人教九年级全一册第6单元Writing 教学设计

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Unit 6 When was it invented?.

人教版新目标九年级Writing Time


本单元讨论的话题关于一些经典小发明物,如:拉链,茶,薯条和篮球。以这些发明物的历史为话题让学生去了解和这些发明物有关的人物,时代背景,产生的作用以及对后来社会发展的影响,虽然都是些小发明,但是他们确实改变了我们周围的世界和生活,而且学生非常喜欢这个话题,因为和他们的实际生活联系很紧密,在学习过程中帮助学习者做到语言的工具性和人文性的统一,学习者在完成功能语言学习的同时,如:1) When was the zipper invented? It was invented in 1893,2) Who was it invented by? It was invented by Whitcomb. 3) When was it brought to Korea? It was brought to Korea and Japan during the 6th and 7th centuries. 4) What is the hot ice cream scoop used for? It is used for serving really cold ice-cream.5)Never give up and work hard to achieve your dreams.学习者会意识到发明就在我们的身边,只要我们热爱生活,努力观察和大胆的尝试,我们也可以成为发明家,从而培养学习者热爱生活,热爱发明,敢于尝试的品质和意识。

2)本环节分三个步骤完成:pre-writing,while-writing and post writing. 本环节的教学内容指导学生运用本单元所学的语言要点和篇章结构特点完成相关话题书面语言输出学习任务,并帮助学生形成良好的篇章结构意识和建立书面表达的自信心。
















Pre-writing 10 minutes


Step 1: Ask students to read conversations and passages in this unit,and then summary some functional languages,for example:

1)It is used widely in our daily lives,

2)Do you know the most popular drink in the world?

3)It is believed that it was brought to ……

4)Do you know how potato chips were invented?

5)The popularity of basketball has risen around the world.

Step 2: Prepare an empty form about inventions that were mentioned in unit 6 by PPTS.

Small inventions that changed the world..

Step 3:Lead students to make out a writing clue for perfecting writing in while-writing process.

For example: a useful invention----computer.


6)Step 1: Students try to read the conversations and passages in unit

6.and then summary some useful functional sentences. such as:

1) It is used widely in our daily lives,

2 )Do you know the most popular drink in the world?

3 )It is believed that it was brought to ……

4 )Do you know how potato chips were invented?

5)The popularity of basketball has risen around the world.

Step 2: Students try to fill in the form with information they have learnt in reading time.

Step 3: Students make out a writing clue by themselves like the sample 【设计意图】

1) Lead in the topic & Prepare for writing.

2) Offer help to students in need and develop English writing confidence.

3) Develop students’ quality of learning the inventions in our daily life.

4) Develop students’writing skills and helping them become more interested in English writing.

2.While-reading 15 mins


Step 1:Walk around the classroom and support students in need:


Step 1: Finish their writing in 15 minutes in a group.


Improve students’cooperation and develop their English writing
