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中医学:traditional Chinese medicine;

中医药学:traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacy 中医基础理论:basic theory of TCM

中药:Chinese material medica

中药学:traditional Chinese pharmacy

中西医结合:integreted traditional Chinese and Western medicine

中医诊断学:diagnosis of TCM

中医方剂学:science of traditional Chinese formula

中医内科学:internal medicine of TCM

中医皮肤病学:dermatology of TCM

中医肛肠病学:proctology of TCM

中医妇科学:gynecology of TCM

中医儿科学:pediatrics of TCM

中医眼科学:ophthalmology of TCM

中医耳鼻喉科学:oto rhino laryn gology of TCM

中医骨伤科学:orthopedics (矫正外科学) and traumatology (创伤学) of TCM

针灸学:acupuncture and moxibustion

中医推拿学:traditional Chinese tuina

中医养生学:traditonal Chinese life cultivation

中医康复学:traditonal Chinese rehabilitation

温病学:warm disease study / science of epidemic febrile (发热的,发烧的) disease of TCM

中医各家学说:theories of different schools in TCM

中药炮制学:processing of Chinese herbal medicinals


Out-patient department 门诊部

In-patient department 住院部

Nursing department 护理部

Admission office 住院处

Discharge office 出院处

Registration office 挂号处

Reception room, waiting room 候诊室

Consultation room 诊察室

Isolation room 隔离室

Delivery room 分娩室

Emergency room 急诊室

Ward 病房

Department of internal medicine 内科

Department of surgery 外科

Department of pediatrics 儿科

Department of obstetrics(产科学) and gynecology 妇产科Department of neurology 神经科

Department of ophtalmology 眼科

耳鼻喉科(ear-nose-throat department)Department of stomatology 口腔科

Department of urology 泌尿科

Department of orthopedic 骨科

Department of traumatology 创伤科

Department of endocrinology 内分泌科Department of anesthesiology 麻醉科Department of dermatology 皮肤科Department of infectious diseases 传染病科Department of pathology 病理科Department of psychiatry 精神科Department of cardiac surgery 心脏外科Department of cerebral surgery 脑外科Department of thoracic surgery 胸外科

Pharmacy dispensary 药房

Nutrition department 营养部

Diet-preparation department 配膳室Therapeutic department 治疗室Operating room 手术室

Blood-bank 血站

Supply-room 供应室

Disinfection-room 消毒室

Record room 病案室

doctor’s office 医生办公室

nurse’s office 护士办公室


director of the hospital 院长

physician 内科医师

chief physician 主任医师

associate chief physician 副主任医师attending doctor 主治医师

resident doctor 住院医师

intern doctor 实习医师

general practitioner 全科医师

specialist 专科医师

head of the nursing department 护理部主任Head nurse 护士长

Student nurse 实习护士
