



LABORATORY PRIMATE NEWSLETTERVol. 49, No. 1 January 2010JUDITH E. SCHRIER, EDITORJAMES S. HARPER, GORDON J. HANKINSON AND LARRY HULSEBOS,ASSOCIATE EDITORSMORRIS L. POVAR AND JASON MACHAN, CONSULTING EDITORSELVA MATHIESEN, ASSISTANT EDITORALLAN M. SCHRIER, FOUNDING EDITOR, 1962-1987Published Quarterly by the Schrier Research LaboratoryPsychology Department, Brown UniversityProvidence, Rhode IslandISSN 0023-6861POLICY STATEMENTThe Laboratory Primate Newsletter provides a central source of information about nonhuman primates and related matters to scientists who use these animals in their research and those whose work supports such research. The Newsletter (1) provides information on care and breeding of nonhuman primates for laboratory research, (2) disseminates general information and news about the world of primate research (such as announcements of meetings, research projects, sources of information, nomenclature changes), (3) helps meet the special research needs of individual investigators by publishing requests for research material or for information related to specific research problems, and (4) serves the cause of conservation of nonhuman primates by publishing information on that topic. As a rule, research articles or summaries accepted for the Newsletter have some practical implications or provide general information likely to be of interest to investigators in a variety of areas of primate research. However, special consideration will be given to articles containing data on primates not conveniently publishable elsewhere. General descriptions of current research projects on primates will also be welcome.Newsletter appears quarterly and is intended primarily for persons doing research with nonhuman primates. TheBack issues may be purchased for $10.00 each. We are no longer printing paper issues, except those we will send to subscribers who have paid in advance. We will not accept future subscriptions, unless subscribers are willing to pay $100/year. (Please make checks payable to the Brown University Psychology Department.) Readers with access to electronic mail may receive a notice when a new issue is put on the Website by sending the message subscribe LPN-WARN your-own-name to listserv@. (Send the message subscribe LPN-PDF to receive PDF files by e-mail; or the message subscribe LPN-L to receive the nongraphic contents of each issue.) Current and back issues of the Newsletter are available on the World Wide Web at </primate>. Persons who have absolutely no access to the Web, or to the electronic mailing, may ask to have paper copies sent to them.The publication lag is typically no longer than the three months between issues and can be as short as a few weeks. The deadline for inclusion of a note or article in any given issue of the Newsletter has in practice been somewhat flexible, but is technically the tenth of December, March, June, or September, depending on which issue is scheduled to appear next. Reprints will not be supplied under any circumstances, but authors may reproduce their own articles in any quantity.PREPARATION OF ARTICLES FOR THE NEWSLETTER. – Articles, notes, and announcements may be submitted by mail, e-mail, or computer disk, but a printed copy of manuscripts of any length or complexity should also be sent by regular mail. Articles in the References section should be referred to in the text by author(s) and date of publication, e.g., Smith (1960) or (Smith & Jones, 1962). Names of journals should be spelled out completely in the References section. Latin names of primates should be indicated at least once in each note and article. In general, to avoid inconsistencies within the Newsletter, the Latin names used will be those in Mammal Species of The World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, 2nd Ed. D. E. Wilson & D. M. Reeder (Eds.). Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1993. For an introduction to and review of primate nomenclature see The Pictorial Guide to the Living Primates, by N. Rowe, Pogonias Press, 1996.All correspondence concerning the Newsletter should be addressed to:Judith E. Schrier, Psychology Department, Box 1853, Brown UniversityProvidence, Rhode Island 02912 [401-863-2511; FAX: 401-863-1300]e-mail address: primate@Current and back issues of the Newsletter are available on the World Wide Web at/primateACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe Newsletter is supported by Brown University.Cover photograph of a white-handed gibbon (Hylobates lar),taken at the San Diego Zoo by Mark Abbott in 2007Copyright © 2010 by Brown UniversityInformation Requested or AvailableSpecific Gravity of Primates’ UrineBrooke Aldrich, of the Monkey Sanctuary Trust, Looe, Cornwall, PL13 1NZ, U.K. [Phone and fax: 01503 262 532; e-mail: email@] has been trying to monitor the health of an elderly female patas monkey (Erithrocebus patas). Part of the monitoring is regular ‘multistix’ tests of her urine. Multistix measure a variety of things (glucose, protein, and so on). “Most of them we have a grip on but normal specific gravity seems to vary between humans, cats, and dogs and I can only assume different primate species have different ‘normal’ measures. If anyone can furnish values, or references to values, for patas monkeys (and, for that matter, other pri-mate species, such as Barbary macaques, various capu-chins, woolly monkeys), we will be very grateful.”The Enrichment Record“The first issue of The Enrichment Record is now available online. This quarterly E-Zine has been created by and for the laboratory animal research community as an online forum for:∙discussing environmental enrichment in the optimal care of laboratory animals;∙documenting best practices and approaches for ad-dressing challenges of implementation and assess-ment at every level;∙sharing data on the impact of environmental enrich-ment on science; and ∙building the case for integrating enrichment into re-search design.“This community-based publication is not peer-reviewed. However, members of our Editorial Board are actively involved in all aspects of the publication. If you want to write an article, submit a topic for discussion, or have any suggestions for ways to expand and engage our community in a lively dialogue on this subject, please contact Jayne Mackta [732.869.9499; e-mail: mackta@].“Subscriptions are free; the potential benefit to lab animal welfare of sharing is priceless. We encourage youto subscribe and to spread the word about this new re-source; see </enrichrecord.html>.”More Interesting Websites∙ American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (AALAS)’s online Buyers Guide: <>∙Animal Technology and Welfare: <. uk>∙ Legal Books from LexisNexis: <www.lexisnexis. com/store/catalog/category_lawfirms.jsp?segmentid=seg_law>∙ National Association for Biomedical Research’s Animal Law Section: <>* * *Primatology, Wildlife Ecology, and Conservation Field SchoolJack Harris, Professor of Anthropology, Rutgers Uni-versity, and Co-Director of Field Schools, Kenya, recently wrote to the Primate-Science mailing list: “The fourth annual Primatology, Wildlife Ecology, and Conservation Field School will be held from August 3rd – 28th, 2010, in Kenya. This field school is a joint effort of Rutgers University, the National Museums of Kenya, and the Kenya Wildlife Services.“The field school provides a distinctive opportunity for students to gain hands-on experience in field work methodologies and research on some of Kenya’s exquisite wildlife including a variety of Old World primates. One site we will visit is the Tana River Primate National Re-serve where students will conduct independent research projects and have the opportunity to observe not only the two endemic and endangered species, the Tana River mangabey and Tana River red colobus, but also yellow baboons and Sykes monkeys.“We will also spend time on the Laikipia Plateau of central Kenya. At the different sites where we camp, stu-dents will receive lectures, complete readings, and have discussions with the Field School directors as well as a wide range of consultants to the Field School including Dr. Martin Mulama of Sweetwaters Chimpanzee Sanctu-ary, Dr. Paul Muoria of the African Wildlife Foundation, and Dr. Daniel Rubenstein of Mpala Research Centre, to name a few. In addition, we will stay on Mugie Ranch where we will visit their black rhino sanctuary and data collection lab. We will observe radio-collared lions and learn about the Laikipia Predator Project from Project Biologist Alayne Cotterill. Students will also do field work, making the Field School worth six academic cred-its.“To obtain more information about this program, see <>, contact me directly at <jwharris@>, or visit the Rutgers Study Abroad Website at <>.”News BriefsFBR’s New CampaignThe Foundation for Biomedical Research (FBR) commissions public opinion polls and has found a precipi-tous drop in public support of animal research, from 64% in 2004 to 54% in 2008. In response, FBR recently launched ResearchSaves, a campaign to explain why ani-mal research is an essential step in finding new treatments and cures for disease. “ResearchSaves corrects miscon-ceptions about biomedical research and stresses that ani-mal research is important, humane, and necessary to save lives,” FBR president Frankie Trull said. The campaign includes a robust media strategy to reach as many Ameri-cans as possible, including national TV and radio spots, billboards in select markets, social media outreach through Twitter and Facebook, and ResearchSaves, a quarterly magazine that highlights the latest medical breakthroughs with foundations in animal research. – FBR’s The Research Advocate, September 9Successful Congo Basin Forest PartnershipThe Congo Basin Forest Partnership consists of an in-ternational association of more than forty governments, international organizations, and private sector and civil society representatives and is designed to enhance the sustainable management of the Congo Basin ecosystem. The Partnership promotes economic development, pov-erty alleviation, and effective governance through the conservation and sustainable management of natural re-sources, including forests and wildlife. It serves as a global model of public/private cross-boundary coopera-tion and has resulted in improved sustainable forest man-agement, new multi-national, anti-poaching initiatives, and a declining rate of biodiversity loss for a rainforest area larger than Texas.The United States government has invested more than $100 million in funds and technical expertise into the Partnership over the last ten years. By the end of 2009, through the Central Africa Regional Program for the En-vironment (CARPE), U.S. programs have improved land management of 56 million hectares; trained nearly 25,000 people in conservation; put in place ten forestry, biodiver-sity, and conservation laws; allocated $2.5 million in small grants to local NGOs; provided for logging conces-sion monitoring in Cameroon, Central African Republic, the Republic of Congo, Gabon, and the Democratic Re-public of Congo (DRC); and completed a logging title conversion process in the Democratic Republic of Congo, with additional support from the World Bank and the European Union.Established at the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development, the Partnership operates within the frame-work of the Council of Ministers in charge of the Forests of Central Africa (COMIFAC: <>) and in accordance with its strategic plan, the Plan de Convergence. The Partnership focuses on 12 ecologically sensitive and biologically diverse areas and wildlife corri-dors called forest landscapes, which are viewed as the most vulnerable to deforestation and other threats to bio-diversity. Together, these landscapes comprise more than 80 million hectares of critically important tropical forest in Central Africa.Other U.S. agencies that have invested in the Congo Basin Forest Partnership include the U.S. Agency for In-ternational Development, the U.S. Forest Service, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. – U.S. Dept of State Press Release: September 29, 2009Grand Opening of Baboon Cliffs ExhibitA ribbon cutting ceremony took place October 1 at the Oakland (California) Zoo to celebrate the grand opening of the new Baboon Cliffs Exhibit. The Baboon Cliffs Exhibit is approximately 8,100 square feet and includes a cascading waterfall, climbing structures, a spacious area for the baboons to roam, a night house facility, and offices for Zoo staff. The exhibit also has a large viewing deck for the public. – Press release, October 1, 2009 Extended Habitat for the Greater Bamboo Lemur One of the world’s most endangered primates, the greater bamboo lemur, a species endemic to Madagascar, has been found in an area where it was feared extinct, environmental organizations said on October 5. The spe-cies, Prolemur simus, has been found at 11 sites in a swath of forest in the east of the island. This finding opens “a new chapter for the species and for the places we can protect it by preserving the forest as the main problem is loss of habitat,” Mahaoly Ravaloharimanitra, a research assistant at the Aspinall Foundation, told Agence France-Press (AFP).Illegal logging and slash-and-burn agriculture are among the practices that threaten the survival of this spe-cies. Primate specialists say that while this type of lemur was once found throughout this Indian Ocean island, now no more than 300 individuals are still in existence. As its common name suggests, Prolemur simus feeds mainly on bamboo, which limits its habitat options. “They are very secretive, which makes it difficult to approach them and protect them. Most of the time we don’t see the animal, just traces of food or droppings,” Tovanahary Rasolofo-harivelo from Conservation International told AFP.The greater bamboo lemur was thought to be extinct until it was rediscovered in the 1980s, the two associa-tions said in a statement. – Copyright © 2009 AFPMore U.S. Law Schools Have Animal Law Courses Over half of U.S. law schools now have animal law courses, including many in universities with medical and research programs that utilize animals protected by fed-eral welfare laws. Courses that promote standards for humane animal care and welfare are unlikely to provoke conflict, but programs championing animal rights or “lib-eration” set up adversarial potential on campuses and pose a serious risk to the future of animal research. The use of the law instead of violence and threats, however, should be acknowledged as a forward step.According to the course catalogues of 203 law schools listed on the Website for the Law School Admissions Council <>, 111 (55%) teach an animal law course. Of 121 student groups throughout U.S. law schools with a focus on animal law and animal rights, 85 are at schools with an animal law class while 37 are at schools without such a class. Accordingly, animal law, through either coursework or student groups, is being addressed at 148 (73%) of U.S. law schools. – P. Michael Conn, in The Scientist, 2009, 23[12], 23* * *Position Available: The Animal Welfare InstituteThe Animal Welfare Institute in Washington DC is accepting applications for its full-time position of Labora-tory Animal Advisor.Candidates are expected to:∙have a genuine reverence for living creatures;∙not be afraid to actively express compassion for ani-mals kept in research laboratories and educational in-stitutions;∙not be categorically against research with animals;∙not be categorically for research with animals;∙have several years of experience with traditional and refined housing and handling practices for at least one nonhuman primate species and at least one non-primate species commonly found in research labs;∙be familiar with the professional and scientific litera-ture pertaining to the housing and handling of ani-mals assigned to research and teaching projects;∙have published several professional or scientific arti-cles (a copy of one article should be attached to the application);∙publish articles on species-adequate housing and stress-mitigating handling of animal species com-monly found in laboratories;∙visit animal research facilities and offer advice on species-adequate housing and stress-mitigating han-dling of animal species commonly found in laborato-ries;∙represent the Animal Welfare Institute at professional and scientific meetings;∙manage and update at a three-month interval two annotated databases on ∙environmental enrichmentand ∙refinement for animals in research institutions;and∙write comments on federal draft regulations and pro-fessional draft guidelines on the housing and han-dling of animals kept in research laboratories.No specific academic or professional diplomas are re-quired to apply for this position, which is presently held by Viktor Reinhardt, who will be retiring. Candidates arefree to specify their salary expectations in their applica-tions. Applications – original and two copies – should bemailed to Cathy Liss, 900 Pennsylvania Ave. SE, Wash-ington, DC 20003, by May 1, 2010. The position will beavailable on September 1, 2010.* * *Call for Nominations: ASLAP Research AwardNominations for the 2010 American Society of Labo-ratory Animal Practitioner’s (ASLAP) Research Award may be submitted, by January 15, 2010, to Dr. Fred Rock (ASLAP Secretary-Treasurer) through the ASLAP Office (Darlene Brown, ASLAP Coordinator, P.O. Box 125, Adamstown, MD 21710 [e-mail: aslap@]). This award was created to honor members in good stand-ing of ASLAP and the American Veterinary Medical As-sociation (AVMA) for scientific contributions to the fields of laboratory animal medicine and/or comparative medicine. The award is intended to honor individuals who have made significant and repeated scientific contri-butions to the field. The scientific contributions may be of significance to refinement or development of technical procedures within laboratory animal medicine which have resulted in contributions to animal welfare, animal hus-bandry, animal health, or development of animal models. Studies which have used laboratory animals and have resulted in significant contributions to human health, ei-ther through basic or applied research, are also applicable. While the award is not intended to be for recognition of administrative accomplishments alone, contributions to the service functions of ASLAP and other professional organizations will also be evaluated.A nomination letter, four to six supporting letters di-rectly relating to the award criteria, and a curriculum vitae should be submitted. Awards will be presented at the AVMA meeting in July of the same year. The awardee will receive a plaque and an honorarium.Resources Wanted and AvailableHousing and Handling Photos WantedViktor Reinhardt is seeking photo material for his sec-ond volume of LAREF discussions (see <labanimals. /pubs/LAREF/LAREF-bk.html> for first volume). If you can and want to share photos related to refinement of housing and handling condi-tions of nonhuman primates, or any other species kept in research institutions, please send them as .JPG files to <viktor@> or as prints to Viktor Reinhardt, 6014 Palmer Dr., Weed, CA 96094 U.S.A. Please include a brief explanation of each picture.NIH Curriculum Supplement: “Exploring Bioethics”“Exploring Bioethics” is a model for ethical inquiry to help students in grades 6 to 12 develop thoughtful positions on complex bioethical issues. The supplement’s six modules each contain three 45-minute class periods of lessons on a specific issue. The topics presented are genetic testing, the use of human subjects in research, steroid use by athletes, organ allocation for transplants, and the modification of animals for hu-man benefit. The lessons promote problem-solving and communication skills, critical thinking, and team-work. The curriculum supplement presents six three-day lessons in a convenient, all-in-one resource that is well organized for integration into a broader curriculum. “Exploring Bioethics” is available at </customers.nsf/ HSBioethics.htm>. – National Institutes of Health, September 15IJCP Freely Available OnlineThe International Journal of Comparative Psychologyis now freely accessible online. For more information, see: <>.Primate Sanctuary Computer Program Update Nedim C. Buyukmihci has announced that an updated version (November 24, 2009) of his Primate Sanctuary Database program is on the Website </pigbyte_psd.html> for down-loading and installing. It has several enhancements (see the Website for list). If you already have the program, you only need to download the update installation file. He recommends you install this update so that you can take advantage of the new features.As stated before, if you are using the program and provide him with an e-mail address, he will place you on the list to notify when an update becomes available. E-mail Ned at <ncbuyukmihci@>. Your address will be kept private. [Editors’ Note: We will not be repeating this announce-ment, so get onto his mailing list!]Australasian Conference AbstractsAbstracts of the 2002, 2007, and 2008 conferences of the Australasian Primate Society are now available at </apsconf.htm>.Updated Guidance in Protocol ReviewThe Guidance section of the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) home page, <grants.nih. gov/grants/olaw/references/commentary.htm>, has updated its Commentary on Lab Animal Protocol Re-view Columns. “A Word from OLAW and USDA” re-sponds to the topic Required Modifications and Desig-nated Member Reviews in the July, 2009, issue. The No-vember, 2009, issue addresses Categorizing Insufficient Pain Alleviation. To further explore these and other top-ics, browse the OLAW Topic Index. – from the National Institutes of Health, November 28Evolution Versus CreationThis is a Yahoo group, at </ group/evolutionversuscreation>, featuring dis-cussions of past and current events in science, technology, and society.Interspecies Dosage CalculatorThe Federal Drug Administration has brought back the Interspecies Dosage Calculator, which will allow you to convert dosages from mg/kg to mg/sq-m (body surface area) and allow you to determine equivalent doses across species. </Drugs/Development ApprovalProcess/DevelopmentResources/CancerDrugs/UCM189252>. – posted to COMPMED by Bob HarrisFirst Voluntary Gorilla Blood Pressure Reading Zoo Atlanta recently became the first zoological insti-tution in the world to obtain voluntary blood pressure readings from a gorilla. This groundbreaking stride was made possible by the Gorilla Tough Cuff, a blood pres-sure reading system devised through partnership with the Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineer-ing at Georgia Institute of Technology and Emory Uni-versity. Created as a senior design project by biomedical engineering undergraduates David Sotto, Nisha Bhatia, Stephanie Drewicz, and Scott Seaman, the prototype has now been successfully tested on one of Zoo Atlanta’s 22 western lowland gorillas. The students also had guidance from Professors Hanjoong Jo, and Franklin Bost.The Gorilla Tough Cuff operates in the same manner as the mechanism familiar to humans, with the patient slipping an arm into a cuff. As the cuff inflates, the blood pressure reading is measured and displayed on a monitor. The student design team’s biggest set of challenges, how-ever, was constructing a durable, comfortable cuff large enough to fit an adult male gorilla weighing upwards of 300 pounds. The prototype system was comprised of a blood pressure cuff bolted to a casing made of acryloni-trile butadiene styrene plastic. The casing was zip-tied to a rectangular mesh trap and the trap was temporarily at-tached to the gorilla cage. The pressure cuff tubing was connected to an off-the-shelf veterinary blood pressure monitor located outside of the gorilla cage.“We also built a safety mechanism into the device so that the gorillas would not be injured if they became alarmed or frightened and tried to remove their arm from the cuff,” said Sotto, who is currently a graduate student at Georgia Tech.Once the prototype was complete, the Tough Cuff had its first tester: Ozzie, a 48-year-old male western lowland gorilla. Gorillas aren’t typically keen on the idea of in-serting their arms into inflatable cuffs: Ozzie’s accom-plishment is the result of months of patience and diligent voluntary positive reinforcement training on the part of Zoo Atlanta’s Primate Team.One of four geriatric gorillas living at the Zoo, Ozzie is at an age where he may be subject to health concerns similar to those experienced by mature humans. Cardiac disease is the leading cause of mortality in adult male gorillas living in captive settings, and the new system will enable veterinarians to more effectively monitor precur-sory signs such as high blood pressure.The Gorilla Tough Cuff has already been demon-strated for veterinarians and animal care professionals from numerous other accredited zoos. The device could ultimately prove invaluable to the more than 100 institu-tions around the world currently housing the species. – November 10, Georgia Tech press release* * * Announcements from PublicationsBiology Direct Publishes Thematic SeriesIn this Darwin 150th Birthday Year Biology Direct has published the first articles in a thematic series covering today’s understanding of evolution at all levels. See </series/ Darwin_Anniversary>. Further articles will be addedto the series in due course, and proposals are welcome for consideration.Primate Specialist Group’s Publications OnlineAll past editions of the International Union for Conserva-tion of Nature (IUCN) Species Survival Commission (SSC) Primate Specialist Group (PSG)’s newsletters and journals are now available online through the PSG Web-site. These are the Web addresses for each of these publi-cations. All of the following are now available with open access at </journals.htm>.∙Primate Conservation from No 1, 1981: </pc.htm>∙Asian Primates Newsletter from 1[1], 1991: </as.htm>∙Asian Primates Journal from 1[1], 2008: </apj.htm>∙Neotropical Primates from 1[1], 1993: </np.htm>∙African Primates from 1[1], 1995: </ap.htm>∙Lemur News from No. 1, 1996: </ln.htm> African Primates Invites SubmissionsCarolyn L. Ehardt, Senior Editor for the IUCN SSC Primate Specialist Group’s journal African Primates, en-thusiastically invites submissions to that journal from all who conduct research on or have information about Af-rica’s primate species. This journal will now be published as an Open Resource journal, fully indexed, and available worldwide, including to the 1200+ readership that has received printed copies in the past. The journal fell into a prolonged hiatus during the transition between editors, but Ehardt is now expecting the inaugural edition of the revi-talized journal to launch very soon. If any of you or your students/colleagues wish to submit materials for consid-eration for publication in the journal, please do so. The document Notes and Instructions for Contributors to African Primates, which has all relevant information, is available at</PDF/ APguideline.pdf>.African Primates encourages submission of relevant information in the form of research findings, field survey results, advances in field and laboratory techniques, field action alerts, and book reviews, as well as notification of events, funding possibilities, grassroots efforts such as letter-writing campaigns and other activities that might benefit from the support of the readership, and recent pub-lications in other formats (including reports and theses). All submissions should be sent to the Senior Editor [e-mail: Carolyn.Ehardt@]. Research articles are peer-reviewed before acceptance for publication.。


1. 提供与本节课ຫໍສະໝຸດ 容相关的拓展阅读材料:《平等的基石》:本文介绍了平等的概念、内涵及其在现代社会中的重要性,通过实例分析了平等原则在各个领域的应用,旨在帮助学生深入理解平等的本质和意义。
① 重点知识点:人格平等的含义,尊重他人的重要性,法律对平等权益的保护。
② 词:平等,尊重,权利,义务,法律。
③ 句:每个人都应受到平等对待,尊重他人是基本的道德准则,法律保障我们的平等权益。



♣18周岁 (含)50周岁 (含)
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♣保至75周 岁
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♣指定公共交通工具意外身故金: 180天内(含)身故/全残,按 保险金额的10倍给付(注:客运汽车、出租车、客运火车、地铁
、轻轨、客运轮船等) ♣航空意外身故/全残保险金: 180天内(含)身故/全残,按保险
路漫漫其悠远 2020/4/15
全员考试 相互点评 课堂互动 两两对练 全员朗读 讲解示范 课前预习

典范力 量

1 讲解示范产品五要素 2 全员朗读产品五要素 3 两两对练产品五要素 4 课堂互动
附险华夏附加金管家年金保险(万能型,A款 )
投保年龄 交费方式 保障期间
同主险 一次性交纳 可追加保费 同主险
附险华夏附加金管家年金保险(万能型,A款 )
♣一年期;五年一次 保证续保
际支出的合理且必要的住院医疗费用,我们将按以下约定给付住院医疗保险金: 有
到65周岁 次调整。

第2节 运动的描述

第2节 运动的描述




活动1 阅读课本第16页“机械运动”部分内容,说一说什么叫机械运动?
活动2 阅读课本第17页至18页“参照物”部分内容回答下列问题:(1)根据你的理解说一说什么叫参照物?

活动3 思考课本第18页的“想想议议”的问题,然后进行交流讨论。

活动4 自主完成课本第18页“动手动脑学物理”,然后再与同学交流答案。

活动5 习题巩固





教学设计 159 105 90 201 92 135 89 170 105 134 91 177 132 118 12 125 120 170 166 175 184 143 42 90 181 15 130 180 133 8ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ 120 139 71 126 120 70 49 168 96 224 15 171 116 162 183 126 140 110 216 218 65 199 32 21 66
资料 12 0 67 1160 0 0 0 2 59 53 0 114 135 25 94 52 11 0 9 5 2 35 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 18 1 0 0 33 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 11 4 0 2 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
微课 12 12 30 9 0 0 0 12 24 3 5 7 0 18 0 22 22 0 27 15 6 12 0 0 15 0 6 6 6 49 22 3 12 8 12 0 0 18 9 24 0 4 22 14 0 26 0 3 27 6 0 3 6 6 9
名字 王慧玉 李柳青 李文娟 刘明霞 李卫丽 陈薇薇 高雷 李培培 王松妍 陈丽丽 李静静 陈小燕 周倩 张继灵 赵晶 苏苗 马冰华 韩欣欣 范京京 杨卫云 高莹莹 黄娟娟 陈芳芳 陈文锋 张丽君 和秋燕 买云玲 王丽莉 靳莲莲 孟银霞 辛甜 樊娇 陈改利 呼燕华 杨耀辉 李艳芳 何金金 罗亚芬 张亚飞 唐沙沙 都亚飞 邹会会 王水清 孟妮娜 邓沁霞 张欣 李春香 牛伟伟 刘莹莹 陈继红 张志涛 李梦园 樊沙 黄梦莹 周硕
作业习题 10 2 31 175 3 0 0 2 0 10 7 106 87 4 0 19 10 0 31 19 11 11 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 11 1 2 14 10 12 0 0 6 0 0 0 11 5 0 0 0 0 14 15 6 0 0 0 0 0













具体的教学内容如下:1. 同分母分数加减法:同分母分数相加(减)时,分母不变,分子相加(减)即可。

例如:1/4 + 3/4 = 4/4 = 1;1/4 3/4 = 2/4 = 1/2。

2. 异分母分数加减法:异分母分数相加(减)时,需要先通分,然后按照同分母分数加减法的方法进行计算。

例如:1/3 + 1/4,通分后得4/12 + 3/12 = 7/12;1/3 1/4,通分后得4/12 3/12 = 1/12。

3. 混合运算:混合运算包括加减乘除,需要按照运算顺序进行计算。

例如:2/3 + 1/4 1/2,先计算2/3 + 1/4得11/12,然后再减去1/2得3/12 = 1/4。

二、教学目标1. 学生能够掌握同分母分数加减法的计算方法,并能够熟练进行计算。

2. 学生能够掌握异分母分数加减法的计算方法,并能够熟练进行计算。

3. 学生能够理解混合运算的运算顺序,并能够正确进行计算。

三、教学难点与重点1. 教学难点:异分母分数加减法的计算方法和混合运算的运算顺序。

2. 教学重点:同分母分数加减法的计算方法和异分母分数加减法的计算方法。

四、教具与学具准备1. 教具:黑板、粉笔、PPT。

2. 学具:练习本、笔、分数卡片。

五、教学过程1. 实践情景引入:假设小明有1个苹果,小红有3个苹果,请问小明和小红一共有几个苹果?2. 例题讲解:同分母分数加减法。

例如:1/4 + 3/4 = 4/4 = 1;1/4 3/4 = 2/4 = 1/2。

3. 异分母分数加减法:先通分,然后按照同分母分数加减法的方法进行计算。

例如:1/3 + 1/4,通分后得4/12 + 3/12 = 7/12;1/3 1/4,通分后得4/12 3/12 = 1/12。

4. 混合运算:按照运算顺序进行计算。

义务教育2024信息科技 四年级上册 第一单元 第2课 获取数据有方法 教案

义务教育2024信息科技 四年级上册 第一单元 第2课 获取数据有方法 教案

























































贺卡能够加深友谊和亲情,烘托节H的气氛,体现美好的祝福以及具有身后的文化内涵,使整个节H 给人留下深刻的印象。




















当我们往墙上钉钉子的时候往 往提心吊胆,害怕砸到自己的手。 用一只晾衣夹子夹住钉子,就能够 让钉子站住而且也不会砸到手,同 时夹子帮助了钉子垂直于墙面,不 至于钉歪。
我们购买的各种数字设备都带着它的 数据线或电线,一股脑地放入抽屉既不好 找又容易打结。我们可以用纸巾筒来储存 数据线,每一个数据线放入一个纸巾筒, 将纸巾筒整齐地摆入鞋盒,一目了然又不 会乱成一团。还可以当笔筒使用哦!
“窍门”是指能巧妙解决问题的办法。生活 中的小窍门涵盖健康、饮食、居家、穿着打扮等 生活的各个方面。
四Hale Waihona Puke 级综合实践活动名师课程第一步:将筷子摆成田字格
第二步: 将每个交叉点用毛线扎紧
第三步: 将丢弃的口罩的挂绳分别系在四个角上,
家中的烧水壶在用过一段时间之后都会产生 水垢。可以放一勺小苏打在烧水壶里面,煮沸。 或者在水壶里加入土豆皮、鸡蛋壳、白醋和一些 水,等水烧开之后,盖上盖子摇晃几下,再静置 一会儿,水垢自然就掉了。



葡萄 牛奶 土豆 鸡蛋 胡罗卜 橙子 黄油 苹果 酸奶
水果 橙子
• 魔力数字7: • 找逻辑关系:
① 没有结构的表达方法
上个星期我去了趟上海。你知 道,上海是一个非常绅士化的城 市。我们到一家室外餐馆吃午饭 ,你知道吗?在15分钟内我至 少见到了15个留胡须的人。
而且,如果你在任何一家北京 的办公室周围转一转,你会发现 有很多留短络腮胡子的人。
② 按照自上而下阐释思想观点
你知道吗?我简直难以相信 ,在商业圈子里,男人面部留 胡须已达到了如此被广泛接受 的程度。

人脑具有将事物进行归类组织 共性 分组 记忆 王清莹







糖 盘子 松鼠 汽油 自行车 大象 牙膏
• 当我们听别人说话或阅读文章时: • 大脑会进行类似的思想分组,将同时出现的或位置相邻的几个
• 思想联系, 并努力以某种逻辑模式组织起来。 王清莹
如何运用金字塔原理进行高效 表达2集
本课件PPT仅供大家学习使用 学习完请自行删除,谢谢!
本课件PPT仅供大家学习使用 学习完请自行删除,谢谢!



1.口授:说给他听; 2.表演授:做给他看; 3.试做:让他做看看; 4.查核;查看结果.
3.2 发出指令不可抽象
没有具体内容的指示,使部下无所适从,要么不去做, 要么靠自己的想像发挥来做,必然导致作业结果出现 偏差; 发出指示要有5W2H(何故WHY、何事WHAT、 何处WHERE、何时开始和结束WHEN、何人WHO、 如何做HOW、 成本MUCH)方面的具体 内容,这样作业人员才知道自己的作业目标是什么
1. 我(部门或个人,下同)的工作绩效目标是什么? 2. 我的职责和权限是什么? 3. 我的各项工作流程是否已明确规定? 4. 我的各项工作方法是否已规定,并能经济的达到既定目标? 5. 是否具备相应的客观证据,以证实我的工作绩效或工作过程? 6. 当异常发生时,我清楚该如何运作?并努力寻求改善对策?
◆学习的地方; ◆个性、能力发挥的地方; ◆谋生的利益共同体; ◆人际关系的地方; ◆生活的地方; ◆竞争的地方。
假若有一天早上你从外面回来,从不远 处开始观察你们现在的公司(工厂), 从外面一直到您的工作岗位,你都观 察(或者说你看见)了些什么……?
我们的产品,那么一切努力都付之东流,更不必 谈工资了.
客户需求ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ---四要素
高品质的----------产品; 合理的------------价格; 准确的------------交期; 满意的------------服务.

第四课 第一框 我知我师 我爱我师

第四课 第一框 我知我师  我爱我师




教学重点:我知我师教学难点:我爱我师二、导学过程(一)粗读:粗略阅读,整体感知的主要学习内容:我知我师我爱我师(二)重读:结合如下自学提纲重点阅读1、师生交往有何意义?2、教师工作有哪些特点(或教师工作的重要意义)? 3、为什么我要爱我的老师?4、怎样建立和谐的师生关系?(三)释读:讨论上述提纲并完成课本中活动(四)忆读:三、达标训练一、单项选择题1.我们成长路上的引路人是()A.老师B.长辈C.朋友D.晚辈2.被誉为“人类灵魂的工程师”的是()A.父亲B.母亲C.老师D.工程师3.学校生活的一项重要内容是()A.同志关系B.师生关系C.父母关系D.朋友关系4.孔子说:“其身正,不令而行;其身不正,虽令不从。






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