void drawbigpoint(u8 x,u16 y,u16 col) { if(x>220&&y<9) { LCD_DrawBLOCk(0,0,239,319,0x0000);//清屏 LCD_write_english_string(210,0,"CLR",0xFFE0,0x001F);//清屏按键区域 } else { LCD_Set_Point(x,y,col);//中心点 LCD_Set_Point((x+1),y,col); LCD_Set_Point(x,(y+1),col); LCD_Set_Point((x+1),(y+1),col); } } //读取 ADS7846(画线) void Read_Ads7846(void) { u8 t,t1,count=0; u16 databuffer[2][10]={{5,7,9,3,2,6,4,0,3,1},{5,7,9,3,2,6,4,0,3,1}}; //数据组 u16 temp=0; //循环读数10次 do
if(X>=240)X-=240;eFra bibliotekse X=0;
else Y=0;
首先,介绍以下触控屏幕的构造,它是由一块触控屏幕和一块液晶显示屏幕粘合在一起 的。液晶显示屏幕按色彩、材料、成像原理等多种方式分类,种类繁多,这里 对液晶屏幕 不做详细介绍,本文图片中所使用的是16Bit 半透明反射式 TFT 液晶点阵显示屏。而触摸屏 幕主要分为两大类,分别是电容式和电阻式。
电容式触控屏利用人体的电流感应进行工作,优点是使用寿命长,触摸时不需用力,面 板坚硬耐磨;缺点是触摸精度低,必须使用特定的介质触控(如人体皮肤),受温度湿度影响很 大,外界有较强磁场电场时,触控屏会失灵,简单来说就是抗干扰性较差。
第二种是软件滤波,程序读取了 10 次触摸屏的物理坐标,然后冒泡排序,最后去掉最前面的和最后面的,只保留中间 3 个,再对
xl = (xp-xpmin)*LCDXSIZE/(xpmax-xpmin) yl = (yp-ypmin)*LCDYSIZE/(ypmax-ypmin) 定位:
这里定位的作用是求处上面的 xpmin,xpmax,ypmin 和 ypmax,方法就是在屏幕上知道 2 点,求这两点所在直线上的一点(而且知 在屏上分别画出 4 个点,其实 3 个点足以,但是一般都用 4 个点,取得这四个点的物理坐标。假设分别为: | --x1,y1-------------------x2,y2---| --x标为 cx1,cy1 利用比例关系 可以求出 xpmin,同样用比例关系 cx2,cy2, cx3,cy3 x1/(cx1-xpmin) x2/(cx2-xpmin) = | cx4,cy4 = x2/(cx2-xpmin) | |
u16 Touch_AdjX(u16 ady) //320 { u16 sy=0; int r = ady - TouchXMin; r *= 320; sy=r/(TouchXMax - TouchXMin); if (sy>=320) return 0xFFFF;
C 文件:: #include "Touch.h" #include "systick.h" #include "Graphics.h"
vu16 TouchX, TouchY; vu8 TouchPress=0, TouchState=TOUCH_NONE; //state 有 4 种状态,0 无按键,1 按下,2 抬起,3move u8 TouchCalibrated = 0; u16 TouchXMin, TouchXMax, TouchYMin, TouchYMax; /******************************** 初始化触摸屏需要的端口 芯片--TSC2046 ********************************/ void Touch_Init(void) { GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure; //EXTI_InitTypeDef EXTI_InitStructure; //NVIC_InitTypeDef NVIC_InitStructure; //SPI_InitTypeDef SPI_InitStructure;
SPI 串行外设接口总线,最早由Motorola提出,出现在其M68系列单片机中,由于其简单实用,又不牵涉到专利问题,因此许多厂家的设备都支持该接口,广泛应用于外设控制领域。
SPI ( Serial Peripheral Interface )SPI接口是Motorola 首先提出的全双工三线同步串行外围接口,采用主从模式(Master Slave)架构;支持多slave模式应用,一般仅支持单Master。
时钟由Master控制,在时钟移位脉冲下,数据按位传输,高位在前,低位在后(MSB first);SPI 接口有2根单向数据线,为全双工通信,目前应用中的数据速率可达几Mbps的水平。
设备选择线SS-(Slave select,或CS-)SS-线用于选择激活某Slave设备,低有效,由Master驱动输出。
MOSI:When master, out line; when slave, in lineMISO:When master, in line; when slave, out line比如MOSI,该线上数据一定是Master流向Slave的。
2、芯片功能主要特性芯片功能主要特性1)具有4线制触摸屏接口2)具有触摸压力测量功能3)可单电源工作,工作电压范围为2.2V—5.25V4)支持1.5V~5.25V电平的数字I/O口5)内部自带+2.5V参考电压6)具有125KHz的转换速率7)采用QSPI™和SPI™3线制通信接口8)具有可编程的8位或12位的分辨率9)具有1路辅助模拟量输入10)能够自动掉电11)全兼容TSC2046,ADS7843/7846和AK41823、XPT2046 原理框图XPT2046是一种典型的逐次逼近型模数转换器(SAR ADC ),包含了采样/ 保持、模数转换、串口数据输出等功能。
一般地,内部参考电压只用于单端模式下Vbatt、Temp 和AUX输入测量。
4、引脚功能描述在CS为高电平时ADC掉电,5、读写时序XPT2046数据接口是串行接口,其典型工作时序如图9 所示,图中展示的信号来自带有基本串行接口的单片机或数据信号处理器。
处理器和转换器之间的的通信需要8 个时钟周期,可采用SPI 、SSI 和Microwire 等同步串行接口。
一次完整的转换需要24个串行同步时钟(DCLK )来完成。
关键词:TSC2046; 触摸屏; LPC2132芯片; 控制器中图分类号:文献标识码:A文章编号:Application of TSC2046 Touch Screen Controller Based on ARM Processor, SHEN Kai(School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Changzhou College of Information Technology, Changzhou 213164, China)Abstract: After a decade of development, touch screen technology has become a convenientouch screen controller, whose core is a 12 b successive approximation A / D converter with sample and hold function. In this paper, through the Philips ARM chip, TS2046 touch screen controller andbase, in this basis, a touch screen panel control procedures was developed. The touch screen with good effect has been applied to actual projects.Keywords: TSC2046; touch screen; LPC2132 chip; controller收稿日期:引言随着信息技术的不断发展,嵌入式系统正在越来越广泛地应用到消费类电子、通信设备等便携式电子类产品中。
%A multi-channel and multifunction data acquisition system was designed not only to achieve common data acquisi-tion,but also to achieve high-precision data acquisition,high-speed data acquisition and the data processing method of sub-channel count.Data acquisition module was used to collect front-end sensor output voltage signals with different frequencies.It took ARM microcontroller as master control to handle the collected data,displayed them real-time through the display module,after the data processing stored them through the SD card and transferred them to the PC host computer by RS232 bus in order to achieve remote sensing data acquisition and analysis.Experimental result shows this system can collect voltage signals over a wide range of fre-quencies and handle data by appropriate algorithms.Therefore,it has great real-time,versatility and reliability.【期刊名称】《仪表技术与传感器》【年(卷),期】2015(000)002【总页数】4页(P104-107)【关键词】数据采集;多通道;ARM;SD卡储存;PC上位机【作者】杨博;张加宏;李敏;顾芳【作者单位】南京信息工程大学电子与信息工程学院,江苏南京 210044;南京信息工程大学电子与信息工程学院,江苏南京 210044; 江苏省气象探测与信息处理重点实验室,江苏南京210044;南京信息工程大学电子与信息工程学院,江苏南京 210044; 江苏省气象探测与信息处理重点实验室,江苏南京210044;南京信息工程大学物理与光电工程学院,江苏南京 210044【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP274数据采集系统是数字系统的重要组成部分,它与传感器技术、信号处理技术、计算机技术一起构成了现代检测技术的基础[1]。
User's GuideSBAU100–September2004This user's guide describes the characteristics,operation,and use of theTSC2046EVM,both by itself and as part of the TSC2046EVM-PDK.This EVM is a4-wire touch screen controller evaluation module which also has auxiliary inputs andbattery and temperature measurement capabilities.A complete circuit description,schematic diagram,and bill of materials are included.documents are available through the Texas Instruments web siteatEVM-Compatible Device Data SheetsContents1EVM Overview (2)2Analog Interface (2)3Digital Interface (3)4Power Supplies (3)5EVM Operation (5)6Kit Operation (5)7EVM Bill of Materials and Schematic (10)List of Figures1TSC2046EVM-PDK Block Diagram (6)2Default Software Screen (8)List of Tables1Analog Interface Pinout (2)2Digital Interface Pinout (3)3Power Supply Pinout (3)4IOVDD Selection Options-JMP5 (4)5List of Jumpers (5)6TSC2046EVM Bill of Materials (10)7USB-MODEVM Bill of Materials (11)SBAU100–September20041TSC2046EVM and TSC2046EVM-PDK1EVM Overview 1.1Features1.2Introduction2Analog InterfaceEVM Overview•Full-featured evaluation board for the TSC20464-wire,resistive touch screen controller (TSC)•Modular design for use with a variety of DSP and microcontroller interface boardsThe TSC2046EVM-PDK is a complete evaluation kit,which includes a USB-based motherboard and evaluation software for use with a personal computer running Microsoft Windows™operating systems.The TSC2046EVM is in Texas Instruments'modular EVM form factor,which allows direct evaluation of the TSC2046performance and operating characteristics,and eases software development and system prototyping.This EVM is compatible with the 5-6K Interface Board (SLAU104)from Texas Instrumentsboards such as the HPA449Inc.and the Speedy33™from Hyperception,Inc.The TSC2046EVM-PDK is a complete evaluation/demonstration kit,which includes a USB-basedmotherboard called the USB-MODEVM Interface Board and evaluation software for use with a personal computer running Microsoft Windows operating systems.For maximum flexibility,the TSC2046EVM is designed for easy interfacing to multiple analog sources.Samtec part numbers SSW-110-22-F-D-VS-K and TSM-110-01-T-DV-P provide a convenient 10-pin,dual-row,header/socket header/socket provides access to the analog input pins of the TSC.Consult Samtec at or call 1-800-SAMTEC-9for a variety of mating connector options.Table 1.Analog Interface PinoutPin Number Signal DescriptionJ1.2X+Touch screen X+electrode J1.4X-Touch screen X-electrode J1.6Y+Touch screen Y+electrode J1.8Y-Touch screen Y-electrode J1.10VBAT Battery input,0V to 6V J1.12AUX Auxiliary input,0V to VREFJ1.14Unused J1.16Unused J1.18REF(-)Tied to analog groundJ1.20REF(+)External reference source input (2.5V NOM)J1.15Unused J1.11-J1.19AGNDAnalog ground connections (except J1.15)(odd)Speedy33is a trademark of Hyperception,Inc..Microsoft Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.WinZip is a trademark of WinZip Computing,Inc..TSC2046EVM and TSC2046EVM-PDK2SBAU100–September 20043Digital Interface 4Power Supplies Digital InterfaceThe TSC2046EVM is designed to easily interface with multiple control platforms.Samtec part numbers SSW-110-22-F-D-VS-K and TSM-110-01-T-DV-P provide a convenient10-pin,dual-row,header/socketcombination at J2.Thisaccess to the digital control and serial data pins of theTSC.Consult Samtec at or call1-800-SAMTEC-9for a variety of mating connectoroptions.Table2.Digital Interface PinoutPin Number Signal DescriptionJ2.1UnusedJ2.2BUSY TSC busy flagJ2.3SCLK Serial clockJ2.4DGND Digital groundJ2.5SCLKR Serial clock return(for DSP host systems)J2.6UnusedJ2.7SS Slave select-Active low signal,enables data transfer.Frame sync on DSP host systems.J2.8UnusedJ2.9FSR Frame sync return(for DSP host systems)J2.10DGND Digital groundJ2.11MOSI Serial data input to TSC from hostJ2.12UnusedJ2.13MISO Serial data output from TSC to hostJ2.14UnusedJ2.15PENIRQ Pen interrupt output from TSCJ2.16SCL I2C bus serial clockJ2.17UnusedJ2.18DGND Digital groundJ2.19UnusedJ2.20SDA I2C bus data lineJ3provides connection to the common power bus for the TSC2046EVM.Power is supplied on the pins listed in Table3.Table3.Power Supply PinoutSignal Pin Number SignalUnused12Unused+5VA34UnusedAGND56DGND+1.8VD78+VD1+3.3VD910+5VDWhen power is supplied to J3,JMP5allows for one of four different DC voltages to be applied to thedigital sections of the TSC.See the schematic and printed circuit board silkscreen for details.The TSC2046EVM-PDK motherboard(the USB-MODEVM Interface Board)supplies power to J3of the TSC2046EVM.Power for the motherboard is supplied either through its USB connection or on terminal blocks on the board.SBAU100–September20043TSC2046EVM and TSC2046EVM-PDK4.1TSC Power4.2Stand-AloneOperation4.3USB-MODEVM Interface PowerPower SuppliesPower for the TSC2046VCC can be supplied either from +5V or from +3.3V.JMP4selects which of these voltages is routed to the TSC2046.When JMP4is in the default factory condition (shunt on pins 3-4),power to the TSC comes from J3.9(+3.3VD)through an inductor to prevent digital noise from coupling into the analog supply.When the shunt is installed on JMP4pins 1-2,power comes from J3.3(+5VA).The TSC2046IOVDD is selected using JMP5.When JMP5is in the default factory condition (shunt on pins 5-6),IOVDD is set to 3.3V.Other settings are shown in Table 4.Table 4.IOVDD Selection Options -JMP5Shunt on pins IOVDD Voltage From J3Pin 1-2+VD183-4+5VD 105-6+3.3V 97-8+1.8V7When used as a stand-alone EVM,the analog power can be applied to TP1,referenced to TP2.IOVDD can be applied to TP3,referenced to TP4.The USB-MODEVM Interface Board can be powered from several different sources:•USB•6VDC-10VDC AC/DC wall supply (not included)•Laboratory power supplyWhen powered from the USB connection,JMP6should have a shunt from pins 1-2(this is the default factory configuration).When powered from 6V-10VDC,either through the J8terminal block or J9barrel jack,JMP6should have a shunt installed on pins 2-3.If power is applied in any of these ways,onboard regulators generate the required supply voltages and no further power supplies are necessary.If laboratory supplies are used to provide the individual voltages required by the USB-MODEVM Interface Board,JMP6should have no shunt installed.Voltages are then applied to J2(+5VA),J3(+5VD),J4(+1.8VD),and J5(+3.3VD).The +1.8VD and +3.3VD can also be generated on the board by the onboard regulators from the +5VD supply;to enable this,the SW1switches need to be set in the ON position(lower position,looking at the board with text reading right-side up)to enable the regulators.If +1.8VD and +3.3VD are supplied externally,disable the onboard regulators by placing the SW1switches in the OFF position.Each power-supply voltage has an LED (D1-D7)which lights when the power supplies are active.TSC2046EVM and TSC2046EVM-PDK 4SBAU100–September 20044.4ReferenceVoltage5EVM Operation5.1Analog Input5.2Digital Control5.3Default Jumper Locations6Kit OperationEVM OperationThe TSC2046has an internal voltage reference.An external reference may be supplied through J1pin 20on the TSC2046EVM,referenced to analog ground (J1pin 18on the TSC2046EVM).JMP1must be installed in order to route this external reference voltage to the TSC2046.The following section provides information on the analog input,digital control,and general operating conditions of the TSC2046EVM.The analog input sources (touch screen,auxiliary input,and battery input)can be applied directly to J1(top or bottom side)or through signal-conditioning modules available for the modular EVM system.The digital control signals can be applied directly to J2(top or bottom side).The modular TSC2046EVM can also be connected directly to a DSP or microcontroller interface board,such as the HPA449,or to the USB-MODEVM Interface Board if purchased as part of the TSC2046EVM-PDK.For a current list of compatible interface and/or accessory boards for the EVM or the TSC2046,see the relevant product folder on the TI Web site.Table 5provides a list of jumpers found on the EVM and the factory default conditions for each one.Table 5.List of JumpersJumper Shunt Position Jumper DescriptionJMP1OPEN Connects external reference to TSC2046(default is disconnected,using internal TSC2046reference)JMP2CLOSED Connects analog ground (AGND)to digital ground (DGND).Default is connected.JMP3CLOSEDEEPROM Address Select -when installed and used with the USB-MODEVM,firmware for the motherboard is executed from the EEPROM on board the TSC2046EVM.This is the default mode.JMP43-4Analog Power Select (default is +3.3VD)JMP55-6IOVDD Power Select (default is +3.3VD)The following section provides information on using the TSC2046EVM-PDK,including setup,program installation,and program usage.TSC2046EVM and TSC2046EVM-PDK SBAU100–September 200456.1TSC2046EVM-PDK Block DiagramUSBKit OperationA block diagram of the TSC2046EVM-PDK is shown in Figure 1.The evaluation kit consists of two circuit boards connected together.The motherboard is designated as the USB-MODEVM Interface Board,while the daughtercard is the TSC2046EVM described previously in this manual.Figure 1.TSC2046EVM-PDK Block DiagramThe USB-MODEVM Interface Board is intended to be used in USB mode,where control of the installed EVM is accomplished using the onboard USB controller device.Provision is made,however,for driving all the data buses (I 2C,SPI,I 2S/AC97)externally.The source of these signals is controlled by SW2on the USB-MODEVM.TSC2046EVM and TSC2046EVM-PDK 6SBAU100–September 2004Kit Operation 6.2Quick StartEnsure that the TSC2046EVM is installed on the USB-MODEVM Interface Board.The TSC2046EVMshould be installed in the topmost position,using J11,J12,and J13on the USB-MODEVM.Place the CD-ROM into your PC's CD-ROM drive.Locate the Setup program on the disk and execute it.The Setup program installs the TSC2046evaluation software on your PC.Follow the instructions andprompts given.After the main program is installed,a dialog box appears with instructions for installing NI-VISA3.1Runtime,a self-extracting archive.Click OK to proceed.A WinZip™dialog appears.Click Unzip,and the archive extracts itself and automatically runs the NI-VISA3.1Runtime installer.Follow the instructions in the NI-VISA3.1Runtime Installer.When prompted for which features to install, do the following:1.Click on the disk icon next to NI-VISA3.12.Select,Do not install this feature.3.Click on the disk icon next to USB.4.Select the option which installs this feature.5.Click Next.Accept the license agreement,and continue the installation.When the installation completes,click Finish on the TSC2046EVM installer window.You may be prompted to restart your computer.When installation is complete,attach a USB cable from your PC to the USB-MODEVM Interface Board.As configured at the factory,the board will be powered from the USB interface,so the power indicator LEDs on the USB-MODEVM should light.Once this occurs,launch the TSC2046evaluation software on your PC.The software should automatically find the TSC2046EVM,and a screen similar to the one in Figure2should appear.SBAU100–September20047TSC2046EVM and TSC2046EVM-PDK6.3USB-MODEVM Interface BoardKit OperationFigure 2.Default Software ScreenIn order to use the touch screen features,a 4-wire,resistive touch screen needs to be connected to J1of the TSC2046EVM,as described previously.The simple diagram shown in Section 6.1shows only the basic features of the USB-MODEVM Interface Board.The board is designed for a TAS1020B streaming audio USB controller with an 8051-based core.It features two positions for modular EVMs,or one double-wide serial modular EVM may be installed.For use with the TSC2046,the TSC2046EVM is installed in the topmost EVM slot,which connects the TSC2046digital control interface to the SPI port,realized using the TAS1020B.Because the TSC2046has no audio features,the lower EVM slot (which is connected to the TAS1020B digital audio interface)is not used.As configured from the factory,the board is ready to use with the TSC2046EVM.However,if external SPI control is desired,the signals may be applied to J15,as long as the SW2is set so that USB SPI control is disabled.To view all the functions and configuration options available on this board,see the USB-MODEVM Interface Board schematic in Section 7.2.TSC2046EVM and TSC2046EVM-PDK 8SBAU100–September 2004Kit Operation 6.4Program DescriptionAfter the TSC2046EVM-PDK software installation(described in Section6.2),evaluation and development with the TSC2046can begin.6.4.1Touch Screen Functions PanelThe touch screen box in this panel is updated when a touch is detected on the touch screen.As the touch screen is drawn on,the motion on the touch screen is translated into pixels on this box.The softwaretakes X,Y,and Z readings which are shown to the right of the touch screen box.As the touch pressure is increased,the pixel size increases;a lighter touch results in smaller pixel sizes.The Z-value displayed is not what is described in the TSC2046data sheet,because in the data sheetequation,it is assumed that the sheet resistance of the touch screen being used is known.The value used in this program is calculated by Equation2of the TSC2046data sheet,but without multiplying it by the R X-plate resistance.This value ranges from0to3,and larger,with smaller numbers representing a more forceful press on the ing the Maximum Z Value to Display knob,you can set a threshold so that the program does not display lightly pressed points.This threshold setting helps to eliminate display of spurious points that may result from touch screen mechanical bouncing.The display can be cleared by pressing the Clear Graph button on the screen.6.4.2Data Acquisition Functions PanelThe TSC2046provides for measuring a battery voltage,an auxiliary input voltage,and temperature.Adata acquisition functions panel displays the measured values for these parameters.Measurements are updated only when the touch screen is not being pressed.Note that these measurements depend on the reference voltage and are affected by the setting of the power-down bits.Temperature is displayed using both methods described in the TSC2046data ing the TEMP0 and TEMP1measurements,a temperature reading with2°C resolution and accuracy is ing only the TEMP0measurement,a reading with0.3°C resolution is possible,but requires knowing theTEMP0value at25°C.This normally is a calibration that the user performs.This program assumes that TEMP0=600mV at25°C.6.4.3Configuration PanelThe TSC2046can be configured to operate in8-bit or12-bit resolution modes.This panel controls themode selection.Touch screen measurements may be made in either single-ended or differential mode;see the TSC2046 data sheet for a discussion of these modes.The touch screen measurement mode may also be selected in this panel.If single-ended mode is used,an external reference is highly recommended;however,single-ended measurements are discouraged for touch screen use,because differential mode yields far more accurate results.The two power-down bits of the TSC2046can also be set from this panel.A brief description of the mode selected is shown on the screen when setting these bits;see Table V of the TSC2046data sheet fordetails on the functions of these bits.6.4.4DataloggingThe software can record the data it is taking from the TSC2046to a tab-delimited file,suitable forimporting into spreadsheets.To do this,first go into the File menu,and select Log Data to File...,which opens a file-select window and allows you to specify a file to which to write the data.At the same time, this enables the Datalogging menu.SBAU100–September20049TSC2046EVM and TSC2046EVM-PDK7EVM Bill of Materials and SchematicEVM Bill of Materials and SchematicWhen ready to begin recording data to a file,select Datalogging →Start Logging .Data is written to the file until Datalogging →Stop Logging is selected.When the screen is not touched,the VBAT,AUX,andTEMP values are written to the file,and the X,Y,Z1,and Z2parameters are written to the file with values of 9999,to indicate that they are not updated.When the screen is touched,the X,Y,Z1,and Z2parameters are written while the VBAT,AUX,and TEMP values are written to the file as 9999.Because the program constantly updates at a rate of about 400readings per second,datalog files can quickly grow large;therefore,log only what is necessary.The format of the data file has the first column as the time in milliseconds (just a timer in the program,which can arbitrarily start at any number),then X,Y,Z1,Z2,VBAT,AUX1,TEMP0,and TEMP1columns.Every new reading is a new row in the file.The following tables contain a complete bill of materials for the modular TSC2046EVM and the USB-MODEVM Interface Board (included only in the TSC2046EVM-PDK).Table 6.TSC2046EVM Bill of MaterialsDesignators DescriptionManufacturer Mfg.Part Number R1,R2,R3,R40Ω1/8W 5%Chip Resistor Panasonic ERJ-6GEY0R00V R7,R833Ω1/8W 5%Chip Resistor Panasonic ERJ-6GEYJ330V R5,R6100Ω1/8W 5%Chip Resistor Panasonic ERJ-6GEYJ101V R9,R10,R11 2.7K Ω1/8W 5%Chip Resistor Panasonic ERJ-6GEYJ272V C101µF 25V CeramicTDK C2012X5R1E105K Chip Capacitor,±10%,X5R C7,C8,C910µF 25V CeramicTDKC3216X5R1C106MChip Capacitor,±20%,X5R C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6Ceramic Chip Capacitor -Not InstalledL1100µH Surface Mount Inductor,API Delevan S1210-104K ShieldedU1Touch Screen Controller Texas Instruments TSC2046IRGVR U264K I 2C EEPROM MicroChip 24LC64-I/SN TSC2046EVM PCB Texas Instruments 6463990J1A,J2A 20-pin SMT Plug Samtec TSM-110-01-L-DV-P J1B,J2B 20-pin SMT Socket Samtec SSW-110-22-F-D-VS-K J3A 10-pin SMT Plug Samtec TSM-105-01-L-DV-P J3B10-pin SMT Socket Samtec SSW-105-22-F-D-VS-K JMP1,JMP2,JMP32Position Jumper,Samtec TSW-102-07-L-S 0.1"spacingJMP42X 2Position Header,Samtec TSW-102-07-L-D 0.1"spacingJMP54X 2Position Header,SamtecTSW-104-07-L-D 0.1"spacingTP1,TP3Miniature Test Point Terminal Keystone Electronics 5000TP2,TP4Multipurpose Test Point Keystone Electronics 5011TerminalHeader Shorting BlockSamtecSNT-100-BK-TTSC2046EVM and TSC2046EVM-PDK 10SBAU100–September 2004分销商库存信息:TITSC2046EVM-PDK TSC2046EVM。
电阻式触摸屏线性抖动及飞线问题的分析(苏州瑞阳光电有限公司工程部王祥 215011)关键词:线性抖动飞线MTK平台电阻 PCBLayout 去耦电容延时1 引言在四线电阻式触摸屏的应用中,进行手写操作时,会出现明显的线性抖动和飞线的现象,有发生在X 方向的,也有发生在Y方向的。
2 电阻式触摸屏的工作原理及其系统组成在触摸屏输入控制系统中,触摸屏通常安装在LCD显示器的表面,因此,来自LCM模组的噪声很容易对触摸屏造成干扰。
2.1 系统组成原理触摸屏输入系统由触摸屏、触摸屏控制器和微控制器三部分组成。
图1 触摸屏输入控制系统触摸屏面板与触摸控制器连接部分为模拟I/O接口,触摸控制器与处理器连接部分为数字I/O接口,通过标准的I2C或SPI接口进行连接。
2.2 触摸屏工作原理电阻触摸屏是采用电阻模拟量技术。
图2 触摸屏的触摸示意图导电层的两端都涂有一条银胶,称为该工作面的一对电极。
XPT2046电阻式触摸屏控制器 说明书
内部参考电压 ................................................................................................................................. 14
外部参考电压输入 ......................................................................................................................... 14
2 主要特性 ........................................................................................................................................................... 4
单端工作模式 ................................................................................................................................. 15
差分工作模式 ..........................................................................................................................模式 .................................................................................................................................. 22
proper handling and installation procedures can cause damage. ESD damage can range from subtle performance degradation to complete device failure. Precision integrated circuits may be more susceptible to damage because very small parametric changes could cause the device not to meet its published specifications.PACKAGING INFORMATIONOrderable Device Status(1)PackageType PackageDrawingPins PackageQtyEco Plan(2)Lead/Ball Finish MSL Peak Temp(3)TSC2046EIPWG4ACTIVE TSSOP PW1690Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEARTSC2046EIPWRG4ACTIVE TSSOP PW162000Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEARTSC2046IGQCR ACTIVE BGA MICROSTAR JUNIORGQC482500TBD SNPB Level-2A-235C-4WKSTSC2046IPW ACTIVE TSSOP PW1690Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMTSC2046IPWG4ACTIVE TSSOP PW1690Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMTSC2046IPWR ACTIVE TSSOP PW162500Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMTSC2046IPWRG4ACTIVE TSSOP PW162500Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMTSC2046IRGVR ACTIVE VQFN RGV162500Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEARTSC2046IRGVRG4ACTIVE VQFN RGV162500Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEARTSC2046IRGVT ACTIVE VQFN RGV16250Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEARTSC2046IRGVTG4ACTIVE VQFN RGV16250Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEARTSC2046IZQCR ACTIVE BGA MICROSTAR JUNIOR ZQC482500Pb-Free(RoHS)SNAGCU Level-3-260C-168HRTSC2046IZQCR-90ACTIVE BGA MICROSTAR JUNIOR ZQC482500Pb-Free(RoHS)SNAGCU Level-3-260C-168HRTSC2046IZQCT ACTIVE BGA MICROSTAR JUNIOR ZQC48250Pb-Free(RoHS)SNAGCU Level-3-260C-168HR(1)The marketing status values are defined as follows:ACTIVE:Product device recommended for new designs.LIFEBUY:TI has announced that the device will be discontinued,and a lifetime-buy period is in effect.NRND:Not recommended for new designs.Device is in production to support existing customers,but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design.PREVIEW:Device has been announced but is not in production.Samples may or may not be available.OBSOLETE:TI has discontinued the production of the device.(2)Eco Plan-The planned eco-friendly classification:Pb-Free(RoHS),Pb-Free(RoHS Exempt),or Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)-please check /productcontent for the latest availability information and additional product content details.TBD:The Pb-Free/Green conversion plan has not been defined.Pb-Free(RoHS):TI's terms"Lead-Free"or"Pb-Free"mean semiconductor products that are compatible with the current RoHS requirements for all6substances,including the requirement that lead not exceed0.1%by weight in homogeneous materials.Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures,TI Pb-Free products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes.Pb-Free(RoHS Exempt):This component has a RoHS exemption for either1)lead-based flip-chip solder bumps used between the die and package,or2)lead-based die adhesive used between the die and leadframe.The component is otherwise considered Pb-Free(RoHS compatible)as defined above.Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br):TI defines"Green"to mean Pb-Free(RoHS compatible),and free of Bromine(Br)and Antimony(Sb)based flame retardants(Br or Sb do not exceed0.1%by weight in homogeneous material)(3)MSL,Peak Temp.--The Moisture Sensitivity Level rating according to the JEDEC industry standard classifications,and peak solder temperature.Important Information and Disclaimer:The information provided on this page represents TI's knowledge and belief as of the date that it is provided.TI bases its knowledge and belief on information provided by third parties,and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of such information.Efforts are underway to better integrate information from third parties.TI has taken and continues to take reasonable steps to provide representative and accurate information but may not have conducted destructive testing or chemical analysis on incoming materials and chemicals.TI and TI suppliers consider certain information to be proprietary,and thus CAS numbers and other limited information may not be available for release.In no event shall TI's liability arising out of such information exceed the total purchase price of the TI part(s)at issue in this document sold by TI to Customer on an annual basis.TAPE AND REELINFORMATION *All dimensions are nominal Device Package Type Package DrawingPinsSPQ Reel Diameter (mm)Reel Width W1(mm)A0(mm)B0(mm)K0(mm)P1(mm)W (mm)Pin1Quadrant TSC2046IGQCR BGA MICROSTAR JUNIORGQC 482500330.012.4 4.3 4.3 TSSOPPW 162500330.012.47.0 5.6 VQFNRGV 162500330.012.4 4.25 4.25 VQFNRGV 16250180.012.4 4.25 4.25 BGA MICROSTAR JUNIORZQC 482500330.012.4 4.3 4.3 MICROSTAR JUNIORZQC 482500330.012.4 4.3 4.3 BGA MICROSTAR JUNIOR ZQC 48250330.012.4 4.3 4.3*All dimensions are nominalDevice Package Type Package Drawing Pins SPQ Length(mm)Width(mm)Height(mm) TSC2046IGQCR BGA MICROSTARJUNIORGQC482500340.5338.120.6TSC2046IPWR TSSOP PW162500346.0346.029.0 TSC2046IRGVR VQFN RGV162500346.0346.029.0 TSC2046IRGVT VQFN RGV16250190.5212.731.8 TSC2046IZQCR BGA MICROSTARJUNIORZQC482500340.5333.020.6TSC2046IZQCR-90BGA MICROSTARJUNIORZQC482500340.5333.020.6TSC2046IZQCT BGA MICROSTARJUNIOR ZQC48250340.5333.020.6IMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries(TI)reserve the right to make corrections,modifications,enhancements,improvements, and other changes to its products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or service without notice.Customers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete.All products are sold subject to TI’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment.TI warrants performance of its hardware products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI’s standard warranty.Testing and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty.Except where mandated by government requirements,testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed.TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design.Customers are responsible for their products and applications using TI components.To minimize the risks associated with customer products and applications,customers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards.TI does not warrant or represent that any license,either express or implied,is granted under any TI patent right,copyright,mask work right, or other TI intellectual property right relating to any combination,machine,or process in which TI products or services are rmation published by TI regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license from TI to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement e of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the third party,or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI.Reproduction of TI information in TI data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties,conditions,limitations,and notices.Reproduction of this information with alteration is an unfair and deceptive business practice.TI is not responsible or liable for such altered rmation of third parties may be subject to additional restrictions.Resale of TI products or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by TI for that product or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated TI product or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice.TI is not responsible or liable for any such statements.TI products are not authorized for use in safety-critical applications(such as life support)where a failure of the TI product would reasonably be expected to cause severe personal injury or death,unless officers of the parties have executed an agreement specifically governing such use.Buyers represent that they have all 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TI products are neither designed nor intended for use in automotive applications or environments unless the specific TI products are designated by TI as compliant with ISO/TS16949requirements.Buyers acknowledge and agree that,if they use any non-designated products in automotive applications,TI will not be responsible for any failure to meet such requirements.Following are URLs where you can obtain information on other Texas Instruments products and application solutions:Products ApplicationsAmplifiers Audio /audioData Converters Automotive /automotiveDLP®Products Communications and /communicationsTelecomDSP Computers and /computersPeripheralsClocks and Timers /clocks Consumer Electronics /consumer-appsInterface Energy /energyLogic Industrial /industrialPower Mgmt Medical /medicalMicrocontrollers Security /securityRFID Space,Avionics&/space-avionics-defenseDefenseRF/IF and ZigBee®Solutions /lprf Video and Imaging /videoWireless /wireless-appsMailing Address:Texas Instruments,Post Office Box655303,Dallas,Texas75265Copyright©2010,Texas Instruments Incorporated。
特性1.工作电压范围为2.2V~5.25V2.支持 1.5V~5.25V 的数字 I/O 口3.内建 2.5V 参考电压源4.电源电压测量(0V~6)5.内建温度测量功能6.触摸压力测量7.采用 SPI 3线控制通信接口8.具有自动 power-down 功能9.封装:QFN-16、TSSOP-16 和VFBGA-48与TSC2046、AK4182A 完全兼容10.XPT2046 在125KHz 转换速率和2.7V 电压下的功耗仅为750 µW。
XPT2046 11. 以其低功耗和高速率等特性,被广泛应用在采用电池供电的小型手持设备上,比如 PDA、手机等。
11.XPT2046 有 TSSOP-16、 QFN-16 和 VFBGA 三种封装形式,温度范围是 - 40 ~ + 85℃ 。
功能框图XPT2046 是一种典型的逐次逼近型模数转换器(SAR ADC),包含了采样/保持、模数转换、串口数据输出等功能。
同时芯片集成有一个 2.5V的内部参考电压源、温度检测电路,工作时使用外部时钟。
XPT2046 可以单电源供电,电源电压范围为2.7V~5.5V。
X、 Y、 Z、 VBAT、 Temp和AUX模拟信号经过片内的控制寄存器选择后进入ADC,ADC可以配置为单端或差分模式。
XPT2046触摸屏实验过程详解与STM32代码解析学习⽬标:1.复习 STM32 的硬件 SPI2.学习触摸屏的原理做触摸屏实验触摸屏的简介现在的液晶屏⼤部分都带触摸了,⼀般我们使⽤⽐较多的是电阻式触摸屏(多点触摸属 于电容式触摸屏,⽐如⼏乎所有智能机都⽀持多点触摸,它们所⽤的屏就是电容式的触摸屏) 我们彩屏上⾯带的也是电阻式的触摸屏。
电阻触摸屏的主要部分是⼀块与显⽰器表⾯⾮常配合的电阻薄膜屏,它是⼀种多层的复 合薄膜,它以⼀层玻璃或硬塑料平板作为基层,表⾯涂有⼀层透明氧化⾦属(透明的导电电 阻)导电层,上⾯再盖有⼀层外表⾯硬化处理、光滑防擦的塑料层、它的内表⾯也涂有⼀层 涂层、在他们之间有许多细⼩的(⼩于1/1000 英⼨)的透明隔离点把两层导电层隔开绝缘。
当⼿指触摸屏幕时,两层导电层在触摸点位置就有了接触,电阻发⽣变化,在 X 和 Y 两个⽅向上的电压发⽣变化,产⽣信号,然后控制器读取信号,并计算出⼿指触摸的位置, 这就是电阻式触摸屏的原理。
触摸屏的控制 XPT2046芯⽚简介从上⾯的简介,我们知道触摸屏都需要⼀个 AD 转换器,也就是要将电压变化读取出 来,供主机求出触摸的位置。
XPT2046 的特点主要有:1. ⼀款 4 导线制触摸屏控制器,采⽤ SPI 模式进⾏通信。
2. 内含 12 位分辨率 125KHz 转换速率逐步逼近型 A/D 转换器。
3. ⽀持从 1.5V 到 5.25V 的低电压 I/O 接⼝。
XPT2046 应该有 16 个引脚,如图:其引脚说明如下:从上⾯的引脚图,我们知道,XPT2046 跟单⽚机的主要引脚主要有:BUSY、DIN(单 ⽚机 SPI 输出端)、CS、DCLK(单⽚机 SPI 时钟端)、PEN(笔触中断)、DOUT(单⽚机 SPI 输⼊端)3PZ6808L触摸屏的原理图1. XPT2046 的初始化XPT2046 说起来其实就是⼀个 AD 转换器,所以它适合不需要什么初始化设置的, ⽽具体的初始化其实也就是单⽚机 IO 的初始化和 SPI 的初始化。
收藏本站主编信箱首页业界新闻| 国际视点| 展会培训| 精选文章| 期刊浏览| 网上投稿| 广告合作| 杂志在线| 关于本刊| 联系本刊2008年9月28日星期日[期刊浏览] 2005年第10期新器件新技术上一篇:基于ARM架构的嵌入式VP.. 下一篇:基于RC7017的100M以太网..新一代TSC2046触摸屏控制器作者: 华中科技大学 朱品伟 乔学亮 陈建国摘要TSC2046引脚和ADS7846的引脚完全兼容,其核心是一个具有采样和保持功能的12位逐次逼近式A/D转换器。
当有触摸事件发生时,PENIRQ 笔中断引脚产生一个低电平信号,向微控制器申请中断服务。
关键词TSC2046 触摸屏 触摸屏控制器引言在便携式电子类产品中,触摸屏由于其轻便、占用空间少、方便灵活等优点,已经逐渐取代键盘,成为嵌入式计算机系统的输入设备。
四线电阻触摸屏是由两个透明电阻膜构成的, 在它的水平和垂直电阻网上施加电压, 就可通过A/ D 转换面板在触摸点测量出电压而对应出坐标值。
TSC2046是ADS7846的下一代四线触摸屏控制器,是典型的逐次逼近寄存器型A/D 变换器。
其结构以电容再分布为基础,包含了取样/保持功能,支持低电压(1.5~5.25 V)的I/O接口。
1 引脚功能和内部结构TSC2046的引脚和ADS7846的引脚完全兼容,可以插入和ADS7846相适应的插座中,因此,很方便替换原来使用的ADS7846进行更新升级。
基于ARM处理器的TSC2046触摸屏控制器的应用吴青萍;沈凯【期刊名称】《现代电子技术》【年(卷),期】2011(034)023【摘要】After a decade of development, touch screen technology has become a convenient and economic mean of human-machine interface input. TSC2046 is a four-wire resistive touch screen controller, whose core is a 12 b successive approximation A / D converter with sample and hold function. In this paper, through the Philips ARM chip, TS2046 touch screen controller and 4-wire resistive touch screen was used to form the hardware base, in this basis, a touch screen panel control procedures was developed. The touch screen with good effect has been applied to actual projects.%触摸屏技术经过十几年的发展已经成为一种方便、经济的人机界面输入手段.TSC2046是四线电阻式触摸屏控制器,其核心是一个具有采样和保持功能的12位逐次逼近式A/D转换器.以飞利浦公司的ARM芯片为基础,通过TSC2046触模屏控制器和四线电阻式触摸屏构成硬件基础,在此基础上,开发了触摸屏面板控制程序.该触摸屏已应用于实际项目中,触摸效果良好.【总页数】4页(P195-197,200)【作者】吴青萍;沈凯【作者单位】常州信息职业技术学院电子与电气工程学院,江苏常州213164;常州信息职业技术学院电子与电气工程学院,江苏常州213164【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN919-34【相关文献】1.基于ARM处理器的蜂蜜蔗糖快速检测仪的研制与应用 [J], 李宝华;曹彦波;于爱民;王兴华2.基于ARM内核处理器及SX8644芯片的触摸屏控制器的设计及其应用 [J], 郑高辉3.新一代TSC2046触摸屏控制器 [J], 朱品伟;乔学亮;陈建国4.基于ARM处理器的IAP设计及应用 [J], 许文杰;丁志刚;张泉5.基于ARM处理器的矿井供电监控分站设计应用 [J], 赵彦峰因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
1、芯片功能说明:XPT2046 是一款4 导线制触摸屏控制器,内含12 位分辨率125KHz 转换速率逐步逼近型A/D 转换器。
XPT2046 支持从1.5V 到5.25V 的低电压I/O 接口。
XPT2046 能通过执行两次A/D 转换查出被按的屏幕位置,除此之外,还可以测量加在触摸屏上的压力。
XPT2046 采用微小的封装形式:TSSOP-16,QFN-16(0.75mm 厚度)和VFBGA —48。
工作温度范围为-40 C〜+85 C。
2 、芯片功能主要特性芯片功能主要特性1) 具有4 线制触摸屏接口2) 具有触摸压力测量功能3) 可单电源工作,工作电压范围为2.2V—5.25V4) 支持1.5V〜5.25V 电平的数字I/O 口5) 内部自带+2.5V 参考电压6) 具有125KHz 的转换速率7) 采用QSPI? 和SPI? 3 线制通信接口8) 具有可编程的8 位或12 位的分辨率9) 具有1 路辅助模拟量输入10) 能够自动掉电11) 全兼容TSC2046 ,ADS7843/7846 和AK41823、XPT2046 原理框图X-0Y* O- Y- G奧趣 逐次逼近式寄-存器XPT20461-6通道CO AC串数接行裾口 —7 IOVDD —I DO 肝 —OBU 列 *3 OSfGDOK十匚DlhlXPT2046是一种典型的逐次逼近型模数转换器( SAR ADC ),包含了采样/保持、模 数转换、串口数据输出等功能。
同时芯片集成有一个 2.5V 的内部参考电压源、温度检测电路,工作时使用外部时钟。
一般地,内部参考电压只用于单端模式下 Vbatt 、Temp 和AUX 输入测量。
此模块用的是 SAR 型AD 转换器,关于其原理见文档: AD 转换的基本原理和技术(SAR).doc 。
触摸屏控制器辅助输入的应用1 引言德州仪器(TI)公司的ADS7843/45/46、TSC2046 及TSC2003/4/5/6/7 型触摸屏控制器(TSC)具有触摸屏输入引脚和一个或多个非触摸屏或辅助模拟输入引脚,诸如TSC2046 的电池电压监测(VBAT)或TSC2007 的AUX 等辅助输入引脚。
TI 公司的各款TSC 的辅助模拟输入具有不同的输入范围和不同等级的静电放电(ESD)保护功能,所以应用时必须考虑某些规定或限制条件。
这里论述了TSC 辅助输入(包括电池电压引脚)的一般功能、特殊功能和限制条件。
2 辅助模拟输入TI 公司目前所提供的TSC 内部通过SPI 或I2C 接口发送指令,可使MUX 选择一个模拟输入并将其连接至A/D 转换器。
图1 给出一个示例电路。
3 辅助输入模式TI 公司的TSC 可工作在差分或单端(SE)输入模式下,但只有在SE 模式下才可以对辅助模拟输入测量及转换,如图2 所示。
工作在差分模式下时TSC 无需参考电压,这是由于信号驱动直接连接到+REF 和一REF。
然而,工作在SE 模式下时参考电压VREF 是必需的,因此测量辅助输入如AUX 或VBAT 时始终需要参考电压。
ADS7846、TSC2046 及TSC2003 的参考电压可由TSC 的A/D 转换器内部或外部电源提供。
采用外部参考电压时,通过向这些器件的Vcc 引脚施加2.2~5.25 V 电源使其上电,或提供1.0 V 至Vcc 的外部VREF。
当采用TSC 内部参考电压时,ADS7846、TSC2046 或TSC2003 应通过2.7~5.25V 电源上电,以保证内部VREF 达到约2.5 V(2.45~2.55 V)。
TI 公司的其他TSC 无内置参考电压。
实际应用中,可以简单地将TSC 电源同参考电压连接起。
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NOTE: (1) Stresses above these ratings can cause permanent damage. Exposure to absolute maximum conditions for extended periods may degrade device reliability.
TSC2046 ®
TSC2046 ®
TSC2046 ®
–40°C to +85°C
–40°C to +85°C
–40°C to +85°C
US Patent No. 6246394
QSPI and SPI are registered trademarks of Motorola.
The TSC2046 is a next-generation version to the ADS7846 4-wire touch screen controller which supports a low-voltage I/O interface from 1.5V to 5.25V. The TSC2046 is 100% pincompatible with the existing ADS7846, and will drop into the same socket. This allows for easy upgrade of current applications to the new version. The TSC2046 also has an onchip 2.5V reference that can be used for the auxiliary input, battery monitor, and temperature measurement modes. The reference can also be powered down when not used to conserve power. The internal reference operates down to 2.7V supply voltage, while monitoring the battery voltage from 0V to 6V. The low-power consumption of < 0.75mW typ at 2.7V (reference off), high-speed (up to 125kHz sample rate), and onchip drivers make the TSC2046 an ideal choice for batteryoperated systems such as personal digital assistants (PDAs) with resistive touch screens, pagers, cellular phones, and other portable equipment. The TSC2046 is available in TSSOP-16, QFN-16, and VFBGA-48 packages and is specified over the –40°C to +85°C temperature range.
TSC2046IGQCR Tape and Reel, 2500
TSC2046IGQCR-90 Tape and Reel, 2500
X+ X– Y+ Y–
Temperature Sensor
Battery Monitor
6-Channel MUX
Serial Data In/Out
Internal 2.5V Reference
This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD. Texas Instruments recommends that all integrated circuits be handled with appropriate precautions. Failure to observe proper handling and installation procedures can cause damage.
At TA = –40°C to +85°C, +VCC = +2.7V, VREF = 2.5V internal voltage, fSAMPLE = 125kHz, fCLK = 16 • fSAMPLE = 2MHz, 12-bit mode, digital inputs = GND or IOVDD, and +VCC must be • IOVDD, unless otherwise noted.
Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.
PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date. Products conform to specifications per the terms of Texas Instruments standard warranty. Production processing does not necessarily include testing of all parameters.
Rails, 100 Tape and Reel, 2500
TSC2046IRGVT Tape and Reel, 250 TSC2046IRGVR Tape and Reel, 2500
NOTE: (1) For the most current specifications and package information, see the Package Option Addendum located at the end of this data sheet.
Copyright © 2002-2004, Texas Instruments Incorporated