



建设工程施工合同中英文对照版中英文建设工程施工合同Contract for Construction Project本合同是由承包人(以下简称“甲方”)和业主(以下简称“乙方”)共同订立,旨在规定双方在建设工程项目中的权益和义务。

This contract is entered into by and between the Contractor (hereinafter referred to as "Party A") and the Owner (hereinafter referred to as "Party B") to regulate the rights and obligations of both parties in the construction project.总则 General Provisions第一条项目名称及工程地点:本工程名称为_________,位于_________。

Article 1: Project Name and Location: The name of the project is__________, located in __________.第二条总承包范围:甲方应按照乙方的要求,完成工程项目的设计、施工、验收等工作。

Article 2: Scope of General Contracting: Party A shall complete the design, construction, and acceptance of the project in accordance with PartyB's requirements.第三条施工期限:本工程的施工期限为_________,甲方必须按时完成工程,并交付乙方使用。

Article 3: Construction Period: The construction period of this project is __________. Party A must complete the project on time and deliver it to Party B for use.义务与责任 Obligations and Responsibilities第四条甲方责任:甲方应根据乙方的要求,制定合理的工程施工方案,并保证工程按照合同和法律法规的要求进行。




二、工程概况1. 工程名称:________2. 工程地点:________3. 工程规模:________4. 工程标准:按照国家及行业相关标准执行。




六、付款方式1. 预付款:甲方需在合同签订后____天内支付合同金额的____%作为预付款。

2. 进度款:根据工程进度分阶段支付,每阶段完成后甲方应在____天内支付该阶段对应的款项。

3. 竣工款:工程竣工并经验收合格后,甲方应在____天内支付剩余的合同款项。



九、其他事项1. 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效。

2. 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。

3. 未尽事宜,双方可另行签订补充协议。

甲方(签字):________________________ 日期:____年____月____日乙方(签字):________________________ 日期:____年____月____日Contract for Construction rojectarty A (Owner): ________arty (Contractor): ________Whereas arty A and arty have reached the following agreement on the construction roject, this contract is herey signed:I. urose of the ContractThe urose of this contract is to secify the cooeration terms etween arty A and arty in the construction roject, including ut not limited to design, construction, suervision, accetance, ayment, and other related matters.II. roject Overview1. roject Name: ________2. roject Location: ________3. roject Scale: ________4. roject Standards: To e carried out in accordance with national and industry standards. III. Contract AmountThe total contract amount is in Renmini (caitalized) ________ Yuan only (¥_______).IV. roject DurationThe commencement date of the roject is ________ and the comletion date is ________.V. Quality Requirementsarty must ensure that the quality of the roject meets national standards and arty A's requirements. For any sustandard work, arty shall e resonsile for rectifying it without charge until it meets the required standards.VI. ayment Method1. Advance ayment: arty A shall ay __% of the contract amount as an advance ayment within __ days after signing the contract.2. rogress ayment: aid in stages according to the rogress of the roject, with each stage's corresonding ayment to e made y arty A within __ days after comletion.3. Comletion ayment: Uon comletion and assing accetance of the roject, arty A shall ay the remaining contract funds within __ days.VII. Liaility for reachIf one arty reaches the contract, they shall ear the liaility for reach and comensate the other arty for any resulting losses.VIII. Disute ResolutionAny disute arising from this contract shall firstly e resolved through friendly negotiation; if negotiation fails, the disute may e sumitted to the eole's Court at arty A's location for resolution.IX. Miscellaneous1. This contract shall ecome effective uon signature and seal y oth arties.2. This contract is made in dulicate, with each arty holding one coy, oth having equal legal effect.3. For matters not covered herein, oth arties may sign additional sulementary agreements. arty A (Signature): _____________________ Date: __ Year __ Month __ Dayarty (Signature): _____________________ Date: __ Year __ Month __ Day。



工程协议合同中英文版一、合同基本信息- 甲方(Client):[甲方名称]- 乙方(Contractor):[乙方名称]- 签订日期(Date):[签订日期]- 项目名称(roject Name):[项目名称]- 项目地点(roject Location):[项目地点]二、合同目的和范围本合同旨在明确甲乙双方就[项目名称]项目的建设、管理、维护等方面的责任、权利和义务。


三、合同金额和支付方式- 合同总金额(Total Contract rice):[合同总金额]- 付款条件(ayment Terms):根据项目进度分阶段支付,具体支付比例和时间点详见附件。











---Contract asic Information- arty A (Client): [Name of arty A]- arty (Contractor): [Name of arty ]- Date of Signing: [Date]- roject Name: [roject Name]- roject Location: [roject Location]urose and Scoe of the ContractThis contract aims to clarify the resonsiilities, rights, and oligations of oth arties regarding the construction, management, and maintenance of the [roject Name] roject. The scoe includes ut is not limited to design, construction, material suly, and roject management.Contract Amount and ayment Method- Total Contract rice: [Total Contract rice]- ayment Terms: ayment shall e made in stages according to the rogress of the roject, with secific ayment ratios and time oints detailed in the annex.Work lan and Timetalearty shall sumit a detailed work lan and timetale within [secific numer of days] after the signing of the contract. arty A shall rovide comments or confirmation within [secific numerof days] uon receit.Quality Assurance and Accetance Criteriaarty shall ensure that all work meets industry standards and arty A's secific requirements. Uon comletion, arty A has the right to conduct accetance and roose necessary modifications efore accetance.Changes and AdjustmentsAny changes or adjustments to the original contract contents require written consent from oth arties. Changes may lead to adjustments in the contract amount and/or timetale. Liaility for reach of ContractThe arty reaching the contract terms shall ear the corresonding liaility for reach, including ut not limited to comensation for losses suffered y the other arty.Disute ResolutionAny disutes arising during the execution of the contract shall e resolved through friendly consultation etween the arties. If consultation fails, the disute may e sumitted to [secified aritration institution] for aritration.Other TermsIncluding ut not limited to confidentiality agreements, intellectual roerty rotection, force majeure clauses, etc., which may e determined through negotiation ased on secific circumstances.Effectiveness and Termination。



工程合同中英文模板我们需要明确合同的基本结构,通常包括以下几个部分:1. 合同标题2. 合同编号3. 甲方(委托方)信息4. 乙方(承包方)信息5. 工程项目描述6. 合同金额7. 工期安排8. 质量要求9. 付款方式和条件10. 违约责任11. 争议解决方式12. 附加条款13. 签字盖章14. 日期我们逐一展示这些部分的中英文模板内容。

【合同标题】工程合同Engineering Contract【合同编号】编号:[填写编号]Contract No.: [Fill in the numer]【甲方信息】甲方(委托方):[公司名称]地址:[公司地址]代表人:[法定代表人姓名]arty A (Client): [Comany Name]Address: [Comany Address]Reresentative: [Legal Reresentative's Name]【乙方信息】乙方(承包方):[公司名称]地址:[公司地址]代表人:[法定代表人姓名]arty (Contractor): [Comany Name]Address: [Comany Address]Reresentative: [Legal Reresentative's Name]【工程项目描述】项目名称:[项目名称]项目地点:[项目地点]工程范围:[详细描述工程的范围和内容]roject Name: [roject Name]roject Location: [roject Location]Scoe of Work: [Detailed descrition of the scoe and content of the roject] 【合同金额】合同总价:[金额]元Total Contract rice: [Amount] RM【工期安排】开工日期:[具体日期]竣工日期:[具体日期]Start Date: [Secific Date]Comletion Date: [Secific Date]【质量要求】乙方必须保证工程质量达到[具体标准]标准,符合国家及行业相关规定。



中英工程合同范本合同编号(Contract Number):[具体编号]甲方(Party A):名称(Name):[甲方公司名称]法定代表人(Legal Representative):[甲方代表姓名]地址(Address):[甲方地址]联系电话(Telephone Number):[甲方电话]乙方(Party B):名称(Name):[乙方公司名称]法定代表人(Legal Representative):[乙方代表姓名]地址(Address):[乙方地址]联系电话(Telephone Number):[乙方电话]一、工程概况1. 工程名称(Project Name):[工程的具体名称]2. 工程地点(Project Location):[工程的具体地点]3. 工程内容和范围(Project Content and Scope):[详细描述工程的具体内容和涵盖的范围]二、工程期限1. 开工日期(Commencement Date):[预计开工的日期]2. 竣工日期(Completion Date):[预计竣工的日期]3. 总工期(Total Project Duration):[工期的总时长]三、工程质量和标准1. 工程质量标准(Project Quality Standard):[明确工程应达到的质量标准,如国家标准、行业标准等]2. 质量验收(Quality Inspection and Acceptance):[约定质量验收的程序、时间和方式]四、工程价款及支付方式1. 工程总价(Total Project Price):人民币[具体金额]元(大写:[大写金额])2. 支付方式(Payment Method):预付款(Advance Payment):合同签订后[具体时间]内,甲方向乙方支付工程总价的[百分比]作为预付款。

进度款(Progress Payment):根据工程进度,甲方分[具体次数]向乙方支付工程总价的[百分比]。



工程维修合同中英文---维修合同(Maintenance Contract)甲方(arty A):[甲方名称]乙方(arty ):[乙方名称]鉴于甲乙双方就[工程项目名称]的维护与修理服务达成如下协议:第一条维修范围及内容1.1 乙方负责[具体维修项目或系统]的日常维护工作;1.2 乙方应按照甲方提供的技术要求和标准进行维修服务;1.3 紧急情况下,乙方应在接到通知后[具体时间]内到达现场处理问题。

第二条维修期限2.1 本合同自[开始日期]起至[结束日期]止;2.2 如需延长维修期限,双方应提前[具体天数]书面协商一致。

第三条质量保证3.1 乙方保证维修服务达到行业标准,并确保维修后的设备正常运行;3.2 对于重大维修项目,乙方需提供不少于[具体年限]年的质量保证期。

第四条费用支付4.1 维修费用根据实际工作量按月结算;4.2 特殊情况下的费用变更,需经双方协商一致后调整。

第五条违约责任5.1 如一方违反合同约定,需承担相应的违约责任;5.2 不可抗力导致无法履行合同时,应及时通知对方,双方协商解决。

第六条争议解决6.1 因履行本合同所产生的争议,应通过友好协商解决;6.2 协商不成时,可提交至[具体仲裁机构]进行仲裁。

第七条其他条款7.1 未尽事宜,双方可另行签订补充协议;7.2 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。

甲方代表(签字):_________________ 日期:____年__月__日乙方代表(签字):_________________ 日期:____年__月__日---Maintenance Contractarty A: [Name of arty A]arty : [Name of arty ]Whereas oth arty A and arty have reached the following agreement on maintenance and reair services for [roject name]:Article 1 Scoe and Content of Maintenance1.1 arty is resonsile for the routine maintenance of [secific maintenance roject or system];1.2 arty shall rovide maintenance services in accordance with technical requirements and standards rovided y arty A;1.3 In case of emergencies, arty shall arrive at the site to address the issue within [secific time] after receiving notification.Article 2 Maintenance eriod2.1 This contract is effective from [start date] to [end date];2.2 If an extension of the maintenance eriod is required, oth arties should reach a written agreement [secific numer of days] in advance.Article 3 Quality Assurance3.1 arty guarantees that the maintenance services meet industry standards and ensures that the equiment oerates normally after maintenance;3.2 For major maintenance rojects, arty must rovide a quality assurance eriod of no less than [secific numer of years].Article 4 ayment of Fees4.1 Maintenance fees are settled monthly ased on actual workload;4.2 Any changes in fees under secial circumstances shall e adjusted after mutual consultation and agreement etween oth arties.Article 5 Liaility for reach of Contract5.1 If one arty reaches the contract, they shall ear the corresonding liaility for reach;5.2 In the event of force majeure reventing erformance of the contract, the affected arty shall notify the other in a timely manner, and oth arties shall consult to resolve the issue. Article 6 Disute Resolution6.1 Any disutes arising from the erformance of this contract shall e resolved through friendly negotiation;6.2 If negotiation fails, the disute may e sumitted to [secific aritration institution] for aritration.Article 7 Miscellaneous rovisions7.1 Matters not covered herein shall e suject to a sulemental agreement signed y oth arties;7.2 This contract is executed in dulicate, with each arty holding one coy, oth having equal legal effect.Reresentative of arty A (Signature): _________________ Date: __ Year __ Month __ Day Reresentative of arty (Signature): _________________ Date: __ Year __ Month __ Day---。





二、合同条款1. 项目名称英文:Project Name中文:项目名称2. 承包商信息英文:Contractor Information中文:承包商信息3. 业主信息英文:Owner Information中文:业主信息4. 工程范围英文:Scope of Work中文:工程范围5. 工程质量和标准英文:Quality and Standards中文:工程质量和标准6. 工程价格和支付方式英文:Price and Payment Terms中文:工程价格和支付方式7. 工期和交付时间英文:Timeframe and Delivery Date中文:工期和交付时间8. 变更和补充条款英文:Change and Supplemental Clauses 中文:变更和补充条款9. 保证和担保英文:Warranty and Guarantee中文:保证和担保10. 违约和争议解决英文:Breach and Dispute Resolution中文:违约和争议解决11. 合同解除英文:Termination of the Contract中文:合同解除12. 其他条款英文:Other Provisions中文:其他条款13. 合同生效和效力英文:Effective Date and Validity中文:合同生效和效力三、合同条款解释1. 项目名称:合同中的项目名称应与相关文件一致,准确描述需要施工的建筑或基础设施项目的名称。

2. 承包商信息:列出承包商的名称、注册地址、以及相关资格证书。

3. 业主信息:列出业主的名称、注册地址、等信息。

4. 工程范围:详细描述工程涉及的施工范围、关键任务和必要材料等。



工程合同中英双语【合同名称】Contract Name: 建设工程合同Construction Contract【甲方(发包方)】arty A (Emloyer): ______________________【乙方(承包方)】arty (Contractor): ______________________鉴于甲乙双方根据平等自愿的原则,就以下工程项目的施工达成如下协议:Whereas arty A and arty have reached the following agreement ased on the rincile of equality and voluntariness regarding the construction of the roject elow:第一条合同项目及范围Article 1 Scoe of the Contract roject1.1 本合同项目为[具体项目名称],位于[具体地点]。

The contract roject is [secific roject name], located at [secific location].1.2 工程范围包括[详细描述工程内容和范围]。

The scoe of the roject includes [detailed descrition of the roject content and scoe].第二条合同金额Article 2 Contract Amount2.1 本合同总金额为[金额数额]人民币/美元。

The total amount of this contract is [amount in RM/USD].2.2 合同金额包含所有施工成本及乙方预期利润。

The contract amount covers all construction costs and arty 's exected rofits.第三条工期要求Article 3 Construction eriod Requirements3.1 工程开工日期为[具体日期],竣工日期为[具体日期]。



英文版工程合同合同标题:ENGINEERING CONTRACT甲方(Emloyer): [公司名称]乙方(Contractor): [公司名称]合同编号:[合同编号]签订日期:[签订日期]项目地点:[项目地点]鉴于甲方希望委托乙方进行[具体工程名称]的设计、施工及竣工工作,乙方愿意接受此项工作,双方经协商一致,达成如下合同条款:I. 合同目的本合同旨在规定甲乙双方在[具体工程名称]项目中的权利、义务和责任,以确保工程质量、进度和投资控制符合预期目标。

II. 合同范围1. 设计服务:乙方需根据甲方提供的规范和要求,完成工程设计工作。

2. 施工服务:乙方负责工程项目的施工管理,确保工程按图施工,质量达到行业标准。

3. 竣工验收:乙方需按照约定的标准和程序完成工程竣工,并协助甲方进行验收工作。

III. 合同价格合同总价为[合同金额]美元,包括所有设计、施工、材料、人工和管理费用。

IV. 付款方式1. 预付款:甲方需在合同签订后[天数]天内支付合同总价的[百分比]作为预付款。

2. 进度款:根据工程进度和完成的工作量,乙方可向甲方申请进度款。

3. 竣工款:工程竣工验收合格后,甲方应支付剩余的合同款项。

V. 工期与进度1. 工程开工日期为[开工日期],竣工日期为[竣工日期]。

2. 乙方需提交详细的工程进度计划,并定期更新进度报告。

VI. 质量保证1. 乙方必须遵守所有相关的建筑法规和标准,确保工程质量。

2. 如发生质量问题,乙方应及时修复并承担相应责任。

VII. 变更与调整任何对工程范围、价格或工期的变更,都需双方书面同意后方可执行。

VIII. 争议解决如双方在合同执行过程中发生争议,应首先通过友好协商解决;协商不成时,可提交至[指定的仲裁机构]进行仲裁。

IX. 法律适用本合同的签订、解释、执行和争议解决均适用[指定国家或地区的法律]。

X. 其他条款1. 保密条款:双方应对合同内容及相关信息保密。

2. 终止条款:在特定条件下,任一方均可提前终止合同。




二、工程概况1. 工程地点:[详细地址]2. 工程规模:[具体规模描述]3. 工程内容:[详细内容描述]4. 工程质量:应符合国家相关标准及甲方要求。


四、支付方式1. 预付款:合同签订后,甲方需支付总金额的[百分比]%作为预付款。

2. 进度款:根据工程进度,甲方应按合同约定支付相应款项。

3. 竣工款:工程完工并通过验收后,甲方应在规定时间内支付剩余款项。





八、其他条款1. 保密条款:双方应对合同内容及合作过程中获知的信息保密。

2. 变更和解除:任何一方提出变更或解除合同,应及时通知对方,并经双方协商一致。

3. 附件:本合同的附件是合同不可分割的一部分,与本合同具有同等法律效力。




甲方代表(签字):_____________ 日期:____年__月__日乙方代表(签字):_____________ 日期:____年__月__日。



中英文工程合同Sino-English Engineering ContractThis contract is entered into on [date] between [Party A], a company incorporated and operating under the laws of [country], with its principal office located at [address], and [Party B], a company incorporated and operating under the laws of [country], with its principal office located at [address].1. Scope of Work1.1 Party A agrees to provide engineering services to Party B in accordance with the terms and conditions of this contract.1.2 The scope of work includes [detailed description of the engineering services to be provided by Party A].1.3 Party B agrees to provide all necessary information, documents, and access to facilities required by Party A to perform the engineering services.2. Duration and Termination2.1 This contract shall commence on [start date] and shall continue until [end date] unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of this contract.2.2 Either party may terminate this contract by providing written notice of termination to the other party if there is a material breach of any provision of this contract by the other party, and such breach is not cured within [30 days].2.3 Upon termination, both parties shall promptly return any confidential information and property of the other party.3. Compensation3.1 Party B agrees to pay Party A a total compensation of [amount] for the engineering services provided under this contract.3.2 Payment shall be made in [currency] within [number of days] after the receipt of an invoice from Party A.3.3 Party B shall reimburse Party A for any reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in connection with the performance of the engineering services.4. Intellectual Property4.1 Any intellectual property rights arising from the engineering services provided under this contract shall belong to Party A unless otherwise agreed in writing between the parties.4.2 Party B shall not use or disclose any confidential information of Party A without the prior written consent of Party A.5. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution5.1 This contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [country].5.2 Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this contract shall be resolved through amicable negotiations between the parties. If the dispute cannot be resolved within [30 days] of written notice of the dispute, either party may refer the dispute to arbitration in accordance with the rules of [arbitration institution] in [country].6. Miscellaneous6.1 This contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings, and representations.6.2 No modification or amendment to this contract shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by both parties.6.3 This contract may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this contract as of the date first above written.[Party A]By: [Name]Title: [Title]Date:[Party B]By: [Name]Title: [Title]Date:。



中英文版施工合同-xxx工程合同中英文版甲方(业主): [Party A (Owner)]乙方(承包商): [Party B (Contractor)]第一部分:合同条款第一条工程概况1.1 工程名称:[Name of the Project]1.2 工程地点:[Location of the Project]1.3 工程范围:[Scope of the Project]1.4 工程内容:[Content of the Project]第二条合同价格2.1 合同总价:[Total Contract Price]2.2 价格调整:[Price Adjustment]第三条工程质量3.1 质量标准:[Quality Standards]3.2 质量保证:[Quality Assurance]第四条工程进度4.1 开工日期:[Commencement Date]4.2 竣工日期:[Completion Date]4.3 进度计划:[Progress Schedule]第五条工程变更5.1 变更通知:[Change Notification]5.2 变更费用:[Change Costs]第六条工程验收6.1 验收标准:[Acceptance Standards]6.2 验收程序:[Acceptance Procedures]第七条付款方式7.1 预付款:[Advance Payment]7.2 进度款:[Progress Payment]7.3 最终结算:[Final Settlement]第八条违约责任8.1 违约定义:[Definition of Breach]8.2 违约赔偿:[Compensation for Breach]第九条争议解决9.1 争议解决方式:[Dispute Resolution Method]9.2 适用法律:[Applicable Law]第十条其他条款10.1 保密协议:[Confidentiality Agreement]10.2 合同变更:[Contract Modification]10.3 合同终止:[Contract Termination]第二部分:附加条款[Additional Clauses as per the specific requirements of the project]第三部分:签字页甲方(业主)代表签字:[Signature of Party A's Representative]乙方(承包商)代表签字:[Signature of Party B's Representative]日期:[Date]Construction ContractContract No.: [Contract No.]Date of Contract: [Date of Contract]Party A (Owner): [Party A (Owner)]Party B (Contractor): [Party B (Contractor)] Part I: Contract TermsArticle 1: Project Overview1.1 Project Name: [Name of the Project]1.2 Project Location: [Location of the Project] 1.3 Project Scope: [Scope of the Project]1.4 Project Content: [Content of the Project]Article 2: Contract Price2.1 Total Contract Price: [Total Contract Price] 2.2 Price Adjustment: [Price Adjustment]Article 3: Project Quality3.1 Quality Standards: [Quality Standards]3.2 Quality Assurance: [Quality Assurance]Article 4: Project Schedule4.1 Commencement Date: [Commencement Date]4.2 Completion Date: [Completion Date]4.3 Progress Schedule: [Progress Schedule]Article 5: Project Changes5.1 Change Notification: [Change Notification]5.2 Change Costs: [Change Costs]Article 6: Project Acceptance6.1 Acceptance Standards: [Acceptance Standards]6.2 Acceptance Procedures: [Acceptance Procedures]Article 7: Payment Method7.1 Advance Payment: [Advance Payment]7.2 Progress Payment: [Progress Payment]7.3 Final Settlement: [Final Settlement]Article 8: Liability for Breach of Contract8.1 Definition of Breach: [Definition of Breach]8.2 Compensation for Breach: [Compensation for Breach]Article 9: Dispute Resolution9.1 Dispute Resolution Method: [Dispute Resolution Method] 9.2 Applicable Law: [Applicable Law]Article 10: Other Terms10.1 Confidentiality Agreement: [Confidentiality Agreement] 10.2 Contract Modification: [Contract Modification]10.3 Contract Termination: [Contract Termination]Part II: Additional Terms[Additional terms as per the specific requirements of the project]Part III: Signature PageSignature of Party A's Representative: [Signature of Party A's Representative]Signature of Party B's Representative: [。



中英文工程合同模板---工程合同(中英文对照)Engineering Contract (Chinese-English ilingual)甲方(客户):___________arty A (Client): ___________乙方(承包商):___________arty (Contractor): ___________鉴于甲乙双方同意按照以下条款和条件进行合作,特此签订本合同:Whereas arty A and arty agree to collaorate under the terms and conditions set forth elow, this contract is herey estalished:第一条:合同目的Article 1: urose of the Contract本合同旨在规定甲乙双方就_________工程项目(以下简称“本工程”)的权利、义务与责任。

This contract is made for the urose of stiulating the rights, oligations, and liailities of oth arties concerning the engineering roject named _________ (hereinafter referred to as "the roject").第二条:工程描述Article 2: Descrition of the roject乙方应按照甲方提供的技术规格和要求,完成本工程的设计、施工及相关服务。

arty shall comlete the design, construction, and related services for the roject in accordance with the technical secifications and requirements rovided y arty A.第三条:合同价格Article 3: Contract rice本工程的总合同价为___________元人民币(或美元),具体支付方式如下所述。



xxx engineering contract xxx工程合同Contract No.:合同编号:Party A: xxxCompany Limited甲方:xxx有限公司Party B:xxx Company Limited乙方:xxx有限公司This contract is made and entered into on the day of , 2014 by the following Parties in .本合同于2014年月日由以下当事方在签署。

Party A: xxx Company Limited,甲方:xxx有限公司,xxx经营的公司,住所地为xxx,(下称“甲方”),法定代表人:xxxParty B:xxx Company Limited,乙方:xxx有限公司,一家xxx经营的公司,注册地址是:xxx,(下称“乙方”),法定代表人:xxxParty A and Party B are called by a joint name of Both Parties under this contract, each of which is called as A Party.甲方和乙方在本合同项下统称为“双方”,单独称为“一方”。

1. Work Content and Requirements1. 工作内容、要求1.1 In accordance with the items stipulated in this Contract, Party B shall conduct the project as per the Projectstandard and quality standard stipulated by Ministry of Engineering of the Union of xx.1.1 依据本合同所限定的条款,乙方应以xx工程部规定的建筑标准和质量要求执行本工程。

工程合同范本 英文

工程合同范本 英文

工程合同范本英文Engineering ContractThis Engineering Contract (the "Contract") is made and entered into as of [date] and between [Party A Name] (hereinafter referred to as "Party A") and [Party B Name] (hereinafter referred to as "Party B").1. Project DescriptionParty A here engages Party B to undertake the [Project Name] project (the "Project"). The scope and detls of the Project are as described in Appendix A attached hereto.2. Project ScheduleThe Project is expected to mence on [start date] and be pleted [pletion date]. However, the schedule may be adjusted subject to mutual written agreement of both parties.3. Project Cost and Payment TermsThe total cost of the Project is agreed to be [total amount] (inclusive of all taxes and expenses). Party A shall make the following payments to Party B: An advance payment of [advance amount] within [number of days] after the signing of this Contract.Interim payments as per the milestones achieved as detled in Appendix B.The final payment of [final amount] upon successful pletion and acceptance of the Project.4. Quality and StandardsParty B shall ensure that the Project is pleted in accordance with the industry standards and the specifications agreed upon in this Contract. Any defects or deviations from the agreed standards shall be rectified Party B at its own cost.5. Changes and AmendmentsAny changes or amendments to the scope, schedule, or cost of the Project shall be mutually agreed upon in writing and signed both parties.6. Intellectual Property RightsAll intellectual property rights arising from the Project shall belong to Party A, unless otherwise agreed in writing.7. ConfidentialityBoth parties undertake to keep all information related to the Project confidential and not to disclose it to any third party without the prior written consent of the other party.8. Force MajeureNeither party shall be liable for any delay or flure in performance of this Contract due to force majeure events, such as natural disasters, wars, or government actions. However, the affected party shall promptly notify the other party and take all reasonable measures to minimize the impact.9. Dispute ResolutionIn the event of any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Contract, the parties shall first attempt to resolve it through friendly negotiations. If the negotiations fl, the dispute shall be submitted to arbitration in accordance with the rules of [arbitration institution].10. TerminationThis Contract may be terminated either party in the event of a material breach the other party, provided that written notice of termination is given and the breaching party fls to rectify the breach within a specified period.11. Governing Law and JurisdictionThis Contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of [jurisdiction]. Any legal action arising from or related to this Contract shall be brought in the courts of [jurisdiction].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.Party A: [Party A Signature] [Party A Name] [Party A Address] [Contact Detls] Party B: [Party B Signature] [Party B Name] [Party B Address] [Contact Detls] Appendix A: Project DescriptionAppendix B: Payment MilestonesPlease note that this is a basic template and should be tlored to meet the specific requirements and circumstances of your particular engineering project.。



中英文对照工程施工合同Contract No.: [合同编号] Date: [日期] arty A: [甲方名称] arty : [乙方名称]---Contract No.: [合同编号] Date: [日期] arty A: [甲方名称] arty : [乙方名称]---Article 1: roject Information1.1 roject Name: [项目名称]1.2 roject Location: [项目地点]1.3 Scoe of Work: [工作范围描述]---Article 2: Oligations and Rights of arty A2.1 rovide necessary construction conditions and ensure unimeded access to the site.2.2 ay construction fees in accordance with the contract terms and conditions.---Article 3: Oligations and Rights of arty3.1 Comlete the construction work within the agreed timeframe, ensuring quality standards are met.3.2 Sumit rogress reorts on schedule and resond to any issues romtly.---Article 4: Construction eriod4.1 Start Date: [开始日期]4.2 Comletion Date: [完成日期]4.3 Should there e any delay, arty must rovide written notice and reasons to arty A.---Article 5: Quality Requirements5.1 The construction must meet national standards and industry norms.5.2 Uon comletion, oth arties shall conduct a joint insection; any discreancies should e resolved through negotiation.---Article 6: Safety roduction6.1 arty is resonsile for safety management and must comly with all relevant safety regulations.6.2 In case of an accident, immediate measures must e taken, and arty A should e informed without delay.---Article 7: rice and ayment Method7.1 Total contract rice: [合同总价]7.2 ayment schedule: [付款计划描述]---Article 8: Changes and Rescission of the Contract8.1 Any changes or amendments to the contract must e in writing and agreed uon y oth arties.8.2 Either arty may rescind the contract under certain conditions as stiulated y law.---Article 9: Settlement of Disutes9.1 Disutes arising from the contract shall e settled through friendly consultation.9.2 If consultation fails, either arty may sumit the disute to aritration or ursue legal action in court.---Article 10: Force Majeure10.1 Force majeure includes natural disasters and other unforeseeale events that revent erformance of the contract.10.2 The affected arty must immediately inform the other arty and rovide suorting evidence. ---Article 11: Miscellaneous11.1 Confidentiality clauses, intellectual roerty rights, etc., shall e detailed searately.11.2 This contract is executed in two counterarts, each held y one arty, and ecomes effective uon signing.---Article 12: Signatures and Seals[甲方签名盖章处] [乙方签名盖章处]Authorized Reresentative: [授权代表人姓名] Authorized Reresentative: [授权代表人姓名] Seal: [公司印章] Seal: [公司印章]Date: [日期] Date: [日期]。



施工合同中英文合同范本中文合同施工合同合同编号:[合同编号]甲方(发包方):[甲方单位全称]地址:[甲方地址]法定代表人:[甲方法人姓名]乙方(承包方):[乙方单位全称]地址:[乙方地址]法定代表人:[乙方法人姓名]根据《中华人民共和国合同法》和相关法律法规的规定,甲乙双方本着平等、自愿、公平、诚实信用的原则,就[工程名称]的施工事宜,经友好协商,达成如下合同:一、工程概况1. 工程名称:[工程名称]2. 工程地点:[工程地点]3. 工程内容:[详细描述工程内容]4. 工程造价:[工程造价总额]二、工期1. 开工日期:[开工日期]2. 竣工日期:[竣工日期]3. 工期总日历天数:[总天数]三、质量标准工程质量应符合国家现行相关施工验收规范和质量检验评定标准。

四、合同价款与支付1. 合同价款:[合同价款总额]2. 支付方式:[详细描述支付方式及时间节点]五、双方责任1. 甲方责任:[详细列举甲方责任]2. 乙方责任:[详细列举乙方责任]六、违约责任1. 若一方违反合同约定,应承担相应的违约责任。

2. 违约责任的具体承担方式:[详细描述违约责任承担方式]七、争议解决因本合同引起的或与本合同有关的任何争议,双方应友好协商解决;协商不成的,可提交[仲裁机构名称]仲裁或向[有管辖权的人民法院名称]起诉。

八、其他1. 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份。

2. 本合同自双方签字或盖章之日起生效。

甲方(盖章):[甲方公章]法定代表人(签字):[甲方法人手写签名]签订日期:年月日乙方(盖章):[乙方公章]法定代表人(签字):[乙方法人手写签名]签订日期:年月日English ContractConstruction ContractContract No.: [Contract Number]Party A (Employer): [Full Name of Party A]Address: [Address of Party A]Legal Representative: [Name of Legal Representative of Party A]Party B (Contractor): [Full Name of Party B]Address: [Address of Party B]Legal Representative: [Name of Legal Representative of Party B]Pursuant to the provisions of the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China and relevant laws and regulations, Party A and Party B, in the principle of equality, voluntariness, frness, and good fth, have reached the following contract on the construction matters of [Project Name] through friendly negotiations:I. Project Overview1. Project Name: [Project Name]2. Project Location: [Project Location]3. Project Content: [Detled description of the project content]4. Project Cost: [Total project cost]II. Construction Period1. Commencement Date: [Commencement Date]2. Completion Date: [Completion Date]3. Total Calendar Days of the Construction Period: [Total number of days]III. Quality StandardsThe quality of the project shall ply with the current national construction acceptance specifications and quality inspection and evaluation standards.IV. Contract Price and Payment1. Contract Price: [Total contract price]2. Payment Method: [Detled description of payment methods and time nodes]V. Responsibilities of Both Parties1. Responsibilities of Party A: [Detled enumeration of Party A's responsibilities]2. Responsibilities of Party B: [Detled enumeration of Party B's responsibilities]VI. Liability for Breach of Contract1. If one party violates the provisions of the contract, it shall bear the corresponding liability for breach of contract.2. Specific ways of assuming liability for breach of contract: [Detled description of the way to assume liability for breach of contract]VII. Dispute ResolutionAny dispute arising from or relating to this contract shall be resolved through friendly negotiations between the two parties; if the negotiation fls, it may be submitted to [Name of Arbitration Institution] for arbitration or to [Name of the People's Court with Jurisdiction] for litigation.VIII. Others1. This contract is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy.2. This contract shall take effect from the date of signature or seal both parties.Party A (Seal): [Official Seal of Party A]Legal Representative (Signature): [Handwritten Signature of Legal Representative of Party A]Date of Signing: //Party B (Seal): [Official Seal of Party B]Legal Representative (Signature): [Handwritten Signature of Legal Representative of Party B]Date of Signing: //。



工程项目合同中英---合同编号:[合同编号]签订日期:[签订日期]签订地点:[签订地点]Contract No.: [Contract Numer]Date of Signing: [Date of Signing]lace of Signing: [lace of Signing]甲方(业主):[业主名称]乙方(承包商):[承包商名称]arty A (Owner): [Owner's Name]arty (Contractor): [Contractor's Name]鉴于甲乙双方同意按照以下条款和条件进行[工程项目名称]的合作,现达成如下合同:Whereas arty A and arty agree to collaorate on the [roject Name] in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth elow, the following contract is herey estalished:第一条项目概述Article 1 roject Overview本项目旨在[详细描述工程项目的目标、范围和预期成果]。

The urose of this roject is to [detail the ojectives, scoe, and exected outcomes of the engineering roject].第二条合同价格Article 2 Contract rice本项目的总合同价为[金额],包含所有必要的材料、劳务、管理费用及税费。

The total contract rice for this roject is [amount], which includes all necessary materials, laor, administrative costs, and taxes.第三条工期与交付Article 3 Duration and Delivery乙方承诺于[开始日期]开始施工,并确保于[完成日期]前完成全部工作。



xxx engineering contract xxx工程合同Contract No.:合同编号:Party A: xxxCompany Limited甲方:xxx有限公司Party B:xxx Company Limited乙方:xxx有限公司This contract is made and entered into on the day of , 2014 by the following Parties in .本合同于2014年月日由以下当事方在签署。

Party A: xxx Company Limited,甲方:xxx有限公司,xxx经营的公司,住所地为xxx,(下称“甲方”),法定代表人:xxxParty B:xxx Company Limited,乙方:xxx有限公司,一家xxx经营的公司,注册地址是:xxx,(下称“乙方”),法定代表人:xxxParty A and Party B are called by a joint name of Both Parties under this contract, each of which is called as A Party.甲方和乙方在本合同项下统称为“双方”,单独称为“一方”。

1. Work Content and Requirements1. 工作内容、要求1.1 In accordance with the items stipulated in this Contract, Party B shall conduct the project as per the Projectstandard and quality standard stipulated by Ministry of Engineering of the Union of xx.1.1 根据本合同所限定的条款,乙方应以xx工程部规定的建筑标准和质量要求实行本工程。



工程维修合同中英文【工程维修合同】合同编号:______________甲方(业主):______________乙方(承包商):______________鉴于甲方需对___________(工程项目名称)进行维修保养服务,经双方友好协商,依据相关法律法规,达成如下合同条款:一、合同目的The urose of this contract is to stiulate the rights, oligations, and resonsiilities of oth arties regarding the maintenance and reair services for the ___________ (roject name).二、维修范围及内容The scoe and content of maintenance include routine insections, reventive maintenance, emergency reairs, and any additional services as agreed uon y oth arties.三、维修期限Maintenance shall commence on _________ (start date) and continue until _________ (end date), inclusive of all necessary reairs during this eriod.四、质量保证Quality assurance measures shall e imlemented to ensure that all reairs meet industry standards and are comliant with relevant regulations.五、费用支付ayment for services shall e made according to the agreed-uon schedule and method, with clear terms for late ayments or defaults.六、违约责任In case of reach of contract, the defaulting arty shall ear the corresonding legal liailities and comensate the other arty for any losses incurred.七、争议解决Any disutes arising from or related to this contract shall e resolved through negotiation; if negotiation fails, it may e sumitted to aritration or court litigation.八、其他事项Miscellaneous terms such as insurance requirements, confidentiality agreements, and force majeure clauses shall also e included in the contract.九、合同生效This contract shall come into effect uon signatures of oth arties and remains valid until all oligations herein have een fulfilled.十、附件Attachments to the contract include roject secifications, service schedules, and any other relevant documents agreed uon y oth arties.甲方代表(签字):______________ 日期:____年____月____日arty A Reresentative (Signature): ______________ Date: ____ Year ____ Month ____ Day乙方代表(签字):______________ 日期:____年____月____日arty Reresentative (Signature): ______________ Date: ____ Year ____ Month ____ Day注:以上合同范本仅供参考,具体合同条款应根据实际情况和当地法律法规进行调整。

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Contract of Construction Project合同编号:Contract Number:工程名称:Project Name:发包方(甲方):工程设计顾问(北京)Employer (Party A): International Consulting Engineers ( Beijing) Limited承包方(乙方):中寰艺高建筑装饰工程有限公司Contractor (Party B): Zhong Huanyigao Building Decoration Engineering Co. , Ltd根据《中华人民共和国合同法》和《建筑安装工程承包合同条例》及有关规定,为明确双方在施工过程中的权利、义务和经济责任,经双方协商同意签订本合同。

In order to make definite of the rights, obligations and economic responsibilities of both parties during the construction, the parties, in accordance with The PRC Contract Law and Construction Engineering Contract Regulations and relevant provisions, agree to sign this contract.第一条工程项目Article 1, Project item1.工程地点:Project site:2. 工程范围:Scope of project3. 工程造价:人民币元整(该造价为包工包料价)Project cost: PMB Yuan only(Cost of this contract is the contract price for labor and materials)第二条施工准备Article 2, Preparation for construction1.甲方协助乙方办理临时水电及垂直运输,提供建筑图纸及有关隐蔽障碍物的资料。

Party A shall assists party B to deal with the procedures of temporary hydropower and vertical transportation and provide architectural drawings and documents of relevant concealed obstacles .2.乙方:. Party B:①负责施工区域的临时设施、水电管线的铺设、管理、使用和维修工作;Be responsible for the works of laying, management, use and maintenance of the temporary facilities, water and electricity pipeline in the construction area.②组织施工管理人员和材料、施工机械进场;Organize construction management staff and construction materials, construction machinery enter the Site.③负责在装修期间保持公共地方清洁及每天负责将装物料弃置于由管理处指定的垃圾收集处。

Be responsible for keeping public places clean during construction and packing construction material and leaving in the garbage collection place designated by management office each day.第三条工程期限Article 3 Period of Construction1. 根据工期和使用需要,商定工程总施工期为天(日历天),自年月日开工至年月日完工According to the period of construction and the use need, the total construction period agreed shall be days (Calendar days), start from the date of and complete on the date of .2.如遇下列情况,经甲方现场代表签证后,工期相应顺延:Construction period shall be prolonged upon Party A site representative's confirmation when the matters occur as follows.①按施工准备规定,甲方未协助乙方办理临时水电及垂直运输,影响进场施工;According to the requirements of construction preparation, Party A fail tot assist Party B to apply for temporary water and electricity and vertical transportation and have an impact on Party B construction;②因甲方提出增减项目而造成重大设计变更,因而影响进度;The material modification or change of design due to the party A’ s requirement of addition or deletion of project have the effect of hindrance on the progress of works.③未按合同规定拨付预付款、工程款而影响施工;Party A fail to pay the advance payment and construction cost to party B and impact the construction progress;④人力不可抗拒的因素而延误工期。

The delay of schedule of construction due to Force Majeure.第四条工程质量Article 4 The quality of project一.本工程质量经双方研究要求达到双方约定之验收标准。

The quality of project should achieve the requirements of acceptance agreed by both parties.二.乙方必须严格按照施工图纸、说明文件和国家颁发的建筑工程规范、规程和标准进行施工,并接受甲方的监督。

Party B should carry on the construction in strict accordance with drawing, specification file and regulations and specifications authorized by the competent authorities and be under the supervision of Party A.三.乙方在施工过程中必须遵守下列规定:Party B should, during the construction, comply with the provisions as follows:1.由乙方提供给甲方的所有材料必须经甲方同意方可使用,未按要求购买严禁使用;All materials provided by Party B should be subject to the approval of Party A prior to use, And none of the same being bought without conformity with Party A requirements can be used.2.隐蔽工程必须经甲乙双方检查,方可进行下一道工序;The concealed works should be checked by both parties before the next progress;3.工程竣工后,乙方按规定对工程实行保修,保修时间自通过竣工验收之日算起,保修期一年。

Party B shall take the liability of maintenance following the complete of works. The period of maintenance shall be one year from the day of acceptance of complete.第五条工程价款的支付与结算Article 5 Payment and settlement of the contract price合同总价× 50 %, 即元The total contract price × 50%, which is Yuan.中期款The payment of medium-term工程进度过半三日内Within 3 (three) days after the progress more than half.合同总价× 40 %, 即元The total contract price × 40%, which is Yuan.尾款Final Payment竣工验收结算后七日内Within 7 (seven) days after the completion acceptance and settlement.合同总价× 10 %, 即元The total contract price × 10%, which is Yuan.第六条施工与设计变更Article6 The Modification of Construction and Design一.乙方交付的设计图纸、说明和有关技术资料,作为施工的有效依据,开工前由甲方组织签字认同,作为施工的补充依据,甲、乙双方均不得擅自修改。

Design drawing, illustration and relevant technical data consigned by party B are the basis for construction and shall be confirmed by party A’s signature, which is deemed as the supplementary basis and shall be modified by any party without authorization.二.施工中如发现因甲方要求而发生的设计错误或严重不合理的地方,乙方应及时以书面形式通知甲方,由甲方及时会同乙方等有关单位研究确定修改意见或变更设计文件,乙方按修改或变更的设计文件进行施工。
