BL8023D 产品说明书


得力 S32 DZ32 DZ92 DL92系列扫描仪用户手册 说明书

得力 S32 DZ32 DZ92 DL92系列扫描仪用户手册 说明书
4.6.1 裁切 ..................................................................... 4-36 4.6.2 其它纸张选项 ..................................................... 4-41 4.7 「重叠进纸侦测」页签 .................................... 4-48 4.8 「预览」页签 .............................................. 4-51 4.9 「图像增强」页签 ......................................... 4-52 4.10 「旋转图像」页签 ..................................... 4-60 4.11 「分隔」页签 ........................................... 4-65 4.12 「设置」页签 ........................................... 4-69 4.13 「打印器」页签 ........................................ 4-71 4.14 「信息」页签 ........................................... 4-75
5. 保养及维修扫描仪.................................................. 5-1
5.1 清理扫描仪玻璃镜片 ....................................... 5-1 5.2 清洁自动进纸装置 .......................................... 5-2 5.3 耗材更换 ..................................................... 5-3





















CTBMM300BLBLE 3 层抽屉服务车具有电源拓展板蓝色版说明书

CTBMM300BLBLE 3 层抽屉服务车具有电源拓展板蓝色版说明书

OWNER'S MANUALCopyright © Professional Tool Products, 2018All rights reservedHARDWARE SPECIFICATIONSTOOLS NEEDED FOR ASSEMBLY:• 2 - 14mm Combination Wrenches • 13mm Socket or Universal Socket • 4" Extension• 1/4" Ratchet1a x 32 pcs.1b x 4 pcs. 2 x 72 pcs.3 x 16 pcs.24 x 40 pcs.4 x 4 pcs.9 x 16 pcs.Due to the weight of this cart we recommend that TWO PEOPLE work together on the assembly. This cart weighs approximately 170 lbs, please use caution during assembly. Step 1:Locate the key tied to the bottom tray. Using the key, open the lid and remove the caster box from the bottom drawer. Once removed make sure all drawers are completely closed and the inside lever is in the locked position. Close the top lid and lock.Step 2: Lay out a work surface using the protective foam provided. Once this surface is secure gently turn the cart onto its lid. (logo will be facing the foam)Step 3:(Before assembling the legs, remove the cable tie holding the bumper in place) Insert the front leg (#7), labeled FL or FR into top lip of the cart. Then place the Front bumper (#14 with Cornwell Logo) over the leg aligning the center bolt holes. With holes aligned insert stove bolt (#1a) and finger tighten with nyloc nut and washerStep 4:Install back leg (#7) labeled BL or BR and bumper (#14 without logo) following the same procedure as above. Note: Make sure the back leg is inside the hinge rivet. Otherwise the holes will not line up during assemblyASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONSStep 7:Insert bottom shelf (#23) between the four legs flat side facing up towards the ceiling. Insert sixteen stove bolts (#1a) and completely tighten.Step 5:Repeat steps 3 & 4 to mount the legs on the opposite side. Step 6: Completely tighten the 8 bolts just inserted.Troubleshooting Points during CTBMM300 Assembly.Problem: Drawers appear not to fit, do not slide in accurately and bump the cart sides.Solution: The roller bearing slides must be fully engaged into the mounting slots on all drawers. They potentially could fall out of position while turning the cart on its lid, back, or onto its casters.Remove the drawer that is out of position. The drawer is removed by the two clips on the roller bearing slides.Simply push the roller bearing slide back down into position. Insert the drawer back onto the roller bearing slides.Problem: Back Lock/Unlock Switch does not engage the drawer.Solution: The inside Lock/Unlock slide potentially could fall out of its groove while turning the cart on its lid, back, or onto its casters during assembly.Unscrew the four screws that are holding the Lock/Unlock slide in place. Once the screws are removed simply place the latch back onto the slide and tighten the four screws back down.Problem: Back Lock/Unlock Switch does not engage the drawer.Solution: The inside Lock/Unlock slide potentially could fall out of its groove while turning the cart on its lid or back onto its casters.Unscrew the four screws that are holding the Lock/Unlock slide in place.Once the screws are removed simply place the latch back onto the slide and tighten the four screws back down.Step 13: Insert the remaining 8 stove bolts (#1a).Step 14: Using 13mm socket completely tighten all fasteners!!Step 15: Insert spray can holder divider (#19) into provided cutaway on the bottom shelf (#23). (Optional)ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONSStep 8:Mounting casters: Put the four casters in place. The two locking casters (#12) should be on one side of the cart and the two non locking casters (#10) should be on the other (Left or right side NOT front or back). Using the 16 bolts (#9), washers and fasteners (located in separate Caster bag) completely tighten the casters to the bottom tray using a 13mm socket and 14mm combination wrench for the bolt head. (Note: Bolt head and one washer should be on the inside of the bottom shelf, hex nut Step 10: Open top lid using the key providedStep 11: Mount push handle (#6) to the same side of the cart withthe locking casters using the four stove bolts (#1b) provided. Finger tighten at this time.Step 12: Insert the 4 Stove bolts (#4) provided to the opposite side of thecart. Note: This stove bolt is shorter due to not having to pass through a handle or bumper.TROUBLESHOOTINGI tem # Part # Description QTY. 1a M8 Bolt (6mm-17mm) 321b M8 Bolt (6mm-19mm) 42 Flat Washer (D8) 723 Hex Nut M8 164 M8 Bolt (3mm-17mm) 45 RSMM100HB Handle Brackets/Pair 16 RSMM100HDL Push Handle 17 RSMM300LGBK (Black) Leg 4RSMM300LGBL (Blue)RSMM300LGRD (Red)RSMM300LGRG (Orange)RSMM300LGNG (Neon Green)8 RSMM300SRPBK (Black) Screwdriver / Prybar holder 1 pairRSMM300SRPBL (Blue)RSMM300SRPRD (Red)RSMM300SRPRG (Orange)RSMM300SRPNG (Neon Green)9 Hex bolt M8-16 (for casters) 1610 RSSWCS 5" Swivel Caster (non-locking)/each 211 RSMM300RPBK (Black) Reinforced Piece /each 2RSMM300RPBL (Blue)RSMM300RPRD (Red)RSMM300RPRG (Orange)RSMM300RPNG (Neon Green)12 RSSWLCS 5" Swivel Caster with lock/each 213 RSMM300DHBL (Blue) Drawer Handle w/ Hardware 314 RSMM300BPRF Right Front Bumper 1RSMM300BPLF Left Front Bumper 1RSMM300BPLR Left Rear Bumper 1RSMM300BPRR Right Rear Bumper 115 Screw for Drawer Handles 1216 RSLKN Lock with Keys17 RSGP Gas Piston /each18 RSRBS Roller Bearing Slides/pair 319 RSMM300SCDBK (Black) Spray can divider 1RSMM300SCDBL (Blue)RSMM300SCDRD (Red)RSMM300SCDRG (Orange)RSMM300SCDNG (Neon Green)21 CTBMM3003DBK (Black) 3" Drawer 2CTBMM3003DBL (Blue)CTBMM3003DRD (Red)CTBMM3003DRG (Orange)CTBMM3003DNG (Neon Green)22 CTBMM3005DBK (Black) 5" Drawer 1CTBMM3005DBL (Blue)CTBMM3005DRD (Red)CTBMM3005DRG (Orange)CTBMM3005DNG (Neon Green)23 CTB300MMSBK (Black) Bottom shelf 1CTB300MMSBL (Blue)CTB300MMSRD (Red)CTB300MMSRG (Orange)CTB300MMSNG (Neon Green)24 Nylon Nut M8 4025 RSLMC300BKN (Black) Locking mechanism 1RSLMC300BLN (Blue)RSLMC300RDN (Red)RSLMC300RGN (Orange)RSLMC300NGN (Neon Green)26 RS50022 Power Strip w/ Cord 1 ALSO AVAILABLE:RSDET8PK Ball Bearing Slide Detents (Pk of 8),RSMM300LK 5pack EVA liner kitRSMM100DHP Plastic End Cap for Drawer Handle (2 pack)RSMM300BK4 Hardware Kit for opposite side of Push Handle (4 pc each #2, #4 & #24) RSMM300BK3 Caster Hardware Kit (each – 1 wheel) (4 pc each #3, #9 & 8 pc #2) RSMM300BK2 Push Handle Hardware Kit (4 pc each #1b, #2 & #24)RSMM300BK1 Leg/Bumper Hardware Kit (32 pc each #1a, #2 & #24)RS50022PC - Power Cord PART DRAWINGS5Push HandleBracket6Push Handle 7Legs (4)8Pry BarHolder (2)14Bumper (4)2 with logo, 2 without10Non-LockingCaster (2)11Front & BackBracket12Locking SwivelCaster (2)Narrow SideSmall Lip13DrawerHandle (3)19Paint CanHolder DividerPARTS LIST。



操作说明书Operations Manual BL-20LED Transilluminator蓝光切胶仪目录前言 (1)开箱检查 (1)第一部分安全信息 (2)1.安全操作信息 (2)2.安全提示 (2)第二部分产品说明 (3)1.产品简介 (3)2.产品特性 (3)3.使用环境 (3)4.技术参数 (4)第三部分功能介绍 (5)产品结构图 (5)第四部分操作说明 (6)1.仪器准备 (6)2.仪器操作 (6)第五部分故障排除 (7)第六部分维护与清洁 (8)第七部分售后服务 (9)1.保修说明 (9)2.保修范围 (9)订购信息 (10)1.配件信息 (10)2.联系我们 (10)附件A装箱清单 (11)附件B BL-20紫外切胶仪性能检测表 (12)前言感谢购买BL-20蓝光切胶仪。














BL8023 说明书

BL8023 说明书

BL8023 说明书1. 概述概述概述概述BL8023 是双向继电器驱动集成电路,用于控制磁保持继电器的工作,具有输出电流大,静态功耗小的特点,可广泛用于智能电表的生产行业及其他用用该类继电器的行业。

2. 主要指标主要指标主要指标主要指标1) 工作电压在5-16V,静态功耗电流<10nA2) 输入高低转换电平在2V左右,与各种单片机兼容3) 典型驱动电流300mA,并根据继电器本身线圈内阻不同(驱动电流等于电源电压除以芯片本身驱动内阻和继电器线圈内阻之合芯片本身驱动内阻:电源电压8V时为15�6�8,电源电压14V时为10�6�8)。

4) 最大驱动电流800mA(是指芯片能承受的继电器线圈电感反冲电流的值。



5) 工作温度适用范围:�6�140 o C -80 o C6) 可以驱动贝斯特磁保护继电器902 系列的所有产品,特别是在电源电压7.5-15V 下可以驱动100A 的产品。

7) 可以驱动温州万佳WJ301-306 产品,特别是在电源电压9.5-14.5V下,驱动内阻为16 欧姆左右的WJ306 三相继电器。

3. 功能框图功能框图功能框图功能框图4. 逻辑功能表逻辑功能表逻辑功能表逻辑功能表输入端A输入端B 输出端OA输出端OB 继电器动作(OA连接正向驱动端)1 0 1 0 继电器开0 1 0 1 继电器关0 0 高阻高阻继电器状态保持1 1 高阻高阻继电器状态保持输入A输入B 输入保护组合逻辑输出驱动输出保护输出OA输出OB5. 封装形式封装形式封装形式封装形式,管脚排列及功能管脚排列及功能管脚排列及功能管脚排列及功能有两种封装形式可选:DIP8 脚封装SOP8 脚封装6. 应用电路应用电路应用电路应用电路1) 脉冲触发脉冲触发脉冲触发脉冲触发输入端A,B用脉冲触发,只要直接把输入端与相应器件的输出端连接就可以工作。

Omron 光导联接开关产品说明书

Omron 光导联接开关产品说明书

1B3W-9Illuminated Tactile SwitchesCompact Illuminated Tactile Switch with 2 LEDs•Compact construction 10 × 10 × 11 mm (W × D ×H) and 12 × 12 × 11 mm (W × D × H) with bright and uniform illumination.•Three-color illumination (red LED + green LED =orange).•Standard force (1.57 N) and high-force (2.26 N)models.■Features■Model Number Legend1.Cap width 0:10 × 10 mm 1:12 × 12 mm2.Operating force0:Standard (OF = 1.57 N {160 gf})2:High-force (OF = 2.26 N {230 gf})3.LED colorR:Red G:GreenHG:Green (high brightness)Y:Y ellow B:BlueRG:Red + Green (Combination of LED colors)RB:Red + Blue (Combination of LED colors)4.No. of LEDs 1:12:25.CapR:Red G:Green Y:Y ellow B:BlueC:Transparent N:Milky whiteNote:Detail information of ordering can be found on p.2.RoHS Compliant11 mm × D■List of Models10 × 10-mm SwitchesStandard force High-force Force LED color No. ofLEDsCap color ModelStandard force(OF = 1.57 N)Blue1Blue B3W-9000-B1B1Transparent B3W-9000-B1C1Milky white B3W-9000-B1N2Blue B3W-9000-B2B2Transparent B3W-9000-B2C2Milky white B3W-9000-B2NGreen1Transparent B3W-9000-G1C1Green B3W-9000-G1G1Milky white B3W-9000-G1N2Transparent B3W-9000-G2C2Green B3W-9000-G2G2Milky white B3W-9000-G2NGreen(highbrightness)1Transparent B3W-9000-HG1C1Green B3W-9000-HG1G1Milky white B3W-9000-HG1N2Transparent B3W-9000-HG2C2Green B3W-9000-HG2G2Milky white B3W-9000-HG2NRed1Transparent B3W-9000-R1C1Milky white B3W-9000-R1N1Red B3W-9000-R1R2Transparent B3W-9000-R2C2Milky white B3W-9000-R2N2Red B3W-9000-R2RRed +Green2Transparent B3W-9000-RG2C2Milky white B3W-9000-RG2NRed + Highbrightgreen2Transparent B3W-9000-RHG2CRed + Blue2Transparent B3W-9000-RB2CYellow1Transparent B3W-9000-Y1C1Milky white B3W-9000-Y1N1Yellow B3W-9000-Y1Y2Transparent B3W-9000-Y2C2Milky white B3W-9000-Y2N2Yellow B3W-9000-Y2YForce LED color No. ofLEDsCap color ModelHigh-force(OF = 2.26 N)Blue1Blue B3W-9002-B1B1Transparent B3W-9002-B1C1Milky white B3W-9002-B1N2Blue B3W-9002-B2B2Transparent B3W-9002-B2C2Milky white B3W-9002-B2NGreen1Transparent B3W-9002-G1C1Green B3W-9002-G1G1Milky white B3W-9002-G1N2Transparent B3W-9002-G2C2Green B3W-9002-G2G2Milky white B3W-9002-G2NGreen(highbrightness)1Transparent B3W-9002-HG1C1Green B3W-9002-HG1G1Milky white B3W-9002-HG1N2Transparent B3W-9002-HG2C2Green B3W-9002-HG2G2Milky white B3W-9002-HG2NRed1Transparent B3W-9002-R1C1Milky white B3W-9002-R1N1Red B3W-9002-R1R2Transparent B3W-9002-R2C2Milky white B3W-9002-R2N2Red B3W-9002-R2RRed +Green2Transparent B3W-9002-RG2C2Milky white B3W-9002-RG2NRed + Highbrightgreen2Transparent B3W-9002-RHG2CRed + Blue2Transparent B3W-9002-RB2CYellow1Transparent B3W-9002-Y1C1Milky white B3W-9002-Y1N1Yellow B3W-9002-Y1Y2Transparent B3W-9002-Y2C2Milky white B3W-9002-Y2N2Yellow B3W-9002-Y2Y2312 × 12-mm SwitchesStandard forceHigh-force■Ratings/Characteristics (Same for Both Standard and High-force Switches)■Operating CharacteristicsForce LED color No. of LEDs Cap color Model Standard force(OF = 1.57 N)Blue (high brightness)1Blue B3W-9010-B1B 1Milky white B3W-9010-B1N 2Blue B3W-9010-B2B 2Milky white B3W-9010-B2N Green1Green B3W-9010-G1G 1Milky white B3W-9010-G1N 2Green B3W-9010-G2G 2Milky white B3W-9010-G2N Green (highbrightness)1Green B3W-9010-HG1G 1Milky white B3W-9010-HG1N 2Green B3W-9010-HG2G 2Milky white B3W-9010-HG2N Red1Red B3W-9010-R1R 1Milky white B3W-9010-R1N 2Red B3W-9010-R2R 2Milky white B3W-9010-R2N Red + Green 2Milky white B3W-9010-RG2N Red + High bright green 2Milky whiteB3W-9010-RHG2NRed + Blue 2Milky white B3W-9010-RB2N Yellow1Yellow B3W-9010-Y1Y 1Milky white B3W-9010-Y1N 2Yellow B3W-9010-Y2Y 2Milky whiteB3W-9010-Y2NForceLED colorNo. of LEDs Cap color Model High-force (OF = 2.26 N)Blue 1Blue B3W-9012-B1B 1Milky white B3W-9012-B1N 2Blue B3W-9012-B2B 2Milky white B3W-9012-B2N Green 1Green B3W-9012-G1G 1Milky white B3W-9012-G1N 2Green B3W-9012-G2G 2Milky white B3W-9012-G2N Green (high bright-ness)1Green B3W-9012-HG1G 1Milky white B3W-9012-HG1N 2Green B3W-9012-HG2G 2Milky white B3W-9012-HG2N Red1Red B3W-9012-R1R 1Milky white B3W-9012-R1N 2Red B3W-9012-R2R 2Milky white B3W-9012-R2N Red + Green2Milky white B3W-9012-RG2N Red + High bright green 2Milky whiteB3W-9012-RHG2NRed + Blue2Milky white B3W-9012-RB2N Yellow1Yellow B3W-9012-Y1Y 1Milky white B3W-9012-Y1N 2Yellow B3W-9012-Y2Y 2Milky whiteB3W-9012-Y2NRatings1 to 50 mA, 5 to 24 VDC (resistive load)Ambient operating temperature −25°C to +70°C at 60% max. humidity (with no icing or condensation)Ambient operating humidity 35% to 85% (at +5 to +35°C)Contact form SPST-NOContact resistance 100 m Ω max. (initial value) (rated: 1 mA, 5 VDC)Insulation resistance 100 M Ω min. (at 250 VDC)Dielectric strength 500 VAC, 50/60 Hz for 1 min Bounce time 5 ms max.Vibration resistance Malfunction: 10 to 55 Hz, 1.5 mm double amplitude Shock resistance Destruction: 1,000 m/s 2 {approx. 100 G} max.Malfunction: 100 m/s 2 {approx. 10 G} max.DurabilitySwitch section1.57 N (standard force):1,000,000 operations min.2.26 N (high-force):300,000 operations min.ItemStandard-force Switches (B3W-90@0)High-force Switches(B3W-90@2)Operating force (OF) 1.57 N {160 gf} max. 2.26 N {230 gf} max.Releasing force (RF)0.2 N {20 gf} min.0.49 N {50 gf} min.Pretravel (PT)0.25+0.2/−0.1 mm4■LED Specifications(Ambient temperature Ta = 25°C)Note:For Switches with two LEDs, red and green, the recommended operating current is 12 mA for the red and 20 mA for the green LED for application with three-color illumination.■LEDs●Forward current reduction curve●Forward current and forward voltage curvesNote:1.Make sure that the polarity of the LEDs is correct. The polarity is not indicated on the Switch, but the positive pole is located on the back surface of the Switch on the side with the OMRON mark.2.Connect limiting resistors to the LEDs. The Switch does not have built-in limiting resistors, so satisfy the LED characteristics by obtaining the limiting resistance according to the following formula based on the voltage to be used.LED colorRedGreenGreen (high brightness)YellowBlueMaximum operating current I FM 27 mA 27 mA 27 mA 45 mA 27 mA Recommended operating current I F 20 mA 20 mA 10 mA 20 mA 10 mA Forward voltage (standard value) V F 1.8 V 2.1 V 3.7 V 2.4 V 3.7 V Maximum reverse voltage V R 5 V5 V5 V5 V5 VAmbient operating temperature−25°C to 70°C■Dimensions(Unit: mm)1 LED TypesB3W-900@-@1@B3W-901@-@1@2 LED TypesB3W-900@-@2@B3W-901@-@2@Note:Unless otherwise specified, a tolerance of ±0.4 mm applies to all dimensions. No terminal numbers are indicated on the Switches.56■AccessoriesB3W-9@@-F @Text Combination FilmsText Combination Films for B3W-9 Illuminated Tactile Switches•Display two different labels in combination with a 2-LED B3W-9 Switch. •Color combinations: Red/Green or Red/Blue■Model Number Legend1.ColorR:Red 2.ColorB:Blue G:Green3.Color and text combinationF1:Red OFFBlue or green ONF2:Red (OFF)Blue or green (ON)F3:Red (C L OSE)Blue or green (OPEN)F4:RedBlue or green F5:RedBlue or green Note:1.Five text combinations are available.2.Films can also be customized with other text for 50sheets (1,250 films) per lot. Delivery time is approxi-mately five weeks. (Ask your OMRON representative for details.)■Recommended B3W-9 Switches■Minimum Order25 films/sheetB3W-9 Films are sold in units of 25 films. Orders must be made in multiples of 25 (the quantity per sheet).Note:Text Combination Films are sold without the Switches. Or-der one of the above models of B3W-9 Illuminated Tactile Switches separately.Operating force2-LED SwitchesRed/BlueRed/Bright green Standard-force Switches B3W-9000-RB2C B3W-9000-RHG2C High-force Switches B3W-9002-RB2CB3W-9002-RHG2C■Safety PrecautionsNote:Refer to Safety Precautions in Tactile Switches (Cat. No. X037) for details on general safety precautions.■Precautions for Correct UseElectrical StandardsUse the Switch within the rated voltage and current ranges, other-wise the Switch may have a shortened life expectancy, radiate heat, or burn out. This particularly applies to the instantaneous voltages and currents when switching.Soldering1. Soldering Precautions•Before any kind of soldering, test to confirm that soldering can be performed properly. Otherwise the Switch may be deformed by the soldering heat depending on the type of PCB, pattern, or lands of the PCB.•Do not solder the Switch more than twice, including rectification soldering. Wait for at least five minutes between the first and sec-ond soldering to allow the temperature to return to normal. Con-tinuous soldering may cause the casing to melt or deteriorate the Switch characteristics.2. Automatic Soldering Baths (Wave Soldering)•Soldering temperature: 260°C max.•Soldering time: 5 s max. for a 1.6-mm thick single-side PCB •Preheating temperature: 100°C max. (ambient temperature)•Preheating time: Within 60 s•PrecautionsMake sure that no flux will rise above the level of the PCB. Also make sure that flux is not applied to the switch terminals or to the mounting surface of the PCB.If flux overflows onto the mounting surface of the PCB, it may en-ter the Switch and cause a malfunction.3. Manual Soldering•Soldering temperature: 350°C max. at the tip of the soldering iron •Soldering time: 3 s max. for a 1.6-mm thick, single-side PCB •Precautions:Before soldering the Switch on a PCB, make sure that there is no unnecessary space between theSwitch and the PCB.WashingStandard Switches are not sealed, and cannot be washed. Doing so will cause the washing agent, together with flux or dust parti-cles on the PCB, to enter the Switch, resulting in malfunction. PCBsThe Switch is designed for a 1.6-mm thick, single-side PCB. Using PCBs with a different thickness or using double-sided, through-hole PCBs may result in loose mounting, improper inser-tion, or poor heat resistance in soldering. These effects will occur, depending on the type of holes and patterns of the PCB. There-fore, it is recommended that a verification test is conducted before use. Handling1. Usage EnvironmentBefore installing the Switch, make sure that the area of installa-tion is not subject to corrosive gases emitted from surrounding parts.Do not use in areas subject to high temperatures, high humidity, or toxic gases such as sulfuric gas (H2S, SO2), ammonia gas (NH3), nitric gas (HNO3), or chlorine gas (CI2). It can cause corro-sive damage to the contacts and result in malfunction.If there is silicon in the atmosphere, it may stop the contacts from functioning properly.If silicon products, such as silicon oil, silicon filler, or silicon wires, are used in the surrounding area, install a contact protection cir-cuit to prevent arching or remove the silicon source.The following situations may cause water to enter inside the Switch, resulting in a malfunction due to contact failure or corro-sion.•Using the Switch in an outdoor environment where it is exposed to water drops for an extended period of time.•Using the Switch in an underwater setting where it is subject to strong water pressure.Do not use Switches that have been dropped. The mating section or other internal parts may be damaged, resulting in malfunction. OperationDo not repeatedly operate the Switch with excessive force. Apply-ing excessive pressure or applying additional force after the plunger has stopped may deform the disk spring of the Switch, resulting in malfunction.Be sure to set up the Switch so that the plunger will operate in a straight vertical line.If the plunger is pressed of-center or from an angle it may cause deformation or damage to some parts. This may result in deterio-ration of durability or malfunction.Dust ProtectionDo not install or use Switches in dust-prone environments. If a Switch must be used in this kind of environment, use a protective sheet or take other measures to protect it against dust.Note:Switches with high-brightness green (HG) or blue (B) LEDs are susceptible to static electricity. Be careful whenhandling a Switch with these LEDs as it may cause theSwitch to breakdown.7Removing the Cap1.Hold the cap at the side away from the mating section. Pullstraight up.2.Do not remove the cap while the Switch is mounted. Doingso will apply force to the soldered section and LEDs, result-ing in malfunction.Placing the Cap on the SwitchHold the Cap at the side away from the mating section. Push straight down until the mating section meets.Removing the CapThe Cap can be removed up to two times. Excessively removing the Cap will cause the mating section to become weak, resulting the operating section not mating completely or the Cap may fall off.Film DimensionsDimensions of the film are shown below. The thickness is 0.2 mm.Storage PrecautionsStorage EnvironmentT o prevent degradation, such as discoloration, of the terminals during storage, do not store the Switch in locations that are sub-ject to the following conditions.1. High temperature or humidity2. Corrosive gases3. Direct sunlightStorage conditionStore the Switches in the packaging box.After the packaging box is opened, use the contents as quickly as possible. When storing leftover parts, make sure that appropriate measures are taken against humidity and corrosive gases. Agreement of Product UseComply with the usage, storage, and disposal conditions speci-fied by OMRON as outlined in the precautions in the product datasheet and specifications.Correct IncorrectCorrectIncorrect。

东芝 拨号显示器 使用说明书

东芝 拨号显示器 使用说明书

拨号显示器使用说明书D -R ,D -L ,D -C ,D 381.前言对采购本产品表示真挚的感谢!使用本产品前请详细阅读本“使用说明书”,并正确的进行使用。


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1Stainless SteelPlasticDie-cast MetalMagnetic latching combines with RFID technology to deliver high holding force and tamper resistance•RFID provide s a high degree of t a mper re s i s t a nce.•Cle a n/Sa nitize in Pl a ce – s t a inle ss s teel ver s ion s a re r a ted IP69K •LED s s upport e as y f a ult di a gno s i s •In s t a ll up to 20 s witche s in s erie s•Re s idu a l m a gneti s m a ct s as light door l a tch a fter unlocking •Two a ctu a tor type s with type 4 coding•B as ic – a ll a ctu a tor s in the s y s tem a re identic a lly coded.•Unique – every a ctu a tor i s individu a lly coded. 32,000,000 code s •Both offer toler a nce for mi sa lignment•Two s witch s ize s provide multiple holding force option s •Medium Duty-S t a inle ss S teel: F1m a x (typic a l) 600N, F zh 450N -Pl as tic a nd Diec as t: F1m a x (typic a l) 900N, F zh 675N •He a vy Duty-S t a inle ss S teel: F1m a x (typic a l) 950N, F zh 700N-Pl as tic a nd Diec as t: F1m a x (typic a l) 1500N, F zh 1150N •Three c as e m a teri a l sPl as tic, diec as t met a l, 316 s t a inle ss s teel•For u s e on m a chine s with no rundown time if power i s lo s tDiagnostic Indicator FunctionYellow LED indicates OPENS hown in Gu a rd Open Po s itionGreen LED indicates CLOSEDS hown in Gu a rd Clo s ed Po sition Switch StatusGuard Green LED Yellow LEDSafety OutputLockedClo s ed S te a dy Off Clo s ed S olenoid Power OFF (unlocked)Clo s ed Fl as hing Off Open Gu a rd Open Open Off S te a dy Open Door Forced OpenOpenOffFl as hingOpenD40ML Series2Ordering InformationSwitchesSpare ActuatorsNote:S p a re a ctu a tor s a re not a v a il a ble for uniquely coded s witche s.AccessoriesNote:1.The quick di s connect c a ble h as a n identic a l c a ble pining as the Cable Wiring on p a ge 42.Y92E-M12PUR S H8S M-L di s connect c a ble s a re a l s o comp a tible with D40ML.Case Material Holding Force F1max (typical)Actuator Type Cable Configuration Model Number316 S t a inle ssS teel (IP69K)600NUnique5m C a ble D40ML-SS2-U-5M10m C a ble D40ML-SS2-U-10MPigt a il w/ M12 Connector D40ML-SS2-U-M12B as ic5m C a ble D40ML-SS2-B-5M10m C a ble D40ML-SS2-B-10MPigt a il w/ M12 Connector D40ML-SS2-B-M12 950NUnique5m C a ble D40ML-SS1-U-5M10m C a ble D40ML-SS1-U-10MPigt a il w/ M12 Connector D40ML-SS1-U-M12B as ic5m C a ble D40ML-SS1-B-5M10m C a ble D40ML-SS1-B-10MPigt a il w/ M12 Connector D40ML-SS1-B-M12Pl as tic (IP67)900NUnique5m C a ble D40ML-P2-U-5M10m C a ble D40ML-P2-U-10MPigt a il w/ M12 Connector D40ML-P2-U-M12B as ic5m C a ble D40ML-P2-B-5M10m C a ble D40ML-P2-B-10MPigt a il w/ M12 Connector D40ML-P2-B-M12 1500NUnique5m C a ble D40ML-P1-U-5M10m C a ble D40ML-P1-U-10MPigt a il w/ M12 Connector D40ML-P1-U-M12B as ic5m C a ble D40ML-P1-B-5M10m C a ble D40ML-P1-B-10MPigt a il w/ M12 Connector D40ML-P1-B-M12Diec as t Met a l(IP67)900NUnique5m C a ble D40ML-M2-U-5M10m C a ble D40ML-M2-U-M12Pigt a il w/ M12 Connector D40ML-M2-U-M12B as ic5m C a ble D40ML-M2-B-5M10m C a ble D40ML-M2-B-10MPigt a il w/ M12 Connector D40ML-M2-B-M12 1500NUnique5m C a ble D40ML-M1-U-5M10m C a ble D40ML-M1-U-10MPigt a il w/ M12 Connector D40ML-M1-U-M12B as ic5m C a ble D40ML-M1-B-5M10m C a ble D40ML-M1-B-10MPigt a il w/ M12 Connector D40ML-M1-B-M12Product Description Model Number S t a inle ss S teel; IP69K; 950N; B as ic Code; Actu a tor D40ML-SS1-B-ACTS t a inle ss S teel; IP69K 600N; B as ic Code; Actu a tor D40ML-SS2-B-ACT Diec as t Met a l; IP67; 1500N; B as ic Code; Actu a tor D40ML-M1-B-ACTDiec as t Met a l; IP67; 900N; B as ic Code; Actu a tor D40ML-M2-B-ACTPl as tic; IP67; 1500N; B as ic Code; Actu a tor D40ML-P1-B-ACTPl as tic; IP67; 900N; B as ic Code; Actu a tor D40ML-P2-B-ACTProduct Description Model Number Quick Di s connect C a ble, 8-pin M12 to Flying Le a d s, PVC J a cket, 5 Meter Length D40ML-CBL-M12-5M Quick Di s connect C a ble, 8-pin M12 to Flying Le a d s, PVC J a cket, 10 Meter Length D40ML-CBL-M12-10MD40ML Series3SpecificationsNote:When the product u s e devi a te s from the s e ass umption s (different lo a d, oper a ting frequency, etc.) the v a lue s mu s t be a dju s ted a ccordingly.Codes and StandardsIEC 60947-5-3:2013, EN 60947-5-1:2004 + AC:2005 + A1:2009, EN 60947-1:2007 + A1:2011, EN I S O 13849-1:2008 + AC:2009, EN 62061:2005 + AC:2010 + A1:2013, I S O 14119:2013, UL508Safety Classificationand Reliability Data Minimum Switched Current 10VDC 1mA Dielectric Withstand 250VAC Insulation Resistance 100M ΩShock Resistance 11m s 30GVibration Resistance 10 to 55Hz, 1mm a mplitude Switching Distance S a o 1mm Clo s e; S a r 10mm OpenMisalignment Between s witch a nd a ctu a tor, 2mm in a ny direction Switching Frequency 1.0Hz m a ximum Response Time (On –> Off)10m s m a x.Operating Time (Off –> On)150m sApproach Speed200mm/m to 1000mm/sBody MaterialD40ML-P_: Pl as ticD40ML-M_: Diec as t Met a lD40ML-SS _: 316 S t a inle ss S teel Actu a tor S e a l: S iliconeEnc a p s ul a tion: High Temper a ture Epoxy Operating Temperature Range–25 to 40°CAmbient Operating Humidityup to 90% a t 25 ~ 40°CEnclosure Protection IP67 (Pl as tic or Diec as t Met a l)IP69K (S t a inle ss s teel ver s ion s with flying le a d s )Cable Type PVC 8 core, 6mm outer di a meter Mounting Bolts 2 × M5 Tightening torque 1.0Nm Mounting Position AnyPower Supply 24VDC ±10% (s elv / pelv)Power ConsumptionUnlocked: 50mA m a x.Locked:- Medium Duty 325mA m a x. - He a vy Duty 500mA m a x.Holding ForceMedium Duty- S t a inle ss S teel: F1m a x (typic a l) 600N, F zh *1 450N - Pl as tic a nd Diec as t: F1m a x (typic a l) 900N, F zh 675N He a vy Duty- S t a inle ss S teel: F1m a x (typic a l) 950N, F zh 700N- Pl as tic a nd Diec as t: F1m a x (typic a l) 1500N, F zh 1150N *1A new te s t h as been introduced with the coefficient 1.3. A device with a s pecified m a ximum holding force (F zh ) of 500N need s to hold up a force te s t (F1m a x ) a t 650N.According to the s t a nd a rd the locking force F zh s hould be s t a ted for every gu a rd locking s witch.Max. Switched Current (Outputs)200mA (min. intern a l re s i s t a nce 8.5 Ohm s )Auxiliary Signal+24 VDC (Door Open)Characteristic Data according to EN ISO13849-1PLe: If both ch a nnel s a re u s ed in combin a tion with a S IL3/PLe control device C a tegory: C a t. 4MTTFd: 1100aDi a gno s tic Cover a ge DC: 99% (high)Number of oper a ting d a y s per ye a r: d op = 365d Number of oper a ting hour s per d a y: h op = 24h B10d: Not mech a nic a l p a rt s implemented Characteristic Data according to IEC62061 (used as a sub system)Sa fety Integrity Level: S IL3PFH (1/h): 4.77E-10 Corre s pond s to 4.8% of S IL3PFD: 4.18E-05 Corre s pond s to 4.2% of S IL3Proof Te s t Interv a l T 1: 20aInformation with regard to UL508U s e LVLC or Cl ass 2 s upply. Type 1 enclo s ure.Risk Time in accordance with EN 60947-5-3150m s (s witching off del a y a t remov a l of a ctu a tor)D40ML Series4Cable WiringTypical Operating Distance (Front Approach)Note:DO NOT u s e s witch a nd a ctu a tor as a gu a rd door stop.Solenoid Supply 24 VDCAuxSafety Output 2Safety Output 1External Supply 24 VDCNon-Contact RFID Locking Switch Wiring DiagramQuick Connect(CC)M12 8-way maleplugConductorColorsFunction Power Rating8Or a ngeApply Lock(24VDC ±10%)50mA M a x5BrownAuxili a ry S ign a l(Door Open/Clo s ed)+24VDC(200mA)4Yellow Sa fety Output 2200mA M a x6Green Sa fety Output 21White Sa fety Output 1200mA M a x7Bl a ck Sa fety Output 13Blue0VDC500mA M a x2Red+24VDC ±10%Misalignment mmDistance mmD40ML Series5Dimensions(Unit: mm)D40ML Medium Duty SwitchD40ML Heavy Duty SwitchInstallation:•In s t a ll a tion of a ll D40ML s erie s sa fety s witche s mu s t be in a ccord a nce with a ri s k ass e ss ment for the individu a l a pplic a tion.•The u s e of a sa fety rel a y i s required for monitoring RFID coded s witche s . The s e rel a y s monitor two redund a nt circuit s as per I S O13849-1 for up to PLe/C a tegory 4 protection.•D40ML s erie s s witche s a re de s igned to oper a te with mo s t du a l ch a nnel sa fety rel a y s to sa ti s fy EN60947-5-3.•M5 mounting bolt s mu s t be u s ed to mount the s witche s . Tightening torque for mounting bolt s to en s ure reli a ble fixing i s 1.0 Nm. Alw a y s mount on non-ferrou s m a teri a l s .•Do not mount a dj a cent s witche s or a ctu a tor s clo s er th a n 30mm.•To a chieve nomin a l holding force en s ure f a ce-to-f a ce a lignment of m a gnetic p a rt s .•After in s t a ll a tion a lw a y s check e a ch s witch function by opening a nd clo s ing e a ch gu a rd individu a lly in turn a nd en s uring th a t the Green LED on the s witch a nd the LED s on the sa fety rel a y a re illumin a ted when the s witch i s clo s ed a nd a re extingui s hed when the s witch i s open. Check th a t the m a chine s top s a nd c a nnot be re-s t a rted when e a ch s witch i s open.Maintenance/Safety Checks: Monthly: Check a lignment of a ctu a tor a nd look for s ign s of mech a nic a l d a m a ge to the s witch c as ing or c a ble s .The sa fety function s a nd mech a nic s mu s t be te s ted regul a rly. For a pplic a tion s where infrequent gu a rd a cce ss i s fore s ee a ble, the s y s tem mu s t h a ve a m a nu a l function te s t to detect a po ss ible a ccumul a tion of f a ult s . At le as t once per month for PLe C a t3/4 or once per ye a r for PLd C a t3 (I S O13849-1). Where po ss ible it i s recommended th a t the control s y s tem of the m a chine dem a nd s a nd monitor s the s e te s t s , a nd s top s or prevent s the m a chine from s t a rting if the te s t i s not done. (I S O14119). Check th a t the m a chine s top s a nd c a nnot be re-s t a rted when e a ch s witch i s open.NOTE: The sa fety output s will only clo s e when the a ctu a tor i s in pl a ce a nd the lock m a gnet i s energized. Forcing open of the lock will c a u s e the sa fety output s to open.IMPORTANT: The gu a rd holding h as no interlock function. The Ri s k A ss e ss ment for the p a rticul a r a pplic a tion s hould include the ri s k of s p a re a ctu a tor s . S p a re a ctu a tor s s hould not be re a dily a v a il a ble a nd mu s t be s ecurely controlled. Record a ny RFID code s as required by f a ctory rule s or with reference to a ny ri s k ass e ss ment for the p a rticul a r a pplic a tion a nd u s er loc a tion.Fixing Holes for M5 ScrewsACTUATORSWITCHFixing Holes for M5 Screws64648896Ø 5058.5060.50411R 32437523225445232626.50SWITCH Fixing Holes for M5 ScrewsFixing Holes for M5 ScrewsACTUATOR11579.5010575.50Ø 6544116666Ø 76Ø 805252443228.504338631D40ML Series6Wiring OptionsD40ML to G9SE-201(up to Safety PLe acc. EN ISO13849-1)D40ML to G9SE-201 - Series Connections (up to SafetyPLd acc. EN ISO 13849-1, maximum 20 switches)M: 3-phase motorTerms and Conditions AgreementRead and understand this catalog.Please read and understand this catalog before purchasing the products. Please consult your OMRON representative if you have any questions or comments.Warranties.(a) Exclusive Warranty. Omron’s exclusive warranty is that the Products will be free from defects in materials and workmanshipfor a period of twelve months from the date of sale by Omron (or such other period expressed in writingby Omron). Omron disclaims all other warranties, express or implied.(b) Limitations. OMRON MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENT ATION, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ABOUTNON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANT ABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF THEPRODUCTS. BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES THA T IT ALONE HAS DETERMINED THA T THE PRODUCTS WILLSUIT ABL Y MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THEIR INTENDED USE.Omron further disclaims all warranties and responsibility of any type for claims or expenses based on infringement by the Products or otherwise of any intellectual property right. (c) Buyer Remedy. Omron’s sole obligation hereunder shall be, at Omron’s election, to (i) replace (in the form originally shipped with Buyer responsible for labor charges for removal or replacement thereof) thenon-complying Product, (ii) repair the non-complying Product, or (iii) repay or credit Buyer an amount equal to the purchase price of the non-complying Product; provided that in no event shall Omron be responsible for warranty, repair, indemnity or any other claims or expenses regarding the Products unless Omron’s analysis confirms that the Products were properly handled, stored, installed and maintained and not subject to contamination, abuse, misuse or inappropriate modification. Return of any Products by Buyer must be approved in writing by Omron before shipment. Omron Companies shall not be liable for the suitability or unsuitability or the results from the use of Products in combination with any electrical or electronic components, circuits, system assemblies or any other materials or substances or environments. Any advice, recommendations or information given orally or in writing, are not to be construed as an amendment or addition to the above warranty.See /global/ or contact your Omron representative for published information.Limitation on Liability; Etc.OMRON COMP ANIES SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENT AL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR PRODUCTION OR COMMERCIAL LOSS IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THE PRODUCTS, WHETHER SUCH CLAIM IS BASED IN CONTRACT, WARRANTY, NEGLIGENCE OR STRICT LIABILITY.Further, in no event shall liability of Omron Companies exceed the individual price of the Product on which liability is asserted.Suitability of Use.Omron Companies shall not be responsible for conformity with any standards, codes or regulations which apply to the combination of the Product in the Buyer’s application or use of the Product. At Buyer’s request, Omron will provide applicable third party certification documents identifying ratings and limitations of use which apply to the Product. This information by itself is not sufficient for a complete determination of the suitability of the Product in combination with the end product, machine, system, or other application or use. Buyer shall be solely responsible for determining appropriateness of the particular Product with respect to Buyer’s application, product or system. Buyer shall take application responsibility in all cases.NEVER USE THE PRODUCT FOR AN APPLICA TION INVOLVING SERIOUS RISK TO LIFE OR PROPERTY OR IN LARGE QUANTITIES WITHOUT ENSURING THA T THE SYSTEM AS A WHOLE HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO ADDRESS THE RISKS, AND THA T THE OMRON PRODUCT(S) IS PROPERL Y RA TED AND INST ALLED FOR THE INTENDED USE WITHIN THE OVERALL EQUIPMENT OR SYSTEM.Programmable Products.Omron Companies shall not be responsible for the user’s programming of a programmable Product, or any consequence thereof.Performance Data.Data presented in Omron Company websites, catalogs and other materials is provided as a guide for the user in determining suitability and does not constitute a warranty. It may represent the result of Omron’s test conditions, and the user must correlate it to actual application requirements. Actual performance is subject to the Omron’s Warranty and Limitations of Liability.Change in Specifications.Product specifications and accessories may be changed at any time based on improvements and other reasons. It is our practice to change part numbers when published ratings or features are changed, or when significant construction changes are made. However, some specifications of the Product may be changed without any notice. When in doubt, special part numbers may be assigned to fix or establish key specifications for your application. Please consult with your Omron’s representative at any time to confirm actual specifications of purchased Product.Errors and Omissions.Information presented by Omron Companies has been checked and is believed to be accurate; however, no responsibility is assumed for clerical, typographical or proofreading errors or omissions.Authorized Di s tributor:In the interest of prod u ct improvement,specifications are s ub ject to change witho u t notice.Cat. No. F22E-EN-01C0421(0613)© OMRON Corporation 2013-2016 All Rights Reserved.OMRON Corporation Indu s trial Automation CompanyOMRON ELECTRONIC S LLC2895 Greenspoint Parkway, S u ite 200 Hoffman Estates, IL 60169 U.S.AT el: (1) 847-843-7900/Fax: (1) 847-843-7787Regional Headquarters OMRON EUROPE B.V.Wegalaan 67-69, 2132 JD Hoofddorp The NetherlandsTel: (31) 2356-81-300/Fax: (31) 2356-81-388 Contact: www.indu s trial.omron.euOMRON A S IA PACIFIC PTE. LTD.No. 438A Alexandra Road # 05-05/08 (Lo bb y 2), Alexandra T echnopark, Singapore 119967T el: (65) 6835-3011/Fax: (65) 6835-2711OMRON (CHINA) CO., LTD.Room 2211, Bank of China T ower, 200 Yin Cheng Zhong Road,P u Dong New Area, Shanghai, 200120, China T el: (86) 21-5037-2222/Fax: (86) 21-5037-2200。



Product description• Compact dimensions for luminaire installation• For up to 20 DSI or DALI devices (max. 10 per output channel)• DALI IN input• 2 DALI/DSI output channels with adjustable offset from channel 2 to channel 1• 1 relais output• Sensor input for up to 4 basicDIM DGC sensors 5DPI 14• 2 switch inputs for on/off switching and dimming• Individual adjustment of the parameters withbasicDIM DGC Programmer orsoftware masterCONFIGURATOR• 5 years guarantee (conditions at )ÈWiring diagrams and installation examples, page 10basicDIM DGC Compact control moduleTechnical dataRated supply voltage220 – 240 V Mains frequency50 / 60 Hz Power 2.5 WStand-by power0.5 WCurrent draw, input (DALI bus) 2 mAMax. number of switched drivers2Max. Inrush current of the load (peak / duration)55 A / 400μs Typ. number of switching cycles150,000Max. resistive load500 WMax. inductive / capacitive load200 VA Dimming range 1 – 100 %tc70 °C Operating temperature0 ... +60 °C Storage temperature-25 ... +70 °C Type of protection IP20 Dimensions L x W x H159 x 30 x 21 mm basicDIM DGCCompact control moduleOrdering dataType Article number Mounting Packaging carton Weight per pc. basicDIM DGC28000920Luminaire installation10 pc(s).0.06 kgSpecific technical dataType Inputs Outputs CH2 as Link LineDimming switch Max. cable length at1.5 mm²Max. basicDIMDGC sensorsMax. sensor linelength at 0.2 –1.5 mm²Digital controlline DALI/DSIControl output per physicaloutput (devices)Maximum cablelength at 1.5mm²Voltage DC Maximum cablelength at 1.5mm²Number ofcombinablemodulesbasicDIM DGC double100 m410 m210100 m13 V100 m10 1 See data sheet 8.2 Switching cycles.Product description• Light measurement and motion detection• Up to 4 basicDIM DGC sensors on one basicDIM DGC• Can be remote controlled• Light measurement and motion detection can be deactivated • Individual adjustment of the parameters with basicDIM DGC Programmer or software masterCONFIGURATOR• Power supply via basicDIM DGCTechnical dataØ of detection range, mounted at a height of 2.5 m 4.5 mSwivel design noDetection angle84°Light measurement at the sensor head 110 – 650 lxInfra-red control range 5 mMax. mounting height 5 mOperating temperature0 ... +50 °CStorage temperature-25 ... +55 °CType of protection IP20basicDIM DGC Sensor 5DPI 14f44,4Ø13,916,41,9312,8219,7Ordering dataType Article numberPackaging,Weight per pc.1The measured value at the sensor head corresponds to approx. 15 to 2,000 lux on the surface measured.Product description• Mounting frame for attaching all 5DP 14f sensor directly to the luminaire housing• Shutter for preventing movement detection in one direction•Glow wire test with 750 °C according to EN 61347-15DPI 14f Mounting KitOrdering dataProduct description• Mounting frame for wired 5DP 14f sensors allowing direct mounting to the ceiling• Easy …click in“ installation of the sensor• IP20• Casing: plastic, white• UV stabilized plastic• DALI MSensor 5DPI 14 is powered via DALI circuit, basicDIM DGC Sensor 5DPI 14f powered via control unit• Optional shutter for reduction of movement detection area allowing to decrease the movement detection area from 360° to 240°• Mounting kit with screws and decorative plugs• 0.5 mm wiring for the sensor• Two 3 x 1.5 mm² clamps with cable management (2 entry points on oppsite sides)• Glow wire test with 750 °C according to EN 61347-1ACU Sensor Housing 14rs IP20Ordering databasicDIM DGC Sensor 5DPI 14rc65,45,5Ø46,75Ø58128Ordering dataTypeArticle number Packaging, Weight per pc.Product description• Light measurement and motion detection• Up to 4 basicDIM DGC sensors on one basicDIM DGC • Can be remote controlled• Light measurement and motion detection can be deactivated • Individual adjustment of the parameters with basicDIM DGC Programmer or software masterCONFIGURATOR • Power supply via basicDIM DGC Technical dataØ of detection range, mounted at a height of 2.5 m 4.5 m Swivel design no Detection angle84°Light measurement at the sensor head 110 – 650 lx Infra-red control range 5 m Max. mounting height 5 m Operating temperature 0 ... +50 °CStorage temperature -25 ... +55 °C Type of protectionIP201The measured value at the sensor head corresponds to approx. 15 to 2,000 lux on thesurface measured.Product description• Optional infra-red programming unit for basicDIM DGC • Setting of predefined discrete parameter values • Programmable functions such as light level, time delay,P.I.R., bright-out, power upbasicDIM DGC ProgrammerOrdering dataREMOTECONTROL IR6A C C E S -S O R I E SOrdering dataProduct description• Optional infra-red remote control • Switching on and off (On/Off button)• Dimming (Up/Down button)• Activation of automatic lighting control •Setting the threshold control point (Set button)Strain-relief setOrdering dataProduct description• Strain relief for up to 3 cables suitable for cable with diameter from 2.5 up to 9 mm • A: 2.5 – 5 mm diameter • B: 5 – 9 mm diameter • C: 5 – 9 mm diameter• Optional strain-relief set for independent applications • Transforms the unit into a full Class II compatible unit (e.g. for ceiling installation)• One set includes 2 pieces strain-reliefs • 5 years guarantee1. StandardsEN 55015EN 61000-3-2EN 61347-1EN 61347-2-11EN 61547EN 62386-101EN 60598-11.1 DALI standardThe basicDIM DGC is designed to control control gear with DALI standardIEC 60929 (DALI V0) and IEC 62386 (DALI V1).1.2 Glow-wire testaccording to EN 61347-1 passed.2. CommonThe basic DIM DGC provides the basis for an easy-to-use and cost-effective lighting system with motion detection.When the sensor detects movement it triggers a individual adjustable motion detection profile in the control unit.As the amount of natural ambient light changes the illuminance from the artificial lighting system is adjusted.The connected luminaires can be switched on and off via momentary-action switch or remote control possible.The DALI IN interface allows integration of the basicDIM DGC module also into a comfortDIM system.The basicDIM DGC module has 5 preprogrammed profiles which can be selected using the basicDIM DGC Programmer.The profiles can be adjusted to your application via the masterCONFIGURATOR (≥ V2.12) software.If the basicDIM DGC module is used in the basic application, the CH2 can be used as control channel for controlling subordinate basicDIM DGC modules (basic connection), so that the controlling and the subordinate basicDIM DGC modules can be programmed and allocated to groups using the masterCONFIGURATOR software. Every single basicDIM DGC module can be allocated to a group and respond to the presence of up to 5 groups (for more detailed information please refer to the masterCONFIGURATOR documentation).3. Interfaces / communication3.1 DALI INThe DALI IN interface allows integration of the basicDIM DGC module alsointo a comfortDIM or other BMS systems.However, not all DALI commands are supported. The DALI commandssupported are listed in the operating instructions.By using the DGC in basic configuration (additional DGC‘sconnected to CH2) DALI IN interface will be deactivated.3.2 DALI/DSI output channels CH1 - CH2The output channels can be set to DSI or DALI (default) using the basicDIMDGC Programmer or the masterCONFIGURATOR software.After mains failure the basicDIM DGC will set new the followingparameters to CH1/CH2:POWER ON LEVELSYSTEM FAILURE LEVELFADE TIMEMIN LEVELMAX LEVELFor more detailed information please refer to the manual.4. Installation• basicDIM DGC can be operated without sensor.The motion detection must be disabled via masterCONFIGURATOR or with unique connecting a sensor and basicDIM DGC Programmer.• DSI/DALI is not SELV. The installation instructions for mains voltage therefore apply.• The maximum cable length between the external switch and basicDIM DGC is 100 m.• The maximum cable length between the sensor and basicDIM DGC is 10 m.• A synchronous operation of DALI and DSI ballasts at the same control gear is not possible.• The output channels (for a cable cross-section of 1.5 mm2) must not be exceeded 100 m.• If CH2 is used as link line, the maximum cable length must not exceed 100 m (at 1.5 mm²).• If a basicDIM DGC is connected to CH2, DALI IN is disabled and CH2 is used as Link-Line (neighbourhood function).No control commands are transmitted via CH2, to reactivate DALI IN see basicDIM DGC manual.• Any number of push to make switches may be connected in parallel to the inputs.• Do not connect standard switches to the input.• Please ensure that the detection range of the sensor lies in the lighting area of the controlled luminaires.• Heaters, fans, printers and copiers located in the detection zone may cause incorrect presence detection.• To avoid false readings, the sensor should be installed so there is no direct light from the lamp in the detection zone.• Sensor wires must be routed separately from the lamp wires andmains cables otherwise the lighting control system may malfunction.If separate routing is not possible (for reasons of space) shieldedlamp wires and mains cables must be used.• Avoid direct illumination of the light source on the sensor includinghousing.3.3 SwitchbasicDIM DGC has two inputs (T1 and T2) for two external switches. Any number of switches can be connected in parallel to the inputs(parallel connection of T1 and T2 possible).Short press (< 500 ms):ON/OFFLong press (> 500 ms):Dim up/downA change in the light value deactivates lighting regulation only temporarily. As soon as the luminaire has beenautomatically switched on again (motion detection) or manually switched off and on again, regulation isactivated again.2 x short press:The overwritten setpoint light value is stored (luminaire acknowledges by flashing twice)Function is lockable via the DSI programmerDifferent output channels are controlled, depending on the profile selected.4.1 Wiring diagram basicDIM DGC DALIN L DA DA* must be the same phase as for LRelais in standbyN L L’DA DAmax. 64 DGC* must be the same phase as for LWiring diagram basicDIM DGC for Inteligent LuminaireNL DA DAmax. 64 DGCNL4.2 Wiring diagram basicDIM DGC with DALI PS1(2)Use only in combination with DALI Repeater (86458401) and one of the following DALI supplies:DALI PS1 (24034323), 200 mA, max. 100 additional devices DALI PS2 (28000876), 240 mA, max. 120 additional devices This combination can be used on CH1 and CH2.SensorD1D2D1D2D1D2C0C1B0B1A1A24.3 Wiring and mounting ACU Sensor Housing 14rs IP20wire preparation:4.4 Wiring type and cross-sections for basicDIM DGC For wiring use solid wire from 0.5 to 1.5 mm².wire preparation:4.5 Wiring type and cross section for sensor rc versionFor wiring use stranded wire with ferrules or solid wire from 0.2 to 1.5 mm².���� – ��� mm² solid or 4.6 Wiring type and cross section for sensor f versionFor wiring use stranded wire with ferrules from 0.2 to 0.5 mm² or solid wire from 0.14 to 0.5 mm².4.7 Mounting variants luminaire installation sensor Size of the sheet: 0.8 – 1.8 mmø14,1+0,21,5 – 2,5Size of the sheet: 0.8 – 3.0 mmSize of the sheet: 0.6 – 0.8 mm3,2 0 -0,15ø1,8 +0,1 020 +0,1 -0,14+0,2 02,2+0,219,1-0,24.8 Mounting in luminaire housing with Mounting Kit:Size of the sheet: 0.8 – 2.0 mmDimension drawing for neededmounting opening4.9 Mounting Kit mounting4.10 Mounting Kit Shutter Area which is masked by the shutter.4.11 Mounting in class II luminaireThe Sensor provides basic insulation as required by IEC 62386-101 and defined in IEC 61347-1.If the sensor is built into a class II luminaire which has to provide double or reinforced insulation it has to be considered that the Sensor is not a class II device. Still the Sensor can be used for such projects as the front of the sensor is tested to fulfill the class II requirements for double or reinforced insulation.Class II5. basicDIM DGC sensor functions5.2 Presence / motion detection5.1 Light level recognition area* The recommended maximum room height for officeapplications is 3 m and for corridor applications for example 4 m. Up to 2 m mounting height presence is detected andover 2 m motion is detected.Calculation of the diameter (light area):x1 = tan(a x1) × h x2 = tan(a x2) × h y = tan(a y ) × hCalculation of the diameter (motion area):d = 2 × tan(0,5 × a ) × hh *x1x2y d 1.7 m1.3 m 0.7 m 1.0 m 3.0 m2.0 m 1.6 m 0.8 m 1.2 m3.6 m 2.3 m 1.8 m 0.9 m 1.3 m4.1 m 2.5 m 2.0 m 1.0 m 1.4 m 4.5 m 2.7 m 2.1 m 1.1 m 1.6 m 4.9 m 3.0 m 2.3 m 1.2 m 1.7 m5.4 m 3.5 m 2.7 m 1.4 m 2.0 m6.3 m 4.0 m3.1 m1.6 m2.3 m7.2 mExample for light and motion detection area at height of 1.7 m:6. Functions6.1 RelaisThe relay can be used in four different operating modes:• Reduction of standby losses (standby wiring example)• Independent output channel for switching non-dimmable luminaires (DALI wiring example)Depending on the profile used, the relay will respond differently. For the 5 main profiles, the two relay profiles used are Standby and OnlyOFF. The masterCONFIGURATOR software allows to enable or disable the relay profiles as well.Depending on the profile used, different operating modes arepreprogrammed for the presence detector. These can be changed using thebasicDIM DGC Programmer or the masterCONFIGURATOR software.6.2 Run-on timeRun-on time of the presence detector, run-on time starts when no presence is detected.The run-on time may vary depending on the profile used.You can choose whether you want the basicDIM DGC module to switch off the light completely or to dim it down to the absence value after the run-on time.It can also be changed using the basicDIM DGC Programmer or the masterCONFIGURATOR software.Absence valueSwitch-off delayThe absence value (light level) and the switch-off delay (the period for which the level is maintained) differ depending on the profile used; theseparameters may be changed using the basicDIM DGC Programmer or themasterCONFIGURATOR software.6.3 OffsetDepending on the profile used, a negative offset may be enabled between CH2 and CH1. Using the basicDIM DGC Programmer and themasterCONFIGURATOR software, this parameter may be changed (also positive offset possible).6.4 Manual-off delayIf the light is switched off manually via momentary-action switch or remote control, the presence detector is disabled. After a period of delay without any presence detected, the presence detector is enabled again. If the sensor detects presence during the “Manual Off” delay, the delay time will start all over again. It can only be changed by using the masterCONFIGURATOR software.6.5 Lighting controlLighting control is started via the Auto key of the basicDIM Programmer or REMOTECONTROL IR6.If the basicDIM DGC module has been switched on via the ON key, lighting control is disabled.If you want to use lighting control, you need to start the DGC module via the Auto key.Lighting control can also be disabled using the masterCONFIGURATOR software.6.6 Set target valueThe light level can be set via following options: • REMOTECONTROL IR6 (press the key for > 3 s)• basicDIM DGC Programmer (press the key for > 3 s)•masterCONFIGURATOR software • external momentary-action switch: By briefly pressing the momentary-action switch twice the currently measured light level is saved as new target value.(Depending on the profile used, this function is enabled or disabled, but it can be changed using the basicDIM DGC Programmer or the masterCONFIGURATOR software)6.7 Bright-outIf the nominal illuminance level (e.g. 500 lx) is exceeded for 10 minutes at over 150 % (e.g. 750 lx), the light is switched off, even if presence is detected.The light is switched on again as soon as the measured light level falls below the target value.Depending on the profile used, this function is either enabled or disabled and can be changed using the basicDIM DGC Programmer orthe masterCONFIGURATOR software.The bright-out status can be indicated on the sensor by a slowly flashing green status LED.By default this function is disabled, but it can be enabled using the masterCONFIGURATOR software.Light control incl. bright-out activated for CH1. CH2 is not illuminated controlled.6.8 Neighbourhood functionDepending on the profile used, the basicDIM DGC can respond to presence detected in other groups.These functions can be changed using the basicDIM DGC Programmer or the masterCONFIGURATOR software.6.9 Momentary-action switch inputs6.10 Basic functions 6.12 Behaviour after return of powerThe basicDIM DGC module features two different types of starting behaviourafter mains failure.6.11 ProfilesProfile 1: Individual room Profile 2: Classroom Profile 3: Corridor Profile 4: WCProfile 5: Free-standing luminaire (default profile)Profile Test:You may use the Profile Test to check the profile you selected.All times relevant to the profile are reduced to 15 s.The Profile Test will automatically be terminated after 1 h, or by pressing the Auto key of the basicDIM DGC Programmer.The profiles can be adjusted to your needs via the masterCONFIGURATOR software or the DGC Programmer.For more detailed information please refer to the masterCONFIGURATOR documentation at .7. Brief description of profiles7.1 Individual room profile7.2 Classroom profile7.3 Corridor profile7.4 WC profile7.5 Free-standing luminaire profile (default)8. Miscellaneous8.1 DisposalAccording to the WEEE directive return old equipment at appropriate collection facilities.8.2 Additional informationAdditional technical information at → Technical Data Guarantee conditions at → ServicesLifetime declarations are informative and represent no warranty claim.No warranty if device was opened.8.3 Switching cyclesThe number of switching cycles is directly related to the level and duration of the inrush current. To increase the number of cycles either LED drivers with lower inrush current (e.g. Tridonic Industry LED drivers) oran additional external relay can be used.。



APRIL 2013Quick-Refere nce GuideLAPTOP, DESKTO P AND VIDEO STORAGE DRIVESSeagate Partner Program MembersVisit the Sales Tools section to access the latestproduct roadmap, end-of-life schedule and product information. DistributorsEMEA SPP Support00-800-6890-8282US Sales Support1-800-SEAGATE or 1-405-324-4700Visit for more information or call 1-800-SEAGATE (1-800-732-4283) © 2013 Seagate Technology LLC. All rights reserved. Printed in USA. Seagate, Seagate Technology and the Wave logo are registered trademarks of Seagate Technology LLC in the United States and/or other countries. Barracuda, G-Force Protection, Momentus, Pipeline HD, SmartAlign and SV35 Series are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Seagate Technology LLC or one of its affiliated companies in the United States and/or other countries. The FIPS logo is a certification mark of NIST, which does not imply product endorsement by NIST, the U.S., or Canadian governments. All other trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. When referring to drive capacity, one gigabyte, or GB, equals one billion bytes and one terabyte, or TB, equals one trillion bytes. Your computer’s operating system may use a different standard of measurement and report a lower capacity. In addition, some of the listed capacity is used for formatting and other functions, and thus will not be available for data storage. Actual data rates may vary depending on operating environment and other factors. The export or re-export of hardware or software containing encryption may be regulated by the US Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security (for more information go to ). Seagate reserves the right to change, without notice, product offerings or specifications. QR502.15-1304GB, April 2013APRIL 2013Quick-Reference GuideLAPTOP, DESKTOP AND VIDEO STORAGE DRIVESNew Seagate Model Number KeyDesktop, laptop and video storageST 500 DX 001BRANdCAPACiTySegMeNTATTRiBuTeS2 letters ST= Seagate MX= Maxtor2 to 4 digits 80 = 80GB 500 = 500GB 1500 = 1,500GB Capacities>9,999GB: 10 = 10TB 15 = 15TB2 lettersDX = Desktop Premium DM = Mainstream DL = Entry LevelLX = Laptop Premium LM = Laptop Mainstream LT = Laptop Thin VX = Surveillance VM = DVR VT = DVR Thin3 digits, non-intelligent Varies for:Z-height Form Factor RPM Cache Interface SED, FIPS Drop Sensor Interface SpeedView a brief training presentation on how our model numbering format has changed at /seagate/ModelNumber 1 One gigabyte, or GB, equals one billion bytes; and one terabyte, or TB, equals one trillion bytes when referring to drive capacity.2See FIPS 140-2 Level 2 Certificate at /groups/STM/cmvp/documents/140-1/1401vend.htm.37mm z-height expanded to 9.5mm enables compatibility with standard laptop chassis.4Advanced Format 4K sector drive with SmartAlign ™ technology resolves misalignment conditions.5Seagate makes this drive in both 4K and 512-byte sectors. SmartAlign technology is included on 4K sector drives. Both drives are functionally and physically equivalent.6Formerly Barracuda ®drive。

Radnor和North品牌的一款首 aid 箱类产品说明书

Radnor和North品牌的一款首 aid 箱类产品说明书

Radnor® Bulk First Aid KitsAPart Number Description10 25 50 75 100SH40100501" x 3" Plastic Strip Bandages,100/bx1 1 111SH40101152" x 3" Adhesive Bandages, 50/bx- - - -1NOS0207302" x 3" Adhesive Bandages, 6/bx- - - 1-NOS020855Woven Fingertip Bandages, 8/bx- - - -1NOS020020Woven Knuckle Bandages, 8/bx- - 1 11SH40231431⁄2" x 5 yds Waterproof Adhesive Tape 1 1 1 1 2NOS0480061" x 5 yds Waterproof Adhesive Tape- - - 26SH40518202" Clean-Wrap N/S Gauze1 - - 22SH4103100T2PK 1" x 5 yd Co-Flex Bandage- - 5 -5SH4103200T 2" x 5 yd Co-Flex Bandage- 1 - 1-SH4103300T 3" x 5 yd Co-Flex Bandage- - - 12SH4103400T 4" x 5 yd Co-Flex Bandage- - - -2SH40675222" x 2" Sterile Gauze Pads, 25/bx- - - -13" x 3" 12ply Sterile Gauze Pads, each 4 5 10 - -SH40675333" x 3" Sterile Gauze Pads, 25/bx- - - 11SH40674444" x 4" Sterile Gauze Pads, 10/bx- - - -1NOS0207684" Off-Center Compress Bandage, 1/bx 1 1 1 2 3NOS020510Gauze Compress 24" x 72"11NOS045009Triangular Bandage, 40" x 40" x 56"1 1 1 12-Eye Pads,Oval Sterile, each2 2 - --NOS020300Eye Pads Sterile, 4/bx- - 1 22FEN320004510000 1 oz Eyewash NOS021645MD Antiseptic BZK Wipes, 10/bx1 1 1 22 1 1 1 12A. Radnor® General Purpose Bulk First Aid KitsSH4232124 SH4233020 SH4201005 NOS021020 SH4161510 NOS020667 NOS020555 NOS020225Triple Antibiotic Ointment .5 gm Foil Pk, ea 6 6 6 6 -Triple Antibiotic Ointment .5 gm Foil Pk, 20/bx - - - - 1Hydrocortisone (1%) 1 gm 1% Foil Pack,20/bx - - - - 1Alcohol Prep Pad, each- 4 - --3 oz Burn Spray- - - 111⁄8 oz Burn Gel, each6 6 6 --Aspirin, 50 packs of 2 per bx- - - 1141⁄2" x 5" Cold Pack, 1/bx1 1 2 24Pain-A-Rest (acetaminophen)13 pks of 2/bx - - 1 - -Ammonia Inhalant Ampules, each- 2 5 --Ammonia Inhalant Ampules, 10/bx- - - 11• Kits contain economic bulk supplies that can be readily accessedwhen needed• Ideal for manufacturing settings where a wide variety of first aid itemsare required• Image shown may vary from actual fill, see chart below for list of contents• All general purpose bulk kits are ANSI Z308.1-2009 compliantPart NumberDescriptionSizeRAD64058020 RAD64058008 RAD64058009 RAD64058010 RAD6405801110-person Cabinet 25-person Cabinet 50-person Cabinet 75-person Cabinet 100-person Cabinet107⁄16"W x 5"H x 21⁄2"D 101⁄2"W x 5"H x 21⁄2"D 101⁄2"W x 101⁄2"H x 21⁄2"D 151⁄2"W x 101⁄2"H x43⁄4"D 17"W x 15"H x 51⁄2"DSH480264RB 84" x 52" Rescue Blanket, Silver- - - 11NOS020380 NOS020350Wire Splint for Arm or Leg Tourniquet- - - 11 - - - 11BSH440709TM Tongue Blades, 6/pk- - - 11SH43271963" Tweezer, Slant End11NOS03156531⁄2" Tweezers, Pointed1 1 11SH432BS412 SH4325701P41⁄2" Mini Bandage Scissors 51⁄2" SS Lister Bandage Scissors1 1 1 11 - - - 11B. North® Redi-Care Kits™SH4522000VSH4269214-NOS045027Part Number NOS028001 NOS016059 NOS020010 NOS020020 NOS020701 NOS020795 NOS032074 NOS020445 NOS048006 NOS020125 NOS032203 NOS032204 NOS020766 NOS020640 NOS052220NOS121065 SH4241010A NOS126040F NOS020135 NOS045027 SH4324050 SH4067433 NOS021161 NOS020667 NOS021201X NOS020618 NOS752577 NOS720072 NOS021640 SH4065590 NOS020374 NOS020380Vinyl Gloves, 2pr/bg1 1 1 11Hand & Skin Lotion 1 gm Foil Pack, 20/bx - - - - 2Zip Lock Bag, 5" x 5"- 1 1 --First Aid Guide1 1 1 11Redi-Care Kit ComponentsContents018503-4219 PromotionalAdhesive Bandage, 1" x 3", Cloth10Adhesive Bandage, 1" x 3", Cloth-Adhesive Bandage, Fingertip, Cloth 2Adhesive Bandage, Knuckle, Cloth 2Adhesive Bandage, 1" x 3", Plastic -Adhesive Bandage, 1" x 3", Plastic -Adhesive Bandage, XL2Adhesive Tape, 1⁄2" x 21⁄2 yd.1Adhesive Tape, 1" x 5 yd.-Antibiotic Ointment4Antiseptic Spray, 2 oz.-Burn Relief Spray, 2 oz.-Compress, Bandage, Offset, 2"-Compress, Gauze, 18" x 36"-Conforming Bandage, 2” x 6 yds,-non-sterileCPR Barrier-Eye Pad, Sterile-Eye-Lert® Eyewash, 4 oz.-First Aid/Burn Cream with Aloe4First Aid Guide-Tweezers, Disposable Plastic1Gauze Pads, Sterile 3" x 3"2Hydrocortisone,1.0%,⁄132oz.-Instant Cold Pak1PVP Iodine Wipes6Rescue Blanket-Scissors, Angled, Red Handle1Self Adherent Wrap, 3" x 5 yd.-Nitrile Medical Gloves (pair)1Trauma Pad, Sterile, 5" x 9"-Triangular Bandage, Non-Sterile-Wire Splint-018502-4220 Small 4 4 1 4 1 1 -6 1 1 4 1 10 1 1 1 -018501-4221 018505-4221 Medium Medium w/CPR----44443232--4411--11------2111-1221166111144--111010--11--22--11--018500-4222 018504-4222 Large Large w/CPR--11004466----441111111111141122-14411--1111101011022101011111112111111• Lightweight, portable first aid kits packaged in soft-sided, red nylon bags• The flexibility of these soft-sided cases allows them to easily fit into tight spaces, and hold more items than hard-sided kits of the same size• Complete contents for each kit are listed in chart belowPart Number NOS018500-4222 NOS018504-4222 NOS018501-4221 NOS018505-4221NOS018502-4220 NOS018503-4219DescriptionSizeLarge Kit with CarryingHandle for Portability186 pieces per unit101⁄2" x 7" x 6"Large Kit with CPR Barrier,Carrying Handlefor Portability,187 pieces per unit101⁄2" x 7" x 6"Medium Kit with CarryingHandles and Belt Loopsfor Portability,91 pieces per unit83⁄4" x 6" x 23⁄4"Medium Kit with CPRBarrier, CarryingHandles and Belt Loopsfor Portability,92 pieces per unit83⁄4" x 6" x 23⁄4"Small Kit with Integral BeltLoops, Compact Design,61 pieces per unit43⁄4" x 5" x 21⁄2"Promotional Kit, flat, withTrim Design39 pieces per unit7" x 41⁄2" x 11⁄2"。



障或无电源供应 两路信号同时有输出 同时报警信号也有输出 当定位器长
时间不能定位或无压缩空气时 限位开关正常输出 同时报警信号也有输出
独立的限位开关 报警模块 模块含独立的 CPU 控制电路 不管定位器正常或
故障 都能反映阀门正常限位 请在订货时说明
根据用户的要求可以选择 HART FF M-BUS 等模块
0-100%任意 1 路定位器故障时有报警输出
3 限位开关精度 0.1%
827 智能阀门定位器使用说明书
4 限位开关输出回差 1.5% 5 与定位器电气隔离电压 1000V 注意 2 路限位开关的输出出信号是由阀门定位器通过光电隔离输出的信号 在电气
上和阀门定位器完全隔离 当阀门定位器工作时 输出正常信号 当定位器故
压电阀为常闭 用户在定位器前端可以不加电磁阀
主要技术参数 过载电流 60mA
827 智能阀门定位器使用说明书
死区 2 可设定低位全排气 高位全充气 二者选一或全选或全无
灵敏度 0.08mA 或< 0.5%
阀门线性 1.0%
阀门调节精度 0.5%
重复性 0.5%
限位开关范围 2 个限位开关 范围 0-100% NPN 集电极开路 输出
827 智能阀门定位器使用说明书
正常运行 LCD 显示内容
正常运行时 LCD 显示内容如下 以 827-A 为例

ADL USB-DIO-32设备说明书

ADL USB-DIO-32设备说明书

Embedded SolutionsMODEL USB-DIO-32USER MANUALFILE: USB-DIO-32.A1d ADL Embedded Solutions Inc., 4411 Morena Blvd., Suite 101, San Diego, CA 92117-4345P. +1 858 490-0597 F. +1 858 490-0599e-mail: *****************; web: NoticeThe information in this document is provided for reference only. ADL Embedded Solutions Inc. does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of the information or products described herein. This document may contain or reference information and products protected by copyrights or patents and does not convey any license under the patent rights of ADL Embedded Solutions Inc., nor the rights of others.IBM PC, PC/XT, and PC/AT are registered trademarks of the International Business Machines Corporation. Printed in USA. Copyright 2001, 2006 by ADL Embedded Solutions Inc., 4411 Morena Blvd. Suite 101, San Diego, CA 92117. All rights reserved.WARNING!!ALWAYS CONNECT AND DISCONNECT YOUR FIELD CABLING WITH THE COMPUTER POWER OFF. ALWAYS TURN COMPUTER POWER OFF BEFORE INSTALLING A CARD. CONNECTING AND DISCONNECTING CABLES, OR INSTALLING CARDS INTO A SYSTEM WITH THE COMPUTER OR FIELD POWER ON MAY CAUSE DAMAGE TO THE I/O CARD AND WILL VOID ALL WARRANTIES, IMPLIED OR EXPRESSED.Table of ContentsChapter 1: Introduction (4)Specifications (6)Figure 1-1: Block Diagram (8)Chapter 2: Installation (9)Chapter 3: Hardware Details (10)Figure 3-1: Option Selection Map (10)Chapter 4: USB Address Information (12)Chapter 5: Programming (13)Chapter 6: 8254 Counter/Timer (14)Chapter 7: Connector Pin Assignments (16)Table 7-1: 50-Pin Connector Pin Assignments (16)Chapter 1: IntroductionFeatures•32 lines of digital I/O•High-speed USB 2.0 device, USB 1.1 backwards compatible•Four 8-bit ports independently selectable for inputs or outputs•All 32 I/O lines buffered with 32 mA source, 64mA sink current capabilities•Three 82C54 counters capable of event counting, frequency measurement, pulse width measurement, or frequency generation•Terminal block adapter card for easy wiring•I/O Buffers can be enabled or tri-stated under program control•Jumper selectable I/O pulled up to 5V for contact monitoring or pulled down to ground •Jumper selectable power provided via USB cable or external power supply for higher current capabilities•Resettable fused +5VDC output•Standard 50pin IDC type connector with key•PC/104 size (3.550 by 3.775 in.)•Rugged industrial enclosure•Compatible with Industry-Standard I/O Racks such as Gordos, OPTO22, Potter & Brumfield, etc.with optional cableApplications•Automatic Test SystemsAutomation•Laboratory•Robotics•MachineControl•Security Systems, Energy Management•Relay Monitoring and Control•Parallel Data Transfer to PC•Sensing Switch Closures or TTL, DTL, CMOS Logic•Driving Indicator Lights or RecordersFUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONThis USB board is an ideal solution for adding portable, easy-to-install digital I/O and countercapabilities to any computer with a USB port. The board is a USB 2.0 high speed device, offering thefastest speed available with the USB bus. It is fully compatible with both USB 1.1 and USB 2.0 ports.The card is plug-and-play allowing quick connect/disconnect whenever you need additional I/O on your USB port.The board features 32 bits of TTL-compatible digital I/O with high-current capabilities and three 82C54 counters. Each digital port can be programmed to accept inputs or to drive outputs on four 8-bit ports, designated as port A, B, C, and D. Power is supplied to the card via the USB cable or for higher current capabilities, external power may be used. The I/O wiring connections are via an industry standard 50-pin connector or via a terminal block adapter card. For external circuits, fused +5VDC power is available at the connector. The resettable fuse is rated at 0.5A.All I/O lines are buffered by a type 74ABT245 tristate buffer transceiver capable of sourcing 32 mA orsinking 64 mA. The buffers are configured under program control for input or output. Jumper selectable pull-ups (to +5 VDC) or pull-downs (to ground) on the card allow for contact monitoring and assure that there are no erroneous outputs at power-up until the card is initialized by system software. This jumper can be removed to provide a floating state for the I/O when it is neither pulled up nor down.Unlike most USB digital I/O products which primarily use a human interface device (HID) driver, we provide an easy to use, Windows-based, custom function driver optimized for maximum data throughput. This approach exposes the full functionality of the hardware along with maximizing the advantage of using the high-speed USB 2.0 bus.The board is designed to be used in rugged industrial environments but is small enough to fit nicely onto any desk or testing station. The board is PC/104 size (3.550 by 3.775 inches) and ships inside a steel powder-coated enclosure with an anti-skid bottom.COUNTER/TIMERSAvailable on the board are three 82C54 counters that each include three 16-bit counter/timers factory configured in an optimal module for use as event counters, frequency output, pulse width, and frequency measurement (see the Block Diagram at the end of this chapter).SpecificationsDigital Inputs (TTL Compatible)• Logic High: 2.0 VDC min, 5.5 VDC max• Logic Low: 0.8 VDC max, -0.5 VDC minDigital Outputs• Logic High: 2.0 VDC min., source 32 mA• Logic Low: 0.55 VDC max., sink 64 mACounter/Timers• Type: 82C54-10 programmable interval counters• Output Drive: 2.0 VDC min., source 32 mA0.55 VDC max., sink 64 mA• Maximum Input Frequency: 10MHz• Input Gate: TTL/CMOS compatible• Clock: On-board, 3 MHz crystal-controlled clock• Active Count Edge: Negative edge• Minimum Clock Pulse Width: 30 ns high, 40 ns low• Timer Range: 16 bitsBus Type• USB2.0 high-speed (480 Mb/s)Power• Basic unit: 80 mA typical (no load)• +5 VDC from the USB bus or external power supply depending on user configuration. The USB bus is specified to provide 500 mA to most desktop environments. This gives you 420 mAavailable (500mA -80mA = 420mA). If using more than a total of 500mA, use optional 9 VDC(on board voltage regulator outputs +5 VDC to card) external power supply and remove VUSB jumper and place jumper on VEXT. Then plug in external power before plugging into USB port .This option will give you a total of 1000mA available.• +5V resettable fuse at 0.5A located on connector.Environmental• Operating Temperature Range: 0 °C. to 70 °C.• Storage Temperature Range: -40 °C. to +85 °C.• Humidity: 0 to 90% RH, non-condensing.• Board Dimension: 3.550 x 3.775 inches.• Box Dimension: 4.00 x 4.00" x 1.25 inches.Figure 1-1: Block DiagramChapter 2: InstallationSoftware CD InstallationThese paragraphs are intended to detail the software installation steps as well as describe what is being installed.The software provided with this board is contained on one CD and must be installed onto your hard disk prior to use. To do this, perform the following steps as appropriate for your software format and operating system. Substitute the appropriate drive letter for your CD-ROM or disk drive where you seeG in the examples below.WIN95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003a. Place the CD into your CD-ROM drive.b. The CD should automatically run the install program. If the install program does not clickSTART | RUN and type G LQVWDOO, click OK or press ..c. Follow the on-screen prompts to install the software for this board.Hardware InstallationThe board can be installed in any USB 2.0 or USB 1.1 port. Please refer to the USB I/O Quick Start Guide which can be found on the CD, for specific, quick steps to complete the hardware and software installation.Chapter 3: Hardware DetailsOption SelectionsRefer to the setup programs on the CD provided with the board. Also, refer to the Block Diagram and the Option Selection Map when reading this section of the manual.Figure 3-1: Option Selection MapUSB CONNECTORThe USB connector is a Type B connector and mates with the cable provided. The USB port provides communication signals along with +5 VDC power. The board can be powered from the USB port or, if needed for higher current applications, an external power supply can be used.LEDThe LED on the front of the enclosure is used to indicate power and data transmissions. When the LED is in an illuminated steady green state, this signifies that the board is successfully connected to the computer and has been detected and configured by the operating system. When the LED flashes continuously, this signifies that there is data being transmitted over the USB bus.DC POWER JACK (OPTIONAL)This is an option for high current applications when more current is needed than what your computer can provide on the USB port (typically 500 mA). The DC jack has a 2.00mm post on board and is designed to be used with the 9 VDC AC/DC external power supply that ships with this option. The voltage regulator on board regulates the 9 VDC and provides 5 VDC to the onboard circuitry. When using external power, switch the jumper located near the USB connector to VEXT, otherwise when the jumper is in the VUSB position current is drawn from the USB port (please consult the option selection map for a visual reference).50 PIN BOX HEADERThe 50 pin box header has standard .100" spacing between pins and is keyed to prevent improper connections. It can be used with standard IDC type ribbon cables or the screw terminal board that plugs directly into the box header.Chapter 4: USB Address InformationUse the provided driver to access the USB board. This driver will allow you to determine how many supported USB devices are currently installed, and each device’s type. This information is returned as a Vendor ID (VID), Product ID (PID) and Device Index.The board’s VID is “0x1605", and its PID is “0x8001".The Device Index is determined by how many of the device you have in your system, and provides a unique identifier allowing you to access a specific board at will.Chapter 5: ProgrammingThe driver software provided with the board uses a 32-bit .dll front end compatible with any Windows programming language. Samples provided in Borland C++Builder, Borland Delphi, Microsoft Visual Basic, and Microsoft Visual C++ demonstrate the use of the driver.The following functions are provided by the driver in Windows.These functions will allow you to read or write individual bits, bytes, or the entire board worth of data. In addition, counter-timer functionality and board-level functions complete the driver package.For detailed information on each function refer to the .html Driver Manual located in the Win32 directory for this board.unsigned long GetDevices(void )unsigned long QueryDeviceInfo(DeviceIndex, pPID, pName, pDIOBytes, pCounters)unsigned long DIO_Configure(DeviceIndex, bTristate, pOutMask, pData)unsigned long DIO_Write1(DeviceIndex, BitIndex, bData)unsigned long DIO_Write8(DeviceIndex, ByteIndex, Data)unsigned long DIO_WriteAll(DeviceIndex,pData)unsigned long DIO_Read8(DeviceIndex, ByteIndex,pBuffer)unsigned long DIO_ReadAll(DeviceIndex,Buffer)unsigned long CTR_8254Mode(DeviceIndex, BlockIndex, CounterIndex, Mode)unsigned long CTR_8254ModeLoad(DeviceIndex, BlockIndex, CounterIndex,Mode, LoadValue)unsigned long CTR_8254ReadModeLoad(DeviceIndex, BlockIndex, CounterIndex, Mode, LoadValue , pReadValue)unsigned long CTR_8254Read(DeviceIndex, BlockIndex, CounterIndex, pReadValue)unsigned long CTR_StartOutputFreq(DeviceIndex, CounterIndex, pHz)Chapter 6: 8254 Counter/TimerThese boards have the option of one, two, or three 82C54 counter(s) that each include three 16-bit counter/timers factory configured in an optimal module for use as event counters, frequency output, pulse width, and frequency measurement (See Block Diagram). Each counter can be programmed to any count as low as 1 or 2, and up to 65,536, depending on the mode chosen. For those interested in more detailed information, a full description can be found in the Intel (or equivalent manufacturer's) data sheet, provided in the /chipdocs directory on the Software Master CD.Refer to Chapter 5: Programming, and the .html Driver Manual document installed by the Software Master CD for information on using the installed software driver for this board. The following data is provided only for reference, as it is unlikely to be needed when using the provided driver. Please note the block diagram description of how the 9 pins associated with 8254 counters are configured into an optimum counter-timer module on this board.Operational ModesThe 8254 modes of operation are described in the following paragraphs to familiarize you with the versatility and power of this device. For those interested in more detailed information, a full description of the 8254 programmable interval timer can be found in the Intel (or equivalent manufacturers') data sheets. The following conventions apply for use in describing operation of the 8254 :Clock: A positive pulse into the counter's clock inputTrigger: A rising edge input to the counter's gate inputCounter Loading: Programming a binary count into the counterMode 0: Pulse on Terminal CountAfter the counter is loaded, the output is set low and will remain low until the counter decrements to zero. The output then goes high and remains high until a new count is loaded into the counter. A trigger enables the counter to start decrementing.Mode 1: Retriggerable One-ShotThe output goes low on the clock pulse following a trigger to begin the one-shot pulse and goes high when the counter reaches zero. Additional triggers result in reloading the count and starting the cycle over. If a trigger occurs before the counter decrements to zero, a new count is loaded. This forms a retriggerable one-shot. In mode 1, a low output pulse is provided with a period equal to the counter count-down time.Mode 2: Rate GeneratorThis mode provides a divide-by-N capability where N is the count loaded into the counter. When triggered, the counter output goes low for one clock period after N counts, reloads the initial count, and the cycle starts over. This mode is periodic, the same sequence is repeated indefinitely until the gate input is brought low. This mode also works well as an alternative to mode 0 for event counting.Mode 3: Square Wave GeneratorThis mode operates like mode 2. The output is high for half of the count and low for the other half. If the count is even, then the output is a symmetrical square wave. If the count is odd, then the output is high for (N+1)/2 counts and low for (N-1)/2 counts. Periodic triggering or frequency synthesis are two possible applications for this mode. Note that in this mode, to achieve the square wave, the counterdecrements by two for the total loaded count, then reloads and decrements by two for the second part of the wave form.Mode 4: Software Triggered StrobeThis mode sets the output high and, when the count is loaded, the counter begins to count down. When the counter reaches zero, the output will go low for one input period. The counter must be reloaded to repeat the cycle. A low gate input will inhibit the counter.Mode 5: Hardware Triggered StrobeIn this mode, the counter will start counting after the rising edge of the trigger input and will go low for one clock period when the terminal count is reached. The counter is retriggerable. The output will not go low until the full count after the rising edge of the trigger.Chapter 7: Connector Pin AssignmentsA 50-pin connector provided on the back plate of these boards for I/O connections. Connector pinassignments are listed below.Table 7-1: 50-Pin Connector Pin AssignmentsPin Function Pin Function1C7 2 COUNTER A0 INA13 C64 GATEA25 C56 OUT7 C48 COUNTER B0 INB19 C310 GATEB211 C212 OUT13 C114 COUNTER C0 INC115 C016 GATEC217 B718 OUT19 B6 20 D721 B522 D623 B424 GROUND25 B326 D527 B228 GROUND29 B130 D431 B032 GROUND33 A734 D335 A636 D237 A538 D239 A440 GROUND41 A342 D143 A244 GROUND45 A146 D047 A048 GROUND49 +5V VDC50GROUNDCustomer CommentsIf you experience any problems with this manual or just want to give us some feedback, please email us at: *****************. Please detail any errors you find and include your mailing address so that we can send you any manual updates.Embedded SolutionsADL Embedded Solutions Inc., 4411 Morena Blvd., Suite 101, San Diego, CA 92117-4345P. +1 858 490-0597 F. +1 858 490-0599e-mail: *****************; web: 。

Remington 安全柜产品说明书

Remington 安全柜产品说明书

IMPORTANT INFORMATION (2)1. REGISTRATION (3)2. UNDERSTANDING YOUR SAFE (4)3. UNBOXING (4)4. INSPECTION (4)5. INTIAL ENTRY (5)6. USER CODE SETUP (7)7. MANAGER CODE (7)8. LOW BATTERY ALERT (10)9. LOCKOUT MODE / TAMPER PROTECTION (10)10. USING YOUR OVERRIDE KEY (10)11. PROPER PLACEMENT AND MOVING OF SAFE (11)12. KEEPING YOUR SAFE DRY (12)13. SHIPPING AND SKID REMOVAL (12)14. SECURING YOUR SAFE (13)15. INTERIOR LIGHTING (14)16. LOCKED OUT OF YOUR SAFE (14)17. LOADING YOUR SAFE (14)18. MAINTENANCE (14)LIFETIME WARRANTY (15)1FIREARM STORAGE SAFETYThank you for choosing a Remington safe to protect your valuables. We are committed to securing, organizing and protecting your most important documents, valuables and keepsakes.Your safe is built to last a lifetime. However, please understand that the locking mechanism has precision parts. If you experience ANY difficulty opening or closing your safe DO NOT FORCE THE SAFE OPEN. Doing so may jam the components in the lock, which will require a safe technician to unlock your safe. This causes an inconvenience to you and may lead to a claim denial.If you experience problems or challenges with your safe, please contact us. Many issues can be quickly resolved without the product being returned.Safe bodies and doors are extremely heavy thus SA Consumer Products requires a minimum of 2 or 3 people to ensure stability of the safe during installation. Always ensure proper installation, as laid out in this manual, and do not open the door with the safe on an uneven or unstable floor. Ignoring this could result in serious injury or death.If you choose to utilize this safe to store a firearm always follow proper firearm and local laws.SA Consumer Products strongly recommends that you do not store loaded firearms. Always follow the firearm safety rules set out by the firearm’s manufacturer.A Remington safe or any other firearm storage device cannot take the place of other safety procedures including advising children of the dangers of firearms. SA Consumer Products and its distributors of the Remington safe do not recommend, suggest, advise, promote, or otherwise condone the ownership or use of firearms. We believe the decision to own or use a firearm is a serious decision that should only be made by an adult who has carefully considered the risks and benefits of such a decision.PLEASE READ THIS INFORMATION CAREFULLY BEFORE OPERATING YOUR REMINGTON SAFE.DO NOT LOCK THIS MANUAL OR THE OVERRIDE KEYS IN YOUR SAFE.*******************************************(888)792-42642Register your safe at By registering your Remington safe we will be able toexpedite and address any problems or challenges youmay have which would otherwise require a notary letterand proof of payment. You can scan the QR Code to takeyou directly to the Remington registration page.REGISTRATION INFORMATIONThe information you record onto this page will be required in the event youcannot access the contents of your Remington safe. Please fill out all the required information below and retain for your records and safe keeping.PLEASE HAVE THIS INFORMATION READY PRIOR TO CALLING FOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AT:CONTACT CUSTOMER SERVICE AT (888) 792-4264 PURCHASE DATE:PURCHASE PRICE (BEFORE TAX):MODEL NUMBER:SERIAL NUMBER:RETAILER NAME:KEY NUMBER (IF APPLICABLE):3Make sure to inspect your safe for shipping damage before accepting delivery.If you find any damage, please contact the delivery company (or carrier) immediately.Any damage not noted upon delivery must be reported within fifteen (15) days or there will be no recourse. Any noted damage at the time of delivery must be resolved with the delivery company and/or retailer. Shipping damage is not warrantable by SA Consumer Products.WARNING: SAFES ARE HEAVY AND CAN BE UNSTABLE ON UNEVEN GROUND.PLEASE ENSURE EXTRA CAUTION WHEN DEALING WITH OR MOVING UNSECURED SAFES. WHILE UNBOXING BE SURE TO HAVE A SECOND PERSON HOLD AND STABILIZE THE SAFE TO KEEP IT FROM TIPPING, CAUSING INJURY, AND/OR DAMAGE TO THE SAFE AND SURROUNDING STRUCTURES. Remove the packaging. If your safe is still on shipping feet you can simply lift the box up and off the safe once the strapping has been removed. You will want to have someone stabilize the safe when removing the cardboard and other packing material from underneath the safe.Before discarding package material, please be certain you have located and saved the ”Getting Started Box” located in the front of the honeycomb corrugate front protection panel.4then pull down the battery the quick start guide, override key, battery and spoke inside the box on the front of the corrugate safe protective front cover.Install the single handle spoke by inserting into one of the threaded openings and twisting clockwise until you feel the spoke fully lock into place.Set the provided override key aside in a safe place.inside your safe.51.6.Now that your safe is open, you will find a Welcome Box inside your safe. You will find your 4 remaining spokes inside that box.Insert each individual spoke into a threaded opening and turn clockwiseto install.Enter the default USER CODE on the keypad. Default code is: 1-2-3-4-5-6 The light at the top of the keypad should light with each digit entered and flash2X at completion indicating the code was entered correctly and the safe handle can be turned to open the safe.NOTE: The # button can be used to clear numbers entered incorrectly.4.5.Rotate the handle clockwise until thesafe door opens.671.With your safe door still open, press “0” six times on your lock face, you will hear 1 beep and the light will flash 2 times.Enter the existing default code 1-2-3-4-5-6, you will hear 1 beep and the light will flash 2 times.Enter a your new personal 6 digit code, you will hear 1 beep and the light will flash 1 time.Re-Enter your new 6 digit code to confirm, you will hear 2 beeps and the light will flash 1 time.You can write your new user code hereand place in a safe place for reference.NOTE: The Safe lock systemautomatically relocks after 6 secondsof being opened by a valid code. After6 seconds a valid code will have to bere-entered.2.3.4.Your safe is equipped with the ability to store two 6 digit codes, a Manager Code and a User Code. The Manager Code has the ability to delete the User Code and create a new User Code. The Manager Code can also be used to change the Manager Code to a new 6 digit number. The User Code does not have any abilities other than opening the safe.If 3 beeps sound programmingwas NOT successful and it is necessaryto repeat steps 1-4.NOTE: It is beneficial read and understand all steps prior to beginning each section.WARNING: IT IS REQUIRED THAT THE USER CHANGE BOTH THE USER AND MANAGER CODES OF YOUR SAFE. FAILURE TO DO SO IS A POTENTIAL SECURITY RISK.4.3.8Enter your current Manager Code, or the default Manager Code (1-1-1-1-1-1). If successful, you will hear 1 beep and the light will flash 2 times.Next, enter your desired new 6 digit Manager Code. You will hear 1 beep and the light will flash 1 time.Enter the same desired new 6 digit Manager Code for the second time, this will confirm your new Manager Code. If the new Manager Code has been successfully accepted, you will hear 2 beeps and the light will flash 1 time. You can write your new managercode here and place in a safe placefor reference. If 3 beeps sound programming was NOTsuccessful and it is necessaryto repeat steps 1-4.Enter 6 digit MANAGER Code and HOLD DOWN LAST Digit, you will hear 1 beep and the light will flash 2 times. CONTINUE TO HOLD down until you hear 2 additional beeps.Press "3", you will hear 1 beep and the light will flash 2 times.The USER CODE is now deleted.DELETE A USER CODE WITH MANAGER CODECHANGING THE MANAGER CODEWith your safe door open, press “0” six times to enter Manager Code Edit Mode. You will hear 1 beep and the light will flash 2 times. The Safe lock system automatically relocks after 6 seconds of being opened by a valid code. After 6 seconds a valid code will have to be re-entered.NOTE: It is beneficial read and understand all steps prior to beginning each section.WARNING: IT IS REQUIRED THAT THE USER CHANGE BOTH THE USER AND MANAGER CODES OF YOUR SAFE. FAILURE TO DO SO IS A POTENTIAL SECURITY RISK.9CREATE A USER CODE WITH MANAGER CODEEnter 6 digit MANAGER Code and HOLD DOWN LAST Digit, you will hear 1 beep and the light will flash 2 times. CONTINUE TO HOLD down until you hear 2 additional beeps.Press "1", you will hear 1 beep and the light will flash 2 times.Enter a new 6 digit code, you will hear 1 beep and the light will flash 1 time.Re-Enter the new 6 digit code, you will hear 1 beep and the light will flash 1 time.NOTE: The Safe lock system automatically relocks after 6 seconds of being opened by a valid code. After 6 seconds a valid code will have to be re-entered.If 3 beeps sound programming was NOT successful and it is necessary to repeat steps 1- 6 digit MANAGER Code and HOLD DOWN THE LAST DIGIT you will hear 1 beep and the light will flash 2 times. CONTINUE TO HOLD down until you hear 2 additional beeps.Press "2", you will hear 1 beep and the light will flash 2 times.The USER CODE is now disabled.DISABLE A USER CODE WITH MANAGER CODE (temporarily suspend user code)3.2.1.Enter 6 digit MANAGER Code and HOLD DOWN THE LAST DIGIT, you will hear 1 beep and the light will flash 2 times. CONTINUE TO HOLD down until you hear 2 additional beeps.Press "1", you will hear 1 beep and the light will flash 2 times.The previous USER CODE is now enabled.ENABLE A USER CODE WITH MANAGER CODE (if a previous user code was disabled)2.3.1.This lock face is equipped to alert you when the batteries are low. If you hear repeated beeping (8 beeps) when unlocking your safe, your battery is low and needs immediate replacement.It is recommended you replace your battery annually.NOTE: Duracell or Energizer batteries arehighly recommended1.To expose the override keyhole that is under the lock face, firmly grab the lock face and slide up.The lock face will slide off two screw heads that are holding it by using a pressure fit.2.Let the lock face gently hang to expose the keyhole. Use the override key to open safe by inserting and turning the key clockwise.2.The keypad will be deactivated for 5 minutes.You will here a beep in 5 second intervals during the lockout period.1.After 4 consecutive rejected invalid code entries, your safe will enter lockout a dolly capable of supporting the size and weight of your safe, move the safe to your desired location. Please take all necessary precautions to protect and prevent any damage to your flooring.HELPFUL: TO DETERMINE WHETHER YOUR SAFE WILL MAKE IT THROUGH DOORWAYS, STAIRS, OR CORNERS, TAKE THE EMPTY SAFE BOX AND SEE IF IT WILL FIT ALL THE WAY THROUGH TO ITS FINAL LOCATION.5.6.7.The safe should be installed adjacent to a side wall with minimal space on either side of the safe. Wherever possible, the safe should be flat against the wall and floor. Remove the baseboard and/or wall trim if necessary.Always ensure the safe is in an isolated and dry area. Never place the safe in direct contact with a wet floor. When installing your safe on a concrete floor, use of a moisture/protective barrier is highly recommended. Failure to do so, or exposing the safe to chemicals or other adverse environments, may void the warranty. If your safe seems unlevel, you may need to shim the bottom of the safe to prevent the door from swinging open too quickly, or closing on itself.1. 2.WARNING: SAFES ARE VERY HEAVY AND AWKWARD TO HANDLE. PLEASE USE THE UTMOST CARE IN MOVING THE SAFE. UTILIZING A TRAINED PROFESSIONAL WITH PROPER MOVING EQUIPMENT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.The location of the executive safe is very important and the utmost care should be taken during this consideration.To maximize the fire protection of your safe, we recommend you place the safe in lower levels in your home where fire temperatures are lower and away from highly combustible materials.To maximize burglary protection and stability, securing the safe to the floor is recommended. SA Consumer Products recommends that you store your safe in a closet, office, basement, bedroom or any other location that is convenient for you but out of direct line of sight from prying eyes. The location of the safe is very important.SA Consumer Products requires the safe is secured to the floor to ensure safe does not tip over in case of a flood.3.To replace lock face, push exposed keypad cable back into safe as far as possible, then align guide holes in back of lock face with 2 metal screw heads on front of safe door.Push the lockface in and down to secure the screw heads into the back of lock face guide holes. The lock face should now be in place.We recommend placing a moisture/protective barrier between your safe and concrete floor to prevent any moisture, mildew and rust damage to the safe. Installing your safe in a place with climate control (heat in the winter and cooling in the summer) is highly recommended. In areas of high humidity or frequent temperature fluctuations (garages) it is recommended to take appropriate precautions to ward against moisture damage. We strongly encourage the use of an internal dehumidifier and/or desiccants to protect your contents from rust or mildew. Internal dehumidifiers should not be in direct contact with the side or back walls. WHILE REMOVING THE BOLTS FROM THE SKIDS, BE SURE TO HAVE A PERSON HOLD AND STABILIZE THE SAFE TO KEEP IT FROM TIPPING, CAUSING INJURY, AND/OR DAMAGE TO THE SAFE AND SURROUNDING STRUCTURES.WARNING: BEFORE REMOVING THE SHIPPING SKIDS, MAKE SURE THE DOOR IS CLOSED AND LOCKED. THE DOOR OF YOUR SAFE IS HEAVY AND PRESENTSA SAFETY HAZARD UNTIL THE SAFE IS BOLTED DOWN OR SECURED PROPERLY.Upon receiving your safe, you may find it attached to a shipping skid. The skid is secured from the underside of the safe by four bolts. Remove the four bolts that secure the safe to the skids using a wrench or 3/4” (19mm) socket.With a person stabilizing the safe, carefully tilt the safe to the left and pull the shipping skid on the right side away from the bottom of the safe.With the shipping skid removed from one side of the safe, carefully lower the safe to the floor.Follow the same procedure to remove the remaining shipping skid.M12 BOLT1. 2. 3. 4.5.6.WARNING: YOUR SAFE IS DESIGNED TO SUPPORT ITSELF WHEN THE DOOR IS OPENED. HOWEVER, CAUTION SHOULD BE USED TO AVOID TIPPING. WHILESECURING YOUR SAFE BE SURE TO HAVE A SECOND PERSON HOLD AND STABILIZE THE SAFE TO KEEP IT FROM TIPPING, CAUSING INJURY, AND/OR DAMAGE TO THE SAFE AND SURROUNDING STRUCTURES. FAILURE TO DO SO WILL COMPROMISE THE SAFETY, SECURITY, AND WARRANTY OF THE SAFE.Use the hardware provided or consult your hardware retailer for fastening hardware for your particular mounting surface.Open your safe door and locate and remove the four black caps on the safe floor. This will provide access to the factory drilled bolt down holes.To secure your safe to the floor it will first be necessary to drill pilot holes in the floor surface.Drill the appropriate diameter and depth of pilot holes based on the type of hardware being used and the type of floor surface. For the hardware provided (concrete floor installation) we recommend using a hammer drill and 1/2” concrete drill bit to drill the four corresponding holes in the concrete floor. Insert and drive the plastic anchoring plugs into the pilot holes. You may need to use a hammer to fully insert the plugs into the pilot holes.Secure the safe, by threading all 4 anchor bolts through the factory drilled bolt down holes in the bottom of the safe and ratcheting down tight.Make sure the metal washer sits on top of the rubber washer. Tighten the bolt to compress the rubber washer between the safe and metal washer. Failure to do so will allow water to enter the safe in the event of a flood.TOOLS NEEDED TO BOLT SAFE TO A CONCRETE SURFACE• DRILL / HAMMER DRILL• DRILL BIT – 1/2” ( for concrete install with provided hardware)• WRENCH / 11/16” (17MM) SOCKET• HAMMER • SAFETY GLASSES • GLOVES • OTHER SAFETY EQUIPMENTAS NEEDEDBOLT ANCHORFENDER WASHER RUBBER WASHERIn the event you have forgotten the security code your primary action will be to use your override keys in order to gain access to your safe and follow the Electronic Lock Security Setup Code instructions, starting at section 10.If you have lost your backup keys, you will need to contact customer service at the number below. Proof of purchase is required to obtain keys.CONTACT CUSTOMER SERVICE AT (888) 792-42641. 2.3. 4.5. Store documents or heat sensitive items in the bottom of the safe for greatest protection against fire damage. Store ammunition separately from valuables. Do not put anything in your safe that will put pressure against the door when it is closed.Select safe models have reinforced shelving, but as a good safety precaution store heavier items either on the floor of the safe, or away from the middle of the shelves.When placing firearms into your safe, make sure they rest securely against the cutouts provided in the barrel rests to prevent accidental tipping when the door is closed.The hinges and internal locking mechanism are permanently lubricated, thus needing no maintenance. Opening the door panel of your safe may void your warranty. Always consult our customer service experts prior to doing so.This safe comes with proximity based interior lighting installed. When the USB powered internal lighting is plugged into the USB power source, the lighting will function automatically when the door is open.。

Remington 产品说明书

Remington 产品说明书

IMPORTANT INFORMATION (2)1. REGISTRATION (3)2. UNDERSTANDING YOUR SAFE (4)3. UNBOXING (4)4. INSPECTION (4)5. INTIAL ENTRY (5)6. WHEEL HANDLE ASSEMBLY & INSTALL (7)7. USER CODE SETUP (8)8. MANAGER CODE (8)9. LOW BATTERY ALERT (11)10. LOCKOUT MODE / TAMPER PROTECTION (11)11. USING YOUR OVERRIDE KEY (11)12. PROPER PLACEMENT AND MOVING OF SAFE (12)13. KEEPING YOUR SAFE DRY (13)14. SHIPPING AND SKID REMOVAL (13)15. SECURING YOUR SAFE (14)16. INTERIOR LIGHTING (15)17. LOCKED OUT OF YOUR SAFE (15)18. LOADING YOUR SAFE (15)19. MAINTENANCE (15)LIFETIME WARRANTY (16)1FIREARM STORAGE SAFETYThank you for choosing a Remington safe to protect your valuables. We are committed to securing, organizing and protecting your most important documents, valuables and keepsakes.Your safe is built to last a lifetime. However, please understand that the locking mechanism has precision parts. If you experience ANY difficulty opening or closing your safe DO NOT FORCE THE SAFE OPEN. Doing so may jam the components in the lock, which will require a safe technician to unlock your safe. This causes an inconvenience to you and may lead to a claim denial.If you experience problems or challenges with your safe, please contact us. Many issues can be quickly resolved without the product being returned.Safe bodies and doors are extremely heavy thus SA Consumer Products requires a minimum of 2 or 3 people to ensure stability of the safe during installation. Always ensure proper installation, as laid out in this manual, and do not open the door with the safe on an uneven or unstable floor. Ignoring this could result in serious injury or death.If you choose to utilize this safe to store a firearm always follow proper firearm and local laws.SA Consumer Products strongly recommends that you do not store loaded firearms. Always follow the firearm safety rules set out by the firearm’s manufacturer.A Remington safe or any other firearm storage device cannot take the place of other safety procedures including advising children of the dangers of firearms. SA Consumer Products and its distributors of the Remington safe do not recommend, suggest, advise, promote, or otherwise condone the ownership or use of firearms. We believe the decision to own or use a firearm is a serious decision that should only be made by an adult who has carefully considered the risks and benefits of such a decision.PLEASE READ THIS INFORMATION CAREFULLY BEFORE OPERATING YOUR REMINGTON SAFE.DO NOT LOCK THIS MANUAL OR THE OVERRIDE KEYS IN YOUR SAFE.*******************************************(888)792-42642Register your safe at By registering your Remington safe we will be able toexpedite and address any problems or challenges youmay have which would otherwise require a notary letterand proof of payment. You can scan the QR Code to takeyou directly to the Remington registration page.REGISTRATION INFORMATIONThe information you record onto this page will be required in the event youcannot access the contents of your Remington safe. Please fill out all the required information below and retain for your records and safe keeping.PLEASE HAVE THIS INFORMATION READY PRIOR TO CALLING FOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AT:CONTACT CUSTOMER SERVICE AT (888) 792-4264 PURCHASE DATE:PURCHASE PRICE (BEFORE TAX):MODEL NUMBER:SERIAL NUMBER:RETAILER NAME:KEY NUMBER (IF APPLICABLE):3Make sure to inspect your safe for shipping damage before accepting delivery.If you find any damage, please contact the delivery company (or carrier) immediately.Any damage not noted upon delivery must be reported within fifteen (15) days or there will be no recourse. Any noted damage at the time of delivery must be resolved with the delivery company and/or retailer. Shipping damage is not warrantable by SA Consumer Products.WARNING: SAFES ARE HEAVY AND CAN BE UNSTABLE ON UNEVEN GROUND.PLEASE ENSURE EXTRA CAUTION WHEN DEALING WITH OR MOVING UNSECURED SAFES. WHILE UNBOXING BE SURE TO HAVE A SECOND PERSON HOLD AND STABILIZE THE SAFE TO KEEP IT FROM TIPPING, CAUSING INJURY, AND/OR DAMAGE TO THE SAFE AND SURROUNDING STRUCTURES. Remove the packaging. If your safe is still on shipping feet you can simply lift the box up and off the safe once the strapping has been removed. You will want to have someone stabilize the safe when removing the cardboard and other packing material from underneath the safe.Before discarding package material, please be certain you have located and saved the ”Getting Started Box” located in the front of the honeycomb corrugate front protection panel.4then pull down the battery the quick start guide, override key, battery and STS opening tool inside the box on the front of the corrugate safe protective front cover.Set the provided override key aside in a safe place.NOTE: Do not store override keysinside your safe.51.Take the STS opening tool from your “Getting Started Box” and place it around the hub as shown. 4.6Now that your safe is open, you will find a Welcome Box inside your safe. You will find everything to attached your wheel handle.Enter the default USER CODE on the keypad. Default code is: 1-2-3-4-5-6The light at the top of the keypad should light with each digit entered and flash 2X at completion indicating the code was entered correctly and the safe handle can be turned to open the safe.NOTE: The Clear button can be used toclear numbers entered incorrectly.5.6.Rotate the hub clockwise, using the STS opening tool until the safe door opens.To assemble the wheel to the hub base, (if you haven’t already, please remove opening tool from the Hub)Place the STS Wheel over the hub. 1.Locate and insert the 2 allen head screws provided through the holes in the wheel and into the hub base and tighten.Note: Do not overtighten.2.7Step 2Next, locate the R logo cover, on the back there will be a double sided tape, peel off the front side of the 2 sided tape to expose the tape.Insert the R logo cover into the top opening in the wheel with the R in the upright position.3.Carefully lower the cover into both bottom openings as shown and snap into place with a firm push.Your Wheel assembly should be complete.81.With your safe door still open, press “0” six times on your lock face, you will hear 1 beep and the light will flash 2 times.Enter the existing default code 1-2-3-4-5-6, you will hear 1 beep and the light will flash 2 times.Enter a your new personal 6 digit code, you will hear 1 beep and the light will flash 1 time.Re-Enter your new 6 digit code to confirm, you will hear 2 beeps and the light will flash 1 time.You can write your new user code hereand place in a safe place for reference.NOTE: The Safe lock systemautomatically relocks after 6 secondsof being opened by a valid code. After6 seconds a valid code will have to bere-entered.2.3.4.Your safe is equipped with the ability to store two 6 digit codes, a Manager Code and a User Code. The Manager Code has the ability to delete the User Code and create a new User Code. The Manager Code can also be used to change the Manager Code to a new 6 digit number. The User Code does not have any abilities other than opening the safe.NOTE: It is beneficial read and understand all steps prior to beginning each section.If 3 beeps sound programmingwas NOT successful and it is necessaryto repeat steps 1-4.WARNING: IT IS REQUIRED THAT THE USER CHANGE BOTH THE USER AND MANAGER CODES OF YOUR SAFE. FAILURE TO DO SO IS A POTENTIAL SECURITY RISK.4.3.9Enter your current Manager Code, or the default Manager Code (1-1-1-1-1-1). If successful, you will hear 1 beep and the light will flash 2 times.Next, enter your desired new 6 digit Manager Code. You will hear 1 beep and the light will flash 1 time.Enter the same desired new 6 digit Manager Code for the second time, this will confirm your new Manager Code. If the new Manager Code has been successfully accepted, you will hear 2 beeps and the light will flash 1 time. You can write your new managercode here and place in a safe placefor reference. If 3 beeps sound programming was NOTsuccessful and it is necessaryto repeat steps 1-4.Enter 6 digit MANAGER Code and HOLD DOWN LAST Digit, you will hear 1 beep and the light will flash 2 times. CONTINUE TO HOLD down until you hear 2 additional beeps.Press "3", you will hear 1 beep and the light will flash 2 times.The USER CODE is now deleted.DELETE A USER CODE WITH MANAGER CODECHANGING THE MANAGER CODEWith your safe door open, press “0” six times to enter Manager Code Edit Mode. You will hear 1 beep and the light will flash 2 times.1.NOTE: It is beneficial read and understand all steps prior to beginning each section. The Safe lock system automatically relocks after 6 seconds of beingopened by a valid code. After 6 seconds a valid code will have to be re-entered.WARNING: IT IS REQUIRED THAT THE USER CHANGE BOTH THE USER AND MANAGER CODES OF YOUR SAFE. FAILURE TO DO SO IS A POTENTIAL SECURITY RISK.CREATE A USER CODE WITH MANAGER CODEEnter 6 digit MANAGER Code and HOLD DOWN LAST Digit, you will hear 1 beep and the light will flash 2 times. CONTINUE TO HOLD down until you hear 2additional beeps.Press "1", you will hear 1 beep and the light will flash 2 times.Enter a new 6 digit code, you will hear 1 beep and the light will flash 1 time.Re-Enter the new 6 digit code, you will hear 1 beep and the light will flash 1 time.NOTE: The Safe lock system automatically relocks after 6 seconds of being opened by a valid code. After 6 seconds a valid code will have to be re-entered.If 3 beeps sound programming was NOT successful and it is necessaryto repeat steps 1- 6 digit MANAGER Code and HOLD DOWN THE LAST DIGIT you will hear 1 beep and the light will flash 2 times. CONTINUE TO HOLD down until you hear 2 additional beeps.Press "2", you will hear 1 beep and the light will flash 2 times.The USER CODE is now disabled.DISABLE A USER CODE WITH MANAGER CODE (temporarily suspend user code)3.2.1.Enter 6 digit MANAGER Code and HOLD DOWN THE LAST DIGIT, you will hear 1 beep and the light will flash 2 times. CONTINUE TO HOLD down until you hear 2 additional beeps.Press "1", you will hear 1 beep and the light will flash 2 times.The previous USER CODE is now enabled.ENABLE A USER CODE WITH MANAGER CODE (if a previous user code was disabled)2.3.1.This lock face is equipped to alert you when the batteries are low. If you hear repeated beeping (8 beeps) when unlocking your safe, your battery is low and needs immediate replacement.It is recommended you replace your battery annually.NOTE: Duracell or Energizer batteries arehighly recommended1.To expose the override keyhole that is under the lock face, firmly grab the lock face and slide up.The lock face will slide off two screw heads that are holding it by using a pressure fit.2.Let the lock face gently hang to expose the keyhole. Use the override key to open safe by inserting and turning the key clockwise.2.The keypad will be deactivated for 5 minutes.You will here a beep in 5 second intervals during the lockout period.1.After 4 consecutive rejected invalid code entries, your safe will enter lockout a dolly capable of supporting the size and weight of your safe, move the safe to your desired location. Please take all necessary precautions to protect and prevent any damage to your flooring.HELPFUL: TO DETERMINE WHETHER YOUR SAFE WILL MAKE IT THROUGH DOORWAYS, STAIRS, OR CORNERS, TAKE THE EMPTY SAFE BOX AND SEE IF IT WILL FIT ALL THE WAY THROUGH TO ITS FINAL LOCATION.5.6.7.The safe should be installed adjacent to a side wall with minimal space on either side of the safe. Wherever possible, the safe should be flat against the wall and floor. Remove the baseboard and/or wall trim if necessary.Always ensure the safe is in an isolated and dry area. Never place the safe in direct contact with a wet floor. When installing your safe on a concrete floor, use of a moisture/protective barrier is highly recommended. Failure to do so, or exposing the safe to chemicals or other adverse environments, may void the warranty. If your safe seems unlevel, you may need to shim the bottom of the safe to prevent the door from swinging open too quickly, or closing on itself.1. 2.WARNING: SAFES ARE VERY HEAVY AND AWKWARD TO HANDLE. PLEASE USE THE UTMOST CARE IN MOVING THE SAFE. UTILIZING A TRAINED PROFESSIONAL WITH PROPER MOVING EQUIPMENT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.The location of the executive safe is very important and the utmost care should be taken during this consideration.To maximize the fire protection of your safe, we recommend you place the safe in lower levels in your home where fire temperatures are lower and away from highly combustible materials.To maximize burglary protection and stability, securing the safe to the floor is recommended. SA Consumer Products recommends that you store your safe in a closet, office, basement, bedroom or any other location that is convenient for you but out of direct line of sight from prying eyes. The location of the safe is very important.SA Consumer Products requires the safe is secured to the floor to ensure safe does not tip over in case of a flood.3.To replace lock face, push exposed keypad cable back into safe as far as possible, then align guide holes in back of lock face with 2 metal screw heads on front of safe door.Push the lockface in and down to secure the screw heads into the back of lock face guide holes. The lock face should now be in place.We recommend placing a moisture/protective barrier between your safe and concrete floor to prevent any moisture, mildew and rust damage to the safe. Installing your safe in a place with climate control (heat in the winter and cooling in the summer) is highly recommended. In areas of high humidity or frequent temperature fluctuations (garages) it is recommended to take appropriate precautions to ward against moisture damage. We strongly encourage the use of an internal dehumidifier and/or desiccants to protect your contents from rust or mildew. Internal dehumidifiers should not be in direct contact with the side or back walls. WHILE REMOVING THE BOLTS FROM THE SKIDS, BE SURE TO HAVE A PERSON HOLD AND STABILIZE THE SAFE TO KEEP IT FROM TIPPING, CAUSING INJURY, AND/OR DAMAGE TO THE SAFE AND SURROUNDING STRUCTURES.WARNING: BEFORE REMOVING THE SHIPPING SKIDS, MAKE SURE THE DOOR IS CLOSED AND LOCKED. THE DOOR OF YOUR SAFE IS HEAVY AND PRESENTSA SAFETY HAZARD UNTIL THE SAFE IS BOLTED DOWN OR SECURED PROPERLY.Upon receiving your safe, you may find it attached to a shipping skid. The skid is secured from the underside of the safe by four bolts. Remove the four bolts that secure the safe to the skids using a wrench or 3/4” (19mm) socket.With a person stabilizing the safe, carefully tilt the safe to the left and pull the shipping skid on the right side away from the bottom of the safe.With the shipping skid removed from one side of the safe, carefully lower the safe to the floor.Follow the same procedure to remove the remaining shipping skid.M12 BOLT1. 2. 3. 4.5.6.WARNING: YOUR SAFE IS DESIGNED TO SUPPORT ITSELF WHEN THE DOOR IS OPENED. HOWEVER, CAUTION SHOULD BE USED TO AVOID TIPPING. WHILESECURING YOUR SAFE BE SURE TO HAVE A SECOND PERSON HOLD AND STABILIZE THE SAFE TO KEEP IT FROM TIPPING, CAUSING INJURY, AND/OR DAMAGE TO THE SAFE AND SURROUNDING STRUCTURES. FAILURE TO DO SO WILL COMPROMISE THE SAFETY, SECURITY, AND WARRANTY OF THE SAFE.Use the hardware provided or consult your hardware retailer for fastening hardware for your particular mounting surface.Open your safe door and locate and remove the four black caps on the safe floor. This will provide access to the factory drilled bolt down holes.To secure your safe to the floor it will first be necessary to drill pilot holes in the floor surface.Drill the appropriate diameter and depth of pilot holes based on the type of hardware being used and the type of floor surface. For the hardware provided (concrete floor installation) we recommend using a hammer drill and 1/2” concrete drill bit to drill the four corresponding holes in the concrete floor. Insert and drive the plastic anchoring plugs into the pilot holes. You may need to use a hammer to fully insert the plugs into the pilot holes.Secure the safe, by threading all 4 anchor bolts through the factory drilled bolt down holes in the bottom of the safe and ratcheting down tight.7. Replace the four black caps onto the floor of the safe.Make sure the metal washer sits on top of the rubber washer. Tighten the bolt to compress the rubber washer between the safe and metal washer. Failure to do so will allow water to enter the safe in the event of a flood.TOOLS NEEDED TO BOLT SAFE TO A CONCRETE SURFACE• DRILL / HAMMER DRILL• DRILL BIT – 1/2” ( for concrete install with provided hardware)• WRENCH / 11/16” (17MM) SOCKET• HAMMER • SAFETY GLASSES • GLOVES • OTHER SAFETY EQUIPMENTAS NEEDEDBOLT ANCHORFENDER WASHER RUBBER WASHERIn the event you have forgotten the security code your primary action will be to use your override keys in order to gain access to your safe and follow the Electronic Lock Security Setup Code instructions, starting at section 10.If you have lost your backup keys, you will need to contact customer service at the number below. Proof of purchase is required to obtain keys.CONTACT CUSTOMER SERVICE AT (888) 792-42641. 2.3. 4.5. Store documents or heat sensitive items in the bottom of the safe for greatest protection against fire damage. Store ammunition separately from valuables. Do not put anything in your safe that will put pressure against the door when it is closed.Select safe models have reinforced shelving, but as a good safety precaution store heavier items either on the floor of the safe, or away from the middle of the shelves.When placing firearms into your safe, make sure they rest securely against the cutouts provided in the barrel rests to prevent accidental tipping when the door is closed.The hinges and internal locking mechanism are permanently lubricated, thus needing no maintenance. Opening the door panel of your safe may void your warranty. Always consult our customer service experts prior to doing so.This safe comes with proximity based interior lighting installed. When the USB powered internal lighting is plugged into the USB power source, the lighting will function automatically when the door is open.。

达维尔仪器有限公司 Bourdon 压力传感器系列 DA DS 产品说明说明书

达维尔仪器有限公司 Bourdon 压力传感器系列 DA DS 产品说明说明书

Pressure Ranges to 8000 psi (551.6 bar)
Single Pressure Switches
USA: California Proposition 65 WARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals including Lead, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to .
causing dangerous conditions to operators • On/off indication (except hermetically sealed snap switch models) gives operator
clear indication of state of switched equipment that could be located in another location • Adjustable or fixed deadband supports control applications by reducing equipment wear-out by unnecessary recycling • External switch set point adjustment reduces set-up time • Pressure ranges of full vacuum to 8000 psig gives application designers the ability to specify standard equipment, simplifying install and training, and reducing servicing costs • UL listed, CSA approved, many models FM approved to support rigorous process applications and regulations • General purpose, weatherproof or explosion-proof enclosures for a variety of indoor or outdoor environments meeting the needs of multiple applications and uses APPLICATIONS • Compressors • Mechanical HVAC or process equipment • Pump control



VISIT OUR WEBSITES: • • .auElectric and Pneumatic ActuatorsSeries ABV incorporates a full port brass ball valve for great flow rates with minimal pressure drop. The valve features a blowout proof stem for added safety, reinforced PTFE seats and seals for longer life, and a chrome/nickel plated ball for better performance.Actuators are direct mounted creating a compact assembly for tight spaces. Double o-ring stem seals assure leak free operation.The ABV Series is an economical automated valve package with either an electric or pneumatic actuator. Electric actuated models are weatherproof, NEMA 4, powered by standard 115VAC supply, and are available in either two-position or proportional control. Two-position actuators use the 115 VAC input to drive the valve open or closed, while the modulating actuator accepts a 4 to 20 mA input for infinite valve positioning. Actuator features thermal overload protection and a permanently lubricated gear train.The pneumatic double acting actuator uses an air supply to drive the valve open and closed.The actuator has two supply ports with one driving the valve open and the other driving the valve closed. Spring return pneumatic actuator uses the air supply to open the valve and internally loaded springs return the valve to the closed position. Also available is the SV3solenoid valve to electrically switch the air supply pressure between the air supply ports for opening and closing the valve. Actuators are constructed of anodized and epoxy coated aluminum for years of corrosion free service.FEATURES• Full port brass ball valve• Direct mount actuators for compact assembly• Electric actuator that is rated NEMA 4 and is available in two position or modulating • Pneumatic double acting or spring return rack and pinion actuatorCBA DEFSPECIFICATION Body:2 – piece.Line Size:1/4˝ to 4˝.End Connections:Female NPT.Pressure Limit:600 psi (41 bar) WOG,100 psi (6.9 bar) SWP .Wetted Materials:Body, end cap, stem:Brass; Ball: Chrome/nickel plated brass;Seat, stem seal: PTFE.Temperature Limit:300°F (148°C).Other Materials:Body seal, body O-ring, stem O-ring: Fluoroelastomer. ACTUATORS ElectricPower Requirements:115 VAC, 50/60HZ, single phase. Optional 220 VAC, 24VAC, 12 VDC, and 24 VDC.Power Consumption (Locked Rotor Current):Two position: U11: 0.55A; U12,U13, U14: 0.75A; U15: 1.1A; Modulating:V12, V13, V14: 0.75A; V15: 1.1A. Cycle Time (per 90°):Two position: U11: 2.5 sec.; U12, U13: 5 sec.; U14: 10sec.; U15: 15 sec. Modulating: V12, V13:10 sec.; V13: 20 sec.; V15: 30 sec.Duty Cycle:Two position: U11: 75%;U12, U13, U14, U15: 25%. Modulating:V12, V13, V14, V15: 75%.Enclosure Rating:NEMA 4. Optional NEMA 7.Housing Material:Aluminum withthermal bonding polyester powder finish.Temperature Limit:0 to 150°F (-17 to 65°C).Electrical Connection:1/2˝ female NPT.Modulating Input:4 to 20 mA.Standard Features:Manual override and position indicator except modulating units.Pneumatic “DA” and “SR” SeriesType:DA Series is double acting and SR Series is spring return (rack and pinion).Normal Supply Pressure:80 psi (5.5 bar).Maximum Supply Pressure:130 psig (9.0 bar).Air Connections:DA/SR1 to 5: 1/8˝female NPT, all other sizes: 1/4˝ female NPT.Air Consumption (per stroke):DA1: 2.32 cu. in.; DA2, SR2: 9.34 cu. in.;DA3, SR3: 17.21 cu. in.; DA5, SR5:39.54 cu. in.; SR6: 54.37 cu. in.Cycle Time (per 90°):DA1: .03 sec.;DA2: .05 sec.; DA3: .06 sec.; DA5: .18sec.; SR2: .09 sec.; SR3: .13 sec.; SR5:.28 sec.; SR6: .39 sec.Housing Material:Anodized aluminum body and epoxy coated aluminum end caps.Temperature Limit:-4 to 180°F (-20 to 85°C).Accessory Mounting:NAMUR standard.Standard Features: Position indicator.E CBADNote: All spring return actuators are factory standard as spring (fail) close.。



LD-B10 (B) SERIES OPERATIONAL MANUAL 干式变压器温度控制仪表Transformer Temperature Controller LD-B10 (B)系列使用说明书福建省力得自动化设备有限公司Fujian LEAD Automatic Equipment Co.,ltd.写在前面◆本说明书由最终使用者.....保留!◆安装、操作前,请认真阅读本手册!在进行变压器耐压试验前,应先将传感电缆插头与温控仪分离,以免损坏温控仪!!!◆为了让温控仪能够长时间稳定运行,在搬运、安装时尽可能小心轻放。







Omega HDB-2和HDB-3电阻温度计控制器说明书

Omega HDB-2和HDB-3电阻温度计控制器说明书

89 12 mm
95 x 76 x 51
89 13 mm
95 x 76 x 51
89 15 mm
95 x 76 x 51
89 16 mm
95 x 76 x 51
89 19 mm
95 x 76 x 51
89 25 mm
Shipping Weight: HDB-2, 4.1 kg (9.0 lb); HDB-3, HDB-3D, 5.0 kg (11 lb)
Power: HDB-2, 450 W, 120V*, 50/60 Hz; HDB-3, HDB-3D, 650 W, 120V*, 50/60 Hz * 240 volt models also available, add “-240V”
On the HDB-2 and HDB-3, temperatures are adjusted with a dial calibrated in °C. On the HDB-3D, the dial and digital display are used to set the temperature. The digital indicator continuously displays the temperature.
95 x 76 x 51
62 Plastic half plain s**

95 x 37 x 50
* For HDB-3, HDB-3D only. ** If less than the maximum number of blocks is used, it is
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BL8023D SOT23-6 双向驱动继电器芯片
1. 概述
BL8023D 是双向继电器驱动集成电路,用于控制磁保持继电器的工作,具有输出电流大,静态功耗小的特点,可广泛用于智能电表的生产行业及其他用于该类继电器的行业。

2. 主要指标
1) 工作电压在5-40V ,静态功耗电流<1uA
2) 输入高低转换电平在2V 左右,与各种单片机兼容
3) 典型驱动电流150mA ,并根据继电器本身线圈内阻不同(驱动电流等于电源电压除以芯片本身驱动内阻和继电器线圈内阻之合芯片本身驱动内阻:电源电压12V 时为15Ω,电源电压20V 时为10Ω)。

4) 最大驱动电流500mA (是指芯片能承受的继电器线圈电感反冲电流的值。

该值与电源电压有关,500mA 是指一般工作电压24V 的情况。

在极限工作电压40V 时,则因封装功率限制,驱动电流应小于150mA )。

5) 工作温度适用范围:-40o C - 80o
C 。

3. 功能框图
4. 逻辑功能表
5. 封装形式,管脚排列及功能
6. 应用电路
1) 脉冲触发




输入A 输入B
2) 电平触发
输入端A ,B 使用电平触发应在输入端加电阻R1,R2到地,保持低电平的静态状态。


(R1,R2=30K-100K ,R3,R4=100k,C1,C2=10n 用于滤除输入毛刺; VDD 应小于BL8023D 供电电压;Rs 为限流电阻,在电压低于20V 时,可以忽略,即Rs=0)。

脉冲触发应用示意图 电平触发应用示意图。
