通过进入国际市场,企业一方面能够在国际舞台上寻找创新资源和学习机会,进而提升企业创新能力和竞争力;另一方面,企业还能够在国际市场上利用已有的技术和营销优势,进而扩大市场份额(Luo & Tung,2007)。
然而,中国企业缺乏国际化所需的技术知识、营销知识和国际化运营经验,企业在国际化过程中不可避免地会遭受各种障碍,如外来者障碍(liability of foreignness)、新到者障碍(liability of newness)(Zaheer,1995),而企业外部网络作为一种重要的知识获取渠道,为中国企业克服国际化障碍提供了契机(Oviatt & McDougall,1994;Tseng et al.,2007;Yu,Gilbert & Oviatt,2011)。
传递“珍惜爱,分享爱”使命的地球天使(5张)2008年5月15日,舒淇现身北京出席某品牌旗舰店开幕活动, 捐出自己的活动酬劳给汶川灾区。舒淇还表示由其投资的主题餐厅也将营业收入捐献灾区。
2010年3月25日,舒淇向西南旱灾捐款10万元 。
2011年6月5日,由舒淇创意并倡导的“地球天使”在台北诞生;10月29日,舒淇发起的“地球天使”公益活 动正式启动 。
家庭 舒淇和冯德伦(2张)舒淇的爸爸从事普通的文职工作,妈妈主要是操持家务,家里还有个弟弟 。 感情 1997年,舒淇与冯德伦因拍摄电影《美少年之恋》而相识,并传出绯闻 。 2009年,两人在冯德伦的寓所约会,冯德伦还为舒淇做饭。此后两人不时被人拍到一起出游及约会 。 2014年3月,舒淇上传了一张冯德伦与爱猫对望吃饭的照片,随后,舒淇的经纪人默认了两人的恋情 。 2016年9月3日,舒淇和冯德伦通过寰亚宣传总监的**发布结婚消息 。
舒淇长得很好看,无论穿长裙还是西装,骨子里总透着一股懒洋洋 。(《时代人物》评)她领悟力强,善 于学习,是娱乐圈女星转型的典范 。(新华网评)她现场的反应非常快,而且很自然 。(导演侯孝贤评)在 《风尘三侠之红拂女》中,舒淇饰演的红拂女美艳不可方物,她前半部冷静、善良、独立、有思想、有主见,后 半部单纯、可爱、天真表现得也很到位,前后判若两人,可以说舒淇将红拂女身上的风尘气息演绎的内敛深邃, 仿佛她只是一个遗落在人间的仙女般 。(1905电影网评)
杰森 斯坦森简介
杰森 斯坦森 --------
制作人:p13市场营销四班 王亚茹
中文名:杰森·斯坦森 外文名:Jason Statham 别 名:贾森·斯塔森 国 籍:美国 星 座:狮子座 身 高:180cm 出生地:英国 出生日期:1967年7月26 日 职 业:演员,运动员 代表作品 《两杆大烟枪》、《敢死 队》
蜂 鸟
机械师 敢死队
英国国家队跳水运动员、服 装模特、喜剧演员、动作巨 星~~所有这些看似八竿子打 不着的标签,都属于同一个 人,他就是堪称影坛“最成 功业余演员”的杰森·斯坦森。 他被誉为“最强动作演员”, 并且,你有没有发现,他一 直在“对抗着全世界“ 他拍摄过数不完的精彩电影: 玩命追踪、怒火攻心、死亡 飞车、暂告安全、敢死队、 铁血精英、波茨坦广场、非 常人贩……那么他为什被称 为“21世纪最强动作演员” 呢,大概有以下几个理由。杰森·斯坦森 主要作品
▪ 巴西任务 ▪ 帕克 ▪ 十三 ( 2007) ▪ 乱战 ( 2007) ▪ 游侠 ( 2007) ▪ 怒火攻心 ( 2006) ▪ 爆脾气 ( 2006) ▪ 轮转手枪 ( 2005) ▪ 非常人贩2 ( 2005) ▪ 转轮手枪 (2005) ▪ 借刀杀人 ( 2004) ▪ 意大利行动 2003) ▪ 偷天换日 ( 2003) ▪ 非常人贩 ( 2002) ▪ 救世主 ( 2001) ▪ 劣等阵容 ( 2001) 监狱风波 ( 2001) 火星幽灵 ( 2001) ▪ 偷拐抢骗 ( 2000) ▪ 两杆大烟枪 1998) ▪ 暂告安全 ( 2012) ▪ 玩命追踪 ( 2012) ▪ 波茨坦广场 ( 2012)▪ 敢死队2 ( 2012) ▪ 铁血精英 ( 2011) ▪ 机械师 ( 2010) ▪ 敢死队 ( 2010) ▪ 怒火攻心2 ( 2009) ▪ 死亡飞车 ( 2008)▪ 银行抢劫案 (2008) ▪ 非常人贩3 ( 2008) ▪ 地牢围攻 (2007)
regularization paths for generalized linear models via coordinate descent
Stanford University
Trevor Hastie
Stanford University
Rob Tibshirani
Stanford University
Abstract We develop fast algorithms for estimation of generalized linear models with convex penalties. The models include linear regression, two-class logistic regression, and multinomial regression problems while the penalties include 1 (the lasso), 2 (ridge regression) and mixtures of the two (the elastic net). The algorithms use cyclical coordinate descent, computed along a regularization path. The methods can handle large problems and can also deal efficiently with sparse features. In comparative timings we find that the new algorithms are considerably faster than competing methods.
Journal of Statistical Software
January 2010, Volume 33, Issue 1. /
导演: 热拉尔·克瓦兹克
编剧: 吕克·贝松
主演: 让·雷诺/ 广末凉子/ 米歇尔·穆勒/ 卡洛尔·布盖/ Yoshi Oida
类型: 剧情/ 喜剧/ 动作/ 惊悚/ 犯罪
制片国家/地区: 法国/ 日本
语言: 法语/ 日语
上映日期: 2001-10-31(法国)
片长: 94 分钟
又名: 极速追杀令/ 青芥刑警/ 绿芥刑警/ Wasabi
评分: 豆瓣 6.9 / IMDB 6.5
警察埃布尔(让·雷诺Jean Reno饰)一贯以英勇无畏、雷厉风行的形象呈于人前,他对待犯人的手段几近残忍,从不手软。
© 豆瓣。
Behavioral Therapy
AHCPR guideline Bladder training: strongly recommended for urge and mixed incontinence and also recommended for stress UI Pelvic floor rehabilitation: strongly recommended for stress UI The first line of treatment [Fantl J 1996]
[Herzog AR 1990]
UI in the Frail Elderly
Frail: decline in physical activity [Bortx WM 2002] Frail elderly: >65, UI, can not go out without assistance, dementia, admitted to a long-term care facility [Fonda D 1998]
[Wyman JF 2000]
Nonpharmacologic Management of UI in Adults
Lifestyle or risk factors modification Scheduled voiding regimens Pelvic floor muscle rehabilitation Devices Supportive intervention
External Occlusive Device
A small single-use device that covers the urethral meatus for women A penile clamp for men Need good manual dexterity Complication: periurethral irritation or penile erosion
假如发现做假帐,即要求公司进行更正,假如企业不履行的话,甚至能够使企业退市、本剧讲述的是年轻的会计师们,在庞大的报表以及沉重的责任夹缝中,烦恼而奋斗着的故事、日本会计师事务所的代表社员小野寺直人(丰原功补饰演),公认会计师山中茜(松下奈绪饰演),公认会计师若杉健司(塚本高史饰演)等人,在对surprise mart公司进行期末审计时发现,之前审计时发现的问题该公司并没有进行有效地改善和解决,账目中存在400多亿的假账,使得该公司不但股价一落千丈,被迫退市,社长也跳楼自杀了。
小野寺通过财政监察署的人了解到,原来是surprise mart的主要交易方东都银行捣鬼,借会计师事务所之手,搞垮了自己好友的公司,同时通过拍卖该公司的优质资产来抵消银行的不良债务,而相关证据也差不多都被销毁了。
谢诚刚 星光映佳集团创始人 董事长兼首席执行官 映佳国际
谢诚刚星光映佳集团创始人董事长兼首席执行官映佳国际传播公司创始人董事长国际频道网络董事长兼首席执行官谢诚刚先生是美国星光映佳集团Starz Encore的创始人董事长兼首席执行官位于科罗拉多的星光映佳集团成立于1991年是美国自由媒体集团(Liberty Media Corporation)的子公司拥有包括映佳星光和MOVIE plex.在内的15个付费电影频道谢先生是美国电视行业中的先锋人物他曾在几家国际领先的公司出任高级管理职位并负责节目市场技术和业内有关事物谢先生经常以他的经验为客户和行业媒体提供咨询他曾多次在国际和美国国内卫星与有线行业会议上发表主题演讲谢先生还是映佳国际传播公司的创始人董事长同时他还是国际频道网络的董事长兼首席执行官在星光映佳通过十年的努力他把它从一个网络领域的小型实体通过竞争建设成为美国领先的有线和卫星付费电视频道的供应商他是这一领域多重付费战略的设计师他提出了主题的多路传输即通过风格各异的电影频道为客户提供可靠的目标节目最近谢先生提倡以视频点播的方式订阅节目订户视频点播(SVOD)是付费电视模式的又一革命性的进步在三年中视频点播从一个概念变成一个为业界广泛接受的事实在创办星光映佳之前谢先生是美国电讯公司(TCI)高级副总裁美国电讯公司是美国领先的有线电视运营商谢先生负责战略规划新业务开发节目及公共政策在TCI期间谢先生的工作领域扩大到高清晰度电视(HDTV)光纤电缆电话公司的有线技术有线电视以及直播卫星系统(DBS)等领域他是有线电视工业中的直播系统公司—PrimeStar Partners的创始人及董事长80年代末在美国国会和众议院举行听证会时谢先生长时间呼吁美国的下一个电视系统应该是数字电视而不是模拟电视数字电视将在10年内实现在他呼吁后不久政府和业界的决策者们修改了有关方针并通过了美国数字电视标准历史证明谢先生是正确的今天很多观察家把他推举为美国数字电视之父在1984年加入TCI之前谢先生曾任美国演出时间频道Showtime电影频道The MovieChannel的市场与销售高级副总裁在1977年加入演出时间频道前谢先生任职于General Instrument下的Jerrold电子公司在那期间即70年代中期谢先生在双向互动电视领域做了先驱性的工作并于1972年始任终端产品及服务部总经理后任有线电视部的副总裁及总经理60年代他在微电子公司MicrostateRaytheon航天航空公司的子公司任职达十年之久是该公司的创始人之一及总裁谢诚刚于1958年作为RCA国防电子部门的高级技术专员开始了他的实业生涯1960年谢先生获得RCA DAVID SARNOFF年度研究奖全美有线通讯协会(NCTA)于1982年颁发谢诚刚先生Vauguard Associates奖1986年他获得全美有线电视管理及市场协会(CTAM)颁发的Grand Tam奖该协会是有线电视行业市场方面的专业组织并于2001年再次授予他董事长奖来表彰他在有线电视行业中的出色管理在2001年鉴于他在有线电视领域推动了多元化谢先生被全美少数民族通讯协会(NAMIC)授予Stanley B.Thomas终身成就奖还是在2001年AURA基金会和aMedia公司因他为美国亚裔所做的贡献授予他美国亚裔领导者奖丹佛工业日报授予他本年度Bill Daniels工业领导者奖谢先生是科罗拉多州州长比尔欧文科学技术委员会成员同时是全美有线电视中心和丹佛博物馆的董事会成员谢先生还在多个行业委员会担任职务包括美国联邦通讯委员会下属的有线电视技术委员会和电机及电子工程师标准委员会另外他还是全美有线电视节目学院的董事谢先生还是有线广告局(CAB)国会频道(C-SPAN)探索频道QVC, Prime Time Tonight, EIDAK, PrimeStar Partners和Faroudja研究公司等公司的董事谢先生还是百人会成员该协会系一个非政治组织其宗旨是促进中美两国间的建设性关系谢诚刚先生于1936年出生在中国1949年随家人迁入台湾并于1949年移民美国他1957年毕业于纽约曼哈顿学院获得电子工程学士学位他1958年毕业于布鲁克林工业学院攻读电子物理获得硕士学位因为他的中国血统和经历谢先生一直致力于帮助中国发展基础设施来增强中国在国际市场的竞争力为此谢先生创建了映佳国际传播公司由其女儿谢其美管理1994年谢先生买下了美国国际频道国际频道在美国播出来自全球的多语种的节目包括把中国的节目介绍到美国。
跨文化(中國人)個性測量表CPAI-2引用格式﹕張妙清、梁覺、宋維真、張建新 (2001). 跨文化(中國人)個性測量表CPAI-2.(可向香港特別行政區,香港中文大學心理學系,張妙清教授申請使用) Citation Format: C heung, F. M., Leung, K., Song, W. Z., Zhang, J. X. (2001). The Cross-Cultural (Chinese) Personality Assessment Inventory-2 (CPAI-2). (Available from F. M.Cheung, Department of Psychology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong,Hong Kong SAR.)CPAI始創於九零年代,由香港中文大學張妙清教授、梁覺教授、中國科學院心理研究所宋維真教授、張建新博士、及張建平博士共同發展。
CPAI 及CPAI-1的版權歸作者所有。
為建立CPAI 的研究基礎,作者鼓勵使用整套或部份CPAI量表作實驗性研究。
有關建立CPAI的背景,請參考張妙清等(Cheung, et al., 1996)在Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology刊登的文章,另張妙清等(Cheung, et al., 1998; 2001)的文章亦有描述CPAI文化相關的層面。
有關英文版的CPAI 及其標準化分數的發展,可分別參閱張妙清等及容耀輝等的文章 (Cheung, Cheung, et al.’s, 2003; Yung et al., 2000)。
远端动脉代偿性扩张以维持血供 长期极度扩张造成远端动脉自主调节功能耗竭
Canovas, et al. Angioplasty, Various Techniques and Challenges in Treatment of Congenital and Acquired Vascular Stenoses[book].2012,10-40. Moulakakis KG,et al. J Vasc Surg[J]. 2009,49:1060–1068 Ivens S, et al. J Neurol[J]. 2010,257:615–620。
目前认为,术后脑血流速度较术前升高超过100%,则提示脑过度灌 注综合征。CT灌注成像(CTP)也有助于脑过度灌注综合征的诊断, Tseng等对比观察55例颈动脉支架成形术患者术前和术后CTP图像, 发现平均通过时间(MTT)与脑过度灌注综合征的发生明显相关。 平均通过时间的延长程度与颅内血管狭窄程度和脑血流量降低程度 呈正相关,脑血流量降低、平均通过时间延长和脑血容量(CBV) 轻度增加提示颅内血管扩张,脑血流自动调节机制受损,术后发生 脑过度灌注综合征的风险增加。
图 2 头颅 CT,见左侧大脑半
球脑回肿胀、脑沟消失,相 图 3 头颅 CT,见左侧大
图 4 头颅 CT,见左侧大脑半 球脑回肿胀、脑沟消失,左 大脑半球和左基底节区呈略 高密度(红圈)
图 5、6 头颅 MR FLAIR 序列,左侧大脑皮 层肿胀,呈高信号。
票房单位:百万排名标题制作全球票房国内票房% 海外票房%1 哈利波特与魔法石WB $974.8$317.6 32.6% $657.2 67.4%2 指环王:魔戒现身NL $869.3$313.4 36.0% $556.0 64.0%3 怪物公司BV $525.4$255.9 48.7% $269.5 51.3%4 怪物史莱克DW $484.4$267.7 55.3% $216.7 44.7%5 十一罗汉WB $450.7$183.4 40.7% $267.3 59.3%6 珍珠港BV $449.2$198.5 44.2% $250.7 55.8%7 木乃伊归来Uni. $433.0$202.0 46.7% $231.0 53.3%8 侏罗纪公园III Uni. $368.8$181.2 49.1% $187.6 50.9%9 人猿星球(2001)Fox $362.2$180.0 49.7% $182.2 50.3%10 汉尼拔MGM $351.7$165.1 46.9% $186.6 53.1%11 尖峰时刻2NL $347.3$226.2 65.1% $121.2 34.9%12 美丽心灵Uni. $313.5$170.7 54.5% $142.8 45.5%13 美国派2Uni. $287.6$145.1 50.5% $142.5 49.5%14 BJ单身日记Mira. $281.9$71.5 25.4% $210.4 74.6%15 古墓丽影Par. $274.7$131.2 47.7% $143.5 52.3%16 人工智能WB $235.9$78.6 33.3% $157.3 66.7%17 小岛惊魂Mira. $209.9$96.5 46.0% $113.4 54.0%18 速度与激情Uni. $207.3$144.5 69.7% $62.8 30.3%19 香草天空Par. $203.4$100.6 49.5% $102.8 50.5%20 猫狗大战WB $200.7$93.4 46.5% $107.3 53.5%21 亚特兰蒂斯:失落的帝国BV $186.1$84.1 45.2% $102.0 54.8%22 红磨坊Fox $179.2$57.4 32.0% $121.8 68.0%23 怪医杜立德2Fox $176.1$113.0 64.1% $63.2 35.9%24 天使爱美丽Mira. $173.9$33.2 19.1% $140.7 80.9%25 黑鹰坠落SonR $173.0$108.6 62.8% $64.4 37.2%26 公主日记BV $165.3$108.2 65.5% $57.1 34.5%27 非常小特务Mira. $147.9$112.7 76.2% $35.2 23.8%28 墨西哥人DW $147.8$66.8 45.2% $81.0 54.8%29 剑鱼行动WB $147.1$69.8 47.4% $77.3 52.6%30 间谍游戏Uni. $143.0$62.4 43.6% $80.7 56.4%31 律政俏佳人MGM $141.8$96.5 68.1% $45.3 31.9%32 惊声尖笑2Mira. $141.2$71.3 50.5% $69.9 49.5%33 庸人哈尔Fox $141.1$70.8 50.2% $70.2 49.8%34 美国甜心SonR $138.2$93.6 67.7% $44.6 32.3%35 留住最后一支舞Par. $131.7$91.1 69.1% $40.6 30.9%36 圣战骑士Sony $117.5$56.6 48.1% $60.9 51.9%37 大买卖/鬼计神偷Par. $113.6$71.1 62.6% $42.5 37.4%38 全面追缉令Par. $105.2$74.1 70.4% $31.1 29.6%39 训练日WB $104.9$76.6 73.1% $28.2 26.9%40 天才小子吉米Par. $103.0$80.9 78.6% $22.1 21.4%41 一言不发Fox $100.0$55.0 55.0% $45.0 45.0%42 进化DW $98.4$38.3 39.0% $60.0 61.0%43 我是山姆NL $97.8$40.3 41.2% $57.5 58.8%44 兵临城下Par. $97.0$51.4 53.0% $45.6 47.0%45 婚礼策划人Sony $94.7$60.4 63.8% $34.3 36.2%46 深入敌后Fox $91.8$58.9 64.1% $32.9 35.9%47 高斯福庄园USA $87.8$41.3 47.1% $46.4 52.9%48 拳王阿里Sony $87.7$58.2 66.4% $29.5 33.6%49 亡命寻宝Par. $85.5$56.6 66.2% $28.9 33.8%50 最终幻想:灵魂深处Sony $87.7$58.2 66.4% $29.5 33.6%。
欧美电影排行榜1. 泰坦尼克 Titanic (1997) $1,835,300,0002. 指环王3:国王归来 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) $1,129,219,2523. 哈利波特与魔法石 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001) $968,657,8914. 加勒比海盗:聚魂馆 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006) $962,244,6165. 星战前传1:魅影危机 Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999) $922,379,0006. 指环王2:双塔奇兵 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) $921,600,0007. 侏罗纪公园 Jurassic Park (1993) $919,700,0008. 哈利波特与火焰杯Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) $892,194,3979. 怪物史莱克2 Shrek 2 (2004) $880,871,03610. 哈利波特与密室 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002) $866,300,00011. 海底总动员 Finding Nemo (2003) $865,000,00012. 指环王1:护戒使者 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) $860,700,00013. 星战前传3:西斯的复仇 Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005) $848,462,55514. 独立日 Independence Day (1996) $811,200,00015. 蜘蛛侠 Spider-Man (2002) $806,700,00016. 星球大战1 Star Wars (1977) $797,900,00017. 哈利波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) $789,458,72718. 蜘蛛侠2 Spider-Man 2 (2004) $783,577,89319. 狮子王 The Lion King (1994) $783,400,00020. 外星人 E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982) $756,700,00021. 达芬奇密码 The Da Vinci Code (2006) $749,536,13822. 纳尼亚传奇:狮子、女巫和魔衣橱 The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005) $738,809,84523. 黑客帝国:重装上阵 The Matrix Reloaded (2003) $735,600,00024. 阿甘正传 Forrest Gump (1994) $679,400,00025. 灵异第六感The Sixth Sense (1999) $661,500,00026. 加勒比海盗Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) $653,200,00027. 星战前传2:克隆人的进攻 Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002) $648,200,00028. 超人总动员The Incredibles (2004) $624,037,57829. 冰河世纪2:消融 Ice Age: The Meltdown (2006) $623,816,54230. 侏罗纪公园2:失落的世界 The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997) $614,300,00031. 耶稣受难记 The Passion of the Christ (2004) $604,370,94332. 世界之战 War of the Worlds (2005) $591,377,05633. 黑衣人 Men in Black (1997) $587,200,00034. 星球大战3:绝地归来 Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983) $572,700,00035. 世界末日 Armageddon (1998) $554,600,00036. 金刚 King Kong (2005) $547,051,26037. 碟中碟2 Mission: Impossible II (2000) $545,300,00038. 小鬼当家 Home Alone (1990) $533,800,00039. 星球大战2:帝国反击 Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980) $533,800,00040. 怪物公司 Monsters, Inc. (2001) $528,900,00041. 后天 The Day After Tomorrow (2004) $527,939,91942. 人鬼情未了Ghost (1990) $517,600,00043. 终结者2 Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) $516,800,00044. 阿拉丁 Aladdin (1992) $501,900,00045. 印第安娜琼斯之圣战骑兵 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989) $494,800,00046. 龙卷风 Twister (1996) $494,700,00047. 玩具总动员2 Toy Story 2 (1999) $485,700,00048. 特洛伊 Troy (2004) $481,228,34849. 拯救大兵瑞恩 Saving Private Ryan (1998) $479,300,00050. 查理和巧克力工厂Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) $471,856,43151. 大白鲨 Jaws (1975) $470,600,00052. 漂亮女人 Pretty Woman (1990) $463,400,00053. 冒牌天神 Bruce Almighty (2003) $458,900,00054. 黑客帝国 The Matrix (1999) $456,300,00055. 角斗士 Gladiator (2000) $456,200,00056. 怪物史莱克 Shrek (2001) $455,100,00057. 碟中碟 Mission: Impossible (1996) $452,500,00058. 珍珠港 Pearl Harbor (2001) $450,400,00059. 11罗汉 Ocean's Eleven (2001) $444,200,00060. X战警3 X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) $439,745,74861. 最后的武士 The Last Samurai (2003) $435,400,00062. 人猿泰山 Tarzan (1999) $435,200,00063. 拜见岳父大人 Meet the Fockers (2004) $432,667,57564. 史密斯夫妇 Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005) $427,936,10365. 黑衣人2 Men in Black II (2002) $425,600,00066. 007择日在死 Die Another Day (2002) $424,700,00067. 与狼共舞 Dances with Wolves (1990) $424,200,00068. 黑客帝国:矩阵革命 The Matrix Revolutions (2003) $424,000,00069. 荒岛余生 Cast Away (2000) $424,000,00070. 窈窕奶爸 Mrs. Doubtfire (1993) $423,200,00071. 木乃伊归来 The Mummy Returns (2001) $418,700,00072. 终结者3 Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003) $418,200,00073. 木乃伊 The Mummy (1999) $413,300,00074. 蝙蝠侠 Batman (1989) $413,200,00075. 雨人 Rain Man (1988) $412,800,00076. 保镖 The Bodyguard (1992) $410,900,00077. 天兆 Signs (2002) $407,900,00078. 马达加斯加 Madagascar (2005) $406,800,00079. X战警2 X2 (2003) $406,400,00080. 汽车总动员 Cars (2006) $398,155,22281. 乱世佳人 Gone with the Wind (1939) $390,500,00082. 侠盗罗宾汉 Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991) $390,500,00083. 碟中碟3 Mission: Impossible III (2006) $389,582,30984. 印第安娜琼斯之法归奇兵 Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) $383,900,00085. 火爆浪子 Grease (1978) $379,800,00086. 冰河世纪 Ice Age (2002) $378,300,00087. 美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast (1991) $378,300,00088. 哥斯拉 Godzilla (1998) $375,800,00089. 男人百分百 What Women Want (2000) $370,800,00090. 亡命天涯 The Fugitive (1993) $368,700,00091. 超人归来 Superman Returns (2006) $368,388,23792. 全民情敌 Hitch (2005/I) $367,600,00093. 真实的谎言 True Lies (1994) $365,200,00094. 虎胆龙威3:纽约大劫案Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) $365,000,00095. 诺丁山 Notting Hill (1999) $363,000,00096. 侏罗纪公园3 Jurassic Park III (2001) $362,900,00097. 我为马丽狂 There's Something About Mary (1998) $360,000,00098. 人猿星球 Planet of the Apes (2001) $358,900,00099. 石头城乐园 The Flintstones (1994) $358,500,000100. 玩具总动员 Toy Story (1995) $358,100,000其实我是受过高等教育的,只不过气质上比较农民一点而已。
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JOURNAL OF OPTIMIZATION THEORY AND APPLICATIONS:Vol.109,No.3,pp.475–494,JUNE2001 Convergence of a Block Coordinate DescentMethod for Nondifferentiable Minimization1P.T SENG2Communicated by O.L.MangasarianAbstract.We study the convergence properties of a(block)coordinatedescent method applied to minimize a nondifferentiable(nonconvex)function f(x1,...,x N)with certain separability and regularity proper-ties.Assuming that f is continuous on a compact level set,the sub-sequence convergence of the iterates to a stationary point is shown wheneither f is pseudoconvex in every pair of coordinate blocks from amongN A1coordinate blocks or f has at most one minimum in each of N A2coordinate blocks.If f is quasiconvex and hemivariate in every coordi-nate block,then the assumptions of continuity of f and compactness ofthe level set may be relaxed further.These results are applied to derivenew(and old)convergence results for the proximal minimization algo-rithm,an algorithm of Arimoto and Blahut,and an algorithm of Han.They are applied also to a problem of blind source separation.Key Words.Block coordinate descent,nondifferentiable minimization,stationary point,Gauss–Seidel method,convergence,quasiconvex func-tions,pseudoconvex functions.1.IntroductionA popular method for minimizing a real-valued continuously differen-tiable function f of n real variables,subject to bound constraints,is the (block)coordinate descent method.In this method,the coordinates are par-titioned into N blocks and,at each iteration,f is minimized with respect to one of the coordinate blocks while the other coordinates are heldfixed.This method,which is related closely to the Gauss–Seidel and SOR methods for equation solving(Ref.1),was studied early by Hildreth(Ref.2)and Warga (Ref.3),and is described in various books on optimization(Refs.1and4–1This work was partially supported by the National Science Foundation Grant CCR-9731273. 2Professor,Department of Mathematics,University of Washington,Seattle,Washington.4750022-3239͞01͞0600-0475$19.50͞0 2001Plenum Publishing Corporation476JOTA:VOL.109,NO.3,JUNE200110).Its applications include channel capacity computation(Refs.11–12), image reconstruction(Ref.7),dynamic programming(Refs.13–15),and flow routing(Ref.16).It may be applied also to the dual of a linearly constrained,strictly convex program to obtain various decomposition methods(see Refs.6–7,17–22,and references therein)and parallel SOR methods(Ref.23).Convergence of the(block)coordinate descent method requires typi-cally that f be strictly convex(or quasiconvex or hemivariate)differentiable and,taking into account the bound constraints,has bounded level sets(e.g., Refs.3–4and24–25).Zadeh(Ref.26;also see Ref.27)relaxed the strict convexity assumption to pseudoconvexity,which allows f to have a non-unique minimum along coordinate directions.For certain classes of convex functions,the level sets need not be bounded(see Refs.2,6–7,17,19–22, and references therein).If f is not(pseudo)convex,then an example of Powell(Ref.28)shows that the method may cycle without approaching any stationary point of f.Nonetheless,convergence can be shown for special cases of non(pseudo)convex f,as when f is quadratic(Ref.29),or f is strictly pseudoconvex in each of N A2coordinate blocks(Ref.27),or f has unique minimum in each coordinate block(Ref.8,p.159).If f is not differentiable, the coordinate descent method may get stuck at a nonstationary point even when f is convex(e.g.,Ref.4,p.94).For this reason,it is perceived generally that the method is unsuitable when f is nondifferentiable.However,an exception occurs when the nondifferentiable part of f is separable.Such a structure for f was consideredfirst by Auslender(Ref.4,p.94)in the case where f is strongly convex.This structure is implicit in a decomposition method and projection method of Han(Refs.18,30),for which f is the convex dual functional associated with a certain linearly constrained convex program(see Ref.22for detailed discussions).This structure arises also in least-square problems where an l1-penalty is placed on a subset of the para-meters in order to minimize the support(see Refs.31–33and references therein).Motivated by the preceding works,we consider in this paper the non-differentiable(nonconvex)case where the nondifferentiable part of f is sep-arable.Specifically,we assume that f has the following special form:Nf k(x k),(1)f(x1,...,x N)G f0(x1,...,x N)C∑k G1for some f0:ℜn1C···C n N>ℜ∪{S}and some f k:ℜn k>ℜ∪{S},k G 1,...,N.Here,N,n1,...,n N are positive integers.We assume that f is pro-per,i.e.,f͞≡S.We will refer to each x k,k G1,...,N,as a coordinate block of x G(x1,...,x N).We will show that each cluster point of the iterates generated by the(block)coordinate descent method is a stationary point ofJOTA:VOL.109,NO.3,JUNE2001477 f,provided that f0has a certain smoothness property(see Lemma3.1),f is continuous on a compact level set,and either f is pseudoconvex in every pair of coordinate blocks from among N A1coordinate blocks,or f has at most one minimum in each of N A2coordinate blocks(see Theorem4.1). If f is quasiconvex and hemivariate in every coordinate block,then the assumptions of continuity of f and compactness of the level set may be relaxed further(see Proposition5.1).These results unify and extend some previous results in Refs.4,6,8,26–27.For example,previous results assumed that f is pseudoconvex and that f1,...,f N are indicator functions for closed convex sets,whereas we assume only that f is pseudoconvex in every pair of coordinate blocks from among N A1coordinate blocks,with no additional assumption made on f1,...,f N.Previous results also did not consider the case where f is not continuous on its effective stly, we apply our results to derive new(and old)convergence results for the proximal minimization algorithm,an algorithm of Arimoto and Blahut (Refs.11–12),and an algorithm of Han(Ref.30);see Examples6.1–6.3. We also apply them to a problem of blind source separation described in Refs.31,33;see Example6.4.In our notation,ℜm denotes the space of m-dimensional real column vector.For any x,y∈ℜm,we denote by〈x,y〉the Euclidean inner product of x,y and by͉͉x͉͉the Euclidean norm of x,i.e.,͉͉x͉͉G1.For any set S⊆ℜm,we denote by int(S)the interior of S and denote bdry(S)G S\int(S).For any h:ℜm>ℜ∪{S},we denote by dom h the effective domain of h, i.e.,dom h G{x∈ℜm͉h(x)FS}.For any x∈dom h and any d∈ℜm,we denote the(lower)directional deriva-tive of h at x in the direction d byh′(x;d)G lim inf[h(x Cλd)A h(x)]͞λ.λ↓0We say that h is quasiconvex ifh(x Cλd)⁄max{h(x),h(x C d)},for all x,d andλ∈[0,1];h is pseudoconvex ifh(x C d)¤h(x),whenever x∈dom h and h′(x;d)¤0;see Ref.34,p.146;and h is hemivariate if h is not constant on any line segment belonging to dom h(Ref.1).For any nonempty I⊆{1,...,m},weJOTA:VOL.109,NO.3,JUNE 2001478say that h (x 1,...,x m )is pseudoconvex [respectively,has at most one mini-mum point].2.Block Coordinate Descent MethodWe describe formally the block coordinate descent (BCD)method below.BCD Method.Initialization.Choose any x 0G (x 01,...,x 0N )∈dom f .Iteration r C 1,r ¤0.Given x r G (x r 1,...,x r N )∈dom f ,choose an indexs ∈{1,...,N }and compute a new iteratex r C 1G (x r C 11,...,x r C 1N )∈dom fsatisfyingx r C 1s ∈arg min x s f (x r 1,...,x r s A 1,x s ,x r s C 1,...,x r N ),(2)x r C 1j G x r j ,∀j ≠s .(3)We note that the minimization in (2)is attained ifX 0G {x :f (x )⁄f (x 0)}is bounded and f is lower semicontinuous (lsc)on X 0,so X 0is compact (Ref.35).Alternatively,this minimization is attained if f is convex,has a minimum point,and is hemivariate in each coordinate block (but the level sets of f need not be bounded).To ensure convergence,we need further that each coordinate block is chosen suf ficiently often in the method.In particu-lar,we will choose the coordinate blocks according to the following rule (see,e.g.,Refs.7–8,21,25).Essentially Cyclic Rule.There exists a constant T ¤N such that every index s ∈{1,...,N }is chosen at least once between the r th iteration and the (r C T A 1)th iteration,for all r .A well-known special case of this rule,for which T G N ,is given below.Cyclic Rule.Choose s G k at iterations k ,k C N ,k C 2N ,...,for k G 1,...,N .JOTA:VOL.109,NO.3,JUNE2001479 3.Stationary Points of fWe say that z is a stationary point of f if z∈dom f andf′(z;d)¤0,∀d.We say that z is a coordinatewise minimum point of f if z∈dom f and f(z C(0,...,d k,...,0))¤f(z),∀d k∈ℜn k,(4) for all k G1,...,N.Here and throughout,we denote by(0,...,d k, 0the vector inℜn1C···C n N whose k th coordinate block is d k and whose other coordinates are zero.We say that f is regular at z∈dom f iff′(z;d)¤0,∀d G(d1,...,d N),such that f′(z;(0,...,d k,...,0))¤0,k G1,...,N.(5) This notion of regularity is weaker than that used by Auslender(Ref.4, p.93),which entailsNf′(z;(0,...,d k,...,0)),for all d G(d1,...,d N).f′(z;d)G∑k G1For example,the functionf(x1,x2)Gφ(x1,x2)Cφ(−x1,x2)Cφ(x1,−x2)Cφ(−x1,−x2),whereφ(a,b)G max{0,a C b A1a2C b2},is regular at z G(0,0)in the sense of(5),but is not regular in the sense of Ref.4,p.93.Since(4)impliesf′(z;(0,...,d k,...,0))¤0,for all d k,it follows that a coordinatewise minimum point z of f is a stationary point of f whenever f is regular at z.To ensure regularity of f at z,we consider one of the following smoothness assumptions on f0:(A1)dom f0is open and f0is Gaˆteaux-differentiable on dom f0.(A2)f0is Gaˆteaux-differentiable on int(dom f0)and,for every z∈dom f∩bdry(dom f0),there exist k∈{1,...,N}and d k∈ℜn ksuch that f(z C(0,...,d k,...,0))F f(z).JOTA:VOL.109,NO.3,JUNE2001480Assumption A1was considered essentially by Auslender(Ref.4, Example2on p.94).In contrast to Assumption A1,Assumption A2allows dom f0to include boundary points.We will see an application(Example 6.2)where A2holds but not A1.Lemma3.1.Under A1,f is regular at each z∈dom f.Under A2,f is regular at each coordinatewise minimum point z of f.Proof.Under A1,if z G(z1,...,z N)∈dom f,then z∈dom f0.Under A2,if z G(z1,...,z N)is a coordinatewise minimum point of f,then z∉bdry(dom f0),so z∈int(dom f0).Thus,under either A1or A2,f0is Gaˆteaux-differentiable at z.Fix any d G(d1,...,d N)such thatf′(z;(0,...,d k,...,0))¤0,k G1,...,N.Then,f′(z;d)G〈∇f0(z),d〉C lim infλ↓0∑Nk G1[f k(x k Cλd k)A f k(x k)]͞λ¤〈∇f(z),d〉C∑Nk G1lim infλ↓0[f k(x k Cλd k)A f k(x k)]͞λG〈∇f(z),d〉C∑Nk G1f′k(z k;d k)G∑Nk G1f′(z;(0,...,d k,...,0))¤0.ᮀ4.Convergence Analysis:IOurfirst convergence result unifies and extends a result of Auslender (Ref.4,p.95)for the nondifferentiable convex case and some results of Grippo and Sciandrone(Ref.27),Luenberger(Ref.8,p.159),and Zadeh (Ref.26)for the differentiable case.In what follows,r≡(N A1)mod N means r G N A1,2N A1,3N A1,....Theorem 4.1.Assume that the level set X0G{x:f(x)⁄f(x0)}is compact and that f is continuous on X0.Then,the sequence {x r G(x r1,...,x r N)}r G0,1,...generated by the BCD method using the essen-tially cyclic rule is defined and bounded.Moreover,the following statementsJOTA:VOL.109,NO.3,JUNE2001481 hold:(a)If f(x1,...,x N)is pseudoconvex in(x k,x i)for every i,k∈{1,...,N},and if f is regular at every x∈X0,then every clusterpoint of{x r}is a stationary point of f.(b)If f(x1,...,x N)is pseudoconvex in(x k,x i)for every i,k∈{1,...,N A1},if f is regular at every x∈X0,and if the cyclic ruleis used,then every cluster point of{x r}r≡(N A1)mod N is a stationarypoint of f.(c)If f(x1,...,x N)has at most one minimum in x k for k G2,...,N A1,and if the cyclic rule is used,then every cluster pointz of{x r}r≡(N A1)mod N is a coordinatewise minimum point of f.Inaddition,if f is regular at z,then z is a stationary point of f.Proof.Since X0is compact,an induction argument on r shows thatx r C1is defined,f(x r C1)⁄f(x r),and x r C1∈X0for all r G0,1,....Thus,{x r} is bounded.Consider any subsequence{x r}r∈R,with R⊆{0,1,...},con-verging to some z.For each j∈{1,...,T},{x r A T C1C j}r∈R is bounded,so bypassing to a subsequence,if necessary,we can assume that{x r A T C1C j}r∈R converges to some z j G(z j1,...,z j N),j G1,...,T. Thus,z T A1G z.Since{f(x r)}converges monotonically and f is continuous on X0,weobtain thatf(x0)¤limr→Sf(x r)G f(z1)G···G f(z T).(6)By further passing to a subsequence,if necessary,we can assume that the index s chosen at iteration r A T C1C j,j∈{1,...,T},is the same for all r∈R,which we denote by s j.For each j∈{1,...,T},since s j is chosen at iteration r A T C1C j for r∈R,then(2)and(3)yieldf(x r A T C1C j)⁄f(x r A T C1C j C(0,...,d s j,...,0)),∀d s j,j G1,...,T,x r A T C1C j k G x r A T C jk,∀k≠s j,j G2,...,T.Then,the continuity of f on X0yields in the limit thatf(z j)⁄f(z j C(0,...,d s j,...,0)),∀d s j,j G1,...,T,z j k G z j A1k ,∀k≠s j,j G2,...,T.(7)482JOTA:VOL.109,NO.3,JUNE2001Then,(6)and(7)yieldf(z j A1)⁄f(z j A1C(0,...,d s j,...,0)),∀d s j,j G2,...,T.(8)(a),(b)Suppose that f is regular at every x∈X0and that f(x1,...,x N) is pseudoconvex in(x k,x i)for every i,k∈{s1}∪···∪{s T A1}.This holds under the assumption(a)or under the assumption(b),with{x r}r∈R being any convergent subsequence of{x r}r≡(N A1)mod N.We claim that,for j G 1,...,T A1,f(z j)⁄f(z j C(0,...,d k,...,0)),∀d k,∀k G s1,...,s j.(9) By(7),(9)holds for j G1.Suppose that(9)holds for j G1,...,l A1for some l∈{2,...,T A1}.We show that(9)holds for j G l.From(8),we have that f(z l A1)⁄f(z l A1C(0,...,d s l,...,0)),∀d s l,implying,...,0))¤0.f′(z l A1;(0,...,z l s l A z l A1s lAlso,since(9)holds for j G l A1,we have that,for each k G s1,...,s l A1, f′(z l A1;(0,...,d k,...,0))¤0,∀d k.Since by(6)z l A1∈X0,so f is regular at z l A1,the above two relations imply f′(z l A1;(0,...,d k,...,0)C(0,...,z l s l A z l A1,...,0))¤0,∀d k.s lSince f is pseudoconvex in(x k,x s l),this yields[also using z l G z l A1C ,...,0)]for k G s1,...,s l A1that(0,...,z l s l A z l A1s lf(z l C(0,...,d k,...,0))¤f(z l A1)G f(z l),∀d k.Since we have also that(7)holds with j G l,we see that(9)holds for j G l. By induction,(9)holds for all j G1,...,T A1.Since z T A1G z and(9)holds for j G T A1,then(4)holds for k G s1,...,s T A1.Since z T A1G z and(8)holds(in particular,for j G T),then(4) holds for k G s T also.Since{1,...,N}G{s1}∪···∪{s T},this implies that z is a coordinatewise minimum point of f.Since f is regular at z,then z is in fact a stationary point of f.(c)Suppose that f(x1,...,x N)has at most one minimum in x k for k G s2,...,s T A1.This holds under the assumption(c),with{x r}r∈R being any convergent subsequence of{x r}r≡(N A1)mod N.For each j G2,...,T A1,sinceJOTA:VOL.109,NO.3,JUNE 2001483(7)and (8)hold,then the functiond s j >f (z j C (0,...,d s j ,...,0))attains its minimum at both d s j G 0and d s j G z j A 1s j A z j s j .By assumption,the minimum point is unique,implying 0G z j A 1s j A z j s j ,or equivalently,z j A 1Gz j .Thus,z 1G z 2G ···G z T A 1G z and (7)yields that (4)holds for k G s 1,...,s T A 1.Since z T A 1G z and (8)holds (in particular,for j G T ),then (4)holds for k G s T also.Since{1,...,N }G {s 1}∪···∪{s T },this implies that z is a coordinatewise minimum point of f .If f is regular at z ,then z is also a stationary point of f .ᮀNotice that,if f is pseudoconvex,then f is pseudoconvex in (x k ,x i )for every i ,k ∈{1,...,N };if f is quasiconvex and hemivariate in x k ,then f has at most one minimum in x k .The converses do not hold.For example,the 2-variable Rosenbrock function has a unique minimum point but is not quasiconvex.The following 3-variable quadratic functionf (x 1,x 2,x 3)G (1͞2)x 21C (1͞2)x 22C (1͞2)x 23C x 1x 3C x 2x 3A x 1x 2is convex in every pair of variables,but is not pseudoconvex.In particular,for x G (0,0,1͞2)and d G (1,1,−1),we have f ′(x ;d )G 1͞2¤0,while f (x C d )G −7͞8F f (x )G 1͞8.This example generalizes to any quadratic functionf (x )G 〈x ,Qx 〉.where Q ∈R N B N is symmetric,not positive semide finite,but whose 2B 2principal submatrices are positie semide finite.Then,for any d satisfying 〈d ,Qd 〉F 0and any x satisfying0⁄〈x ,Qd 〉F −(1͞2)〈d ,Qd 〉,we have thatf ′(x ;d )¤0,while f (x C d )F f (x ).Thus,parts (a)and (c)of Theorem 4.1may be viewed as extensions of two results of Grippo and Sciandrone (Ref.27,Propositions 5.2,5.3)for the case of f 0being continuously differentiable and each f k being the indicator function of some closed convex set.In turn,the first of these results extended a result of Zadeh (Ref.26)for which f k ≡0for all k .Part (b)makes a less restrictive assumption on f than part (a),though its assumption on the BCD method is more restrictive.Part (b)is sharp in the sense that it is false if instead we assume that f is convex in every coordinate block.This484JOTA:VOL.109,NO.3,JUNE2001is because the Powell3-variable example(Ref.28)is convex in each variable; see Ref.27,Section6for further discussions of the example.We will see an application(Example6.4)in which part(b)applies but not part(a)nor(c).5.Convergence Analysis:IIThe convergence analysis of the previous section assumes f to be con-tinuous on a bounded level set and makes no use of the special structure(1) of f.In this section,we show that this assumption can be relaxed by exploiting the special structure(1),provided that f is quasiconvex and hemi-variate in each coordinate block.More precisely,we will make the following assumptions on f,f0,f1,...,f N:(B1)f0is continuous on dom f0.(B2)For each k∈{1,...,N}and(x j)j≠k,the function x k> f(x1,...,x N)is quasiconvex and hemivariate.(B3)f0,f1,...,f N are lsc.We will see some applications(Ref.6,Section3.4.3and Examples6.1–6.3)for which f satisfies this weaker assumption although it is not strictly convex.In addition,we will make one of the following technical assump-tions on f0:(C1)dom f0is open and f0tends to S at every boundary point of dom f0.(C2)dom f0G Y1B···B Y N,for some Y k⊆R n k,k G1,...,N.In contrast to Assumption C1,Assumption C2allows f0to have afinite value on bdry(dom f).We will see in Example6.2a nonseparable function f0that satisfies Assumptions B1–B3and C2,but not C1.We show below that Assumptions B1–B3,together with either Assumption C1or C2,ensure that every cluster point of the iterates generated by the BCD method is a coordinate minimum point of f.The proof of this result is patterned after an argument given by Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis(Ref.6,pp.220–221;also see Ref.27),but is complicated by the fact that f is not necessarily differentiable (or even continuous)on its effective domain.Proposition5.1.Suppose that f,f0,f1,...,f N satisfy Assumptions B1–B3and that f0satisfies either Assumption C1or C2.Also,assume that the sequence{x r G(x r1,...,x r N)}r G0,1,...generated by the BCD method using the essentially cyclic rule is defined.Then,either{f(x r)}↓−S,or else every cluster point z G(z1,...,z N)is a coordinatewise minimum point of f.Proof.Since f(x0)FS and f(x r C1)⁄f(x r)for all r,then either {f(x r)}↓−S,or else{f(x r)}converges to some limit and{f(x r C1)A f(x r)}→0.Consider the latter case and let z be any cluster point of{x r}. Since f is lsc by Assumption B3,we havef(z)⁄limr→Sf(x r)FS,so z∈dom f.We show below that z satisfies(4)for k G1,...,N.First,we claim that,for any infinite subsequence{x r}r∈R→z,(10) with R⊆{0,1,...},there holds that(x r C1}r∈R→z.(11) We prove this by contradiction.Suppose that this were not true.Then,there exists an infinite subsequence R′of R and a scalar(H0such that ͉͉x r C1A x r͉͉¤(,for all r∈R′.By further passing to a subsequence,if necessary,we can assume that there is some nonzero vector d for which{(x r C1A x r)͉͉͞x r C1A x r͉͉}r∈R′→d,(12) and that the same coordinate block,say x s,is chosen t the(r C1)st iteration for all r∈R′.Moreover,(10)implies that{f0(x r)}r∈R and{f k(x r k)}r∈R,k G 1,...,N,are bounded from below,which together with the convergence of{f(x r)}G{f0(x r)C∑Nk G1f k(x r k)}implies that{f0(x r)}r∈R and{f k(x r k)}r∈R,k G1,...,N,are bounded.Hence,by further passing to a subsequence,if necessary,we can assume that there is some scalarθfor which{f0(x r)C f s(x r s)}r∈R′→θ.(13) Fix anyλ∈[0,(].LetzˆG z Cλd,(14) and for each r∈R′,letxˆr G x r Cλ(x r C1A x r)͉͉͞x r C1A x r͉͉.(15) Then,by(10),(12),and(14),{xˆr}r∈R′→zˆ.(16) For each r∈R′,we see from(2)that x r C1is obtained from x r by minimizing f with respect to x s,while the other coordinates are heldfixed.Sinceλ͉͉͞x r C1A x r͉͉⁄λ͞(⁄1,so xˆr lies on the line segment joining x r with x r C1,this together with f(x r C1)⁄f(x r)and the quasiconvexity of x s>f(x r1,...,x r s A1,x s, x r s C1,...,x r N)impliesf(xˆr)⁄f(x r),∀r∈R′.Since f is lsc,this and(16)imply zˆ∈dom f.Also,this and(1)and the obser-vation that x r and xˆr differ only in their s th coordinate block imply f0(xˆr)C f s(xˆr s)⁄f0(x r)C f s(x r s),∀r∈R′.This combined with(13)yieldslimr→S,r∈R′sup{f0(xˆr)C f s(xˆr s)}⁄θ.(17) Also,since{f(x r C1)A f(x r)}r∈R′→0,we have equivalently that{f0(x r C1)C f s(x r C1s)A f0(x r)A f s(x r s)}r∈R′→0,so(13)implies{f0(x r C1)C f s(x r C1s)}r∈R′→θ.(18) LetδG f0(zˆ)C f s(zˆs)Aθ.Since f0and f s are lsc,we have from(16),(17)thatδ⁄0.We claim that in factδG0.Suppose that this were not true,so thatδH0.By(16)and the observation that,for all r∈R′,xˆr and x r differ in only their s th coordinate block,we have{(x r1,...,x r s A1,zˆs,x r s C1,...,x r N)}r∈R′→zˆ.(19) Moreover,the vector on the left-hand side of(19)is in dom f0for all r∈R′sufficiently large.Since zˆ∈dom f0,this is certainly true under Assumption C1;under Assumption C2,this is also true because x r∈dom f0for all r and dom f0has a product structure corresponding to the coordinate blocks. Then,(18)together with(19)and the continuity of f0on dom f0implies that,for all r∈R′sufficiently large,there holds thatf0(x r1,...,x r s A1,zˆs,x r s C1,...,x r N)C f s(zˆs)⁄f0(x r C1)C f s(x r C1s)Cδ͞2,or equivalently[via(1)and the observation that x r and x r C1differ in only their s th coordinate block],f(x r1,...,x r s A1,zˆs,x r s C1,...,x r N)⁄f(x r C1)Cδ͞2,a contradiction to the fact that x r C1is obtained from x r by minimizing f with respect to the s th coordinate block,while the other coordinates are heldfixed.Hence,δG0and thereforef0(zˆ)C f s(zˆs)Gθ.Since the choice ofλwas arbitrary,we obtain[also using(14)]f0(z Cλd)C f s(z s Cλd s)Gθ,∀λ∈[0,(],where d s denotes the s th coordinate block of d.Since x r and x r C1differ in only their s th coordinate block for all r∈R′,then all coordinate blocks of d,except d s,are zero[see(12)],and the above relation,together with(1), shows that f(z Cλd)is constant(andfinite)for allλ∈[0,(],a contradiction to Assumption B2,namely,that f is hemivariate in the s th coordinate block. Hence,(11)holds.Since(11)holds for any subsequence{x r}r∈R of{x r}converging to z, we can apply(11)to the subsequence{x r C1}r∈R to conclude that {x r C2}r∈R→z and so on,yielding{x r C j}r∈R→z,∀j G0,1,...,T,(20) where T is the bound specified in the essentially cyclic rule.We claim that(20),together with Assumption C1or C2,implies f0(z)C f k(z k)⁄f0(z1,...,z k A1,x k,z k C1,...,z N)C f k(x k),(21) for all x k and all k∈{1,...,N}.To see this,fix any k∈{1,...,N}.Since the coordinate blocks are chosen according to the essentially cyclic rule, there exists some j∈{1,...,T}and an infinite subsequence R′⊆R such that the coordinate block x k is chosen at the(r C j)th iteration for all r∈R′.Then,for each r∈R′,x r C j k minimizes f0(x r C j1,...,x r C j k A1,x k, x r C j k C1,...,x r C j N)C f k(x k)over all x k[see(1),(2),(3)],so thatf0(x r C j)C f k(x r C j k)(x r C j1,...,x r C j k A1,x k,x r C j k C1,...,x r C j N)C f k(x k),∀x k.(22)⁄fFix any x k∈dom f k such that(z1,...,z k A1,x k,z k C1,...,z N)∈dom f0. Suppose that Assumption C1holds,so dom f0is open.Since z∈dom f0,then(20)implies that(x r C j1,...,x r C j k A1,x k,x r C j k C1,...,x r C j N)∈dom f0,for all r∈R′sufficiently large. Passing to the limit as r→S,r∈R′,and using the lsc property of f k and the continuity of f0on the open set dom f0,we obtain from(20) and(22)that(21)holds.Suppose instead that Assumption C2holds,sodom f0G Y1B···B Y N,for some Y1⊆ℜn1,...,Y N⊆ℜn N.Then,thefirst quantity on the right-hand side of(22)isfinite for all r∈ℜ′.Passing to the limit as r→S,r∈ℜ′,and using the lsc property of f k and the continuity of f0on dom f0,we obtain from(20)and(22)that (21)holds.If x k∉dom f k or(z1,...,z k A1,x k,z k C1,...,z N)∉dom f0,then the right-hand side of(21)has the extended value S,so(21)holds trivially.Since the above choice of k was arbitrary,this shows that(21) holds for all x k and all k∈{1,...,N}.Then,it follows from(1)that(4) holds for all k G1,...,N.ᮀProposition5.1extends a result of Grippo and Sciandrone(Ref.27, Proposition5.1)for the special case where each f k is the indicator func-tion for some closed convex set and f0is continuously differentiable and (block)coordinatewise strictly pseudoconvex.In turn,the latter result is an extension of a result of Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis(Ref.6,Proposition 3.9in Section3.3.5),which assumes further f0to be convex.As a cor-ollary of Proposition5.1,we obtain the following convergence result for the BCD method.Theorem5.1.Suppose that f,f0,f1,...,f N satisfy Assumptions B1–B3and that f0satisfies either Assumption C1or C2.Also,assume that {x:f(x)⁄f(x0)}is bounded.Then,the sequence{x r}generated by the BCD method using the essentially cyclic rule is defined,bounded,and every cluster point is a coordinatewise minimum point of f.Theorem5.1extends a result of Auslender[see Theorem1.2(a)in Ref. 4,p.95]for the special case where f k is convex for all k,dom f0G Y1B···B Y N for some closed convex sets Y k⊆ℜn k,k G1,...,N,and f0is strongly convex and continuous on dom f0.6.ApplicationsWe describe four interesting applications of the BCD method below. In all applications,the objective function f is not necessarily strictly convex nor differentiable everywhere on its effective domain.Example6.1.Proximal Minimization Algorithm.Letψ:ℜn>ℜ∪{S}be a proper(i.e.,ψ͞≡S)lsc function.Fix any scalar c H0,and consider the proper lsc function f defined byf(x,y)G c͉͉x A y͉͉2Cψ(x).Clearly,this function has the form(1)withf0(x,y)G c͉͉x A y͉͉2,f1Gψ,f2≡0.Applying the BCD method to f yields a method whereby f(x,y)is alter-nately minimized with respect to x and y.This method has the form x r C1G arg minc͉͉x A x r͉͉2Cψ(x),r G0,1,...,xwhich is the proximal minimization algorithm withfixed parameter c for minimizingψ;see Ref.6,Section3.4.3and Refs.36–37and references therein.It is easily seen that f,f0,f1,f2satisfy Assumptions B1–B3and that f0 satisfies Assumptions A1and C1.Moreover,f is regular everywhere on dom f.Then,by Proposition5.1,ifψis bounded below(so,f is bounded below),then every cluster point z of the iterates generated by the above proximal minimization algorithm is a stationary point ofψ,i.e.,ψ′(z;d)¤0,for all d.Notice that Theorem4.1is not applicable here,since f need not be continu-ous on its level sets.Example6.2.Arimoto–Blahut Algorithm.Let P ij,i G1,...,n,j G 1,...,m,be given nonnegative scalars satisfyingP ij G1,for all i.∑jThe P ij may be viewed as probabilities.Consider the proper lsc function f defined byf(x,y)G f0(x,y)C f1(x)C f2(y),。