


the tip of the tongue is pressed against the upper gum, the soft palate is lifted,
blocking the airflow, and then the tongue leaves the upper gum to make
The project has great significance in education and language learning It can help English learners quickly familiarize themselves with the English alphabet and its promotion, specifically for Chinese learners who are unfriendly with English promotion The project also has the potential to enhance cross cultural understanding and communication between English and Chinese speakers
Learning Natural Pinyin
Learning the Natural Pinyin of Letter A
Summary word
Learning the natural pinyin of letter A
Detailed description
The natural pinyin for letter A is "a". When pronounced, the mouth is relaxed, the tongue is flat, the tip of the tongue lightly touches the gums, and the vocal cords vibrate to produce sound.


watering can
自然拼读:见词能读听音பைடு நூலகம்写

自然拼读 卡片

自然拼读 卡片

•自然拼读(107个自然发音)制作人:陈奇-atc at s atm at r ath at b atThe c at s at on them at.-anf an p anv an c anD an put the f an andp an in the v an.-apc ap m ap g ap n apl ap s apI put my s ap and m ap on my l ap.-add ad p adb ad m ads ad f adD ad is s ad and m ad .-amh am j amy am r amThe r am likes to eath am,j am and y am s.-agfl ag r agb ag t agw ag s agThe fl ag and r ag arein the b ag .-ashfl ash l ash c ash r ash tr ash cr ash Mom gave me c ash for taking out the tr ash.-ampc amp r ampch amp st ampd amp l ampI was the soccerch amp at c amp .-andb and l andstr and h andst and s andI put my h and in thes and.-ackp ack cr ackqu ack b acks ack sn ackI put my sn ack in thes ack.-antsl ant p ant ant pl ant The little ant crawled on the pl ant.-edb ed r edf ed w edI f ed the r ed hen andthen went to b ed.-enh en t enp en m end enI have t en p en s inmy desk.-etp et j etn et w etv etI took my p et to thev et .-eckn eck d eck ch eck p eck The little birdp eck ed at the d eck.-ellb ellc ellsm ell y ellw ell s ellThe girl y ell ed intothe w ell.-endb end s endsp end l endbl endI l end some moneyto Tom to sp end.-estr est t estch est n estv estThe baby bird r est edin the n est .-ipd ip l ipr ip z iptr ip fl ipI tr ip ped and did a fl ip.-itk it p its it m itI b it into the peachand h it the p it .-igd ig p igw ig f igThe p ig put on a redw ig.-int in b inf in p inw inI put the t in cup inthe b in.-ingsw ing w ing sl ing s ing r ing k ing The bird flaps its w ing s and s ing s a song.-ickbr ick l icks ick k ickcl ick st ickR ick k ick ed the st ick .-illp ill dr illh ill sp illg ill gr illDan sp ill ed ketchupon the gr ill.-ishd ish w ishrel ish f ishpol ish sw ishThe f ish swam in thed ish .-inkth ink st ink shr ink s ink w ink dr ink Sal dr ink s water from the s ink.-ogd og l ogh og f ogThe d og and h og saton the l og .-opc op m oph op p opt opP op said,Do notdr op the m op.-oth ot c otd ot p otDo not touch the bigp ot.It is h ot .-ockkn ock bl ock l ock s ock r ock cl ock The kn ock s over his bl ock.-uns un b unr un n unDad thinks it is f un tor un.It is s un .-ugh ug j ugm ug r ugOh no! There is abig b ug in my j ug.-ushh ush bl ushcr ush br ushr ush fl ushI r ush to br ush myteeth.-uckt uck st uck d uck p uck b uck tr uck The tr uck got st uck in the mud.-unkd unk s unktr unk sk unkb unk j unkThe j unk filled up thetr unk .-umpj ump p umpst ump gr umpI j ump ed over thest ump and b ump edmy leg.-ungst ung s ungh ung l ungMy l ung s filled upwith air.-blbl anket bl izzard bl ender bl ewbl imp b locks The bl ue bl anketbl ew away.-clcl ean cl othescl am cl owncl ock cl oudThe cl owns put oncl ean cl othes.-flfl ower fl oatfl oor fl amefl oss fl agThe fl ower fl oats onthe water.-glgl asses gl uegl ow gl ovegl obe gl adI put on my gl assesand gl oves.-plpl ay pl ant pl umber pl ug pl iers pl ow Dad pl ants flowers and pl ays with me.-swsw ing sw eatsw an sw eatersw amp sw eepThe sw an sw ims inthe sw amp.-stst ing st emst orm st ainst ew st oolI sit on the st ool andst ir the st ew.-spsp y sp oonsp ace sp ortssp ill sp otMilk sp ills off mysp oon.-snsn eeze sn ore sn ack sn ail sn ake sn ow The sn ake eats a sn ack.-smsm ile sm oresm art sm ellsm oke sm allThe sm all girl sm ilesat me.-sksk i sk ysk ate sk unksk ip sk irtI sk ip and sk ate toschool.-scsc arf sc oopsc uba sc alesc ooter sc abI fell off my sc ooterand got a sc ab onmy arm.-slsl eeve sl eigh sl ipper sl icesl eep sl ideI sl ide off mysl ippers and go to sl eep.-crcr eam cr ycr ack cr awlcr own cr ustThe cr own fell offmy head andcr acked in half.-drdr ive dr essdr ill dr ipdr eam dr umMom gets dr essedand dr ives to workeach day.-frfr eckle fr uitfr own fr amefr lends fr ogMy fr iend ,Fr ank,has fr eckles on hisface.-grgr apes gr avygr ade gr oceries gr in gr ass The gr een gr ass is gr owing.-prpr incess pr intpr ice pr incepr ize pr esentHe gave thepr incess a pr esent.-trtr ick tr unktr ee tr ucktr ain tr actorThe tr actor pulls thetr ee.-brbr ake br acesbr eakfast br oombr ush br aidI br ush my teethafter br eakfast.a_ew a v e d a t ef a c e c a p ec a n e w a k eI w a k e up and wash my f a c e.i_ew i p e n i n eb i t e d ic ef i l e h i d eM i l e s rolled n i n ed i ce .o_eh o m e r o p ep o k e c o n er o b e n o t eJan made an icecream c o n e at h o m e.u_em u l e c u b et u b e t u n ef u m e d u n eThe m u l e ate an icec u b e.-aip ai l p ai nts ai l r ai nm ai l tr ai nThe man p ai nted the tr ai n in the r ai n.-aypl ay h ayp ay pr ayr ay tr ayThe dog pl ay ed alld ay in the h ay.-eat ea l ea fr ea d ea tl ea k b ea dsI like to r ea d anddrink t ea.-ees ee s ee df ee d thr eesl ee p pl ee kMac likes to f ee dhis thr ee goats.-iet ie p iefl ie s d iefr ie s cr ie d Three big fl ie s flew in the p ie.-ycr y fl yfr y gu ydr y sp yDid you sp y on thegu y?-ighn igh t fl igh th igh kn igh tl igh t r igh tI turned off my n igh tl igh t.-oab oa t l oa ffl oa t c oa tr oa d t oa stJack fl oa ts hisb oa t in the water.-oed oe t oeJ oe h oetipt oe al oeJ oe stubbed his t oe on the h oe.-ueresc ue gl uecl ue bl uetiss ue arg ueI saw a bl ue cl ue onthe ground.-uifr ui t s ui tbr ui se j ui ceI spilled a little fr ui tj ui ce on my s ui t.-ewch ew gr ewscr ew d ewbl ew br ewMom bl ew on thest ew to cool it off.-ooh oo p t oo thr oo m r oo tb oo t m oo nThe r oo t of my t oo th hurts.-oob oo k h oo kc oo k l oo kw oo d h oo dSam likes to l oo kat his b oo ks.-awstr aw dr awl aw n s awp aw y aw nThe pup y aw ns andlicks his p aw.-aus au ce h au ll au ndry pl au seau tumnJan makes s au cewith her friend,P au l.-owt ow el cr ow nh ow l t ow nb ow br owI wear my cr ow n all over t ow n.-ousn ou t sh ou th ou se m ou segr ou nd l ou dThe little m ou selives in the bigh ou se.-oioi l b oi lsp oi l c oi np oi nt f oi lCreg p oi nts at thec oi n on the ground.-oycowb oy t oydestr oy ann oyj oy oy sterThe cowb oy playswith his t oy s allday long.-chch in ch eesech air ch urchch est ch erryCh ester ate ch eese and ch erries for lun ch.-phph oto ph onetro ph y dol ph inele ph ant go ph erMom took a ph otoof me holding mytro ph y.-shsh irt sh ipsh ovel sh ellsh oe sh arkSh irley found sh ellsand sh ark teeth atthe sh ore.-thth umb th iefth read th ornth rone th ermosTh e th orn prickedmy th umb.-whwh istle wh eat wh ale wh eel wh isk wh isker The wh ales talk to each other bywh istling.-chin ch ben chcou ch lun chpun chWe packed alun ch and went tothe bea ch .-ckba ck pa cksi ck du ckso ck ne ckKim has a ba ckpa ck with du ck s onit.-shfi sh lea shra sh bru shwa sh bu shSa sh a wa sh es herhair and bru sh esher teeth beforebed.-thba th pa thma th mou thtoo th boo thSe th does his ma th homework and th en takes a ba th.-arc ar j arh ar p y ar nb ar k b ar nThe dog b ar ks asthe c ar s drive by.-erwhisp er bak erflow er hamm erspid er wat erPet er wat er s hisflow er s each day.-orc ord c or kst or m t or nf or k h or nThe h or n blowsbef or e the st or m.-urn ur se t ur nh ur t t ur tlep ur se c ur lTed helped the h ur t t ur tle.-irst ir squ ir tg ir l d ir tb ir dc ir cleThe b ir d looks forworms in the d ir t.-c(hard)c ake c ampc art c lipc one c ubC am saw a babyc ub while camping.-c(soft)c ent c eleryc ider c enterc ityC indy paid a c entfor the c ider.-g(hard)g oose e gg s g as g umg oat do g The g oose laid an e gg this morning.-g(soft)oran g e g emg iraffe g ymsta g e g iantG inger found alar g e oran g e g emtoday.spl-spl at spl intspl endid spl ashspl its spl atterThe water spl ashedand spl attered out ofthe tub.squ-squ eeze squ ashsqu are squ eaksqu ad squ irrelThe squ irrel ate abig squ ash.spr-spr ain spr outspr ay spr ead spr inkles spr inkler I spr ained my ankle while running through the spr inkler.str-str aight str eamstr ong str ingstr aw str etchThe str aw floateddown the str eam.shr-shr ink shr ugshr ine shr iekshr imp shr ubThe girl shr iekedbehind the shr ub.scr-scr ape scr ewscr aps scr eenscr ub scr eamAnna scr aped herarm on a bigscr ew.thr ee thr onethr ob thr eadthr oat thr owPat thr ew thr ee ballsto his dog.。




- 大写字母:A。

- 小写字母:a。

- 发音:[æ],示例单词:cat(猫)卡片2:Bb。

- 大写字母:B。

- 小写字母:b。

- 发音:[b],示例单词:big(大的)卡片3:Cc。

- 大写字母:C。

- 小写字母:c。

- 发音:[k],示例单词:car(汽车)卡片4:Dd。

- 大写字母:D。

- 小写字母:d。

- 发音:[d],示例单词:dog(狗)卡片5:Ee。

- 大写字母:E。

- 发音:[e],示例单词:pen(钢笔)卡片6:Ff。

- 大写字母:F。

- 小写字母:f。

- 发音:[f],示例单词:fish(鱼)卡片7:Gg。

- 大写字母:G。

- 小写字母:g。

- 发音:[g],示例单词:goat(山羊)卡片8:Hh。

- 大写字母:H。

- 小写字母:h。

- 发音:[h],示例单词:hat(帽子)卡片9:Ii。

- 大写字母:I。

- 小写字母:i。

- 发音:[ɪ],示例单词:pig(猪)卡片10:Jj。

- 大写字母:J。

- 发音:[dʒ],示例单词:juice(果汁)卡片11:Kk。

- 大写字母:K。

- 小写字母:k。

- 发音:[k],示例单词:kite(风筝)卡片12:Ll。

- 大写字母:L。

- 小写字母:l。

- 发音:[l],示例单词:lion(狮子)卡片13:Mm。

- 大写字母:M。

- 小写字母:m。

- 发音:[m],示例单词:map(地图)卡片14:Nn。

- 大写字母:N。

- 小写字母:n。

- 发音:[n],示例单词:nose(鼻子)卡片15:Oo。

- 大写字母:O。

- 发音:[ɔ],示例单词:box(盒子)。


R sound
Write Rr under each picture which begins with the sound of R.
S sound
Write Ss under each picture which begins with the sound of S.
T sound
Write Tt under each picture which begins with the sound of T.
V sound
Write Vv under each icture which begins with the sound of V.
W sound
Write Ww under each picture which begins with the sound of W.
M sound
Write Mm under each picture which begins with the sound of m.
N sound
Write Nn under each picture which begins with the sound of N.
P sound
H sound
Write Hh under each picture which begins with the sound of H.
J sound
Write Jj under each picture which begins with the sound of J.
K sound
Y sound


Thank you

29、在一切能够接受法律支配的人类 的状态 中,哪 里没有 法律, 那里就 没有自 由。— —洛克

30、风俗可以造就法律,也可以废除 法律。 ——塞·约翰逊

6、最大的骄傲于最大的自卑都表示心灵的最软弱无力。——斯宾诺莎 7、自知之明是最难得的知识。——西班牙 8、勇气通往天堂,怯懦通往地狱。——塞内加 9、有时候读书是一种巧妙地避开思考的方法。——赫尔普斯 10、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。——笛卡儿

26、我们像鹰一样,生来就是自由的 ,但是 为了生 存,我 们不得 不为自 己编织 一个笼 子,然 后把自 己关在 里面。 ——博 莱索

27、法律如果不讲道理,即使延续时 间再长 ,也还 是没有 制约力 的。— —爱·科 克




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