


技术说明书 与
5 月 11 日 DESP-MASP rev.2
5 月 11 日 DESP-MASP rev.2
火花探测器 概要
火花探测和熄灭系统部件 ····································································································· 5
Control Logic 火花探测系统的介绍 ························································································· 5
火花探测系统总图 ·············································································································· 6
FIL-817 水用电磁阀过滤器 3/4” ···························································································· 16
LAC-843 报警灯 ················································································································ 16
电磁排放的错误警报 ·········································································································· 26



卡宴E-Hybrid 作者:宋彬来源:《车主之友》2019年第05期与大多数因时就势的新能源车偏重节能不同,保时捷混动车型追求更多的是车辆性能的提升。


承继自勒芒冠军赛车919 Hybrid的混动基因,使它不但能在短途行程中利用纯电模式达到节能目的,而且还可以利用混动系统实现性能的大幅提升,配合专属的Sport Chrono组件实现接近卡宴∽的性能全新卡宴E-Hybrid外形完全继承了第三代卡宴的外观设计,因此从远处看与其它车型并没什么区别,走近车身你才会发现翼子板有亮眼的青柠色“E- Hybrid”标识以及车尾的“Cayenne”车型标识,除此之外,还有一套青柠色制动卡钳也能证明它的混动身份。



而在车内,新车最能证明身份的地方就是基于918 Spyder并经过专属设计的仪表盘,青柠色仪表指针和中控屏上的“混合动力能量显示”以及其它地方的细微点缀都显得这台车与众不同。

当驾驶者按下Sport Chrono组件的驱动模式按钮,仪表盘上便会显示驱动模式、电池余量等信息。







新车在位于法国南部的丰田欧洲设计开发总部 ED诞生,并专为满足欧洲市场的期望而开发。

虽然整体变化很大,但丰田欧洲总部还是将出色的造型、引人入胜的驾驶性能和一流的效率融为一体,诞生了这台C-HR PHEV 220。

双重DNA丰田C-HR PHEV 220编译 宋海强060TOP 4X4Fresh Car天下四驱TOP 4X4061除了大多数混合动力和插电式混合动力车辆所预设正常、经济和运动模式外,新款丰田C-H R的驾驶模式还可以通过中控台上的驾驶模式选择选项进行定制。


标配的6.6k W 车载充电器可使丰田C-H R P H E V 220在2.5h内将电池电量从0%充电到100%。



064TOP 4X4天下四驱Fresh Car除了P H E V 220之外,新款C-H R 还有3种混合动力系统,高效的Hybrid 140配备1.8L发动机可提供103k W的最大功率,足够满足日常通勤所需。

而对于想要更激烈驾驶体验的人,搭载2.0L 发动机的H y b r i d 200具有143k W的最大功率和190N·m峰值扭矩。

此外,Hybrid 200 AWD-i车型还增加了全时四驱,可增强驾驶信心和安全性,另外也能提供更好的牵引力和稳定性、更精确的转弯以及在各种路况下行驶时的信心。

P H E V 220首次在全球丰田汽车上采用采埃孚频率敏感控制 (FSC) 技术,以增强操控性和乘坐舒适性。


施耐德 RXM2LB2BD RXM插入式继电器 数据表

施耐德 RXM2LB2BD RXM插入式继电器 数据表

Product data sheetCharacteristicsRXM2LB2BDRXM小型继电器,2 C/O - 24 V DC - 5 A ,带LED主要信息产品系列Harmony Electromechanical Relays 无干扰线圈无系列号小型产品类型插入式继电器产品短名RXM 触点类型2 OC额定负载电流 壳体内 [Ithe]5 A 在…上 -40…55 °C补充信息触点动作标准控制回路电压 [Uc]24 V DC LED 状态有控制类型无按钮额定冲击耐受电压 [Uimp]4 KV 在 1.2/50 µs 符合 IEC 61810-7额定工作电流 [Ie]5 A (AC-1/DC-1) NO 符合 IEC 2.5 A (AC-1/DC-1) NC 符合 IEC 1 A 在…上 28 V (DC-13) NO最小开关能力25 mW subject to switching frequency, environment or expected reliability level etc 动作时间20 ms 线圈放电和断开延时触头的接通 20 ms 线圈加电和接通延迟触头的接通CAD 总宽度21 Mm CAD 总高度27 Mm CAD 总深度46 Mm最小开关电流 [Imin]5 MA subject to switching frequency, environment or expected reliability level etc 最小开关电压5 V subject to switching frequency, environment or expected reliability level etc 额定操作电压限制19.2...26.4 V DC 额定绝缘电压 [Ui]250 V 符合 IEC 最大开关电压250 V AC 28 V DC 压降阀值>= 0.1 Uc DC 负载电流5 A 在…上 250 V AC 5 A 在…上 28 V DC 最大开关能力1250 VA AC 140 W DC平均电阻640 Ω 在…上 23 °C +/- 10 %平均消耗,单位为W 0.9 W, DC 机械寿命10000000 次电气寿命100000 次 适用 阻性(负载) 量50000 次, 1 A 在…上 28 V, DC-13 NOT h e i n f o r m a t i o n p r o v i d e d i n t h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n c o n t a i n s g e n e r a l d e s c r i p t i o n s a n d /o r t e c h n i c a l c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f t h e p e r f o r m a n c e o f t h e p r o d u c t s c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n .T h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n i s n o t i n t e n d e d a s a s u b s t i t u t e f o r a n d i s n o t t o b e u s e d f o r d e t e r m i n i n g s u i t a b i l i t y o r r e l i a b i l i t y o f t h e s e p r o d u c t s f o r s p e c i f i c u s e r a p p l i c a t i o n s .I t i s t h e d u t y o f a n y s u c h u s e r o r i n t e g r a t o r t o p e r f o r m t h e a p p r o p r i a t e a n d c o m p l e t e r i s k a n a l y s i s , e v a l u a t i o n a n d t e s t i n g o f t h e p r o d u c t s w i t h r e s p e c t t o t h e r e l e v a n t s p e c i f i c a p p l i c a t i o n o r u s e t h e r e o f .N e i t h e r S c h n e i d e r E l e c t r i c I n d u s t r i e s S A S n o r a n y o f i t s a f f i l i a t e s o r s u b s i d i a r i e s s h a l l b e r e s p o n s i b l e o r l i a b l e f o r m i s u s e o f t h e i n f o r m a t i o n c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n .安全可靠的数据B10d = 100000工作额定值<=1200次/小时 欠载<=18000次/小时 无负荷利用系数20 %绝缘性能2000 V AC 线圈和触头之间 和 基本绝缘 绝缘2000 V AC 极之间 和 基本绝缘 绝缘1000 V AC 触头之间 和 微断 绝缘保护种类RT I污染等级3操作位置任何位置测试水平 A 级 group mounting每件单独销售数量10触点材料银合金(银/镍)净重0.032 Kg环境IP 保护等级IP40 conforming to IEC 60529符合标准IEC 61810-1 (iss. 2)CE贮存环境温度-40…85 °C抗振动 3 gn, 振幅 = +/- 1 mm (f = 10…50 Hz)运行 符合 IEC 60068-2-66 gn, 振幅 = +/- 1 mm (f = 10…50 Hz)非运行 符合 IEC 60068-2-6抗冲击30 gn 适用 非运行 符合 IEC 60068-2-2710 gn 适用 运行期间 符合 IEC 60068-2-27包装单位Unit Type of Package 1PCENumber of Units in Package 11Package 1 Height 2.000 CmPackage 1 Width 2.500 CmPackage 1 Length 4.500 CmPackage 1 Weight33.000 GUnit Type of Package 2BB1Number of Units in Package 210Package 2 Height 3.000 CmPackage 2 Width10.500 CmPackage 2 Length12.500 CmPackage 2 Weight363.000 GUnit Type of Package 3S02Number of Units in Package 3270Package 3 Height15.000 CmPackage 3 Width30.000 CmPackage 3 Length40.000 CmPackage 3 Weight10.065 Kg可持续性产品类型Green Premium 产品REACh法规REACh 声明REACh(不含 SVHC)是欧盟ROHS指令主动合规性(超出欧盟 RoHS 法定范围的产品)欧盟ROHS声明无有毒重金属是无汞是中国 ROHS 管理办法中国 ROHS 声明RoHS 豁免信息是环境披露产品环境文件流通资料产品使用寿命终期信息WEEE该产品必须经特定废物回收处理后弃置于欧盟市场,绝不可丢弃于垃圾桶中。



最新全套保时捷维修资料------宝驰名车中心语言language:中文Chinese Italiano English Fran?ais Deutsch Espa?ol Japan日本2014-2015保时捷Macan 95B维修手册2014-2015保时捷918 Spyder 维修手册2013-2015保时捷帕拉梅拉Panamera 970维修手册2010-2012保时捷帕拉梅拉Panamera 970维修手册2012-2015保时捷卡雷拉Carrera911 991维修手册2006-2010保时捷卡雷拉Carrera911 996 997维修手册2012-2015保时捷Boxster, Cayman 981维修手册2009-2012保时捷卡曼Cayman 987维修手册2009-2012保时捷博克斯特Boxster 987维修手册2011-2012年保时捷卡宴Cayenne 92A维修手册2013-2015年保时捷卡宴Cayenne 92A维修手册2008-2011保时捷卡宴Cayenne 9PA维修手册2004-2006保时捷卡宴Cayenne 9PA维修手册2011-2014保时捷全车型常用保养维修手册2010-2013保时捷全车型编码故障码数据流汇集2009-2014保时捷全车型故障代码查询诊断帮助老款保时捷Porsche911维修手册老款保时捷Porsche968维修手册保时捷Macan 95B电路图保时捷918 Spyder电路图保时捷帕拉梅拉Panamera 970电路图保时捷帕拉梅拉Panamera 970电路图保时捷卡雷拉Carrera911 991电路图保时捷卡雷拉Carrera911 996 997电路图保时捷Boxster, Cayman 981电路图保时捷卡曼Cayman 987电路图保时捷博克斯特Boxster 987电路图保时捷卡宴Cayenne 92A电路图保时捷卡宴Cayenne 9PA电路图2005-2012保时捷电路图系统WDS2005-2015保时捷电路图系统WDS技术培训:保时捷Macan多媒体课程保时捷Panamera 多媒体课程保时捷918 Spyder多媒体课程保时捷911 Carrera多媒体课程保时捷卡宴Cayenne多媒体课程保时捷Boxster多媒体课程保时捷Hybrid技术多媒体课程保时捷舒适性电气系统多媒体课程保时捷PIWIS II诊断编程操作多媒体保时捷动力传输系统多媒体课程保时捷发动机电气系统多媒体课程保时捷PDK双离合器变速箱多媒体课程2015保时捷MacanDiesel MacanS MacanTurbo 95B培训手册2015保时捷918Spyder技术培训手册2014保时捷培训中心技师培训课件2014保时捷帕拉梅拉Panamera970所有车型技术培训手册2014保时捷卡曼981 Cayman CaymanS技术培训手册2014保时捷卡雷拉Carrera911 991 GT3技术培训手册2014保时捷电器CAN波形高级培训资料2014保时捷Macan 95B技术培训手册2014保时捷918 Spyder技术培训手册2014保时捷911 GT3技术培训手册2014 年款保时捷981 Cayman Cayman CaymanS培训手册2013年保时捷卡雷拉911 991Carrera CarreraS技术培训手册2013保时捷全车型电器诊断技术高级培训资料2013保时捷培训中心技师培训课件2013保时捷帕拉梅拉970 Panamera技术培训手册2013保时捷卡宴92A Cayenne发动机电器系统技术培训2013保时捷卡宴92A CayenneS Diesel技术培训手册2013保时捷卡宴92A Cayenne CayenneS Diesel 培训手册2013保时捷卡宴92A Cayenne CayenneS CayenneTurbo技术培训手册2013保时捷卡曼981 Cayman CaymanS 技术培训手册2013保时捷卡雷拉911Carrera4 Carrera4S技术培训手册2013保时捷博克斯特981 Boxster BoxsterS技术培训手册2012保时捷中心在线车型技师高级培训课程2012保时捷培训中心卡宴92A Cayenne培训课件2012保时捷培训中心技师培训课件2012保时捷帕纳梅拉970 Panamera技术培训手册2012保时捷卡宴92A Cayenne S Hybrid混合动力技术培训手册2012保时捷卡宴92A Cayenne CayenneS CayenneTurbo培训手册2012保时捷卡雷拉Carrera Carrera S 991技术培训手册2012保时捷车型发动机技师培训课件2012保时捷911 Carrera CarreraS技术培训手册2011保时捷培训中心技师培训课件2011保时捷卡宴92A Cayenne技术培训手册2010保时捷帕纳梅拉970 Panamera技术培训手册2009保时捷卡宴9PA Cayenne 技术培训手册2009保时捷卡宴9PA Cayenne Diesel技术培训手册2009保时捷卡雷拉Carrera997技术培训手册2009保时捷卡雷拉Carrera911技术培训手册2009保时捷987 Boxster Cayman技术培训手册2008保时捷卡宴9PA Cayenne CayenneS培训手册2007保时捷卡宴9PA Cayenne培训手册2007保时捷911 Carrera CarreraS技术培训手册2006保时捷卡曼987 CaymanS技术培训手册2006保时捷卡雷拉911 Carrera4 Carrera4S培训手册2006保时捷987 CaymanS技术培训手册2005保时捷卡宴9PA Cayenne CayenneS CayenneTurbo技术培训手册2005保时捷987 Boxster技术培训手册2005保时捷911卡雷拉CarreraS技术培训手册2004保时捷卡宴Cayenne 技术培训手册保时捷传动系统技术培训--认证技师课程保时捷底盘技术培训--认证技师课程保时捷发动机技术培训--认证技师课程保时捷电子和电气技术培训--认证技师课程保时捷发动机电器技术培训--认证技师课程保时捷诊断仪PIWIS_II技术培训课程保时捷金银铜级技师考试资料汇集保时捷技师基础培训资料技术会议与案例研讨:2005年保时捷技术会议与案例研讨2006年保时捷技术会议与案例研讨2007年保时捷技术会议与案例研讨2008年保时捷技术会议与案例研讨2009年保时捷技术会议与案例研讨2010年保时捷技术会议与案例研讨2011年保时捷技术会议与案例研讨2012年保时捷技术会议与案例研讨2013年保时捷技术会议与案例研讨保时捷PPN技术信息保时捷卡宴(92A)车主手册保时捷卡宴(9PA) 车主手册保时捷Macan车主手册保时捷918 Spyder车主手册保时捷帕拉梅拉Panamera 车主手册宝驰名车国际服务中心Bao Chi Super luxury car International Service Center。



Abbreciation........Note........Chinese........Remark........8D........8.Discipline.Report........8D.报告prehensive.team-based.corrective.action.plan.for.objectively.identifying,.qua ntifying.and.resolving.process.and.product.quality.issuesA........ABS........Anti-lock.Break.System........防抱死制动系统................ABS+T................防抱死制动系统+循迹系统................ACI........Automatic.Car.Identification.System........汽车自动识别系统........ ........APQP........Advanced.Product.Quality.Planning........产品质量先期策划........ ........AQL........Approval.Quality.Level........品质允收水准........C=0/AQL=04 ........APQP........Advanced.Product.and..Quality.Planning.........先期质量策划........ ........ASC................加速防滑控制品................ASD........Approval.Supplier.Database........合格供应商名录................ASES........Alliance.Supplier.Evaluation.Standard........................ASM................动态稳定系统................ASN........Advance.Shipping.Notification........................ASR................加速防滑系统................ASSY........Assembly........装配................A-TRC................车身主动循迹控制系统................AVL........Approved.Vendor.List........被Intier客户和Intier批准的供应商名单........ ........AYC................主动偏行系统........B........BAS................制动辅助系统................BDAR........Business.Development.Activity.Request........................BOM........Bill.Of.Material........材料清单........C........CAputer.Aided.Design........计算机辅助设计................CAPEX........SCAPital.Expenditure................"ed.for.controlling.progra m.budget.during.and.after.an.APQP.program"'s........Critical.Characteristics........关键特性................CDL........Control.Door.Lock........控制门锁................CER........Capital.Expenditure.Request...固定资产投资申请........"CER.is.a.capital.expenditure.application.package.that.alldivisions.of.Intier.Group.are.requested.to.fill.out.when.there.is.a.new.program.and/or.capi tal.investment"........CFT........Cross.Functional.Team........跨部门小组................CFR................成本加运费(……指定目的港)................CIF........Cost.Insurance&Freight........到岸价................CIP................运费、保险费付至(……指定目的港)................CMK........Capability.of.Machine.Index........设备能力指数................Change.Notice........更改通知........pany.Operating.Procedure........公司营运程序................CP.........Control.Plan........控制计划................CPK........Capability.of.Process.Index........工序能力指数................CPT................运费付至(……指定目的港)........D........DAF................边境交货(……指定地点)................DCC........Document.Control.Coordinator........文件控制协调员........ ........DDP........Delivery.with.Duty.Paid........完税交货价................DDU........Delivery.with.Duty.Unpaid........未完税交货价................DES........Delivered.Ex.Ship........目的港船上交货价................DEQ........Delivered.Ex.Quay........目的港码头交货价................DFM........Design.For.Manufacturing................bor........直接员工................DMN........Defect.Material.Notice........不合格品控制单................DOS........Days.Of.Stock........存货天数................DSC/VSC................车身稳定控制系统................DV........Design.Verification.........设计验证........DV.are.tests,.inspections,.and.procedures.that.must.be.accomplished.before.produ ctions.starts.to.verify.design.intentE........EBA................紧急制动辅助系统................EBD................电子制动力分配系统................ECN........Engineering.Change.Notice........工程变更通知................ECR........Engineering.Change.Request.........工程变更申请........ECR.is.a.request.for.a.change.to.the.product........ECU........Engineering.Change.Utilization........工程变更实施................EDI........Electronic.Data.Infrastructrue........电子数据信息................EDS................电子差速锁................EES................座椅自动调节系统................EHS........Environment,.Health&Safety........环境、健康、安全........ ........EIC........Carbon.Emission.Index........碳排放量指数................EOL........End.of.Line........终检........"ed.at.the.end.of.theassembly.line.to.ensure.that.all.products.meet.specific.requirements"........EOS........Employee.Opinion.Survey........员工意见调查................EPS........Expanded.Polystyrenes........改良聚苯乙烯................ERP........Enterprise.Resources.Planning........企业资源计划................ESP................电子稳定程序系统................EV........Equipment.Variation........设备变差................EXW................厂内交货........F........FAI........First.Article.Inspection........首次检验................FAQ‘s........Frequently.Ask.Question........常见问题................FAS................船边交货(……指定装运港)................FCA................货交承运人(……指定地点)................FF................前轮驱动................FIFO........First.In.First.Out........先进先出标签................FMEA........Failure.Mode.and.Effects.Analysis........失效模式及后果分析........ ........FOB........Free.on.board........离岸价................FQC........Finial.Quality.Control........最终出货检验................FR................后轮驱动................FSP........Ford.Supplier.Portal........................F-W-D.Car................前轮驱动轿车........G........GAGE........gage........量具................GD&T........Geometric.Dimensioning&Tolerancing........形状与位置公差........ ........GIS................地理信息管理系统................GPS........Global.Postioning.System........全球卫星定位系统................GP12........General.Motor.Process.12........通用遏制计划................GT................跑车........I........IATF........International.Automotive.Task.Force........国际汽车工作组........ bor........间接员工................IMDS........International.Material.Data.System........................IRR........Incoming.Reject.Report.........进料拒收报告........anization........国际标准化组织........ J........JD........Job.Description........工作描述................JIT.........Just.In.Time........及时生产........K........KC........key.characteristics........关键特性................KOI........Key.Operating.Index........主要绩效考核指标........L........LOT........lot........批次........M........MAR........Manufacturing.Action.Request.Form........特采单........ ........MES........Manufacturing.Execution.System................"ed. to.describe.manufacturing.systems.that.perform.tracking,.process.monitoring.and.control.of.automated.manufactuing.processes"........MFG........Manufacturing........................MPV........Multi.Purpose.Vehicles........多功能汽车................MOQ........Min.Order.Quatity........................MPS........Master.Production.Schedule........................MRB........Material.Review.Board........材料审核小组........Consist.Quality,.Material,.ME,.Production........MRO........Maintenance.Repair.and.Others........非原材料采购........ ........MSA........Measure.System.Analysis........测量系统分析........N........NCRs........Nonconformance.Reports........不符合项报告........O........ODS........Operator.Description.Sheet................"ed.to.describe.and/or.ill ustrate.what.anplete.his/her.job.properly"........OEE........Overall.Equipment.Effectiveness........全面设备效率........ ........OEM........Original.Equipment.manufacturers........原始设备制造商(主机厂)........ ........OGP........ogp(公司名)........光学测量仪................OIL........Open.Issue.List........开口问题清单........"ed.for.recording.review.and.disposition.of.concerns.from.customers,.internal.and.supplier.concerns"........OQC........Output.Quality.Control........出货检验................OTS........Off.Tooling.Sample........工装样件........"Off.tool.samples.are.the.initial.samples.that.supplierssubmit.for.assessment.of.tlloing.and.functions"P........PCL........Powered.Child.Lock........电动儿童门锁................PCN........Process.Change.Notice........工艺变更通知........PCN.is.a.request.for.a.change.to.the.process........PCN................................PDP........Product.Delievery.Process........................PEP........Program.Execution.Process........................PFMEA........Process.Failure.Mode.and.Effects.Analysis........过程失效模式及后果分析................PM........Program.Manager........................PP................................PPAP........Production.Parts.Approval.Process........生产件批准程序........ ........PPK........primary.Process.Capability........短期过程能力........lion.quality.metrics........百万分之概率................PSO........Process.Sign-Off........................PSW........Part.Submit.Warranty........零件提交保证................PV.Test........Production.Validation.Test........工艺生产验证........"ed.to.validate.a.product.or.process.forvolume.production"Q........QC........Quality.Control........质量控制................QIP................过程检验规程................QMS........Quality.Management.System........质量管理体系................QOS................................QSA........Quality.System.Audit........质量体系评定................Quattro................全时四轮驱动系统........rmation........信息申请表................RFQ........Request.For.Quote........报价申请........"Request.from.Customer(S)rmation.on.a.product.or.a.proposal"........RPN........Risk.Priority.Number........风险系数................RSP................电子稳定程序.................RTV........Return.To.Vendor........退回供应商................Run#Rate................节拍生产........"A.systematic.tool.to.qualify.the.output.of.manufacturing.process.interms.of.documentation.and.implementation"S........SC's........Special.Characteristics........特殊特性........"Are.specifications.which.require.special.manufacuring.control.toernment.requirements"........SIM........Supplier.Improvement.Metrics........供应商改进数据........"Supplier.performance.measurements.available.through.FSP(Ford.Supplier.Portal"........SLL........Skip.Lot.List........免检清单................SOP.........Start.Of.Production........批量生产........"estone.date.that.a.product/assembly.line.stars.its.volume.production.after.PV.test.passes.and.PPAP.is.approved.by.the.customer" ........SOP's........Standard.Operation.Procedure........标准作业程序................SPC........Statistical.Process.Control,........统计过程控制........"e.of.statistical.techniques.such.as.control.charts.to.analyze.a.process.or.its.outputs.so.as.to.take.appropriate.actions.to.achieve.and.a.state .of.statistical.control.and.to.improve.the.process.capability,"........SQA........Supplier.Quality.Assurance........................SREA........Supplier.Request.for.Engineering.Approval........................SRS................双安全气囊................STA........Supplier.Technical.Assistance........供应商技术支持........"pany's.team.dedicated.to.assist.in.the.development.of.supplier.processes"T........TRC/TCS................牵引力控制系统........V........VDA........Verdand.Dor.Automobiliudustrie.ev........德国汽车工业联合会........W........WGQ................外高桥........ ........WI........Work.Instruction。

波士塞瓷Panamera 4 E-Hybrid Executive型号配置说明书

波士塞瓷Panamera 4 E-Hybrid Executive型号配置说明书

Panamera 4 E-Hybrid ExecutiveYour dream becomes realityPorsche Code: PP8JS653Visit the following link to view your conpguration: htt/s:..conpguratorY/orscheYcom./orsche-code.PP8JS653SummaryBour Panamera 4 E-Hybrid Executive Conpguration $ase /rice12,690qq Price for EDui/ment1q Mestination Charge1,985q Excise tax on air conditioners12qq Estimated Faximum Mealer 7ee1,9T5q Estimated Faximum Provincial Rire Lecycling 7ee135 Estimated *uxury Rax1695,T Estimated Rotal PriceG1230926,GRhe Estimated Rotal Price is calculated on the base vehicle and eDui/ment /rices9 destination charge9 estimated luxury item tax and other chargesY Rhe other charges include the Excise taxes9 (reen *evy tax )if a//licableA9 the maximum /rovincial tire recycling fee )based on 5 tires and the highest /rovincial feeA and an estimation of the maximum dealer administrative and /re-delivery feesY Rhe Octual /rice will vary based on the pnal /rice and terms agreed u/on with the Porsche CentreY Rhe Octual /rice will not exceed the Estimated Rotal PriceY Rhe Estimated Rotal Price excludes s/ecipc duty on sales taxes9 a//licable license9 insurance9 and registration costsYPlease note the images dis/layed may include features and o/tions not available in CanadaY j/tion availability and /ricing subWect to changeY 7or full details regarding a//earance9 colour9 eDui/ment9 and other o/tions available in Canada9 /lease contact your Porsche CentreYPanamera 4 E-Hybrid ExecutiveExterior Colours & WheelsCategory j/tion j/tion code Rotal Estimated Price Exterior Colour Qhite q"1q Wheels20I Panamera Qheels V5TStandard EDui/mentInterior Colours & SeatsCategory j/tion j/tion code Rotal Estimated Price Interior Colour Standard Knterior in $lack O$1q ArraySeats Power Seats )8-wayA"2(Standard EDui/mentIndividualizationCategory j/tion j/tion code Rotal Estimated Price ArrayPerformance8-s/eed Porsche Mo//elku//lung )PM•A(2(Standard EDui/mentPanamera 4 E-Hybrid ExecutiveStandard EquipmentSeatsz Power Seats )8-wayAPerformancez8-s/eed Porsche Mo//elku//lung )PM•AWheelsz20I Panamera QheelsDrive train featuresz Qater-cooling with thermal managementz Charge-air coolingz Mirect fuel inWection )M7KA with central inWector /ositionz VarioCam Plusz Octive cooling air 'a/ controlz Power electronicsPerformance & Transmissionz Ro/ Rrack S/eed: ,8q km.hz q-2qq km.h: 4Y5 secz S/ort Chrono Packagez8-s/eed Porsche Mo//elku//lung )PM•A9 with manual actuation and automatic modez Porsche Rraction Fanagement )PRFA: active all-wheel drive with electronic and ma/-controlled multi-/late clutch with automatic brake di@erential )O$MA and anti-sli/ regulation )OSLA z Outo Start-Sto/ function and coastingSuspensionz Oluminum double-wishbone front axlez Oluminum multi-link rear axlez Vehicle stability system Porsche Stability Fanagement )PSFA with O$Sz Kntegrated Porsche 4M-Chassis Controlz Oda/tive Oir Sus/ension inclY Porsche Octive Sus/ension Fanagement )POSFABrakesz Six-/iston aluminum monobloc pxed brake cali/ers at front9 internally vented and slotted brake discsz7our-/iston aluminum monobloc pxed brake cali/ers at rear9 internally vented and slotted brake discsz Kntegral brake discs with diameter 30q mm at front9 365 mm at rearz$rake cali/ers Ocid (reenz Onti-lock braking system )O$SAz Electric /arking brakeBodyPanamera 4 E-Hybrid Executivez7ully galvaniZed steel.aluminum hybrid lightweight bodyshellz Panoramic roof systemz Hood9 tailgate9 doors9 side sections9 roof and front fenders in aluminumz Continuously adWustable door hingez Outomatic rear hatchz Electrically adWustable9 folding9 and heated exterior mirrorsz Oir outlet trims in front wings /ainted in Silver )high-glossAz Side window trim stri/s in $lackz&PjLSCHE& logo and model designation on rear hatch in Silver )high-glossA with edging in Ocid (reenz&e-hybrid& logo on both front doors in silver )high glossA with surround in Ocid (reenz Porsche Octive Oerodynamics )POOA with ada/tive rear s/oiler )two-wayA in $lack )high-glossAz Rwin single-tube tail/i/es on le; and right9 in brushed stainless steelz Sideskirts with high-gloss silver-coloured trimsz Lear wi/er with intermittent wi/e and washer WetPower unitz Parallel 7ull Hybrid: ,Y0-litre twin-turbocharged V6 and electric motorz FaxY Power )Parallel 7ull HybridA: 455 h/z FaxY RorDue )Parallel 7ull HybridA: 526 lb-;z Combustion Engine: 3,5 h/ U 54qq-64qq r/mz Combustion Engine: 332lbY-;Y U 28qq- 55qq r/mz Electric Fotor: 234 h/z Electric Fotor: ,05 lbY-;Yz8q l fuel tankWheels and Tiresz0Yq J x 20I Panamera wheels with ,65.45 ®L 20 tires at frontz2qY5 J x 20I Panamera wheels with ,05.4q ®L 20 tires at rearz Rire Pressure Fonitoring System )RPFSALighting Systemsz*EM headlightsz Maytime running lights with four *EM s/otlights in each main headlightz7ront light units with *EM /osition light and direction indicatorz7ront windshield washer system inclY rain sensorz Courtesy lighting on mirrorz Outomatic headlight activation inclY IQelcome HomeI lightingz Rhree-dimensional *EM taillights with integral 4-/oint brake lights and light stri/z Knterior lighting: illumination of interior door o/eners9 front center console storage com/artment9 front door storage com/artments9 reading lights and interior lights in front9 reading lights rear le; and right9 orientation lighting front and rear9 front footwell lights9z illuminated vanity mirrors for driver and /assenger9 luggage com/artment lighting9 glove com/artment lightElectrical systemsz Cruise controlz*ane •ee/ing Ossist including Rra+c Sign Lecognitionz Porsche Entry Xam/‘ Mrivez Continuously adWustable door brakez Rwo ’S$ charging /orts at rearPanamera 4 E-Hybrid Executivez2,V /lug sockets in the front center console storage com/artmentz7ront windshield washer system inclY rain sensorz Electric roll-u/ sunblind for behind rear com/artmentz Home*inkN garage door o/enerClimate Control Systemsz Rwo-Zone climate control with se/arate tem/erature settings for driver and front /assenger9 automatic air recirculation mode inclY air Duality sensorz Particle./ollen plter with active carbon plterz Rhermally insulated glass all round with grey to/-tint on windshieldz Parking /re-climatiZationSeatsz Seat heating )front and rearAz Comfort seats front )8-way9 electricA with Mriver Femory Package includes: electrical adWustment of seat height9 seat and backrest angle9 as well as fore.a; /ositionz Kndividual comfort rear seats )8-wayA with Femory Packagez4“2 seats9 rear com/artment with full-siZe individual seat design outside le; and right and one centre seatz Kntegrated headrests )front and outer rearAz Lear seats with folding center armrest and individually folding backrests )4q:,q:4qASafety & Securityz7our doors with integrated side im/act /rotection systemz Porsche Side Km/act Protection System )PjSKPA9 com/rising side im/act /rotection elements in the doors9 thorax airbags integrated into the side bolster of each front seatz7ull-siZe airbags for driver and front /assengerz•nee airbags for driver and front /assengerz7ront side airbagsz Lear side airbagsz Curtain airbags along entire roof frame and side windows from the O-/illar to the C-/illar le; and rightz KSj7K fastening system for child seats on outer rear seatsz Octive bonnetz Olarm system with radar based on interior surveillancez ParkOssist including reversing cameraInstrumentsz Onalog tachometer with $lack dial face in middle of instrument cluster with needle in Ocid (reenz Knstrument cluster with two high-resolution dis/laysLuggage Compartmentz Outomatic tailgatez7ixed luggage com/artment coverz Storage com/artments in interior )de/ending on model and /ersonalised s/ecipcationA: glove com/artment9 door storage com/artments front and rear9 storage bin in center console9 small storage com/artment in center console9 storage com/artment in rear center console9z and storage com/artment in rear central armrestInteriorz Knterior /ackage in $lack )high-glossA : dashboard decorative trims9 door decorative trims frontand rearz Knterior eDui/ment in standard color9 /artial leather seats in embossed leatherPanamera 4 E-Hybrid Executivez Moor armrest front center console with integrated storage com/artmentz Electric roll-u/ sunblind for behind rear com/artmentz Heated s/ort multifunction steering wheel with shi;-/addles with rim in smooth-pnish leatherz Steering wheel with manual fore.a; and height adWustmentz Outomatically dimming rear view mirrorsz Moor sill guards in brushed aluminum with model designation at front and executive designation at rearz Rwo integrated cu/holders in front and rearz7loor matsAudio and Communicationz Porsche Communication Fanagement )PCFA inclY jnline avigation Fodule9 mobile /hone /re/aration9 audio interfaces including $luetoothN9 ’S$9 and Oux-inz$luetoothN hands-free mobile /hone connectionz Hi-p sound system with 2q s/eakers9 total out/ut of 25q wattsz Sirius FN Satellite Ladio )with 3-month trialA and HM Ladio Leceiverz Smart/hone com/artment including wireless chargingz Voice Pilot with natural language understanding and activation via Hey Porschez Connect PlusG inclY wireless O//leN CarPlay and Ondroid Outo and numerous Porsche Connect servicesz GRhe availability of Porsche Connect services is de/endent on the availability of wireless network coverage which may not be available in all areas9 and may be subWect to eventual technology sunset or deactivation9 thus nullifying servicesY Rhe vehicle eDui/ment necessary to use Porsche Connect is only available factory-installed9 and cannot be retropttedY *ikewise9 the vehicle eDui/ment may not work with future mobile networks yet to be de/loyedYSome functions may reDuire se/arate subscri/tionz S/otifyYKntegrationE-Performancez2TY0 kQh *ithium Kon Rraction $atteryz Porsche Fobile Charger )OCA inclY trans/ort bag‘ one /ower su//ly cable with ,4q volt EFO 6-5q /lug9 jne J2TT, /lug with 4Y5 meters charging cableYz$asic wall mount with /lug holder for Porsche Fobile Chargerz Vehicle charging /ort at rear le; of vehicle )J2TT,Az jn-board charger with 3Y6 kQ )TY, kQ o/tionally availableAPanamera 4 E-Hybrid ExecutiveTechnical DataPower unitumber of cylinders 6 mm$ore84Y5 mmStroke86Yq mmMis/lacement,Y0 lPower )kQA,43 kQFax /ower )h/A3,5 h/at r/m594qq - 694qq r/mFaxY torDue332 lb-;at r/m298qq - 59qqq r/mFax /ower electric motor )h/A234 h/Fax torDue electric motor )lb-;A,05 lb-;Power combined )kQA34q kQRotal /ower combined )h/A455 h/Rotal torDue combined )lb-;A526 lb-;Consumption/EmissionsCombined )*.2qq kmA2qY8 l.2qq kmCapacitiesRrunk ca/acity4q3 lLear luggage com/artment )with seats foldedA29302 l7uel tank8q lPerformance1Panamera 4 E-Hybrid ExecutiveRo/ track s/eed with summer tires2,8q km.hOcceleration q - 2qq km.h with S/ort Chrono Package4Y5 sService and WarrantyQarranty /eriod4-year.8q9qqq-kilometer )whichever comes prstA limited warranty and Loadside Ossistance/rogramFain service interval25 qqq km . 2 yearPaint warranty /eriod 4 year . 8q9qqq kilometer )whichever comes prstAPerforation Qarranty2, years9 regardless of mileage2YPerformance2Y2Kf your vehicle is delivered with all season or winter tires9 to/ track s/eeds will be reducedYPanamera 4 E-Hybrid ExecutivePanamera 4 E-Hybrid ExecutivePanamera 4 E-Hybrid ExecutivePorsche Code: PP8JS653 22。



1.Hybrid是混合动力的意思,表示你看到的奔驰S400LHybrid 是油电混合动力车型Blue Efficiency(环保高效动力)2.BlueEFFICIENCY综合环保科技整合了包括优化引擎技术、降低车身重量、减小风阻、减小摩擦阻力等一系列旨在降低能量损耗、提升燃油效率的手段。


3.CGI:Stratified-Charged Gasoline Injection(缸内直喷系统),CGI 缸内直喷涡轮增压引擎它拥有着媲美柴油引擎的扭矩表现与燃油经济性,更保有汽油引擎高转速马力延展的优势4./bbs/viewthread.php?tid=12247740&extra=&page=1原帖由wizard于10-05-22 11:30 发表咨询两个E300的问题。

1.E300的C/S模式是不是就是换档时间的延迟?没任何别的区别?2.E300的DIRECT CONTROL底盘和C的敏捷悬挂有啥区别?1.E300 S为运动驾驶模式C为舒适,经济驾驶模式C模式优势在于换挡缓和,平稳性好,升档早低速不易打滑!S模式运动感好!换挡是否延时更具您急加油还是缓加油!缓加提前急加滞我试个先,为什么同排量的引擎,BMW的比奔驰的数据强?奔驰引擎刷ECU,什么情况下不影响原厂保修?奥迪,BMW几乎全系都厂GPS配置,北奔C在产3年了为什么还未开发安装GPS?国产北奔已在产多年,为什么维修 ...1.两种车设计风格不同,引擎属于汽车的动力源,奔驰设计相对而言保守,但奔驰现对于宝马而言高速加速性能很强。


Panamera Exclusive Series 产品介绍

Panamera Exclusive Series 产品介绍

W S L S 1601000193 S C /W W Panamera Exclusive Series 匠心独运P a n a m e r a E x c l u s i v e S e r i e s描述PanameraExclusiveSeries订购编号黑色1)白色1)黑色金属漆和栗棕色金属漆渐变色喷漆•黑色金属漆1)桃红木金属漆1)钯色金属漆1)GT 银金属漆1)按样本定制颜色“Porsche Exclusive Manufaktur”徽章 (位于左/右翼子板)独家配件•黑色 LED 主大灯,带保时捷动态照明系统 (PDLS) 升级版独家配件•描述PanameraExclusiveSeries订购编号保时捷免钥匙进入系统•烟熏 LED 尾灯独家配件•SportDesign 后裙板独家配件•自动变光车内/外后视镜•涂漆的后视镜下部饰件独家配件•驻车辅助系统 (前部和后部)•带倒车摄像头和全景影像系统的驻车辅助系统 (前部和后部)633隔热隔音玻璃带私密玻璃涂层•电动可倾/滑动式玻璃天窗•自动尾门•后雨刷器425去除车型名称498去除亮银色“Executive”标志等差异化特性,与黑色、白色、黑色金属漆、桃红木金属漆、钯色金属漆、GT 银金属漆车身颜色和按样本定制颜色同时供应。

716去除 D 柱上的“Executive”标志,与黑色、白色、黑色金属漆、桃红木金属漆、钯色金属漆、GT 银金属漆车身颜色和按样本定制颜色同时供应。

495描述P a n a m e r a E x c l u s i v e S e r i e s 订购编号7 速 Porsche Doppelkupplung (PDK) 保时捷双离合器变速箱•带保时捷主动悬挂管理系统 (PASM) 的自适应空气悬架•保时捷扭矩引导系统升级版 (PTV Plus)•保时捷动态底盘控制系统 (PDDC),包括保时捷扭矩引导系统升级版 (PTV Plus) •助力转向升级版• Sport Chrono 组件•保时捷陶瓷复合制动系统 (PCCB)• 运动型尾管独家配件•运动型排气系统176100 升油箱•轮胎气压监控系统 (TPM)•20 英寸黑色金属漆 Sport Classic 车轮 (全部涂漆),与黑色金属漆和栗棕色金属漆车身颜色同时供应独家配件。






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I路试觸T^PORSCHE 试车编号:No .2694n选择这类四门轿车的客户必然对车辆的实用性和运动性 有着双重需求,对统计数据 一番分析后,保时捷为我们 带来了新款Panamera 。

/ Te x t 刘承重P h o to 刘承重保时捷/PANAMERA新款保时捷P an am era|J 精益求精42 << M ay 2021i V r i款Panam era的变化f/T和它的客户群体有着很大关系。


同时,在车型选择上,购买行政加长版的客户占了 40%。


到了2020年,这一比例已经上升到了 70%。


新车乍看上去变化不大,尤其对于头一次走入展厅选购Panam era的客户来说,很可能觉得新车和那些正驰骋街头的旧款产品没什么区别。


是啊,除了全新的T u rb o S车型之外,所有新款Panam era现在都采用了在前代只为部分车型提供的SportDesign 前脸。

M ay 2021»43^%^R O A D T E S T I 路试•新款保时捷Panamera新车在车头前裙板上配备了带 有大尺寸进气口的黑色通风格栅, 侧进气口位置的单灯条布局也经过 了调整。

转到车尾,全新设计的全 宽灯带将左右的3D LED 尾灯连到 了一起。

车尾底部的扩散器也是新 加入的设计细节。

如果你选择了独 特的Panamera G T S 车型,如上这些Sport Design 组件还会采用运动风格更激进的增强式设计。

看看, 所有这些外观升级都应对了年轻人 喜欢的路数。



COMMISSION DECISIONof27June2002amending Annex II of Directive2000/53/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council onend-of-life vehicles(notified under document number C(2002)2238)Text withEEA relevance)(2002/525/EC)THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Commu-nity,Having regard to Directive2000/53/EC of the European Parlia-ment and of the Council of18September2000on end-of-life vehicles(1),and in particular Article4(2)(b)thereof,Whereas:(1)Under Directive2000/53/EC the Commission is requiredto evaluate certain hazardous substances prohibited pur-suant to Article4(2)(a)of that Directive.(2)Having carried out the requisite technical and scientificassessments the Commission has reached a number ofconclusions.(3)Certain materials and components containing lead,mer-cury,cadmium or hexavalent chromium should be ex-empt or continue to be exempt from the prohibition,since the use of these hazardous substances in those spe-cific materials and components is still unavoidable.(4)Some exemptions from the prohibition for certain speci-fic materials or components should be limited in theirscope and temporal validity,in order to achieve a gra-dual phase-out of hazardous substances in vehicles,giventhat the use of those substances in such applications willbecome avoidable.(5)Cadmium in batteries for electrical vehicles should be ex-empt until31December2005since,in view of presentscientific and technical evidence and the overall environ-mental assessment undertaken,by that date,substituteswill be available and the availability of electrical vehicleswill be ensured.The progressive replacement of cad-mium should,however,continue to be analysed,takinginto account the availability of electrical vehicles.TheCommission will publishits findings and,if proven justi-fied by the results of the analysis,may propose an exten-sion of the expiry date for cadmium in batteries for elec-trical vehicles.(6)The exemption from the prohibition relating to lead forcoating inside petrol tanks should be deleted,since theuse of lead in these specific components is already avoid-able.(7)Since it is evident that a total avoidance of heavy metalsis in some instances impossible to achieve,certain con-centration values of lead,mercury,cadmium or hexava-lent chromium in specific materials and componentsshould be tolerated,provided that these hazardous sub-stances are not intentionally introduced.(8)Directive2000/53/EC should therefore be amended ac-cordingly.(9)The measures provided for in this Decision are in accor-dance with the opinion of the Committee established byArticle18of Council Directive75/442/EEC of15July1975on waste(2),as last amended by Commission Deci-sion96/350/EC(3),HAS ADOPTED THIS DECISION:Article1Annex II to Directive2000/53/EC is replaced by the text set out in the Annex to this Decision.Article2Member States shall ensure that cadmium in batteries for elec-trical vehicles is not put on the market after31December 2005.In the framework of the overall environmental assessment al-ready undertaken,the Commission shall continue to analyse the progressive substitution of cadmium,taking into account the need to maintain the availability of electrical vehicles.The Commission shall finalise and make public its findings by31 December2004at the latest and may make,if proven justified by the results of the analysis,a proposal to extend the deadline in accordance withArticle42)b)of Directive2000/53/EC.(1)OJ L269,21.10.2000,p.34.2p.39.(3)OJ L135,6.6.1996,p.32.Article3This Decision shall apply from1January2003.Article4This Decision is addressed to the Member States.Done at Brussels,27June2002.For the CommissionMargot WALLSTRÖMMember of the CommissionMaterials and componentsScope and expiry dateof the exemptionTo be labelled or made identifiablein accordance withArticle42)b)iv) ANNEX‘ANNEX IIMaterials and components exempt from Article4(2)(a)Lead as an alloying element1.Steel for machining purposes and galvanisedsteel containing up to0,35%lead by weight2.a)Aluminium for machining purposes with alead content up to2%by weight1July2005(1)b)Aluminium for machining purposes with alead content up to1%by weight1July2008(2)3.Copper alloy containing up to4%lead byweight4.Lead-bronze bearing shells and bushesLead and lead compounds in components5.Batteries X6.Vibration dampers X7.Wheel balance weights Vehicles type-approved before1July2003and wheelbalance weights intended forservicing of these vehicles:1July2005(3)X8.Vulcanising agents and stabilisers for elastomersin fluid handling and powertrain applications1July2005(4)9.Stabiliser in protective paints1July200510.Carbon brushes for electric motors Vehicles type-approved before1July2003and carbonbrushes for electric motorsintended for servicing of thesevehicles:1January200511.Solder in electronic circuit boards and otherelectric applicationsX(5)12.Copper in brake linings containing more than0,5%lead by weight Vehicles type-approved before1July2003and servicing onthese vehicles:1July2004X13.Valve seats Engine types developed before1July2003:1July2006Materials and components Scope and expiry dateof the exemptionTo be labelled or made identifiablein accordance withArticle42)b)iv)14.Electrical components which contain lead in aglass or ceramic matrix compound except glass in bulbs and glaze of spark plugs X(6)(for components other than piezo in engines)15.Glass in bulbs and glaze of spark plugs1January200516.Pyrotechnic initiators1July2007Hexavalent chromium17.Corrosion preventive coatings1July200718.Absorption refrigerators in motorcaravans XMercury19.Discharge lamps and instrument panel displays XCadmium20.Thick film pastes1July200621.Batteries for electrical vehicles After31December2005,theplacing on the market ofNiCd batteries shall only beallowed as replacement partsfor vehicles put on the marketbefore this date.X(1)By1January2005the Commission shall assess whether the phase-out time scheduled for this entry has to be reviewed in relation to theavailability of substitutes for lead,taking into account the objectives of Article4(2)(a).(2)See footnote1.(3)By1January2005,the Commission shall assess this exemption in relation to road safety aspects.(4)See footnote1.(5)Dismantling if,in correlation with entry14,an average threshold of60grams per vehicle is exceeded.For the application of this clause,electronic devices not installed by the manufacturer on the production line shall not be taken into account.(6)Dismantling if,in correlation with entry11,an average threshold of60grams per vehicle is exceeded.For the application of this clause,electronic devices not installed by the manufacturer on the production line shall not be taken into account.Notes:—a maximum concentration value up to0,1%by weight and per homogeneous material,for lead,hexavalent chromium and mercury and up to0,01%by weight per homogeneous material for cadmium shall be tolerated, provided these substances are not intentionally introduced(1),—a maximum concentration value up to0,4%by weight of lead in aluminium shall also be tolerated provided it is not intentionally introduced(2),—a maximum concentration value up to0,4%by weight of lead in copper intended for friction materials in brake linings shall be tolerated until1July2007provided it is not intentionally introduced(3),—the reuse of parts of vehicles which were already on the market at the date of expiry of an exemption is allowed without limitation since it is not covered by Article4(2)(a),—until1July2007,new replacement parts intended for repair(4)of parts of vehicles exempted from the provisions of Article4(2)(a)shall also benefit from the same exemptions.’(1)“Intentionally introduced”shall mean“deliberately utilised in the formulation of a material or component where its continuedpresence is desired in the final product to provide a specific characteristic,appearance or quality”.The use of recycled materials as feedstock for the manufacture of new products,where some portion of the recycled materials may contain amounts of regulated metals,is not to be considered as intentionally introduced.(2)See footnote1.(3)See footnote1.(4)This clause applies to replacement parts and not to components intended for normal servicing of vehicles.It does not apply towheel balance weights,carbon brushes for electric motors and brake linings as these components are covered in specific entries.。

HYBRID 以实用为导向的混合动力技术

HYBRID 以实用为导向的混合动力技术

HYBRID:以实用为导向的混合动力技术时间:2010-03-26 00:21出处:爱卡汽车【转载】(有1个网友参与评论)字号:小大作为“通往零排放之路”的第二个阶段,梅赛德斯-奔驰开发了以实用为导向的模块化混合动力系统,以进一步提升车辆动力系统在日常使用中的工作效率。







从2009年夏季开始,梅赛德斯-奔驰成为第一家提供混合动力轿车(S 400 HYBRID)的欧洲汽车制造商。

作为第一款应用最先进锂离子电池技术的量产型混合动力轿车,S 400 HYBRID被称为全球最节油的汽油发动机豪华轿车。

S 500插电式混合动力轿车展现了梅赛德斯-奔驰模块化混合动力系统的领先成就。


在缔造出色的燃油经济性的同时,S 500插电式混合动力轿车亦秉承了传统S级轿车的顶级舒适性、安全性和优越的动力性能。

在V6汽油直喷发动机、混合动力模块、以及高压锂离子电池组的共同作用下,S 500插电式混合动力轿车从0-100公里/小时的加速时间仅为5.5秒。

S 500插电式混合动力轿车的创新性驱动系统将在下一代S级之中面市。

此外,在刚刚结束的日内瓦车展中,梅赛德斯-奔驰的首款柴油混合动力车E 300 BlueTEC HYBRID首度揭下神秘面纱。

波士莱斯PanameraTurbo S E-Hybrid配置说明书

波士莱斯PanameraTurbo S E-Hybrid配置说明书

Panamera Turbo S E-HybridYour dream becomes realityPorsche Code: PPJFZKS1Visit the following link to view your conpguration: htt/s:..conpguratorY/orscheYcom./orsche-code.PPJFZKS1SummaryBour Panamera Turbo S E-Hybrid Con-pguration $ase /rice2,,,80qq Price for EDui/ment2q 5estination Charge2,80xq EMcise taM on air conditioners21qq Estimated 7aMimum 5ealer Fee2,8Rxq Estimated 7aMimum Provincial Tire 3ecycling Fee2Lx Estimated 4uMury TaM2,,80x* Estimated Total Price92,x18L0G9The Estimated Total Price is calculated on the base vehicle and eDui/ment /rices8 destination charge8 estimated luMury item taM and other chargesY The other charges include the EMcise taMes8 (reen 4evy taM )if a//licableA8 the maMimum /rovincial tire recycling fee )based on x tires and the highest /rovincial feeA and an estimation of the maMimum dealer administrative and /re-delivery feesY The Octual /rice will vary based on the pnal /rice and terms agreed u/on with the Porsche CentreY The Octual /rice will not eMceed the Estimated Total PriceY The Estimated Total Price eMcludes s/ecipc duty on sales taMes8 a//licable license8 insurance8 and registration costsYPlease note the images dis/layed may include features and o/tions not available in CanadaY j/tion availability and /ricing subWect to changeY For full details regarding a//earance8 colour8 eDui/ment8 and other o/tions available in Canada8 /lease contact your Porsche CentreYPanamera Turbo S E-HybridExterior Colours & WheelsCategory j/tion j/tion code Total Estimated Price Exterior Colour Qhite q"2q Wheels,1I G11 Turbo 5esign Qheels ••xL4Standard EDui/mentInterior Colours & SeatsCategory j/tion j/tion code Total Estimated Price Interior Colour4eather •nterior in $lack OC2q ArraySeats Power Seats )1*-wayA with 7emory Package",JStandard EDui/mentIndividualizationCategory j/tion j/tion code Total Estimated Price ArrayPerformance0-s/eed Porsche 5o//elku//lung )P5KA(1(Standard EDui/mentPanamera Turbo S E-HybridStandard EquipmentSeatsz Power Seats )1*-wayA with 7emory PackagePerformancez0-s/eed Porsche 5o//elku//lung )P5KAWheelsz,1I G11 Turbo 5esign Qheels ••Drive train featuresz Qater-cooling with thermal managementz Charge-air coolingz5irect fuel inWection )5F•A with central inWector /ositionz VarioCam Plusz Octive cooling air 'a/ controlz Twin-scroll turbochargersz Power electronicsPerformance & Transmissionz To/ Track S/eed: L1x km.hz q-1qq km.h: LY, secz S/ort Chrono Packagez0-s/eed Porsche 5o//elku//lung )P5KA8 with manual actuation and automatic modez Porsche Traction 7anagement )PT7A: active all-wheel drive with electronic and ma/-controlled multi-/late clutch with automatic brake di6erential )O$5A and anti-sli/ regulation )OS3A z Outo Start-Sto/ function and coastingSuspensionz Oluminum double-wishbone front aMlez Oluminum multi-link rear aMlez Vehicle stability system Porsche Stability 7anagement )PS7A with O$Sz•ntegrated Porsche *5-Chassis Controlz Oda/tive air sus/ension inclY Porsche Octive Sus/ension 7anagement )POS7Az Porsche 5ynamic Chassis Control S/ort )P5CC S/ortA including Porsche TorDue Vectoring Plus )PTV PlusAz3ear-aMle steering including Power steering PlusBrakesz Porsche Ceramic Com/osite $rake )PCC$Az Odvanced braking system with 1q-/iston aluminium monobloc pMed brake cali/ers at the front aMle and *-/iston aluminium monobloc pMed brake cali/ers at the rearYz Carbon-pbre reinforced ceramic brake discs internally vented and cross-drilled with diameter of *,q mm at front and *1q mm at rearz$rake cali/ers Ocid (reenz Onti-lock braking system )O$SAPanamera Turbo S E-Hybridz Electric /arking brakeBodyz*******************************************************z Panoramic roof systemz Hood8 tailgate8 doors8 side sections8 roof and front fenders in aluminumz Continuously adWustable door hingez Outomatic rear hatchz Electrically adWustable8 folding8 and heated eMterior mirrorsz Oir outlet trims /ainted in eMterior colourz Side window trim stri/s in Silverz&Pj3SCHE& logo and model designation on rear hatch in Silver )high-glossA with edging in Ocid (reenz&e-hybrid& logo on both front doors in silver )high glossA with surround in Ocid (reenz Porsche Octive Oerodynamics )POOA with ada/tive rear s/oiler )four-wayA in eMterior colorz Twin dual-tube Turbo S tail/i/es outside le; andright in brushed stainless steelz Outomatically dimming eMterior mirrorsPower unitz Parallel Full Hybrid: *Yq-litre bi-turbo V0 and electric motorz7aMY Power )Parallel Full HybridA: UGq h/z7aMY TorDue )Parallel Full HybridA: U*1 lb-;z Combustion Engine: xUL h/ ® xRxq - Uqqq r/mz Combustion Engine: *qx lbY-;Y ® ,1qq - *xqq r/mz Electric 7otor: 1L* h/z Electric 7otor: ,Gx lbY-;Yz0q l fuel tankWheels and Tiresz GYx J M ,1I Panamera Turbo •• wheels with ,Rx.Lx Z3 ,1 tires at frontz11Yx J M ,1I Panamera Turbo •• wheels with L1x.Lq Z3 ,1 tires at rearz Tire Pressure 7onitoring System )TP7SALighting Systemsz4E5 main headlights including Porsche 5ynamic 4ight System )P54SAz5aytime running lights with four 4E5 s/otlights in each main headlightz Front light units with 4E5 /osition light and direction indicatorz Front windshield washer system inclY rain sensorz Courtesy lighting on mirrorz Outomatic headlight activation inclY IQelcome HomeI lightingz Three-dimensional 4E5 taillights with integral *-/oint brake lights and light stri/z•nterior lighting: illumination of interior door o/eners8 front center console storage com/artment8 front door storage com/artments8 reading lights and interior lights in front8 reading lights rear le; and right8 orientation lighting front and rear8 front footwell lights8z illuminated vanity mirrors for driver and /assenger8 luggage com/artment lighting8 glove com/artment lightElectrical systemsz Head-u/ 5is/layPanamera Turbo S E-Hybridz Cruise controlz4ane Kee/ing Ossist including TraXc Sign 3ecognitionz Porsche Entry ‘am/’ 5rivez Continuously adWustable door brakez Two NS$ charging /orts at rearz1,V /lug sockets in the front center console storage com/artmentz Front windshield washer system inclY rain sensorz Home4ink“ garage door o/enerClimate Control Systemsz Two-@one climate control with se/arate tem/erature settings for driver and front /assenger8 automatic air recirculation mode inclY air Duality sensorz Particle./ollen plter with active carbon plterz Thermally insulated glass all round with grey to/-tint on windshieldz Parking /re-climati@ationSeatsz Seat heating )front and rearAz Comfort seats in front )1*-way8 electricA with memory /ackagez Four individual seats with continuous center console and armrest in rearz•ntegrated headrests with embossed &turbo S& logo )front and rearAz3ear seats with folding center armrest and individually folding backrests )Uq:*qASafety & Securityz Four doors with integrated side im/act /rotection systemz Porsche Side •m/act Protection System )PjS•PA8 com/rising side im/act /rotection elements in the doors8 thoraM airbags integrated into the side bolster of each front seatz Full-si@e airbags for driver and front /assengerz Knee airbags for driver and front /assengerz Front side airbagsz3ear side airbagsz Curtain airbags along entire roof frame and side windows from the O-/illar to the C-/illar le; and rightz•SjF• fastening system for child seats on outer rear seatsz Octive bonnetz Olarm system with radar based on interior surveillancez ParkOssist including reversing cameraInstrumentsz Central analogue rev counter with black dial face and turbo S logo8 /ower meter and needles in Ocid (reenz•nstrument cluster with two high-resolution dis/laysLuggage Compartmentz Outomatic tailgatez FiMed luggage com/artment coverz Storage com/artments in interior )de/ending on model and /ersonalised s/ecipcationA: glove com/artment8 door storage com/artments front and rear8 storage bin in center console8 small storage com/artment in center console8 storage com/artment in rear center console8z and storage com/artment in rear central armrestInteriorPanamera Turbo S E-Hybridz4eather interior in smooth-pnish leatherz$rushed aluminium interior /ackage in $lack: dashboard decorative trims8 door decorative trims front and rearz•nterior eDui/ment in standard color8 /artial leather seats in embossed leatherz5oor armrest front center console with integrated storage com/artmentz Heated multifunction (T s/orts steering wheel with gearshi; /addles8 steering wheel rim in smooth-pnish leatherz Steering wheel with manual fore.a; and height adWustmentz Outomatically dimming rear view mirrorsz5oor sill guards in brushed aluminum with model designation at frontz Two integrated cu/holders in front and rearz Floor matsz3oof lining8 O-/illar trim8 $-/illar cover )u//er sectionA8 C-/illar and sun visors in Olcantara“Audio and Communicationz Porsche Communication 7anagement )PC7A inclY jnline avigation 7odule8 mobile /hone /re/aration8 audio interfaces including $luetooth“8 NS$8 and OuM-inz$luetooth“ hands-free mobile /hone connectionz$jSE“ Surround Sound Systemz Sirius 7“ Satellite 3adio )with L-month trialA and H5 3adio 3eceiverz Smart/hone com/artment including wireless chargingz Voice Pilot with natural language understanding and activation via Hey Porschez Connect Plus9 inclY wireless O//le“ CarPlay and Ondroid Outo and numerous Porsche Connect servicesz9The availability of Porsche Connect services is de/endent on the availability of wireless network coverage which may not be available in all areas8 and may be subWect to eventual technology sunset or deactivation8 thus nullifying servicesY The vehicle eDui/ment necessary to use Porsche Connect is only available factory-installed8 and cannot be retropttedY 4ikewise8 the vehicle eDui/ment may not work with future mobile networks yet to be de/loyedYSome functions may reDuire se/arate subscri/tionz S/otifyY•ntegrationE-Performancez1RYG kQh 4ithium •on Traction $atteryz Porsche 7obile Charger )OCA inclY trans/ort bag’ one /ower su//ly cable with ,*q volt E7O U-xq /lug8 jne J1RR, /lug with *Yx meters charging cableYz$asic wall mount with /lug holder for Porsche 7obile Chargerz Vehicle charging /ort at rear le; of vehicle )J1RR,Az jn-board charger with LYU kQ )RY, kQ o/tionally availableAPanamera Turbo S E-HybridTechnical DataPower unitumber of cylinders0 mm$ore0UYq mmStroke0UYq mm5is/lacement*Yq lPower )kQA*,q kQ7aM /ower )h/A xUL h/Power )h/A xUL h/at r/m x8Rxq - U8qqq r/m7aMY torDue xU0 lb-;at r/m,81qq - *8xqq r/mPower Electric 7otor )h/A1L* h/7aM torDue electric motor )lb-;A,Gx lb-;Power combined )kQA x1x kQTotal /ower combined )h/A UGq h/Total torDue combined )lb-;A U*1 lb-;Consumption/EmissionsCombined )4.1qq kmA1,Y1 l.1qq kmElectric drivingElectrical to/ s/eed1*q km.hBody4ength x8q*G mmPanamera Turbo S E-HybridQidth )not inclY mirrorsA18GLR mmQidth )without mirrors foldedA,81Ux mmHeight18*,R mmQheelbase,8Gxq mmNnladen weight )5• A,8Lxq kgPermissible gross weight,801q kg7aMimum load*Uq kg7aMimum /ermissible roof load with Porsche roof trans/ort system Rx kgCapacitiesTrunk ca/acity*qL l3ear luggage com/artment )with seats foldedA18,*, lFuel tank0q lPerformance1To/ track s/eed with summer tires1L1x km.hOcceleration q - 1qq km.h with S/ort Chrono Package LY, sService and WarrantyQarranty /eriod*-year.0q8qqq-kilometer )whichever comes prstA limited warranty and 3oadside Ossistance/rogramY7ain service interval 1 year . 1x8qqq km )whichever comes prstAPaint warranty /eriod* years . 0q8qqq km )whichever comes prstAPerforation Qarranty1, years )unlimited mileageA1YPerformance1Y1•f your vehicle is delivered with all season or winter tires8 to/ track s/eeds will be reducedYPanamera Turbo S E-HybridPanamera Turbo S E-HybridPanamera Turbo S E-HybridPorsche Code: PPJFZKS1 11。





图16 红色的暖风热交换器3.用于乘客舱加热的水回路TME控制单元(电动驱动装置热量管理)控制是通过高压部件还是通过高压加热器提供热能。








出风温度传感器是NTC部件,传感器的工作电压为5V DC,可在电阻值变化的基础上确定该温度。







图17 乘客舱的水回路,隔离回路文/山东 刘春晖2020款保时捷Taycan纯电动汽车暖风和空调系统介绍(下)56-CHINA ·September4.蒸发器的温度传感器蒸发器的温度传感器可测量温度,并将结果转发至空调控制单元,主要任务是调节此温度值。





现代摩比斯高级工程负责人、副总裁Lee Seung-Hwan表示:“MOBION是现代摩比斯核心技术的体现,目前展示的这些技术都已准备好立即大规模生产。


MOBION概念车基于现代IONIQ 5打造,为了实现侧向、斜向行驶和枢轴转动,概念车的四个轮子都采用了单独控制的方式,官方称之为e-Corner 系统。



保时捷Panamera 4 E-Hybrid插电混动车型

保时捷Panamera 4 E-Hybrid插电混动车型

保时捷Panamera 4 E-Hybrid插电混动车型佚名【期刊名称】《汽车与驾驶维修(汽车版)》【年(卷),期】2016(000)010【总页数】2页(P82-83)【正文语种】中文在9月29日开幕的2016巴黎车展上,保时捷发布Panamera的第4款产品,即Panamera 4 E-Hybrid。

新车作为Panamera的插电式混合动力版本,最大功率可达340 kW,峰值扭矩700 N·m,最高时速278 km/h。

纯电模式下可行驶50 km,百公里平均油耗仅为2.5 L,CO2排放量为56 g/km。

据悉,车身长、宽、高的尺寸分别为5 050 mm、1 935 mm、1 423 mm,整备质量预计略有增加。

Panamera 4 E-Hybrid外观内饰都与普通版无太大差异,仅有几个新能源标识用来区分,新车定位低于Panamera 4S。


Panamera 4 E-Hybrid最大的亮点自然在其降低的油耗上,同上代3.2 L/100 km 的综合油耗相比,新车油耗足足降低了22%。

动力系统方面,新车由一台2.9 L 双涡轮增压发动机和一台电动机组成,动力依旧强劲。

汽油发动机和电动机的最大功率分别为243 kW、100 kW;峰值扭矩分别为450 N·m和400 N·m。

值得一提的是, 搭载全新8挡PDK双离合变速器的全新保时捷Panamera 4 E-Hybrid从静止加速到100 km/h的时间为4.6 s,同Panamera 4S 柴油版本的车型相比仅有0.3 s的差距。

此外,电池技术得到升级,原本9.4 kW/h的锂离子电池容量提升至了14.1 kW/h,并支持320V 10A有线充电,充满电量的时间为5.6 h。

如果选用快速充电系统,Panamera 4 E-Hybrid将会支持230V 32A充电规格,充电时间可压缩到3.6 h。

保时捷 Panamera 中文说明书

保时捷 Panamera 中文说明书

Every 2 years (Labour operation 03 51 00 ..)
Change brake fluid (use only original Porsche brake fluid) Complete Condition Report for Long-Life Guarantee Clutch: Change brake fluid; perform test and adaptation (Panamera S E-Hybrid) Tyre sealing compound: Check use-by date and replace if necessary
Replace PDCC reservoir PDK transmission: Change oil (Panamera / S / GTS / Turbo) Turbo compressor: Replace drive belt (Panamera S E-Hybrid) Air cleaner: Replace filter element (Panamera / S / Turbo / Diesel / E-Hybrid) Air cleaner/additional air filter: replace filter elements (Panamera GTS)
Signature (final check): _________________________
Copyright by Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG After Sales Engineering - 03/14
Porsche Centre
Additional maintenance every 240,000 km/144,000 mls or every 16 years (Labour operation 03 95 00 ..)
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车态度 ,首 先你可 以和大多数 正 系 中是最 重 的,达 到 了 2 l t 。但 常混合 动力车型一 样去驾 驶 ,由 是制动 性能令人 印象深刻 ,线性 系统去 接管 电池 的充放 电。当然 的 同时给人很强 的信心 ,不论 在 如果条 件允 许,你 还可 以使用 普 堵 车 的高速 公路 还 是 山路奔 跑 , 制动 系统的高 效让人放心 。最 重
处就 是 能 降低 发 动 机 能 耗 ,实 疯 狂。正常模式 下 ,系统 虽然没 际驾驶包括使 用一段 S p o r t 高 有 E CON按 钮 ,但 是 整 个 动 力 速 模 式 ,崇 明 岛 环 岛路 ,来 回 行 走起 来 更加 “ 钝化” ,加 速 超 l 5 0 k m, 油耗值在 9 - 1 1 L / l O O k m 车 需要猛踩才 会唤醒后劲 。存速
,变速 器 很乐意 断开动力 ,消 除发动机
排档杆 右边的 E — P o we r 与E - C h a r 前者控制的是 P a n a me r a E — Hy b r i
依然 强调驾驶乐趣
的牵制力 ,滑 行模式下转 速指针
驾驶 乐趣对于保 时捷来说是 归 零 ,这是 即使 踩下油 门发动机
生命 ,即使是 E -Hy b r i d也不会 只 会给 电池充 电,同时电动机也 妥协 ,体重在整个 P a n a me r a车 变为发 电机 。如果在 大下坡 ,你
Panam er a E— Hybr i d在 豪华 车阵营率 先实现 了纯 电动行驶 ,在 这个
GT 轿跑细分市场 内,插 电式混合动力 Pa na me r a E — Hy b r i d成为一枝 独 秀, 没有其 它车型与之抗 衡,相比那些 弱混车型来说 ,E - Hybr i d性能 已经远超
要 的是 ,因为你 每踩下一脚 制动
的增 加 ,和 电动 机性 能 的提 升 ,
和 众多 混 合动 力不 同的是 ,
使得 在混合模式 下 ,系统 也是尽 E- Hy b r i d驾 驶 性 能 依 然 强 悍 ,
量发 挥 电动机 的扭矩 ,这 样的好 甚 至可以说联合 工况下加速 有点
特别 策划 傈 时捷 Pa n a me r a E — Hy b r i d
一 ~ 一 黼 一 溅 一 ~ ~ 一 一 删 一 一 一 妨 一 飙 一 一 砘 ~ 一 黻 一 蛾 规 一 耐 一 飙 一 一 一
通2 2 0 V交 流 电源 将 电池 充 满 , 做到起步零排放续航。 E— Hy b r i d得 益于 电池 容最 踏板 ,都在为蓄 电池充 电。