向网络暴力说不Say No to Cyber-violence(大学英语作文)

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向网络暴力说不Say No to



According to a survey data, China had 564 million Internet users and 70% of them are under 40. And the average time they spend on the Internet is at least three hours. Through the Internet, people share their daily lives with the others, they update their personal blogs, post their least pictures. However, a report says that more than 60 percent of teenagers have suffered cyber-violence. This report has caught public attention.通过一项调查数据显示,中国现在有5亿6千4百万网民,其中70%的网民年纪在40岁以下。他们每天花在上网的平均时间为3小时以上。通过网络,他们分享自己的生活,更新个人博客,上传最新照片。然而,有一份报告称超过60%的青少年遭受过网络暴力。这份报告引起了社会的关注。What is cyber-violence? It includes harassment, defamation, abuse and exposure of private affairs, according to the report. It’s known that the micro blog and friends circle are quite popular in China. Connecting with the Internet, people post everything about themselves on their

personal platform, the personal information is unlocked, and so everybody can see it. And here comes the trouble: some people may leave the malicious remarks on others personal page on purpose and cause cyber-quarreling. Some people spread untrue message or defame others, the result of such behavior will lead to the bad reputation of the victims. Why people do so? Some of them say it can be fun, or they just want to do something to prove they are popular, or want to be rich and famous.什么是网络暴力呢?报告称:网络暴力包括骚扰、诽谤、谩骂和曝光个人隐私。众所周知,微博和朋友圈在中国广受欢迎。连接上网络,人们就可以在网络平台上上传于自己相关的任何信息。然而,这些信息不加密,每个人都可以看到。麻烦接踵而来:有些人故意在他人主页恶意留言,从而引起网络骂战;有些人散布不实信息或诽谤他人,这一行为会给受害人的名声带来损害。为什么人们要这样做呢?有些人说这样是为了取乐,或者为了出名。I think it’s quite necessary to build a harmony environment for people who surf the Internet. Just like the old Chinese saying goes: hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. Well, and post no evil.我认为建设一个和谐的上网环境非常有必要。就像中国那句古话说的那样:非礼勿视,非礼勿言,非礼勿听,还有,非礼勿上传。
