同校训英译过程 中采用的不同翻译方法和策略 ,如直译、变换 、整合等方法,并分析这些方法是如何帮助棱训传 达其在原语语
境 中的 功 能 的。
关键 词 :功 能加 忠诚 ;汉 语 校 训 ;英译
根据 中华 书局 出版的 《 辞海 》,校训解释 为 : “ 学校为
较全面较实用 的翻译 理论 。校训翻 译注重 功能 的体现 ,因此 运 用 以是 否 达 到 预 期 功 能 为 翻 译 评 价 标 准 的功 能 理 论 来 研 究
德 与价值领域 的追求 。 ( 晓雪 ) 钟 汉语校训大多来 自 儒家经 以及分析所得译文对 忠诚加功 能理论的翻译要求 的体现。 典文化 ,非常重视德育 。 “ 训育多 以指道德方 向之涵养 、熏 二 、功能加 忠诚理 论和校 训 的翻译 陶。” ( 转引 自杨元业 )校 训的最终 目的是引起注意并指导 克里斯带安・ 诺德 ( h i i eNod)是德 国功能学派代 C rs a r tn 实践。 表人物之一。她深受其老师莱斯 的文本类型学的影响 ,以及 最近几年对校训 的研究 不断增多 ,在 中国知 网跨库检索 弗米尔 的 目的论和赫尔兹一 曼塔 里的 翻译行 为理论的影响 , 上输入 “ 校训”二字 ,能搜到4 9 7 条相关信息 ,但对校训 翻译 认为不同的文本作用不 同,翻译时要根据翻译行为的 目的进 的研究却相对较少。根据研究 内容可将其归纳为三个方面 : 行翻译 ,及 “ 目的决定手段 。但 是在接受影响的同时 ,她还 是 对汉语 校训 本身 的研 究 。如 陈桂 生 ( 9 8) 1 9 根据 有 自己不同的见解。在 《 翻译 中的语篇 分析 》一书中 ,她提
汉 语 校 训 的 翻 译 是 最 好 的选 择 。 文 章 主 要 在 三 种 翻 译方 法 和
48功能对等视域下中文歌词的英译探讨——以《月半小夜曲》为例■王馨伟/青岛大学外国语学院摘 要:21世纪的中国,在对外开放的过程中更加注重同世界各地的文化交流。
关键词:功能对等 歌词翻译 《月半小夜曲》 翻译技巧一、前言随着中西方文化交流的日益加深,中国许多的优秀歌曲漂洋过海,进入了异域人们的视野(胡红,2013)。
20 10 年第 2 期N o, 2, 2 010九江学院学报(哲学社会科学版)J o u r n a l of J i u jian g U n i v e rs i ty ( Ph il o s o ph y an d S o c i a l S c i en c e)(总第 1 57 期)( Sum N 0 157 )从功能等值翻译的角度看歌词翻译张婷娜1, 2 王燕1, 2( 1华中师范大学湖北武汉4300792九江学院外国语学院江西九江332005)摘要: 歌词作为诗歌的一种特殊形式, 由于需考虑到音乐性歌词译配的影响, 其翻译质量很值得探讨。
本文借助现有的功能等值翻译理论, 通过阐述中英文歌词特征的不同, 讨论了歌词翻译中需要注意的几个重要方面, 比如韵律、节奏等, 以此使歌词其美学价值得到更充分的体现。
关键词: 歌词翻译功能等值韵律节奏中图分类号: J 614 91 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 16 73 -458 0( 2 010 ) 02 -01 02 -( 03 )功能翻译理论强调, 翻译是一种特殊的交际形式, 涉及三种文本: 原语文本、译者的图式文本和译语文本。
原语文本最重要的是正确理解原语的修辞功能, 而正确把握原文的认知图式又是正确理解原文修辞功能的基础。
在这个图式文本的基础上, 产生怎样的译语文本, 除了修辞功能等值之外, 还应该考虑翻译的目的和读者对象。
一、歌词翻译依据音乐学家钱仁康教授意见, 我国翻译外国歌曲开始于清朝末年。
从当时到20 世纪40年代时, 所引进的外国作品几乎很少按照原文歌词作译配介绍, 大都采用两种方式: 一是采用外国的曲调填以中国的古典诗词, 另一是采用外国的曲调自行填词。
由于中英文语言发音及思维方式不同的特点, 因此造成了中英文歌词的不同。
如山东大学的校训“气有浩然,学无止境”的英译为“Noble in Spirit.Boundless in knowledge”。
它的英译版本为“Patriotism. Advancement.Democracy and Science”。
音译法常用于专用名词的翻译 , 如果原曲名是 以人名 、地名命名的 , 通常可以采用音译法 , 音译 时的选字应以约定俗成的名字为宜 。如 : 经典奥斯 卡影片《北非谍影》的插曲 Casablanca (卡萨布兰 卡) ; 电影《音乐之声》中的经典儿童歌曲 Do - Re - Mi (多 - 来 - 咪) Mona Lisa (蒙娜丽莎) ; Oh ! Carol ( 哦 , 卡 罗 ) ; LochLomond ( 罗 梦 湖 ) ; Clementine (克莱门泰茵) 等 。音译法的最大优点 是可保留原歌曲名的音韵之美 , 体现歌曲的异国情 调或特色 , 易于为人接受 , 也能很好地避免误解 。
④《古木怪石图》又称《木石图》, 本无款印 , 据卷后 刘良佐 , 米芾题诗定为苏轼手笔 。
⑤《东坡居士画怪石赋》出自孔武仲《宗伯集》卷一 。 孔武仲 (1041 —1097) , 宋代诗人 。
⑥李公麟 (1049 —1106) , 北宋著名画家 , 被推为 “宋 画第一”。他作画善用线描 , 运笔如行云流水 , 多不设色 , 人称 “白描”。
2 、意对等 直译是一种重要的翻译方法 , 它能传达原文意 义 , 体现原文风格等 。据估算 , 大约 70 %的句子 要用直译方法来处理 , 所以直译广为译者采用 , 由 此可见直译法之重要 。尤金 ·奈达在其 Language , Cult ureand Translation 一 书 中 提 到 运 用 “功 能 对 等”原则时 , 首先建议 : “If more or less literal cor2 respondence is f unctionally equivalent in bot hdesigna2 tive and associative meaning , t hen obviously no ad2 just ment s in formare necessary. ” (贾文波 , 2004) 由于中西方文化中存在许多对等信息和概念 , 因此 在不违背目的语言规范和不引起目的语受众误解的 情况下 , 采取直译法能很好地忠实于原曲名形式与 内容 。如 : You Are t he Sunshine of My Life (你是 我生命中的阳光) I Will Always Love You (我会永 远爱你) ; Hero (英雄) ; Miss You (想你) ; Moon River (月亮河) ; he Sound of Silence ( 寂寞之声)
二、功能翻译理论概述功能翻译理论,源于20世纪70年代的德国,是由汉斯·弗米尔(Hans Vermeer)和凯瑟琳娜·莱斯(Katharina Reiss)等学者提出并逐渐发展起来的。
【关键词】英文歌曲;同质性;功能主义【abstract】some world famous songs are sung from generation to generation, from country to countru. the success is attributable to the song translation. some poets and writers thought that the song is untranslatable. however,the similarity of language and the imagination of art show that the song is translatable. then, how to translate?functionalist field throw out the old way of translation,explore a new road for translation skill.【key words】english song;similarity;functionalist field0 引言当《友谊地久天长》、《莫斯科郊外的晚上》、《哆来咪》、《送别》等耳熟能详的外国歌曲在耳边响起时,可曾想过,如果这些经典名曲没有经过译者的处理,直接是英文或者俄文的原版,它们在中国的流传还会一经风靡便经久不衰吗?翻译外国诗歌要用恰当的诗歌语言,把诗中“难写之景”和“不尽之意”表达出来,已经很不容易;何况一首好诗离不开声韵之美,总是有“随语成韵,随韵成趣”的特点,译诗要保持原诗的声韵之美,就更不容易了。
2.校训2.1 校训的定义最早对校训的定义出自于《辞典》(1920),为“学校为训育之便利,选若干德目制成匾额,悬之校中公见之地,使人随时注意而实践之”。
《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》(1997)将其定义为"a short sentence or a phrase chosen and used as a guide or rule of behaviour,or as an expression of the aims of ideas towards a family, a country, an institute,etc." 总之,校训,是一所大学文化精神的高度提炼、概括与凝结,是其独特的办学理念和治校精神的集中表述,是广大师生共同遵守的基本行为准则与道德规范,也是校园文化建设的重要内容。
第31卷第4期2017年8月山西大同大学学报(社会科学版)Journal of Shanxi D ato n g U n iversity(Social Science)V ol.31 肌4A ug2017文章编号:1674-0882(2017)04-0081-04功能主义视域下英文民歌翻译探析芦文辉(晋中学院外国语学院,山西晋中030600)摘要:歌曲作为文化中不可或缺的一个元素,是由音乐、歌词结合而成,在艺术交流中扮演着尤为重要的角 色。
关键词:功能主义;英文民歌;翻译;实践中图分类号:H315.9 文献标识码:A随着全球各国相互间交流的日益频繁,音乐作 为文化中不可缺少的一部分,在国际交流中发挥着 越来越重要的作用。
音乐是无国界的,歌曲可作为 推动文化交流的重要载体。
歌曲作为一项特殊的文 化交流活动,并非单纯的语言转换。
译语中的歌词 应符合目的语文化、审美习惯,也就是英文歌曲翻 译成汉语应当完全为中国人所理解。
翻译的目的不 尽相同,达成目的方式也有多种,进而指导翻译的 理论也不同。
因此,如何将英文民歌翻 译成脍炙人口的汉语歌词是一个很大的挑战。
自20 世纪八十年代以来,歌词翻译长期未得到翻译人员 的有效重视,对于歌词翻译的标准而言,翻译是难 以达成共识的。
[1]鉴于英文民歌在现代社会中的所 能发挥的重要作用,对英文民歌翻译开展研究有着 十分重要的现实意义。
本次研究通过通过功能主义 视域对英文民歌展开翻译,包括翻译原则和翻译方 法的指导,促进英文民歌翻译有序开展。
_、英文民歌概述(一)英文民歌英文民歌与群众生活具有十分 密切的联系,其一方面涉及了人们日常生活的多种 层面,诸如生活、劳动、爱情等,另一方面充分反映了 社会的发展以及人们的成长,包括追求和平、崇尚友 好、传承教育等。
的l e a r n i n g含义 极为广 泛 ,不仅 包括 在学 校的 教育 ,高 难度 科 学实
为 ,翻 译 一般 是 作 为一 项 任 务 来 完 成 的 ,翻译 过 程 的发 起 者 决 验 ,同时还 包括 自我 修养 、 自我 提 升。马歇 曼 的 L e a r n i n g 和里雅 各
功 能翻译理论指导下 《 大学》 英译版本探析
李 月君 徐 树 娟
( 华北理工大学 河北 唐 山 0 6 3 0 0 0 )
作 者 简介 :李月 君 ( 1 9 9 0一) ,女 ,汉族 山西 阳泉平定 人 ,硕士 在读 ,毕业 于华北 理工 大学 。
摘 要 :在 功 能 翻 译 理论 的 指 导 下 ,本 文对 《 大 学》 的 四个 英 译 版 本进 行 比较 , 即对 里 雅 各 、 马 礼逊 、马 歇 曼 和 林 语 堂 的译 本 进 行 比 较 ,探 讨 这 四个 译 本 在 词 汇 翻 译 ,句 子 结构 对 比等 方 面 的异 同。研 究表 明 由于 四位 译 者 的 翻译 目标 不 尽 相 同 ,译 文 受 众 不 尽 相 同 ,所 以他 们 选 择 了不 同 的翻 译 策 略 。 文 章认 为里 雅 各 和 马 歇 曼 的译 文采 用 文 献 型 翻 译 策 略 , 而林 语 堂和 马 礼 逊 的 译 文 采 用 的是
《 大学 》 是 儒 家 经 典 《 四 书 》 之 首 ,原 为 《 礼 记 》 第 四 十
理雅 各原 名詹 姆斯莱 格 ,英 国苏 格兰 汉 学家 ,他 从 1 8 4 1 年开
二 篇 。宋 朝 程 颢 、程 颐 兄 弟 把 它 从 《 礼 记 》 中 抽 出 ,独 立 成 始 着手 翻译 中 国经 典 。1 8 1 6到 1 8 7 2年 ,相 继 出版 了五卷 《 中国经 篇 ,编 次 章 句 。 朱 熹将 《 大学 》 、《 中 庸 》、 《 论 语 》、 《 孟子 》 书》 。他是 第一个 系统 研 究并 翻译 中 国古代 经 典 的人 。马礼 逊 是外
Nida, E & Jin Di,On Translation[M], Beijing:Chinese Translation and Publishing House, 1984
朱晓蕊同学按毕业论文写作要求进行了大量的资料收集和阅读,经过认真思考后选定了The Application of Functional Equivalence to English Songs’ Lyrics Translating作为论文题目。经与指导老师的多次交流后进行了认真的修改,并完成了论文开题报告。报告中对论文主题的理论、实际意义,国内外有关本课题的研究动态,课题的主要内容研究方法,写作进程,主要措施等进行了详细的阐述。作者结合自身学习经验和所积累的专业知识,在阅读了尤金.耐达《翻译的科学探索》和众多功能对等研究论文、期刊及大量基于该理论下的翻译作品,确立了以英文歌曲歌词翻译为研究对象,并将这一研究对象与功能对等这一翻译理论结合在一起来分析研究。主要以案例分析、对比分析为研究方法,从普通中国听众的视角对英文歌曲译文进行分析,重点解读尤金.耐达的翻译理论在歌词翻译过程中的应用,具有一定的学术价值。研究设计得当,采用的方法具有一定的可行性。本文主题虽无特别的创新性观点,但能以一个大学生的视角去分析,使本文研究具有了一定的参考价值。本人同意该同学开题。
2.3.1 Culture context
2.3.2 Scene context
2.4 Stylistic Equivalence ----- mastery of both SL and TL
3.Additionalequivalence ----audience response equivalence
学号:NORTH CHINA UNIVERCITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY毕业论文G RADUATE T HESIS论文题目:基于功能对等的英文歌曲汉译研究学生姓名:专业班级:11英语2班学院:外国语学院指导教师:2015年05月30日Chinese Translation of English Songs Based on the Functional Equivalence TheoryByA graduate thesissubmitted in partial fulfillment of the requirementsfor the degree of Bachelor of Arts to theCollege of Foreign LanguagesHebei United UniversityMay 30th, 2015摘要随着经济全球化的发展,中西文化交流日益频繁,而歌曲在文化交流中发挥着重要的作用。
关键词功能对等;英文歌曲;汉译ABSTRACTWith the diversified development of world economy, cultural exchange between China and western countries are becoming more and more frequent. As an essential part of culture, songs play a important role in cultural communication. However, for those people who do not know clearly about English and western culture, i t’s difficult to understand the true meaning and cultural information conveyed by English songs. Thus, songs translation has become an essential research subject.This thesis tries to make a further study on Chinese translation of English songs based on Nida’s Functional Equivalence Theory. Nida points out that because of different languages and cultures, it’s impossible to reach an extremely equivalence between the source texts and target texts. It can only reach a functional equivalence. In translation, functional equivalence refers to the receptors' response toward the target language should be substantially the same as that of the receptors toward the source language.The thesis sets off its exposition mainly from the following aspects. First, it makes a literature review on researches from home and abroad concerning song translation. Second, it points out some main features of English songs and introduces the Functional Equivalence theory. What’s more, the thesis applies Functional Equivalence Theory into Chinese translation of English songs with specific examples. The thesis clarifies that during the process of translating English songs into Chinese, it’s necessary to realize the functional equivalence on rhythms, forms and meanings.Key Words functional equivalence; English songs; Chinese translation摘要 (3)ABSTRACT (4)Chapter 1 Introduction (1)1.1 Background of the Research (1)1.2 Purpose of the Research (1)1.3 Significance of the Research (1)1.4 The Research Methodology (2)1.5 The Structure of the Thesis (2)Chapter 2 Literature Review (2)2.1 Researches Abroad (2)2.2 Researches in China (2)2.3 The Current Research (4)Chapter 3 English Songs and Functional Equivalence Theory (4)3.1 The Definition of Song (4)3.2 Features of English Songs (5)3.2.1 Simple and Refined Language (5)3.2.2 Clear and Regular Sentence Patterns with Regular Rhythms and Rhymes (5)3.2.3 Polysyllabic, with One Syllable Fitting One Musical Note (5)3.2.4 Simple Structure and Short Length (6)3.2.5 Abundant Figures of Speech (6)3.3 Functional Equivalence Theory (6)Chapter 4 Chinese Translation of English Songs in the Light of Functional Equivalence Theory (8)4.1 The Realization of Functional Equivalence in Rhythm (8)4.1.1 The Adjustment of Feet (8)4.1.2 The Adjustment of Rhyme Scheme (9)4.2 The Realization of Functional Equivalence in Form (10)4.2.1 The Transformation of Rhymes (10)4.2.2 The Adjustment of Words Structures (12) The Transformation of Part of Speech of Words (12) The Repetition of Words (12) The Addition of Words (13) The Application of Reduplicated Words (13)4.2.3The Adjustment of Sentence Structures (13) The Shift of Sentence Orders (14) The Change of Active and Passive Structures (14)4.3 The Realization of Functional Equivalence in Meaning (15)4.3.1 Transliteration (15)4.3.2 Literal Translation (15)4.3.3 Free Translation (16)4.3.4 Creation (16)Chapter 5 Conclusion (17)BIBLIOGRAPHY (19)ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (20)Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Background of the ResearchAs an artistic form, song broadly exists in our daily life. With it, our life becomes relaxed and enjoyable. In China, song’s development experienced a quite long period of time. The first volume of song started from China’s first collection of poems--Shijing, which is regarded as the headstream of Chinese romantic literature. There is no doubt that Chinese songs have a very long history. People often say that there is no bound for music. As an important means of cultural communication, song translation becomes necessary and inevitable.1.2 Purpose of the ResearchChinese scholars have paid much less attention to the theoretical study of the song translation than to the song translation activity itself. Therefore, it is necessary to make a study on Chinese translation of English songs from a new perspective.This thesis tries to conduct a study on the Chinese translation of English songs from a theoretical perspective. Nida’s Functional Equivalence Theory will be used in this thesis. At the same time, some of the excellent translated English songs are cites in this thesis. By doing so, the author hopes to explore some underlying principles of Chinese translation of English songs and to prove the applicability of Nida’s Functional Equivalence Theory to English-Chinese song translation.1.3 Significance of the ResearchThere is no doubt that song translation is a difficult research subject because it combines translatology with musicology. However, we can’t give it up only because that it is difficult. On the contrary, since it is a very important part of the cultural communication between Chinese and western countries, a scientific and systematic study on it will surely be helpful for people to better appreciate English songs, to feel the true beauty of English songs, and to consummate a more systematic theoretical frame for the Chinese translation of English songs.1.4 The Research MethodologyThe main purpose of this research is to testify the applicability of Nida's Functional Equivalence Theory to Chinese translation of English songs. So, the validity of this theory will be explored in detail with examples. An analyzing and descriptive method will be used in this thesis. Meanwhile, some wide-spread English songs will be cited and analyzed one by one. By doing this, some underlying truths about Chinese translation of English songs may be found, which may show whether Nida's Functional Equivalence Theory can guide Chinese translation of English songs.1.5 The Structure of the ThesisThis thesis contains five chapters. Chapter one is introduction. It mainly states background of the research, purpose of this research, significance of the research, the research methodology and the structure of the thesis. Chapter two is literature review. It covers related studies of song translation from home and abroad conducted by far. Chapter three mainly includes the definition of song, the main features of English songs, Functional Equivalence Theory, and principles for producing functional equivalence and adjustments. Chapter four is the most important part. In this part the author attempts to explore how to realize functional equivalence and what role does the Functional Equivalence Theory play during the process of translating English songs into Chinese. Chapter five draws a conclusion.Chapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Researches AbroadThe western scholars are much more superior to our Chinese scholars in this area. In western countries, song translation has already been studied by such scholars as Fox-Strangways, Sigmund Spaeth, Lewis, Dent and Peyser. However, in this field, most of the work tended to focus on translating other languages into English.Western scholars haven’t done many efforts on translating English into Chinese until now.2.2 Researches in ChinaThe activity of songs translation in China has some important stages in differentperiods.Songs translation in China began in the last decade of the Qing Dynasty. At that time, the translators in China preferred recreating the lyrics into the traditional poetic verses to the original music than translating the original lyrics into Chinese.During 1920s, a great number of Russia songs began to be popular in China. Then, Russian songs began to be deeply rooted in Chinese people's hearts and influenced Chinese generation after generation. However, large numbers of songs are still recreated works.During the Anti-Japanese War, Russian songs were increasingly introduced into China in order to provide more inspiration to oppressed Chinese people. What’s more, some Chinese musicians also translated some other foreign countries’songs, including American songs, European songs and Japanese songs. As one of the most famous musicians at that time, Qian Renkang introduced a lot of European and American classical songs to China, Schubert's Erev Shel Shoshanim and Der Lindenbaum included. However, Russian songs were still most popular.The 1950s was a prosperous period in the history of Chinese translation of English songs. In 1952, The Song, edited by China Musician Association was published. Since then, a variety of foreign songs were introduced into China, including folk songs, art-songs, as well as rock songs. Besides, the translators began to pay more attention to translating foreign songs. During this period, most of the works can be called translations, and the lyrics translators began to attach more importance to the techniques of integrating lyrics into music. Meanwhile, a great number of excellent translators, such as Xue Fan and Deng Yingyi, were engaged in English song’s translation into Chinese, and created a lot of excellent artistic works of song translation. The Exploration and Practice of Song Translation wrote by Xue Fan can be regarded as relatively complete. In this book, he mainly discussed the inner problems of the song translation from the perspective of its characteristics. He also made a comprehensive research on the technical problems of the song translation, such as how to use rhymes, tone, and so on.From 1978, with the policy of opening-up, the types of translated English songs were diversified. Almost all types of English songs have been more or less translated. In 1982, Selected American Folk Songs, which was published by Foreign Language and Research Press, contained 28 songs. Singing , published in 1983,contained 122 songs. And English Golden Songs, published in 1992,contained 55 songs. However,most of the songs in those books were just translated out the main ideas loosely.Furthermore, 100 English New Songs and Like Rock and Roll,published in 1994 by Xi’An Jiao Tong University Press,had no Chinese translation,or just had occasional translations of some parts.The quantity and quality of Chinese translation of English songs are still not enough.2.3 The Current ResearchFrom what has been discussed above, there is no doubt that scholars have made some explorations on song translation. In spite of all their achievements, there are still a lot of related issues still left untouched or just touched a little. The researches which have been conducted in this field are still far away from mature, and need more inquiry. Research on Chinese translation of English songs is badly in need of new perspective and new theory-based view.This thesis is intended to make a further study about Chinese translation of English songs based on the Functional Equivalence Theory. The author will give some practical suggestions, and hopes that this thesis may help people know more about English songs and their translation and inspire some other scholars for further study in this field.Chapter 3 English Songs and Functional EquivalenceTheory3.1 The Definition of SongSong is defined as "a short musical composition made up of mutually dependent words and music which together produce a unique aesthetic response" in Webster's Third New International Dictionary (1976: 2172).There are a variety of classifications of songs. In terms of function, songs can be classified as Country songs, Rock and Roll, Sports songs, Film songs, Christmas songs, and so on. In terms of times, songs can be classified as classical songs, pop songs, and so on.However, no matter what category a song belongs to, it cannot separate itself from the two close elements--lyrics and music, which must synchronize perfectly asthe song goes on. As Chinese songwriter Fu Lin(付林2003: 4) put it: "Lyrics should be singable, it is closely attached to the music.”When outstanding lyrics are combined with excellent melody, it will be far superior to pure music or single words. Lyrics can show the content of the music more specifically and directly, while music will match the lyrics with more lively artistic expression.3.2 Features of English SongsEnglish songs have some obvious features. This thesis will introduce some typical ones in the following part.3.2.1 Simple and Refined LanguageFrom this point of view, English songs have the same characteristics as songs of other languages. As we all know, a song must express its spirit or theme within only a few minutes. Meanwhile, a song is designed to be performed for audiences. Therefore, the lyric it uses should be understandable as well as suitable for singing. Using obscure words will surely make singers and audiences feel strange and tired. It obviously does nothing good for the spread of a song.3.2.2 Clear and Regular Sentence Patterns with Regular Rhythms and RhymesJust like poetry, clear and regular sentences are often used in English songs, such as parallel sentences, antithetical sentences, and so on.Rhymes refer to a regular correspondence of sounds, especially at the ends of lines. The function of rhymes is to integrate the sporadic sounds into a whole tune. The rhythm in a song is closely connected to the lines, syllables, antithesis, rhymes, and cannot be separated from the pitch, intensity of sound and modulation in tone.3.2.3 Polysyllabic, with One Syllable Fitting One Musical NoteAs we all know, Chinese characters are monosyllabic. In Chinese songs, one single Chinese character usually fits one musical note, while in English songs, as English words usually contains more than one syllable, it is almost impossible to make one word fit one musical note一if so, the song cannot be sung. According tothe author's observation, English songwriters often make one syllable fit one note. That is another reason why sentence patterns of English songs are succinct and short.3.2.4 Simple Structure and Short LengthLimited by time and space, a common song usually consists of only several sentences, and each sentence is relatively short. The structure is very simple and repeated sentences are often used.3.2.5 Abundant Figures of SpeechFigure of speech is an expression that uses language in a non-literal way, such as a metaphor or synecdoche, or in a structured or unusual way, such as anaphora or chiasmus, or that employs sounds, such as alliteration or assonance, to achieve a rhetorical effect. Using figures of speech can make songs more lively and vivid, therefore can enhance the artistic effect. According to the author's data-collecting, various figures of speech are used in English songs, including: simile, metaphor, alliteration, repetition, pun, metonymy, personification, hyperbole, and rhetorical question, of which simile, metaphor, repetition and personification are most widely used.3.3 Functional Equivalence TheoryIn the field of translation, Nida’s functional equivalence theory is quite influential. The predecessor of “functional equivalence” is a “dynamic equivalence”, which was put forward by Eugene A. Nida in Toward a Science of Translatin g in 1964. He states in the book that “In such a translation one is not so concerned with matching the receptor language message with the source-language, but with the dynamic relationship, that the relationship between receptor and message should be substantially the same as that which existed between the original receptors and the message” (Nida, 2004:159) He emphasizes on the reconstruction of information not only the adjustment of language struct ure, and the “equivalence” should be standing on the point of meaning and spirit of the original language not only the complete correspondence to the language or language structure. Meanwhile, considering the receptors’ status, Nida points out that the qua lity of the translated text should be judged by the receptor-language readers for which the translation serves for them.Actually, Nida’s “dynamic equivalence” is from the starting point of the readers of the target language, so the translators are influenced by the differences of the language and culture between two countries inevitably, and as a result, it is difficult to obtain the complete equivalence as Nida says.In the 1980’s, Nida further modified the previous theory. He changes the term “dynamic equivalence” into “functional equivalence” in From One Language to Another in 1986. He further explains that “equivalence cannot be understood in its mathematical meaning of identity, but only in terms of proximity, i,e. on the basis of degrees of closeness to functional identity” (Nida, 1993:117) Though the terms are different, “dynamic equivalence” and “functional equivalence” are the same in essence, which both “aim at complete naturalness of expression, and try to relate the receptors to modes of behavior relevant within the context of his own culture; it does not insist that he understand the cultural patterns of the source-language context in order to comprehend the message.” (Nida, 2004:159)Because of historical and cultural differences, Nida divides the equivalence into two levels, the maximal and minimal equivalence. He defines the maximal and ideal functional equivalence as “The readers of translated text should be able to understand and appreciate it in essentially the same manner as the original readers did” (Nida, 1993:118) For the minimal and realistic functional equivalence, he defines as “The readers of a translated text should be able to comprehend it to the point that they can conceive of how the original readers of the text must have understood and appreciate it.”(Nida, 1993:118) The closer to maximal functional equivalence is, the better the translation is.Recently, many scholars still wonder how to realize the goal of equivalence? In the book of The Theory and Practice of Translation, Eugene A. Nida and Charles R. Taber state “Translating consists in responding in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, firstly in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.” (Nida and Taber, 1969:13) Eugen e A. Nida and Charles R. Taber point out that the essence of translation is “being equivalent”, and they place emphasis first on the “meaning” aspect, second “being closest” and “being natural” to realize the goal of translation “to be equivalent”.To sum up, Functional Equivalence is one of Nida's most important contributions to translation theory. It emphasizes "the priority of contents, translation means communication, the closest natural equivalence and readers' response" etc. It isapplicable to guide Chinese translation of English songs. There are several reasons: Firstly, the differences of language structures, the different rhythms and rhyme schemes between English songs and Chinese songs make it impossible to make a word-for-word translation between English and Chinese. Secondly, song is similar to poetry, the purpose of song is the communication of feeling, the translator must reproduce the similar feeling to the original. Thirdly, the artistic peculiarity of song translation determines that it is work of art creation. The transference of the meaning and that of aesthetic effect is very important, which satisfy the criteria of Functional Equivalence--priority of meaning and reader's response.Chapter 4 Chinese Translation of English Songs in the Light of Functional Equivalence TheoryThis chapter will make a study on Chinese translation of English songs. As has been mentioned in the previous chapter, the purpose of song translation is to reproduce, in the target song, the closest effect of understanding, singing and appreciation of the original song. Because of the characteristics of English songs, the author of the thesis thinks that the process of songs translation is mainly about the process of realizing functional equivalence of rhythm, forms and meanings. The following of the thesis mainly discusses about the transformations of various elements concerning rhythm, form and meaning with examples, so as to see how the functional equivalence of rhythm, form and meaning can be realized.4.1 The Realization of Functional Equivalence in RhythmGuo Moruo ever said, "Rhythm is the life of a poem. There is no poem which has no rhythms". Since songs are similar to poetry, and rhythm is one of important elements to embody the beauty of sound, we can say the song which has no rhythm cannot be called a song: The following parts will discuss the transformation of rhythm, which usually includes the adjustment of feet and rhyme scheme in song translation.4.1.1 The Adjustment of FeetIt is clear that English words consist of vowels and consonants; an English word has two or more than two syllables; it must have stressed and unstressed syllables."one stressed syllable and several unstressed syllables band together to build up a unit of rhythm"(薛范2002: 78),which is called a foot. In Chinese, foot is called dun, which often refers to natural character-group based on meanings. The duns of the translated version should accord with the original pauses, otherwise the semantic group or harmony will be blemished. For example,Love's like a butterfly, (5 syllables, 3 feet)爱情/像/小蝴蝶,(3 duns)as soft and gentle as a sight. (7 syllables, 3 feet)它/飞来飞去/多敏捷(3 duns)The multicolored mood of love, (6 syllables, 3 feet)它/千姿百态/色彩鲜,(3 duns)I like its sallow wings. (5 syllables, 3 feet)我/爱它/双翅叶。
1. 大学校歌起源与文化内涵的分析。
2. 功能主义翻译理论的介绍与分析,结合大学校歌翻译特点进行探讨。
3. 通过案例分析,探讨大学校歌翻译对传达大学文化信息的影响。
根据研究内容可将其归纳为三个方面: 一是对汉语校训本身的研究。
一步, 通过各种训诂语文技术, 超越时空限制, 接近原作者。 来形容女主人公玛丽亚的, 因为玛丽亚生性活泼好动, 耐不 融和。当理解者的视野与被理解者的内容能够融和在一起, 说成是 “ 9$+*1” ( 小丑) , 这个词在欧美国家尤其在孩子们心
对文本加以理解不可或缺的。正是这种包含主体性创造的 “ 9$+*1” 译成 “ 小丑” 而译成 “ 活宝” , 在中国的文化背景中, 理解, 在理解活动中使作品产生了意义。这种理解决不是理 “ 活宝” 一词传递的不正是与 “ 9$+*1” 相近的信息吗? 解与对象的绝对吻合, 它是人存在的个体性活动, 理解体现 了人的能动性、 创造性, 它使理解者在对作品的体验感悟中 揭示出作品的真正意义。 功能主义翻译实践认为, 翻译必须把文本视为交际活 动, 而不是一串定型的文字与结构。翻译应该研究语言的使 用, 而不是把语言作为一个抽象的系统。交际是人类语言最 重要的功能, 翻译不仅仅是形式风格因素的转换, 更应该强
[ A] 0 上海: 上海外语教育出版 的” , 这和中国人的色彩感是相近的, 说 “ 嫉妒的心是绿色 [ " ]王克菲0 翻译文化史论 示 “ 蓝色” , 又含有 “ 忧郁、 沮丧” 的意思。但在中国人的观念 [ = ]薛范0 歌曲翻译探索与实践 [ A] 0 武汉: 湖北教育出版 色” , 中国人就无法理解 “ 失去了你” 为什么世界就成了蓝色 [ ? ]李程0 歌词的英汉翻译 [ D] 0 中国翻译, BCC" (B) 0 呢?如果译作 “ 忧郁、 沮丧” , 这样中国听众才能认同。因此 [ ! ]龚放0 论语言研究的功能主义思潮 [ D] 0 外语学刊, BCCC 在翻译时一定要考虑到不同受众的要求, 而采之以不同的译 法。这样由翻译引出的交际活动才是一次成功的交际行为。 我国著名歌曲译配家薛范先生在歌曲译配中成果颇丰。 【 责任编辑G 马重阳】 (") 0
【摘要】该文从尤金·A·奈达(Eugene A.Nida)的功能对等理论角度,以美国著名女歌手泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)的音乐作品为例,对汉译英文歌曲中所使用的翻译策略进行研究,从而使目的语观众能够跨越语言和文化的障碍,和源语观众同样理解并欣赏英文歌曲所传递的情感。
1.从功能对等理论角度分析英文歌曲汉译——以泰勒·斯威夫特作品为例 [J], 蒋哲东
2.从功能对等理论角度分析英文歌曲歌词的翻译 [J], 师福荣
3.从关联理论角度分析韩国漫画汉译中的注释——以韩国漫画《未生》汉译本为例[J], 洪微微
4.许渊冲“三化论”在英文歌词翻译中的应用——以泰勒·斯威夫特的作品为例 [J], 韩欣桃
5.许渊冲“三化论”在英文歌词翻译中的应用——以泰勒·斯威夫特的作品为例 [J], 韩欣桃
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