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例1 an important role in a new movie,Andy has a chance to become famous. (2011·四川)




D.T o offer

【解析】由句子结构分析,此处应为过去分词短语作原因状语,相当于状语从句As she is offered an important role in a new movie,Andy has a chance to become famous.又因为主语Andy 与分词之间是被动关系,故选C。

例2. ______ into English, the sentence was found to have an entirely different word order. (2011·天津)A. Translating B. Translated C. To translate D. Having translated

【解析】由句子结构分析,此处应为过去分词短语作时间状语,相当于状语从句When it was translated into English , the sentence was found to have an entirely different word order. 又因为主语the sentence 与分词之间是被动关系,故答案应选B。

例3._____ from the top of the tower, the south foot of the mountain is a sea of trees .(2010陕西)

A. Seen

B. Seeing

C. Having seen

D. T o see

【解析】由句子结构分析,此处应为现在分词短语作时间状语,相当于状语从句When it is seen from the top of the tower, the south foot of the mountain is a sea of trees .

又因为主语the south foot与分词之间是被动关系,故选A。

例4.Though_________to see us, the professor gave us a warm welcome. (2010全国Ⅱ)

A. surprising

B. as surprised

C. surprised D being surprised

【解析】本题考查省略结构和非谓语动词考查。补完整为:Though he was surprised,主语一致,省略主语和系动词,即:分词在此作让步状语。故答案是C。

例5. ________(油漆成)red, the building stands out among the rest and looks very attractive. (2010湖北)

【解析】本题考查分词作方式状语。动词paint与主语the building之间是被动关系,故应填写painted。




(3)过去分词充当状语时,其前可加once, though, unless 等连词,此时相当于一个含有被动语态的状语从句。


【解题方法】遇到这类题,首先要判断备选项中的非谓语动词与主语之间是否是被动关系;再次分析分词的逻辑主语是否与句子的主语一致:最后看将分词或分词短语是否能还原成表示时间、原因、结果、条件、让步、方式、伴随状语等从句。主从句句意是否连贯;需要特别提醒地是:如果分词备选项中有having been done 或not having been done等,那一定还要观察分词短语中是否有for five years , already, yet 或者主句中有then 等提示词语,如果有,那就说明这里需用现在分词完成式的被动式,而不是过去分词,因为过去分



例1.___ twice, the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we chained our dog. (09北京)

A. Being bitten

B. Bitten

C. Having bitten

D. To be bitten

【解析】分词bitten与主语the postman之间是被动,分词bitten的逻辑主语与the postman一致,本句可以还原成As he was bitten by our dog twice , the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we chained our dog.另外,依据twice一词说明分词的动作已经发生。故本题答案是A。

例2. not to miss the flight at 15:20, the manager set out for the airport in a hurry. (09福建)

A. Reminding

B. Reminded

C. T o remind

D. Having reminded

【解析】非谓语动词做状语,逻辑主语是句子的主语the manager,非谓语动词与句子主语是被动关系,且其表示的动作在谓语动词set out之前已经发生,非谓语动词用过去分词,本句可以还原成时间状语从句When he was reminded not to miss the flight at 15:20, the manager set out for the airport in a hurry。故选B。

例3. ______ the right kind of training , these teenage soccer players may one day grew the international stars. (09江西) A. Giving B. Having given C. To give D. Given

【解析】如果把句子补充完整就不难看出:If they are given the right kind of training , 可知主语they 即these teenager soccer players与give 之间是被动的关系,所以用过去
