使用iFire 消防宝APP,实现智能巡更,确保消防安全巡逻质量,及时发现安全隐患。
国际标准ISO2531输水用球墨铸铁管、管件、附件及接头目录1适用范围………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2引用标准………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3定义……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4技术要求……………………………………………………………………………………………….4.1总则………………………………………………………….…………………………………..4.1.1管和管件………………………………………………………………………………….4.1.2表面质量与修复………………………………………………………………………….4.1.3接头类型与连接………………………………….……………………………………4.1.4与饮用水接触的材质要求…………………………………………………………….4.2尺寸要求…………………………………………………………………………………………..4.2.1直径……………………………………………………………………………………….4.2.2壁厚……………………………………………………………………………………….4.2.3长度………………………………………………………………………………………4.2.4管的平直度………………………………………………………………………………4.3材质性能…………………………………………………………………………………………..4.3.1抗拉强度………………………………………………………………………………….4.3.2布氏硬度………………………………………………………………………………….4.4管的外涂层及内衬………………………………………………………………………………..4.4.1外涂层……………………………………………………………………………………4.4.2内衬………………………………………………………………………………….4.5管件及附件的外涂层及内衬………………………………………………………………..4.5.1外涂层…………………………………………………………………………………..4.5.2内衬……………………………………………………………………………………..4.6标记…………………………………………………………………………………………..5密封要求…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5.1管和管件………………………………………………………………………………………….5.2柔性接头………………………………………………………………………………………….5.2.1总则……………………………………………………………………………………..5.2.2内部压力………………………………………………………………………………..5.2.3外部压力…………………………………………………………………………….6试验方法…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6.1尺寸…………………………………………………………………………………………..6.1.1外径……………………………………………………………………………………..6.1.2壁厚……………………………………………………………………………………..6.1.3长度……………………………………………………………………………………..6.2管的平直度……………………………………………………………………………………….6.3拉力试验……………………………………………………………………………………..6.3.1试样………………………………………………………………………………….6.3.2试棒………………………………………………………………………………….6.3.3设备与试验方法………………………………………………………………………6.3.4试验结果………………………………………………………………………………6.3.5试验频率………………………………………………………………………………6.4布氏硬度…………………………………………………………………………………………6.5输水用管和管件的密封试验……………………………………………………………………6.5.1总则……………………………………………….……………………………………6.5.2离心铸铁管……………………………………….……………………………………6.5.3非离心铸铁管与管件…………………………………………………………………7型式试验…………………………………………………………….……………………………………7.1内压力下接头密封………………………………………….……………………………………7.2外压力下接头密封………………………………………………………………………………8尺寸表……………………………………………………………………………………………………8.1承插直管…………………………………………………….……………………………………8.2法兰管……………………………………………………….……………………………………8.2.1离心铸造焊接法兰管……………………………………………………………………8.2.2离心铸造螺栓连接法兰管………………………………………………………………8.2.3整体铸造法兰管…………………………………………………………………………8.3承接管件…………………………………………………….……………………………………8.3.1盘承套管…………………………………………………………………………………8.3.2盘插套管………………………………………….……………………………………8.3.3承套……………………………………………….……………………………………8.3.4双承90°(1/4)弯管……………………………………………………………………8.3.5双承45°(1/8)弯管……………………………………………………………………8.3.6双承22°30′(1/16)弯管……………………………………………………………8.3.7双承11°15′(1/32)弯管……………………………………………………………8.3.8全承T型管………………………………………………………………………………8.3.9DN40~DN250双承单支盘T型管……………….……………………………………8.3.10DN300~DN700双承单支盘T型管…………………………………………………8.3.11DN800~DN2600双承单支盘T型管…………………………………………………8.3.12双承渐缩管………………………………………..……………………………………8.4盘接管件……………………………………………………………………………………………8.4.1双盘90°(1/4)弯管……………………………….……………………………………8.4.2双盘90°(1/4)地脚弯管………………………………………………………………8.4.3双盘45°(1/8)弯管……………………………………………………………………8.4.4DN40~DN250全盘T型管………………………..……………………………………8.4.5DN300~DN700全盘T型管……………………………………………………………8.4.6DN800~DN2600全盘T型管…………………….……………………………………8.4.7双盘渐缩管……………………………………………………………………………8.4.8PN10盲法兰板……………………………………………………………………………8.4.9PN16盲法兰板…………………………………………………………………………8.4.10PN25盲法兰板…………………………………………………………………………8.4.11PN40盲法兰板…………………………………………………………………………8.4.12PN10减径法兰盘………………………………………………………………………8.4.13PN16减径法兰盘………………………………………………………………………8.4.14PN25减径法兰盘………………………………………………………………………8.4.15PN40减径法兰盘………………………………………………………………………附录A(参考性)用途、土壤特性………………………………….……………………………………附录B(参考性)用途、水质特性………………………………………………………………………附录C(参考性)管的韧性和径向偏差…………………………………………………………………前言ISO(国际标准组织)是世界范围内的国家标准团体(ISO成员)的联合组织,国际标准的制定工作由ISO技术委员会执行。
4.6 LD4900E 组联中继器 ........................................................................................................................................40
2.4 JTY-GD/LD3000E 点型光电感烟火灾探测器 .................................................................................................24
2.5 JTW-ZDM-LD3300EN 点型感温火灾探测器(A2S) ...................................................................................25
4.7 LD3600E 总线短路保护器 ................................................................................................................................41
1.2 JB-QB/LD128E(Q) 火灾报警控制器(联动型) .............................................................................................5
1.3 JB-QG-LD128E(Q)II 火灾报警控制器(联动型) ...........................................................................................7 1.4 JB-QB/LD128E(M)区域火灾报警控制器...........................................................................................................9
符合《柜式气体灭火装置性能要求和试验方法》及ISO14520- 9《气体灭火系统-物理性能和系统设计》系统设计及产品标准规范的要求,本系统装置设计先进、性能可靠,极其适用于保护面积小于500m2,容积小于1600m3,管网无法安装,维护困难的保护对象的火灾防护。
技术参数产品型号/2.5-SA 2.5-SA 120/2.5-SA 150/2.6-SA公称工作压力(MPa)2.5 2.5 2.53.5喷射时间(s) ≤8≤8≤8≤8充装密度(Kg/m3 )≤1120≤1120≤1120≤1120储存容器容积(L) 70 90 120 150工作温度范围0℃~50℃0℃~50℃0℃~50℃0℃~53℃单个喷嘴的保护半径(m)≤7≤7≤7≤7.5系统灭火技术方全淹没全淹没全淹没全淹没式电启动参数24V,1A 24V,1A 24V,1A 24V,1A气启动压力(MPa) 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35手动启动30N 30N 30N 30N安全泄放装置动5.0±0.25 5.0±0.25 5.0±0.25 5.0±0.25作压(MPa)外型尺寸(mm) 550×550×1850 550×550×2000 600×600×2000 1、(先导)无管网灭火装置订货和设计时型号后面加X,(次级)无管网灭火装置订货和设计时型号后面加C。
2022-2023年公用设备工程师之专业案例(动力专业)综合提升训练试卷附答案详解单选题(共20题)1. 一煤样经试验分析得到该煤样的外在水分为3.2%,内在水分为4.5%,则煤的全水分为( )。
A.7.68%B.6.56%C.5.87%D.7.56%【答案】 D2. 锅炉引风机铬牌上的参数为转速n=960r/min,风压P=1400Pa,流量Q=20000m3/h,效率n=66%,配用电机功率为22kW。
若用此风机输送温度为20℃的清洁空气,则新条件下的风压为( )Pa。
A.2255B.2362C.2578D.2120【答案】 A3. 已知气体的质量流量为G=6.95kg/s,泄漏损失系数β漏=0.012,轮阻损失系数β咀=0.03,叶片功h叶片=45.85kj/kg,级的P漏为( )。
A.6.21kWB.6.89kWC.8.21kWD.9.55kW【答案】 D4. 有一台链条炉,额定蒸发量D=4t/h,饱和蒸汽绝对压力P=1.37MPa,给水温度tga=20℃,炉排宽度为2m。
当燃用无烟煤块时,要求锅炉热效率为76%,则这台锅炉所需炉排有效长度约为( )m。
A.2.0B.2.2C.2.5D.2.7【答案】 C5. 设氮的一次节流液化系统的操作温度为290K和71.9K。
如果将题中的液化器用作制冷机,则该系统的制冷量为( )。
A.21.0kj/kgB.22.6kj/kgC.24.1kj/kgD.28.6kj/kg【答案】 A6. 某离心空气压缩机,空气进口压力P1=101.3×103Pa,出口压力P2=155×103Pa,空气的气体常数R=287.64J/(kg.k),则压缩质量1kg空气的等温功h(等温)为( )J/kg。
A.25628B.28869C.32652D.35847【答案】 D7. 某供热小区建筑面积为35×104㎡,由分散供暖改为集中供暖。
Forced-air cooling accessory, operation and maintenance instructions/parts informationDISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITYThe information, recommendations, descriptions and safety notations in this document are based on Eaton Corporation’s (“Eaton”) experience and judgment and may not cover all contingencies. If further information is required, an Eaton sales office should be consulted. Sale of the product shown in this literature is subject to the terms and conditions outlined in appropriate Eaton selling policies or other contractual agreement between Eaton and the purchaser.THERE ARE NO UNDERSTANDINGS, AGREEMENTS, WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR MERCHANTABILITY, OTHER THAN THOSE SPECIFICALL Y SET OUT IN ANY EXISTING CONTRACT BETWEEN THE PARTIES. ANY SUCH CONTRACT STATES THE ENTIRE OBLIGATION OF EATON. THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BECOME PART OF OR MODIFY ANY CONTRACT BETWEEN THE PARTIES. In no event will Eaton be responsible to the purchaser or user in contract, in tort (including negligence), strict liability or other-wise for any special, indirect, incidental or consequential damage or loss whatsoever, including but not limited to damage or loss of use of equipment, plant or power system, cost of capital, loss of power, additional expenses in the use of existing power facilities, or claims against the purchaser or user by its customers resulting from the use of the information, recommendations and descriptions contained herein. The information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice.iInstructIons/Parts InformatIon MN225070EN March 2017ContentsDISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I SAFETY FOR LIFE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .III SAFETY INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .III Safety instructions (iii)PRODuCT INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Acceptance and initial inspection (1)Handling and storage (1)OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 PARTS INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2ii InstructIons/Parts InformatIon MN225070EN March 2017iiiInstructIons/Parts InformatIon MN225070EN March 2017Eaton’s Cooper Power series products meet or exceed all applicable industry standards relating to product safety. We actively promote safe practices in the use and maintenance of our products through our service literature, instructional training programs, and the continuous efforts of all Eaton employees involved in product design, manufacture, marketing and service.We strongly urge that you always follow all locally approved safety procedures and safety instructions when working around high-voltage lines and equipment and support our “Safety For Life” mission.1Forced-air cooling accessory, operation and maintenance instructions/parts informationInstructIons/Parts InformatIon MN225070EN March 2017Product informationIntroductionEaton’s Cooper Power series forced-air cooling accessory, operation and maintenance instructions/parts information, provides basic information pertaining to the operation, physical layout, wiring schematic and parts for a forced-air cooling package. The forced-air cooling package may be factory or field installed. For field installation, factory installed provisions are required.Read this manual firstRead and understand the contents of this manual and follow all locally approved procedures and safety practices before operating or maintaining this equipment.Additional informationThese instructions cannot cover all details or variations in the equipment, procedures, or process described nor provide directions for meeting every possible contingency during operation or maintenance. For additional information, contact your representative.Acceptance and initial inspectionEach forced-air cooling accessory is in good condition when accepted by the carrier for shipment. Upon receipt, inspect the shipping container for signs of damage. Unpack the forced air cooling accessory and inspect it thoroughly for damage incurred during shipment. If damaged is discovered, file a claim with the carrier immediately.Handling and storageBe careful during handling and storage of the forced-air cooling accessory to minimize the possibility of damage. If the forced-air cooling accessory is to be stored for any length of time prior to operation and maintenance, provide a clean, dry storage area.StandardsISO 9001 Certified Quality Management SystemOperation and maintenanceVR-32 voltage regulators, 333 kVA and larger, can be equipped with forced-air cooling. This allows their load capacity to be increased to 133% of their 55/65 °C rise ONAN rating as shown on the nameplate.The forced-air-cooling equipment consists of:●●Fan control main power switch●●Top oil thermometer with two sets of normally open and normally closed contacts●●Manual-off-automatic fan control switch ●●Fan control relay●●Fan with a 230 VAC 1 phase motor●●MOV (metal-oxide-varistor) arrester protection ●● 6.25-amp fuse circuit protection ●●Auxiliary control enclosureBeing completely self contained, the forced-air cooling on Cooper Power series regulators from Eaton requires no external source voltage. The power for forced-air-cooling is derived from a 230 VAC tertiary winding located on theregulator main core and coil assembly.Equipment Damage . Forced-air cooling is operational only if the voltage regulator is applied at the nameplate nominal rated voltage . Operating the voltage regulator at any other voltage will result in a voltage other that the 230 VAC required by the fan motor . This could result in fan motor failure and overheating of the voltage regulator .The main power switch for the forced-air cooling equipment is located in the voltage regulator main control enclosure and is identified on the schematic (Figure 2) as “V2”. An MOV (metal oxide varistor) arrester provides overvoltage protection to the fan control circuit and is also located in the regulator main control enclosure. All of the other fan control components, 6 amp fuse, off-manual-automatic switch, and fan control relay, are located in an auxiliary controlenclosure. The auxiliary control enclosure is attached to the bottom side of the regulator main control enclosure.2Forced-air cooling accessory, operation and maintenance instructions/parts informationInstructIons/Parts InformatIon MN225070EN March 2017The top oil thermometer provided with forced-air cooling is equipped with two switches, each having a normally open and normally closed contact. These switches are identified as “S1” and “S2” on the control schematic. Automatic control of the forced-air cooling is accomplished by the operation of switch “S1”, which is factory preset to close at 75 °C. The differential temperature from make to break is 6-10 °C. The closing of switch “S1” energizes fan control relay “FR”, closing the relay contacts, applying power to the fan motor. Switch “S2” is an alarm contact and is factory preset to close at 90 °C top oil temperature.A manually operated “manual-off-automatic” fan control switch “FS” is located in the auxiliary control enclosure. This switch allows the forced-air cooling to be operated manually (fan on continuously), turned off, or operated in the automatic mode.The cooling fan is equipped with a 230 VAC, single-phase, thermally protected motor and is attached to the voltage regulator panel type radiators using T -bolts.otee:N T -bolts are not used in a vertical installation ofthe motor.the oil level must be lowered below the level of the thermometer and the thermometer and well removed . Failure to remove the thermometer and well prior to lifting the regulator from the tank will cause damage to these parts .A physical wiring diagram is shown in Figure 3 and the associated wiring color coding chart is shown in Table 1.Parts informationParts information is provided in Table 2, Figures 4 through 7.3Forced-air cooling accessory, operation and maintenance instructions/parts informationInstructIons/Parts InformatIonMN225070EN March 2017Figure 1 . Schematic diagram4Forced-air cooling accessory, operation and maintenance instructions/parts informationInstructIons/Parts InformatIonMN225070EN March 2017Figure 2 . Physical diagram . Variations exist for control back panel arrangements, but connections are the same for all variations .5Forced-air cooling accessory, operation and maintenance instructions/parts informationInstructIons/Parts InformatIon MN225070EN March 2017T able 1 . Wire color code chartWire number Color Wire number Color Wire number Color 01BLUE 07BLACK 14BLACK 02RED 08WHITE 15BLACK 03BLACK 09GREEN 16RED 04ORANGE 11WHITE 17BLUE 05YELLOW 12WHITE G WHITE 06BROWN13BROWNM2LT BLUE/BLACKFigure 3 . Relay and auxiliary control box assemblies T able 2 . Parts list for cooling accessoryItem number Description 1Relay Assembly2Auxiliary Control Box Assembly 3MOV Surge Arrester4Knife Switch (3-blade, not shown)Knife Switch (4-blade)5Fan and Male Receptacle 6Female Plug and 10-ft. Cable*7Thermometer with 5-ft Cable*8Fan Mounting Kit* Other cable lengths availableotee:N Parts and assemblies may vary slightly dependingupon specific applications. Force air provisions required for installation of forced air package.MOV surge arresterKnife switchFigure 4 . Mov surge arrester and knife switches6Forced-air cooling accessory, operation and maintenance instructions/parts informationInstructIons/Parts InformatIonMN225070EN March 2017Figure 5 . Fan and male receptacle with cablesFigure 6 . Thermometer with cable7Forced-air cooling accessory, operation and maintenance instructions/parts informationInstructIons/Parts InformatIon MN225070EN March 2017This page intentionally left blank.Eaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122United StatesEaton’s Power Systems Division 2300 Badger Drive Waukesha, WI 53188United States/cooperpowerseries© 2017 EatonAll Rights ReservedPrinted in USAPublication No. MN225070EN March 2017Eaton is a registered trademark.All trademarks are propertyof their respective owners.For Eaton's Cooper Power series productinformationcall 1-877-277-4636 or visit:/cooperpowerseries.。
型号:NFV-001规格:DN50-DN800工作压力:10-40 bar介质:氮气温度范围:-40℃至+80℃适用领域:化工、石油、天然气等工业领域特点:耐高压、耐腐蚀、稳定性好介质:氮气、氧气混合气体特点:快速开关、防爆防火、可靠性高特点:耐低温、密封性好、操作便捷以上是关于氮封阀参数表的简要介绍,氮封阀作为重要的工业阀门,广泛应用于各种工业领域,其性能参数和规格需根据具体需求进行选择,确保其可靠性和安全性。
一份完整的氮封阀参数表通常包括以下几个部分:1. 阀门型号:记录氮封阀的型号,以便进行准确的识别和对照。
2. 材质:记录氮封阀的主要构成材料,通常包括阀体、阀盖、密封件等部件的材质。
3. 压力等级:记录氮封阀能够承受的最大压力等级,以确保在工作过程中不发生泄漏或爆破等安全问题。
4. 连接方式:记录氮封阀的连接方式,包括法兰连接、螺纹连接等,以便进行正确的安装和联接。
5. 公称直径:记录氮封阀的公称直径,以确定其适用于何种管道系统。
6. 操作方式:记录氮封阀的操作方式,包括手动操作、电动操作、气动操作等,以便确定操作方式和控制方式。
7. 流体介质:记录氮封阀适用的流体介质,以确保其能够稳定工作并具有良好的密封性。
PF6000Climate ControlQuality Products. Service Excellence.© Hammond ManufacturingCanada: 519.822.2960 or 905.456.3770 USA: 716.630.7030Data Subject to change without notice371Technical references and CAD downloads available at All dimensions in inches unless specifi ed otherwiseFilterfan PF 11000-22000 / Exhaust Filter PFA 10000-20000Features• Maintains a UL Tested NEMA T ype 12 seal against enclosure • U L Recognized to UL 508a, category NITW2/8,UL File #E175229• CSA #246217• Patented “Click & Fit” design provides a hardware-free installation!• Plastic made from strong, heat resistant (ABS-FR),UL 94 VO fire approved material •Options: Black grillsAirfl ow data PF 11000PF 22000PFA 10000PFA20000Filter material Type 12 synthetic fi lter mat T ype 12 fl uted fi lter mat T ype 12 synthetic fi lter mat Type 12 fl uted fi lter mat Unimpeded airfl ow 17 CFM 38 CFM --Cooling Dissipation (W) / °T 10 W/K 21 W/K --Airfl ow in combination 11 CFM 28 CFM --(Filterfan + Exhaust Filter)(PF 11000 + PFA 10000)(PF 22000 + PFA 20000)-Capacity in combination 6 W/K 15 W/K --(Filterfan + Exhaust Filter)(PF 11000 + PFA 10000)(PF 22000 + PFA 20000)-Max. static pressure (Airfl ow = 0 m3/h)38 Pa 57 Pa --Filtration effi ciency 88%91%88/91%88/91%Filter material grade G 3 (DIN EN 779)G 4 (DIN EN 779)G3/ G4 (DIN EN 779)G3/ G4 (DIN EN 779)Duty cycle 100%100%Technical dataPF 11000PF 11000PF 22000PF 22000PFA 10000ACDCACDCPFA 20000Outside dimensions in mm (height x width x installation depth)109 x 109 x 62109 x 109 x 49145 x 145 x 70145 x 145 x 64109 x 109 x 26/145 x 145 x 26Bearing type sleeve bearings ball bearings sleeve bearings ball bearings -Fitting position vertical any vertical any -Construction housing and guard of sprayed thermoplastic, self-extinguishing, UL 94 VO Weight 0.55 kg 0.16 kg 0.7 kg 0.44 kg 0.06 kg / 0.12 kg Safety protection in accordance with DIN 31 001-Color RAL 7035, Light Grey Connection 2 wires, 310 mm long terminal stripQuality Products. Service Excellence.© Hammond Manufacturing Canada: 519.822.2960 or 905.456.3770 USA: 716.630.7030 Data Subject to change without notice372 Technical references and CAD downloads available at All dimensions in inches unless specifi ed otherwise Filterfan PF 11000-22000 / Exhaust Filter PFA 10000-20000 Airflow Data:Mechanical Data:Mechanical Data:. ControlQuality Products. Service Excellence.© Hammond ManufacturingCanada: 519.822.2960 or 905.456.3770 USA: 716.630.7030Data Subject to change without notice373Technical references and CAD downloads available at All dimensions in inches unless specifi ed otherwiseFilterfan PF 32000 / Exhaust Filter PFA 30000Features• Maintains a UL T ested NEMA Type 12 seal against enclosure• UL Recognized to UL 508a, category NITW2/8,UL File #E175229• CSA #246217• Patented “Click & Fit” design provides a hardware free installation!• Plastic made from strong, heat resistant (ABS-FR), UL 94 VO fi re approved material •Options: Black GrillsAirfl ow data PF 32000PFA 30000Filter material Type 12 fi lter matType 12 fi lter matUnimpeded airfl ow65 CFM -Cooling Dissipation (W)/°T 37 W/K -Airfl ow in combination 38 CFM-(Filterfan + Exhaust Filter)(PF 32000 + PFA 30000)Capacity in combination 21 W/K-(Filterfan + Exhaust Filter)(PF 32000 + PFA 30000)Max. static pressure (Airfl ow = 0 m3/h)61 Pa -Filtration effi ciency 91%91%Filter material grade G 4 (DIN EN 779)G 4 (DIN EN 779)Duty cycle100%-Quality Products. Service Excellence.© Hammond ManufacturingCanada: 519.822.2960 or 905.456.3770 USA: 716.630.7030Data Subject to change without notice 374Technical references and CAD downloads available at All dimensions in inches unless specifi ed otherwiseFilterfan PF 32000 / Exhaust Filter PFA 30000Airflow Data:Mechanical Data:Climate ControlQuality Products. Service Excellence.© Hammond ManufacturingCanada: 519.822.2960 or 905.456.3770 USA: 716.630.7030Data Subject to change without notice375Technical references and CAD downloads available at All dimensions in inches unless specifi ed otherwiseFilterfan PF 42500-43000 / Exhaust Filter PFA 40000Features• Maintains a UL T ested NEMA T ype 12 seal against enclosure• UL Recognized to UL 508a, category NITW2/8,UL File #E175229• CSA #246217• Patented “Click & Fit” design provides a hardware free installation!• Plastic made from strong, heat resistant (ABS-FR), UL 94 VO fi re approved material •Options: Black GrillsVoltage Power Mating Exhaust FilterShip Wt. lbs.Airfl ow data PF 42500PF 43000PFA 40000Filter material NEMA Type 12 FiltermatNEMA T ype 12 FiltermatNEMA T ype 12 FiltermatUnimpeded airfl ow94 CFM 169 CFM -Cooling Dissipation (W)/°T 53 W/K I88 W/K -Airfl ow in combination 67 CFM142 CFM-(Filterfan + Exhaust Filter)(PF 42500 + PFA 40000)(PF 43000 + PFA 40000)Capacity in combination 38 W/K69 W/K-(Filterfan + Exhaust Filter)(PF 43000 + PFA 40000)(PF 43000 + PFA 40000)Max. static pressure (Airfl ow = 0 m3/h)49 Pa 112 Pa -Filtration effi ciency 91%91%91%Filter material grade G 4 (DIN EN 779)G 4 (DIN EN 779)G 4 (DIN EN 779)Duty cycle 100%100%-Climate ControlQuality Products. Service Excellence.© Hammond ManufacturingCanada: 519.822.2960 or 905.456.3770 USA: 716.630.7030Data Subject to change without notice 376Technical references and CAD downloads available at All dimensions in inches unless specifi ed otherwiseFilterfan PF 42500-43000 / Exhaust Filter PFA 40000PF 42500PF 43000PFA 40000Operating temperature – 15 °C (- 5 °F) to / bis + 55 °C (+ 131 °F)Storage temperature – 20 °C (- 4 °F) to / bis + 70 °C (+ 158 °F)Max. relative humidity 90%System of protection NEMA Type 12, IP 55 (EN 60 529), when installed as specifi edBasic Accessoriesparts kit fi lter mat, user manual radiant heater, fan heater, thermostat, hygrostat* Tolerance installation cutout177 + 1/-0 thickness of material to 2 mm 178 + 1/-0 thickness of material > 2 mm < 3 mmAirflow Data:Mechanical Data:. ControlQuality Products. Service Excellence.© Hammond ManufacturingCanada: 519.822.2960 or 905.456.3770 USA: 716.630.7030Data Subject to change without notice377Technical references and CAD downloads available at All dimensions in inches unless specifi ed otherwiseFilterfan PF 65000, 66000, 67000 / Exhaust Filter PFA 60000Features• Maintains a UL T ested NEMA T ype 12 seal against enclosure• UL Recognized to UL 508a, category NITW2/8,UL File #E175229• CSA #246217• Patented “Click & Fit” design provides a hardware free installation!• Plastic made from strong, heat resistant (ABS-FR), UL 94 VO fi re approved material •Options: Black GrillsReverse Flow ExhaustVoltage Power Mating Exhaust FilterShip Wt. lbs.Airfl ow data PF 65000PF 66000PF 67000PFA 60000Filter material Type 12 FiltermatType 12 Filtermat Type 12 FiltermatType 12 FiltermatUnimpeded airfl ow297 CFM462 CFM 560 CFM -Cooling Dissipation (W)/°T 168 W/K / 168 W/K257 W/K / 262 W/K 308 W/K / 317 W/K-Airfl ow in combination 224 CFM295 CFM 368 CFM-(Filterfan + Exhaust Filter) (PF 65000 + PFA 60000)(PF 66000 + PFA 60000)(PF 67000 + PFA 60000)-Capacity in combination 127 W/K167 W/K 208 W/K-(Filterfan + Exhaust Filter)(PF 65000 + PFA 60000)(PF 66000 + PFA 60000)(PF 67000 + PFA 60000)-Max. static pressure (Airfl ow = 0)74 Pa 134 Pa 187 Pa -Filtration effi ciency 91%91%91%91%Filter material grade G 4 (DIN EN 779)G 4 (DIN EN 779)G 4 (DIN EN 779)G 4 (DIN EN 779)Duty cycle100%100%100%-Technical dataPF 65000PF 66000PF 67000PFA 60000Outside dimensions in mm(height x width x installation depth) 320 x 320 x 150320 x 320 x 150320 x 320 x 150320 x 320 x 39Bearing type ball bearings ball bearings ball bearings -Fitting position any, horizontal airfl ow preferred anyConstruction housing and guard of sprayed thermoplastic, self-extinguishing, UL 94 VO Weight3.2 kg 3.2 kg 3.7 kg 0.7 kgSafety protection in accordance with DIN 31 001-ColorRAL 7035, Light GreyConnections cage clamp cage clamp cage clamp -ApprovalNEMA Type 12, IP 55 (EN 60 529), when installed as specifi edClimate ControlQuality Products. Service Excellence.© Hammond ManufacturingCanada: 519.822.2960 or 905.456.3770 USA: 716.630.7030Data Subject to change without notice 378Technical references and CAD downloads available at All dimensions in inches unless specifi ed otherwiseFilterfan PF 65000, 66000, 67000 / Exhaust Filter PFA 60000PF 65000PF 66000PF 67000Operating temperature – 15 °C (- 5 °F) to / bis + 55 °C (+ 131 °F)Storage temperature – 20 °C (- 4 °F) to / bis + 70 °C (+ 158 °F)Max. relative humidity 90%System of protection NEMA Type 12, IP 55 (EN 60 529), when installed as specifi edBasic Accessoriesparts kit fi lter mat, user manual radiant heater, fan heater, thermostat, hygrostat* Tolerance installation cutout177 + 1/-0 thickness of material to 2 mm 178 + 1/-0 thickness of material > 2 mm < 3 mmAirflow Data:Mechanical Data:.361.321. ControlQuality Products. Service Excellence.© Hammond ManufacturingCanada: 519.822.2960 or 905.456.3770 USA: 716.630.7030Data Subject to change without notice379Technical references and CAD downloads available at All dimensions in inches unless specifi ed otherwiseFilterfan PTF 60500, 60700, 61000 / Exhaust Filter PTFA 60000Features• Maintains a NEMA 12 seal against enclosure • UL Recognized to UL 508a, category NITW2/8,UL File #E175229• Patented “Click & Fit” design provides a hardware-free installation!• Metal Pagoda Cover for rugged environments,easily painted to match machine color •Fan Motor is CSA ApprovedVoltage Power Mating Exhaust FilterShip Wt. lbs.Airfl ow data PTF 60500PTF 60700PTF 61000PTFA 60000Filter material NEMA 12 FiltermatNEMA 12 FiltermatNEMA 12 FiltermatNEMA 12 FiltermatUnimpeded airfl ow226 CFM 356 CFM 485 CFM -Cooling Dissipation (W)/°T 113 W/K 177 W/K 242 W/K -Airfl ow in combination 149 CFM 227 CFM 304 CFM -(Filterfan + Exhaust Filter) (PTF 60500 + PFA 60000)(PTF 60700 + PFA 60000)(PTF 61000 + PFA 60000)Capacity in combination 74 W/K 113 W/K 152 W/K -(Filterfan + Exhaust Filter)(PTF 60500 + PFA 60000)(PTF 60700 + PFA 60000)(PTF 61000 + PFA 60000)Max. static pressure (Airfl ow = 0)71 Pa 88 Pa 158 Pa -Filtration effi ciency 81%81%81%Filter material grade G 3 (DIN EN 779)G 3 (DIN EN 779)G 3 (DIN EN 779)Duty cycle 100%100%100%-Technical dataPTF 60500PTF 60700PTF 61000PTFA 60000Outside dimensions in mm(height x width x installation depth) 125 x 430 x 430 x 50140 x 470 x 470 x 50140 x 470 x 470 x 50-Bearing type ball bearings ball bearings ball bearings -Fitting position horizontalhorizontal horizontalany Construction metal chassis cover powder coated, snap-in plastic housingWeight5.5 kg 5.8 kg6.0 kg3.1 kg Safety protection in accordance with DIN 31 001-ColorRAL 7035, Light GreyConnections terminal strip terminal strip terminal strip-ApprovalNEMA Type 12, IP 55 (EN 60 529), when installed as specifi edClimate ControlFilterfan PTF 60500, 60700, 61000 / Exhaust Filter PTFA 60000PTF 60500PTF 60700PTF 61000PTFA 60000A1125140140110*B1/B2430470470430C175909075Airfl ow data:PTFA 60000Filter material P 300Filtration effi ciency81%Filter material grade (DIN EN 779)G 3Technical data:PFT A 60000Outside dimensions in mm(Height x Width x Depth x Installation depth) 110 x 430 x 430 x 35Construction metal chassis, cover powder-coated; snap-in body of sprayed thermoplastic(ABS-FR) self-extinguishing, UL 94 VOWeight3.1 kgSafety protection in accordance with DIN 31 001ColorRAL 7035, RAL 7032, other colors on requestSupplementary data:PFT A 60000Airflow Data:Mechanical Data:Climate ControlSlimline Filterfan PF 33000, 65000, 67000 SLFeatures• Low installation depth• Maintains a UL Tested NEMA T ype 12 sealagainst enclosure• UL Recognized to UL 508a, category NITW2/8,UL File #E175229• CSA#246217• Patented “Click & Fit” design provides a hardwarefree installation!• Plastic made from strong, heat resistant(ABS-FR), UL 94 VO fi re approved material•Options: Black GrillsReverse Flow ExhaustVoltage Power Mating Exhaust Filter Ship Wt. lbs.Airfl ow data PF 33000 SL PF 65000 SL PF 67000 SL Filter material Type 12 Filtermat T ype 12 Filtermat T ype 12 Filtermat Unimpeded airfl ow297 CFM462 CFM560 CFM Cooling Dissipation (W)/°T168 W/K262 W/K317 W/KAirfl ow in combination 230 CFM295 CFM368 CFM (Filterfan + Exhaust Filter) (PF 33000 + PFA 30000)(PF 65000 + PFA 60000)(PF 67000 + PFA 60000) Capacity in combination 127 W/K167 W/K208 W/K (Filterfan + Exhaust Filter)(PF 33000 + PFA 30000)(PF 65000 + PFA 60000)(PF 67000 + PFA 60000) Max. static pressure (Airfl ow = 0)74 Pa134 Pa187 Pa Filtration effi ciency91%91%91%Filter material grade G 4 (DIN EN 779)G 4 (DIN EN 779)G 4 (DIN EN 779) Duty cycle100%100%100%Technical data PF 33000SL PF 65000SL PF 67000SL Outside dimensions in mm202 x 202 x 87320 x 320 x 124320 x 320 x 127Filterfan AccessoriesFeatures• Special patent pending fl utedfi lter design increases the timebetween maintenance by 3X.• Allows for greater CFM in dirtyenvironments• Sold in Packs of 5.Features• Maintains a UL T ested NEMAT ype 12 seal against enclosure• UL Recognized to UL 508a,category NITW2/8, UL File#E175229• CSA#246217• Patented “Click & Fit” designprovides a hardware freeinstallation!• Plastic made from strong, heatresistant (ABS-FR) UL 94 VO fi reapproved materialExhaust Filters:Replacement Filters:Part Number Filtration Effi ciency %PFA10000LG*88%PFA20000LG91%PFA30000LG91%PFA40000LG91%PFA60000LG91%* Standard grill color: RAL 7035 Light GreyPart Number Use with 4th Gen FFPFF10000*PF/PFA 1XXXXPFF20000PF/PFA 2XXXXPFF30000PF/PFA 3XXXXPFF40000PF/PFA 4XXXXPFF60000PF/PFA 6XXXX* Standard synthetic fi ber fi lter.Climate ControlClimate Control P F Filter FansDescription• This line of fans provides innovativetechnology for fan cooling andpressurizing of industrial cabinets.A high quality fi lter fan provides aneconomical method of ensuringyour enclosure does not overheat.• Filtered passive ventilation canbe provided by an exhaust fi lterfor either convection cooling or incombination with a fan in forced aircooling.• The slim-line design of this fan lineis unique, when installed, the frontlouvered grill protrudes less thanone quarter inch. The attractive grillmaintains the sleek aesthetics of anenclosure system.Standards• UR, CUR and CE.• Built to IP54 standards (exceptPF1000/PFA1000 - IP43 standards).• Maintains NEMA 12 integrity ofenclosure.• Fan CSA Listed.Features• Available in 115V and 230Vversions• High performance fan motors withfi nger guards.• ABS-FR grills (except PF1000Series which is polystyrene FR).• Durable, reusable fi lter mat.• Grills are black allowing for acomplementary match to all cabinetcolors.• Integral gasket to seal againstenclosure. (except PF1000 - usePFG1000)Easy Installation• The patented "Click and Fit" systemallows for rapid fi lter fan andexhaust fi lter installation withoutscrews.• After using the convenient cutouttemplate (provided with every unit),the fan and/or exhaust fi lter justsnaps into the opening.Options• Reverse fl ow (exhaust) available on5,6,7000 modelsAccessories• Exhaust filters...see page 385• Replacement grills...see page 385• Replacement filters...see page385PF3000 and PF2000Climate ControlPF Filter FansNote: All cutout tolerances +1/- 0 mmClimate ControlReplacement Filters•Packaged in quantities of 5.mm280280Fan AccessoriesExhaust Filters• Built to IP54 standards (except PFA1000 - IP43 standards).• ABS-FR grills (except PF1000 Series which is polystyrene FR).• Grills are black to complement all cabinet colors.• Grills also available (see below)• Integral gasket seals against enclosure.R eplacement Grill• Packaged individually.•Consists of replacement grill only.• Intergral Door Air Conditioners • Air/Water Heat Exchangers• Custom Air/Air Heat Exchangers • EMC Filter Fans•other customer cooling solutionsCall Hammond for other Cooling Solutions....Climate ControlF ilterfan Rainhoods - NEMA 3R Application• T ype 3R / Outdoor Rainhoods• Protection against rain and snow or large airborne debris • Sold individuallyFeatures• Easy installation• Covers many external mounted Fans & Grills• Fits PF2000/PF22000 thru PF5/6/7000 series Filterfans• T amperproof hardware and sealing gasket providedStandards• UL -50 type 3R fi le # E65324• CSA C22.2 #94 fi le # LR21001Finish• Cover offered in ANSI61 gray or RAL7035 light gray powder coated fi nish on mild steel. T ype 304 SS on stainless models.• Base in Galvanized sheet steelAccessories•Grill/Solid Cover Kit (see below)Features• Can be installed in bottom opening of rain hood • Grill allows ventilation while preventing unwanted entry of large contaminants• Solid cover allows sealing of opening when fan/fi lter not in useGrill/Solid Cover KitINSIDE VIEWSIDE VIEWClimate ControlFiltered Fan Boxes and Filter GrillsDescription• In a typical cooling arrangement, the fi ltered fan box pulls air into the enclosures and the fi lter grill is used as an air outlet.• The washable aluminum fi lter grill and the air fi lter are easily accessible and can be removed for cleaning.• The fi ltered fan boxes are available in either 115 VAC or 230 VAC, 50/60 Hz.• Filtered passive ventilation can be provided by an exhaust fi lter for either convection cooling or in combination with a fan in forced air cooling.Standards• UL recognized, CSA certifi ed, CE approved fans/motorsFeatures• 115 VAC or 230 VAC, 50/60 Hz.• 10" lead wires.• Exceptionally quiet operation.• Versatile mounting and adaptability.• Heavy-gauge steel construction.• Attractive stainless steel grills.•Shipped with air fl ow to pressurize. Can be user modifi ed to exhaust.• Aluminum fi lter is coated with adhesive baffl e surfaces for dust and dirt collection. Can be recoated after cleaning for optimum performance.• Drilling template included.• NOTE: One grill and fi lter are included with each fan package. Normally, an additional exhaust grill and fi lter are required for each installation and must be ordered separately.Accessories• Filter coat ...see page 388• Replacement Filter...see page 388Filter GrillFiltered Fan BoxClimate Control1Dimension for mounting and cabinet cutout. Secure sheet metal with #8 hardware.F ilter Coat• Provides a fi lter adhesive with a grease-like consistency which absorbs and traps dust particles.• 10 oz. bottle with environmentally friendly trigger spray.Filtered Fan Boxes and Filter GrillsClimate Control B lowers and FansGeneral Selection ConsiderationsGeneral SpecificationsAll Hammond blowers and fi lter fans are engineered for performance and built for reliability. This versatile line includes a blower, fan tray and fi lter fans.Blowers and fans use forced convection cooling, which means ambient air fl ows through a fi lter into the enclosure to cool heated components. Both blowers and fans are sized in CFM (cubic feet per minute).It is recommended that an exhaust fi lter be used in combination with the blower or fi lter fan to act both as an exhaust point for the hot internal air plus aid in the pressurization of the enclosure, reducing the chance of unfi ltered air entering the enclosure. Whenever possible, the blower or fi lter fan should be located in the bottom third of the enclosure and the fi ltered exhaust grill placed as high as possible on the opposing side. Performance levels can be further increased by adding a second exhaust fi lter.S izing Blowers and FansTo determine the CFM (cubic feet per minute) required in any standard situation, use the following calculation,(non-standard situations would consist of high air density - signifi cantly more than 0.075 lbs per cubic foot.)Note - The calculation above is exact, but adding an additional 25% to the CFM level is a standard safety factor.Note: Ambient T emperature must be lower than maximum internal temperature for fan/blower to be effective.CFM x (0.075)Non-standard Air Density (lbs per cubic foot)Power to be dissipated (Watts) x 3.17Maximum Allowable Internal Temperature (°F) - Maximum Ambient Temperature (°F)CFM =If the air density is high (signifi cantly more than 0.075 lbs per cubic foot), use the number calculated above in the followingformula:(120mm)(120mm)Filter Fan Kits• E asy to order kit - one part number (save time & cost)• Kit includes: Fan, plastic fi lter grill, fi lter, metal grill, cord & mounting hardware(as shown).• Flame retardant, ABS plastic fi lter fan grill is molded in a choice of four colorsto match our racks & accessories. "BK" (Black), "CG" (Gray/Beige - RAL7032),"GY" (ANSI 61 Gray) or "LG" (Light Gray - RAL7035).Climate ControlQuality Products. Service Excellence.© Hammond ManufacturingCanada: 519.822.2960 or 905.456.3770 USA: 716.630.7030Data Subject to change without notice 390Technical references and CAD downloads available at All dimensions in inches unless specifi ed otherwise1"..." specify color - BK (black), CG (RAL 7032), LG (RAL 7035) or GY (ASA61 gray)UL recognized, CSA listed, CE certifi edAC Fans and GuardsFilter Fan Grills• Mounts easily with 4 screws using the template provided.• All mounting hardware included.• Standard 80mm/3.15" and120mm/4.70" fans can be attached with hardware provided to make a fi lter fan.• Can be used alone as an enclosure exhaust.• Moulded in fl ame retardant ABS.• Synthetic fi lter supplied.• Integral gasket on reverse of grill seals against enclosure surface.• Available in black, RAL7035 light gray, RAL7032 beige and ASA61/RAL7011 gray to match enclosures.Accessories• Spare hardware kit, Part No.1421F4Fan KitsClimate ControlQuality Products. Service Excellence.© Hammond ManufacturingCanada: 519.822.2960 or 905.456.3770 USA: 716.630.7030Data Subject to change without notice391Technical references and CAD downloads available at All dimensions in inches unless specifi ed otherwiseF an Tray300, 600 and 900 CFMDescription• Rack mount fan trays provide a compact, economical solution for cooling in electronic cabinets.• Fan trays can be positioned at the bottom of an enclosure to force air through the cabinet, at the top to exhaust air out of the cabinet or below specifi c pieces of equipment for spot cooling.Standards • cURus recognized.Features• 300, 600 and 900 CFM sizes.• 115VA C, 50/60Hz.• 19" panel width mounting.• Low profi le 1.75" (1U) height.• 600 and 900 CFM units include removable rear support brackets.• Circuit breaker protected.• 6 foot 14/3 SJTW cord with molded 3 prong plug.• Thermally protected, ball bearing fans.• Integral fi nger guards above and below fans.• Shipped fully assembled.• Available with or without ON/OFF switch.Finish• Stocked in textured, black bodyfi nish.• T extured black face panel.Options• Contact Hammond for information on:• 24" panel width mounting.• 230 V version (with IEC 320-C14INLET).• 15 foot cord • OptionalcolorsClimate ControlQuality Products. Service Excellence.© Hammond ManufacturingCanada: 519.822.2960 or 905.456.3770 USA: 716.630.7030Data Subject to change without notice 392Technical references and CAD downloads available at All dimensions in inches unless specifi ed otherwisePackaged Blowers - Intake• Standard 19" rack mount• Each unit contains a dual centrifu-gal blower, powered by a singleprecision ball-bearing motor (except HB2160A which is traverse fl ow).• Air delivery from more than 50% of their 17" width• Internal neoprene isolation mounts reduce transmission of vibration to the rack• Air intake only, to pressurize the rack with fi ltered air• Heavy steel construction• Attractive 19" stainless steel grille included• 115 VAC, 50/60Hz motor is UL rec-ognized, CSA certifi ed, ball bearing type, cooled by incoming air • Includes permanent fi lter (replace-ment fi lters available below)• Comes with 6' STJW 3- wire cord • Control your rack temperature with our economical, compact thermo-statAccessories• Filter coat ...see page 388Fan Panel Assembly• 3U 19” Rack Mount Fan Panel • T arget hot-spots • 4.7” Fans with grill• Includes 24” power cable • Black powder coatedBlowers and Fan PanelsFP3F115Three (3) Fans - (T otal 315 CFM, 60 dBA)PF6000。
2008/10 – Subject to change
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2024年公用设备工程师之专业案例(暖通空调专业)模拟试题含答案 (2)
2024年公用设备工程师之专业案例(暖通空调专业)模拟试题含答案单选题(共200题)1、热水供热系统主干线比摩阻为60Pa/m,长度为2000m,局部阻力与沿程阻力的估算比值为0.6,热源内部损失为15m,最不利用户的内部阻力为5m,循环水泵的扬程不应小于( )。
A.15mB.19mC.20mD.39m【答案】 D2、有一段长度为10m、直径为600mm的金属风管,工作风压为600Pa,在该压力下漏风量的允许值为( )。
A.B.C.D.【答案】 C3、热水供热系统主干线比摩阻为60Pa/m,长度为2000m,局部阻力与沿程阻力的估算比值为0.6,热源内部损失为15m,最不利用户的内部阻力为5m,循环水泵的扬程不应小于( )。
A.15mB.19mC.20mD.39m【答案】 D4、-空气调节系统的冷水管道,当供回水温度为7/12℃,所采用水泵的设计工作点的效率为68%时,符合节能设计标准的水泵设计扬程,最接近的应是下列哪一项?A.29mB.32mC.35mD.38m【答案】 C5、设某城市的供暖度日数(HDD18)为1950℃·d,空调度日数(CDD26)为200℃·d,某住宅需要进行节能综合指标的计算和判定,经计算供暖年耗电量为33.5kW·h/㎡,允许空调年耗电量为( )。
A.26.8kW·h/㎡B.30.1kW·h/㎡C.29.OkW·h/㎡D.31.2kW·h/㎡【答案】 B6、某居民住宅楼18层,每户6户,每户一厨房,内设一台双眼灶和一台快速燃气热水器(燃气用量分别为0.3Nm3/h和1.4Nm3/h)。
试问,该楼燃气入口处的设计流量应为下列何值?A.26.5~30Nm3/hB.30.5~34Nm3/hC.34.5~38Nm3/hD.60.5~64Nm3/h【答案】 B7、某热水锅炉,进水温度为60℃(比焓251.5kJ/kg),出水温度为80℃(比焓335.5kJ/kg),测定的循环流量为120t/h,压力为4MPa。
全国免费服务电话:4008241666 壹机械部法兰标准系列一、JB/T81-1994 凸面板式平焊钢制管法兰系列:1.1.PN0.25MPa凸面板式平焊钢制管法兰尺寸公称通径管子外径连接尺寸密封面尺寸法兰厚度法兰内径法兰质量法兰外径D 螺栓孔中心距螺栓孔直径螺栓数量螺纹Th.DN A 系列Ⅰ/系列ⅡK L n 系列Ⅰ/系列Ⅱ d f C B kg10 14 75 50 12 4 M10 32 2 10 15 0.2515 18 80 55 12 4 M10 40 2 10 19 0.2920 25 90 65 12 4 M10 50 2 12 26 0.45全国免费服务电话:4008241666 贰25 32 100 75 12 4 M10 60 2 12 33 0.55 32 38 120 90 14 4 M12 70 2 12 39 0.85 40 45 130 100 14 4 M12 80 3 12 46 0.95 50 57 140 110 14 4 M12 90 3 12 59 1.04 65 73 160 130 14 4 M12 110 3 14 75 1.43 80 89 190/185 150 18 4 M16 125 3 14 91 1.95 100 108 210/205 170 18 4 M16 145 3 14 110 2.20 125 133 240/235 200 18 8 M16 175 3 14 135 2.78 150 159 265/260 225 18 8 M16 200 3 16 161 3.49 175 194 290 255 18 8 M16 230 3 16 196 3.86 200 219 320/315 280 18 8 M16 255 3 18 222 4.88 225 245 340 305 18 8 M16 280 3 20 248 5.93 250 273 375/370 335 18 12 M16 310 3 22 276 7.32 300 325 440/435 395 23 12 M20 362 4 22 328 9.40 350 377 490/485 445 23 12 M20 412 4 22 380 10.50 400 426 540/535 495 23 16 M20 462 4 22 430 11.70 450 480 595/590 550 23 16 M20 518 4 24 484 14.90 500 530 645/640 600 23 16 M20 568 4 24 534 16.20 600 630 755 705 26/25 20 M24/M22 670 5 24 634 21.30 700 720 860 810 26/25 24 M24/M22 775 5 26 724 29.90 800 820 975 920 30 24 M27 880 5 26 824 36.70 900 920 1075 1020 30 24 M27 980 5 28 924 44.20 1000 1020 1175 1120 30 28 M27 1080 5 30 1024 52.70 1200 1220 1375 1320 30 32 M27 1280 5 30 1224 65.90 1400 1420 1575 1520 30 36 M27 1480 5 32 1424 78.30全国免费服务电话:4008241666 叁1600 1620 1790/1785 1730 30 40 M27 1690 5 32 1624 94.30 以上数据由武汉斯意诚贸易有限公司提供!全国免费服务电话:4008241666 肆1.2.PN0.6MPa凸面板式平焊钢制管法兰尺寸:公称通径管子外径连接尺寸密封面尺寸法兰厚度法兰内径法兰质量法兰外径D 螺栓孔中心距螺栓孔直径螺栓数量螺纹Th.DN A 系列Ⅰ/系列ⅡK L n 系列Ⅰ/系列Ⅱ d f C B kg10 14 75 50 12 4 M10 32 2 12 15 0.3115 18 80 55 12 4 M10 40 2 12 19 0.3420 25 90 65 12 4 M10 50 2 14 26 0.5425 32 100 75 12 4 M10 60 2 14 33 0.6432 38 120 90 14 4 M12 70 2 16 39 1.1040 45 130 100 14 4 M12 80 3 16 46 1.22全国免费服务电话:4008241666 伍50 57 140 110 14 4 M12 90 3 16 59 1.3565 73 160 130 14 4 M12 110 3 16 75 1.6780 89 190/185 150 18 4 M16 125 3 18 91 2.48100 108 210/205 170 18 4 M16 145 3 18 110 2.89 125 133 240/235 200 18 8 M16 175 3 20 135 3.94 150 159 265/260 225 18 8 M16 200 3 20 161 4.47 175 194 290 255 18 8 M16 230 3 22 196 5.54 200 219 320/315 280 18 8 M16 255 3 22 222 6.07 225 245 340 305 18 8 M16 280 3 22 248 6.60 250 273 375/370 335 18 12 M16 310 3 24 276 8.03 300 325 440/435 395 23 12 M20 362 4 24 328 10.3 350 377 490/485 445 23 12 M20 412 4 26 380 12.59 400 426 540/535 495 23 16 M20 462 4 28 430 15.20 450 480 595/590 550 23 16 M20 518 4 28 484 17.59 500 530 645/640 600 23 16 M20 568 4 30 534 20.67 600 630 755 705 26/25 20 M24/M22 670 5 30 634 26.57 700 720 860 810 26/25 24 M24/M22 775 5 32 724 37.10 800 820 975 920 30 24 M27 880 5 32 824 46.20 900 920 1075 1020 30 24 M27 980 5 34 924 55.10 1000 1020 1175 1120 30 28 M27 1080 5 36 1024 64.36 以上数据由武汉斯意诚贸易有限公司提供!全国免费服务电话:4008241666 陆1.3.PN1.0MPa凸面板式平焊钢制管法兰尺寸:公称通径管子外径连接尺寸密封面尺寸法兰厚度法兰内径法兰质量法兰外径D 螺栓孔中心距螺栓孔直径螺栓数量螺纹Th.DN A 系列Ⅰ/系列ⅡK L n 系列Ⅰ/系列Ⅱ d f C B kg10 14 90 60 14 4 M12 40 2 12 15 0.4615 18 95 65 14 4 M12 45 2 12 19 0.5120 25 105 75 14 4 M12 55 2 14 26 0.7525 32 115 85 14 4 M12 65 2 14 33 0.8932 38 140/135 100 18 4 M16 78 2 16 39 1.4040 45 150/145 110 18 4 M16 85 3 18 46 1.71全国免费服务电话:4008241666 柒50 57 165/160 125 18 4 M16 100 3 18 59 2.0965 73 185/180 145 18 4 M16 120 3 20 75 2.8480 89 200/195 160 18 4 M16 135 3 20 91 3.24100 108 220/215 180 18 4 M16 155 3 22 110 4.01 125 133 250/245 210 18 8 M16 185 3 24 135 5.40 150 159 285/280 240 23 8 M20 210 3 24 161 6.67 175 194 310 270 23 8 M20 240 3 24 196 7.44 200 219 340/335 295 23 8 M20 265 3 24 222 8.24 225 245 365 325 23 8 M20 295 3 24 248 9.30 250 273 395/390 350 23 12 M20 320 3 26 276 10.70 300 325 445/440 400 23 12 M20 368 4 28 328 12.90 350 377 505/500 460 23 16 M20 428 4 28 380 16.90 400 426 565 515 26/25 16 M24/M22 482 4 30 430 21.80 450 480 615 565 26/25 20 M24/M22 532 4 30 484 24.40 500 530 670 620 26/25 20 M24/M22 585 4 32 534 27.70 600 630 780 725 30 20 M27 685 5 36 634 39.40 以上数据由武汉斯意诚贸易有限公司提供!全国免费服务电话:4008241666 捌1.4.PN1.6MPa凸面板式平焊钢制管法兰尺寸:公称通径管子外径连接尺寸密封面尺寸法兰厚度法兰内径法兰质量法兰外径D 螺栓孔中心距螺栓孔直径螺栓数量螺纹Th.DN A 系列Ⅰ/系列ⅡK L n 系列Ⅰ/系列Ⅱ d f C B kg10 14 90 60 14 4 M12 40 2 14 15 0.5515 18 95 65 14 4 M12 45 2 14 19 0.7120 25 105 75 14 4 M12 55 2 16 26 0.8725 32 115 85 14 4 M12 65 2 18 33 1.1832 38 140/135 100 18 4 M16 78 2 18 39 1.6040 45 150/145 110 18 4 M16 85 3 20 46 2.00全国免费服务电话:4008241666 玖50 57 165/160 125 18 4 M16 100 3 22 59 2.6165 73 185/180 145 18 4 M16 120 3 24 75 3.4580 89 200/195 160 18 8 M16 135 3 24 91 3.71100 108 220/215 180 18 8 M16 155 3 26 110 4.80 125 133 250/245 210 18 8 M16 185 3 28 135 6.47 150 159 285/280 240 23 8 M20 210 3 28 161 7.92 175 194 310 270 23 8 M20 240 3 28 196 8.81 200 219 340/335 295 23 12 M20 265 3 30 222 10.10 225 245 365 325 23 12 M20 295 3 30 248 11.70 250 273 405 355 26/25 12 M24/M22 320 3 32 276 15.70 300 325 160 410 26/25 12 M24/M22 375 4 32 328 18.10 350 377 520 470 26/25 16 M24/M22 435 4 34 380 23.30 400 426 580 525 30 16 M27 485 4 38 430 31.00 450 480 640 585 30 20 M27 545 4 42 484 40.20 500 530 715/705 650 34 20 M30 608 4 48 534 55.70 600 630 840 770 36/41 20 M33/M36 718 5 50 634 80.80 以上数据由武汉斯意诚贸易有限公司提供!全国免费服务电话:4008241666 壹拾1.5.PN2.5MPa凸面板式平焊钢制管法兰尺寸:公称通径管子外径连接尺寸密封面尺寸法兰厚度法兰内径法兰质量法兰外径D 螺栓孔中心距螺栓孔直径螺栓数量螺纹Th.DN A 系列Ⅰ/系列ⅡK L n 系列Ⅰ/系列Ⅱ d f C B kg10 14 90 60 14 4 M12 40 2 16 15 0.6415 18 95 65 14 4 M12 45 2 16 19 0.8020 25 105 75 14 4 M12 55 2 18 26 0.9925 32 115 85 14 4 M12 65 2 18 33 1.1832 38 140/135 100 18 4 M16 78 2 20 39 1.9640 45 150/145 110 18 4 M16 85 3 22 46 2.60全国免费服务电话:4008241666 壹拾壹50 57 165/160 125 18 4 M16 100 3 24 59 2.7165 73 185/180 145 18 8 M16 120 3 24 75 3.2280 89 200/195 160 18 8 M16 135 3 26 91 4.06100 108 235/230 190 23 8 M20 160 3 28 110 6.00 125 133 270 220 26/25 8 M24/M22 188 3 30 135 8.26 150 159 300 250 26/25 8 M24/M22 218 3 30 161 10.40 175 194 330 280 26/25 12 M24/M22 248 3 32 196 11.90 200 219 360 310 26/25 12 M24/M22 278 3 32 222 14.50 225 245 395 340 30 12 M27 302 3 34 248 17.00 250 273 425 370 30 12 M27 332 3 34 276 18.90 300 325 485 430 30 16 M27 390 4 36 328 26.80 350 377 555/550 490 40 16 M30 448 4 42 380 34.35 400 426 620/610 550 36/34 16 M33/M30 505 4 44 430 44.90 450 480 670/660 600 36/34 20 M33/M30 555 4 48 484 51.92 500 530 730 660 36/34 20 M33/M36 610 4 52 534 67.30 以上数据由武汉斯意诚贸易有限公司提供!全国免费服务电话:4008241666 壹拾贰二、JB/T82.1-1994 凸面对焊钢制管法兰2.1.PN0.25MPa凸面对焊钢制管法兰尺寸:公称通径法兰焊端外径法兰外径 D螺栓孔中心距螺栓孔直径L螺栓数量螺纹Th. 密封面尺寸法兰厚度法兰高度法兰内径颈部直径圆角半径法兰质量DN A Ⅰ/ⅡK Ⅰ/Ⅱn Ⅰ/Ⅱ d f C H B N max R kg 10 14 75 50 12 4 M10 32 2 10 25 8 22 4 0.28全国免费服务电话:4008241666 壹拾叁15 18 80 55 12 4 M10 40 2 10 28 12 28 4 0.34 20 25 90 65 12 4 M10 50 2 10 30 18 36 4 0.47 25 32 100 75 12 4 M10 60 2 10 30 25 42 4 0.62 32 38 120 90 14 4 M12 70 2 10 30 31 50 4 0.84 40 45 130 100 14 4 M12 80 3 12 36 38 60 4 1.04 50 57 140 110 14 4 M12 90 3 12 36 49 70 4 1.27 65 73 160 130 14 4 M12 110 3 12 36 66 88 4 1.67 80 89 190/185 150 18 4 M16 125 3 14 38 78 102 4 2.50 100 108 210/205 170 18 4 M16 145 3 14 40 96 122 5 3.04 125 133 240/235 200 18 8 M16 175 3 14 40 121 148 5 3.74 150 159 265/260 225 18 8 M16 200 3 14 42 146 172 5 4.37 175 194 290 255 18 8 M16 230 3 16 46 177 210 5 5.94 200 219 320/315 280 18 8 M16 255 3 16 55 202 235 5 7.29 225 245 340 305 18 8 M16 280 3 18 55 226 260 6 8.65 250 273 375/370 335 18 12 M16 310 3 20 55 254 288 6 10.73 300 325 440/435 395 23 12 M20 362 4 20 58 303 340 6 14.10 350 377 490/485 445 23 12 M20 412 4 20 58 351 390 6 16.88 400 426 540/535 495 23 16 M20 462 4 20 60 398 440 6 19.87 450 480 595/590 550 23 16 M20 518 4 20 60 450 494 6 23.20 500 530 645/640 600 23 16 M20 568 4 24 62 501 545 6 28.82 600 630 755 705 26/25 20 M24/M22 670 5 24 74 602 650 8 37.76 700 720 860 810 26/25 24 M24/M22 775 5 24 74 692 740 10 46.53 800 820 975 920 30 24 M27 880 5 24 85 792 844 12 60.15 900 920 1075 1020 30 24 M27 980 5 26 88 892 944 12 71.94 1000 1020 1175 1120 30 28 M27 1080 5 26 88 992 1044 12 79.29全国免费服务电话:4008241666 壹拾肆1200 1220 1375 1320 30 32 M27 1280 5 28 90 1192 1244 12 99.86 1400 1420 1575 1520 30 36 M27 1480 5 28 90 1392 1445 14 116.42 1600 1620 1790/1785 1730 30 40 M27 1690 5 28 90 1592 1646 14 141.72 以上数据由武汉斯意诚贸易有限公司提供!全国免费服务电话:4008241666 壹拾伍2.2.PN0.6MPa凸面对焊钢制管法兰尺寸:公称通径法兰焊端外径法兰外径 D螺栓孔中心距螺栓孔直径L螺栓数量螺纹Th. 密封面尺寸法兰厚度法兰高度法兰内径颈部直径圆角半径法兰质量DN A Ⅰ/ⅡK Ⅰ/Ⅱn Ⅰ/Ⅱ d f C H B N max R kg 10 14 75 50 12 4 M10 32 2 12 25 8 22 4 0.35全国免费服务电话:4008241666 壹拾陆15 18 80 55 12 4 M10 40 2 12 28 12 28 4 0.40 20 25 90 65 12 4 M10 50 2 12 30 18 36 4 0.54 25 32 100 75 12 4 M10 60 2 14 30 25 42 4 0.78 32 38 120 90 14 4 M12 70 2 14 35 31 50 4 1.08 40 45 130 100 14 4 M12 80 3 14 38 38 60 4 1.25 50 57 140 110 14 4 M12 90 3 14 38 49 70 4 1.42 65 73 160 130 14 4 M12 110 3 14 38 66 88 4 1.80 80 89 190/185 150 18 4 M16 125 3 16 40 78 102 4 2.85 100 108 210/205 170 18 4 M16 145 3 16 42 96 122 5 3.45 125 133 240/235 200 18 8 M16 175 3 18 44 121 148 5 4.73 150 159 265/260 225 18 8 M16 200 3 18 46 146 172 5 5.49 175 194 290 255 18 8 M16 230 3 20 50 177 210 5 7.17 200 219 320/315 280 18 8 M16 255 3 20 55 202 235 5 8.56 225 245 340 305 18 8 M16 280 3 20 55 226 260 6 9.30 250 273 375/370 335 18 12 M16 310 3 22 60 254 288 6 11.80 300 325 440/435 395 23 12 M20 362 4 22 60 303 340 6 15.27 350 377 490/485 445 23 12 M20 412 4 22 60 351 390 6 18.23 400 426 540/535 495 23 16 M20 462 4 22 62 398 440 6 21.40 450 480 595/590 550 23 16 M20 518 4 22 62 450 494 6 24.95 500 530 645/640 600 23 16 M20 568 4 24 62 501 545 6 28.82 600 630 755 705 26/25 20 M24/M22 670 5 24 74 602 650 8 37.76 700 720 860 810 26/25 24 M24/M22 775 5 24 74 692 740 10 46.53 800 820 975 920 30 24 M27 880 5 24 85 792 844 12 60.15 900 920 1075 1020 30 24 M27 980 5 26 88 892 944 12 71.94 1000 1020 1175 1120 30 28 M27 1080 5 26 88 992 1044 12 79.29全国免费服务电话:4008241666 壹拾柒1200 1220 1405/1400 1340 34 32 M30 1295 5 28 90 1192 1244 12 113.61 1400 1420 1630/1620 1560 34 36 M30 1510 5 32 106 1392 1456 14 172.47 以上数据由武汉斯意诚贸易有限公司提供!全国免费服务电话:4008241666 壹拾捌2.2.PN1.0MPa凸面对焊钢制管法兰尺寸:公称通径法兰焊端外径法兰外径 D螺栓孔中心距螺栓孔直径L螺栓数量螺纹Th. 密封面尺寸法兰厚度法兰高度法兰内径颈部直径圆角半径法兰质量DN A Ⅰ/ⅡK Ⅰ/Ⅱn Ⅰ/Ⅱ d f C H B N max R kg 10 14 90 60 14 4 M12 40 2 12 35 8 25 4 0.52全国免费服务电话:4008241666 壹拾玖15 18 95 65 14 4 M12 45 2 12 35 12 30 4 0.59 20 25 105 75 14 4 M12 55 2 14 38 18 38 4 0.88 25 32 115 85 14 4 M12 65 2 14 40 25 45 4 1.06 32 38 140/135 100 18 4 M16 78 2 16 42 31 55 4 1.72 40 45 150/145 110 18 4 M16 85 3 16 45 38 62 4 1.90 50 57 165/160 125 18 4 M16 100 3 16 45 49 76 4 2.35 65 73 185/180 145 18 4 M16 120 3 18 48 66 94 5 3.26 80 89 200/195 160 18 4 M16 135 3 18 50 78 105 5 3.77 100 108 220/215 180 18 8 M16 155 3 20 52 96 128 5 4.91 125 133 250/245 210 18 8 M16 185 3 22 60 121 156 6 6.91 150 159 285/280 240 23 8 M20 210 3 22 60 146 180 6 8.38 175 194 310 270 23 8 M20 240 3 22 60 177 210 6 9.39 200 219 340/335 295 23 8 M20 265 3 22 62 202 240 6 11.27 225 245 365 325 23 8 M20 295 3 22 65 226 268 6 13.11 250 273 395*390 350 23 12 M20 320 3 24 65 254 290 8 14.78 300 325 445/440 400 23 12 M20 368 4 26 65 303 345 8 18.85 350 377 505/500 460 23 16 M20 428 4 26 65 351 400 8 24.18 400 426 565 515 26/25 16 M24/M22 482 4 26 65 398 445 10 28.74 450 480 615 565 26/25 20 M24/M22 532 4 26 70 450 500 12 34.21 500 530 670 620 26/25 20 M24/M22 585 4 28 78 501 550 12 40.15 600 630 780 725 30 20 M27 685 5 28 90 602 650 12 50.45 700 720 895 840 30 24 M27 800 5 30 90 692 744 14 68.71 800 820 1015/1010 950 34 24 M30 905 5 32 106 792 850 14 94.12 900 920 1115/1110 1050 34 28 M30 1005 5 34 108 892 950 14 109.74 1000 1020 1230/1220 1160 36/34 28 M33/M30 1115 5 34 108 992 1050 14 128.08全国免费服务电话:4008241666 贰拾1200 1220 1455/1450 1380 41 32 M36 1325 5 38 112 1192 1256 18 182.96 以上数据由武汉斯意诚贸易有限公司提供!全国免费服务电话:4008241666 贰拾壹2.3.PN1.6MPa凸面对焊钢制管法兰尺寸:公称通径法兰焊端外径法兰外径 D螺栓孔中心距螺栓孔直径L螺栓数量螺纹Th. 密封面尺寸法兰厚度法兰高度法兰内径颈部直径圆角半径法兰质量DN A Ⅰ/ⅡK Ⅰ/Ⅱn Ⅰ/Ⅱ d f C H B N max R kg 10 14 90 60 14 4 M12 40 2 14 35 8 26 4 0.61全国免费服务电话:4008241666 贰拾贰15 18 95 65 14 4 M12 45 2 14 35 12 30 4 0.69 20 25 105 75 14 4 M12 55 2 14 38 18 38 4 0.88 25 32 115 85 14 4 M12 65 2 14 40 25 45 4 1.06 32 38 140/135 100 18 4 M16 78 2 16 42 31 55 4 1.72 40 45 150/145 110 18 4 M16 85 3 16 45 38 64 4 1.93 50 57 165/160 125 18 4 M16 100 3 16 45 49 76 5 2.36 65 73 185/180 145 18 4 M16 120 3 18 48 66 94 5 3.28 80 89 200/195 160 18 4 M16 135 3 20 50 78 110 5 4.17 100 108 220/215 180 18 8 M16 155 3 20 52 96 130 5 4.99 125 133 250/245 210 18 8 M16 185 3 22 60 121 156 6 6.91 150 159 285/280 240 23 8 M20 210 3 22 60 146 180 6 8.38 175 194 310 270 23 8 M20 240 3 24 60 177 210 6 10.05 200 219 340/335 295 23 8 M20 265 3 24 62 202 240 6 11.78 225 245 365 325 23 8 M20 295 3 24 68 226 268 6 13.85 250 273 405 350 26/25 12 M24/M22 320 3 26 68 254 292 8 16.92 300 325 460 410 26/25 12 M24/M22 368 4 28 70 303 346 8 22.29 350 377 520 470 26/25 16 M24/M22 428 4 32 78 351 400 8 31.90 400 426 580 525 30 16 M27 482 4 36 90 398 450 10 43.50 450 480 640 585 30 20 M27 532 4 38 95 450 506 10 53.90 500 530 715/705 650 34 20 M30 585 4 42 98 501 559 10 71.84 600 630 840 770 36/41 20 M33/M36 685 5 46 105 602 660 10 101.26 700 720 910 840 36/41 24 M33/M36 800 5 48 110 692 750 12 108.20 800 820 1025/1020 950 41 24 M36 905 5 50 115 792 850 12 134.77 900 920 1125/1120 1050 41 28 M36 1005 5 52 122 892 958 12 159.97 1000 1020 1255 1170 42/48 28 M39/M42 1115 5 34 125 992 1060 12 207.33全国免费服务电话:4008241666 贰拾叁1200 1220 1485 1390 48/54 32 M45/M48 1325 5 56 135 **** **** 15 286.77 以上数据由武汉斯意诚贸易有限公司提供!全国免费服务电话:4008241666 贰拾肆2.4PN2.5MPa凸面对焊钢制管法兰尺寸:公称通径法兰焊端外径法兰外径 D螺栓孔中心距螺栓孔直径L螺栓数量螺纹Th. 密封面尺寸法兰厚度法兰高度法兰内径颈部直径圆角半径法兰质量DN A Ⅰ/ⅡK Ⅰ/Ⅱn Ⅰ/Ⅱ d f C H B N max R kg 10 14 90 60 14 4 M12 40 2 16 35 8 26 4 0.70全国免费服务电话:4008241666 贰拾伍15 18 95 65 14 4 M12 45 2 16 35 12 30 5 0.7720 25 105 75 14 4 M12 55 2 16 36 18 38 5 0.9725 32 115 85 14 4 M12 65 2 16 38 25 45 5 1.1832 38 140/135 100 18 4 M16 78 2 18 45 31 55 5 1.9540 45 150/145 110 18 4 M16 85 3 18 48 38 64 5 2.1750 57 165/160 125 18 4 M16 100 3 20 48 49 76 5 2.9165 73 185/180 145 18 8 M16 120 3 22 52 66 94 6 3.8780 89 200/195 160 18 8 M16 135 3 22 55 78 110 6 4.57 100 108 230 190 23 8 M20 160 3 24 62 96 132 6 6.46 125 133 270 220 26/25 8 M24/M22 188 3 26 68 121 160 8 9.40 150 159 300 250 26/25 8 M24/M22 218 3 28 72 146 186 8 12.18 175 194 330 280 26/25 12 M24/M22 248 3 28 75 177 216 8 13.75 200 219 360 310 26/25 12 M24/M22 278 3 30 80 202 245 8 17.39 225 245 395 340 30 12 M27 302 3 32 80 226 270 8 21.45 250 273 425 370 30 12 M27 332 3 32 85 254 300 10 24.37 300 325 485 430 30 16 M27 390 4 36 92 303 352 10 33.37 350 377 555/550 490 34 16 M30 448 4 40 98 351 406 10 47.80 400 426 620/610 550 36/41 16 M33/M30 505 4 44 115 398 464 10 67.55 450 480 670/660 600 36/41 20 M33/M30 555 4 46 115 450 514 12 75.46 500 530 730 660 36/41 20 M33/M36 610 4 48 120 501 570 12 92.55 600 630 845/840 770 41 20 M36 718 5 54 130 602 670 12 126.00 700 720 960/955 875 42/48 24 M39/M42 815 5 58 140 692 766 12 169.82 800 820 1085/1070 990 42/48 24 M45/M42 930 5 60 150 792 874 15 220.45 以上数据由武汉斯意诚贸易有限公司提供!全国免费服务电话:4008241666 贰拾陆2.5PN4.0MPa凸面对焊钢制管法兰尺寸:公称通径法兰焊端外径法兰外径 D螺栓孔中心距螺栓孔直径L螺栓数量螺纹Th. 密封面尺寸法兰厚度法兰高度法兰内径颈部直径圆角半径法兰质量DN A Ⅰ/ⅡK Ⅰ/Ⅱn Ⅰ/Ⅱ d f C H B N max R kg 10 14 90 60 14 4 M12 40 2 16 35 8 26 4 0.70全国免费服务电话:4008241666 贰拾柒15 18 95 65 14 4 M12 45 2 16 35 12 30 5 0.7720 25 105 75 14 4 M12 55 2 16 36 18 38 5 0.9725 32 115 85 14 4 M12 65 2 16 38 25 45 5 1.1832 38 140/135 100 18 4 M16 78 2 18 45 31 56 5 1.9540 45 150/145 110 18 4 M16 85 3 18 48 38 64 5 2.1750 57 165/160 125 18 4 M16 100 3 20 48 49 76 5 2.9465 73 185/180 145 18 8 M16 120 3 22 52 66 96 6 3.8780 89 200/195 160 18 8 M16 135 3 24 58 78 112 6 5.02 100 108 235/230 190 23 8 M20 160 3 26 68 96 138 6 7.63 125 133 270 220 26/25 8 M24/M22 188 3 28 68 121 160 8 10.12 150 159 300 250 26/25 8 M24/M22 218 3 30 72 146 186 8 13.03 175 194 350 295 30 12 M27 258 3 36 88 177 226 10 20.51 200 219 375 320 30 12 M27 282 3 38 88 200 250 10 24.11 225 245 415 355 34 12 M30 315 3 40 98 226 280 10 30.79 250 273 450/445 385 34 12 M30 345 3 42 102 252 310 12 37.96 300 325 515/510 450 34 16 M30 408 4 46 116 301 368 12 53.30 350 377 582/570 510 36/34 16 M33/M30 465 4 52 120 351 418 12 71.79 400 426 660/665 585 41 16 M36 535 4 58 142 398 480 12 107.72 450 480 685/680 610 41 20 M36 560 4 60 146 448 530 14 108.50 500 530 755 670 42/48 20 M39/M42 612 4 62 156 495 580 15 137.30 以上数据由武汉斯意诚贸易有限公司提供!全国免费服务电话:4008241666 贰拾捌三、JB/T82.2-1994 凹凸面对焊钢制管法兰3.1.PN4.0MPa凹凸面对焊钢制管法兰尺寸:公称通径法兰焊端外径法兰外径螺栓孔中心距螺栓孔直径螺栓数量螺纹Th.密封面尺寸法兰厚度法兰高度法兰内径颈部直径圆角半径法兰理论质量d X Y f f1、f2DN A Ⅰ/ⅡK Ⅰ/Ⅱn Ⅰ/Ⅱ C H B N max R A型B型全国免费服务电话:4008241666 贰拾玖10 14 90 60 14 4 M12 40 34 35 2 4 16 35 8 26 4 0.77 0.67 15 18 95 65 14 4 M12 45 39 40 2 4 16 35 12 30 5 0.87 0.77 20 25 105 75 14 4 M12 55 50 51 2 4 16 36 18 38 5 1.09 0.97 25 32 115 85 14 4 M12 65 57 58 2 4 16 38 25 45 5 1.31 1.18 32 38 140/135 100 18 4 M16 78 65 66 2 4 18 45 31 56 5 2.17 1.98 40 45 150/145 110 18 4 M16 85 75 76 3 4 18 48 38 64 5 2.51 2.14 50 57 165/160 125 18 4 M16 100 87 88 3 4 20 48 48 76 5 3.34 2.92 65 73 185/180 145 18 8 M16 120 109 110 3 4 22 52 66 96 6 4.34 3.85 80 89 200/195 160 18 8 M16 135 120 121 3 4 24 58 78 112 6 5.52 5.03 100 108 235/230 190 23 8 M20 160 149 150 3 4.5 26 68 96 138 6 8.39 7.71 125 133 270 220 26/25 8 M24/M22 188 175 176 3 4.5 28 68 120 160 8 11.06 10.27 150 159 300 250 26/25 8 M24/M22 218 203 204 3 4.5 30 72 145 186 8 14.16 13.30 175 194 350 295 30 12 M27 258 233 234 3 4.5 36 88 177 226 10 21.80 20.97 200 219 375 320 30 12 M27 282 259 260 3 4.5 38 88 200 250 10 25.56 24.72 225 245 415 355 34 12 M30 315 286 287 3 4.5 40 98 226 280 10 32.48 31.60 250 273 450/445 385 34 12 M30 345 312 313 3 4.5 42 102 252 310 10 39.87 39.00 300 325 515/510 450 34 16 M30 408 363 364 4 4.5 46 116 301 368 12 55.97 53.21 350 377 580/570 510 36/34 16 M33/M30465 421 422 4 5 52 120 351 418 12 75.30 72.29 400 426 660/665 585 41 16 M36 535 473 474 4 5 58 142 398 480 12 112.02 108.44 450 480 685/680 610 41 20 M36 560 523 524 4 5 60 146 448 530 14 112.82 109.70 500 530 755 670 42/48 20 M39/M42612 575 576 4 5 62 156 495 580 15 142.70 138.60 以上数据由武汉斯意诚贸易有限公司提供!全国免费服务电话:4008241666 叁拾3.2.PN6.3MPa凹凸面对焊钢制管法兰尺寸:公称通径法兰焊端外径法兰外径螺栓孔中心距螺栓孔直径螺栓数量螺纹Th.密封面尺寸法兰厚度法兰高度法兰内径颈部直径圆角半径法兰理论质量d X Y f f1、f2DN A Ⅰ/ⅡK Ⅰ/Ⅱn Ⅰ/Ⅱ C H B N max R A型B型10 14 100 70 14 4 M12 50 34 35 2 4 18 48 8 34 4 1.12 1.02全国免费服务电话:4008241666 叁拾壹15 18 105 75 14 4 M12 55 39 40 2 4 18 48 12 38 5 1.25 1.14 20 25 130/125 90 18 4 M16 68 50 51 2 4 20 56 18 48 5 2.12 1.95 25 32 140/135 100 18 4 M16 78 57 58 2 4 22 58 25 52 5 2.64 2.46 32 38 155/150 110 23 4 M20 82 65 66 2 4 24 62 31 64 5 3.50 3.28 40 45 170/165 125 23 4 M20 95 75 76 3 4 24 68 37 74 5 4.35 3.91 50 57 180/175 135 23 4 M20 105 87 88 3 4 26 70 47 86 5 5.29 4.80 65 73 205/200 160 23 8 M20 130 109 110 3 4 28 75 64 106 6 7.00 6.43 80 89 215/210 170 23 8 M20 140 120 121 3 4 30 75 77 120 6 8.07 7.50 100 108 250 200 26/25 8 M24/M22168 149 150 3 4.5 32 80 94 140 6 11.51 10.80 125 133 295 240 30 8 M27 202 175 176 3 4.5 36 98 118 112 8 18.02 17.09 150 159 345/340 280 34 8 M30 240 203 204 3 4.5 38 108 142 206 8 26.45 25.29 175 194 375/370 310 34 12 M30 270 233 234 3 4.5 42 110 174 232 10 30.63 29.61 200 219 415/405 345 36/34 12 M33/M30300 259 260 3 4.5 44 116 198 264 10 39.68 38.51 225 245 430 370 36/34 12 M33/M30 325 286 287 3 4.5 46 120 222 290 10 43.34 42.32 250 273 470 400 36/41 12 M33/M36 352 312 313 3 4.5 48 122 246 316 10 53.64 52.47 300 325 530 460 36/41 16 M33/M36 412 363 364 4 4.5 54 136 294 370 12 73.10 69.97 350 377 600/595525 41 16 M36 475 421 422 4 5 60 154 342 430 12 103.50 108.44 400 426 670 585 42/48 16 M39/M42525 473 474 4 5 66 170 386 484 12 143.30 138.90 以上数据由武汉斯意诚贸易有限公司提供!全国免费服务电话:4008241666 叁拾贰3.3.PN10.0MPa凹凸面对焊钢制管法兰尺寸:公称通径法兰焊端外径法兰外径螺栓孔中心距螺栓孔直径螺栓数量螺纹Th.密封面尺寸法兰厚度法兰高度法兰内径颈部直径圆角半径法兰理论质量d X Y f f1、f2DN A Ⅰ/ⅡK Ⅰ/Ⅱn Ⅰ/Ⅱ C H B N max R A型B型10 14 100 70 14 4 M12 50 34 35 2 4 18 45 8 34 4 1.12 1.02全国免费服务电话:4008241666 叁拾叁15 18 105 75 14 4 M12 55 39 40 2 4 20 48 12 38 5 1.37 1.26 20 25 130/125 90 18 4 M16 68 50 51 2 4 22 56 18 48 5 2.30 2.13 25 32 140/135 100 18 4 M16 78 57 58 2 4 24 58 25 52 5 2.86 2.67 32 38 155/150 110 23 4 M20 82 65 66 2 4 24 62 31 64 5 3.50 3.28 40 45 170/165 125 23 4 M20 95 75 76 3 4 26 70 37 76 5 4.72 4.28 50 57 195145 26/25 4 M24/M22112 87 88 3 4 28 72 45 86 5 6.58 6.02 65 73 220170 26/25 8 M24/M22138 109 110 3 4 32 84 62 110 6 9.20 8.60 80 89 230180 26/25 8 M24/M22148 120 121 3 4 34 90 75 124 6 10.61 9.97 100 108 265 210 30 8 M27 172 149 150 3 4.5 38 100 92 146 6 15.54 14.70 125 133 315/310250 34 8 M30 210 175 176 3 4.5 42 115 112 180 8 25.10 24.00 150 159 355/350 290 34 8 M30 250 203 204 3 4.5 46 130 136 214 8 34.43 33.26 175 194 385/380 320 34 12 M30 280 233 234 3 4.5 48 135 166 246 10 41.60 40.47 200 219 430360 36/34 12 M33/M36312 259 260 3 4.5 54 145 190 276 10 57.14 71.90 225 245 470 400 41 12 M36352 286 287 3 4.5 56 165 212 312 10 73.30 71.90 250 273 505/500430 41 12 M36382 312 313 3 4.5 60 170 236 340 10 89.30 87.90 300 325 585 500 42/48 16 M39/M42 442 363 364 4 4.5 70 195 284 400 12 107.45 130.10 350 377 665 560 48/54 16 M45/M48498 421 422 4 5 76 210 332 460 12 186.00 175.20 400 426 715 620 48/54 16 M45/M48558 473 474 4 5 80 220 376 510 12 223.50 218.50 以上数据由武汉斯意诚贸易有限公司提供!全国免费服务电话:4008241666 叁拾肆3.4.PN16.0MPa凹凸面对焊钢制管法兰尺寸:公称通径法兰焊端外径法兰外径螺栓孔中心距螺栓孔直径螺栓数量螺纹Th.密封面尺寸法兰厚度法兰高度法兰内径颈部直径圆角半径法兰理论质量d X Y f f1、f2DN A Ⅰ/ⅡK Ⅰ/Ⅱn Ⅰ/Ⅱ C H B N max R A型B型全国免费服务电话:4008241666 叁拾伍15 18 110 75 18 4 M16 55 39 40 2 4 24 50 11 40 4 1.73 1.60 20 25 13090 23 4 M20 62 50 51 2 4 26 55 18 45 4 2.50 2.33 25 32 140100 23 4 M20 72 57 58 2 4 28 55 23 52 4 3.16 2.97 32 38 165115 25 4 M22 85 65 66 2 4 30 60 32 62 5 4.71 4.46 40 45 175125 27 4 M24 92 75 76 3 4 32 65 37 71 5 5.73 5.26 50 57 215165 25 8 M22 132 87 88 3 4 36 90 48 106 5 10.33 9.76 65 73 245190 30 8 M27 152 109 110 3 4 44 105 62 128 8 16.03 15.29 80 89 260205 30 8 M27 168 120 121 3 4 46 110 70 138 8 18.92 18.13 100 108 300 240 34 8 M30 200 149 150 3 4.5 48 120 90 170 8 26.96 25.98 125 133 355 285 41 8 M36 238 175 176 3 4.5 60 140 118 206 10 44.72 43.55 150 159 390318 41 12 M36 270 203 204 3 4.5 66 155 136 234 10 56.86 56.55 175 194 460380 48 12 M42 325 233 234 3 4.5 76 180 158 270 10 92.29 90.54 200 219 480400 48 12 M42 345 259 260 3 4.5 78 185 178 298 10 104.66 102.85 225 245 545 450 54 12 M48390 286 287 3 4.5 82 215 200 346 10 150.22 147.95 250 273 580 485 54 12 M48425 312 313 3 4.5 88 230 224 380 10 184.30 182.00 300 325 665 570 54 16 M48510 363 364 4 4.5 100 275 268 460 10 287.00 282.00 以上数据由武汉斯意诚贸易有限公司提供!全国免费服务电话:4008241666 叁拾陆3.5.PN20.0MPa凹凸面对焊钢制管法兰尺寸:公称通径法兰焊端外径法兰外径螺栓孔中心距螺栓孔直径螺栓数量螺纹Th.密封面尺寸法兰厚度法兰高度法兰内径颈部直径圆角半径法兰理论质量d X Y f f1、f2DN A Ⅰ/ⅡK Ⅰ/Ⅱn Ⅰ/Ⅱ C H B N max R A型B型15 18 120 82 18 4 M20 55 27 28 2 5 26 50 14 40 5 2.05 1.94全国免费服务电话:4008241666 叁拾柒20 25 13090 23 4 M20 62 34 35 2 5 28 55 19 46 5 2.64 2.52 25 32 150102 23 4 M22 72 41 42 2 5 30 55 25 54 5 3.78 3.62 32 38 160115 25 4 M22 85 49 50 2 5 32 60 31 64 5 4.68 4.52 40 45 170124 25 4 M24 90 55 56 3 5 34 70 36 74 5 5.68 5.36 50 57 210160 27 8 M22 128 69 70 3 5 40 95 46 105 5 10.76 10.36 65 73 260203 25 8 M27 165 96 97 3 5 48 110 68 138 8 19.63 19.09 80 89 290230 34 8 M30 190 115 116 3 5 54 125 80 162 8 27.80 27.19 100 108 360 292 41 8 M36 245 137 138 3 6 66 165 102 208 8 54.02 53.33 125 133 385 318 41 12 M36 270 169 170 3 6 76 170 130 234 10 64.62 64.22 150 159 440360 48 12 M42 305 189 190 3 6 82 180 150 266 10 89.73 89.30 175 194 475394 48 12 M42 340 213 214 3 6 84 190 170 294 10 109.80 109.50 200 219 535440 54 12 M48 380 244 245 3 6 92 210 192 340 10 156.70 156.00 225 245 580 483 58 12 M52418 267 268 3 6 100 240 212 374 10 203.00 202.60 250 273 670 572 58 12 M52508 318 319 3 6 110 290 254 460 10 319.60 319.60 以上数据由武汉斯意诚贸易有限公司提供!全国免费服务电话:4008241666 叁拾捌化工部法兰标准系列壹、欧洲体系钢制管法兰一、HG/T20592-2009 板式平焊钢制管法兰系列:1.1.PN0.25MPa 板式平焊钢制管法兰尺寸公称通径管子外径A1法兰外径螺栓孔中心距螺栓孔直径螺栓孔数量螺纹法兰厚度法兰内径法兰质量DN A B D K L n Th. C A B kg10 17.2 14 75 50 11 4 M10 12 18 15 0.3615 21.3 18 80 55 11 4 M10 12 22 19 04120 26.9 25 90 65 11 4 M10 14 27.5 26 0.6025 33.7 32 100 75 11 4 M10 14 34.5 33 0.7332 42.4 38 120 90 14 4 M12 16 43.5 39 1.1940 48.3 45 130 100 14 4 M12 16 49.5 46 1.38全国免费服务电话:4008241666 叁拾玖50 60.3 57 140 110 14 4 M12 16 61.5 59 1.5165 76.1 76 160 130 14 4 M12 16 77.5 78 1.8580 88.9 89 190 150 18 4 M16 18 90.5 91 2.94100 114.3 108 210 170 18 4 M16 18 116 110 3.41 125 139.7 133 240 200 18 8 M16 20 141.5 135 4.53 150 168.3 159 265 225 18 8 M16 20 170.5 161 5.14 200 219.1 219 320 280 18 8 M16 22 221.5 222 6.85 250 273 273 375 335 22 12 M16 24 276.5 276 8.96 300 323.9 325 440 395 22 12 M20 24 327.5 328 11.9 350 355.6 377 490 445 22 12 M20 26 359.5 381 14.3 400 406.4 426 540 495 22 16 M20 28 411 430 17.1 450 457 480 595 550 22 16 M20 30 462 485 20.5 500 508 530 645 600 22 20 M20 32 513.5 535 23.7 600 610 630 755 705 26 20 M24 36 616.5 636 33.7 700 711 720 860 810 26 24 M24 36 715 724 44.2 800 813 820 975 920 30 24 M27 38 817 824 58.6 900 914 920 1075 1020 30 24 M27 40 918 924 69.1 1000 1016 1020 1175 1120 30 28 M27 42 1020 1024 79.4 1200 1219 1220 1375 1320 30 32 M27 44 1223 1224 98.6 1400 1422 1420 1575 1520 30 36 M27 48 1426 1424 124.4 1600 1626 1620 1790 1730 30 40 M27 51 1630 1624 166.8 1800 1829 1820 1990 1930 30 44 M27 54 1833 1824 197.5 2000 2032 2020 2190 2130 30 48 M27 58 2036 2024 234.6 以上数据由武汉斯意诚贸易有限公司提供!全国免费服务电话:4008241666 肆拾1.2.PN0.6MPa 板式平焊钢制管法兰尺寸:公称通径管子外径A1法兰外径螺栓孔中心距螺栓孔直径螺栓孔数量螺纹法兰厚度法兰内径破口宽度法兰质量DN A B D K L n Th. C A B b kg10 17.2 14 75 50 11 4 M10 12 18 15 - 0.3615 21.3 18 80 55 11 4 M10 12 22 19 - 04120 26.9 25 90 65 11 4 M10 14 27.5 26 - 0.6025 33.7 32 100 75 11 4 M10 14 34.5 33 - 0.7332 42.4 38 120 90 14 4 M12 16 43.5 39 - 1.1940 48.3 45 130 100 14 4 M12 16 49.5 46 - 1.3850 60.3 57 140 110 14 4 M12 16 61.5 59 - 1.5165 76.1 76 160 130 14 4 M12 16 77.5 78 - 1.8580 88.9 89 190 150 18 4 M16 18 90.5 91 - 2.94100 114.3 108 210 170 18 4 M16 18 116 110 - 3.41全国免费服务电话:4008241666 肆拾壹125 139.7 133 240 200 18 8 M16 18 141.5 135 - 4.08 150 168.3 159 265 225 18 8 M16 20 170.5 161 - 5.14 200 219.1 219 320 280 18 8 M16 22 221.5 222 - 6.85 250 273 273 375 335 22 12 M16 24 276.5 276 - 8.96 300 323.9 325 440 395 22 12 M20 24 327.5 328 - 11.9 350 355.6 377 490 445 22 12 M20 26 359.5 381 - 14.3 400 406.4 426 540 495 22 16 M20 28 411 430 - 17.1 450 457 480 595 550 22 16 M20 30 462 485 - 20.5 500 508 530 645 600 22 20 M20 32 513.5 535 - 23.7 600 610 630 755 705 26 20 M24 36 616.5 636 - 33.7 700 711 720 860 810 26 24 M24 40 715 724 - 49.1 800 813 820 975 920 30 24 M27 44 817 824 - 67.8 900 914 920 1075 1020 30 24 M27 48 918 924 - 82.9 1000 1016 1020 1175 1120 30 28 M27 52 1020 1024 - 98.3 1200 1219 1220 1405 1340 33 32 M30*2 60 1223 1224 - 163.1 1400 1422 1420 1630 1560 36 36 M33*2 68 1426 1424 - 244.1 1600 1626 1620 1830 1760 36 40 M33*2 76 1630 1624 - 309.1 1800 1829 1820 2045 1970 39 44 M36*3 84 1833 1824 17 408.0 2000 2032 2020 2265 2180 42 48 M36*3 92 2036 2024 18 538.0以上数据由武汉斯意诚贸易有限公司提供!全国免费服务电话:4008241666 肆拾贰。
二〇 一〇 年七月二十二日
1 电气设备 .......................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 开关与起动器 ....................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1.1 矿用防爆低压交流真空馈电开关 .................................................................................................... 1 1.1.2 矿用隔爆型馈电开关 ........................................................................................................................ 1 1.1.3 矿用防爆高压配电装置 ...........................................................................................................
接线盒定制60个KITOZER/广州 5.00300.00接线盒2
多层铜芯线定制1,000米KITOZER/广州 5.005,000.00多层铜芯线,1.0-1.5MM,7蕊3
镀锌金属线管直径=25mm 1,000米KITOZER/广州8.008,000.00机房配电金属线管4其他辅助材料订制1批KITOZER/广州12,000.00
用户服务中心:020-******** 85574628 85574638 85698805 85698850 85698857
阀门压力等级对照表阀门, 等级, 压力,对照表压力等级Class和公称压力对照表磅级Class 150 300 400 600 900 1500 2500公称压力MPa 0.6MPa1.0MPa1.6MPa2.0MPa2.5MPa4.0MPa5.0MPa6.4MPa 10.0MPa 15.0MPa 25.0MPa 42.0MPa公称压力PN PN6PN10PN16PN20PN25PN40PN50PN64 PN100 PN150 PN250 PN420阀门公称压力系列 MPa (bar)0.05(0.5) 0.1(1.0) 0.25(2.5) 0.4(4.0) 0.6(6.0) 0.8(8.0)1.0(10.0) 1.6(16.0)2.0(20.0) 2.5(25.0) 4.0(40.0) 5.0(50.0)6.3(63.3) 10.0(100.0) 15.0(150.0) 16.0(160.0) 20.0(200.0) 25.0(250.0) 28.0(280.0) 32.0(320.0) 42.0(420.0) 50.0(500.0) 63.0(630.0) 80.0(800.0) 100.0(1000.0) 125.0(1250.0) 160.0(1600.0) 200.0(2000.0) 250.0(2500.0) 335.0(3350.0) 公制与英制换算表(适用于阀门)Metric Equivalent Charts公称通径Size 英寸In.1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1 11/4 11/2 2 21/2 3 31/2 4 毫米DN 4 6 10 15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 90 100英寸In.5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 26 28 30 毫米DN 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 650 700 750英寸32 34 36 42 48 54 60 64 72 80 84 88 96In.毫米DN 800 850 900 1050 1200 1350 1500阀门型号编制方法阀门型号编制方法主要参照JB 308-1975标准,同时吸收了有关标准对型号编制的规定。
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Moment Convergence Displacement Convergence Rotation Convergence Line Search Stabilization Stress Strain Nodal Forces Contact Miscellaneous General Miscellaneous Calculate Results At Max Number of Result Sets Solver Files Directory Future Analysis Scratch Solver Files Directory Save MAPDL db Delete Unneeded Files Nonlinear Solution Solver Units Solver Unit System
No Yes No Active System nmm
TABLE 8 Model (B4) > Static Structural (B5) > Loads Pressure Force Object Name Fixed Support State Fully Defined Scope Scoping Method Geometry Selection Geometry 2 Faces 18 Faces 1 Face Definition Type Fixed Support Pressure Force Suppressed No Define By Normal To Vector Magnitude 3.75 MPa (ramped) 4.8e+005 N (ramped) Direction Defined FIGURE 1 Model (B4) > Static Structural (B5) > Pressure
Units Model (B4) o Geometry outer pipe_empty.ipt o Coordinate Systems o Mesh o Static Structural (B5) Analysis Settings Loads Solution (B6) Solution Information Results Material Data o Gray Cast Iron
First Saved Friday, October 24, 2014 Last Saved Friday, October 24, 2014 Product Version 14.0 Release Save Project Before Solution No Save Project After Solution No
TABLE 5 Model (B4) > Mesh Mesh Object Name State Solved Defaults Physics Preference Mechanical Relevance 0 Sizing Use Advanced Size Function Off Relevance Center Coarse Element Size 40.0 mm Initial Size Seed Active Assembly Smoothing Medium Transition Fast Span Angle Center Coarse Minimum Edge Length 3.06030 mm Inflation Use Automatic Inflation None Inflation Option Smooth Transition Transition Ratio 0.272 Maximum Layers 5 Growth Rate 1.2 Inflation Algorithm Pre View Advanced Options No Patch Conforming Options
Unit System Angle Rotational Velocity Temperature TABLE 1 Metric (mm, t, N, s, mV, mA) Degrees rad/s Celsius Degrees rad/s Celsius
Model (B4)
TABLE 4 Model (B4) > Coordinate Systems > Coordinate System Object Name Global Coordinate System State Fully Defined Definition Type Cartesian Coordinate System ID 0. Origin Origin X 0. mm Origin Y 0. mm Origin Z 0. mm Directional Vectors X Axis Data [ 1. 0. 0. ] Y Axis Data [ 0. 1. 0. ] Z Axis Data [ 0. 0. 1. ]
Moment of Inertia Ip2 1.9616e+005 t· mm² Moment of Inertia Ip3 1.9467e+005 t· mm² Statistics Nodes 112806 Elements 62659 Mesh Metric None
Coordinate Systems
Nodes 112806 Elements 62659 Mesh Metric None Basic Geometry Options Solid Bodies Yes Surface Bodies Yes Line Bodies No Parameters Yes Parameter Key DS Attributes No Named Selections No Material Properties No Advanced Geometry Options Use Associativity Yes Coordinate Systems No Reader Mode Saves Updated File No Use Instances Yes Smart CAD Update No Attach File Via Temp File Yes Temporary Directory C:\TEMP Analysis Type 3-D Mixed Import Resolution None Decompose Disjoint Faces Yes Enclosure and Symmetry Processing Yes TABLE 3 Model (B4) > Geometry > Parts outer pipe_empty.ipt Object Name State Meshed Graphics Properties Visible Yes Transparency 1 Definition Suppressed No Stiffness Behavior Flexible Coordinate System Default Coordinate System Reference Temperature By Environment Material Assignment Gray Cast Iron Nonlinear Effects Yes Thermal Strain Effects Yes Bounding Box Length X 1009. mm Length Y 1020. mm Length Z 1085. mm Properties Volume 1.357e+008 mm³ Mass 0.97703 t Centroid X 500.16 mm Centroid Y 3.788e-003 mm Centroid Z 7.5433 mm Moment of Inertia Ip1 1.7393e+005 t· mm²
Static Structural (B5)
TABLE 6 Model (B4) > Analysis Object Name Static Structural (B5) State Solved Definition Physics Type Structural Analysis Type Static Structural Solver Target Mechanical APDL Options Environment Temperature 22. ° C Generate Input Only No TABLE 7 Model (B4) > Static Structural (B5) > Analysis Settings Analysis Settings Object Name State Fully Defined Step Controls Number Of Steps 1. Current Step Number 1. Step End Time 1. s Auto Time Stepping Program Controlled Solver Controls Solver Type Program Controlled Weak Springs Program Controlled Large Deflection Off Inertia Relief Off Restart Controls Generate Restart Points Program Controlled Retain Files After Full Solve No Nonlinear Controls Force Convergence Program Controlled