(第 11 题图)
(第 12 题图)
(第 13 题图)
二、填空题:(请将答案填在在题后的表格上指定的位置,每小题 3 分,计 12 分)
12.如图,以点 O 为位似中心,将 OAB 放大后得到 OCD , OA 2 , AC 3 ,则 AB ___________. CD
(第 20 题图)
21. (本题满分 8 分)如图,在△ABC 中,AB=AC,以 AB 为直径的⊙O 交 AC 于点 D,交 BC 于点 E,过
点 E 作 EF⊥AC 于点 F,交 AB 的延长线于点 P.
(第 21 题图)
(1)求证:PE 是⊙O 的切线;
(2)若⊙O 的直径为 5,tanC=2,求 BP 的长.
三、解答题:(本大题共 9 小题,共 75 分)
16.解: 原式=3-3
------------------------4 分(每一个化简 1 分)
=1 --------------------------------------6 分
17.由 AD=CF 得 AC=DF---------------2 分
B. 4.6×10-7
C. 4.6×10-6
D. 0.46×10-5
5.定义 a*b=ab+a+b,若 3*x=27,则 x 的值是()
A. 3
B. 4
C. 6
D. 9
6.按如图所示的运算程序,能使输出 y 值为 1 的是().
(第 6 题图)
B.m=1,n=0 C. m=1,n=2 D. m=2,n=1
第 7 页 共 15 页
b p h fn r g6.按粗体字音序将下列词语重新排列。
曝晒(bào pù)栖息(qīxī)膝盖(qīxī)晕染(yūn yùn )绮丽(qǐqí)率领(lǜshuài)8.补充下列四字词语。
一、(24分,每小题2分)1. 一下列句子中,没有错别字的是()A.如果游人来到这里,就仿佛进入了神秘的仙境,顿时感到心旷神贻。
2 下面语段中,加点字的注音完全正确的是()浓雾笼罩着河面,风声、涛声响成混①混(hún)沌沌的一片,大颗大颗的雾②屑( xiāo )冰末扑面而来。
数十步开外的冰山雪堆间,几十米宽窄的一片洪流,像是一群发怒狂③奔(bèn)的金狮,抖动着黄色的④鬃(zōng) 毛。
推⑤搡(sǎng)挤撞成一团,⑥旋(xuán)卷腾跃而来,眨眼间又从三十多米高的断崖前轰然跌下……A.①②③B.①③⑤C. ④⑤⑥D.②④⑥3.依次填人下列各句横线处的词语,恰当的是( )①毋庸______,优秀的中华文化是人类历史上的一笔宝贵财富。
”这则字谜的谜底是()A.日B.香C.曼D.酉4.下列各组词语中注音有误的一项是()A.繁忙(fán máng)签字(qiān zì)B.踌躇(cóu cú)黯然(àn rán)C.特殊(tèshū)瑞雪(ruìxuě)D.搞垮(gǎo kuǎ)尊重(zūn zhòng)二.填空题(共11小题)5.根据句意写诗句。
dùjìdūdu wěi tuōzhēyǎnjīètuōlānàhǎn bàn jié7.猜字谜。
一、(本大题10个小题,每小题2分,共20分)1.下列词语中,加点字的读音完全正确的一组是( )A.勉强.(qiáng) 摭.拾(zhí) 徇.私(xún) 包扎.(zā)B.慰藉.(jiè) 龃.龉(jǔ)豢.养(huàn) 创.伤(chuāng)C.契.约(qì) 谛.听(dì) 泥泞.(níng) 溘.然(kè)D.谬.论(miù) 摒.弃(bìng) 砭.骨(biān) 咯.血(ké)2.下列词语中,没有错别字的一项是()A.轻歌慢舞顾名思义鬼釜神工棉里藏针B.掉以轻心沤心沥血理屈辞穷心悦诚服C.良辰美景出类拔萃循规蹈矩贪赃枉法D.振耳欲聋仗义直言宁静致远不胫而走3.依次填入下面横线上的词语,最恰当的一组是()①逐步推广使用清洁的可再生能源,减少使用污染环境的能源,是环境恶化的正确选择。
wūyán wèi jièbiān fúfùzámìshízǎo cān tuīcèmiáo huìsuìdào jiàn kāng7.成语是祖国语言文字中的瑰宝,你究竟掌握了多少,测测自己。
2020年春季学期六月调研考试九 年 级 数 学 试 题本试卷共24小题,满分120分,考试时间120分钟.注意事项:本试卷分试题卷和答题卡两部分,请将答案答在答题卡上每题对应的答题区域内,答在试题卷上无效.考试结束,请将本试题卷和答题卡一并上交.参考公式:二次函数2y ax bx c 图象的顶点坐标是(2b a-,244ac b a-),一元二次方程20axbx c的求根公式是242b b acx a-±-=,扇形面积是2360n r S π=.一、选择题(下列各小题中,只有一个选项是符合题目要求的,请在答题卡上指定的位置填涂符合要求的选项前面的字母代号. 每小题3分,计33分.)1.我国古代《九章算术》中注有“今两算得失相反,要令正负以名之”意思是仅有两数其意义相反,则分别叫做正数与负数.如果向东走3步记作+3步,那么向西走5步记作( ). A .+3步B .-2步C .-5步D .+5步2. 第七届世界军人运动会于2019年10月18日在中国武汉举行,下图是某赛场的颁奖台,其俯视图是( ).A .B .C .D .3. 中华人民共和国成立70周年阅兵式于2019年10月1日在北京天安门广场举行,这次阅兵编59个方(梯)队和联合军乐团,总规模约1.5万人,装备580台套,是近几次阅兵中规模最大的一次.以上数据中的近似数1.5万精确到( ).A .十分位B .十位C .百位D .千位 4. 如图,点E 在AB 的延长线上,下列条件中能判断AD ∥BC 的是( ). A. ∠3=∠4 B. ∠C+∠ABC=180° C. ∠C=∠CBE D. ∠1=∠25. 下列式子一定成立的是( ).A .x +x =2x 2B .x 3•x 2=x 6C .(x 4)3= x 7D .(-2x )2 = 4x 2(第2题图)(第4题图)6. 在□ABCD 中增加下列条件中的一个,使这个四边形为矩形,则增加的条件可以是( ).A. 对角线互相平分B. AB =BC C .∠A +∠C =180° D.12AB AC7. 抽样调查某班10名同学身高(单位:厘米)如下:160,152,165,152,160,160,170,160,165,159.则这组数据的众数是( ). A .152B .160C .165D .1708. 用教材中的科学计算器依次按键如下,显示的结果在数轴上对应点的位置介于( ).A .A 与B 之间 B . B 与C 之间 C .C 与D 之间 D .E 与F 之间 9. 根据图中的程序,当输入x =(-3+2)2 时,输出的结果y =( ).A .4B . 6C .4或6D .16 10.下列尺规作图,能判断AD 是△ABC 边上的高是( ).A .B .C .D . 11. 如图,已知A 为反比例函数kyx(x <0)的图像上一点,过点A 作AB ⊥y 轴,垂足为B .若△OAB 的面积为2,则k 的值为( ) A.2 B. -2 C. 4D.-4输出y输入xy =x +5 (x ≤1) y =-x +5(x >1)(第9题)(第11题图)(第15题图)二、填空题(将答案写在答题卡上指定的位置.每小题3分,计12分.)12. 已知x =1是方程x 2+bx ﹣2=0的一个根,则方程的另一个根是 .13. 因式分解:x x -3 = 14. 函数31--=x x y 的自变量x 的取值范围 .15. 如图,在半径为6的⊙O 中,点A ,B ,C 都在⊙O 上,四边形OABC 是平行四边形,则图中阴影部分的面积为____________. 三、解答题(将解答过程写在答题卡上指定的位置.本大题共有9小题,计75分.) 16.(6分)计算:|﹣3|﹣4sin45°++(π﹣3)017.(6分)如图,点O 是线段AB 的中点,OD ∥BC 且OD =BC . (1)求证:△AOD ≌△OBC ;(2)若∠ADO =35°,求∠DOC 的度数.(第17题图)18.(7分)如图,一次函数3+-=x y 的图像与反比例函数xk y =(k ≠0)在第一象限的图像交于A (1,a )和 B 两点,与 x 轴交于点 C .(1)求反比例函数的解析式;(2)若点 P 在 x 轴上,且△APC 的面积为 5,求点 P 的坐标.18. (7分)三峡大学某系欲推荐两名优秀学生到其他高校交流学习,根据规定的推荐程序:首先由本年级的200名学生民主投票,每人只能推荐一人(不设弃权票),选出了票数最多的甲、乙、丙三人.投票结果统计如图一:其次,对三名候选人进行了笔试和面试两项测试.各项成绩如上表所示:图二是某同学根据上表绘制的一个不完整的条形图.请你根据以上信息解答下列问题:(1)补全图一和图二;(2)若每名候选人得一票记1分,投票、笔试、面试三项得分按照2∶5∶3的比确定,试计算三名候选人的平均成绩,成绩高的两名将被推荐;(3)推荐的两名学生准备到北京大学(记为A )、清华大学(记为B )、浙江大学(记为C )、上海交通大学(记为D )中的一个学校,他们各自在这四个学校中任选一个,每个学校被选中的可能性相同.请你用画树状图或列表的方法求两名学生都选择去北京大学的概率.测试项目 测试成绩/分 甲 乙 丙 笔试 92 90 95 面试85 95 80(第18题图) (第19题图).20.(8分)如图所示,某校初三课外活动小组,在测量树高的一次活动中,测得树底部中心A 到斜坡底C 的水平距离为8.8m ,在阳光下某一时刻测得1m 的标杆影长0.8m ,树影落在斜坡上的部分CD =3.2m ,已知斜坡CD 的坡比i=1:3, (1)求斜坡CD 的坡角;(2)求树高AB .(结果保留整数,参考数据3≈1.7)21.(8分)如图,在平行四边形ABCD 中,过A ,B ,C 三点的圆交AD 于E 点,且与CD相切于C 点.(1)证明:CA =CB ;(2)若AB =4,DE =516,求EB 的长.22.(10分)某市深入贯彻落实“生态优先,绿色发展”理念,着力推进全域生态复绿,坚持“全民共享、生态富民”,着力探索“绿水青山就是金山银山”的发展途径. 据统计2018年该市人口为a 人,人均绿地面积为m 亩,绿地率(绿地率=绿地面积/总面积)为0.64.根据规划,2018-2020三年时间,通过三种方式完成绿化面积:一是沿河,沿江,沿路进行生态复绿;二是精准灭荒;三是关停废弃矿山和工程临时占地复绿. 导致2019-2020两年该市绿地面积按相同的百分数增长;同时随着环境的变好,城市的发展,2019-2020两年人口数量也按一个相同的百分数增长,是绿地面积增长百分数的2倍. 预计刚好实现三年规划,让全市的绿地率达到0.81的宏伟目标.(1)用a ,m 表示该市的总面积;(2)问2018-2020人均绿地面积是增加或减少了?并求出增加或减少的百分数.23.(11分)如图1,正方形ABCD 的边长为1,E 为AB 边上一动点,BE 的长为x ,连接DE ,过B 点作BF ∥DE 交CD 于点F ,以CF 为边作正方形CFMN ,且点N 在BC 边(第21题图)(第20题图)的延长线上.(1)求证:四边形BEDF为平行四边形.(2)连接DN,EN ,且EN与BF交于点G.①判断△EDN的形状,并说明理由;②若点G为EN的中点,求x的值.(3)如图2,连接DE,DM,求当x为何值时,△EDM的面积取得最小值,并求△EDM的面积最小值.24.(12分)已知矩形纸片OACB,将该矩形纸片放置在平面直角坐标系中,其中点A(0,4),点C(4n,4)(n>0),点P为AC边上的动点(点P不与点A,C重合),沿直线OP折叠纸片,A点恰好落在A1处,经过点P再次折叠该纸片,使点C落在直线P A1上得到点C1,折痕PD与线段CB交于点D,设AP=t,CD=m.(1)试用含有t,n的式子表示m;(2)若适当改变点P的位置总能使得点C1恰好落在边OB上,求n的最小值;当n取最小值时, 且点C1恰好落在边OB上,试判断点P与点D是否在同一反比例函数图象上?(3)延长OA1交PD于点E,过A,E两点的抛物线y=ax2+bx+c与直线PD有唯一公共点,求此抛物线的解析式.(第24题图)2020年春季学期六月调研考试九年级数学参考答案及评分说明一、选择题1-11 CBDAD ,CBABC ,D 二、填空题 12. -213. )1)(1(-+x x x 14. x ≥1且x ≠3 15. 6π 三、解答题16.(6分)式子中四个化简,每对一个1分,得到正确结果2分|﹣3|﹣4sin45°++(π﹣3)0=3-22+22+0-------------------------------4分 =3 ---------------------------------------------6分 17. (6分)证明略,第1问4分,第2问2分。
听课本第一部分第一讲课堂精讲一、1. (1) I think the work can be completed/finished ahead of time.(2) completely2. (1) B (2) What will you do to realize your dream?3. (1) My elder sister is five years older than I. (2) elderly4. (1) She heard the sound of footsteps outside.(2) 那种噪音真要把我逼疯了!5. (1) B (2) C6. (1) C (2) B7. (1) Practice makes perfect. (2) playing8. (1) He will take part in/join in this match/game/contest/competition.(2) A二、1. Now let me tell you about my daily life.☆M y daily life is colourful.2. ①I get up at 7 o’clock every day.☆H e gets up at 6 o’clock every day and then exercises for an hour.②I often chat with my classmates after lunch.☆A fter school, we play basketball in the playground.③In the evening/At night, after I finish my homework, I watch TV with my parents for awhile.☆A fter doing my homework, I help my mother cook dinner.3. Every day I have a good time!/I enjoy myself every day!☆T his is my day. I’m busy but I’m happy.课堂精练一、BACBA AAACA二、One possible version:Li Yao is a middle school student now. He is very happy to come to the new school. He has new teachers and many friends. They are all very friendly.He often gets up at 7:00 in the morning. Then he eats breakfast at 7:20. He usually goes to school at 7:40. He has Maths, Chinese and English lessons from 8:00 to 11:00. In the afternoon, he has other lessons like music, art, PE and computer from 1:00 to 5:00. He often plays with his classmates after 5:00. He likes playing football. He eats dinner at 6:30. Usually he reads newspapers and does his homework after dinner. He goes to bed at 9:20.He enjoys his day very much.第二讲课堂精讲一、1. (1) We should work together to protect the environment from being polluted.(2) protection2. (1) B (2) I will provide food for the picnic.3. (1) pollution(2) We should not pollute the lakes and the rivers.4. (1) Please put the water into the bottle. (2) C5. (1) Every one says that it’s my own fault. (2) owner6. (1) Will the storm blow down our house? (2) blew7. In spring, everything begins to grow.8. (1) snowy (2) Snow melted in the sun.9. swimming10. (1) buying (2) B二、1. There are four seasons in a year.☆A mong the four seasons, I like spring best.2. ①Summer begins in June and lasts three months.In spring, it’s warm.☆A utumn begins in September and lasts three months.②Autumn is the harvest season. The farmers are gathering crops in the fields.☆I n winter, we can make snowmen.☆I n autumn, it’s exciting to fly kites in the park.3. Most important of all/More importantly/Above all, we will soon have a long summer holiday. ☆A s a matter of fact, life is like a field of snow, where you walk every step will show.课堂精练一、CBCBA ACACB二、One possible version:My Favourite SeasonAmong the four seasons, I like autumn best.Autumn begins in September and lasts three months. It is a golden season. We can see fallen leaves everywhere. When the leaves cover the ground with golden yellow, the city becomes more beautiful.Autumn is a busy time for farmers. It is a season of harvest. Everywhere we can see the ripe fruits on the trees and the golden rice in the rice fields. Everywhere we can see smiling faces in the villages.The high blue sky is another charm of autumn. In autumn, the weather is neither too hot nor too cold. It is the best time to travel around the country.第三讲课堂精讲一、1. (1) A (2) nervously2. B3. You have to consider what to do next.4. more than5. (1) in order that(2) The picture is so beautiful that everyone likes it.6. breathe7. B8. There is a fountain in the centre of the park.9. (1) Words cannot describe her beauty. (2) beautiful10. (1) People shouted and ran in every direction.(2) directed二、1. I love travelling because it broadens my horizons.☆T oday I went for a pleasant outing with my friends.☆N ow it is very common for people to get away on a vacation trip.2. ①Today I rode to the Summer Palace with my friends./Today I went to the Summer Palace with my friends by bike.☆L ast month, my parents and I went to Shanghai by plane.②We took a walk, went boating and visited many old buildings there.☆F irst, we went boating in the river, and then we went fishing by the river.☆B esides, you can buy something special for your family and friends at Wangfujing Mall.3. How beautiful the Summer Palace is! We all want to go there again.☆W hat a pleasant trip! I will never forget it.☆T ravelling opens our minds to new things and enriches our lives.☆W e were tired, but we all had a good time.课堂精练一、CACAB BCACB二、One possible version:Saturday SunnyToday I went for a pleasant outing with my friends. The destination we went to was Yihe River Wetland Park, which is about eight kilometres away from my home. We rode our bikes at 9:30 in the morning. Half an hour later, we got there. First, we went boating in the river, and then we went fishing by the river. The fish in the river are big and fresh. We ate fish at noon. In the afternoon, we went swimming in a swimming pool beside the river. We felt relaxed and comfortable in the water. At 5:30 in the afternoon, we returned together.We all had a good time.第四讲课堂精讲一、1. Is it necessary for me to attend the meeting?2. (1) Mr Green teaches me German.(2) himself3. amazing4. boring5. unusual6. We will interview Zhao Liyin tomorrow.7. B8. (1) A (2) freedom9. It’s bad for you to eat too much junk food.10. B二、1. Life in school is colourful, but we are not satisfied with classroom subjects.☆I have a lot of things to do in my free time.☆I n my colourful after-school life, reading is my favourite.2. Usually I take exercise after school.☆S ometimes, I listen to music for a while.☆I joined the Basketball Club.☆I find it a good way to relax myself./I find that it’s a good way to relax myself.3. As a student, I need to study. At the same time, I also need to enjoy my after-school life.☆T aking part in after-school activity is not only good for their health but also can help them be refresh.课堂精练一、CACCB ABCAB二、One possible version:In my colourful after-school life, reading is my favourite. I love books. I think that sitting down quietly while reading a book is a wonderful enjoyment.I read not only in the school library but also at home. Reading can bring me happiness, and let me learn a lot of interesting knowledge. Reading can make my life more colourful. Reading can help me to communicate with more people at any time.Reading enriches my after-school life. I love reading.第五讲课堂精讲一、1. (1) Teachers ought to be patient with students.(2) patience2. (1) Don’t forget what I told you just now. (2) to close3. (1) Teachers often encourage me to study hard.(2) encouragement4. (1) possible(2) It’s impossible for us to finish the work in one day.5. (1) She speaks excellent French. (2) excellently6. B7. (1) lay (2) lies (3) lied8. (1) Jack prefers to play basketball. (2) A9. A二、1. I have many good friends.☆L i Lei is my best friend.☆L i Hua is my neighbour and a good friend.2. ①She is a beautiful/pretty girl.☆H e is a tall boy with a pair of glasses.☆H e is tall and handsome.☆S he is a young girl with short hair.②She always wears a cheerful smile and gives us the impression that she is friendly andnice.☆H e is outgoing and likes to talk with people.☆H e is helpful and friendly to his classmates.3. We will graduate from junior middle school, but the friendship between us will last forever.☆I feel lucky to have Li Lei as my best friend.☆I hope we will be friends forever.课堂精练一、CBCAC ABACA二、One possible version:My Best FriendLi Lei is my best friend. He is tall and handsome. We have known each other for more than two years.We both like sports. He is good at basketball and I am good at table tennis. We are both members on the school team.We both study very hard and often help each other. During the weekend, we often visit each other and do our homework together.We often care for each other. Once I was down with a cold. He helped me to see the doctor. When he is in need of help, I take care of him in every possible way.I feel lucky to have Li Lei as my best friend.第六讲课堂精讲一、1. It’s cruel to make fun of a blind man.2. Please allow me to introduce you to my classmates.3. (1) apologize(2) You must apologize to him immediately!4. B5. The nurse led me to Doctor Li.6. (1) You can imagine how surprised his mother was.(2) imagination7. Drinking too much is harmful to your health.8. C9. Millions of hamburgers and French fries are eaten by Americans every year.二、1. Many people like animals and keep one or more as pets.☆M y favourite animal is the cat.2. ①It is a small dog with black and white hair.It has a pair of big eyes and long ears.☆I t has a pair of round eyes, a black nose and a small mouth.②Whenever I come back from school, Mike runs out to give me a warm welcome.☆I t likes to eat fish, so I often buy fish for it.☆I t often follows me in and out.3. I treat it as my family member.☆T ake good care of your pets.☆W hat a lovely and naughty dog!课堂精练一、CACBB ACBCA二、One possible version:I have a little cat. I like it very much. Its name is Kitty. It’s very beautiful. It’s gray. It has black ears, round eyes, a black nose and a small mouth. When I’m at home, it often follows me in and out. We often play together in the living room and it enjoys being washed by me every day. My little cat loves to eat fish and sleep a lot. It’s very fat but it’s cute.My life has become colourful since it comes to my home. I treat it as my good friend.第七讲课堂精讲一、1. C2. (1) value (2) C3. (1) I need some change. (2) C4. C5. (1) A (2) working6. B7. (1) A (2) fool8. (1) The printer was connected to the computer.(2) connection9. (1) In a way, the article is well written./The article is well written in a way.(2) C二、1. With the development of industry, water pollution is becoming more and more serious now.☆A s we all know, water is very important to all of us.☆W ithout water there can be no life on the Earth.2. The polluted water not only kills fish, but also harms our health.☆W e must take measures to protect water resources.☆W e should turn off the shower when we are washing our hair.☆W e should not waste water in our daily lives.3. We should fight against the pollution.☆T herefore, it’s our duty to protect water resources.☆W e can do so much to reduce water problems.课堂精练一、CBCAC AACAB二、One possible version:How to Protect WaterAs everybody knows that water is one of the most important things for us all to live in the earth. We cannot live without water. So it’s important to protect water.Time goes by, with the rapid development of science and technology, water pollution hasbecome very serious. Drinking water has been reduced. So we must take measures to protect water resources. But how should we protect resources?On one hand, we can reuse water. On the other hand, we should not waste water in our daily lives.We can do so much to reduce water problems.第八讲课堂精讲一、1. (1) These are just two ordinary houses. (2) A2. (1) Soldiers must obey orders. (2) to stop3. (1) Your advice was great help to me. (2) advised4. (1) When I was in primary school, my Chinese teacher always asked me to read the texts aloud.(2) B5. C6. The snowstorm will last till tomorrow afternoon.7. (1) Tom has achieved his goal this year.(2) achievement8. (1) The boys has decided to go camping next week.(2) decision9. I am alone, but I don’t feel lonely.10. (1) He used to swim in the river. (2) B二、1. Almost everyone is fond of music.☆ Almost everybody has hobbies.☆ Different people have different hobbies.2. ①It might be collecting stamps, reading books, doing sports, painting fishing or growingflowers.☆ Some people like growing flowers, and others like reading books.②Music can cheer me up when I am sad.☆ I can learn many things from stamps.③ It can make people feel happy.☆ Exercise can make people relaxed.3. It is a good way of learning and relaxing myself.☆ In a word, my hobbies have positive influences on my body and soul.课堂精练一、BABBC ACCAC二、One possible version:My HobbyAlmost everybody has hobbies. It might be collecting stamps or coins, reading, doing sports, painting, fishing or growing flowers. I also have many hobbies, but collecting stamps is my favourite. I can learn many things from stamps, like the history of a country. When I look through them, I can learn about different foreign customs, art and cultures. The colours of stamps are an attraction which makes me relaxed and happy. It is a good way of learning and relaxing myself.第九讲课堂精讲一、1. (1) I believe I have the ability to organize a birthday party.(2) able2. (1) The tour included a visit to the Science Museum.(2) including3. suddenly4. A5. C6. Tim challenged me to play table tennis.7. are8. (1) Do you still remember what you have promised to do?(2) C9. (1) He didn’t realize that his wife had left.(2) realization10. His left arm was hurt in an accident.二、1. I have recently done a survey about how students learn English out of class.☆ A survey of students’ safety has been done in our school.2. More than 40 students do a lot of written exercises.☆ 11% of students die or fall ill because of food poisoning.☆ 20% of students like collecting things they like, such as stamps, coins and so on.☆ The survey shows that half of the girls choose film and TV stars as idols.3. ①In my opinion, listening and speaking are the secrets of becoming a good languagelearner.☆ In my opinion, we should pay more attention to our safety.②We need to do lots of listening and speaking practice.☆ We must be careful and obey the traffic rules when we cross the road.课堂精练一、BBCCA AABBB二、One possible version:Dear classmates,A survey of students’ safety has been done in our school. Here is the result.64% of the 150 students get hurt or lose their lives because of the traffic accidents on roads. 19% have accidents when they are swimming in lakes or rivers. This is because they aren’t careful enough. 11% of them die or fall ill because of food poisoning. They often eat some unhealthy food in the street. 6% of them get hurt at school when they are playing.In my opinion, we should pay more attention to our safety. We must be careful and obey the traffic rules when we cross the road. Don’t swim alone in lakes or rivers. And we’d better not have dirty food or drinks.第十讲课堂精讲一、1. (1) Let’s compare this article with that one.(2) comparison2. B3. (1) He is a man whom you can depend on.(2) dependent4. We need a pencil and a piece of paper; in addition, we need a pair of scissors.5. (1) An artist should create beautiful things.(2) creation6. (1) It cost a lot of money to develop a product.(2) development7. (1) We will have a special party on October 31st.(2) specially8. (1) My house is not big, but it’s comfortable.(2) uncomfortable9. I would like you to go travelling instead of me.10. Wherever you go, keep in touch with me, please.二、1. Today, more and more people are using computers.☆ Computers play an important role in our life.2. ①Computers can help different people in different ways.☆ We can use computers to do many things.②Students use computers to help with their lessons and homework.☆ With the help of computers, I can communicate with my friends at any time.☆ People can do shopping and make friends through Internet.③However, many teenagers spend too much time playing games and chatting on theInternet.☆ This is not good for their eyes and study.3. Although computers can do so many things, they cannot “think” on their own.☆ In short, the computer brings me a more meaningful and colourful life.课堂精练一、CCAAB ABACA二、One possible version:Computer in My LifeComputers play an important role in my life. I usually use it to search for some information and do some further reading. With the help of it, I can communicate with my friends at any time and share the information. It makes my life become more convenient. As a music lover, I like listening to music online every day. Sometimes I will buy some discs on the Internet as well. In my spare time, I can watch some movies to relax myself.In short, the computer brings me a more meaningful and colourful life.第十一讲课堂精讲一、1. B2. (1) Please tell us about your experiences in Africa.(2) experienced3. (1) to hear(2) I’m glad that you have finished the task.4. They have not been to Beijing so far.5. (1) Our English teacher introduced us to the American culture.(2) introduction6. (1) Families always celebrate Thanksgiving together.(2) celebration7. (1) Tom succeeded in getting the job. (2) success8. (1) We work every day except Sunday. (2) C9. (1) The teacher punished her students for cheating in the exam.(2) Punishment二、1. April 1st is a day to be careful, or people will make a fool of you and laugh at you.☆ The Spring Festival is a traditional festival in China and it comes in January 1st in lunar calendar.2. In England, people play jokes only in the morning.☆ Because the Spring Festival is very special and important, we must prepare many special things for this festival.☆ According to Chinese tradition, the Lantern Festival is the last day of the Spring Festival.☆ People celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival by eating mooncakes and admiring the full moon.3. The Spring Festival is becoming more and more influential in the world.☆ As a matter of fact/In fact, every day we can find something that we should express thankfulness for.课堂精练一、ACCAC AACCB二、One possible version:The Spring FestivalThe Spring Festival is a traditional festival in China and it comes in January 1st in lunar calendar. When it is coming and all families become very busy. Because the Spring Festival is very special and important, we must prepare many special things for this festival.First, we will have a rich feast together at the New Year’s Eve. The food at the feast is very delicious. Second, we will set off firecrackers. Because we think it can frighten ghosts away. During the Spring Festival, parents always give their children some lucky money and the children are very happy.第十二讲课堂精讲一、1. (1) I had a good memory when I was young.(2) memorize2. (1) In a word, we should improve our service.(2) improvement3. (1) Beijing is a city worth visiting.(2) worthless4. (1) We have very similar interests. (2) similarity5. (1) Will you be a judge at the singing competition next week?(2) compete6. (1) We should do what is right confidently. (2) confident7. C8. (1) I communicate with him regularly by letter.(2) communication9. (1) We choose David to be our monitor. (2) choices二、1. My junior school life is coming to an end.☆ People say school life is exciting, but my junior school life is not as easy as you think.2. ①Our school is especially beautiful when the flowers are in full bloom.☆ We have three classroom buildings, an office building and a big playground.☆ Besides, there are computer rooms, music rooms and a library.☆ There are different kinds of books in the library.②Teachers are very friendly to us.☆ If we have difficulties, we can turn to our teachers and classmates for help.☆ I have got both knowledge and encouragement from them and made great progress.☆ My teachers not only help me to overcome difficulties, but also encourage me to move on.③ We study many subjects such as Chinese, English, maths, physics, chemistry and art.☆ We listen carefully in class.☆ My favourite subjects are English and Chinese.☆ I will work harder in order to make greater progress in my new school.④My school always organizes activities, such as sports week or art festival.☆ After school, I always join some school clubs.☆ The colourful after-school activities can open our eyes.3. My junior school life is colourful and exciting.☆ I will remember those happy days forever.☆ I am preparing for a more challenging school life ahead.课堂精练一、CCABC ACCAA二、One possible version:My School Life — A Challenge LifePeople say school life is exciting, but my junior school life is not as easy as you think.My time in the first year was the best year of my school life. I had no worries. When I started the second year, I had to deal with more subjects. I found it difficult to keep up with my classmates. I suffered a lot. I was lucky, however, that I met the best teachers in my life. They not only helped me to overcome difficulties but also encouraged me to move on.Now I am in Junior Three. I never feel afraid of examinations. I find everything goes on well.I am preparing for a more challenging school life ahead.第十三讲课堂精讲一、1. (1) How should we raise money for them? (2) B2. He offered to lend me his bike.3. (1) Mary plans to organize a party. (2) organization4. (1) Can you express yourself in English?(2) expression5. (1) I have difficulty in studying Japanese. (2) difficult6. Would you like to leave a message?7. (1) In China, you should accept a gift with both hands.(2) B8. (1) What was your first impression about him?(2) impressed9. (1) He called to remind me about the return ticket.(2) Please remind him that he must be here early.10. The story took place in the fall of 1980.二、1. In our life we often help others and also get help from others.☆ Help people to start from the little things, not good for small and for.2. When we help our classmates with their study and other things, we can develop our friendship. ☆ We not only respect the old but also readily offer help whenever they need.☆ We should try our best to help them.3. As the saying goes, “Giving is much better than receiving.”☆ I’m very grateful to you for your kind help.课堂精练一、CBCBC CCAAC二、One possible version:Dear students,In some parts of our country, there are many children out of school. Because their family can’t afford to send them to school. At the same time, children don’t have enough money to buy school things and clothes. In my opinion, each child should have the right to go to school, but there are few chances for them.So we should try our best to do something to help them, just like giving them school things, clothes and so on. We believe if we work together, we can make a better future for them.Thanks for your joining!Students’ Union 第十四讲课堂精讲一、1. C2. (1) The beauty of the sunrise is beyond description.(2) described3. To keep fit/healthy, we often take part in physical exercise.4. (1) This university attracts the best students from around the world.(2) attraction5. (1) This job does require some time and patience.(2) requirement6. (1) This is how I turn bad luck into good luck.(2) lucky7. (1) The red light is a warning sign for stop. (2) warn8. A9. (1) A (2) disappeared10. The shoes match your dress.二、1. The Chinese knot was originally invented by the craftsmen.☆ The Chinese Paper Cut/Cutting has a history of more than 2,000 years.2. The knot means love, marriage and reunion in Chinese.☆ Chinese Paper Cut/Cutting has different kinds of shapes, such as a word, a flower or an animal.☆ In Qing Dynasty, paper cutting became popular and was an important part of people’s daily life.☆ It is not only beautiful, but also useful.3. This traditional skill passed down from generation to generation.☆ It has become popular around the world.课堂精练一、CACAC ACABA二、One possible version:Dear Eric,I’m glad to tell you something about the Chinese Paper Cut.Chinese Paper Cut enjoys a long history of over 2,000 years. It can be seen in different parts of China and is popular among both the young and the old. It has different kinds of shapes, like a world, a vase of beautiful flower, a cute animal and so on. It is not only beautiful but also useful. We usually put them on doors or windows when we celebrate something happy, especially for the Spring Festival. I hope you’ll come to China and enjoy its beauty in person one day.Yours,Li Ming 第十五讲课堂精讲一、1. (1) She shall eat less if she wants to lose weight.(2) weigh2. He studied these subjects on his own/by himself.3. The city has a population of more than one million.4. A5. The child’s headache may be caused by stress.6. (1) They accepted responsibility for the accident.(2) responsible7. He lay/lies down on the bed quietly.8. (1) I have no choice but to leave. (2) choose9. B二、1. Animals are our friends. However, some wild animals are endangered.☆ The animal is the friend of our human beings. We live on the same Earth.2. ①On the one hand, people kill animals for meat and fur. On the other hand, their livingenvironment is polluted seriously.☆ Thousands of kinds of animals have disappeared from the earth forever. Hundreds more are on the danger list today.☆ Worse still, more and more wild animals are in great danger.②First, I think we should set up more nature reserves so that they can live in safe places. ☆ We should raise people’s awareness to protect animals and our environment.3. As long as we all take action to help the endangered animals, the problem of animal’s extinction will be solved.☆ It’s high time to take action to protect wild animals.课堂精练一、CCCAC CBABB二、One possible version:How to Protect the AnimalsToday many animals are in danger. On the one hand, people kill animals for meat and fur. On the other hand, their living environment is polluted seriously. So it’s necessary for us to do something to save them. First, we should make laws to protect animals. Anyone who kills them should be punished. Second, we should build more zoos. I think zoos can provide homes for animals and prevent some people from killing the animals. Third, we should stop pollution and make their living environment become better and better.Animals are our friends. We should really protect them.第十六讲课堂精讲一、1. (1) The heavy rain damaged many houses. (2) A2. (1) A (2) frightens3. (1) A (2) discovery4. (1) He saw a shadow and ran away in fear. (2) fearful5. (1) He refused to tell me the truth. (2) refusal6. (1) Can you explain why you are here? (2) explanation7. apologies8. He didn’t come because of the heavy rain.9. (1) The company is satisfied with my work.(2) satisfaction10. (1) We’re preparing for the coming exam.(2) preparation二、1. What will happen to me in ten years?☆ My life in the future will be colourful and meaningful.2. ①In ten years, I think I’ll be a teacher.☆ I’m going to be a good doctor after I graduate from university.②I think I will live and work in Beijing.☆ I’ll live and work in Hong Kong, because I went to Hong Kong last year and fell in love with。
4. 名著阅读。
(共4分)新型冠状病毒肺炎( COVID-19),简称“新冠肺炎”,是指2019新型冠状病毒感染导致的肺炎。
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(其他答案若对也给分)】(每空1分,共8分)4.(1) ①昆虫记②鲁达 (2)买车是祥子的梦想,经过三年的努力,他终于买了属于自己的车,内心充满幸福和希望。
(2)D 岁寒三友(3)[参考答案]示例一:我从他们的对话中,我觉得惠子老气横秋,庄子活泼轻松,认为走在后边的是庄子。
2020年3月 2020年高考理数 黄金模拟卷:黄金卷06(原卷版)
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1.已知集合{}1,2A =,{}1,1,1B a =-+且A B ⊆,则a =( ) A .1B .0C .1-D .22.命题“存在x 0∈R ,使得x 02﹣2x 0+1<0”的否定为( ) A .任意x ∈R ,都有x 2﹣2x +1>0 B .任意x ∈R ,都有x 2﹣2x +1≥0 C .任意x ∈R ,都有x 2﹣2x +1≤0 D .不存在x ∈R ,使得x 2﹣2x +1≥023.i 为虚数单位,复数(1)(3)i i -+=( ) A .3i -B .42i -C .2D .42i +4.高三年级有8个班级,分派4位数学老师任教,每个教师教两个班,则不同的分派方法有( ) A .22228642P P P PB .22822642C C C CC .22224s s 424C C C C PD .222286424!C C C C5.已知,l m 是两条不同的直线,,αβ是两个不同的平面,且l αP ,m β⊥,则下列命题中为真命题的是( )A .若αβ∥,则l β∥B .若αβ⊥,则l m ⊥C .若l m ⊥,则l β∥D .若αβ∥,则m α⊥6.若正数,a b 满足:121a b +=,则2112a b +--的最小值为( ) A .2B .322C .52D .3214+7.已知数列{}n a 是等差数列,且1472a a a π++=,则35t (an )a a +的值为( ).A .3B .3-C .33D .33-8.执行如图所示的程序框图,输出的S (= )3A .25B .9C .17D .209.斜率为33的直线l 过抛物线2:2(0)C y px p =>的焦点F ,若l 与圆22:(2)4M x y -+=相切,则p =( ) A .12B .8C .10D .610.已知函数22()1log log (4)=+--f x x x ,则( ) A .()y f x =的图像关于直线2x =对称 B .()y f x =的图像关于点(2,1)对称 C .()f x 在(0,4)单调递减 D .()f x 在(0,4)上不单调11.函数2()1sin 1e xf x x ⎛⎫=-⎪+⎝⎭图象的大致形状是 A . B .C .D .412.已知直线y kx =与双曲线C :()222210,0x ya b a b-=>>相交于不同的两点A ,B ,F 为双曲线C 的左焦点,且满足3AF BF =,OA b =(O 为坐标原点),则双曲线C 的离心率为( ) A .2B .3C .2D .5第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)二、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。
环转过的角度与时间关系图; xi , yi ti 是小环横纵坐标与时间的关系图.由图可知,大环开始
时间为 0.575秒时,大环回到坐标原点,小环转过的角度约为101.680 ,即超过四分之一圆周。
由以上分析可知,若大环上面是轻绳,则绳子张力为零的第一位置1 有解析解,第二 个位置2 只有数值解;若大环上面是轻杆,则大环有上升趋势时张力为零的两个位置都有 解析解[4],并且与文献[1][2][3]中的答案相同。若 m 2 ,则只需将上面程序稍作修改即可得
光滑圆环,在圆环上套着质量为 m 的两个小环,
m m
(1) 小环与圆环的质量比 m 至少为多大时圆 M
F mg
环才有上升趋势 (2) 圆环上升的条件及圆环上升时两个小环之间的夹角
图 1 题目
1.1 一般解法[1][2][3]
附录 2:MCD 源程序代码
(3)B 球对 E 球的弹力 F2 与角度的关系图
从右向左看,角度在减小过程中,弹力先减小后增大,所以 E 球 机械能先增加后减小,当角度大约为 0.413 弧度时,达到最大值。 (4)D 球对 B 球的弹力 F1 与角度的关系图
从右向左看,开始 D 对 B 是支持力,后来是拉力!进一步研究发 现,两个弹力在同一个位置为零,即 E 球有最大速度时,系统杆 的弹力均为零! (5)E 球的最大速度大小与位置
当 FN 小于零,则表明 D 球已脱离地面了!
A.jiān zǎi zhuósùB.xián zǎi zhúshuòC.jiān zài zhúshuòD.xián zài zhuósù【解析】“缄”读jiān,不要读作xián;“载”是一个多音字,有zǎi和zài两个读音,当其表示年或记录的含义时,读三声,其他情况读四声,本题中“记载”中“载”应读三声;“灼”只有一个读音zhuó;“溯”读sù,不要读作shuò。
3.下面内容表述不正确...的一项是()(3分)A. 长篇叙事诗《孔雀东南飞》和北朝民歌《木兰诗》被誉为诗坛的“乐府双璧”。
C. 唐代刘禹锡的《陋室铭》是“托物言志”的名篇,“铭”是古代一种文体。