oh,dear,I've said too much.哦!天啊我说的太多了Well,I suppose you'd have found out sooner or later...不过我猜你早晚总会发现的you being so clever and all.你一直是这么样的聪明Oh,just do me one favor. 帮我个忙吧!Promise me you'll never visit that dreadful place.跟我保证你绝对不会去那个可怕的地方- No problem. 没问题- There's a good lad. 这才是乖孩子You run along now and have fun.你现在自己出去玩吧And remember, 并且记得哦…it's our little secret. 这是我们的小秘密- Hey, - Hi,Simba. 嘿!娜娜Come on. I just heard about this great place. 嗨!辛巴,走吧我刚才听到一个很棒的地方Simba! I'm kind of in the middle of a bath. 辛巴,我现在正在洗澡啊And it's time for yours.你也该洗澡罗Mom! 妈…Mom,you're messing up my mane!妈…你把我的毛弄乱了啦OK, 好了!好了I'm clean. Can we go now?我干净了我们可以走了吗?So,where are we going?我们要到哪里去呀?It better not be anyplace dumb.最好不要什么烂地方No,it's really cool.不!那真的很酷耶So,where is this really cool place?这个很酷的地方是在哪里呢?Oh. Around the water hole.就在水洞附近The water hole? 水洞附近?What's so great about the water hole?水洞附近有什么了不起的啊?I'll show you when we get there.等到了那里我再告诉你Oh. 哦Mom,can I go with Simba?妈,我能去吗?Hmm,what do you think,Sarabi? Well...沙拉碧你说呢?- Please? - Please? 这个嘛… 拜托…It's all right with me. 我是没什么意见- All right! - Yeah! 哦,耶…As long as Zazu goes with you.不过要沙祖跟你们一起去No,not Zazu. 不…不要沙祖Step lively. 开心一点嘛The sooner we get to the water hole the sooner we can leave.越快到水洞我们就可以越快回家So,where are we really going?我们到底要去哪里呀?- An elephant graveyard. - Wow!一个大象的墓园Shh! Zazu.哇!嘘…沙祖Right. So how are we gonna ditch the dodo?对了我们要怎么摆脱那个笨蛋呀?我们摆脱沙祖以后…Oh,just look at you two.哦!看看你们俩个再去大象的墓园Little seeds of romance blossoming in the savanna.大草原上一段小小的罗曼史正在孕育Your parents will be thrilled...你们的父母会很高兴的what with your being betrothed and all. - Be... what?等到你们订婚之后还有…- Betrothed. Intended. Affianced.什么?准备成婚订下婚约、海誓山盟Meaning...? 意思是…One day,you two are going to be married.有一天你们俩个会结婚恶心…I can't marry her. 我不能娶她耶She's my friend. 她是我的朋友Yeah,it'd be so weird.对,那实在太奇怪了Sorry to bust your bubble...很抱歉,破坏你们的美梦but you two turtledoves have no choice.但是你们俩个小朋友别无选择It's a tradition going back generations.这是流传了好几世代的传统When I'm king,that'll be the first thing to go. 等我当国王第一就是废除这件事- Not so long as I'm around. .只要有我在就不准- In that case,you're fired哦,那你被开除了Hmm. Nice try,but only the king can do that. 很聪明但只有国王才能开除我Well,he's the future king.可是他是未来的国王啊Yeah,so you have to do what I tell you.对!所以我说什么你都得听Not yet,I don't. .嘿嘿!现在还不必听And with an attitude like that..而且由你这种态度I'm afraid you're shaping up to be... a pretty pathetic king indeed. 恐怕你以后会变成一个相当悲惨的国王Hmm. Not the way I see it.哼!我看才不会呢I'm gonna be a mighty king,我将会是万兽之王so enemies beware 瞧瞧我的模样Well,I've never seen a king of beasts With quite so little hair从来没有一个狮子王他的毛会那么少I'm gonna be the main event like no king was before来看看我的威严没有人比得过I'm brushin' up on lookin' down I'm workin' on my roar没有人敢说“不要啦” 只要我说声“要”Thus far,a rather uninspiring thing.从来没见过像你那么糟Oh,I just can't wait to be king等不及成为狮子王You've rather a long way to go,young master,if you think...你还有很长的路要走呢小主人- No one sayin', 如果你以为…"Do this" - Now,when I said that...没有任何吩咐- No one saying,"Be there"我那么说的时候… 没有任何束缚- What I meant was... 我的意思是…- No one sayin',"Stop that"没有任何坏处- But what you don't realize... - No one sayin',"See here"总会有你好处Free to run around all day听我说… 自由自在到处跑Well,that's definitely out.绝对不是那样的Free to do it all my way做错事情也没人吵I think it's time that you and I Arranged a heart-to-heart找个时间该坐下来来好好谈一谈Kings don't need advice from little hornbills for a start别浪费唇舌是建议一律都免谈If this is where the monarchy is headed,count me out如果你真的这样统治我想那就惨Out of service,out of Africa,干脆离开这块烂地方I wouldn't hang about我再也不想管This child is getting wildly out of wing这小孩已经开始嫌我烦Oh,I just can't wait to be king等不及成为狮子王Everybody,look left 所有人往左看Everybody,look right 所有人往右看Everywhere you look, 所有人往这看I'm standing in the spotlight我在你们中间Not yet! 还早呢!Let every creature go for broke and sing让所有万物都一起歌唱Let's hear it in the herd and on the wing让我们随他脚步到处闯It's gonna be King Simba's finest fling让所有万物都一起颂赞Oh,I just can't wait to be king等不及成为狮子王…I beg your pardon,madam,对不起,夫人but... 您坐在我的身上了get off! 请让一让simba 辛巴Nala..... 娜娜…All right! It worked! - We lost him.好啦!成功了- I am a genius.摆脱他了吧我…是个天才Hey,genius,it was my idea.嘿!天才那是我的主意Yeah,but I pulled it off. - With me!没错啊但是,是我执行的啊- Oh,yeah? 还有我哦,是吗?- Pinned ya. 输了吧- Hey,let me up. 让我起来Pinned ya again. 你又输了吧This is it. We made it.就是这里我们成功了woo 哇…It's really creepy. 这里阴森森的Yeah. Isn't it great? 是啊,不是很棒吗?- We could get in big trouble.我们可能会有大麻烦I know 我知道I wonder if its brains are still in there.不知道他的脑袋还在不在哪儿?There's only one way to know.只有一个办法能知道Come on,let's go check it out. Wrong!走吧,我们去看看The only checking out you will do... will be to check out of here. 不对你们唯一该做的事情就是立刻离开这里Oh,man! 烦耶!We're way beyond the boundary of the pride lands.我们已经超出荣耀石的范围太远了Look,Banana Beak is scared.你看那个尖嘴老头害怕了It's Mr. Banana Beak to you, fuzzy...不管我是不是尖嘴小老头and right now we are all in very real danger. 小毛球我告诉你我们的处境真的是很危险Danger? Ha! 危险?哈哈…I walk on the wide side.我在荒野中行走I laugh in the face of danger.我会当面嘲笑危险Well,well,well, Well,well,well, 哈哈… Banzai, 哇哇哇… 斑仔what have we got here?看看这是什么?Hmm. I don't know,Shenzi.桑琪,我不知道What do you think,Ed? 阿德,你觉得呢?ha 哈…Just what I was thinking.对!就如我刚刚在想A trio of trespassers! 三个违规的家伙And quite by accident, 这完全是个意外!let me assure you. A simple navigational error. 我跟你们保证这只是航行上的小小的错误Whoa,whoa,wait,wait,wait. 等等…I know you. You're Mufasa's little stooge.我认识你你是木法沙的小跟班I,madam,am the king's major-domo.夫人我是国王陛下的总管- And that would make you...这么说你就是…- The future king. 未来的国王Do you know what we do to kings who step out of their kingdom?你知道我们是怎么对付超出自己国界的国王吗?You can't do anything to me.你们也不能把我怎么样啊!T echnically,they can. We are on their land.理论上可以我们在他们的土地上But,Zazu,you told me they're nothin'... but slobbering,mangy,stupid poachers.可是沙祖你跟我说他们只是爱流口水的傻瓜啊!- Lx-nay on the upid-stay.能不能不要再提傻瓜这两个字?- Who are you callin' upid-stay?嘿!你叫谁是傻瓜?My,my,my. Look at the sun! It's time to go! 停…你看那个太阳我该走了What's the hurry? We'd love you to stick around for dinner. Yeah,急什么?我们很乐意你留下来晚餐we could have whatever's lion around!是呀… 我们可以吃… 狮子大餐呀!ha... 哈…Wait,wait,wait,I got one,I got one!等等… 有了,有了,有了Make mine a cub sandwich! What'd you think? 我要一份幼狮三明治你觉得呢?ha.. 哈…What,Ed? 什么?阿德?What is it? 什么?Hey,did we order this dinner to go?我们订的晚餐要外带吗?- No,why? 没有啊!怎么啦?- 'Cause there it goes! 因为他们跑了- Did we lose 'em?我们甩掉他们了吗?- I think so. 我想是的Where's Zazu? 沙祖在哪?The little major-domo bird hippety-hopped... all the way to the birdie-boiler.原来我们的小总管一路赶着想做只白煮鸟Oh,no! Not the birdie-boiler!不!我不要做白煮鸟!Hey,why don't you pick on somebody your own size?嘿!你们为什么不去找一个跟你们差不多大的- Like you? 像…你吗?- Oops. 哦哦!simba 辛巴Here,kitty,kitty,kitty. 快来呀!小宝贝That was it? 哈哈…就这样吗?Do it again. Come on. 再吼一次,来呀!Oh,please,please! 大…大哥Uncle,uncle! - Silence! 误会…误会- Silence!- We're gonna shut up right now! 闭嘴!闭嘴!我们都闭嘴Calm down. We're really sorry.别激动我们真的很抱歉If you ever come near my son again...如果你们敢再靠近我儿子Oh,this is your son?这位…这位是您的…- Oh,your son? - Did you know that?哦!是您的公子啊No. Me? I didn't know...你知道吗?不,我不知道No,did you?这个… 你…你知道吗?- No,of course not. - No.不,当然不知道- Ed? - Ed? 不!阿德?T oodles. 溜Dad,l... 爸,我…You deliberately disobeyed me.你故意违抗我的命令- Dad,I'm sorry. 爸,我很抱歉- Let's go home. 跟我回家去I thought you were very brave.我认为你非常勇敢Zazu 沙祖- Yes,sire? 是的,陛下- T ake Nala home. 带娜娜回家I've got to teach my son a lesson.我必须要给我儿子上一课Come,Nala. 娜娜,走吧Simba, 辛巴,唉!good luck. 祝你好运Simba 辛巴Simba,I'm very disappointed in you.辛巴,我对你非常失望- I know. 我知道- You could've been killed.你可能会死掉You deliberately disobeyed me...你故意违抗我的命令and what's worse,而且更糟的是you put Nala in danger.你和娜娜有生命危险I was just trying to be brave,like you.我只是想要跟你一样勇敢I'm only brave when I have to be.我只有在必要的时候才勇敢Simba,being brave... 辛巴doesn't mean you go looking for trouble.勇敢并不表示你要去找麻烦But you're not scared of anything.可是你好像什么都不怕I was today. - You were? 我今天就怕了- Yes. 真的?是的I thought I might lose you.我怕我会失去你Oh. I guess even kings get scared,huh?噢…原来国王也会害怕- But you know what? - What?但是你知道吗?I think those hyenas were even scareder.什么?我认为那些土狼比你还害怕ha... 哈…'Cause nobody messes with your dad. - Come here,you.因为没有人有胆子敢惹你爸爸- Oh,no! No!过来不要,不要Come here!放手啦!Gotcha!来呀!- Dad? - Hmm? 爸- We're pals,right?嗯我们是不是伙伴- Right. 对And we'll always be together,right?那我们就永远在一起,对吧Simba, 辛巴let me tell you something... that my father told me.我告诉你一些我爸爸以前跟我说的话Look at the stars. 你看那些星星The great kings of the past...过去那些伟大的君王Iook down on us from those stars.从那些星星上看着我们- Really? 真的?- Yes. 是呀So,whenever you feel alone...所以每当你寂寞的时候just remember that those kings... will always be there to guide you...要记得那些君王永远在那里指引着你and so will I. 还有我也是Man,that lousy Mufasa.木法沙真差劲I won't be able to sit for a week.害我一个星期都不能坐It's not funny,Ed.这个不好笑,阿德Hey,shut up! 闭嘴!Will you knock it off?你们安静一点好不好?Well,he started it. 是他先开始的Look at you guys. 看看你们俩个No wonder we're dangling at the bottom of the food chain.难怪我们会在食物链最底部晃荡Man,I hate dangling. Yeah? .我痛恨晃荡You know,if it weren't for those lions..废话!如果不是那些狮子这地方早就是我们的了we'd be runnin' the joint. Man,I hate lions. 我痛恨狮子!- So pushy. - And hairy. 那么顽固- And stinky. 又毛茸茸的- And,man,are they...而且又臭还有老天他们…- Ugly! - Ugly! 丑死了Oh,surely,we lions are not all that bad.我们狮子当然不全都是那么糟糕的Oh,Scar. It's just you. 刀疤,原来是你We were afraid it was somebody important. 我们还以为是什么大人物呢!Yeah,you know,like Mufasa. - Yeah.对呀,就像木法沙- I see.是呀- Now,that's power.是吗?那才叫力量- T ell me about it. I just hear that name,and I shudder.一点也没错光听他的名字我就会发抖- Mufasa! - Ooh! Do it again. 木法沙- Mufasa! 再来一次木法沙- Mufasa! 木法沙…Ooh,it tingles me. 真过瘾I'm surrounded by idiots. Now,you,Scar,我身边全是一些白痴I mean,you're one of us. 得了吧,刀疤- I mean,you're our pal.你是我们的一份子别忘了你是我们的伙伴- Charmed.真感人… Oh,I like that.噢,我喜欢He's not king,but he's still so proper.他不是国王但他还是那么有威严yes,Scar 是呀,刀疤Did you bring us anything to eat, Scar,old buddy?你带什么给我们吃的Did ya,did ya,did ya?嘿,老伙伴,好兄弟I don't think you really deserve this.有没有,有没有我认为你们实在不值得I practically gift-wrapped those cubs for you... 我是特别把那些小狮子送来给你们的and you couldn't even dispose of them.而你们却让他给跑掉了You know, 可是你知道it wasn't exactly like they was alone,Scar.他们并不是自己单独来的,刀疤Yeah. What were we supposed to do,对呀!我们该怎么做呢?kill Mufasa?杀了木法沙?Precisely. 一点也没错I know that your powers of retention不要在我面前耍威风Are as wet as a warthog's backside仔细看像个饭桶不中用But thick as you are你给我站好仔细听着Pay attention我的话已经够明白My words are a matter of pride那是所谓无言的表白It's clear from your vacant expressions这地方由我来主宰The lights are not all on upstairs难道你们都没有发现But we're talking kings and successions王位继承权在我手中Even you can't be caught unawares So prepare for the chance of a lifetime准备好你的心静静等候Be prepared for sensational news迎接这一个天大消息A shiny new era is tiptoeing nearer一个新的时代它悄悄要到来And where do we feature?那我们又算什么?Just listen to teacher 不管我多恶毒I know it sounds sordid But you'll be rewarded 只要听我吩咐不要再犯错误When at last I am given my dues以后总会有你的好处And injustice deliciously squared我要大声地向你宣布Be prepared 快准备Yeah, 不对!还有的呢!be prepared. We'll be prepared. For what? 我们会准备的- For the death of the king.准备什么?准备木法沙王之死!- Why,is he sick? - No,怎么了?他病了?不fool,we're going to kill him... and Simba,too. 笨蛋!我们要杀了他还有辛巴Great idea. Who needs a king?好主意谁需要国王啊!No king,no king, la-la la-la la la不要王…Idiots! There will be a king!啦… 白痴!还会有另外一个王的- Hey,but you said... 但是你自己说…- I will be king! 我将要做你们的王Stick with me, 只要跟着我and you'll never go hungry again.你们就再也不会饿肚子了- Yeah! - Yeah! All right! 好耶!All right! Long live the king! 国王万岁!- Long live the king! 国王万岁!- Long live the king! 国王万岁!It's great that we'll soon be connected看来很快就会有依靠With a king who'll be all-time adored随时随地伺候你左右Of course,quid pro quo,you're expected要投靠我,不要怀疑T o take certain duties on board保证大家都会好过The future is littered with prizes看来未来是充满着希望And though I'm the main addressee保证过就不会泡汤The point that I must emphasize is让我再一次向你提醒You won't get a sniff without me我就是你唯一靠山So prepare快准备!for the coup of the century这计划前所未有Be prepared for the murkiest scam这计划只要你帮一帮Meticulous planning T enacity spanning这周详的计划是万无一失的Decades of denial是难得一见的是不能否认的Is simply why I'll be king undisputed Respected,saluted不能抵抗又雄壮威严受尊敬的我And seen for the wonder I am就是森林之王Yes,my teeth and ambitions are bared因为我要的理想更高Be prepared 快准备Yes,our teeth and ambitions are bared因为我要的理想更高Be prepared 快准备Now,you wait here. 好,你在这等着Your father has a marvelous surprise for you. 你爸爸为你准备了一个大惊喜Ooh,what is it? 什么惊喜?If I told you,it wouldn't be a surprise,now,would it?如果我告诉你的话那就不叫惊喜了,对不对If you tell me,I'll still act surprised.如果你告诉我我会装得很惊讶Ho ho ho! You are such a naughty boy.你实在是非常的调皮- Come on,Uncle Scar. 说嘛!刀疤叔叔- No,no,no,no,no,no,no. 不…This is just for you and your daddy.这是你爸爸跟你之间的事情You know,a sort of father-son... thing.是那种父子之间的…关系Well,I better go get him. - I'll go with you. 好了,我最好去找他去- No! 我跟你一起去不!No. Just stay on this rock.不…你只管待在这个石块上You wouldn't want to end up in another mess... like you did with the hyenas.你不会想像上次那样再遇到土狼吧?You know about that?你知道那件事呀?Simba,everybody knows about that. - Really? 辛巴,每个人都知道那件事真的吗?- Oh,yes.Lucky 是啊,算你幸运Daddy was there to save you,eh?爸爸赶去救你了,对不对啊?Oh,and just between us...这是我们的小秘密you might want to work on that little roar of yours.你是不是该练习练习你的吼叫声了呢?Oh,OK. 哦,好吧Hey,Uncle Scar 嘿!刀疤叔叔will I like this surprise?我会喜欢那个惊喜吗?Simba,it's to die for.辛巴,你会喜欢死的- Shut up. 闭嘴!- I can't help it.I'm so hungry.我也没办法我肚子好饿I got to have a wildebeest.我可以吃下一头野牛Stay put. Please 不要乱动Can't I just pick off one of the little sick ones? 拜托!我可不可以吃一头生病的就好了No. We wait for the signal from Scar.不行!我们要等待刀疤的讯号There he is. 他在那边Let's go. 我们走Little roar. 吼叫声Oh,look,sire,the herd is on the move. - Odd. 陛下,你看!有东西在移动- Mufasa,quick!奇怪?木法沙!快点动物逃窜Stampede in the gorge. - Simba's down there. 在峡谷那儿而辛巴也在- Simba?辛巴?Zazu,help me! 沙祖!救我Your father is on the way! Hold on!你爸爸已经来了Hurry! 撑着点快呀…There,on that tree.那边,在那儿Hold on,Simba! 在那树上Oh,Scar, 捉好,辛巴this is awful! What'll we do?刀疤,这太可怕了I'll go back to help,我们该怎么办?我该做些什么?that's what I'll do. 我回去搬救兵I'll go back...我就这么做我去搬救…Dad! 爸…Scar 刀疤…Brother! Help me! 弟弟,救救我Long live the king. 愿国王万岁No.. 不…Dad! 爸…Dad! 爸Dad! 爸。
影视英语口语:真是丑死了【剧情简介】小狮子和鬣狗的厮杀中,如果不是狮王木法沙即使赶到,辛巴和娜拉就要丧命了……【电影片段台词】- Man, that lousy Mufasa.- I won't be able to sit for a week.- It's not funny, Ed.- Hey, shut up!- Will you knock it off?- Well, he started it.- Look at you guys. No wonder we're dangling...at the bottom of the food chain.- Man, I hate dangling.- Yeah? You know, if it weren't for those lions...we'd be runnin' the joint. - Man, I hate lions.- So pushy.- And hairy.- And stinky.- And, man, are they...- U-u-u-ugly!【重点词汇讲解】1. Man, that lousy Mufasa.lousy:讨厌的,糟糕的例:What a lousy day I had.我这一天过得多糟啊。
That was a lousy movie.那电影真是糟透了。
He shouted and stomped in his office because the lousy computer virus ruined all his files.他在办公室里又叫又跺脚,因为讨厌的电脑病毒毁了他所有的档案。
Everytime he gets drunk, he goes into lousy preaching routine.每次喝醉,他就开始他那令人讨厌的说教。
于是辛巴跟着它去见自己的父亲……【电影片段台词】- Come on, will you cut it out?- Can't cut it out. It'll grow right back.- Creepy little monkey.- Will you stop following me? Who are you?- The question is, who are you?- I thought I knew.- Now I'm not so sure.- Well, I know who you are.- Shh. Come here. It's a secret.- Enough already!- What is that supposed to mean, anyway?- It means you are a baboon, and I'm not.- I think you're a little confused.- Wrong! I'm not the one who's confused.- You don't even know who you are.- Oh, and I suppose you know.- Sure do. You're Mufasa's boy.- Bye.- Hey, wait!- You knew my father?- Correction...I know your father.- I hate to tell you this...but he died a long time ago.- Nope. Wrong again!- He's alive, and I'll show him to you.- You follow old Rafiki. He knows the way. Come on!- Don't dawdle. Hurry up!- Hey, whoa, wait, wait.- Come on. Come on!- Would you slow down?【重点词汇讲解】1. Come on, will you cut it out?cut out:停止例:All this wasteful expenditure must be cut out.这一切浪费都必须停止。
美式英语口语听力:《狮子王》经典英文台词(Endless African plain. The sun is bright, the trees are green and the animals live happily.)Mufasa:Look, Simba, everything the light touches is our kingdom.Simba:Wow!Mufasa: A king''s time as ruler rises and falls like the sun. One day, Simba, the sun will set on my time here and rise with you as the new king.Simba:And this all be mine?Mufasa:Everything!Simba:Everything the light touches! What about that shadowy place?Mufase:That''s beyond our borders, you must never go there, Simba.Simba:But I thought a king can do whatever he wants.Mufasa:Oh, there''s more to being a king than getting your way all the time.Simba:There''s more?Mufasa:Simba, everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. As king, you need to understand that balance and respect all the creatures from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope.Simba:But dad, don''t we eat the antelope?Mufase:Yes, Simba. But let me explain. When we die, our bodies become the grass and the antelopeeat the grass, and so we are all connected in the great circle of life.Mufasa:Simba, let me tell you something that my father told me. Look at thestars. The great kings of the past look down on us from those stars.Simba:Really?Mufasa:Yes, so whenever you feel alone, just remember that those kings will always be there to guide you, and so am I.(望无际的非洲平原,阳光灿烂,树木青葱,动物们幸福地生活着。
dota2英文配音经典台词【精选版】1) And their demon magics consumed our world.他们的恶魔魔法扭曲了这个世界。
——赏金2) For the Mok-Nathal! 为了摩克纳萨尔!——兽王3) My watchers are ready. 我的守望者已经准备好了。
——月骑4) You got it. 你说的对。
——练金术士5) End my torment. 结束我的痛苦。
——小黑6) I'm a chemical superfreak! 我是个超级化学变态狂!——练金术士7) He wasn't fuzzy, was he? 他不算是毛茸茸的对么?——德鲁伊8) Let phantom arrows fly! 让我的幻影箭飞向你的心脏。
——小黑9) No? Is that your final answer? 不?那就是你最后的答案?——船长10) Now, Frostmourne! 现在,看我的霜之哀伤神剑! ——死骑dota2英文配音经典台词【最新版】1) Strike with great vengeance! 让我们为了伟大的复仇而战吧!——船长2) I'll be twice the king my father ever was. 我会做一个比我父王伟大的多的国王!——死骑3) Make your choice. 做出你的选择。
——沙王4) Hurry, I got things to blow up! 快点,我要去炸东西!——练金术士5) A sound plan. 这是个非常好的计划! ——全能小王子6) How can this old one help? 我这把老骨头能帮上你的忙么?——赏金7) Where is the equator? 赤道在哪里?——发条地精8) Proceed. 前进。
影视英语口语:你根本不配活着【剧情简介】刀疤终于承认自己才是杀死木法沙的凶手,辛巴和所有人的怒火终于被点燃了,决战的时刻到了……【电影片段台词】- Truth? But truth is in the eye of the behold... All right. All right.I did it.- So they can hear you.- I killed Mufasa!- Excuse me. Pardon me. Coming through.- Hot stuff. Whoo!- Let me out! Let me out!- Let me in! Let me in!- Please, don't eat me.- Drop them!- Hey, who's the pig?- Are you talking to me?- He called him a pig.- Are you talking to me?- Shouldn't have done that.- Are you talking to me?- Now they're in for it.- Hey, call me... Mister Pig!- Take that, you stupid...Take that, and that!- Run, you yellow-belly...- Murderer.- Simba, please.- Please, have mercy. I beg you.【重点词汇讲解】1. But truth is in the eye of the behold...behold:注视、看例:My money is restored! Behold, it is even in my sack.我的银钱退回来了;看,仍在我的袋里。
Now I don't know why I behold the sky.现在的我并不真正明白,为什么我这样注视着天空。
电影中的常用实用口语I've seen this moment in my dreams. 我已经在梦中见到这一刻了。
It's not what I wanted. 那不是我的本意。
Their names will never die. 他们的名字将永垂不朽。
It was no use. 没有用。
This is a turning point in history. 这是历史的转折点。
Keep your distance 别太接近了。
with one's name on one's lips 嘴边常念某人的名字。
Be well. 保重。
Let this go. 随它去吧。
It's good to see you. 很高兴看到你。
It was a good death. 他死得其所。
What's going on? 怎么回事?I don't have time to waste. 我没空。
Good point. 说得好。
get in position, please. 各就各位。
Such is life. 这就是人生。
There's nothing either of us can do. 我们都无能为力。
Just forget this business. 忘了这件事吧。
I run out of words. 我欲语无言。
We've met. 我们见过面的。
Dinner is served. 晚餐准备好了。
I'm as ever. 我一如既往。
Forget about it. 算了吧。
No big deal. 没什么大不了的。
Go to hell. 去死吧(骂人的话)。
No way. 不行。
I don't want to invade your privacy. 我不想探人隐私。
See what I mean? 懂吗?Got it. 知道了。
影视英语口语:不要对我不理不睬【剧情简介】狮王木法沙和王后沙拉碧产下的小王子辛巴诞生了,可是狮王木法沙的兄弟刀疤认为如果不是辛巴,自己将会继承王位,因此辛巴的诞生在他心中埋下了罪恶的种子……【电影片段台词】- Sarabi and I didn't see you at the presentation of Simba.- That was today?- Ohh, I feel simply awful!- Must've slipped my mind.- Yes, well, as slippery as your mind is...as the king's brother...you should've been first in line!- Well, I was first in line...until the little hairball was born.- That hairball is my son...and your future king.- I shall practice my curtsy.- Don't turn your back on me, Scar.- Oh, no, Mufasa.- Perhaps you shouldn't turn your back on me.【重点词汇讲解】1. Must've slipped my mind.slip my mind:突然忘记例句:Oh, it's nearly slip my mind! Dannie ask me to give you this.哦,差点忘了!丹尼要我把这个给你。
2. Yes, well, as slippery as your mind is...slippery:狡猾的,不可信的例句:That guy is a slippery character.那人是一个狡猾的家伙。
1、下列不属于影视英语特点的是( ) 。
选择一项:a. 瞬时性b. 通俗性c. 简洁性d. 语境性3、I was messed up for a long time.译文:这些年我一塌糊涂。
选择一项:对错5、审美价值首先要讲求炼字,炼字讲求音美,()也是英语片名中常用以达到音美的方法选择一项:a. 头韵和押韵b. 比喻c. 尾韵d. 节奏6、电影片名的翻译中,直译是指保留原片名的语言形式和意义,包括用词、结构和修辞手段等,同时译文也和原文一样语言流畅。
选择一项:对错7、在电影字幕的汉译中,下列不属于浓缩的是( )。
选择一项:a. 词汇缩减b. 长句缩减c. 加注d. 压缩性意译8、——秦王:区区亭长,辖区不过十里。
——A Country Prefect over10 square miles! 此台词的翻译体现了( )方法。
选择一项:a. 文化补偿b. 文化转移c. 文化协调d. 文化移植9、电影史学家们把1895年( )确定为电影诞生日。
选择一项:a. 12月28日b. 11月28日c. 12月26日d. 11月26日10、——(And) he was so embarrassed;his cheeks turned pletely re ——他羞得满脸通红。
此台词的翻译使用了( )。
选择一项:a. 词汇缩减b. 长句缩减c. 加注d. 压缩性意译11、下列不属于影视剧语言的基本属性的是( )。
选择一项:a. 社会性b. 大众性c. 娱乐性d. 戏剧性12、——别光喝酒了,喝碗丸子汤。
—— Don't just drink. Have a bowl of soup. 此台词的翻译使用了( )方法。
选择一项:a. 删除b. 浓缩c. 压缩性意译d. 加注13、影视语言的融合性指的是影视剧中人物的语言、音乐及动态画面之间是相互影响、相互补充的,是密切联系、融合在一起的选择一项:对错14、——可赦九族不诛。
英文动画电影中金典名句英文动画片经典台词及翻译狮子王:1. Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. 世界上所有的生命都在微妙的平衡中生存。
2. I laugh in the face of danger. 越危险就越合我心意。
3. I’m only brave when I have to be. Being brave doesn’t mean you go looking for trouble. 我只是在必要的时候才会勇敢,勇敢并不代表你要到处闯祸。
4. When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world. 如果这个世界对你不理不睬,你也可以这样对待它。
5. It’s like you are back from the dea d. 好像你是死而复生似的。
6. You can’t change the past. 过去的事是不可以改变的。
7. Yes, the past can hurt. But I think you can either run from it or learn from it. 对,过去是痛楚的,但我认为你要么可以逃避,要么可以向它学习。
8. This is my kingdom. If I don’t fight for it, who will? 这是我的国土,我不为她而战斗,谁为呢?9. Why should I believe you? Everything you ever told me was a lie. 我为何要相信你?你所说的一切都是谎话。
10. I’ll make it up to you, I promise. 我会补偿你的,我保证。
怪物史莱克:Shrek: Quick tell a lie!史莱克:快点撒一个谎!Pinocchio: What should I say?皮诺曹:我该说什么?Donkey: Say something crazy... like “I'm wearing ladies' underwear!”.驴子:说一些疯狂的事情...像"我正穿着女人的内裤"。
适合学习口语的经典英语电影适合学习英语口语的电影:神偷奶爸《神偷奶爸》又名《卑鄙的我》(Despicable Me),是2010年上映的喜剧3D动画片,是由环球影业及Illumination娱乐公司制作,克里斯·雷诺德和皮埃尔·科芬为导演。
迪尼斯动漫电影名句求任意十句经典迪士尼电影台词加菲猫的经典语录:1) Love me, feed me, never leave me.爱我,喂我,不要离开我.花木兰(迪士尼):2) Some people is base , some people is abominable ,think that I judge of others as we should if we were in their placewhen the field takes them into consideration but , find that they are infact fairly more pitiful than me.Disregarding the people that you had seen therefore forgivig possessions, please, being good personbe still bad person.有些人很卑鄙,有些人很可恶,但当我设身处地地为他们着想的时候,发现其实他们比我还可怜。
3) Fish says you fail to seemy tear to water, because of I am in Shui Li. Water says I can feel your tearto fish, because of you aremember of me in the heart.鱼对水说,你看不到我的眼泪,因为我在水里。
4) Regret to be that a kind of consumes the vigorous mood,be bigger than loss loss, therefore bigger than mistake mistake, notregretting that.后悔是一种耗费精神的情绪,是比损失更大的损失,比错误更大的错误,所以不要后悔。
Kungfu Panda 《功夫熊猫》-Narrator: Legend tells of a legendary warrior...legend: 传奇legendary: 传奇的warrior: 武士传奇故事传颂着一名传奇武士,whose kung fu skills were the stuff of legend. 他的功夫出神入化。
He traveled the land in search of worthy foes. in search of: 寻找 foe: 敌人他走遍天涯,独孤求败,-Demon: I see you like to chew.chew: 咀嚼,咬你挺喜欢吃啊,Maybe you should chew on my fist!有种就吃了我的拳头!-Narrator: The warrior said nothing for his mouth was full.武士一言不发,因为正忙着吃,Then he swallowed.然后一口吞下,And then he spoke.开口道:“Enough talk. Let's fight! Shashabooey! Shashabooey!”“别废话,动手吧!沙哈波易!沙哈波易!”-Narrator: He was so deadly in fact他的一招一式如此彪悍that his enemies would go blind from over exposure to pure awesomeness.exposure: 暴露pure: 完全的awesomeness: 敬畏他的敌人目不暇接,只有瞠目结舌的份儿-Demon: My eyes!我的眼睛!-Rabbit1: He's too awesome!awesome: 令人惊叹的他太彪悍了!-Rabbit2: And attractive!太有魅力了!-Rabbit1: How Can We repay you?我们何以回报?-Warrior: There is no charge for awesomeness.awesomeness: 非凡的伟大不求回报Or attractiveness.attractiveness: 魅力迷人更无所需Kablooey! Kablooey!哼哼哈哈!哼哼哈哈!-Narrator: It mattered not how many foes he faced.他征战无数They were no match for his body!无人堪与匹敌,Never before had a panda been so feared!从没有哪只熊猫能让人如此恐惧,And so loved.又让人如此爱戴。
序幕张开你的眼睛From the day we arrive on the planet看这世界On the planet你会发觉充满神奇And,blinking,step into the sun天上星星好像近在天边There's more to see than can ever be seen想要抓总是遥不可及More to do than can ever be done人生旅程坎坷不平There’s far too much to take in here你要去体会它的真谛More to find than can ever be found尝尝人情冷暖But the sun rolling high或是体会世间的风险Through the sapphire sky Keeps great and small on the endless round没有办法逃避On the endless round看这世界在转It’s the circle of life永远不停息And it moves us all尽管向前走Through despair and hope是对是错Through faith and love希望和失望Till we find our place世事没有绝对On the path unwinding 看这世界In the circle是生生不息The circle of life世界正在转动It's the circle of life永远不停息And it moves us all黑夜与白昼Through despair and hope不停转动Through faith and love靠着阳光走Till we find our place慢慢你会知道On the path unwinding看这世界In the circle是生生不息The circle of life【The Lion King】生命真不公平啊!Life's not fair,is it?你看我呢,永远都当不上王You see,I... Well,I shall never be king。
-Dad: No, it was the dream.
We are noodle folk.
folk: 特定集团中的人
Broth runs through our veins.
-Zeng:It's Master Oogway.
He wants to see you.
-Master: Master Oogway, you summoned me?
summon: 召唤
Is something wrong?
He traveled the land in search of worthy foes.
in search of: 寻找 foe: 敌人
-Demon:I see you like to chew.
chew: 咀嚼,咬
Maybe you should chew on my fist!
-Narrator: The warrior said nothing for his mouth was full.
Then he swallowed.
And then he spoke.
“Enough talk. Let's fight! Shashabooey! Shashabooey!”
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- Nala, you find my mother and rally the lionesses. I'll look for Scar. - Sarabi!
- Yes, Scar?
- Where is your hunting party? They're not doing their job.
- Scar, there is no food. The herds have moved on.
- No, you're just not looking hard enough.
- It's over. There is nothing left.
- We have only once choice. We must leave Pride Rock.
- We're not going anywhere.
- Then you have sentenced us to death.
- Then so be it.
- You can't do that.
- I am the king. I can do whatever I want.
- If you were half the king Mufasa was...
- I'm ten times the king Mufasa was!
1. Nala, you find my mother and rally the lionesses.
Rally to me, brothers, and we will win!
So comrades, come rally, for this is the time and place!
2. Where is your hunting party?
A party of retired doctors is touring western Europe.
3. The herds have moved on.
A herd of cattle were descending the valley.
The older elephant's memories were found to help its herd survive. 根据发现,老象的记忆对其象群的生存有帮助。
4. Then you have sentenced us to death.
He has been sentenced to pay a fine of 1000 pounds.