Hilman Rollers美国运输大吨位构件装置
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起重机最大起升高度吉尼斯最高世界纪录The Guinness World Record for the highest lifting height of a craneThere are many incredible feats documented in the Guinness World Records, and one of these records is for the highest lifting height achieved by a crane. Cranes play a pivotal role in various industries, from construction to logistics, and their ability to lift heavy loads to great heights is truly awe-inspiring. While different types of cranes have varying lifting capacities and capabilities, let's explore the crane that holds the current Guinness World Record for the highest lifting height.The record-breaking crane that set this incredible achievement is known as the LTM 11200-9.1, manufactured by Liebherr Group, a renowned German company specializing in heavy machinery. This mobile telescopic crane boasts an astounding lifting capacity of 1,200 metric tons and has achieved an unprecedented maximum lift height.The LTM 11200-9.1 stands tall with a massive telescopic boom reaching up to a staggering height of 164 meters or 538 feet. To put this into perspective, it is equivalent to approximately a 45-story building. The innovative design and advanced engineering concepts implemented in this crane enable it to tackle complex lifting tasks that were once thought unattainable.Besides its extraordinary lifting capabilities, what sets this crane apart is its versatility and mobility. With its maneuverability on various terrains and rapid setup time, it can be deployed quickly to different locations where heavy lifting operations are required.This record-breaking crane has been utilized on numerous high-profile projects around the world, ranging from erecting wind turbines to constructing skyscrapers. Its unrivaled performance has revolutionized the capabilities of cranes within the industry.Despite reaching unprecedented heights with an unrivaled lifting capacity, safety remains paramount. Complexcalculations and meticulous planning go into any project involving such immense lifts to ensure stability andprevent any mishaps during operation.As technology advances rapidly in today's world, it is not surprising that newer cranes may emerge and break this record in the future. Engineers and manufacturers are continuously pushing the boundaries of what is possible, developing more powerful, efficient, and capable cranes.The Guinness World Record for the highest lifting height by a crane showcases human ingenuity, engineering accomplishments, and our constant pursuit of surpassing limits. It serves as a testament to the remarkable progress we have made in heavy machinery and construction technology throughout history.吉尼斯世界纪录中起重机最大起升高度纪录吉尼斯世界纪录收录了许多令人难以置信的成就,其中之一就是最高起重高度的起重机纪录。
大件运输车辆种类繁多,各有千秋,但其中无可争议的王者,是自行式模块运输车——SPMT(Self-Propelled Modular Transporters),它以高可靠性和卓越的扩展性,刷新了一个又一个的陆地运输世界纪录。
陆地运输世界纪录2009年,位于挪威斯图尔的挪威最大的船厂——Aker Stord,一项新的陆地运输世界纪录在此诞生!这就是把该船厂刚刚完工的一个用于废水处理业务的油水分离装置运往附近的浮动平台。
SARENS除了调集了自家356轴线的KAMAG SPMT,还向另一巨头MAMMOET租借了184轴线的Scheuerle SPMT,共计540轴线规模的SPMT集群向这一艰巨任务发起挑战。
人工装卸搬运助力装置研究现状及关键技术文/高 波摘 要:本文介绍了人工装卸搬运助力装置(外骨骼服)的国内外研究现状,梳理了应用于该领域的多项关键技术,并对其在民用及军用领域的应用前景进行了展望。
关键词:外骨骼;装卸搬运;助力装置美国国防部高级研究项目局于2000年出资五千万美元用于资助对能够增强人体机能的外骨骼(Exoskeleton for Human Performance Augumentation,EHPA)的研究与开发。
获得该项目资助的有加州大学伯克利分校的人体工程实验室(HEL)、雷神萨科斯公司(Raytheon Sarcos)、橡树岭国家实验室(ORNL)和Millennium Jet等多家研究机构。
马尼托瓦克起重集团介绍字体大小:大- 中- 小potain发表于09-08-19 09:17 阅读(267) 评论(0)马尼托瓦克起重集团-面对世界市场在今天的国际市场上,精明的客户再也不会接受一成不变的产品了。
美国起重机标准(ANSI crane standards)ANSI| BS| DIN| EN| GB| ISO| JIS| NF| DIC 编号中文名称英文名称ANSI A10.28-1998 起重机或转臂起重机的悬吊工作平台.安全要求Work Platforms Suspended fromCranes or Derricks - SafetyRequirementsANSI A10.31-2006 修建和拆除操作用挖掘转臂起重机的安全要求、定义和规范Safety Requirements, Definitions,and Specifications for DiggerDerricks for Construction andDemolition OperationsANSI MH27.1-2003 优质悬挂式轨道起重机和单轨系统.规范Patented Track Underhung Cranesand Monorail Systems -SpecificationsANSI MH27.2-2003 封闭轨道悬挂式起重机和单轨系统用规范Specifications for Enclosed-TrackUnderhung Cranes and MonorailSystemsANSI/ASMEB30.11-2004单轨起重机和悬挂式桥吊Monorails and Underhung CranesANSI/ASMEB30.17-2006 高架和龙门起重机(沿轨道上翼缘行走的桥架、单梁、悬挂式起重机)Overhead and Gantry Cranes (TopRunning Bridge, Single Girder,Underhung Hoist)ANSI/ASMEB30.18-2004 堆垛用起重机(多梁顶行或底行桥架悬挂式提升机)Stacker Cranes (Top or UnderRunning Bridge, Multiple Girderwith Top or Under Running TrolleyHoist)ANSI/ASME B30.2-2005 高架和龙门起重机(单梁或多梁顶行桥架、顶行起重机)Overhead and Gantry Cranes (TopRunning Bridge, Single or MultipleGirder, Top Running Trolley Hoist)ANSI/ASMEB30.22-2005活节悬臂起重机Articulating Boom CranesANSI/ASMEB30.3-2004施工用塔式起重机Construction Tower CranesANSI/ASME B30.4-2003 龙门座起重机、塔式起重机和支架起重机Portal, Tower, and Pedestal CranesANSI/ASMEB30.5-2004汽车起重机和机车起重机Mobile and Locomotive CranesANSI/ASMEB30.6-2003桅杆起重机DerricksANSI/ASME B30.8-2004 浮式起重机和浮式桅杆起重机Floating Cranes and FloatingDerricksANSI/ASME HST-1M-1999 电动链式起重机的性能标准Performance Standard for ElectricChain HoistsANSI/ASME HST-2M-1999 手工操作链式起重机的性能标准Performance Standard for HandChain Manually Operated ChainHoistsANSI/ASME HST-3M-1999 手动杠杆操作链式起重机的性能标准Performance Standard for ManuallyLever-Operated Chain HoistsANSI/ASME HST-4M-1999 桥式起重机性能标准Performance Standard for OverheadElectric Wire Rope HoistsANSI/ASME NOG-1-2004 桥式和门式起重机(支承桥和多横梁)的制造规则Overhead and Gantry Cranes (TopRunning Bridge, Multiple Girder),Rules for Construction ofANSI/ASME NUM-1-2004 起重机、单轨吊车和提升机的制造规则(带有悬桥或悬挂式吊车或悬挂式提升机)Rules for Construction of Cranes,Monorails, and Hoists (with Bridgeor Trolley or Hoist of theUnderhung Type)ANSI/ASTM F1797-1998 隔音挖掘起重机声发射试验方法Test Method for Acoustic EmissionTesting of Insulated DiggerDerricksANSI/AWS D14.1/D 14.1M-2005 工业和工厂用起重机及其它物料运输设备的焊接规范Specification for Welding ofIndustrial and Mill Cranes andOther Material Handling EquipmentANSI/NEMA ICS8-2001 工业控制和系统起重机控制器Industrial Control and Systems Crane and Hoist ControllersANSI/SAEJ/ISO13200-1998 起重机.安全标志和危险图示.一般原则Cranes - Safety Signs and HazardPictorials - General PrinciplesANSI/SAE J1238-1998 海上固定平台用提升起重机的评定Rating Lift Cranes on Fixed Platforms Operating in the Ocean EnvironmentANSI/SAE J220-1998 起重机臂停止器Crane BoomstopANSI/SAE J820-1998 起重机提升线速度和功率试验规程Crane Hoist Line Speed and Power Test CodeANSI/SAE J999-1998 起重机吊杆构架提升的分离装置Crane Boom Hoist Disengaging DeviceASME B30.11-1998 单轨悬挂式起重机(Monorails and underhung cranes)ASME B30.11a Addenda-1999 单轨悬挂式起重机.附录(Monorails and underhung cranes;Addenda)ASME B30.17 说明:高架起重机和龙门起重机(单梁(Interpreations: Overhead andInterpretations Ja 顶行桥架,悬挂提升机) gantry cranes (top running bridge,single grinder, underhung hoist))ASME B30.17-2003 桥式起重机和龙门起重机(沿轨道上翼缘行走的桥架、单梁、悬挂式起重机)(Overhead and gantry cranes (toprunning bridge, single girder,underhung hoist))ASME B30.2 Interpretations Jan 说明:高架和龙门起重机(单梁或多梁顶行桥架、顶行起重机)(Interpretations: Overhead andgantry cranes (top running bridge,single or multiple girder, toprunning trolley hoist))ASME B30.2 Interpretations Mar 说明:高架和龙门起重机(单梁或多梁顶行桥架、顶行起重机)(Interpretations: Overhead andgantry cranes (top running bridge,single or multiple girder, toprunning trolley hoist))ASME B30.2 Interpretations Nov 说明:高架和龙门起重机(单梁或多梁顶行桥架、顶行起重机)(Interpretations: Overhead andgantry cranes (top running bridge,single or multiple girder, toprunning trolley hoist))ASME B30.2 Interpretations Sep 说明书:高架和龙门起重机说明(单梁或多梁顶行桥架、顶行起重机)(Interpretations: Overhead andgantry cranes (top running bridge,single or multiple girder, toprunning trolley hoist))ASME B30.2-2001 桥式和龙门起重机(单梁或多梁顶行桥架、顶行起重机)(Overhead and gantry cranes (Toprunning bridge, single or multiplegirder, top running trolleyhoist))ASME B30.22-2000 活节悬臂起重机(Articulating boom cranes)ASME B30.3 Interpretations Apr 说明书:塔式起重机(Interpretations: Hammerheadtower cranes)ASME B30.3 Interpretations Dec 说明书:塔式起重机(Interpretations: Hammerheadtower cranes)ASME B30.3-1996 塔式起重机(Construction tower cranes)ASME B30.3a Addenda-1997 建筑用塔式起重机.附录(Construction tower cranes;Addenda)ASME B30.3b Addenda-1998 建筑用塔式起重机.附录(Construction tower cranes;Addenda)ASME B30.3c Addenda-1999 建筑用塔式起重机.附录(Construction tower cranes;Addenda)ASME B30.5Interpretations-199汽车起重机和机车起重机(Mobile and locomotive cranes) ASME B30.5-2000 汽车起重机和机车起重机(Mobile and locomotive cranes)ASME B30.5a Addenda-2002 汽车和机车起重机.附录(Mobile and locomotive cranes;Addenda)ASME B30.6-2003 桅杆起重机(Derricks)ASME B30.8 Interpretations Dec 说明:水上起重机和水上桅杆起重机(Interpretations: Floating cranesand floating derricks)ASME B30.8 Interpretations Jan 说明:水上起重机和水上桅杆起重机(Interpretations: Floating cranesand floating derricks)ASME B30.8a Addenda-2001 浮式起重机和浮式桅杆起重机.修改件(Floating cranes and floatingderricks; Addenda)ASME B30.9-1996 悬带.空中索道、起重机、铁塔架、升降机、钓勾, 旗杆架的安全标准(Slings - Safety standard forcableways, cranes, derricks,hoists, hooks, jacks, and slings)ASME B56.7-1987 工业卡车起重机的安全标准(Safety standard for industrial crane trucks)ASME HST-2-1999 手链式人工操作链式起重机的性能标准(Performance standard for handchain manually operated chainhoists)ASME HST-5-1999 气动链式起重机的性能标准(Performance standard for air chain hoists)ASME NUM-1-2000 起重机、单轨铁路和提升机的构造规则(带有悬桥或悬挂式吊车或悬挂式提升机)(Rules for construction of cranes,monorails, and hoists (with bridgeor trolley or hoist of theunderhung type))ASME NUM-1a Addenda-2002 起重机、单轨铁路和提升机的构造规则(带有悬桥或悬挂式吊车或悬挂式提升机).补充(Rules for construction of cranes,monorails, and hoists (with bridgeor trolley or hoist of theunderhung type); Addenda)ASME NUM-1b Addenda-2002 起重机、单轨和提升机的构造规则(带有悬桥或悬挂式吊车或悬挂式提升机).ASME NMU-1-2000的附录(Rules for construction of cranes,monorails, and hoists (with bridgeor trolley or hoist of theunderhung type); Addenda to ASMENUM-1-2000)ASTM A 759-2000 起重机用碳钢轨条的标准规范Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Crane RailsASTM F 1797-1998 绝缘采掘式起重机声音发射试验的标准试验方法Standard Test Method for AcousticEmission Testing of InsulatedDigger Derricks编号中文名称英文名称英国起重机标准(BS crane standards)ANSI| BS| DIN| EN| GB| ISO| JIS| NF| DIC 编号中文名称英文名称BS 2452-1954 电驱动高架式移动基座悬臂起重机(高架式门座悬臂起重机)规范Specification for electricallydriven jib cranes mounted on a highpedestal or portal carriage (highpedestal or portal jib cranes)BS 2799-1974 建筑与工程用动力驱动塔式起重机规范Specification for power-driventower cranes for building andengineering constructionBS 2853-1957 架空吊车道钢梁的设计与试验规范Specification for the design and testing of steel overhead runway beamsBS 3037-1-1958 起重机轨轮用轮箍规范.第1部分:双法兰平行轮距轮箍Specification for tyres for cranerail wheels - Double-flangedparallel-tread tyresBS 3037-2-1975 起重机轨轮用轮箍规范.第2部分:锻制或轧制双法兰钢轨轮与钢轮箍(米制单位)规范Specification for tyres for cranerail wheels - Forged or rolled steeldouble flanged rail wheels and tyres(metric units)BS 327-1964 动力驱动悬臂式起重机规范Specification for power-driven derrick cranesBS 357-1958 动力驱动的动臂式起重机(有轨低架型)规范Specification for power-driventravelling jib cranes (rail-mountedlow carriage type)BS 3810-4-1968 材料装卸术语.第4部分起重机术语Glossary of terms used in materials handling - Terms used in connection with cranesBS 466-1984 一般用途的动力驱动高架移动式起重机、中型移动式起重机和重型移动式起重机规范Specification for power drivenoverhead travelling cranes,semi-goliath and goliath cranes forgeneral useBS 5667-13-1979 连续式机械装卸设备规范.安全性要求.第13部分:成组货件:悬臂式起重机与推杆式输送机Specification for continuousmechanical handling equipment -safety requirements - Unit loads:arm elevators and push bar conveyorsBS 5744-1979 起重机(桥式起重机、悬挂移动式起重机、轨道起重机、高座式起重机与龙门转臂式码头起重机、手动轻便起重机Code of practice for safe use ofcranes (overhead/underhungtravelling and goliath cranes, highpedestal and portal jib docksidecranes, manually-operated and light cranes, container handling cranes and rail-mounted low carriage cranes)BS 7121-1-2006 起重机安全使用的实施规程.总则Code of practice for safe use of cranes - GeneralBS 7121-11-1998 起重机安全使用实用规程.近海起重机Code of practice for safe use of cranes - Offshore cranesBS 7121-12-1999 起重机安全操作实施规程.救援服务车和设备.实施规程Code of practice for safe use ofcranes - Recovery vehicles andequipment - Code of practiceBS 7121-14-2005 起重机安全操作实施规程.起重机侧臂管道敷设机Code of practice for safe use ofcranes - Side boom pipelayersBS 7121-2-2003 起重机安全操作实用规程.验收、试验和检查Code of practice for safe use ofcranes - Inspection, testing andexaminationBS 7121-3-2000 起重机安全操作规程.移动式起重机Code of practice for safe use of cranes - Mobile cranesBS 7121-4-1997 起重机安全使用实用规程.卡车式装载机Code of practice for safe use ofcranes - Lorry loadersBS 7121-5-2006 起重机安全使用实施规则.塔式起重机Code of practice for safe use of cranes - Tower cranesBS 7212-2006 施工起重机的安全使用实施规则Code of practice for the safe use of construction hoistsBS 7333-1990 回转臂起重机规范Specification for slewing jib cranesBS AU50-1.3.3-1996 轮胎和车轮规范.轮胎.越野轮胎.移动式吊车和类似专用机械轮胎规范Specification for tyres and wheels- Tyres - Off-the-road tyres -Specification for tyres for mobilecranes and similar specializedmachinesBS DD CEN/TS 13001-3-2-2005 起重机.一般设计.绳索绕缠系统中钢丝绳的极限状态和合格检验Cranes - General design - Limitstates and proof of competence ofwire ropes in reeving systemsBS DD CEN/TS 13001-3.1-2005 起重机.一般设计.钢结构性能的极限状态和检验Cranes - General design - Limitstates and proof of competence ofsteel structuresBS EN12077-2-1999 起重机安全.卫生和安全要求.限动及指示设备Cranes safety - Requirements forhealth and safety - Limiting andindicating devicesBS EN 1255-1996 内河航运船只.旋臂起重机Inland navigation vessels - SwingderricksBS EN12644-1-2001 起重机.使用和试验信息.说明Cranes - Information for use andtesting - InstructionsBS EN12644-2-2000 起重机.使用和试验信息.标记Cranes - Information for use andtesting - MarkingBS EN 12999-2003 起重机.装载机Cranes - Loader cranes BS EN 13000-2004 起重机.移动式起重机Cranes - Mobile cranesBS EN13001-1-2005 起重机安全.一般设计.一般原则和要求Crane safety - General design -General principles and requirementsBS EN13001-2-2005 起重机安全.一般设计.负载效应Crane safety - General design - LoadactionsBS EN13135-1-2004 起重机.安全.设计.设备要求.电工设备Cranes - Safety - Design -Requirements for equipment -Electrotechnical equipmentBS EN13135-2-2004 起重机.设备.非电工技术设备Cranes - Equipment -Non-electrotechnical equipmentBS EN 13155-2003 起重机.安全.非固定式荷载提升附属装置Cranes - Safety - Non-fixed loadlifting attachmentsBS EN 13157-2004 起重机.安全.手动升降设备Cranes - Safety - Hand poweredlifting equipmentBS EN 13557-2003 起重机.控制装置与控制台Cranes - Controls and control stationsBS EN 13586-2004 起重机.检修孔Cranes - AccessBS EN13852-1-2005 起重机.海上起重机.通用海上起重机Cranes - Offshore cranes -General-purpose offshore cranesBS EN13852-2-2005 起重机.近海起重机.浮式起重机Cranes - Offshore cranes - FloatingcranesBS EN 14238-2005 起重机.手动控制载荷操纵设备Cranes - Manually controlled load manipulating devicesBS EN 14439-2006 起重机.安全性.塔式起重机Cranes - Safety - Tower cranesBS EN14502-1-2005 起重机.载人用升降设备.第1部分:吊篮Cranes - Equipment for liftingpersons - Part 1: Suspended basketsBS EN14502-2-2005 起重机.载人用提升设备.升降控制台Cranes - Equipment for the liftingof persons - Elevating controlstationsBS EN 15056-2006 起重机.集装箱装卸起吊机用要求Cranes — Requirements for container handling spreadersBS EN 1993-6-2007 欧洲法规3:钢结构设计.起重机支承结Eurocode 3. Design of steel构structures - Crane supportingstructuresBS EN45510-6-8-2000 发电站设备采购指南.涡轮机辅助设备.起重机.第8节:起重机Guide for the procurement of powerstation equipment - Turbineauxiliaries - Cranes - Section 8:CranesBS EN 818-4-1997 起重用短节链条.安全性.第4部分:吊链.8级Short link chain for liftingpurposes - Safety - Chain slings -Grade 8BS ISO10245-4-2005 起重机.限制器和指示器.动臂起重机Cranes - Limiting and indicatingdevices - Jib cranesBS ISO10972-1-1998 起重机.机构要求.第1部分:综述Cranes - Requirements formechanisms - GeneralBS ISO 11629-2006 起重机.起重机及其组件质量评估Cranes - Measurement of the mass of a crane and its componentsBS ISO 11630-1998 起重机.轮位对准测量Cranes - Measurement of wheel alignmentBS ISO 11994-1998 起重机.有效性.词汇Cranes - Availability - VocabularyBS ISO12478-1-1998 起重机.维修手册.综述Cranes - Maintenance manual -GeneralBS ISO12488-1-2005 起重机.轮子和移动及横动轨道的公差.总则Cranes - Tolerances for wheels andtravel and traversing tracks -GeneralBS ISO12488-4-2004 起重机.轮子和移动及横动轨道的公差.动臂起重机Cranes - Tolerances for wheels andtravel and traversing tracks - JibcranesBS ISO 13202-2003 起重机.速度和时间参数的测量Cranes - Measurement of velocity and time parametersBS ISO 15513-2000 起重机.起重机司机(操纵者)、吊装工、信号员和鉴定员的资格要求Cranes - Competency requirementsfor crane drivers (operators),slingers, signallers and assessorsBS ISO16881-1-2005 起重机.轨道轮和相关触轮滑轨支撑结构的设计计算.总则Cranes - Design calculation for railwheels and associated trolley tracksupporting structure - GeneralBS ISO 1834-1999 起重用短环链.验收总则Short link chain for lifting purposes - General conditions of acceptanceBS ISO 23853-2005 起重机.吊装工和信号手的培训Cranes - Training of slingers and signallersBS ISO4306-5-2006 起重机.词汇.桥式起重机和龙门起重机Cranes - Vocabulary - Bridge andgantry cranesBS ISO4308-1-2003 起重机和提升设备.钢丝绳的选用.总则Cranes and lifting appliances -Selection of wire ropes - GeneralBS ISO 4309-2004 起重机.金属丝绳.保养、维修、安装、检查和报废Cranes - Wire ropes - Care,maintenance, installation,examination and discardBS ISO8566-4-1998 起重机.驾驶室.第4部分:旋臂式起重机Cranes - Cabins - Jib cranesBS ISO9926-3-2005 起重机.司机培训.塔式起重机Cranes - Training of drivers - TowercranesBS MA 81-1980 船用起重机配件规范Specification for ships' derrick fittingsKIT 176-2005 BS EN 13001:起重机安全设计汇编BS EN 13001: Crane safety design kit 编号中文名称英文名称返回德国起重机标准(DIN crane standards)ANSI| BS| DIN| EN| GB| ISO| JIS| NF| DIC 编号中文名称英文名称DIN 1055-10-2004 结构物的设计基础和作用.第10部分:起重机和机械引起的作用Basis of design and action onstructures - Part 10: Actionsinduced by cranes and machineryDIN 15001-1-1973 起重机.第1部分:词汇、按型号的分类Cranes; Vocabulary, classification according to typeDIN 15001-2-1975 起重机:第2部分:词汇.按用途分类Cranes; Vocabulary, classification according to applicationDIN 15002-1980 起重机.承载装置.词汇Lifting appliances; Load carrying devices; VocabularyDIN 15018-1-1984 起重机.钢结构.验证和计算Cranes; steel structures; verification and analysesDIN 15018-2-1984 起重机.钢结构.设计与制造原则Cranes; steel structures; principles of design and constructionDIN 15018-3-1984 起重机.有关钢结构的原理.车载起重Cranes; principles relating to机的计算steel structures; design of craneson vehiclesDIN 15019-1-1979 起重机.第1部分:除无轨安装移动式起重机和浮吊之外的所有起重机的稳定性Cranes; Stability for All CranesExcept Non-rail Mounted MobileCranes and Except Floating CranesDIN 15019-2-1979 起重机.无轨安装移动式起重机的稳定性第2部分:试验载荷与计算Cranes; Stability for NonRail-mounted Mobile Cranes; TestLoading and CalculationDIN 15020-2-1974 起重机.第2部分:钢索传动原则.使用中监视Lifting Appliances; PrinciplesRelating to Rope Drives;Supervision during OperationDIN 15022-1979 起重机.提升高度.作业速度Cranes; lifting hights, operating speedsDIN 15023-1979 起重机.悬臂起重机和带悬臂梁的龙门式起重机.工作半径Cranes; slewing cranes and portalcranes with cantilever, radiiDIN 15024-1968 起重机和系列起重设备.双梁起重机的轨距(中心至中心)Cranes and serial liftingappliances, track gauges (center tocenter) for double girder crabsDIN 15025-1978 起重机.起重机驾驶室内操纵杆的操纵方向和配置Cranes; Direction of actuation andarrangement of controls in cranecabinsDIN 15049-1958 带有电动葫芦或类似提升绞车的起重机.带滑动轴承的轨道轮Cranes with electric hoists orsimilar hoist gear; track wheelswith plain bearingsDIN 15050-1958 人工操作起重机.带滚动轴承的轨道轮Hand-driven cranes; track wheels with roller bearingsDIN 15053-1976 起重机.减速齿轮、连接尺寸、外形规格、输出力矩Cranes; reduction gears, connectingdimensions, contour gauges, outputtorquesDIN 15055-1982 炼钢厂、轧钢机和起重机.用油压的过盈配合.用途、尺寸、结构Steelworks, rolling mills andcranes; interference fits using oilunder pressure; application,dimensions, designDIN 15057-1978 起重机.滚珠和滚柱轴承的盖.连接尺寸Cranes; covers for ball and rollerbearings, connecting dimensionsDIN 15061-1-1977 起重机.绳索槽轮的槽剖面Lifting appliances; groove profiles for wire rope sheavesDIN 15061-2-1977 起重机.钢丝绳卷筒上的槽形Cranes; groove profiles for wire rope drumsDIN 15062-1-1982 起重机.绳轮.选择范围和直径与宽度的配合Cranes; rope pulleys; selectedranges and correlation of diametersand overall widthsDIN 15062-2-1982 起重机.绳轮.轴承和轮毂尺寸Cranes; rope pulleys; dimensions of hubs and bearingsDIN 15070-1977 提升设备.起重机轨道轮的计算Cranes; basic calculation of crane rail wheelsDIN 15071-1977 提升设备.起重机轨道轮的承载的测定Cranes; determination of bearing load of crane rail wheelsDIN 15072-1977 起重机.起重机轨道轮的触轨面轮廓和不同轨轮直径轨道的数据表Cranes; tread profile of crane railwheels and table of rails fordifferent wheel diametersDIN 15073-1977 起重机.导频轨道轮的一览表Cranes; table of crane rail wheelsDIN 15074-1978 起重机..无齿轮带滑动轴承的起重机凸缘导轨轮Cranes; flanged crane rail wheelswith plain bearings, without gearwheelDIN 15075-1977 起重机.带齿轮的装有关节轴承的有法兰的起重机轨道轮Cranes; flanged crane rail wheels,with plain bearings, with gear wheelDIN 15076-1977 起重机.不带齿轮的装有关节轴承的带轮胎的有法兰的起重机轨道轮Cranes; flanged crane rail wheelswith tyre, with plain bearings,without gear wheelDIN 15077-1977 起重机.带滑动轴承和齿轮的带轮箍的起重机凸缘导轨轮.Cranes; flanged crane rail wheelswith tyre, with plain bearings, withgear wheelDIN 15078-1977 起重机.不带齿轮的装有滚子轴承的有法兰的起重机轨道轮Cranes; flanged crane rail wheels,with roller bearings, without gearwheelDIN 15079-1977 起重机.带滚柱轴承和齿轮的起重机带凸缘导轨轮Cranes; flanged crane rail wheels,with roller bearings, with gearwheelDIN 15080-1977 起重机.带滚柱轴承、无齿轮、带轮箍的起重机凸缘导轨轮Cranes; flanged crane rail wheelswith tyre, with roller bearings,without gear wheelDIN 15081-1977 起重机.带滚柱轴承、齿轮、带轮箍的起重机带凸缘导轨轮Cranes; flanged crane rail wheelswith tyre, with roller bearings,with gear wheelDIN 15082-1-1977 起重机.轨道轮.螺旋连接的齿轮Cranes; crane rail wheels, screwed-on gear wheelsDIN 15082-2-1977 起重机.与大齿轮压配合的带滚柱轴承的起重机轨道轮Cranes; crane rail wheels withroller bearings, pressed-on gearwheelsDIN 15083-1977 起重机;起重机导轨轮、机加的轮箍Cranes; crane rail wheels, machined tyresDIN 15084-1977 起重机.带滚柱轴承起重机导轨轮.轴承盖Cranes; crane rail wheels withroller bearings, bearing coversDIN 15086-1977 起重机.装有轴套补偿滚子轴承的起重机轨道轮.Crane; crane rail wheels with rollerbearings, flattening of axle bushesDIN 15090-1982 起重机.驱动轮装置及从动轮装置.组装Cranes; driving wheel units andidler wheel units; assemblyDIN 15091-1982 起重机.主动轮组和从动轮组.走轮轴Cranes; driving wheel units and idler wheel units; travelling wheel shaftsDIN 15092-1982 起重机.驱动轮装置及从动轮装置.密封盖Cranes; driving wheel units andidler wheel units; sealing coversDIN 15093-1982 起重机.主动轮组和从动轮组.走轮Cranes; driving wheel units and idler wheel units; travelling wheelsDIN 15094-1982 起重机.主动轮组和从动轮组.轴承罩环Cranes; driving wheel units andidler wheel units; bearing cageringsDIN 15095-1982 起重机.驱动和转动轴.安全盘、套筒、连接管Cranes; driven and rotating axles;securing discs, bushes, nipplesDIN 15400-1990 起重吊钩.材料、机械特性、承载能力Lifting hooks; materials,和应力mechanical properties, liftingcapacity and stressesDIN 15401-2-1983 起重机用吊钩.单钩.带螺纹轴的成品件Lifting hooks for liftingappliances; Single hooks; Finishedparts with threaded shankDIN 15402-1-1982 起重机用吊钩.(Ramshorn hooks)双钩.毛坯件Lifting hooks for liftingappliances; Ramshorn hooks;Unmaschined partsDIN 15402-2-1983 起重机用吊钩.(Ramshorn hooks)双钩.带螺纹轴的成品Lifting hooks for liftingappliances; Ramshorn hooks;Finished parts with threaded shankDIN 15403-1969 起重机的提升吊钩.圆螺纹Lifting Hooks for Hoists; Knuckle ThreadsDIN 15404-1-1989 起重机吊钩.锻制吊钩交货技术条件Lifting hooks; technical delivery conditions for forged hooksDIN 15404-2-1988 起重机吊钩.轧制吊钩交货技术条件Lifting hooks; technical delivery conditions for laminated hooksDIN 15405-1-1979 起重机用吊钩.第1部分:使用中锻制吊钩的检验Lifting hooks; inspection of forgedhooks in serviceDIN 15405-2-1988 起重机吊钩.轧制吊钩使用中检查Lifting hooks; In-serviceinspection of laminated hooksDIN 15406-1969 起重吊钩.手工锻制吊钩的描绘,指令Lifting hooks; tracing of hand forged hooks, directivesDIN 15407-1-1977 起重机用吊钩.第1部分:插口铁水包、组件用带测点的叠层吊钩.主要尺寸Lifting hooks; laminated hooks witha point for spigot ladles, assembly,principal dimensionsDIN 15408-1982 起重机.双滑轮下滑车.组件Cranes; twin sheave bottom blocks; assemblyDIN 15409-1982 起重机.四滑轮下滑车.组件Cranes; quadruple sheave bottom blocks; assemblyDIN 15412-1-1983 起重机的底座.第1部分:横梁毛坯Bottom blocks for lifting appliances; cross pieces; unmachined partsDIN 15412-2-1983 起重机的底座.第2部分:横梁成品Bottom blocks for lifting appliances; cross pieces; finished partsDIN 15413-1983 起重机的下滑车.提升吊钩螺母Bottom blocks for lifting appliances; lifting hook nutsDIN 15417-1982 起重机.下滑车.带滑动轴承的D型绳索轮Cranes; bottom blocks; type D ropepulleys with plain bearingsDIN 15418-1-1982 起重机.下滑车.无内套带深槽滚珠轴承的C型绳轮Cranes; bottom blocks; type C ropepulleys with deep groove ballbearing, without internal sleeveDIN 15418-2-1982 起重机的下滑车.无内轴套深滚道滚珠轴承的C型绳索滑轮的间隔套Cranes; bottom blocks; spacersleeves for type C rope pulleys withdeep groove ball bearing, withoutinternal sleeveDIN 15418-3-1982 起重机的下滑车.无内轴套深滚道滚珠轴承的C型绳索滑轮的油封盖Cranes; bottom blocks; sealingcovers for type C rope pulleys withdeep groove ball bearing, withoutinternal sleeveDIN 15421-1-1982 起重机的下滑车.带深滚道滚珠轴承和内轴套的B型绳索滑轮Cranes; bottom blocks; type B ropepulleys with deep groove ballbearing and internal sleeveDIN 15421-2-1982 起重机.下滑车.带深滚道滚珠轴承和内套筒的B型绳索轮的内轴套和隔离套Cranes; bottom blocks; internalsleeves and spacer sleeves for typeB rope pulleys with deep groove ballbearing and internal sleeveDIN 15421-3-1982 起重机.下滑车.带深滚道滚珠轴承和内套筒的B型绳索轮的油封盖Cranes; bottom blocks; sealingcovers for type B rope pulleys withdeep groove ball bearing andinternal sleeveDIN 15422-1-1982 起重机.下滑车.带圆柱形滚动轴承和内套筒的A型绳索轮Cranes; bottom blocks; type A ropepulleys with cylindrical rollingbearing and internal sleeveDIN 15422-2-1982 起重机.下滑车.带圆柱形滚动轴承和内套筒的A型绳索轮的内轴套和隔离套Cranes; bottom blocks; internalsleeves and spacer sleeves for typeA rope pulleys with cylindricalrolling bearing and internal sleeveDIN 15422-3-1982 起重机.下滑车.带圆柱形滚动轴承和内套筒的A型绳索轮的油封盖Cranes; bottom blocks; sealingcovers for type A rope pulleys withcylindrical rolling bearing andinternal sleeveDIN 15450-1978 起重机.移动驱动用万向轴的评价Cranes; evaluating of cardan shafts for travelling drivesDIN 15451-1-1978 起重机.万向节轴.第1部分:主要尺寸Cranes; cardan shafts, principle dimensionsDIN 15451-2-1978 起重机.万向节轴.第2部分:法兰连接Cranes; cardan shafts, connection to coupling flangeDIN 15452-1978 起重机.万向轴的连接法兰Cranes; coupling flanges for cardan shaftsDIN 15453-1978 起重机.万向节轴、安装方向、维护、搬运和存放Cranes; cardan shafts, directivesfor installation, maintainance,handling and storageDIN 22400-1990 提升机的控制装置.采矿用起重机和绞车Control units of winding engines;hoists and winches for miningDIN 4132 Bb.1-1981 起重机走道.钢结构.计算、设计与制造原则.说明Craneways; Steel structures,Principles for calculation, designand construction, ExplanationsDIN 4132-1981 起重机走道.钢结构.计算、设计与制造原则Craneways; Steel structures;Principles for calculation, designand constructionDIN 4212-1986 加筋混凝土和预应力混凝土起重机轨道.设计和施工Reinforced concrete and prestressedconcrete craneways; design andconstructionDIN45635-61-1990 机器噪音测量.气载噪声测量.包面法.起重机Measurement of airborne noiseemitted by machines; envelopingsurface method; cranesDIN 536-1-1991 起重机轨道.A型、尺寸、截面特点、带底脚缘的起重机轨道用钢的品种Craine rails; dimensions, sectionalproperties, steel grades for cranerails with foot flange, form ADIN 536-2-1974 F 型(扁形)起重机轨道.第2部分:尺寸、静态值、钢品级Crane Rails, Type F (Flat);Dimensions, Static Values, SteelGradesDIN CEN/TS13001-3-1 Berichtigung 1-2006 起重机.一般设计.第3-1部分:钢结构性能的极限状态和合格检验Cranes - General design - Part 3-1:Limit states and proof of competenceof steel structures; German versionCEN/TS 13001-3-1:2004, Corrigendato DIN CEN/TS 13001-3-1:2005-03;German version CEN/TS13001-3-1:2004/AC:2006DIN CEN/TS 13001-3-1-2005 起重机.一般设计.第3-1部分:钢结构性能的极限状态和检验Cranes - General design - Part 3-1:Limit states and proof of competenceof steel structures; German versionCEN/TS 13001-3-1:2004DIN CEN/TS13001-3-2 Berichtigung 1-2006 起重机.一般设计.第3-2部分:滑轮组中钢索性能的极限状态和检验Cranes - General design - Part 3-2:Limit states and proof of competenceof wire ropes in reeving systems;German version CEN/TS13001-3-2:2004, Corrigenda to DINCEN/TS 13001-3-2:2005-03; Germanversion EN 13001-3-2:2004/AC:2006DIN CEN/TS 13001-3-2-2005 起重机.一般设计.第3-2部分:滑轮组中钢索性能的极限状态和检验Cranes - General design - Part 3-2:Limit states and proof of competenceof wire ropes in reeving systems;German version CEN/TS13001-3-2:2004DIN EN12077-2-2000 起重机安全.健康和安全要求.第2部分:限制和指示装置Cranes safety - Requirements forhealth and safety - Part 2: Limitingand indicating devices; Germanversion EN 12077-2:1998DIN EN 1255-1995 内河航运船只.旋臂起重机Inland navigation vessels - Swing derricks; German version EN 1255:1995DIN EN12644-1-2001 起重机.使用和试验资料.第1部分:说明书Cranes - Information for use andtesting - Part 1: Instructions;German version EN 12644-1:2001DIN EN12644-2-2000 起重机.使用和试验信息.第2部分:标记Cranes - Informations for use andtesting - Part 2: Marking; Germanversion EN 12644-2:2000DIN EN 12999-2003 起重机.装载起重机Cranes - Loader cranes; German version EN 12999:2002DIN EN12999/A1-2004 起重机.负载起重机Cranes - Loader cranes; Germanversion EN 12999:2002/A1:2004DIN EN12999/A2-2007 起重机.装载起重机Cranes - Loader cranes; Germanversion EN 12999:2002/A2:2006DIN EN 13000-2004 起重机.移动式起重机Cranes - Mobile cranes; German version EN 13000:2004DIN EN 13001-1 Berichtigung 1-2006 起重机.一般设计.第1部分:一般原则和要求Cranes - General design - Part 1:General principles andrequirements; German version EN13001-1:2004, Corrigenda to DIN EN13001-1:2005-04; German version EN13001-1:2004/AC:2006DIN EN13001-1-2005 起重机.一般设计.第1部分:总则和要求Cranes - General design - Part 1:General principles andrequirements; German version EN13001-1:2004DIN EN13001-2-2007 起重机.一般设计.第2部分:负载作用Cranes - General design - Part 2:Load actions; German version EN13001-2:2004+AC:2006+A1:2006DIN EN13135-1-2004 起重机.安全.设计.设备要求.第1部分:电工设备Cranes - Safety - Design -Requirements for equipment - Part 1:Electrotechnical equipment; Germanversion EN 13135-1:2003DIN EN 13135-2 Berichtigung 1-2006 起重机.设备.第2部分:非电气化学设备Cranes - Equipment - Part 2:Non-elektrotechnical equipment;German version EN 13135-2:2004,Corrigenda to DIN EN13135-2:2005-02; German version EN13135-2:2004/AC:2005。
美国CH 53 海上种马直升机CH-53是美国西科斯基公司研制的军民两用双发重型运输直升机(用于民用时为S系列),也用于反潜和救援,别名"海上种马"。
本届bauma China展会中高空作业设备林立,各企业仿佛要借此契机预演一番即将到来的“暴雨”。
1.运输效率更高更省油更安全德国曼恩MAN EfficientLine高效版牵引车中国上市
2.更高更快更省——超高密度刀片服务器HP ProLiant BL2x220c G5
卸 船 作 业
卸 船 前 检 验 。运 输 船 到 达 工 作 现 场 之 后 , 承 包 商 的 焊
锕 塔 放 发运 任现 场 安 装 I ,设 计 r一 个 班 场 安 装 专 j u题 } 丰
图 4 箱 梁 海 运 横 剖 面 图
图 5 钢 塔 现 场 安 装 翻 身 滑 道 装 置
海 上运 动分 析与计 算
完 整 稳 件 及 总 纵 强 度 计 算 。 为 确 保 船 舶 安 全 及 船 舶 装 载 行 性 ,需 佼 核 船 舶 完 整 稳 性 及 总 纵 强 度 ,经 计 算 均 满 叮 足规 范要 求 。
( )美 国钢 结 构 手册 ; 3 ( ) MO 船舶 完 整 稳性 规 则 ; 4 I
( )海 洋 环 境 参 数 以 权 威 的 3 5 O年 统 计 数 据 的极 大值 为
设 计依 据 。
便 ,经 济 效 益显 著
l 、钢 箱 梁 海运 方 案 钢 箱 梁最 大 外 尺 寸 为 55 2 .m 7 m 单 重 约 1 0 . m ̄ 7  ̄ 0 , 5 6 0吨 , 在 海运 时 ,船 舶 在 海 浪 作 用 下 将 会产 生 横 摇 ,纵 摇 及 升 沉
栓 的 松 弛 、焊 缝 裂 纹 或 其 它 损 伤 QCM : 成 每 一 节 段 的 完 检 验 之 后 ,在 吊装 之 前 提 交 书 丽报 告
卸 船 。 在 用 户提 交 检 验 书 面报 告 ,确 定 钢 结 构 完 好
后 ,实施 卸船 作 业 ,采 用 10 t 吊卸 昭 70 浮
区海 浪 谱 数 据 作 为 海 上运 动 汁算 设 计 依 据 一 海 运 功 汁 算 根 据 航 } 境 数 据 以 及 基 于 美 国 彳环
Sea waybill Seal (班轮提单)货方 Merchant (船舶)总长 Length overall (overall length ,简称LOA) (港口)基础设施 Infrastructure (of a port) (伦敦保险人)协会保证航行范围 Institute Warranty Limits (IWL) 按体积计费的货物 Measurement rated cargo 班轮 Liner ( liner ship) 班轮条件 Liner terms 绑扎物 Lashings 包装不足 Insufficient packing 驳船 Lighter 不保持浮泊但安全搁浅 Not always afloat but safe aground 不可调配使用的装卸时间 Non-reversible laytime 不可流通的提单 Non-negotiable bill of lading 不另列举 Not otherwise enumerated (N.O.E.) 舱单 Manifest 长吨 Long ton 超长附加费 Long length additional 承租人有增减选择权 More or less in charterer's option (MOLCHOP) 处女航 Maiden voyage 船东有增减选择权 More or less in owner's option (MOLOO) 错误陈述 Misdescription 错误交货 Misdelivery 大副收据 Mate's receipt 担保书(函) Letter of indemnity 吊上吊下 Lift-on lift-off (LO-LO) 多层甲板船 Multideck ship 多用途场站 Multi-purpose terminal 多用途船 Multi-purpose cargo ship 非公会成员的航运公司 Non-conference line (Independent line ,Outsider) 搁置不用 Lay up 公吨 Metric ton 固有缺陷 Inherent vice 管辖权条款 Jurisdiction (Litigation)clause 国际船级社协会 International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) 国际运输工人联合会 International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) 海事优先权 Maritime lien 海运单 Ocean (Liner, Sea) waybill 航段 Leg (of a voyage) 航海健康申明书 Maritime declaration of health 航海日程表 Itinerary 航海日志摘录 Log abstract 航速(节) Knot 航运公司 Line (shipping line) 候载停泊区 Lay-by berth 还船通知书 Notice of redelivery 混杂货 Mixed cargo 货方拖运 Merchant haulage 计量规则 Measurement rules 节省的装卸时间 Laytime saved 进港的 Inward 进港货物 Inward cargo 经度 Longitude 净重 Net weight 劳埃德船级社 Lloyd's Register of Shipping 联合服务 Joint service 联合检验 Joint survey 留置权 Lien 陆桥 Landbridge 唛头 Marks and numbers 满载吃水 Laden draught 满载的 Laden 母船 Mother ship纽约土产交易所制定的定期程租船合同格式New York Produce Exchange charter-party (NYPE) 抛货 Jettison 赔偿 Indemnity 平均吃水 Mean draught 起运量 Inducement 起运量货物 Inducement cargo 日本船级社 Nippon kaiji kyokai (NKK) 商船 Merchant marine 缩短销约期 Narrow the laycan 体积货物 Measurement cargo 停租 Off hire 通货膨胀膨胀调整系数 Inflation adjustment factor ( IAF) 通知方 Notify party 纬度 Latitude 未交货 Non-delivery 无船承运人 Non-vessel owning(operating) common carrier (NVOCC) 无效果无报酬 No cure no pay 销约期 Laydays canceling (Laycan或L/C) 卸货、仓储和送货费 Landing,storage and delivery 卸桥费 Landing charges 新船 Newbuilding 新杰森条款 New Jason clause 移动式起重机 Mobile crane 用绳绑扎 Lash 油轮 Oil tanker 运费不包括卸货费 Liner in free out (LIFO) 载重线 Loadline (load line) 责任限制 Limitation of liability 增减 More or less (mol.) 整笔运费租赁 Lump sum charter 指定船舶 To be nominated (TBN) 指定船舶进行航行 Nominate a ship 重型吊杆 Jumbo derrick 主甲板 Main deck 主要港口 Main port 装货口 Loading hatch 装卸货时间 Laydays (laytime) 装卸时间记录 Laytime statement 装运重量 Intaken weight 作海事声明 Note protest ( 租船合同)附件 Addendum (to a charter party) (班轮公司间分摊货物或运费)分摊制 Pooling (班轮提单)货方 Merchant (车船)直卸 Direct discharge (船舶)总长 Length overall (overall length ,简称LOA) (吊杆)滑车组 Purchase (港口)基础设施 Infrastructure (of a port) (货物)查询单 Tracer (伦敦保险人)协会保证航行范围 Institute Warranty Limits (IWL) (设备)故障时间 Downtime (提单术语)内货据称 Said to contain (s.t.c.) (跳板)舱口盖 Ramp/hatch cover (租船合同)前言 Preamble 24小时工作日 Working day of 24 hours 安全泊位 Safe berth (s.b) 安全港口 Safe port (S.P) 安全搁浅 Safe aground 安全工作负荷 Safe working load 岸上设备(岸吊) Shore gear 按体积计费的货物 Measurement rated cargo 巴拿马型船 Panamax 罢工条款 Strike clause 罢工阻碍 Strike-bound 班轮 Liner ( liner ship) 班轮条件 Liner terms 班轮运输 Liner transport 半集装箱船 Semi-container Ship 半脱车 Semi-trailer 包运合同 Contract of Affreightment (COA) 包装不足 Insufficient packing 保护性条款 Protective clauses 保税货 Entrepot 报告点 Reporting point ( calling-in-point) 报价 Quote 备运(收妥待运)提单 Received for shipment B/L 泵工 Pumpman 比重 Specific gravity(s.g.) 避难港 Port of refuge 便携式卸货机 Portable unloader 变更卸货港附加费 Additional for Alteration of Destination 驳船 Barge 驳船 Lighter 不保持浮泊但安全搁浅 Not always afloat but safe aground 不定期(租船)运输 Tramp transport 不记名提单 Bearer B/L 不可调配使用的装卸时间 Non-reversible laytime 不可抗力 Force majeure 不可流通的提单 Non-negotiable bill of lading 不另列举 Not otherwise enumerated (N.O.E.) 不清洁提单 Unclean ( Foul, Dirty) B/L 不适航 Unseaworthiness 不适箱货 Uncontainerable (uncontainerisable) cargo 舱单 Manifest 舱底货 Bottom stow cargo 舱盖 Hatch (hatch cover) 舱口 Hatchway 槽车 Tank car 侧开式集装箱 Open side container 侧开式集装箱 Produce carrier 侧门集装箱 Side door container 侧向装卸拖车 Side-loading trailer 层数限制 Tier limit (limitation) 铲车 Fork-lift truck 铲车 Fork-lift truck 铲车臂 Boom of a fork-lift truck 长吨 Long ton 长销约期 Wide laycan 常数 Constants 场站操作费 Terminal handling charge 场站收据 Dock receipt 场站拖车 Terminal chassis 敞舱口散货船 Open hatch bulk carrier 超标(货物) Out of gauge 超长附加费 Long length additional 超大型油轮 Ultra large crude carrier (ULCC) 超宽型船 Capsize vessel 超载 Overload 超重附加费 Heavy lift additional (surcharge) 超重附加费 Over weight surcharge 超重货物 Heavy lift 超重货物 Overheight cargo 撑货 Tomming (down) 成组化 Unitisation 成组运输 Unit load 承运人责任条款 Identity of carrier clause 承租人有增减选择权 More or less in charterer’s option (MOLCHOP) 吃水;水深 Draft (draught) 吃水限制 Draft limitation 出港货 Outward cargo 除外期间 Excepted period 处女航 Maiden voyage 触底 Grounding 传送带 Conveyor belt 船舶,船方 Vessel 船舶抵押贷款 Bottomry loan 船舶共用协议 Vessel sharing agreement (V.S.A.) 船舶经纪人 Shipbroker 船舶适航 Seaworthiness 船舶周转时间 Turn round (around , or turnaround) time 船舶准备就绪通知书 Notice of Readiness (NOR) 船舱 Hold 船长 Captain船东保赔协会Protection and indemnity club(association)(P.&I.Club,Pandi club) 船东代理人 Owner’s agents 船东利益保护人 Protecting (protective, supervisory) agent 船东有增减选择权 More or less in owner’s option (MOLOO) 船方不负责卸费 Free Out (FO) 船方不负责装费 Free In (FI)船方不负责装卸、理舱和平舱费 Free In and Out,Stowed and Trimmed (FIOST) 船方不负责装卸费 Free In and Out (FIO) 船货抵押贷款 Respondentia loan 船级公告 Classification register 船级检验 Classification survey 船级社 Classification society 船级证书 Classification certificate 船籍港 Home port 船宽 Beam 船期表 Sailing schedule (card) 船上起重设备 Ship’s gear 船上所有 Remaining on board (R.O.B.) 船身下沉 Squat 船艏,装期供货 Stem 船体 Bottom 船尾 Stern 船尾跳板 Quarter ramp 船坞 Dock 船舷 Ship’s rail 船用索具 Ship’s tackle 船员不轨 Barratry 从价运费 Ad valorem freight 促销费率 Promotional rate 错误陈述 Misdescription 错误交货 Misdelivery 大副收据 Mate’s receipt 代位追偿权 Subrogation 待定条款 Subject free (open) 单边槽货盘 One-way pallet 单舱船 Single hatch ship 单层甲板船 Single deck ship (s.d.) 单航次租船合同 Single trip C/P 单位(赔偿)责任限制 Package limitation 单重 Piece weight 担保书(函) Letter of indemnity 淡水载重线 Fresh water load line 倒签提单 Anti-dated B/L 德国船级社 Germanischer Lloyd (G.L.) 登记,报到 Register 登记,报到 Registration 登记吨位 Register (registered) tonnage 等泊时间 Turn time 地理顺序 Geographical rotation 地区差价 Area differential 垫舱和隔舱物料 Dunnage and separations 垫底货 Base cargo (1) 垫木 Skid 吊杆 Derrick 吊钩 Hook 吊货盘 Skip 吊货索(链)环,吊起 Sling 吊上吊下 Lift-on lift-off (LO-LO) 调配集装箱 Reposition containers 调整船舶吃水 Trim a ship 订约后期工作 Post fixture 定期租船合同 Time Charter Party 渡轮 Ferry 短少 Shortage 短少货物查询单 Cargo tracer 短卸货物 Shortlanded cargo 短装 Short shipment 短装 Shut out (to) 堆顶货 Top stow cargo 堆码 Overstow 吨位过剩 Overtonnaging 多层甲板船 Multideck ship 多式联运提单 Multi-modal (Inter-modal, combined) transport B/L 多用途场站 Multi-purpose terminal 多用途船 Multi-purpose cargo ship 多用途集装箱 General purpose container 恶劣天气 Heavy weather 二层甲板 Tween deck 二船东 Disponent owner 二级水手 Efficient deck hand (E.D.H.) 二十尺集装箱换算单位 Twenty equivalent unit (TEU) 发货人 Consignor 方便旗船 Flag of convenience (FOC) 放货 Release cargo 非公会成员的航运公司 Non-conference line (Independent line ,Outsider) 废料场 Scrap terminal 费率 Rate 费率表 Tariff 分隔压载水舱 Segregated ballast tank 分摊价值 Contributory value 封航 Closure of navigation 封条 Strip seal 服务合同 Service contract 浮标 Buoy 浮吊 Floating crane 浮坞 Floating dock 辅助船 Support ship 付单提货 Accomplish a Bill of Lading (to) 干 Freeboard 干船坞 Dry dock 干货 Dry cargo 干货集装箱 Dry cargo(freight) container 港口,船的左舷 Port 港口附加费 Port Surcharge 港口惯例 Custom of the port (COP) 港口开支 Disbursements 港口拥挤附加费 Port Congestion Surcharge 港外锚地 Roads (roadstead) 港务费 Harbour dues 搁浅 Run aground 搁浅 Stranding 搁置不用 Lay up 格林威治时间 Greenwich Mean Time (G.M.T.) 隔票 Separation 工最低运费 Minimum Freight 工班 Shift 工作日 Working day 公吨 Metric ton 公共承运人 Common carrier 共同海损 General average 共同海损分摊 General average contribution 共同海损牺牲 General average sacrifice 共同海损行为 General average act 构件尺寸 Scantlings 固定 Secure (to) 固定垫舱物 Permanent dunnage 固有缺陷 Inherent vice 管辖权条款 Jurisdiction (Litigation)clause 惯常协助 Customary assistance 光船租船合同 Bareboat (demise) Charter Party 轨道式起重机 Transporter crane 滚动舱单 Rolling hatch cover 滚上滚下 Roll-on roll –off (Ro-ro) 滚装船 Roll-on roll-off ship 滚装货物 Rolling cargo 国际船级社协会 International Association of Classification Societies (IACS)国际海上危险品货物规则(国际危规)International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG) 国际海事组织 International Maritime Organization (IMO) 国际运输工人联合会 International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) 过境货物 Transit cargo 过期提单 Stale B/L 海港 Harbour 海事声明 Protest 海事优先权 Maritime lien 海损担保书 Average guarantee 海损分摊担保书 Average bond 海损理算 Adjustment 海损理算师 Average adjuster 海牙规则 Hague Rules 海牙维斯比规则 Hague-Visby Rules 海运单 Ocean (Liner, Sea) waybill 汉堡规则 Hamburg Rules 航次报表 Voyage account 航次期租合同 Voyage Charter Party on Time Basis 航次租船 Voyage (trip) charter 航次租船合同 Voyage charter party 航道 Fairway 航段 Leg (of a voyage) 航海健康申明书 Maritime declaration of health 航海日程表 Itinerary 航海日志摘录 Log abstract 航速(节) Knot 航行,离港 Sail 航行范围 Trading limits 航行日志 Log book 航运,船舶,装运 Shipping 航运公司 Line (shipping line) 航运公司 Shipping line 何时何处还船 When where ready on completion of discharge (w.w. r c.d.) 横撐(集装箱吊具) Spreader 后甲板 Quarter-deck 候载停泊区 Lay-by berth 互有过失碰撞条款 Both to blame collision clause 滑动舱盖 Sliding hatch cover 滑轮 Sheave 还船 Redelivery (redly) 还船通知书 Notice of redelivery 还船证书 Redelivery certificate 换船 Substitution 回程货 Back (return) load 回程货 Return cargo 回程装载 Return load 回扣佣金 Address commission (Addcomm) 混杂货 Mixed cargo 活动甲板 Removable deck 货币贬值附加费 Currency Adjustment Factor (CAF) 货舱包装容积 Bale or bale capacity 货舱运输 Under deck shipment 货撑 Shore 货船 Freighter 货方拖运 Merchant haulage 货钩 Cargo hook 货价表 Valuation scale 货价单 Valuation form 货井,井区 Well 货盘 Tray 货物积载计划 Stowage Plan 货物配载主管 Cargo superintendent 货物污染 Contamination (of cargo ) 货箱 Cargo tank 货运单 Waybill 货运中转 On-carriage 货载份额 Cargo sharing 积载因素(系数) Stowage Factor 即使使用 Even if used (E.I.U.) 集装箱(角件) Corner casting (fitting) 集装箱(角柱) Corner post 集装箱/滚装两用船 Con-ro ship 集装箱驳船 Container barge 集装箱船 Containership 集装箱堆场 Container yard (CY) 集装箱化 Containerization 集装箱货运站 Container Freight Station ( CFS) 集装箱两用船 Conventional Container Ship 集装箱设备交接单 Equipment Interchange Receipt ( EIR) 集装箱拖车 Chassis 集装箱装箱单 Container Load Plan 集装箱租赁 Container leasing 计量规则 Measurement rules 计重货物 Weight rated cargo 记名提单 Named B/L 加班时间 Overtime (O/T) 加固舱 Strengthened hold 甲板货 Deck cargo 甲板货提单 On Deck B/L 简式提单 Short Form B/L 交货(交船) Delivery of cargo (a ship) 交提单 Release a bill of lading 接运承运人 On-carrier 节省的全部时间 All time saved (a.t.s) 节省的装卸时间 Laytime saved 节省的装卸时间 Working time saved (w.t.s.) 截至日 Closing date 解揽 Unmoor 金康航次租船合同 Gencon 近海 Short sea 进港的 Inward 进港的 Outward 进港货 Inward cargo 进港货物 Inward cargo 进口报关 Import entry 进口报关 Import entry 经度 Longitude 经纪人佣金 Brokerage 经营船舶 Operate a ship 精练油 Clean (petroleum ) products 精炼油 White (clean, clean petroleum) products 净载重吨 Dead Weight Cargo Tonnage (DWCT) 净重 Net weight 救助 Salve 救助费 Salvage charges 救助人 Salvor 救助协议 Salvage agreement 开顶集装箱 Open top container 可调配的装卸时间 Reversible laytime 可工作舱口 Workable (working) hatch 空白备书 Blank Endorsement 空载行驶 Ballast (to) 扣押船舶 Arrest a ship 矿石/散货/油轮 Ore/bulk/oil carrier 亏舱 Broken stowage 亏舱费 Deadfreight 捆(包装单位) Bundle (Bd) 揽货员 Freight canvasser 缆工 Boatman 劳埃德船级社 Lloyd’s Register of Shipping 冷藏船 Refrigerated (reefer) ship 冷藏集装箱 Refrigerated (reefer)container 理货 Tally 理货单 Tally sheet (book) 理货员 Tally clerk 理赔人 Claims adjuster 例行手续 Idle formality 连续24小时工作日 Working day of 24 consecutive hours 连续单航次租船合同 Consecutive single trip C/P 连续航程 Consecutive voyages 连续日 Running days 联合服务 Joint service 联合检验 Joint survey 联营 Consortium 联运费率 Through rate 两边开槽托盘 Two-way pallet 磷酸船 Phosphoric acid carrier 零担 Breakbulk 零担货物 Breakbulk cargo 留置权 Lien 漏斗 Hopper 陆桥 Landbridge 履带式(轨道式)起重机 Crawler mounted crane 螺旋式卸货机 Spiral elevator 麻袋 Gunny bag 码头 Quay 码头 Wharf 码头费 Wharfage (charges) 码头工人 Docker 码头前沿 Apron 码头至码头运输 Pier to pier 唛头 Marks and numbers 满舱满载 Full and down 满舱满载货 Full and complete cargo 满载吃水 Laden draught 满载的 Laden 满载排水量 Load (Loaded)Displacement 毛重 Gross weight(GW) 锚泊费 Anchorage dues 锚地 Anchorage 每厘米吃水吨数 Tones per centimeter (TPI) 每天装卸吨数 Tones per day (TPD) 每英寸吃水吨数 Tones per inch (TPI) 每运费吨 Per freight ton (P. F. T.) 美国船级社 American Bureau of Shipping (A.B.S.) 门到门运输 Door to door 门式起重机(门吊) Gantry crane 免责条款 Exceptions clause 母船 Mother ship 内陆集装箱 Inland container depot 年度检验 Annual survey纽约土产交易所制定的定期程租船合同格式New York Produce Exchange charter-party (NYPE) 挪威船级社 Det Norske Veritas (D.N.V.) 欧式托盘 Europallet 抛货 Jettison 赔偿 Indemnity 拼箱 Consolidation (groupage) 拼箱货 Less Container Load (LCL) 平舱 Trim 平均吃水 Mean draught 平台 Platform 破冰船 Ice-breaker 期租 Time charter 起诉期 Suit time 起运货量 Base cargo (2) 起运量 Inducement 起运量货物 Inducement cargo 起重机 Crane 气垫船 Hovercraft 汽车/火车渡轮 Vehicle /train ferry 汽车集装箱 Car container 汽车运输船 Car carrier 洽订舱位 Book space 牵引车 Tractor 强制引航 Compulsory pilotage 轻排水量 Light Displacement 清洁货舱 Clean the holds (to) 清洁提单 Clean B/L 晴天工作日 Weather working day 全部装卸时间 All purposes (A.P) 全拆装 Completely knocked down (CKD) 全集装箱船 Full Container Ship 全球性服务 Round the world (service) (R.T.W.) 全式提单 Long Form B/L 燃料涨价条款 Bunker escalation clause 燃油附加费 Bunker Adjustment Factor (Surcharge) (BAS or BS) 绕航 Deviation 绕航附加费 Deviation surcharge 人字(起重)架 Shears (shear-legs) 日本船级社 Nippon kaiji kyokai (NKK) 日常营运成本 Daily running cost 散货船 Bulk carrier 散货集装箱 Bulk container 散装舱容 Grain or grain capacity 散装货 Bulk cargo 商船 Merchant marine 设备(常指集装箱) Equipment 设备使用费 Equipment handover charge 设备租用费 Transfer (equipment handover) charge 申请船舶进港(出港) Enter a ship inwards (outwards) 时效丧失 Time bar 实际排水量 Actual Displacement 始终保持浮泊 Always afloat 事实记录 Statement of facts 适航证书 Certificate of seaworthiness 适货 Cargoworthiness 收货单 Mate’s Receipt 收货期间 Receiving dates 收货人 Consignee 手钩 Hand hook 手钩 Stevedor’s (docker’s,hand) hook 首要条款 Paramount clause 双舱口船 Twin hatch vessel 私人承运人 Private carrier 斯堪人航次祖租船合同 Scancon 斯堪人航次祖租船合同提单 Scanconbill 四边开槽托盘 Four-way pallet 四十英尺集装箱换算单位 Forty foot equivalent unit (FEU) 诉讼时间延长 Extension to suit time 速遣费 Despatch or Despatch money 速遣费为滞期费的一半 Demurrage half despatch (D1/2D) 缩短销约期 Narrow the laycan 索具(滑车) Tackle 特殊设备 Special equipment 特许非会员公司 Tolerated outsider 特种商品报价 Special commodity quotation (SCQ) 提单 Bill of Lading 提单持有人 Bearer ( of a B/L) 提货单(小提单) Delivery Order (D/O) 体积货物 Measurement cargo 替代船,替换 Substitue 天气允许 Weather permitting (w.p) 天气阻挠 Weather-bound 天灾 Act of God 填充物 Void filler 跳板 Ramp 停租 Off hire 通风 Ventilation 通风集装箱 Ventilated container 通风器 Ventilator 通货膨胀膨胀调整系数 Inflation adjustment factor ( IAF) 通知方 Notify party 同种货物 Homogeneous cargo 桶抓 Barrel handler 偷窃 Pilferage 突码头 Pier 托(货)盘 Pallet 托盘车 Pallet truck 托盘化的 Palletized 托运 Consign 托运;托运的货物 Consignment 托运单(定舱委托书) Booking Note 拖车 Trailer 拖轮 Tug 驮背运输 Piggy –back 外表状况良好 In apparent good order and condition 往返航次 Round voyage 往返航次租船合同 Return trip C/P 危险品清单 Dangerous Cargo List 维修 Husbandry 纬度 Latitude 未交货 Non-delivery 稳性过大 Stiff 稳性过小 Tender 污水 Slops 污水箱 Slop tank 无船承运人 Non-vessel owning(operating) common carrier (NVOCC) 无论靠泊与否 Whether in berth or not (w.i.b.o.n.) 无论是否通过检验 Whether in free pratique or not (w.i.f.p.o.n.) 无线电报设备安全证书 Safety radio-telegraphy certificate 习惯快速装运 Customary Quick Despatch (CQD) 夏季吃水 Summer draught 夏季干舷 Summer freeboard 相似替换船 Similar sbustitue (sim.sub.) 箱位 Slot 销约期 Laydays canceling (Laycan或L/C) 小港 Outport 小型散货船 Handy-sized bulker 卸货 Outturn 卸货 Unload 卸货、仓储和送货费 Landing,storage and delivery 卸货港 Discharging port 卸货机 Elevator 卸货率 Rate of discharge (discharging) 卸集装箱 Destuff 卸集装箱 Strip (destuff) a container 卸桥费 Landing charges 新船 Newbuilding 新杰森条款 New Jason clause星期六、日与节假日包括在内 Saturdays,Sundays and holidays included (S.S.H.I.N.C)星期六、日与节假日除外 Saturdays,Sundays and holidays excepted (S.S.H.E.X.) 星期五和节假日除外 Fridays and holidays excepted (F.H.E.X .) 性能索赔 Performance claim 宣载通知书 Declaration of ship’s Deadweight Tonnage of Cargo 选港货物 Optional cargo 选卸港附加费 Additional for Optional Destination 熏蒸费 Fumigation Charge 延长诉讼时间 Extend suit time 延长租期 Extend a charter 延期损失 Damage for Detention 沿海运输 Cabotage 液体货运输船 Product (products) carrier 液体集装箱 Tank container 一包,一票货 Parcel 一级船 First class ship 移泊,移位 Shift (to) 移泊费 Shifting charges 移动式起重机 Mobile crane 已装船提单 On Board (Shipped) B/L 已装箱的,已集装箱化的 Containerised 异议 Exception 易腐货物 Perishable goods 意大利船级社 Registro Italiano Navale (R.I.) 溢卸 Excess landing 溢卸货 Overlanded cargo or overlanding 引航 Pilotage 引航费 Pilotage dues 引航员 Pilot 引航员下船时 Dropping outward pilot (D.O.P.) 拥挤 Congestion 拥挤费 Congestion surcharge 用绳绑扎 Lash 优惠费率 Open rate 优惠费率货物 Open rated cargo 油布 Tarpaulin 油舱清洗 Tank cleaning 油灌场 Tank terminal (farm) 油轮 Oil tanker 油轮 Tanker 有待协商的细节 Subject (sub.) details 右舷 Starboard (side) 预报单 Pre-entry 预订泊位 Stem a berth 预定积载 Pre-stow 预计航行时间 Estimated time of sailing (ETS) 预计离港时间 Estimated time of departure (ETD) 预计完成时间 Estimated time of completion (ETC) 预计准备就绪时间 Estimated time of readiness (ETR) 预借提单 Advanced B/L 预期 Prospects 原油 Dirty(Black) (petroleum) products ( D.P.P.) 运费报价 Freight quotation 运费不包括卸货费 Liner in free out (LIFO) 运费舱单 Freight manifest 运费到付 Freight collect (freight payable at destination) 运费吨 Freight ton (FT) 运费费率表 Freight tariff 运费率 Freight rate (rate of freight) 运费率 Rate of freight 运费预付 Freight prepaid 运河通行税 Canal transit dues 运输代理行提单 House B/L 运输代理行提单 House Bill of Lading 运输量 Carryings 运输前费用 Pre-shipment charges 杂货 General cargo (generals) 杂散货船 Handymax 载货量 Deadweight cargo (carrying)capacity 载货清单(货物舱单) Cargo Manifest 载重线 Loadline (load line) 造船厂 Shipyard 造船厂 Yard (shipyard) 责任限制 Limitation of liability 责任终止条款 Cesser clause 增减 More or less (mol.) 遮蔽甲板船 Shelter-deck 折叠式板架集装箱 Collapsible flattrack 整笔运费租赁 Lump sum charter 整船包价运费 Lump-sum freight 整箱货 Full Container Load (FCL) 整箱货 Utilization 支线船 Feeder ship 支线运输服务 Feeder service 直航附加费 Direct Additional 直航提单 Direct B/L 直接回扣 Immediate rebate 直接转船 Direct transshipment 指定船舶 To be nominated (TBN) 指定船舶进行航行 Nominate a ship 指示提单 Order B/L 滞期费 Demurrage 仲裁裁决 Arbitration award 仲裁员 Arbitrator 重量/体积 Weight or measure ( measurement) (W/M) 重量货 Deadweight (weight) cargo 重量货 Weight cargo 重型吊杆 Heavy lift derrick 重型吊杆 Jumbo derrick 重油 Heavy fuel oil (H.F.O) 主甲板 Main deck 主要港口 Main port 主租船合同 Head charter (charter party) 主租船人 Head charterer 抓斗起重机 Grabbing crane 转船 Transhipment (transshipment,trans-shipment) 转船 Transship (trans-ship) 转船提单 Transshipment B/L 转租 Recharter 转租合同 Back to back charter 转租人 Sub-charterer 装货 Rate of loading 装货单 (下货纸) Shipping Order (S/O) 装货口 Loading hatch 装货清单 Loading List 装集装箱 Stuff (to) 装期供货待定 Subject (sub.) stem 装箱单 Packing list 装卸费用 Stevedoring charges 装卸工人 Stevedore 装卸货时间 Laydays (laytime) 装卸两港 Both ends (Bends) 装卸欺瞒 Expiry of laytime 装卸时间表 Time sheet 装卸时间计算表 Laytime statement 装卸时间记录 Laytime statement 装运须知 Shipping instructions 装运重量 Intaken weight 追补报关单 Post-entry 追偿代理 Recovery agent 自备起重机的集装箱船 Self-sustaining ship 自生效 With effect from (w.e.f) 自卸船 Self-unloader 自用式租船合同 Private form 总运费率 All in rate 总载重量 Total deadweight (TDW) 租船合同(租约) Charter Party ( C/P) 租船确认书 Fixture Note 租金单 Hire statement 租期延长 Extension of a charter 租约格式 Pro forma charter-party 租约项下提单 Charter Party B/L 最大宽度 Extreme breadth 最高运费 Maximum Freight 作海事声明 Note protest(船舶、设备)闲置 Idle绑扎物 Lashings包干运费 Freight all kinds (FAK)不论是否在港内 Whether in port or not ( w.i.p.o.n.)船员名册 Crew List法国船级社 Bureau Veritas (B.V.)港序 Rotation公会 Conference回程运费 Backfreight姐妹船 Sister ship联运提单 Through B/L良好天气工作日 Weather working days (W.W.D)麻垫 Gunny matting平台式集装箱 Platform flat通用散装货船 Universal bulk carrier ( UBC)无效果无报酬 No cure no pay卸货报告 Outturn report预计到达时间 Estimated time of arrival ( ETA)载重图表 Deaiweight scale滞期费率 Rate of demurrage转租运费 Sub-freight自动平舱船 Self-trimming ship (self-trimmer)。
所有船舶常用的英文缩写Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998第一部分1 A/B Above Base Line 基准线以上2 A/C Anticorrosive Paint 防腐涂料3 A/F Antifouling Paint 防污漆4 ABS American Bureau of Shipping 美国船级社5 Abt Abt (About ) 大约,关于6 ACCOM. Accommodation 船室,居住区7 Accommodation Ladder 舷梯8 ACCU Automatic control system certified for unattended eng. Room 无人机舱自动控制系统鉴定9 AFRAMAX Average Freight Rate Assessment at the max. of Deadweight 最大负载时平均运费率评估10 Bhd After Peak Bulkhead 船尖舱舱壁11 ANSI American National Standards Institute 美国国家标准协会12 AP After Perpendicular 艉垂线13 API American Petroleum Institute 美国石油组织14 APT After Peak Tank 尾尖舱15 ARPA Automatic Rader Plotting Aids 自动雷达测图仪16 ASTM American Society of Testing Materials 美国材料实验协会17 B mld Moulded Breadth 型宽18 B/C Bulk Carrier 散货船19 Base line 基线20 Basic Design 基本设计21 Ballast Control Room 压载控制室22 BHP Brake Horse Power 制动马力23 BOG Boil-off Gas 蒸发气体24 BOM Bill of Material 材料清单25 Bkt Bracket 支架,肘板26 BHD Bulkhead 隔壁, 防水壁27 C/H Cargo Hold 货舱28 Cable Trunk 电缆管道29 CCI Class Comment Item 船级社说明项目30 CCR Cargo Control ?31C, C/L Center Line 中心线32 Center of Gravity 重心33Cert. Certificate 证书34CFR Code of Federal Regulations 联合代码35CGT Compensated Gross Tonnage 补偿总吨36 Chain Locker 锚链舱37C/Eng. Chief Engineer 轮机长38C/D Cofferdam 隔离舱,围堰39COLREG International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 国际海上避碰规则40Corr. Bhd Corrugated Bulkhead 波形舱壁41COT Crude Oil Tanker 原油油船42 COT Cargo Oil Tank 货油舱43 CPU Central Processing Unit 中央处理器44 CRI Client Request Item 船东的要求项目45 Cyl. Liner Cylinder Liner 气缸套46 D mld Moulded Depth 型深47 D/B Double Bottom 双层底48 D/B Double Bottom Water Ballast Tank 双层底水压载舱49 Td Designed Load Draft 设计满载吃水50 DGPS Differential Global Positioning System 微型全球定位系统51 D/G Diesel Generator 柴油发电器(D/G)52 DLW Design Load Water Line 设计载重水线53 DNV Det Norske Veritas 挪威船级社54 DOT Diesel Oil 柴油55 DWT Deadweight Tonnage 载重量56 E/Rm Arr't Engine Room Arr't 机舱布置图57 ECR Engine Control Room 发动机控制台58 EHP Effective Horse Power 有效马力59 Elev. Elevation 侧面图60 Fab Fabrication 加工61 FEM Finite Element Method 有限单元法62 FEU Forty-Feet Equivalent Unit 40尺集装箱63 FOC Fuel Oil Consumption 燃料消耗量64 F'cle Dk Forecastle Deck 首楼甲板65 FP Fore Perpendicular 船首垂线66 FPP Fixed Pitch Propeller 定螺距螺旋浆67FPSO Floating Production,Storage and Offloading Vessel浮式生产储油卸油船68 FPT Forepeak Tank 首尖舱69 Fr. Frame 构架70 Frame Space 肋骨间隔71 FWT Fresh Water Tank 淡水舱72 G/A General Arrangement 总体布置图73 GL Germanisher Lloyd 德国船级74 GM Metacentric Height 稳心高度75 GMDSS Global Maritime Distress and Safety System ?全球海上遇险和安全系统76 GT Gross Tonnage 总吨数77 HFO Heavy Fuel Oil 重质燃油79 I/E Inclining Experiment 倾斜试验80 IACS International Association of Classification Socities ?国际船级联合会81 ICCP Impressed Current Cathodic Protection 外加电流阴极防护82 ID IdentificationNo. 身份证号码83 IEC International Electrotechnical Commission 国际电气标准会议84 IGC International Gas Code 国际气体代码85 ILLC International Load Line Convention 国际船舶载重线协定86 ILO International Labor Organization 国际劳动机构87 IMDG International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code ?国际海上危险物规定88 IMO International Maritime Organization 国际海上机构89 INMARSATInternational Maritime Satellite system国际海上卫星系统90 INS Integrated Navigation System 综合式集成导航系统91 IOPP International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate ?国际防止原油污染证书92 ISO International Standardization Organization ?国际标准化机构93 ITU International Telecommunication Union 国际电子通信联盟94 JB Junction Box 接线盒,分线盒95 JIS Japanese Industrial Standard 日本标准工业规则96 K/L Keel Laying 铺设龙骨97 KR Korean Register of Shipping 韩国船级协会98 KS Korean Industrial Standard 韩国工业标准99 Kts Knots 节(船速)100L/C Launching 下水101LBP Length Between Perpendiculars 两柱间长102LCG Longitudinal Center of Gravity 纵方向上重心103LNG Liquified Natural Gas 液态天然气104LO Lubricating Oil 润滑油105LOA Length Over all 全长106Longl. BhdLongitudinal Bulkhead 纵舱壁107 Longitudinal Space 纵通材间隔108LPG Liquified Petroleum Gas 液化石油气109LR Lloyd's Register of Shipping 英国船级社110 Stor. TkLub. Oil Storage Tank 润滑油储存舱111M/V Motor Vessel 内燃机船112MARPOL The Prevention of Marine Pollution from Ships ?海洋防船舶污染113MDO Marine Diesel Oil 船用柴油114MEPC Maritime Environment Protection Committee ?海洋环境保护委员会115MMSI Maritime Mobile Service Identification No. ?海洋移动通信认证号116MSC Maritime Safety Committee 海事安全委员会117NK Nippon Kaiji Kyokai 日本船级社118NM Nautical Mile 海里(合公里)119NMD Norwegian Maritime Directorate 挪威海事高级别会议120NT Net Tonnage 净吨数121OBO Ore-Bulk-Oil Carrier 矿石散装油轮122OCIMF Oil Companies' International Maritime Forum ?油类公司的国际海事法庭123ODME Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment 油泄监视设备124P & ID Piping and Instrumentation Diagram管路及仪器装设系统图125P/C Product Carrier 油船,成品油船126P/N Part Number 零件编号127PCC Pure Car Carrier 纯载车船128PO Purchase Order 订购单129POR Purchase Order Request 订购单要求130 Pre-Erection 先行合拢131PSC Port State Control 港口国管理132QCV Quick Closing Valve 速闭阀133R & D Research and Development 研究开发134RINA Registro Italiano Navale 意大利船级135Rise of Floor 船底倾斜度136RO/RO Roll-On/Roll-Off) Ship 滚装船137Rolling 横倾138RS Russia Register of Shipping 俄罗斯船舶检验局139SATCOM Satellite Communication 卫星通信140SBG See Berufasgenossenshaft 德国船舶安全事项检查机关141SC Steel Casting 铸钢件142Sec. Section 剖面图143SF Stowage Factor 积载因素144SHP Shaft Horse Power 轴马力145SLWL Summer Load Water Line 夏季满载吃水线146SNAME The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers 造船与轮机工程师协会147SNMA Swedish National Maritime Administration 瑞典海事局148SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea) Convention 海上人命安全公约149Spec. Specification 详细说明书150SPM Single Point Mooring 单点泊系151S/C Steel Cutting 切割刚材152S/G Rm Steering Gear Room 舵机室154stiff. Stiffener 加强件155Stri.) Stringer 纵梁(纵向加强肋,吊绳)156SUS Stainless Steel 不锈钢157SWBM Still Water Bending Moment 静水中弯曲力矩158SWL Safe Working Load 安全工作负荷159sym. Symmetrical 对称的160T/Top Tank Top 内底板液舱顶盖161TCG Transverse Center of Gravity 横向重心162TEU (Twenty-Feet Equivalent Unit) 20英尺集装箱163TPC Tonnes per Centimeter Immersion 每厘米吃水吨数164ULCC Ultra Large Crude Oil Carrier 300K ?超大型原油运输船(300K以上)165UMS Unattended Machinery Space 无人机械区166USCG United States Coast Guard 美国海岸警卫队167VCG Vertical Center of Gravity 垂直重心168V/D Vendor Drawing 制作者图纸169V/L Vertical Ladder 直梯170VLBC Very Large Bulk Carrier 超大型散货船171VLCC Very Large Crude Oil Carrier 超大型原油运输船172VRC Valve Remote Control 远距离控制阀173W-1 One-man Watch Keeping 一人持续操作174 Bhd Watertight Bulkhead 水密舱墙175WBT Water Ballast Tank 压载水舱第二部分ABS (American Bureau of Standard)美国船级社ANG (Angle Bar)角钢BFE (Builder Furnish Equipment)建造商提供设备BG (Bulk Carrier)散货船BHD (Bulkhead)舱壁BHP (Break Horsepower)制动马力BL (Base Line)基线BM (Breadth Molded)型宽BV (Bureau Veritas)法国船级社CAD (Computer Aided Design)计算机辅助设计CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing)计算机辅助制造CB (Center of Buoyancy)浮心CCS (China Classification Society)中国船级社CF (Center of Floatation)漂心CFE (Contractor Furnish Equipment)承包商提供设备CG (Center of Gravity)重心CH (Channel)槽钢CM (Metacenter)稳心CPP (The Controllable Pitch Propeller)可调螺距桨CS (Carbon Steel)碳素钢DB (Double Bottom)双层底DK (Deck)甲板DM (Depth Molded)型深DNV (Det Norske Veritas)挪威船级社DWG (Drawing)图DWL (Design Waterline)设计水线DWT (Deadweight)载重量FAT (Factory Acceptance Test)工厂验收试验FB (Flat Bar)扁钢FEM (Finite Element Method)有限元法FPSO (Floating Production Storage Offloading) 浮(船)式生产储油卸油系统FSO (Floating Storage Offloading)浮(船)式储油卸油系统Fwd (Forward)向船艏GL (Germanischer Lloyd)德国船级社GM (Metacentric Height)初稳心高HP (Half Bulb Plate)球扁钢LBP (Length between Perpendiculars)垂线间长LCG (Longitudinal Center of Gravity)纵向重心LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas Vessel) 液化石油气船LOA (Overall Length)总长Long. (Longitudinal)纵骨LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas Vessel) 液化天然气船LR (Lloyd's Register)英国劳氏船级社MDK (Main Deck)主甲板MODU (Mobile Offshore Drilling Units)移动式近海钻井平台MS (Mild Steel)低碳钢MTO (Material Takeoff)材料估算NK (Nippon Kaiji Kyokai)日本海事协会OFE (Owner Furnished Equipment)船东提供设备OT (Oil Tight)油密PL (Plate)板RI (Register Italian)意大利船级社SB (Starboard)右舷Semi- (Semi-submersible Platform)半潜式钻井平台STLP (Suspended Tension Leg Platform)悬式张力腿平台TCG (Transverse Center of Gravity)横向重心TEU (Twenty-foot equivalent Unit)20英尺国际标准集装箱TLP (Tension Leg Platform)张力腿平台UCLL (Ultra Large Crude Carrier)超大型油船VCG (Vertical Center of Gravity)垂向重心VLCC (Very Large Crude Carrier)特大型油船WB (Web Bar)腹板WL (Waterline)水线WT (Water Tight)水密MECHANICAL & PIPING(轮机):AHU (Air Handling Unit)通风装置BHP (Break Horsepower)制动马力A/C (Air Compressor)空气压缩机A/C (Air Conditioning)空调BB (Ball Bearing)滚珠轴承BRG (Bearing)轴承CAS NUT(Castle Nut)蝶型螺帽CCR (Central Control Room)中心控制室COW (Crude Oil Washing)原油洗舱DFO (Diesel Fuel Oil)柴油DPS (Dynamic Position System)动力定位系统DT (Double-Thread)双头螺纹FS (Forged Steel)锻钢FW (Fresh Water)淡水FO (Fuel Oil)燃油GRP (Glass-reinforced Plastic)玻璃钢HVAV (Heating Ventilation and Air-condition)暖通空调系统HPU (Hydraulic Power Unit)液压工作站LSA (Life Saving Apparatus)救生器具LCC (Local Control Console)机旁控制台LO (Lube Oil)滑油MDO (Marine Diesel Oil)船用柴油OS (Operation System)操作系统PLC (Programmable Logic Controller)逻辑控制单元PMS (Power Manage System)动力管理系统ELECTRICAL(电气):AC (Alternative Current)交流电AVR (Automatic Voltage Regulation)自动电压调整计CCTV (Closed Circuit Television)闭路电视CMS (Cargo Monitoring System)货物监控系统DC (Direct Current)直流电DFT (Dry Film Thickness)干膜DG (Diesel Generator)柴油发电机DVD (Digital Video Disc) 数字化视频光盘EMSP (Emergency Shutter Panel)应急关断板ESS (Emergence Shutdown System)应急关闭系统GPS (Global Position System)全球定位系统HG (Harbor Generator)停泊发电机HT (High Temperature)高温JB (Junction Box)接线盒LED (Light Emitting Diode)发光二极管LT (Low Temperature)低温MCU (Main Control Unit)主控器箱MG (Main Generator)主发电机MUR (Manual Voltage Regulation)手动调压器NEMA (National Electrical Manufacturers Association) 国际电气制造业协会PA (Public Address System)公共寻呼系统PWM (Pulse Width Modulation)脉宽调制ST (Starter)启动器SWBD (Switch Board)配电盘,配电板UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply)不间断电源VCR (Video Cassette Recorder)录像机PAINTING(涂装):ARD (Alkyd Resin Deck)醇酸树脂甲板漆ARF (Alkyd Resin Finish)醇酸树脂面漆ARP (Alkyd Resin Primer)醇酸树脂底漆A/C (Anti-corrosive Paint)防腐漆CAF (Compressed Asbestos Fiber)压缩石棉填料EDP (Epoxy Deck Paint)环氧甲板漆EFP (Epoxy Finish Paint)环氧面漆EPP (Epoxy Primer Paint)环氧底漆ETPF (Epoxy Tank Paint Finish)环氧舱室面漆ETPP (Epoxy Tank Paint Primer)环氧舱室底漆ETP (Epoxy Topside Paint)环氧干舷漆ERL (Erosion Resistant Lacquer)防腐漆ECP (Etching Primer) 磷化底漆EPR (Ethylene-Propylene Rubber)乙丙橡胶F/C (Finish Coating)面漆IZP (Inorganic Zinc Primer)无机锌底漆IZSP (Inorganic Zinc Shop Primer)无机锌车间底漆UTP (Polyurethane Topside Primer)聚氨脂干舷漆TE (Tar Epoxy Paint)环氧焦油漆VTP (Vinyl Tar Primer)聚乙烯焦油底漆ZRP (Zinc Rich Primer)富锌底漆WELDING and Material(焊接与材料)ASTM (American Society for Testing Materials)美国材料实验协会AWS (American Welding Society)美国焊接协会FCAW (Flux Cored Arc Welding)药芯焊丝电弧焊FRP (Fiberglass Reinforced Polyester)玻璃钢GMAW (Gas Metal Arc Welding)气体保护金属极电弧焊GRP (Glass Reinforced Polyester)玻璃钢GTAW (Gas Tungsten Arc Welding)气体保护钨极电弧焊GW (Gravity Welding)重力焊MPI (Magnetic Particle Inspection) 磁粒检验NDE (Nondestructive Evaluation)无损鉴定NDT (Nondestructive Testing)非破坏性检验PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride)聚氯乙烯S/W (Spot Weld) 点焊SAW (Submerge Arc Welding)埋弧焊SMAW (Shielded Metal Arc Welding)手弧焊UT (Ultrasonic Test)超声波检验WPS (Welding Procedure Sheet)焊接程序表WQT (Welding Qualification Test)焊工资格检验OTHERS(其它):AE (Assistant Engineer)助理工程师ANSI (American National Standards Institute)美国国家标准局API (American Petroleum Institute)美国石油协会ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)美国机械工程师协会Bbls (Barrels) 桶(美制容量单位 1桶 = 159升),. (Chief Engineer) 总工程师CEO (Chief Executive Officer)首席执行总裁CIS (Chinese Industrial Standard)中国工业标准CNOOC (China National Offshore Oil Company)中国海洋石油总公司Co Ltd.(Company Limited)(股份)有限公司. (Cubic Feet) 立方英尺. (Cubic Inch) 立方英寸GB (Guo Biao)国标GM (General Manage)总经理. (Headquarters) 总部HSE (Health, Safety & Environment)健康,安全和环保ID (Inner Dimension)内径IEC (International Electro technical Commission)国际电工协会IMO (Intergovernmental Marine Organization)国际海事组织ISO (International Standardization Organization)国际标准化协会ITU (International Telecommunication Union)国际电信联盟Ksi (kilopounds per square inch)千磅/平方英寸N/A (None Applicable)不适用NACE (National Association of Corrosion Engineer)全国防蚀工程师协会NFPA (National Fire Protection Association)国家防火协会OD (outer Dimension)外径QA (Quality Assurance)质量保证QC (Quality Control)质量管理(检查)ST (Short Ton)短吨SOLAS (International Convention of the Safety of Life at Sea)国际海上人命安全公约Spec. (specification)说明书,规格书. (Square Feet) 平方英尺. (Square Inch) 平方英寸PROPER NOUN(专有名词):Basic Design(基础设计): Preparation of specification and plans/drawings outlining the design and in sufficient detail to gain Class approval.总括性的设计规格书和图纸等,其详细程度仅足可以通过船级社认可其设计思想。
到一 定提 高 。
参 考文献 :
[ ] 丁树模 , 1 姚如一. 液压传动[ . M] 北京 : 机械工业 出版社 ,9 7 19 .
[ ] 郑文纬 , 2 吴克坚. 机械原理[ ] 北京 : M . 高等教 育出版社 , 9 . 1 7 9
2 5 床 身装 夹方 式 的影响 .
采用 刮研 方 法 , 但 使 机 床 能 达 到很 高 的精 度 , 且 不 而
刮研 易 含油 , 有利 于 导轨 面 的润滑 。
床 身 以底 面 为基准 垫 垫铁找 正 、 装夹 。保 证 各垫
铁 平整 、 高 , 等 垫铁 间 隔 为 50~60 0 0 mm。用 手 试 推 每 块垫 铁 , 其是 否移 动 , 移动 调 整至不 动 为止 , 看 若 每
特点 : 驾驶舱 前 移 , 项设计 使得 操作 手 的视 野提 高 了 3 % 的 可见 范 围。其 增 强 的座 椅 和 座椅 悬 浮结 构 可根 该 0 据 个人 的偏 好 设置 。 驾驶舱 内部 空调 通 风 系统性 能增 大 3 % 。和 所有 的新 一代 滑移 转 向装载 机 一样 ,6 O在 5 S5
[ ] 史习敏 , 3 黎永 明. 密机 构设计 [ . 精 M] 上海 : 海科 学技术 出版 上
社 ,9 7 18 .
为保 证 供 油压 力 的稳 定 , 增 加保 压 系 统 ; 从 可 把
关 国山猫公 司最近推 出 了其 旗 下最新 的 ¥5 60滑移 转 向装 载机 。该 机 型 以 滑移 转 向设 计 及 小巧 的 车 身在 同类产 品 中脱 颖 而 出, 是 目前世 界上 最大 的滑移 装载 机 。 这 s5 60滑移 转 向装 载机 为垂 直举 升设 计 , 作 重 量 达 37 k , 定栽 荷 为 12 k , 翻 载 荷 24 k 。产 品 操 77 g 额 20 g 倾 40 g
字体大小:大- 中- 小nbfirst发表于07-08-29 18:33 阅读(555) 评论(0)分类:自有人类文明以来,物料搬运便成了要类活动的重要组成部分,距今已有五千多年的发展历史。
¥5 6 0滑移转 向装载机为垂 直举 升设计 ,操作重量达 37 7k ,额定载荷为 I 2 g 7 g 0k ,倾 翻载荷 2 4 g 2 0k 。该产 品的 4 特点有 :驾驶舱前移 ,该设计使得操作手 的视野可 见范 围提 高 了 3 % ;其增 强的座椅 和座椅悬 浮结构可根 据个人特 0 点进行设置 ;驾驶舱的内部空调通风 系统性能增大 3 % ;与所有 的新一代滑 移转 向装载 机一样 ,¥5 5 6 0在 发动机功率 和液压 系统上都有所提升 ,从 而整体提高 了生产率 。同时 ,其优化 的附件性能也缩短 了作业时间。
表 1 车 型 与 额 定 起 重 量 载 荷 中心/ mm 车 型
CP _ CD 0 7 CP D O C 8
47 00 CP CD9 0 CPCD l o0 2o oO 22 oo
造成 的局 部 应 力 集 中 ,能 够 使 滑 架 移 动 而 不 会 产
成 ,自动化程 度相对 不高。未来设计 开发 目标 : 通过 液压 控 制 实 现 属 具 的扭 转 和 夹 紧 碎 ) 和对 产 品的 经 济性 的 玻
4需 注 的 题 要 意 问
由于该 属 具 较 长 ,加 大 了载 荷 中心 距 和转 弯 半径 ,从 而 影 响 整 车 的稳 定 性 和 通 过 性 。该 车 多 用 于码 头 、集 装 箱 货 运 站 等 宽 阔 场 所 ,对 通 过 性 能影 响不 大 。但 载荷 中心距 的加 长 , 载货 时必须 使
6 一 6
《 起重运输机械》 2 1 ( ) 00 5
生额 外 的 阻滞 。装 配后 整 机 外 形 美 观 大 方 ,且 具 有很 高 的经济性 能 。 由于采 用 纵 深 方 向 夹 紧 玻 璃 箱 ,司 机 驾 驶 时 不像 标准 叉 车 需 倒 车 行 驶 ,对 司机 直 视 视 野 影 响 不 大 。前 、后 滑 架 问 可 以 通 过 旋 转 连 接 丝 杠 调 节 间距 ,调节 范 围 1 5 0~24 0mm,可满 足 不 同尺 4 5
关键词:世界最大汽车滚装船无动力出坞靠泊思考1.引言“赫格·启动”轮是厦船重工为欧洲船东建造的六艘8500卡汽车滚装船(PUR CAR CARRIER)中的第二艘,是目前世界上最大的汽车滚装船,装车量可以达到8500PCTC,代表着大型汽车滚装船设计与建造的最高水平。
2.概况2 . 1船身规格“赫格·启动”轮总吨75800吨,净吨31170吨,载重吨20500吨,主尺度为总长199.90米,垂线间长193.00米,型宽36.50米,型深38.49米,设计吃水9.35米。
2 . 2船坞规格厦船重工滚装船船坞主尺度为:坞长350米,坞宽52米,坞深13.1米,坞底-7.6米。
PM2110C-56-1140型梭车第一节概述PM2110C-56-1140型梭车,它来往于连续采煤机和给料破碎机之间,由美国飞利普斯公司生产制造,主要技术参数如下:机器高度: 1461mm机器对地高度: 343mm运输机宽度: 1422mm最小外转弯半径:7036mm最小内转弯半径:2743mm梭车自重: 22.7吨载重: 22吨(煤)空载运行速度: 8.2Km/h重载运行速度: 7.2Km/h运输机卸料时间: 30-45 S对地比压: 827Kpa爬坡能力: 16度轮胎尺寸: 14.00⨯24⨯28PLY刹车器形式:湿式刹车盘,弹簧制动,液压松闸。
机器输入电压: 1140V泵电机功率: 25HP(19KW)电压为1140V的交流电机。
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Hilman Roller
Hilman Rollers are low profile, high capacity moving devices that can be used to move a multitude of things. Ranging in size from small machinery to entire bridges, buildings and offshore oil rigs; Hilman Rollers have moved some of the largest objects in the world. Used as a temporary means for moving a heavy structure, repetitively in assembly line applications or as a permanent installation on board an oil-rig; Hilman Rollers are known throughout the world for their durability. All Hilman Rollers utilize the endless chain principle; which features a chain of steel rolls capable of rotating about a central load-bearing, steel plate. The result is a product that performs as a low friction, high capacity conveyor. Often referred to as Rollers, Dollies, Skates, Machinery Movers and Turtles; Hilman has become a brand name when referring to this type of equipment. All Hilman Rollers are rated in metric tons and carry a safety factor of at least 2-to-1.
Since 1953, the Hill family has maintained the highest standards of quality that has made Hilman Incorporated the world’s leading manufacturer of high capacity rollers. These days we are known for more than just our rollers. We can include drive systems, integrated hydraulics, steel fabrications and steel tracks.
This website was designed to be the ultimate resource to our many customers who own Hilman Rollers and to those who are interested in learning more about
them. You can use it to compare features of same or similar capacity rollers, to size rollers for a particular application you have in mind, to identify rollers that you may own or have in your employ; or to learn more about how and where they can be used.
Hi Leon--Please see response from Paul Bergson below regarding the structure moving systems.
Regarding SHM for large structures...I am not aware of any code or spec regarding that. I can forward you a report that Prof. Schultz developed for evaluating SHM. Here is the webaddress:
/pdf/200929.pdf(survey of methods)
We use himan rollers and the web address is /. Also, for demolition we use a different product and the link to that is
/. We use the hilman rollers for controlled and precise movements and the techimpex products is for general purpose moves.
H i Paul,
See question below from Leon (he was the Chinese visiting scholar who helped Beth out at the MAST Lab). He was wondering the name of the device used to move the structures around the lab...were those rollers? If you can give me the name and website to forward to Leon, I would appreciate it.
MAST Lab cross head 加载能力:
The MAST system is capable of applying up to 1.32 million pounds of vertical force and nearly 900,000 pounds of horizontal force. Structures up to 28.75 feet (8.7 m) in height and 20x20 feet (6.1x6.1 m) in plan can be tested at the MAST Laboratory。
1 pound=0.45kg=0.00045t ……1.32×106 (pounds)×0.00045= 594t
900,000(pounds) ×0.00045=405t