Citi Group presentation
[面试] 攒人品,citi summer intern伦敦电面和ac面经长期受益于应届生,今天好好回报大家,希望对之后的tx有帮助,顺便帮自己祈福,,,,阿门顺便说一句,lz投的是corporate banking summer intern。
废话不多说,面经如下1. 第一轮,电面2个不同组的associate打的电话,每个大概面了30m。
没有问简历问题,也没有technical 问题,大部分都是闲聊,稍微常规一点的应该是why citi? why ib? why this position? 也有问举例说明leadership,creative,initiative之类的,总之这类问题大家一定要好好想想,举个列子,他们估计是想到什么就问什么,每个人的问题都不一样。
2. 重点,第二轮,ac中午12点开始,晚上6点结束,累啊。
我们这场居然没有group discussion,据说每年他们都用不同的招数考察,今年换了个玩法。
以下所有的都是individual work。
先30m,读当天的financial times,选3篇文章分析,然后Q&A。
slides 是在透明纸上手写,我本以为很清楚,结果投影一看,乱到我自己都无法辨认,哎,早知道还是应该中规中矩的写要点,而不是画圈圈(还自以为很creative),而且report也应该是写得最烂的那一个,因为写的慢,只有直接把草稿交上去,不像旁边英国tx还认认真真誊写了半天。
会前准备要缜密——访迈斯林集团市场总监Kathy Zhang女士
会前准备要缜密——访迈斯林集团市场总监Kathy Zhang女士何苇【期刊名称】《中国会展》【年(卷),期】2009(000)006【摘要】【案例】:近日,由西澳大利亚州驻华商务代表处主办、迈斯林集团协办的西澳大利亚州投资移民推介会在北京某酒店完美谢幕。
应邀出席会议的嘉宾有西澳州议会上院议长Hon Nick Griffiths先生及夫人一行5人,西澳大利亚州政府驻华商务代表处首席代表BJ Zhuang先生,西澳大利亚州政府驻华商务代表处高级商务经理Judy Zhu女士。
中国驻悉尼总领事馆商务参赞、前中国商务部外事司司长朱小川先生及澳大利亚贸易委员会北方区投资总监Grace Ji女士也应邀出席。
【总页数】2页(P34-35)【作者】何苇【作者单位】【正文语种】中文【中图分类】F719【相关文献】's DHA来自纯天然的安全“脑黄金”——访荷兰皇家帝斯曼集团营养科学事务宣传部科学家Sheila Gautier女士 [J], 王丹蕾2.乘风破浪,勇往直前--访佳斯迈威(上海)非织造布有限公司总经理刘榕女士 [J],3.根植沃土志比鸿鹄──访首信集团总裁杨廉斯女士 [J], 乔楠4.做汽车制造业的长期伙伴——访奈尔斯-西蒙斯-赫根赛特集团公司资深技术顾问Helfried Schumann先生及中国首席代表周荐女士 [J], 龚淑娟5.惠普:全力助力中国产品质量电子监管——对话惠普公司打印及成像系统集团副总裁惠普公司特殊打印系统部总经理Kathy Tobin女士 [J], 卢军因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
Brief introduction
Citigroup suffered huge losses during the global financial crisis of 2008 and was rescued in November 2008 in a massive bailout. On February 27, 2009, Citigroup announced that the United States government would be taking a 36% equity stake in the company by converting $25 billion in emergency aid into common shares.
/wiki/Citigroup /citi/homepage/
All kinds of brands
All kinds of scandals
All kinds of scandals
• Dropped coverage of 117 companies
• 30% market value lost in 2002
• Legal reserve • Fed halts M&A activity
Citi in China
Citi has a rich history in China dating back to 1902 when it became the first American bank to establish operations. Today, Citi is one of the leading international banks operating in China, offering a broad range of products and services covering corporate and investment banking, consumer banking, and private banking.
商务英语学生讲义专业 ________________ 学号 ________________ 姓名 ________________Unit 1 Company Profiles inquire about talk about company profiles (history, line of business, products, etc) give a company presentationPart I1. DiscussionDo the companies quiz. Discuss your answers with a partner and find out your answers.Which company?1). began in 1865 as a forestry and power business.A) Ericsson B) Nokia C) Motorola2). produces the most successful toy in history.A) Disney B) Fisher-Price C) Mattel3). has its head office in San Francisco.A) Levi-Strauss B) Nike C) Calvin Klein4). buys more sugar than any other company in the world.A) Nestle B) Coca-Cola C) Suchard5). employs more people than any other company.A) Wal-Mart B) Siemens C) General Motors6). has the largest factory in the world.A) Boeing B) Ford C) Sony7). was started by Ray A. Kroc in 1955.A) Burger King B) KFC C) McDonald’sPart II Words and Expressions外资企业_______________________________合资企业_______________________________合作企业_______________________________龙头企业_______________________________国有企业_______________________________私营企业_______________________________荣誉企业_______________________________优质企业_______________________________一级企业_______________________________跨国公司_______________________________母公司_______________________________子公司_______________________________总公司_______________________________分公司_______________________________代表处_______________________________上市公司_______________________________私人股份有限公司_______________________________拳头产品_______________________________环保型产品_______________________________专业生产经营specialize in, engage in, handle a range of business including…占地面积_______________________________年产量_______________________________具有自营进出口权being entitled to self-import and self-export rights奉行坚持..原则;以..宗旨,在…方针指导下abide by the principles of …, adhere to the aims of…, based on the motto of the company 产品销往_______________________________获得奖项_______________________________通过ISO9000质量认证___________________________________________________________________________Part III Listening inTask 1: Appreciation of Video (BMW-CEO) and answer the following 2 questions.1) Who is the interviewee?2) BMW posted a 13.6% decline in pre-tax profit(税前利润). What’s the reason?Task 2Some new words from the listening material.franchise subsidiarymerger acquisitionprominent territory logo2. Listen to the company introduction and fill in the missing information.Pizza Hut, Inc.1) The first Pizza Hut restaurant was opened by two young_____________________, brothers Frank and Dan Carney, in Wichita, Kansas , USA in _____ __with US$ ______ .2) The first Pizza Hut franchise store opened in _______.3) Pizza Hut became a _____________ of PepsiCo, Inc. in _____, through mergers and acquisitions, as well as organic growth, Pizza Hut has secured a ________________ ________in the market.4) Franchisees and _____________ partnerships account for more than ____ of the Pizza Hut system's total units.5) The red roof as the _______________has become world famous as an easily recognizedguarantee of crispy pizza, delicious pasta and friendly service in a pleasant atmosphere.6) Number of restaurants: ________in the United States and more than________ in over 90 countries and territories.7) Number of employees :______________worldwide8) The recognized leader in the US$ ____________pizza category worldwide.9) Pizza Hut provides _____________ pizzas to more than ____________ customers each day.Task 3Listen to the dialogue and fill in the form below according to the information you hear.♦Parent company:Mainstay Trading Co. in __________.♦ Product: _________________________.♦ Exporting destinations: _____________ the_________, Japan and_____________.♦ Number of factories: _________________________________________________.♦ Number of employees: ____________________.♦ Head office: ______________________________.♦ Main branches: in Montreal, __________________________________.♦ Electronics subsidiary: in_________________________.Part IV Speaking outTask one: Role Play according to the given information with your partner.1. A: Could you tell us something about your company?B: 本公司创建于1978年,现在已经成为我国主要的厨房用具出口商之一。
花旗集团目前是全球公认的最成功的金融服务集团之 一,不仅是因其在全球金融服务业盈利与成长速度最高 的企业中连续占据领先地位,更由于它是世界上全球化 程度最高的金融服务连锁公司。花旗集团为100多个国家2 亿多位顾客服务,每位客户到任何一个花旗集团的营业 点都可得到储蓄、信贷、证券、保险、信托、基金、财 务咨询、资产管理等全能式的金融服务,平均每位客户 的产品数在全球同行企业中排名第一,因此花旗集团的 客户关系服务网络是花旗不可估量的一种资源,桑 迪〃维尔就曾骄傲地说过:“这个网络是我们唯一拥有 的真正有竞争力的优势,不管你到世界任何一个地方, 你都可能找到一家花旗银行的机构可以为你服务。”
美洲银行(Bank of America)
摩根大通(J.P. Morgan Chase 汇丰银行(HSBC) 德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)
1998年4月6日,花旗公司与旅行者集团宣布合并,合并组成的新公 司称为“花旗集团”,其商标为旅行者集团的红雨伞和花旗集团的蓝色 字标。 旅行者集团前身旅行者人身及事故保险公司(The Travelers Life and Accident Insurance Company)成立于1864年,一直以经营保险业为主, 在收购了美邦经纪公司(Smith Barney)后,其经营范围扩大到证券经纪、 投资金融服务领域。1997年底又以90亿美元的价格兼并了美国著名的投 资银行所罗门兄弟公司,成立了所罗门〃美邦投资公司,该公司已居美 国投资银行的第二位。 花旗公司与旅行者集团合并组成的花旗集团,成为美国第一家集商 业银行、投资银行、保险、共同基金、证券交易等诸多金融服务业务于 一身的金融集团。合并后的花旗集团总资产达7000亿美元,净收入为500 亿美元,在100个国家有1亿客户,拥有6000万张信用卡的消费客户。从 而成为世界上规模最大的全能金融集团之一。
BNS_CITICPE_Presentation_June _CN_v2
2,300 1,500 2,300 17,200 69,100
*截至2011财年底的收 息资产和计息负债。
**含哥伦比亚Banco Colpatria
为扩大规模和增加多元化,丰业银行采取积极投资当地金融机构策略,重点是亚洲和拉丁 美洲地区。
以战略投资为目标,长期持有、优势互补、共同发展。 2002年以来在20多个国家累计完成40多个战略投资项目,投资额超过100亿美元。其中一
• A资ss产et:s:$4$3403亿BN美元 • L负ia债bil:iti$e3s1: 0$亿31美B元N • 2011 净NIA利T:润$:7$570.M50M亿
加勒加比勒海比&海中&美洲* • 资产:中$2美70洲亿*美元
• A负ss债et:s:$2$3207亿BN美元 • L2i0a1b1ili净tie利s: 润$2:3$B3N.75亿 • 2美0元11 NIAT: $375MM
• 100多个监管机构 • 2002年以来40多个海外
收购,总额超过100亿 美元
海外业务部** 关联机构:
Banco del Caribe Maduro & Curiel’s 西安银行 泰国Thanachart 银行 总计
112 35
114 753 3,352
• 资产: $220亿美元 • 负债: $50亿美元 • 2011 净利润: $3.75亿
Market Capitalization of Top 50 Global Banks (US$ BN - January 1, 2007)
合生创展:品牌整合推广方案(ppt 93页)
目前北京房地产市场正在经历一个“洗牌”的过程,在这个 过程中建立品牌可以规避风险,迅速制胜。
巩固、发挥既有的品牌优势,促进2004年销售目标的完成; 提升品牌力,完成合生品牌的北京“本地化”。
品牌核心价值的诠释符合合生的总体品牌形象; 品牌的内涵和外延均可以继承过往推广的既有成果,并可以 在未来得到延展和丰富; 品牌推广中的策略和计划均要考虑到今后延续,使每年的投 入都为品牌加分。
丰元信传播准备呈送 2004年元月
This proposal is legally privileged and contains confidential information intended only for Foreseen and Hesheng. All other recipients are prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing, or taking any action in reliance of the contents. It is important to note that this proposal is proprietary to Foreseen. Should Hesheng decide not to use the service of Foreseen and as such must be treated in confidence.
强大的实力 优秀的产品和服务 比较高的品牌知名度 企业发展历史上的成功和辉煌
净利润为XXX 万元,同比增长XX%。
- 1 -。
展示小组讨论结果的英语发言稿 英语
展示小组讨论结果的英语发言稿英语Good morning everyone,I am pleased to present to you the results of our group discussions that we have been working on over the past few weeks. Our group was tasked with discussing the topic of climate change and its impact on the environment. We have had some insightful discussions and I am excited to share our findings with you all.Firstly, we discussed the causes of climate change and unanimously agreed that human activities, such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation, are the main contributors to the phenomenon. We also discussed the consequences of climate change, such as rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and sea level rise. It is clear that these consequences are already having a significant impact on the environment and will only worsen if we do not take action.Secondly, we discussed potential solutions to mitigate the effects of climate change. We agreed that transitioning to renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, is essential in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. We also discussed the importance of conservation efforts, such asreforestation and wildlife preservation, in protecting our environment. Additionally, we emphasized the need for individual action, such as reducing energy consumption and supporting sustainable practices.Lastly, we discussed the role of governments and organizations in addressing climate change. We believe that strong policies and regulations are crucial in promoting sustainable development and reducing carbon emissions. We also discussed the importance of international cooperation in tackling climate change, as it is a global issue that requires a collective effort.In conclusion, our group discussions have highlighted the urgent need to address climate change and its impact on the environment. It is clear that we all have a role to play in mitigating the effects of climate change and creating a sustainable future for generations to come. I urge you all to take action in your own lives and support efforts to combat climate change at every level.Thank you for your attention and I hope that our discussions have inspired you to take action on this important issue. Let's work together to protect our planet for future generations. Thank you.。
模拟国际学术会议自我介绍发言英文English:Hello everyone, I am honored to have the opportunity to introduce myself at this prestigious international academic conference. My name is [Your Name], and I am a researcher in the field of [Your Field of Study] at [Your Institution]. My research primarily focuses on [Brief Description of Research Focus], and I am currently working on [Current Research Project]. I have participated in various research projects and published several papers in renowned journals. I am thrilled to be able to share my findings and insights with all of you today, and I am looking forward to engaging in fruitful discussions and collaborations with fellow researchers from around the world. Thank you.Chinese:大家好,我很荣幸有机会在这个著名的国际学术会议上进行自我介绍。
我叫[Your Name],是[Your Institution] [Your Field of Study] 领域的一名研究人员。
Citi Presentation
• • • • KPMG audit report Basis of Preparation Nature of Activities Country-by-Country report
Citibank Europe PLC (CEP) Audit Report
INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT TO THE DIRECTORS OF CITIBANK EUROPE PLC We have audited the accompanying Country-by-Country (“CBC”) financial information of Citibank Europe plc (“the Company”) as at year ended 31 December 2015 pursuant to the European Union (Capital Requirements) Regulations, 2014 (“the Regulation”) which is required to be audited by Article 77 of those Regulations. The CBC financial information set out on pages 3 to 6 (collectively “the CBC financial information”), is prepared on a consolidated basis. The financial reporting framework that has been applied in the preparation of the CBC financial information is Irish law and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union. 1 Our opinion on the CBC financial information is unmodified In our opinion the CBC financial information as at 31 December 2015: • is prepared in all material respects in accordance with the basis of preparation set out on page 3 to 4; and • discloses the items of CBC financial information required to be published, having applied the relevant principles of IFRS as adopted by the EU, by Article 77 of the European Union (Capital Requirements) Regulations, 2014. 2 Our opinion on the CBC financial information is accompanied by an emphasis of matter – basis of preparation In forming our opinion on the CBC financial information, which is unmodified, we have considered the adequacy of the disclosure made in the basis of preparation concerning the definitions applied by the Company to the items of CBC financial information required to be published. Article 77 of the European Union (Capital Requirements) Regulations, 2014 does not set out definitions of the items of CBC financial information to be disclosed. The Company has applied definitions to the items of CBC financial information which, other than as set out in the basis of preparation, are consistent with the definitions of those items in accordance with IFRS as adopted by the EU and of those items in the Company’s annual statutory financial statements. Basis of our report, responsibilities and restrictions on use The directors are responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the CBC financial information in accordance with the requirements of the European Union (Capital Requirements) Regulations, 2014 relevant to preparing such CBC financial information, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of the CBC financial information that is free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Our responsibility is to audit and express an opinion on the CBC financial information in accordance with Irish law and International Standards on Auditing. Those standards require us to comply with the independence and other ethical requirements of the Code of Ethics for Members issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial information is free from material misstatement. An audit undertaken in accordance with ISAs involves obtaining evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the CBC financial information. The procedures selected depend on our judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statement, whether caused by fraud or error. In making those assessments, we consider internal controls relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the CBC financial information in order to design procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates, if any, made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the CBC financial information.
Introduction:The International Technology Show 2023, held from [Date] to [Date] at [Venue], was a resounding success, bringing together leading companies, innovators, and industry experts from across the globe. This comprehensive report summarizes the key highlights, insights, and outcomes of the exhibition.Key Highlights:1. Diverse参展商Portfolio: The event showcased an impressive array of products and services from over 500 companies, spanning various sectors such as artificial intelligence, robotics, renewable energy, and biotechnology. This diversity provided attendees with a unique opportunity to explore cutting-edge technologies and solutions.2. Interactive Workshops and Seminars: The exhibition featured a range of interactive workshops and seminars, led by industry leaders and innovators. These sessions covered a wide range of topics, including the future of technology, emerging trends, and practical applications of new innovations.3. Networking Opportunities: The International Technology Show provided an ideal platform for networking and collaboration. Attendees had the chance to connect with like-minded professionals, explore potential business partnerships, and discuss the latest industry developments.4. Innovation Showcase: The Innovation Showcase highlighted some of the most groundbreaking products and technologies on display. This included a prototype electric vehicle powered by solar energy, an AI-driven diagnostic tool for healthcare, and a smart home system that optimizes energy consumption.Key Insights:1. Emerging Trends: The exhibition revealed several key trends in the technology industry, including the increasing importance of sustainability, the rise of AI and machine learning, and the growing integration of IoT in everyday life.2. Collaboration and Partnerships: Many companies highlighted the importance of collaboration and partnerships in driving innovation. The exhibition showcased several successful collaborations between industry giants and emerging startups.3. Investment Opportunities: The event attracted a significant number of investors and venture capitalists, who were keen to identify promising startups and emerging technologies. This indicates a positive outlookfor the technology sector in the coming years.Outcomes:1. Increased Industry Awareness: The exhibition successfully raised awareness about the latest technological advancements and theirpotential impact on various sectors. This is crucial for fostering innovation and driving industry growth.2. Business Development: Many companies reported significant business leads and potential partnerships as a result of attending the exhibition. This underscores the value of attending such events for networking and business development.3. Future Outlook: The overall sentiment at the exhibition was optimistic. Attendees expressed confidence in the technology sector's potential to drive economic growth and improve lives.Conclusion:The International Technology Show 2023 was a landmark event that successfully showcased the latest technological innovations and fostered collaboration among industry leaders. The event provided valuableinsights into emerging trends and future opportunities, and its success will undoubtedly contribute to the growth and development of the technology industry. As we look forward to future events, it is clearthat the International Technology Show is poised to remain a keyplatform for innovation and progress.。
1.关于group8 [J],
2.合作伙伴访谈——本期“华印合作伙伴访谈”我们有幸邀请到的访谈嘉宾是艾威特有限公司 [J], 白为民
3.论访谈节目中言据性的主观性及其与语境的关系——以电视访谈节目“杨澜访谈录”和“爱情保卫战”为例 [J], 王玲
4.明星访谈类节目的转型r——由面对面访谈到"美食+访谈" [J], 何萨楚日
5.论访谈节目中言据性的主观性及其与语境的关系——以电视访谈节目“杨澜访谈录”和“爱情保卫战”为例 [J], 王玲
英文国际研讨会范文English:The international conference was a great opportunity for scholars, researchers, and professionals from different countries to come together and share their insights, findings, and experiences in their respective fields of study. The diverse range of topics covered in the conference sessions, workshops, and keynote speeches provided a platform for stimulating discussions and exchange of ideas. The networking opportunities allowed participants to establish collaborations and form new partnerships for future research projects. The presentations and discussions were not only informative but also inspired critical thinking and innovative approaches to addressing complex global challenges. Overall, the conference was a valuable platform for promoting international cooperation and fostering a culture of knowledge sharing and collaboration among experts in various disciplines.中文翻译:国际研讨会为来自不同国家的学者、研究人员和专业人士提供了一个共同分享各自研究领域的见解、发现和经验的绝佳机会。
新加坡营销协会主席兼新加坡营销学院院长Roger Wang先生、中国贸促会商业行业分会会长曾亚非先生以及中国顾问委员会成员出席了此次活动。
1.就读AIT是上乘之选——新加坡星光国际集团成立十周年暨新加坡澳洲理工学院新教学楼开业庆典活动侧记 [J], 俊江
2.北京印刷学院、台湾、新加坡、马来西亚函授站成立 [J], 张皓
3.中国医学科学院北京协和医院“陈敏章消化内镜中心成立暨首家全国卫生部内镜诊疗技术(消化科)培训基地”通过现场验收庆祝大会2007年3月30日中国内镜医师分会会长张阳德教授致贺词 [J],
4.中国医学科学院北京协和医院“陈敏章消化内镜中心成立暨首家全国卫生部内镜诊疗技术(消化科)培训基地"通过现场验收庆祝大会2007年3月30日中国内镜医师分会会长张阳德教授致贺词 [J],
5.中国医学科学院北京协和医院“陈敏章消化内镜中心成立暨首家全国卫生部内镜诊疗技术(消化科)培训基地”通过现场验收庆祝大会中国内镜医师分会会长张阳德教授致贺词 [J],
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Regional Electricity Investment Conference
Joseph Rodriguez Corporate Finance Sub Saharan Africa Division 20th September 2005
Citigroup's African Coverage
ECA Covered Debt
Local currency available Plenty of appetite available Up to 100% cover maybe available Long tenors may be difficult Financing likely to be on tied basis p p p q
Off-Balance Sheet Treatment
u u u u
· The risks analysis depends on project specific details · The risks that remain unallocated or unmitigated determine the risk of default
Swaziland South Africa Lesotho
1. Overview Project Finance
What is Project Finance
WHAT IS PROJECT FINANCE? Project finance raises funds for independent projects and allows for limited recourse to project sponsors.
Benefits of Project Finance
Project Finance Offers the Following Benefits:
Limited Recourse to Sponsors
u u u
Debt raised on the merits of the project Lender recourse is only to the project, its cash flows and contracts Increased ability to finance large capital projects Depending on project structure and GAAP used, the project debt is frequently not consolidated by the sponsors Equity analysts often exclude project debt from gearing calculations of sponsor parent companies Optimise Risk Allocation Allocate risks to the most logical parties
Islamic Funding
Mezzanine Debt Equity
Government Contributions
Upfront Government Contributions
Ongoing Government Contributions
Internal Cashflows
Other Revenues
Concession EPC Contract Supply Contract O&M Contract Sales / Offtake Agreements Insurance
Single Purpose Project Company
Finance / Package
Insurers Purchaser / Offtaker
Construction Operation
Bond Debt (Wrapped / Unwrapped) Private Placements Commercial / Islamic Bank Debt
Senior Funding
Multi Laterals
Junior Funding
u u u u u u u u u
Limited recourse financing Project typically ring-fenced in a special purpose vehicle (“SPV”) Debt is secured by the project company’s cash flows Lenders cannot pursue the sponsors for payment Sponsors may need to provide some form of credit support Repayment based on project cash flows Credit quality driven by the robustness of the project cash flows to sensitivities Project risks allocated to parties best able to manage or mitigate them The risks assigned to the project company may vary with specific industries, country and other factors
2. Major Sources of Finance
Major Sources of Finance
Sources of funds may comprise both existing revenues and external funds from senior and junior sources
Typical Sources of Senior Debt Finance
Commercial BaБайду номын сангаасk Debt
p p p q q Strong track record Flexible on drawdowns and prepayment Usually no rating required Amounts >$1bn more difficult Smaller market for long tenors u p p p q q
Private Placement
Buy and hold investors Flexible terms / long tenors Rating requirement can be avoided May be index-linked Suitable for up to c. $100m Small investor universe p p p q q
Ivory Ghana Coast
Nigeria Central African Republic
Equatorial Guinea
Gabon Congo
Kenya Rwanda Burundi
Democratic Republic of Congo Tanzania
Seychelles Angola
Zambia Zimbabwe Namibia Botswana
Presence Countries (Branches) Non-Presence Countries covered by South Africa Representative Office supported by South Africa South Africa (Headquarters of Citigroup Sub-Africa)
Structure may mitigate sovereign risks and ECAs and Multi Laterals may provide further protection
Benefits of Project Finance
Strong Market Appetite u Suitable source of finance for new builds (“Greenfield”) or expansion (“Brownfield”) projects u Significant appetite for project finance debt from banks, bond investors and Export Credit Agencies u Project finance is now relatively well-understood by the commercial bank market u Project bonds are also possible u Export Credit Agencies are improving their understanding, resulting in quicker and smoother ECA financings Allows significant debt levels u High leverage available u Long tenors available compared to corporate debt u Can help pierce sovereign rating in ‘dollarised’ economies · Project cash flows largely dollar denominated · Project cash flows sufficiently ring-fenced and often controlled in offshore accounts · The project may then have stronger credit than the sovereign Improve Financials? u Higher leverage and longer tenors lead to higher equity returns for the sponsors – but higher financial risk