推荐-LSAT考试全真试题四SECTION2 精品

LSAT 逻辑游戏题On Wednesday, a legislator remembers that she must vote on seven bills-defense, environment, free trade, gun control, health care, immigration, and judicial activism-by the end of the week. Because the legislator wants to align herself with a major political party, she will vote on the seven bills in accordance with the following conditions:She votes for the gun control bill only if she votes against the environment bill.Unless she votes against the judicial activism bill, she will vote for the immigration bill.She will vote for either the environment bill, the judicial activism bill, or both.She votes for the gun control bill if she votes for both the health care bill and the defense bill.1. Which one of the following could be a complete and accurate list of the bills the legislator votes against?(A) free trade, gun control, immigration, judicial activism(B) defense, free trade, gun control, health care, immigration(C) free trade, health care, immigration, judicial activism(D) environment, gun control, health care, judicial activism(E) defense, environment, gun control, health care2. If the legislator votes against the judicial activism bill, then which one of the following CANNOT be true?(A) She votes against both the defense bill and the gun control bill.(B) She votes against both the gun control bill and the health care bill.(C) She votes for both the health care bill and the defense bill.(D) She votes for both the health care bill and the environment bill.(E) She votes for both the environment bill and the free trade bill.3. Which one of the following CANNOT be true?(A) The legislator votes for neither the gun control bill nor the immigration bill.(B) The legislator votes for neither the environment bill nor the immigration bill.(C) The legislator votes for neither the gun control bill nor the health care bill.(D) The legislator votes for neither the health care bill nor the free trade bill.(E) The legislator votes for neither the free trade bill nor the immigration bill.4. If the legislator votes against the immigration bill, then which one of the following is the minimum number of the seven bills she must also vote against?(A) one(B) two(C) three(D) four(E) five5. If the legislator votes for the gun control bill, then which one of the following must be true?(A) She votes for the health care bill or the defense bill.(B) She votes against the health care bill or the defense bill.(C) She votes against the judicial activism bill.(D) She votes for the immigration bill.(E) She votes against the immigration bill.6. If the legislator votes against the judicial activism bill, then each of the following could be true EXCEPT:(A) She votes against the health care bill and the defense bill.(B) She votes for the health care bill and the defense bill.(C) She votes against the health care bill and the gun control bill.(D) She votes against the free trade bill and the gun control bill.(E) She votes for the environment bill and the free trade bill.7. Suppose the condition is added that if the legislator votes for the free trade bill, then she will vote against the judicial activism bill. If all other conditions remain in effect, then each of the following must be true EXCEPT:(A) If she votes for the free trade bill, then she votes against the gun control bill.(B) If she votes against the environment bill, then she also votes against the free trade bill.(C) If she votes against the immigration bill, then she votes for the free trade bill.(D) If she votes against the judicial activism bill, then she also votes against the gun control bill.(E) If she votes against the immigration bill, then she also votes against at least three other bills.除了刷真题以外,我觉得大家忽略了一点:这是一个临场发挥的考试,因此考试的状态是最关键的。

【题型概况】1.有关分布的题型Six campers:Alice,Betty,Carmen,Dora,Gina,and Harriet are arranging a dishwashing schedule for the six days of their camping trip so that each of them will wash dishes on only one day.Betty washes either on day 2 or day 6.If Alice washes on day I,Carmen washes on day 4;Carmen does not wash on day 4 unless Alice washes on day I.If Alice washes on day I, Harriet washes on day 5; Harriet does not wash on day 5 unless Alice washes on day 1.If Gina does not wash on day 3, Alice washes on day 3.If Alice washes on day 4, Dora washes on day 5.If Betty washes on day 2, Gina washes on day 5.If Harriet washes on day 6, Dora washes on day 4.Question:*Which one of the following is an acceptable order in which the campers can wash dishes from the first to the last day?(A) Dora, Betty, Alice, Gina, Carmen, Harriet(B) Betty, Alice, Harriet, Carmen, Gina, Dora(C) Harriet, Gina, Betty, Carmen, Dora, Alice(D) Carmen, Betty, Alice, Dora, Gina, Harriet(E) Alice, Betty, Dora, Carmen, Gina, Harriet*If Dora washes on day 6, on which day does Carmen wash?(A) I (B) 2 (C)3 (D) 4 (E) 52.有关排列次序的问题Each of seven travelers—Norris,Oribe,Paulsen,Rosen,Semonelli, Tan, and Underwood—will be assigned to exactly one of nine airplane seats. The seats are numbered from 1 through 9 and arranged in rows as follows:Front row: 1 2 3Middle row: 4 5 6Last row: 7 8 9Only seats in the same row as each other are immediately beside each other. Seat assignments must meet the following conditions: Oribe’s seat is in the last row.Paulsen’s seat is immediately beside Rosen’s seat and also immediately beside an unassigned seat.Rosen’s seat is in the row immediately behind the row in which Norris’seat is located.Neither Semonelli nor Underwood is seated immediately beside Norris.Question:*Which one of the following is a pair of travelers who could be assigned to seats 2 and 8, respectively?(A) Norris, Semonelli(B) Oribe, Underwood(C) Paulsen, Oribe(D) Rosen, Semonelli(E) Underwood, Tan*If Semonelli and Underwood are not assigned to seats in the same row as each other, which one of the following must be false?(A) Norris is assigned to seat 2.(B) Paulsen is assigned to seat 5.(C) Rosen is assigned to seat 4.(D) Tan is assigned to seat 2.(E) Underwood is assigned to seat 1.3.有关编组的问题A jeweler makes a single strand of beads by threading onto a string in a single direction from a clasp a series of solid-colored beads. Each bead is either green, orange, purple, red, or yellow. The resulting strand satisfies the following specifications: If a purple bead is adjacent to a yellow bead, any bead that immediately follows and any bead that immediately precedes that pair must be red.Any pair of beads adjacent to each other that are the same color as each other must be green.No orange bead can be adjacent to any red bead.Any portion of the strand containing eight consecutive beads must include at least one bead of each color.Question:*If the strand has exactly eight beads, which one of the following is an acceptable order,starting from the clasp,for the eight beads?(A) green, red, purple, yellow, red, orange, green,purple(B) orange, yellow, red, red, yellow, purple, red,green(C) purple, yellow, red, green, green, orange,yellow, orange(D) red, orange, red, yellow, purple, green, yellow,green(E) red, yellow, purple, red, green, red, green, green*If an orange bead is the fourth bead from the clasp, which one of the following is a pair that could be the second and third beads, respectively?(A) green, orange(B) green, red(C) purple, purple(D) yellow, green(E) yellow, purple4.有关空间分布的问题At an evening concert, a total of six songs—O, P,T, X, Y, and Z—will be performed by three vocalists—George, Helen, and Leslie. The songs will be sung consecutively as solos, and each will be performed exactly once.The following constraints govern the composition of the concert program:Y must be performed earlier than T and earlier than O.P must be performed earlier than Z and later than O.George can perform only X, Y, and Z.Helen can perform only T, P, and X.Leslie can perform only O, P, and X.The vocalist who performs first must be different from the vocalist who performs last.Question:*Which one of the following is an acceptable schedule for the performance of the songs,in order from the first to last song performed?(A) X, T, Y, O, P, Z(B) X, Z, Y, T, O, P(C) Y, O, P, X, T, Z(D) Y, P, O, Z, T, X(E) Y, X, O, P, Z, T*Which one of the following must be true about the program?(A) George performs X.(B) Helen performs O.(C) Helen performs T.(D) Leslie performs P.(E) Leslie performs X.【解题技巧】1.在解答每一组问题时,将其作为一个单元。

最新 LSAT 考试逻辑推理模拟试题(二)SECTION IV Time 35 minutes 26 Questions Directions: The questions in this section are based on the reasoning contained in brief statements or passages...1.The government should enact a bill that would prohibit the sale and consumption of alcoholon commuter trains. Recently, the state, exercising its legitimate authority, passed a law to protect the health of commuters by prohibiting smoking on the commuter line. When intoxicated riders get off the train, get in their cars, and drive, the public is exposed to at least as much danger as are nonsmoking rail passengers who are forced to inhale cigarette smoke. In arguing that alcohol consumption on commuter trains should be banned, the author relies on (A) the fact that drinking alcohol is dangerous to one’s health (B) the principle that people need to be protected from their own actions (C) the use of emotionally charged descriptions of smoking and drinking alcohol (D) the reader’s sympathy for the problems of commuters(E) (E) a comparison between the effects of smoking and the effects of drinking alcohol2.Creating false marble is an art at which only those with a light hand can excel. Picasso,however, was a great artist, so while he did not have a light hand he could have excelled at creating false marble. Which one of the following contains a logical error that most closely resembles the logical error contained in the passage? (A) The police have determined that the murderer left his fingerprints on the knife. Ira’s fingerprints do not match those on the knife, so we can eliminate him as a suspect. (B) It is true that it is necessary to work hard in order to succeed. However, smith was governor of the state, so it was possible for him to succeed without working hard. (C) Whenever I eat nuts of any kind I break out in hives. After eating the pie I did not break out, so I know it could not have been real pecan pie. (D) If the inventory can be sold within the next few months the business can be saved. However, since a sale cannot be concluded quickly, the business will go under.(B) (E) Only the brave deserve the spoils. Major Wilson has distinguished himself several times for bravery, so surely he deserves the spoils.3.Cass: War and peace are mutually exclusive. Therefore, a nation cannot be preparing forboth war and peace simultaneously. Stanislaus: But aren’t the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. doing precisely that? They are spending vast amounts of money on war research and armaments while at the same time they are negotiating trade agreements and nuclear arms treaties that are designed to secure peace. Although they are maintaining a shaky peaceful coexistence, they are preparing for both war and peace simultaneously. In order to refute Cass’s conclusion, Stanislaus (A) demonstrates that a nation can be at war and at peace at the same time (B) points out that there are several different meanings to the words “war” and “peace” (C) uses a different meaning for the term “simultaneously” than Cass does (D) shows that preparing for war and preparing for peace are not mutually exclusive(D) (E) changes an argument based on a definition into one based on an ethical consideration According to advertisements, the higher a suntan lotion’s sun protection factor, or SPF, the4.more protection from sunburn. In order for a suntan lotion to work, however, one has to remember to put it on before going in the sun, put on an adequate amount to cover the skin, and reapply it as needed. Therefore, it really does not matter what SPF a suntan lotion has. Which one of the following best identifies the error in reasoning made in the passage? (A) It is unreasonable to assume that the only purpose of a suntan lotion is to provide protection from sunburn. (B) Because some people get sunburned more easily than others, the fact that there are different SPFs cannot be ignored. (C) It cannot be concluded that the SPF is not important just because there are requirements for the application of the suntan lotion. (D) It is unreasonable to assume that all suntan lotions require the same application.(C) (E) There is no reason to assume that manufacturers are unaware that people sometimes forget to apply suntan lotion before going in the sun.Questions 5-6 Patient: Doctor, I read an article that claimed that the first few hours after birth are very important to establishing a mother-infant bond, which is the first step in building a healthy relationship. Can you assure me that my relationship with my baby has not been permanently harmed by our separation for several days after his birth? Physician: Your relationship with your child has not been harmed by the separation. Mother-infant bonding is not like an “instant glue” that cements your relationship forever. Having your infant with you during the period immediately after birth does give your relationship a head start, but many factors are involved in building a strong and lasting relationship between a mother and herchild.5.If everything the doctor says is correct, which one of the following must be true?(A) The best relationships between mothers and their children are caused by immediate mother-infant bonding. (B) There is a high degree of correlation between the best relationships between mothers and their children and those that began with immediate mother-infant bonding. (C) A strong and lasting relationship is necessary for mother-infant bonding. (D) Where immediate mother-infant bonding takes place, a strong and lasting relationship between a mother and her child will be assured.(E) (E) Immediate mother-infant bonding is not necessary for a strong and lasting relationship between a mother and her child. 6. The doctor does which one of the following in her reply to her patient?(A) She rejects an analogy in an attempt to reduce the patient’s concern. (B) She cites evidence to show that the patient’s worry is unfounded. (C) She misinterprets the patient’s explanation of her concern. (D) She establishes that the article that the patient read was in error.(A) (E) She names other factors that are more important in creating a mother-infant bond.7.A recent survey showed that many workers in a certain company are dissatisfied with theirjobs. The survey also showed that most of the dissatisfied workers believe that they have little control over their job assignments. Therefore, to increase workers job satisfaction the company’s management need only concentrate on changing workers’ beliefs regarding the degree of control they have over their job assignments. Which one of the following, if also shown by the survey, would most seriously call into question the conclusion made by the author of the passage? (A) The dissatisfied workers feel that their wages are too low and working conditions are unsatisfactory. (B) The number of workers in the company who are satisfied with their jobs is greater than the number who are dissatisfied. (C) The workers in the company are more dissatisfied than workers in other companies. (D) Most people in company management believe that the workers already have too much control over their work.(A) (E) The workers in the company who are satisfied with their jobs believe that they have a lot of control over their job assignments.8.Dr. Sheila Porter plans to run an experiment using nursing students. Each student will beshown either a pleasant nature film or a disturbing horror film. Each student will be observed by someone who—looking only at the student’s facial expressions—must ascertain which film is being shown. Students shown the horror movie are told to hide their feelings in order to convince the observer that they are watching a pleasant film. Dr. Porter hypothesizes that all the students in the experiment who are convincing will be among the best at working with patients. The hypothesis will be tested by comparing the convincing students and unconvincing students in terms of their performance with patents. Which one of the following incidents best illustrates Dr. Porter’s hypothesis? (A) Niles, the most convincing student in the experiment, later went on to become a physician. (B) After graduating, Yoshiro, a nursing student who was convincing in the experiment, helped care for Bram, a patient at a hospital. Bram recovered from his operation. (C) After graduating, Kim, a nursing student in the experiment who watched the nature film, was removed from the staff of a hospital for unacceptable performance in patient care. (D) Daria, a nursing student who was convincing in the experiment, later received “A’s” in those classes in which working with patients in a teaching hospital was the sole basis of her grades.(D) (E) Marite, a nursing student who was not convincing in the experiment, later quit nursing school.9.Those who think with a hierarchical mentality strive for situations in which their side isdominant and the other side is submissive. In contrast, communal thinkers strive for parity among all sides. Therefore, achieving parity of nuclear weaponry between the East and the West is not enough for Western military generals. Which one of the following assumptions would provide the most support for the conclusion above? (A) Western military generals do not have the same mentality as do Eastern military generals. (B) Parity in nuclear weaponry requires that military generals from both the East and the West think in communal terms. (C) Western military generals want parity with respect to strength in nuclear weaponry between the East and the West. (D) Western military generals’ thinking about relative strength in nuclear weaponry is hierarchical. (D) (E) The thinking of military generals with respect to relative strength in nuclear weaponry is either hierarchical or communal. 10. It has always been difficult to understand the basis of politics in the People’s Republic of China. Because the system is effectively closed, it is impossible to know with any degree of confidence who is allied with whom and for what reasons. Yet Chinese politics does exhibit many of the external characteristics of factional political systems, as found in more open societies. It islegitimate to conclude, therefore, that China has a factional political system. Which one of the following, if true, would confirm the author’s conclusion that China has a factional political system? (A) All open political systems are factional political systems. (B) All factional political systems are closed political systems. (C) All closed political systems are factional political systems. (D) China’s political system is more open than many existing factional political systems.(C) (E) China’s political system is more closed than all existing factional political systems. 来源:考试大-LSAT 11. Since no one returns from death, we can never be certain about whatpasses through the mind of the dying person. For the unconscious, the confused, and the heavily sedated, these final moments are probably meaningless. However, for the mentally alert, it is quite possible that death presents itself as an unbelievably glorious experience, a flight into an entirely new universe of sensation. Why should we think so? Some people who have been reprieved from “certain” death at the last moment have experienced what goes through the consciousness of those who are not so fortunate. For example, parachutists who have survived falls report experiences that resemble psychedelic “trips.” The primary point of the argument in the passage is (A) no one returns from death (B) dying can be a glorious experience (C) we can never know what passes through the mind of a dying person (D) some people are reprieved from death at the last moment(B) (E) some people “die”, yet live to report their, experiences12. Aristotle wrote that a tyrant would be well advised to put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects are more tolerant of unjust treatment from a ruler whom they consider god-rearing and pious. Moreover as most subjects believe that even the gods are on the side of the ruler, the subjects are less apt to move against him. Which one of the following is an assumption on which Aristotle’s argument depends? (A) The subjects of tyrannical rulers typically believe that there is a power other than the mortal. (B) A tyrant cannot rule unless he has divine power on his side. (C) The subjects of tyrannical rulers can rarely be fooled by appearances. (D) Tyrants who are devoted to religion will not treat their subjects unjustly.(A) (E) For a tyrant, the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion is a more effective means of ruling than unjust treatment. 13. That gadget I bought for the kitchen last week has already broken. It’s just another example of the shoddy products that we are seeing more and more of these days. The thing was probablymanufactured in East Golo. Which one of the following is the best expression of an unstated premise that underlies the author’s reasoning in the passage? (A) If a manufacturer uses shoddy materials to make a gadget, the gadget is likely to break quickly. (B) If a gadget breaks quickly, it was probably manufactured in East Golo. (C) If a kitchen gadget was manufactured in East Golo, it should not be sold in this country. (D) If everything that is manufactured in East Golo breaks quickly, then kitchen gadgets manufactured in East Golo are likely to break quickly.(B) (E) Nothing that is manufactured in East Golo can be expected to last more than a week.14. All those who keep a journal will be heard by the next generation. Some of these journal writers are true artists, others humorous observers of the commonplace, and still others insufferable egotists who feel compelled to record their every thought. If the statements above are true, which one of the following must be true? (A) Not all of those who are humorous observers of the commonplace will be heard by the next generation. (B) Everyone who will be heard by the next generation keeps a journal. (C) The next generation will hear both insufferable egotists and true artists. (D) Some of those who keep journals are not true artists, humorous observers of the commonplace, or insufferable egotists.(C) (E) The next generation will bear some of those who are true artists but not all of them. 来源:考试大-LSAT 15. Sven: Trade unions are traditionally regarded by governments andeconomists as restraints of trade, working against the complete freedom of the economy, but I believe that unions are indispensable since they are often the worker’s only protection against exploitation. Ravi: I don’t agree. The exploitation of the workers and their work is a normal part of ordinary trade just like the exploitation of natural or other material resources. Sven and Ravi will not be able to resolve their disagreement logically unless they (A) define a key term (B) rely on the opinions of established authorities (C) question an unproved premise (D) present supporting data(A) (E) distinguish fact from opinion16.History textbooks frequently need to be revised. The reasons for this are clear: newdiscoveries of documents and remains, the discovery of mistaken inferences in prior histories, the discovery of previously unnoticed relationships among data, and the application of hithertoundiscovered principles of natural science all may indicate inadequacies in current history texts. Any of these considerations may require that the past be reinterpreted in a manner that is new and more illuminating. Which one of the following can be inferred from the argument in the passage? (A) The interpretation of historical events is affected by natural science. (B) The past is constantly renewed because of illuminating reinterpretations. (C) History books are outdated as soon as they are written. (D) Natural scientists also function as historians.(A) (E) Historians’ mistaken inferences are caused by unnoticed relationships among data.Questions 17-18 If the artificial is not better than the natural, to what end are all the arts of life? To dig, to plow, to build, to wear clothes—all are direct violations of the injunction to follow nature.17. Which one of the following is an assumption made by the author of the passage? (A) The arts of life have no useful end. (B) The artificial is not better than the natural. (C) Digging, plowing, building, and wearing clothes are better than nature. (D) The injunction to follow nature should not be violated.(C) (E) The arts of life are indirect means of following nature. 18. If the author’s argument were challenged on the grounds that the construction of buildings has adverse effects on the natural environment, which of the following replies might the author use to respond to the challenge logically? (A) There are human activities, such as making music, that are environmentally harmless. (B) Harming the environment is not an end, or purpose, of the arts of life. (C) The construction could involve the use of natural, not artificial, materials. (D) Constructing buildings is not an “art of life.”(E) (E) Even if the natural environment is disturbed by the construction of buildings, it is improved for human use.19. There are at least three people in the room. At most two people in the room recognize each other. At least one person in the room recognizes everybody else in the room. Which one of the following is NOT consistent with the above? (A) Four people are in the room. (B) No two people in the room recognize each other. (C) At most one person in the room recognizes everybody else in the room.(D) Anyone in the room who recognizes any other person in the room is also recognized by that person.(D) (E) Two people in the room recognize every one else in the room.20. Abolish taxes, and real taxpayers would find that their disposable incomes have increased. Abolish taxes, and public employees would find that their incomes have disappeared. Which one of the following is a logical conclusion that depends on information in both of the statements above? (A) Public offices should be abolished so that disposable incomes will rise. (B) The only real taxpayers are those who would have more to spend if they did not pay taxes. (C) Public employees are not real taxpayers. (D) Public employees’ incomes should not be taxed since they come from taxes.(C) (E) If there were no taxes, then public employees could not be paid. 来源:考试大-LSAT 21. A low-pressure weather system is approaching Plainville; rainfallresults from about 70 percent of such systems in the Plainville area. Moreover, the current season, spring, is the time of year in which thundershowers, which sometimes result from low-pressure systems, are most likely to occur in Plainville. Knowing which one of the following, in addition to the information above, would be most useful for determining the probability that Plainville will have a thundershower soon? (A) the percentage of thundershowers in Plainville that occur in the spring (B) the percentage of spring rainfalls in Plainville that are thundershowers (C) the percentage of thundershowers in Plainville that result from low-pressure systems (D) whether low-pressure systems in other areas are associated with rainfall(B) (E) whether Plainville has more or fewer thundershowers each spring than do nearby towns22. It is illogical to infer a second and different effect from a cause which is known only by one particular effect. This is incorrect because the inferred effect must necessarily be produced by some different characteristic of the cause than is the observed effect, which already serves entirely to describe the cause. Which one of the following arguments makes the same logical error as the one described by the author in the passage? (A) An anonymous donor gave a thousand dollars to our historical society. I would guess that that individual also volunteers at the children’s hospital. (B) The radioactive material caused a genetic mutation, which, in turn, caused the birth defect. Therefore, the radioactive material caused the birth defect. (C) The tiny, unseen atom is the source of immense power. It must be its highly complex structure that produces this power.(D) The city orchestra received more funds from the local government this year than ever before. Clearly this administration is more civic-minded than previous ones.(A) (E) If I heat water, which is a liquid, it evaporates. If I heat hundreds of other liquids like water, they evaporate. Therefore, if I heat any liquid like water, it will evaporate. Questions 23-24 Just as a bicycle chain may be too tight, so may one’s carefulness and conscientiousness be so tense as to hinder the running of one’s mind.23. Which one of the following most closely parallels the reasoning used in the argument above? (A) Just as a clock may be wound too tightly, so may one’s time be spent fruitlessly in the pursuit of perfection. (B) Just as a carousel may spin too quickly, so may one’s rapid concentration on several problems prevent a resolution of difficulties. (C) Just as a machine may be oiled too much, so may one’s heavy drinking of alcoholic beverages lead to complete dissipation. (D) Just as a raging river may be frozen into stillness during the winter, so may one’s career falter at certain times of the year.(B) (E) Just as a boxer may become too tense before a big fight, so may one’s personal concerns stand in the way of professional success.24. Which one of the following, if true, would most seriously weaken the argument? (A) Bicycle chains are used to turn wheels, but the human mind is used to “turn” ideas. (B) People and bicycles are similar only in that both may not function well under stress. (C) Bicycles help people with transportation, but careful, conscientious thought helps to solve many different problems. (D) Extreme tension helps a bicycle chain to function efficiently.(D) (E) People engage in poor reasoning whether they are careful and conscientious or not.25. All of the best comedians have had unhappy childhoods. Yet, many people who have had happy childhoods are good comedians, and some good comedians who have had miserably unhappy childhoods are happy adults. If the statements in the passage are true, which one of the following CANNOT be true? (A) The proportion of good comedians who had unhappy childhoods is greater than the proportion of the best comedians who did. (B) Some good comedians have had unhappy childhoods and are unhappy adults. (C) Most of the best comedians are happy adults. (D) More good comedians have had unhappy childhoods than have had happy childhoods.(A)(E) The proportion of comedians who are happy adults is higher than the proportion who are unhappy adults.26. The usefulness of lie detectors cannot be overestimated. Although there is no employee screening procedure that is 100 percent accurate, the lie detector is a valuable tool for employers and employees alike. The lie detector’s usefulness is amply demonstrated in a recent survey conducted by a prestigious university. In the survey, those employees of a large company who were applying for a newly created position within the company were asked if they had ever worked on Project X. More than one-third of the applicants studied lied and said they had worked on the project—a project that never existed. Which one of the following best identifies a flaw in the author’s argument about the usefulness of lie detectors? (A) The argument depends on the assumption that whatever is good for the employer is good for the employee. (B) Since lie detectors are known to be less than 100 percent accurate, the test will tend to help only those with something to hide. (C) By referring to a prestigious university, the author is appealing to authority rather than to evidence. (D) The study shows only that certain individual will lie, not that the lie detector can detect them. (D) (E) The author fails to address the issue that the use of lie detectors may fail to prevent embezzlement. 来源:考试大-LSAT。

LSAT备考解析LSAT一共有3种题型(Reading Comprehension,Logical Reasoning, Logical Games),RC就是阅读理解,LR可以理解成逻辑推理,LG则是以排列组合为核心的数学游戏,一次考试会出现2个LR+1个RC+1个LG+1个加试,共5个section,每个35分钟。
LSAT的最大敌人是时间,文本量非常大,做不完实际上是非常正常的情况,所以阅读速度是一切的基础,目前如果时间还比较富裕的同学建议可以有意识地开始培养速读英文的能力至于LSAT的专项准备,它是各大考试中少有的公布大多数真题的考试,目前已经有PT 1-77,有大把的真题给大家练手;准备的过程主要就是做真题的过程由于35分钟做完一个section对于刚上手的人来说是非常难的,所以建议可以从不计时的PT开始(而不是各种guide)入手LSAT,毕竟真题是最好的了解题型的方法,然后尽快进入计时做真题的状态。
可以读一下LG Bible 作为参考,但不建议花太多时间在LG上,因为很多时候实际上就是在做一些一定不会错的简单题目。

LSAT考试全真试题五含答案(4部分)LSAT考试全真试题五SECTION 1Time—35 minutes24 QuestionsDirections: Each group of questions in this section is based on a set of conditions. In answering some of the questions, it may be useful to draw a rough diagram. Choose the response that most accurately and completely answers each question and blacken the corresponding space on your answer sheet.Questions 1-5On Wednesday a physician will have exactly one appointment with seven patients—P, Q, R, S, T, U, W—one patient per appointment. The schedule of appointments chronologically numbered 1 through 7, must meet the following conditions: Q s appointment is at some time before P s appointmentU s appointment is at some time before P s appointmentEither R or T has appointment 3S s appointment is either the appointment immediately before or the appointment immediately after R s appointment.1. Which one of the following is an acceptable schedule of appointments in order from 1 to 7?(A) Q, S, R, P, W, U, T(B) Q, U, W, S, R, T, P(C) S, Q, R, T, W, U, P(D) T, U, R, S, W, P, Q(E) U, Q, T, P, R, S, W2. If W has appoinment 2 and P has appointment 5. then which one of the following must be true?(A) R has appointment 6(B) S has appointment 4(C) S has appointment 7(D) U has appointment 1(E) U has appointment 43. If U s appointment is immediately after T s appointment and immediately before R s appointment, then which one of the following must be true?(A) Q s appointment is at some time before P s appointment.(B) S s appointment is at some time before P s appointment.(C) S s appointment is immediately before Q s appointment(D) W s appointment is immediately before P s appointment(E) W s appointment is at some time before S s appointment4. If P s appointment is immediately before S s appointment, then each of the following could be true EXCEPT:(A) R s appointment is immediately before W s appointment(B) T s appointment is immediately before Q s appointment(C) U s appointment is immediately before P s appointment(D) U s appointment is immediately before Q s appointment(E) W s appointment is immediately before T s appointment5. If T s appoinemtne is immediately after P s appointment and immediately before W s appointment, then which one of the following must be true?(A) W s appointment is at some time before R s appointment.(B) U s appointment is at some time before R s appointment.(C) S s appointment is at some time before U s appointment.(D) R s appointment is at some time before P s appointment.(E) Q s appointment is at some time before S s appointment.Questions 6-12Exactly six employees—officers F, G, and H, and supervisorsK, L, and M—must be assigned to exactly three committees—Policy, Quality, and Sales—with exactly three employees per committee Committee assignments must conform to the following conditions:Each committee must have at least one officer assigned to it Each employee must be assigned to at least one committee All three officers must be assigned to the Policy Committee.G cannot be assigned to the same committee as L.K must be assigned to the Sales Committee6. Which one of the following is a group of three employees who can be assigned together to the Sales Committee?(A) F, G, and M(B) F, G, and M(C) G, K, and L(D) H, K, and L(E) K, L, and M7. If H is assigned to exactly one committee, and if no committee has both F and M assigned to it, then it must be true that(A) G and M are both assigned to the Quality Committee(B) K and L are both assigned to the SalesCommittee(C) K is assigned to exactly two committees(D) L is assigned to exactly two committees(E) M is assigned to exactly two committees8. Which one of the following CANNOT be true?(A) F is assigned to exactly one committee(B) G is assigned to exactly three committee(C) H is assigned to exactly three committee(D) K is assigned to exactly one committee(E) L is assigned to exactly two committee9. If F is assigned to exactly three committees, and G is assigned to exactly two committees, then which one of the following must be true?(A) G is assigned to the Quality Committee.(B) G is assigned to the SalesCommittee.(C) K is assigned to the Quality Committee.(D) L is assigned to the Sales Committee.(E) M is assigned to the Quality Committee.10. Which one of the following is a group of three empoyees who can be assigned together to the Quality Committee?(A) F, G, and H(B) F, G, and K(C) G, H, and K(D) G, K and L(E) H, L, and M11. If L is assigned to exactly two committee. which one of the following must be true?(A) F is assigned to the Sales Committee.(B) G is assigned to the Sales Committee.(C) H is assigned to the Quality Committee.(D) K is assigned to the Quality Committee.(E) M is assigned to the Quality Committee.12. Which one of the following CANNOT be true?(A) F and G are each assigned to exactly one committee.(B) F and H are each assigned to exactly one committee.(C) G and H are each assigned to exactly one committee.(D) F and M are both assigned to the Sales Committee(E) G and K are both assigned to the Quality CommitteeSECTION IITime—35 minutes25 QuestionsQuestions: The questions in this section are based on the reasoning contained in brief statements or passages. For some questions more than one of the choices could conceivably answer the question. However, you are to choose the best answer that is the response that most accurately and completely answers the question. You should not make assumptions that are by commonsense standards implausible, superfluous, or incompatible with the passage, After you have chosen the best answer, blacken the corresponding space on your answer sheet.1. The basic ingredients from which cement is made are both cheap and plentiful. Materials as common as limestone and clay will do. Nevertheless. The price of cement is influenced by the price of oil, because turning the basic ingredients into cement in high-temmerature kilns use large amounts of energy.Which one of the following can be logically inferred from the passage?(A) Oil is one of the basic ingredients that make up cement(B) Oil is a source of energy for some of the kilns used in the making of cement(C) The higher the price of cement rises, the higher the price of clay rises(D) Whenever oil prices rise cement prices drop(E) A given amount of cement costs no more than the total cost of its basic ingredients2. Many people do not understand themselves, nor do they try to gain self-understanding These people might try to understand others, but these attempts are sure to fail, because withoutself-understanding it is impossible to understand others. It isclear from this that anyone who lacks self-understanding will be incapable of understanding others.The reasoning in the argument is flawed because the argument(A) mistakes something that is necessary to bring about a situation for something that in itself is enough to bring about that situation(B) fails to take into account the possibility that not everyone wants to gain a thorough understanding of himself or herself(C) blames people for something for which they cannot legitimately be held responsible(D) makes use of the inherently vague term "self-understanding" without defining that term(E) draws a conclusion that simply restates a claim given in support of that conclusionQuestions 3-4Wife: The work of the artist who painted the portrait of my grandparents 50 years ago has become quite popular lately, so the portrait has recently become valuable. But since these sorts of artistic fads fade rapidly, the practical thing to do would be to sell the portrait while it is still worth something, and thereby enable our daughter to attend the college she has chosen.Husband: How could you make such a suggestion? That painting is the only thing you own that belonged to your grandparents. I don t think it s a very good painting, but it has great sentimental value. Besides, you owe it to our daughter to keep it in the family as a link to her family s past3. Which one of the following principles, if established, does most to justify the husband s reply?(A) Gifts offered as sentimental tokens of affection shouldnot be accepted if the recipient intends to sell them later for profit(B) A beautiful work of art is more valuable than the money it could be sold for, whatever the amount(C) It is more important for parents to provide their children with tangible links to the family s past than it is to enable them to attend the college of their choice.(D) Children and grandchildren have a duty to preserve family heirlooms only if they have promised their parents or grandparents that they would do so.(E) Providing one s children with an education is more important than providing them with material goods, even if the goods have sentimental value.4. The husband uses which one of the following argumentative techniques in replying to the wife s suggestion?(A) taking issue with the practicality of her suggestion(B) questioning her aesthetie judgment(C) claiming that the reasons she gives are based on emotions rather than on rational considerations。

LSAT考试全真题四参考答案section 1:bacde bdcba cbcdb eaada cddec edsection2:bdbcd cabce ecdaa abeeb adaeasection 3:beded deced bdbce aaadb acbdd bsection 4:daabc abcea badbe adeee edcsection 1:bacde bdcba cbcdb eaada cddec edsection2:bdbcd cabce ecdaa abeeb adaeasection 3:beded deced bdbce aaadb acbdd bsection 4:daabc abcea badbe adeee edcsection 1:bacde bdcba cbcdb eaada cddec edsection2:bdbcd cabce ecdaa abeeb adaeasection 3:beded deced bdbce aaadb acbdd bsection 4:daabc abcea badbe adeee edcsection 1:bacde bdcba cbcdb eaada cddec edsection2:bdbcd cabce ecdaa abeeb adaeasection 3:beded deced bdbce aaadb acbdd bsection 4:daabc abcea badbe adeee edcsection 1:bacde bdcba cbcdb eaada cddec edsection2:bdbcd cabce ecdaa abeeb adaeasection 3:beded deced bdbce aaadb acbdd bsection 4:daabc abcea badbe adeee edcsection 1:bacde bdcba cbcdb eaada cddec edsection2:bdbcd cabce ecdaa abeeb adaeasection 3:beded deced bdbce aaadb acbdd bsection 4:daabc abcea badbe adeee edcsection 1:bacde bdcba cbcdb eaada cddec edsection2:bdbcd cabce ecdaa abeeb adaeasection 3:beded deced bdbce aaadb acbdd bsection 4:daabc abcea badbe adeee edcsection 1:bacde bdcba cbcdb eaada cddec edsection2:bdbcd cabce ecdaa abeeb adaeasection 3:beded deced bdbce aaadb acbdd bsection 4:daabc abcea badbe adeee edcsection 1:bacde bdcba cbcdb eaada cddec edsection2:bdbcd cabce ecdaa abeeb adaeasection 3:beded deced bdbce aaadb acbdd bsection 4:daabc abcea badbe adeee edcsection 1:bacde bdcba cbcdb eaada cddec edsection2:bdbcd cabce ecdaa abeeb adaeasection 3:beded deced bdbce aaadb acbdd bsection 4:daabc abcea badbe adeee edc。

(光纤通信)职业技能鉴定四级考试题(附参考答案)一、单选题(共65题,每题1分,共65分)1.STM-N帧结构中, B2字节的个数是( )。
A、1B、NC、3*ND、以上全错正确答案:C2.在数字通信中,缩短中继距离,信噪比可提高,从而使( )减小。
A、信息量B、比特率C、误码率D、频带利用率正确答案:C3.G07网管运行于( )系统上。
A、Windows 2000 serverB、Solaris2.7C、Windows 2003D、Solaris2.7 for X86正确答案:A4.关于SDH的开销,下面说法不正确的是( )。
A、段开销SOH中包含有定帧信息,用于维护和性能监视的信息以及其它操作功能B、通道开销POH分两类:高阶HPOH和低阶LPOHC、高阶通道开销只用来完成虚容器VC-4信道性能监视、告警状态指示、维护用信号及复接结构指示D、低阶通道开销主要用来完成虚容器(VC-12)通道监测及告警状态指示等功能正确答案:C5.SDH系统不可能产生R_LOF告警的是( )。
A、接收信号衰耗过大B、对端站发送信号无帧结构C、光端机接收部分故障D、光缆线路阻断正确答案:D6.PCM复帧结构中,一个时隙包含( )比特。
A、TUAISB、T-ALOSC、TULOPD、LP-RDI正确答案:B8.STM-N光信号经过线路编码后 ( )。
A、线路码为不加扰的NRZ码B、线路码中加入冗余码C、线路码速还是为STM-N标准码速D、线路码速会提高一些正确答案:C9.中断、延误重要电话及重要信息传输属于( )。
A、不是差错B、通信差错C、严重差错D、通信事故正确答案:D10.对波分复用系统不能用( )指标进行衡量,而只能采用( )指标进行要求。
A、复用段再生段B、通道再生段C、通道复用段D、再生段复用段正确答案:C11.一个VC-4时隙包含个VC-3时隙, 可以容纳()个34M信号。

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GRE逻辑分析辅助材料LSAT 逻辑分析 9 sectionsLeo.XuMay 1st, 2001SECTION 1Time-35 minutes23 QuestionsDirections: Each group of questions in this section is based on a set of conditions. In answering some of the questions, it may be useful to draw a rough diagram. Choose the response that most accurately and completely answers each question and blacken the corresponding space on your answer sheet.Questoins 1-6 A man buys three outfits-X, Y, and Z-each of which consists of two articles of clothing. Each of the articles of clothing is either brown gray or navy. At least one of the outfits is made up of two articles different in color from one another. No more than two of the outfits contain the same combination of colors. Outfit X contains at least one navy article of clothing. Outfit X contains at least one brown article of clothing and does not contain a gray article.1. Which one of the following can be the colors of the man's outfits? (A) X: gray and navy; Y: brown and gray; Z: gray and gray (B) X: brown and gray; Y: brown and navy; Z: gray and gray (C) X: navy and navy; Y: brown and brown; Z: brown and navy (D) X: brown and navy; Y: brown and navy; Z: brown and navy (E) X: navy and navy; Y: brown and brown; Z: navy and navy2. If outfits X and Y each consist of one brown article and one navy article of clothing, what combinations for outfit Z? (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 (E) 63. If outfit Z does not contain two brown items of clothing, what is the maximum number of items of clothing in the three outfits that can be navy? (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) 54. If outfit Y consists of two brown articles of clothing and outfit Z consists of two navy items, what is the total number of possible color combinations for outfit X? (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) 55. Which one of the following color combinations for outfit Z would be acceptable under any of the acceptable color combinations for outfits X and Y? (A) gray and gray (B) brown and gray (C) brown and brown (D) brown and navy (E) navy and navy6. If no two outfits contain the same color combination but each contains at least one navy item, which one of the following is a complete and accurate list of the possible combinations for outfit X? (A) gray and navy (B) brown and navy (C) navy and navy (D) gray and navy; brown and navy (E) gray and navy; navy and navyQuestion 7-11 Five seats on a train are arranged in two rows that face each other. The seats in row 1 are seat 1 and seat 2. The seats in row 2 are seat 3, seat 4, and seat 5 in that order. Seat 1 is directly across from seat 3. Seat 2 is directly across from seat 4. Seat 5 is not directly across from any other seat. Three women-, Betty, and Carol-and two men-David Edmund-each must be seated in one of me five seats, one person to a seat. Carol sits next to neither Betty nor David. Alice does not sit directly across from Carol.7. If Edmund sits directly across from Betty, which one of the following must be true? (A) Alice does not sit directly across from anyone. (B) Alice sits directly across from David. (C) Alice sits next to Edmund. (D) David sits next to Alice. (E) David sits next to Edmund.8. If Edmund does not sit directly across from anyone, which one of the following is a complete and accurate list of those (other than Edmund) who cannot sit in seat 1? (A) Betty (B) Carol (C) David (D) Betty and Carol (E) Betty and David9. If none of the five passengers sits directly across from a passenger of the same sex, how many seating arrangements of the five passengers are possible? (A) exactly 0 (B) exactly 1 (C) exactly 2 (D) exactly 3 (E) exactly 410. How many of the seats could be the one Alice selects as her seat? (A) 1 only (B) 2 only (C) 3 only (D) 4 only (E) 5 only11. How many different seating arrangements of the passengers might there be for row 2? (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 (E) 6Question 12-17 Six people-Julio, Kevin, May, Norma, Olivia, and T amio-participate in a track meet. Two of them enter the marathon, two enter the relay, and two enter the sprint. Each participant enters only one event. If Kevin enters the marathon, then both Julio and May enter the relay, and if both Julio and May enter the relay, then Kevin enters the marathon. If Norma does not enter the sprint, then T amio enters the relay. If Olivia enters the relay, then Julio does not enter the relay. Olivia and T amio do not both enter the relay.12. If Kevin enters the marathon, then which one of the following cannot be true? (A) Julio enters the relay and Norma enters the sprint. (B) Olivia enters the marathon and Norma enters the sprint. (C) T amio enters the marathon and Olivia enters the sprint. (D) T amio enters the relay and Olivia enters the sprint. (E) T amio enters the marathon and May enters the sprint.13. If Norma enters the marathon, then which one of the following cannot be true? (A) Both Kevin and Olivia enter the sprint. (B) Kevin enters the relay and Olivia enters the sprint. (C) Kevin enters the marathon and May enters the relay. (D) Julio enters the marathon and May enters the relay. (E) Julio enters the marathon and Kevin enters the relay.14. If both Kevin and Olivia enter the relay, then which one of the following must be true? (B) May enters the marathon. (C) May enters the sprint. (D) T amio enters the sprint. (E) Norma enters the sprint.15. If both Julio and Kevin enter the same event, then which of the following can be true? Ⅰ.Julio enters the relay. Ⅱ. May enters the marathon. Ⅲ. Olivia enters the relay. (A) Ⅰonly (B) Ⅱ only (C) Ⅲ only (D) Ⅰand Ⅱonly (E) Ⅰ,Ⅱ,and Ⅲ16. If Norma and Olivia each enter different events, then which one of the following cannot be true? (A) Kevin and Olivia enter the marathon. (B) Julio and Norma enter the relay. (C) May and Olivia enter the relay. (D) Norma and T amio enter the relay. (E) Olivia enters the sprint and T amio enters the relay.17. If both Julio and Kevin enter the relay, then which one of the following must be false? (A) May and Norma enter the marathon. (B) May and Olivia enter the marathon. (C) Norma and T amio enter the sprint. (D) May and Norma enter the sprint. (E) May enters the sprint and T amio enters marathon.Questions 18-23 Seven lights-J, K, L, M, N, O, and P-have only two possible settings: on or off. They are arranged on a particular electric circuit as follows. If K is on, L is off; if K is off, L is on. J and N cannot both be on. If M is off, either J or N is on; if either J or N is on, M is off. If P is on, L is on. If O is off, N is off; if O is on, N is on. Assume that the circuit is working as designed.18. Any of the following can be true EXCEPT: (A) J and O are both off. (B) K and N are both off. (C) K and P are both on. (D) L and M are both on. (E) N and O are both on.19. If L and O are on, which one of the following must be true? (A) J is and K is off. (B) J is off and N is on. (C) K is off and M is on. (D) K is off and P is on. (E) M is off and P is on.20. Which one of the following can be true? (A) Only J, K, and M are off. (B) Only J, L, and M are off. (C) Only K, M, and O are off. (D) Only L, N, and O are off. (E) Only M, N, and O are off.21. If P is on, what is the maximum number of lights that can be off? (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 522. What is the minimum number of lights that must be on? (A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 3 (E) 423. If J is on, which one of the following could be a complete and accurate list of the remaining lights that are also on? (A) K, L, and M (B) L, N, and P (C) L, O, and P (D) M, N, and O(E) L and PCDEBB EAEBD CDCED BACBA CCEsection 2Time-35 minutes24 QuestionsDirections: Each group of questions in this section is based on a set of conditions. In answering some of the questions. If may be useful to draw a rough diagram Choose the response that most accurately and completely answers each question and blacken the corresponding space on your answer sheetQuestion 1-6Eight new students-R, S, T, V, W, X, Y, Z-are being divided among exactly three classes-class 1, class 2, and class3. Classes 1 and 2 will gain three new students each: class 3 will gain two new students. The following restrictions apply: R must be added to class 1. S must be added to class 3. Neither S nor W can be added to the same class as Y. V cannot be added to the same class as Z. If T is added to class 1, Z must also be added to class 1.1.Which one of the following is an acceptable assignment of students to the three classes? 1 2 3 (A) R, T, Y V, W, X S, Z (B) R, T, Z S, V, Y W, X (C) R, W, X V, Y, X S, T (D) R, X, Z T, V, Y S, W (E) R, X, Z V, W, Y S, T2.Which one of the following is a complete and accurate list of classes any one of which could be the class to which V is added? (A) class 1 (B) class 3 (C) class 1, class 3 (D) class 2, class 3 (E) class 1, class 2, class 3.3.If X is added to class 1, which one of the following is a student who must be added to class 2? (A) T (B) V (C) W (D) Y (E) Z4.If X is added to class 3, each of the following is a pair of students who can be added to class 1 EXCEPT (A) Y and Z (B) W and Z (C) V and Y (D) V and W (E) T and z5.If T is added to class 3, which one of the following is a student who must be added to class 2? (B) W (C) X (D) Y (E) Z6.Which one of the following must be true? (A) If T and X are added to class 2. V is added to class 3. (B) If V and W are added to class 1. V is added to class 3. (C) If V and W are added to class 1. V is added to class 3. (D) If V and X are added to class 1. V is added to class 3. (E) If Y and Z are added to class 2. V is added to class 2.Question 7-12Four lions-F, G, H, J-and two tigers-K and M-will be assigned to exactly six stalls, one animal per stall. The stalls are arranged as follows: First Row: 1 2 3 Second Row: 4 5 6The only stalls that face each other are stalls 1 and 4, stalls 2 and 5, and stalls 3 and 6. The following conditions apply: The tigers' stalls cannot face each other. A lion must be assigned to stall 1 H must be assigned to stall 6. J must be assigned to a stall numbered one higher than K's stall. K cannot be assigned to the stall that faces H's stall.7. Which one of the following must be true? (A) F is assigned to an even-numbered stall (B) F is assigned to stall 1 (C) J is assigned to stall 2 or else stall 3 (D) J is assigned to stall 3 or else stall 4 (E) K is assigned to stall 2 or else stall 48. Which one of the following could be true? (A) F's stall is numbered one higher than J's stall (B) H's stall faces M's stall (C) J is assigned to stall 4 (D) K's stall faces J'S stall (E) K's stall is in a different row than J's stall9. Which one of the following must be true? (A) A tiger is assigned to stall 2 (B) A tiger is assigned to stall 5 (C) K's stall is in a different row from M's stall (D) Each tiger is assigned to an even-numbered stall (E) Each lion is assigned to a stall that faces a tiger is stall10. If K's stall is in the same row as H's stall which one of the following must be true? (A) F's stall is in the same row as J's stall (B) F is assigned to a lower-numbered stall than G (C) G is assigned to a lower-numbered stall than M (D) G's stall faces H's stall (E) M's stall is in the same row as G's stall11. If J is assigned to stall 3, which one of the following could be true? (A) F is assigned to stall 2 (B) F is assigned to stall 4 (C) G is assigned to stall 1 (D) G is assigned to stall 4 (E) M is assigned to stall 512. Which one of the following must be true (A) A tiger is assigned to stall 2 (B) A tiger is assigned to stall 4 (C) A tiger is assigned to stall 5 (D) A lion is assigned to stall 3Question 13-18On an undeveloped street, a developer will simultaneously build four houses on one side, numbered consecutively 1, 3, 5, and 7, and four houses on the opposite side, numbered consecutively 2, 4, 6, and 8. Houses 2, 4, 6, and 8 will face houses 1, 3, 5, and 7, respectively. Each house will be exactly one of three styles-ranch, split-level or Tudor-according to the following conditions: Adjacent houses are of different styles. No split-level house faces another split-level house. Every ranch house has at least one Tudor house adjacent to it House 3 is a ranch house. House 6 is a split-level house.13. Any of the following could be a Tudor house EXCEPT house (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 4 (D) 7 (E) 814. If there is one ranch house directly opposite another ranch house, which one of the following could be true? (A) House 8 is a ranch house (B) House 7 is a split-level house. (C) House 4 is a Tudor house. (D) House 2 is a split-level house. (E) House 1 is a ranch house.15. If house 4 is a Tudor house, then it could be true that house (A) 1 is a Tudor house (B) 2 is a Tudor house (C) 5 is a Tudor house (D) 7 is a Tudor house (E) 8 is a Tudor house16. On the street, there could be exactly. (A) one ranch house (B) one Tudor house (C) two Tudor houses (D) four ranch houses (E) five ranch houses17. If no house faces a house of the same style, then it must be true that house (A) 1 is a split-level house (B) 1 is a Tudor house (C) 2 is a ranch house (D) 2 is a split-level house (E) 4 is a Tudor house18. If the condition requiring house 6 to be a split-level house is suspended but all other original conditions remain the same, the any of the following could be an accurate list of the styles of houses 2, 4, 6, and 8, respectively, EXCEPT: (A) ranch, split-level, ranch, Tudor (B) split-level, ranch, Tudor, split-level (C) split-level, Tudor, ranch, split-level (D) Tudor, ranch. Tudor, split-level (E) Tudor split-level, ranch, TudorQuestions 19-24Within a tennis league each of five teams occupies one of five positions, numbered 1 through 5 in order of rank, with number 1 as the highest position. The teams are initially in the order R, J, S, M, L, with R in position 1. T eams change positions only when a lower-positioned team defeats a higher-positioned team. The rules are as follows: Matches are played alternately in odd-position rounds and in even-position rounds. In an odd-position round, teams in position 3 and 5 play against teams positioned immediately above them. In an even-position round, teams in position 2 and 4 play against teams positioned immediately above them.19. Which one of the of following could be the order of teams, from position 1 through position 5 respectively, after exactly one round of even-position matches if no odd-position round has yet been played? (A) J , R, M, L, S (B) J, R, S, L, M (C) R, J, M, L, S (D) R, J, M, S, L (E) R, S, J, L, M20. If exactly two rounds of matches have been played, beginning with an odd-position round, and if the lower-positioned teams have won every match in those two rounds, then each of the following must be true EXCEPT: (A) L is one position higher than J. (B) R is one position higher than L. (C) S is one position higher than R. (D) J is in position 4. (E) M is position 3.21. Which one of the following could be true after exactly two rounds of matches have been played? (A) J has won two matches. (B) L has lost two matches. (C) R has won two matches. (D) L's only match was played against J. (E) M played against S in two matches.22. If after exactly three rounds of matches M is in position 4, and J and L have won all of their matches, then which one of the following can be true? (A) J is in position 2. (B) J is in position 3. (C) L is in position 2. (D) R is in position 1. (E) S is in position 3.23. If after exactly three rounds M has won three matches and the rankings of the other four teams relative to each other remain the same, then which one of the following must be in position 3? (A) J (B) L (C) M (D) R (E) S24. If after exactly three rounds the teams, in order from first to fifth position, are R, J, L, S, and M, then which one of the following could be the order, from first to fifth position, of the teams after the second round? (A) J, R, M, S, L (B) J, L, S, M, R (C) R, J, S, L, M (D) R, L, M, S, J (E) R, M, L, S, JDEAEC DEBCE CBDBA AEADE ACACsection 3Time-35 minutes24 QuestionsDirections: Each group of questions in this section is based on a set of conditions. In answering some of the questions, it may be useful to araw a rough diagram. Choose the resoonse that most accurately and completely answers each question and blacken the corresponding space on your answer sheet.Questions 1-6 Seven students-fourth-year students Kim and Lee; third-year students Pat and Robin: and second-year students Sandy, T ety and V al-and only those seven, are being assigned a rooms of equal size in a dormitory. Each room assigned must have either one or two or three students assigned to it and will accordingly be called either a single or a double or a triple. The seven students are assigned to moms in accordence with the following conditions: Lio fourth-year student can be assigned to a triple. No second-year student can be assigned to a single. Lee and Pobin must not share the same room Kim and Pat must share the same room.1. Which one of the following is a combination of rooms to which the seven students could be assigned? (A) two triples and one single (C) three doubles and a stngle (D) two doubles and three singles (E) one double and five singles2. It the room assigned to Robin is a single, which one of the following could be true? (A) There is exactly one double that has a second-year student assigned to it. (B) Lee is assigned to a stngle. (C) Sandy Fat and one other student are zseigned to a triple together. (D) Lixactly three of the rooms assigned to the students are singles (E) Exactly two of the rooms assigned to the students are doubles.3. Which one of the following must be true? (A) Lee is assigned to a single (B) Pat sharts a double with another student (C) Robin shares a double with another student (D) Two of the second-year students share a double with each other (E) Neither of the third-year students is assigned to a single4. If Robin is assigred to a triple, which one of the following must be true? (A) Lee is assigned to a single (B) Two second-year students share a double with each other (C) None of the rooms assigned to the students is a single (D) Two of the rooms assigned to the students are singles. (E) Three of the rooms assigned to the students are singles5. If T erry and V al assigned to different doubles from each other, other, then it must be true of the students' rooms that exactly (A) one is a single (B) two are singles (C) two are doubles (D) one is a triple (E) two are triples6. Which one of the following could be true? (A) The two fourth-year students are assigned to singles. (B) The two fourth-year students share a double with cach other. (C) Lee shares a room with a second-year student (D) Lee shares a room with a third-year student (E) Pat shares a triple with two other studentsQuestions 7-11 A worker will insert colored light bulbs into a billboard equipped with exactly three light sockets, which are labled lights 1, 2, and 3. The worker has three green bulbs, three purple bulbs, and three yellow bulbs. Seiection of bulbs for the sockets is governed by the following conditions: Whenever light 1 is purple, light 2 must be yellow. Whenever light 2 is purple, light 1 must be green. Whenever light 3 is either purple or yellow, light 2 must be purple.7. Which one of the following could be an accurate list of the colors of light bulbs selected for lights 1, 2 and 3, respectively? (A) green, green, yellow (B) purple, green, green (C) purple, purple, green (D) yellow, purple, green (E) yellow, yellow, yellow8. If light 1 is yellow, then any of the following can be true, EXCEPT: (A) Light 2 is green. (B) Light 2 is purple (C) Light 3 is green (D) Light 3 is purple (E) Light 3 is yellow9. There is exactly one possible color sequence of the three lights if which one of the following is true? (A) Light 1 is purple. (B) Light 2 is purple. (C) Light 2 is yellow (D) Light 3 is purple. (E) Light 3 is yellow (A) one (B) two (C) three (D) four (E) five11. If no two lights are assigned light bulbs that are the same color as each other, then which one of the following could be true? (A) Light I is green, and light 2 is purple. (B) Light I is green, and light 2 is yellow. (C) Light I is purple, and light 2 is yellow. (D) Light I is yellow, and light 2 is green. (E) Light I is yellow, and light 2 is purple.Questions 12-17 An attorney is scheduling interviews with witnesses for a given week. Monday through Saturday. Two full consecutive days of the week must be reserved for interviewing hostile withesses. In addition, nonhostile witnesses Q, R, U, X, Y, and Z will each be interviewed exactly once for a full morning or afternoon. The only witnesses who will be interviewed simultaneously with each other are Q and R. The following conditions apply. X must be interviewed on Thursday morning Q must be interviewed at some time before X. U must be interviewed at some time before R Z must be interviewed at some time after X and at some time after Y.12. Which one of the following is a sequence, from first to last, in which the nonhostile witnesses could be interviewed? (A) Q with R, U, X, Y, Z (B) Q, U, R, X, with Y, Z (C) U, X, Q, with R, Y, Z (D) U, Y, Q, with R, X, Z (E) X, Q, with U, Z, R, Y13, Which one of the following is acceptable as a complete schedule of witnesses for Tuesday morning. Tuesday afternoon, and Wednesday morning,respectively? (A) Q, R, none (B) R, none, Y (C) U, Y, none (D) U, Y, none (E) Y, Z, none14.If Y is interviewed at some time after X, which one of the following must be a day reserved for interviewing hostile witnesses? (A) Monday (B) Tuesday (C) Wednesday (D) Friday (E) Saturday15. If R is interviewed at some time after Y which one of the following must be a day reserved for interviewing hostile witnesses? (A) Monday (B) Tuesday (C) Wednesday (D) Thursday (E) Friday16. If on Wednesday afternoon and on Monday the attomey conducts no interviews, which one of the following be true? (A) Q is interviewed on the same day as U (B) R is interviewed on the same day as Y (C) Y is interviewed on the same day as U (D) Y is interviewed on the same day as Wednesday (E) Z is interviewed on the same day as Friday17. If Z is interviewed on Saturday morning which one of the following can be true? (A) Wednesday is a day reserved for interiewing hostile witnesses. (B) Friday is a day reserved for interviewing hostile witnesses. (C) R is interviewed on Thursday (D) U is interviewed on Tuesday (E) Y is interviewed at some time before ThursdayQuestions 18-24advertised each week. Exactly one of the products will be a member of two of these four pairs. The following constraints must be observed: J is not advertised during a given week unless H is advertised during the immediately precceding week. The product that is advertised during two of the weeks is advertised during week 4 but is not advertised during week 3 G is not advertised during a given week unless either J or else O is also advertised that week. K is advertised during one of the first two weeks O is one of the products advertised during week 318. Which one of the following could be the schedule of advertisernents? (A) week 1: G, J; week 2: K, L; week 3: O, M; week 4: H, L (B) week 1: H, K; week 2: J, G; week 3: O, L; week 4: M, K (C) week 1: H, K; week 2: J, M; week 3: O, L; week 4: G, M (D) week 1: H, L; week 2: J, M; week 3: O, G; week 4: K, L (E) week 1: K, M; week 2: H, J; week 3: O, G; week 4: L, M19. Which one of the following is a pair of products that CANNOT be advertised during the same week as each other? (A) H and k (B) H and M (C) J and O (D) K and L (E) L and M20. Which one of the following must be advertised during week 2? (A) G (B) J (C) K (D) L (E) M21. Which one of the following CANNOT be the product that is advertised during two of the weeks? (A) G (B) H (C) K (D) L (E) M22. If L is the product that is advertised during two of the weeks, which one of the following is a product that must be advertised during one of the weeks in which L is advertised (A) G (B) H (C) J (D) K (E) M23. Which one of the following is a product that could be advertised in any of the four weeks? (A) H (B) J (C) K (D) L (E) O24. Which one of the following is a pair of products that could be advertised during the same week as each other (A) G and H (B) H and J (C) H and O (D) K and O (E) K and O(F) M and OCBBCA CDAAB ADDBE EABCB AEDEsection 4Time—35 minutes23 QuestionsDirections: Each group of questions in this section is based on a set of conditions. In answering some of the questions it may be useful to draw a rough diagram. Choose the response that most accurately and completely answers each questions and blacken the corresponding space on your answer sheet. In certain recipe contest each contestant submits submits two recipes. one for an appetizer and one for a main dish T ogether the two recipes must include exactly seven flavorings—fenugreek, ginger, lemongrass, nutmeg, paprika, saffron, and turmeric—with no flavoring included in more than one of the two recipes. Each contestant's recipes must satisfy the following conditions The appetizer recipe includes at most three of the flavorings. Fenugreek is not included in the same recipe as nutmeg. Saffron is not included in the same recipe as turmeric Ginger is included in the same recipe as nutmeg1. Which one of the following could be a complete and accurate list of the flavorings included in one contestant's main-dish recipe?(A) fenugreek, lemongrass, saffron(B) fenugreek, ginger, nutmeg, turmeric(C) ginger, lemongrass, nutmeg, paprika(D) ginger, nutmeg, paprika, turmeric(E) lemongass nutmeg, saffron, turmeric2. If a contestant's appetizer recipe does not include fenugreek, then the contestant's appetizer recipe must include(A) ginger(B) lemongrass(C) paprika(D) saffron(E) turmeric3. Which one of the following could be a list of all of the flavorings included in one contestant's appetizer recipe?(A) fenugreek, saffron(B) ginger, nutmeg(C) fenugreek, nutmeg, turmeric(D) lemongrass, nutmeg, saffron(E) fenugreek, lemongrass, paprika, turmeric4. If a contestant includes lemongrass in the same recipe as paprika, which one of the following is a flavoring that must be included in the contestant's main-dish recipe?(A) ginger(B) lemongrass(C) nutmeg(D) saffron(E) turmeric5. If the condition that requires ginger to be included in the same recipe as nutmeg is suspended but all of the other original conditions remain in effect. then which one of the following could be a list of all of the flavorings included in one contestant's main-dish recipe?(A) ginger, lemongrass, nutmeg, paprika(B) ginger, lemongrass, paprika, turmeric(C) fenugreek, ginger, lemongrass, paprika, saffron(D) fenugreek, ginger, lemongrass, saffron, turmeric(D) fenugreek,lemongrass, nutmeg, paprika, saffronQuestions 6-10 Seven singer—Jamine, Ken, Lalitha, Maya, Norton, Olive, and Patrick—will be scheduled to perform in the finals of a singing competition. During the evening of the competition, each singer, performing alone, will give exactly one performance. The schedule for the evening must conform to the following requirements. Jamle performs immediately after Ken Parick performs at some time after Maya Lalitha performs third only if Norton performs fifth. If Patrick does not perform second, he performs fifth6. Which one of the following is an acceptable schedule for the evening's performers, from first through seventh?(A) Ken, Jamie, Maya, Lalitha, Patrick Norton, Olive(B) Lalitha, Patrick, Norton, Olive Maya, Ken, Jamie(C) Norton, Olive Ken, Jamie, Maya, Patrick, Lalitha(D) Olive, Maya, Ken, Lalitha, Patrick, Norton, Jamie(E) Olive, Maya, Lalitha, Norton,Patrick, Ken Jamie7. If Lalitha is scheduled for the third performance which one of the following must be scheduled for the sixth performance?(A) Jame(B) Ken。
推荐-法学院入学考试LSAT历年全真试题整理 精品

法学院入学考试(LSAT)历年全真试题整理It’s not an ideal time to be unemployed, and even those who have jobs are trying to hold on to them more fiercely than ever. So what happens when you don’t seal a deal? Or you lose a big client? Or you make an accounting error that costs your pany thousands of dollars?现在不是失业的好时机,甚至连有工作的人都千方百计的想保住工作。
那么,当你没有谈妥一个订单时怎么办?你失去一个大客户又怎么办?或者由于你的计算错误而使公司损失了几千美元又怎么办呢?Don’t stand by and watch your career crumble! Take control today by using these tips to get into and get over what you did wrong。
1. Own it. 承认错误While many of us would prefer to forget our mistakes, initially you need to acknowledge to your supervisor and everyone involved that you’re accepting responsibility for what went wrong. Advises career strategist Daisy Swan, "If you see something has gone awry, be sure to be proactive. Talk to the people you report to, and with, and be upfront with what happened."虽然我们中的大部分人都选择忘记我们犯的错,但是犯了错误之后,首先你要像你的上司和涉及到得每个人承认错误,并表示你愿意承担责任。

美国法学院入学考试LSAT阅读真题4【简介】:读真题1(含答案)Historiansgenerallyagreethat,ofthegreatmoderninnovations,therailroadhadthemostfar-r eachingimpactonmajoreventsintheUnitedStatesinthenineteenth精品源自教学论文读真题1(含答案)Historians generally agree that, of the great modern innovations, the railroad had the most far-reaching impact on major events in the United States in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, particularly on the Industrial Revolution. There is, however, considerable disagreement among cultural historians regarding public attitudes toward the railroad, both at its inception in the 1830s and during the half century between 1880 and 1930, when the national rail system was netpleted and reached the zenith of its popularity in the United States. In a recent book, John Stilgoe has addressed this issue by arguing that the “romantic-era distrust” of the railroad that he claims was present during the 1830s vanished in the decades after 1880. But the argument he provides in support of this position is unconvincing.What Stilgoe calls “romantic-era distrust” was in fact the reaction of a minority of writers, artistes, and intellectuals who distrusted the railroad not so much for what it was as for what it signified. Thoreau and Hawthorne appreciated, even admired, an improved means of moving things and people from one place to another. What these writers and others were concerned about was not the new machinery as such, but the new kind ofeconomy, social order, and culture that it prefigured. In addition, Stilgoe is wrong to imply that the critical attitude of these writers was typical of the period: their distrust was largely a reaction against the prevailing attitude in the 1830s that the railroad was an unqualified improvement.Stilgoe’s assertion that the ambivalence toward the railroad exhibited by writers like Hawthorne and Thoreau disappeared after the 1880s is also misleading. In support of this thesis, Stilgoe has unearthed an impressive volume of material, the work of hitherto unknown illustrators, journalists, and novelists, all devotees of the railroad; but it is not clear what this new material proves except perhaps that the works of popular culture greatly expanded at the time. The volume of the material proves nothing if Stilgoe’s point is that the earlier distrust of a minority of intellectuals did not endure beyond the 1880s, and, oddly, much of Stilgoe’s other evidence indicates that it did. When he glances at the treatment of railroads by writers like Henry James, Sinclair Lewis, or F. Scott Fitzgerald, what netes through in spite of Stilgoe’s analysis is remarkably like Thoreau’s feeling of contrariety and ambivalence. (Had he looked at the work of Frank Norris, Eugene O’Neill, or Henry Adams, Stilgoe’s case would have been much stronger.) The point is that the sharp contrast between the enthusiastic supporters of the railroad in the 1830s and the minority of intellectual dissenters during that period extended into the 1880s and beyond.7. The passage provides information to answer all of the following questions EXCEPT:(A) During what period did the railroad reach the zenith of its popularity in the UnitedStates?(B) How extensive was the impact of the railroad on the Industrial Revolution in the United States, relative to that of other modern innovations?(C) Who are some of the writers of the 1830s who expressed ambivalence toward the railroad?(D) In what way could Stilgoe have strengthened his argument regarding intellectuals’ attitudes toward the railroad in the years after the 1880s?(E) What arguments did the writers after the 1880s, as cited by Stilgoe, offer to justify their support for the railroad?8. According to the author of the passage, Stilgoe uses the phrase “romantic-era distrust” (line 13) to imply that the view he is referring to was(A) the attitude of a minority of intellectuals toward technological innovation that began after 1830(B) a netmonly held attitude toward the railroad during the 1830s(C) an ambivalent view of the railroad expressed by many poets and novelists between 1880 and 1930(D) a critique of social and economic developments during the 1830s by a minority of intellectuals(E) an attitude toward the railroad that was disseminated by works of popular culture after 18809. According to the author, the attitude toward the railroad that was reflected in writings of Henry James, Sinclair Lewis, and F. Scott Fitzgerald was(A) influenced by the writings of Frank Norris, Eugene O’Neill, and Henry Adams(B) similar to that of the minority of writers who had expressed ambivalence toward the railroad prior to the 1880s(C) consistent with the public attitudes toward the railroad that were reflected in works of popular culture after the 1880s(D) largely a reaction to the works of writers who had been severely critical of the railroad in the 1830s(E) consistent with the prevailing attitude toward the railroad during the 1830s10. It can be inferred from the passage that the author uses the phrase “works of popular culture” (line 41) primarily to refer to the(A) work of a large group of writers that was published between 1880 and 1930 and that in Stilgoe’s view was highly critical of the railroad(B) work of writers who were heavily influenced by Hawthorne and Thoreau(C) large volume of writing produced by Henry Adams, Sinclair Lewis, and Eugene O’Neill(D) work of journalists, novelists, and illustrators who were responsible for creating enthusiasm for the railroad during the 1830s(E) work of journalists, novelists, and illustrators that was published after 1880 and that has received little attention from scholars other than Stilgoe11. Which one of the following can be inferred from the passage regarding the work of Frank Norris, Eugene O’Neill, and Henry Adams?(A) Their work never achieved broad popular appeal.(B) Their ideas were disseminated to a large audience by the popular culture of the early 1800s.(C) Their work expressed a more positive attitude toward the railroad than did that of Henry James, Sinclair Lewis, and F. Scott Fitzgerald.(D) Although they were primarily novelists, some of their work could be classified as journalism.(E) Although they were influenced by Thoreau, their attitude toward the railroad was significantly different from his.12. It can be inferred from the passage that Stilgoe would be most likely to agree with which one of the following statements regarding the study of cultural history?(A) It is impossible to know exactly what period historians are referring to when they use the term “romantic era.”(B) The writing of intellectuals often anticipates ideas and movements that are later embraced by popular culture.(C) Writers who were not popular in their own time tell us little about the age in which they lived.(D) The works of popular culture can serve as a reliable indicator of public attitudes toward modern innovations like the railroad.(E) The best source of information concerning the impact of an event as large as the Industrial Revolution is the private letters and journals of individuals.13. The primary purpose of the passage is to(A) evaluate one scholar’s view of public attitudes toward the railroad in the UnitedStates from the early nineteenth to the early twentieth century(B) review the treatment of the railroad in American literature of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries(C) survey the views of cultural historians regarding the railroad’s impact on major events in United States history(D) explore the origins of the public support for the railroad that existed after the netpletion of a national rail system in the United States(E) define what historians mean when they refer to the “romantic-era distrust” of the railroad参考答案:7-13 EBBECDA。

LSAT 综合测试及技巧
LSAT 是法学院入学考试的缩写。
几乎所有的法学院都要求申请人参加LSAT 考试。
LSAT 考试共有五个部分,包括三个方面的内容,每部分时间为35 分钟,另加30 分钟的写作。
阅读理解部分包括4 篇文章,其中每篇文章大约为400-600 个单词。
有6-8 个问题,4 篇文章共有28 个问题。
逻辑推理部分试题共有两个部分,每部分有24~26 道试题。
分析推理分析推理部分一般分四组,共有24 个问题。

LSAT考试预测模拟试题及答案LSAT考试预测模拟试题及答案一文是本站特为考生朋友们搜集整理来的,希望这篇预测模拟试题及答案可以帮到大家~Taking the Sample Test Under Simulated LSAT ConditionsOne important way to prepare for the LSAT is to simulate the day of the test by taking a practice test under actual time constraints. Taking a practice test under timed conditions helps you to estimate the amount of time you can afford to spend on each question in a section and to determine the question types on which you may need additional practice. Since the LSAT is a timed test, it is important to use your allotted time wisely. During the test, you may work only on the section designated by the test supervisor. You cannot devote extra time to a difficult section and make up that time on a section you find easier. In pacing yourself, and checking your answers, you should think of each section of the test as a separate minitest.Be sure that you answer every question on the test. When you do not know the correct answer to a question, first eliminate the responses that you know are incorrect, then make your best guess among the remaining choices.Do not be afraid to guess as there is no penalty for incorrect answers.When you take the sample test that follows, abide by all the requirements specified in the directions and keep strictly within the specified time limits. Work without a rest period. When you take an actual test you will have only a short break—usually 10-15 minutes—after SECTION III. When taken under conditions as much like actual testing conditions as possible, the sample test provides very useful preparation for taking the LSAT.Official directions for the four multiple-choice sections and the writing sample are included in this sample test so that you can approximate actual testing conditions as you practice. To take the test:Set a timer for 35 minutes. Answer all the questions in SECTION I. Stop working on that section when the 35 minutes have elapsed.Repeat, allowing yourself 35 minutes each for sections II, III, and IV.Set the timer again for 35 minutes, then prepare your response to the writing sample at the end of this test.Refer to “Computing Your Score” on page 120 in this book for instruction on evaluating your performance. An answer key is provided for this purpose.How This Sample Test Differs From an Actual LSATThis sample test is made up of the scored sections from the actual disclosed LSAT administered in October 1996 and the writing sample topic (with minor editorial revisions) administered in December 2002. However, the sample test does not contain the extra, variable section that is used to pretest new test items of one of the three multiple-choice question types. The three multiple-choice question types may be in a different order in an actual LSAT than in this sample test. This is because the order of these question types is intentionally varied for each administration of the test. The actual test contains section headers at the top of each page that are not included in this sample test.The Writing SampleThe writing sample is not scored but is used by law school admission personnel to assess writing skill. Your writing sample is copied and sent to law schools to which you direct your LSAT score. Some writing sample prompts, or variations of them, may be given at more than one LSAT administration.Beginning with the June 2005 LSAT, the time allotted for the writing sample is 35 minutes, with two pages of writing space.Scratch paper is provided for use during the writing sample portion of the test only. Scratch paper cannot be used in other sections of the LSAT.SECTION ITime—35 minutes25 QuestionsDirections: The questions in this section are based on the reasoning contained in brief statements or passages. For some questions, more than one of the choices could conceivably answer the question. However, you are to choose the best answer; that is, the response that most accurately and completely answers the question. You should not make assumptions that are by commonsense standards implausible, superfluous, or incompatible with the passage. After you have chosen the best answer, blacken the corresponding space on your answer sheet.1. French divers recently found a large cave along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. The cave is accessible only through an underwater tunnel. The interior of the cave is completely filled with seawater and contains numerous large stalagmites, which are stony pillars that form when drops of water fall repeatedly on a single spot on a cave floor, leaving behind mineral deposits that accumulate over time.The information above most strongly supports which one of the following?(A) The Mediterranean Sea was at a higher level in the past than it is now.(B) The water level within the cave is higher now than it once was.(C) The French divers were the first people who knew that the tunnel leading to the cave existed.(D) There was once an entrance to the cave besides the underwater tunnel.(E) Seawater in the Mediterranean has a lower mineral content now than it had when the stalagmites were being formed.2. Adirector of the Rexx Pharmaceutical Company argued that the development costs for new vaccines that the health department has requested should be subsidized by the government, since the marketing of vaccines promised to be less profitable than the marketing of any other pharmaceutical product. In support of this claim the director argued that sales of vaccines are likely to be lower since each vaccine is administered to a patient only once, whereas medicines that combat diseases and chronic illnesses are administered many times to each patient.Which one of the following, if true, most weakens the support offered by the company director for the claim concerning the marketing of vaccines?(A) Vaccines are administered to many more people than are most other pharmaceutical products.(B) Many of the diseases that vaccines are designed to prevent can be successfully treated by medicines.(C) Pharmaceutical companies occasionally market products that are neither medicines nor vaccines.(D) Pharmaceutical companies other than the Rexx Pharmaceutical Company produce vaccines.(E) The cost of administering a vaccine is rarely borne by the pharmaceutical company that manufactures that vaccine.3. Manager: Our new computer network, the purpose of which is to increase productivity, can be installed during the day, which would disrupt our employees’ work, or else at night, which would entail much higher installation charges. Since saving money is important, we should have the network installed during the day.The manager’s argument assumes which on e of the following?(A) The monetary value of the network equipment would not exceed the cost of having the equipment installed at night.(B) The monetary value of any productivity lost during a daytime installation would be less than the difference between daytime and nighttime installation costs.(C) A daytime installation would be completed by no larger a crew and would take the crew no more time than would a nighttime installation.(D) Once the network has been installed, most of the company’s employees will be able to use it immediately to increase their productivity.(E) Most of the company’s employees would be able to work productively while a daytime installation is in progress.4. An ingredient in marijuana known as THC has been found to inactivate herpesviruses in experiments. In previous experiments researchers found that inactivated herpesviruses can convert healthy cells into cancer cells. It can be concluded that the use of marijuana can cause cancer.Which one of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?(A) Several teams of scientists performed the various experiments and all of the teams had similar results.(B) The carcinogenic effect of THC could be neutralized by the other ingredients found in marijuana.(C) When THC kill s herpesviruses it weakens the immune system, and it might thus diminish the body’s ability to fight other viruses, including viruses linked to cancers.(D) If chemists modify the structure of THC, THC can be safely incorporated into medications to prevent herpes.(E) To lessen the undesirable side effects of chemotherapy, the use of marijuana has been recommended for cancer patients who are free of the herpesvirus.5. Archaeologist: Alarge corporation has recently offered to provide funding to restore an archaeological site and to construct facilities to make the site readily accessible to the general public. The restoration will conform to the best current theories about how the site appeared at the height of the ancient civilization that occupied it. This offer should be rejected, however, because many parts of the site contain unexamined evidence.Which one of the following principles, if valid, justifies the archaeologist’s argument?(A) The ownership of archaeological sites should not be under the control of business interests.(B) Any restoration of an archaeological site should represent only the most ancient period of that site’s history.(C) No one should make judgments about what constitutes the height of another civilization.(D) Only those with a true concern for an archaeological site’s history should be involved in the restoration of that site.(E) The risk of losing evidence relevant to possible future theories should outweigh any advantages of displaying the results of theories already developed.6. Besides laying eggs in her own nest, any female wood duck will lay an egg in the nest of another female wood duck if she sees the other duck leaving her nest. Under natural nesting conditions, this parasitic behavior is relatively rare because the du cks’ nests are well hidden. However, when people put up nesting boxes to help the ducks breed, they actually undercut the ducks’ reproductive efforts. These nesting boxes become so crowded with extra eggs that few, if any, of the eggs in those boxes hatch.The statements above, if true, most strongly support which one of the following?(A) Female wood ducks will establish nests in nest boxes only when natural nesting sites are not available.(B) Nesting female wood ducks who often see other female wood ducks are the most successful in their breeding efforts.(C) The nesting boxes for wood ducks have less space for eggs than do natural nesting sites.(D) The nesting boxes would be more effective in helping wood ducks breed if they were less visible to other wood ducks than they currently are.(E) Nesting boxes are needed to supplement the natural nesting sites of wood ducks because of the destruction of much of the ducks’ habitat.7. The crux of creativity resides in the ability to manufacture variations on a theme. If we look at the history of science, for instance, we see that every idea is built upon a thousand related ideas. Careful analysis leads us to understand that what we choose to call a new theme or a new discovery is itself always and without exception some sort of variation, on a deep level, of previous themes.If all of the statements in the passage are true, each of the following must also be true EXCEPT:(A) A lack of ability to manufacture a variation on a previous theme connotes a lack of creativity.(B) No scientific idea is entirely independent of all other ideas.(C) Careful analysis of a specific variation can reveal previous themes of which it is a variation.(D) All great scientific discoverers have been able to manufacture a variation on a theme.(E) Some new scientific discoveries do not represent, on a deep level, a variation on previous themes.[page]8. Millions of female bats rear their pups in Bracken Cave. Although the mothers all leave the cave nightly, on their return each mother is almost always swiftly reunited with her own pup. Sincethe bats’ calls are their only means of finding one another, and a bat pup cannot distinguish the call of its mother from that of any other adult bat, it is clear that each mother bat can recognize the call of her pup.The argument seeks to do which one of the following?(A) derive a general conclusion about all members of a group from facts known about representative members of that group(B) establish the validity of one explanation for a phenomenon by excluding alternative explanations(C) support, by describing a suitable mechanism, the hypothesis that a certain phenomenon can occur(D) conclude that members of two groups are likely to share a certain ability because of other characteristics they share(E) demonstrate that a general rule applies in a particular case9. Someone who gets sick from eating a meal will often develop a strong distaste for the one food in the meal that had the most distinctive flavor, whether or not that food caused the sickness. This phenomenon explains why children are especially likely to develop strong aversions to some foods.Which one of the following, if true, provides the strongest support for the explanation?(A) Children are more likely than adults to be given meals composed of foods lacking especially distinctive flavors.(B) Children are less likely than adults to see a connection between their health and the foods they eat.(C) Children tend to have more acute taste and to become sick more often than adults do.(D) Children typically recover more slowly than adults do from sickness caused by food.(E) Children are more likely than are adults to refuse to eat unfamiliar foods.10. Premiums for automobile accident insurance are often higher for red cars than for cars of other colors. To justify these higher charges, insurance companies claim that, overall, a greater percentage of red cars are involved in accidents than are cars of any other color. If this claim is true, then lives could undoubtedly be saved by banning red cars from the roads altogether.The reasoning in the argument is flawed because the argument(A) accepts without question that insurance companies have the right to charge higher premiums for higher-risk clients(B) fails to consider whether red cars cost the same to repair as cars of other colors(C) ignores the possibility that drivers who drive recklessly have a preference for red cars(D) does not specify precisely what percentage of red cars are involved in accidents(E) makes an unsupported assumption that every automobile accident results in some loss of life11. A certain credit-card company awards its customers bonus points for using its credit card. Customers can use accumulated points in the purchase of brand name merchandise by mail at prices lower than the manufacturers’ suggested retail prices. At any given time, therefore, customers who purchase merchandise using the bonus points spend less than they would spend if they purchased the same merchandise in retail stores. Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?(A) The merchandise that can be ordered by mail using the bonus points is not offered at lower prices by other credit-card companies that award bonus points.(B) The bonus points cannot be used by the creditcard customers in the purchase of brand name merchandise that is not available for purchase in retail stores.(C) The credit-card company does not require its customers to accumulate a large number of bonus points before becoming eligible to order m erchandise at prices lower than the manufacturers’ suggested retail price.(D) The amount credit-card customers pay for shipping the merchandise ordered by mail does not increase the amount customers spend to an amount greater than they would spend if they purchased the same merchandise in retail stores.(E) The merchandise available to the company’s credit-card customers using the bonus points is frequently sold in retail stores at prices that are higher than the manufacturers’ suggested retail prices.12. It is probably not true that colic in infants is caused by the inability of those infants to tolerate certain antibodies found in cow’s milk, since it is often the case that symptoms of colic are shown by infants that are fed breast milk exclusively.Which one of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?(A) A study involving 500 sets of twins has found that if one infant has colic, its twin will probably also have colic.(B) Symptoms of colic generally disappear as infants grow older, whether the infants have been fed breast milk exclusively or have been fed infant formula containing cow’s milk.(C) In a study of 5,000 infants who were fed only infant formula containing cow’s milk, over 4,000 of the infants never displayed any symptoms of colic.(D) When mothers of infants that are fed only breast milk eliminate cow’s milk and all products made from cow’s milk from their own diets, any colic symptoms that their infants have manifested quickly disappear.(E) Infants that are fed breast milk develop mature digestive systems at an earlier age than do those that are fed infant formulas, and infants with mature digestive systems are better able to tolerate certain proteins and antibodies found in cow’s milk.Questions 13–14Yolanda: Gaining access to computers without authorization and manipulating the data and programs they contain is comparable to joyriding in stolen cars; both involve breaking into private property and treating it recklessly. Joyriding, however, is the more dangerous crime because it physically endangers people, whereas only intellectual property is harmed in the case of computer crimes.Arjun: I disagree! For example, unauthorized use of medical records systems in hospitals could damage data systems on which human lives depend, and therefore computer crimes also cause physical harm to people.13. An issue in dispute between Yolanda and Arjun is(A) whether joyriding physically endangers human lives(B) whether the unauthorized manipulation of computer data involves damage to private property(C) whether damage to physical property is more criminal than damage to intellectual property(D) whether the unauthorized use of computers is as dangerous to people as is joyriding(E) whether treating private property recklessly is ever a dangerous crime14. The reasoning in Arjun’s response is flawed because he(A) fails to maintain a distinction made in Yolanda’s argument(B) denies Yolanda’s conclusion without providing evidence against it(C) relies on the actuality of a phenomenon that he has only shown to be possible(D) mistakes something that leads to his conclusion for something that is necessary for his conclusion(E) uses as evidence a phenomenon that is inconsistent with his own conclusion15. Areport of a government survey concluded that Center City was among the ten cities in the nation with the highest dropout rate from its schools. The survey data were obtained by asking all city residents over the age of 19 whether they were high school graduates and computing the proportion who were not. Acity school official objected that the result did not seem accurate according to the schools’ figures.The school official can most properly criticize the reasoning by which the survey report reached its result for failure to do which one of the following?(A) take into account instances of respondents’ dropping out that occurred before the respondents reached high school(B) ask residents whether they had completed their high school work in fewer than the usual number of years(C) distingui sh between residents who had attended the city’s schools and those who had received their schooling elsewhere(D) predict the effect of the information contained in the report on future high school dropout rates for the city(E) consider whether a diploma from the city’s high schools signaled the same level of achievement over time16. Brown dwarfs—dim red stars that are too cool to burn hydrogen—are very similar in appearance to red dwarf stars, which are just hot enough to burn hydrogen. Stars, when first formed, contain substantial amounts of the element lithium. All stars but the coolest of the brown dwarfs are hot enough to destroy lithium completely by converting it to helium. Accordingly, any star found that contains no lithium is not one of these coolest brown dwarfs.The argument depends on assuming which one of the following?(A) None of the coolest brown dwarfs has ever been hot enough to destroy lithium.(B) Most stars that are too cool to burn hydrogen are too cool to destroy lithium completely.(C) Brown dwarfs that are not hot enough to destroy lithium are hot enough to destroy helium.(D) Most stars, when first formed, contain roughly the same percentage of lithium.(E) No stars are more similar in appearance to red dwarfs than are brown dwarfs.17. Whenever a company loses a major product-liability lawsuit, the value of the company’s stocks falls significantly within hours after the announcement. Cotoy has long been involved in a majorproduct-liability lawsuit, and its stocks fell significantly in value today. Therefore, we can be sure that an unfavorable judgment against Cotoy in that lawsuit was announced earlier today.Which one of the following contains flawed reasoning that most closely parallels that in the argument above?(A) Whenever a business treats its customers discourteously, its customers begin to shop elsewhere. Shopwell wants to keep all of its customers; therefore, its employees will never treat customers discourteously.(B) Whenever the large airlines decrease fares, the financial stability of smaller competing airlines is adversely affected. Therefore, the smaller competing airlines’ financial stability must be seriously threatened when the large airlines announce a large price decrease.(C) Whenever a country shows a lack of l eadership on international issues, respect for the country’s policies begins to decline. Therefore, to gain respect for its policies, a country should show leadership on international issues.(D) Whenever an entering student at Cashman College wins the Performance Fellowship, he or she receives $10,000. Therefore, Eula, a student who has enrolled at Cashman, must have won the Performance Fellowship, because she just received $10,000 from the college.(E) Whenever a company advertises its products effectivel y, the company’s sales increase. Oroco’s sales have not increased; therefore, it is likely that the company did not advertise its products effectively.18. In recent years the climate has been generally cool in northern Asia. But during periods when the average daily temperature and humidity in northern Asia were slightly higher than their normal levels the yields of most crops grown there increased significantly. In the next century, the increased average daily temperature and humidity attained during those periods are expected to become the norm. Yet scientists predict that the yearly yields of most of the region’s crops will decrease during the next century.Which one of the following, if true, most helps to resolve the apparent paradox in the information above?(A) Crop yields in southern Asia are expected to remain constant even after the average daily temperature and humidity there increase from recent levels.(B) Any increases in temperature and humidity would be accompanied by higher levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, which is vital to plant respiration.(C) The climate in northern Asia has generally been too cool and dry in recent years for populations of many crop insect pests to become established.(D) In many parts of Asia, the increased annual precipitation that would result from warmer and wetter climates would cause most edible plant species to flourish.(E) The recent climate of northern Asia prevents many crops from being farmed there during the winter.[page]19. No one in the French department to which Professor Alban belongs is allowed to teach more than one introductory level class in any one term. Moreover, the only language classes being taught next term are advanced ones. So it is untrue that both of the French classes Professor Alban will be teaching next term will be introductory level classes.The pattern of reasoning displayed in the argument above is most closely paralleled by that in which one of the following arguments?(A) The Morrison Building will be fully occupied by May and since if a building is occupied by May the new tax rates apply to it, the Morrison Building will be taxed according to the new rates.(B) The revised tax code does not apply at all to buildings built before 1900, and only the first section of the revised code applies to buildings built between 1900 and 1920, so the revised code does not apply to the Norton Building, since it was built in 1873.(C) All property on Overton Road will be reassessed for tax purposes by the end of the year and the Elnor Company he adquarters is on Overton Road, so Elnor’s property taxes will be higher next year.(D) New buildings that include public space are exempt from city taxes for two years and all new buildings in the city’s Alton district are exempt for five years, so the bui lding with the large public space that was recently completed in Alton will not be subject to city taxes next year.(E) Since according to recent statute, a building that is exempt from property taxes is charged for city water at a special rate, and hospit als are exempt from property taxes, Founder’s Hospital will be charged for city water at the special rate.Questions 20–21Some people have been promoting a new herbal mixture as a remedy for the common cold. The mixture contains, among other things, extracts of the plants purple coneflower and goldenseal. A cold sufferer, skeptical of the claim that the mixture is an effective cold remedy, argued, “Suppose that the mixture were an effective cold remedy. Since most people with colds wish to recover quickly, it follows that almost everybody with a cold would be using it. Therefore, since there are many people who have colds but do not use the mixture, it is obviously not effective.” 20. Each of the following is an assumption required by the skeptical cold suf ferer’s argument EXCEPT:(A) Enough of the mixture is produced to provide the required doses to almost everybody with a cold.(B) The mixture does not have side effects severe enough to make many people who have colds avoid using it.(C) The mixture is powerful enough to prevent almost everybody who uses it from contracting any further colds.(D) The mixture is widely enough known that almost everybody with a cold is aware of it.(E) There are no effective cold remedies available that many people who have colds prefer to the mixture.21. Which one of the following most accurately describes the method of reasoning the cold sufferer uses to reach the conclusion of the argument?(A) finding a claim to be false on the grounds that it would if true have consequences that are false(B) accepting a claim on the basis of public opinion of the claim(C) showing that conditions necessary to establish the truth of a claim are met(D) basing a generalization on a representative group of instances(E) showing that a measure claimed to be effective in achieving a certain effect would actually make achieving the effect more difficult22. To hold criminals responsible for their crimes involves a failure to recognize that criminal actions, like all actions, are ultimately prod ucts of the environment that forged the agent’s character. It is not criminals but people in the law-abiding majority who by their actions do most to create and maintain this environment. Therefore, it is law-abiding people whose actions, and nothing else, make them alone truly responsible for crime.The reasoning in the argument is most vulnerable to criticism on the grounds that(A) it exploits an ambiguity in the term “environment” by treating two different meanings of the word as though they were equivalent(B) it fails to distinguish between actions that are socially acceptable and actions that are socially unacceptable(C) the way it distinguishes criminals from crimes implicitly denies that someone becomes a criminal solely in virtue of having committed a crime(D) its conclusion is a generalization of statistical evidence drawn from only a small minority of the population(E) its conclusion contradicts an implicit principle on which an earlier part of the argument is based23. Chronic back pain is usually caused by a herniated or degenerated spinal disk. In most cases the disk will have been damaged years before chronic pain develops, and in fact an estimated one in five。

L A S T试题整理(总25页) -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除LAST试题整理(1)SECTION 1Time-35 minutes23 Questions Questions 1-6A man buys three outfits-X, Y, and Z-each of which consists oftwo articles of clothing. Each of the articles of clothing iseither brown gray or navy.At least one of the outfits is made up of two articles differentin color from one another. No more than two of the outfits containthe same combination of colors.Outfit X contains at least one navy article of clothing.Outfit X contains at least one brown article of clothing and does not contain a gray article.1. Which one of the following can be the colors of the man'soutfits?(A) X: gray and navy; Y: brown and gray; Z: gray and gray(B) X: brown and gray; Y: brown and navy; Z: gray and gray(C) X: navy and navy; Y: brown and brown; Z: brown and navy(D) X: brown and navy; Y: brown and navy; Z: brown and navy(E) X: navy and navy; Y: brown and brown; Z: navy and navy2. If outfits X and Y each consist of one brown article and one navy article of clothing, what combinations for outfit Z?(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 (E) 63. If outfit Z does not contain two brown items of clothing, what is the maximumnumber of items of clothing in the three outfits that can be navy?(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) 54. If outfit Y consists of two brown articles of clothing and outfit Z consists of two navy items, what is the total number of possible color combinations for outfit X?(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) 55. Which one of the following color combinations for outfit Z would be acceptableunder any of the acceptable color combinations for outfits X and Y?(A) gray and gray (B) brown and gray (C) brown and brown (D) brown and navy (E) navy and navy6. If no two outfits contain the same color combination but each contains at least one navy item, which one of the following is a complete and accurate list of the possible combinations for outfit X?(A) gray and navy (B) brown and navy (C) navy and navy(D) gray and navy; brown and navy (E) gray and navy; navy and navyGO ON TO THE NEXT PAGEQuestion 7-11Five seats on a train are arranged in two rows that face each other. The seats in row 1 are seat 1 and seat 2. The seats in row 2 are seat 3, seat 4, and seat 5 in that order. Seat 1 is directly across from seat 3. Seat 2 is directly across from seat 4. Seat 5 is not directly across from any other seat. Three women-, Betty, and Carol-and two men-David, Edmund-each must be seated in one of me five seats, one person to a seat. Betty sits in seat 4.Carol sits next to neither Betty nor David.Alice does not sit directly across from Carol.7. If Edmund sits directly across from Betty, which one of the following must be true?(A) Alice does not sit directly across from anyone.(B) Alice sits directly across from David.(C) Alice sits next to Edmund.(D) David sits next to Alice.(E) David sits next to Edmund.8. If Edmund does not sit directly across from anyone, which one of the following is a complete and accurate list of those (other than Edmund) who cannot sit in seat 1? (A) Betty (B) Carol (C) David(D) Betty and Carol (E) Betty and David9. If none of the five passengers sits directly across from a passenger of the same sex, how many seating arrangements of the five passengers are possible?(A) exactly 0 (B) exactly 1 (C) exactly 2 (D) exactly 3 (E) exactly 410. How many of the seats could be theone Alice selects as her seat?(A) 1 only (B) 2 only (C) 3 only (D)4 only (E) 5 only11. How many different seating arrangements of the passengers might there be for row2? (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 (E) 6Question 12-17Six people-Julio, Kevin, May, Norma, Olivia, and Tamio-participate in a track meet. Two of them enter the marathon, two enter the relay, and two enter the sprint. Each participant enters only one event.If Kevin enters the marathon, then both Julio andMay enter the relay, and if both Julio and May enter the relay, then Kevin enters the marathon.If Norma does not enter the sprint, then Tamio enters the relay. If Olivia enters the relay, then Julio does not enter the relay.Olivia and Tamio do not both enter the relay.12. If Kevin enters the marathon, then which one of the following cannot be true? (A) Julio enters the relay and Norma enters the sprint.(B) Olivia enters the marathon and Norma enters the sprint.(C) Tamio enters the marathon and Olivia enters the sprint.(D) Tamio enters the relay and Olivia enters the sprint.(E) Tamio enters the marathon and May enters the sprint.13. If Norma enters the marathon, then which one of the following cannot be true?(A) Both Kevin and Olivia enter the sprint.(B) (B) Kevin enters the relay and Olivia enters the sprint.(C) Kevin enters the marathon and May enters the relay.(D) Julio enters the marathon and May enters the relay.(E) Julio enters the marathon and Kevin enters the relay.14. If both Kevin and Olivia enter the relay, then which one of the following must be true?(A) Julion and Tamio enter the marathon.(B) May enters the marathon.(C) May enters the sprint.(C) Tamio enters the sprint.(D) Norma enters the sprint.15. If both Julio and Kevin enter the same event, then which of the following can be true? Ⅰ.Julio enters the relay.Ⅱ.May enters the marathon. Ⅲ. Olivia enters the relay.(A) Ⅰonly(B) Ⅱonly(C) Ⅲ only(D) Ⅰand Ⅱonly(E) Ⅰ,Ⅱ,and Ⅲ16. If Norma and Olivia each enter different events, then which one of the following cannot be true?(A) Kevin and Olivia enter the marathon.(B) Julio and Norma enter the relay(B) May and Olivia enter the relay.(D) Norma and Tamio enter the relay.(E) Olivia enters the sprint and Tamio enters the relay.17. If both Julio and Kevin enter the relay, then which one of the following must be false?(A) May and Norma enter the marathon.(B) May and Olivia enter the marathon.(C) Norma and Tamio enter the sprint.(D) May and Norma enter the sprint.(E) May enters the sprint and Tamio enters marathon.Questions 18-23Seven lights-J,K, L, M, N, O, and P-have only two possible settings: on or off. They are arranged on a particular electric circuit as follows.If K is on, L is off; if K is off, L is on.J and N cannot both be on.If M is off, either J or N is on;if either J or N is on, M is off.If P is on, L is on.If O is off, N is off;if O is on, N is on.Assume that the circuit is working as designed.18. Any of the following can be true EXCEPT:(A) J and O are both off.(B) K and N are both off.(C) (C) K and P are both on.(D) L and M are both on.(E) N and O are both on.19. If L and O are on, which one of the following must be true?(A) J is and K is off.(B) J is off and N is on.(C) K is off and M is on(C) K is off and P is on.(D) M is off and P is on.20. Which one of the following can be true?(A) Only J, K, and M are off.(B) Only J, L, and M are off.(C) Only K, M, and O are off.(D) Only L, N, and O are off.(E) Only M, N, and O are off.21. If P is on, what is the maximum number of lights that can be off?(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 (E) 622. What is the minimum number of lights that must be on?(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 3 (E) 423. If J is on, which one of the following could be a completeand accurate list of the remaining lights that are also on?(A) K, L, and M (B) L, N, and P(C) L, O, and P (D) M, N, and O (E) L and PLSAT全真题2SECTION 1Time-35 minutes24 QuestionsQuestion 1-6Eight new students-R, S, T, V, W, X, Y, Z-are being divided among exactly three classes-class 1, class 2, and class3. Classes 1 and 2 will gain three new students each: class 3 will gain two new students. The following restrictions apply:R must be added to class 1.S must be added to class 3.Neither S nor W can be added to the same class as Y.V cannot be added to the same class as Z.If T is added to class 1, Z must also be added to class 1.one of the following is an acceptable assignment of students to the three classes? (A) R, T, Y V, W, X S, Z(B) R, T, Z S, V, Y W, X(C) R, W, X V, Y, X S, T(D) R, X, Z T, V, Y S, W(E) R, X, Z V, W, Y S, Tone of the following is a complete and accurate list of classes any one of which could be the class to which V is added?(A) class 1 (B) class 3 (C) class 1, class 3 (D) class 2,class 3(F) class 1, class 2, class 3.X is added to class 1, which one of the following is a student who must be added to class 2?(A) T (B) V (C) W (D) Y (E) ZX is added to class 3, each of the following is a pair of students who can be added to class 1 EXCEPT(A) Y and Z (B) W and Z (C) V and Y (D) V and W (E) T and zT is added to class 3, which one of the following is a student who must be added to class 2?(A) V (B) W (C) X (D) Y (E) Zone of the following must be true?(A) If T and X are added to class 2. V is added to class 3.(B) If V and W are added to class 1. V is added to class 3.(C) If V and W are added to class 1. V is added to class 3.(D) If V and X are added to class 1. V is added to class 3.(E) If Y and Z are added to class 2. V is added to class 2Question 7-12Four lions-F, G, H, J-and two tigers-K and M-will be assigned to exactly six stalls, one animal per stall. The stalls are arranged as follows: First Row: 1 2 3 Second Row: 4 5 6 The only stalls that face each other are stalls 1 and 4, stalls 2 and 5, and stalls 3 and 6. The following conditions apply:The tigers' stalls cannot face each other.A lion must be assigned to stall 1.H must be assigned to stall 6.J must be assigned to a stall numbered one higher than K's stall.K cannot be assigned to the stall that faces H's stall.7. Which one of the following must be true?(A) F is assigned to an even-numbered stall(B) F is assigned to stall 1(c) J is assigned to stall 2 or else stall 3(D)J is assigned to stall 3 or else stall 4(E) K is assigned to stall 2 or else stall 48. Which one of the following could be true?(A) F's stall is numbered one higher than J's stall(B) H's stall faces M's stall(C) J is assigned to stall 4(D) K's stall faces J'S stall(E) K's stall is in a different row than J's stall9. Which one of the following must be true?(A) A tiger is assigned to stall 2(B) A tiger is assigned to stall 5(C) K's stall is in a different row from M's stall(D) Each tiger is assigned to an even-numbered stall(E) Each lion is assigned to a stall that faces a tiger is stall10. If K's stall is in the same row as H's stall which one of the following must be true? (A) F's stall is in the same row as J's stall(B) F is assigned to a lower-numbered stall than G(C) G is assigned to a lower-numbered stall than M(D) G's stall faces H's stall(E) M's stall is in the same row as G's stall11. If J is assigned to stall 3, which one of the following could be true?(A) F is assigned to stall 2(B) F is assigned to stall 4(C) G is assigned to stall 1(D) G is assigned to stall 4(E) M is assigned to stall 512. Which one of the following must be true(A) A tiger is assigned to stall 2(B) A tiger is assigned to stall 4(C) A tiger is assigned to stall 5(D) A lion is assigned to stall 3(E) A lion is assigned to stall 4Question 13-18On an undeveloped street, a developer will simultaneously build four houses on one side, numbered consecutively 1, 3, 5, and 7, and four houses on the opposite side, numbered consecutively 2,4, 6, and 8. Houses 2, 4, 6, and 8 will face houses 1, 3, 5, and 7, respectively. Each house will be exactly one of three styles-ranch, split-level or Tudor-according to the following conditions: Adjacent houses are of different styles.No split-level house faces another split-level house.Every ranch house has at least one Tudor house adjacent to it.House 3 is a ranch house.House 6 is a split-level house.13. Any of the following could be a Tudor house EXCEPT house(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 4 (D) 7 (E) 814. If there is one ranch house directly opposite another ranch house, which one of the following could be true?(A) House 8 is a ranch house(B) House 7 is a split-level house.(C) House 4 is a Tudor house.(D) House 2 is a split-level house.(E) House 1 is a ranch house.15. If house 4 is a Tudor house, then it could be true that house(A) 1 is a Tudor house(B) 2 is a Tudor house(C) 5 is a Tudor house(D)7 is a Tudor house(E) 8 is a Tudor house16. On the street, there could be exactly.(A) one ranch house(B) one Tudor house(C) two Tudor houses(D) four ranch houses(E) five ranch houses17. If no house faces a house of the same style, then it must be true that house(A) 1 is a split-level house(B) 1 is a Tudor house(C) 2 is a ranch house(D) 2 is a split-level house(E) 4 is a Tudor house18. If the condition requiring house 6 to be a split-level house is suspended but all other original conditions remain the same, the any of the following could be an accurate list of the styles of houses 2, 4, 6, and 8, respectively, EXCEPT:(A) ranch, split-level, ranch, Tudor(B) split-level, ranch, Tudor, split-level(C) split-level, Tudor, ranch, split-level(D) Tudor, ranch. Tudor, split-level(E) Tudor split-level, ranch, TudorQuestions 19-24Within a tennis league each of five teams occupies one of five positions, numbered 1 through 5 in order of rank, with number 1 asthe highest position. The teams are initially in the order R, J, S, M, L, with R in position 1. Teams change positions only when a lower-positioned team defeats a higher-positioned team. The rules are as follows: Matches are played alternately in odd-position rounds and in even-position rounds. In an odd-position round, teams inposition 3 and 5 play against teams positioned immediately above them.In an even-position round, teams in position 2 and 4 play against teams positioned immediately above them.When a lower-positioned team defeats a higher-positioned team,the two teams switch positions after the round is completed.19. Which one of the of following could be the order of teams, from position 1 through position 5 respectively, after exactly one round of even-position matches if no odd-position round has yet been played?(A) J , R, M, L, S(B) J, R, S, L, M(C) R, J, M, L, S(D) R, J, M, S, L(E) R, S, J, L, M20. If exactly two rounds of matches have been played, beginning with an odd-position round, and if the lower-positioned teams have won every match in those two rounds, then each of the following must be true EXCEPT:(A) L is one position higher than J.(B) R is one position higher than L.(C) S is one position higher than R.(D) J is in position 4.(E) M is in position 3.21. Which one of the following could be true after exactly two rounds of matches have been played?(A) J has won two matches.(B)L has lost two matches.(C) R has won two matches.(D) L's only match was played against J.(E) M played against S in two matches.22. If after exactly three rounds of matches M is in position 4, and J and L have won all of their matches, then which one of the following can be true?(A) J is in position 2.(B) J is in position 3.(C) L is in position 2.(D) R is in position 1.(D) S is in position 3.23. If after exactly three rounds M has won three matches and the rankings of the other four teams relative to each other remain the same, then which one of the following must be in position 3?(A) J (B) L (C) M (D) R (E) S24. If after exactly three rounds the teams, in order from first to fifth position, are R, J, L, S, and M, then which one of the following could be the order, from first to fifth position, of the teams after the second round?(A) J, R, M, S, L(B) J, L, S, M, R(C) R, J, S, L, M(D) R, L, M, S, J(E) R, M, L, S, JLSAT全真题(三)SECTION 1Time-35 minutes 24 QuestionsQuestions 1-6Seven students-fourth-year students Kim and Lee; third-year students Pat and Robin: and second-year students Sandy, Tety and Val-and only those seven, are being assigned a rooms of equal size in a dormitory. Each room assigned must have eitherone or two or three students assigned to it and will accordingly be called either a single or a double or a triple. The seven students are assigned to moms in accordance with the following conditions:Lio fourth-year student can be assigned to a triple.No second-year student can be assigned to a single.Lee and Pobin must not share the same roomKim and Pat must share the same room.one of the following is a combination of rooms to which the seven students could be assigned?(A) two triples and one single(B) one triple and four singles(C) three doubles and a single(D) two doubles and three singles(E) one double and five singles2. It the room assigned to Robin is a single, which one of the following could be true? (A) There is exactly one double that has a second-year student assigned to it.(B) Lee is assigned to a single.(C) Sandy Fat and one other student are zseigned to a triple together.(D) Lexically three of the rooms assigned to the students are singles(E) Exactly two of the rooms assigned to the students are doubles.3. Which one of the following must be true?(A) Lee is assigned to a single(B) Pat shares a double with another student(C) Robin shares a double with another student(D) Two of the second-year students share a double with eachother(E) Neither of the third-year students is assigned to a single4. If Robin is assigned to a triple, which one of the following must be true?(A) Lee is assigned to a single(B) Two second-year students share a double with each other(C) None of the rooms assigned to the students is a single(D) Two of the rooms assigned to the students are singles.(E) Three of the rooms assigned to the students are singles5. If Terry and Val assigned to different doubles from each other, other, then it must be true of the students' rooms that exactly(A) one is a single(B) two are singles(C) two are doubles(D) one is a triple(E) two are triples6. Which one of the following could be true?(A) The two fourth-year students are assigned to singles.(B) The two fourth-year students share a double with each other.(C) Lee shares a room with a second-year student(D) Lee shares a room with a third-year student(E) Pat shares a triple with two other studentsQuestions 7-11A worker will insert colored light bulbs into a billboard equipped with exactly three light sockets, which are labeled lights 1, 2, and 3. The worker has three green bulbs, three purple bulbs, and three yellow bulbs. Selection of bulbs for the sockets is governed by the following conditions:Whenever light 1 is purple, light 2 must be yellowWhenever light 2 is purple, light 1 must be green.Whenever light 3 is either purple or yellow, light 2 must be purple.7. Which one of the following could be an accurate list of the colors of light bulbs selected for lights 1, 2 and 3, respectively?(A) green, green, yellow(B) purple, green, green(C) purple, purple, green(D) yellow, purple, green(E) yellow, yellow, yellow8. If light 1 is yellow, then any of the following can be true, EXCEPT:(A) Light 2 is green(B) Light 2 is purple(C) Light 3 is green(D) Light 3 is purple(E) Light 3 is yellow9. There is exactly one possible color sequence of the three lights if which one of the following is true?(A) Light 1 is purple.(B) Light 2 is purple.(C) Light 2 is yellow(D) Light 3 is purple.(E) Light 3 is yellow10. If no green bulbs are selected, there are exactly how many possible different colorsequences of the three lights?(A) one (B) two (C) three (D) four (E) five11. If no two lights are assigned light bulbs that are the same color as each other, then which one of the following could be true?(A) Light I is green, and light 2 is purple.(B) Light I is green, and light 2 is yellow.(C) Light I is purple, and light 2 is yellow.(D) Light I is yellow, and light 2 is green.(E) Light I is yellow, and light 2 is purple.Questions 12-17An attorney is scheduling interviews with witnesses for a given week. Monday throughSaturday. Two full consecutive days of the week must be reserved for interviewing hostile witnesses. In addition, no hostile witnesses Q, R, U, X, Y, and Z willeach be interviewed exactly once for a fullmorning or afternoon. The only witnesses who will be interviewed simultaneously with each other are Q and R. The following conditions apply.X must be interviewed on Thursday morningQ must be interviewed at some time before X.U must be interviewed at some time before RZ must be interviewed at some time after X and at some time after Y.12. Which one of the following is a sequence, from first to last, in which the no hostile witnesses could be interviewed?(A) Q with R, U, X, Y, Z(B) Q, U, R, X, with Y, Z(C) U, X, Q, with R, Y, Z(D) U, Y, Q, with R, X, Z(E) X, Q, with U, Z, R, Y13, Which one of the following is acceptable as a complete schedule of witnesses for Tuesday morning. Tuesday afternoon, and Wednesday morning, respectively?(A) Q, R, none (B) R, none, Y (C) U, Y, none (D) U, Y, none(F) Y, Z, noneY is interviewed at some time after X, which one of thefollowing must be a day reserved for interviewing hostile witnesses?(A) Monday (B) Tuesday (C) Wednesday (D) Friday (E) Saturday15. If R is interviewed at some time after Y which one of the following must be a day reserved for interviewing hostile witnesses?(A) Monday (B) Tuesday (C) Wednesday (D) Thursday (E) Friday16. If on Wednesday afternoon and on Monday the attomey conducts no interviews, which one of the following be true?(A) Q is interviewed on the same day as U(B) R is interviewed on the same day as Y(C) Y is interviewed on the same day as U(D) Y is interviewed on the same day as Wednesday(E) Z is interviewed on the same day as Friday17. If Z is interviewed on Saturday morning which one of the following can be true? (A) Wednesday is a day reserved for interviewing hostile witnesses.(C) Friday is a day reserved for interviewing hostile witnesses.(D) R is interviewed on Thursday(E) U is interviewed on Tuesday(F) Y is interviewed at some time before ThursdayQuestions 18-24During a four-week period, each of seven previously unadvertised products-G, H, J, K, L, M, and O-will be advertised. A different pair of these products will be advertised each week. Exactly one of the products will be a member of two of these four pairs. The following constraints must be observed:J is not advertised during a given week unlessH is advertised during the immediately preceding week.The product that is advertised during two of the weeks is advertised during week 4 but is not advertised during week 3G is not advertised during a given week unless either J or else O is also advertised that week.K is advertised during one of the first two weeksO is one of the products advertised during week 318. Which one of the following could be the schedule of advertisements?(A) week 1: G, J; week 2: K, L; week 3: O, M; week 4: H, L(B) week 1: H, K; week 2: J, G; week 3: O, L; week 4: M, K(C) week 1: H, K; week 2: J, M; week 3: O, L; week 4: G, M(D) week 1: H, L; week 2: J, M; week 3: O, G; week 4: K, L(E) week 1: K, M; week 2: H, J; week 3: O, G; week 4: L, M19. Which one of the following is a pair of products that CANNOT be advertised during the same week as each other?(A) H and k (B) H and M (C) J and O(D) K and L (E) L and M20. Which one of the following must be advertised during week 2?(A) G (B) J (C) K (D) L (E) M21. Which one of the following CANNOT be the product that is advertised during two of the weeks?(A) G (B) H (C) K (D) L (E) M22. If L is the product that is advertised during two of the weeks, which one of the following is a product that must be advertised during one of the weeks in which L is advertised?(A) G (B) H (C) J (D) K (E) M23. Which one of the following is a product that could be advertised in any of the four weeks?(A) H (B) J (C) K (D) L (E) O24. Which one of the following is a pair of products that could be advertised during the same week as each other(A) G and H (B) H and J (C) H and O (D) K and O (E) K and O(F) M and OLSAT全真题(四)SECTION IV Time—35 minutes 23 QuestionsQuestions 1-5In certain recipe contest each contestant submits two recipes. one for an appetizer and one for a main dish Together the two recipes must include exactly seven flavorings—fenugreek, ginger, lemongrass, nutmeg, paprika, saffron, and turmeric—with no flavoring included in more than one of the two recipes. Each contestant's recipes must satisfy the following conditions:The appetizer recipe includes at most three of the flavorings.Fenugreek is not included in the same recipe as nutmeg.Saffron is not included in the same recipe as turmericGinger is included in the same recipe as nutmegone of the following could be a complete and accurate list of the flavorings included in one contestant's main-dish recipe?(A) fenugreek, lemongrass, saffron(B) fenugreek, ginger, nutmeg, turmeric(C) ginger, lemongrass, nutmeg, paprika(D) ginger, nutmeg, paprika, turmeric(E) lemongrass nutmeg, saffron, turmeric2. If a contestant's appetizer recipe does not include fenugreek, then the contestant's appetizer recipe must include(A) ginger (B) lemongrass (C) paprika (D) saffron (E) turmeric3. Which one of the following could be a list of all of the flavorings included in onecontestant's appetizer recipe?(A) fenugreek, saffron(B) ginger, nutmeg(C) fenugreek, nutmeg, turmeric(D) lemongrass, nutmeg, saffron(E) fenugreek, lemongrass, paprika, turmeric4. If a contestant includes lemongrass in the same recipe as paprika, which one of the following is a flavoring that must be included in the contestant's main-dish recipe?(A) ginger (B) lemongrass (C) nutmeg (D) saffron (E) turmeric5. If the condition that requires ginger to be included in the same recipe as nutmeg is suspended but all of the other original conditions remain in effect. thenwhich one of the following could be a list of all of the flavorings included in one contestant's main-dish recipe?(A) ginger, lemongrass, nutmeg, paprika(B) ginger, lemongrass, paprika, turmeric(C) fenugreek, ginger, lemongrass, paprika, saffron(D) fenugreek, ginger, lemongrass, saffron, turmeric(E) fenugreek, lemongrass, nutmeg, paprika, saffronQuestions 6-10Seven singer—Jamine, Ken, Lalitha, Maya, Norton, Olive, and Patrick—will be scheduled to perform in the finals of a singing competition. During the evening of the competition, each singer, performing alone, will give exactly one performance. The schedule for the evening must conform to the following requirements:Jamle performs immediately after KenParick performs at some time after MayaLalitha performs third only if Norton performs fifth.If Patrick does not perform second, he performs fifth6. Which one of the following is an acceptable schedule for the evening's performers, from first through seventh?(A) Ken, Jamie, Maya, Lalitha, Patrick Norton, Olive(B) Lalitha, Patrick, Norton, Olive Maya, Ken, Jamie(C) Norton, Olive Ken, Jamie, Maya, Patrick, Lalitha(D) Olive, Maya, Ken, Lalitha, Patrick, Norton, Jamie(E) Olive, Maya, Lalitha, Norton, Patrick, Ken Jamie7. If Lalitha is scheduled for the third performance which one of the following must be scheduled for the sixth performance?(A) Jame (B) Ken (C) Norton (D) Olive (E) Patrick8. If Norton is scheduled for the fifth performance, which one of the following could be true?(A) Jamie is scheduled for the sixth performance(B) Ken is scheduled for the second performance(C) Lalitha is scheduled for the fourth performance.(D) Maya is scheduled for the third performance(E) Olive is scheduled for the first performance。

LSAT考试全真试题五SECTION2LSAT考试全真试题五SECTION2LSAT考试全真试题五SECTION2section iitime 35 minutes25 questionsquestions: the questions in this section are based on the reasoning contained in brief statements or passages. for some questions more than one of the choices could conceivably answer the question. however, you are to choose the best answer that is the response that most accurately and completely answers the question. you should not make assumptions that are by commonsense standards implausible, superfluous, or incompatible with the passage, after you have chosen the best answer, blacken the corresponding space on your answer sheet.1. the basic ingredients from which cement is made areboth cheap and plentiful. materials as common as limestone and clay will do. nevertheless. the price of cement is influenced by the price of oil, because turning the basic ingredients into cement in high-temmerature kilns use large amounts of energy.which one of the following can be logically inferred from the passage?(a) oil is one of the basic ingredients that make up cement(b) oil is a source of energy for some of the kilns used in the making of cement(c) the higher the price of cement rises, the higher the price of clay rises(d) whenever oil prices rise cement prices drop(e) a given amount of cement costs no more than the total cost of its basic ingredients2. many people do not understand themselves, nor do they try to gain self-understanding these people might try to understand others, but these attempts are sure to fail, because without self-understanding it is impossible to understandothers. it is clear from this that anyone who lacks self-understanding will be incapable of understanding others.the reasoning in the argument is flawed because the argument(a) mistakes something that is necessary to bring about a situation for something that in itself is enough to bring about that situation(b) fails to take into account the possibility that not everyone wants to gain a thorough understanding of himself or herself(c) blames people for something for which they cannot legitimately be held responsible(d) makes use of the inherently vague term "self-understanding" without defining that term(e) draws a conclusion that simply restates a claim given in support of that conclusionquestions 3-4wife: the work of the artist who painted the portrait of mygrandparents 50 years ago has become quite popular lately, so the portrait has recently become valuable. but since these sorts of artistic fads fade rapidly, the practical thing to do would be to sell the portrait while it is still worth something, and thereby enable our daughter to attend the college she has chosen.husband: how could you make such a suggestion? that painting is the only thing you own that belonged to your grandparents. i don t think it s a very good painting, but it has great sentimental value. besides, you owe it to our daughter to keep it in the family as a link to her family s past3. which one of the following principles, if established, does most to justify the husband s reply?(a) gifts offered as sentimental tokens of affection should not be accepted if the recipient intends to sell them later for profit(b) a beautiful work of art is more valuable than the money it could be sold for, whatever the amount(c) it is more important for parents to provide theirchildren with tangible links to the family s past than it is to enable them to attend the college of their choice.(d) children and grandchildren have a duty to preserve family heirlooms only if they have promised their parents or grandparents that they would do so.(e) providing one s children with an education is more important than providing them with material goods, even if the goods have sentimental value.4. the husband uses which one of the following argumentative techniques in replying to the wife s suggestion?(a) taking issue with the practicality of her suggestion(b) questioning her aesthetie judgment(c) claiming that the reasons she gives are based on emotions rather than on rational considerations(d) asserting that the evidence she cites in support of her suggestion is false(e) invoking a competing obligation that he judges to override her practical considerations5. questions have arisen regarding the accuracy of the reports the university s archaeological museum issues on its sales and acquisitions for the year. to forestall controversy, this year s report is being reviewed by three archaeologists from other universities. since these archaeologists will be given full access to all documents on which the report is based, they will be able to determine whether it is indeed accurate.the reasoning in the argument is flawed because the argument(a) does not specify whether the reviewers will have access to data about objects that have been in the museum s collection for many years(b) provides no information regarding the size or quality of the archaeological museum s collection(c) omits any mention of whether the museum s collection is on display or is available only to researchers(d) omits any mention of whether the museum s collection is on display or is available only to researchers(e) does not describe what will occur if the reviewers discover discrepancies between the report and the documentson which it was based6. engineer: some people argue that the world s energy problems could be solved by mining the moon for helium-3, which could be used for fuel in fusion reactors. but this is nonsense. even if it were possible to mine the moon for helium-3, the technology needed to build viable fusion reactors that could use such fuel is at least 50 years away. if the world s energy problems are not solved before then, it will be too late to solve those problems.the main point of the argument is that(a) mining the moon for helium-3 is currently not feasible(b) fusion reactors that are now being planned are not designed to use hilium-3 as fuel(c) people who advocate mining the moon for helium-3 do not realize that fusion reactors could be designed to use fuels other than helium-3(d) mining the moon for helium-3 is not a possible solution to the world s energy problems(e) if the world s energy problems are not solved withinthe next 50 years, it will be too late to solve those problems.LSAT考试全真试题五SECTION2 相关内容:。

LSAT考试全真试题四SECTION4LSAT考试全真试题四SECTION4LSAT考试全真试题四SECTION4section ivtime 35 minutes23 questionsdirections: each group of questions in this section is based on a set of conditions. in answering some of the questions it may be useful to draw a rough diagram. choose the response that most accurately and completely answers each questions and blacken the corresponding space on your answer sheet.questions 1-5in certain recipe contest each contestant submits submits two recipes. one for an appetizer and one for a main dish together the two recipes must include exactly seven flavorings fenugreek, ginger, lemongrass, nutmeg, paprika, saffron, andturmeric with no flavoring included in more than one of the two recipes. each contestant s recipes must satisfy the following conditionsthe appetizer recipe includes at most three of the flavorings.fenugreek is not included in the same recipe as nutmeg.saffron is not included in the same recipe as turmericginger is included in the same recipe as nutmeg1. which one of the following could be a complete and accurate list of the flavorings included in one contestant s main-dish recipe?(a) fenugreek, lemongrass, saffron(b) fenugreek, ginger, nutmeg, turmeric(c) ginger, lemongrass, nutmeg, paprika(d) ginger, nutmeg, paprika, turmeric(e) lemongass nutmeg, saffron, turmeric2. if a contestant s appetizer recipe does not include fenugreek, then the contestant s appetizer recipe must include(a) ginger(b) lemongrass(c) paprika(d) saffron(e) turmeric3. which one of the following could be a list of all of the flavorings included in one contestant s appetizer recipe?(a) fenugreek, saffron(b) ginger, nutmeg(c) fenugreek, nutmeg, turmeric(d) lemongrass, nutmeg, saffron(e) fenugreek, lemongrass, paprika, turmeric4. if a contestant includes lemongrass in the same recipe as paprika, which one of the following is a flavoring that mustbe included in the contestant s main-dish recipe?(a) ginger(b) lemongrass(c) nutmeg(d) saffron(e) turmeric5. if the condition that requires ginger to be included in the same recipe as nutmeg is suspended but all of the other original conditions remain in effect. then which one of the following could be a list of all of the flavorings included in one contestant s main-dish recipe?(a) ginger, lemongrass, nutmeg, paprika(b) ginger, lemongrass, paprika, turmeric(c) fenugreek, ginger, lemongrass, paprika, saffron(d) fenugreek, ginger, lemongrass, saffron, turmeric(d) fenugreek,lemongrass, nutmeg, paprika, saffronquestions 6-10seven singer jamine, ken, lalitha, maya, norton, olive, andpatrick will be scheduled to perform in the finals of a singing competition. during the evening of the competition, each singer, performing alone, will give exactly one performance. the schedule for the evening must conform to the following requirements.jamle performs immediately after kenparick performs at some time after mayalalitha performs third only if norton performs fifth.if patrick does not perform second, he performs fifth6. which one of the following is an acceptable schedule for the evening s performers, from first through seventh?(a) ken, jamie, maya, lalitha, patrick norton, olive(b) lalitha, patrick, norton, olive maya, ken, jamie(c) norton, olive ken, jamie, maya, patrick, lalitha(d) olive, maya, ken, lalitha, patrick, norton, jamie(e) olive, maya, lalitha, norton,patrick, ken jamie7. if lalitha is scheduled for the third performance which one of the following must be scheduled for the sixth performance?(a) jame(b) ken(c) norton(d) olive(e) patrick8. if norton is scheduled for the fifth performance, which one of the following could be true?(a) jamie is scheduled for the sixth performance(b) ken is scheduled for the second performance(c) lalitha is scheduled for the fourth performance.(d) maya is scheduled for the third performance(e) olive is scheduled for the first performance9. if maya is scheduled for the performance. which one of the following could be true?(a) jamie is scheduled for the sixth performance(b) ken is scheduled forthe fourth performance(c) lalitha is scheduled for the third performance(d) norton is scheduled for the fifth performance(e) olive is scheduled for the fourth performance10. if jamie s performance is scheduled to be immediately before lalitha s performance, jamie s performance cannot be scheduled to be(a) second(b) third(c) fourth(d) fifth(e) sixthquestions 11-17at a small press, six texbooks, three introductory f. g. and h and three advanced x, y, and z will each be evaluated once by the editor, juarez, and once by the publisher. rosenberg, during six consecutive wees week 1 through week 6 each evaluatorevatuates exactly one textbook per week. no textbook will be evaluated by juarez and rosenberg during the same week. the following additional constraints apply.rosenbery cannot evaluate any introductory textbook until juarez has evaluated that textbook.juarez cannot evaluate any advanced textbook untilrosenberg has evaluated that textbookrosenberg cannot evaluate any two introductory textbooks consecutivelyjuarez must evaluate x during week 4.11. which one of the following is an acceptable evaluation schedule with the textbooks listed in order of evaluation from week 1 through week 6?(a) juarez f. g. x. z. h. yrosenberg x. f. z. g. y. h(b) juarez: f, y, g, x, h, zrosenberg, y, f, x, g, z, h(c) juarez g, h, f, x, y, zrosenberg x, g, h, y, z, f(d) juarez g, z, f, z, h, y,rosenberg z, f, x, g, y, h(e) juarez h, y, f, x, g, zrosenberg x, h, z, f, y, g12. if juarez evaluates h during week 3 and rosenberg evaluates g during week 6, which one fo the following must be true?(a) juarez evaluates f during week 1(b) juarez evaluates g during week 2.(c) juarez evaluates z during week 6.(d) rosenberg evaluates x during week 1(e) rosenberg evaluates y during week 5.13. if juarez evaluates z during week 2, then rosenberg must evaluate which one of the following textbooks during week 5?(a) f(b) h(c) x(d) y(e) z14. which one of the following must be true?(a) rosenberg evaluates h during week 6(b) rosenberg evaluates an advanced textbook during week 3(c) juarez evaluates an advanced textbook during week 2.(d) juarez evaluates y before evaluating g.(e) juarez does not evaluate any two introductroy textbooks consecutively15. if rosenberg evaluates x during week 1 and f during week 2, which one of the following could be true?(a) x is the third of the advanced textbooks to be evaluated by juarez.(b) y is the first of the advanced textbooks to be evaluated by juarez.(c) juarez does not evaluate any two introductory texbooks in a row.(d) juarez evaluates g during week 5.(e) juarez evaluates z during week 6.16. which one of the following is a complete and accurate list of the those weeks during which juarez must evaluate an introductory textbook?(a) week 1(b) week 6(c) week 1, week 5(d) week 1, week 2, week 3(e) week 1, week 3, week 5.17. which one of the following could be true?(a) juarez evaluates f during week 6(b) juarez evaluates z during week 1(c) rosenberg evaluates f during week 3.(d) rosenberg evaluates h during week 2.(e) rosenberg evaluates x during week 5questions 18-23nine different treatments are available for a certain illness: three antibioties f, g, and h three dietary regimens m, n and o and three physical therapies u, y, and w, for each case of the illness, a doctor will prescribe exactly five of the treatments, in accordance with the following conditions.if two of the antibioties are prescribed, the remaining antibiotie cannot be prescribedthere must be exactly one dietary regimen prescribedif o is not prescribed f cannot be prescribedif w is prescribed f cannot be prescribedg cannot be prescribed if both n and u are prescribedv cannot be prescribed unless both h and m areprescribed18. which one of the following could be the five treatments prescribed for a given case?(a) f, g, h, m, v(b) f, g, m, o, v(c) f, h, m, o, w(d) g, h, n, u, w(e) g, h, o, u, w19. which one fo the following could be the antibioties and physical therapies prescribed for a given case?(a) f, g, h, w,(b) f, g, u, v(c) f, u, v, w(d) g, u, v, w(e) h, u, v, w20. if o is prescribed for a given case, which one of the following is a pair of treatments both of which must also beprescribed for that case?(a) f, m(b) g, v(c) n, u(d) u, v(e) u, w21. if g is prescribed for a given case which one of the following is a pair of treatments both of which could also be prescribed for that case?(a) f, m(b) f, n(c) n, v(d) o, v(e) v, w22. which one of the following is a list of three treatments that could be prescribed together for a given case?(a) f, m, u(b) f, o, w(c) g, n, v(d) g, v, w(e) h, n, v23. which one of the following treatments cannot be prescribed for any case?(a) g(b) m(c) n(d) u(e) wLSAT考试全真试题四SECTION4 相关内容:。

LSAT考试全真试题三SECTION2LSAT考试全真试题三SECTION2LSAT考试全真试题三SECTION2section iitime 35 minutes25 questionsdirections: the questions in this section are based on the reasoning contained in brief statements or passages. for some questions. more than one of the choices could conceivably answer the question. however, you are to choose the best answer, that is, the response that most accurately and completely answers the questions. you should not make assumptions that are by blacken the corresponding space on your answer sheet.1. when politicians resort to personal atacks many editortalists criticize thest attacks but most voters pay them scant attention. eeveryone knows such attacks will end after election day, and politicians can be excused for mudslinging. political commentators, however, cannot be. political commentators should be engaged in sustained and senousdebate about ideas and policies. in such a context personal attacks on opponents serve not to beat those opponents but to cut off the debate.which of the following most accurately states the main point of the argument?(a) dersonal attacks on opponets serve a usuful purpose for politicians.(b) political commentators should not resort to personal attacks on their opponents.(c) editonalists are right to criticize politicians who resort to personal attacks on their opponents.(d) the purpose of serious debate about ideas and policies is to counteract the effect of personal attacks by politicians.(e) voters should be concerned about the personal attacks politicians make on each other.2. throughout the popoya islands community pressure is exerted on people who win the national lottery to share their good fortune with their neighbors. when people living in rural areas win the lottery they invariably throw elaborateneighborhood feasts, often wiping, out all of their lottery winmmings. however, in the cities, lottery winners frequently use their winnings for their own personal investment rather than sharing their good fortune with their neighbors.which one of the following true, contributes most to an explanation of the difference between the behavior of lottery winners in rural areas and those in cities?(a) twice as many popoyans live in rural areas as live in the city.(b) popoyan city dwellers tend to buy several lottery tickets at a time, but they buy tickets less frequently than do rural dwellers.(c) lottery winners in rural areas are notified of winning by public posting of lists of winners, but notification in the city is by private mail.(d) families in rural areas in the popoyas may contain twelve or foruteen people, but city families average six or seven.(e) twice as many lottery tickets are sold in rural areas as are sold in the city.3. a new medication for migraine seems effective, but there is concern that the medication might exacerbate heart disease. if patiens with heart disease take the medication under careful medical supervision. however, harmful side effects can definitely be averted. the concern about those side effects is thus unfounded.the argument depends on which one of the following assumptions?(a) the new medication actually is effective when taken by patients with heart disease.(b) no migraine sufferers with heart disease will take the new medication except under careful medical supervision.(c) most migraine sufferers who have taken the new medication in trials also had heart disease(d) the new medication has various other side effects, but none as serious as that of exacerbating heart disease.(e) the new medication will displace all migrame medicztions currently being used.4. the highest-ranking detectives in the city s police department are also the most adept at solving crimes. yet in each of the past ten years. the average success rate for the city s highest-ranking detectives in solving crimnal cases has been no higher than the average success rate for its lowest-ranking detectives.which one of the follwing, if true, most helps to resolve the apparent paradox?(a) the detectives who have the highest success rate in solving criminal cases are those who have worked as detectives the longest.(b) it generally takes at least ten years for a detective to rise from the lowest to the highest ranks of the city s detective force.(c) those detectives in the police department who are the most adept at solving criminal cases are also those most likely to remain in the police department.(d) the police department generally gives the criminal cases that it expects to be the easiest to solve to its lowest-ranking detectives.(e) none of the lowest-ranking detectivesin the police department had experiecne in solving critninal cases prior to joining the police deparment.5. imgation runoff from neighboring farms may well have increased the concentration of phosphorus in the local swamp above previous levels, but the claim that the increase in phosphorus is harming the swamp s native aquatie wildlife is false: the phospborus concentration in the swamp is actually less than that found in certain kinds of bottled water that some people drink every day.the argument is vulnerable to criticism on the ground that it(a) makes exaggerations in formulating the claim against which it argues(b) bases its conclusion on two contradictiry claims(c) relies on evidence the relevance of which has not been established(d) concedes the very point that it argues against(e) makes a generalization that is unwarranted becausethe sources of the data on which it is based have not been specified.6. copyright laws protect the rights of writers to profits earned from their writings. whereas patent laws protec: inventors rights to profits earned from their inventions in jawade, when computer-software writers demanded that their rights to profit be protected, the courts determined that information written for a machine does not fit into either the copyright or the patent category. clearly, therefore, the profit rights of computer-software writers remain unprotected in jawade.which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?(a) computer-software writers are not an influential enough group in jawade for the government to consider modifying existing copyright laws in order to protect this group s profit rights.(b) no laws exist, other than copyright laws and patent laws, that would protect the profit rights of computer-software writers in jawade.(c) most of the computer software used in jawade is imported from other countries.(d) computer software is more similar to writings covered by copyright laws than it is to inventions covered by patent laws.(e) copyright laws and patent laws in jawade have not been modified since their original adoption.7. brownlea s post office must be replaced with a larger one. the present one cannot be expanded. land near the present location in the center of town is more expensive than land on the outskirts of town. since the cost of acquiring a site is a significant part of the total construction cost, the post office clearly could be built more cheaply on the outskirts of town.which one of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the argument s stated conclusion?(a) the new post office will have to be built in accordance with a demanding new citywide building code.(b) if the new post office is built on the outskirts of town, it will require a parking lot, but if sited near the present post office it will not.(c) if the new post office is built on the outskirts of town, current city bus routes will have to be expanded to provide access.(d) if the new post office is built on the outskirts of town, residents will make decreased use of post office boxes, with the result that mail carriers will have to deliver more mail to homes.(e) if the new post office is built near the center of town, disruptions to city traffic would have to be minimized by taking such steps as doing some construction work in stages at night and on weekends.8. in the past, the railroads in ostronia were run as regional monopelies and opeerated with little regard for what customers wanted. in recent years, with improvements to the ostronian national highway network the railroad companies have faced heavy competition from longdistance trucking companies. but because of government subsidies that have permitted ostronian railroad companies to operate even whileincuring substantial losses, the companies continie to disregard customers needs and desires.if the statements above are true, which one of the following must also be true on the basis of them?(a) if the government of ostronia ceases to subsidize railroad companies. few of those companies will continue to operate.(b) few companies in ostronia that have received subsidies from the government have taken the needs and desires of their customers into account.(c) without government subsidies, railroad companies in ostronia would have to increase the prices they charge their customers.(d) the transportation system in ostronia is no more efficient today than it was in the past.(e) in recent years, some companies in ostronia that have had little regard for the desires of their customers have nonetheless survived.9. although damon had ample time carlier in the month tocomplete the paper he is scheduled to present at a professional conference tomorrow morning he repeatedly put off doing it. damon could still get the paper ready in time, but only if he works on it all evening without interruption. however, his seven-year-old daughter s tap-dance recital takes place this evening and damon had promised both to attend and to take his daughter and her friends out for ice cream afterward. thus, because of his procrastination. damon will be forced to choose between his professional and his farmily responsibilities.the argument proceeds by(a) providing evidence that one event will occur in order to establish that an altemative event cannot occur(b) showing that two situations are similar in order to justify the claim that someone with certain responsibilities in the first situation has similar responsibilities in the second situation(c) invoking sympathy for someone who finds himself in a dilemma in order to excuse that person s failure to meet all of his responsibilities(d) making clear the extent to which someone s actions resulted in harm to others in order to support the claim that those actions were irresponsible(e) demonstrating that two situations cannot both occur by showing that something necessary for one of those situations is incompatible with something necessary for the other situation10. the increase in the price of jet fuel is due to a sharp decrease over the past year in the supply of jet fuel available relative to demand. nonetheless, the amount of jet fuel available for sale is larger today than it was last year.if the statements above are true, which one of the following conclusions can be properly drawn on the basis of them?(a) the demand for jet fuel has increased over the past year.(b) the fuel efficiency of jet engines has increased over the past year.(c) the number of jet airline flights has decreased over thepast year.(d) the cost of refining petroleum for jet fuel has increased over the past year.(e) the supply of petroleum available for jet fuel ha decreased over the past year.questions 11-12nan government subsidies have been proposed in cariana to encourage farmers in rochelle, the country s principal agricultural region, to implement certain new farming techniques unless these techniques are implemented erosion of productive topsoil cannot be controlled unfortunately farmers cannot afford to shoulder the entire cost of the new techniques, which are more expensive than those currently used therefore, without subsidies agricultural output in rochelle will inevitably declinebetty but erosion in rochelle is caused by recurring floods, which will end next year once cariana completes the hydroelectric dam it is building across the region s major river therefore, rochelle s total agricultural output will stabilize at its present level even without subsidres.11. which one of the following is an assumption on which betty s argument depends?(a) building a dam across rochelle s major river will not reduce any recurrent flooding that occurs in regions of cariana other than rochelle.(b) the new farming techniques that must be implemented to control soil erosion in rochelle are not well suited to other regions of cariana(c) the current yearly output, if any from rochelle s land that will be permanently under water once the dam is completed will at least be matched by additional yearly output from rochelle s remaining land(d) the cost to the government of cariana to operate the hydroelectric dam will not be greater than the projected cost of subsidizing the farmers of rochelle in the implementation of the new farming techniques(e) the government of cariana has sufficient financial resources both to subsidize its farmers implementation of new farming techniques and to operate a hydroelectric dam.12. betty uses which one of the following argumentative techniques in countering alan s argument?(a) showing that one premise in alan s argument is inconsistent with another premise in his argument(b) making additional claims that, if correct undermine a premise in alan s argument(c) demonstrating that alan s conclusion is true but not for the reasons alan gives to support it(d) presenting evidence indicating that the policy alan argues in favor of would have damaging consequences that outweigh its positive consequences.(e) pointing out that alan s argument mistakenly identifies something as the cause of a trend when it is really an effect of that trend13. astronomers have long thought that the irregularity in the orbit of the planet neptune was adequately explained by the gravitational pull exerted on neptune by the planet pluto the most recent observations of pluto, however indicate that this planet is much too small to exert the amount of gravitational pull on neptune that astronomers once thoughtit didif the statements above are true, they provide the most support for which one of the following?(a) neptune is somewhat larger than scientists once believed it to be(b) the orbit of neptune is considerably more irregular than scientists once thought it was(c) there exists another as yet undiscovered planet with an orbit beyond that of pluto(d) the gravitational pull of pluto is not the sole cause of neptune s irregular orbit(e) further observations of pluto will eventually show it to be even smaller than it is now thought to bequestions 14-15in most corporations the salaries of executives are set by a group from the corporation s board of directors. since the board s primary mission is to safeguard the economic health of the corporation rather than to make its executives rich, this way of setting executives salaries is expected to preventexcessively large salaries but , clearly this expectation is based on poor reasoning after all, most members of a corporation s board are themselves executives of some corporation and can expect to benefit from setting generous benchmarks for executives salaries.14. the point made by the author is that the most common way of setting executives salaries might not keep those salaries in bounds because(a) most corporals exectives, thanks to their generous salaries, are not financially dependent on money earned as board members(b) most corporals executives might be less generous in setting their own salaries than the board members actually setting them are(c) many board members might let their self-interest as executives interfere with properly discharging their role as board members in setting executives salaries(d) many board members who set executives salaries unreasonably high do so because they happen to be on the board of a corporation of which they expect later to becomeexecutives(e) many board members are remunerated generously and wish to protect this source of income by pleasing the executives to whom they owe their appointments on the board15. which one of the following practices is vulnerable to a line of criticism most parallel to that used in the argument in the passage?(a) in medical malpractice suits giving physicrans not directly involved in a suit a major role in determining the damages due to successful plaintiffs(b) in a legislature, allowing the legislators to increase their own salaries only if at least two-thirds of them vote in favor of an increase(c) to work both fast an accurately by paying them by the piece but counting only pieces of acceptable quality(d) in a sports competition decided by judges scores selecting the judges from among people retured from that sport after successful careers(e) in a business organization distributing a group bonusamong the members of a task force on the basis of a confidential evaluation by each member of the contribution made by each of the others.16. consumer advocate one advertisement that is deceptive, and thus morally wrong, states that gram for gram, the refined sugar used in out chocolate pies is no more fattening than the sugars found in fruits and vegetables" this is like trying to persuade someone that chocolate pies are not fattening by saying that, calorie for calorie they are no more fattening than celery true but it would take a whole shopping cart full of celery to equal a chocolate pie s worth of caloriesa dvertiser this advertisement cannot be called deceptive. it is, after all truewhich one of the following principles, if established would do most to support the consumer advocate s position against the advertiser s response?(a) it is morally wrong to seek to persuade by use of deceptive statements(b) a true statement should be regarded as deceptive only if the person making the statement believes it to be false, and thus intends the people reading or hearing it to acquire a false belief.(c) to make statements that impart only a small proportion of the information in one s possession should not necessarily be regarded as deceptive(d) it is morally wrong to make a true statement in a manner that will deceive hearers or readers of the statement into believing that it is false(e) a true statement should be regarded as deceptive if it is made with the expectation that people hearing or reading the statement will draw a false conclusion from it.17. members of the amazonian akabe people commonly take an early-morning drink of a tea made from the leaves of a forest plant. although they greatly enjoy this drink, at dawn they drink it only in small amounts. anthropologists hypothesize that since this tea is extraordinarily high in caffeine, the explanation for the akabe s not drinking more of it at dawn is that high caffeine intake would destroy the surefootedness that their daily tasks require.which one of the following, if true, most seriously calls the anthropologists explanation into question?(a) the drink is full of nutrients otherwise absent from the akabe diet(b) the akabe also drink the tea in the evening, after their day s work is done.(c) the leaves used for the tea contain a soluble narcotic.(d) akabe children are introduced to the tea in only a very weak form.(e) when celebrating, the akabe drink the tea in large quantities.18. all of the cargo ships of the blue star liner are over 100 meters long, and all of its passenger ships are under 100 meters long. most of the ships of the blue star line were built before 1980. all of the passenger and cargo ships of the gold star line were built after 1980, and all are under 100 meters long. the dockside facilities of port tropica, which is open only to ships of these two lines, can accommodate only those ships that are less than 100 meters long. the s.s. coral is a cargo shipthat is currently docked at port tropicaif the statements above are true, which one of the following must be true on the basis of them?(a) the s.s.coral was built after 1980.(b) the s.s.coral belongs to the blue star line.(c) port tropica is served only by cargo ships.(d) port tropica is not served by ships of the blue start line.(e) all of the ships of the blue star line are older than any of the ships of the gold star line.19. spectroscopic analysis has revealed the existence of frozen nitrogen, methane, and carbon monoxide on the surface of pluto. such ices have a tendency to vaporize, producing an atmosphere. since the proportion of any gas in such an atmosphere depends directly on how readily the corresponding ice vaporizes, astronomers have concluded that the components of pluto s atmosphere are nitrogen, carbon monoxide, and methane, in order of decreasing abundance.the astronomers argumetn relies on which one of thefollowing assumptions?(a) there is no more frozen nitrogen on the surface of pluto than there is either frozen carbon monoxide or methane.(b) until space probes reach pluto, direct analysis of the atmosphere is impossible.(c) there is no frozen substance on the surface of pluto that vaporizes more readily than methane but less readily than carbon monoxide.(d) nitrogen is found in the atmosphere of a planet only if nitrogen ice is found on the surface of that planet.(e) a mixture of nitrogen, carbon monoxide, and methane is characteristic of the substances from which the solar system formed.20. ann will either take a leave of absence from technocomp and return in a year or else she will quit her job there; but she would not do either one unless she were offerend a one-year teaching fellowship at a prestigious university. technocomp will allow her to take a leave of absence if it does not find out that she has been offered the fellowship, but not otherwise, therefore, ann will quit her jobat tedhnocomp only if technocomp finds out she has been oftered the fellowship.which one of the following, if assumed, allows the conclusion above to be properly drawn?(a) technocomp will find out about ann being offered the fellowship only if someone informs on her.(b) the reason ann wants the fellowship is so she can quit her job at technocomp.(c) technocomp does not allow any of its employees to take a leave of absence in order to work for one of its competitors.(d) ann will take a leave of absence if technocomp allows her to take a leave of absence.(e) ann would be offered the fellowship only if she quit her job at technocomp.21. if a mechanical aerator is installed in a fish pool, the water in the pool can be properly aerated. so, since john s fish pool does not have a mechanical aerator, it must be that his pool is not properly aerated. without properly aerated water,fish cannot thrive. therefore, any fish in john s fish pool will not thrive.which one of the following arguments contains an error of reasoning that is also contained in the argument above?(a) if alum is added to pickle brine, brine can replace the water in the pickles. therefore, since paula does not add alum to her pickle brine, the water in the pickles cannot be replaced by brine. unless their water is replaced with brine, pickles will not stay crisp. thus, paula s pickles will not stay crisp.(b) if pectin is added to jam, the jam will gel. without a setting agent such as pectin, jam will not ge. so in order to make his jam gel. harry should add a setting agent such as pectin to the jam.(c) if stored potatoes are not exposed to ethylene the potatoes will not sprout. beets do not release ethylene. therefore, if sara stores her potatoes together with beets, the potatoes will not sprout.(d) if a carrot patch is covered with mulch in the fall. the carrots can be left in the ground until spring without a mulch cover, carrots stored in the ground can suffer frost damage.thus, since kevin covers his carrot patch with mulch in the fall, the carrots can safely be left in the ground.(e) if tomatoes are not stored in a dark place, their seeds sometimes sprout. sprouted seeds can make tomatoes inedible. therefore, since maria does not store her tomatoes in a dark place some of maria s tomatoes could be inedible.questions 22-23antinuclear activist: the closing of the nuclear power plant is a victory for the antinuclear cause. it also represents a belated acknowledgment by the power industry that they cannot operate such plants safely.nuclear power plant manager : it represents no such thing. the availability of cheap power from nonnuclear sources. together with the cost of mandated safety inspections and safety repairs, made continued operation uneconomic. thus it was not safety considerations but economic considerations taht dictated the plant s closing.22. the reasoning in the manager s argument is flawed because the argument(a) fails to acknowledge that the power industry might now believe nuclear power plants to be unsafe even though this plant was not closed for safety reasons(b) overlooks the possibility that the soruces from which cheap power is available might themselves be subject to safety concerns(c) mistakes the issue of what the closure of the plant represents to the publie for the issue of what the managers reason for the closure were(d) takes as one of its premises a view about the power industry s attitude toward nuclear safety that contradicts the activist s view(e) counts as purely economic considerations some expenses that arise as a result of the need to take safety precautions23. which one of the following if true, most strongly supports the activist s claim of victory?(a) the plant had reached the age at which its operating license expired.(b) the mandate for inspections and repairs mentioned by the manager was recently enacted as a result of pressure from antinuclear groups.(c) the plant would not have closed if cheap power from nonnuclear sources had not been available.(d) per unit of electricity produced the plant had the highest operating costs of any nuclear power plant.(e) the plant that closed had been able to provide backup power to an electrical network when parts of the network became overloaded.questions 24-25statistician changes in the sun s luminosity correlate exceedingly well with average land temperatures on earth. clerly and contrary to accepted opinion among meteorologists the sun s lumionsity essentially controls land temperatures on earth.meteorologist: i disagree any professional meteorologist will tell you that in a system as complicated as that giving rise to the climate, no significant aspect can be controlled by asingle variable24. the rejection by the meteorologist of the statistician s conclusion employs which one of the following techniques of argumentation?(a) supporting a conclusion about a specific case by invoking a relevant generalization(b) producint a single counterexample that establishes that a generalization is false as state(c) reanalyzing a correlation as reflecting the multiple effects of a single cause(d) rejecting a conclusion because it is a proposition that cannot be experimentally tested(e) pointing out that potentially unfavorable evident has been systematically neglected25. the reasoning in the meteorologist s counterargument questionable because that argument(a) rejects a partial explanation, not because it is incorrect but only because it is not complete(b) fails to distinguish phenomena that exist independently of a particular system from phenomena that exist only as part of the system.(c) calls into question the existence of a correlation when the only real issue is that of how to interpret the correlation(d) dismisses a hypothesis on the grounds that is fail to deal with anymatters of scientific significant(e) appeals to the authoritativeness of an opinion without evaluating the merit of a putative counterexampleLSAT考试全真试题三SECTION2 相关内容:。

time-35 minutes23 questionsdirections:each group of questions in this section is based on a set of conditions.in answering some of the questions,it may be useful to draw a rough diagram.choose the response that most accurately and completely answers each question and blacken the corresponding space on your answer sheet.questoins 1-6a man buys three outfits-x,y,and z-each of which consists of two articles of clothing.each of the articles of clothing is either brown gray or navy.at least one of the outfits is made up of two articles different in color from one another.no more than two of the outfits contain the same combination of colors.outfit x contains at least one navy article of clothing.outfit x contains at least one brown article of clothing and does not contain a gray article.1.which one of the following can be the colors of the man's outfits?(a) x:gray and navy;y:brown and gray;z:gray and gray(b) x:brown and gray;y:brown and navy;z:gray and gray(c) x:navy and navy;y:brown and brown;z:brown and navy(d) x:brown and navy;y:brown and navy;z:brown and navy(e) x:navy and navy;y:brown and brown;z:navy and navy2.if outfits x and y each consist of one brown article and one navy article of clothing,what combinations for outfit z?(a) 2(b) 3(c) 4(d) 5(e) 63.if outfit z does not contain two brown items of clothing,what is the maximum number of items of clothing in the three outfits that can be navy?(a) 1(b) 2(c) 3(d) 4(e) 54.if outfit y consists of two brown articles of clothing and outfit z consists of two navy items,what is the total number of possible color combinations for outfit x?(a) 1(b) 2(c) 3(d) 4(e) 55.which one of the following color combinations for outfit z would be acceptable under any of the acceptable color combinations for outfits x and y?(a) gray and gray(b) brown and gray(c) brown and brown(d) brown and navy(e) navy and navy6.if no two outfits contain the same color combination but each contains at least one navy item,which one of the following is a complete and accurate list of the possible combinations for outfit x(a) gray and navy(b) brown and navy(c) navy and navy(d) gray and navy;brown and navy(e) gray and navy;navy and navyquestion 7-11five seats on a train are arranged in two rows that face each other.the seats in row 1 are seat 1 and seat 2.the seats in row 2 are seat 3,seat 4,and seat 5 in that order.seat 1 is directly across from seat 3.seat 2 is directly across from seat 4.seat 5 is not directly across from any other seat.three women-,betty,and carol-and two men-david edmund-each must be seated in one of me five seats,one person to a seat.betty sits in seat 4.carol sits next to neither betty nor david.alice does not sit directly across from carol.7.if edmund sits directly across from betty,which one of the following must be true?(a) alice does not sit directly across from anyone.(b) alice sits directly across from david.(c) alice sits next to edmund.(d) david sits next to alice.(e) david sits next to edmund.8.if edmund does not sit directly across from anyone,which one of the following is a complete and accurate list of those (other than edmund) who cannot sit in seat 1?(a) betty(b) carol(c) david(d) betty and carol(e) betty and david9.if none of the five passengers sits directly across from a passenger of the same sex,how many seating arrangements of the five passengers are possible?(a) exactly 0(b) exactly 1(c) exactly 2(d) exactly 3(e) exactly 410.how many of the seats could be the one alice selects as her seat?(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) 3 only(d) 4 only(e) 5 only11.how many different seating arrangements of the passengers might there be for row 2?(a) 2(b) 3(c) 4(d) 5(e) 6question 12-17six people-julio,kevin,may,norma,olivia,and tamio-participate in a track meet.two of them enter the marathon,two enter the relay,and two enter the sprint.each participant enters only one event.if kevin enters the marathon,then both julio andmay enter the relay,and if both julio and may enter the relay,then kevin enters the marathon.if norma does not enter the sprint,then tamio enters the relay.if olivia enters the relay,then julio does not enter the relay.olivia and tamio do not both enter the relay.12.if kevin enters the marathon,then which one of the following cannot be true?(a) julio enters the relay and norma enters the sprint.(b) olivia enters the marathon and norma enters the sprint.(c) tamio enters the marathon and olivia enters the sprint.(d) tamio enters the relay and olivia enters the sprint.(e) tamio enters the marathon and may enters the sprint.13.if norma enters the marathon,then which one of the following cannot be true?(a) both kevin and olivia enter the sprint.(b) kevin enters the relay and olivia enters the sprint.(c) kevin enters the marathon and may enters the relay.(d) julio enters the marathon and may enters the relay.(e) julio enters the marathon and kevin enters the relay.14.if both kevin and olivia enter the relay,then which one of the following must be true?(a) julion and tamio enter the marathon.(b) may enters the marathon.(c) may enters the sprint.(d) tamio enters the sprint.(e) norma enters the sprint.15.if both julio and kevin enter the same event,then which of the following can be true?ⅰ.julio enters the relay.ⅱ.may enters the marathon.ⅲ.olivia enters the relay.(a) ⅰonly(b) ⅱonly(c) ⅲonly(d)ⅰand ⅱonly(e)ⅰ,ⅱ,and ⅲ16.if norma and olivia each enter different events,then which one of the following cannot be true?(a) kevin and olivia enter the marathon.(b) julio and norma enter the relay.(c) may and olivia enter the relay.(d) norma and tamio enter the relay.(e) olivia enters the sprint and tamio enters the relay.17.if both julio and kevin enter the relay,then which one of the following must be false?(a) may and norma enter the marathon.(b) may and olivia enter the marathon.(c) norma and tamio enter the sprint.(d) may and norma enter the sprint.(e) may enters the sprint and tamio enters marathon.questions 18-23seven lights-j,k,l,m,n,o,and p-have only two possible settings:on or off.they are arranged on a particular electric circuit as follows.if k is on,l is off;if k is off,l is on.j and n cannot both be on.if m is off,either j or n is on;if either j or n is on,m is off.if p is on,l is on.if o is off,n is off;if o is on,n is on.assume that the circuit is working as designed.18.any of the following can be true except:(a) j and o are both off.(b) k and n are both off.(c) k and p are both on.(d) l and m are both on.(e) n and o are both on.19.if l and o are on,which one of the following must be true?(a) j is and k is off.(b) j is off and n is on.(c) k is off and m is on.(d) k is off and p is on.(e) m is off and p is on.20.which one of the following can be true?(a) only j,k,and m are off.(b) only j,l,and m are off.(c) only k,m,and o are off.(d) only l,n,and o are off.(e) only m,n,and o are off.21.if p is on,what is the maximum number of lights that can be off?(a) 2(b) 3(c) 4(d) 5(e) 622.what is the minimum number of lights that must be on?(a) 0(b) 1(c) 2(d) 3(e) 423.if j is on,which one of the following could be a complete and accurate list of the remaining lights that are also on?(a) k,l,and m(b) l,n,and p(c) l,o,and p(d) m,n,and o(e) l and p答案:d e c e d d d d a e e e a d e c a b d b b d d。

(2分)5)使用ls命令编写一个脚本,实现ls -R,递归列出当前目录下的所有目录、文件。
(2分)6)———————————————————–在一个目录下,找soft-link files,用下面的命令,原理是可行的,但无法操作,该如何解决?要2种方法。
(2分)ls -l | grep ->7)———————————————————–如何把标准错误输出,重定向到标准输出上。
( 5分)如何知道系统中安装了几个软件包。
(20分)2、———————————————————–用dummy header技巧实现一个链表DEMO。
要求具有create, insert, delete, search功能。
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LSAT考试全真试题四(SECTION2)SECTION IITime—35 minutes25 QuestionsDirections: The questions in this section are based on the reasoning contained in brief statements or passages. For some questions, more than one of the choices could conceivably answer the question. However, you are to choose the best answer, that is the response that most accurately and pletely answers the question. You should pot make assumptions that are by monsense standards implausible, superfluous, or inpatible with the passage After you have chosen the best answer, blacken the corresponding space on you answer sheet.1. Press release A prehensive review evaluating the medical studies done up to the present time has found no reason to think that drinking coffee in normal amounts harms the coffee-drinker s heart So coffee drinkers can relax and enjoy their beverage—it is safe to drink coffeeWhich one of the following points to a weakness in the reasoning in the press release s argument?(A) The review was only an evaluation of studies and did not itself undertake to study patients.(B) The health of the heart is not identical with the general health of the body(C) Coffee drinkers might choose to eat along with their coffee foods contaming substances that harm the heart(D) Other beverages besides coffee might contain stimulants that have some effect on the heart(E) Drinking unusually large amounts of coffee could be caused by stress that itself directly harms the heart2. All people prefer colors that they can distinguish easily to colors that they have difficulty distinguishing. Infants can easily distinguish bright colors but, unlike adults, have difficulty distinguishing subtle shades. A brightly colored toy for infants sells better than the same toy in subtle shades at the same priceWhich one of the following conclusions is most strongly supported by the information in the passage?(A) Infants prefer bright primary colors to bright secondary colors(B) Color is the most important factor in determining which toys an infant will prefer to play with(C) Individual infants do now have strong preferences for one particular bright color over other bright colors(D) The sales of toys ofr infants reflect the preferences of infants in at least one respect(E) Toy makers study infants to determine what colors the infants can distinguish easily3. A group of unusual meteorites was found in Shergotty. India. Their structure indicates that they originated on one of the geologically active planets. Mercury, Venus, or Mars Because of Mercury s proximity to the Sun any material dislodged from that planet s surface would have been captured by the Sun, rather than falling to Earth as meteorites, Nor could Venus be the source of the meteorites, because its gravity would have prevented dislodged material from escaping into space The meteorites, therefore, probably fell to Earth after being dislodged from Mars, perhaps as the result of a collision with a large objectThe argument derives its conclusion by(A) offering a counterexample to a theory(B) eliminating peting alternative explanations(C) contrasting present circumstances with past circumstances(D) questioning an assumption(E) abstracting a general principle from specific data4. Because quitting smoking is very stressful and leads to weight gain, it is difficult to do. The key to quitting however, may be as simple as replacing an unhealthy activity with a healthy one In one study half of htose attempting to quit were assigned to a smoking-cessation program alone, and the other half were assigned to the same program plus fifteen weeks of aerobic exercise the one-month mark none in the first group had quit but 40 percent of those in the second group had not smokedEach of the following, if true, provides some support for the argument EXCEPT:(A) Regular exercise prevents weight gain(B) Each group in the study included four hundred randomly selected participants(C) Nonsmokers accustomed to regular exercise do not gain weight when they stop exercising(D) Aerobic exercise can stimulate the brain s production of endorphins. which reduce tension(E) Of those in the second group in the study 38 percent had not smoked at the one-year mark.5. Altogethe, the students in Ms. Tarnowski s Milton Elementary School class collected more aluminum cans than did the students in any of the school s other classes Therefore, the Milton student who collected the most aluminum cans was in Ms Tarnowski s classWhich one of the following arguments contains flawed reasoning that is most paralled tothat in the argument above?(A) Altogether, more trees were planted by the students in Mr Kelly s class than were planted by those in Mr Liang s class and Mr Jackson s class bined Therefore. Mr Kelly s students planted more trees than Mr Jackson s students planted(B) More than half of Milton Elementary School s students play in the band and more than half of the school s students sing in the choir Therefore, every student at Milton Elementary School either plays in the band or sings in the choir(C) Mr Rowe s Milton Elementary School class raised more money by selling candy bars than Ms Hunt s class raised by holding a raffle. Therefore, the number of candy bars sold by Mr Rowe s class was greater than the number of raffle tickets sold by Ms. Hunt s class(D) The total number of tickets to the school fair sold by the students in Ms. Ramirez s Milton Elementary School class was greater than the number sold by Milton students from any other class. Therefore, the Milton student who sold the most tickets to the school fair was a student in Ms Rairez s class(E) Ms. Ventura s Milton Elementary School class assembled more birdhouses than did any of the school s other classes. Since Ms Ventura s class had fewer students than any other Milton class, her students assembled more birdhouse on average than did the students in any other Milton class6. Several excellent candidates have been proposed for the presidency of United Wire and each candidate would bring to the job different and experience If the others are pared with Jones however it will be apparent that none of them has her unique set of qualifications Jones therefore is best qualified to be the new president of United WireThe argument is vulnerable to criticism on the ground that it(A) uses flattery to win over those who hold an opposing position(B) refutes a distorted version of an opposing position(C) seeks to distinguish one member of a group on the basis of something that applies to all(D) supports universal claim on the basis of a single example(E) describes an individual in terms that appropriately refer only to the group as a whole7. A neighborhood groupp plans to protest the closing of the neighborhood s only recreation center on the grounds that to do so would leave the neighborhood without local access to a recreation center "Our neighborhood already has the most residents per center of any neighborhood in the city" plained one resident, "and closing this center would make the situation unacceptable since access to recreational facilities is a necessity for this neighborhood"Each of the following if true weakens the resident s argument EXCEPT(A) A large number of the neighborhood s residents are unable to travel outside their locality to gain access to recreational facilities(B) Children, the main users of recreational facilities make up a disproportionately smallsegment of the neighborhood s population(C) Often the recreation center in the neighborhood is open but not being used.(D) Programs that are routinely filled at other recreation centers must be canceled at the ngighborhood s recreation center due to lack of interest(E) As people bee more involved in puters and puter games recreation centers are being increasingly less important8. Sociologist: The claim that there is a large number of violent crimes in our society is false, for this claim is based upon the large number of stories in newspapers about violent crimes. But since violent crimes are very rare occurrences, newspapers are likely to print stories about them.The sociologist s argument is flawed because it(A) presupposes that most newspaper stories are about violent crime(B) presupposes the truth of the conclusion it is attempting to establish(C) assumes without warrant that the newspaper stories in question are not biased(D) mistakes property of each member of a group taken as an individual for a property of the group taken as a whole(E) uncritically draws an inference from what has been true in the past to what will be true in the future9. Historian Anyone who thinks that the terrors of the ancient rgeime of Q were exclusively the work of fanatics is overlooking a basic truth the regime was made up primarily of ordinary people enthusiasically seeking paradist. The regime executed many people in pursuit of its goal. but it later became clear that paradise as they defined it, is unrealizable So at least some of the ordinary people of Q were in fact murdreersWhich one of the following principles, if valid, provides the most support for the historian s argumentation?(A) The pursuit of paradise does not justify murder(B) The pursuit of paradise justifies fanaticism(C) Execution in pursuit of what is later found to be unattainable constitutes murder(D) Fanaticism in pursuit of paradise constitutes inhumanity(E) Enthusiasm in pursuit of what is eventually found to be unattainable constitutes fanaticism10. Economist: The economy seems to be heading out of recession. Recent figures show that consumers are buying more durable goods than before indicating that they expect economic growth in the near futureThat consumers are buying more durable goods than before figures in the economist s argument in which one of the following ways?(A) It is the phenomenon that the argument seeks to explain(B) Its truth is required in order for the argument s conclusion to be true(C) It is an inference drawn from the premise that the recession seems to be ending(D) It is an inference drawn from the premise that consumers expect economic growth in the near future(E) It is the primary evidence from which the argument s conclusion is drawn11. Not surprisingly, there are no professors under the age of eighteen And as is well known no one under eighteen can vote legally. Finally some brilliant people are professors some are legal voters and some are under eighteenIf the statements above are true, then on the basis of them which one of the following must also be true?(A) No professors are eighteen-year-olds(B) All brilliant people are either professors legal voters or under eighteen(C) Some legal voters are not professors(D) Some professors are neither legal voters not brilliant people(E) Some brilliant people are neither professors nor legal voters12. For years scientists have been scanning the skies in the hope of finding life on other planets. But in spite of the ever-increasing sophistication of the equipment they employ, some of it costing hundreds of millions of dollars not the first shred of evidence of such life has been forthing And there is no reason to think that these scientists will be any more successful in the future no matter how much money is invested in the search The dream of finding extraterrestrial life is destined to remain a dream as science s experience up to this point should indicateWhich one of the following most accurately states the main point of the argument?(A) There is no reason to believe that life exists on other planets(B) The equipment that scientists employ is not as sophisticated as it should be(C) Scientists searching for extraterrestrial life will not find it(D) Only if scientists had already found evidence of life on other planest would continued search be justified(E) We should not spend money on sophisticated equipment to aid in the search for extraterrestrial life13. Carl s Coffee Emporium stocks only two decaffeinated coffees: French Roast and Mocha Java Yusef only serves decaffeinated coffee and the coffee he served after dineer last night was smooth and mellow have been French Roast So if Yusef still gets all his coffee from Carl s what he served last night was Mocha JavaThe argument above is most similar in its logical structure to which one of the following?(A) Samuel wants to take three friends to the beach His mother wons both a sedan and a convertible The convertible holds four people so although the sedan has a more powerful engine, if Samuel borrows a vehicle from his mother he will borrow the convertible(B) If Anna wants to walk from her house to the office where she works she must either go through the park or take the overpass across the railroad tracks The park paths are muddy and Anna does not like using the overpass so the never walks to work(C) Rose can either take a two-week vaction The trail she had planned to hike requires three weeks to plete but is closed by October so if Rose takes a vacation it will not be the one she had planned(D) Werdix, Inc has offered Arno a choice between a job in sales and a job in research Arno would like to work at Werdix but he would never take a job in sales when another job is available so if he accepts on of these jobs it will be the one in research(E) If Teresa does not fire her assistant her staff will rebel and her department s efficiency will decline Losing her assistant would also reduce its efficiency so if no alternative solution can be found Theresa s department will bee less efficient14. Steven The allowable blood alcohol level for drivers should be cut in half With this reduced limit, social drinkers will be deterred from drinking and driving, resulting in significantly increased highway safetyMiguel: No lowering the current allowable blood alcohol level would have little effect on highway statey because it would not address the most important aspect of the drunken driving problem which is the danger to the public posed by heavy drinkers who often drive with a blood alcohol level of twice the current legal limit.Steven and Miguel s statements provide the most support for that they would disagree about the truth of which one of the following statements?(A) Social drinkers who drink and drive pose a substantial threat to the public(B) There is a direct correlation between a driver s blood alcohol level and the driver s ability to drive safely(C) A driver with a blood alcohol level above the current legal limit poses a substantial danger to the public(D) Some drivers whose blood alcohol level is lower than the current legal limit pose a danger to the public(E) A driver with a blood alcohol level slightly greater than half the current legal limit poses no danger to the publicQuestions 15-16The authors of a recent article examined warnings of an impending wave of extinctions of animal species within the next 100 years. These authors say that no evidence exists to support the idea that the rate of extinction of animal species is now accelerating. They are wrong however Consider only the data on fishes 40 species and subspecies of North American fisheshave vanished in the twentieth century, 13 between 1900 and 1950, and 27 since 195015. Which one of the following is the main point of the argument?(A) There is evidence that the rate of extinction of animal species is accelerating(B) The future rate of extinction of animal species cannot be determined from available evidence(C) The rate of extinction of North American fishes is parallel to the rate of extinction of all animal species taken together(D) Forty species and subspecies of North American fishes have vanished in the twentieth century(E) A substantial number of fish species are in danger of imminent extinction16. The answer to which one of the following questions would contribute most to an evaluation of the argument?(A) Were the fish species and subspecies that became extinct unrepresenatative of animal species in general with regard to their pattern of extinction?(B) How numerous were the populations in 1950 of the species and subspecies of North American fishes that have bee extinct since 1950?(C) Did any of the species or subspecies of North American fishes that became extinct in the twentieth century originate in regions outside of North America?(D) What proportion of North American fish species and subspecies whose populations were endangered in 1950 are now thriving?(E) Were any of the species or subspecies of North American fishes that became extinct in the twentiethe century mercially important?17. After the Second World War, the charter of the newly formed United Nations established an eleven-member Security Council and charged it with taking collective action in response to threats to world peace. The charter further provided that the five nations that were then the major powers would permanently have sole authority to cast vetoes. The reason given for this arrangement was that the burden of maintaining world peace would rest on the world s major powes and should be required to assume the burden of enforcing a decision it found repugnantThe reasoning given for the structure of the Security Council assumes that(A) it does not make sense to provide for democracy among nations when nations themselves are not all democracies(B) no nation that was not among the major powers at the end of the Second World War would bee a major power(C) nations would not eventually gravitate into large geographical bloes, each containing minor powers as well as at least one major power(D) minor powers would not ally themselves with major powers to gain the prection of the veto exercised by major powers(E) decisions reached by a majority of nations in response to threats to world peace would be biased in favor of one or more major powers18. Environmental scientist: It is true that over the past ten years, there has been a sixfold increase in government funding for the preservation of wetlands while the total area of wetlands needing such preservation has increased only twofold (although this area was already large ten years ago) Even when inflation is taken into account, the amount of funding now is at least three times what it was ten years ago. Nevertheless the current amount of government funding for the preservation of wetlands is inadequate and should be augmentedWhich one of the following, if true most helps to reconcile the environmental scientist s conclusion with the evidence cited above?(A) The governmental agency responsible for administering wetland-preservation funds has been consistently mismanaged and run inefficiently over the past ten years(B) Over the past ten years, the salaries of scientists employed by the government to work on the preservation of wetlands have increased at a rate higher than the inflation rate (C) Research over the past ten years has enabled scientists today to identify wetlands in need of preservation well before the areas are at serious risk of destruction(D) More people today scientists and nonscientists alike, are working to preserve all natural resources including wetlands(E) Unlike today funding for the preservation of wetlands was almost nonexistent ten years ago.19. In Australia the population that is of driving age has grown large over the last five years, but the annual number of traffic fatalities has declined. This leads to the conclusion that, overall, the driving-age population of Australi consists of more skillful drivers now than five years ago.Each of the statements below, if true, weakens the argument EXCEPT:(A) Three years ago, a mandatory seat-belt law went into effect throughout Australia.(B) Five years ago. Australia began a major road repair project(C) Because of increases in the price of fuel Australians on average drive less each year than in the preceding year.(D) The number of hospital emergency facilities in Australia has doubled in the last five years(E) In response to an increase in traffic fatalities. Australia instituted a program of mandatory driver education five years ago.20. Anthropological studies indicate that distinct cultures differs in their moral codes. Thus, as long as there are distinct cultures there are no values shared across culturesEach of the following, if true, would weaken the argument EXCEPT"(A) Anthropologists rely on inadequate translation techniques to investigate the values of cultures that use languages different from the anthropologists languages.(B) As a result of advancing technology and global munication we will someday all share the same sulture and the same values(C) Although specific moral values differ across cultures, more general moral principles, such as "Friendship is good" are mon to all cultures(D) The anthropologists who have studied various cultures have been biased in favor of finding differences rather than similarities between distinct cultures(E) What appear to be differences in values between distinct cultures are nothing more than differences in beliefs about how to live in accordance with shared values.21. Newspaper editor. Law enforcenment experts, as well as most citizens, have finally e to recognize that legal prohibitions against gambling all share a mon flaw no matter how diligent the effort, the laws are impossible to enforce. Ethical qualms notwithstanding, when a law fails to be effective it should not be a law. That is why there should be no legal prohibition against gambling.Which one of the following if assumed. allows the argument s conclusion to be properly drawn?(A) No effective law is unenforceable(B) All enforceable laws are effective(C) No legal prohibitions against gambling are enforceable(D) Most citizens must agree with a law for the law to be effective(E) Most citizens must agree with a law for the law to be enforceable.22. Copernicus s astronomical system is superior to Ptolemy s and was so at the time it was proposed, even though at that time all observational evidence was equally consistent with both theories. Ptolemy believed that the stars revolved around the earth at great speeds. This struck Copernicus as unlikely, he correctly thought that a simpler theory is that the earth rotates on its axis.The argument most closely conforms to which one of the following principles?(A) Simplicity should be the sole deciding factor in choosing among peting scientific theories(B) If one theory is likely to be true, and another peting theory is likely to be false, then the one likely to be true is the superior of the two.(C) If all observational evidence is consistent with two peting theories, the one that is more intuitively true is the more practical theory to adopt.(D) Other things being equal the more plex of two peting theories is the inferior theory(E) Other things being equal, the simpler of two peting theories is the more scientifically important theory.23. Easayist The existence of a moral order in the universe—i.e..an order in which bad is always eventually punished and good rewarded—depends upon human souls being immortal. In somecultures this moral order is regarded as the result of a karma that controls how one is reincarnated, in others it results from the actions of a supreme being who metes out justice to people after their death. But however a moral order is represented if human souls are immortal then if follows that the bad will be punishedWhich one of the following most accurately describes a flaw in the essayist s reasoning?(A) From the assertion that something is necessary to a moral order the argument concludes that that thing is sufficient for an element of the moral order to be realized(B) The argument takes mere beliefs to be established facts(C) From the claim that the immortality of human souls implies that there is a moral order in the universe the argument concludes that there being a moral order in the universe implies that human souls are immortal(D) The argument treats two fundamentally different conceptions of a moral order as essentially the same(E) The argument s conclusion is presupposed in the definition it gives of a moral order.24. No mathematical proposition can be proven true by observation. It follows that it is impossible to know any mathematical proposition to be trueThe conclusion follows logically if which one of the following is assumed?(A) Only propositions that can be proven true can be known to be true(B) Observation alone cannot be used to prove the truth of any proposition(C) If a proposition can be proven true by observation then it can be known to be true.(D) Knowing a proposition to be true is impossible only if it cannot be prove true by observation(E) Knowing a proposition to be true requires proving it true by observation25. The publisher of a best-selling self-help book had, in some promotional material, claimed that it showed readers how to bee exceptionally successful. Of course everyone knows that no book can deliver to the many what by definition, must remain limited to the few exceptional success. Thus although it is clear that the publisher knowingly made a false claim. doing so should not be considered unethical in this caseWhich one of the following principles if valid most strongly supports the reasoning above?(A) Knowingly making a false claim is unethical only if it is reasonable for people to accept the claim as true(B) Knowingly making a false claim is unethical if those making it derive a gain at the expense of those acting as if the claim were true.(C) Knowingly making a false claim is unethical in only those cases in which those who accept the claim as true suffer a hardship greater than the gain they were anticipating (D) Knowingly making a false claim is unethical only if there is a possibility that someonewill act as if the claim might be true(E) Knowingly making a false claim is unethical in at least those cases in which for someone else to discover that the claim is false that person must have acted as if the claim were true。