CFD simulations and experimental of homogenisation curves and mixing time in stirred liquids
从计算的角度看Spalart-Allmaras模型在FLUENT中是最经济的湍流模型,虽然 只有一种方程可以解。由于要解额外的方程,标准k-e模型比SpalartAllmaras模型耗费更多的计算机资源。带旋流修正的k-e模型比标准k-e模型稍 微多一点。由于控制方程中额外的功能和非线性,RNGk-e模型比标准k-e模型 多消耗10~15%的CPU时间。就像k-e模型,k-ω模型也是两个方程的模型,所 以计算时间相同。 比较一下k-e模型和k-ω模型,RSM模型因为考虑了雷诺压力而需要更多的CPU 时间。然而高效的程序大大的节约了CPU时间。RSM模型比k-e模型和k-ω模型 要多耗费50~60%的CPU时间,还有15~20%的内存。 除了时间,湍流模型的选择也影响FLUENT的计算。比如标准k-e模型是专为轻 微的扩散设计的,然而RNG k-e模型是为高张力引起的湍流粘度降低而设计的。 这就是RNG模型的缺点。同样的,RSM模型需要比k-e模型和k-ω模型更多的时 间因为它要联合雷诺压力和层流。
ρu j ρ t x j x j
非定常项 对流项
D S x j
Navier-Stokes方程离散化的过程还留有某些问题,那就是比网格的分辩率还小的小 旋涡(混乱)引起的问题。包含这些小旋涡的流动称为紊流,紊流从大的旋涡慢慢向 小的旋涡扩散。如果使用比这些小旋涡还小的网格来计算,计算规模将非常大,现 代的计算机处理能力远远达不到实用阶段,所以有必要使用紊流模型来近似。
案例一:吹面风管分析 在炎热夏季为保证驾驶室的冷舒适性,需要对吹面风道进行合理的设计。空调的制 冷效果虽然是保证冷舒适性的重要因素,但吹面的效果却是通过风道来实现,这就 要求各风口出风要相对均匀,管内压力损失不能过大。传统的实验设计方法不仅周 期长,而且成本高,不利于开发,这里采用CFD方法对吹面风道进行模拟,获取需要 的参数,并以分析结果指导设计。
研究论文用CFD 研究搅拌槽内的混合过程周国忠 王英琛 施力田(北京化工大学化学工程学院,北京100029)摘 要 在CFX 软件的基础上开发了用于混合过程计算的程序,并在流动场计算的基础上对单层涡轮桨搅拌槽内的混合过程进行了初步的数值研究.对速度场和浓度场联立求解与单独求解两种处理方法分别进行了计算,计算得到的浓度响应曲线与文献数据趋势一致,两种方法计算的混合时间变化规律一致,联立求解计算得到的混合时间略小于单独求解,但是联立求解的计算量非常大.计算结果表明:混合过程与计算采用的流动场密切相关;混合时间大小不仅与监测点位置有关,还与加料位置有关,在搅拌桨附近加料混合时间最小,在槽底部加料混合时间最大.关键词 混合时间 计算流体力学(CFD ) 涡轮搅拌桨 搅拌槽中图分类号 TQ 018 文献标识码 A文章编号 0438-1157(2003)07-0886-05CFD STUDY OF MIXING PROCESS IN STIRRED TANKZH OU Guozhon g ,WANG Yingchen and SHI Litian(College of Chemical Engineering ,Beijing University of Chemical Technology ,Beijing 100029,China )Abstract Aprogram for mixing calculation was developed based on the commercial CFD code C FX4.It was used in thenumerical study of mixing process of a single Rushton tur bine in the stirred tank .Coupled and segregated solutions of momentum and mass equation were adopted .The calculated concentration response curve was consistent with the literature data .Both solutions predicted the sa me change of mixing time ,but the value of mixing time from coupled solution was shorter than that fr om segregated solution .Coupled solution needed much more computational efforts than segregated solution .The mixing process relied on the flow field used for mixing calculation .The value of mixing time was dependent on the position of detection and feeding .When the tracer was fed near the impeller ,the mixing time was the shortest .When it was fed near the bottom of the tank ,the mixing time was the longest .Keywords mixing time ,computational fluid dynamics (CFD ),Rushton turbine ,stirred tank 2001-10-09收到初稿,2001-12-17收到修改稿.联系人:施力田.第一作者:周国忠,男,29岁,博士.基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(No .29976002).引 言搅拌混合广泛应用在许多工业过程中,如化工、冶金、生化、食品等.在许多情况下,物料的混匀过程及其快慢对该操作是至关重要的.对局部流动和混合信息的了解不仅有助于改善整个过程的产率,减少副产物,还能够指导反应器的设计,使其效益更高.近年来,随着CFD 技术的发展,利用数值模拟的方法获得局部信息已经成为现实.利用CFD 方法可以节省大量的研究经费,而且可以获得实验手段所不能得到的数据.CFD 将对搅拌设备的开发带来革命性的变化[1]. Re ceived date :2001-10-09.Corresponding author :Prof .SHI Litian .Foundation item :supported by the National Natural Science Founda -tion of China (No .29976002).Noor man [2]对单层涡轮桨搅拌槽内的混合过程进行了实验研究和数值模拟,其示踪剂响应曲线与实验结果趋势一致,但在细节上有较大差别.Lun -den [3]的研究结果与他们一致.Schmalzriedt [4]也计 第54卷 第7期 化 工 学 报 Vol .54 №7 2003年7月 Journal of Chemical Industry and Engineerin g (China ) July 2003算了单层涡轮桨的三维浓度场分布,并利用文献数据进行了验证,认为其结果与湍流模型密切相关.Jaworski [5]利用FLUE NT 软件模拟计算了双层涡轮桨的混合过程,计算的混合时间θ95是实验值的2~3倍,他们认为主要是由于各循环间的传质过程被低估所致.搅拌槽内混合过程的数值计算比较复杂.国内,毛德明[6]利用混合模型研究了搅拌槽内的混合过程.而真正将流动场与混合时间结合起来的研究尚未见报道.本文在CFX 软件的基础上开发了混合过程计算程序,将流动场与混合时间的计算结合起来,从计算流体力学的角度研究了涡轮搅拌桨的混合过程.1 流体力学模型对浓度场的计算需要求解浓度输运方程,在圆柱坐标系下质量守恒方程式为c t + z (uc )+1r r (r vc )+1r θ(wc )= z D eff cz+1r r rD eff c r +1r θD eff r c θ+S c式中 S c 为方程的源项;D eff 为湍流扩散系数,D eff =νeffS c ,S c 为Schmidt 数,νeff 为湍流运动黏度,取速度场中的值.2 计算策略2.1 搅拌槽结构与网格划分计算所采用的搅拌槽槽体为圆柱形,均布4块挡板.搅拌槽直径T =0.5m ,液位高H =T ,挡板宽为T /10,离槽壁0.008m .搅拌桨为标准六直叶涡轮,搅拌桨直径D =T /3,桨叶离底距离C =T /3.工作介质为水.计算中搅拌转速为120r ·min -1.在此条件下,叶端线速度为U tip =1.05m ·s -1,搅拌Reynolds 数为Re =5.56×104.根据流动的对称性,计算域选取了槽体的一半.图1所示为监测点P1,P2,P3和加料点I1,I2,I3在槽内的位置.监测点与对应加料位置高度相同.所有位置点均在两相邻挡板之间槽壁的中点处.计算中采用的网格是结构化的六面体网格,这种网格的划分比较复杂,但在计算过程中的收敛性较好.图2所示为划分的网格,网格分布是39×36×60(r ×θ×z ),共78921个网格,叶片表面的网格分布是10×9.由于采用滑移网格法进行计算,桨叶区的网格随着桨叶一起转动,在转动与静止的Fig .1 Position of feeding and detectingFig .2 Grid in stirred tan k界面上要定义非匹配边界条件.2.2 计算方法计算使用的软件是CFX 4.4.流动场的计算采用滑移网格法.由于滑移网格法计算量非常大,为节省时间,在计算开始时选取一个较大的时间步进行计算,以消除初始效应.在最后一轮计算时选用小的时间步进行计算,以获得稳定的流动场.混合时间是描述混合过程的重要参量,本文中混合时间是指物料达到完全均匀的95%所需要的时间(θ95).混合时间的计算是通过加入用户标量(USER SCALAR ),然后计算其浓度分布来实现的.示踪剂初始浓度的计算首先根据物理坐标找到相应的网格点,该网格点和其相邻的6个网格均定义示踪剂的初始浓度为1.0,其他区域均为0.示踪剂混合过程是一个随时间变化的动态过程,计算过程需要采用滑移网格法.在具体计算时采用了两种方法:第1种方法在计算时同时解算所有的方程;第2种方法在计算时只计算示踪剂浓度的输运方程,速度、湍流参数等的输运方程被锁定,不再进行计算,这样可以大大节省计算时间.由此就可以得到示踪剂浓度随时间的变化过程,根据浓度的变化过程可以计算混合时间,并可以将监测点的浓度变化·887· 第54卷第7期 周国忠等:用CFD 研究搅拌槽内的混合过程与实验数据进行比较.为考察流动场对混合过程的影响,计算流动场时采用了两种不同的湍流模型,分别为标准k -ε模型和RNG k -ε模型.3 结果与讨论图3所示是加料位置为I1时不同时刻示踪剂的浓度分布图.由此可以直观地观察到示踪剂的分散过程.在计算浓度分布时,本文采用了两种方法:第1种方法是联合求解所有的方程;第2种方法是假设速度场稳定,单独计算浓度场.图4给出了两种方法的计算结果,括号内的数据为混合时间θ95.从图中可以看出,监测点的响应曲线基本是一致的,只在局部位置略有变化.第2种方法计算的混合时间普遍要比第1种方法略大.产生这种差别的原因主要是由于搅拌槽内的流动场并不是稳定不变的,而是呈现周期性和三维非稳态,流场的不稳定性可以促进传质过程的进行,从而使得混合时间降低.联合求解的缺点是计算工作量非常大,完全相同的条件下其计算量是第2种方法的2.2倍.若根据流动场的要求再减小时间步,增大迭代步数,其计算量将增大1~2个数量级.因此,许多研究者都采用了稳定流动场的假设,即本文所述的第2种方法,如Schmalzriedt [4]、Ja worski [5].从计算结果看,两种方法对混合时间的预报规律是一致的,仅在数值大小上略有差异.第2种方法完全可以将问题表述清楚,同时它可以大大降低计算工作量,并可针对质量传递与动量传递各自的特点采取不同的处理方法,具有较大的灵活性.本文在后面的计算均采用第2种计算方法.图5所示分别是在标准k -ε模型和RNG k -ε模型计算的流动场基础上得到的浓度响应曲线和混合时间的比较.从图中可以看出,在不同的监测位置浓度响应曲线明显不同,表明搅拌槽内浓度场的变化依赖于流动场.在监测位置P1,P3处RNG k -ε模型的混合时间大于k -ε模型的混合时间;而在监测位置P2处则刚好相反,k -ε模型的混合时间大于RNG k -ε模型的混合时间.因此,混合过程与计算采用的流动场密切相关.图6所示是在3个不同加料位置、不同监测点的浓度响应曲线与混合时间.从图中可以看出,不同监测点的浓度响应曲线和混合时间差别较大.在加料位置I1处,P1位置处的浓度波动最大,而P2和P3位置处的浓度波动较小,这主要是由于P1与I1处于同一高度,而且涡轮桨流动场内的切向速度分量较大造成的.在液面位置处的混合时间均要比在槽底位置处的混合时间短.在桨叶高度处监测点的混合时间则与加料位置有关.在液面处加料时,P2的混合时间低于P1和P3的混合时间;而在另两个加料位置处,P2的值则介于液面P1和槽底P3计算值之间.混合时间不仅与监测点位置有关,还与加料位置有密切关系.在槽底I3处加料,混合时间最长;在桨叶高度处I2加料,混合时间最短;在液面I1处加料,则介于其他两个位置之间.该结论对于快速反应非常重要,众多文献也发现在搅拌桨附近加料后的混合速率比其他区域的快很多.这主要是由于该位置处的速度较大,湍动强烈,因而能很快地将物料分散到槽内其他区域.Fig .3 Concentration distribution of tracer at different times·888·化 工 学 报 2003年7月 Fig .4 Comparison of concentration response curve and mixing time for twocomputational methods (feeding position is I1)Fig .5 Comparison of concentration response curve and mixing ti mefor different flow field calculated using different turbulent model (feeding position is I1)Fig .6 Concentration response curve and mixing time at different feeding position4 结 论在C FX 软件的基础上开发了混合过程计算程序,在国内首次从CFD 的角度对搅拌槽内的混合过程进行了数值研究.根据对单层涡轮搅拌桨的研究结果得到如下结论.(1)速度场与浓度场联立求解与单独求解计算的混合时间变化规律一致,单独求解所得到的混合时间要比联立求解略大.单独求解完全可以将问题表述清楚,同时其计算工作量小,计算比较灵活.(2)采用不同湍流模型的流动场计算的混合时间明显不同,表明混合过程与计算采用的流动场密切相关.(3)混合时间的大小与加料位置和监测点的位置都有关系.在搅拌桨附近加料所得的混合时间最小,在槽底处加料混合时间最大;相同加料位置,监测点在槽底部时混合时间最大.(4)本文所得结果虽其绝对值的准确性需要用实验予以确认,但相对值的规律性是可取的,因此,用于比较同一桨型、选择最佳加料位置、比较不同桨的混合特性、优选桨型是有价值的.符 号 说 明C ———桨叶离底距离,m c ———浓度,mol ·L -1D ———搅拌桨直径,m·889· 第54卷第7期 周国忠等:用CFD 研究搅拌槽内的混合过程 H ———槽内液位高度,mk ———湍流动能,m 2·s -2Re ———Reynolds 数r ———径向距离,m T ———搅拌槽直径,m t ———时间,su ———轴向速度,m ·s -1v ———径向速度,m ·s -1w ———切向速度,m ·s -1z ———轴向距离,m ε———湍流耗散率,m -2·s -3θ———切向位置θ95———混合时间,s References1 Wang Kai (王凯).Mixing Equipment Design (混合设备设计).Beijing :Mechanical Industry Press ,20002 Noorman H ,Morud K ,Hjertager B H ,Tragardh C ,Larss on G ,Enfors S O .CFD Modeling and Verification of Fl ow and Conversion in a 1m 3Bioreactor .In :Proc .3rd Int .Conf .Bioreactor and Bioprocess ing Fluid Dynamics .Cambridge :1993.241—2583 Lunden M ,Stenberg O ,Anderss on B .Evaluation 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Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer
Computational Fluid Dynamics and HeatTransferComputational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a branch of fluid mechanics that deals with the numerical simulation of fluid flow and heat transfer. It is a powerful tool used to solve complex problems in various industries such as aerospace, automotive, chemical, and biomedical. CFD allows engineers to analyze and optimize designs without the need for physical testing, which can be time-consuming and expensive. In this essay, we will explore the applications of CFD in heat transfer and discuss its advantages and limitations. Heat transfer is the exchange of thermal energy between two or more systems. It is a critical factor in many industrial processes such as power generation, refrigeration, and combustion. CFD is used to simulate and analyze heat transfer in various systems, including heat exchangers, boilers, and cooling towers. CFD simulations can provide detailed information on temperature distribution, heat transfer coefficients, and pressure drop, which are essential for optimizing the design and performance of these systems. One of the significant advantages of CFD in heat transfer is its ability to simulate complex geometries and boundary conditions accurately. In traditional experimental methods, it can be challenging to reproduce realistic operating conditions, and physical testing can be limited by the available equipment and resources. CFD simulations, on the other hand, can model complex geometries and boundary conditions with high accuracy, allowing engineers to analyze and optimize designs under a wide range of operating conditions. Another advantage of CFD is its ability to provide detailed information on the flow field and temperature distribution. Engineers can use this information to identify areas of high heat transfer and optimize the design of heat transfer surfaces. CFD simulations can also be used to predict the performance of heat exchangers and other heat transfer equipment, allowing engineers to optimize designs and reduce energy consumption. However, CFD simulations do have limitations. One of the significant limitations is the accuracy of the models used to simulate the flow and heat transfer. CFD models are based on simplifications and assumptions, and the accuracy of the results depends on the quality of the models used. Inaccurate models can lead toincorrect predictions and suboptimal designs, which can be costly in terms of time and resources. Another limitation of CFD is the computational cost. CFD simulations can be computationally intensive, especially for large and complex geometries. The time required to run a simulation can be significant, and it can be challenging to optimize designs under tight deadlines. In addition, the accuracy of the results depends on the resolution of the mesh used to model the geometry. A finer mesh can provide more accurate results but can also increase the computational cost. In conclusion, CFD is a powerful tool for simulating and analyzing heat transfer in various industrial applications. It allows engineers to optimize designs and improve the performance of heat transfer equipment. However, it is essential to consider the limitations of CFD, including the accuracy of the models used and the computational cost. Overall, CFD is a valuable tool for engineers, but it should be used in conjunction with physical testing and other methods to ensure accurate and reliable results.。
CFD Simulation
Thank you for watching !
CFD is the supplement of physics experiment
The process of CFD simulation
Problem identification • Define goals • Identify domain
Pre-processing • Geometry • Mesh • Physics • Solver settings
CFD Simulation
————take the gas extraction model as a sample
What is CFD?
CFD is the abbreviation of Computational fluid dynamics , which is a branch of fluid mechanics that uses numerical analysis and algorithms to solve and analyze problems that involve fluid flows, heat and mass transfer, chemical reactions and other relevant physical phenomena. CFD simulation is generally applied as follows conceptual design the detailed design of product find problem and improve design
solve the conservation equations with iterative computation until they are converged. A converged and mesh- independent solution on a well- posed problem will provide useful engineering results!
CFD simulation ofa two stage twin screw compressor including leakage flows and comparison with experimental dataBenoit Bosc-Bierne, Rainer Andres, Jan Hesse,Farai Hetze - CFX Berlin Software GmbHDonald Low - Sullair A Hitachi Group Company•CFD Simulation of a two stage twin screw compressor (oil free) •Sample screw compressor from Sullair A Hitachi Group Company •Comparison with experimental data-Characteristic curve for volumetric flow rate and power-Solver: ANSYS CFX•Feasibility study:-Direct coupling of the stages regarding flow field, i. e. no requirement to elaborate adequate boundary conditions at discharge port (1st stage) and suction port (2nd stage) •Challenges:-Time dependent change of complex rotor chambers-Coupling of two compressor stages in one simulation setup-Different rotational speeds and pitch angles for each stage whereas simulated time step is the same for the entire model-Modeling of cooler between stagesStage 1 Cooler Stage 2Suction DischargeStage 1Cooler Stage 2SuctionDischargeMain shaft1490 rev/min 1790 rev/min 2100 rev/minMS/Male S1= 6.226S2 Male /S1 Male= 1.53Friction gear drivesdrivesStage 1CoolerStage 2SuctionDischargeMain shaft1490 rev/min 1790 rev/min 2100 rev/minFriction gear Not from actual CAD modelfreeformMS/Male S1= 6.226S2 Male /S1 Male= 1.53drivesdrives•Stator volumes meshed with ANSYS Meshing-591 625 elements in total•Rotor volumes meshed with TwinMesh- 3 266 560 elements in totalStage 1StatorStage 2•Meshing strategy (Rotors)-Nodes are fixed on stator curves and can slide along rotor curves (…OuterFix“) -After a completed pitch (360°/number of male rotor lobes) angle, nodes have thesame position as for the initial position -CFD solver needs no interpolationbetween pitch angles Example of …OuterFix“ strategy on SRM rotor profile Grid nodes are fixed Grid nodes slide•Meshing strategy (Rotors)-Nodes are fixed on stator curves and can slide along rotor curves (…OuterFix“) -After a completed pitch (360°/number ofmale rotor lobes) angle, nodes have the same position as for the initial position -CFD solver needs no interpolation between pitch angles Radial gap variation:Normal scaling (offset) from rotor profileExample of …OuterFix“strategy on SRM rotor profile•Coupling of both stages-Generation of rotor chamber grids prior to simulation run-Grid set for a single pitch angle to run any desired amount of revolutions-Angle increments of stages according to real machine gear ratio-Time step can be set according to rotational speed of 1st stage male rotorStage 1Stage 2 Speed ratio(Stage 2/Stage 1)1.530Lobe count (male) 4 5 Lobe count (female) 6 7 Pitch angle 90°72°Number of grids perpitch angle9047 Angle increment1° 1.532°Angle increment ratio(Stage2/Stage1)1.532•Coupling of both stages90 meshes for 90°pitch angle=1°/∆t47 meshes for 72°pitch angle=1.532°/∆t Representation of two rotational speeds with a fixed time stepStage 1Stage 2 Pitch angle = 90° Pitch angle = 72°•Coupling of both stagesStage 1 fluid domain Rotor grids 1Rotor grids 2Rotor grids 3...Rotor grids N Stage 2 fluid domain Rotor grids 1Rotor grids 2Rotor grids 3...Rotor grids NFORTRAN RoutineN = 90 N = 47Cooler •Rotational speeds-For each rotor based ongear ratios•Inlet-Absolute Pressure-Temperature•Outlet-Absolute Pressure-Temperature•Cooler-Energy sink controller withtarget temperature•Simulated operating points (OP)-Fluid: Air ideal gas-Angle increment of 2° (rotor grids generated with 1° steps) -No additional pressure loss modeled for cooler-Adiabatic walls-SST turbulence modelCase Main shaftspeed[rev/min]Inlet Pressure[bar(a)]Outlet pressure[bar(a)]Inlet temp.1st stage[C]Inlet temp.2nd stage[C]Outlet temp.2nd stage[C]OP11480 1.07.9830.831.9136.1 OP21780 1.07.9828.634.1143.0 OP32100 1.07.9827.037.9150.8OP4 (Decreased radial clearances)1780 1.07.8928.634.1143.0 Housing clearances uniformly by 20%, intermesh closest point by 50%•Simulation time and hardware-CPU type: Intel Xeon E5-2637 v2-CPU cores: 16-Memory requirement: 30 GB RAM-Simulation time: approx. 19 hours/revolution (male 1st stage) ▪Angle increment: 2°/time step▪12 Coefficient loops/time step-Calculated revolutions: 30-Hard drive space required:▪approx. 3.4 GB for full result file▪approx. 300 MB for intermediate results•Static pressure (OP2)-Instantaneouspressure on rotors-Cycle over one pitch angle for each stage (repetitive scheme)•Velocity (OP2)-Velocity field on a crosssection plane through bothstages and cooler-Animation over 1 revolution of 1st stage male rotor•Temperature (OP2)-Temperature field on a cross section plane through bothstages and cooler-Animation over 1 revolutionof 1st stage male rotor•Static pressure (OP2)Area averaged absolute pressure over time on cross sections•Volumetric flow rate (OP2)Time resolved over 360° of 1st stage male rotorOP1 OP3 OP2 OP4•Power (OP)Time resolved over 360° of 1st stage male rotorOP1 OP3 OP2 OP4•Comparison with measurementsVolumetric flow rate, power and specific power (power/flow rate)Relative Deviation (CFD from experiment)Flow Rate[%]Power[%]Specific Power[%]OP1-10.4%-9.4% 1.1% OP2-5.9%-10.8%-5.3% OP3-7.7%-12%-4.7% OP4-4.4%-11.2%-7.1%Conclusion•Successful coupling of both compressor stages within one simulation setup -Reasonable results and good match with experimental data-Different rotational speeds modeled with fixed time step-Interstage cooler modeled with energy sink•Uncertainties-Overestimation of specific power for OP1-Little influence of performed clearance change-Clearance sizes while compressor is running (manufacturing clearances modelled) -Simplification of cooler and interstage geometry respectivelyOutlook•Presented approach enables to enhance the setup and analyze discrepancies between experiment and simulation-Leakage flow investigation-Impact of meshing strategy on gap resolution-Enhanced cooler modeling with respect to pressure loss-Incorporation of rotor and housing solids (CHT analysis)-Analysis with non-reflective boundary conditions-Investigate feasibility regarding other gear ratios。
cfd气流分布数值英文回答:CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) is a numerical method used to simulate and analyze fluid flow and heat transfer phenomena. It is widely used in various industries, including aerospace, automotive, and energy, to optimize designs and understand the behavior of fluid systems.CFD simulations involve solving a set of governing equations, such as the Navier-Stokes equations, using numerical methods. These equations describe theconservation of mass, momentum, and energy in a fluid. By discretizing the domain into a grid or mesh, the equations can be solved numerically to obtain the flow field variables, such as velocity, pressure, and temperature.The accuracy of CFD simulations depends on various factors, including the complexity of the flow physics, the quality of the mesh, and the choice of numerical methods.In general, CFD can provide valuable insights into the flow behavior, pressure distribution, and temperaturedistribution in a system.CFD simulations can be used to study various flow phenomena, such as laminar and turbulent flows, boundary layer separation, flow around obstacles, and heat transfer. The results of CFD simulations can be visualized using contour plots, vector plots, and streamline plots, which help in understanding the flow patterns and identifying areas of high velocity or high pressure gradients.In addition to steady-state simulations, CFD can also be used to perform transient simulations, which capture the time-dependent behavior of the flow. This is particularly useful in studying unsteady flows, such as flow instabilities, flow oscillations, and flow transients.CFD simulations can be validated against experimental data to ensure their accuracy. This involves comparing the numerical results with measurements obtained from physical experiments. Validation is an important step in the CFDprocess to gain confidence in the simulation results and to ensure that the simulations accurately represent the real-world flow behavior.中文回答:CFD(计算流体力学)是一种用于模拟和分析流体流动和传热现象的数值方法。
Autodesk CFD、Simulation Mechanical和Moldflow软件分析文档说
SIM20752 -Making Models Ready for Analysis An Introduction to SimStudio ToolsJim SwainApplications ConsultantSynergis Technologies LLCYour Instructor▪Applications Consultant with Synergis Technologies LLC.▪Over 30 years of engineering and CAD experience.▪Last 19 years with Synergis.▪AutoCAD and Inventor Certified Professional.Class summaryIn this class, we will use SimStudio Tools to change models from fully detailed, production-ready components to models that are suitable for analysis in Autodesk CFD software, Simulation Mechanical software, or Moldflow software. Production models are more finely detailed than needed for simulation analysis. This leads to either long analysis run times due to high element counts, large effort put into remodeling designs into simpler forms, or often both. And that is if they run at all!In other words…▪Guided tour of SimStudio Tools▪In context of taking a concept into CFD for early analysisKey learning objectivesBy the end of this class, you learn how to:▪Simplify a model by removing small features.▪Simplify a system by replacing components with simple primitives.▪Adjust a model by direct-editing existing features.▪Repair a model by healing damaged surfaces.What are SimStudio Tools andWhy Use Them?▪Set of tools for:▪Modeling▪Repairing▪Simplifying▪Idealizing▪Assembling▪Inspecting“SimStudio Tools, focuses on CAD model simplification, cleanup, and editing capabilities that help you create higher quality meshes and run through design iterations fasterin Autodesk Simulation Mechanical, CFD, and Moldflow.”Jon den HartogProduct ManagerAutodeskPosting to the SimStudio forum dated 03-20-2015▪Importing and Healing Models ▪Simplifying Models▪Modeling and Direct EditingImporting and Healing ModelsImporting Files▪Many file types supported.▪Files are fixed on import by default.My model…S ome general observations…▪No QAT▪But tweaking regular toolbar just as good.▪Like the default mouse behavior.▪Don’t like the default “up”.▪So….▪Tweak the Preferences.Repairing ModelsRepair Tools▪Repair Browser▪Identify potential issues▪Recommend actions ▪Find and Fix▪Auto Fix▪Adjustable toleranceManual Repair▪Direct Editing Solids▪Press Pull Faces▪Surfaces▪Create New▪Unstitch & Stitch and MergePress Pull▪Select the face▪Enter the offset▪Offset tools includes MeasureManual Repair▪I tried a Patch ▪It didn’t work.▪Gap FillGap Fill▪Part of the Idealize tools.▪Can be used to adjust surfaces toconnect.▪Used here to fix missing faces.Simplifying ModelsTools for Simplifying Models ▪Remove Features▪Remove Faces▪Suppress/Unsuppress▪Replace Bodies▪Remove InterferencesRemove Features▪Checks for features that may be removed.▪Size filter can be adjusted.▪May select multiplecomponents.Remove Faces▪Select faces to be removed.▪Be careful –Select Through maybe turned on!▪Fast method to simplify model.▪Box, Cylinder and sphere primitives are available.▪Primitive body may be resized during creation.▪Extend the primitive into the PCB ▪Replaces all instances ofcomponent in model.▪Original bodies are hidden.a fterwards…▪Use the Interference tool.Interference Inspection Tool ▪Select the components, then Compute.▪Decide whichcomponent loosesvolume.Create Fluid VolumesCreate Fluid Volumes▪Create external or internal volumes.▪CFD already does this, why bother?▪You can’t edit the volume inCFD!▪Internal volumes: Cap any openings.▪Surface patch tool handy here.▪Start the Fluid Volume tool.▪Select everything.▪Choose External or Internal VolumeFinal thoughts…▪Meshed in CFD▪Without using SimStudio Tools:▪6,153,016 Total Elements▪3,853,144 Fluid Elements▪2,299,872 Solid Elements▪Simplified with SimStudio Tools:▪276,849 Total Elements▪221,484 Fluid Elements▪55,365 Solid ElementsQuestions?Resources –SimHub▪Simulation TV –Features and What’s New videos ▪Resources –White papers, validation document Simulation TV Feature demos andWhat’s New videosResources White papers andvalidation documentsDiscussions / Idea Station Ask questions,shareyour knowledge andideasBlog Feature stories, tipsand tricks, latest newsLearning Archive of AU-onlinepresentationsAsk a question of the SimSquadJoin The Discussion!▪Autodesk customers and industry partners ask questions and share information about Autodesk products.▪Regularly monitored by Autodesk employeesAutodesk Nastran Forum Autodesk Nastran Idea StationCan befound via theKnowledgeNetwork or theSimHubResources –Build Your Simulation IQ WebinarsRegister for live webinars, orwatch them on-demand on YouTube.Autodesk is a registered trademark of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders. Autodesk reserves the right to alter product and services offerings, and。
高铁运输技术英语作文High-Speed Rail Transportation TechnologyHigh-speed rail (HSR) is a type of passenger rail transport that operates significantly faster than traditional rail traffic, using an integrated system of specialized rolling stock and dedicated tracks. HSR systems have been developed in several countries to provide efficient intercity passenger transportation. The first high-speed rail system, the Shinkansen, began operations in Japan in 1964 and was widely known for its safety, speed, and reliability. Since then, high-speed rail has been rapidly expanding around the world, with countries such as China, Spain, France, Germany, Italy, and South Korea investing heavily in the development of their own high-speed rail networks.The key technological advancements that have enabled the development of high-speed rail systems include the use of advanced propulsion systems, aerodynamic train designs, and dedicated high-speed rail infrastructure. These technologies have allowed trains to achieve speeds of up to 350 km/h (220 mph) or more, making high-speed rail a competitive and environmentally-friendly alternative to air and road transportation for medium-to-long distance travel.One of the most critical components of high-speed rail technology is the propulsion system. High-speed trains typically use electric or diesel-electric propulsion, which provides the necessary power and efficiency to reach and maintain high speeds. Electric trains, in particular, have become increasingly popular due to their environmental benefits, as they produce zero direct emissions and can be powered by renewable energy sources. The use of advanced traction motors, power converters, and control systems has also contributed to the improved acceleration, energy efficiency, and reliability of high-speed trains.Aerodynamic design is another crucial aspect of high-speed rail technology. The shape of the train's body, the design of the pantograph (the device that collects electricity from overhead lines), and the streamlining of other components are all important factors in reducing aerodynamic drag and improving the train's energy efficiency at high speeds. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations and wind tunnel testing have played a significant role in optimizing the aerodynamic performance of high-speed trains.The dedicated high-speed rail infrastructure, including the track, signaling systems, and stations, is also a fundamental aspect of high-speed rail technology. High-speed rail tracks are typically built with continuously welded rails, concrete sleepers, and advanced ballast orslab track systems to provide a smooth and stable ride at high speeds. Sophisticated signaling and control systems, such as the European Train Control System (ETCS) or the Chinese Train Control System (CTCS), are used to ensure the safe and efficient operation of high-speed trains.In addition to the core technological components, high-speed rail systems also rely on advanced maintenance and operations management systems to ensure their reliability and availability. Predictive maintenance techniques, using data analytics and sensors, help identify potential issues before they cause disruptions, while advanced traffic management systems optimize the scheduling and routing of trains to maximize capacity and efficiency.The development of high-speed rail has had a significant impact on transportation and the environment. High-speed rail is generally more energy-efficient and produces lower greenhouse gas emissions per passenger-kilometer compared to air or road transportation. It has also contributed to the reduction of congestion on highways and at airports, while providing a comfortable and convenient mode of travel for passengers.However, the implementation of high-speed rail systems is not without its challenges. The high capital costs associated with the construction of dedicated infrastructure, the need for advancedtechnological expertise, and the integration with existing transportation networks are some of the key challenges that countries have had to address in the development of their high-speed rail systems.Despite these challenges, the global demand for high-speed rail continues to grow, driven by the need for more sustainable and efficient transportation solutions. As countries around the world continue to invest in the development of high-speed rail networks, it is expected that the technology will continue to evolve, becoming even faster, more energy-efficient, and more integrated with other modes of transportation.In conclusion, high-speed rail technology is a remarkable achievement that has transformed the way we travel. The integration of advanced propulsion systems, aerodynamic design, and dedicated infrastructure has enabled the development of high-speed rail systems that are safe, efficient, and environmentally-friendly. As the world continues to grapple with the challenges of sustainable transportation, the continued advancement of high-speed rail technology will play a crucial role in shaping the future of mobility.。
Submitted By
DEEPALI PATRO Roll No. : 10400019
Under the guidance of
Prof. (Dr.) K. C. Biswal
Department of Chemical Engineering National Institute of Technology Rourkela
National Institute of Technology Rourkela CERTIFICATE
This is to certify that that the work in this thesis report entitled “CFD Simulation Of Mixing And Segregation In A Tapered Fluidized Bed” submitted by Deepali Patro in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Technology in Chemical Engineering, Session 2004-2008 in the department of Chemical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, is an authentic work carried out by her under my supervision and guidance. To the best of my knowledge the matter embodied in the report has not been submitted to any other University /Institute for the award of any degree.
Fluid-Structure Interaction and Dynamics
Fluid-Structure Interaction and Dynamics Fluid-structure interaction (FSI) and dynamics are crucial concepts in thefield of engineering and physics, as they involve the complex interplay between fluid flow and the deformation of solid structures. This interaction is evident in a wide range of natural and engineered systems, from the fluttering of a flag in the wind to the behavior of aircraft wings and the flow of blood in our bodies. Understanding and predicting the behavior of FSI systems is essential for the design and optimization of various engineering applications, such as aircraft, bridges, and biomedical devices. One of the key challenges in studying FSI and dynamics is the inherent complexity of the interactions involved. The behavior of fluids and structures is governed by a set of complex nonlinear equations, makingit difficult to predict the system's response accurately. Moreover, the coupling between the fluid and structure introduces additional challenges, as the deformation of the solid structure can significantly alter the flow field, andvice versa. This bidirectional coupling necessitates the use of advanced numerical methods and computational tools to model and simulate FSI systems accurately. From a fluid mechanics perspective, the study of FSI and dynamics involves analyzing the behavior of fluids in the presence of moving or deforming boundaries. This includes phenomena such as vortex shedding, flow-induced vibrations, and the interaction between the fluid and flexible structures. Understanding these phenomena is crucial for various engineering applications, such as the design of offshore structures, wind turbines, and heat exchangers. The ability to accurately predict the fluid forces acting on structures is essential for ensuring their structural integrity and optimizing their performance. On the other hand, from a structural mechanics perspective, the study of FSI and dynamics involves analyzing the response of solid structures to fluid-induced forces. This includes phenomena such as flutter instability, aeroelasticity, and the dynamic response ofstructures subjected to fluid flow. Understanding these phenomena is crucial for the design of aircraft, bridges, and other civil infrastructure, as well as forthe development of biomedical devices such as heart valves and artificial organs. The ability to predict and control the dynamic response of structures in fluid environments is essential for ensuring their safety and reliability. In recentyears, significant advancements have been made in the field of FSI and dynamics, driven by the development of advanced computational tools and experimental techniques. Numerical methods such as finite element analysis (FEA), computational fluid dynamics (CFD), and immersed boundary methods have enabled researchers to simulate and analyze complex FSI systems with greater accuracy and efficiency. These tools have been instrumental in advancing our understanding of FSI phenomena and have facilitated the development of innovative engineering solutions in various fields. In addition to numerical simulations, experimental techniques such as wind tunnel testing, water flume testing, and particle image velocimetry (PIV) have provided valuable insights into the behavior of FSI systems. These experiments have enabled researchers to validate their numerical models, study complex flow phenomena, and explore new avenues for improving the performance and reliability of engineering systems. The combination of advanced numerical simulations and experimental techniques has significantly advanced our ability to understand and predict the behavior of FSI systems, paving the way for the development of more efficient and reliable engineering solutions. Despite these advancements, several challenges and open questions remain in the field of FSI and dynamics. One of the major challenges is the development of accurate and efficient numerical models that can capture the complex interactions between fluids and structures across a wide range of length and time scales. The development of such models requires a deep understanding of the underlying physics and the ability to integrate multiple disciplines, such as fluid mechanics, solid mechanics, and numerical methods. Additionally, the validation of numerical models against experimental data remains a critical aspect of FSI research, as it is essential to ensure that the models accurately capture the real-world behavior of FSI systems. Another challenge in the field of FSI and dynamics is the development of innovative engineering solutions that leverage our understanding of FSI phenomena to improve the performance and reliability of engineering systems. This includes the design of more efficient and aerodynamic aircraft, the development of novel biomedical devices, and the optimization of energy harvesting systems. The ability to harness FSI phenomena to develop innovative engineering solutions requires a multidisciplinary approach that integrates expertise from various fields, such asaerospace engineering, mechanical engineering, and biomedical engineering. In conclusion, the study of fluid-structure interaction and dynamics is a multifaceted and challenging field that plays a crucial role in the design and optimization of various engineering applications. The complex interplay between fluid flow and solid structures necessitates the use of advanced numerical methods and experimental techniques to understand and predict the behavior of FSI systems accurately. Despite significant advancements in the field, several challenges and open questions remain, highlighting the need for continued research and innovation in this important area of engineering and physics.。
基于 CFD 的汽车水泵数值模拟与试验验证
文章编号:1005 -0329(2016)11 -0006 -05基于CFD的汽车水泵数值模拟与试验验证张杰1,赵波1,李金国2(1.上海工程技术大学,上海201620;2.上汽集团上海幸福摩托车有限公司,上海201900)摘要:以雷诺时均N-S方程为基本控制方程,采用标准k-s湍流模型,利用计算流体动力学软件PumpLmx模拟了汽 车水菜内部的三维湍流流场,研究了水菜叶轮平衡孔及口环间隙对多工况下外特性的影响,并以叶轮有口环间隙、平衡 孔这一工况对复杂流场中各个位置上的压力分布、速度分布和叶轮汽蚀进行分析。
通过与试验数据进行对比验证,试验 结果与数值预测结论基本吻合。
提出了减小汽车水菜各部件水力损失的合理性建议,研究结论有效地指导了汽车水菜 的开发过程,对其他同类产品的研发也具有指导意义。
关键词:汽车水菜;外特性;CFD;试验验证中图分类号:TH3;U464.238 文献标志码: A doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1005 - 0329.2016.11.002 Numerical Simulation and Test Verification of Automotive Water Pump Based on CFDZHANG Jie1,ZHAO Bo1,LI Jin-guo2(1. Shanghai University of Engineering Science,Shanghai 201620,China;2. Department of Product Development,Xingfu Motorcycle Co. ,Ltd. ,of SAIC,Shanghai 201900,China ) Abstract :The three-dimensional turbulent flow in an automotive water pump with the impeller balance hole and clearance of wear-rings,which under the external characteristics of the influence,was simulated employing the time-averaged N-S equations, the standard k-e turbulence model by computational fluid dynamics software PumpLinx. The impeller with the balancing hole and clearance in the working conditions of complex flow field was analyzed in each position of the pressure distribution, velocity distribution and the impeller cavitation . A comparison with experimental data shows that the experimental results is basically consistent with the experimental observations. Reasonable proposals were put forward to reduce the hydraulic losses of automotive water pump parts. The research results can guide the development and design of the pump as well as the congener products.Key words:automotive water pump;external characteristic;CFD;test verificationi前言目前,汽车发动机广泛采用以离心式水泵作 为主要动力源的强制循环冷却系统。
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Computational Fluid Dynamics Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a branch of fluid mechanics that uses numerical methods and algorithms to solve and analyze problems involving fluid flow. It is a powerful tool that allows engineers and scientists to simulate and predict the behavior of fluids in various systems, such as air flow over anaircraft wing or water flow in a river. CFD has become an essential tool in many industries, including aerospace, automotive, and environmental engineering. One of the key advantages of CFD is its ability to provide detailed insights into complex fluid flow phenomena that are difficult or impossible to study experimentally. By simulating fluid flow using CFD software, engineers can visualize and analyze important parameters such as velocity, pressure, and temperature distribution in a system. This information is crucial for optimizing the design of systems and improving their performance. CFD is also a cost-effective and time-efficient alternative to experimental testing. Traditional experimental methods can be expensive, time-consuming, and limited in scope. With CFD, engineers can quickly and easily test multiple design iterations, analyze different scenarios, and optimize system performance without the need for physical prototypes. This not only saves time and money but also allows for more innovative and efficient designs. However, despite its many advantages, CFD is not without its challenges. One of the main challenges in CFD is the accuracy and reliability of the results. The accuracy of a CFD simulation depends on various factors, such as the quality of the mesh, the choice of turbulence model, and the numerical algorithms used. It is essential for engineers to validate and verify their CFD simulations against experimental data to ensure that the results are reliable and trustworthy. Another challenge in CFD is the computational cost and complexity of simulations. Simulating fluid flow in real-world systems can be computationally intensive and require significant computational resources. High-fidelity simulations with fine spatial and temporal resolutions can take hours or even days to complete on high-performance computing clusters. This poses a challenge for engineers who need to balance the trade-off between simulation accuracy and computational cost. Despite these challenges, the potential of CFD to revolutionize the design and optimization of fluid systems is immense. Withadvancements in computing power, numerical algorithms, and modeling techniques, CFD is becoming more accurate, reliable, and accessible than ever before. Engineers and scientists are constantly pushing the boundaries of CFD to tackle more complex and challenging fluid flow problems, from turbulent combustion in engines to aerodynamic simulations of supersonic aircraft. In conclusion, Computational Fluid Dynamics is a powerful tool that has transformed the way engineers and scientists study and analyze fluid flow phenomena. While it has its challenges, such as accuracy and computational cost, the benefits of CFD in terms of insight, efficiency, and innovation cannot be overstated. As technology continues to advance, CFD will continue to play a crucial role in shaping the future of fluid dynamics and engineering.。
CFD simulation and optimization ofthe ventilation for subway side-platformFeng-Dong Yuan *, Shi-Jun YouAbstractTo obtain the velocity and temperature field of subway station and the optimized ventilation mode of subway side-platform station, this paper takes the evaluation and optimization of the ventilation for subway side-platform station as main line, builds three dimensional models of original and optimization design of the existed and rebuilt station. And using the two-equation turbulence model as its physics model, the thesis makes computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation to subwayside-platform station with the boundary conditions collected for simulation computation through field measurement. It is found that the two-equation turbulence model can be used to predict velocity field and temperature field at the station under some reasonable presumptions in the investigation and study. At last, an optimization ventilation mode of subway side-platform station was put forward.1. IntroductionComputational fluid dynamics (CFD) software is commonly used to simulate fluid flows, particularly in complex environments (Chow and Li, 1999; Zhang et al., 2006;Moureh and Flick, 2003). CFD is capable of simulating a wide variety of fluid problems (Gan and Riffat, 2004;Somarathne et al., 2005; Papakonstantinou et al., 2000;Karimipanah and Awbi, 2002). CFD models can be realistically modeled without investing in more costly experimental method (Betta et al., 2004; Allocca et al., 2003;Moureh and Flick, 2003). So CFD is now a popular design tool for engineers from different disciplines for pursuing an optimum design due to the high cost, complexity, and limited information obtained from experimental methods (Li and Chow, 2003; Vardy et al., 2003; Katolidoy and Jicha,2003). Tunnel ventilation system design can be developed in depth from the predictions of various parameters, such as vehicle emission dispersion, visibility, air velocity, etc. (Li and Chow, 2003; Yau et al., 2003; Gehrke et al., 2003).Earlier CFD simulations of tunnel ventilation system mainly focus on emergency situation as fire condition (Modic, 2003; Carvel et al., 2001; Casale, 2003). Many scientists and research workers (Waterson and Lavedrine,2003; Sigl and Rieker, 2000; Gao et al., 2004; Tajadura et al., 2006) have done much work on this. This paper studied the performance of CFD simulation on subway environment control system which has not been studied by other paper or research report. It is essential to calculate and simulate the different designs before the construction begins, since the investment in subway’s construction is huge and the subway should run up for a few decade years. The ventilation of subway is crucial that the passengers should have fresh and high quality air (Lowndes et al.,2004; Luo and Roux, 2004). Then if emergency occurred that the well-designed ventilation system can save many people’s life and belongings (Chow and Li, 1999; Modic,2003; Carvel et al., 2001). The characteristics of emergency situation have been well investigated, but there have been few studies in air distribution of side-platform in normal conditions.The development of large capacity and high speed computer and computational fluid dynamics technology makes it possible to use CFD technology to predict the air distribution and optimize the design project of subway ventilation system. Based on the human-oriented design intention in subway ventilation system, this study simulated and analyzed the ventilation system of existent station and original design of rebuilt stations of Tianjin subway in China with the professional software AIRPAK, and then found the optimum ventilation project for the ventilation and structure of rebuilt stations.2. Ventilation systemTianjin Metro, the secondly-built subway in China, will be rebuilt to meet the demand of urban development and expected to be available for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. The existent subway has eight stations, with a total length of km and a km average interval. For sake of saving the cost of engineering, the existent subway will continue to run and the stations will be rebuilt in the rebuilding Line 1 of Tianjin subway. Although different existent stations of Tianjin Metro have differentstructures and geometries, the Southwest Station is the most typical one. So the Southwest Station model was used to simulate and analyze in the study. Its geometry model is shown in Fig. 1.. The structure and original ventilation mode of existent stationT he subway has two run-lines. The structure of Southwest Station is, length width height = m(L) m(W) m(H), which is a typical side-platform station. Each side has only one passageway (length height = m(L) m(H)). The middle of station is the space for passengers to wait for the vehicle. The platform mechanical ventilation is realized with two jet openings located at each end of station and the supply air jets towards train and track. There is no mechanical exhaust system at the station and air is removed mechanically by tunnel fans and naturally by the exits of the station.. The design structure and ventilation of rebuilt stationThe predicted passenger flow volume increase greatly and the dimension of the original station is too small, so in the rebuilding design, the structure of subway station is changed to, (length width height = 132 m(L) m(W) m(H)), and each side has two passageways. The design volume flow of Southwest Station is 400000 m3/h. For most existent stations, the platform height is only m, which is too low to set ceiling ducts.So in the original design, there are two grille vents at each end of the platform to supply fresh air along the platform length direction and two grille vents to jet air breadthways towards trains. The design velocity of each lengthways grille vent ism/s. For each breadthways vent, it is m/s. Under the platform, 80 grille vents of the same velocity m/s, 40 for each platform of the station) are responsible for exhaust.3. CFD simulation and optimizationThe application of CFD simulation in the indoor environment is based on conversation equations of energy, mass and momentum of incompressible air. The study adopted a turbulence energy model that is the two-equation turbulence model advanced by Launder and Spalding. And it integrated the governing equation on the capital control volumes and discretized in the definite grids, at last simulated andcomputed with the AIRPAK software.. Preceding simplifications and presumptionsBecause of mechanical ventilation and the existence of train-driven piston wind, the turbulence on platform is transient and complex. Unless some simplifications and presumptions are made, the mathematics model of three-dimensional flow is not expressed and the result is divergent. While ensuring the reliability of the computation results, some preceding simplifications and presumptions have to be taken.(1)The period of maximum air velocity is paid attention to in the transient process.Apparently the maximum air velocity is reached at the period when train stops at or starts away from the station (Yau et al., 2003;Gehrke et al., 2003), so theperiod the simulation concerns about the best period of time for simulation is from the point when at the section of ‘x = m’ (Fig. 1) and the air velocity begin to change under piston-effect to the point when train totally stops at the station (defined as a ‘pulling-in cycle’).(2) Though the pulling-in cycle is a transient process, it is simplified to a steady process.(3) Because the process is presumed to a steady process, the transient velocity of test sections, which was tested in Southwest Station in pulling-in cycle, is presumed to the time-averaged velocity of test sections.(4) The volume flow driven into the station by pulling-in train is determined by such factors as BR (blocking ratio, the ratio of train cross-section area to tunnelcross-section area), the length of the train and the resistance of station etc. For existent and new stations, BRs are almost the same. Although the length of the lattertrain doubles that of the former which may increase the piston flow volume, the resistance of latter is greater than that of the former which may counteract thisincrease. So it is presumed that the piston flow volume is same for both existent and new station and that the volume flow through the passenger exits is also same. Based on this presumption, the results of the field measurements at the existent station can be used as velocity boundary conditions to predict velocity filed of new station .. Original conditionsTo obtain the boundary conditions for computation and simulation, such as the air velocity and temperature of enclosure, measures were done by times at Southwest Station.All data are recorded during a complete pulling-in cycle. The air velocities were measured by the multichannel anemone-master hotwire anemoscope and infrared thermometer is used to measure the temperature of the walls of the station which are taken as the constant temperature thermal conditions in the simulation.Temperatures of enclosureDivide the platform into five segments and select some typical test positions. The distributing temperature of enclosure is shown in Table 1. It can be seen from Table 1 that all temperatures of enclosure are between 23 _C and 25 _C, there is littledifference in all test positions, and the average temperature is 24 _C. So alltemperatures of subway station’s walls is 24 _C in CFD computation and simulation.Time-averaged air velocity above the platformFig. 1 is the location of test section and the layout of measuring points. The data measured include 12 transient velocities in each section (A –H in Fig. 1), which were deal with section’s time -averaged velocities in the period, 12 point’s velocities ofpassageway, which is used to acquire the average flow, and the velocities of each end of station, which is used to acquire the average piston flow volume.Fig. 2 is the lengthways velocities measured of platform sections, max V is themaximum air velocity, min V is the minimum air velocity and avc V is the average air velocity. Fig. 2 shows that the maximum air velocity is at the passageway. At thepassageway the change of air velocity is about m/s, which is the maximum and indicates that the passageway is the position effected most by the piston wind effect, and the air velocity of section D and E after the passageway is almost the same, which indicates that the piston wind can hardly effect the air velocity after the passageway.CFD模拟和地铁站台的优化通风Feng-Dong Yuan *, Shi-Jun You摘要获得车站的速度和温度领域同时地铁站台的最优方式。
材料力学圣维南原理定义Saint-Venant's principle in material mechanics states that the stress distribution in a structural body becomes uniform at a sufficient distance away from the point of load application. 圣维南原理在材料力学中是一个重要的原理,它指出结构体内的应力分布在加载点足够远的距离时变得均匀。
This principle is fundamental to the understanding of material behavior under loads and is widely used in engineering design and analysis. 这个原理对于理解材料在受力下的行为是至关重要的,并且在工程设计和分析中被广泛应用。
From a practical perspective, Saint-Venant's principle allows engineers to simplify the analysis of complex structural problems. 从实际的角度来看,圣维南原理使工程师能够简化复杂结构问题的分析。
By assuming that the stress becomes uniform at a sufficient distance away from the point of load application, engineers can focus on the local behavior of the structure near the point of loading without needing to consider the non-uniform stress distribution in the rest of the structure. 通过假设应力在加载点足够远的距离处变得均匀,工程师可以专注于加载点附近结构的局部行为,而不需要考虑结构其他部分的非均匀应力分布。
cavitation of water. The effects of different amplitudes, ultrasonic frequencies and pressures of cavitation were
(浙江大学制冷与低温研究所,浙江 杭州 310027)
摘要: 基于Leabharlann 算流体力学 (CFD) 和实验方法,研究频率为 20 kHz 的超声波诱导的液氮空化特性。数值建模采
用 Mixture 多相流模型,Singhal 空化模型和 Realizable k-ε 湍流模型,并通过动网格方法实现边界正弦振荡来模拟
Abstract: Based on the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and experimental method, the cavitation
characteristics of liquid nitrogen induced by ultrasonic waves with a frequency of 20 kHz are studied. The
CIESC Journal , 2021, 72(4): 1930-1938
化工学报 2021 年 第 72 卷 第 4 期 |
液氮超声空化 CFD 模拟及实验研究
基于CFD模型的大跨度温室自然通风热环境模拟张芳;方慧;杨其长;程瑞锋;张义;柯行林;卢威;刘焕【摘要】To solve the problem that the inner available space of the traditional Chinese solar greenhouse is usually small, a new-type large-scale greenhouse which was tunnel type and had a wide span with steel frame and south-north orientation was designed. The distribution of airflow and temperature patterns, the effect of vent openings under different outdoor wind speed conditions on airflow and temperature patterns in a naturally ventilated large-scale greenhouse were studied. Firstly, simulation model of the airflow and temperature patterns in a naturally ventilated large-scale greenhouse was established by means of three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Secondly, the model was validated via the comparison with the field experimental results at the same locations where 13 temperature sensors were installed under the typical sunny day when the vent opening degree was 50%. The comparison between simulations and measurements showed that the absolu te error was within 2.8℃, the square error was within 1.6℃, the maximum relative error was less than 9.9% and the average relative error was around 4.1%. An agreement existed between simulated and experimental results. Finally, the model which was validated was used to study the effect of vent opening degree (25%, 50%, 75% and 100%) under different outdoor wind speed (1, 2, 3, 4m·s-1) conditions on airflow and temperature patterns. The results showed that, the average temperature ofthe top of the greenhouse was higher than the bottom of the greenhouse, and the colder air outside went into the greenhouse from the west side vent, so the average temperature of the west of the greenhouse was lower than the east of the greenhouse. From south to north, the average airflow rates decreased in the greenhouse. Because of the west and east vents, the average air velocity in the center of greenhouse was lower than the side. When both top and side vents full opened, the airflow in greenhouse was relatively low. Temperature distribution was uniform in the large-scale greenhouse when the vent opening degree was 100%. The outdoor wind speed had a significant positive correlation with the ventilation rate when vent opening degree was kept constant. For the purpose of cooling, the optimum vent opening degree was 75%-100%. If the temperature of the greenhouse was suitable for crop growth and the outdoor wind speed was faster than about 3m·s-1, the optimum vent opening degree should be less than 75%.%大跨度温室作为一种新型南北走向的钢骨架覆膜温室,解决了传统日光温室土地利用率低、空间狭小的问题.为了研究在自然通风条件下大跨度温室的温度和气流场的分布规律,以及不同室外风速条件下通风口开度对大跨度温室温度和气流场的影响,利用计算流体力学(computational fluid dynamics,CFD)软件构建三维稳态大跨度温室模型,模拟自然通风条件下大跨度温室内的温度场和气流场,并采集典型晴天下通风口开启50%时大跨度温室内13个测点的温度,将各测点的测量值与模拟值进行比较,最后利用已验证模型模拟分析通风口开度(25%、50%、75%、100%)在不同室外风速(1、2、3、4 m·s-1)条件下的大跨度温室温度和气流场.验证结果表明:模型模拟值与实测值的绝对误差在0.2~2.8℃,均方根误差为1.6℃,最大相对误差为9.9%,平均相对误差为4.1%,表明模拟值与实测值吻合良好.模拟结果显示,温室顶部温度高,底部温度低;室外冷空气从西侧通风口进入,温室内西侧温度低于东侧;温室内平均风速从南到北逐渐减小;温室中部风速明显小于东西两侧.大跨度温室上通风口及侧通风口全开时,温室内温度分布较均匀.温室通风口开度一定时,温室内通风率与室外风速呈显著线性正相关.考虑温室内温度及风速对作物的影响,以降温为主要目的时,建议通风口开度取75%~100%,若室外风速大于3m·s-1且室内温度能满足作物生长,则建议通风口开度<75%.【期刊名称】《中国农业气象》【年(卷),期】2017(038)004【总页数】9页(P221-229)【关键词】CFD模型;模型;温度场;气流场;通风率【作者】张芳;方慧;杨其长;程瑞锋;张义;柯行林;卢威;刘焕【作者单位】中国农业科学院农业环境与可持续发展研究所/农业部设施农业节能与废弃物处理重点实验室,北京 100081;中国农业科学院农业环境与可持续发展研究所/农业部设施农业节能与废弃物处理重点实验室,北京 100081;中国农业科学院农业环境与可持续发展研究所/农业部设施农业节能与废弃物处理重点实验室,北京100081;中国农业科学院农业环境与可持续发展研究所/农业部设施农业节能与废弃物处理重点实验室,北京 100081;中国农业科学院农业环境与可持续发展研究所/农业部设施农业节能与废弃物处理重点实验室,北京 100081;中国农业科学院农业环境与可持续发展研究所/农业部设施农业节能与废弃物处理重点实验室,北京100081;中国农业科学院农业环境与可持续发展研究所/农业部设施农业节能与废弃物处理重点实验室,北京 100081;中国农业科学院农业环境与可持续发展研究所/农业部设施农业节能与废弃物处理重点实验室,北京 100081【正文语种】中文日光温室是具有中国特色的温室结构类型,解决了中国北方地区的蔬菜供给问题,具有造价低、运行费用少、保温性好、效益高等优点[1]。
关于无人机设计的外文专著Title: Advances in Design of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: A Comprehensive ReviewIntroduction:Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), also known as drones, have gained significant attention in recent years due to their wide range of applications in various fields. The design of UAVs plays a crucial role in determining their performance, capabilities, and operational effectiveness. This comprehensive review aims to explore the advancements in UAV design and highlight the key factors that contribute to their successful implementation.1. Evolution of UAV Design:The evolution of UAV design can be traced back to the early 20th century when the first prototypes were developed for military purposes. Over the years, technological advancements have revolutionized the design of UAVs, leading to the development of various types such as fixed-wing, rotary-wing, and hybrid configurations. The integration of lightweight materials, advanced control systems, and miniaturized sensors has significantlyimproved the overall performance and efficiency of UAVs.2. Aerodynamic Design:Aerodynamic design plays a pivotal role in enhancing the flight characteristics and maneuverability of UAVs. Various factors, including wing shape, airfoil selection, and control surface placement, are carefully considered during the design process. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations and wind tunnel testing are commonly used techniques to optimize the aerodynamic performance of UAVs. Additionally, the incorporation of morphing wings and adaptive control surfaces allows for improved maneuverability and efficiency.3. Propulsion Systems:The selection of suitable propulsion systems is crucial in determining the endurance, speed, and payload capacity of UAVs. Traditional internal combustion engines have been widely used in UAVs, but the emergence of electric propulsion systems has revolutionized the design landscape. Electric motors offer numerous advantages, including reduced noise, lower emissions, and increased efficiency. The integration of advanced battery technologies, such aslithium-ion and solid-state batteries, has further extended the flight duration of electric UAVs.4. Structural Design:The structural design of UAVs is aimed at achieving a balance between weight reduction and structural integrity. Lightweight materials, such as carbon fiber composites and aluminum alloys, are commonly used to minimize the weight of UAVs without compromising their strength. Advanced structural analysis techniques, such as finite element analysis (FEA), are employed to ensure the structural integrity and durability of UAVs under various operating conditions.5. Avionics and Control Systems:Avionics and control systems play a critical role in the safe and effective operation of UAVs. These systems encompass a wide range of components, including flight control computers, navigation systems, communication systems, and payload interfaces. The integration of advanced sensors, such as global positioning systems (GPS), inertial measurement units (IMUs), and obstacle detection systems, enhances the autonomy and reliability of UAVs.6. Payload Integration:The design of UAVs should consider the integration of various payloads, depending on the intended applications. Payloads can include cameras, sensors, communication equipment, or even delivery mechanisms. The design should ensure proper weight distribution, payload compatibility, and ease of installation and removal to accommodate different mission requirements.Conclusion:The design of UAVs has undergone significant advancements, driven by the continuous evolution of technology and the increasing demand for unmanned systems. The integration of aerodynamic design, propulsion systems, structural design, avionics, and payload integration has resulted in the development of highly capable and versatile UAVs. Further research and development efforts are expected to focus on enhancing the autonomy, endurance, and payload capacity of UAVs to meet the growing demands of various industries.。
burstbuffer 英译
BurstBuffer1. IntroductionBurstBuffer is a high-performance computational storage system that has gained significant attention in recent years. It is a technological solution that addresses the I/O bottleneck issue in high-performance computing (HPC) systems. BurstBuffer acts as a buffer between the computing resources and the persistent storage, improving the overall performance of HPC applications.2. The Need for BurstBufferHPC applications often involve massive amounts of data that need to be processed in real-time. The traditional method of directly accessing data from the persistent storage can lead to significant delays in computation due to the slow storage devices. BurstBuffer fills this gap by providing a fast, non-volatile storage layer that can absorb large bursts of I/O and offload them from the slower persistent storage.3. Architecture and FunctionalityBurstBuffer is typically implemented as a separate layer in the HPC system’s storage hierarchy. It can be integrated into the compute nodes or connected as a separate storage tier. The BurstBuffer layer consists of fast storage media, such as solid-state drives (SSDs), that provide low-latency access to data.The primary function of the BurstBuffer is to absorb and hide the I/O latency of the persistent storage. It stores frequently accessed data and intermediate results in a high-performance storage layer to reduce I/O wait times. This allows the compute nodes to access data at a much higher speed, resulting in improved overall system performance.4. Benefits of BurstBufferImplementing BurstBuffer in HPC systems offers several advantages, including:4.1 Improved PerformanceBy reducing the I/O latency and providing faster access to data, BurstBuffer significantly improves the performance of HPC applications. It allows for faster data movement and enables more efficientutilization of compute resources.4.2 Higher ScalabilityBurstBuffer helps in scaling HPC systems by reducing the contention for I/O access. It allows multiple compute nodes to access data concurrently, without overwhelming the persistent storage. This results in better system scalability and enhanced productivity.4.3 Reduced Energy ConsumptionThe use of BurstBuffer reduces the need for frequent access to theenergy-intensive persistent storage. As a result, it helps in lowering the overall energy consumption of the HPC system, leading to costsavings and environmental benefits.4.4 Fault ToleranceBurstBuffer can also provide fault tolerance capabilities by replicating data and ensuring redundancy. In the event of a failure, the system can transparently switch to alternate copies of the data, minimizing the impact on ongoing computations and reducing the chances of data loss.5. Use CasesBurstBuffer has found applications in various domains that heavily rely on high-performance computation. Some notable use cases include:5.1 Genomics and BioinformaticsBioinformatics applications often involve processing large genomic datasets. BurstBuffer improves the performance of these applications by reducing the I/O wait times and enabling faster analysis.5.2 Climate ModelingClimate models require extensive simulations and analysis of large datasets. BurstBuffer helps in accelerating the data-intensive computations involved in climate modeling, allowing for more accurate predictions.5.3 Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)CFD simulations involve complex calculations and large datasets. BurstBuffer can greatly enhance the performance of CFD applications by reducing I/O bottlenecks and enabling faster data access.5.4 Artificial Intelligence and Machine LearningAI and ML applications often involve training models on massive datasets. BurstBuffer can speed up the training process by providing fast accessto the training data, leading to quicker model convergence.ConclusionBurstBuffer is an innovative technology that addresses the I/Obottleneck issue in high-performance computing systems. By providing a fast storage layer, it improves the overall performance, scalability,and fault tolerance of HPC applications. With its wide range of applications across different domains, BurstBuffer is becoming an essential component in modern computational storage architectures.。
基于EMMS方法的鼓泡塔反应器CFD及群平衡模拟王珏;杨宁【摘要】The energy-minimization multi-scale (EMMS) model has been introduced to improve the population balance modeling (PBM) of gas-liquid flows. The energy for bubble breakup and coalescence can be obtained from the EMMS model and then used to derive a correction factor for the coalescence rate. This new model is applied in this study to simulate the bubble columns of high flow rates. Simulations using the three different models, namely, the constant-bubble-size model, the CFD-PBM model and the CFD-PBM-EMMS model, are compared with experimental data. The simulation of CFD-PBM-EMMS gives better prediction for bubble size distribution and liquid axial velocity at different heights as well as the overall and local gas holdup. The relative error of global gas holdup reduces to 5% or 15%, and the mean relative error of local gas holdup reduces to 8% or 17% for 0.16 m·s-1 or 0.25 m·s-1 of superficial gas velocity.%能量最小多尺度(energy-minimization multi-scale,EMMS)方法已经被应用于气液体系中群平衡(population balance model,PBM)模型的改进.EMMS模型可计算气泡破碎聚并过程的能量,进而获得聚并速率的修正因子.应用这一模型对高气速鼓泡塔进行了模拟计算,并进一步对比了均一尺径模型、CFD-PBM模型以及CFD-PBM-EMMS模型的模拟结果与实验数据.结果表明,在高表观气速条件下,基于EMMS方法的群平衡模型可以更加准确地预测鼓泡塔中不同高度的气泡尺径分布和轴向液速,同时提高了对整体气含率和局部气含率的模拟准确性.在表观气速为0.16 m·s-1和0.25 m·s-1时,CFD-PBM-EMMS模型对气泡尺径分布的预测精度更高,同时整体气含率模拟的相对误差下降为5%和15%,局部气含率模拟平均相对误差下降为8%和17%.【期刊名称】《化工学报》【年(卷),期】2017(068)007【总页数】11页(P2667-2677)【关键词】计算流体力学;群平衡模型;鼓泡塔;气含率;气泡尺径分布【作者】王珏;杨宁【作者单位】中国科学院过程工程研究所多相复杂系统国家重点实验室,北京100190;中国科学院大学,北京 100049;中国科学院过程工程研究所多相复杂系统国家重点实验室,北京 100190【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TQ021.1鼓泡塔反应器具有结构简单、操作简便、良好的传热传质效率等优点,被广泛应用于化学工程、生物工程、石油工程等领域[1]。
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Chemical Engineering Science60(2005)2427–2437/locate/cesCFDsimulations and experimental validation of homogenisation curves and mixing time in stirred Newtonian and pseudoplastic liquids Giuseppina Montante a,Michal Moštˇe k b,Milan Jahoda b,Franco Magelli a,∗a Department of Chemical,Mining and Environmental Engineering,University of Bologna,Viale Risorgimento2,40136Bologna,Italyb Department of Chemical Engineering,Institute of Chemical Technology,16628Praha,Czech RepublicReceived in revised form15October2004;accepted1November2004Available online22January2005AbstractThe aim of this work is to identify a proper Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD)simulation strategy for the calculation of mixing time in stirred tanks forfluids characterised by either Newtonian or non-Newtonian rheological behaviour.Two different baffled tanks are considered,both stirred with multiple down-pumping45◦pitched blade turbines(PBT):a small one for extensive,preliminary simulations conducted with water and aimed at determining a generic procedure suitable with low-viscosity,Newtonian liquids;and a bigger one for testing the results with moderately viscous liquids and non-Newtonianfluids.The influence on the predicted mixing time of the tracer injection position,turbulence modelling and numerical parameters is investigated.The results of the simulations are compared with original experimental data and good agreement is obtained in all cases,once the proper mathematical models,solution procedure and relevant parameters are established.᭧2004Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.Keywords:Mixing time;Computationalfluid dynamics;Multiple PBT impellers;Liquid rheological behaviour1.IntroductionMechanical mixing operations are largely spread in,and often crucial,for a great variety of processes of the chemi-cal and process industry as well as in biotechnology,envi-ronmental remediation,etc.Several parameters that depict equipment behaviour are traditionally used;among these, mixing time provides a simple and a powerful means for the evaluation of mixers effectiveness.It is defined as the time needed to get a given homogeneity level starting from a non-equilibrium condition and it is typically measured after a small amount of a tracer had been injected into the stirred liquid.Phenomenological theories exist as for its mechanism (Nienow,1997)and correlations have been proposed for its prediction(Grenville and Tilton,1996;Nienow,1998;Nere et al.,2003).Over the years,several experimental techniques ∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+390512093147;fax:+39051581200.E-mail 0009-2509/$-see front matter᭧2004Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2004.11.020have been developed and employed for mixing time mea-surement.Nere et al.(2003)have recently reviewed such techniques,pointing out their main features and limitations. Some of these drawbacks such as the difficult applicability in the case of non-transparent vessels and severe experimental conditions,the confinement of information to a small num-ber of locations inside the stirred vessel and the high cost for big installations could be overcome with application of reliable CFDsimulations.The capability of CFDtools to forecast the mixing time is implicitly considered as an obvious achievement of these methods and encouraging results have been obtained so far (e.g.,Sahu et al.,1999;Bujalski et al.,2002a).However, some drawbacks are apparent in the studies that have been published in the last few years.Indeed,most of the simu-lations were performed using“black box”methods for the impeller description(Ranade et al.,1991;Patwardhan and Joshi,1999;Sahu et al.,1999;Lunden et al.,1995;Patil et al.,2001).When fully predictive simulation strategies were employed,discrepancies in the order of100%have been2428G.Montante et al./Chemical Engineering Science 60(2005)2427–2437often found between the predicted and experimental val-ues (e.g.,Jaworski et al.,2000;Bujalski et al.,2002b ).In some cases,the predicted mixing times were claimed to be severely affected by the precise point of tracer addition—a feature which was not observed experimentally.Indeed,the results obtained from the various authors do not provide a consistent description of the influence of mean flow and tur-bulence on mixing time predictions.In same cases,scarce sensitivity to eddy diffusivity is stated (Ranade et al.,1991;Patwardhan and Joshi,1999),while strong dependency on the same parameter is shown in other cases (Lunden et al.,1995).Also,most authors assert that the mean flow field is crucial for the correct determination of tracer distribu-tion,but sometimes good mixing time predictions have been obtained by using poorly simulated velocity fields (Nere et al.,2003).Moreover,mixing time predictions for non-Newtonian fluids have never been performed.Overall,a fully1st 2nd 3rd 4th (a)(b)Fig.1.Geometrical configuration of the experimental vessels:(a)T29vessel;(b)T48vessel.predictive strategy that can be confidently applied to any stirred vessel geometrical configuration has still to be iden-tified.The purpose of this paper is to further investigate the ca-pability of two of the currently available commercial CFD codes (namely,CFX and Fluent)to correctly forecast both the homogenisation process and mixing time in baffled stirred tanks and to identify a computational procedure that can be confidently applied to the case of Newtonian and non-Newtonian pseudoplastic liquids.The results of the simulations are compared with original experimental data.2.Stirred vessels and experimental conditionsThe stirred vessels considered in this investigation were two baffled tall cylindrical tanks.The smaller vessel wasG.Montante et al./Chemical Engineering Science60(2005)2427–24372429 T=29cm in diameter,H=4T height and was stirred withfour,evenly spaced6-bladed45◦PBTs(D=T/3,b/D=0.14,C1=T/3);the bigger one was T=48cm,H=3T andwas stirred with two different sets of impellers:three4-bladed45◦PBTs(D=0.40T,b/D=0.20,C1=T/2)andthree6-bladed45◦PBTs(D=T/3,b/D=0.14,C1=T/2).Experiments were conducted with water,aqueous solu-tions of polyvinylpyrrolidone(PVP,Newtonian behaviourwith viscosity equal to6and24mPa s)and aqueous shear-thinning solutions of Carbomer(TM)(pseudoplastic be-haviour),at selected impeller speeds.For these last liquids,the average apparent viscosity, aa,was calculated throughthe Metzner–Otto methodaa=k s n−1a with a=KN,(1)where k s is the consistency index, a the average shear rateand n theflow behaviour index equal to0.68in the inves-tigated conditions.For the constant K,the value of11wasadopted,as recommended for high-speed impellers.Underthese assumption the average apparent viscosity varied from25to42mPa s depending on solution concentration and im-peller speed;the modified rotational Reynolds number de-fined asRe= ND2aa(2)was in the range2500–10,000.The mixing time was evaluated from transient concentra-tion(homogenisation curves)of an electrolytic tracer mea-sured by conductivity probes.The experiments were per-formed by injecting a small amount of the process liquid saturated with KCl at the top of the vessel and measuring the resulting concentration evolution with time at selected positions in the vessel:one single position close to the ves-sel bottom in the case of the bigger vessel and four different elevations in the case of the smaller ually,the time necessary to reach95%homogeneity,the so-called t95,is referred to by researchers and practitioners and is adopted in this study too.Also,the whole homogenisation curve will be considered for stricter evaluation of the CFDsimulation procedures.Further details about the geometrical characteristics of the two stirred vessels and of the tracer injection and measure-ment positions are reported in Fig.1(a)and(b).3.CFD simulationsSince mixing time is a single parameter resulting from the treatment of transient experiment recordings,a suitable procedure had to be devised for the simulations.In order to reproduce the experiments as closely as possible,the fully developed single-phaseflowfield was calculatedfirst;later, the time evolution of the added tracer concentration super-imposed on theflowfield was determined.The simulation approach adopted for calculating the liquid flowfield was based on the use of(i)the transient“Sliding Grid”(SG)method,implemented in the commercial CFD code CFX-4and(ii)the steady Multiple Reference Frame method(MRF),implemented in Fluent6.The grid employed for the simulations consisted of432,560cells for the smaller vessel,up to1,000,000cells for the bigger one.In all cases, the whole2 azimuthal extent of the stirred vessel was considered.The Reynolds averaged Navier–Stokes(RANS) equations were selected for the modelling.The standard k– model was used for dealing with fully developed turbulence, while the k– model based on the Renormalization Group theory,known as RNG k– model,was chosen for the early turbulence regime,as it is more suitable for dealing with low Reynolds numberflows(Van den Akker,2000).For the non-Newtonian liquid simulations,the laminar contribution to the effective viscosity,to be used in the conservation and turbulent equations,was assumed to be the average,apparent viscosity value, aa,based on the Metzner–Otto method.The use of this simplified approach (Montante and Magelli,2003),instead of the rigorous rhe-ological equation for the laminar viscosity at each location of the grid,was obliged by the commercial codes that allow adopting only constant viscosity values in conjunction with the turbulent models.After checking whether the solution of theflow equations was reached,a small amount of tracer was added close to the vessel top(in the same location as the injection point of the experiments).The dynamic distribution of the tracer inside the stirred volume was then calculated by solving a Reynolds-averaged time-dependent scalar transport equa-tion,based on the assumption that the tracer is distributed in the vessel by convection and diffusion(Montante and Magelli,2004)jj t+∇ U =∇D m∇ −tt∇,(3)where is the tracer volumetric fraction,U is the mean velocity vector, is thefluid density,D m is the molecular diffusivity, t is the turbulent viscosity and t is the turbulent Schmidt number.As for the two parameters of Eq.(3),the molecular dif-fusivity was always assumed to be equal to10−9m2/s,a typical value for liquids.Actually,it was not a critical value since the contribution of molecular diffusion to the overall tracer dispersion process is negligible.Instead,more than one value was adopted for the turbulent Schmidt number. It is worth noting that one of the factors determining the magnitude of the turbulent contribution to tracer dispersion is parameter t,i.e.,the ratio between the square turbulent kinetic energy,k2,and its dissipation, ,(times an empirical constant,C ).The uncertainty on the t value reflects on the more suitable turbulent Schmidt number to adopt.In the past,different t values have been selected by the various authors,ranging from1(e.g.,Ranade et al.,1991;Patward-han and Joshi,1999)to0.2(He et al.,1999),and different2430G.Montante et al./Chemical Engineering Science60(2005)2427–2437 recommendations have been given depending on the partic-ular application(Yimer et al.,2002).Therefore,its influenceon the predictions was also investigated in this work:thedefault value of0.70has been used down to0.10.An ad-ditional discussion on the turbulent Schmidt number can befound in Montante and Magelli(2004).The standard time step adopted for the simulations wasequal to0.1s,i.e.,small enough as compared with the ex-perimental data acquisition rate(4Hz);its influence on thesimulated tracer concentration was checked by performingadditional simulations with either one order of magnitudesmaller and one order of magnitude greater time steps(fur-ther details are given below).The initial condition was of zero tracer concentration in the whole vessel volume,ex-cept for the injection region(either a large portion of the uppermost plane or a small number of cells,see below), where a volume fraction of tracer equal to one was consid-ered.As for the boundary conditions at wall,zeroflux was imposed.The solution of the resulting set of equations is a three-dimensional time-dependent map of tracer concentra-tion.For straightforward analysis and comparison with the experimental results,the time evolution of the tracer con-centration was monitored at the same position of the exper-imental probes.4.Results and discussion4.1.T29simulationsThe above-mentioned smaller vesselfilled with water and stirred with four6-bladed PBTs was simulated with the pur-pose of analysing the capability of the CFDmodels to cor-rectly forecast the mixing time value as well as the tracer concentration distribution in a Newtonian liquid during the time interval from the injection to its(almost)homogeneous distribution inside the vessel volume.The liquidflowfield produced by the stirring action at the impeller speed N=5s−1was simulatedfirst;Fluent 6was used,with MRF as the impeller simulation strategy and the standard k– turbulence model.Even though the se-lected computational strategies for single-phase stirred tanks are consolidated and their advantages and drawbacks are well known,as they have already been widely discussed in a number of previous works(e.g.Brucato et al.,1998), the evaluation of the accuracy of these results is very im-portant.Indeed,the correctness of the velocityfield plays a very important role in the prediction of the temporal and spatial distribution of a passive scalar(Ranade et al.,1991; Patwardhan and Joshi,1999;Bujalski et al.,2002b).The experimental mean axial velocity data collected by Ranade and Joshi(1989)in a single-impeller vessel were adopted for performing a quantitative evaluation of ourflow field predictions.This choice was imposed by the lack of experimental velocity data in analogous multiple impeller vessels;it can be considered acceptable because the distance-0.6-0.4- 1.02r/TU/V tipFig.2.Experimental and simulated mean axial velocity profiles along a radius below the impellers.T=29cm vessel stirred with four6-bladed PBTs.Symbols:experimental data(Ranade and Joshi,1989);lines:simu-lations,each line corresponding to the profile calculated for each impeller.between two consecutive impellers was bigger than1.5D, thus allowing to assume that each impeller behaves inde-pendently(Mishra et al.,1994;Bittorf and Kresta,2000; Montante and Magelli,2004).In Fig.2,the experimental axial velocity profile nor-malised with the impeller tip speed,V tip,is reported along with those obtained from the simulations.The data refer to a radius midway between two baffles,1cm below each impeller(which corresponds to the experimental position z/T=0.27).As can be observed,the computed velocity pro-files below each impeller are very similar,almost superim-posed to each other,thus confirming that each impeller be-haves independently of the others;all computed profiles are in good agreement with the experimental data.The power number,as computed from the torque on the baffles,and the pumping numbers for each impeller were equal to1.7and 0.81,respectively.In the literature,experimental values of power number ranging from1.47(Ranade and Joshi,1989) to1.60(Ibrahim and Nienow,1995)and pumping number from0.77(Hiraoka et al.,2001)to0.97(Foˇr t,1986)were found for the6-bladed45◦PBTs,the differences being likely due to different experimental techniques used for obtaining these data as well as to small differences in turbine geomet-rical details.Therefore,the simulated values can be consid-ered of reasonable accuracy and,overall,the simulated liquid mean velocityfield was confirmed to be accurate enough. The N p value computed from the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate, ,was equal to1.06,i.e.,smaller by about 34%than that computed from torque on baffles and under-estimated with respect to the experimental one:this fact is consistent with what usually happens with the k– turbulent model because of inherent deficiency of this modelling ap-proach(Ng and Yianneskis,2000).At this stage,the experimental and computed transient dimensionless tracer concentration values can be compared.G.Montante et al./Chemical Engineering Science 60(2005)2427–2437243100.511.5050100150200t (s)c * (--)00.511.5050100150200t (s)c * (--)00.511.550100150200t (s)c * (--)2468050100150200t (s)c * (--)(a)(b)(c)(d)Fig.3.Experimental and simulated dimensionless tracer concentration vs.time.T =29cm vessel stirred with four 6-bladed PBTs.Liquid:water,N =5s −1.Symbols:experimental data;lines:Fluent results.(a)1st probe (z/H =0.06);(b)2nd probe (z/H =0.31);(c)3rd probe (z/H =0.56);(d)4th probe (z/H =0.81).The preliminary simulations refer to the single case N =5s −1and =1mPa s.In the simulations,the tracer was assumed to be injected at the vessel top into the previously calculated,fully developed flow field.At the injection instant,the tracer was distributed homogenously in the horizontal section close to the vessel top,covering the azimuthal extension of /4.The tracer concentration calculated at each time step was recorded in small volumes corresponding to the positions of the four experimental probes.The solution of Eq.(3)was obtained with Fluent 6.For the numerical solution of the passive scalar transport equation,a first order discretization scheme was adopted,a time step of 0.1s was chosen and for each time step a number of internal iterations ensuring very low (10−7)and constant values of mass residuals were performed.As for the turbulent Schmidt number,the default value of 0.70was taken.In all the cases,the concentration curves were normalised with respect to the concentration value corresponding to the fully homogeneous condition.The predicted concentration dynamic curves obtained at four different elevations along the vessel height are compared with the corresponding measured curves in Fig.3(a)–(d).As it is observed,overall,the calculated tracer profiles predict a (slightly)slower dynamics with respect to the experimental evidence.In particular,the response of the lowest probe,plotted in Fig.3(a),is not entirely satisfac-tory:a clearly slower tracer distribution is calculated with respect to the experiment.The corresponding calculated mixing time,t 95,was overestimated by 15%with respect tothe experimental value of 97s.The second probe from the vessel base gives a response (Fig.3(b))that is reproduced much more satisfactorily by the simulation;nevertheless,the predicted mixing time is higher than the experimen-tal one by 11.3%.The trend of the tracer concentration recorded at the third probe is similar for the measured and the simulated curves (Fig.3(c)),though the experimental curve is rather erratic.As in the case of transient solids dis-tribution (Nocentini et al.,2002),at heights corresponding to z/H =0.3–0.4the curves are more critical to evaluate and less reliable for parameter determination.Finally,the simulated tracer concentration curve corresponding to the probe closer to the vessel top (Fig.3(d))shows an overall slower distribution with respect to the experimental curve,though the scattering of the experimental data makes it quite difficult to evaluate the quality of the simulation results for the first 10s of tracer dispersion.In this case,the simulated mixing time is 39.7%higher than the experimental one.Overall,all these simulations provide a reasonable predic-tion of the qualitative time evolution of the tracer dispersion inside the vessel,but the mixing time is affected by an error ranging from 11%up to 40%,depending on the measuring position.It is also apparent that the whole homogenisation curve gives a more complete picture of the tracer dispersion process than the mere mixing time value.In order to investigate if different simulation choices would result in more accurate mixing time forecasts,the dependency of the predictions on a number of factors was2432G.Montante et al./Chemical Engineering Science 60(2005)2427–243701234204060t (s)c * (--)parison of dimensionless tracer concentration at the uppermost probe vs.time,for various time steps.T =29cm vessel stirred with four 6-bladed PBTs.Liquid:water,N =5s −1;fine line: t =0.01s;thick line: t =0.1s;dotted line t,the numerical settings,the value of the turbulent Schmidt number,the injection and probe po-sitions.It is worth noting that the position of the injection was found to affect the simulations (Bujalski et al.,2002a ),while the lack of knowledge of the precise probe location was mentioned as a possible error source in mixing time predictions (Patil et al.,2001).Grid independency of the results had already been verified for the liquid flow field predictions and,therefore,it was not considered at this step.The additional simulations performed for investigating the numerical issues have shown that the effect of the discretiza-tion scheme order is negligible:concentration profiles iden-tical to those obtained with a first-order scheme were ob-tained with a second order scheme.The adoption of a suit-able time step is,on the contrary,more important.In Fig.4the calculated curves corresponding to the highest probe are shown,as obtained with time steps of 0.01,0.1and 1s;only the first 60s are considered in order to magnify the differences among the curves.It can be seen that the time step selected originally (0.1s)was small enough:in fact,one order of magnitude smaller time step produces practically coincident profiles,while with t =1s the calculated con-centration curves are slightly different.This fact is not sur-prising,considering that a data acquisition rate of 4Hz was adopted for the experiments.(The results at lower heights are practically unaffected by the time step).It is also worth observing that the predicted value of t 95is nearly the same also when differences can be observed in the tracer concen-tration at the beginning of its dispersion inside the vessel.Therefore,the proper selection of the time step size seems to mainly affect the capability of catching the time evolution of the tracer dispersion rather than the global parameter.The influence of the tracer injection point was observed by changing its axial position with respect to the previous case,0.511.550100150200t (s)c * (--)σt =0.70σt =0.202468050100150200t (s)c * (--)σt =0.70σt =0.2(a)(b)parison of dimensionless tracer concentration vs.time obtained using different turbulent Schmidt numbers.T =29cm vessel stirred with four 6-bladed PBTs.Liquid:water,N =5s −1.Symbols:experimental data;thick line: t =0.70(same as in Fig.3);fine line t =0.20.(a)1st probe;(b)4th probe.i.e.,by moving it down by 1cm.No changes in concentration profiles have been observed at any of the four probes loca-tion.The same result was obtained once the tracer was added in a very small region close to the vessel top,correspond-ing to a single computational cell,rather than to a whole /4sector.The exact location of the probes was found not to be critical.In particular,several probe positions around the standard one were investigated:2cm above,2cm below,2cm closer to the vessel centreline and 1cm to the opposite direction (closer to the tank wall).In all the cases,only neg-ligible differences were observed in both the dimensionless concentration curves and the resulting mixing time (±0.7s around the “standard”position).The most critical parameter for tracer concentration pre-diction was found to be the value of the turbulent Schmidt number,which was varied from 0.7to 0.1.As can be ob-served in Fig.5(a)–(b),changing the t value from 0.7to 0.2G.Montante et al./Chemical Engineering Science 60(2005)2427–24372433-0.6-0.4- 1.02r/TU /V t i pFig.6.Same comparison as in Fig.2.Simulations performed with standard settings and simplified simulation tools provided by a commercial code.Symbols:experimental data (Ranade and Joshi,1989);lines:simulations,each line corresponding to the profile calculated for each impeller.produces clearly different profiles.Those characterised by t =0.2interpret the experimental curves in a much better way than those with t =0.7:for the lower probes the exper-imental and the simulated curves are practically coincident.The corresponding errors in the predicted t 95values are 7.8%and 11.7%for the lower and upper probe,respectively,that are much lower than those mentioned above—predicted by using the standard value for the turbulent Schmidt number.It is worth noting at this point that homogenisation curves and mixing times have also been determined for several ro-tational speeds with one of the standard tools provided by some commercially available codes specifically developed for stirred vessels,through which this kind of simulations are claimed to be performed without the need of particu-lar expertise.Standard settings were used.As expected,grid size,which is one of the main items to select,has a severe influence on the predictions accuracy.However,in all the cases studied,the value of mixing time was severely over-estimated,by about 40%with a finer grid of about 400,000cells and by about 110%with a coarse grid of 73,000cells.These data are to be compared with an error in the order of 10%for all the conditions as obtained with the procedure outlined above.Scrutiny of the results shows that the main reason of such discrepancy between experimental and sim-ulated data may be found in severe inaccuracy in the flow field forecast when using automatically generated computa-tional grids and standardised solution procedures.This fact can be appreciated in Fig.6,where the same comparison as reported in Fig.2is shown for the radial profiles calculated with the finer of the two grids mentioned above:apparently,the agreement is much worse than that discussed previously and,in our opinion,this result is mainly due to the worse grid quality and,perhaps,to a poorer convergence criterion.4.2.T48simulationsThe mixing simulations relevant to the bigger vessel were performed considering two geometrically different sets of PBTs,various liquids characterised by Newtonian and non-Newtonian rheological behaviour,several impeller rotational speeds,both in the early and fully turbulent regimes.At-tention was devoted to the construction of the computa-tional grid.As in the case of other vessel,the reliability of the computed liquid flow field was evaluated in terms of power,N p ,and flow numbers,N Q ,that are reported along with the experimental data in Table 1.In all the cases,the power number computed from the torque on the baf-fles was practically equal to 1.5for both the 6-bladed and the 4-bladed PBTs (range of variation:1.47–1.50).Once again,the N p value computed from the turbulent dissipa-tion rate, ,was underestimated,as usually happens when the k – turbulence model is used:by about 50%for the 4-bladed PBTs and 25%for the 6-bladed PBTs.The sim-ulated flow number for each impeller,N Q ,was equal to about 0.85for the 4-bladed PBTs and 0.80for the 6-bladed PBTs.Both the computed dimensionless numbers are in good agreement with the experimental data.For calculat-ing the homogenisation curves,the same procedure as men-tioned above was adopted;the time step of 0.1s was cur-rently used (additional simulations with t =0.01s pro-duced results that were practically identical).In view of the results obtained with the T =29cm vessel,the dependency of the simulations on t was extensively tested in all these cases.Unless stated differently,the calculations were per-formed with the Fluent code.Only homogenisation curves obtained with the bottom probe were determined with this vessel.The vessel equipped with three 6-bladed PBTs is con-sidered first.Three different experimental conditions were considered:water stirred at 6s −1,a PVP solution of vis-cosity =23.7mPa s stirred at 7s −1,and a non-Newtonian liquid characterised by an average apparent viscosity of 14.5mPa s and stirred at 6s −1.As a picture of the tracer distribution with time,the contours of the tracer concen-tration for the last case at different agitation times in a vertical plane mid-way between two baffles is shown in Fig.7.As can be seen,the triple impeller configuration is characterised by gradual spreading and homogenisation of the tracer from the injection zone (top)to the other zones and in particular toward the vessel bottom.Limited radial gradients are noted especially on planes close to this position.The experimental and simulated tracer concentration curves obtained with t varying from 0.1to 0.7are shown for the three mentioned systems in Figs.8–10.The best agreement between experiments and simulations was ob-tained with the turbulent Schmidt number equal to 0.1.A very good agreement was found also for the aqueous so-lution of PVP and for that of Carbomer (Figs.9and 10),while for water a slightly worse match can be observed。