1679 The Unique MST
4 Themes
Adultery It is originally meant to be a symbol of shame.
As time goes by, Hester has added to the letter another meaning through her own efforts.
a devoted servant of God gloomy, weak-minded , selfish
suffering from experience of physical
aand spiritual disintegration
2 Characters
尖角阁的房子》1851 ❖ Blithedale Romance 《福谷传奇》 1852 ❖ The Marble Faun 《玉石雕像》 1860
2 Characters
2 Characters
Old Ugly Scholar Deformed shoulders(畸形的肩膀) Distorted soul(扭曲的灵魂) He is interested in revenge.
Dimmesdale suffered physical and mental torture(折磨).
Chillingworth hides his identity and revenge himself on Dimmesdale.
在整堂课的教学中,刘教师总是让学 生带着 问题来 学习, 而问题 的设置 具有一 定的梯 度,由 浅入深 ,所提 出的问 题也很 明确
PSP 游戏列表(0001-1753)
0001 - Ridge Racers (山脊赛车) 497MB RCG0002 - Vampire Chronicle The Chaos Tower (恶魔战士编年史:混沌之塔) 511MB FTG 0003 - Wipeout Pure (反重力赛车) 143MB RCG0004 - Lumines (音乐方块:音与光的电饰战) 144MB PZG0005 - Smart Bomb (智能炸弹) 85MB PZG0006 - Gretzky NHL (美国职业冰球联盟) 87MB SPG0007 - Twisted Metal Head On (烈火战车:勇往直前) 300MB STG0008 - Ridge Racer (山脊赛车) 568MB RCG0009 - Need For Speed: Underground Rivals (极品飞车:地下狂飙 挑战) 208MB RCG 0010 - ATV Offroad Fury: Blazin' Trails (ATV越野机车大赛) 400MB RCG0011 - Dynasty Warriors (真·三国无双) 109MB ACT0012 - NBA (NBA篮球) 92MB SPG0013 - Puzzle Bobble Pocket (泡泡龙) 8MB PZG0014 - Metal Gear Ac!D (合金装备 ACID) 159MB AVG0015 - Hot Shots Golf Open Tee (大众高尔夫) 401MB SPG0016 - Shin Sangoku Musou (真三国无双) 146MB ACT0017 - Need For Speed: Underground Rivals (极品飞车:地下狂飙 挑战) 207MB RCG 0018 - Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade (无尽的传说:刀锋兄弟会) 136MB 0019 - World Tour Soccer (世界足球巡回赛) 290MB SPG0020 - Tiger Woods PGA Tour (泰戈·伍兹高尔夫PGA巡回赛2005) 532MB SPG0021 - Minna No Golf Portable (大众高尔夫) 345MB SPG0022 - Lumines (音乐方块:音与光的电饰战) 142MB PZG0023 - Ape Escape On The Loose (捉猴啦P!) 330MB ACT0024 - Tony Hawk's Underground 2 Remix (托尼霍克地下滑板2:Remix) 869MB SPG 0025 - Kotoba no Puzzle Mojipittan Daijiten (词汇益智游戏:文字大辞典) 49MB 0026 - NFL Street 2: Unleashed (NFL街头橄榄球2 释放) 520MB SPG0027 - Namco Museum (南梦宫博物馆) 121MB ETC0028 - MLB (美国棒球联盟) 618MB SPG0029 - Archer Maclean's Mercury (水银) 212MB PZG0030 - Soukyuu no Fafner (苍穹之法夫娜) 296MB ACT0031 - Spider-Man 2 (蜘蛛侠2) 491MB ACT0032 - Tales of Eternia (永恒传说) 726MB RPG0033 - NBA Street Showdown (NBA街头篮球 表演赛) 273MB SPG0034 - Metal Gear Ac!D (合金装备 ACID) 175MB AVG0035 - Kollon (科隆方块) 27MB TBG0036 - Shutoku Battle Zone of Control (首都高赛车:地带控制) 368MB RCG0037 - Puyo Puyo Fever (魔法气泡狂热版) 77MB PZG0038 - Rengoku: The Tower of Purgatory (炼狱:洗罪塔) 141MB ACT0039 - MVP Baseball (MVP棒球) 569MB SPG0040 - FIFA Soccer (FIFA足球) 510MB SPG0041 - Piposaru Academia Dossari Sarugee Daizenshu (比波猴学院:捉猴大全集)0042 - Mobile Train Simulator + Densha De Go (移动火车模拟 电车GO!东京急行篇)0043 - Bleach: Heat the Soul (死神:魂之热斗) 267MB FTG0044 - Mahjong Fight Club (麻将格斗俱乐部) 124MB TBG0045 - Darkstalkers Chronicle: The Chaos Tower (恶魔战士编年史:混沌之塔)0046 - Coded Arms (机密武装) 104MB FPS0047 - Sangokushi V (三国志5) 149MB SLG0048 - Wipeout Pure (反重力赛车) 143MB RCG0049 - Glorace: Phantastic Carnival (梦幻嘉年华) 57MB RCG0050 - Space Invaders Pocket (太空侵略者) 42MB STG0051 - Armored Core: Formula Front (装甲核心:方程式前线) 409MB STG0052 - Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition (湾岸午夜俱乐部3:DUB版) 956MB RCG0053 - Armored Core: Formula Front (装甲核心:方程式前线) 406MB STG0054 - Eiyuu Densetsu IV: Akai Shizuku (英雄传说:朱红之泪) 646MB RPG0055 - Generation of Chaos IV: Another Side (新天魔界:混沌时代4) 490MB SRPG 0056 - Rengoku: The Tower of Purgatory (炼狱:洗罪塔) 127MB ACT0057 - Eiyuu Densetsu Gagharv Trilogy: Shiroki Majo (英雄传说:白发魔女) 740MB 0058 - Dead to Rights Reckoning (脱狱潜龙:清算) 97MB ACT0059 - Intelligent License (智能执照) 80MB AVG0060 - Sarugetchu P! (捉猴啦P!) 330MB ACT0061 - Adventure Player (冒险玩家) 177MB AVG0062 - Dokodemo Issyo (随身玩伴:学校生活) 95MB ETC0063 - Jissen Pachislot Hisshouhou! Hokuto no Ken Portable (实战柏青哥必胜法!0064 - Doraslot 2: Suyaku wa Zenigata (实战柏青 巨人之星2) 13MB ETC0065 - Coded Arms (机密武装) 104MB FPS0066 - AI Go (AI围棋) 5MB TBG0067 - Derby Time (德贝赛马时代) 57MB SLG0068 - Baku-No (智能炸弹) 98MB PZG0069 - Bomberman Panic Bomber (炸弹人:燃烧炸弹) 25MB PZG0070 - Tenchi no Mon (天地之门) 931MB ACT0071 - Tenchu: Shinobi Taizen (天诛:忍大全) 295MB ACT0072 - Sengoki Cannon Sengoku Ace Episode III (战国之刃) 84MB STG0073 - Star Soldier (星际战士) 41MB STG0074 - School Rumble (校园迷糊大王:姐姐事件) 1034MB AVG0075 - Popolocrois Story Adventure of Prince Pietro (波波罗古罗伊斯物语:皮耶多0076 - Taiko no Tatsujin Portable (太鼓达人:携带版) 301MB MUG0077 - Rockman Dash Hagane no Boukenshin (洛克人Dash:钢铁之心) 172MB ACT0078 - AI Mahjong (AI麻雀) 12MB TBG0079 - [HG] Hydrium (水银) 226MB PZG0080 - Yarudora Portable: Kisetsu Wo Dakishimete (互动剧场:拥抱季节) 775MB 0081 - Yarudora Portable: Double Cast (互动剧场:双面娇娃) 749MB AVG0082 - Mobile Suit Gundam: Giren no Yabou Zeon no Keifu (机动战士高达:基连的野0083 - Astonishia Story (亚斯特尼西雅物语) 110MB RPG0084 - Harukanaru Toki no Nakade Iroetebako (遥远的时空中:彩绘手箱) 528MB PZG 0085 - Jitsuwa Kaidan Shinmimi Bukuro Ichi no Shou (实话怪谈“新耳袋” 第一章)0086 - AI Shogi (AI将棋) 15MB TBG0087 - Dora-Slot Kyojin No Hoshi II (拉霸巨人之星 2) 25MB SLG0088 - Higanjima (彼岸岛) 75MB AVG0089 - Sangokushi V (三国志5) 170MB SLG0090 - Piposaru Academia (比波猴学院:捉猴大全集) 130MB ETC0091 - Ridge Racer (山脊赛车) 568MB RCG0092 - Death Jr. (死神小子) 236MB SRPG0093 - Mahjong Taikai (麻雀大会) 162MB TBG0094 - Yarudora Portable: Yukiwari no Hana (互动剧场:雪割花) 763MB AVG0095 - Tenchi no Mon (天地之门) 931MB ACT0096 - Formula One Grand Prix (一级方程式大奖赛) 321MB RCg0097 - Breath of Fire III (龙战士3) 158MB RPG0098 - Namco Museum (南梦宫博物馆) 178MB ETC0099 - Need for Speed: Underground Rivals (极品飞车:地下狂飙 挑战) 207MB RCG 0100 - Twelve: Sengoku Fuushinden (十二勇士:战国封神传) 1126MB SRPG0101 - Ape Academy (比波猴学院:捉猴大全集) 124MB ETC0102 - Namco Museum Battle Collection (南梦宫博物馆) 113MB ETC0103 - MediEvil Resurrection (骷髅骑士:复苏) 1057MB ACT0104 - Everybody?s Golf (大众高尔夫) 487MB SPG0105 - Dynasty Warriors (真·三国无双) 122MB ACT0106 - Wipeout Pure (反重力赛车) 208MB RCG0107 - Yarudora Portable: Sampaguita (互动剧场:茉莉花) 545MB AVG0108 - Tiger Woods PGA Tour (泰戈·伍兹高尔夫PGA巡回赛2005) 545MB SPG0109 - Harukanaru Toki no Nakade 2 (遥远的时空中2) 1288MB RPG0110 - Virtua Tennis: World Tour (VR网球:世界巡回赛) 144MB SPG0111 - Fired Up (火爆赛车) 191MB RCG0112 - Metal Gear Ac!D (合金装备 ACID) 265MB AVG0113 - Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade (无尽的传说:刀锋兄弟会) 147MB 0114 - Bleach: Heat the Soul 2 (死神:魂之热斗2) 537MB FTG0115 - Spider-Man 2 (蜘蛛侠2) 673MB ACT0116 - Dynasty Warriors (真·三国无双) 109MB ACT0117 - Tony Hawk's Underground 2 Remix (托尼霍克地下滑板2:Remix) 739MB SPG 0118 - DTM Race Driver 2 (德国房车大师赛2) 739MB RCG0119 - Nobunaga no Yabou: Tenshoki (信长之野望:天翔记) 288MB SLG0120 - World Snooker Challenge 2005 (世界斯诺克锦标赛2005) 555MB SPG0121 - Archer Maclean's Mercury (水银) 213MB PZG0122 - Lumines (音乐方块:音与光的电饰战) 187MB PZG0123 - World Tour Soccer (世界足球巡回赛) 198MB SPG0124 - Need for Speed: Underground Rivals (极品飞车:地下狂飙 挑战) 210MB RCG 0125 - NBA Street Showdown (NBA街头篮球 表演赛) 266MB SPG0126 - Darkstalkers Chronicle: The Chaos Tower (恶魔战士编年史:混沌之塔)0127 - Colin McRae Rally 2005 plus (科林麦克雷拉力赛2005) 795MB RCG0128 - Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition (湾岸午夜俱乐部3:DUB版) 949MB RCG0129 - Coded Arms (机密武装) 106MB FPS0130 - Rockman Dash 2 (洛克人冲刺:钢之冒险心) 215MB ACT0131 - Burnout Legends (火暴狂飙:传奇) 246MB RCG0132 - Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex (攻壳机动队:猎人的领域) 555MB 0133 - Winning Eleven 9: Ubiquitous Evolution (胜利十一人9) 574MB SPG0134 - GripShift (爆冲赛车) 70MB RCG0135 - [HG] Hydrium (水银) 226MB PZG0136 - World Series of Poker (世界纸牌集锦) 222MB TBG0137 - Princess Crown (公主的皇冠) 118MB ARPG0138 - Formula One 05 Portable (一级方程式赛车2005) 326MB RCG0139 - Gundam: Battle Tactics (高达战争:战术版) 147MB ACT0140 - Frantix: A Puzzle Adventure (弗兰提克斯) 271MB ACT0141 - Madden NFL 06 (劲爆美式橄榄球2006) 1003MB SPG0142 - Space Invaders Galaxy Beat (太空侵略者:银河节拍) 177MB STG0143 - Burnout Legends (火暴狂飙:传奇) 246MB RCG0144 - Guilty Gear XX #Reload (罪恶工具XX #Reload) 356MB FTG0145 - Densha De Go! Pocket: Yamate-Sen-Hen (电车GO!山手线篇) 222MB SLG0146 - Gallery Fake (王牌鉴定人) 171MB AVG0147 - Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06 (泰戈·伍兹高尔夫PGA巡回赛2006) 562MB SPG0148 - Pinball (弹珠台) 31MB TBG0149 - Tenchi no Mon (天地之门) 898MB ARPG0150 - Frogger: Helmet Chaos (青蛙过河) 154MB ACT0151 - MediEvil Resurrection (骷髅骑士:复苏) 854MB ACT0152 - Namco Museum Battle Collection (南梦宫博物馆) 449MB ETC0153 - Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects (复仇女神:未完成体) 107MB FTG 0154 - NBA 06 (NBA篮球06) 203MB SPG0155 - NBA Live 06 (NBA实况2006) 457MB SPG0156 - Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06 (泰戈·伍兹高尔夫PGA巡回赛2006) 560MB SPG0157 - NBA Street Showdown (NBA街头篮球 表演赛) 285MB SPG0158 - Sangokushi VI (三国志六) 118MB SLG0159 - Virtua Tennis: World Tour (VR网球:世界巡回赛) 153MB SPG0160 - Toca Race Driver 2 (超级房车赛2006) 739MB RCG0161 - SSX: on tour (极限滑雪巡回赛) 603MB SPG0162 - FIFA Soccer 06 (FIFA足球2006) 586MB SPG0163 - Gretzky NHL 06 (美国职业冰球联盟06) 723MB SPG0164 - Piposaru Get You P! (捉猴啦P!) 348MB ACT0165 - FIFA 06 (FIFA足球2006) 591MB SPG0166 - Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects (复仇女神:未完成体) 108MB FTG 0167 - The Con (非法地带) 384MB ACT0168 - X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse (X战警2:天启降临) 1055MB ACT0169 - Tenchi no Mon (天地之门) 886MB ACT0170 - Touhokudai Gaku Mirai Kagakugijutsu Kyoudoukenkyuu Center: Kahashima 0171 - Burnout Legends (火暴狂飙:传奇) 249MB RCG0172 - FIFA 06 (FIFA足球2006) 1.11GB SPG0173 - FIFA 06 (FIFA足球2006) 1.14GB SPG0174 - Shinseiki Genso: SS II Unlimited Side (新纪幻想:圣魔之魂2) 1.58GB SRPG 0175 - Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories (侠盗猎车手:自由城的故事)0176 - FIFA 06 (FIFA足球2006) 1.13GB SPG0177 - Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (攻壳机动队:猎人的领域) 756MB 0178 - Pursuit Force (追击力量:终极正义) 1.25GB ACT0179 - Kao Challengers (袋鼠大冒险) 588MB ACT0180 - The Hustle: Detroit Streets (狂乱-底特律街区) 942MB RCG0181 - SSX: on tour (极限滑雪巡回赛) 1.31GB SPG0182 - NBA Live 06 (NBA实况2006) 1.21GB SPG0183 - Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (攻壳机动队:猎人的领域) 793MB 0184 - NBA Live 06 (NBA实况2006) 1.14GB SPG0185 - Twisted Metal: Head-On (烈火战车:勇往直前) 1.64GB STG0186 - Star Wars: Battlefront II (星球大战:前线2) 704MB ACT0187 - Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor: Camubaku MiniPato (机动警察 迷你版) 182MB ACT 0188 - Star Wars: Battlefront II (星球大战:前线2) 704MB ACT0189 - Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories (侠盗猎车手:自由城的故事)0190 - SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo (海豹突击队:火线小组2) 534MB FPS 0191 - The Lord of the Rings: Tactics (指环王:战略版) 528MB SRPG0192 - Konjiki no Corda (La Corda d'Oro) (金色琴弦) 1.47GB AVG0193 - Fukufuku no Shima (福福之岛) 685MB STG0194 - GripShift (爆冲赛车) 853MB RCG0195 - Need for Speed: Most Wanted 5-1-0 (极品飞车:最高通缉) 883MB RCG0196 - The Legend of Heroes: A Tear of Vermillion (英雄传说:朱红之泪) 638MB 0197 - Kingdom of Paradise (天地之门) 1.00GB ACT0198 - Infected (感染) 562MB ACT0199 - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (哈里波特与火焰杯) 391MB ACT0200 - Virtua Tennis: World Tour (VR网球:世界巡回赛) 409MB SPG0201 - Harry Potter et la Coupe de Feu (哈里波特与火焰杯) 395MB ACT0202 - WRC: World Racing Championship (世界拉力锦标赛) 1.67GB SPG0203 - Crash Tag Team Racing (古惑狼赛车) 1.42GB RCG0204 - Pro Evolution Soccer 5 (实况足球 5) 981MB SPG0205 - Harry Potter e il Calice di Fuoco (哈里波特与火焰杯) 470MB ACT0206 - Need for Speed: Most Wanted 5-1-0 (极品飞车:最高通缉) 888MB RCG0207 - Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch (哈里波特与火焰杯) 515MB ACT0208 - Yarudora Portable: Double Cast (互动剧场:双面娇娃) 1.14GB AVG0209 - Yarudora Portable: Yukiwari no Hana (互动剧场:雪割花) 1.18GB AVG0210 - Yarudora Portable: Kisetsu Wo Dakishimete (互动剧场:拥抱季节) 1.16GB 0211 - Vulcanus: Seek and Destroy (探寻与破坏) 1.18GB ACT0212 - Crash Tag Team Racing (古惑狼赛车) 1.43GB RCG0213 - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (哈里波特与火焰杯) 394MB ACT0214 - X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse (X战警传奇2:天启降临) 1.23GB ACT 0215 - Monster Hunter Portable (怪物猎人:携带版) 711MB ACT0216 - TalkMan (Microphone) (英语会话) 1.14GB ETC0217 - Burnout Legends (火暴狂飙:传奇) 506MB RCG0218 - Bokujou Monogatari: Harvest Moon Boy and Girl (牧场物语:男孩与女孩)0219 - TalkMan (英语会话) 1.14GB ETC0220 - Der Herr der Ringe: Taktiken (指环王:战略版) 517MB SRPG0221 - PoPoLoCrois (波波罗古罗伊斯物语:皮耶多罗王子的冒险) 1.17GB RPG0222 - Armored Core: Formula Front International (装甲核心:方程式前线) 858MB 0223 - Geki Sengoku Mesou (激·战国无双) 314MB ACT0224 - Metal Gear Ac!d 2 (合金装备 ACID 2) 875MB ACT0225 - Go! Sudoku (数独) 273MB PZG0226 - Frantix (弗兰提克斯) 384MB ACT0227 - Tokobot (遗迹大冒险) 328MB ACT0228 - Pac-Man World 3 (吃豆人世界3) 494MB ACT0229 - Prince of Persia: Revelations (波斯王子:启示) 1.57GB ACT0230 - The Sims 2 (模拟人生2) 1.03GB SIM0231 - SSX: on tour (极限滑雪巡回赛) 1.31GB SPG0232 - Championship Manager (世界足球经理) 186MB SLG0233 - Irregular Hunter X (洛克人:反乱猎人X) 448MB ACT0234 - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (哈里波特与火焰杯) 390MB ACT0235 - Peter Jackson's King Kong (金刚) 547MB FPS0236 - Pinball: Hall of Fame (弹珠台名人堂) 251MB PZG0237 - World Championship Poker 2: Featuring Howard Lederer (世界纸牌锦标赛 2)0238 - Prince of Persia: Revelations (波斯王子:启示) 1.58GB ACT0239 - WWE Smackdown vs. RAW 2006 (世界摔角联盟 2006) 1.74GB SPG0240 - Exit (逃脱大师) 107MB ACT0241 - Jet de Go! Pocket (飞机GO!) 642MB SIM0242 - Piposaru Academia 2 (比波猴学院2) 331MB ETC0243 - Midway Arcade Treasures: Extended Play (街机游戏合集) 618MB ETC0244 - Madden NFL 06 (劲爆美式橄榄球2006) 1.57GB SPG0245 - WWE Smackdown vs. RAW 2006 (世界摔角联盟 2006) 1.58GB SPG0246 - Hand Dic (掌上词典) 141MB ETC0247 - Pursuit Force (追击力量:终极正义) 1.34GB ACT0248 - Daisenryaku Portable (大战略:携带版) 89MB SLG0249 - FIFA Soccer 06 (FIFA足球2006) 1.18GB SPG0250 - Need for Speed: Most Wanted 5-1-0 (极品飞车:最高通缉) 890MB RCG0251 - Peter Jackson's King Kong: The official Game of the Movie (金刚) 472MB 0252 - Flowars Portable (龙争花开) 198MB PZG0253 - Byte Hell 2000 (打工地狱2000) 443MB ETC0254 - Boku no Watashi no Katamari Damacy (我们的块魂) 1.64GB ACT0255 - Comic Party Portable (Shokai Genteiban) (漫画同人会) 1.24GB AVG0256 - Crash Bandicoot: Gacchanko World (古惑狼赛车) 1.32GB RCG0257 - Karakuri (遗迹大冒险) 313MB ACT0258 - Need for Speed: Most Wanted 5-1-0 (极品飞车:最高通缉) 889MB RCG0259 - SSX: on tour Portable (极限滑雪巡回赛) 1.31GB SPG0260 - Nobunaga no Yabou: Shouseiroku (信长之野望:将星录) 303MB SLG0261 - Puyo Puyo Fever 2 (噗哟噗哟2) 209MB ETC0262 - Zero Shiki Kanjou Sentouki (零式舰上战斗记:征空王) 462MB STG0263 - Super Robot Teisen MX Portable (超级机器人大战MX) 1.20GB SRPG0264 - Shin Megami Tensei Devil Summoner (真·女神转生:恶魔召唤师) 390MB RPG 0265 - Generation of Chaos IV: Another Side (新天魔界:混沌时代4) 930MB SRPG 0266 - Ultimate Block Party (科隆方块) 136MB TBG0267 - The Sims 2 (模拟人生2) 1.03GB SIM0268 - PQ: Practical Intelligence Quotient (智能执照) 170MB AVG0269 - DJ MAX Portable (DJ Max) 1.41GB MUG0270 - Eiyuu Densetsu Gagharv Trilogy V: Umi no Oriuta (英雄传说:海之槛歌)0271 - Street Fighter Zero 3 Double Upper (街头霸王Alpha3 Max) 258MB FTG0272 - Key of Heaven (天地之门) 1.07GB ACT0273 - WWE Smackdown vs. RAW 2006 (世界摔角联盟 2006) 1.58GB SPG0274 - The Con: Gamble Fight (非法地带) 815MB ACT0275 - Ape Escape Academy (比波猴学院:捉猴大全集) 370MB ETC0276 - Ys: Napishtim no Kou (伊苏6:那比斯汀的方舟) 826MB ARPG0277 - The Sims 2 (模拟人生2) 1034MB SIM0278 - Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X (炼狱:洗罪塔) 364MB ACT0279 - Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X (洛克人:反乱猎人X) 448MB ACT0280 - Crash Tag Team Racing (古惑狼赛车) 1.43GB RCG0281 - Armored Core: Formula Front: Extreme Battle (装甲核心:方程式前线)0282 - Tales of Eternia (永恒传说) 636MB RPG0283 - Gradius Portable (宇宙巡航机:博物馆) 323MB STG0284 - Street Fighter Alpha 3 MAX (街头霸王Alpha3 Max) 235MB FTG0285 - Death Jr. (死神小子) 738MB SRPG0286 - San Goku Shi VI (三国志6) 170MB SLG0287 - Breath of Fire III (龙战士3) 384MB RPG0288 - ATV Offroad Fury: Blazin' Trails (ATV越野机车大赛) 631MB RCG0289 - World Soccer Winning Eleven 9 (胜利十一人9) 930MB SPG0290 - San Goku Shi VII (三国志7) 189MB SLG0291 - Nakahara no Hasha: Sangoku Shouseiden (中原之霸者:三国将星传) 146MB 0292 - Gottlieb Pinball Classics (经典弹珠台) 252MB TBG0293 - Exit (逃脱大师) 129MB ACT0294 - Densha de Go! Pocket: Chuuousenhen (电车GO!中央线篇) 465MB SIM0295 - Yarudora Portable: Blood The Last Vampire (互动剧场:最后的吸血鬼)0296 - Jui: Dr. Touma Jotarou (呪医:杜马丈太郎医生) 395MB AVG0297 - Initial D: Street Stage (头文字D 公路传说) 1.10GB RCG0298 - World Series of Poker (世界纸牌集锦) 329MB TBG0299 - Frogger: Helmet Chaos (青蛙过河) 472MB ACT0300 - Fight Night Round 3 (搏击之夜3) 1.05GB SPG0301 - Midway Arcade Treasures: Extended Play (街机游戏合集) 620MB ETC0302 - Gensou Suikoden I + II (幻想水浒传1+2) 809MB RPG0303 - Jitsuroku Oniyome Nikki (实录鬼嫁日记) 144MB AVG0304 - Kinnikuman: Muscle Generations (筋肉人:肌肉时代) 335MB SPG0305 - Namco Museum 2 (南梦宫博物馆2) 282MB ETC0306 - Mai-HiME Bakuretsu! (舞-HiME 鲜烈! 真 风华学园激斗史!!) 715MB FTG0307 - Monster Kingdom: Jewel Summoner (怪物王国:宝石召唤者) 338MB RPG0308 - Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth (北欧女神:蕾娜斯) 683MB RPG0309 - FIFA Street 2 (FIFA街头足球2) 861MB SPG0310 - MX vs. ATV Unleashed: On the Edge (究极大越野) 799MB RCG0311 - Simple 2500 Series Portable Vol. 2: The Tennis (Simple 2500系列 第2辑:0312 - Mobile Train Simulator: Keisei: Toei Asakusa: Keikyuusen (移动火车模拟:0313 - Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X (洛克人:反乱猎人X) 448MB ACT0314 - Generation of Chaos (新天魔界:混沌时代4) 1.05GB SRPG0315 - Ys: The Ark of Napishtim (伊苏6:那比斯汀的方舟) 650MB ARPG0316 - Blade Dancer: Sennen no Yakusoku (剑舞者:千年之约定) 274MB RPG0317 - Derby Time 2006 (德比时刻2006) 216MB SLG0318 - Street Supremacy (首都高赛车:地带控制) 466MB RCG0319 - MLB 06: The Show (美国棒球联盟2006) 1.37GB SPG0320 - FIFA Street 2 (FIFA街头足球2) 861MB SPG0321 - Dora-Slot: Oki-Slot-Ou! Pioneer 12 (巨人之星 多拉冲击) 119MB SLG0322 - Ooedo Senryoubako (大江户) 540MB AVG0323 - Daito Giken Koushiki Pachi-Slot Simulator: Ossu! Banchou Portable (大都0324 - Pursuit Force: Daitsuiseki (强力追击) 1.36GB RCG0325 - Power Smash: New Generation (新VR网球) 410MB SPG0326 - Hayarigami Portable: Keishichou Kaii Jiken (流行之神:警视厅怪异事件文0327 - Simple 2500 Series Portable Vol. 1: The Table Game (Simple 2500系列 第1 0328 - Rockman Rockman (洛克人) 315MB ACT0329 - Kuru Kuru Chameleon (回转逆转变色龙) 66MB PZG0330 - Blade Dancer (剑舞者:千年之约定) 253MB RPG0331 - Eyeshield 21: Portable Edition (光速蒙面侠21) 843MB SPG0332 - Fired Up (火爆赛车) 193MB RCG0333 - MutaJuice (激情果汁) 1.37GB PZG0334 - SpongeBob Squarepants: The Yellow Avenger (海绵先生:黄色复仇者) 166MB 0335 - FIFA 06 (FIFA足球2006) 1.19GB SPG0336 - Frantix (弗兰提克斯) 383MB ACT0337 - Gamble Con Fight (非法地带) 821MB ACT0338 - NBA Live 06 (NBA实况2006) 1.21GB SPG0339 - Saikyou Toudai Shogi Portable (麻将霸王携带版:段级战) 177MB TBG0340 - Street Fighter Alpha 3 MAX (街头霸王Alpha3 Max) 235MB FTG0341 - Fight Night Round 3 (搏击之夜3) 1.23GB SPG0342 - Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06 (泰戈·伍兹高尔夫PGA巡回赛2006) 1.20GB SPG 0343 - Tokimeki Memorial: Forever With You (心跳回忆:永远属于你) 667MB AVG 0344 - Sakura Taisen 1 & 2 (樱花大战1+2) 1.63GB AVG0345 - Samurai Warriors: State of War (激·战国无双) 312MB ACT0346 - Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai (龙珠Z:真武道会) 311MB FTG0347 - Lemmings (疯狂小旅鼠) 429MB ACT0348 - WRC: FIA World Rally Championship (世界冠军拉力赛) 1.22GB RCG0349 - Coded Arms (机密武装) 175MB FPS0350 - XI Coliseum (骰子热爆) 416MB ETC0351 - Pursuit Force (追击力量:终极正义) 1.36GB ACT0352 - Lemmings (疯狂小旅鼠) 451MB ACT0353 - Simple 2500 Series Portable Vol. 4: The Unou Drill (2500系列4 右脑训练)0354 - Bomberman: Bakufuu Sentai Bombermen (炸弹人 爆风战队炸弹人) 428MB ACT 0355 - MX vs. ATV Unleashed: On the Edge (究极大越野) 799MB RCG0356 - Mega Man: Powered Up (洛克人:威力加强) 297MB ACT0357 - Daxter (达斯特) 1.30GB ACT0358 - Neopets Petpet Adventures: The Wand of Wishing (尼奥宠物:宠物大冒险 如0359 - Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror (虹吸战士:黑镜) 1.12GB FPS0360 - Biz Taiken Series: Kigyou Mishi (商业体验系列 起业道) 820MB SIM0361 - IQ Mania (智商狂热) 415MB ETC0362 - Viewtiful Joe: Battle Carnival (红侠乔伊:格斗嘉年华) 623MB FTG0363 - Worms: Open Warfare (百战天虫:开战) 214MB SLG0364 - Me & My Katamari (我们的块魂) 1.64GB ACT0365 - Samurai Warriors: State of War (激·战国无双) 312MB ACT0366 - Nobunaga no Yabou: Reppuuden with Power Up Kit (信长的野望:烈风传)0367 - Samurai Warriors: State of War (激·战国无双) 313MB ACT0368 - Metal Gear Acid 2 (合金装备 ACID 2) 874MB ACT0369 - Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Essentials (分裂细胞:实质) 1.68GB ACT 0370 - Go! Sudoku (数独) 297MB PZG0371 - Daikoukai Jidai IV: Rota Nova (大航海时代4:Rota Nava) 166MB AVG0372 - Shin Sangoku Musou: 2nd Evolution (真·三国无双:第2进化版) 297MB ACT 0373 - Street Riders (街头赛手) 700MB RCG0374 - Worms: Open Warfare2 (百战天虫:开战2) 225MB STG0375 - Capcom Classics Collection: Remixed (Capcom经典游戏合集) 545MB ETC 0376 - Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot Rumble (红侠乔伊:格斗嘉年华) 626MB FTG0377 - OutRun 2006: Coast 2 Coast (超越赛车2006:咫尺天涯) 603MB RCG0378 - Beit Hell 2000 (打工地狱2000) 1.09GB ETC0379 - Mega Man: Powered Up (洛克人:威力加强) 297MB ACT0380 - Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade (无尽的传说:刀锋兄弟会) 854MB 0381 - Untold Legends: The Warriors Code (未名传奇:勇者密码) 1003MB ARPG 0382 - Naruto: Narutimete Portable (火影忍者:终极英雄 无幻城之卷) 604MB FTG 0383 - Exit (逃脱大师) 128MB ACT0384 - Densha de Go! Pocket: Osaka Kanjousen-Hen (电车GO!大坂线篇) 344MB SIM 0385 - Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu Portable2 (实况力量职业棒球 携带版 2)0386 - Metal Gear Acid 2 (合金装备 ACID 2) 872MB ACT0387 - Me and My Katamari (我们的块魂) 1.64GB ACT0388 - Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Essential (分裂细胞:实质) 1.68GB ACT0389 - Tokobot (遗迹大冒险) 655MB ACT0390 - SpongeBob Squarepants: The Yellow Avenger (海绵先生:黄色复仇者) 166MB 0391 - 007 – From Russia with Love (007来自俄罗斯的爱) 698MB STG0392 - Bust-A-Move Deluxe (终极泡泡龙口袋版) 67MB TBG0393 - Koukyou Shihen: Eureka Seven (交响诗篇) 1.02GB AVG0394 - Star Wars: Battlefront II (星球大战:前线2) 678MB ACT0395 - Kao Challengers (袋鼠大冒险) 585MB ACT0396 - Cabela?s Dangerous Hunts: Ultimate Challenge (坎贝拉的非洲狩猎) 429MB 0397 - Championship Manager 2006 (世界足球经理2006) 196MB SLG0398 - Simple 2500 Series Portable Vol. 6: The Sensha (Simple 2500系列 第6辑 战0399 - Bust-A-Move Ghost (终极泡泡龙口袋版) 67MB TBG0400 - SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo (海豹突击队:火线小组) 1000MB FPS 0401 - Ultra Puzzle Bobble Pocket (泡泡龙) 67MB PZG0402 - Shanghai (上海) 89MB PZG0403 - Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Portable: Aladdin 2 Evolution (实战柏青哥0404 - Megami no Etsubo (女神的笑壶) 1.14GB ETC0405 - Football Manager Handheld (足球经理2006) 563MB SLG0406 - 007: From Russia with Love (Marvel: 终极联盟) 755MB ACT0407 - Gripshift (爆冲赛车) 794MB RCG0408 - The Sims 2 (模拟人生2) 1.01GB SIM0409 - Piposaru Academia 2 (比波猴学院2) 1.00GB ETC0410 - Major League Baseball 2K6 (职业棒球大联盟2006) 1.50GB SPG0411 - Honkaku Yotarida Mahjong: Mahjong-Ou Portable (麻将霸王携带版—雀庄对0412 - Daxter (达斯特) 1.30GB ACT0413 - Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai (龙珠Z:真武道会) 300MB FTG0414 - Oh?s Talk English – Disc 1 (说英语) 1.17GB ETC0415 - Oh?s Talk English – Disc 2 (说英语) 1.19GB ETC0416 - Simple 2500 Series Portable Vol. 5: The Block Kuzushi Quest: Dragon0417 - World Poker Tour (世界纸牌巡回赛) 579MB ETC0418 - WRC: FIA World Rally Championship (世界冠军拉力赛) 1.22GB SPG0419 - Minna no Chizu (大家的地图2) 547MB ETC0420 - Innocent Life: Shin Bokujou Monogatari (纯真生活:新牧场物语) 199MB SLG 0421 - OutRun 2006: Coast 2 Coast (超越赛车2006:咫尺天涯) 605MB RCG0422 - Shinseiki Evangelion 2: Tsukurareshi Sekai: Another Cases (10th0423 - Mai-HiMe Senretsu! (舞-HiME 鲜烈! 真 风华学园激斗史!!) 721MB FTG0424 - Rengoku II: The Stairway to H.E.A.V.E.N. (炼狱2:通向天国的阶梯) 307MB 0425 - The Dog: Happy Life Vol. 1 (狗狗的幸福生活第一弹) 763MB ETC0426 - Armored Core: Formula Front: Extreme Battle (装甲核心:方程式前线)0427 - Ape Escape P (捉猴啦P!) 764MB ACT0428 - Monster Hunter Freedom (怪物猎人:携带版) 714MB ACT0429 - NBA Ballers Rebound (NBA街头篮球 表演赛) 846MB SPG0430 - Me & My Katamari (我们的块魂) 1.64GB ACT0431 - Koloomn (科隆方块) 136MB TBG0432 - Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai (龙珠Z:真武道会) 774MB FTG0433 - Metal Gear Ac!d 2 (合金装备 ACID 2) 874MB RPG0434 - Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot Rumble (红侠乔伊:格斗嘉年华) 985MB FTG0435 - FIFA World Cup Germany 2006 (FIFA足球世界杯2006) 1.20GB SPG0436 - Puyo Pop Fever (魔法气泡狂热版) 174MB PZG0437 - Field Commander (战地指挥官) 1.11GB SLG0438 - Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy in Itadaki Street Portable (富豪街:勇者0439 - Magna Carta Portable (真名法典) 1.50GB RPG0440 - Pac-Man World 3 (吃豆人世界3) 825MB ACT0441 - FIFA World Cup Germany 2006 (FIFA足球世界杯2006) 1.20GB SPG0442 - Monster Hunter Freedom (怪物猎人:携带版) 706MB ACT0443 - Lemmings (疯狂小旅鼠) 449MB ACT0444 - Aedeus Memories Shinten Makai: Generation of Chaos V (伊迪丝回忆录 新天0445 - Talkman Euro (Talkman:欧洲语言版) 1.67GB ETC0446 - FIFA World Cup Germany 2006 (FIFA足球世界杯2006) 1.20GB SPG0447 - Kamaitachi no Yoru 2: Tokubetsuhen (恐怖惊魂夜 2 特别篇) 864MB AVG 0448 - Kahashima Ryuuta Kyouju Kanshuu Nou Chikara Trainer Portable 2 (东北大学0449 - FIFA 06 (FIFA足球2006) 1.10GB SPG0450 - 007: From Russia with Love (007来自俄罗斯的爱) 702MB STG0451 - Spider-Man 2 (蜘蛛侠2) 322MB ACT0452 - World Poker Tour (世界纸牌巡回赛) 500MB ETC0453 - Gradius Collection (宇宙巡航机:博物馆) 333MB STG0454 - Astonishia Story (亚斯特尼西雅物语) 110MB RPG0455 - Race Driver 2006 (超级房车赛2006) 1.59GB RCG0456 - Cars (汽车总动员) 864MB RCG0457 - Tomb Raider: Legend (古墓丽影:传奇) 1.41GB ACT0458 - TalkMan (英语会话) 1.67GB ETC0459 - Doko Demo Issyo Let's Gakk? (随身玩伴 多罗猫) 281MB ETC0460 - Puzzle Challenge: Crosswords and More (纵横填字谜) 84MB ETC0461 - PoPoLoCrois (波波罗古罗伊斯物语:皮耶多罗王子的冒险) 1007MB RPG0462 - Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel (合金装备:数字漫画小说) 932MB 0463 - Taito Memories Pocket (泰托怀旧记忆-口袋版) 314MB RTC0464 - Astonishia Story (亚斯特尼西雅物语) 110MB RPG0465 - World Tour Soccer 2 (世界足球巡回赛06) 864MB SPG0466 - The Legend of Heroes II: Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch (英雄传说:白发0467 - Sony Computer Science Kenkyuusho Kenmogi Kenichirou Hakase Kanshuu: Nou 0468 - FIFA World Cup Germany 2006 (FIFA足球世界杯2006) 1.20GB SPG0469 - Gitaroo Man Lives! (吉他小子) 1.68GB PZG0470 - LocoRoco (乐克乐克) 693MB ACT0471 - Tenchu: Time of the Assassins (天诛:忍大全) 1.66GB ACT0472 - Kazuo (数独KAZUO) 275MB PZG0473 - Sound Novel Portable Machi: Unmei no K?saten Tokubetsu Hen (街:命运的交0474 - Daito Giken K?jiki Pachi-Slot Yoshimune Portable (大都技研公式柏青哥模拟0475 - Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (加勒比海盗:亡者之棺) 449MB 0476 - Koro Koro!! Kollon (科隆方块) 95MB TBG0477 - Tomb Raider: Legend (古墓丽影:传奇) 1.41GB ACT0478 - Myst (神秘岛) 840MB AVG0479 - Boku ha K?k? Kanseikan Airport Hero Narita (我是航空管制员:成田篇)0480 - Lisa to Issho ni Tairiku ?dan- A-Ressha de ik?! (与莉萨一起横越大陆)0481 - Super Monkey Ball Adventures (超级猴子球:冒险记) 403MB ACT0482 - MicroMachines V4 (微型机器 4) 573MB RCG0483 - Untold Legends: The Warrior's Code (未名传奇:勇者密码) 1.58GB ARPG 0484 - Tony Hawks Underground 2 Remix (托尼霍克地下滑板2:Remix) 1.17GB SPG 0485 - V8 Supercars Australia 2 (V8超级房车赛2) 1.25GB RCG0486 - X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse (X战警传奇2:天启降临) 1.23GB ACT 0487 - Juiced: Eliminator (速度与激情 消除器) 1.17GB RCG0488 - Boku no Natsuyasumi Portable (我的暑假:昆虫博士与天边山的秘密) 379MB 0489 - Gurumin (咕噜小天使) 852MB ARPG0490 - World Tour Soccer 06 (世界足球巡回赛06) 864MB SPG0491 - Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (加勒比海盗:亡者之棺) 449MB 0492 - Tekken: Dark Resurrection (铁拳5:暗之复苏) 1.62GB FTG0493 - Brave Story Aratanaru Tabibito (勇敢的故事) 180MB RPG0494 - Cars (汽车总动员) 864MB RCG0495 - LocoRoco (乐克乐克) 543MB ACT0496 - Coupe du Monde de la FIFA 2006 (FIFA足球世界杯2006) 1.15GB SPG0497 - MTX Mototrax (MTX越野摩托) 1018MB RCG0498 - LocoRoco (乐克乐克) 542MB ACT0499 - Jukugon (塾魂) 57MB ETC0500 - Tengai Makyou: Daishi no Mokushiroku (天外魔境:第4默示录) 1.22GB RPG 0501 - PQ: Practical Intelligence Quotient (智能执照) 175MB AVG0502 - Quiz Kidou Senshi Gundam: Monsenshi DX (机动战士高达 问战士DX) 324MB 0503 - NCAA Football 2007 (美国大学橄榄球2007) 1.52GB SPG0504 - Cars (汽车总动员) 864MB RCG0505 - Miami Vice: The Game (迈阿密风云) 407MB ACT0506 - Finder Love: Kud? Risa First Shoot ha kimi to (寻找爱:工藤里纱) 1.12GB 0507 - Nana: Subeta wa Daimaou no Omichibiki (娜娜) 213MB ETC0508 - 007: From Russia with Love (007来自俄罗斯的爱) 755MB STG0509 - Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth (北欧女神:蕾娜斯) 677MB RPG0510 - Bleach: Heat the Soul 3 (死神:魂之热斗3) 762MB SPG0511 - Blade Dancer: Lineage of Light (剑舞者:千年之约定) 370MB RPG0512 - Crash Tag Team Racing (古惑狼赛车) 1.42GB RCG0513 - Kings Field: Additional I (国王密令) 771MB ACT0514 - Portable Island: Tenohira no Resort (随身胜地) 1.18GB ETC0515 - Capcom Classics Collection: Remixed (Capcom经典游戏合集) 544MB ETC 0516 - Dynasty Warriors: 2nd Evolution (真·三国无双:第2进化版) 265MB ACT 0517 - LocoRoco (乐克乐克) 543MB ACT。
【HDU】1213 How Many Tables 基础并查集★1272 小希的迷宫基础并查集★(简单题)1325&&poj1308 Is It A Tree? 基础并查集★1856 More is better 基础并查集★1102 Constructing Roads 基础最小生成树★1232 畅通工程基础并查集★+1233 还是畅通工程基础最小生成树★1863 畅通工程基础最小生成树★1875 畅通工程再续基础最小生成树★1879 继续畅通工程基础最小生成树★3371 Connect the Cities 简单最小生成树★1301 Jungle Roads 基础最小生成树★1162 Eddy's picture 基础最小生成树★1198 Farm Irrigation 基础最小生成树★1598 find the most comfortable road 枚举+最小生成树★★1811 Rank of Tetris 并查集+拓扑排序★★3926 Hand in Hand 同构图★3938 Portal 离线+并查集★★2489 Minimal Ratio Tree dfs枚举组合情况+最小生成树★4081 Qin Shi Huang's National Road System 最小生成树+DFS★★4126 Genghis Khan the Conqueror 枚举+最小生成树+DFS(难)★★★★1829&&poj2492 A Bug's Life 基础种类并查集★1558 Segment set 计算几何+并查集★3461 Code Lock 并查集(有点难想到)★★3367 Pseudoforest最大生成树★2473 Junk-Mail Filter 并查集+设立虚父节点(马甲)★★3172 Virtual Friends 带权并查集★3635 Dragon Balls 带权并查集★3047 Zjnu Stadium 带权并查集★3038 How Many Answers Are Wrong 种类并查集★★2818 Building Block 带权并查集★3234 Exclusive-OR 异或并查集(难)★★★2121 Ice_cream’s world II 最小树形图(要输出根有点恶心)★★4009 Transfer water 最小树形图(模板题)★3311 Dig The Wells 斯坦纳树(状压DP)(模板题)★★4085 Peach Blossom Spring 斯坦纳树(状压DP)(有可能是森林...)★★★2586 How far away ? LCA★2874 Connections between cities LCA★3486 Interviewe RMQ★2888 Check Corners 二维RMQ★3183 A Magic Lamp RMQ(有点难想到,有点难联系到RMQ)★★【POJ】1258 最经典的MST★1789 Truck History 最小生成树★1287 Networking 简单★2349 Arctic Network 简单★1611 The Suspects 并查集★2377 kruskal★2524 Ubiquitous Religions 并查集★2236 Wireless Network 并查集+计算几何★2560 Kruskal并查集★1861 Kruskal★3625 prim★1679 - The Unique MST(基础) 判断MST是否唯一★3522 - Slim Span(基础) 求一颗生成树,让最大边最小边差值最小★2485 Highways MST中的最长边★2395 最小生成树的最长边★1751 Highways 求出方案★POJ-1182 食物链种类并查集★★POJ 1456 Supermarket 贪心+区间合并★POJ-1703 种类并查集★POJ-1988 种类并查集★POJ-1733 Parity game 种类并查集,先要离散化一下,不影响结果★POJ-1417 True Liars(难) 并查集+DP 种类并查集★★POJ-2912 Rochambeau(难) baidu的题,很不错...是食物链的加强版.判断裁判比较难想.★★★POJ 2728 Desert King(中等) 最优比率生成树★★POJ 1639 Picnic Planning(较难) 顶点度数有限制的最小生成树★★POJ 3164 Command Network(难) 最小树形图★★poj3723 好题!!! ★★poj3228 好好题!!! ★★【ZOJ】ZOJ-3261 逆向并查集★★====================以下是最短路系列========================= 【HDU】1548 A strange lift 基础最短路(或bfs)★1690bus system –松弛小麻烦2544 最短路基础最短路★3790 最短路径问题基础最短路★2066 一个人的旅行基础最短路(多源多汇,可以建立超级源点和终点)★2112 HDU Today 基础最短路★1874 畅通工程续基础最短路★1217 Arbitrage 货币交换 Floyd (或者 Bellman-Ford 判环)★1245 Saving James Bond 计算几何+最短路★1317 XYZZY Bellman-Ford判环,有负权★1535 Invitation Cards 有向图的来回最短路,(反向建图)★1546 Idiomatic Phrases Game 最短路★2680 Choose the best route 最短路★2923 Einbahnstrasse最短路★3339 In Action 最短路+背包★2224 The shortest path 双调旅行商问题★★2807 The Shortest Path 矩阵运算+最短路(floyd)★★1595 find the longest of the shortest枚举+最短路(删掉任意一条边的最长最短路)★★3986 Harry Potter and the Final Battle 枚举+最短路(删掉任意一条边的最长最短路)★★1599 find the mincost route floyd求最小环★1839 Delay Constrained... 二分下限+最短路(带限制最短路)★★3631 Shortest Path Floyd插点法★★4114 Disney's FastPass最短路+二维状压DP(难)★★★3832 Earth Hour 三点连通(斯坦纳树)★3873 Invade the Mars Dij变体(好题!,带限制最短路)★★★4063 Aircraft 几何构图+最短路★★★★hdu4179 Difficult Routes dis[][]开二维状态的最短路(带限制最短路)★★1869 六度分离 Floyd最短路★1385 Minimum Transport Cost 最短路+输出路径(输出字典序最小路径,有点恶心)★★1224 free DIY Tour 最短路+输出路径★1142 A Walk Through the Forest 最短路+记忆搜索★★1596 find the safest road 乘积最小的最短路★1598 find the most comfortable road 二分速度差+最短路(带限制最短路)★★2722 Here We Go(relians) Again 最短路★2962 Trucking 二分+最短路(带限制最短路)★★1690 Bus System 最短路★2433 Travel 删边+最短路之和(预处理桥边)★★★2363 Cycling 二分+最短路(带限制最短路)★★2377 Bus Pass 最短路(寻找一个点的最长最短路最小)★★2833 WuKong最短路+记忆化搜索(求两条最短路的最多公共点)★★1688 Sightseeing 最短次短路条数★★3191 How Many Paths Are There 次短路条数★★2482 Transit search 最短路★★★3768 Shopping 最短路+dfs(或最短路+状压DP)★★3035 War 平面图最小割(建图麻烦)★★3870 Catch the Theves平面图最小割(建图麻烦)★★3860 Circuit Board 平面图最小割(建图麻烦)★★【POJ】1062 昂贵的聘礼竟然可以和最短路联系起来★★1094 Sorting It All Out Floyd判环+拓扑排序★1125 Stockbroker Grapevine Floyd★1135 Domino Effect 最短路,比较有意思★★1161 Walls 最短路(图太恶心了)★★1502 MPI Maelstrom Floyd★1511 Invitation Cards 来回最短路★1556 The Doors 计算几何+最短路★★1724 ROADS 带限制的最短路,dis[][]开二维来记录信息(或广搜)★★1734 Sightseeing trip floyd最小环路径★1797 Heavy Transportation 二分枚举+最短路★1847 Tram 简单最短路★1860 Currency Exchange 货币兑换★1949 Chores 反向建边,求最长路★★2139 Six Degrees of Cowvin Bacon Floyd★2240 Arbitrage 货币兑换★2253 Frogger二分+最短路★2312 坦克大战spfa最短路本质变形-->广搜★2387 Til the Cows Come Home 基础最短路★2394 Checking an Alibi 最短路★2449 Remmarguts' Date A*求第K短路★★2457 Part Acquisition 最短路 (输出路径)★★2472 106 miles to Chicago 乘积最短路(log一下,乘变加)★★2502 Subway2570 Fiber Network floyd3013 圣诞树3037 Skiing3072 Robot3114 Countries in War 强联通+最短路3160 Father Christmas flymouse强联通+最长路3255 Roadblock3259 Wormholes (寻找负权回路)3268 Silver Cow Part3311 Hie with the Pie floyd+状压3328 Cliff Climbing3439 Server Relocation3463 Sightseeing 次短路条数31593521 Geometric Map 计算几何+最短路3549 GSM phone 计算几何+最短路3594 Escort of Dr. Who How3613 Cow Relays 经过N条边的最短路 // floyd + 二分矩阵3615 Cow Hurdles3621 最优比率环3635 full tank?3660 传递闭包3662 Telephone Lines======================以下是差分约束系列======================= 【HDU】1384 Intervals1529 Cashier Employment1531 King1534 Schedule Problem3440 House Man3592 World Exhibition3666 THE MATRIX PROBLEM【POJ】120112751364171629492983315931693687============================以下是二分匹配系列================== 普通匹配,多重匹配【HDU】1068 Girls and Boys最大独立集1150 Machine Schedule最小点覆盖1151 Air Raid最小边覆盖1179 Ollivanders: Makers of Fine Wands since 382 BC.最大匹配裸1281 棋盘游戏最大匹配1498 50 years, 50 colors最小点覆盖1507 Uncle Tom's Inherited Land*最大匹配1528 Card Game Cheater最大匹配1845 Jimmy’s Assignment最大2063 过山车最大匹配2119 Matrix最小点覆盖裸2444 The Accomodation of Students最大匹配2768 Cat vs. Dog最大独立集3081 Marriage Match II—最大流+二分3360 National Treasures最小点覆盖1045 也可搜索1350 最小路径覆盖-----还有待理解3118 类似二分匹配3729最大匹配2389最大匹配—HK算法1054最小点-小小的麻烦—最大匹配/2-双向边2819 完全匹配1668 二分+多重匹配3605 多重匹配3861 强连通+二分匹配2236 无题IIhdu3468hdu4185 oil—建图麻烦【POJ】1087 A Plug for UNIX1274 The Perfect Stall1469 COURSES1486 Sorting Slides 二分图的必须边1548 Robots1698 Alice's Chance1719 Shooting Contest1904 King's Quest 求二分图所有可能的匹配边2060 Taxi Cab Scheme 最小路径覆盖2112 Optimal Milking 二分+多重匹配2226 Muddy Fields 行列的覆盖2239 Selecting Courses2289 Jamie's Contact Groups 二分+多重匹配2446 Chessboard2536 Gopher II2584 T-Shirt Gumbo2594 Treasure Exploration 可相交最小路径覆盖2672 Hotkeys2724 Purifying Machine3020 Antenna Placement3041 Asteroids 简单行列匹配3189 Steady Cow Assignment 二分+多重匹配3207 Ikki's Story IV - Panda's Trick3216 Repairing Company3343 Against Mammoths3692 Kindergarten2771 最大独立集===========================以下是KM算法系列================== 【HDU】2255 奔小康赚大钱1533 Going Home1853 Cyclic Tour3488 Tour3435 A new Graph Game2426 Interesting Housing Problem2853 Assignment3718 Similarity3722 Card Game3395 Special Fish2282 Chocolate2813 One fihgt one(水题)2448 Mining Station on the Sea3315 My Brute3523 Image copy detection【POJ】2195 Going Home 最小权值匹配2400 Supervisor, Supervisee 输出所有最小权匹配2516 Minimum Cost 最小权值匹配或最小费用流3565 Ants3686 The Windy's最小权值匹配===================以下是最大团&稳定婚姻系列==================== 【HDU】1530 Maximum Clique1435 Stable Match3585 maximum shortest distance 二分+最大团1522 Marriage is Stable1914 The Stable Marriage Problem【POJ】1129 四色定理着色问题1419 最大独立集2989 极大团3487 The Stable Marriage Problem 稳定婚姻===================以下是强双联通系列======================== 【HDU】强连通:1269 迷宫城堡判断是否是一个强连通2767 Proving Equivalences 至少加几条边让整个图变成强连通-缩点后入度出度3836 Equivalent Sets 至少加几条边让整个图变成强连通1827 Summer Holiday 传递的最小费用3072 Intelligence System 传递的最小费用3861 The King’s Problem 强连通+二分匹配3639 Hawk-and-Chicken 强连通缩点 + 树形dp(累加子节点的总权值)3594 Cactus 仙人掌图双连通:2242 考研路茫茫——空调教室双联通缩点+树形DP2460 Network 边双连通3849 By Recognizing These Guys, We Find Social Networks Useful 双连通求桥3896 Greatest TC 双连通4005 The war 边双连通LCA:2586 How far away ?2874 Connections between cities3078 Network LCA+排序3830 Checkers 二分+LCA【POJ】强连通:1236 Network of Schools2553 The Bottom of a Graph 好题!找出度为0的集合2186 Popular Cows 好题!缩点后找出度为0的,其他分量都指向它的集合2375 Cow Ski Area 强连通2762 Going from u to v or from v to u? 缩点+拓扑排序3160 Father Christmas flymouse强连通+最短路3180 The Cow Prom 判断有几个环,分量中元素大于1的个数3114 Countries in War 强连通+最短路3592 Instantaneous Transference 强连通分量+最长路1904 King's Quest 强连通+并查集双连通:1523SPF 求割点与割点对应连通分量3694 Network 边双连通 (同hdu2460)3177 Redundant Paths 构造边双连通缩点—重边不要加入3352 Road Construction构造边双连通缩点—同3177无重边2942 Knights of the Round Table (点双连通经典题)1515 Street Directions (无向图改有向图)1438 One-way Traffic (混合图改有向图)LCA:1330 Nearest Common Ancestors1470 Closest Common Ancestors1986 Distance Queries3417 Network3728 The merchant LCA+并查集,更新询问2763 Housewife Wind LCA+树状数组=====================以下是2-SAT系列==================== 【HDU】3062 Party1824 Let's go home3622 Bomb Game3715 Go Deeper1815 Building roads2723 Get Luffy Out1816 Get Luffy Out *1814 Peaceful Commission4115 Eliminate the Conflict【POJ】2296 Map Labeler2723 Get Luffy Out2749 Building roads3207 Ikki's Story IV - Panda's Trick3648 Wedding3678 Katu Puzzle3683 Priest John's Busiest Day3905 Perfect Election======================以下是欧拉回路系列======================= 【HDU】1878 欧拉回路判断裸3018 Ant Trip 一笔画问题11162894 兹鼓欧拉回路1956混合欧拉3472 混合欧拉【POJ】2513 欧拉路1041 John's trip 欧拉回路1386 Play on Words 单词接龙2230 Watchcow欧拉回路2513 Colored Sticks 无向图欧拉路2337 Catenyms欧拉路径1392 Ouroboros Snake 兹鼓欧拉回路1780 code1637 混合欧拉【zoj】1992======================以下是拓扑排序系列======================== 【HDU】1285 确定比赛名次2094 产生冠军2647 Reward工人要求奖励-反向建图3342 Legal or Not1811 Rank of Tetris 拓扑+并查集3231 三维拓扑【POJ】1094 Sorting It All Out Floyd+拓扑2367 Genealogical tree3660 Cow Contest3687 Labeling Balls 神奇的拓扑1128 Frame Stacking DFS版拓扑1270 Following Orders 拓扑+回溯1420 Spreadsheet 模拟拓扑2762 Going from u to v or from v to u? 强连通+拓扑3553 Task schedule========================以下是竞赛图系列======================== 竞赛图下的哈密顿问题Strange Country II ZOJ-3332Task Sequences POJ-1776The book SGU-122Tour Route POJ-3780Tour Route HDOJ-3414=========================以下是网络流系列======================= 1532 Drainage Ditches(基础) [最大流]3549 Flow Problem(基础) [最大流]3572 Task Schedule [最大流]任务分配,判断满流2732 Leapin' Lizards( 难) [最大流]3338 Kakuro Extension [最大流][数和]神奇最大流行进列出2883 kebab [最大流]判断满流3605 Escape [最大流](多重匹配3081 Marriage Match II [二分最大流]+并查集3277 Marriage Match III [二分最大流]同上,多了拆点3416 Marriage Match IV [最大流]最短路+最大流2485 Destroying the bus stations [最大流]最短路+最大流3468 Treasure Hunting [最大流](二分匹配)+最短路3551 Hard Problem [最大流]3998 Sequence(难) [DP+最大流]最长上升子序列3917 Road constructions [最大权闭包]3879 Base Station [最大权闭包]3061 Battle [最大权闭包]3996 Gold Mine [最大权闭包]3472 HS BDC [混合欧拉]hdu4183 来回走不重复点的网络流.-------------------------1533 Going Home(基础) [费用流]3488 Tour [费用流]圈3435 A new Graph Game [费用流]圈1853 Cyclic Tour [费用流]圈2686 Matrix [费用流]3376 Matrix Again [费用流]3667 Transportation [费用流]拆边3315 My Brute [费用流](可用KM)3395 Special Fish [费用流](可用KM匹配)2448 Mining Station on the Sea [费用流](可用最短路+KM匹配) 4067 Random Maze(难) [费用流]3947 River Problem(难) [费用流]神奇费用流,流量不等式建图3046 Pleasant sheep and big big wolf [最小割]1565 方格取数(1) [最小割]1569 方格取数(2) [最小割]3820 Golden Eggs [最小割]方格加强3491 Thieves [最小割]最小点割集3657 Game [最小割]最大点权独立集3313 Key Vertex [最小割]3251 Being a Hero [最小割]3157 Crazy Circuits [上下流]3002 King of Destruction [全局最小割]3691 Nubulsa Expo [全局最小割]【POJ】1087 A Plug for UNIX [最大流](可用二分匹配)1274 The Perfect Stall [最大流](可用二分匹配)1325 Machine Schedule [最大流](可用二分匹配)1698 Alice's Chance [最大流](可用二分匹配)2239 Selecting Courses [最大流](可用二分匹配)2446 Chessboard [最大流](可用二分匹配) 好题啊2536 Gopher II [最大流](可用二分匹配)2771 Guardian of Decency [最大流]二分匹配最大独立集3041 Asteroids [最大流](简单二分匹配)2584 T-Shirt Gumbo [最大流](多重匹配)3189 Steady Cow Assignment(中等) [二分最大流](多重匹配) 1149 PIGS [最大流] 绝对经典的构图题1273 Drainage Ditches [最大流](基础)1459 Power Network(基础) [最大流]3281 Dining [最大流]2112 Optimal Milking(基础) [二分最大流]2289 Jamie's Contact Groups [二分最大流]2391 Ombrophobic Bovines(中等) [二分最大流]2455 Secret Milking Machine(基础) [二分最大流]3228 Gold Transportation [二分最大流](并查集)2699 The Maximum Number of Strong Kings(较难) [枚举人数 + 最大流]3498 March of the Penguins(中等) [最大流]枚举汇点,满足点容量限制的网络流2987 Firing(较难) [最大权闭包]1637 Sightseeing tour(Crazy) [混合欧拉]2135 Farm Tour [费用流] (来回最短路)2175 Evacuation Plan(中等) [费用流] 消圈2195 Going Home [费用流]2516 Minimum Cost [费用流]3422 Kaka's Matrix Travels(中等) [费用流]拆点3680 Intervals(较难) [费用流]经典,费用流+离散化3686 The Windy's [费用流](KM匹配)3762 The Bonus Salary! [费用流]1815 Friendship(中等) [最小割]最小点割集1966 Cable TV Network(中等) [最小割]最小点割集2125 Destroying The Graph(难) [最小割]最小点权覆盖3084 Panic Room(中等,好题) [最小割]边连通度3204 Ikki's Story I - Road Reconstruction(基础) [最小割]求关键边3308 Paratroopers(较难) [最小割]乘积取对数,最小点权覆盖3436 ACM Computer Factory [最小割]收集流,残留搜集找边3469 Dual Core CPU(中等) [最小割]收集流3921 Destroying the bus stations [最小割]点连通2396 Budget(中等) [有源汇的上下界可行流]3155 Hard Life(很挑战一题) [最大密度子图]2914 Minimum Cut [无向图最小割]====================以下是dancing links系列====================== 1001 Easy Finding POJ-37401002 Power Stations HDOJ-36631003 Treasure Map ZOJ-32091004 Lamp HDOJ-28281005 whosyourdaddy HDOJ-34981006 Bomberman - Just Search! HDOJ-3529 1007 Square Destroyer POJ-10841008 Matrix HDOJ-21191009 Divisibility HDOJ-33351010 Radar HDOJ-22951011 Fire station HDOJ-36561012 Repair Depots HDOJ-31561013 Dominoes HDOJ-25181014 Street Fighter HDOJ-39571015 Sudoku Killer HDOJ-14261016 Sudoku POJ-26761017 Sudoku POJ-30741018 Sudoku POJ-30761019 Su-Su-Sudoku HDOJ-27801020 Sudoku HDOJ-31111021 Sudoku HDOJ-39091022 Squiggly Sudoku HDOJ-40691023 Triangle War II ZOJ-30381024 A Puzzling Problem HDOJ-16031025 Maximum Clique HDOJ-1530hust1017 精确覆盖。
编号 万能卫星 卫星效果 A 哈博望远镜 人口+3+3 B 浑天仪 人口+3+3 C 天网防御系统 人口+4+4 D 电动玩具 人口+5+5 E 魔术方块 人口+6+6 F 耐力皇冠 人口+4+4
编号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 星球 地球 焦糖苹果 甜心蜂巢 乳牛王 水世界 远古凤尾蕨 漂浮原石 机械之心 冰天雪地 黄金油矿 雅典娜之月 冰河时期 鹰巢 柳橙果冻 泡泡糖 凤梨丘陵 草莓饼干 工业时代 雪瓜之星 红色珊瑚 荒漠沙原 章鱼洞穴 鳄鱼沼泽 迷雾基地 火山熔岩 夜光蘑菇 香蕉船 褐角山谷 糖果甜心 洋芋巨塔 喵喵毛球 七彩水晶 微风沙漠 甜甜圈 花朵庄园 HA42N55 巨人甜椒 僵尸脑袋 红色深坑 提琴山谷 日落草原 平静草原 巫婆巢穴 电路之城 宝藏矿坑 燃烧之心 野猪部落 软绵绵山丘 西瓜峡谷 亚马逊森林 巧克力流域 星球类型 美食星球 动物星球 动物星球 元素星球 植物星球 元素星球 特殊星球 元素星球 植物星球 特殊星球 元素星球 动物星球 美食星球 元素星球 美食星球 美食星球 特殊星球 美食星球 动物星球 元素星球 动物星球 植物星球 特殊星球 元素星球 植物星球 美食星球 动物星球 美食星球 植物星球 动物星球 特殊星球 植物星球 美食星球 植物星球 特殊星球 植物星球 特殊星球 动物星球 特殊星球 植物星球 植物星球 特殊星球 特殊星球 元素星球 元素星球 动物星球 动物星球 美食星球 元素星球 美食星球 卫星 月亮 棒棒糖 蜂蜜棒 乳酪 瓶中信 太空垃圾 人造卫星 齿轮 雪球 橄榄树 圣诞星星 雪花 羽毛球 冰棒 彩虹球 黄色果汁机 牛奶罐 探测机 绿色果汁机 珍珠 魔法石 沉船 鱼眼斑点 太空海盗战舰 钻探机 蓝宝石 小雨伞 草球 拐杖糖 零食 老鼠 琥珀 黄光球 马卡龙 蓝光球 邪恶博士的太空船 红宝石 点滴 小熊软糖 铃铛 稻草人 绿宝石 蝙蝠 电池 钻石 火球 火腿 毛线球 红色果汁机 花球 棉花糖 资源 垃圾 苹果 蜂蜜 牛奶 水 孢子 石头 齿轮 雪 油 陨石 冰块 蛋 果冻 空气 凤梨 草莓 螺丝 哈密瓜 珊瑚 土壤 章鱼 瓦斯 蒸汽 化石 香菇 圣代 皮革 糖果 马铃薯 布料 水晶 仙人掌汁 糖 花 病毒 甜椒 血液 燃料 音符 麦子 香料 南瓜 晶片 金属 火 肉类 羊毛 西瓜 木头 巧克力 卫星效果 食物 产量 人口 食物 运作 人口 人口 产量 快乐 运作 运作 人口 产量 食物 快乐 人口 产量 人口 运作 能量 食物 食物 运作 运作 产量 运作 快乐 食物 人口 产量 产量 运作 快乐 快乐 人口 产量 快乐 食物 食物 食物 人口 食物 快乐 快乐 产量 运作 快乐 食物 人口 运作
HOJ 题目总结
HOJ 题目总结模拟题、枚举:1000 A+B1001 A+B+C1004 Prime Palindromes1006 Weird Clock1009 Fat Cat1010 The Angle1025 Skew Binary1043 Maya Calendar1054 Game Prediction1057 Mileage Bank1069 Prime Land1071 Time1076 Ordered Fractions1078 u Calculate e1080 Digital Roots1084 Booklet Printing1087 Self Numbers1104 Expanding Fractions1107 Prime Cuts1109 Uniform Generator1128 Perfect Cubes1142 S-Trees1148 Gridland1153 Ecological Bin Packing1154 The Skyline Problem1155 国家利益1156 The Cat in the Hat1160 Power of Cryptography1165 Mutant Flatworld Explorers1166 Greedy Gift Givers1174 Software CRC1179 The Dole Queue1181 Ugly Numbers1183 Street Numbers1189 Student Grants1190 Gondwanaland Telecom1200 All Squares1209 Cola1214 Fibonacci Coding1216 Where's the Marble1219 A Flea on a Chessboard1221 Perfect Pth Powers1238 Border1243 Extrapolation Using a Difference Table 1247 Perfection1271 Biker's Trip Odometer1272 Candy Sharing Game1280 Unreliable Message1296 Big Number1305 A Contesting Decision1317 Flip and Shift1318 Moving Tables1321 Parencodings1331 Deck1334 Ratio1337 Web Navigation1347 487-32791365 Digital Product1370 Candy1384 Palindrome Number1391 Boastin' Red Socks1401 Gigantic Sums1404 M*A*S*H1408 Pi1409 Up and Down Sequences1410 Machined Surfaces1415 Does This Make Me Look Fat?1425 Polar Explorer1435 Integer Inquiry1439 The Circumference of the Circle1442 Lotto1443 Matrix Chain Multiplication1453 Artificial Intelligence?1457 Error Correction1462 Bee Maja1477 Simple Computers1480 Diplomatic License1486 The Longest SubSequence1489 ATDS1511 Average is not Fast Enough!1512 Bound Found1518 Hard to Believe, but True!1522 Edge1525 Largest Rectangle in a Histogram 1526 Drink, on Ice1527 Bean Counting1529 Maze Traversal1540 AutoFish1543 Dick and Jane1554 Request for Proposal1557 The Trip1593 Triangles1595 There's Treasure Everywhere! 1599 Box of Bricks1610 Twenty Questions1623 Blowing Fuses1626 Programmer, Rank Thyself 1628 Magnificent Meatballs1631 Tanning Salon1637 HangOver1648 Booklets1649 Count on Canton1669 In Danger1674 Ball Toss1685 Flow Layout1688 Speed Limit1696 No Brainer1702 Team Rankings1703 To and Fro1710 Card Game Cheater1716 Ride to School1722 The Peanuts1732 Orders1741 Magic Trick1744 Grandpa is Famous1746 Filling Out the Team1760 The jackpot1766 Dog & Gopher1768 Mine Sweeper1773 Airline Hub1776 Steps1788 Death to Binary?1796 Hanafuda Shuffle1804 Leaky Cryptography1813 Primary Arithmetic1835 Paper Cutting1848 Jolly Jumpers1863 整数的排序1866 猩猩点灯1867 经理的烦恼1871 整数的表示1896 Average Speed1900 A Multiplication Game1903 Snow Clearing1905 Stack 'em Up1913 Intervals1930 Forests1933 Election1951 Beavergnaw1952 Power Strings1957 Blocks1960 Euclid's Game1962 Above Average1973 Guessing Game1976 Calendar1987 Recursive Function2011 Simple Problem2012 Sort and Merge2017 Peter's smokes2022 Mersenne Composite Numbers 2026 Specialized Four-Digit Numbers 2036 Polynomial Remains2045 Ambiguous permutations2071 Keep on Truckin'2076 Series Determination2082 Rock-Paper-Scissors Tournament 2089 4th point2094 Common permutation2098 Ultra-QuickSort2100 Beat the Spread!2102 Brownie Points I2103 Magic Bitstrings2105 Bungee Jumping2107 Crashing Robots2111 Electrical Outlets2115 Playground2116 Countable Numbers2117 Long Division2119 Acrophobic Cows2122 Factstone Benchmark2124 Tri Tiling2125 Prerequisites?2148 Computer Transformation2154 Dropping tests2155 Box walking2174 Tornado!2176 Pascal Library2179 Where Are My Genes2180 Computer DJ2181 Take Your Vitamins2186 Context-Free Clock2191 Consecutive Digits in a Rational Number 2201 Sum of Cubes2214 Parallelogram Counting2221 Ohgas' Fortune2235 Swamp Things2243 Hospital's Crisis2244 Get the Colors2250 Great Travel Plan2251 Not Only Shops I2253 Choices2260 GongZhu2267 Alice and Bob2277 Another Apples2290 Laserbox2296 Up the Stairs2303 Wine trading in Gergovia2304 Homogeneous squares2305 Diophantus of Alexandria2309 Knights of the Round Table2312 Gaus in Elementary School2314 Stamps2322 Incomplete chess boards2331 Sequence Sum Possibilities2333 Best SMS to Type2335 Dramatic Multiplications2352 Ferry Loading IV2353 Card Hands2363 House Numbers2364 Rotten Ropes2386 The Cow Lineup2401 Rinse2410 Make it Manhattan2411 Quick Change2416 Visible Lattice Points2424 Plaque Pack2437 Quicksum2450 Kickdown2452 Tour Guide2453 Nasty Hacks2455 Card Trick2463 Colorville2476 Hurdles Race2482 FlashGet2485 Myacm Triangles2487 Loansome Car Buyer2489 Robot Motion2490 Saruman's Army2496 Tic-Tac-Toe2497 Team Arrangement2502 Chessboard Dance2516 Citystar2519 Fake coin字符串处理:1011 UNIX ls1012 Decoding Task1034 Simple Arithmetics1081 Scramble Sort1088 Do the Untwist1089 Word Amalgamation1095 Crosswords1100 Simply Syntax1101 TEX Quotes1105 Egyptian Multiplication1110 Excuses, Excuses!1138 LC-Display1191 ID Codes1198 Permalex1201 Ananagrams1223 Hidden Password1224 Crazy Tea Party1251 Polynomial Showdown1263 Crypto Columns1307 Choose Your Words Carefully 1389 Election1403 Palindromes1423 The Hardest Problem Ever 1447 Compromise1477 All in All1515 Etaoin Shrdlu1524 Genetic Code1530 Compound Words1536 Substitution Cypher1538 File Fragmentation1548 Crypt Kicker II1656 Magic Trick1670 Run Length Encoding1684 Symmetric Order1764 Soundex1830 Bridge Hands1853 WERTYU1880 Zipf's Law1882 All Integer Average1898 Babelfish1929 Hardwood Species1944 方程题!!1949 Hay Points1979 Fractal1989 The Most Frequent Word1991 Happy 20051997 Multiplying Matrices2046 Bullshit Bingo2057 Complicated Translation2066 Word Reversal2149 Anagrammatic Distance2151 Scrabble2171 Rotate and Cut2173 Interpreting Control Sequences2189 Single Digit Adder2202 Bold ASCII Lines2206 Defining Moment2212 It's My Derivative2223 Numeral System2297 Automatic Correction of Misspellings2323 010000012332 Ancient Keyboard2368 A DP Problem2405 Digital Friends2408 Decompression2413 Shuffle'm Up2422 Mahershalalhashbaz, Nebuchadnezzar, and Billy Bob Benjamin Go to the Regionals 2428 An Introduction2438 Linear Pachinko2439 Surprising Strings2441 Frugal Search2449 Java vs C++2462 Easier Done Than Said?2465 Instruens Fabulam2475 Simple Calendar2488 Automatic Editing2511 Shift Cipher贪心:1003 Mixing Milk1052 Radar Installation1225 Supermarket1314 Wooden Sticks1349 Gone Fishing1941 超市收银问题2051 Expedition2359 Yogurt factory2403 BowlingDP:1005 Fast Food1031 Piggy-Bank1042 I-KeyBoard1058 Number Triangles1061 Fat Cat's cousin II1090 The Staircases1141 Dividing up1158 History Grading1192 Dollars1215 Health Power1227 Common Subsequence1249 Optimal Array Multiplication Sequence 1252 The Doors1277 Rhyme Schemes1288 Bridging Signals1316 Human Gene Functions1388 The Brick Stops Here1402 整数划分问题1438 The Tower of Babylon1485 A Good Helper1516 Fiber Network1562 Tiling Up Blocks1579 Chopsticks1590 Pearls1598 Always On the Run1603 Brackets Sequence1672 Huffman's Greed1680 One Person 'The Price is Right' 1697 Alphacode1711 Investment1728 Color a Tree1733 Phone numbers1754 To Europe! To Europe!1755 Test the Rods1757 Y2K Accounting Bug1770 Old Wine Into New Bottles1780 Decoding Morse Sequences 1795 Ferry Loading1852 Tight Words1912 Density map1936 Brackets1942 OS进程调度1965 Ferry Loading II1977 Recaman's Sequence2000 Maximum Submatrix2014 Tiling2019 The Top Shelf2023 Zipper2044 Supermarket2056 Bookshelf2067 Adding 1s, 2s, and 3s2072 Blurred Vision2074 Exact Change Only2085 Wavio Sequence2091 Chess2133 Tourist2139 Spiderman's workout2156 Colored stones2177 ICPC Strikes Again2188 WordStack2195 Pascal's Travels2196 Job Scheduling by Open Bidding 2252 The Priest2257 Sorting2346 Atomic Car Race2372 Recoup Traveling Expenses 2376 Chinese Word Segmentation 2406 The Bavarian Beer Party2407 Evacuation2412 Triangular Sums2414 Push Button Lock2457 Whac-a-Mole2458 Random Walking2459 Honeycomb Walk2468 Most Leg2473 Fish Can Fly2480 The best travel design2481 Travel2494 Spam2503 Bribing FIPA2506 Print Words in Lines2517 Escape图论:1007 SPF1021 Housing Complexes1030 Labyrinth1033 Play on Words1045 Transportation1056 Machine Schedule1068 King1098 NetWork1115 Channel Allocation1130 Galactic Import1131 The Postal Worker Rings Once 1185 Bandwidth1211 HIT's Powerstation1236 Domino Effect1266 Phone Home1335 What's In A Name?1336 Sorting It All Out1352 Mystery1426 Door Man1437 Arbitrage1450 Frogger1460 Heavy Cargo1464 From Dusk Till Dawn1487 Fleet Commander1494 Hinge Node Problem1565 The Geodetic Set Problem1614 Communication Planning for Phobos 1632 Jungle Roads1653 Heavy Transportation1708 Taxi Cab Scheme1720 Pollution1735 Sightseeing trip1751 Tangled in Cables1763 Fire Station1811 Freckles1833 Truck History1851 Gopher II1950 Jogging Trails2021 Colored Sticks2025 Going Home2047 106 miles to Chicago 2062 Help the Hurricane Victims 2078 Window Pains2123 Walk Through the Forest 2298 Basic wall maze2319 A Bug's Life2442 Go Go Gorelians2479 Gold Transportation2493 Robot2500 Party at Hali-Bula2501 Against Mammoths2507 The Bug Sensor Problem 2514 Perfect Service2518 Holiday Gifts计算几何:1019 Grandpa's Other Estate 1027 Equipment Box1032 Lifting the Stone1094 Packets1096 Intervals1099 Lining Up1167 Pipe Fitters1188 Orchard Trees1212 Area of Overlap1248 Intersecting Lines1387 Billiard1517 Global Roaming1551 Polylops1633 Transmitters1655 Yeehaa!1707 Watchdog1721 Area in Triangle2054 Stacking Cylinders2127 Ball bearings2183 Extrusion2258 Rotating2328 Stacking Cylinders2330 Model Rocket Height数学:1008 How many N1013 Just The Facts1014 Niven Numbers1015 Nearly prime numbers1016 Joseph's problem I1017 Joseph's problem II1036 Complete the sequence!1039 Factorial1062 数列极差问题1117 Octal Fractions1126 Smith Numbers1131 Basically Speaking1135 Data Bugs1176 Roman Roulette1196 Power Crisis1205 Factors and Factorials1241 Factorial Frequencies1281 Lagrange's Four-Square Theorem1302 Sum of Factorials1348 Biorhythms1356 Prime Judge1357 Calling Extraterrestrial Intelligence Again 1367 A Stone Game1444 Humble Numbers1446 Binomial Showdown1458 France '981459 Goldbach's Conjecture1483 Paths on a Grid1496 World Cup Noise1500 Strange Towers of Hanoi1519 Assistance Required1528 Factoring Large Numbers1533 Fibonacci Numbers1549 Watching Watches1552 Prime Distance1560 Factovisors1583 Guess the Number1584 Hanoi Tower Troubles Again!1587 Hansel and Grethel1713 SETI1717 Fourier's Lines1737 Block Town1761 Number Sequence1769 Choose and Divide1802 The Balance1842 Raising Modulo Numbers1864 Fibonacci1870 Race1881 Ones1888 The Counting Problem1893 Tian Ji -- The Horse Racing1902 Pairsumonious Numbers1935 Triangle1945 孔明棋1953 Relatives1995 Venn Diagram2015 Crossed ladders2016 Conic Distance2029 Rate of Return2060 Fibonacci Problem Again2065 Fibonacci Number2079 So you want to be a 2^n-aire?2138 Jackpot2153 Nim2158 Do it!2204 Fibonacci Numbers2293 Reduced ID Numbers2324 The Bank of Kalii2342 Sum of Consecutive Prime Numbers 2356 How many 0's?2371 9-182397 Semi-prime H-numbers2433 Full of Energy2436 I love you2443 Root of the Problem2466 Who Can Go to America2467 Z-curve2477 String's Puzzle2491 Fibonacci2492 Football2498 Barbara Bennett's Wild Numbers 2515 Number tricks搜索、二分枚举:1018 Multiple1022 Spacecraft Malfunction1044 Transportation1048 Cipher1049 Sticks1050 Moving Object Recognition 1066 Substrings1073 Append1075 The Castle1083 N-Credible Mazes1085 Finding Rectangles1086 Don't Get Rooked1097 Robot1102 Jack Straws1103 Cat and Mouse1113 Stockbroker Grapevine1116 Alien Security1134 Maze1136 Robbery1140 The Game1170 Following Orders1273 Peg Game1293 Prison Rearrangement1372 方程的解数1399 Hang or not to hang1419 Deeper Blue1422 Asteroids!1440 Knight Moves1448 Dungeon Master1455 The Settlers of Catan1488 TMD1505 Push!!1574 Gift?!1600 Island of Logic1601 Cable Master1619 The Die Is Cast1620 It's not a Bug, It's a Feature! 1629 Safecracker1693 Choose Your Own Adventure 1723 Finding Nemo1740 Long Night of Museums 1797 Red and Black1803 Make a Sequence1877 No Tipping1908 Party Lamps1961 Arctic Network2035 Center of Symmetry2092 Gopher and hawks2144 Sudoku2159 The mysterious X network2190 Connect2306 Tudoku2315 A Knight's Journey2318 Scavenger Hunt2377 Triumvirate Canyon Interlocution 2391 Aggressive cows2400 Tautology2434 Going to know him2456 Traveling Salesman2461 The Triangle Game2472 IR-Lab2483 Accelerator2484 Find the Winning Move2486 Exchange Rates2510 Route Planning数据结构:1065 Entropy1067 Rails1152 The Blocks Problem1159 Tree Summing1452 Tree Recovery1456 Team Queue1564 The Suspects1673 Binary Search Heap Construction 1725 Argus1819 郁闷的出纳员1978 Terrible Sets2033 Ubiquitous Religions2037 Mayor's posters2120 Is It A Tree?2385 Cube Stacking2464 Falling Leaves。
MPI TS150-AIT 150 mm Manual Probe系统说明书
MPI TS150-AIT | 150 mm Manual Probe SystemIndustry’s first explicitly designed 150 mm probe system providing accurat e tests for mm-wave, THz, and automated impedance tuner applicationsFEATURES / BENEFITSSPECIFICATIONSChuck XY Stage (Standard)Total travel range 180 x 300 mm (7.1 x 11.8 in)Fine-travel range 25 x 25 mm fine micrometer control Fine-travel resolution < 1.0 µm (0.04 mils) @ 500 µm/rev Planarity< 10 µm Theta travel (standard)360°Theta travel (fine)± 5.0°Theta resolution 7.5 x 10-3 gradientMovement Puck controlled air bearing stage Chuck Z Stage Travel range 10 mm (0.4 in)Fine-travel resolution< 1.0 µm (0.04 mils) @ 500 µm/rev, with digital indicatorManual Microscope Stage (Linear)Movement range 50 x 50 mm (2 x 2 in) or 80 x 80 mm (3.15 x 3.15 in)Resolution < 5µm (0.2 mils)Scope lift Manual, tilt-back or vertical (depending on microscope type)MovementIndependently controlled X and Y movement with locking screwsVariety of Applications• Seamless integration of any banded, differential or broadband frequency extenders and automated impedance tuners• Novel design of extenders/tuners integration for maximum of measurement dynamic• Maximum on mechanical stability and repeatability combined with convenient and safety operation Ergonomic Design• Unique puck controlled air bearing stage for quick single-handed operation• Rigid and large platen accommodates large area MicroPositioners, holding mmw extenders• Highly repeatable platen lift design with three discrete positions for contact, separation, and loading Upgradability• Optional vibration isolated support for large automated impedance tuners• Dedicated optics for shorting the cables and waveguide’s lengths, for maximum of measurement directivity• Various chuck options, PCB holders and a wide range of accessories such as DC/RF/mmW MicroPositionersSpecifications Design For unsurpassed stability: low profile, four pole support Material Nickel plated steelDimensionLarge area platen, see drawing Chuck top to platen top Min. 28 mmMax. No of MicroPositioners 2x mmW E/W + 2x RF N/S and 4x DC or 2x mmW E/W + 8x DC Platen lift control 3 positions - contact (0), separation (300 µm), and loading (3 mm)Separation repeatability < 1 µm (0.04 mils) by …automated“ control mmW MicroPositioner mounting Bolt downRF MicroPositioner mounting Magnetic with guided rail DC MicroPositioner mountingMagneticProbe Platen design for DC, RF and THz MicroPositionersPROBE PLATENPlaten Lift with Probe Hover Control™MPI Probe Hover Control™ comes with hover heights (50, 100 or 150 µm) for easy and convenient probe to pad alignment.Separation Probe Hover Control™Probe in contactFREQUENCY EXTENDER ADAPTATIONSeamless integration of any frequency extenders for best measurement directivity at 200 mm wafers.To achieve optimum tuning range & highest gammaAUTOMATED IMPEDANCE TUNER INTEGRATIONSCONTACT / OVER-TRAVEL CONTROLMPI offers the worldwide unique and most accurate contact / over-travel control with 1 µm accuracy for easy measurement reproducibility and accuracy.XY digital micrometers are optionally available as well.RF Wafer Chuck Connectivity Coax BNC (f)Diameter 160 mm with 2 integrated AUX areasMaterial Nickel Plated Aluminium (flat with 0.5 mm holes)Chuck surfacePlanar with 0.5 mm diameter holes in centric sections Vacuum holes sections (diameter)3, 27, 45, 69, 93, 117, 141 mmVacuum actuation Manual switch between Center (4 holes), 50, 100, 150 mm (2, 4, 6 in)Supported DUT sizes Single DUTs down to 4 x 4 mm size or wafers 50 mm (2 in) thru 150 mm (6 in)*Surface planarity ≤± 5 µmRigidity< 15 µm / 10 N @edgeNON-THERMAL CHUCKSElectrical Specification Operation voltage In accordance with EC 61010, certificates for higher voltages available upon request Isolation> 2 GΩ*Single DUT testing requires higher vacuum conditions dependent upon testing application.*Single DUT testing requires higher vacuum conditions dependent upon testing application.Auxiliary Chuck Quantity 2 AUX chucksPositionIntegrated to rear side of main chuck Substrate size (W x L)Max. 25 x 25 mm (1 x 1 in)Material Ceramic, RF absorbing material for accurate calibration Surface planarity ≤± 5 µmVacuum controlControlled independently, separate from chucksMP80-DXMPI auxiliary chucks made by ceramicThermal chuck system for testing single ICs The optional MP80-DX MicroPositioner with the integrated digital micrometerenables outstanding simplicity for the multiline TRL.When operating the MP80-DX, the operator simply needs to zero-out the digital micrometer after the initial adjustment of the probes, i.e., on the thru standard. Next, the distance between RF probes can be easily re-adjusted to the required value of ∆l with the precision better than 1 µm.THERMAL CHUCKSSpecifications of MPI ERS Integrated Technology35 °C to 150 °C20 °C to 200 °C25 °C to 150 °CMaximal wafer size 150 mm 150 mm 25 x 25 mm Single ICConnectivityCoax BNC (f)Kelvin Triax (f)Coax BNC (f)Temperature control method Cooling air / Resistance heater Cooling air / Resistance heater Peltier heater CoolantAir (user supplied)Air (user supplied)Air (max. 50 l/min)Smallest temperature selection step 0.1 °C 0.1 °C 0.1 °C Chuck temperature display resolution0.1 °C 0.01 °C 0.1 °C External touchscreendisplay operation N/A Yes N/A Temperature stability ±0.5 °C ±0.08 °C ±0.2 °C Temperature accuracy ±1 °C ±0.1 °C ±1 °C Control method DC/PID Low noise DC/PIDDC/PID InterfacesRS232C RS232C RS232C Chuck surface plating Nickel plated with pinhole surface Nickel plated with pinhole surface Gold plated with pinhole surface Temperature sensor Pt100 1/3DIN Pt100 1/3DIN, 4-line wired Pt100 1/3DIN, 4-line wired Temperature uniformity < ±1 °C < ±0.5 °C < ±0.5 °C Surface flatness and base parallelism < ±15 µm < ±10 µm < ±15 µm Heating and cooling rates 35 to 150 °C < 10 min 150 to 35 °C < 15 min 20 to 200°C < 15 mins 200 to 20°C < 15 mins 25 to 150 °C < 6 min 150 to 25 °C < 6 min Electrical isolation > 0.5 T Ω at 25 °C> 10 T Ω at 25 °C > 300 G Ω at 200 °C> 0.5 T Ω at 25 °CLeakage @ 10 V N/A N/A N/A Capacitance< 750 pF < 750 pF < 750 pF Maximum voltage between chuck top and GND500 V DC500 V DC500 V DCt e m p e r a t u r e [°C ]time [min]AC3 150 mm +35°C to +150°C510152020406080100120140160TYPICAL TRANSITION TIMEThermal Chuck Electrical Supply Electrical SupplyHot only thermal chucks Electrical primary connection 100 to 240 VAC auto switch Frequency50 Hz / 60 HzCompressed Air Supply Operating pressure 6.0 bar (0.6 MPa, 87 psi) at specified flow rate CDA dew point≤ 0 °CController Dimensions / Power and Air Consumption System Type W x D x H (mm)Weight (kg)Power Cons. (VA)max. Air Flow (l/min)35 to 150 °C 300 x 265 x 135 1050020020 to 200 °C 300 x 360 x 135 1270020025 to 150 °C300 x 261 x 1353.310050General Probe System Power 100-240 V AC 50/60 Hz for optical accessories* only Vacuum -0.5 bar (for single DUT) / -0.3 bar (for wafers)Compressed air6.0 bar *e.g. microscope illumination, CCD cameras, monitors.FACILITY REQUIREMENTSWARRANTYPHYSICAL DIMENSIONSStation Platform with Bridge*Dimensions (W x D x H)670 x 680 x 710 mm (26.4 x 26.8 x 28.0 in)Weight~120 kg (265 lb.)• Warranty*: 12 months• Extended service contract: contact MPI Corporation for more information*See MPI Corporation‘s Terms and Conditions of Sale for more details.*Station accessories, such as different microscopes, cameras, or laser cutters, may change the total height.MPI Global PresenceDirect contact:Asiaregion:****************************EMEAregion:******************************Americaregion:********************************MPI global presence: for your local support, please find the right contact here:/ast/support/local-support-worldwide© 2020 Copyright MPI Corporation. All rights reserved.Vibration Isolation TableWeightApprox. 210 kg ( 463 lb.)Approx. 210 kg ( 463 lb.)。
Some like it hot:Biomolecule Analytics using MicroScale Thermophoresis User TrainingNanoTemper Technologies GmbHFlößergasse 4, 81369 München, GermanyTechnology IntroductionCharge, (Size) T hermophoresis: Temperature Gradient Charge, Size and Hydration ShellElectrophoresis: Electric Fieldhot cold + -Interactions accessible with MST►protein - protein►protein - DNA/RNA►nucleic acid - nucleic acid►protein - small molecule, peptides,ions►protein or small molecule - HMW complexes (e.g. ribosome)►protein or peptide - liposome/vesicle►ligand binding to membrane receptors►…Thermophoresis in Real TimeDNA Microbeads…Positive“ Thermophoresis…Negative“ ThermophoresisTheory of ThermophoresisDuhr and Braun PNAS 103, 19678–19682 (2006)Duhr and Braun PRL 96, 168301 (2006)c hot / c cold = exp (-S T ΔT )Laser …off“Laser …on“sizecharge 2+ -hydration shellOptical MicroScale Thermophoresis Basic Setup of the InstrumentLED excitation &fluorescence detectionIR laser dichroicmirrorobjectivecapillary23°C20°C1K/10 µm corresponds to 1000K/cmIR laser induced Temperature Field(BCECF-dye in TRIS-buffer)►immobilization-free in any buffer► 4 µl of sample per titration point►pM - nM concentrations of fluorescent molecule ►40 sec measurement per titration pointPhases of a MST SignalJerabek-Willemsen et al, ADDT, 2011MST Binding CurveTime [s]BaselineSaturationBaaske et al., Angewandte Chemie, 2010MST BenefitsNanoTemper's unique MST Technology has the following Features and Benefits:►low sample consumption►immobilization free►fast measurement: obtain a K d in 10 min►rapid assay optimization►access to affinities, stoichiometries, bindingenergetics► low consumable costs►maintenance-free instrument►straightforward handlingMicroScale Thermophoresis (MST)Training on Monolith NT.115General Remarks on Sample Handling► concentration of labeled molecule: in the same range or lower than the expectedKd► highest concentration of unlabeled molecule: 20 fold above the expected K d► final sample volume per titration point: ~ 20 µl► use small tubes for the serial dilution: e.g. PCR strips, tubes► dilution buffer should not vary in composition in serial dilution: e.g. DMSO►accurate pipetting is essential►mix with pipette instead of vortexing► do not touch capillaries in the centerSample PreparationMonolith NT.115 :►label one binding partner using an NT label (or any other kit)►expression of a fusion protein (GFP, YFP…)►synthetic fluorescent samples (nucleic acids, peptides)►different methods: in vitro translation, incorporation of unnatural amino acids…Protein LabelingNanoTemper Protein Labeling Kits:►fast and efficient labeling protocol►buffer exchange into labeling buffer using spin column►add NT dye to the protein►incubate for 30 min►remove free dye by size exclusion column►use only high purity samples (>95%)►amine-reactive vs. cysteine-reactive►RED, GREEN and BLUE►NanoTemper Kit contains: buffer, dye, spin columns, size exclusion columnSample Preparation: Fluorescence CheckFluorescence signal check:Different dilutionsToo high( > 1500 units)Further dilute labeled sampleorCheck for prescence of free dyeToo low( < 200 units)Use a higher concentrationorOptimize labeling efficiency and potential loss of materialSelecting CapillariesNo sticking, symmetrical fluorescence peak Slight sticking, shoulders in fluorescence peak The labeled molecule sticks to the capillaryVery strong sticking and clear double peakConcentration Finder Tool►Note: This tool can be accessed via NT.Control and NT.Analysis software or NanoTemper websiteSerial Dilution1162 321BCAO** * *10µl Prepare 20 µl of the highest concentration of the unlabeled molecule.Add 10 µl buffer to 15 reaction tubes.Transfer 10 µl from vial 1 to vial 2, mix well.Transfer 10 µl from vial 2 to vial 3, mix well. Repeat this steps in all vials.Do not forget to also remove 10 µl from vial 16!A) Prepare a serial titration of the unlabeled moleculeB) Add 10 µl of the labeled moleculeLoad samples and start MST-Analysis…10µl10µl10µlSample LoadingBuffer Optimization: AggregationHigh noise of the labeled molecule dueto aggregation.No AggregationSome AggregationStrong AggregationLow noise of the labeled molecule after adding detergent and removing aggregation by centrifugation.Buffer Optimization and Capillary Selection: Fluorescence Changes≤ ± 10 % ˃ ± 10 %►Random fluorescence changes ►No accurate pipetting ►Low sample quality►Titrant-dependent fluorescence changes ►Unspecific adsorption to surfaces aggregation ►Fluorescence quenching or enhancement►Use 0.05 % Tween-20 or 0.5 mg/ml BSAMicroScale Thermophoresis (MST)Running the Experiment and Data AnalysisConnection to ComputerTemperature Control of Sample TrayStatus: offLoad/Unload Sample TrayCurrent Tray TemperatureAdjusted Tray TemperatureLaser/LED StatusCapillary ScanParameter Setup and Running the MeasurementLoad Data into NT AnalysisData Analysis ModesThermophoresis with MST T-JumpOnly ThermophoresisOnly MST T-JumpInformation from T-Jump:binding close to fluorophoreInformation from Thermophoresis:overall structureKCurve vs. Hill Curve Fitting dKCurve Fitting:dHill Curve Fitting:Two Binding AffinitiesThank You For Your Attention!Please feel free to contact us:NanoTemper Technologies GmbHFlößergasse 4, 81369 München, Germanydavid.witte@nanotemper.deBinding or Material Loss? How to perform the SD-Test。
美国文学史_作者 作品
美国文学史_作者作品Part 1. Colonial America(1607-1800)John Smith(158-1631)约翰斯密斯 The General History of Virginia弗吉尼亚通史, A Description of New England新英格兰概览William Bradford(1590-1657)威廉布Of Plymouth Plantation普利茅斯拓荒记莱德福John Winthrop(1588-1649)约翰温斯A Model of Christian Charity基督徒慈善的典范洛普Anne Bradstreet(1612-1672) “Contemplations”, “Upon the Burning of Our House”,” To My Dear and LovingHusband”, In Reference to Her Children”,” The Flesh and The Spirit” As WearyPilgrim”Edward Taylor(1642-1729)爱德华泰“Huswifery”, “Upon a Spider Catching a Fly”勒Roger Williams(1603-1683)罗杰威廉The Bloody Tenet of Persecution for the Cause of Conscience斯John Woolman(1720-1772) “Some Considerations on the Keeping of Negroes”, A Plea for the Poor” Thomas Paine(1737-1809) The Case of the Officers of Excise税务员问题;Common Sense常识;AmericanCrisis美国危机;Rights of Man人的权利:Downfall of Despotism专制体制的崩溃;The Age of Reason理性时代Philip Freneau(1752-1832) The Rising Glory of America;The British Prison Ship英国囚船;To the Memoryof the Brave Americans纪念美国勇士-----同类诗中最佳;The Wild Honeysuckle野生的金银花;The Indian Burying Ground; The Dying Indian: Tomo Chequi Charles Brockden Brown(1771-1810) Wieland; Edgar Huntly; Ormond; Arthur MervynJonathan Edwards(1703-1758)爱德华The Freedom of the Will《意志的自由》 The Great Doctrine of Original Sin 兹 defended《原罪说辩》 The Nature of True Virtue真美德的性质; Images orShadows of Divine Things《神灵的形影》;” Personal Narrative”; “Sinners in theHands of an Angry God”愤怒的上帝手中之罪人Benjamin Franklin(1706-1790) Poor Richard?s Almanac穷查理历书;The Way to Wealth致富之道;TheAutobiography 自传Hector St.John de Crevecour Letters form an American Farmer来自美国农夫的信(1735-1813)克里夫古尔Part 2. American Romanticism(1800-1860)Washington Irving华盛顿?欧文A History of New York from the Beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch 1783-1859 Danasty;纽约外史 ;The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent见闻札记;The History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus哥伦布传;AChronicle of the Conquest of Granada格拉纳达征服编年史; The Alhambra 阿尔罕布拉; Life of Goldsmith戈尔德斯密传; Life of Washington华盛顿传; “RipVan Winkle”; “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”;”The Authors Account ofHimself”James Fennimore Cooper詹姆斯?费The Spy间谍;The Pilot领航者; Leatherstocking Tales皮裹腿故事集:The 尼莫尔?库珀1789-1851 Pioneer拓荒者;The Last of the Mohicans最后的莫希干人;The Prairie大草原;The Pathfinder探路者;The Deerslayer杀鹿者Part 3.New England Transcendentalism(1836-1855)Ralf Waldo Emerson拉尔夫?沃尔Essays散文集:Nature(1836) -----the Manifesto( Bible) of the New England 多?爱默生1803-1882 Transcendentalism;” The American Scholar-----America?s Declaration of Intellectual Independence; “The Poet”; Representative Men代表人物;EnglishTraits英国人的特征;Henry David Thoreau亨利?大卫?梭Walden, or Life in the Woods; 瓦尔登湖“ Civil Disobedience”; “A Plea for 罗1817-1862 John Brown”; A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers;1Amos Bronson Alcott(1799-1888)Margaret Fuller(1810-1850) :《1843年的湖光夏日》(Summer on the Lakes in 1843)(1844)和《论文学与艺术》(Papers on Literature and Art)(1846)。
搜索1002 Fire Net1004 Anagrams by Stack1005 Jugs1008 Gnome Tetravex1091 Knight Moves1101 Gamblers1204 Additive equations1221 Risk1230 Legendary Pokemon1249 Pushing Boxes1364 Machine Schedule1368 BOAT1406 Jungle Roads1411 Anniversary1453 Surround the Trees 凸包1516 Uncle Tom's Inherited Land1525 Air Raid1586 QS Network1602 Multiplication Puzzle dp1649 Rescue1671 Walking Ant1711 Sum It Up dfs1901 A Star not a Tree? 说他搜索可能有点争议(不管了)1940 Dungeon Master2100 Seeding2110 Tempter of the Bone2140 Bal难题&经典1003 Crashing Balloon1015 Fishing Net 完美图1144 Robbery1149 Dividing up1161 Gone Fishing1197 Sorting Slides1217 Eight1228 Farewell, My Friend1237 Fans and Gems1455 Schedule Problem1456 Minimum Transport Cost 图论最短路径要保存路径1492 Maximum Clique 图论经典算法--最大团1600 Market Place1605 One-way Traffic1568 WishingBone's Room Plan1742 Gap 至今一点想法都没有,难!!!1743 Concert Hall Scheduling1827 The Game of 31 博弈1855 Maze1903 Jogging Trails 中国邮路问题1909 Square 经典的dfs.2064 Bomberman - Just Search! 经典!2094 Max Angle 计算几何+博弈2125 Rocket Mania2126 Rocket Mania Plus2127 Zuma2128 Seven Seas2129 Mummy Maze2142 Light The Square (24道)dp1499 Increasing Sequences 经典题1107 FatMouse and Cheese 很好的一题1039 Number Game 没有完美解决的题,感觉可以直接以所有剩下的数作为状态DP 1227 Free Candies SRbGa的经典题1234 Chopsticks SRbGa的经典题……1554 Folding 推荐2059 The Twin Towers 推荐2097 Walking on a Chessboard 推荐1011 NTA 可用dp,也可以不用1013 Great Equipment1024 Calendar Game1027 Human Gene Functions1037 Gridland1052 Algernon's Noxious Emissions1058 Currency Exchange1076 Gene Assembly1092 Arbitrage1093 Monkey and Banana1094 Matrix Chain Multiplication1100 Mondriaan's Dream DP可以过,不过有组合公式1103 Hike on a Graph1134 Strategic Game1147 Formatting Text1148 The Game1161 Gone Fishing1180 Self Numbers1192 It's not a Bug, It's a Feature!1196 Fast Food1136 Multiple ,BFS1276 Optimal Array Multiplication Sequence1255 The Path1250 Always On the Run1213 Lumber Cutting1206 Win the Bonus1301 The New Villa1303 Jury Compromise 其实不是很难,但是很容易错1345 Best Deal1360 Radar Installation1396 The Umbrella Problem: 20541425 Crossed Matchings1438 Asteroids!1459 String Distance and Transform Process1462 Team Them Up!1556 Heroes Of Might And Magic1520 Duty Free Shop1524 Supermarket1536 Labyrinth1479 Dweep1245 Triangles 可用dp也可搜索1011 NTA 简单题1013 Great Equipment 简单题1024 Calendar Game 简单题1027 Human Gene Functions 简单题1037 Gridland简单题1052 Algernon\'\'s Noxious Emissions 简单题1409 Communication System 简单题,但是很容易看错~~~ 1425 Crossed Matchings简单题1438 Asteroids! 简单题1459 String Distance and Transform Process 简单题1462 Team Them Up! 简单题1556 Heroes Of Might And Magic 简单题,不过背景蛮有意思的……1520 Duty Free Shop 简单题1524 Supermarket 简单题1301 The New Villa 简单题1303 Jury Compromise 其实不是很难,但是很容易错,555……1345 Best Deal 简单题,但是也很容易错……555……1360 Radar Installation 简单题1396 The Umbrella Problem: 2054 简单题1058 Currency Exchange 简单题1076 Gene Assembly 简单题1092 Arbitrage 简单题1093 Monkey and Banana 简单题1094 Matrix Chain Multiplication 简单题1536 Labyrinth 简单题1100 Mondriaan\'\'s Dream 简单题,DP可以过,不过据说有复杂的组合公式1103 Hike on a Graph 简单题1134 Strategic Game 简单题1147 Formatting Text 简单题1148 The Game 简单题1161 Gone Fishing 简单题1180 Self Numbers 简单题1192 It\'\'s not a Bug, It\'\'s a Feature! 简单题1196 Fast Food 简单题1107 FatMouse and Cheese 简单题,不过题目描述有些混乱1136 Multiple 简单题,BFS1276 Optimal Array Multiplication Sequence 简单题1255 The Path 简单题1250 Always On the Run 简单题1213 Lumber Cutting 简单题1206 Win the Bonus 简单题1479 Dweep无聊题1587 UP 100 无聊题,DP应该可以……但是太烦了……没做……1066 Square Ice 无聊题,目前已知的O(nlogn)算法要用AVL……您有没有简单点的O(nlogn)的算法?1245 Triangles 无聊题1022 Parallel Expectations 经典题,想了n久,最后发现可以DP,相当好的一道题1499 Increasing Sequences 经典题{}1039 Number Game 没有完美解决的题,感觉可以直接以所有剩下的数作为状态DP,但是缺乏证明……1227 Free Candies SRbGa的经典题,我看了oibh上的解题报告才做出来的……1234 Chopsticks SRbGa的经典题……图论:1525 Air Raid 最小路径覆盖1500 Pre-Post-erous! 简单题1501 Knockout Tournament 简单题1508 Intervals 对您来说应该是简单题,但我想了n久……,差分限制系统1333 Galactic Import 简单题1304 Tin Cutter 简单题,但是似乎有空间复杂度为O(n)的算法1310 Robot 简单题1311 Network 简单题1344 A Mazing Problem 简单题1395 Door Man 简单题,欧拉回路1372 Networking 简单题1406 Jungle Roads 简单题1053 FDNY to the Rescue! 简单题1055 Oh, Those Achin\'\' Feet 不错的简单题1059 What\'\'s In a Name 二分图完美匹配1064 Roads Scholar 简单题1082 Stockbroker Grapevine 简单题1085 Alien Security 简单题,我觉得我当时的算法好巧妙1097 Code the Tree 简单题1060 Sorting It All Out 简单题,但是规模要是大些的话……1105 FatMouse\'\'s Tour 简单题1119 SPF 简单题1127 Roman Forts 简单题1140 Courses 简单题1157 A Plug for UNIX 蛮不错的简单题1203 Swordfish 简单题1221 Risk 简单题1197 Sorting Slides 简单题,匹配1268 Is It A Tree? 不错的题,图论1273 It\'\'s Ir-Resist-Able! 简单题,图论1298 Domino Effect 简单题,最长路1260 King 简单题,差分限制系统……1291 MPI Maelstrom 不错的题,最长路1266 Gossiping 简单题1285 Shipping Routes 无聊题,最短路1313 Gears on a Board 无聊题1502 Plugged In 无聊题,匹配应该可以,但是太烦了,没做……1568 WishingBone\'\'s Room Plan 无聊题,最大最小匹配,不过容易看错题~~~~~~~~1077 Genetic Combinations 无聊题,匹配1364 Machine Schedule 匹配1137 Girls and Boys 背诵题,匹配……1023 University Entrace Examination 经典题,但是和1576重复1576 Marriage is Stable 经典题,感人的背景,经典的算法……1249 Pushing Boxes 经典题,某人的论文写过,求割点和块+BFS可以在O(面积)的时间内做出来,没时间看论文,我用双重BFS过的1141 Closest Common Ancestors 没有完美解决,最简单的算法就能过,但要是规模大了……1084 Channel Allocation 尚未完美解决,我用搜索过的,不过是不是有更好的算法呢……?1231 Mysterious Mountain SRbGa的经典题……1232 Adventure of Super Mario SRbGa的经典题……数学:1007 Numerical Summation of a Series 简单题,还是蛮有意思的1045 HangOver简单题1049 I Think I Need a Houseboat 简单题1028 Flip and Shift 简单题,可以DP/BFS/……,但是实际上有数学方法可以直接判断出来1026 Modular multiplication of polynomials 简单题,感觉有比较简单的好算法,但想不出来1307 Packets 简单题,不过也蛮经典的……1312 Prime Cuts 简单题1334 Basically Speaking 简单题1337 Pi 简单题1342 Word Index 简单题1349 Four Quarters 简单题1350 The Drunk Jailer 简单题1352 Number Base Conversion 简单题1353 Unimodal Palindromic Decompositions 规模不大,所以是简单题……1354 Extended Lights Out 简单题1362 Game Prediction 简单题1365 Mileage Bank 简单题1382 A Simple Task 简单题1383 Binary Numbers 简单题1403 Safecracker 简单题1408 The Fun Number System 简单题1486 Color the Tree 简单题1487 Playing Cards 简单题1489 2^x mod n = 1 简单题,应该有好算法,枚举过的……1503 One Person "The Price is Right" 简单题,POI Eggs的翻版1512 Water Treatment Plants 简单题,组合计数1526 Big Number 简单题,不过O(1)和O(n)还是有区别的1529 Enigmatic Travel 简单题,不过个人感觉题目描述很令人费解1530 Find The Multiple 简单题1537 Playing with a Calculator 简单题1577 GCD & LCM 简单题,分区联赛的题……1005 Jugs 简单题1543 Stripies简单题1569 Partial Sums 简单题1062 Trees Made to Order 简单题1070 Bode Plot 简单题1073 Round and Round We Go 简单题1078 Palindrom Numbers 简单题1086 Octal Fractions 简单题1199 Point of Intersection 简单题1104 Leaps Tall Buildings 简单题1110 Dick and Jane 简单题1115 Digital Roots 简单题1113 u Calculate e 简单题1152 A Mathematical Curiosity 简单题1154 Niven Numbers 简单题1160 Biorhythms 简单题1163 The Staircases 简单题1177 K-Magic Number 简单题1184 Counterfeit Dollar 简单题1182 Keeps Going and Going and ... 简单题1284 Perfection 简单题1272 Numerically Speaking 简单题1269 Coconuts, Revisited 简单题1247 There\'\'s Treasure Everywhere! 简单题1241 Geometry Made Simple 简单题1202 Divide and Count 简单题1216 Deck 简单题1218 Ratio 简单题1261 Prime Land 简单题1212 Mountain Landscape 无聊题1410 Number Sequence 无聊题1401 Hilbert Curve Intersections 无聊题1331 Perfect Cubes 无聊题1322 Random Number 无聊题1535 Lucky Ticket 无聊题1539 Lot 无聊题1363 Chocolate 经典题……1366 Cash Machine 经典题!强烈推荐!1149 Dividing up 经典题,应该可以用1366的方法做,但似乎可以利用问题的特殊性用贪心+DP在O(1)的时间内做出来1222 Just the Facts 经典题,没有完美解决,据说可能有O(logn)的做法1475 Ranklist1572 Bracelet ~~~题义不明,感觉可能是判定欧拉回路的存在性1133 Smith Numbers 没有完美解决,数学1080 Direct Subtraction1229 Gift?! SRbGa的经典题……1238 Guess the Number SRbGa的经典题……1239 Hanoi Tower Troubles Again! SRbGa的经典题……字符串处理:1050 Start Up the Startup 简单题1315 Excuses, Excuses! 简单题1151 Word Reversal 简单题1170 String Matching 简单题1174 Skip Letter Code 不错的简单题1175 Word Process Machine 简单题1181 Word Amalgamation 简单题1038 T9 无聊题,单词树1330 DNA Translation 无聊题1335 Letter Sequence Analysis 无聊题1099 HTML 无聊题1243 URLs 无聊题1540 Censored! 经典题!强烈推荐!1511 Word Puzzles 后缀树模拟:1051 A New Growth Industry 简单题1300 Border 简单题1326 M*A*S*H 简单题1494 Climbing Worm 简单题1072 Microprocessor Simulation 简单题1098 Simple Computers 简单题1056 The Worm Turns 简单题1195 Blowing Fuses 简单题1189 Numbers That Count 简单题1144 Robbery 简单题1153 Tournament Seeding 简单题,但是直接计算好像不行,得模拟……1167 Trees on the Level 简单题1200 Mining 简单题1278 Pseudo-Random Numbers 简单题1257 Parking Lot 简单题1270 Nonstop Travel 简单题1207 The Knight, the Princess, and the Dragons 无聊题1169 Square Cipher 无聊题1176 Die and Chessboard 无聊题1178 Booklet Printing 无聊题1009 Enigma 无聊题,但是很容易错……1012 Mainframe 无聊题,但是很容易错……1324 Unix ls无聊题,输出格式没说清楚~~~~~~~1336 Mark-up 无聊题1277 Transferable Voting 无聊题1279 Cowculations无聊题1281 Hi-Q 无聊题1282 Call Forwarding 无聊题1065 Robots 变态题,太复杂啦~~~~~~~~~~~1208 Roll the Die! 变态题1388 Exchanges 经典题!强烈推荐!1236 Eat or Not to Eat? SRbGa的经典题……模拟几何:1575 Koch Curve 简单题1010 Area 简单题1565 Input 简单题1081 Points Within 简单题1165 Laser Lines 简单题1248 Video Surveillance 简单题,李彭煦的论文中写到过,好像是某年CTSC的……1299 Pendulum 简单题1090 The Circumference of the Circle 无聊题1271 Doing Windows 无聊题1280 Intersecting Lines 无聊题1296 Stars 经典变态题……1030 Farmland 变态题1041 Transmitters 变态题1158 Treasure Hunt 经典题1139 Rectangles 没有完美解决其它:1006 Do the Untwist 简单题1014 Operand 简单题1016 Parencodings 简单题1042 W\'\'s Cipher 简单题1047 Image Perimeters 简单题1514 Fake Tickets 简单题1029 Moving Tables 简单题,好像是线段树的经典题目之一,但是这题规模比较小,所以不必用。
Travel 旅游Culture 文化·旅游1-富人住宅区,名叫 The Wave Muscat。
阿曼的货币名叫阿曼里亚尔Oman Rials(OMR),算是全世界第二值钱货币(第一:科威特里亚尔,没错,比英镑还要值钱),和USD的汇率比是1:2.6。
玩家的至尊秘境文 | 蝴蝶 孙萌 图 | 姚熙Travel旅游Travel旅游灯,但是纪念款的马克杯普遍价格偏贵,一个做工很普通的也要3.5里亚尔左右,而且基本都是made in China,这些还是留着回国再买吧。
HDU题目整理【背包问题】2602 Bone Collector1114 Piggy-Bank1203 I NEED A OFFER!1171 Big Event in HDU1059 Dividing2844 Coins2191 悼念512汶川大地震遇难同胞——珍惜现在,感恩生活2159 FATE1561 The more, The Better1011 Starship Troopers2639 Bone Collector II3033 I love sneakers!2955 Robberies2546 饭卡2415 Bribing FIPA1712 ACboy needs your help3535 AreYouBusy3449 Consumer【线段树+树状数组】2688 Rotate2838 Cow Sorting3015 Disharmony Trees3030 Increasing Speed Limits2227 Find the nondecreasing subsequences3450 Counting Sequences3465 Life is a Line1541 Stars2642 Stars1166 敌兵布阵3458 Rectangles Too!1542 Atlantis1828 Picture3016 Man Down1255 覆盖的面积2871 Memory Control1698 Just a Hook1394 Minimum Inversion Number1823 Luck and Love3397 Sequence operation2795 Billboard1540 Tunnel Warfare1779 9-Problem C1543 Paint the Wall3536 Painting【DP优化】2577 How to Type1513 Palindrome1025 Constructing Roads In JGShining's Kingdom3351 Seinfeld1978 How many ways2686 Matrix3376 Matrix Again3392 Pie1422 重温世界杯1505 City Game1506 Largest Rectangle in a Histogram2870 Largest Submatrix2830 Matrix Swapping II1024 Max Sum Plus Plus1244 Max Sum Plus Plus Plus1227 Fast Food1793 Minimal search cost2829 Lawrence3415 Max Sum of Max-K-sub-sequence3401 Trade3276 Star3045 Picnic Cows2993 MAX Average Problem/onlinejudge/showProblem.do?problemId=3756 有助理解"状态"的推荐题目,今年省赛金牌题Bridging signals /JudgeOnline/problem?id=1631 LIS优化Group /thx/problem.php?id=1351Group2 /thx/problem.php?id=1369 MiniCost /problem.php?pid=1880/JudgeOnline/problem?id=2823学习单调队列的推荐题目Fence /JudgeOnline/problem?id=1821单调队列Batch Scheduling /JudgeOnline/problem?id=1180 单调队列,优化斜率Post office /JudgeOnline/problem?id=1160四边形不等式优化/JudgeOnline/problem?id=3017单调队列优化/JudgeOnline/problem?id=3709单调队列,优化斜率【网络流】1532 Drainage Ditches1533 Going Home1853 Cyclic Tour3081 Marriage Match II3277 Marriage Match III3416 Marriage Match IV3315 My Brute3376 Matrix Again3313 Key Vertex3338 Kakuro Extension1565 方格取数(1)1569 方格取数(2)2686 Matrix3395 Special Fish2448 Mining Station on the Sea3035 War3046 Pleasant sheep and big big wolf3251 Being a Hero1733 Escape2883 kebab2732 Leapin' Lizards3061 Battle3157 Crazy Circuits/JudgeOnline/problem?id=3762/OnlineJudge/index.php/problem/read/id/1491/JudgeOnline/problem?id=2987/onlinejudge/showProblem.do?problemCode=2314/onlinejudge/showProblem.do?problemCode=1992Poj2914:/JudgeOnline/problem?id=2914(stoer-Wagner)/JudgeOnline/problem?id=3308SGU 176 http://acm.sgu.ru/problem.php?contest=0&problem=176容量有上下界的网络流问题,有难度/daizhy_acm/blog/item/c3e63252763ae66984352480.html 这里有个题目分类,有兴趣的话,可以去刷~/?p=217胡浩的博客上也有点东西~可以去看看~【字符匹配】1711 Number Sequence1867 A + B for you again3374 String Problem3336 Count the string1075 What Are You Talking About1251 统计难题1671 Phone List1247 Hat’s Words1800 Flying to the Mars2072 单词数2222 Keywords Search2896 病毒侵袭3065 病毒侵袭持续中2243 考研路茫茫——单词情结2825 Wireless Password2296 Ring3341 Lost's revenge3247 Resource Archiver【最短路】2544 最短路2066 一个人的旅行2112 HDU Today1874 畅通工程续1142 A Walk Through the Forest1385 Minimum Transport Cost1548 A strange lift1217 Arbitrage2680 Choose the best route2923 Einbahnstrasse2962 Trucking2722 Here We Go(relians) Again1690 Bus System2482 Transit search1596 find the safest road1598 find the most comfortable road2377 Bus Pass2363 Cycling2433 Travel1688 Sightseeing2833 WuKong3191 How Many Paths Are There【数据结构问题】 Supermarkethttp:// Gold Transportationhttp:// 食物链http:// Parity gamehttp:// True Liarshttp:// Rochambeau/onlinejudge/showProblem.do?problemCode=3261 Connections in Galaxy Warhttp:// Balanced Lineup(RMQ模板题)1829 A Bug's Life1272 小希的迷宫1325 Is It A Tree?1558 Segment set1598 find the most comfortable road 3461 Code Lock3367 Pseudoforest2473 Junk-Mail Filter3172 Virtual Friends3047 Zjnu Stadium3038 How Many Answers Are Wrong 2818 Building Block3234 Exclusive-OR2586 How far away ?2874 Connections between cities 3486 Interviewe2888 Check Corners【矩阵乘法】1575 Tr A1757 A Simple Math Problem2254 奥运2256 Problem of Precision1558 Gauss Fibonacci2604 Queuing2276 Kiki & Little Kiki 22855 Fibonacci Check-up2971 Tower2294 Pendant3117 Fibonacci Numbers2842 Chinese Rings3519 Lucky Coins Sequence3509 Buge's Fibonacci Number Problem 3524 Perfect Squares3483 A Very Simple Problem【搜索专题】1253 胜利大逃亡1072 Nightmare1495 非常可乐2757 Ocean Currents1026 Ignatius and the Princess I1728 逃离迷宫1401 Solitaire1175 连连看1016 Prime Ring Problem2809 God of War1043 Eight1667 The Rotation Game1547 Bubble Shooter2216 Game III2364 Escape2822 Dogs1983 Kaitou Kid - The Phantom Thief (2) 2821 Pusher2782 The Worm Turns2234 无题I1560 DNA sequence1813 Escape from Tetris2517 棋盘分割2416 Treasure of the Chimp Island 1226 超级密码2579 Dating with girls(2)。
例题4:POJ1679 The Unique MST
解:显然,这是一个求次小生成树的问题, 如果求出来的次小生成树权值和与最小生 成树相同,则不唯一
设G=(V , E , ω)是连通的无向图,T是图G的 一个最小生成树。如果有另一棵树T1,满 足不存在树T’ , T’ ≠ T , ω(T’)<ω(T1) , 则称T1是图G的次小生成树。
删去边的权值越 大,所得到的生 成树的权值和就 越小,因此,需 要找到环上可删 除的权值最大的 边并将其删除。
简单的枚举,时 间复杂度非常高。
应该使用动态 规划!
设最小p度限制生成树为T , T是无根树,为 了简便,我们把v0作为该树的根。 定义Father(v)为T中v的父结点,Father(v0) 无意义。 设Best(v)为路径v0->v上与v0无关联且权值 最大的边。
假设我们已经得到了最小p度限制生成树, 如何通过它来求最小p+1度限制生成树呢?
如图,假设我们 已经得到了v0度为 2时的最小生成树, 现在要求v0度为3 时的最小生成树。 V0枚举与源自0关联且 不在树上的边, 添加到树上。
为了使V0的度增 加,下面两条边 红色的边是不能 删除的。
设G=(V,E,ω)是连通的无向图,v0 ∈V是特别 指定的一个顶点 , k为给定的一个正整数。 V0在T中的度为DT(v0)。
如果T是G的一个生成树且DT(v0) =k,则称T 为G的k度限制生成树。G中权值和最小的k 度限制生成树称为G的最小k度限制生成树。
[美国北部]这是为GBA SP打开的主码,口袋妖怪火红。
9820f6 ae820351f0d8 df70d1407403 064659抓住对手的口袋妖怪![美国北部]此代码将帮助你抓住你的对手的口袋妖怪。
美国4d83b1bf e0f5f5078e883eff 92e9660db6c5368a 08be8ff490b4977c c0151dc2一旦你已经抓住了对手的比赛结束有口袋妖怪。
改变野生神奇éMon水平[美国北部]必须有:754ed27a 8b1befee1级:8bb602f7 8ceb681a2级:00939804 4086ff3b3级:2bd38f05 d5a578b14级:5685b807 3787dacb5级:a9e4ea45 3651cadd6级:e37d365e d7eab6ab7级:51374592 f7a277688级:a08dd229 10d187e39级:d84d4738 70f68a8010级:4c6c2b8c cd0528eb12级:b4f6f07d 8f56ba4013级:e32bccb1 07782cd6 14级:d4abf236 d713b4e0 15级:3cd3295f 921f1d1c16级:b9c51f47 95395496 17级:784e8a1b 83a3e0ef 18级:902d754c 80afe55f19级:9d362b43 96a4d044 20级:8c434e48 f703a9e1 21级:cc449941 f0bbb13a22级:ceddb323 ffa50bb1 23级:4688f12f ff9dbe10 24级:f6da2242 e2eda64425级:2d02a8ea 9b748c49 26级:9d2895ef 6a2bee59 27级:1bb7262e 80989b5728级:79693c0b a82c5a23 29级:b98e773a d6e0d6ad 30级:a457fa67 bcd9c47831级:881976cc 20b658ff 32级:0073f88a 0a4e81b6 33级:792e7a0f f4bf8ddb34级:0965b686 64e170f2 35级:c70600e8 789a0dac 36级:0cf8b98b 706a26be37级:2e7a201e 5edbdee3 38级:9b169ff5 cbaba5a6 39级:7928bba3 c55bbeab40级:155d7103 d66b8a15 41级:7b9dfcef 830c6bda 42级:ba697c16 93d7691043级:cced8f7a 8ec0f43c45级:710d8a2d 45e999f346级:2ec0f0ec 6b1a061f 47级:e951e67f bfd89e41 48级:b743edbf b82bb83a49级:4bf9418b efc87c19 50级:cbeb73a3 90a08906 51级:9818c0c6 e03f843152级:8a448a37 583b581c 53级:1855c5a3 70b67919 54级:72898f14 3f2cd86455级:3e7b9d1e 5ce7f0dc 56级:b62795cf ceae6a48 57级:05858d31 d4449efe58级:314dd562 05a14ad1 59级:1de20256 c4ab72e6 60级:202abe52 bdc4e31461级:8aa97e8e d5a80225 62级:8655eb8b 26823b03 63级:acfa01ba 15a282dc64级:afd8d98b 21e6e4d4 65级:1c2d3029 63d27e35 66级:23d312f1 7711115967级:20999f30 f1874934 68级:51cf1f27 2e270374 69级:845807df 2140d01870级:628e474e e708d501 71级:df5b6268 4ec6a43e 72级:7781e696 7d4d1bab73级:2390ed5b f7a08f55 74级:fd22366b 83b5db98 75级:39e224d9 232864f276级:2056b422 ab6e09bd77级:600e909b 524ca07778级:2e14f003 6be9dab379级:287541ca 8951c14080级:9675f502 db139f0581级:bb099c03 1b03f25682级:6dc87bb5 6fe8acdd83级:d82a82b0 cab7dfd484级:f738c6d5 a33df2e185级:fb80c720 e028c27a86级:1906a7c9 d7ebaa3987级:d31623fe 5001110488级:d052e037 c688610989级:a4e99e04 bb9b2a8f90级:750cec25 d42eae3691级:1cac5fd6 9267966092级:a5cca03b 7fed218a93级:08cba806 ae4a226094级:722c0931 68da1b0595级:32dce4f7 2abbc36696级:9f6ee1b2 d14f1e6f97级:095f268d 77b7d90698级:c2955a45 b3cbc61099级:fcefe173 1dcceb51100级:56307399 25df4466cool码[美国北部] “口袋妖怪火红”[ M ]必须0000295f000a101dc9d40007830050000000830050020000没有随机战斗a202166eff00820255ac0000有最大的现金82025838104e8202583ae971都pokeballs 420259d80001 0001000c0004420259da5212 0000000 c0004所有浆果42025af400850001002b0004 42025af65212 000000 2b0004所有HM的42025a0c0153 000100080004都TM的42025a2c0121 00010032000442025a2e5212 000000 320004骑自行车在水72036e3c010032036e430000访问所有飞往区42026592ffff 0000000 70002单一的口袋妖怪战斗420240e60000 0000000 50064复位时间4202461200000000000 20002停止计时器320246160000获得1000经验7300218c000182023d5003e8获得5000经验7300218c000182023d501388精灵升到100级(用于Codebreaker) 02023d50:999免费的日托820370c20000快速电平增益(日托)820285b0ffff8202863cffff快速的卵孵化3202864200fe即时雄卵320286400016即时的女性的卵子320286400093无限狩猎时间820399960258无限狩猎球820399940063野生口袋妖怪出来72023d749a3c82023d749a53野生口袋妖怪出来72023d749a3082023d749a53所有的徽章+图鉴8202658cffff完成图鉴4202462cffff000000 3c000242025ba0ffff000000 1a000242028fc0ffff000000 1a0002使国家dex3202461f00b9320265900001 820266446258无限的PC项目420258420063无限的PP42023c086363 0000000 20002第一口袋妖怪最大的统计420242da03e70000000 70002第二口袋妖怪最大的统计4202433e03e70000000 70002第三口袋妖怪最大的统计420243a203e7 0000000 70002第四口袋妖怪最大的统计4202440603e7 0000000 70002第五口袋妖怪最大的统计4202446a03e7 0000000 70002第六口袋妖怪最大的统计420244ce03e70000000 70002访问项目PC [按L +上] 7400013001bf830050e0bcd97400013001bf830050e2080e 7400013001bf830050e40601访问存储PC [按R +上] 7400013002bf830050e0c39d 7400013002bf830050e20808 7400013002bf830050e800047400013002bf830050ec0001学习运动激活(注1)72023d74891982023d748a2572023d748a4b82023d748a6572023d748a3182023d748a65口袋妖怪的改性剂(注2)820265ac XXXX收到口袋妖怪[ L + R +上](注3)7400013000bf83000ea800007400013000bf83000eb002007400013000bf83000eb200017400013000bf83000eb4d4057400013000bf83000eb608097400013000bf83000eb89c757400013000bf83000eba0816将改性剂(注4)82024022 XXXX在战斗中移动的改性剂槽1 82023bf0 XXXX在战斗中移动的改性剂槽2 82023bf2 XXXX在战斗中移动的改性剂槽3 82023bf4在战斗中移动的改性剂槽4 82023bf6 XXXX岛上的传送点[按L + R + ](注5)7400013000fe8300509403017400013000fe83005108e80d7400013000fe8300510a08077400013000fe8300510cfe017400013000fe8300510e00007400013000fe8300511000027400013000fe8300511200017400013000fe82031dbc XXXX代码触发:(注6)【按R + B +上]74000130 02bd【按R + B +右]74000130 02ed【按R + B +下]74000130 027d【按R + B +左]74000130 02dd 【按L + B +上] 74000130 01bd【按L + B +右] 74000130 01ed 【按L + B +下] 74000130 017d【按L + B +左] 74000130 01dd岛上的ID数字:神秘岛80002神秘岛93a02PC项目改性剂槽1 82025840 XXXXPC项目改性剂槽282025844 XXXXPC项目改性剂槽3 82025848 XXXXPC项目改性剂槽48202584c XXXXPC项目改性剂槽5 82025850 XXXXPC项目改性剂槽682025854 XXXXPC项目改性剂槽7 82025858 XXXXPC项目改性剂槽88202585c XXXXPC项目改性剂槽9 82025860 XXXXPC项目改性剂槽10 82025864 XXXXPC项目改性剂槽11 82025868 XXXXPC项目改性剂槽12 8202586c XXXXPC项目改性剂槽13 82025870 XXXXPC项目改性剂槽14 82025874 XXXXPC项目改性剂槽15 82025878 XXXXPC项目改性剂槽16 8202587c XXXXPC项目改性剂槽17 82025880 XXXXPC项目改性剂槽18 82025884 XXXXPC项目改性剂槽19 82025888 XXXXPC项目改性剂槽208202588c XXXXPC项目改性剂槽21 82025890 XXXXPC项目改性剂槽22 82025894 XXXXPC项目改性剂槽23 82025898 XXXXPC项目改性剂槽24 8202589c 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VerifEye 通信解决方案选择指南说明书
®When to Use VerifEye™Communication SolutionsSelecting the Best ProductFor All ApplicationsSelection Strategies for VerifEye Communication SolutionsDESIGNING THE BEST SUBMETERING SOLUTION FOR APPLICA TIONS OF ALL SIZES AND SCOPESVerifEye delivers a comprehensive line of innovative submetering communication products that transport and translate meter data into usable information. In order to select the appropriate communication product, it is important to keep specific project parameters and goals in mind:• What is the size of the facility?• Are gas and water meters installed?• What type of submeter has been selected?• What is the communication protocol used in the facility?Following the specific application and communication requirements of the facility simplifies the selection of communication solutions.Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc. Lighting & Energy Solutions20497 SW Teton Avenue, Tualatin, OR 97062 1-800-736-6682 Tech Line: 1-800-959-6004 Fax: 503-404-5594 /les© 2015 Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Subject to change without notice.Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc. Lighting & Energy Solutions20497 SW Teton Avenue, Tualatin, OR 97062 1-800-736-6682 Tech Line: 1-800-959-6004 Fax: 503-404-5594 /les© 2015 Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Subject to change without notice.Series 4000 MeterSeries 4000 MeterMODBUS RTU METER SOLUTIONFEA TURES:• Dual/single/3-phase environments• Advanced feature set that measures multiple parametersincluding amps, KVar, KV A, etc.IDEAL APPLICA TIONS:• Commercial • Industrial• ManufacturingSeries 8000 MeterWHA T YOU WILL NEED EMB Hub®BACNET COMMUNICA TION SOLUTIONFEA TURES:• For applications where an Ethernet connection is required• Designed to work with an existing BACNet network• Ideal solution for factory scheduling applications IDEAL APPLICA TIONS:• Facility management systems • Manufacturing • IndustrialSeries 3500 MeterWHAT YOU WILL NEEDWIRELESS MODHOPPER COMMUNICA TION SOLUTIONFEA TURES:• Products create a self-healing mesh network• High-powered, long-range RF transceiver that easily interfaces with Pulse and ModBus meters• Perfect solution for any application with a large space where wiring would be difficult and cost-prohibitiveIDEAL APPLICA TIONS:• Stadiums • Airports• College Campuses • Shopping MallsWHA T YOU WILL NEEDSeries 4000 MeterModHopperModHopperModHopperSeries 4000 MeterSeries 4000 MeterEMB HubBMSEnergy Manager, BillSuiteor BMO 2.0**BMO 2.0 is free with purchase of a VerifEye Hub NOTE: Also compatible with3rd party software systemsor BMO 2.0**BMO 2.0 is free with purchase of a VerifEye Hub NOTE: Also compatible with 3rd party software systemsPULSE METER SOLUTIONHD Pulse ModuleEMB HubSeries 1000 (1 PH)or Series 2000 (3 PH)Pulse Communication SolutionWHA T YOU WILL NEEDIDEAL APPLICA TIONS:• Small to mid-sized commercial • Whole building monitoringFEA TURES:• Low cost kWh/demand meter • Reliable workhorse solution Series 2000 MMUScalable solution for collecting meter data from VerifEye and third party meters, including gas and water.Energy Manager, BillSuiteor BMO 2.0**BMO 2.0 is free with purchase of a VerifEye Hub NOTE: Also compatible with 3rd party software systemsPerfect for applications involving VerifEye or third party ModBus RTU meters.Energy Manager, BillSuiteor BMO 2.0**BMO 2.0 is free with purchase of a VerifEye Hub NOTE: Also compatible with 3rd party software systemsFor BACnet IP to Building Management Systems—use Series 3500 Meter as a standalone device monitoring up to 35 parameters or as part of a BMS.Designed for applications where installing communications cable is cost-prohibitive.G-9490/F15-tbWIRELESS MDU TENANT BILLING COMMUNICA TION SOLUTIONFEA TURES:• Wireless communications are cost-effective and easy to install for large tenant complexes• Directly connects with BillSuite Software for simple tenant billing • 0.5% mini meter delivers revenue-grade accuracy IDEAL APPLICA TIONS:• Multi-tenant office complexes • Apartment and condo complexes • Dorm buildings • T enant spaces0.5% Mini Meter with Internal Wireless TransceiverWireless Repeater WHA T YOU WILL NEED®DCAPWHOLE BUILDING SCALABLE MONITORING SOLUTIONFEA TURES:• Reduced installation time and cost with integrated meter and dataacquisition device• Expandable via ModBus RTU to include gas, water and steam meters for a whole building monitoring solutionIDEAL APPLICA TIONS:• Franchise locations • Small to mid-size commercial • Campuses • Benchmarking applicationsMeter and HubWHA T YOU WILL NEEDor BMO 2.0**BMO 2.0 is free withpurchase of a VerifEye Hub NOTE: Also compatible with 3rdparty software systemsGas Meter*Water Meter*HD Pulse Module*BMO 2.0 is free with purchase of a VerifEye Hub NOTE: Also compatible with 3rd party software systemsLeviton Manufacturing Co., Inc. Lighting & Energy Solutions20497 SW Teton Avenue, Tualatin, OR 97062 1-800-736-6682 Tech Line: 1-800-959-6004 Fax: 503-404-5594 /les© 2015 Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Subject to change without notice.Designed for retrofit and new MDU applications where communication wiring installation may be cost-prohibitive.Whole building electric metering with easy expansion to additional meters in the future, such as gas and water.。
CR-Series 毯杆说明书
CR-SERIES C ARPET P OLES I NSTRUCTION M ANUALReceiving instructions:After delivery, IMMEDIATELY remove the packaging from the carpet pole in a manner that preserves the packaging and maintains the orientation of the product in the packaging; then inspect the product closely to determine whether it sustained damage during transport. If damage is discovered during the inspection, immediately record a complete description of the damage on the bill of lading . If the product is undamaged, discard the packaging.NOTES:1) Compliance with laws, regulations, codes, and non-voluntary standards enforced in the location where the product is used is exclusively the responsibility of the owner/end-user.2) VESTIL is not liable for any injury or property damage that occurs as a consequence of failing to apply either: a) Instructions in this manual; or b) information provided on labels affixed to the product. Neither is Vestilresponsible for any consequential damages sustained as a result of failing to exercise sound judgment while assembling, installing, using or maintaining this product.V ESTIL M ANUFACTURING C ORP .2999 North Wayne Street, P.O. Box 507, Angola, IN 46703 Telephone: (260) 665-7586 -or- Toll Free (800) 348-0868Fax: (260) 665-1339 e-mail:Each person who assembles, installs, uses, or maintains this product should read the entire manualSAFETY GUIDELINESVestil diligently strives to identify foreseeable hazards associated with the use of its products. However, material handling is inherently dangerous and no manual can address every conceivable risk. The end-user ultimately is responsible for exercising sound judgment at all times.Electrocution might result if any part of the pole, fork truck, or carpet roll contacts electrified wires.Reduce the likelihood of electrocution by applying common sense :DO NOT contact electrified wires with any part of the pole, the fork truck, or the roll of carpet;Before using the carpet pole, inspect the usage area implement precautions that account for electrical hazards. If this product is used improperly or carelessly, the operator and/or bystanders might sustain seriouspersonal injuries or even be killed. ALWAYS use the product properly:∙ Failure to read and understand the entire manual before assembling, installing, using or servicing the product is a misuse of the product . Read the manual to refresh your understanding of proper use and maintenance procedures.∙ DO NOT exceed the maximum rated load (see Label 287 on product; also shown on p. 9). ∙ Inspect the carpet pole before each use.A. DO NOT use this device if the inspection reveals structural damage. Examples of structural damage include: 1)broken, missing, or deformed carriage brackets (item no. 1.4, p. 4 & 5); 2) damaged or deformed latch lever or spring latch (items 9 & 11, p. 4 & 5); 3) cracked welds; 4) enlarged openings for fasteners (i.e. pins and bolts used to fasten the pole to the carriage weldment (item 1, p. 4 & 5) ; 5) corrosion, severe wear, or other condition that affects the ability of the product to support the weight of a roll of carpet. Replace each part that fails to pass an inspection, and DO NOT use the product until it is fully restored to normal condition.B. DO NOT use the product if any unusual noise or movement is observed prior to engaging a roll of carpet.Immediately unload the carpet pole if unusual movement or sound is observed during use. If a malfunction occurs, remove the unit from service and notify your supervisor & maintenance personnel about the issue. ∙ Before attaching the carpet pole to the carriage of your fork lift, inspect the carriage and confirm that all parts are structurally sound and in nominal condition. ∙ Always test the soundness of the connection between the carriage weldment of the carpet ram and the carriage of the fork truck before driving the fork truck with a loaded carpet pole, by lifting the roll just a few inches off of the ground. Load swing should be minimal and the carpet pole should not shift. If the load is not stable while supported by the pole, return it to the ground and use another means to transport the roll of carpet. ∙ ALWAYS apply all rules governing use of fork lift attachments applied at your work site. ∙ DO NOT remove or obscure any label. Verify the placement and legibility of all labels as shown in the Label Placement Diagram on p. 8. DO NOT use this device UNLESS all product labels are readable and undamaged. ∙ DO NOT ride or sit on, or allow others to ride or sit on the carpet pole.∙ DO NOT use the carpet pole as a means to push another object. Only use the product to transport a roll of carpet. ∙ ONLY use this forklift attachment on firm, level, even ground.∙DO NOT leave elevated rolls of carpet unattended. Always move the roll to its desired location, and then disengage it from the carpet pole and properly immobilize it before leaving the roll unattended.∙DO NOT modify the carpet pole in any way UNLESS you first obtain written approval from Vestil. Unauthorized modifications automatically void the limited warranty (see p. 10) and might make the product unsafe to use.Proper use, maintenance, and storage are essential for this product to function properly.o Always use this product in accordance with the instructions in this manual and consistent with any training relevant to forklift attachments.o Keep the carpet pole as well as all associated attachments clean & dry.Product SpecificationsCR-series Carpet PolesModel Length in inches(~cm)Pole diameter ininches (~cm)Capacity inpounds (~kg)Net WeightCR-108-2108(~274cm)2¾(~7cm)2,500(~1136kg)287(~130.5kg)CR-120-2120(~305cm)2¾(~7cm)2,200(~1000kg)421(~191.4kg)CR-144-2144(~366cm)2¾(~7cm)1,800(~818kg)478(~217.3kg)CR-108-3108(~274cm)2¾(~7cm)2,500(~1136kg)397(~180.5kg)CR-120-3120(~305cm)2¾(~7cm)2,200(~1000kg)421(~191.4kg)CR-144-3144(~366cm)2¾(~7cm)1,800(~818kg)478(~217.3kg)FIG. 1: Class 2 carriage CR-series carpet poles exploded parts diagramItemno. Part no.Description Quantity1 08-538-001 Carriage weldment backplate 1 1.4 08-016-056 CR-2 series bolt-on lower bracket 1 208-514-092 08-514-093 08-514-094Pole frame weldment CR-108-2 CR-120-2 CR-144-2 1 1 1 3 23525 5/8 in. – 11 x 6in. grade 8 SHCS bolt 3 4 36414 5/8 in. – 11 grade 8 UNC hex nut 3 5 33692 5/8 in. high collar lock washer 3 6 123135/8 in. – 11 x 2½ in. grade 8 SHCS bolt for lower carriage bracket1 7 33630 Medium split lock washer 18 08-145-021 Latch pin 1 9 08-145-020 Latch lever 1 10 08-145-022 Latch rivot 1 11 08-146-004 Latch spring1Torque specifications for item numbers 3 and 6:∙ Item no. 3 (pole mounting bolts; 5/8 in. – 11 x 6in. grade 8 SHCS bolt) should be fastened to hex nuts (item no. 4) with 238 ft*lbs. of torque. ∙ Item no. 6 (5/8 in. – 11 x 6in. grade 8 SHCS bolt for lower carriage bracket) should be fastened to the bracket using 135 ft*lbs. of torque.FIG. 2: Class 3 carriage CR-series carpet poles exploded parts diagramItemno. Part no.Description Quantity1 08-538-002 Carriage weldment backplate 1 1.4 08-016-039 CR-3 series bolt-on lower bracket 1 208-514-092 08-514-093 08-514-094Pole frame weldment CR-108-3 CR-120-3 CR-144-3 1 1 1 3 23525 5/8 in. – 11 x 6in. grade 8 SHCS bolt 3 4 36414 5/8 in. – 11 grade 8 UNC hex nut 3 5 33692 5/8 in. high collar lock washer 3 6 123135/8 in. – 11 x 2½ in. grade 8 SHCS bolt for lower carriage bracket1 7 33630 Medium split lock washer 18 08-145-021 Latch pin 1 9 08-145-020 Latch lever 1 10 08-145-022 Latch rivot 1 11 08-146-004 Latch spring1Torque specifications for item numbers 3 and 6:∙ Item no. 3 (pole mounting bolts; 5/8 in. – 11 x 6in. grade 8 SHCS bolt) should be fastened to hex nuts (item no. 4) with 238 ft*lbs. of torque. ∙ Item no. 6 (5/8 in. – 11 x 6in. grade 8 SHCS bolt for lower carriagebracket) should be fastened to the bracket using 135 ft*lbs. of torque.Attaching carpet pole to lift truckStep 1: Referring to FIG. 1 & 2 on p. 4 & 5, remove item no. 6 (bolt for lower carriage bracket) and item no. 1.4.Step 2: Remove the tines from the lift truck carriage. Referring to the diagram below, rotate the latch lever to the open position. Tilt the mast of your lift truck forward and then engage the top carriage bracket of the carpet pole with the upper carriage crossbar of your lift truck.Step 3: Lean the fork truck mast back until the lower carriage crossbar contacts the carriage backplate weldment (item no. 1 on p. 4 & 5); then adjust the position of the weldment on the carriage crossbars to center the carpet pole on the carriage. Rotate the latch lever back to the closed position. NOTE: The latch lever will only rotate back to the closed position if the latch aligns with a notch on the crossbar. Adjust the position of the carpet pole on the carriage crossbar until the latch aligns with a notch.Rear view of carriage backplate weldment Forklift carriageLower carriage bracketUpper carriage bracket Forkcarriage crossbarUpper bracket with latch.Turn latch to open position Fork truck mastLower carriage bracketBolt for lower carriage bracketBackplate carriage weldmentStep.4: Install the lower carriage bracket. Referring to the diagram below, install the lower carriage bracket and fasten it with bolt (item no. 6) with 135 ft*lbs of torque.Inspections & Maintenance:Inspection and maintenance personnel should immobilize the boom before either conducting inspectionsor performing maintenance. The boom is properly immobilized if it cannot tip over.If one or more problem is discovered during an inspection, restore the carpet pole to normal operating condition BEFORE using it again. DO NOT use the pole if it is structurally damaged in any way. Structural damage includes, but is not limited to, cracked welds, warping or deformation of the pole, carriage brackets, or frame members.CR-series function like a hoist-less crane: instead of using a hoist to lift loads, the bridge girder rises and lowers through the movement of the forks of a lift truck. Therefore, boom owners/end-users should inspect the boom regularly following an established process. An example of an inspection procedure appears in 29 CFR 1910.179 (visit / and navigate to “Regulations” section 1910.179). Paraphrased, relevant portions appear below:1. Initial inspection — before a new or modified crane (boom) may be used for the first time, it must be inspected to insure normal condition.After the first use, the boom end-user/owner must conduct the following 2 types of inspection:2. Frequent inspection — Daily to monthly intervals.The following items shall be inspected for defects at the intervals specifically indicated, including observation during operation for any defects which might appear between inspections. All deficiencies such as those listed shall be carefully examined to determine whether they constitute a safety hazard:[Inspect daily] All functional operating mechanisms (pole, carriage brackets, lever latch, carriage weldment backplate, and all fasteners for maladjustment or damage that might interfere with proper operation. Inspect the carpet pole for:1. Dirt or other matter on the surface;2. Integrity of hardware and fasteners, including but not limited to bolts, nuts, pins, springs;3. Normal operability of manually (by hand or foot) operated mechanisms;4. Abnormal or noisy movement during use;Lift truck mast Upper carriage crossbar Carriage backplate weldment Lower carriage bracket Item no. 6 (5/8 in. – 11 x 6in.grade 8 SHCS bolt for lower carriage bracket) should be fastened to the bracket using 135 ft*lbs. of torque Lower carriage crossbar5. Looseness or excessive wear of, damage to, or indications of metal fatigue in any portion of the pole of thecarriage backplate weldment, especially the clamp mechanism that grips the end of the pole and the carriage brackets that attach the carpet pole to the forklift carriage;6. Damaged or unreadable labels;7. Evidence of corrosion or rust-related metal erosion.3. Periodic inspection [29 CFR 1910.179(j)(1)(ii)(b)] — 1-to-12 month intervals.Inspect the entire carpet pole apparatus at intervals that correspond to its frequency of use, severity of service, and environment, or as specifically indicated below. Perform all of the applicable “Frequent inspection” steps and carefully examine the carpet pole for any the problems that appear below to determine whether they constitute a safety hazard: ∙Deformed, cracked, or corroded members.∙Loose fasteners (bolts or rivets).Carpet pole not in regular use:For each of the 3 bullet points below, in addition to the inspections, any carpet pole which has been idle for a period of a month or more must be given a thorough inspection before it is used again. An appointed person, whose approval is required before the pole may be used, should inspect the product for all types of deterioration.∙If idle for a period of 1 month (or longer), but less than 6 months, perform a “Frequent inspection” before returning it to service.∙ A boom which has been idle for longer than 6 months shall be given a “Periodic [complete] inspection” before placing it in service.∙Standby booms shall be given a frequent inspection at least semi-annually (twice per year; 1 inspection each 6 months).Annual performance evaluation: At least once per year, authorized inspection personnel should verify the soundness of the boom. Use the carpet pole to lift a maximum rated load. Afterwards, conduct a “Frequent inspection” to verify that the product is in normal operating condition.Maintenance:The end-user, i.e. operators and operators’ employer, must implement a maintenance program to ensure that the product functions properly and is adequately maintained. OSHA “General Industry” standards applied to “Powered industrial trucks,” 29 CFR 1910.178, describe official, recommended maintenance procedures. The following steps should be utilized in conjunction with those recommendations.The end-user is responsible for selecting and training employees to work on the carpet pole. “Work on” refers to attaching, loading, cleaning, servicing, maintaining, or repairing the product. ONLY trained, authorized maintenance personnel or contractors should perform inspection, maintenance, or repair work.Step 1: Tag the pole, “Out of Service.”Step 2: Remove any dirt or other matter from all surfaces.Step 3: Conduct a “Before each use” inspection. If deformity, corrosion, rusting, or excessive wear of structural members is found, DO NOT use the product.Step 4: Perform all other necessary adjustments, replacements and/or repairs. DO NOT modify the boom.The reader should understand the significant difference between necessary adjustments and repairs, and modifications.An “adjustment” is a simple correction that restores the boom to normal operating condition, such as tightening loose fasteners, or removing dirt or other debris from the surface. “Repair” refers to removing worn parts and installing replacement parts.DO NOT use the carpet pole if adjustments and/or repairs are incomplete! Return it to service ONLY after finishing all necessary repairs and adjustments.A “modification” is a change that alters the carpet pole from normal operating condition, like bending the structural members or removing a part or several parts. NEVER modify the boom without the express, written approval of Vestil. Modifications may render the device unsafe to use.Step 5: Make a dated record of any repairs, adjustments and/or replacements.LIMITED WARRANTYVestil Manufacturing Corporation (“Vestil”) warrants this product to be free of defects in material and workmanship during the warranty period. Our warranty obligation is to provide a replacement for a defective original part if the part is covered by the warranty, after we receive a proper request from the warrantee (you) for warranty service.Who may request service?Only a warrantee may request service. You are a warrantee if you purchased the product from Vestil or from an authorized distributor AND Vestil has been fully paid.What is an “original part”?An original part is a part used to make the product as shipped to the warrantee.What is a “proper request”?A request for warranty service is proper if Vestil receives: 1) a photocopy of the Customer Invoice that displays the shipping date; AND 2) a written request for warranty service including your name and phone number. Send requests by any of the following methods:Mail Fax EmailVestil Manufacturing Corporation (260) 665-1339 ****************2999 North Wayne Street, PO Box 507 PhoneAngola, IN 46703 (260) 665-7586In the written request, list the parts believed to be defective and include the address where replacements should be delivered.What is covered under the warranty?After Vestil receives your request for warranty service, an authorized representative will contact you to determine whether your claim is covered by the warranty. Before providing warranty service, Vestil may require you to send the entire product, or just the defective part or parts, to its facility in Angola, IN. The warranty covers defects in the following original dynamic components: motors, hydraulic pumps, electronic controllers, switches and cylinders. It also covers defects in original parts that wear under normal usage conditions (“wearing parts”): bearings, hoses, wheels, seals, brushes, batteries, and the battery charger.How long is the warranty period?The warranty period for original components is 90 days. The warranty period begins on the date when Vestil ships the product to the warrantee. If the product was purchased from an authorized distributor, the period begins when the distributor ships the product. Vestil may extend the warranty period for products shipped from authorized distributors by up to 30 days to account for shipping time.If a defective part is covered by the warranty, what will Vestil do to correct the problem?Vestil will provide an appropriate replacement for any covered part. An authorized representative of Vestil will contact you to discuss your claim.What is not covered by the warranty?1. Labor;2. Freight;3. Occurrence of any of the following, which automatically voids the warranty:∙ Product misuse;∙Negligent operation or repair;∙Corrosion or use in corrosive environments;∙Inadequate or improper maintenance;∙Damage sustained during shipping;∙Collisions or other incidental contacts causing damage to the product;∙ Unauthorized modifications: DO NOT modify the product IN ANY WAY without first receiving written authorization from Vestil. Modification(s) might make the product unsafe to use or might cause excessive and/or abnormal wear.Do any other warranties apply to the product?Vestil Manufacturing Corp.makes no other express warranties. All implied warranties are disclaimed to the extent allowed by law. Any implied warranty not disclaimed is limited in scope to the terms of this Limited Warranty.。
Testing Laboratories for Thermal AnalysisAshland Inc.TW-1/L-1665200 Blazer ParkwayDublin, OH 43017Contact: Tom GrentzerPhone: 614/790-4665 Fax: 614/790-4294E-mail:*********************TA Techniques: DSC, MDSC , PDSC, TGA, TMA, DMASpecialties: thermoplastics, thermoset resins, composites, adhesivesAspen Research Co.1700 Buerkle Rd.White Bear Lake, MN 55110Contact: Cheryl HolmesPhone: 651/264-6264 Fax: 651/264-6270E-mail:*************************TA Techniques: DSC, TGA, TMA, DMASpecialties: general materials characterizationBall Aerospace SystemsP.O. Box 1062Boulder, CO 80306Contact: Roland ManningPhone: 303/939-4317 Fax: 303/939-4430TA Techniques: DSC, TGA, DMA, TMASpecialties: plastics, aerospace, resins, compositesBAS Analytics2701 Kent Ave.West Lafayette, IN 47906Contact: Robert GregoryPhone: 765/497-8345 Fax: 765/497-8393E-mail:**************************TA Techniques: TGA, SCTA, TGA, MTGA , TGA/IR, DSC, MDSC , TMA Specialties: GMP/GLP regulated samples, especially pharmaceuticals; method development John Brown Associates, Inc.329 Main Ave.Stirling, NJ 07980Contact: John BrownPhone: 908/647-6890 Fax: 908/647-4202TA Techniques: DSC, TGA, TMASpecialties: polymers, inorganics, pharmaceuticalsCanadian Explosives Research Laboratory555 Booth StreetOttawa, ON Canada, K1A 0G1Contact: Dr. D.E.G. JonesPhone: 613/995-2140 Fax: 613/995-1230E-mail:***************.caTA Techniques: DSC, TGA, Hi-Res TGA, ARC , C80, PDSC, FTIR/MSSpecialties: energetic and hazardous materials (ISO/IEC Guide 25 accredited)Celsis Laboratory Group-NJ Division165 Fieldcrest Ave.Edison, NJ 08837Contact: David ChesbroPhone: 732/346-5100 Fax: 732/346-5115E-mail:*******************TA Techniques: DSC, TGASpecialties: polymers, pharmaceuticalsCoorsTek600 Ninth St.Golden, CO 80401Contact: Dan SchmidtPhone: 303/277-9962 Fax: 303/277-4601TA Techniques: DSC, DTA, TGA, TMA, DMASpecialties: ceramics, automotive, aerospaceDallas Laboratories, Inc.P.O. Box 152837Dallas, TX 75315Contact: Kevan W. JonesPhone: 214/565-0593 Fax: 214/565-1094TA Techniques: DSC, TGASpecialties: sealants, polymers, coatings, resins, rubbersDayton, University ofCenter for Basic & Applied Polymers Research300 College ParkDayton, OH 45469-0130Contact: Dr. Richard ChartoffPhone: 937/229-2517 Fax: 937/229-2530E-mail:*********************.eduTA Techniques: DSC, PDSC, TGA, TMA, DMA, DEA, µTASpecialties: rubbers, plastics, adhesives, composites, aerospace, automotive, and miscellaneous offerDetroit Testing Laboratory, Inc.7111 East 11 Mile Rd.Warren, MI 48092Contact: Tim GeigerPhone: 810/754-9000 Fax: 810/754-9045E-mail:*******************TA Techniques: DSC, TGA, TMASpecialties: plastics/composites, aerospace, automotiveDickten & Masch Mfg. Co.Watertown Plank Rd.Nashota, WI 53058Contact: Michael SepePhone: 262/369-5555 Fax: 262/367-2331E-mail:****************TA Techniques: DSC, PDSC, Hi-Res TGA, TMA, DMA, MDSCSpecialties: plastics, DSC/TGA kinetics, DMA superpositioning, oxidative stability, DMA/TMA stress Ghesquiere Plastics Testing Inc.20450 Harper Ave.Harper Woods, MI 48225Contact: Douglas LeggatPhone: 313/885-3535 Fax: 313/885-1771E-mail:**************TA Techniques: DSC, TGA, TMASpecialties: plastics, polymers, composites, automotiveHauser Laboratories4750 Nautilus Court SouthBoulder, CO 80301Contact: Julie Krause-SinghPhone: 303/581-0079 Fax: 303/581-0195E-mail:********************TA Techniques: DSC, TGA, TMASpecialties: general materials characterizationHawk Integrated Plastics322 Main St.Willimantic, CT 06226Contact: Brad GuilaniPhone: 860/450-1993 Fax: 860/450-1962E-mail:**********************TA Techniques: DSC, MDSC , TGA, Hi-Res TGA, DMASpecialties: plastics, thermosets, coatingsHazen Research, Inc.4601 Indiana St.Golden CO 80403Contacts: Harry Mudgelt/Rod HodgsonPhone: 303/279-4501 Fax: 303/278-1528TA Techniques: HTDTA, TGASpecialties: metallurgical/mineral, combustionICI PaintsStrongsville Research Center16651 Sprague Rd.Strongsville, OH 44136Contact: Mike NeagPhone: 440/826-5318 Fax: 440/826-5233E-mail:**********************TA Techniques: DSC, MDSC , TGA, TMA, DMA, DEASpecialties: polymers, coatings, general analytical services, rheologyImpact Analytical1910 W St Andrews Rd.Midland, MI 48640-2696Contact: Andrew WoodPhone: 989/832-5555 x563 Fax: 989/832-5560E-mail:*************************TA Techniques: DMA, DSC, TGA, TMA, rheometrySpecialties: polymersIntegrix Testing Systems2790 Columbus Road Rt. 16Granville, OH 43023-1200Contact: Dan HeislerPhone: 740/321-7598 Fax: 740/321-4756TA Techniques: DSC, TGASpecialties: polymers, glassesITI Anti-Corrosion, Inc.10175 Harwin, Suite 110Houston, TX 77036Contact: Andrew Sansum or Geoff ByrnesPhone: 713/771-0688 Fax: 713/776-9634E-mail:************************************TA Techniques: DSC, TGASpecialties: coatings, resins, polymers, sealantsLeach & Garner Company87 John L. Dietsch Square, P.O. Box 200North Attleboro, MA 02760Contact: Greg RaykhtsaumPhone: 508/695-7800 Fax: 508/643-1367E-mail:*****************TA Techniques: DSC, HTDTASpecialties: materials sciences, metallurgy, precious metalsArthur D Little, Inc.15 Acorn ParkCambridge, MA 02140Contact: Madeline McComishPhone: 617/498-5131 Fax: 617/498-7056E-mail:***********************TA Techniques: DSC, TGA, TMASpecialties: Broad range of products: foods, plastics, electronics, compositesLockheed Martin Marietta5600 Sand Lake Rd.Orlando, FL 32819Contact: Dr. Linda Lauer/Charles GrameltPhone: 407/356-9236 and 407/356-2782 Fax: 407/356-6980E-mail:**********************TA Techniques: DSC, MDSC , Hi-Res TGA, TMA, DMASpecialties: adhesives, aerospace, ASTM, ceramics, composites, elastomers, material science, metallurgy,microelectronics, MIL-STD, polymers, thermoplastics, thermosetsLouisiana Productivity Center241 East Lewis St., P.O. Box 44172Lafayette, LA 70504-4172Contact: Kevin TaylorPhone: 337/482-5838 Fax: 337/262-5472E-mail:*********************TA Techniques: MDSCSpecialties: thermal conductivity for insulating materialsThe M&P Lab2210 Technology DriveSchenectady, NY 12301Contact: Jan PrincipePhone: 518/382-0082 Fax: 518/382-1182E-mail:**********************TA Techniques: DSC, HPTDTA, TGA, TMASpecialties: complete materials characterization, organic and inorganic chemicals, metallurgical, mechanical, and electrical testingMassachusetts Material Research241 W Boylston St.W Boylston, MA 01583Contact: Vern Coutu/Rachel GabrielPhone: 508/835-6262 Fax: 508/835-9025E-mail:*******************.comTA Techniques: DSC, TGASpecialties: materials characterization, polymers and inorganicsMichigan State UniversityComposite Materials & Structures Ctr2100 Engineering BuildingEast Lansing, MI 48824-1226Contact: Michael RichPhone: 517/353-4696 Fax: 517/432-1634E-mail:************.eduTA Techniques: DSC, TGA, MDSC , Hi-Res TGA, TMA, DMASpecialties: composites, polymersMicro-Scan Service Inc.737 St Davids Lane, P.O. Box 9167Schenectady, NY 12309Contact: Dr. Eileen CarnahanPhone: 518/374-6406 Fax: 518/374-1043E-mail:*****************.comTA Techniques: DSC, TGA, TGA-FTIRSpecialties: plasticsMicrotherm Technologies, Inc.P.O. Box 540007Waltham, MA 02454-0007Contact: Arthur CoatesPhone: 781/891-1113 Fax: 781/891-1113TA Techniques: TMA, DSC, TGA, HTDTASpecialties: general materials characterizationNorthrop Grumman GroupMaterials Evaluation Laboratory500 Hicks Rd.Rolling Meadows, IL 60008Contact: David FisherPhone: 847/259-9600 x5896 Fax: 847/590-3153E-mail:**********************.comhttp://www//esss/dsdlabTA Techniques: DSC, TGA, TMA, DMASpecialties: general materials characterization, commercial and militaryNSWC-Carderock Division9500 MacArthur Blvd.West Bethesda, MD 20817-5700Contact: Dr. Steven DallekPhone: 301/227-5998 Fax: 301/227-5480TA Techniques: DSC, MDSC , TGA, HTDTA, TGA/DTA, TGA/FTIRSpecialties: inorganics, battery electrode materials, nano-crystalline materials, polymers, ceramics, energetic materialsPittsburgh State University-Polymer Research Center1501 S Joplin, Shirk HallPittsburgh, KS 66762Contact: Zoran Petrovic, PhDPhone: 620/235-4928 Fax: 620/232-4919E-mail:**********************TA Techniques: DSC, MDSC , TGA, TMA, DEASpecialties: polymersPolymer Technologies Inc.A subsidiary of the University of Detroit16601 LivernoisDetroit, MI 48221Contact: Paul C. MengnjohPhone: 313/993-1270 Fax: 313/993-1409TA Techniques: DSC, TGA, TMA, DMASpecialties: plasticsPolymod Technologies4146 Engleton Dr.Fort Wayne, IN 46804Contact: Mark SeaburyPhone: 219/436-1322 Fax: 219/432-6051E-mail:**************TA Techniques: DSC, TGA, Hi-Res TGA, TMA, DMASpecialties: plastics, elastomersPowertech Laboratories Incorporated12388-88th Ave.Surrey, B.C. Canada, V3W 7R7Contact: Dennis CartlidgePhone: 604/590-7439 Fax: 604/590-7489E-mail:**********************************TA Techniques: DSC, PDSC, TGA, TMA, DMA, DEASpecialties: polymers, coatings, composites, electrical insulating materials, petroleum products, accelerated aging testsRessel Scientific Company117 Deer Path LaneWeston, MA 02193Contact: Dr. Robert SacherPhone: 781/893-8647 Fax: 781/893-8648TA Techniques: DSC, TGA, TMA, DTA, DMASpecialties: characterization of organic, inorganic, and polymeric materialsRicerca L.L.C.P.O. Box 100Painesville, OH 44077Contact: Gary SweetapplePhone: 440/357-3256 Fax: 440/354-6276E-mail:************************TA Techniques: DSC, TGASpecialties: plastics, organic purities, GLP/GMP testsScience Resources, Inc.2029 Washington Ave., Suite 201Evansville, IN 47714-2257Contact: Bob BehmePhone: 812/473-0125 Fax: 812/473-0126E-mail:********************TA Techniques: DSC, TGA, DMASpecialties: materials characterization, polymers, plastics, pharmaceuticalsSouthern Mississippi, University ofPolymers and High Performance MaterialsSouthern Station Box 10076Hattiesburg, MS 39406-0076Contact: Dr. Lon MathiasPhone: 601/266-4871 Fax: 601/266-5504E-mail:*******************TA Techniques: DSC, TGA, TGA-FTIR, DMASpecialties: polymersSouthwest Research Institute6220 Culebra Rd.San Antonio, TX 78284-5166Contact: Rose WardPhone: 210/522-2024 Fax: 210/522-3270TA Techniques: PDSC, TGASpecialties: petroleum productsSSCI, Inc.3065 Kent AvenueWest Lafayette, IN 47906Contact: Barbara StahlyPhone: 765/463-0112 Fax: 765/463-4722E-mail:********************TA Techniques: DSC, MDSC , TGA, TGA-IRSpecialties: pharmaceuticals, general materials characterizationStork Technimet2345 South 170th St.New Berlin, WI 53151Contact: Jeffrey JansenPhone: 262/782-6344 Fax: 262/782-3653E-mail:*********************.comTA Techniques: DSC, TGA, TGA-FTIR, TMASpecialties: plastics, elastomers, failure analysisTexas Research Institute Inc9063 Bee Caves Rd.Austin, TX 78733-6201Contact: Rock RushingPhone: 512/263-2101 Fax: 512/263-3530TA Techniques: DSC, TGA, TMA, DMASpecialties: material science, polymers, plastics, aerospace, electronicsTulane University605 Lindy Boggs Bldg.New Orleans, LA 70118-5698Contact: Deborah GrimmPhone: 504/865-5142 Fax: 504/865-6768E-mail:*****************TA Techniques: DSC, MDSC , HTDTA, TGA, Hi-Res TGA, Simultaneous TGA-DTA, TGA-MS, TMA, DEASpecialties: polymers, mineralsWashington UniversityChemical Engineering DepartmentOne Brookings Dr., Sever Hall Rm 10St. Louis, MO 63130-4899Contact: Clarence Wolf, PhDPhone: 314/935-6056 Fax: 314/935-7211TA Techniques: DSC, MDSC , TGA, Hi-Res TGASpecialties: polymeric materialsWestern Kentucky UniversityMaterials Characterization Center1 Big Red WayBowling Green, KY 42101Contact: Dr. Wei-Ping PanPhone: 270/780-2532 or Fax: 270/780-2569270/780-2581E-mail:********************TA Techniques: DSC, MDSC , PDSC, TGA, TMA, DMA, DEA, µTA , TGA/FTIR/MS, TGA-GC/MS, rheometrySpecialties: materials characterization, method development, QC service, product quality evaluationTA InstrumentsUnited States, 109 Lukens Drive , New Castle, DE 19720Phone: 1-302-427-4000 • Fax: 1-302-427-4001 • E-mail: i**************United Kingdom • Phone: 44-1-372-360363 • Fax: 44-1-372-360135 • E-mail: ************* Spain • Phone: 34-93-600-9300 • Fax: 34-93-325-9896 • E-mail: ****************Belgium/Luxembourg • Phone: 32-2-706-0080 • Fax: 32-2-706-0081 • E-mail: ****************** Netherlands • Phone: 31-76-508-7270 • Fax: 31-76-508-7280 • E-mail: ********************** Germany • Phone: 49-6023-9647-0 • Fax: 49-6023-96477-7 • E-mail: ****************** France •Phone: 33-1-304-89460 • Fax: 33-1-304-89451 • E-mail: *****************Italy •Phone: 39-02-27421-283 • Fax: 39-02-2501-827 • E-mail: i****************Sweden/Norway •Phone: 46-8-594-69-200 • Fax: 46-8-594-69-209 • E-mail: ***************** Japan • Phone: 813 5479 8418)• Fax: 813 5479 7488 • E-mail: *******************.com Australia •Phone: 613 9553 0813 • Fax: 61 3 9553 0813 • E-mail: ***********************To contact your local TA Instruments representative visit our website at 。
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解题报告:The Unique MST
题目来源:pku online judge 1679
The Unique MST
Time Limit:1S Memory Limit:1000K Description
Given a connected undirected graph, tell if its minimum spanning tree is unique. Definition 1 (Spanning Tree): Consider a connected, undirected graph G = (V, E). A spanning tree of G is a subgraph of G, say T = (V', E'), with the following properties:
1. V' = V.
2. T is connected and acyclic.
Definition 2 (Minimum Spanning Tree): Consider an edge-weighted, connected, undirected graph G = (V, E). The minimum spanning tree T = (V, E') of G is the spanning tree that has the smallest total cost. The total cost of T means the sum of the weights on all the edges in E'.
The first line contains a single integer t (1 <= t <= 20), the number of test cases. Each case represents a graph. It begins with a line containing two integers n and m (1 <= n <= 100), the number of nodes and edges. Each of the following m lines contains a triple (xi, yi, wi), indicating that xi and yi are connected by an edge with weight = wi. For any two nodes, there is at most one edge connecting them.
For each input, if the MST is unique, print the total cost of it, or otherwise print the string 'Not Unique!'.
Sample Input
3 3
1 2 1
2 3 2
3 1 3
4 4
1 2 2
2 3 2
3 4 2
4 1 2
Sample Output
Not Unique!
∙#include <iostream.h>
∙#include <algorithm>
∙const int INF=1000000000;
∙struct Edge{
∙ int start,stop;
∙ int weight;
∙#define N 105
∙int nn;
∙int graph[N][N];
∙Edge mst[N];
∙int prim(){//用Prim算法求MST的模版,by kicc
∙ int result=0;
∙ int i,j,min,vx,vy;
∙ int weight,minweight;
∙ for(i=0;i<nn-1;i++){
∙ mst[i].start=0;
∙ mst[i].stop=i+1;
∙ mst[i].weight=graph[0][i+1];
∙ }
∙ for(i=0;i<nn-1;i++){
∙ minweight=INF;min=-1;
∙ for(j=i;j<nn-1;j++)
∙ if(mst[j].weight<minweight)
∙ minweight=mst[j].weight,min=j;
∙ if(min==-1)break;
∙ std::swap(mst[min],mst[i]);
∙ result+=minweight;
∙if(graph[mst[j].stop][mst[i].stop]==minweig ht&&mst[j].stop!=mst[i].start)
∙return -1;
∙ vx=mst[i].stop;
∙ for(j=i+1;j<nn-1;j++){
∙ vy=mst[j].stop;
∙ weight=graph[vx][vy];
∙ if(weight<mst[j].weight)
∙ mst[j].weight=weight,mst[j].start=vx; ∙ }
∙ }
∙ return result;
∙int main()
∙int d,i,j,n,m,result,x,y;
∙if(result<0) cout<<"Not Unique!"<<endl; ∙else cout<<result<<endl;
∙return 0;